COVID-19 Case Reporting Instructions and FAQ
November 19, 2020
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is working closely with the Texas Education
Agency (TEA) and the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to monitor, track, and
coordinate public health responses to COVID-19 cases in Texas public schools.
The COVID-19 Public School Case Report Form contains two parts. The first part of the form is to be
used by Texas local education agency (LEA) staff to report the counts and results of the Abbott
BinaxNOW tests for schools that have opted into the K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project. Instructions for
this section of the form can be found in the document called COVID-19 Test Reporting Instructions
and FAQ within the Public Health Orders Card.
The second part of this form is to be used by LEA staff to report test-confirmed COVID-19 cases in
public schools. Case information should be supplied for a student, teacher, or staff member who
participates in any on campus activity and is test-confirmed with COVID-19 based on the results from
any molecular or antigen test, including but not limited to the Abbott BinaxNOW tests supplied by
the state of Texas to schools. On campus includes campus grounds, school buses, or in any campus
facility. Antibody tests that show an individual has antibodies but is not necessarily currently
infected do not require a case report. Cases are tracked on a dashboard maintained by the Texas
COVID-19 Education Committee (TCEC) and are used to inform the Governor’s Office, DSHS and TEA
executive staff, LEAs, and other stakeholders. This form does not replace the requirement to report
positive cases to your local health department and is separate from DSHS contact tracing.
COVID-19 Case Report Instructions
This part of the form is to be used to report new COVID-19 cases for the day(s) the school is
notified of such cases. Please submit the form each Monday by 5 p.m. Central Time to ensure the
TCEC can coordinate timely response activities. Report cases you are notified of the prior Monday
through Sunday. All sections noted with red asterisks (*) are required. If you have zero (0) cases for
the week, this part of the form is not required. You are only required to report positive cases using
this form.
For technical assistance with the online form or to report inaccurate information or errors, please
From the main page, click on the Submit New Report button.
Section 1 of 3: School Identification
Please provide information about the school and the person submitting the report.
1. Is this report for cases on a single campus or for staff cases that impact multiple campuses?
Select Single Campus if the cases being reported are located at one campus. Select Multiple
Campuses if the cases being reported are for staff that may work at more than one campus (e.g.
dyslexia specialists, intervention specialists). Staff reported for Multiple Campuses should not be
reported on Single Campus reports. The Multiple Campuses selection is only intended for the
reporting of staff who work at more than one campus.
2. TEA Campus ID/TEA District ID *
Use the drop-down menu to browse the list of local education agencies (LEAs) or schools, which
are listed in ascending order of the school number. You can type in a number, name of an LEA, or
school name to search more quickly. If you are unable to find your school, email for assistance.
The list of schools will be displayed in TEA Campus ID if Single Campus is selected in the
preceding question. The list of districts will be displayed if Multiple Campuses is selected in the
preceding question.
Verify that the auto-populated organization information is correct before proceeding. Enter any
information that needs to be corrected in the Reporter Comment(s) section.
3. LEA Authentication Code *
Enter the LEA Authentication Code for your school or LEA. The codes were emailed to the
superintendents. The form will not save if the correct authentication code is not entered. Each
LEA was issued a unique authentication code. The same authentication code will be used for all
campuses within the district.
4. Reporter Email *
Enter the email address of the school personnel entering the report.
5. Reporter Phone Number *
Enter the phone number and extension, if applicable, of the school personnel entering the report.
6. Reporter Comment(s)
If any auto-populated school information is not accurate, please comment here to enter accurate
information for the school or district.
Section 2 of 3: Case Information
Please report all new COVID-19 cases that the school was notified of the previous week (Monday
through Sunday). You may report a maximum of 20 cases per form. Please submit additional
COVID-19 school report forms for any additional cases. Please ensure the total number of cases
reported on all forms for the previous week equal the total number of cases the school was
notified of during the previous week.
1. What is the total number of new COVID-19 cases the school was notified of during the
previous week? *
Enter the total number of cases for the previous Monday through Sunday. Enter the same total
number on each form that needs to be submitted for the previous week.
2. How many of the total number of new COVID-19 cases are being reported on this form?
(maximum 20 cases per form) *
Select the number of cases being reported on this form.
3. Date on Which Confirmed Case Notification Was Received *
Enter the date the school was notified of the positive case.
4. Notified by *
From the drop-down menu, select Individual or Public Health depending on who notified the
school about this positive case.
5. Case Individual Type *
From the drop-down menu, select the option that best describes the case being reported, either
student, staff, or other.
If Staff option is selected move to next question.
If Other (on campus close contact occurred) option is selected move to next question.
If the student option is selected, an additional field opens:
o Student Grade: From the drop-down menu, select the grade of the student.
6. Was the positive case contracted on campus or off campus? *
From the drop-down menu, select the option that best describes to the best of your knowledge
how the case was contracted.
7. School-specific contacts identified? *
From the drop-down menu select Yes, No, or Unknown. If the Yes option is selected, additional
fields open:
Total Staff Close Contacts *: Type in the number of staff contacts associated with this
case. If the number of contacts is unknown, enter 9999.
Total Student Close Contacts *: Type in the number of student contacts associated
with this case. If the number of contacts is unknown, enter 9999.
Section 3 of 3: School Operations
Please provide the following information regarding the school’s operations related to the cases being
reported today. This section is only applicable if Single Campus is selected in Section 1.
1. As a result of any cases reported on this form, was your entire campus closed? * (Note:
closed means the school building is closed to students and there is no on-campus instruction
If Yes, an additional field opens:
o How many instructional days was the campus closed? * Select the number of
days (1-10) the campus was closed.
Save & Close
Click the green Save & Close button to save the case details. This returns the user to the main page to
Submit New Report.
Save & New
Click the green Save & New option to save the case details and enter another form. This clears the
form and allows the user to enter a new case report.
Click the grey cancel button to leave the form without saved changes.
If you would like to print the report, use the standard function for printing a browser window
(Control-P or right click and print).
For questions about this form, please email COVIDCaseRepor[email protected].gov.
Case Reporting Form FAQ
1. I cannot locate the authentication code for my district in order to submit my weekly positive
COVID-19 cases. Where can I access this code? Posted September 3, 2020
Authentication codes were sent to the Superintendent email address in AskTED for each local
education agency (LEA) superintendent on August 28, 2020. Please contact your local education
service center (ESC) to obtain your authentication code if you did not receive the email.
Additionally, if you did not receive the email, please confirm your email address in AskTED to
ensure it is current and accurate.
As a reminder, an authentication code is required to submit the case reports, and
this authentication code applies to all the campuses in your LEA and is unique to your LEA.
2. How can I go back and check the accuracy of my submission? Posted September 10, 2020
At this time, there is not a way to review previous submissions. Please print a copy of your
submission prior to hitting the Save and Close button.
3. I made a mistake. Can I go back and edit my previous submission? Posted September 10, 2020
There is not an option to edit previously submitted reports. Please email
COVIDCaseRepo[email protected] to discuss your situation.
4. When do I use the Multiple Campus selection on the COVID-19 Case Reporting Form? Posted
September 10, 2020
This option should only be selected if you have a staff member that was physically on more than
one campus such as a speech, dyslexia, or intervention specialist. Do not report students using
this option.
5. Can I use the Multiple Campus option to report cases on different campuses?
No. You need one form for each campus. You can report multiple cases on one form, but they
must be for the same campus.
6. My LEA or campus name or address is incorrect on the COVID-19 Public School Case Report
form. How do I update that information? Posted September 10, 2020
LEAs should proactively update their information in AskTED, as it is the LEA’s responsibility to
ensure the accuracy of this information.
7. Where does the authority lie for TEA and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to
collect positive student and staff COVID-19 cases? Posted September 3, 2020
Included in the public health guidance released by TEA, which arises from the Governor’s
Executive Orders, is a requirement that upon receipt of information that any teacher, staff
member, student, or visitor at a school is test-confirmed to have COVID-19, the school must
submit a report to the Texas Department of State Health Services via an online form. The report
must be submitted each Monday for the prior seven days (Monday-Sunday).
8. The data my district submitted in its COVID-19 Public School Case Report form does not match
the data presented on the DSHS Texas Public School data display. Who does my district need
to contact to correct or reconcile the numbers? Posted October 1, 2020
Please email In that email, please ensure the information in the
table below is included to ensure that DSHS has all the information to research and respond to
your issue.
School district name
School district CDCN
Campus name
Week in question (please include your specific
case report number if you have it)
What you consider inaccurate or incorrect
Who to Report: General
9. When reporting cases, do you want "lab-confirmed” or “test-confirmed” positive cases? Based
on the changes in the guidance document, I'm assuming we focus on "test-confirmed." Posted
September 3, 2020
We understand that not all COVID-19 tests require the use of a lab. Case information should be
supplied any time a school system is notified that a student, teacher, or staff member who
participates in any on campus activity is test-confirmed with a current COVID-19 infection.
10. If I do not have any positive COVID-19 student or staff cases to report, do I still need to submit
the case report? Posted September 3, 2020
No, you do not need to submit the weekly COVID-19 case reporting form if you do not have any
confirmed applicable student or staff cases.
11. My district has already started school. Do I need to go back and retroactively capture positive
cases and submit them? Posted September 3, 2020
Yes, an LEA that has already started the 2020-2021 school year will need to submit a report for
on-campus positive cases at the campus level from the date the school year began.
Who to Report: Students
12. My school is providing virtual instruction for the first four weeks. Do we report those student
cases on the form? Updated September 10, 2020
The COVID-19 case report form should be utilized for on-campus cases. If an LEA is offering
virtual instruction, you do not need to report students that were never physically on one of your
campuses. This will likely mean that only staff members are reported if they are working on
Who to Report: District Staff
13. If a bus driver or bus monitor tests positive and they are not ever on a campus, will they be
reported in this new portal? Posted September 3, 2020
Please report any time there is a close contact identified on campus. For this purpose, on campus
includes the bus and any school facilities.
14. We have a staff person that tested positive for COVID-19, but they were only in an
administrative building. Do I need to report them on my campus form? Posted September 24,
No. Only report staff on the COVID-19 Case Reporting Form that were physically present on a
particular campus in your district or multiple campuses in your district.
15. Do I need to report district employees outside of educators (administrative staff, janitorial
services, cafeteria personnel, etc.) that test positive for COVID-19? Posted September 10, 2020
Yes, if that individual was on a campus and exposed a close contact. Please report any individual
employed by the district that tests positive for COVID-19 and was on campus.
Who to Report: Parents and Others
16. Do I need to report people not employed by the district but were on campus and had a close
contact (e.g., a copy machine repair technician, delivery person, etc.)? Posted September 10,
Yes, if that individual was on a campus and exposed a close contact.
17. Do I need to report parents of students that test positive for COVID-19? Posted September 10,
No, unless that individual was on a campus and exposed a close contact. You do not need to
report parents of students that were not physically on one of your campuses.
18. Since I am reporting positive cases to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) using the
COVID-19 Public School Case Report form, do I still need to report cases to my local health
authority? Posted September 3, 2020
Yes, LEAs will still need to report case information to their appropriate local health authority as
COVID-19 Public School Case Report form does not include individually identifiable information
needed for contact tracing.
The COVID-19 Public School Case Report form creates a standard and comprehensive method to
collect and roll up this data at the state level. This is needed to support state policymakers,
district leadership, educators, and parents as we move forward and continue to make decisions
on how to ensure schools can operate safely while supporting students’ educational needs.
Enrollment Survey
1. Our LEA started school last week, but we were interrupted due to Hurricane Laura. Is the 1st
week survey for the first full week? Posted September 3, 2020
Yes, the survey is for the first full calendar week.
2. If a remote learner comes on campus for one course, how should an LEA count that student
when filling out the enrollment survey? Posted September 3, 2020
Remote learners who come to the campus for specific courses or extra-curricular activities should
be included in the percentage indicated in the 3
option on the enrollment survey labeled
Intermittently On-campus (less than daily). This option captures students receiving remote
instruction who come on campus for one class.