Manage My Case
Updated 10/22/2021 Page 1
The Job Aid explains how clients can use MI Bridges to manage
their current Michigan Department of Health and Human
Services (MDHHS) case. MI Bridges Community Partners and
MDHHS staff can use the information in this Job Aid to assist
clients using MI Bridges to view benefit information, report
changes, renew benefits, and share documents with MDHHS.
Table of Contents
Important Information .................................................................................................................................................... 1
View Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
View Letters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Report Changes ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Upload Documents ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Renew Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Important Information
With MI Bridges, there are many enhanced features clients can use to manage their case. MDHHS
staff and community partners may find it helpful to encourage clients to use these self-service
features instead of visiting an MDHHS office to answer questions. If a client has an active case with
MDHHS, they are still able to use MI Bridges to report changes, submit redeterminations, view
case information, view letters sent from MDHHS, and share documents with MDHHS. This
supports MDHHS’s goal of providing more self-service tools to increase a client’s self-sufficiency
and reduce dependency on an MDHHS caseworker to learn case information.
Note: In order to use MI Bridges to manage their MDHHS case, a client must complete the ID
proofing process.
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View Benefits
Clients with existing cases can view helpful benefit information by program. Clients will be able to
find answers to their benefits questions directly in MI Bridges anytime. Clients can view benefit
information on their Healthcare Coverage, Food Assistance Program (FAP), Cash Assistance (Family
Independence Program (FIP) (This includes: Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)), Child Development and Care (CDC), and State Emergency
Relief (SER).
1. Click View My Benefits under I want to... The View Benefits page displays.
Clients can also click [Menu], then My Benefits to begin the process.
2. Review the program information available on the View Benefits page. Only information
about current open programs displays on the page.
The exception is Healthcare Coverage. Health Coverage benefits display for the
entire month they become inactive.
3. In the Healthcare Coverage section, click the icon next to the household member’s
name under to additional information. The Health Plan pop-up displays.
The Health Plan pop-up displays information such as the client doctor, doctor’s
phone number, health care plan, and deductible. This pop-up also contains a link to
the myHealthPortal.
Tip: Clients can consent to share their benefit with their Navigator. Navigation partners
can access the exact same information as is available to the client.
Tip: Answers to common questions about each benefit program is available if the client
is currently receiving that program. Click the question mark icon next to any field to view
helpful information describing that field.
Tip: The myHealthPortal is available to current members enrolled in Medicaid, Healthy
Michigan Plan, and Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS). Persons identified as
responsible for the care of these members may also utilize these applications.
Clients can use the myHealthPortal to:
Print or order a new copy of the myHealth Card
View and update or terminate other insurance
View the services that are covered by their plan
View Children Special Healthcare Services (CSHCS) qualifying diagnosis and
authorized providers
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4. Click [Print] to print a PDF copy of the benefits, if needed.
Examples of information they can view include renewal dates, benefit amounts, the date benefits
will be available on the client’s Bridge card, and much more!
View and download immunization records
View cost share information
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View Letters
Clients can view letters sent from MDHHS for the previous 12 months. If a client requests a copy
of a notice, they can easily find and print it from their MI Bridges account.
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Letters are available in MI Bridges the evening the caseworker sends the letter to be printed and
mailed. Clients can also opt-in to receive text or email notifications when a new letter is available
sent from MDHHS and available in MI Bridges. Because letters are available as soon as they are
sent to print, clients may be able to view correspondence sent from MDHHS before it arrives in
the mail.
1. Click View My Benefits under I want to... The View Benefits page displays. Click View
Letters at the top of the page. The View Letters page displays.
Clients can also click [Menu], then My Benefits to begin the process.
2. Review the information available on the View Letters page. Clients can view letters sent
from MDHHS for the previous 12 months.
3. Click to view an exact copy of the letter sent to the client, including any comments
recorded by the MDHHS caseworker.
Tip: Clients can consent to share their Letters with their Navigator. Navigation partners
can access the exact same information as is available to the client.
Tip: In the Description field, MDHHS has provided plain language descriptions for the 50
most commonly sent letters. If this field is blank, this is not an error, it means there is no
text for this document.
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Report Changes
Client can use MI Bridges to report changes to their existing case.
1. Click Report Changes under I want to... The Report Changes page displays.
Clients can also click [Menu], then Report Changes to begin the process.
2. Clients are provided with an easy to understand topic selection to choose what changes to
Report. Select the categories for the changes to report, then click [Continue]. The
transition page for the first topic displays.
Clients can select more than one change to report at a time.
Tip: Examples of common types of changes are listed below each category
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3. Clients only view pages related to the categories they selected. Similar to the Assistance
Application, each section begins with a transition page. On this page a progress bar of the
changes displays, along with a summary of the types of changes that can be reported in
this section. Click [Continue]. The What changes would you like to report page displays.
4. Select if you would like to Add new information to the case, change current information on
the case, or remove current information on the case. Click [Continue]. The page that
displays varies depending on if the client selected to add, change, or remove information.
5. If a client chooses to…
Add new information: A blank details page displays where the client can record new
information. The fields on the page will be similar to the type of information
requested when applying for benefits.
Change current information: A page displays with a summary of current information
on the client’s MDHHS case. Select the record to change.
Remove information: A page displays with a summary of current information on the
client’s MDHHS case. Select the record to remove.
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6. Click [Continue]. If a client chooses to change current information, or remove current case
information a page displays with the current record.
7. Add any information to the page to report the change. Click [Continue].
8. Continue through each section to report all the changes. After all sections are complete,
the Review Changes page displays.
9. Click [Continue]. The Review Changes Details page displays. A summary of the reported
changes displays by topic. Clients can select [Edit] to edit any information, or [Remove] to
remove an incorrect record.
10. Carefully review the reported changes for accuracy. Click [Submit]. The Your changes have
been submitted page displays. On this page clients can view a PDF of their report changes,
or easily navigate to Upload Documents to submit verifications of the change to MDHHS.
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Upload Documents
Clients can easily access MI Bridges from their mobile device to upload documents and
verifications. This means that when MDHHS requests a verification, the customer can take a
picture and share it with MDHHS by uploading the picture to their MI Bridges account. When
MDHHS sends a verification request to a client, the Upload Documents section in MI Bridges
allows the client to share the specific document requested.
1. Click Upload Documents under I want to... The Upload Documents page displays.
Clients can also click [Menu], then Upload Documents to begin the process.
2. Clients can use this page to share documents with their MDHHS caseworker. If their
caseworker has sent the client a list of requested documents (also called a Verification
Checklist), these documents display in the Documents Needed section.
If as client consents to sharing their benefits with a navigation partner, the partner
will be able to view the documents MDHHS has requested from a client.
Clients can also upload documents to their case at any time by clicking [Upload Other
Document]. This option is helpful if a client recently submitted an application,
redetermination, or change and has not yet received a list of requested documents
from their caseworker but has documents they wish to provide to MDHHS.
3. To upload a document requested from MDHHS, click on the [Document Type]. To upload
any document, click [Upload Other Document].
4. Select the document type from the What type of document is it? drop-down list.
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5. Click [Choose Document] to choose an existing document. Clients can upload any file that
is a png, jpg, jpeg, tif, or pdf file formats. Clients can upload up to 4.5 MB of data at one
6. If a client is using Chrome or Edge, a preview of the files display.
The preview option is available for png, jpg, jpeg, and tif files. Pdf files are not able
to be previewed.
7. Click [Upload Documents]. A pop-up window displays which shows the progress of the
upload. An Upload Successful! message displays when the document is upload. Click [Okay].
The documents are now available in the View Documents section.
Tip: If a client is using a mobile phone or tablet with a camera to manage their case, they
can use their camera phone to take a picture of the document and upload to their
MDHHS case. On a mobile device:
Clients can click [Choose a Photo], to open their photo library and choose a
photo of the document.
Clients can click [Take a Photo], to open their camera to take a photo of the
Tip: Clients can remove a document that they have chosen to upload by clicking the red
[X] next to the document. Clients can also add another document by clicking the blue +
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View Documents
Clients can view documents they have previously submitted to MDHHS.
1. Click Upload Documents under I want to... The Upload Documents page displays. Click
View Documents at the top of the page. The View Documents page displays.
Clients can also click [Menu], then Upload Documents to begin the process
2. Click the Document Title to view details about the document. Clients can view documents
they have upload during the previous 12 months. Clients can view a short description of
the document type, the date it was uploaded, the individual it pertains to, the processed
date, and the programs for which that document was requested.
3. Click [Download Document] to download that was previously uploaded. This can be
helpful if a client no longer has a document and needs to access it.
Tip: The Processed Date displays as pending until it is processed by MDHHS. This
message will change to a date once an MDHHS caseworker has viewed the document
and marked the Verification Checklist as complete in the system they use to process
applications/cases. Documents submitted as Other Documents will never show a
processed date.
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Renew Benefits
Clients can receive notifications when their redeterminations are due and submit their renewals
through MI Bridges. If a client consents, their navigator can also view program renewal dates using
the View Benefits feature. Clients will also continue to receive redetermination packets via postal
mail. Clients can have one In Progress Redetermination at a time. A client can stop and return to
complete the renewal at a later date. If a client has an In Progress renewal and clicks [Renew
Benefits], the Resume Previous Renewal? pop-up displays. The client can choose to continue the
In Progress redetermination or start over.
1. After the redetermination packet (e.g. forms 1010, 1046, 2240, and 035) is mailed to the client
from MDHHS, [Renew Benefits] displays on the client’s dashboard. Click [Renew Benefits].
The Renew My Benefits page displays.
The Renew Benefits options disappears from the client’s dashboard the day after
the Redetermination Due Date.
The renewal
Note: The below message also displays on the View Benefits page. Click [Renew my Benefits].
The Renew My Benefits page displays.
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2. On the Renew My Benefits page all programs which have a redetermination that could be
submitted display on the page. The due date of each program redetermination displays in the
Due field. Click [Start Renewal]. The Benefits Renewal Overview page displays.
3. Review the Benefits Renewal Overview page for important information about the renewal
process. Click [Continue]. The Contact Information page displays.
Tip: Each time the client selects [Continue], the renewal is saved. As the client advances
through the renewal, displays in the top of the page each time the renewal
is saved. If the client chooses to leave and complete the renewal at a later date, they will
be able to continue the renewal at the last saved page.
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4. Similar to the Assistance Application, each section of the renewal begins with a transition page.
Each Redetermination form (1010 vs. 1046 vs. 2240 vs. and 035) has the same amount of
sections, even if the client does not have information about that section on their current case.
5. In each section of the renewal, the client will select if they wish to add, change, or remove
information. In some sections (School Enrollment, Assets, Income), information from the
client’s current MDHHS case displays. The client will choose to [Change], [Remove], or [+Add
New Information] in each section.
If a client does not have any information for a topic on their current case, a We do not
have any {topic} on file for your household. Please click "Add a New {topic}" if needed
message displays.
6. The client can also select [Continue with no changes] to report that no changes have been
Tip: The sections in the redetermination for the form 1010 redetermination include:
Contact Information
Household Members
Household Details
School Enrollment
Program Details
Final Details and Submit
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7. If a client chooses to change current information on the case, on the detail page where
information displays, some information will prefill and cannot be edited. This is because it
would change the core information about the record.
8. Click [Continue] to navigate through the Renewal topics, editing, adding or removing
information as needed until the Final Details page displays.
9. Click [Continue]. The Your Signature page displays.
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10. The client will sign the renewal and click [Submit]. The Renew My Benefits Submitted page
11. Client can click [View Renew Benefits] PDF to view a PDF of their redetermination. A client can
also navigate to [Upload Documents] to upload any verifications to support their renewal
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Q. Will clients see boxes for all six benefits if they have not applied for all of them?
A. No, clients will only see information for their benefit programs that are currently active. The
exception is for Healthcare benefits, which show the entire month they expire. Currently,
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits are not accessible via MI Bridges.
Q. What should I do if I am unable to view my client’s benefits?
A. Clients can choose to share or not share their information with their navigator. Clients can
update their preferences at any time to share or remove sharing with any community partner
Q. My client did not complete ID proofing when creating their account, but now has active
benefits and would like to view them. Can they do this?
A. Yes, clients with active cases can trigger the ID proofing process at anytime by following the
below steps:
1. Access their profile and update the ‘Personal Identification Type’ field with their Social
Security Number, Medicaid Beneficiary ID, or Bridges Individual ID.
2. Navigate to their Dashboard. Click [View Benefits]. The Identity Not Verified page displays.
3. Click [Verify My Identity]. The ID proofing questions display, and the client can proceed
with verifying their identity.