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CAUTION: This document is only a basic template of things to consider. It is not all encompassing.
Attorneys must use discretion and independent judgment to ensure any work product is appropriately
tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of their matter. In addition, attorneys must review
relevant Federal and Local Rules, standing orders, and any other orders to ensure compliance.
Insert Date
[Insert Employee Name ]
[Insert Employee Address]
Dear ___________:
As you know, your employment with ___________ (the “Company”) will be
terminated as of [insert date]. This separation agreement (“Agreement”) sets forth the
total payments and benefits that you are eligible to receive if you sign the Agreement and
comply with its terms.
1. Termination Date. Your last day of employment with the Company
will be ________ (the “Termination Date”). Your health insurance benefits will continue
through____________, and you will be receiving under separate correspondence your
rights to continue your health insurance benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”) and New York law at your expense. You will
receive your final paycheck with the next regularly scheduled payroll cycle.
2. Payments and Benefits Not Subject to This Agreement. As the result of
your termination you will be entitled to the following payments and benefits that are not
subject to this Agreement: (a) all base salary earned as of ________, payable on the next
payroll cycle; (b) a lump sum payment for any accrued but unused vacation, also payable
on the next payroll cycle following the Termination Date; [Delete if not applicable] (c)
any vested benefits pursuant to the terms of the applicable Company benefit plans, and
(d) the right to elect medical and dental coverage at your expense under COBRA and/or
New York state law. Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this agreement, you are
not entitled to any additional benefits of any kind from the Company whether or not
under a plan, program, policy or arrangement.
3. Severance and COBRA Subsidy. In consideration for you signing this
Agreement, complying with the promises made herein and not revoking execution
pursuant to paragraph 14 below, the Company agrees to provide you with the following:
(a) severance payments at a rate equal to your base salary, at the rate in effect at
the time of your separation date, for 6 months; (b) a pro-rata portion of your annual bonus
target for the year in which your termination occurs, plus any earned but unpaid bonus
amounts from prior periods; (c) fully-subsidized COBRA coverage for ___ months,
which will be paid directly by the Company to the carrier once you elect COBRA
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CAUTION: This document is only a basic template of things to consider. It is not all encompassing.
Attorneys must use discretion and independent judgment to ensure any work product is appropriately
tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of their matter. In addition, attorneys must review
relevant Federal and Local Rules, standing orders, and any other orders to ensure compliance.
coverage. Should you decide to continue COBRA coverage after the expiration of the
fully-subsidized period of time, you will need to pay the full premium plus an
administrative fee directly to the COBRA Administrator.
You agree that the severance payment, pro-rata portion of your annual bonus
target, and COBRA subsidy set forth in (a), (b), and (c) above exceed any payment,
benefit, and/or other thing of value to which you are entitled under any plan or policy, or
prior agreement or contract with the Company and/or the other Releasees (as defined
below) and is in full discharge of any and all of the Company’s and/or the other
Releasees’ potential liabilities and obligations to you, including but not limited to any
claims for severance, variable pay, bonuses, commissions and/or any other remuneration
in any form.
4. Release of Claims. In exchange for providing you with the severance
payment set forth in paragraph 3 above, you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your
heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally
release, waive and forever discharge the Company, its direct and indirect parents,
subsidiaries and affiliates, affiliated persons, partnerships and corporations, successors
and assigns, and all of its past and present directors, members, partners, officers,
shareholders, agents, representatives, employees, employee benefit plans and plan
fiduciaries (collectively, the “Company Releasees”), individually and collectively, from
any and all actions, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, rights, remedies and
liabilities of whatsoever kind or character, in law or equity, suspected or unsuspected,
known or unknown, past or present, that you had, may now have, or may later assert
against any of the Company Releasees, arising out of or related to your employment or
the termination of that employment by the Company (hereinafter referred to as
“Claims”), including without limitation: (i) any Claims arising out of or related to any
federal, state and/or local labor or civil rights laws, as amended, including, without
limitation, the federal Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1871, 1964 and 1991 (including but not
limited to Title VII), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Older
Workers’ Benefit Protection Act of 1990, the Workers’ Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993, the Equal Pay Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the
New York State Human Rights Law, the New York Equal Rights Law, the New York
Labor Law, the Administrative Code of the City of New York and (ii) any and all other
Claims arising out of or related to any contract, any and all other federal, state or local
constitutions, statutes, rules or regulations, ordinances, executive orders or public policy,
or under any common law right of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation,
any Claims for any kind of tortious conduct (including but not limited to any claim of
defamation or distress), promissory or equitable estoppel, breach of the Company’s
policies, rules, regulations, handbooks or manuals, breach of express or implied contract
or covenants of good faith, quantum meruit, wrongful discharge or dismissal, and failure
to pay in whole or part any compensation, bonus, commission, incentive compensation,
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CAUTION: This document is only a basic template of things to consider. It is not all encompassing.
Attorneys must use discretion and independent judgment to ensure any work product is appropriately
tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of their matter. In addition, attorneys must review
relevant Federal and Local Rules, standing orders, and any other orders to ensure compliance.
severance pay or benefits of any kind whatsoever, or any claims for monetary or
equitable relief in any way related to or arising from your employment or its termination.
Excluded from the General Release above are: (a) any claims or rights which
cannot be waived by law, including but not limited to, your right to challenge the legal
validity of this Agreement under the ADEA, as amended; (b) all rights to enforce the
terms of this Agreement; (c) any vested right under or in any employee benefit plans; and
(d) your right to participate in an administrative agency investigation, however, you
waive your personal right to recover any money in connection with such investigation,
charge or litigation as well as any right to recover money in connection with an
investigation, charge or litigation filed by any other individual or by an administrative
agency (such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or any similar state or
local agency), including any right you may have for attorneys’ fees and costs.
5. Covenant Not To Sue. A “covenant not to sue” is a legal term which
means you promise not to file a lawsuit in court. It is different from the General Release
of claims contained in Section 4 above. Besides waiving and releasing the claims
covered by Section 4 above, you further agree never to sue the Releasees in any forum
for any reason, including but not limited to claims, laws or theories covered by the
General Release language in paragraph 4 above. Notwithstanding this Covenant Not To
Sue, you may bring a claim against the Firm to enforce this Agreement or to challenge
the validity of this Agreement under the ADEA. If you sue the Releasees in violation of
this Agreement, you shall be liable to the Releasees for its reasonable attorneys’ fees and
other litigation costs incurred in defending against such a suit. Additionally, if you sue
the Releasees in violation of this Agreement, the Releasees can require you to return all
but $100 of the money and other benefits paid to you pursuant to Section 3 of this
6. Cooperation. You agree that you will cooperate fully with the Company
in connection with any existing or future litigation or investigation involving the
company, whether administrative, civil or criminal in nature, in which and to the extent
the Company deems your cooperation necessary.
7. Non-Disparagement. You agree not to defame, disparage or demean the
Company or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, members, partners, or
employees, in any manner whatsoever.
8. Return of Company Property. You agree to return to the Company all
Company property and information, including without limitation all reports; files;
memoranda; records; identification cards; door and file keys; computer access codes;
disks and instruction manuals; tape recordings; video recordings; and all other property
which you received, prepared or helped to prepare in connection with your employment
by the Company. You further agree not to retain any copies, duplicates, reproductions, or
excerpts of such property.
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CAUTION: This document is only a basic template of things to consider. It is not all encompassing.
Attorneys must use discretion and independent judgment to ensure any work product is appropriately
tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of their matter. In addition, attorneys must review
relevant Federal and Local Rules, standing orders, and any other orders to ensure compliance.
9. Employee Acknowledgments. You also agree that you: (i) have been
paid for all hours worked, including commissions, overtime, or other wages, and (ii) have
not suffered any on the job injury for which you have not already filed a claim.
10. Entire Agreement. The terms described in this agreement constitute the
entire agreement between you and the Company and may not be altered or modified other
than in a writing signed by you and [the President of Company or insert appropriate
person]. No promise, inducement or agreement not expressed herein has been made to
you in connection with this agreement, and this agreement supersedes all prior
arrangements, agreements, plans, policies, communications, commitments or obligations
between yourself and the Company, whether written or oral, other than as specifically
provided in this agreement.
11. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflicts of law
provisions. If any provision of this Agreement is rendered illegal or unenforceable, it is
the intent of the parties that such provision be enforced to the fullest extent legally
possible and that all other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and
12. No Admission of Liability. Neither this Agreement nor anything
contained herein shall be construed as an admission by the Company that it has violated
any federal, state or local law or any right or obligation that it may have owed to you.
13. Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose the existence of this Agreement
or any of its terms or provisions to anyone other than your spouse, attorneys or
accountants, except as required by law or to enforce the Agreement. You will also ask
that your spouse, attorneys, and accountants keep the existence of this Agreement, its
terms and provisions confidential. You further acknowledge a continuing obligation
pursuant to the terms of the Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Statement that you signed
on [insert date] to protect from disclosure of any trade secret, proprietary or confidential
information of or in connection with the Company or any subsidiaries or affiliates of the
14. Time to Review; Revocation. You acknowledge and understand that you
have up to twenty-one (21) calendar days from receipt of this Agreement to consider its
terms, although you may choose to sign this Agreement any time before the expiration of
this period. During this review period, you are encouraged to consult with an
attorney regarding the terms of this Agreement. By signing this Agreement, you
acknowledge and agree that you are entering into this Agreement freely, knowingly,
and voluntarily, without any duress or undue influence, with a full understanding of
its terms and with a full understanding and knowledge that you are waiving all
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CAUTION: This document is only a basic template of things to consider. It is not all encompassing.
Attorneys must use discretion and independent judgment to ensure any work product is appropriately
tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of their matter. In addition, attorneys must review
relevant Federal and Local Rules, standing orders, and any other orders to ensure compliance.
claims against the Company through the date upon which you execute this
After you sign this Agreement, you have seven (7) calendar days in which
to revoke this Agreement. Any such revocation must be in writing and must be delivered
either personally or by email (with original to follow by first class mail) to [insert name
address, email, fax] by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the seventh (7th) day after the date that
you sign this Agreement. If the last day of the revocation period is a Saturday, Sunday,
or legal holiday, then the revocation period shall not expire until the next day which is
not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. The effective date of this Agreement shall be
the eighth (8th) calendar day after you sign the Agreement (“Effective Date”).
Very truly yours,
[Insert Company Name]
By: ________________________________
____________________________________ Date:__________________