Solar Motion Demonstrator
Solar Motion Frame and Horizon Disk cutout sheets (photocopy masters on
page 32 and 33)
Photocopy paper or heavy card stock sufficient for providing each student
with one Solar Motion Frame and one Horizon Disk (using blue paper for
the frame and green for the disk makes an attractive product)
One long (1 inch) brass paper fastener (the type with spreadable flat prongs)
for each student
Manila file folders (one for every student)
Rubber cement or glue stick (can be shared by 2 or more students)
Scissors for every student. (If you will be cutting these out for the students,
you may want to use a hobby knife or retractable-blade paper cutter which
can cut more accurately)
Optional: spray rubber cement instead of gluestick (available from art supply
Optional: newspapers if you are using spray glue, or will be cutting with a
hobby knife
Before Class
It takes more time to read these instructions than to make a Solar Motion
Demonstrator, so don’t let the number of steps put you off.
If you want to save time and the gluing in this section, you can buy very low
cost classroom kits, attractively printed on heavy color stock, with one finished
device and all materials for 24 students, from:
The Science Source
P. O. Box 727
Waldoboro ME 04572
Phone: 207-832-6344
As you can see from the templates on pages 32 and 33, two pieces are needed
for each device: the Solar Motion Frame and the Horizon Disk. These pieces
must be mounted on a stiff backing. This can be achieved by gluing the Solar
Motion Frame to a double thickness of manila file folder material, and by gluing
the Horizon Disk to a single thickness of manila file folder.
As an alternative, you can copy the templates onto heavy card stock. The Solar
Motion Frame then needs to be glued to only a single thickness of manila file
folder, and the Horizon Disk does not need to be mounted at all.
1. Make enough copies of the Solar Motion Frame page and the Horizon Disk
page so that each student will have one frame and one disk. If possible use
blue paper. To make an even more attractive model, copy the frames on blue
paper (to represent the sky) and the disks on green paper (to represent the
The Solar Motion Demonstrator
was designed by Professor
Joseph L. Snider of Oberlin
College. The design and
directions for use are copy-
righted by Professor Snider.
You may reproduce them as
needed for your own class-
room or planetarium (but not
for commercial purposes).
From paper, glue, and a
brass fastener you can
build a remarkably
powerful device which
accurately models the
apparent motion of the
Sun, any time of year, from
any place in the northern
hemisphere of Earth. It’s a
simple, direct way to learn
the pattern of the
changing solar rising and
setting points—just what
the builders of Stonehenge,
according to Gerald
Hawkins, wanted to mark.
You can go far beyond
Stonehenge, however, and
see how the Sun moves as
seen from the Equator, the
North Pole, or your own
You can do the next three steps yourself to save time in class, or let your
students do this themselves.
Spray-on rubber cement adhesive, available from art supply stores, is the
fastest way to apply glue, but use this in a well-ventilated room, with lots
of newspaper under your work to catch the excess spray. Brush-on rubber
cement is cheaper but also requires a well-ventilated room. Glue sticks are
an inexpensive, non-toxic, alternative.
2. Glue the Horizon Disks to a single thickness of manila file folder stock.
3. Glue the Solar Motion Frames to a stiffer backing material, made by gluing
two pieces of manila file folder material together.
4. Using scissors or a paper cutter, separate the Solar Motion Frames and the
Horizon Disks, so that you can pass out one of each piece to each student.
The final trimming and assembly should be done by the students.
Solar Motion Demonstrator
Solar Motion Demonstrator Frame Piece:
Master for Duplication
Solar Motion Demonstrator Horizon Piece:
Master for Duplication
Solar Motion Demonstrator: In Class
Part 1: Making the Solar Motion Demonstrator
1. You are going to make a remarkable device that accurately models the motion
of the Sun as seen from any place in the Northern Hemisphere, at any time
of the year.
Give each student a Solar Motion Frame piece and a Horizon Disk piece.
Hand out scissors and glue.
Go through each of the steps below, allowing time for each student to
finish before moving to the next step.
2. With scissors cut out the Solar Motion Frame along its circular outline.
3. Carefully cut out the portions of the Frame marked “Remove” using scissors,
a hobby knife, or paper cutter blade.
4. Crease the frame along a straight line passing through the hinge fold line
(Folds 1 & 3: dividing the Frame vertically), by resting it against the sharp
edge of a table or counter top. Line the Frame up with the edge of the counter
top and rub it with the back of your scissors or other hard object until an
indented groove is visible. Turn the Frame over and make an indented groove
on the other side as well.
5. Repeat this creasing process for the short fold line (Fold 2) below the “Glue”
section of the Frame.
6. Fold the Frame along the creased lines (Fold 1) so that the month half of the
Frame swings all the way around to touch the latitude half of it. Repeat,
pivoting the month piece in the opposite direction.
7. Fold the flap marked “Glue” (Fold 2) away from you and down as far as it
will go, as seen from the printed side of the Frame. Bring it back to its original,
flat, position.
8. Fold both the flap marked “Glue” and the quarter-circle below it with no
printing on it (Fold 3) away from you as far as they will go, until the backside
of the blank quarter-circle hits the backside of the Frame. Bring them back
to their original, flat, position.
9. Use scissors to cut out the Horizon Disk along its circular outline.
10. Cut a small slot in the side of the Horizon Disk at the position of North.
This slot should not be any wider than the cardboard is thick, and should be
approximately 3 mm (1/8 inch) long.
11. Apply rubber cement or glue to the portion of the Frame labelled “Glue.” Press
the northeast quadrant of the disk against the glued portion of the Frame. Position
the disk so that its north-south line lines up with the frame’s hinges, and the
mark for West is positioned over the 90-degree mark on the Frame. Make sure
that the outer edges of the disk and Frame are accurately aligned. The correct
alignment of Frame and disk is essential to the working of the device.
12. When the glue is dry pivot the disk on its hinge away from you through 90
degrees, and then slip the slot over the latitude scale. Make sure that the plane
of the disk is perpendicular to the plane of the Frame.
Step 11
5 & 7
4 & 6
13. Slip a paper fastener over the piece marked “MONTH,” so that the
head of the fastener is on the inner edge of the piece. Bend the head
so that its plane is perpendicular to the plane of the piece. Bend one
of the paper fastener’s prongs around the edge of the piece so that its
end lies flat against the front of the piece. Bend the other prong around
and over the first one, so that its end lies flat on top of the first prong,
behind the piece. The paper fastener should fit snugly around the
piece, and also be easily moved to cover the appropriate date on the
“MONTH” piece.
Your “Solar Motion Demonstrator” is finished!
Part 2: Using Your Solar Motion Demonstrator
How the Solar Motion Demonstrator models the Sun and the Earth:
The “Horizon Disk” represents a piece of the surface of the Earth. You can
imagine a tiny observer (represented by the black dot in the center), able to
look out at the horizon in any direction, including North, East, South, and
The round head of the brass paper fastener represents the Sun.
The swinging “Month” arm of the Frame has two functions. Setting the Sun
marker at the desired month adjusts for the time of the year. Swinging it
from one side to the other (preferably East to West) moves the Sun in its
apparent daily path over the Earth.
The “Latitude” part of the Frame is used to adjust the Horizon Disk to set
the imaginary observer at any latitude from the Equator (0°) to the North
Pole (90°).
To use the Solar Motion Demonstrator, pivot the Horizon Disk along the
North-South axis so that the right hand side of the disk moves away from you
through 90 degrees. Line up the slot in the Horizon Disk with the edge of the
Frame where it is labeled “Latitude.” Slip the slot in the Horizon Disk over the
Frame and align it with the latitude of your location (or one you may be
interested in). The Horizon Disk must be perpendicular to the latitude part of
the Frame. Next, slide the “Sun” along the outer rim of the Frame to the
appropriate month.
The edge of the Horizon Disk represents the visible horizon for some
imaginary person standing at the black dot in the center of the disk. To see the
path the Sun makes across the sky for that particular latitude and time of year,
swing the month portion of the Frame completely from the “East” to the “West”
as marked on the Horizon Disk.
Compare the location of the sunrise and sunset at different times of the year.
How does the length of day change with the seasons? At what latitude must you
be so the Sun does not set on the longest day of the year (the summer solstice)?
What would the Sun’s motion look like if you lived at the North Pole?
You can answer these and many other questions with your Solar Motion
Solar Motion Demonstrator
Part 3: Activities
1. Where Will the Sun Set?
Hold the device in one hand so that the Horizon Disk is horizontal. Imagine
that you are very small and standing at the black dot at the center of the
Horizon Disk. It would look like a large open field with a clear horizon all
around you. The geographical directions of North, East, South, and West are
marked around the horizon. With your other hand, smoothly pivot the piece
which carries the paper fastener “Sun.” As the head of the paper fastener rises
above the plane of the Horizon Disk, it represents sunrise and the beginning of
daytime in the imaginary world of the Horizon Disk.
When the head of the paper fastener dips below the plane of the Horizon
Disk, it represents sunset and the beginning of nighttime. The perimeter of the
Horizon Disk is marked in 10-degree increments. You can read the direction
to the point on the horizon where the Sun sets directly from the Horizon Disk.
For example, if you are at 40 degrees north latitude, and it is late June, the
Sun will set about 30 degrees to the north of west. Use your device to check
this example. If you can, take the device outdoors at sunset. Align the Horizon
Disk so that “N” on the disk points toward true North. Keep the Horizon Disk
horizontal and raise it to eye level. Sight along the line joining the central black
dot and the paper fastener head when it is located at the sunset position. This
line should point to the place on the horizon where the Sun will set.
Compare the position of sunset where you live with sunset at Stonehenge (51
degrees north latitude). On a given day, does the Sun set further to the North?
South? Is there any day at which the Sun sets at the same place for Stonehenge
and for you? (Hint: there are two days of the year when the answer is yes.)
2. How High is High Noon?
As you swing the “Sun” around, it gets higher in the sky above the horizon.
This is its “angular height” above the horizon. If you imagine yourself to be at
the location of the black dot, facing the Sun, the angular height of the Sun is
the angle between your line of sight to a point on the horizon directly beneath
the Sun and your line of sight to the Sun. The Sun reaches its greatest angular
height at a time halfway between the times of sunrise and sunset; this time is
not noon on your clock—it depends on where you are located in your time
zone, whether or not you are on daylight savings time, and on details of the
Earth’s motion around the Sun.
By using your Solar Motion model, you can get a sense of how large this
maximum angular height is for various times of the year.
3. Where will the Sun Rise?
Answer this question in the same way that you found where the Sun sets. Try
using the device some day at sunrise, sighting across it to check that the Sun
actually rises where the device predicts that it will. On any particular day, the
Sun will rise just as many degrees north or south of East as it sets north or south
of West.
Solar Motion Demonstrator
4. Is Daytime as Long as Nighttime?
Pivot the piece carrying the “Sun” at a constant rate over its entire range. This
corresponds to one rotation of the Earth, which takes 24 hours. Notice that the
Sun lies above the horizon for part of this motion (daytime) and below it for
the remainder (nighttime). You can determine the relative lengths of day and
night in this way.
5. When are Day and Night Equally Long?
Use the device to show that on two particular days of the year, the Sun rises
due East and sets due West for any latitude. Find the two months in which these
days occur. These days are called the “spring equinox” and the “fall equinox”
and are the only two days of the year when days and nights are of equal
duration. The word “equinox” comes from the words meaning “equal night.”
The two equinox days occur in March and September.
6. When Will the Noon Sun be the Highest or Lowest in the Sky?
Use the Solar Motion device to find the month in which the largest angular
height at noon occurs. In which month does the smallest angular height at noon
occur? Also, in which month does the longest day of the year occur? In which
month is the shortest day of the year?
Largest angular height at noon and longest day of the year is in June, at the
summer solstice. Smallest angular height at noon and shortest day of the year
is in December, the winter solstice.
The word “solstice” comes from the words meaning “Sun stands still.” Most
of the year the rising and setting positions of the Sun are changing, moving
further towards the north or south depending on the seasons. On the solstices,
the rising and setting positions stop their motions north and south, and then
head back in the opposite direction.
7. Why Does the Earth Have Seasons?
Move the paper fastener “Sun” up to its June position. Pivot the “Sun” and
observe the relative lengths of day and night and the maximum angular height
of the “Sun.” Do the same with the “Sun” moved down to its December
position. This demonstrates the two most important factors responsible for the
seasons: the period of time over which the Sun’s rays strike the ground (the
length of day), and the angle at which they strike the ground.
8. Can You Always See a Sunset?
Actually, there are places on Earth where the Sun doesn’t set. Explore the
range of latitudes and times of year for which the paper fastener “Sun” remains
above the Horizon Disk as you pivot it through an entire rotation. This
corresponds to a 24-hour day, with the Sun still above the horizon at midnight.
The phrase “land of the midnight Sun” is often used to describe the places where
this occurs. For an observer anywhere north of the “Arctic Circle” (about
° latitude) the Sun will not set on at least one day of the year.
9. When and Where Will the Sun Pass Directly Overhead?
A point in the sky directly over your head is called the zenith. To find out
when and where the Sun passes through the zenith, move the “Sun” to a
position late in June and pivot it through its daily motion to see if it passes
directly overhead (assuming that you are at the location of the black dot at the
center of the Horizon Disk). Change the latitude setting of the Horizon Disk
until you find a latitude at which the Sun passes through the zenith for an
observer at that latitude. Explore the range of latitudes and times of year for
which the Sun passes through the zenith.
For an observer north of the “Tropic of Cancer” (at about 23
degrees north
latitude) the Sun will never pass through the zenith. People who live along the
Tropic of Cancer can see the Sun at the zenith only in June at the summer
solstice. For lower latitudes than this, the Sun will pass through the zenith on
only two days of the year. Can you tell approximately which days these are?
South of the equator, the behavior is similar, but the order of months on the
Solar Motion Demonstrator would have to be reversed for southern latitudes.
Observers along the Tropic of Capricorn (at 23
degrees South) see the Sun
at the zenith only in December on their summer solstice. People South of the
Tropic of Capricorn never see the Sun at the zenith.
10. What Path Does the Sun Take at the Equator?
Set the Horizon Disk to a latitude of 0°. Imagine that you are an observer
positioned at the black dot at the center of the Horizon Disk. Vary the time
of year and see how the path of the Sun across the sky changes.
What can you say about how the rising Sun appears to move in relation
to the horizon? Notice that the setting Sun moves in the same way. At
what times of year does the Sun pass through the zenith?
March and September (the equinoxes).
11. What is the Motion of the Sun for an Observer at the North Pole?
Set the Horizon Disk to a latitude of 90°. Again, imagine that you are
positioned at the black dot at the center of the Horizon Disk. Vary the time
of year and see how the path of the Sun across the sky changes.
What can you say now about the motion of the Sun in relation to the
horizon? Do you see that there will be six months of light and six months
of darkness at the North Pole?
12. Would Stonehenge Work if it Were Moved to Your Home Town?
Set the Horizon Disk for the latitude of Stonehenge, 51° north latitude. Write
down the rising and setting positions of the Sun for the summer and winter
solstices. Now set the Horizon Disk for the latitude where you live. Again record
the rising and setting positions of the Sun for the summer and winter solstices.
Unless you live close to the same latitude as Stonehenge, you will find that
the rising and setting positions are different. To make a Stonehenge in your
hometown, you would have to redesign Stonehenge, changing its symmetry, to
make it function as a solstice marker in the way Hawkins suggests.
Ideas for Further Activities
You will be able to think of other ways in which you can use the “Solar
Motion” device to increase your understanding of how the Sun appears to move
in relation to the earth. Here are three.
1. Imagine yourself standing at the black dot at the center of the Horizon Disk.
Try holding the “MONTH” piece fixed in space with your right hand, as
you turn the rest of the device through its complete range of motion. As you
do this, think of the Sun as being fixed in space, while the Earth’s rotation
turns you around with respect to the Sun. This is more nearly the situation
in real life.
2. Try using the device as a compass. Set the “Solar Motion” model to your
latitude and the time of year. Go outside and hold the device so that the
Horizon Disk is horizontal. Pivot the “MONTH” piece and at the same time
turn the compass piece (keeping its plane horizontal) so that the “N-S” line
points in various directions. Your objective is to make the shadow of the
“MONTH” piece be as thin a line as possible, while at the same time the
shadow of the paper fastener “Sun” falls on the black dot at the center of the
Horizon Disk. When you have achieved this, the Horizon Disk will show
you the correct geographic directions.
3. Try constructing a giant Solar Motion Model. You can use a photocopier to
enlarge the Frame and the Horizon Disk. You might want to mount these on
stiffer cardboard, artists’ “foamcore” material, or plywood. You may need to
make stronger hinges out of cloth, or use metal hinges from a hardware store.
Solar Motion Demonstrator