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Threats to the Independence
of Student Media
A committee composed of representatives from the American Association of University Professors, the College
Media Association, the National Coalition Against Censorship, and the Student Press Law Center formulated this
joint statement in fall 2016. The document received the endorsement of all four sponsoring organizations.
In 2015, the Black Lives Matter movement spawned
protests on college and university campuses from
coast to coast as students, faculty, and staff sought to
draw attention to what they perceived as institutional
racism in higher education. The glare of the national
spotlight revealed genuine problems and had real con-
sequences, with policy changes enacted and university
presidents stepping down.
The movement also shone light on the status of
student journalists and their faculty and staff advis-
ers, as demonstrated by an incident involving a faculty
member and a student videographer at the University
of Missouri and by one involving the student news-
paper at Wesleyan University.
While unusual for the
attention they garnered, these incidents were by no
means unique or even rare. It has become disturbingly
routine for student journalists and their advisers to
experience overt hostility that threatens their ability to
inform the campus community and, in some instances,
imperils their careers or the survival of their publica-
tions, as the sampling of cases discussed in this report
demonstrates. Administrative efforts to subordinate
campus journalism to public relations are inconsistent
with the mission of higher education to provide a
space for intellectual exploration and debate.
But publicly reported cases may just be the tip of a
much larger iceberg. A March 2016 survey of college
and university media advisers affiliated with the Col-
lege Media Association revealed that over a three-year
period more than twenty media advisers who had not
previously shared their stories reported suffering some
degree of administrative pressure to control, edit, or
censor student journalistic content. This pressure was
reported from every segment of higher education and
from every institutional type: public and private, four-
year and two-year, religious and secular.
None of the cases has been made public, in most
instances because the advisers feared for their jobs,
regardless of whether the adviser was a staff or faculty
member and regardless of his or her tenure status. In
many cases, college and university officials threatened
retaliation against students and advisers not only for
coverage critical of the administration but also for
otherwise frivolous coverage that the administrators
believed placed the institution in an unflattering light.
For example, administrators at one four-year public
university demanded that the adviser begin conducting
prepublication review after the newspaper published a
story about the “top ten places to hook up on cam-
pus.” And it is not only administrators who apply
this pressure. In the 2016 survey, one media adviser
reported that a representative of graduate student
government threatened to cut the newspaper’s fund-
ing if the newspaper did not cover more graduate
student events. In some cases, advisers were told that
conducting “prior review”—turning the adviser into
1. On Missouri, see the AAUP’s 2016 report “Academic Freedom
and Tenure: University of Missouri (Columbia),” in Bulletin of the
American Association of University Professors (special issue of
Academe), July–August 2016, 25–43, https://www.aaup.org/report
/academic-freedom-and-tenure-university-missouri-columbia. On
Wesleyan, see Tara Jeffries, “Op-Ed in Wesleyan Argus Sparks
Outrage, Petition to Defund Newspaper,” September 23, 2015,
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Threats to the Independence of Student Media
a gatekeeper with the ability to overrule the editors’
judgments—was a requirement of employment.
In response to such cases, the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors, the College Media
Association, the National Coalition Against Censor-
ship, and the Student Press Law Center agreed to
prepare this report, which reaffirms and expands upon
the basic principles of a free student press previously
endorsed by the AAUP and other organizations in
the 1967 Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms
of Students.
With widespread erosion in staffing at
traditional news organizations, college and university
journalists are today asked to bear more responsibility
than ever before as front-line information providers
for the entire community. It is therefore essential that
they enjoy the protections of a free press.
I. Invaluable Role of Student Media
The 1967 Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of
Students declared:
Student publications and the student press are
valuable aids in establishing and maintaining an
atmosphere of free and responsible discussion
and of intellectual exploration on the campus. They
are a means of bringing student concerns to the
attention of the faculty and the institutional authori-
ties and of formulating student opinion on various
issues on the campus and in the world at large.
Whenever possible the student newspaper
should be an independent corporation financially
and legally separate from the college or university.
Where financial and legal autonomy is not pos-
sible, the institution, as the publisher of student
publications, may have to bear the legal respon-
sibility for the contents of the publications. In the
delegation of editorial responsibility to students,
the institution must provide sufficient editorial
freedom and financial autonomy for the student
publications to maintain their integrity of purpose
as vehicles for free inquiry and free expression in
an academic community.
“As safeguards for the editorial freedom of student
publications,” the Statement continued, “the following
provisions are necessary”:
a. The student press should be free of censorship
and advance approval of copy, and its editors
and managers should be free to develop their
own editorial policies and news coverage.
b. Editors and managers of student publications
should be protected from arbitrary suspension
and removal because of student, faculty, admin-
istration, or public disapproval of editorial
policy or content. Only for proper and stated
causes should editors and managers be subject
to removal and then only by orderly and pre-
scribed procedures. The agency responsible for
the appointment of editors and managers should
be the agency responsible for their removal.
c. All institutionally published and financed
student publications should explicitly state
on the editorial page that the opinions there
expressed are not necessarily those of the
college, university, or student body.
These principles should apply to all student media,
which should not be subordinated to an institution’s
public-relations program.
Candid journalism that discusses students’ dis-
satisfaction with the perceived shortcomings of their
institutions can be uncomfortable for campus authori-
ties. Nevertheless, this journalism fulfills a healthful
civic function. A college or university campus is in
many ways analogous to a self-contained city in
which thousands of residents conduct their daily
lives—drawing on the resources of the institution for
housing, dining, police protection, medical services,
employment, recreation, and culture. Student journal-
ists keep watch over the delivery of these services,
giving the members of their public a voice in the mat-
ters that concern them most.
Student-produced journalism increasingly serves as
an “information lifeline” for the entire community. In
2012, the Knight Foundation and other philanthropic
funders of journalism challenged universities to rei-
magine themselves as “teaching hospitals” for news,
satisfying the public’s critical information needs just
as traditional teaching hospitals fulfill urgent medical
2. The statement was drafted by a committee composed of repre-
sentatives from the AAUP, the United States National Student Associa-
tion (now the United States Student Association), the Association of
American Colleges (now the Association of American Colleges and
Universities), the National Association of Student Personnel Adminis-
trators, and the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors
and was endorsed by each of these groups as well as by a number of
other professional bodies. See AAUP, Policy Documents and Reports,
11th ed. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015), 381–86.
3. While a disclaimer is recommended as a potentially helpful clari-
fication for the benefit of the audience, the decision whether and how
to disclaim affiliation with the institution is, as with all editorial content
decisions, ultimately a judgment for the student editors.
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Threats to the Independence of Student Media
This evolution was already well under way
but has accelerated with the rapid erosion of staffing
at professional news organizations; the Pew Research
Center reports that 14 percent of all journalists
responsible for covering state capitals are students.
When they are not financially or legally indepen-
dent, student media outlets have traditionally been
categorized either as curricular or as co- or extracur-
ricular—that is, as classroom labs where work is
directed, assigned, and graded by a professor or as
independent organizations affiliated with a college or
university but run entirely by students, often being
designated as a student club, with a skilled adviser
who offers education and counsel but takes no part in
editorial decisions. In both arrangements, professors
or advisers, whether they are members of the faculty
or the staff, can sometimes face intense pressure from
college and university administrators to avoid topics
or stories that the administration finds objectionable.
Because the work of news outlets is, by nature, often
more publicly visible than other classroom or club
activities, administrators may be quick to discipline
these staff and faculty members because they believe
the institution’s reputation to be at stake, sometimes
on a daily basis, as each new news story is published
in print, on air, or online.
Recent years have brought an increasing diversity
of online publications and “media laboratories,”
which can provide student journalists with the
opportunity to disseminate their class-produced
work to a public audience. These publications
make a significant contribution to the community’s
journalistic ecosystem. Nevertheless, they are no
substitute for independent, student-run media. Few,
if any, laboratory-based publications supervised by
instructors as graded classroom exercises are providing
“watchdog” coverage of the campus itself (and indeed,
significant structural issues make such class-generated
watchdog coverage impracticable).
Obstruction and harassment of campus media
frequently signify deeper institutional mismanagement
that administrators may seek to downplay or
conceal. In one especially egregious example, the
administration of California’s Southwest College
mounted a campaign of intimidation and bullying
of student journalists—including freezing the
newspaper’s printing budget, cutting the adviser’s
salary, and even threatening staff members with
arrest—as part of an effort to conceal high-level
wrongdoing. The administrator responsible for the
harassment campaign, Raj Chopra, was forced out
of office soon afterward as part of a wide-ranging
“pay-to-play” corruption scandal encompassing
members of the college’s board of trustees and
contractors. The scandal resulted in criminal charges
against eighteen individuals, including Chopra, who
ended up accepting a guilty plea and serving three
years’ probation.
No reputable college or university would insist
that its auditors skew their findings to portray a
deceptively favorable outlook because the institution
is paying for the report, although they might dissent
from those findings. Administrations should take
a similar approach to the findings of their student
4. Eric Newton, “An Open Letter to America’s University
Presidents,” August 3, 2012, http://www.knightfoundation.org/articles
5. Jodi Enda, Katerina Eva Matsa, and Jan Lauren Boyles,
“America’s Shifting Statehouse Press,” Pew Research Center,
July 10, 2014, http://www.journalism.org/2014/07/10/americas
6. For example, it sometimes becomes necessary for student
journalistic publications to sue their institutions to obtain access
to public records or meetings. It is unlikely that a news website closely
supervised by a faculty instructor would be in a position to bring such
a lawsuit. Moreover, “curricular” publications may occupy a
less-protected constitutional status by virtue of the Supreme Court’s
ruling in Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
The Hazelwood ruling diminished the constitutional protection of student
speech in school-supervised media and, while its applicability to the
postsecondary level is disputed, at least some judges have found its
reasoning applicable to the speech of college students. See, for
example, Hosty v. Carter, 412 F.3d 731 (7th Cir. 2005) (en banc).
7. The punishment inflicted on the students and their adviser is
detailed in a news release announcing their 2011 selection as winners
of the College Press Freedom Award, which recognizes fortitude
against adversity: Student Press Law Center, “Award Recognizes
Calif. Editors’ Bravery,” September 29, 2011, http://www.splc.org
See also James Palen, “Two Sentenced on Reduced Charges in South
Bay Cases,” The Daily Transcript, April 7, 2014. Illinois’s corruption-
riddled College of DuPage likewise harassed and intimidated student
journalists and fired a twenty-year-veteran adviser in 2011—after
which it came to light that the college administration was engaged in a
scheme to conceal millions in wasteful spending. See Ashley A. Smith,
“The College That Can’t Fix Itself,” Inside Higher Ed, May 19, 2015,
-dupage-courts-controversy-once-again. The retaliatory discharge
of adviser Cathy Stablein is described in Seth Zweifler, “Ill. College
Journalists, Administrators at Odds over Adviser’s Removal,”
June 3, 2011, http://www.splc.org/article/2011/06/ill-college-journalists
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Threats to the Independence of Student Media
media, the value of which is inextricably linked to
their independence.
II. Trained Media Advisers as Assets
The best media advisers, often journalists themselves,
are staunch defenders of their students’ free press
rights. They should not be punished for asserting
themselves in this role.
The College Media Association, whose seven hun-
dred members advise college media at every level of
collegiate journalism, has endorsed a Code of Ethical
Behavior for media advisers.
It states: “The adviser
is a journalist, educator and manager who is, above
all, a role model. Because of this, the adviser must be
beyond reproach with regard to personal and profes-
sional ethical behavior; should encourage the student
media advised to formulate, adhere to and publicize an
organizational code of ethics; and ensure that neither
the medium, its staff nor the adviser enter into situa-
tions which would jeopardize the public’s trust in and
reliance on the medium as a fair and balanced source
of news and analysis.” The Code further declares:
Freedom of expression and debate by means of a
free and vigorous student media are essential to
the effectiveness of an educational community in
a democratic society. This implies the obligation
of the student media to provide a forum for the
expression of opinion—not only those opinions
differing from established university or adminis-
trative policy, but those at odds with the media
staff beliefs or opinions as well.
Student media must be free from all forms
of external interference designed to regulate its
content, including confiscation of its products or
broadcasts; suspension of publication or transmis-
sion; academic personal or budgetary sanctions;
arbitrary removal of staff members or faculty; or
threats to the existence of student publications or
broadcast outlets.
Conducting “prior review” violates the basic tenets
of the college or university media adviser’s personal
and professional code. Media advisers are, above all
else, educators who seek to train young journalists in
the practice of ethical, thorough journalism. Typically,
they are not producers of college or university jour-
nalism and should not be expected—or allowed—to
interfere in the editorial process. An adviser who
writes for the student newspaper without attribution
or who rewrites material in the student newspaper is
akin to a professor who rewrites an essay for a student
instead of offering suggestions for improvement. An
administrator who demands control of student media
content is akin to a college or university official who
dictates the content of a student essay.
When news content stems from classwork—when,
for example, students in a journalism course produce
work that the professor then posts to a class website—
there might be greater ambiguity. However, even in
these cases, professors still must restrain the impulse
to control content, and administrators should never
attempt to dictate what these classes can and cannot
cover, no matter how objectionable they might find the
content to be.
Students learn by doing: by reporting and writ-
ing, by photographing, or by making video or audio
recordings. They should be in charge of editing,
designing, managing, and leading their organizations,
for this is the essence of experiential learning. The
College Media Association Code of Ethics therefore
mandates that advisers must always “defend and teach
without censoring.” Regardless of the type of institu-
tion or adviser, the Code asserts, “There should never
be an instance where an adviser maximizes quality
by minimizing learning. Student media should always
consist of student work.”
III. Cases
Many college and university authorities have
exhibited an intimidating level of hostility toward
student media, inhibiting the free exchange of ideas
on campus.
A. Adviser Firings
When college or university administrators are
disturbed by aggressive student journalism, faculty
advisers sometimes pay with their jobs. Examples
abound in public and private institutions alike. The
following incidents have occurred since the beginning
of 2015 alone:
At Fairmont State University, a public insti-
tution in West Virginia, journalism adviser
Michael Kelley was removed in 2015, after just
nine months on the job, following his students’
publication of a two-part series about unhealthy
levels of mold in a campus dorm. The president
8. Founded in 1954 as the National Council of College Publications
Advisers, the College Media Association serves student media profes-
sionals, staffs, and programs with education, research, and resources.
Its current Code of Ethical Behavior, available online at http://www
.collegemedia.org/about_cma/code_of_ethics/, dates from 1983.
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Threats to the Independence of Student Media
and provost of the university explicitly told
student editors that they wanted a less contro-
versial newspaper with more positive stories.
Kelley was the third journalism adviser in a row
to leave Fairmont State under circumstances
indicating retaliation over editorial content.
At Butler University, a private institution in
Indiana, journalism educator and career jour-
nalist Loni McKown was stripped of her advis-
ing duties at the Butler Collegian and ordered
to have no further contact with its staff after
a dispute over whether she breached protocol
by sharing an e-mail about impending insti-
tutional budget cuts with the student editors.
McKown had clashed with college administra-
tion on multiple occasions over news coverage
in the Collegian perceived as unfavorable to
the university’s reputation, including a 2013
article bringing to light past criminal charges
against a high-profile newly hired staff member,
which shared a national first-place investigative
reporting award. After McKown filed a griev-
ance challenging her removal as adviser, which
President James Danko rejected, the university
terminated her faculty appointment as well.
Mount Saint Mary’s University in Maryland
fired newspaper adviser Ed Egan on the
grounds of “disloyalty” after his students
published an article describing conversations
in which the university president told faculty
members in graphic terms about his plans to
cull underperforming first-year students. (“You
just have to drown the bunnies . . . Put a Glock
to their heads,” the newspaper quoted him
as saying.) The president, Simon Newman,
ultimately resigned, and Egan returned to his
job but was not reinstated to his previous
advising position.
At Saint Peter’s University, a Roman Catholic
institution in New Jersey, media adviser Ernabel
Demillo, an Emmy-nominated broadcast jour-
nalist with extensive experience in nearby New
York City, was removed in 2016 after students
of the newspaper she advised published a Valen-
tine’s Day issue that included frank discussions
of sex. Provost Gerald O’Sullivan sent an e-mail
to Demillo, a full-time tenured professor who
advised the paper on a part-time basis, in which
he called the sex edition of the newspaper
“degrading of human intimacy.” Saint Peter’s
officials subsequently halted publication of the
newspaper, removed Demillo as adviser (while
allowing her to continue to teach in her depart-
ment), and removed the student-elected leader-
ship of the organization. University officials
claimed that they removed the student leader-
ship not because of newspaper content but
because the organization’s governing documents
were out of date when the leaders were elected
by their peers.
At Muscatine Community College, a public
institution in Iowa, adviser James Compton was
removed by college administrators as an act of
retaliation for content in the student newspaper,
The Calumet. Administrators told Compton
that he must censor the students or face retribu-
tion. In response, Muscatine students filed suit
against several college officials, but they did not
prevail in court, and Compton never returned
to his post as media adviser.
At Northern Michigan University, adviser
Cheryl Reed was removed in 2015 and the
student managing editor was denied the
opportunity to serve as editor-in-chief follow-
ing attempts by student journalists to aggres-
sively cover the administration. The removals
were preceded by university officials’ publicly
9. For an in-depth discussion of the Fairmont State situation, see
Trisha LeBoeuf, “A Culture of Intimidation and Mistrust with Student
Media at Fairmont State,” Student Press Law Center Report, Winter
2015–16, http://www.splc.org/article/2016/01/a-culture-of-intimidation
10. Scott Jaschik, “Turmoil at the Mount,” Inside Higher Ed,
February 15, 2016, https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/02
11. The College Media Association officially censured Saint Peter’s
University as a result of the university’s actions, which were recounted
in a report from the association’s First Amendment Advocacy
12. The Student Press Law Center assisted students in their suit,
and the College Media Association issued a letter of concern as the
case went forward. See Mark Keierleber, “Student Journalists at Iowa
Community College Allege Harassment, Intimidation in First Amend-
ment Lawsuit against Administrators,” May 6, 2015, http://www.splc
-administrators, and “College Media Association Questions Removal
of Iowa Student Newspaper Adviser,” news release, May 7, 2015,
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Threats to the Independence of Student Media
criticizing student news content regarding travel
expenses for members of the board of trustees.
At Delta State University in Mississippi, media
adviser Patricia Roberts lost her job in 2014.
The following year the state’s higher education
governing board voted to cease university fund-
ing to print the eighty-three-year-old student
These cases are but a sampling of publicly reported
incidents. As previously noted, nearly two dozen
advisers polled by the College Media Association in
spring 2016 said they had faced some form of admin-
istrative pressure to control content. The College
Media Association currently has five colleges and
universities under censure, which represents the stron-
gest possible condemnation of an institution of higher
learning and designates that institution as hostile to
student press freedom and to the educators who advise
student journalists.
B. Financially Based Censorship
While it is impossible to quantify the retaliatory
removal of journalism advisers or to say with certainty
whether retaliation is increasing, it is relatively easy
to document the elimination of journalism programs
and student journalistic publications. Recent years
have seen a notable diminution in opportunities for
students to obtain classroom instruction in journal-
ism or to practice journalism in school-supported
media. Decisions to eliminate journalism training and
publishing opportunities often align with conflict over
editorial content.
For example, Delta State University’s 2015 deci-
sions ended a highly successful journalism program
that had produced generations of award-winning
journalists for what the president and trustees con-
tended were financial reasons. Northwest College in
Wyoming recently voted to “sunset” journalism and
broadcasting instruction, which will eliminate the lab-
oratory courses that produced the college’s Northwest
Trail newspaper, known for its aggressive watchdog
coverage of campus news. In both instances, serious
unanswered questions were raised about the veracity
of the institutions’ purported financial motivations,
because of friction with administrators over editorial
content and the apparent selective targeting of journal-
ism for elimination.
In addition to the aforementioned controversy at
Wesleyan University, where an opinion piece critical
of Black Lives Matter published in the campus paper
generated ongoing threats to cut the paper’s fund-
ing, other campus publications have faced threats to
or removal of their funding as a response to cover-
age unflattering to those in authority. In California,
for instance, the University of Redlands stripped the
student newspaper of funding after publication of
an article that included comments critical of a major
donor who endowed a scholarship program.
Retaliation afflicts even some of the best-
known journalism programs long associated with
journalistic excellence, where it might be expected
that administrators would be especially protective
of a valued asset. At the University of Kansas,
editors filed suit in February 2016 after a 50 percent
reduction in student activity-fee support, initiated
by the student government association and ratified
by KU administrators, was acknowledged to have
been motivated at least in part by a desire to punish
unfavorable editorial commentary.
Opportunities for students to disseminate news
over the broadcast airwaves have declined precipi-
tously as well, primarily for economic reasons. Since
the 2007–08 recession, dozens of colleges and univer-
sities have closed or sold their licensed over-the-air
radio stations, including Vanderbilt University, Rice
University, the University of San Francisco, Southeast
Missouri State University, Wellesley College, Texas
Tech University, and Augustana University in South
Dakota (although some of these institutions have
moved their programming to online-streamed Internet
radio). While there is no indication that controversial
news content provoked any of these decisions, the
continued erosion of outlets for journalists to reach a
mass audience does not bode well for the civic health
of campus communities.
13. David Jesse, “Northern’s Student Newspaper Adviser Ousted,”
Detroit Free Press, April 6, 2015, http://www.freep.com/story/news
14. Katherine Schaeffer, “Delta State U. Journalism Program,
Student Newspaper Print Funding Axed,” April 16, 2015,
15. The list of censured institutions can be found at
16. Scott Jaschik, “Why Did U. of Redlands Suspend Its
Student Paper?,” Inside Higher Ed, December 18, 2014,
17. Sara Shepherd, “Kansan Funding Tentatively Reinstated; KU
and Newspaper Indicate Resolution of Lawsuit Is Pending,” Lawrence
Journal-World, May 27, 2016.
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The knowledge that continued financial support for
a journalism program, adviser, or publication may be
contingent on pleasing campus authorities imposes a
chill on the independence of journalistic coverage that
invariably will produce more timid journalism that ill
serves the public interest. Effective campus journalism
requires a source of financial support fully insulated
from content-based judgments by those who are the
subjects of the journalists’ coverage.
C. Denial of Access
The growing tendency of college and university
administrations and their governing boards to conduct
business “behind closed doors” and thwart access
to critical information and documents has extremely
troubling implications for college and university
governance and the academic freedom of the faculty as
well as for the integrity of student media. Even where
student journalists are not directly barred from pub-
lishing unflattering information, image-conscious insti-
tutions may often achieve the same result by choking
off access to information, at times in defiance of state
laws guaranteeing the public, which includes student
media, access to government meetings and documents.
Some especially disturbing recent examples include
the following:
At Louisiana State University, trustees resisted
complying with a state law requiring disclosure
of candidates considered for the presidency of
LSU, refusing to budge even when a trial-court
judge held the board in contempt and threat-
ened to jail its members.
LSU’s recalcitrance is
not an isolated occurrence. Kent State Univer-
sity delayed responding to student journalists’
requests for records of its presidential search
until the documents could be shredded, and
universities elsewhere have similarly obstructed
students’ efforts to cover presidential searches
despite state statutes requiring public access.
Trustees of the University of Michigan routinely
hold closed-door “pre-meeting meetings” at
which all meaningful discussion of agenda items
is conducted, rendering the actual public meet-
ings an empty formality at which all discussion
is perfunctory and all votes are unanimous.
It has become commonplace for colleges and
universities to make requesters wait months for
the fulfillment of even the simplest requests for
public records or simply to ignore the requests
entirely. For example, student journalists at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
report that it is not uncommon to wait two
years or more to receive documents responsive
to open-records requests to their institution.
Many institutions increasingly filter access to
information and to campus decision makers through
public-relations offices. While these offices can serve
a valuable role in facilitating requests for records and
interviews, they obstruct the work of student journal-
ists and do a disservice to the public when they impede
the fulfillment of those requests. Policies requiring
faculty and staff to clear media interactions with a
campus public-relations office create an intimidat-
ing atmosphere that is inimical to the free exchange
of ideas and, at a public institution, impermissibly
restrict employees’ constitutionally protected freedom
of expression. Such policies also pose an inappropriate
obstacle to the work of student journalists.
IV. The Legal Environment
Student journalists and their faculty advisers work in
a gray zone of legal uncertainty. While the Supreme
Court has been generally protective of First Amend-
ment rights at public colleges and universities, the
18. Diana Samuels, “Judge Threatens Imprisonment, Suspension
of LSU Board of Supervisors in Presidential Records Case,” Times-
Picayune, September 9, 2013. The university ultimately released the
names of five finalists under orders from a state appellate court.
19. Carol Biliczky, “Kent State Shredded Documents to Hide
Information about Presidential Search, Committee Members Say,”
Akron Beacon Journal, April 12, 2014. The secrecy surrounding
recruitment and selection of university presidents, which is of concern
well beyond the college newsroom, is discussed in greater detail in
the AAUP’s “Statement on Presidential Searches,” November 3, 2015,
20. See Juliana Keeping, “Lawsuit Related to NCAA Probe
Questions Practice of Closed-Door Meetings at University of
Michigan,” Ann Arbor News, March 7, 2010. At Michigan, Keeping
explains, “monthly public meetings are typically 45 minutes to two
hours long, following a full day of private meetings” at which the
substance of the next day’s votes are discussed. The university has
been sued multiple times over its closed-door meeting practices, and
a case challenging the legality of the regents’ “pre-meeting meetings”
is now pending at the Michigan Supreme Court. See Lori Higgins,
“Free Press May Appeal Decision in Suit against U-M,” Detroit Free
Press, June 11, 2015.
21. The Daily Tar Heel student-run newspaper maintains an online
spreadsheet reflecting the age of its unfulfilled public-records requests
at http://www.dailytarheel.com/page/records-requests.
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justices have never squarely addressed whether college
and university journalists have rights comparable to
those of nonstudent professionals or whether they
have only the minimal rights afforded to high school
journalists under the Court’s 1988 ruling in Hazel-
wood School District v. Kuhlmeier.
In the absence of clear guidance from the Supreme
Court, lower courts have struggled to adapt First
Amendment principles to the unique setting of a col-
lege or university news organization and have reached
unsettlingly disparate results.
Although a handful of
states have clarified and fortified the rights of college
and university journalists by way of state statute, few
extend that enhanced protection to faculty advisers.
While all public employees are at heightened risk of
retaliation as a result of court rulings diminishing
protection for speech in the course of official duties,
media advisers are in special peril because of the
intrinsically adversarial role between watchdog jour-
nalists and government.
The First Amendment protects only against “state
action” by government agents and therefore offers
no relief for those enrolled in or employed by private
institutions. But even at public institutions, federal
courts have not reliably treated campus journalism as
worthy of constitutional protection.
Where state laws protect journalism advisers
against retaliation, wrongfully discharged educators
can meaningfully vindicate their rights. At Chicago
State University, fired student media adviser Gerian
S. Moore won reinstatement after a US District
Court—applying Illinois’s College Campus Press Act,
an antiretaliation statute enacted in 2007—found
that the university removed Moore as punishment for
unflattering coverage in the student-run newspaper,
Illinois, however, is one of only three states,
along with California and Maryland, with statutes
explicitly protecting college and university media
advisers against adverse personnel actions in response
to their students’ journalistic work.
Without statutory protection, advisers have
struggled to convince the courts to entertain retalia-
tion claims. In 2015, First Amendment challenges to
the removal of faculty advisers under circumstances
strongly indicative of content-based retaliation were
brought at Northern Michigan University and at
Iowa’s Muscatine Community College. In both cases,
federal courts accepted uncritically the institutions’
counterarguments that factors other than editorial
content motivated the removals, disregarding sub-
stantial contrary evidence that institutional decision
makers had expressed animus (at Northern Michigan)
over the aggressive use of public-records laws and (at
Muscatine) over coverage of an administrator’s threats
to a student editor in reaction to an unflattering pho-
tograph. The judges’ refusal to grant relief in either
case dramatizes the practically insurmountable burden
that a wrongfully discharged journalism adviser faces
in obtaining vindication through the federal courts.
V. The Need for Greater Safeguards
In the absence of clarification from the Supreme
Court, which there is no reason to expect is imminent,
state law offers the most promising recourse for curb-
ing the worst abuses of student media rights.
State statutes can meaningfully advance the edito-
rial independence of student news media by protecting
the faculty advisers whose vulnerability can inhibit
students from pursuing news of community impor-
tance. Student press rights legislation (sometimes
referred to as “anti-Hazelwood” legislation) modeled
after the New Voices of North Dakota Act, which
was signed into law in 2015, has been proposed in a
22. The case concerned censorship of two articles in the student
newspaper of Hazelwood East High School in Saint Louis County,
Missouri, in 1983. When the school principal removed an article
concerning divorce and another concerning teen pregnancy because
of concerns about privacy and fairness, the student journalists sued,
claiming their First Amendment rights were violated. In a 5–3 decision,
the Supreme Court concluded that readers might “reasonably perceive
[articles in a school-sponsored publication] to bear the imprimatur
of the school” and held that school administrators could exercise
“editorial control over the style and content of student speech in
school-sponsored activities so long as their actions are reasonably
related to legitimate pedagogical concerns.”
23. Compare Kincaid v. Gibson, 412 F.3d 731 (6th Cir. 2001) (en
banc) (student-produced media is a “public forum” entitled to the
highest degree of protection against content-based censorship) with
Hosty v. Carter, 236 F.3d 342 (7th Cir. 2005) (en banc) (suggesting
that Hazelwood is the “starting point” to analyze all claims involving
censorship of student media, even at the postsecondary level).
24. See Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006) (speech
pursuant to official duties is “government speech” receiving no First
Amendment protection). For a thorough account of the implications
of Garcetti for faculty in higher education, see the AAUP’s report
“Protecting an Independent Faculty Voice: Academic Freedom after
Garcetti v. Ceballos,” in Bulletin of the American Association of
University Professors (supplement to Academe), 2010, 67–88,
25. Moore v. Watson, 738 F.Supp.2d 817 (N.D. Ill. 2010) (applying
the Illinois College Campus Press Act, 110 ILCS 13/1 et seq.).
2017 BULLETIN | 33
Threats to the Independence of Student Media
handful of states during 2016, including Maryland,
where a New Voices–based law took effect October
1. The higher education community should lend its
support to the New Voices movement and accept the
consensus of experts in the journalism education field
that the Hazelwood level of institutional control is
irreconcilable with the ethical teaching and practice of
journalism at the postsecondary level.
As the 1967 Joint Statement on Rights and
Freedoms of Students recognized, financial
independence provides significant insulation against
untoward institutional influence over the editorial
process. But it is unrealistic to expect that all student
publications can be self-sustaining through earned
revenue alone, particularly given their history of free
distribution. Like other student-serving educational
and cultural activities, student media deserve funding,
either directly through institutional subsidies or
through student activity fees. Colleges and universities
should also work collaboratively with student media
to diversify sources of funding through foundation
grants and alumni donations just as they would for
other valued programs contributing to the enrichment
of campus life.
Equally important, the oversight of campus-
based media should be structured to prevent those
outside the student editor’s office from overruling
editorial judgments or retaliating for journalistic
choices. Absolute boundaries should separate the
selection of editorial content from the financial and
managerial oversight by campus administrators or
appointed publication boards. (At Northern Michigan
University, for instance, institutional bylaws placed
a board of nonjournalists dominated by a single
university administrator in charge of the “tone”
of the newspaper, which board members took as
an invitation to overrule the newsroom’s judgment
on such matters as whether to file freedom-of-
information requests.
) True editorial independence
requires that news judgments be self-policing
within the workplace and that campus disciplinary
authorities be categorically forbidden from imposing
sanctions based on the decisions made by journalists
in their editorial discretion.
No postsecondary institution should require its
faculty or staff to clear interactions with the student
media through an institutional public-relations office,
nor should campus public-relations offices obstruct
student journalists from gaining direct access to those
in positions of official authority. The community
is entitled to hear directly from campus officials
about how they perform their jobs and wield their
authority—through face-to-face interaction with
journalists, not simply prepared statements. Presidents
and trustees should unequivocally instruct campus
public-relations offices that their obligation is to
facilitate maximum public access to records
and interviews.
Ultimately, ensuring a campus environment
conducive to substantive journalistic coverage requires
a significant cultural readjustment that begins with
those at the topmost levels of higher education. It is
fashionable for colleges and universities to embrace
“civic engagement” as part of their educational
mission, but effective citizen engagement in campus
affairs depends on well-supported news coverage with
meaningful and timely access to information. Few
colleges and universities are “walking the walk” of
civic engagement in their governance of journalism,
and too many are abandoning higher education’s
traditional commitment to free and independent
journalistic voices. n
26. See “Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American
Society of News Editors in Support of Legal Protection for Student
Journalists and Advisers,” August 10, 2016, https://s3.amazonaws
_journalists_and_advisers_2016o.pdf; Society of Professional
Journalists, “Resolution No. 9: Supporting the Need for Legal
Protection for Student Journalists and Advisers,” September 20, 2015,
27. Francis X. Donnelly, “Northern Michigan University, Campus
Paper Face Off,” Detroit News, March 8, 2015.
28. Those offended by the content of student media, in particular
by attempts at humor or satire, have at times assertively invoked the
student conduct system as a means of redress, placing editors in peril
of suspension or expulsion from the institution for judgment calls of
taste. See, for example, Janese Silvey, “Maneater Editors off Hook at
MU,” Columbia Daily Tribune, April 13, 2012; Sam Friedman, “Appeal
Seeks Re-examination of Sexual Harassment Complaints against UAF
Student Newspaper,” Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, November 11, 2013;
and Danielle Jaeding, “UW Superior Student Newspaper under Fire
over April Fools’ Day Edition,” Wisconsin Public Radio, April 16, 2016,
-fools-day-edition. Such grievances should be redressed solely through
the publication’s own grievance system (or, in extreme cases, through
the civil justice system), as would be the case with a professional media
organization. In no event should campus disciplinarians entertain such
claims, which should be summarily dismissed to avoid the chilling effect
of a prolonged adjudication process.