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Academic Programs
Course Descriptions
2022 - 2023
Normandale Community College
9700 France Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55431-4399
Normandale is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
This system is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees appointed by the governor.
Requirements of this catalog are subject to change as a result of state and federal legislation,
policies of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees, and other reasons
deemed necessary by the faculty and administration of Normandale Community College.
The provisions of this catalog are effective from the beginning of Fall Semester 2021 through Summer Session 2022
but are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the college.
The college reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time within the student’s term of enrollment.
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Programs of Study
Associate of Arts (AA) in Liberal Education ................................................ 12.
Accounting Transfer Pathway (AS) .............................................................. 13.
Accounting Certificate ................................................................................. 14.
Anthropology - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ......................................... 15.
Applied Mathematics (AS) ........................................................................... 16.
Field Archaeology Certificate ...................................................................... 17.
Archaeology - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) .......................................... 18.
Art Transfer Pathway (AFA) ......................................................................... 19.
Art - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ......................................................... 21.
Biology Transfer Pathway (AS) .................................................................... 22.
Business: Marketing and Management (AAS) ........................................... 23.
Business Transfer Pathway (AS) ................................................................. 24.
Casino Operations and Management Certificate ....................................... 26.
Chemistry Transfer Pathway (AS) ............................................................... 27.
Communication Studies Transfer Pathway (AA) ......................................... 28.
Community Health Worker Navigator Certificate ....................................... 29.
Computers/Information Management (AAS) ............................................. 30.
Computers/Information Certificate ............................................................ 31.
Computer Science Transfer Pathway (AS) .................................................. 32.
Computer Technology (AAS)........................................................................ 33.
Computer Technology Certificate ............................................................... 35.
Creative Writing (AFA) ................................................................................. 36.
Creative Writing Certificate ......................................................................... 38.
Criminal Justice Transfer Pathway (AS) ...................................................... 39.
Data Analytics (AS) ...................................................................................... 40.
Dental Hygiene (AS) .................................................................................... 41.
Economics Transfer Pathway (AA) .............................................................. 45.
Elementary Education Foundations Transfer Pathway (AS ....................... 47.
Engineering Broad Field (AS) ...................................................................... 48.
English Transfer Pathway (AA) .................................................................... 50.
Exercise Science Transfer Pathway (AS) .................................................... 52.
Exercise Specialist Certificate .................................................................... 53.
Family Studies Certificate ........................................................................... 54.
Food and Beverage Management Certificate ............................................ 55.
Food Science (AS) ....................................................................................... 56.
French - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ................................................... 57.
Geography - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ............................................ 58.
German - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ................................................ 59.
Global Studies Certificate ........................................................................... 60.
Health Science Broad Field (AS) ................................................................ 61.
Healthcare Systems Technology (AAS) ...................................................... 62.
History Transfer Pathway (AA) .................................................................... 63.
Hospitality Management (AAS) ................................................................... 65.
Hotel Marketing and Sales Certificate ....................................................... 66.
Hotel Operations Certificate ....................................................................... 67.
Human Resource Management Certificate ............................................... 68.
Individualized Studies (AS) ......................................................................... 69.
International Experience Certificate .......................................................... 70.
Law Enforcement Transfer Pathway (AS) ................................................... 71.
Law Enforcement Certificate ...................................................................... 72.
Management Certificate ............................................................................. 73.
Marketing Certificate .................................................................................. 74.
Mathematics Transfer Pathway (AA) .......................................................... 75.
Music (AFA) ................................................................................................. 76.
Nursing (AS) ................................................................................................ 77.
Nursing Assistant Certificate ...................................................................... 80.
Philosophy - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ............................................ 81.
Physics - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ................................................. 82.
Political Science Transfer Pathway (AA) ..................................................... 83.
Psychology Transfer Pathway (AA) ............................................................. 85.
Public Health (AS) ....................................................................................... 86.
Religious Studies Certificate ...................................................................... 87.
Small Business Management Certificate .................................................. 88.
Sociology Transfer Pathway (AA) ................................................................ 89.
Spanish Transfer Pathway (AA) .................................................................. 90.
Spanish Certificate ..................................................................................... 91.
Special Education Foundations Transfer Pathway (AS) ............................ 92.
Theatre Performance Transfer Pathway (AFA) ........................................... 94.
Theatre Production and Design Transfer Pathway (AFA) .......................... 96.
Tourism Operations and Management Certificate .................................... 98.
Vacuum and Thin Film Technology (AAS) ................................................... 99.
Vacuum Maintenance Technician Certificate .......................................... 100.
Vacuum Technology Certificate ................................................................ 101.
Women’s Studies - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA) ............................... 102.
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Degrees & Certificates
Normandale’s academic awards include certificates (4-30
credits), Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)
certification (40 credits), and degrees (60 or more credits).
Except for a few of the technical certificates, all awards
require some general education. Minnesota State colleges
define general education in terms of Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) goals. All degrees require that some
number of MnTC goals be completed. Three MnTC goals
must be completed for an Associate of Applied Science
(AAS) degree, 6 goals For the Associate of Science (AS),
and all 10 goals for the Associate of Arts (AA). General
Education credits for the Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)
programs vary.
Certificates will always require the completion of a specific
set of specialized coursework. Except for the AA, all
degrees also have specialized course requirements in the
form of a major and/or emphasis.
The AA degree major is always Liberal Education. It allows
up to 20 elective credits. However, students are
encouraged to complete one of several available
emphases consisting of up to 20 credits of specialized
The AFA, AS, and AAS degrees each have a major that
corresponds to the program of study. The number of credits
required in the majors is 30 credits for the AS, 40 credits
for the AAS and varies for the AFA.
It is often possible to earn one or more certificates on the
way to completing degree requirements. It is also common
for those who already have earned degrees to continue to
earn specialized certificates throughout their careers.
Associate of Arts (AA)
The Associate of Arts degree (AA) is intended primarily for
students who plan to transfer to another college to
complete a bachelor’s degree. The AA degree is a
generalist liberal arts degree. Many students choose to
concentrate in a particular field of study as preparation for
a planned major at a four-year college or university.
Students may choose to follow one of the emphases or
develop an individual plan within the general AA degree.
Both options are designed to identify the appropriate core
of courses for transfer in a student’s major to their chosen
four-year college or university. At least 40 of the 60 credits
must be taken within the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
(MnTC). Students are strongly encouraged to develop an
educational plan in consultation with a Normandale
counselor or academic advisor to assure that degree
requirements are fulfilled.
Associate of Arts with Emphasis
Each of the emphasis areas of the AA degree is designed to
provide students with a listing of the core courses needed
in preparation for transfer within that major. Earning an AA
degree with an emphasis allows students to deepen their
breadth of knowledge in a particular subject area while
more thoroughly preparing them for the major at
corresponding baccalaureate programs at several public
and private four-year colleges and universities. To earn the
AA with Emphasis, students need to complete all
requirements for a general AA degree, including the
specific requirements of their chosen emphasis. Courses
within specific emphases may satisfy either elective or
MnTC requirements. Students satisfying graduation
requirements for the degree will have the AA degree and
the appropriate emphasis documented on their academic
transcript. Careful planning with a counselor or academic
advisor is strongly advised to tailor any of the emphasis
areas to meet the requirements of the student’s chosen
four-year college or university.
Associate of Science (AS)
The Associate of Science degree (AS) is intended for those
students who wish to balance liberal arts education with
career-oriented classes. The primary purpose of the degree
is to provide the credentials for a specific career and to
prepare graduates for admission to a four-year college or
university. Credit and course requirements are unique for
each program. Refer to the curriculum requirements listed
in the Programs and Majors section of this catalog for
specific requirements of each AS degree program.
Approximately one-half of the course work consists of
liberal arts or general education credits, and one-half
include career-oriented courses. The extent to which
credits transfer to a four-year college varies with the
specific program completed and the subsequent major
selected. Specific transfer agreements exist with selected
four-year colleges for each AS program; check with a
counselor or academic advisor.
Programs of Study
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Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
The Associate of Applied Science degree (AAS) is intended
for Associate of Applied Science degree (AAS) is intended
for those students who plan to use the competence gained
through their degree for immediate employment. The AAS
degree is granted in a specific major, and typically at least
one-half of the course work is in the program area,
approximately one-third is in general education and liberal
arts, and the balance of credits are either in the program
area or general education depending on the specific major
chosen. The AAS degree is not designed to transfer to a
four-year college. However, the general education and
liberal arts courses typically do transfer and some of the
career-oriented courses also may transfer to specific
majors at selected schools. Students are encouraged to
consult with a Normandale counselor or academic advisor
for information about transferring credits to other colleges
and universities.
Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)
The Associate of Fine Arts degree (AFA) is a two-year
degree for students who will eventually transfer and pursue
a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and also for students
interested in entering the job market. Students take 30
credits in general requirements and 30 credits in fine art.
Courses in music, art or theatre may transfer in part or in
entirety to baccalaureate institutions. In order to plan a
program, students should consult with a counselor or
academic advisor.
Minnesota State Transfer Pathway Degrees
Through Transfer Pathways, students enrolled at a
Minnesota State College will be able to select from more
than 30 fields that will prepare them to complete related
bachelor’s degrees at any Minnesota State university
offering a degree in that field. Students who complete the
transfer degree will be guaranteed junior status upon
admission to the university. The student will still need to
meet any special admission requirement for the major. The
bachelor’s degree will be completed in 60 additional
Concentrated programs of study are available in certain
areas as certificates. Certificates are awarded to students
upon completion of a specific career program with a GPA of
at least 2.00. The programs are designed for those
students who wish to develop vocational skills for entry-
level employment in specific career areas.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements are formal agreements between
two or more colleges and/or universities to accept credits
in transfer toward a specific academic program.
Normandale Community College participates in articulation
agreements with a number of public and private colleges
and universities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The
agreements Normandale has entered with Minnesota State
institutions are available at www.mntransfer.org. Visit an
advisor or counselor or the Nath Advising Center for
information about articulation agreements with non-
Minnesota State system institutions.
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Course #
Course Title
ENGC 1101
College Writing
Communication - 1 course
COMM 1100
Introduction to
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
COMM 1111
COMM 1121
Small Group
Met by completing all 40 credits of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Select 2 courses from a minimum of 2 departments: 1
must include a laboratory experience (lab courses
identified with an *)
Course #
BIOL 1100*
BIOL 1101*
BIOL 1102*
BIOL 1103*
3, 8
BIOL 1104*
3, 10
BIOL 1110
3, 10
BIOL 1120
BIOL 1125
3, 7
BIOL 1501*
BIOL 1502*
BIOL 2042*
BIOL 2043*
Course #
Course Title
BIOL 2202*
Animal Diversity
BIOL 2203*
BIOL 2205*
BIOL 2206*
3, 10
BIOL 2207*
Cell Biology
BIOL 2208*
Biology of
CHEM 1001*
Real World Chemistry
and Lab
CHEM 1010*
Environmental Chemistry
3, 10
CHEM 1020*
Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 1050*
Foundations of Organic
and Biochemistry
CHEM 1061*
Principles of Chemistry 1
CHEM 1062*
Principles of Chemistry 2
CHEM 2061*
Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 2062*
Organic Chemistry 2
GEOG 1101*
Earth’s Natural
Climate Change: Science,
Human Impacts and
3, 8
GEOG 1172*
Introductory Meteorology
3, 10
GEOL 1050*
Earth History
3, 9
GEOL 1101*
The Dynamic Earth
3, 10
GEOL 1110
Environmental Geology
3, 10
Environmental Geology +
Environmental Geology
3, 10
GEOL 1120
3, 10
GEOL 1130
Climate Change: Science,
Human Impacts and
3, 8
PHYS 1001
Energy, Climate & Physics
in Society
3, 9
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is the result of a collaborative effort by all of the two- and four-year public
colleges and universities in Minnesota to define a common philosophy toward general education. The goal of this effort is
to help students transfer their work in general education. Completion of a defined transfer curriculum at one institution
enables a student to receive credit for all lower-division general education upon admission to any other Minnesota State
To complete the MnTC, students must satisfy the requirements of each of the 10 Goal Areas with a minimum of 40
credits. (Note that some courses satisfy more than one goal, but the number of credits for those courses will only be
counted once.) Students must earn a minimum of a cumulative 2.0 GPA on the MnTC courses.
Visit http://www.mntransfer.org/students/plan/s_mntc.php for details about the goal competencies of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
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Course #
3, 9
PHYS 1050*
PHYS 1104
PHYS 1110*
PHYS 1111*
PHYS 1114*
PHYS 1121*
PHYS 1122*
PHYS 1201*
PHYS 1202*
PHYS 2250
Course #
Course Title
CSCI 2011
Discrete Structures of
Computer Science
MATH 1020
Math Trek: Math for
Liberal Arts
MATH 1055
Elements of Mathematics
MATH 1065
Elements of Mathematics
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics:
MATH 1100
College Algebra
MATH 1150
MATH 1200
Finite Mathematics
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
MATH 1500
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
MATH 2011
Discrete Structures of
Computer Science
MATH 2080
Statistical Modeling
MATH 2400
Probability and Statistics
with Calculus
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable
Course #
Course Title
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential
Equations with Linear
MATH 2700
Foundations of
Mathematics and Logic:
Writing Intensive
PHIL 1102
Select 2 courses from a minimum of 2 departments
Course #
Course Title
ANTH 1100
Introduction to
Anthropology- What it
Means to be Human
5, 8
ANTH 1101
Cultural Diversity
5, 8
ANTH 1120
Introduction to Women’s
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
ANTH 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology-The
Global Human Experience
5, 8
ANTH 1145
Introduction to Forensic
5, 7
ANTH 1148
Seeing Culture Through
Film and Fieldwork
5, 8
ANTH 1150
Native American Voices
5, 7
ANTH 1188
Magic, Witchcraft and
Religion: The Anthropology
of Religion
5, 8
ANTH 1210
Human Evolution-An
Introduction to Bio-
5, 10
ANTH 1230
Archaeology-Prehistory and
Humanity's Cultural Origins
5, 10
ANTH 1235
Field Archaeology-Methods
of Exploring the Past
5, 9
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota-
Prehistoric Native Cultures
5, 10
ANTH 1899
Medical Anthropology:
Health, Illness and Healing
Across Cultures
5, 8
ANTH 2126
Introduction to Field
COMM 1106
Mass Media
5, 9
COMM 2111
Family Communication
ECON 1200
Consumer Economics
5, 9
ECON 1400
Survey of Economics
5, 9
ECON 2201
Principles of
5, 9
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Course #
Course Title
ECON 2202
Principles of
5, 8
GEOG 1050
Introduction to Maps and
5, 8
GEOG 1102
Human Geography
5, 8
GEOG 1104
Resources, Society and
5, 10
GEOG 1121
World Regional Geography
5, 8
GEOG 1123
Geography of Minnesota
5, 10
GEOG 1124
Geography of Latin America
5, 8
HIST 1101
History of World Civilizations
5, 8
HIST 1102
History of World Civilizations 2
5, 8
HIST 1111
United States History 1
5, 7
HIST 1112
United States History 2
5, 7
HIST 1131
Family: Sex/Gender/Power:
A Cross-Cultural, Historical
5, 8
HIST 1133
Minnesota History
5, 10
HIST 2101
History of East Asia
5, 8
HIST 2102
Latin American History-Pre-
Conquest to the Present
5, 8
HIST 2111
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender U.S. History
5, 7
HIST 2201
World in the Era of the
World Wars
5, 8
POLS 1130
Introduction to U.S. Politics
5, 9
POLS 1132
Introduction to Comparative
5, 8
POLS 1133
Middle East Politics
5, 8
POLS 1135
Introduction to Political
5, 9
POLS 1150
Introduction to World
Politics and Globalization
5, 8
POLS 1152
Model United Nations
5, 7
POLS 1195
Conflict and Negotiation
5, 7
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
5, 9
PSYC 1100
Psychology in Modern Life
PSYC 1109
Child and Adolescent
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1140
Psychology of Gender
5, 7
PSYC 1220
Psychology of Adulthood
and Aging
5, 7
PSYC 2100
Statistics for the Behavioral
PSYC 2200
Abnormal Psychology
5, 7
PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology:
Life Span
5, 7
PSYC 2300
Psychology of Personality
Course #
Course Title
PSYC 2400
Psychology of Religion and
5, 7
PSYC 2500
PSYC 2600
Introduction to Social
5, 7
SOC 1100
Modern US Society:
Everyday Life in the United
States of America
5, 7
SOC 1102
Love, Sex and Family
5, 7
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 1106
Social Problems in a
Changing World
5, 8
SOC 1109
Wealth and Poverty
5, 7
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and
Gender Roles
5, 7
SOC 1116
Popular Culture and Media
5, 9
SOC 1120
Introduction to Women’s
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
SOC 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
SOC 2108
Social Psychology
5, 7
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
5, 7
SOC 2112
SOC 2114
Families in Crisis
5, 7
SOC 2125
Social Deviance
5, 9
WMST 1120
Introduction to Women's
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
Select 2 courses from a minimum of 2 departments
Course #
Course Title
ART 1101
The Visual Arts
6, 8
ART 1102
Foundation Art History 1
6, 8
ART 1103
Foundation Art History 2
6, 8
ART 1104
Contemporary Art Survey
6, 8
ART 1105
Non-Western Art Survey
6, 8
ART 1109
Exploring Photography
ART 1110
Introduction to Black and
White Photography
ART 1113
Video Art
ART 1114
Introduction to Digital
ART 1115
2D Animation and
ART 1116
Introduction to Graphic
ART 1118
Foundation Two-
Dimensional Design
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Course #
Course Title
ART 1120
Foundation Three-
Dimensional Design
ART 1121
Foundation Drawing 1
ART 1122
Foundation of Digital
ART 1123
Introduction to Sculpture
ART 1124
Introduction to Ceramics:
ART 1125
Glass Fusing 1
ART 1126
Introduction to
Printmaking: Screenprint
ART 1127
Introduction to Painting
ART 1128
Watercolor Painting
ART 1129
Introduction to
ART 1130
Introduction to Ceramics:
Wheel Throwing
ART 1132
Mixed Media
ART 2201
Figure Drawing
ART 2203
Advanced Ceramics:
ART 2204
Foundation Drawing 2
ART 2206
Glass Fusing 2
ART 2207
Advanced Photography
ART 2208
Advanced Painting
CHIN 1111
Chinese Culture and
6, 8
CHIN 2100
Intermediate Chinese 1
6, 8
CHIN 2200
Intermediate Chinese 2
6, 8
COMM 1151
ENGL 1000
Introduction to Literature
ENGL 1120
Graphic Novels
ENGL 1130
Literature of Diversity
6, 7
ENGL 1140
Gender and Literature
ENGL 1170
Modern World Literature
6, 8
ENGL 1175
Myths and Legends
6, 8
ENGL 1186
Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 1188
Introduction to Short
ENGL 1189
Introduction to the Novel
ENGL 2060
Children's and Young Adult
ENGL 2120
ENGL 2125
The Novels of Jane Austen
ENGL 2127
Sherlock Holmes and the
Victorian Age
ENGL 2130
African American
6, 7
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
6, 7
ENGL 2150
American Literature 1
6, 9
Course #
Course Title
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
6, 9
ENGL 2160
British Writers 1
ENGL 2161
British Writers 2
ENGL 2174
African Literature
6, 8
ENGW 1111
Introduction to Creative
ENGW 2112
Poetry Writing
ENGW 2113
Fiction Writing
ENGW 2114
Play and Screen Writing
ENGW 2115
FREN 1111
French Culture and
6, 8
FREN 2100
Intermediate French 1
6, 8
FREN 2200
Intermediate French 2
6, 8
GERM 1111
German Culture and
6, 8
GERM 2100
Intermediate German 1
6, 8
GERM 2200
Intermediate German 2
6, 8
JAPN 1111
Japanese Culture and
6, 8
JAPN 2100
Intermediate Japanese 1
6, 8
JAPN 2200
Intermediate Japanese 2
6, 8
MUSC 1120
Fundamentals of Music
MUSC 1121
Introduction to World
6, 8
MUSC 1122
Introduction to Music
MUSC 1123
Jazz History
6, 7
MUSC 1124
Rock and Roll History
6, 7
MUSC 1131
Music Theory 1
MUSC 1132
Music Theory 2
MUSC 2231
Music Theory 3
MUSC 2232
Music Theory 4
MUSC 2245
Music History 1
6, 8
MUSC 2246
Music History 2
6, 8
PHIL 1101
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1103
6, 9
PHIL 1105
Philosophy of Religion
6, 8
PHIL 1150
Introduction to World
6, 8
PHIL 1160
Philosophy of Art
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
6, 9
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
6, 9
PHIL 1190
Ethics for the Digital Age
6, 9
SMLI 1111
Somali Culture and
6, 8
SMLI 2100
Intermediate Somali 1
6, 8
SMLI 2200
Intermediate Somali 2
6, 8
SPAN 1111
Spanish Culture and
6, 8
| 9
Course #
Course Title
SPAN 2100
Intermediate Spanish 1
6, 8
SPAN 2200
Intermediate Spanish 2
6, 8
THTR 1111
Introduction to Cinema
6, 7
THTR 1116
Introduction to Theatre
THTR 1117
Introduction to Television
and Digital Media
6, 7
THTR 1118
Theatre in the Twin Cities
6, 7
THTR 1118
Theatre in the Twin Cities
6, 7
THTR 1125
Drawing and Rendering
THTR 1130
Introduction to Stage
THTR 1140
Introduction to Stagecraft
THTR 1145
Lighting and Sound
THTR 1151
Acting 1
THTR 2020
Basic Design for the Stage
THTR 2111
World Cinema
6, 8
THTR 2150
Script Analysis
THTR 2151
Acting 2
THTR 2160
Audition Techniques
THTR 2520
Stage Management
THTR 2550
Directing 1
Course #
Course Title
ANTH 1145
Introduction to Forensic
5, 7
ANTH 1150
Native American Voices
5, 7
BIOL 1125
Sex and Human Diversity
3, 7
COMM 1131
7, 8
COMM 1141
Nonverbal Communication
ENGL 1130
Literature of Diversity
6, 7
ENGL 2130
African American
6, 7
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
6, 7
GEOG 1125
Geography of the US and
7, 10
GEOG 1170
7, 9
HIST 1111
United States History 1
5, 7
HIST 1112
United States History 2
5, 7
HIST 2111
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Transgender U.S.
5, 7
MUSC 1123
Jazz History
6, 7
MUSC 1124
Rock and Roll History
6, 7
POLS 1195
Conflict and Negotiation
5, 7
PSYC 1108
Psychology of Death and
7, 9
Course #
Course Title
PSYC 1140
Psychology of Gender
5, 7
PSYC 1220
Psychology of Adulthood
and Aging
5, 7
PSYC 1220
Psychology of Adulthood
and Aging
5, 7
PSYC 2200
Abnormal Psychology
5, 7
PSYC 2210
Psychology: Life Span
5, 7
PSYC 2400
Psychology of Religion and
5, 7
PSYC 2600
Introduction to Social
5, 7
SOC 1100
Modern US Society:
Everyday Life in the United
States of America
5, 7
SOC 1102
Love, Sex and Family
5, 7
SOC 1103
Social Change in Action
and Service Learning
7, 9
SOC 1109
Wealth and Poverty
5, 7
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and
Gender Roles
5, 7
SOC 2108
Social Psychology
5, 7
SOC 2110
American Minority
5, 7
SOC 2114
Families in Crisis
5, 7
THTR 1111
Introduction to Cinema
6, 7
THTR 1117
Introduction to Television
and Digital Media
6, 7
THTR 1118
Theatre in the Twin Cities
6, 7
Course #
Course Title
ANTH 1100
Introduction to
Anthropology- What it
Means to be Human
5, 8
ANTH 1101
Cultural Diversity
5, 8
ANTH 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology-The
Global Human Experience
5, 8
ANTH 1148
Seeing Culture Through
Film and Fieldwork
5, 8
ANTH 1188
Magic, Witchcraft and
Religion: The Anthropology
of Religion
5, 8
ANTH 1899
Medical Anthropology:
Health, Illness and Healing
Across Cultures
5, 8
ART 1101
The Visual Arts
6, 8
ART 1102
Foundation Art History 1
6, 8
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Course #
Course Title
ART 1103
Foundation Art History 2
6, 8
ART 1104
Contemporary Art Survey
6, 8
ART 1105
Non-Western Art Survey
6, 8
BIOL 1103*
Introduction to Emerging
3, 8
CHIN 1100
Beginning Chinese 1
CHIN 1111
Chinese Culture and
6, 8
CHIN 1200
Beginning Chinese 2
CHIN 2100
Intermediate Chinese 1
6, 8
CHIN 2200
Intermediate Chinese 2
6, 8
COMM 1131
7, 8
ECON 2202
Principles of
5, 8
ENGL 1170
Modern World Literature
6, 8
ENGL 1175
Myths and Legends
6, 8
ENGL 2174
African Literature
6, 8
FREN 1100
Beginning French 1
FREN 1111
French Culture and
6, 8
FREN 1200
Beginning French 2
FREN 2100
Intermediate French 1
6, 8
FREN 2200
Intermediate French 2
6, 8
GEOG 1050
Introduction to Maps &
5, 8
GEOG 1102
Human Geography
5, 8
GEOG 1121
World Regional Geography
5, 8
GEOG 1124
Geography of Latin
5, 8
GEOG 1130
Climate Change: Science,
Human Impacts and
GEOL 1130
Climate Change: Science,
Human Impacts and
GERM 1100
Beginning German 1
GERM 1111
German Culture and
6, 8
GERM 1200
Beginning German 2
GERM 2100
Intermediate German 1
6, 8
GERM 2200
Intermediate German 2
6, 8
HIST 1101
History of World
Civilizations 1
5, 8
HIST 1102
History of World
Civilizations 2
5, 8
HIST 1131
Sex/Gender/Power: A
Cross-Cultural, Historical
5, 8
Course #
Course Title
HIST 2101
History of East Asia
5, 8
HIST 2102
Latin American History-Pre-
Conquest to the Present
5, 8
HIST 2201
World in the Era of the
World Wars
5, 8
JAPN 1100
Beginning Japanese 1
JAPN 1111
Japanese Culture and
6, 8
JAPN 1200
Beginning Japanese 2
JAPN 2100
Intermediate Japanese 1
6, 8
JAPN 2200
Intermediate Japanese 2
6, 8
MUSC 1121
Introduction to World Music
6, 8
MUSC 2245
Music History 1
6, 8
MUSC 2246
Music History 2
6, 8
PHIL 1105
Philosophy of Religion
6, 8
PHIL 1150
Introduction to World
6, 8
POLS 1132
Introduction to
Comparative Politics
5, 8
POLS 1133
Middle East Politics
5, 8
POLS 1150
Introduction to World
Politics and Globalization
5, 8
SMLI 1100
Beginning Somali 1
SMLI 1111
Somali Culture and
6, 8
SMLI 1200
Beginning Somali 2
SMLI 2100
Intermediate Somali 1
SMLI 2200
Intermediate Somali 2
SOC 1101
Cultural Diversity
5, 8
SOC 1106
Social Problems in a
Changing World
5, 8
SOC 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
SPAN 1100
Beginning Spanish 1
SPAN 1111
Spanish Culture and
6, 8
SPAN 1200
Beginning Spanish 2
SPAN 2100
Intermediate Spanish 1
6, 8
SPAN 2200
Intermediate Spanish 2
6, 8
THTR 2111
World Cinema
6, 8
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures
5, 8
Course #
Course Title
ANTH 1120
Introduction to Women's
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
ANTH 1235
Field Archaeology-Methods
of Exploring the Past
5, 9
COMM 1106
Mass Media
5, 9
| 11
Course #
Course Title
COMM 1113
Strategic Communication:
Advertising and Public
ECON 1100
Personal Finance
ECON 1200
Consumer Economics
5, 9
ECON 1400
Survey of Economics
5, 9
ECON 2201
Principles of
5, 9
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical
ENGL 2150
American Literature 1
6, 9
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
6, 9
GEOG 1170
7, 9
GEOL 1050*
Earth History
3, 9
INDS 1600
Leadership Development
PHIL 1103
6, 9
PHIL 1140
Environmental Ethics
9, 10
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
6, 9
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
6, 9
PHIL 1190
Ethics for the Digital Age
6, 9
PHYS 1001
Energy, Climate & Physics in
3, 9
Energy, Climate & Physics in
Society + Energy, Climate &
Physics in Society Lab
3, 9
POLS 1130
Introduction to U.S. Politics
5, 9
POLS 1135
Introduction to Political
5, 9
POLS 1152
Model United Nations
5, 9
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
5, 9
PSYC 1108
Psychology of Death and
7, 9
SOC 1103
Social Change in Action and
Service Learning
7, 9
SOC 1116
Popular Culture and Media
5, 9
SOC 1120
Introduction to Women's
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
SOC 2125
Social Deviance
5, 9
SOC 2130
Introduction to Criminal
WMST 1120
Introduction to Women's
Studies and Gender Studies
5, 9
Course #
Course Title
ANTH 1210
Human Evolution-An
Introduction to Bio-
5, 10
ANTH 1230
and Humanity's Cultural
5, 10
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota-
Prehistoric Native
5, 10
BIOL 1104*
MN Natural History and
Field Biology
3, 10
BIOL 1110
Environmental Biology
3, 10
BIOL 2206*
3, 10
CHEM 1010*
Environmental Chemistry
3, 10
GEOG 1101*
Earth’s Natural
3, 10
GEOG 1104
Resources, Society and
5, 10
GEOG 1123
Geography of Minnesota
5, 10
GEOG 1125
Geography of the US and
7, 10
GEOG 1172*
Introductory Meteorology
3, 10
GEOL 1101*
The Dynamic Earth
3, 10
GEOL 1110
Environmental Geology
3, 10
Environmental Geology +
Environmental Geology
3, 10
GEOL 1120
3, 10
HIST 1133
Minnesota History
5, 10
PHIL 1140
Environmental Ethics
9, 10
| 12
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC course listing.
ENGC 1101
COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
Course #1 _______________
Course #2 _______________
Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 _______________
Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 _______________
Course #2 _______________
Course _______________
Course _______________
Course _______________
Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Associate of Arts (AA) in Liberal Education
60 Credits
This degree is intended to satisfy the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program. Transferability of courses from
Normandale Community College to other higher education systems in Minnesota is enhanced by transfer agreements that
are in place. For assistance in program planning, or to explore additional transfer options, students should schedule a time
to meet with an academic advisor or counselor.
| 13
Core Courses 30 Credits
ACCT 1052
Computerized Accounting
2 cr
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ACCT 2252
Managerial Accounting
4 cr
ACCT 2254
Introduction to Management
Information Systems
4 cr
ACCT 2853
Federal Individual Income Tax
4 cr
BUSN 1201
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
3 cr
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
3 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
Additional Required Courses 30 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
or any higher numbered MATH
course for which MATH 1100 is a
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
One course from MnTC Goal 3 (with traditional lab) 4 cr
Complete additional MnTC courses to reach 30 credits 5 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Following degree completion, successful transfer to
Minnesota State universities includes meeting the admission
requirements for those individual universities and their related
academic program.
The Accounting Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated accounting bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to
one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
Students transferring to non-system universities are advised to consult with their intended transfer institution to determine
transferability of the courses in this curriculum.
Accounting Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
| 14
Required Courses 17 Credits
ACCT 1052
Computerized Accounting
2 cr
Federal Individual Income Tax
4 cr
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ACCT 2252
Managerial Accounting
4 cr
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Accounting Certificate
17 Credits
The Accounting Certificate is designed for working adults who need to acquire additional technical accounting skills. The
Accounting Certificate offers core accounting courses that prepare students for entry-level accounting jobs.
The Financial Accounting course emphasizes recording business transactions and providing reports to users. The Managerial
Accounting course deals with gathering vital information for managers to use in operating the business. Federal Individual
Income Tax trains students to prepare a basic tax return. The Computerized Accounting and Information Technology
Concepts/Business Software I courses provide experience with industry software that streamlines the accounting process.
Students transferring to non-system universities are advised to consult with their intended transfer institution to determine
transferability of the courses in this curriculum.
| 15
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology - The Global
Human Experience
3 cr
ANTH 1210
Human Evolution - An Introduction to
4 cr
ANTH 1230
Archaeology - Prehistory and
Humanity's Cultural Origins
4 cr
Complete at least
of the following nine courses:
Cultural Diversity
3 cr
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures
3 cr
ANTH 1145
Introduction to Forensic
3 cr
ANTH 1148
Seeing Culture Through Film and
3 cr
ANTH 1150
Native American Voices
3 cr
ANTH 1188
Magic, Witchcraft and Religion: The
Anthropology of Religion
3 cr
ANTH 1235
Field Archeology - Methods of
Exploring the Past
3 cr
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota -
Prehistoric Native Cultures
3 cr
ANTH 1899
Medical Anthropology: Health,
Illness and Healing Across Cultures
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by required ANTH courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking ANTH 1145 or 1150)
□ Course met by taking required ANTH courses
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking ANTH 1235)
Course met by taking required ANTH courses
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Anthropology Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
The Anthropology Department explores human nature and culture very broadly and comparatively. Our courses foster a bio-
cultural understanding of humans from materially simple to complex cultures from the distant past to the present.
The Associate of Arts degree with Emphasis in Anthropology provides a solid foundation for an undergraduate major or for
study in related disciplines as well as powerful tools for making one’s way in a changing world.
| 16
Required Courses 37 Credits
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1500
5 cr
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
5 cr
MATH 2400
Probability and Statistics with
4 cr
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable
5 cr
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential
Equations with Linear Algebra
5 cr
Additional Required Courses 23 Credits
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
□ ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and
5 cr
Complete one of the following three courses
□ COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
□ COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
□ COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
□ One course from MnTC Goal 3 (Choose a non-
PHYS course) 3-5 cr
□ Complete additional MnTC courses to satisfy 3 of
the following MnTC goals: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
(Students should check with their transfer institution
for specific requirements.) 6-8 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Applied Mathematics (AS)
60 Credits
This degree will provide the student with a sound foundation in courses which are commonly the core of baccalaureate
programs in applied mathematics, and will enable the student to transfer to the Bachelor in Applied Mathematics degree
program at Metropolitan State University.
| 17
Required Courses 18 Credits
ANTH 1100
Introduction to Anthropology
-What it Means to be Human
4 cr
ANTH 1230
Archaeology - Prehistory and
Humanity's Cultural Origins
4 cr
ANTH 1235
Field Archeology - Methods
of Exploring the Past
3 cr
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota -
Prehistoric Native Cultures
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
GEOL 1110/
Environmental Geology
And Laboratory
3 cr
1 cr
□ GEOL 1101
The Dynamic Earth
4 cr
□ GEOG 1101
Earth's Natural Environments
4 cr
Note: GEOL 1110 must be taken with its lab GEOL 1111 for a
total of 4 credits.
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Field Archaeology Certificate
18 Credits
Archaeology explores the vanished cultures of the past through recovery and scientific analysis of physical evidence found at ancient
sites. Our courses foster a bio-cultural understanding of societies, from materially simple to complex cultures and from the distant
past to historical times. The Certificate in Field Archaeology provides a solid foundation in archaeology and it introduces the tools
and hands-on skills for participation in field research and cultural resource management.
| 18
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
ANTH 1100
Introduction to Anthropology -What it
Means to be Human
4 cr
ANTH 1230
Archaeology - Prehistory and
Humanity's Cultural Origins
4 cr
ANTH 1235
Field Archeology - Methods of
Exploring the Past
3 cr
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota -
Prehistoric Native Cultures
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
GEOL 1110/
Environmental Geology
And Laboratory
3 cr
1 cr
□ GEOL 1101
The Dynamic Earth
4 cr
□ GEOG 1101
Earth's Natural Environments
4 cr
Note: GEOL 1110 must be taken with its lab GEOL 1111 for a
total of 4 credits.
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
Course #1 met by taking required GEOL or
GEOG course
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 met by taking required ANTH courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required ANTH courses
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking ANTH 1127)
Course met by taking required ANTH courses
Course met by taking required ANTH courses
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Archaeology Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Archaeology explores the vanished cultures of the past through recovery and scientific analysis of physical evidence found at
ancient sites. Our courses foster a bio-cultural understanding of societies; from the materially simple to complex cultures, and
from the distant past to historic times.
The Associate of Arts with Emphasis in Archaeology provides a solid foundation for an undergraduate major or for study in related
disciplines, and it introduces tools and hands-on skills for participating in field research and cultural resource management.
| 19
Core Courses 40 Credits
ART 1102
Foundation Art History 1
3 cr
ART 1103
Foundation Art History 2
3 cr
ART 1121
Foundation Drawing 1
3 cr
ART 1118
Foundation Two-Dimensional
3 cr
ART 1120
Foundation Three-Dimensional
3 cr
ART 1122
Foundation Digital Imaging
3 cr
ART 2200
AFA in Art Capstone: Portfolio
and Professional Practices
3 cr
ART 2210
AFA in Art Capstone: Exhibition
1 cr
ART 2200: Complete ART 2200 Portfolio and Professional
Practices (grade C or higher) after completing ART 1121,
ART 1118, ART 1122.
ART 2210: Complete ART 2210 AFA in Art Capstone:
Exhibition (grade C or higher) after completing ART 2200
and 10 or fewer ART credits remaining to complete degree.
Complete four courses, including a minimum of one course
from each of the following categories:
Two-dimensional courses:
ART 1110
Introduction to Film
3 cr
ART 1114
Introduction to Digital
3 cr
ART 1116
Introduction to Graphic Design
3 cr
ART 1126
Introduction to Printmaking:
3 cr
ART 1127
Introduction to Painting
3 cr
ART 1129
Introduction to Printmaking:
3 cr
ART 2204
Foundation Drawing 2
3 cr
Three-dimensional courses:
ART 1123
Introduction to Sculpture
3 cr
ART 1124
Introduction to Ceramics:
3 cr
ART 1130
Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel
3 cr
Complete remaining required electives (6 credits) from above
(two-dimensional or three-dimensional) or from the following:
ART 1113
Video Art
3 cr
ART 1115
2D Animation and Interactivity
3 cr
ART 1125
Glass Fusing 1
3 cr
ART 1128
Watercolor Painting
3 cr
ART 1132
Mixed Media
3 cr
ART 2201
Figure Drawing
3 cr
ART 2206
Glass Fusing 2
3 cr
ART 2207
Advanced Photography
3 cr
ART 2208
Advanced Painting
3 cr
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
□ ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following courses:
□ COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
□ COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
□ COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
□ COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete a minimum of 13 credits from three of the 13 cr
following MnTC Goal Areas: 3, 5, 7, 9, or 10.
Art Transfer Pathway (AFA)
60 Credits
The Art Transfer Pathway AFA (Associate of Fine Arts in Art) is a pre-professional degree intended for students transferring to a
four-year program or those with a strong interest in visual art. The AFA in Art is designed to encourage students to focus their
coursework to achieve an associate degree that distinguishes their accomplishments in art.
The Art Transfer Pathway AFA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Fine Arts degree
with course credits that directly transfer to designated art bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
*The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the
seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate
degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
*Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
| 20
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
3.0 in ART courses.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Admission to the Program is a Two-Step Process:
Application and Portfolio: Complete and submit the AFA in Art
application form below and a digital portfolio of artwork (4
pieces) to the AFA in Art Coordinator, Brian Mack
([email protected] / F2245 / 952-358-8592). The
AFA in Art application can be found at the AFA & AA in Art
Major’s bulletin board or online at www.normandale.edu/art-
Use the Preparation of a Portfolio on page 2 for specific
requirements for submitting a digital portfolio of artwork.
Completed application and artwork will be reviewed by Art
Department faculty.
Interview with AFA in Art Coordinator: After the application is
reviewed, the AFA coordinator will schedule an interview to
discuss the application and review the degree requirements.
Art Transfer Pathway (AFA), continued
60 Credits
| 21
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
ART 1102
Foundation Art History 1
3 cr
ART 1103
Foundation Art History 2
3 cr
ART 1118
Foundation Two-Dimensional
3 cr
ART 1120
Foundation Three-Dimensional
3 cr
ART 1121
Foundation Drawing 1
3 cr
Complete at least 2 additional art courses for 6 credits total,
excluding ART 1101 The Visual Arts:
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC course listings.
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 met by taking required ART courses
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
Course met by taking required ART courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered
1000 and above, if needed to complete the 60-credit
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Art Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
The Associate of Arts (AA) with Emphasis in Art is a liberal education degree with a concentration in visual art courses. It is
intended for transfer to a BA four-year program. Students seeking an Associate of Arts (AA) degree with Emphasis in Art must
successfully complete the AA requirements and the specific Art Emphasis requirements. This degree is designed for students
who seek a general liberal arts degree with an art emphasis. The degree provides a sound art history and art studio foundation
and satisfies the complete MnTC.
| 22
Core Courses 17 Credits
Each of the following courses must be completed with a grade
of C or higher:
BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
5 cr
BIOL 1502
Principles of Biology 2
4 cr
BIOL 2205
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
BIOL 2206
4 cr
BIOL 2207
Cell Biology
4 cr
BIOL 2208
Biology of Microorganisms
4 cr
Additional Required Courses 43 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
CHEM 1062
Principles of Chemistry 2
5 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
Complete two of the following four (or higher level) courses
depending on specific major track and transfer university:
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
MATH 1150
4 cr
MATH 1500
5 cr
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 5 3-4 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6 3-5 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 7, 8, 9 or 10 3-5 cr
With careful planning, courses used to satisfy Goals
5 and 6 may also be counted for Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10.
Complete additional courses to reach 60 credits total.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Biology Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
The Biology Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated biology bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
* The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of
the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
*Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University
| 23
Core Courses 40 Credits
BUSN 1201/
CIM 1201
Information Technology Concepts
and Business Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 2096
Internship in Business
2-4 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
3 cr
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
3 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
□ ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
□ ACCT 2252
Managerial Accounting
4 cr
Complete 20-22 credits of additional BUSN courses to reach
40 credits of required coursework.
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
BUSN _______________
Note: The department recommends that students complete courses
which, when combined with the required courses above, lead to the
achievement of a marketable business certificate.
Additional Required Courses 20 Credits
□ ENGC 1101 College Writing 4 cr
□ ENGC 2102 Business and Technical Writing 3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
Complete 7 credits of additional MNTC courses
to reach 20 credits 7 cr
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 credits
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Business: Marketing and Management (AAS)
60 Credits
The Business: Marketing and Management AAS Degree is designed for individuals who wish to seek employment after
graduation or who want to enhance their advancement opportunities with their current employers. The program offers a
combination of general education and business classes that provide students with critical thinking and technical business skills.
These skills are appropriate for positions in management, supervision, marketing, sales or small business management.
Normandale business programs are nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
(ACBSP).The Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include the online delivery of the
Associate of Applied Science in Business: Marketing and Management.
| 24
Core Courses 28-30 Credits
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ACCT 2252
Managerial Accounting
4 cr
BUSN 1201/
CIM 1201
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
3 cr
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
3 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
Complete any three additional BUSN courses for 8-10 credits.
□ BUSN _______________
□ BUSN _______________
□ BUSN _______________
The department recommends that students complete courses
which, when combined with the required courses above, lead
to the achievement of a marketable business certificate.
Students may choose from the following certificates:
Human Resources Management
BUSN 1145
3 cr
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and Effective
3 cr
BUSN 2200
Human Resource Management
3 cr
BUSN 1145
3 cr
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
3 cr
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and Effective
3 cr
BUSN 1102
Social Media Marketing
3 cr
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
3 cr
BUSN 2252
Professional Selling
3 cr
Small Business Management:
BUSN 1125
3 cr
BUSN 1220/
CIM 1220
Business Problem Solving
Analyzing - Excel
3 cr
BUSN 2310
Small Business Management
3 cr
Additional Required Courses 30-32 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
Or any higher numbered MATH course for which
MATH 1100 is a prerequisite
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 3
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6
PHIL 1170 recommended.
Complete any additional MnTC courses if needed to reach
30 credits.
Business Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
The Business Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated business bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to
one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
The Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include online delivery of the Associate of
Science in Business. Normandale’s Business programs are nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business
Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
| 25
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 credits
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Business Transfer Pathway (AS), continued
60 Credits
| 26
Required Courses 18-20 Credits
HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
HSMA 2100
Casino Management and
4 cr
HSMA 2144
Food/Beverage Management
and Cost Control
4 cr
HSMA 2172
Hospitality Sales and Marketing
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management
2-4 cr
HSMA 2097
Senior Hospitality Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2098
International Internship
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Casino Operations and Management Certificate
18-20 Credits
Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism may be completed by students working towards an AAS in Hospitality Management. The
certificates are also appropriate for students looking to gain knowledge in the hospitality and tourism industry, to either change
careers or obtain leadership skills towards a promotion within the industry. At least one-third of the credits required for these
certificates must be completed at Normandale
| 27
Core Courses 40 Credits
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
CHEM 1062
Principles of Chemistry 2
5 cr
CHEM 2061
Organic Chemistry 1
5 cr
CHEM 2062
Organic Chemistry 2
5 cr
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
5 cr
PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and
5 cr
PHYS 1122
Physics 2 for Scientists and
5 cr
Additional Required Courses 20 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 5 3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6 3 cr
Complete two courses from MnTC Goal 7, 8, 9 or 10 7 cr
Note: It is recommended students select one course from
MnTC Goal 5 or 6 that also satisfies one of the MnTC Goals 7,
8, 9, or 10.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Chemistry Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
The Chemistry Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated chemistry bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring
to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer
Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 28
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
ENGC 1101
Course meet by taking required COMM courses
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course #1 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
COMM 2111 and PSYC 1110 recommended
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required COMM courses
Course met by taking required COMM courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000
and above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement
(The department highly recommends that students take
COMM 1141)
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Communication Studies Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Communication Studies Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Arts degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Communication Studies bachelor’s degree programs at
Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree
and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the
Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related
Research indicates that communication skills are highly valued in today’s society. Communication Studies explores how
messages are sent and received in various contexts, cultures, and relationships. Students will foster skills in speaking, listening,
presenting, and conflict management that will enhance their personal and professional relationships.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University; and
Winona State University.
| 29
Required Courses 16 Credits
CHWN 1000
The Community Health Worker:
Role, Advocacy, Outreach, and
3 cr
CHWN 1100
Cultural Health Communication,
Teaching, and Capacity Building
3 cr
CHWN 1200
Documentation, Legal, and
Ethical Issues in Community
Health Work
3 cr
CHWN 1500
The Community Health Worker:
Health Promotion Competencies
5 cr
CHWN 2096
Community Health Worker
Navigator Internship
2 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
This certificate program will prepare students for a variety of entry-level healthcare employment opportunities. Community
Health Worker-Navigators work to increase cultural competence, improve access to health care for underserved communities,
coordinate care for chronically ill people, and map community resources to improve the overall health of communities.
Community Health Worker-Navigators play a critical role in bridging the gap between community, health care, government, and
social service systems.
Community Health Worker Navigator Certificate
16 Credits
| 30
Core Courses 18 Credits
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
Business Problem Solving
Analyzing - Excel
3 cr
CIM 2000
Computer Applications
Training Practicum
3 cr
Complete three of the following five courses:
□ CIM 1000
Keyboarding and Essential
Computer Skills
3 cr
CIM 1230
Business Information
Management - Access
3 cr
CIM 1240
Business Word Processing
3 cr
Intro to Project Management
3 cr
CIM 1260
Presentation Software
3 cr
*CIM 1000 is required if speed is less than 30 wpm with
accuracy; skill will be measured in CIM 2000
Students who complete CIM/BUSN 1201 and CIM/BUSN
1220, 1230, 1240, and 1250 have completed the Computer
Information Management Certificate and may apply to have
this credential awarded to their student record at any point in
their degree progress using the graduation application.
Additional Required Courses 42 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
□ COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
Complete 11 credits from MnTC Goal 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 or 10 11 cr
Complete additional courses from any of the following areas
to reach 42 credits for this section: Accounting (ACCT),
Business (BUSN), Computer Science (CSCI), Computer
Technology (COMT), Data Science (DSCI), or additional
Computers/Information Management (CIM) electives.
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60-level
credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
The Computers/Information Management degree is designed for students interested in employment after graduation or
enhancing current skills. The program provides students with the knowledge of business and technology skills that facilitate
the delivery and management of information. Students will use the latest computer technology and software programs in
managerial decision making. Graduates from this program can enter careers in administration, management, sales,
marketing, or technology departments within a business or organization.
Normandale’s Computers/Information Management Program is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Computers/Information Management (AAS)
60 Credits
| 31
Required Courses 15 Credits
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
Business Problem Solving
Analyzing - Excel
3 cr
□ CIM 1230
Business Information
Management - Access
3 cr
□ CIM 1240
Business Word Processing
3 cr
Intro to Project Management
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
The Computers/Information Management Certificate is for the student who wants to extend their skills to position themselves
for a job upgrade or promotion. Completion of many of the courses in this program will prepare students with skills necessary
to successfully complete industry testing for specialized certificates showing mastery of current business software. These
industry credentials show that the student meets globally recognized performance standards. Students earning these
credentials are valuable to organizations that want to reinforce their technology investments with accelerated productivity and
improved organizational performance. Industry certifications are available from companies such as Microsoft and from globally
recognized organizations.
Computers/Information Management Certificate
15 Credits
| 32
Core Courses 28 Credits
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
CSCI 1111
Introduction to Programming in C
4 cr
CSCI 2001
Computer Programming Concepts
4 cr
CSCI 2002
Algorithms and Data Structures
4 cr
CSCI 2021
Machine Architecture and
4 cr
Discrete Structures of Computer
4 cr
Complete one of the following four courses:
CSCI 1202
Introduction to Object-
Oriented Programming in C++
4 cr
CSCI 1203
Introduction to Computer
Programming in Java
4 cr
Elementary Computational
Linear Algebra
4 cr
Additional Required Courses 32 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
Complete a minimum of 20 additional credits from at least
4 of the MnTC Goal Areas: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 in order to
have completed courses from at least 6 of the 10 goal
areas. (Check with your transfer institution for specific
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
The Computer Science Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Computer Science bachelor’s degree programs at
Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree
and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the
Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
Computer Science Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
| 33
Core Courses 32 Credits
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
Information Technology Concepts
and Business Software 1
3 cr
Business Problem Solving
Analyzing - Excel
3 cr
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer
4 cr
COMT 1173*
PC Architecture Operation and
3 cr
COMT 1181*
Database Management Systems
3 cr
COMT 1184*
3 cr
COMT 2188*
Systems Analysis and Design
3 cr
Complete at least 6 credits from the following eight courses:
COMT 1205*
Introduction to Visual Basic
3 cr
COMT 1182
Advanced Database Management
3 cr
COMT 2096
Internship in Computer
2-4 cr
COMT 2250
Object Oriented Programming
with Java for HCST
4 cr
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
CSCI 1111*
Introduction to Programming in C
4 cr
CSCI 1202*
Introduction to Object-Oriented
Programming in C++
4 cr
CSCI 1203*
Introduction to Computer
Programming in Java
4 cr
* These courses must be completed within the last seven
years prior to completing the Associate of Applied Science
degree in Computer Technology, with or without Industry
Additional Required Courses
28 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
□ MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following four courses:
BUSN 2220
Statistics for Business and
4 cr
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics:
4 cr
Complete one additional MnTC course from
Goals 3-10 3-5 cr
Complete additional courses to reach 28 credits 8-10 cr
BUSN 1102
Social Media Marketing
3 cr
BUSN 1105
Introduction to Business
3 cr
BUSN 1125
3 cr
CIM 1230
Business Information
Management - Access
3 cr
Intro to Project Management
3 cr
ENGT 2188
Electronics and Automation
4 cr
ART 1116
Introduction to Graphic
3 cr
ART 1122
Foundation Digital Imaging
3 cr
Graduates who earn the AAS degree in Computer Technology will develop a broad range of skills to support computer-based
applications in business and industry. These skills include problem-solving in computer architecture, database use and design,
telecommunications, programming and system design. This degree positions individuals to seek employment in a variety of
businesses that utilize Information Technology (IT) professionals.
Computer Technology (AAS)
60 Credits
| 34
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Computer Technology (AAS), continued
60 Credits
| 35
Required Courses 16 Credits
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer
4 cr
COMT 1173*
PC Architecture Operation and
3 cr
COMT 1181*
Database Management
3 cr
COMT 1184*
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMT 1205*
Introduction to Visual Basic
3 cr
COMT 1182
Advanced Database
Management Systems
3 cr
* These courses must be completed within the last seven
years prior to completing the Computer Technology Certificate
with or without Industry Certification.
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Computer Technology Certificate
16 Credits
The Computer Technology Certificate is a “fast-track” path for acquiring computer technology skills. This curriculum will
develop a student’s problem-solving skills in computer architecture, database use and design, telecommunications, and
beginning programming. The certificate encompasses learning of foundation skills for Information Technology (IT)
| 36
Admission to the Program
1. A student may indicate interest in admission to the AFA in
Creative Writing major by declaring a “Pre-AFA in Creative
Writing” major.
2. To be admitted into the program, students must:
a. Complete ENGC 1101 with a grade of C or higher -
Transferring into their Normandale transcript CLEP
exams, or other proof of having met the Goal 1 English
b. Submit an application to the Director of the AFA in
Creative Writing program, either hard copy or online at
submittable.com, with the following materials included:
Current contact information
A 10-page writing sample (either one document or a
combination of documents) that shows evidence of
college level writing skills in organization, revision,
editing, and proofreading.
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/MnTC or other degree requirement sections below.
Complete 12 credits from the following six courses:
ENGW 1111
Introduction to Creative Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2112
Poetry Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2113
Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2114
Play and Screen Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2115
Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2900
Topics in Creative Writing
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
ENGL 2130
African American Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
4 cr
Complete additional ENGL course numbered over 2100 3 cr
ENGW 2800
AFA Capstone
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100, 1101, 1111, 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required ENGW course
Course #2 met by taking required ENGL course
Course met by taking required ENGL course
□ Course _______________
Course met by taking ENGL 2151
□ Course _______________
Creative Writing (AFA)
60 Credits
The Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree in Creative Writing is designed for the student who has selected Creative Writing as a
career option and intends to transfer to a fine arts baccalaureate program (BA or BFA) in Creative Writing at a four-year
The AFA degree combines creative writing coursework in several genres with the study of literature. Students who complete this
course of study and meet the admission requirements to their selected institution may be eligible to apply for admission with
junior standing.
| 37
Other Degree Requirements 20 Credits
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Creative Writing (AFA), continued
60 Credits
| 38
Required Courses 26 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
ENGL 1130
Literature of Diversity
3 cr
ENGL 2130
African American Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
3 cr
Complete five of the following six courses:
ENGW 1111
Introduction to Creative Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2112
Poetry Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2113
Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2114
Play and Screen Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2115
Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2900
Topics in Creative Writing
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
This certificate program is designed for the student pursuing creative writing in addition to another program or as a supplement
to current credentials. It combines creative writing coursework in several genres with the study of diverse American literature.
Creative Writing Certificate
29 Credits
| 39
Core Courses 27 Credits
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
3 cr
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
SOC 2112
3 cr
SOC 2130
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 cr
SOC 2131
Juvenile Justice
3 cr
SOC 2132
Police and Community
3 cr
SOC 2134
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
SOC 1106
Social Problems in a
Changing World
3 cr
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
SOC 1109
Wealth and Poverty
3 cr
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles
3 cr
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
3 cr
Additional Required Courses 32 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
PHIL 1103
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
3 cr
Complete two courses from MnTC Goal 3 7-8 cr
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 4 4 cr
MATH 1080 or 1090 or 1095 recommended
□ Course _______________
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 5 4 cr
(PSYC 1110 strongly recommended)
□ Course _______________
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6 in department other
than PHIL 3 cr
□ Course _______________
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 10 3 cr
□ Course _______________
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 credits
total. The department recommends the following elective
HLTH 1106
Drug Use and Abuse
3 cr
HLTH 2209
Emergency Medical Responder
3 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Criminal Justice Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
The Criminal Justice Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Science degree that directly transfers to a designated Criminal Justice bachelor’s degree program at Minnesota State
universities. The curriculum has been carefully designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to
one of the seven Minnesota State universities enters the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 40
Core Courses 33-35 Credits
Completion of this degree is dependent upon a grade of C or
higher in each of the following courses:
CSCI 1111
Introduction to Programming in C
4 cr
CSCI 2001
Computer Programming Concepts
4 cr
CSCI 2002
Algorithms and Data Structures
4 cr
COMT 1181
Database Management Systems
3 cr
DSCI 2000
Foundations of Data Science
3 cr
□ MATH 2080
Statistical Modeling
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete two of the following MATH courses grouped as
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
4 cr
MATH 1500
5 cr
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
Additional Required Courses 25-27 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
Complete a minimum of six additional credits from at
least two of the following MnTC Goals: 6 cr
3, 6, 7, 8 or 10.
Complete additional courses to reach 60 college- 9-11 cr
level credits total. Suggested Domain Specialization
Areas under Sample Domain Specialization Areas
for the AS in Data Analytics.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point
average (GPA) of 2.0 for college-level
coursework (courses numbered 1000 and
above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level
credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Sample Domain Specialization Areas for the AS in Data Analytics - The
domain specialties below represent a few possible areas of interest.
Students should consult with faculty and advisors, including those at
possible transfer institutions, for further information.
BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
5 cr
CHEM 1020
Introductory Chemistry
4 cr
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
3 cr
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ACCT 2254/
BUSN 2254
Introduction to Management
Information Systems
4 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
3 cr
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
Law Enforcement/Government:
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
SOC 1106
Social Problems in a Changing World
3 cr
SOC 2130
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 cr
POLS 1195
Conflict and Negotiation
3 cr
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
CIM 1141
Presentation Graphics 1
1 cr
BUSN 2254/
ACCT 2254
Introduction to Management Information
4 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
3 cr
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
CIM 1141
Presentation Graphics 1
1 cr
GEOG 1050
Introduction to Maps and Places
3 cr
PHIL 1140
Environmental Ethics
3 cr
GEOG 1104
Resources, Society and Environment
3 cr
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
5 cr
MATH 2400
Probability and Statistics with Calculus
4 cr
Students can also develop other domain specialization areas in
consultation with their advisor and faculty.
This degree provides an introduction to data science by combining the tools of basic statistics, computer programming, and
mathematical analysis with foundational concepts from a specific domain area. It will give students sufficient knowledge to
enter the job market and to transfer credits to a baccalaureate program at a four-year institution.
Dental Hygiene (AS)
88 Credits
Data Analytics (AS)
60 Credits
| 41
Core Courses 50 Credits
Courses are web-supplemented and web-enhanced, requiring
computer and Internet access
DENH 1112
Oral and Facial Anatomy
3 cr
DENH 1140
Pre-Clinic Theory
3 cr
DENH 1141
Pre-Clinic Skill Development
4 cr
DENH 1142
Clinic 1 Theory
2 cr
□ DENH 1143
Clinic 1
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
DENH 1150
Dental Radiology
4 cr
DENH 1151
Accelerated Dental Radiology
2 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
DENH 1160
Dental Materials
2 cr
□ DENH 1161
Accelerated Dental Materials
1 cr
DENH 1162
Pharmacology for the Dental
2 cr
DENH 2240
Clinic 2 Theory
2 cr
DENH 2241
Clinic 2
6 cr
DENH 2242
Clinic 3 Theory
2 cr
DENH 2243
Clinic 3
6 cr
DENH 2252
Clinical Radiology 1
1 cr
DENH 2254
Clinical Radiology 2
1 cr
DENH 2263
Pain Management
2 cr
DENH 2264
Periodontics for the Dental
2 cr
DENH 2266
General and Oral Pathology
2 cr
DENH 2281
Preventive Concepts in
Community Dental Health
2 cr
This program provides academic and clinical educational opportunities for capable individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes necessary for the professional practice of dental hygiene. The curriculum focuses on sciences, as well as essential technical
and clinical skills in preparation for providing preventive dental hygiene services to the public. Dental hygienists are preventive oral
healthcare professionals, licensed in dental hygiene, which provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services supporting a
patient’s total health through the promotion of optimal oral health.
The mission of the Dental Hygiene Program at Normandale Community College is to prepare dental hygiene students in the provision
of comprehensive dental hygiene care, while emphasizing professionalism, communication, social responsibility, and lifelong learning.
Program goals include the intent to:
Prepare graduates who will be competent to provide quality comprehensive dental hygiene care
Promote admission of a qualified and diverse student population
Participate in interprofessional community health promotion
Engage in professional activities and lifelong learning
Maintain a program that reflects relevant, current and advancing dental hygiene practice
Incorporate emerging technologies to enhance quality dental hygiene care
Normandale Community College offers the Associate of Science (AS) degree in Dental Hygiene as a two-year program located within
the health sciences division. NOTE: Most students complete their required science and liberal arts courses prior to acceptance into the
program. The dental hygiene coursework requires four semesters to complete and begins each fall semester. Graduates will be
eligible to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination, Central Regional Dental Testing Examination, and the Minnesota State
Board of Dentistry Jurisprudence Examination for licensure in the State of Minnesota.
Following graduation and licensure requirements of the State Board of Dentistry, the dental hygienist becomes a primary healthcare
professional, oral health educator and clinician who may choose to work in a variety of settings.
Dual Admission and Enrollment Option - BS in Dental Hygiene
Through a partnership with Metropolitan State University, we offer the option of a dual admissions and enrollment program. This
means that there is simultaneous admittance to the Normandale Associate Degree program and Metropolitan State University
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (BSDH) program if an applicant chooses this option. For those who are anxious to obtain a
BSDH, this can be accomplished within one to two semesters after completion of the Associate Degree Program. More information
about this option is available by meeting with the Health Sciences Enrollment Manager, Kiara Taylor.
The program in dental hygiene is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission is a specialized accrediting
body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312)
440-4653 or 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. The Commission’s web address is: http://www.ada.org/en/coda
Dental Hygiene (AS)
88 Credits
| 42
Additional Required Courses 38 Credits
Progression through the program is dependent upon a grade
of C or higher for each of the following courses:
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
BIOL 2043
4 cr
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
Complete two courses from MnTC Goal areas 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, or
10. Courses must satisfy at least two different MnTC Goal areas.
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Students who are considering a bachelor’s degree completion
program are strongly encouraged to complete their Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) electives by taking MATH 1080
(Goal 4) and one class from Goal 6 and/or 10. These courses
will meet bachelor degree completion requirements at
Metropolitan State University. For more information, visit
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
of 2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered
1000 and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Admission Requirements and Application
Applicants who are new to Normandale must complete
the online college application, found at:
www.normandale.edu/apply. Acceptance to the college
to the college does not imply acceptance into the dental
hygiene program. A separate Normandale Health
Sciences Dental Hygiene Program application must be
submitted to be considered for acceptance into the
dental hygiene program. The completed application is to
be submitted to the Health Sciences Enrollment
Manager (located in A2507) by December 31 each year,
and can be found on the Dental Hygiene Apply page.
An overall college GPA of 2.75 or higher is required.
If the student earned credits in the fall semester, official
transcripts with these fall grades must be submitted to
the Health Science Enrollment Manager by January 15 to
complete the application.
All applicants will be notified of their dental hygiene
program application status via US mail on or before April
30 of each year.
Applicants who are not accepted into the dental hygiene
program and have met the application requirements will
be placed on an alternate list.
Applicants who were placed on the alternate list and
were not accepted into the program will need to meet all
requirements and reapply for admission into the
program the following year.
Professional Licensure/Certification
The AS in Dental Hygiene prepares students to take the written
National Dental Hygiene board exam and the Central Regional
Dental Services practice exam, which are the licensing exams
to become a licensed Dental Hygienist in Minnesota. Students
are eligible for licensure in Minnesota as well as other states.
Here are the states accepting Central Regional Testing
Services examination results, where Normandale Dental
Hygiene graduates are eligible for initial licensure via taking
these two examinations.
Effective July 1, 2020 the U.S. Department of Education
implemented regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v)) which
requires our Associate Degree Program in Dental Hygiene to
1. A list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s
curriculum meets state educational requirements for
professional licensure or certification;
2. A list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s
curriculum does not meet state educational
requirements for professional licensure or
certification; and
3. A list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution
has not made a determination of whether the
curriculum meets educational requirements.
At this time, Normandale has not made a determination that
our dental hygiene curriculum meets or does not meet state
educational requirements for licensure or certification. Please
contact the dental board for the state in which you would like
to be licensed. Here is a link to the American Association of
Dental Boards' list of all state boards.
If you have questions, please contact the Health Sciences
Enrollment Manager, [email protected], 952-
Dental Hygiene (AS), continued
88 Credits
| 43
Dental Hygiene Application Requirements
The requirements below must be completed before the
application deadline of December 31. A grade of C or higher is
required for each course and all science courses must have
labs. Any transfer courses must be evaluated as equivalent to
the required course.
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
□ Eligible for college-level mathematics*
*College-level math eligibility requirement can be met by:
Completion of college-level mathematics course with a
grade of C or higher.
Eligibility to take a college-level mathematics course
(MATH 1080 Introduction to Statistics MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2, MATH 1095 STATWAY Statistics:
Accelerated, MATH 1100 College Algebra or higher) at
the time of the December 31 deadline through:
a. An active placement through the Normandale course
placement process; expired placements will not be
b. Completion of an appropriate developmental math
course (MATH 0630, 0990, or 0995) within 2 years
of the December 31 admission deadline with a C, P
or higher.
Information on course placement can be found at:
Must show registration for the course in spring after the
deadline if not already completed:
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
Recommended to complete before the deadline:
BIOL 2043
4 cr
*To be a more competitive applicant, students are strongly
encouraged to complete BIOL 2042 Human Physiology, BIOL
2043 Microbiology, and Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal
4 Elective MATH 1080 Introduction to Statistics prior to
application deadline.
Additional Program Information
Visit www.normandale.edu/dental-hygiene. For further
questions, please contact the Health Science Enrollment
Manager, Kiara Taylor at [email protected] or call
General Information
In addition to general fees and books, admitted dental hygiene
students purchase uniforms, instruments, clinic supplies,
software and textbooks. Each student is required to purchase
dental professional liability insurance which is included in
course fees each fall. Students will be required to pay
additional fees to take the National Board Exam, Central
Regional Clinical Board Exam and State Jurisprudence
examination during the spring semester of the second year of
Due to the nature of the dental hygiene profession, students
will be participating in a learning environment that has the
potential of exposure to blood borne pathogens. Students
accepted into the program are provided with written policies
and instruction on infection control protocol to reduce the risk
of disease transmission. The program complies with all
institutional, local, state and federal policies. Policies and
procedures on the dental hygiene program’s infection control
protocol are available to applicants upon request. All students
must complete the following prior to entry in fall semester of
the first year of study and must be maintained throughout
enrollment in the program.
. Physical examination
. Immunizations
. Optical examination
. Successful Minnesota Department of Human
Services background study
. HIPAA training
. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for the
health care provider
Students entering the Dental Hygiene program are expected to
meet the Technical Standards for Entry-Level Dental Hygiene
Programs. These technical standards are required abilities for
effective performance in the Minnesota State dental hygiene
education program. The standards are compatible with the
scope of practice as defined by the Minnesota Board of
Dental Hygiene (AS), continued
88 Credits
| 44
Sequence of Courses:
First Year Fall Semester - 13 Credits
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
DENH 1112
Oral and Facial Anatomy
3 cr
DENH 1140
Pre-Clinic Theory
3 cr
DENH 1141
Pre-Clinic Skill Development
4 cr
First Year Spring Semester - 18 Credits
BIOL 2043
4 cr
DENH 1142
Clinic 1 Theory
2 cr
DENH 1143
Clinic 1
4 cr
DENH 1150
Dental Radiology
4 cr
DENH 1160
Dental Materials
2 cr
DENH 1162
Pharmacology for the Dental
2 cr
Summer Sessions 1 and 2 - 8 Credits
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
Electives MnTC Goal area 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 4 cr
Second Year Fall Semester - 18 Credits
DENH 2240
Clinic 2 Theory
2 cr
DENH 2241
Clinic 2
6 cr
DENH 2252
Clinical Radiology 1
1 cr
DENH 2263
Pain Management
2 cr
DENH 2264
Periodontics for the Dental
2 cr
DENH 2266
General and Oral Pathology
2 cr
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
Second Year Spring Semester - 14 Credits
DENH 2242
Clinic 3 Theory
2 cr
DENH 2243
Clinic 3
6 cr
DENH 2254
Clinical Radiology 2
1 cr
DENH 2281
Preventive Concepts in
Community Dental Health
2 cr
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
Additional Information
For more information on Advanced Degrees, visit
www.normandale.edu/dental-hygiene advanced-degrees.
Dental Hygiene (AS), continued
88 Credits
| 45
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
□ ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
Or any higher numbered MATH course for which 1100
is a prerequisite.
Complete one of the following four courses:
BUSN 2220
Statistics for Business and
4 cr
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required MATH courses
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required ECON courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course _______________
Course met by taking required ECON courses
Course met by taking required ECON courses
□ Course _______________
The Economics Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree
with course credits that directly transfer to designated economics bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the
seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate
degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Economics provides new way to think about the world an analytical mindset that is valuable in a wide variety of careers. It also
helps people make better decisions in their private lives.
Students study how societies, businesses and individuals manage the scarce resources they have and sometimes what the
unintended consequences of their decisions are. In doing so, they learn to think more critically about issues we all face not
just commercial matters such as supply and demand, but also societal concerns such as government intervention, pollution
control, and inequality.
Some economics majors become business or government analysts. But many graduates use this data-driven way of thinking to
become successful in many fields, including business, law, medicine, government, nonprofit work and international relations.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
Economics Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
| 46
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
The department recommends taking at least one additional
ECON course.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Economics Transfer Pathway (AA), continued
60 Credits
| 47
Required Courses 60 Credits
ART 1101
The Visual Arts
3 cr
BIOL 1100
Survey of Biology
4 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
(Grade of B or higher is required)
EDUC 1101
Introduction to Education
4 cr
(Grade of C or higher is required)
EDUC 2101
Educational Technology
3 cr
EDUC 2222
Multicultural Education and Human
Relations in Schools
3 cr
EDUC 2223
Foundations of Instruction
2 cr
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
(Grade of B or higher is required)
GEOG 1121
World Regional Geography
3 cr
HIST 1111
United States History 1
4 cr
HLTH 1106
Drug Use and Abuse
3 cr
MATH 1055
Elements of Mathematics 1
4 cr
MATH 1065
Elements of Mathematics 2
4 cr
PHYS 1001
Energy, Climate & Physics in Society
3 cr
PHYS 1002
Energy, Climate & Physics in Society
1 cr
PSYC 1109
Child and Adolescent Development
3 cr
(Grade of C or higher is required)
THTR 1151
Acting 1
3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 10 3 cr
Complete additional course(s) to reach 60 credits total.
The department recommends the following courses:
EDUC 2408
Individuals with Diverse and
Exceptional Needs
4 cr
ENGL 2060
Children's and Young Adult
3 cr
ENGT 1050
Bridging Engineering and
3 cr
Spanish for Educators 1
3 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Complete required 30 field work hours
Demonstrate expected standards in Professional Disposition
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC Degree Audit.
Elementary Education Foundations
Transfer Pathway (AS) 60 Credits
The Elementary Education Foundations Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an
Associate of Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated elementary education bachelor’s degree programs
at Minnesota State universities.* The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and
transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer
Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
*Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University; and
Winona State University.
Minnesota State University, Mankato offers the Bachelor of Science program in Elementary Education on the Normandale Community
College campus.
Individuals who have been arrested, charged or convicted of any criminal offense should investigate the impact that the arrest, charge
or conviction may have on their chances of employment in the field they intend to study or on their chances to obtain federal, state and
other higher education financial aid.
| 48
Core Courses 47 Credits
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
5 cr
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable Calculus
5 cr
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential Equations
with Linear Algebra
5 cr
PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and
5 cr
PHYS 1122
Physics 2 for Scientists and
5 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
Select a minimum of 4 courses and 12 credits from a
single Engineering Specialty 12 cr
(e.g. civil, computer, electrical, general, mechanical, etc.)
from the table below:
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course #3 _______________
□ Course #4 _______________
Key for Engineering Degrees:
CIV Civil Engineering
COM Computer Engineering
ELEC Electrical Engineering
ENV Environmental Engineering
GEN General Engineering
MECH Mechanical Engineering
MANU Manufacturing Engineering
COMP Composite Engineering
Key for Engineering Specialty Table:
A See advisor/counselor to confirm course transfer to
a university program
R Required university program course
This is a general guide. Please check with your academic
advisor and transfer advisor.
*CSCI 1113 is typically recommended for all specialties except Computer
Engineering. Consult a transfer advisor at the intended transfer
university to confirm appropriate course.
ENGR 1020
Intro to Engineering
ENGR 2235
ENGR 2236
ENGR 2331
Deformable Body
ENGR 2231
ENGR 2015
Linear Circuit
ENGR 2016
Steady-State Circuit
ENGR 2115
Introduction to
Analog and Digital
ENGR 2301
Intro to Digital
Systems Design A
ENGR 2302
Intro to Digital
Systems Design B
MATH 2400
Probability & Statistics
CHEM 1062
Principles of
Chemistry 2
CHEM 2061 &
2062 Organic
Chemistry 1 & 2
Engineering Broad Field (AS)
60 Credits
Engineers identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics in fields as diverse as computer hardware and software, assistive technology, medical technology,
infrastructure, and defense systems. They produce solutions that consider public safety and welfare, as well as environmental
and economic factors. They develop and conduct experiments and analyze the results. Engineers work effectively on teams
and communication with a broad range of audiences. The Associate of Science in Engineering Broad Field from Normandale
ensures that students have the foundation and prerequisites to complete a bachelor’s degree at a transfer institution in wide
range of engineering disciplines. Our students transfer to four year programs regionally and nationwide.
To complete the AS in Engineering Foundations at Normandale, students must:
1. Select the university to which you plan to transfer and select an engineering specialty offered at that university (such as
Civil, Chemical, Mechanical, etc.).
2. Develop a coursework plan that includes all the requirements listed below.
3. Apply to graduate during their final semester at Normandale.
| 49
Additional Required Courses 13 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete two courses that satisfy MnTC Goals
5 and 6
6 cr
One of these courses must also satisfy at least one of the
following MnTC Goal areas: 7, 8, 9 or 10.
Complete elective course to reach a minimum of 60 credits
selected from courses that fulfill requirements at the desired
transfer institution.
Some transfer programs have specific course requirements.
Electives can be additional required engineering courses
(recommended) or additional general education courses.
Consult with an advisor or counselor for guidance on course
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
University Admissions and Graduation
This degree has an articulation agreement with Minnesota
State University, Mankato; St. Cloud State University; Winona
State University; University of Minnesota; University of
Minnesota, Duluth and any System college approved to offer
the Associate of Science in Engineering Broad Field degree
program. These schools have agreed that:
All MnTC courses listed above and required (R)
Engineering Specialty courses below will transfer and
count toward university baccalaureate degree program
Completion of the Associate of Science in Engineering
Broad Field degree does not guarantee admission to a
baccalaureate degree program.
Students must meet university admission requirements
and degree program admission requirements.
Baccalaureate engineering degree programs may have
limited enrollment capacity with seats available on a
competitive basis.
Students accepted into a university must fulfill the
baccalaureate program graduation requirements.
Engineering Broad Field (AS), continued
60 Credits
| 50
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
ENGL 2000
Introduction to Literary Studies:
Writing About Literature
3 cr
Complete one of the following four courses
ENGL 2150
American Literature 1
4 cr
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
4 cr
ENGL 2160
British Writers 1
4 cr
ENGL 2161
British Writers 2
4 cr
Complete one of the following six courses
ENGL 1130
Literature of Diversity
3 cr
ENGL 1140
Gender and Literature
3 cr
ENGL 1170
Modern World Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2130
African American Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
3 cr
ENGL 2174
African Literature
3 cr
Complete one of the following six courses
ENGW 1111
Introduction to Creative Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2112
Poetry Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2113
Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2114
Play and Screen Writing
3 cr
ENGW 2115
Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing
3 cr
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1101 or 1111
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Met by taking required ENGW and ENGL courses.
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
English Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The English Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree
that directly transfers to a designated English bachelor’s degree program at Minnesota State universities. The curriculum
has been designed so that students completing this pathway and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State
universities enter the university with junior-year status. Students must take one course from each of four designated content
areas: introduction to literary studies, a literature survey course, a diverse literature course, and a writing for a specific
purpose course. Within the last three content areas, students at Normandale can choose from several possible courses. Four
credits will transfer into at least one track (though, at each receiving school’s discretion, possibly more than one) of the
receiving institution’s English major. Those four credits may be applied directly to a required major course when applicable at
a particular receiving school or as an elective course in the major.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 51
Additional Course Requirements 7 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement (The
department highly recommends that students fulfill these
remaining credits with courses emphasizing an area of
literature not addressed via the above requirements and/or
courses that emphasize writing that requires research and
MLA citation. For example, these may include writing
intensive literature courses and/or advanced composition
courses. Also, students planning to transfer into a specific
English track, such as creative writing, at the receiving
institution may fulfill these 7 credits with classes specifically
aimed at that specific track.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
English Transfer Pathway (AA), continued
60 Credits
| 52
Core Courses 17 Credits
EXSC 1129
Fitness for Life I
2 cr
EXSC 1200
Beginning Weight Training
1 cr
EXSC 2300
Introduction to Exercise Science
3 cr
EXSC 2305
Exercise Physiology
3 cr
EXSC 2310
Foundations of Personal Training
3 cr
EXSC 2315
Exercise Prescription
3 cr
EXSC 2330
Applications of Personal Training
2 cr
Additional Required Courses 43 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
5 cr
□ BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
□ BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
□ CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
□ HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
□ PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
Complete one of the following four courses:
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 5
(non-PSYC course) 3-4 cr
Complete two courses from two different MnTC Goal
Areas: 7, 8, 9 or 10 6 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Exercise Science Transfer Pathway (AS)
60 Credits
The Exercise Science Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Exercise Science bachelor’s degree programs at
Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree
and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in
the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a
related field.
Students obtaining the Exercise Science degree will have a strong working knowledge of exercise and sport physiology,
applied kinesiology and positive behavior change. This degree incorporates active classroom learning. These skills are
emphasized to prepare students for future performance and therapeutic applications.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 53
Courses - 12 Credits
Complete each of the following courses with a grade of C or
EXSC 2300
Introduction to Exercise Science
3 cr
EXSC 2305
Exercise Physiology
3 cr
EXSC 2310
Foundations of Personal
3 cr
EXSC 2315
Exercise Prescription
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Exercise Specialist Certificate
12 Credits
The Exercise Specialist Certificate includes Exercise Science courses that provide comprehensive curriculum designed to
prepare students to successfully participate in the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Personal Training
Examination and enter the workforce as a personal trainer working with generally healthy populations. The Exercise
Specialist Certificate is recognized as a "career laddering" opportunity for our students to encourage further retention of
degree completion while students gain additional credentials to professionally compete for careers within the fitness industry.
Students must have a grade of "C" or higher in the following four courses to earn the certificate.
| 54
Required Courses - 18 Credits
COMM 2111
Family Communication
3 cr
HIST 1131
Family: Sex/Gender/Power: A
Cross-Cultural, Historical
3 cr
SOC 1102
Love, Sex and Family
3 cr
SOC 2114
Families in Crisis
3 cr
Complete two of the following six courses:
WMST 1120
Introduction to Women's Studies
and Gender Studies
3 cr
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures
3 cr
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles
3 cr
PSYC 1109
Child and Adolescent
3 cr
PSYC 1220
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
3 cr
HIST 2111
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender U.S. History
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Family Studies Certificate
18 Credits
Family relationships tend to pervade all aspects of our personal and professional lives. Consequently, the systematic study of
these relationships can serve to improve our lives. They can also help us to better understand the lives of others. This
certificate is intended to provide a foundation for all of these desirable outcomes.
The Family Studies Certificate offers students foundational coursework in preparation to transfer to a four-year college in the
area of Family Studies. Or it offers students a credential to find employment in areas associated with Family Studies. While
not a required credential for students who work in areas associated with Family Studies, it quickly communicates a relevant
background to prospective employers. Students will gain knowledge from various fields of study by completing this certificate.
| 55
Required Courses 18-20 Credits
HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
HSMA 2144
Food/Beverage Management
and Cost Control
4 cr
HSMA 2150
Revenue Management in
Hospitality and Tourism
4 cr
HSMA 2173
Convention and Meeting
Planning Management
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management
2-4 cr
HSMA 2097
Senior Hospitality Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2098
International Internship
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Food and Beverage Management Certificate
18-20 Credits
Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism may be completed by students working towards an AAS in Hospitality Management.
The certificates are also appropriate for students looking to gain knowledge in the hospitality and tourism industry, to either
change careers or obtain leadership skills towards a promotion within the industry. At least one-third of the credits required
for these certificates must be completed at Normandale.
| 56
Core Courses 30 Credits
FSCI 2100
Introduction to Food Science
3 cr
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
CHEM 1062
Principles of Chemistry 2
5 cr
CHEM 2061
Organic Chemistry 1
5 cr
CHEM 2062
Organic Chemistry 2
5 cr
Additional Required Courses 30 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
4 cr
BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
5 cr
PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and
5 cr
Complete 9 additional credits from MnTC Goal areas 9 cr
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 to reach 30 credits total in the MnTC
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Food Science (AS)
60 Credits
The Associate of Science in Food Service is designed to prepare students for transfer as juniors to a four-year program in food
science. It is the basis of a transfer agreement that facilitates credit transfer from Normandale to the College of Food,
Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) at the University of Minnesota. Students who complete the AS may apply
a minimum of 60 credits toward the bachelor’s degree.
Food scientists and technologists use chemistry, microbiology, engineering, and other sciences to study the principles
underlying the processing and deterioration of food; analyze food content; discover new food sources; make processed foods
safe, palatable, and healthful; and determine the best ways to process, package, preserve, store and distribute food.
| 57
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
FREN 1111
French Culture and Civilization
3 cr
FREN 1200
Beginning French 2
5 cr
FREN 2100
Intermediate French 1
5 cr
FREN 2200
Intermediate French 2
5 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101 or
COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met By Completion of All 40 Credits of The MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required FREN courses
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
Course met by taking required FREN courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
French Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Through the Normandale French program students work towards linguistic proficiency and cultural competence in a language
spoken in over 50 countries. The study of French provides global insight as France’s foundational contributions to political,
scientific, and artistic thought continue to shape our world. The Normandale program focuses on both France and
Francophone regions. Knowledge of French is useful in many professional fields, including international business, global
health, and science.
| 58
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
GEOG 1101
Earth's Natural Environments
4 cr
GEOG 1102
Human Geography
3 cr
Complete at least two of the following seven courses for a total
of at least 6 credits:
GEOG 1104
Resources, Society and
3 cr
GEOG 1121
World Regional Geography
3 cr
GEOG 1125
Geography of the United States
and Canada
3 cr
GEOG 1170
3 cr
GEOG 1172
Introductory Meteorology
4 cr
GEOG 1180
Cartography and Geographic
Information Systems
3 cr
GEOG 1900
Topics in Geography
1-4 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 met by taking required GEOG courses
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 met by taking required GEOG courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking GEOG 1125 or GEOG 1170)
Course met by taking required GEOG courses
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking GEOG 1170)
Course met by taking required GEOG courses
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Geography Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Completing an AA in Geography gives you the background to interpret the complex relationships between people and their
environment. Geographers interpret patterns of social, economic, and political activity on Earth, as they seek to understand
variations in those human/environment relationships. This program provides the foundation and skills to transfer to a four-
year institution to complete a degree and pursue a career in geography.
| 59
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
GERM 1111
German Culture and Civilization
3 cr
GERM 1200
Beginning German 2
5 cr
GERM 2100
Intermediate German 1
5 cr
GERM 2200
Intermediate German 2
5 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met By Completion of All 40 Credits of The MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required GERM
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
Course met by taking required GERM courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
German Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Through the German program at Normandale, students work toward linguistic proficiency and cultural competence in a
language spoken by over 100,000,000 people in the world’s fourth largest economy. Germany is the world’s foremost country
in developing and using cutting-edge green technology, the economic engine of the European Union and the US’s second
largest trading partner.
The study of German provides not just global insight, but a deep awareness and appreciation for the foundational
contributions of the German-speaking areas in scientific, philosophical, political, humanitarian and artistic thought that have
shaped, and continue to influence, our world. This program focuses not just on the German-speaking areas in Europe, but
worldwide. Knowledge of German is useful in many professional fields, including international business, the sciences, green
technology, the hospitality industry, music, and more. Emphasis requirements may also be used to satisfy the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Goal requirements.
| 60
Required Courses 18 Credits
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
3 cr
Business Practices in the
Global Market
3 cr
Complete at least 12 credits from the following courses from a
minimum of two departments:
□ ANTH/SOC 1101 Cultural Diversity 3 cr
□ ANTH/SOC/ Women Across Cultures 3 cr
WMST 1121
□ BUSN 1130 Introduction to International 3 cr
□ GEOG 1121 World Regional Geography 3 cr
□ HIST 1131 Family: Sex/Gender/Power: 3 cr
A Cross-Cultural, Historical
□ MUSC 1121 Introduction to World Music 3 cr
□ PHIL 1140 Environmental Ethics 3 cr
□ PHIL 1150 Introduction to World Religions 3 cr
□ POLS 1150 Introduction to World Politics 3 cr
and Globalization
□ THTR 2111 World Cinema 3 cr
Topics Study Abroad Course (strongly recommended) 3 cr
or SPAN language course 5 cr
MnTC Goal 8 course 3-5 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Global Studies Certificate
18 Credits
The purpose of the Global Studies certificate is to offer educational opportunities for a student to become a productive, global
citizen and future leader in the community, state, nation, and world. This certificate complements many academic fields and
any career that benefits from a global perspective.
| 61
Required Courses 60 Credits
BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
5 cr
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
BIOL 2043
4 cr
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
□ MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
□ PHIL 1103
3 cr
□ PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
□ PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology:
Life Span
4 cr
□ SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6, 8 or 10 3-5 cr
Complete an additional 4 credit CHEM course 4-5 cr
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
of 2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered
1000 and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Health Science Broad Field (AS)
60 Credits
This degree provides students a broad base of courses that fulfill the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goals and prerequisite
science courses that may be required to transfer to a baccalaureate degree in Health Sciences. The AS in Health Science
Broad Field also provides the opportunity for students to be awarded two degrees, for example Nursing or Dental Hygiene and
AS Health Science Broad Field.
| 62
Core Courses 40 Credits
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer
4 cr
COMT 1173
PC Architecture Operation and
3 cr
COMT 1181
Database Management Systems
3 cr
COMT 1182
Advanced Database
Management Systems
3 cr
COMT 2188
Systems Analysis and Design
3 cr
COMT 2250
Object Oriented Programming
with Java for HCST
4 cr
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
HLTH 1010
Medical Terminology
3 cr
HLTH 2010
Healthcare in the US
3 cr
HCST 2100
Introduction to Health
Information Technology
4 cr
HCST 2200
Privacy and Security in Health
Information Technology
2 cr
□ HCST 2300
Healthcare Systems Technology
4 cr
Additional Required Courses 20 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete at least 9 credits from MnTC Goals 3, 5, 9 cr
6, 7, 8, 9 or 10
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Healthcare Systems Technology (AAS)
60 Credits
This is a multidisciplinary program infused with the skills necessary to build a strong foundation in computer technology, health
information technology and healthcare. More specifically, students in this program learn: software database design, data
management, data privacy laws and regulations, work flow analysis and design, and healthcare and computer terminology.
Additionally, graduates of this program have the knowledge to bridge the gap in communication between multiple departments
within the organization.
| 63
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
Complete three of the following four courses:
HIST 1111
United States History 1
4 cr
HIST 1112
United States History 2
4 cr
HIST 1101
History of World Civilizations 1
4 cr
HIST 1102
History of World Civilizations 2
4 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met By completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
MATH 1080 or MATH 1090 or MATH 1095 recommended
unless student will pursue a Social Studies Education
Licensure, in which case MATH 1100 is recommended.
Students should check with their transfer institution for their
recommendations or requirements.
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required HIST courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required HIST courses
Course met by taking required HIST courses
□ Course _______________
HIST 1133 recommended
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement.
An additional history course is recommended, but this is not
a requirement. Students should check with the receiving
institution to understand how it will transfer; a fourth history
course may transfer into the major program in history or it
may transfer only as an elective toward the bachelor’s
History Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The History Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree with
course credits that directly transfer to designated History bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities. The
curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven
Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree
will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
History prepares students to research, analyze, and present evidence with a range of oral and written styles.
Students will gain both a broad understanding of the past in U.S. and world history and an appreciation for diverse historical
perspectives. The AA in history prepares students for careers that share the skills of historians, such as evaluating the credibility
of information, analyzing a variety of data to tell a story, and presenting a coherent story from varied sources.
The skills and knowledge gained from an AA in history prepare students for a variety of careers, among them business, digital
research, entertainment, government, law, healthcare, non-profit work, and teaching.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
| 64
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
History Transfer Pathway (AA), continued
60 Credits
| 65
Core Courses 32 Credits
BUSN 1107
Leadership in the Workplace
4 cr
□ HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
□ HSMA 1162
Hotel/Lodging Management and
4 cr
□ HSMA 2144
Food/Beverage Management and
Cost Control
4 cr
□ HSMA 2150
Revenue Management in Hospitality
and Tourism
4 cr
□ HSMA 2172
Hospitality Sales and Marketing
4 cr
□ HSMA 2173
Convention and Meeting Planning
4 cr
□ HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management Internship
2-4 cr
Additional Required Courses 29 Credits
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
Complete at least 3 credits from MnTC Goal 6 3 cr
Complete at least 9 credits from MnTC Goal areas
3, 4, 7, 8 or 10* 8 cr
*Highly recommended that students complete a MnTC Goal 3
science course with lab if planning to transfer to a bachelor’s
degree program.
Complete one of the following seven courses:
BUSN 1130
Introduction to International
3 cr
Information Technology Concepts
and Business Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
3 cr
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and Effective
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
3 cr
BUSN 2200
Human Resource Management
3 cr
HSMA 2125
Business Practices in the Global
3 cr
BUSN 1201: Highly recommended for students planning to
transfer to a bachelor’s degree program.
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Certificate Options
The department recommends that students complete courses
which, when combined with the required courses above, lead
to the achievement of a marketable hospitality certificate.
Hospitality Management (AAS)
60 Credits
Normandale’s hospitality management program prepares students to lead businesses in the hospitality, travel and tourism
industry. The program concentrates on developing the interpersonal communication, conceptual-creative, leadership, technical and
administrative skills needed to lead hospitality and tourism business towards current profitability and sustainability in the future.
Graduates in hospitality management go on to positions such as hotel general manager, conventions manager, event manager,
rooms division director, housekeeping/maintenance director, hotel sales and marketing director, banquet/catering manager,
restaurant/bar manager, casino operations, tourism manager, etc. Upon completion of a degree, students may go on to obtain a
bachelor's degree in hospitality management or related programs.
Complementing the traditional degree program, the Hospitality Department offers five Certificate Programs designed for working
adults. Students may also elect to complete one or more certificate concentrations and select courses to fulfill this requirement.
Normandale’s Hospitality Management Program is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and
Programs (ACBSP).
| 66
Required Courses 18-20 Credits
HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management
2-4 cr
HSMA 2097
Senior Hospitality Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2098
International Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2150
Revenue Management in
Hospitality and Tourism
4 cr
HSMA 2172
Hospitality Sales and Marketing
4 cr
HSMA 2173
Convention and Meeting
Planning Management
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Hotel Marketing and Sales Certificate
18-20 Credits
Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism may be completed by students working towards an AAS in Hospitality Management. The
certificates are also appropriate for students looking to gain knowledge in the hospitality and tourism industry, to either change
careers or obtain leadership skills towards a promotion within the industry. At least one-third of the credits required for these
certificates must be completed at Normandale.
| 67
Required Courses 18-20 Credits
HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
HSMA 1162
Hotel/Lodging Management and
4 cr
HSMA 2144
Food/Beverage Management
and Cost Control
4 cr
HSMA 2172
Hospitality Sales and Marketing
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management
2-4 cr
HSMA 2097
Senior Hospitality Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2098
International Internship
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Hotel Operations Certificate
18-20 Credits
Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism may be completed by students working towards an AAS in Hospitality Management. The
certificates are also appropriate for students looking to gain knowledge in the hospitality and tourism industry, to either change
careers or obtain leadership skills towards a promotion within the industry. At least one-third of the credits required for these
certificates must be completed at Normandale.
| 68
Required Courses 18 credits
BUSN 1145
3 cr
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and
Effective Teams
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of
3 cr
BUSN 2200
Human Resource
3 cr
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Human Resource Management Certificate
18 Credits
Business Enrichment certificates may be completed by students working toward an AS or AAS in Business or as stand alone
certificates. These certificate programs are designed for the student who wants new skills to obtain a better job, needs new
skills for a job upgrade or promotion or wishes to gain management skills in their current career or to change careers. The
Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include online delivery of the Human Resources
Management Certificate.
| 69
Core Courses 30 Credits
Select coursework from at least two discipline areas
Coursework from selected discipline area 1
9 cr
Coursework from selected discipline area 2
9 cr
Additional courses to reach a minimum of
30 Specialized Program credits
12 cr
Note: Coursework will be determined in consultation with
Normandale faculty and/or administration
Additional Required Courses 30 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 3 or 4 3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 5 3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 6 3 cr
Complete 6 credits from two different of the following 6 cr
MnTC Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10
Complete additional MnTC courses to reach a minimum
of 30 MnTC Credits
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Individualized Studies (AS)
60 Credits
The Individualized Studies degree is ideal for working adults and/or students who have well-defined career goals and who wish
to build their own program of study. In earning an Associate of Science degree, students have the opportunity to develop
competencies in both distinct and emerging fields unavailable through existing degree programs. Students create an academic
plan by combining complementary coursework from existing disciplines along with core Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
The program requires submission of a written degree plan initiated by the student with assistance from the dean of an
appropriate division, or an academic counselor/faculty member. Students use a plan template to guide the degree planning
process that they submit to the relevant academic dean’s office. The approval of an industry representative must also be
obtained when the degree plan applies to a specific career field. The plan must also demonstrate transferability to at least one
four-year accredited institution, even when it may not be the intention of the student to transfer immediately upon degree
| 70
Required Courses 14 Credits
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
3 cr
Complete one 5 credit language course; choose from the
□ CHIN 1100 Beginning Chinese 1 5 cr
□ CHIN 1200 Beginning Chinese 2 5 cr
□ CHIN 2100 Intermediate Chinese 1 5 cr
□ CHIN 2200 Intermediate Chinese 2 5 cr
□ FREN 1100 Beginning French 1 5 cr
□ FREN 1200 Beginning French 2 5 cr
□ FREN 2100 Intermediate French 1 5 cr
□ FREN 2200 Intermediate French 2 5 cr
□ GERM 1100 Beginning German 1 5 cr
□ FREN 1200 Beginning French 2 5 cr
□ FREN 2100 Intermediate French 1 5 cr
□ FREN 2200 Intermediate French 2 5 cr
□ JAPN 1100 Beginning Japanese 1 5 cr
□ JAPN 1200 Beginning Japanese 2 5 cr
□ JAPN 2100 Intermediate Japanese 1 5 cr
□ JAPN 2200 Intermediate Japanese 2 5 cr
SMLI 1100 Beginning Somali 1 5 cr
SMLI 1200 Beginning Somali 2 5 cr
SMLI 2100 Intermediate Somali 1 5 cr
SMLI 2200 Intermediate Somali 2 5 cr
□ SPAN 1100 Beginning Spanish 1 5 cr
□ SPAN 1200 Beginning Spanish 2 5 cr
□ SPAN 2100 Intermediate Spanish 1 5 cr
□ SPAN 2200 Intermediate Spanish 2 5 cr
Complete one 3 credit culture course; choose from the
CHIN 1111
Chinese Culture and Civilization
3 cr
FREN 1111
French Culture and Civilization
3 cr
GERM 1111
German Culture and Civilization
3 cr
JAPN 1111
Japanese Culture and Civilization
3 cr
SMLI 1111
Somali Culture and Civilization
3 cr
SPAN 1111
Spanish Culture and Civilization
3 cr
Complete one 3 credit world languages and cultures study
abroad course; choose from the following:
CHIN 1900
Topics/Study Abroad
3 cr
FREN 1900
Topics/Study Abroad
3 cr
SPAN 1900
Topics/Study Abroad
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
International Experience Certificate
14 Credits
The International Experience Certificate focuses on the development of knowledge in world languages, area studies, and
intercultural competence, providing students with the skills they need to thrive in our international community and workforce
both in Minnesota and around the globe.
| 71
Core Courses 46-47 Credits
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are prerequisite for
admission to the Law Enforcement Education Center (LEEC),
must be completed with a minimum grade of C in each
course, and require a minimum combined GPA of 2.5.
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
ENGC 1101*
College Writing
4 cr
ENGC 2102*
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
EXSC 1129
Fitness for Life I
2 cr
HLTH 2209
Emergency Medical Responder
3 cr
PHIL 1103
3 cr
PSYC 1110*
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
SOC 1104*
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
SOC 2114*
Families in Crisis
3 cr
SOC 2130*
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 cr
SOC 2131*
Juvenile Justice
3 cr
SOC 2132*
Police and Community
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
Cultural Diversity
3 cr
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
3 cr
PSYC 2200
Abnormal Psychology
3 cr
Complete one course from MnTC Goal 4
3-4 cr
Additional Required Courses
22 Credits
Courses below will be taken over two semesters at LEEC.
Semester 1
LAWE 2225
Criminal Investigation
3 cr
LAWE 2230
Legal Issues in Law Enforcement
3 cr
LAWE 2231
Minnesota Criminal and Traffic Codes
3 cr
LAWE 2235
Police Report Writing/Interview
2 cr
LAWE 2241
Police Response and Human Behavior
3 cr
Semester 2
LAWE 2261
In Progress Responses
2 cr
LAWE 2275
1 cr
LAWE 2280
Defensive Tactics
2 cr
LAWE 2285
Crime Scene and Evidence
1 cr
LAWE 2290
2 cr
LAWE 2300
Tactical Driving for Law Enforcement
Additional Requirements to Take the POST
Completion of an Emergency Medical Response or EMT course
is required prior to taking the licensing exam. HLTH 2209
fulfills this requirement. Students with current certification
may petition completion of the requirement and substitute
another 3 credit course for HLTH 2209. NOTE: A successful
petition will not affect the 68 credit requirement for the
Associate of Science degree.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Law Enforcement Transfer Pathway (AS)
68 Credits
The Law Enforcement Transfer Pathway (AS) offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Law Enforcement bachelor's degree programs at
Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and
transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the
Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor's degree programs in a related field
This program is designed to prepare students to be eligible to take the Minnesota Peace officer Licensing Exam and eventually
enter police work. Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University;
Minnesota State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud
State University; and Winona State University.
| 72
Required Courses 30-31 Credits
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are prerequisite for
admission to the Law Enforcement Education Center (LEEC),
must be completed with a minimum grade of C in each
course, and require a minimum combined GPA of 2.5.
ENGC 1101*
College Writing
4 cr
ENGC 2102*
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
EXSC 1129
Fitness for Life I
2 cr
SOC 1104*
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
3 cr
SOC 2114*
Families in Crisis
3 cr
SOC 2130*
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 cr
SOC 2131*
Juvenile Justice
3 cr
SOC 213*
Police and Community
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
□ PSYC 1100
Psychology in Modern Life
3 cr
□ PSYC 1110*
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
Professional Licensing Core Courses
Completion of this certificate prepares students to apply to
LEEC where they will be able to take coursework required to
become a licensed police officer.
Courses below will be taken over two semesters at LEEC.
LAWE 2225
Criminal Investigation
3 cr
LAWE 2230
Legal Issues in Law Enforcement
3 cr
LAWE 2231
Minnesota Criminal and Traffic
3 cr
LAWE 2235
Police Report Writing/Interview
2 cr
LAWE 2241
Police Response and Human
3 cr
LAWE 2261
In Progress Responses
2 cr
LAWE 2275
1 cr
LAWE 2280
Defensive Tactics
2 cr
LAWE 2285
Crime Scene and Evidence
1 cr
LAWE 2290
2 cr
LAWE 2300
Tactical Driving for Law
Additional Requirements to Take the POST
Completion of a First Responder, Emergency Medical
Response or EMT course is required prior to taking the
licensing exam. HLTH 2209 fulfills this requirement.
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Law Enforcement Certificate
30-31 Credits
This certificate is designed to prepare graduates for police work. The Certificate in Law Enforcement is designed for students
who already have completed either an associate or bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university.
Coursework in practical skills is offered at the Law Enforcement Education Center (LEEC). For more information on LEEC, call
| 73
Required Courses 18 Credits
BUSN 1145
3 cr
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
3 cr
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and
Effective Teams
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of
3 cr
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Management Certificate
18 Credits
Business Enrichment certificates may be completed by students working toward an AS or AAS in Business or as stand alone
certificates. These certificate programs are designed for the student who wants new skills to obtain a better job, needs new
skills for a job upgrade or promotion or wishes to gain management skills in their current career or to change careers. The
Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include online delivery of the Management
| 74
Required Courses 18 Credits
BUSN 1102
Social Media Marketing
3 cr
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of
3 cr
BUSN 2252
Professional Selling
3 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Marketing Certificate
18 Credits
Business Enrichment certificates may be completed by students working toward an AS or AAS in Business or as stand alone
certificates. These certificate programs are designed for the student who wants new skills to obtain a better job, needs new
skills for a job upgrade or promotion or wishes to gain management skills in their current career or to change careers. The
Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include online delivery of the Marketing Certificate.
| 75
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
5 cr
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
5 cr
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable
5 cr
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential
Equations with Linear Algebra
5 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC)
40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required MATH courses
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Mathematics Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Mathematics Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Mathematics bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
universities.* The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring
to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
*Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 76
Core Courses 38 Credits
MUSC 1131
Music Theory 1
3 cr
MUSC 1132
Music Theory 2
3 cr
MUSC 2231
Music Theory 3
3 cr
MUSC 2232
Music Theory 4
3 cr
MUSC 1181
Ear Training 1
2 cr
MUSC 1182
Ear Training 2
2 cr
MUSC 2281
Ear Training 3
2 cr
MUSC 2282
Ear Training 4
2 cr
MUSC 1151
Applied Music 1
2 cr
(Complete MUSC 1151 in two different semesters for a total
of 4 credits)
MUSC 2251
Applied Music 2
2 cr
(Complete MUSC 2251 in two different semesters for a total
of 4 credits)
MUSC 1152
Performance Class
0 cr
(Complete MUSC 1152 four times in four different semesters)
MUSC 1159
Piano Proficiency
0 cr
MUSC 2245
Music History 1
3 cr
MUSC 2246
Music History 2
3 cr
Complete one of the following Music Ensemble Courses in four
different semesters for a total of 4 credits:
MUSC 1113
Concert Choir
1 cr
MUSC 1116
Concert Band
1 cr
MUSC 1118
1 cr
Additional Required Courses 30 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Complete one of the following four courses:
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete a minimum of 23 credits from at least three of the
following MnTC Goals 3, 5, 7, 9 or 10.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Music (AFA)
68 Credits
The Associate of Fine Arts degree in Music provides a high-quality two-year curriculum that completes the first two years of a
baccalaureate degree in music. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of harmonic analysis, four-
part voice-leading, transposition, aural intervallic and chord identification, melodic and rhythmic dictation, solmization, history of
western art music, fundamental piano proficiency, solo and ensemble performance, and instrumental or vocal facility through
applied study with artist-level faculty.
The AFA in Music prepares a student for transfer into the third year of a baccalaureate music program, in particular, those students
pursuing a four-year degree in music performance, music education, or music therapy.
The Music Department at Normandale Community College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Sch ools of Music.
| 77
Core Courses 35 Credits
(Students already holding LPN licensure are required to take
30 nursing credits)
All courses must be complete with a grade of C or higher.
Complete one of the following two courses:
NURS 2700
Health Promotion and the Role of
the Professional Nurse (For
general nursing students)
9 cr
NURS 2720
Transition to the Role of the
Professional Nurse (For students
who have a current
unencumbered Licensed
Practical Nurse (LRN) license 5
credits of LPN Advanced
Standing Credits will be granted)
4 cr
Complete the following courses:
NURS 2750
Nutrition and the Role of the
Professional Nurse
2 cr
NURS 2800
Chronic and Palliative Care
7 cr
NURS 2820
Pharmacology and the Role of the
Professional Nurse
3 cr
NURS 2850
Applied Pathophysiology for
Nursing I
2 cr
NURS 2910
Acute and Complex Care
7 cr
NURS 2920
Applied Pathophysiology for
Nursing 2
2 cr
NURS 2950
Nursing Leadership I
3 cr
Additional Required Courses 40 Credits
All courses must be complete with a grade of C or higher.
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
BIOL 2043
4 cr
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology:
Life Span
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology - The
Global Human Experience
3 cr
Nursing (AS)
75 Credits
The Normandale Nursing Department educates students to become entry-level professional nurses who are prepared to begin
their careers as competent, caring members of today’s health care team. The Normandale Nursing program has adopted the
Minnesota Alliance for Nursing Education (MANE) curriculum which is a collaboratively-developed curriculum designed to
remove barriers for students wishing to obtain their baccalaureate degree in nursing (BSN). Normandale offers five semesters of
an eight semester BSN program. Students admitted to Normandale’s Nursing program will be dually admitted to Metropolitan
State University’s Nursing program.
Normandale students will receive their associate of science degree following successful completion of the fifth semester of the
program and may elect to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for Registered Nurse Licensure. Students
will have the opportunity to complete the remaining three semesters of the MANE BSN curriculum as Metropolitan State
University students. This program is committed to quality, integrity, active life-long learning, student success, alliances and
community service.
Students entering the nursing program are expected to meet the Minnesota State Performance Standards for Entry-Level
Nursing Programs, which are available on the Non-academics Requirements page on the Nursing department website. These
performance standards are required abilities for effective performance in Minnesota State nursing education programs. The
standards are compatible with the scope of practice as defined by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. The examples show how a
standard may be applied in entry-level nursing education programs. The examples listed are for illustrative purposes only and
are not intended to be a complete list of all tasks in an entry-level nursing program.
Reasonable accommodations for meeting standards may be available for otherwise program-qualified individuals with
disabilities. Information is available in the Office for Students with Disabilities at 952-358-8625.
Normandale’s nursing program is approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission
for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Contact at 404-975-5000 or
online at ACENursing.org
| 78
Complete one of the following two courses:
PHIL 1103
3 cr
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
3 cr
Complete 4 credits from MnTC Goal areas 4, 6, 7,
8, 9 or 10 4 cr
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
of 2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered
1000 and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see
MnTC Degree Audit Report.
Admission Requirements and Application Process
Beginning Spring 2022, students will be admitted to the
nursing program under Holistic Review. Visit the MANE
website for more information on Holistic
Review: https://manemn.org/home/prospective-
Applicants who are new to Normandale must complete
the online college application, found at
www.normandaele.edu/apply. Acceptance to the college
does not imply acceptance into the nursing program.
The nursing program application deadlines are February
1 for fall and June 1 for spring the following year.
Please see the nursing program website for application
information for detailed application instructions.
Students wishing to petition an exemption of admission
requirements must do so prior to the application
New students are encouraged to attend a college
information session; current students should call 952-
358-8261 to schedule a meeting with an advisor.
Nursing information sessions are offered each semester.
Visit our nursing website for session dates and locations.
Applicants must meet the following requirements before the
application is processed:
High school graduation or GED.
Complete semester one of the MANE curriculum plan:
ENGC 1101, CHEM 1050 or CHEM 1061, BIOL 2041,
and an elective in MnTC Goal 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
Have a GPA of 2.75 or higher in the semester one
coursework shown above.
Complete the ATI TEAS pre-entrance exam. Visit
Normandale’s Nursing website or visit the ATI-TEAS
testing page.
Submission of Nursing Program Application
Normandale's nursing program uses an online application that
can be found at: https://manemn.org/home/prospective-
Admissions policies are subject to change. Applications will be
accepted under the terms in place at the time an application is
received by the Health Science Division. It is the responsibility
of the student to keep up-to-date on any changes which may
affect their qualifications for acceptance.
Application Deadlines
The application to the nursing program is February 1 for fall
semester and June 1 for spring semester. The application and
all required documents must be received on or before the due
Application Notification
Applicants will be notified in writing on or before March 15 for
fall semester and July 15 for spring semester. Candidates will
be instructed in their acceptance letter of the due date to
accept or decline the admission offer. If a response is not
received by the due date, the seat will be considered declined.
Students who are not admitted must reapply to the nursing
program the following cycle.
Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosure
The AS in Nursing prepares students to take the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for register nurse
licensure in Minnesota.
Effective July 1, 2020 the U.S. Department of Education
regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v)) which requires our
Associate Degree Program in Nursing to provide a list of states
categorized by whether our curriculum:
meets state educational requirements for
professional licensure or certification;
does not meet state educational requirements for
professional licensure or certification;
or where we have not made a determination of
whether the curriculum meets educational
For additional information about states’ requirements, please
visit NursingLicensure.org. If you have questions, please
contact the Health Sciences Enrollment Manager,
[email protected], 952-358-8417.
Nursing (AS), continued
75 Credits
| 79
MANE Curriculum Plan at Normandale
Community College
Semester 1
□ ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
□ CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
□ BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
Elective Credits: 4 credits from MnTC Goals 4, 6, 7, 4 cr
8, 9 or 10
Semester 2
□ PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
□ BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
□ BIOL 2043
4 cr
□ COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
Semester 3
NURS 2700
Health Promotion and the Role of the
Professional Nurse (For general
nursing students)
9 cr
NURS 2720
Transition to the Role of the
Professional Nurse (For students
who have a current unencumbered
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
license 5 credits of LPN Advanced
Standing credits be granted)
4 cr
□ NURS 2750
Nutrition and the Role of the
Professional Nurse
2 cr
□ PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology: Life Span
4 cr
Semester 4
NURS 2800
Chronic and Palliative Care
7 cr
NURS 2820
Pharmacology and the Role of
the Professional Nurse
3 cr
NURS 2850
Applied Pathophysiology for
Nursing I
2 cr
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology - The
Global Human Experience
3 cr
Semester 5
NURS 2910
Acute and Complex Care
7 cr
NURS 2920
Applied Pathophysiology for
Nursing 2
2 cr
NURS 2950
Nursing Leadership I
3 cr
PHIL 1103
3 cr
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
3 cr
Note: Upon completion of Semester 5, students are eligible for
the AS in Nursing and NCLEX-RN/licensure.75 Credits
Semester 6
Metropolitan State University upper division coursework
begins - 15 Credits
□ NURS 406
Nursing Care of the Family
4 cr
□ NURS 444
Evidence-Based Nursing
3 cr
□ General Education Statistics 4 cr
□ General Education Writing in your Major 4 cr
General Education Statistics: (MATH 1080 or MATH 0990
STATWAY Statistics 1 & MATH 1090 STATWAY Statistics 2 or
MATH 1095 STATWAY: Accelerated will fulfill this requirement)
Semester 7
Upper division coursework 16 Credits
HSCI 309
NURS 464
□ HSCI 446
Global Health Issues
Nursing Leadership II
Nursing Informatics
7 cr
4 cr
2 cr
□ General Education-Upper Division Liberal 3 cr
Semester 8
Upper division coursework 14 Credits
□ NURS 490
Integrative Seminar and
Practicum (4 theory/3 clinical)
10 cr
□ General Education-Upper Division Liberal 4 cr
Nursing (AS), continued
75 Credits
| 80
Required Course
Complete one of the following two courses:
NURS 1057
Nursing Assistant Certificate
4 cr
NURS 1060
Nursing Assistant/Home Health
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
The following websites provide more information about
nursing assistants, information about skills testing and links to
the practice test and competency test brochure:
The “Contacting the Nursing Assistant Registry” page on the
Minnesota Department of Health website provides links to
Registry forms, training and testing sites.
The Pearson VUE website offers a test/skills brochure and a
practice written test for Minnesota nursing assistants.
Nursing Assistant Certificate
4 Credits
The Nursing Assistant Certificate course prepares individuals to assist others with personal care needs. This certificate course is
approved by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and prepares students to take the National Nursing Assistant Training
and Competency Evaluation Test. Upon successful completion of the test, students are placed on the Minnesota Nursing
Assistant Registry (NA/R).
The Nursing Assistant (NA/R) provides care under the direct supervision of licensed nurses. Employment is primarily in facilities
caring for older adults. The demand for NA/Rs continues to grow due to our aging population.
Skills and knowledge obtained while earning the Nursing Assistant Certificate provide a strong foundation for individuals
planning to pursue a career in healthcare.
| 81
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
Complete two of the following three courses:
PHIL 1101
Introduction to Philosophy
3 cr
PHIL 1102
3 cr
PHIL 1103
3 cr
Complete one of the following five courses:
PHIL 1140
Environmental Ethics
3 cr
PHIL 1150
Introduction to World Religions
3 cr
PHIL 1160
Philosophy of Art
3 cr
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
3 cr
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking PHIL 1102)
(Select from Two Different Departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required PHIL courses
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking PHIL 1150)
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking PHIL 1103 or PHIL 1140 or
PHIL 1170 or PHIL 1180)
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking PHIL 1140)
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Philosophy Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
The Associate of Arts Degree with Emphasis in Philosophy provides students with the opportunity to reflect on the most
fundamental questions that concern human beings. Through careful study of major figures and traditions within philosophy,
courses in this program will help students develop skills for reasoning and critical analysis, and encourage imagination,
intellectual curiosity and rigor, personal reflection, and civic engagement.
Since the study of philosophy cultivates intellectual curiosity and imagination, and draws upon all areas of human endeavor,
students who complete the emphasis will be prepared to transfer to a four-year institution in pursuit of many different majors.
Philosophy majors are prepared for a wide variety of careers, including law, journalism, business, technology, and government
and politics. Philosophy courses satisfy 6 of the 10 goals in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
| 82
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable Calculus
5 cr
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential Equations
with Linear Algebra
5 cr
PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and
5 cr
PHYS 1122
Physics 2 for Scientists and
5 cr
PHYS 2250
Modern Physics
4 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
Course #1 met by taking required
PHYS courses
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required MATH courses
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course (EXSC 1129 is
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Physics Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles and is the basis of
many other sciences. Students who study physics develop a range of skills that can be applied in many areas, including:
problem solving, with a pragmatic and analytical approach; constructing logical arguments; applying analytical skills; and
grasping complex problems.
An Associate of Arts with Emphasis in Physics from Normandale provides students with fundamental knowledge of physics and
mathematics that will ensure that they have the foundation and prerequisites to complete a bachelor’s degree in physics at a
transfer institution. In addition to the AA with Emphasis in Physics, the Physics Department at Normandale offers classes that
fulfill requirements for students studying mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, engineering, and some health
fields. All physics classes at Normandale fulfill Goal 3 (Natural Sciences) of the MnTC.
| 83
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
POLS 1130
Introduction to U.S. Politics
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
POLS 1132
Introduction to Comparative Politics
3 cr
POLS 1150
Introduction to World Politics and
3 cr
Complete one of the following seven courses:
Students may take POLS 1132 or POLS 1150 (whichever was
not used to satisfy the required course above)
POLS 1132
Introduction to Comparative Politics
3 cr
POLS 1133
Middle East Politics
3 cr
POLS 1135
Introduction to Political Ideas
3 cr
POLS 1150
Introduction to World Politics and
3 cr
POLS 1152
Model United Nations
3 cr
POLS 1195
Conflict and Negotiation
3 cr
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
MATH 1080 or MATH 1090 or MATH 1095 recommended
□ Course _______________
2 COURSES (Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required
POLS courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by taking POLS 1195)
Course met by taking required POLS courses
Course met by taking required POLS courses
□ Course _______________
Political Science Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Political Science Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts
degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Political Science bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State
universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to
one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway
associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Employers regard Political Science as one of the two most highly-prized social science degrees among employees. Why do
employers desire students who study power and government and can hold national and international perspectives on topics?
Because businesses, non-profit organizations, government, public service, law, media, education, and more need and admire the
rare combination of knowledge, talent, and skills that Political Science students develop.
Political Science students uniquely combine wide-ranging knowledge with skills at research, analysis, and communication. These
traits make students supremely qualified to work in the Information Age. Professional life increasingly requires collecting,
organizing, applying, evaluating, and presenting information and ideas, as well as thinking critically, solving problems creatively,
demonstrating cross-cultural understanding, and working individually and collaboratively.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University; and
Winona State University.
| 84
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Political Science Transfer Pathway (AA), continued
60 Credits
| 85
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
4 cr
PSYC 2100
Statistics for the Behavioral
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
PSYC 2200
Abnormal Psychology
3 cr
PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology: Life Span
4 cr
PSYC 2600
Introduction to Social Psychology
3 cr
Complete one additional PSYC course 3-4 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1111
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
Course #1 BIOL _______________
(must complete one Goal 3 BIOL course)
□ Course #2 _______________
□ MATH 1080 or 1090 or 1095 or 1100
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required PSYC courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 PHIL _______________
(must complete one Goal 6 PHIL course)
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required PSYC courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Psychology Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Psychology Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree
with course credits that directly transfer to designated Psychology bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the
seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate
degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
The Pathway may not apply to schools outside of Minnesota State, including the University of Minnesota. Students intending to
transfer to those schools should investigate the requirements at the receiving institutions. Part of the Pathway is to complete at
least one elective course chosen from the extensive offerings of the Psychology Department.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University; and
Winona State University.
| 86
Core Courses 25 Credits
□ HLTH 2010
Healthcare in the US
3 cr
□ HLTH 2011
Introduction to Public Health
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
HLTH 1104
Personal and Community Health
3 cr
CHWN 1500
The Community Health Worker:
Health Promotion Competencies
5 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
HLTH 2012
Public Health Advocacy and
3 cr
□ CHWN 1000
The Community Health Worker: Role,
Advocacy, Outreach, and Resources
3 cr
CHWN 1200
Documentation, Legal, and Ethical
Issues in Community Health Work
3 cr
Complete 8-13 credits from the following ten:
HLTH 2105
Women's Health
3 cr
HLTH 1106
Drug Use and Abuse
3 cr
HLTH 1118
Stress Management
3 cr
HLTH 1010
Medical Terminology
3 cr
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
3 cr
CHWN 1100
Cultural Health Communication,
Teaching, and Capacity Building
3 cr
CHWN 2096
Community Health Worker
Navigator Internship
2 cr
EXSC xxxx
Exercise Science elective
1 cr
HLTH 1112
CPR for the Professional Rescuer
1 cr
HLTH 1103
College First Aid and Adult CPR
2 cr
Additional Required Courses 35 Credits
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
4 cr
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
4 cr
CHEM 1020
Introductory Chemistry
4 cr
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and
3 cr
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
POLS 1130
Introduction to U.S. Politics
3 cr
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
□ MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
□ MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
□ MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60
college-level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
of 2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered
1000 and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Public Health (AS)
60 Credits
The Associate of Science in Public Health is designed specifically for students to transfer to the appropriate upper-level
college or university of their choice, where they can complete a BAS or BS degree. As such, the program provides core
courses in Public Health and general education requirements that would be included in the first two years of study at four-
year institutions. The degree program provides students with foundational knowledge in public health. Public health
professionals work within a variety of settings including state and local health departments, hospitals, workplace wellness
programs, government agencies, educational institutions, research organizations, and international development agencies.
| 87
Required Courses 15-17 Credits
Complete three of the following four courses:
ANTH 1188
Magic, Witchcraft and Religion:
The Anthropology of Religion
3 cr
PHIL 1150
Introduction to World Religions
3 cr
PSYC 2400
Psychology of Religion and
3 cr
PHIL 1105
Philosophy of Religion
3 cr
Complete two of the following ten courses:
ANTH 1150
Native American Voices
3 cr
ANTH 1899
Medical Anthropology: Health,
Illness and Healing Across
3 cr
ART 1102
Foundation Art History
3 cr
ART 1105
Non-Western Art Survey
3 cr
ENGL 1175
Myths and Legends
3 cr
GEOL 1050
Earth History
4 cr
HIST 1101
History of World Civilizations 1
4 cr
HIST 1102
History of World Civilizations 2
4 cr
MUSC 1121
Introduction to World Music
3 cr
PSYC 1108
Psychology of Death and Dying
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Religious Studies Certificate
15-17 Credits
The Religious Studies Certificate is designed for students who desire a concentrated course of academic study in the field of
religious studies. Students will gain knowledge of the beliefs, practices, history, struggles, and influences of various religious
and spiritual traditions from the perspectives of a variety of academic disciplines. Courses are rigorous and personally
enriching. Religious studies address some of the most fundamental and enduring sources of meaning and community, as
well as conflict and misunderstanding in human history. Students will gain knowledge of many types of belief and practice
communities. Through completing this certificate, students will demonstrate a sustained exploration and appreciation of
people’s strongly diverse religious beliefs and behaviors.
| 88
Required Courses 18 Credits
BUSN 1125
3 cr
Information Technology
Concepts and Business
Software 1
3 cr
Business Problem Solving
Analyzing - Excel
3 cr
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
3 cr
BUSN 2310
Small Business Management
3 cr
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Small Business Management Certificate
18 Credits
Business Enrichment certificates may be completed by students working toward an AS or AAS in Business or as stand-alone
certificates. These certificate programs are designed for the student who wants new skills to obtain a better job, needs new
skills for a job upgrade or promotion or wishes to gain management skills in their current career or to change careers. The
Higher Learning Commission has extended Normandale’s accreditation to include online delivery of the Small Business
Management Certificate.
| 89
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
SOC 1102
Love, Sex and Family
3 cr
SOC 1116
Popular Culture & Media Sociology
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
SOC 1109
Wealth and Poverty
3 cr
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles
3 cr
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
MATH 1080 or MATH 1090 or MATH 1095 recommended
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required SOC courses
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course met by completing required SOC courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
(can be met by completing SOC 2116)
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Sociology Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Sociology Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree
with course credits that directly transfer to designated Sociology bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the
seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate
degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
| 90
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
SPAN 1100
Beginning Spanish 1
5 cr
SPAN 1200
Beginning Spanish 2
5 cr
SPAN 2100
Intermediate Spanish 1
5 cr
SPAN 2200
Intermediate Spanish 2
5 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required SPAN courses
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
Course met by taking required SPAN courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements
20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
(SPAN 1111 is recommended).
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Spanish Transfer Pathway (AA)
60 Credits
The Spanish Transfer Pathway AA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Arts degree
with course credits that directly transfer to designated Spanish bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the
seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate
degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
| 91
Required Courses 13 Credits
SPAN 2100
Intermediate Spanish 1
5 cr
SPAN 2200
Intermediate Spanish 2
5 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
SPAN 1111
Spanish Culture and Civilization
3 cr
SPAN 2210
Advanced Communication Skills
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Spanish Certificate
13 Credits
The goal of the Spanish Certificate is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire linguistic skills, cultural knowledge
and intercultural competence necessary to work in an increasingly global community. This certificate complements many
academic fields and careers in which students would benefit from an international perspective.
| 92
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
Grade of B or higher is required
EDUC 1101
Introduction to Education
4 cr
Grade of C or higher is required
EDUC 2101
Educational Technology
3 cr
EDUC 2222
Multicultural Education and Human
Relations in Schools
3 cr
EDUC 2331
Professional Practice and Design of
Individual Education Programs
2 cr
EDUC 2408
Individuals with Diverse and
Exceptional Needs
4 cr
EDUC 2409
Learning and Human Development
for Diverse Learners
4 cr
ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
Grade of B or higher is required
MATH 1055
Elements of Mathematics 1
4 cr
PSYC 1109
Child and Adolescent Development
3 cr
Grade of C or higher is required
Grade of B or higher is required in COMM 1101 and ENGC
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
The department recommends the following courses for
completion of MnTC:
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1101
(met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
BIOL 1100 and PHYS 1001 & PHYS 1002 recommended
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course met by completing required MATH
(Select from two different departments)
GEOG 1121 or HIST 1111 recommended
□ Course #1 met by completing required PSYC
□ Course #2 _______________
Special Education Foundations
Transfer Pathway (AS) | 60 Credits
The Special Education Foundations Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an
Associate of Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Special Education bachelor’s degree
programs at Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this
pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All
courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs
in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
Minnesota State University, Mankato offers the Bachelor of Science program in Special Education on the Normandale
Community College campus.
Individuals who have been arrested, charged or convicted of any criminal offense should investigate the impact that the arrest,
charge or conviction may have on their chances of employment in the field they intend to study or on their chances to obtain
federal, state and other higher education financial aid.
| 93
(Select from two different departments)
ART 1101 and ENGL 2060 recommended
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
HIST 1111 recommended
□ Course _______________
ART 1101 or GEOG 1121 recommended
□ Course _______________
PHYS 1001 & PHYS 1002 recommended
□ Course _______________
BIOL 1104 recommended
□ Course _______________
Additional recommended courses to meet 60
EDUC 2223
Foundations of Instruction
2 cr
ENGT 1050
Bridging Engineering and
3 cr
MATH 1065
Elements of Mathematics 2
4 cr
Spanish for Educators 1
3 cr
Additional Degree Requirements
20 credits
Complete required 30 field work hours.
Demonstrate expected standards in Professional
Complete additional courses to reach 60 total credits, of
which 40 credits must satisfy all 10 MnTC Goals.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Special Education Foundations
Transfer Pathway (AS), continued | 60 Credits
| 94
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Other Degree
Requirements sections below.
THTR 1101
Voice and Movement
3 cr
THTR 1116
Introduction to Theatre
3 cr
THTR 1120
Theatre Performance Practicum
1 cr
(THTR 1120 must be repeated for a
total of 3 credits)
THTR 1135
Stage Makeup
2 cr
THTR 1151
Acting 1
3 cr
THTR 2150
Script Analysis
3 cr
THTR 2151
Acting 2
3 cr
THTR 2160
Audition Techniques
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required
THTR course
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Theatre Performance
Transfer Pathway (AFA) | 60 Credits
As a Theatre Performance AFA candidate, students will prepare for a career as a stage artist. Students will build skills in
auditioning, acting, voice, movement, directing and analysis as well as having multiple roles in fully produced productions. Upon
completion of the degree, students will be prepared to either begin auditioning professionally or transfer into a BA or BFA
theatre performance program for further training.
The Theatre Performance Transfer Pathway AFA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of
Fine Arts degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Theater Performance (BA or BFA) bachelor’s degree
programs at Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this
pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All
courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs
in a related field.
Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State
University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University;
and Winona State University.
Acceptance into this degree program is by audition and interview only. Students should consult their intended transfer
institution for any additional admissions or general education requirements.
The Theatre Department at Normandale Community College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of
Schools of Theatre.
| 95
Other Degree Requirements
20 credits
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for THTR
Coursework in this degree program satisfies the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Theatre Performance
Transfer Pathway (AFA) | 60 Credits
| 96
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Other Degree
Requirements sections below.
THTR 1116
Introduction to Theatre
3 cr
THTR 1122
Technical Theatre Practicum
1 cr
(THTR 1122 must be repeated for
a total of 3 credits)
THTR 1125
Drawing and Rendering
3 cr
THTR 1140
3 cr
THTR 2150
Script Analysis
3 cr
THTR 2520
Stage Management
3 cr
Complete two of the following three courses:
THTR 1130
Costume Construction
3 cr
THTR 1145
Lighting and Sound
3 cr
THTR 2020
Basic Design
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 met by taking required
THTR course
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Theatre Production and Design Transfer
Pathway (AFA), continued | 60 Credits
As a Technical Theatre AFA candidate, students will prepare for a career as a theatre technician. Students will build skills in
scenic, costume and lighting technology as well as design and rendering. Students will have opportunities to work both
backstage and as technicians creating multiple fully produced productions. Upon completion of the degree, students will be
prepared to either begin working professionally or transfer into a BA or BFA theatre program for further training.
The Theatre Production and Design Transfer Pathway AFA offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an
Associate of Fine Arts degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Theatre Production and Design (BA or BFA)
bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities. * The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students
completing and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All
courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs
in a related field.
*Universities within the Minnesota State system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota
State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State
University; and Winona State University.
Acceptance into this degree program is by audition and interview only. Students should consult their intended transfer
institution for any additional admissions or general education requirements.
The Theatre Department at Normandale Community College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of
Schools of Theatre.
| 97
Other Degree Requirements
20 credits
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60 credit requirement
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for THTR
Coursework in this degree program satisfies the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Theatre Production and Design Transfer
Pathway (AFA), continued | 60 Credits
| 98
Required Courses 17-19 Credits
HSMA 1103
Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism Management
4 cr
HSMA 2100
Casino Management and
4 cr
HSMA 2144
Food/Beverage Management
and Cost Control
4 cr
GEOG 1102
Human Geography
3 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
HSMA 2096
Hospitality Management
2-4 cr
HSMA 2097
Senior Hospitality Internship
4 cr
HSMA 2098
International Internship
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Tourism Operations and Management Certificate
17-19 Credits
Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism may be completed by students working towards an AAS in Hospitality Management. The
certificates are also appropriate for students looking to gain knowledge in the hospitality and tourism industry, to either change
careers or obtain leadership skills towards a promotion within the industry. At least one-third of the credits required for these
certificates must be completed at Normandale.
| 99
Core Courses 30 Credits
ENGT 1153
AC/DC Circuits
4 cr
ENGT 1184
Fluid Mechanics
3 cr
ENGT 1290
Measurement and Process
2 cr
ENGT 2188
Electronics and Automation
4 cr
VACT 1292
Introduction to Vacuum
2 cr
VACT 2293
Vacuum Analysis and
4 cr
VACT 2297
Thin Film Deposition
3 cr
Complete eight credits from the following eight courses:
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer
4 cr
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
ENGT 1180
Manufacturing Processes
2 cr
ENGT 1511
Introduction to Engineering
Technology (PLTW™)
3 cr
ENGT 1512
Principles of Engineering
3 cr
ENGT 1513
Digital Electronics Technology
3 cr
ENGT 1514
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing (PLTW)
3 cr
VACT 2294
Semiconductor Processing
4 cr
Additional Required Courses 30 Credits
□ ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
3 cr
PHYS 1110
College Physics 1
4 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
CHEM 1020
Introductory Chemistry
4 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
Complete one of the following four courses:
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
3 cr
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 cr
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
3 cr
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
4 cr
Complete one of the following three courses:
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
4 cr
□ MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
4 cr
□ MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
4 cr
Complete one of the following fourteen courses to reach 30
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
4 cr
ART 1123
Introduction to Sculpture
3 cr
ART 1124
Introduction to Ceramics:
3 cr
ART 1125
Glass Fusing 1
3 cr
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer Technology
4 cr
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and
Problem Solving
4 cr
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr
ENGT 1511
Introduction to Engineering
Technology (PLTW™)
3 cr
ENGT 1512
Principles of Engineering (PLTW™)
3 cr
ENGT 1513
Digital Electronics Technology (PLTW™)
3 cr
ENGT 1514
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
3 cr
PHYS 1111
College Physics 2
4 cr
THTR 1140
3 cr
Students may select COMT 1107, CSCI 1101, ENGT 1511,
ENGT 1512, ENGT 1513 and ENGT 1514 if not previously
used to satisfy Core Courses credit requirements.
Other Degree Requirements
If needed, complete additional courses to reach 60 college-
level credits total.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Coursework in this degree program satisfies a portion of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Please see MnTC
Degree Audit Report.
Vacuum and Thin Film Technology (AAS)
60 Credits
The Vacuum and Thin Film Technology program prepares a student to work as a technician in industries which rely on vacuum-
based processes to create and manufacture products. Employment opportunities span a variety of industries such as
semiconductor, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), glass, optics, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) solar cells, vacuum-based
equipment and other industries which use thin film coating processes.
| 100
Required Courses 28-29 Credits
□ ENGC 1101
College Writing
4 cr
□ ENGT 1153
AC/DC Circuits
4 cr
□ ENGT 1184
Fluid Mechanics
3 cr
□ VACT 1292
Introduction to Vacuum
2 cr
□ VACT 2293
Vacuum Analysis and
4 cr
□ VACT 2297
Thin Film Deposition
3 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
CHEM 1020
Introductory Chemistry
4 cr
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
5 cr
Complete one of the following two courses:
MATH 1100
College Algebra
4 cr
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
4 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Vacuum Maintenance Technician Certificate
28-29 Credits
The Vacuum Maintenance Technician Certificate prepares individuals with little or no previous college coursework for a career
as a technician supporting vacuum-based equipment. The coursework included in the certificate provides the student with the
necessary academic experience in college algebra, chemistry, general engineering technology and vacuum technology to
perform as a vacuum maintenance technician.
| 101
Required Courses 9 Credits
VACT 1292
Introduction to Vacuum
2 cr
VACT 2293
Vacuum Analysis and
4 cr
VACT 2297
Thin Film Deposition
3 cr
Other Certificate Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn at least one third of the required certificate credits
from Normandale.
Vacuum Technology Certificate
9 Credits
The Vacuum Technology Certificate is recommended for individuals who have either a 2-year technical degree (complete with
necessary background in college algebra and chemistry) or a four-year technical or non-technical degree and the desire to
acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the field of vacuum technology. Completion of the certificate courses
prepares the two-year technical degreed student for a career as a technician in vacuum technology. Students who possess four-
year degrees will be prepared to advise on and support vacuum-based processes used in industries such as semi-conductor,
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), glass and optics, LED and solar cell and thin film coatings.
| 102
Required Courses
Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General
Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional
Course Requirements sections below.
SOC 1120
Introduction to Women's Studies
and Gender Studies
3 cr
SOC 1121
Women Across Cultures
3 cr
Complete three of the following four courses:
BIOL 1125
Sex and Human Diversity
3 cr
ENGL 1140
Gender and Literature
3 cr
HIST 1131
Family: Sex/Gender/Power:
A Cross-Cultural, Historical
3 cr
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and Gender
3 cr
General Education/Minnesota Transfer
Curriculum (MnTC) 40 Credits
*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options
□ ENGC 1101
□ COMM 1100 or 1101 or 1111 or 1121
(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)
(Select from two different departments; at least one must
include a lab)
□ Course #1 _______________
(can be met by taking BIOL 1125)
□ Course #2 _______________
□ Course _______________
(Select from two different departments)
This goal can be met by completing the 1120 and 1121
required courses from two different departments
□ Course #1 _______________
□ Course #2 _______________
(Select from two different departments)
Course #1 _______________
(can be met by taking ENGL 1140)
□ Course #2 _______________
Course met by taking required courses
Course met by taking required courses
□ Course _______________
□ Course _______________
Additional Course Requirements 20 Credits
One Health (HLTH) course.
One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.
Elective credits additional course(s) numbered 1000 and
above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.
Other Degree Requirements
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000
and above) completed at Normandale.
Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the MnTC.
Earn a minimum of 15 college-level credits at Normandale.
Women’s Studies – Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)
60 Credits
Coursework in this area is supportive of bachelor’s degree programs in women’s studies as well as the related fields of human
services, education, American studies and other social sciences and humanities.
Concurrent Registration
Sometimes a course requires that another course be
completed either prior to or concurrently with it. For
example, a student can complete GEOL 1110 prior to
enrollment in GEOL 1111, or the student can take both
GEOL 1110 and GEOL 1111 during the same semester
(concurrently). The catalog description reflects when a
course allows for concurrent registration.
Corequisites are courses in which a student must be
enrolled at the same time to ensure knowledge and skills
are learned concurrently. Courses are set up at the
curricular level, such as MATH 0995 and MATH 1095, and
must always be taken together. Only a faculty member
instructing the course can waive the corequisite
requirement; however, the student must still meet course
The registration system enforces corequisite registration
when the student is both adding and dropping or
withdrawing from courses.
Course Number and Class Title
Each course is designated by a department (such as
ENGW, English Writing), a number, and a title. Courses
numbered from 0 to 0999 are developmental and do not
count toward degree requirements. Courses numbered
1000 to 2999 are college-level and apply toward certificate
and associate degree program requirements.
One credit equals one hour of class time per week for the
duration of the semester. Courses are offered for fixed
credits and for variable credits. A fixed-credit course is one
whose hours are determined by the nature of the course as
approved by faculty governance. A variable-credit course
means that a student will determine how many credits a
class will be worth in consultation with the instructor.
Variable credits are seen in independent studies,
internships, cooperative education experience, and other
such courses.
Course Description
The course description reflects the course’s main content.
It also gives information such as laboratory or clinical
hours, repeat policies and other class-related
Same as
A cross listed course is one that is offered by more than
one department but has the same title, course description
and content. The courses are offered together as one
class, with students enrolling under the department that
meets their academic goals.
Example: BUSN 1152/HSMA 1162, ANTH 1101/SOC 1101
MnTC Goal
If the class satisfies one or more goal areas of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), the course
description will reflect it. While the credits awarded for a
class will be counted only one time, the class can be
applied toward all of the Goal areas as reflected in the
course description. Topics courses (those numbered 1900
and 2900) cannot be used to satisfy MnTC Goal
A prerequisite is a requirement that a student must
complete in order to enroll in a course. Prerequisites
include courses and other criteria established by faculty to
ensure a student has adequate preparation to be
academically successful in a course. The college catalog
and eServices indicate course prerequisites. Students are
responsible for understanding and adhering to prerequisite
requirements for all classes. For mathematics courses,
prerequisites must have been completed within 24 months
before the date the course begins.
How to Read a Course Description
ACCT - Accounting
ACCT 1051 Accounting Basics 1 cr
This class provides preparation for future accounting work.
It will help develop basic accounting knowledge in the
following areas: the role of accounting in business, the
accounting equation, rules of debits and credits, analyzing
and recording transactions, adjusting accounts, preparing
financial statements, and completing the accounting cycle.
ACCT 1052 Computerized Accounting 2 cr
This course is designed for non-accounting majors. The
course provides an environment in which students use
computerized accounting software to create financial
statements and other financial reports, reinforce learned
accounting concepts, and see how computer software can
be used to make business decisions.
Prerequisite: ACCT 1051 or ACCT 2251.
ACCT 1900 Topics in Accounting 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in accounting (e.g.
accounting information systems). Intended for all
interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ACCT 2096 Internship in Accounting 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Accounting, consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
ACCT 2251 Financial Accounting 4 cr
This course, the first of the two consecutive courses in
financial and managerial accounting, is designed to
develop basic accounting knowledge of students in the
following areas: generally accepted accounting principles
and concepts, accounting cycle, preparation of financial
statements, cash management, accounting for
merchandising operations, receivables, inventory, current
and long-term liabilities, long-term assets, stock
transactions and financial statement analysis.
ACCT 2252 Managerial Accounting 4 cr
This course is the second of the two consecutive courses in
financial and managerial accounting. The course focuses
on managerial accounting concepts and accounting tools
and techniques used for decision-making. The course
content includes job and process costing, activity-based
costing, cost volume-profit analysis, target pricing, budgets,
variances and cost-revenue analysis for decision-making.
Prerequisite: ACCT 2251.
ACCT 2254 Introduction to Management Information
Systems 4 cr
Introduction to Management Information Systems focuses
on the role of computer-based information systems in
organizations and the use of information to satisfy
business information needs. This course explores the use
of information technology in redesigning products and
procedures to make businesses more efficient and
competitive. Coverage includes concepts and approaches
in developing information systems, the growing role of
Internet in electronic commerce, and the social and ethical
impact of information systems. Emphasis is also placed on
the design and use of databases.
ACCT 2853 Federal Individual Income Tax 4 cr
This course is intended to cover Internal Revenue Code as
applied to individual income tax returns. The material
covered would include filing requirements, personal tax
credits and exemptions, gross income inclusions and
exclusions, itemized deductions, employee business
expenses, self-employment, rental activities, property
basis, and capital gains and losses. Students will have the
opportunity to prepare federal and state income tax returns
using tax preparation software.
Recommended: ACCT 2251.
ACCT 2900 Topics in Accounting 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in accounting (e.g.
accounting information systems); intended for second-year
students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ANTH - Anthropology
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Anthropology What it Means
to be Human 4 cr
This course is designed to introduce students to a full four-
field approach to the anthropological study of human
beings. Students will survey the ways that humans shape
and live within the cultural realms through historical,
environmental, biological and cultural (social) factors. The
importance of context in research will be emphasized in
this course, with key concepts, sub-discipline content,
approaches and questions relating to cultural, biological
and linguistic anthropology, plus archaeology introduced.
In addition, specific categories of key vocabulary,
theoretical orientations, methods, and practices will be
provided as a general introduction to what it means to be
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1101 Cultural Diversity 3 cr
This course aims to promote understanding and
appreciation of cultural diversity. Sociological and
anthropological perspectives will be used to examine socio-
cultural diversity, the challenges and opportunities it
presents, and its importance in our dynamic contemporary
world. The course also emphasizes processes such as
workplace diversity and long-term trends in cultural
pluralism, which are transforming our everyday experiences
and identities.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1102 Tracing the Roots of Racism Through
Anthropology 3 cr
Emphasizing the role of anthropology as a primary creator
and contributor historically to our understanding and use of
the terms race and racism, this course focuses on how
biological and cultural conceptions of race intersect both in
the United States and globally. Historical and comparative
approaches will be used to trace how early perspectives of
race and racism evolved politically, socially, continuing to
this day. One specific focus will be to demonstrate how
racism perpetuates inequalities that give rise to health
disparities throughout the world.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1120 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 3 cr
This course investigates the evolving position of women in
society and the role of gender in shaping opportunities and
experiences. Through various cultural and theoretical
perspectives, students analyze how women’s rights and
roles change and how gender influences power, status and
Cross-Listed as: SOC 1120 and WMST 1120.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
ANTH 1121 Women Across Cultures 3 cr
This course focuses on the major institutions of family,
education, economic, and political systems as they define,
provide for, and frequently limit women. The course
addresses women’s issues throughout many cultures of
the world and considers how women’s gender intersects
with race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Cross-Listed as: SOC 1121 and WMST 1121.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1127 Cultural Anthropology -The Global Human
Experience 3 cr
This course examines the human way of life by
recognizing and evaluating cultural adaptations to natural
and social environments. The cultural organization of non-
western and western cultures including indigenous and
modern societies is analyzed with emphasis upon
subsistence patterns, social structure, languages, belief
systems, family and kinship, personality, culture change
and applied anthropology.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1145 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology 3 cr
This course examines the physical diversity of human
populations the young and old, male and female, large
and small, and people of broadly varying ancestry.
Scientific study of differences among human populations in
skeletal anatomy, dentition, hair, certain soft tissue and
DNA can be useful in understanding and debunking
historical prejudices, understanding how natural selection
operates, and to identify victims from their remains.
Students will examine actual human bones and gain
understanding of how physical evidence can be applied to
subjects ranging from archaeology to judicial proceedings.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
ANTH 1148 Examining Culture Seeing and Doing
Anthropology 3 cr
Participation observation has
been, and continues to be, the primary method used by
anthropologists in evaluating culture. Students who take
this course, either as a supplement to having taken
introductory cultural anthropology or
as an alternative to typical cultural anthropology courses,
will actively participate in either ethnographic fieldwork
and/or presentations based upon individual visual essays
presented, and thus, a very broad exploration of
experiential learning in anthropology will be presented.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1150 Native American Voices 3 cr
This course introduces North American Pre and Post-
Contact History from an anthropological lens: by examining
selected traditional Native American cultures from the
perspectives of Native peoples with emphasis on change
through time.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
ANTH 1188 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion: The Anthropology
of Religion 3 cr
This course offers a systematic comparison of the many
religions in human cultures, from straightforward to
complex. Students will explore not only beliefs, mythology,
and rituals, but also the sacred, symbolism, organization,
practitioners, and religion as it relates to other aspects of
culture, such as language and politics. May include one or
more field trips.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1210 Human Evolution - An Introduction to
Bio-Anthropology 4 cr
This course introduces humans as biological organisms,
descended from animal ancestors and closely related to
other living primates. The processes involved in evolution
such as natural selection, population genetics, genetic
inheritance, and bio-cultural adaptation will be discussed.
Human ancestry, inferred from the fossil record, will be a
primary focus, especially those attributes and selection
pressures that led to behaviorally modern humans.
Students will be involved with hands-on activities with
various fossils and artifacts for this course.
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
ANTH 1211 Methods, Observations, and Practices in Human
Evolution: Human Evolution Lab Experience 1 cr
This one-credit laboratory experience course is built to
provide hands-on and more detailed exposure to the
concepts outlined in ANTH 1210 (Human Evolution - An
Introduction to Bio-Anthropology) through the collection and
analysis of observational data - one 50-minute lab session
per week and pre-lab exercises prepared outside of class.
ANTH 1212 Primatology Observations and Applications 1 cr
An optional course for students taking ANTH 1210 or for
those who have previously taken ANTH 1210 or an
equivalent course at another institution. This course offers
an enriched, hands-on learning experience beyond ANTH
1210 in the study of non-human primates. By comparing
and contrasting many varieties of primates in laboratory
osteology applications, observing living primates in captive
environments (zoos) and also in free range film studies
(film), students will be able to assess our most closely
related species and gain an appreciate for the differences
and similarities seen in primates as they pertain to the
study of human origins both anatomically and behaviorally.
ANTH 1230 Archaeology - Prehistory and Humanity's
Cultural Origins 4 cr
This course examines how the physical remains of past
cultures are used to reconstruct vanished societies, explain
their origins, and understand the factors that contributed to
their ultimate collapse. It focuses on the universal cultural,
economic and ecological factors that affected ancient
peoples and how these staged the modern world.
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
ANTH 1231 Archaeology Lab - Ancient Technologies 1 cr
This laboratory course introduces archaeology students to
ancient technologies that enabled the rise of complex
societies. Using hands-on activities and instructor
demonstrations, students will learn how materials like
stone, ceramic, and metals and innovations like projectiles,
watercraft, and artificial environments led to modern
complex societies.
Prerequisite: ANTH 1230 or ANTH 1126 or concurrent
ANTH 1235 Field Archeology Methods of Exploring
the Past 3 cr
This course will provide an introduction to field and
laboratory archeology. The course covers the full scope of
the scientific methods used to locate, excavate, analyze,
and interpret the material evidence of vanished prehistoric
cultures. Field archeology requires familiarity with the legal
and ethical responsibilities that govern such work, and the
course will discuss these in detail. Particular focus will be
given to field work, including an intensive two-day
excavation of a Native American site in southwestern
Minnesota. The laboratory component will also include
hands-on interaction with artifacts, interpreting, and
cataloging materials that have been recently recovered by
teams at Normandale.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
ANTH 1236 Archaeology of Minnesota - Prehistoric Native
Cultures 3 cr
This course will evaluate the prehistory and cultures in
Minnesota from the earliest prehistoric human presence to
the time of contact with European settlements. Students
will examine how the physical remains of past cultures in
Minnesota are used to reconstruct the past. The focus will
be on the environmental and resource factors that affected
these early cultural groups in Minnesota.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
ANTH 1899 Medical Anthropology: Health, Illness and
Healing Across Cultures 3 cr
This course introduces students to the ways that medical
anthropologists understand disease, illness, suffering, and
healing as it occurs in a complex weave of biological,
psychological, cultural, environmental, and political-
economic processes. Particular emphasis, through case
studies, will be placed upon the cultural context in which
illnesses and suffering are experienced, narrated, and
addressed. The importance of cultural competence in
health-related practices (the ability to understand and
communicate effectively with people from different
cultures) will be emphasized throughout this course.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ANTH 1900 Topics in Anthropology 3 cr
Examination of a special topic in anthropology. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ANTH 2096 Internship in Anthropology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Anthropology and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
ART - Art
ART 1101 The Visual Arts 3 cr
Introduction to the concepts underlying the creation and
appreciation of the visual arts. Examination of works of
Western and non-Western art: the visual elements and
principles of design, art mediums, expression, and style. In
addition to lecture, weekly studio sessions allow for the
exploration of the creative process in works of art using a
variety of materials. Lecture 2 hours per week; studio 2
hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ART 1102 Foundation Art History 3 cr
Examines major Western art movements from Paleolithic
cave painting through the Renaissance and Reformation in
Northern Europe. Explores architecture, sculpture, painting,
and craft through lecture, discussion, and written
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ART 1103 Foundation Art History 3 cr
Examines major Western art movements from the Baroque
through Expressionism and other movements of the
1940s. Explores architecture, photography, sculpture,
painting, and craft through lecture, discussion, and written
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ART 1104 Contemporary Art Survey 3 cr
Examines art movements from Abstract Expressionism
through Postmodern and Contemporary styles,
encompassing 1945 to the present day. Explores
architecture, painting, photography, video art, sculpture,
and craft through lecture, discussion, and written
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ART 1105 Non-Western Art Survey 3 cr
Examines art from the cultures of Asia, Africa, and the
Americas. Explores architecture, painting, sculpture, craft,
textile, and body adornment through lecture, discussion,
and written assignments.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ART 1109 Exploring Photography 3 cr
An overview of photography, combining principles and
processes of traditional film with contemporary digital
technology. A variety of visual projects solving creative and
technical problems incorporating analysis, interpretation,
and expression. Development of critique and related
vocabulary. Lecture 2 hours per week; studio 2 hours per
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1110 Introduction to Film Photography 3 cr
Introduction to the technical and conceptual practices of
photography as a creative medium. Camera operation and
technique, photographic composition and design,
processing and printing in a traditional darkroom.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1113 Video Art 3 cr
Introduction to the technical and conceptual practices of
video as a creative medium. Concentration on
conceptualization, interpretation, and evaluation of video-
based art through screenings, discussions, critiques,
demonstrations, and assigned projects. Development of
critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week;
studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1114 Introduction to Digital Photography 3 cr
Introduction to the technical and conceptual practices of
photography and digital technology as a creative medium.
Camera operation and techniques, composition and
design, digital image capture, related software, and digital
output using the computer as a digital darkroom for
creating photographic images. Development of critique and
related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4
hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1115 2D Animation and Interactivity 3 cr
Introduction to the technical and conceptual practice of
two-dimensional animation and interactivity as a creative
medium. Computer software applications are used to
create animations and interactive content. Development of
critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week;
studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1116 Introduction to Graphic Design 3 cr
This course presents an introduction to graphic design as a
form of visual expression. Emphasis will be placed on
layout, design elements, typography and output. Relevant
software, critique, and related vocabulary are also
incorporated. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1118 Foundation Two-Dimensional Design 3 cr
Introduction to making art in two-dimensions. Composition
and the arrangement of color, line, shape, texture, value,
and space using the principles of design. Assignments use
a variety of tools, techniques, and materials. Development
of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per
week; lab 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1120 Foundation Three-Dimensional Design 3 cr
Introduction to making art in three-dimensions. Theory and
application using the elements and principles of design.
Assignments use a variety of tools, techniques, and
materials. Development of critique and related vocabulary.
Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1121 Foundation Drawing 1 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
drawing. Emphasis on visual elements and principles of
design using various drawing media. Development of
critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week;
studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1122 Foundation Digital Imaging 3 cr
Introduction to the technical and conceptual practices of
computer-generated art. Raster and vector computer
software programs are used for digital output of projects.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1123 Introduction to Sculpture 3 cr
Introduction to the basic language and spatial concepts of
sculpture to develop an understanding of additive,
subtractive, and assemblage techniques. Create three-
dimensional sculptures using a variety of materials to solve
technical and creative problems. Development of critique
and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4
hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1124 Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
ceramics. Handbuilding techniques used to create various
artworks that solve technical and creative problems.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1125 Glass Fusing 1 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of fused
glass. Glass fusing techniques used to create various
artworks that solve technical and creative problems.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1126 Introduction to Printmaking: Screenprint 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
printmaking. Screen print and print techniques used to
create various artworks that solve technical and creative
problems. Development of critique and related vocabulary.
Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1127 Introduction to Painting 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
painting. Explore paint to create various artworks that solve
technical and creative problems. Development of critique
and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4
hours per week.
Recommended: ART 1118 or ART 1121.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1128 Watercolor Painting 3 cr
Introduction to the concepts, materials and methods of
watercolor painting. Explore watercolor to create various
artworks that solve technical and creative problems.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1129 Introduction to Printmaking: Relief 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
printmaking. Relief print techniques used to create various
artworks that solve technical and creative problems.
Development of critique and related vocabulary. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 1130 Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of
ceramics. Wheel throwing techniques used to create
various artworks that solve technical and creative
problems. Development of critique and related vocabulary.
Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6
ART 1132 Mixed Media 3 cr
Introduction to concepts, materials, and methods of mixed
media. Experimentation with a variety of media. Projects
may include photographic screen printing, felting, batik,
papermaking, and/or bookbinding. Development of critique
and related vocabulary. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4
hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 6
ART 1900 Topics in Art 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in art; intended for all
interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ART 2096 Internship in Art 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience in occupations that require artistic sensitivity
and judgment. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours
per week per credit on the job, complete academic work
and meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Art and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
ART 2200 AFA in Art Capstone: Portfolio and Professional
Practices 3 cr
Introduction to presentation, documentation, business
skills, and career planning specific to studio art. Practical
applications to assist in transfer and career building. AFA in
Art Capstone: Portfolio and Professional Practices, along
with the AFA in Art Capstone: Exhibition course, are
culminating activities for the AFA in Art degree. Lecture 1
hour per week; studio 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ART 1118 and ART 1121 and ART 1122.
ART 2201 Figure Drawing 3 cr
Explore, refine, and expand on concepts and skills learned
in Drawing I. Introduction to drawing both nude and clothed
models with an emphasis on human proportion, human
anatomy, and composition. Work with various drawing
techniques and materials. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio
4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ART 1121.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 2203 Advanced Ceramics: Handbuilding 3 cr
Continued and advanced exploration of various
handbuilding, surface decoration, and kiln firing
techniques. Emphasis on developing content and personal
direction through discussion, critique, and contemporary
ceramic context. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours
per week.
Prerequisite: ART 1124.
MnTC Goals: 6
ART 2204 Foundation Drawing 2 3 cr
Explore, refine, and expand on concepts and skills learned
in Drawing I. Emphasis on experimentation, the expressive
potential of the medium use of color, and developing a
personal vision that utilizes both formal and conceptual
concerns. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per
Prerequisite: ART 1121.
MnTC Goals: 6
ART 2206 Glass Fusing 2 3 cr
Explore, refine, and expand on concepts and skills learned
in Glass Fusing 1. Emphasis on experimentation, the
expressive potential of the medium, and developing a
personal vision that utilizes both formal and conceptual
concerns. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio 4 hours per
Prerequisite: ART 1125.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 2207 Advanced Photography 3 cr
Explore, refine, and expand on concepts and skills learned
in Black and White Photography or Digital Photography.
Emphasis on experimentation, the expressive potential of
the medium, and developing a personal vision that utilizes
both formal and conceptual concerns. Lecture 1 hour per
week; studio 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ART 1110 or ART 1114.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 2208 Advanced Painting 3 cr
Explore, refine, and expand on concepts and skills learned
in Painting or Watercolor Painting. Emphasis on
experimentation, the expressive potential of the medium,
and developing a personal vision that utilizes both formal
and conceptual concerns. Lecture 1 hour per week; studio
4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ART 1127 or ART 1128.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ART 2210 AFA in Art Capstone: Exhibition 1 cr
Plan, design, and install an art exhibition with fellow degree
students, in a gallery setting. Exhibiting a body of artwork is
a culminating activity for the AFA in Art degree. Studio 2
hours per week.
Prerequisite: Applied and accepted into AFA in Art degree
program and ART 2200 (C or higher) and ten or fewer art
credits remain for program completion.
ART 2900 Topics in Art 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in art; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
BIOL - Biology
BIOL 1001 Biology Boot Camp 2 cr
A non-majors course designed for the student with little or
no background in biology, or as a refresher for the student
who has not taken a biology course in the last three years.
Provides a basic foundation for further course work in the
biological sciences. Lecture 2 hours per week.
BIOL 1100 Survey of Biology 4 cr
A non-majors, general education lab course that explores
the organization of life. Topics include the scientific
method, cells, metabolism, molecular biology, genetic
change, species diversity, and ecology and evolution.
Lecture 3 hours per week. Lab requires a minimum of 3
hours per week of scheduled and/or self-directed lab work.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1101 Introduction to Human Genetics 4 cr
A non-majors, general education lab course that explores
the basic principles of human genetics. Topics include
scientific method, Mendelian genetics, sex determination,
karyotyping, molecular genetics, genetic counseling, the
Human Genome Project, genetics of immunity and cancer,
and population genetics. Lecture 3 hours per week. Lab
requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of self-directed
lab work.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1102 Human Biology 4 cr
A non-majors, general education lab course that introduces
the topics of human structure, function, and causes of
disease. Topics include the scientific method, cells and
organ systems with an emphasis on contemporary issues.
Lab requires dissection of a small mammal and
collaborative data collection. Lecture 3 hours per week.
Lab requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of self-
directed lab work.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106. May not be taken for
credit after earning a C or higher in BIOL 2041.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1103 Introduction to Emerging Diseases 4 cr
A non-majors general education lab course that introduces
the global, national, and local factors that cause and
influence the emergence and re-emergence of infectious
disease. Topics include the scientific method,
epidemiology, disease transmission, survey of
microorganisms, bioterrorism, food and water safety, and
sexually transmitted diseases. Lab exercises mandate
following biosafety practices for handling microbial
pathogens. Lecture 3 hours per week. Lab requires a
minimum of 3 hours per week of scheduled and self-
directed lab work.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106. May not be taken for
credit after earning a C or higher in BIOL 2204 or 2043.
MnTC Goals: 3, 8.
BIOL 1104 Minnesota Natural History and Field Biology 4 c
A general education lab course that explores the diversity
of life in Minnesota from a natural history perspective.
Topics include the scientific method, ecology of terrestrial
and aquatic biomes, evolution of plants and animals,
consequences of historic and contemporary environmental
change, and the future of Minnesota's biodiversity. This
course is intended for students who are not majoring in
biology. Lab requires field trips on and off campus which
might include required field trips on prescribed dates.
Lecture 3 hours per week. Lab requires a minimum of 3
hours per week of scheduled and/or self-directed lab work
including field trips.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
BIOL 1110 Environmental Biology 3 cr
A general education biology course without lab that
explores the principles of environmental biology and the
ways in which humans depend on and influence the
natural world. Topics included the scientific method, basic
ecological principles, population growth, natural resources,
energy, conservation, pollution and their relationships to
Minnesota and global environmental concerns. This course
is intended for students who are not majoring in biology.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
BIOL 1120 Introduction to Evolutionary Biology 3 cr
A non-majors, general education course that explores the
process of biological evolution and the fundamental
mechanisms and concepts by which evolution works.
Topics typically covered include the nature of science, the
scientific history of evolution, evidence and processes of
evolution, natural selection and adaptation, role of DNA
variation and gene regulation in evolution, origin of life,
macroevolution and the tree of life. Lecture 3 hours per
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1125 Sex and Human Diversity 3 cr
A general education course without a lab for biology non-
majors. An introduction to the science of biology focused
on the fundamental concepts underlying human sexuality,
reproduction and development from an evolutionary
perspective. Topics include the evolution of sex, sex
determination, anatomy and physiology of the human
reproductive systems, development, infertility,
contraception, reproductive health disparities, and sexually
transmitted diseases. Lecture 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3, 7.
BIOL 1501 Principles of Biology 1 5 cr
This course is designed for students majoring in biology
and other science related fields, including the health
professions. Students will explore major biological
processes occurring at the cellular level, with emphasis on
cell structure and function, metabolism, reproduction,
development, genetics and gene expression, and evolution.
Students will engage in techniques appropriate to the
study of biological processes and gain experience in
experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and
the communication of results. This course meets a
requirement for the Biology (Minnesota State Transfer
Pathway) AS-P degree and is a prerequisite for BIOL 1502.
It is strongly recommended that students have successfully
completed (C or higher) a college level biology lab course or
a high school biology course within the past three years,
before enrolling in this course. Lecture 4 hours per week;
lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100 and eligible for READ
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1502 Principles of Biology 2 4 cr
This course is the second in a sequence designed for
students majoring in biology and other science related
fields, including the health professions. Students will
explore the evolution and diversity of organisms and their
interactions with each other and the environment.
Students will engage in techniques appropriate to the
study of diverse organisms and their interactions and gain
experience in experimental design, data analysis and
interpretation, and the communication of results. This
course meets a requirement for the Biology (Minnesota
State Transfer Pathway) AS-P degree and is the
prerequisite for BIOL 2202, 2203, 2205, 2206, 2207, and
2208. Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1501 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 1900 Topics in Biology 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in biology; intended for all
interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
BIOL 2041 Human Anatomy 4 cr
A rigorous and demanding study of the human body,
intended for students pursuing careers in the health
professions. Emphasis includes both gross and
microscopic anatomy. Laboratory includes small mammal
dissection, basic histology, and the gross and microscopic
study of the human organ systems. Small mammal
dissection is required for course completion. Lecture 3
hours. Lab requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of self-
directed lab work.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1050 or CHEM 1061 (C or higher) or
concurrent registration and eligible for READ 1106.
BIOL 2042 Human Physiology 4 cr
Examination of the principles of human biological function
with emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms of the body.
Lecture and laboratory experiences include EMG, ECG,
pulmonary function, hormone studies, exercise studies,
and independent investigations. Lecture 3 hours. Lab
requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of scheduled
and/or self-directed lab work.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2041 (C or higher), CHEM 1050 or
CHEM 1061 (C or higher), and eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2043 Microbiology 4 cr
A rigorous lab course intended for students pursuing
careers in the health professions that examines the biology
of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, helminths, viruses, and prions.
Topics include prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure
and function, microbial metabolism, microbial genetics,
physical and chemical methods of control, host defenses,
and applications in health care. Lab exercises mandate
following biosafety level 2 practices for handling microbial
pathogens. Lecture 3 hours. Lab requires a minimum of 3
hours per week of scheduled and self-directed laboratory
Prerequisite: One college biology lab course (C or higher),
one college chemistry laboratory course (C or higher),
ENGC 1101.
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2096 Internship in Biology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience to explore careers and business concepts.
Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per week per
credit on the job, complete academic work and meet with
faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester,
with a maximum of 8 credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Biology and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
BIOL 2202 Animal Diversity 4 cr
A laboratory science course intended for biology and
related majors. Students will explore evolutionary
relationships among animal taxa from morphological,
physiological, developmental, and ecological perspectives.
Dissection of preserved animals is a required part of the
laboratory. Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 3 hours per
Prerequisite: BIOL 1106 or BIOL 1502 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2203 Botany 4 cr
A majors lab course that introduces the biology of plants
and plant-like organisms. Course takes an evolutionary
perspective emphasizing morphology, anatomy,
adaptations, physiology, reproduction, ecology and
economic importance of plants. Lecture 3 hours. Lab
requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of scheduled or
self-directed lab work.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1501 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2205 Genetics 4 cr
This course is designed for students majoring in biology.
Students will explore major concepts in Mendelian,
molecular, and population genetics, with emphasis on
prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression,
recombination, gene mapping, and chromosome analysis.
Students will engage in techniques appropriate to genetic
analysis and gain experience in experimental design, data
analysis and interpretation, and the communication of
results. This course meets a requirement for the Biology
(Minnesota State Transfer Pathway) AS-P degree. Lecture 3
hours per week; Lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1502 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2206 Ecology 4 cr
This course is designed for students majoring in biology.
Students will explore ecological concepts and the scientific
research that has built out understanding of interactions in
nature at the organismal, population, community,
ecosystem, and global levels. Students will acquire an
understanding of how the different levels of ecology are
studied, how these levels relate to each other, and what
properties are important at increasing levels of complexity.
Additional topics include evolutionary ecology and
contemporary environmental change and its
consequences. Students will engage in techniques
appropriate to ecological study and gain experience in
experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and
the communication of results. This course meets a
requirement for the Biology (Minnesota State Transfer
Pathway) AS-P degree. Lab requires field trips on and off
campus which might include field trips on prescribed dates.
Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1502 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
BIOL 2207 Cell Biology 4 cr
This course is designed for students majoring in biology.
Students will explore major concepts in cell biology
including eukaryotic cell structure and function, the cellular
use of biomolecules, membranes, signal transduction,
motility, and the extracellular matrix. Students will engage
in techniques appropriate to the study of cells and cellular
processes and gain experience in experimental design,
data analysis and interpretation, and the communication of
results. This course meets a requirement for the Biology
(Minnesota State Transfer Pathway) AS-P degree. It is
strongly recommended that students have successfully
completed (C or higher) BIOL 2205 before enrolling in this
course. Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1502 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2208 Biology of Microorganisms 4 cr
This course is designed for students majoring in biology.
Students will explore major concepts in microbiology
including taxonomy, structure and function, biochemistry,
metabolism, pathogenesis, immunology, and ecology of
microbes, emphasizing the diverse role of microbes in the
biological world. Students will engage in techniques
appropriate to the study of microorganisms and gain
experience in experimental design, data analysis and
interpretation, and the communication of results. This
course meets a requirement for the Biology (Minnesota
State Transfer Pathway) AS-P degree. It is strongly
recommended that students have successfully completed
(C or higher) BIOL 2205 before enrolling in this course.
Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1502 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
BIOL 2900 Topics in Biology 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in biology; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
BUSN - Business
BUSN 1102 Social Media Marketing 3 cr
In this course, students examine how organizations use
social media to listen, understand and engage their target
markets, provide value to their customers and potential
customers, and promote calls to action that lead to sales of
products and services. Topics include blogs, microblogs,
social networks, video sharing, photo and image sharing,
podcasting, various social media platforms, and careers in
social media marketing.
BUSN 1105 Introduction to Business 3 cr
The world of business, its relationship to the modern
American economy, management, marketing, and financial
disciplines. A broad overview of business functions and
BUSN 1107 Leadership in the Workplace 3 cr
This course provides a basic introduction to leadership in
the workplace. Students will assess their leadership traits
and develop skills to improve their own leadership
BUSN 1125 Entrepreneurship 3 cr
Examines the skills needed to be a successful
entrepreneur; screens a business opportunity and
assesses the resources needed for successful setup of a
BUSN 1130 Introduction to International Business 3 cr
International dimensions of business: global business
environment (economic, legal, cultural, and political), and
international business functions (management, marketing,
finance, exporting, and importing).
BUSN 1145 Supervision 3 cr
This course is designed for those students who are
interested in becoming supervisors, or have recently
become supervisors at their current jobs. Students will
learn, develop, and improve the core competencies that
will assist them in becoming a good supervisor.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106, ENGC 0900 and
MATH 0500.
BUSN 1152 Hotel/Lodging Management 4 cr
This course examines the theoretical applications of room
division operations including yield management and other
vital hotel information concepts, with an emphasis on the
bottom line.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 1162.
BUSN 1153 Principles of Food Production and Sanitation 4 cr
Students are given hands on laboratory experiences in all
major areas of food production. Lectures allow students to
bridge the gap of food production with operating profitable
food service and restaurant entities.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 1143.
BUSN 1154 Food/Beverage Management and Cost Control 4 cr
A working understanding and application of the principles
of food, beverage, labor, cost control, and management
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 2144.
BUSN 1156 Casino Management and Operations 4 cr
Develop a working understanding of the principles of
casino management and operational procedures necessary
for state, federal, and Native American compliance
(regulations and legal issues).
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 2100.
BUSN 1157 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
Management 4 cr
This introductory course provides a portal to the dynamic
field of hospitality, travel, and tourism industry. It provides
students with a comprehensive overview of hospitality and
tourism management including hotels, restaurants, food
service, marketing, service companies, as well as the
functional areas of hotel operations.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 1103.
BUSN 1158 Convention and Meeting Planning
Management 4 cr
An overview of successful convention and meeting
planning management including all services, execution,
and follow-up.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 2173.
BUSN 1159 Hospitality Sales and Marketing Management 4 cr
Organization and functioning of marketing and sales
department, the need for sales planning through analysis
of product, competitors and market. In addition to sales
planning and analysis, students will work with industry
experts selling the hospitality product.
Recommended: Strong interest in hotel management along
with computer skills.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 2172.
BUSN 1170 Introduction to Club Management 4 cr
Introduction to Club Management provides a unique
perspective on all types of club management including spa,
fitness, athletic, and city. Unique discussion and case study
provide the student with the keys to successful leadership
development complemented with relationship marketing
skills and manufacturing successful club managers.
Cross-Listed as: HSMA 1170.
BUSN 1201 Information Technology Concepts and
Business Software 1 3 cr
The purpose of the course is to prepare students for their
future academic and professional pursuits using
computers. The outcomes are designed to give students
the tools to exceed the minimum expectations of
employers. The course includes computer concepts and
computer application software. Students will learn
computer concepts of how computers operate, how they
are used in industry, and how they improve
communications as well as computer hardware, software
and development, personal productivity software, data
communications, the World Wide Web and e-mail, the
social challenge, and career options. Students will also
learn computer application software using document
production in word processing, spreadsheets, and
database management. Students will create text-based
documents to include letters, research reports in MLA and
APA formatting with citations, one-page brochure with clip
art, page and section breaks, reviewing/tracking features,
and creating a resume as a web page, use the formula
features, charting, functions, pivot tables and goal seeking
for spreadsheets; and use the database features to create
tables and reports. Import data from Excel, set validation
rules, and establish referential integrity of data including
sorting and querying to gain skills to use in other courses
or in the workplace. This course is required for most
general computer requirements at 4-year colleges.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0960 and ENGC 0900 or
higher. Recommended: Keyboarding and proofreading
skills. This course is taught using Microsoft Office latest
version business software for a PC.
Cross-Listed as: CIM 1201.
BUSN 1210 Exceptional Customer Service 3 cr
Examines exceptional customer service issues that are key
to building a successful customer driven organization.
BUSN 1220 Business Problem Solving Analyzing Excel 3 cr
Emphasizes worksheet formatting, formula design,
advanced functions, macro commands (Visual Basic for
Applications), graphing, PivotTables, and data analysis.
Students will learn features using business scenarios. After
taking this course, students will be prepared to take the
Microsoft Office Systems (MOS) Excel Certified Application
Specialist Exam.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106. Recommended:
Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This course is taught
using Microsoft Office latest version business software for
a PC.
Cross-Listed as: CIM 1220.
BUSN 1250 Intro to Project Management Software 3 cr
An introduction to project management using MS Project.
Includes topics such as project management terminology,
navigation in MS Project, creating and editing a project
schedule, working with charts, resources and filters,
tracking progress and costs, and closing a project. Provides
a foundation for globally recognized Project Management
Institute credentials such as CAPM and PMP.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
Recommended: Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
Cross-Listed as: CIM 1250.
BUSN 1900 Topics in Business 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in business; intended for
all interested students. Topics may include public
administration, supervision, and others. Topics courses do
not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
BUSN 2096 Internship in Business 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience in an approved business environment. Students
spend approximately 2.5 hours per week per credit on the
job, complete academic work and meet with faculty.
Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a
maximum of 8 credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Business and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
BUSN 2100 Human Relations and Effective Teams 3 cr
Focuses on the importance of personal and group
interrelationships within an organization. Topics covered
are behavioral types, the communication process, diversity,
equal opportunity, workplace bias, group leadership, and
the psychological aspects of group dynamics.
BUSN 2125 Business Practices in the Global Market 3 cr
Provides understanding and application into the complex
global business arena. Global markets have created the
need for companies to do business in every corner of the
world. It is imperative that businesses conduct themselves
in a professional, ethical, yet sensitive manner regarding
regional customs, traditions, and religious practices. This
course examines the need for professional business
practices, ethics, protocol, etiquette, and professional and
social behavior in all settings of business, national and
Prerequisite: At least one course in BUSN or HSMA. Cross-
Listed as: HSMA 2125.
BUSN 2150 Revenue Management in Hospitality and
Tourism 4 cr
This course provides a foundation for managing revenues
and costs in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students
will learn the historical development of yield management
(YM) and its formation into modern day revenue
management (RM). The course will rely upon cases and
articles to analyze trends and develop effective revenue
management strategies in the accommodations, food and
beverage, attractions and transportation sectors of the
hospitality and tourism industry.
BUSN 2155 Legal Environment of Business 3 cr
A survey course about the legal aspects of managing a
business. It includes a review of the basic U.S. legal system,
ethics, contracts, legal structure of business, employment,
consumer issues and international business law.
BUSN 2200 Human Resource Management 3 cr
An overview of the principles and practices of administering
the human resource management functions in modern
organizations to achieve an organization's objectives.
Topics include employee selection and retention, training,
job evaluation, compensation, health and safety, labor-
management relations, communication with diverse
workforces, employment law, and outsourcing.
BUSN 2220 Statistics for Business and Economics 4 cr
Basic statistics of business, economics, and public
administration. Descriptive statistics, probability, and
statistical inference. Understanding statistical methods as
tools of decision-making.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100.
BUSN 2252 Professional Selling 3 cr
Analyze successful sales practices. Develop need
satisfaction selling skills through skill practice that may
apply to both selling and non-selling.
BUSN 2300 Principles of Management 3 cr
Develop insights into successful planning, organizing,
directing, staffing, and controlling an organization and its
BUSN 2310 Small Business Management 3 cr
All phases of setting up a small business: management,
marketing, and financial operations. The final project is the
development of a business plan.
BUSN 2400 Principles of Marketing 3 cr
The total marketing process from a strategic view,
emphasizing managerial implications for product,
promotion, price, and distribution strategies.
BUSN 2500 Principles of Property and Liability Insurance 3 cr
This course presents the basic principles of insurance,
introducing insurance regulation, financial performance,
marketing techniques, underwriting, claims, risk
management, loss exposures and insurance policies.
Prerequisite: BUSN 1105
BUSN 2501 Introduction to Property and Casualty Insurance 3 cr
This course presents an overview of insurance, the major
insurer functional areas, insurance regulation, insurance
policies, and personal and commercial insurance with the
goal of providing the learner with foundational knowledge
and a familiarity with property-casualty insurance
Prerequisite: BUSN 1105
BUSN 2502 Personal Insurance 3 cr
This course presents an overview of personal loss
exposures and an in-depth description of property-casualty
personal insurance policies, including personal auto,
homeowners, and others. Additionally, this course
describes the loss exposures and planning needed to deal
with premature death, retirement, disability, and illness.
Prerequisite: BUSN 1105
BUSN 2503 Commercial Insurance 3 cr
This course provides an in-depth examination of property-
liability commercial insurance policies, including
commercial property, business income, commercial crime,
equipment breakdown, inland and ocean marine, general
liability, commercial auto, workers compensation and
employers’ liability, business owners, farm, and specialty
Prerequisite: BUSN 1105
BUSN 2900 Topics in Business 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in business; intended for
all interested students. Topics may include public
administration, supervision, and others. Topics courses do
not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CCD 1170 Career Exploration 1 cr
Relate self-understanding of interests, values, personality
and skills to career options through exercises and
inventories as you explore career fields.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 0900 or higher and READ
0960 or higher or consent of instructor.
CCD 2000 Global Career Development Facilitator
Program (GCDF) 8 cr
A certificate training program for career development
facilitators. The course consists of the education of career
development facilitators in the following areas: career
development overview, theory and information, helping and
assessment skills, career information, resources and
program design, reality checks, goal setting and action
Prerequisite: Prior experience and instructor's permission.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 0960 and ENGC 0900.
CHEM - Chemistry
CHEM 1000 Real World Chemistry 3 cr
This course, designed for non-science majors, is an
introduction to basic chemical concepts and principles with
an emphasis on a conceptual understanding of chemistry.
Topics will focus on various applications of chemistry in the
world today. This course is suitable for students who may
not have a strong math or science background.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1001 Real World Chemistry and Lab 4 cr
This lab course, designed for non-science majors, is an
introduction to basic chemical concepts and principles with
an emphasis on a conceptual understanding of chemistry.
Topics will focus on various applications of chemistry in the
world today. This course is suitable for students who may
not have a strong math or science background. Lecture 3
hours per week; lab 2 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1010 Environmental Chemistry 4 cr
Chemical concepts are covered and applied to
understanding and analyzing current environmental issues.
Topics include air and water pollution, nuclear power,
energy usage, and recycling. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
CHEM 1020 Introductory Chemistry 4 cr
Basic principles of chemistry discussed and applied to
everyday situations. Tools and methods of investigation
used by chemists are introduced through weekly laboratory
sessions. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1050 Foundations of Organic and Biochemistry 3 cr
This one-term laboratory course, designed for non-majors,
builds on general chemistry concepts to provide an
overview of organic and biochemistry with an emphasis on
applications to the chemistry of the human body. Topics
include solutions and body fluids, acid-base chemistry,
relation between structure and reactivity for biochemical
molecules, metabolic pathways, and applications of
nuclear chemistry. Lecture 2 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1020 or high school chemistry within
the past 2 academic years.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1061 Principles of Chemistry 1 5 cr
Basic concepts of chemistry: atomic theory, stoichiometry,
thermochemistry, chemical bonding, molecular structure,
properties and behavior of the physical states, reaction
types. Lecture 4 hours; lab 3 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1020 (C or higher) or high school
chemistry with lab within the past 2 academic years and
MATH 0700 proficiency or concurrent registration or high
school equivalent.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1062 Principles of Chemistry 2 5 cr
Continuation of Chemistry 1061: Physical properties of
solutions, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, reaction
mechanisms, acid-base chemistry, thermodynamics,
electrochemistry, qualitative analysis, nuclear chemistry,
and chemistry in the atmosphere. Lecture 4 hours; lab 3
Prerequisite: CHEM 1061 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 1900 Topics in Chemistry 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in chemistry; intended for
all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CHEM 2041 Quantitative Analysis 4 cr
Lecture and laboratory course emphasizing the theory and
practice of gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental
analysis. Lecture 3 hours; lab 3 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1062. Offered: Fall.
CHEM 2061 Organic Chemistry 1 5 cr
Mechanisms and reactions of aliphatic compounds,
stereochemistry, spectral analysis, and relevant
instrumentation. Lecture 4 hours; lab 4 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1062.
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 2062 Organic Chemistry 2 5 cr
Aromaticity and reactions of aromatic compounds,
heterocyclic compounds, polynuclear aromatic compounds,
carbonyl polyfunctional compounds (aldehydes, ketones,
carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives), enol and
enolate chemistry, carbohydrates, synthetic polymers,
amino acids, and proteins. Lecture 4 hours; lab 4 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 2061 or CHEM 2058 with instructor's
MnTC Goals: 3.
CHEM 2096 Internship in Chemistry 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Chemistry and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
CHEM 2900 Topics in Chemistry 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in chemistry; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CHEM 2921 Biochemistry 3 cr
This is a one semester non-biochemistry major course
designed for students who intend to complete a four-year
biological sciences major or enter a pre-professional
program in dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine, or
pharmacology. Introduction to the fundamentals of
biochemistry: structure and function of biological
macromolecules; including the study of enzyme catalysis,
metabolism and the regulation of metabolism
(carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleotides),
comprehensive, quantitative analysis of chemical
equilibria, bioenergetics, and the chemical foundation of
genetic information. Lecture 3 hours.
Prerequisite: CHEM 2061 and BIOL 1501.
CHIN - Chinese
CHIN 1100 Beginning Chinese 1 5 cr
Introduction to basic language skills. Development of listening,
reading, speaking, and writing skills. Cultural understanding
and sensitivity are important aspects of the course.
MnTC Goals: 8.
CHIN 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation introduces
students to the career competencies, ethics and major
theories related to the fields of interpreting and translation.
Through readings by experts in the field, case studies, and
professional profiles, students will learn about the fields of
interpreting and translation and exercise key skills required
to work in these professions. Taught in English.
Cross-Listed as: Same as INDS 1101, FREN 1101, GERM
1101, JAPN 1101, SPAN 1101.
CHIN 1111 Chinese Culture & Civilization 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of the Chinese-speaking peoples. Course
topics will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility that world citizens
share for their common global future by comparing and
contrasting their own culture with that of Chinese-speaking
peoples. Taught in English.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
CHIN 1200 Beginning Chinese 2 5 cr
This course is a continuation of the listening, speaking,
reading, and writing competencies developed in CHIN
1100. Students further explore cultural differences, helping
them to develop a deeper understanding of the world and a
greater cultural perspective
Recommended: CHIN 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
CHIN 2096 Internship in Chinese 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Previous coursework in Chinese
and consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
CHIN 2100 Intermediate Chinese 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills (listening, speaking, reading,
and writing). Cultural and literary materials will develop an
appreciate for the arts, history, culture, and the literature of
Chinese-speaking peoples and create an awareness of
cultural, social, and linguistic differences and similarities.
Major grammar focus includes resultative and potential
complements, progressive change, and the aspect particle.
Recommended: CHIN 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
CHIN 2200 Intermediate Chinese 2 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills (listening, speaking, reading,
and writing). Cultural and literary materials will develop an
appreciate for the arts, history, culture, and the literature of
Chinese-speaking peoples and create an awareness of
cultural, social, and linguistic differences and similarities.
Major grammar focus includes the passive structure,
compound sentences, causative and pivotal constructions,
and tone/mood.
Recommended: CHIN 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
CHWN - Community Health
CHWN 1000 The Community Health Worker: Role, Advocacy,
Outreach, and Resources 3 cr
The course defines the role of the Community Health
Worker (CHW). Students will explain strategies for personal
safety in relation to home visits. Students will gain an
understanding of the value of self-care and personal
wellness. Students will become familiar with the health-
related needs of their communities and cultural
considerations. Students will also learn about their role as
a liaison and connecting clients to appropriate community
CHWN 1100 Cultural Health Communication, Teaching, and
Capacity Building 3 cr
This course will introduce concepts of verbal and non-
verbal communication required for the Community Health
Worker (CHW) to effectively interact with clients, their
families, and healthcare providers of all backgrounds.
Students apply skills such as active listening and
motivational interviewing. This course also focuses on the
CHW's role as a teacher to increase the capacity of the
community and the client to access the health care and
social services systems. Course materials will emphasize
empowering clients to become self-sufficient in achieving
personal health goals within the role of the CHW.
CHWN 1200 Documentation, Legal, and Ethical Issues in
Community Health Work 3 cr
This course focuses on the legal and ethical dimensions of
the Community Health Worker's (CHW) role. Included are
boundaries of the CHW position, agency policies,
confidentiality, liability, mandatory reporting, and cultural
issues that can influence legal and ethical
responsibilities. This course also focuses on the
importance and ability of the CHW to gather, document,
and report client visits and other activities. The emphasis is
on appropriate, accurate, and clear documentation
considering legal and agency requirements.
CHWN 1500 The Community Health Worker: Health Promotion
Competencies 5 cr
This course focuses on the role of the Community Health
Worker in health promotion and disease
prevention/management including cultural navigation,
social determinants of health, connections to resources,
and supporting clients and families.
CHWN 2096 Community Health Worker Navigator
Internship 2 cr
The goal of the Community Health Worker/Navigator
Internship is to provide students the opportunity to use the
skills and tools they have learned and apply them to
assigned agency's needs. Students will apply these skills of
advocacy and outreach to help individuals and families
reduce health disparities. Students will be required to
complete a minimum of 80 hours of on the job training and
coursework. The on the job weekly hours requirement will
be an agreement between the organization, student and
faculty advisor.
CIM - Computers
Information Management
CIM 1000 Keyboarding and Essential Computer Skills 3 cr
This is a course to develop mastery of computer
keyboarding, essential computer skills, and introductory
word processing. Computer keyboarding includes keying
by touch no less than 30 words a minute with emphasis on
proofreading and accuracy. Essential computer skill
includes file management, creating and editing documents,
and Normandale's learning management system (D2L).
Students will apply their skills to create emails, memos,
letters, and multiple page documents in a Windows
environment. Recommended first year course so that skills
and knowledge can be applied to other Normandale
CIM 1052 Desktop Publishing 3 cr
Designing and producing information-oriented publications
utilizing a personal computer and page-layout software.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201.
CIM 1101 Computer Basics 1 cr
Information about computers that provides the foundation
for understanding how computers operate, how they are
used in industry, and how they improve communications.
Hands-on work with major applications not included.
CIM 1111 Word Processing 1 1 cr
Same word processing content that is presented in CIM
1201 and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 and ENGC 0800 this
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
CIM 1121 Spreadsheets 1 1 cr
Same spreadsheet content that is presented in CIM 1201
and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 and ENGC 0800 this
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
CIM 1131 Database Management 1 1 cr
Same database management content that is presented in
CIM 1201 and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 and ENGC 0800 this
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
CIM 1141 Presentation Graphics 1 1 cr
Same presentation graphics content that is presented in
CIM 1201, using the most current release of software.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 and ENGC 0800 this
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
CIM 1201 Information Technology Concepts and Business
Software 1 3 cr
The purpose of the course is to prepare students for their
future academic and professional pursuits using
computers. The outcomes are designed to give students
the tools to exceed the minimum expectations of
employers. The course includes computer concepts and
computer application software. The students will learn
computer concepts of how computers operate, how they
are used in industry, and how they improve
communications. They will learn computer hardware,
software and development, personal productivity software,
data communications, the World Wide Web and e-mail, the
social challenge, and career options. The students will
learn computer application software using document
production in word processing, spreadsheets, and
database management. Students will create text-based
documents to include letters, research reports in MLA and
APA formatting with citations, one-page brochure with clip
art, page and section breaks, reviewing/tracking features,
and creating a resume as a web page; use the formula
features, charting, functions, pivot tables and goal seeking
for spreadsheets; and use the database features to create
tables and reports, import data from Excel, set validation
rules, and establish referential integrity of data including
sorting and querying to gain skills to use in other courses
or in the workplace. This course is required for most upper
level Management Information Systems classes at 4-year
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 and ENGC 0900.
Recommended: Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This
course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC. Cross-Listed as: BUSN 1201.
CIM 1212 Word Processing 2 1 cr
Same word processing content that is presented in CIM
1201 and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: CIM 1111. Recommended: Keyboarding and
proofreading skills. This course is taught using Microsoft
Office latest version business software for a PC.
CIM 1220 Business Problem Solving Analyzing Excel 3 cr
Emphasizes worksheet formatting, formula design,
advanced functions, macro commands (Visual Basic for
Applications), graphing, PivotTables, and data analysis.
Students will learn features using business scenarios. After
taking this course, students will be prepared to take the
Microsoft Office Systems (MOS) Excel Certified Application
Specialist Exam.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101. Recommended:
Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This course is taught
using Microsoft Office latest version business software for
a PC. Cross-Listed as: BUSN 1220.
CIM 1222 Spreadsheets 2 1 cr
Same spreadsheet content that is presented in CIM 1201
and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: CIM 1121 Recommended: Keyboarding and
proofreading skills. This course is taught using Microsoft
Office latest version business software for a PC.
CIM 1230 Business Information Management Access 3 cr
Emphasizes creating and maintaining a database, creating
simple and advanced queries, creating standard and
custom forms and reports, enhancing table design,
automating tasks with macros, managing and securing a
database. After taking this course, students will be
prepared to take the Microsoft Office Systems (MOS)
Access Certified Application Specialist Exam.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101.
CIM 1232 Database Management 2 1 cr
Same database management content that is presented in
CIM 1201 and BUSN 1201.
Prerequisite: CIM 1131 Recommended: Keyboarding and
proofreading skills. This course is taught using Microsoft
Office latest version business software for a PC.
CIM 1240 Business Word Processing 3 cr
This course provides skills for students in word processing
to be successful in the work place, thus increasing
opportunities for employment. Students will use the latest
release of word processing application software to create
and maintain documents, enhance page layout, create
tables and reports, and use templates to create
professional business documents. After taking this course,
students will be prepared to take the Microsoft Office
Systems (MOS) Word Certified Application Specialist Exam.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101.
CIM 1242 Presentation Graphics 2 1 cr
This course is taught using Microsoft Office latest version
business software for a PC.
Prerequisite: CIM 1141 Recommended: Keyboarding and
proofreading skills. This course is taught using Microsoft
Office latest version business software for a PC.
CIM 1250 Intro to Project Management Software 3 cr
An introduction to project management using MS Project.
Includes topics such as project management terminology,
navigation in MS Project, creating and editing a project
schedule, working with charts, resources and filters,
tracking progress and costs, and closing a project. Provides
a foundation for globally recognized Project Management
Institute credentials such as CAPM and PMP.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201 or BUSN 1201 (C or higher) or
completion of equivalent computer competency tests
administered by Normandale's CIM Department and
eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101. Recommended:
Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This course is taught
using Microsoft Office latest version business software for
a PC. Cross-Listed as: BUSN 1250.
CIM 1260 Presentation Software 3 cr
The purpose of this course is to prepare students for their
future academic and professional pursuits. Students will
use the latest release of presentation software to plan and
create presentations, print slides, handouts and speaker
notes, apply themes, slide transitions, and animation. After
taking this course students will be prepared to take the
Microsoft Office Systems (MOS) PowerPoint Specialist
Certification Exam.
Prerequisite: CIM 1201, BUSN 1201 (C or higher) and
eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101. Recommended:
Keyboarding and proofreading skills. This course is taught
using Microsoft Office latest version business software for
a PC.
CIM 1900 Topics in Computers/Information
Management 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in computer applications;
intended for all interested students. Topics courses do not
satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CIM 2000 Computer Applications Training Practicum 3 cr
This is a capstone course designed to be taken by students
in their final semester of the Computer Information
Management AAS degree. The course ties together the key
learning objectives students are expected to master during
the program. The course also serves as a training and
development experience to reinforce computer
applications skills and knowledge. Students will practice
problem-solving skills by tutoring computer users and
responding to typical technical application issues in
business, office, classroom/training, emails, or
videoconferencing settings.
Prerequisite: BUSN or CIM 1201 (C or higher); BUSN or CIM
1220 (C or higher); keyboarding skills of at least 35 words
per minute and consent of Computers/Information
Management Program Coordinator.
CIM 2096 Internship in Computers/Information
Management 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in
Computers/Information Management and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
CIM 2900 Topics in Computers/Information
Management 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in computer applications;
intended for second-year students. Topics courses do not
satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
COMM - Communication
COMM 1100 Introduction to Communication 3 cr
The primary purpose of this course is to provide students
an introduction to the field of communication. Students
will practice and develop skills in the areas of interpersonal
communication, public speaking, and small group
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 1.
COMM 1101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3 cr
The primary purpose of this course is to provide instruction
and practical experience in the basic fundamentals of
effective public speaking. Students will prepare, perform,
and evaluate a variety of speeches throughout the
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 1.
COMM 1106 Mass Media 3 cr
The purpose of this course is to develop media literate
citizens through the examination of the nature, function,
history, and effects of mass media. Emphasis will be
placed on developing a critical awareness of mass media
(print media, radio, film, music, television, social media,
video games, etc.), advertising, media ethics, and societal
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
COMM 1111 Interpersonal Communication 3 cr
The primary purpose of this course is to assist the student
in examining and developing competence as an
interpersonal communicator. Students will practice skills
and learn strategies to develop and manage relationships
more effectively in a variety of contexts.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 1.
COMM 1113 Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public
Relations 3 cr
This course explores the principles, practices, and ethics of
strategic communication used in advertising and public
relations. It examines the role of advertising and public
relations in the historical and modern world of
communication. By using an active learning approach,
students will research, create, and evaluate advertising
and public relations messages.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 9.
COMM 1121 Small Group Communication 3 cr
The primary purpose of this course is to assist the student
in understanding and applying small group communication
principles. Students will develop skills while participating in
groups, completing group projects, and analyzing group
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 1.
COMM 1131 Intercultural Communication 3 cr
The primary purposes of this course are to raise awareness
of cultural values, beliefs, norms, and biases and address
how culture affects communication choices on the
interpersonal, group, cross-cultural, and global levels.
Issues of nationality, race, ethnicity, class, gender, religion,
etc., will be addressed.
Recommended: COMM 1111 and eligible for ENGC 1101
and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 7, 8.
COMM 1141 Nonverbal Communication 3 cr
Nonverbal messages as a formal message system used to
communicate. Focuses on the major areas of nonverbal
messages. Identifies how nonverbal messages differ
according to gender, culture, and power and how this
translates into various contexts such as education,
business, environment, and interpersonal relationship
Recommended: COMM 1101 or COMM 1111 and eligible
for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106
MnTC Goals: 7.
COMM 1151 Storytelling 3 cr
The primary purpose of this course is to discover the
cultural and personal connections in oral storytelling.
Through critical analysis and performance, students will
explore the art of storytelling. Emphasis will be given to
vocal and physical delivery elements as a means to
communicate the message of cultural and personal
narrative. Students will perform a variety of stories.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
COMM 1450 Interactive Digital Communication 3 cr
This course is aimed at helping students master the latest
interactive tools for communicating on the world wide web
and the strategies and theories employed in their
development and use.
COMM 1900 Topics in Communication 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in the field of
communication; intended for all interested students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
COMM 2096 Internship in Communication 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience in work at sites such as TV stations,
newspapers, cable broadcast, and public relations
agencies. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Communication and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
COMM 2111 Family Communication 3 cr
This course explores how communication functions within
families to develop, maintain, enrich, or limit family
relationships. Descriptive rather than prescriptive, the
course emphasizes understanding families as unique
communication systems embedded within sub-cultural and
cultural ecosystems. Awareness of the functions of
communication in families can help students understand
more about how and why their families behave as they do.
The course also provides several theoretical approaches to
help students better understand the interactional dynamics
occurring within their family or families.
Recommended: COMM 1111 and eligible for ENGC 1101
and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5.
COMM 2900 Topics in Communication 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in the field of
communication; intended for second-year students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
COMT - Computer
COMT 1107 Introduction to Computer Technology 4 cr
Topics associated with computers and computing:
input/output, central processing unit, storage devices,
programming languages, operating systems, PC software
programs, security and privacy issues, and trends in
COMT 1173 PC Architecture Operation and Interface 3 cr
Introductory course on the architecture of computers. Using
the PC as a representative architecture, the primary
components of the PC and their interfaces are examined.
Function of the operating system and its interaction with
the computer hardware. Must be completed within the last
seven years prior to receiving the AAS degree or certificate
in Computer Technology.
Prerequisite: COMT 1107.
COMT 1181 Database Management Systems 3 cr
Various database models with emphasis on the relational
model. Data relationships and attributes, the use of entity
relationship diagrams, and data mapping operations. Must
be completed within the last seven years prior to receiving
the AAS degree or certificate in Computer Technology.
Prerequisite: COMT 1107.
COMT 1182 Advanced Database Management Systems 3 cr
This course will present advanced features of relational
database including concurrency control, query
optimization, distributed databases, and database
administration. It will present many of the constructs of
SQL (Structure Query Language), including queries,
updates, and deletes. It will provide students with the tools
and techniques for report generation.
Prerequisite: COMT 1181.
COMT 1184 Telecommunications 3 cr
Aspects of telecommunications such as network topology,
standards, OSI model, media, modems, data compression,
data security, and the Internet. Must be completed within
the last seven years prior to receiving the AAS degree in
Computer Technology.
Prerequisite: COMT 1107.
COMT 1205 Introduction to Visual Basic 3 cr
This course introduces the Visual Basic programming
language through hands-on development of projects of
increasing complexity as the student gains increased
understanding of the language. The course will include
forms, controls, menus, programming fundamentals,
syntax, and file formats. Must be completed within the last
seven years prior to receiving the AAS degree or certificate
in Computer Technology.
COMT 1900 Topics in Computer Technology 3 cr
An examination of a special topic in computer technology;
intended for all interested students. Topics may include
hardware structures of PCs, hardware/software
interactions, structure of programming language,
input/output. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
COMT 2096 Internship in Computer Technology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience for students to gain enhancement of computer
skills through a computer-related job experience. Students
spend approximately 2.5 hours per week per credit on the
job, complete academic work and meet with faculty.
Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a
maximum of 8 credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Computer Technology
and consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
COMT 2186 Microprocessors and Digital Logic
(Lecture only) 3 cr
Basic building blocks of digital logic-gates, flip-flops, shift
registers. These building blocks are used to create more
and more complex forms with the microprocessors being a
programmable logic element. Comparison between hard-
wired and software-based elements are developed as well.
There is no laboratory and the prerequisite for ENGT 1153
is waived. Must be completed within the last 7 years prior
to receiving the AAS degree or certificate in Computer
Prerequisite: COMT 1107 or COMT 1173 (C or higher).
COMT 2188 Systems Analysis and Design 3 cr
The total environment of a computer-based system -
analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.
Concepts and tools used in the system development life
cycle and analysis of large systems are introduced. Must be
completed within the last 7 years prior to receiving the AAS
degree in Computer Technology.
Prerequisite: COMT 1173 (C or higher). Offered: Spring.
COMT 2201 Preparation for the A+ Exam 2 cr
The A+ Certification course covers the topics required for
the two qualifying exams of the A+ certification, Core
Hardware, and OS Technologies, (the exams are
administered by third-party examiners selected by Comp
TIA). The course consists of lecture materials covering
exam topics as well as a hands-on laboratory component
where the student replaces and updates major
components of a personal computer.
Prerequisite: COMT 1173.
COMT 2250 Object Oriented Programming with Java
for HCST 4 cr
This course enables students to learn object oriented
programming principles using the Java programming
language. Students will become familiar with Java
techniques that are widely used in the industry, including
best practices for the implementation of component based
software architecture.
Prerequisite: Eligible for CSCI 1101 and COMT 2188.
COMT 2900 Topics in Computer Technology 3 cr
An examination of a special topic in computer technology.
Intended for second-year students. Topics may include
hardware structures of PCs, hardware/software
interactions, structure of programming language, and
input/output. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CSCI - Computer Science
CSCI 1100 Fundamentals of Computers 4 cr
Overview of the computer system: the CPU and chip
technology, input and output, storage devices,
communications and networks, the Internet and World
Wide Web, programming and languages, operating
systems, applications software, security, privacy and ethics,
artificial intelligence, expert systems and robotics, virtual
reality, ergonomics, Windows, word processing,
spreadsheets, database management systems,
presentation graphics.
CSCI 1101 Introduction to Computing and Problem
Solving 4 cr
Problem solving techniques in computer programming. A
structured approach to algorithm development to solve a
large number of problems. Students will write pseudo code
to develop problem solving skills. They will write simple
programs in one or more programming languages.
Prerequisite: MATH 0700 or MATH 0670 (C or higher) or
eligible for MATH 1100.
CSCI 1111 Introduction to Programming in C 4 cr
Problem solving using the C programming language. Topics
will include the syntax of the language, operators and
expressions, control structures, scoping rules, functions,
parameter passing, arrays, strings, pointers, structures,
type definitions, file handling, libraries.
Prerequisite: CSCI 1101.
CSCI 1113 Intro to C/C++ for Engineers 4 cr
Programming for scientists/engineers. C/C++ programming
constructs, object-oriented programming, software
development, fundamental numerical techniques;
exercises/examples from various scientific fields.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510.
CSCI 1202 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
in C++ 4 cr
Programming in C++ and concepts of C++, with an
emphasis on programming techniques and object-oriented
programming. Must be completed within the last 7 years
prior to receiving the AAS degree in Computer Technology.
Prerequisite: CSCI 1111.
CSCI 1203 Introduction to Computer Programming in Java 4 cr
Introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java
programming language. Use of Java for developing
conventional applications and Internet-based applications
will be examined. Must be completed within the last seven
years prior to receiving the AAS degree in Computer
Prerequisite: CSCI 1111.
CSCI 1900 Topics in Computer Science 1-4 cr
Topics of current interest in the computer sciences,
including specialized language courses and operating
system courses. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
CSCI 2001 Computer Programming Concepts 4 cr
Introduces students to the fundamental principles of
programming. Procedures, recursion, and iteration will be
presented as algorithmic development techniques.
Abstract data types, modularity and the use of abstraction
to hide program details will be emphasized throughout the
course. The computer language Python is used as a formal
way of expressing algorithms and data.
Prerequisite: CSCI 1101 and MATH 1510 or concurrent
CSCI 2002 Algorithms and Data Structures 4 cr
Reinforces the concepts presented in CSCI 2001, such as
data abstractions, from an object-oriented programming
perspective. Introduces data structures such as stacks,
queues, and trees, and introduces sorting algorithms.
Students will implement data structures and their
operations as abstract data types using an object-oriented
approach. The programming language Java is used to
express the concepts of the course.
Prerequisite: CSCI 1111 and CSCI 2001.
CSCI 2011 Discrete Structures of Computer Science 4 cr
Concepts fundamental to the analysis of algorithms. Topics
include logic, sets, methods of proof including
mathematical induction, combinatorics, relations, solution
of recurrence relations, graphs, trees.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510. Cross-Listed as: MATH 2011.
MnTC Goals: 4.
CSCI 2021 Machine Architecture and Organization 4 cr
Introduction to computer organization, machine language,
and use of assembly language programming using the
Motorola 680x0.
Prerequisite: CSCI 1101 and experience with C, C++, or
CSCI 2031 Introduction to Numerical Computing 4 cr
Introduction to numerical analysis. Explores various
numerical methods for solving scientific and technical
problems including Newton's method, numerical
integration, and a variety of interactive methods.
Prerequisite: MATH 1520 and proficiency with C, C++, or
Java. Cross-Listed as: MATH 2031.
CSCI 2033 Elementary Computational Linear Algebra 4 cr
Matrices and linear transformations, basic theory, linear
vector spaces, inner product spaces. Systems of linear
equations, Eigenvalues, and singular values. Algorithms
and computational matrix methods using MATLAB. Use of
matrix methods to solve a variety of computer science
Prerequisite: MATH 1510. Cross-Listed as: MATH 2033.
CSCI 2096 Internship in Computer Science 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Computer Science
and consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
CSCI 2900 Topics in Computer Science 1-4 cr
Special topic of current interest in the computer sciences,
including specialized language courses and operating
system courses. Intended for second-year students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
DSCI - Data Science
DSCI 2000 Foundations of Data Science 3 cr
An introduction to Data Science and Data Analytics. Various
mathematical and statistical techniques and software tools
will be used to analyze a variety of data sets in order to
develop basic skills and gain a general understanding of
the field.
Prerequisite: MATH 1080 or MATH 1090 or MATH 2400 or
BUSN 2220, and CSCI 1111 or CSCI 1113 or COMT 2250.
DENH - Dental Hygiene
DENH 1112 Oral and Facial Anatomy 3 cr
Study of the structures of the head, neck, and oral cavity.
Topics include histology, embryology, tooth morphology,
eruption patterns of the teeth, head and neck anatomy,
and occlusion as it relates to the practice of dental
hygiene. Practical laboratory exercises.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program.
DENH 1140 Pre-Clinic Theory 3 cr
Introduction to the fundamentals of dental hygiene care.
Emphasis on infection control, patient assessment,
emergencies, the special needs patient, periodontal
disease process, patient self-care and dental deposits.
Practical application experience in pre-clinical skill
development. Lecture 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program.
Corequisite: DENH 1141.
DENH 1141 Pre-Clinic Skill Development 4 cr
Skill development sessions are structured to develop
actual experience in infection control procedures, patient
assessment, instrumentation skills, dental emergencies,
deposit removal, mechanical polishing, and topical fluoride
application. Small groups will be utilized for practical
application skills with students working on each other.
Lab/clinic 8 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program.
Corequisite: DENH 1140.
DENH 1142 Clinic 1 Theory 2 cr
Continuation in the study of the dental hygiene care
process. Emphasis on professionalism, patient care
planning, record keeping, periodontal conditions,
scaling/root planing, dentifrices, mouth rinses, dental
caries process, dietary counseling, saliva, dentinal
hypersensitivity, and fluoride. Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program,
DENH 1112, DENH 1140 and DENH 1141. Corequisite:
DENH 1143.
DENH 1143 Clinic 1 4 cr
Students begin fundamental patient care by providing
clinical, preventive, educational, and therapeutic service in
a supervised clinical setting. Clinic 8 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program,
DENH 1112, DENH 1140 and DENH 1141. Corequisite:
DENH 1142.
DENH 1150 Dental Radiology 4 cr
Theory, techniques, and procedures for exposing and
processing dental radiographs; interpretation of dental
radiographs, radiation safety, and practical application in
dental radiography lab and clinical setting. Lecture 3 hours;
lab/clinic 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1112. Corequisite: DENH 1142 and DENH 1143.
DENH 1151 Accelerated Dental Radiology 2 cr
Theory, techniques, and procedures for exposing and
processing dental radiographs; interpretation of dental
radiographs, radiation safety, and practical application in
dental radiography lab and clinical setting. Lecture 3 hours;
clinic 2 hours last five weeks of semester.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
instructor's permission. Corequisite: DENH 1142 and DENH
DENH 1160 Dental Materials 2 cr
The study, demonstration, and manipulation of materials
used in dental and dental hygiene procedures. Lecture
online; lab 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1140, DENH 1141 and CHEM.
DENH 1161 Accelerated Dental Materials 1 cr
The advanced study, demonstration, and manipulation of
materials used in dental and dental hygiene procedures.
Dates and times are determined by course instructor.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
instructor's permission. Corequisite: DENH 1140, DENH
1141 and CHEM 1050.
DENH 1162 Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist 2 cr
This course focuses on applying pharmacology knowledge
to dental hygiene clinical practice. Understanding drug
groups, pharmacologic effects, adverse reactions, drug
contraindications, and interactions will encourage
treatment modification and ensure safe patient care.
Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1140 and BIOL 2042. Corequisite: DENH 1142 and
DENH 1143.
DENH 1900 Topics in Dental Hygiene 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of dental
hygiene; intended for any interested dental hygiene
student. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
DENH 2096 Internship in Dental Hygiene 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Dental Hygiene and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
DENH 2240 Clinic 2 Theory 2 cr
Emphasis on advanced clinical procedures,
professionalism, ethics, quality assurance, and evidence-
based dental hygiene practice. Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1142. Corequisite: DENH 2241.
DENH 2241 Clinic 2 6 cr
Continuation of patient care by providing clinical,
preventive, educational, and therapeutic services in a
supervised clinical setting. Clinic 12 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1143. Corequisite: DENH 2240.
DENH 2242 Clinic 3 Theory 2 cr
Orientation to ethics, jurisprudence, dental specialties,
practice management, job placement, resumes,
interviewing skills, and career opportunities. Lecture 2
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1142, DENH 2240, DENH 2241 and DENH 2264.
Corequisite: DENH 2241.
DENH 2243 Clinic 3 6 cr
Continuation of patient care to attain clinical competency
in preparation for practical examinations and licensure.
Clinic 12 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 2240, DENH 2241 and DENH 2264. Corequisite:
DENH 2242.
DENH 2244 Clinical Enrichment 1-3 cr
This course is designed to offer students additional skill
development in areas of clinical dental hygiene and/or
Prerequisite: DENH 2241 or DENH 2243 and instructor's
DENH 2252 Clinical Radiology 1 1 cr
Practice of radiographic technique and radiographic
interpretation in a clinical setting. Clinic 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1150. Corequisite: DENH 2241.
DENH 2254 Clinical Radiology 2 1 cr
Practice of radiographic technique and radiographic
interpretation in a clinical setting. Clinic 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program,
DENH 1150 and DENH 2252. Corequisite: DENH 2243.
DENH 2263 Pain Management 2 cr
Preparation of the dental hygiene student in effective and
safe administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-
oxygen inhalation sedation. Lecture 1 hour; lab/clinic 2
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
in the process of developing competence in clinical dental
hygiene care, DENH 1142, DENH 1162 and BIOL 2042.
DENH 2264 Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist 2 cr
The study of periodontal diseases as the scientific basis for
dental hygiene with recognition of the etiologic factors and
abnormal conditions in the supporting structures with
emphasis on the role of the dental hygienist in the
philosophical and clinical approaches to periodontal
therapy. Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program,
BIOL 2204 or 2043, DENH 1112, DENH 1142, DENH
1143. Corequisite: DENH 2240 and DENH 2241.
DENH 2266 General and Oral Pathology 2 cr
The identification, pathogenesis, histology, prevention and
management of oral diseases; the oral manifestations and
complications associated with systemic diseases; and the
basic principles and aspects of pathology related to dental
healthcare. Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, and
DENH 1112 and DENH 2240 and DENH 2241 and DENH
2264. Corequisite: DENH 2240 and DENH 2241 and DENH
DENH 2281 Preventive Concepts in Community Dental
Health 2 cr
Introduction to federal, state, and local public health
programs. Epidemiology, prevention and control of oral
diseases at the community level. Principles of assessment,
diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and
documentation of dental public health programs.
Implementation of a community oral health service project
in an extramural setting. Lecture 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program, .
DENH 2900 Topics 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of dental
hygiene; intended for second-year dental hygiene students.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
EAP-English for Academic
EAP 0655 Academic Speaking and Listening Skills 3 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English provides
instruction in the academic speaking and listening skills
necessary for college success. Topics include note-taking,
discussion groups, class presentations, and interactions
with the wider college community. Instruction in American
English pronunciation will be included as necessary.
Grading options are A-F or P/NC.
Prerequisite: Eligible for EAP 0750 and EAP 0850 or
EAP 0750 EAP Grammar and Writing 1 5 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English provides
instruction in grammar and writing for intermediate EAP
students. Topics include verb tenses, sentence skills,
mechanics, and beginning paragraph writing skills. Grading
options are A-F or P/NC.
Prerequisite: Eligible for EAP 0750 and EAP 0850 or
EAP 0760 EAP Grammar and Writing 2 5 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English is a
continuation of EAP 0750. It provides instruction in
grammar and writing for high-intermediate EAP students.
Topics include verb tenses, clauses, pre-writing,
organization, and paragraph writing. Students must pass
both the course and an exit exam. Grading options are A-F
or P/NC.
Prerequisite: EAP 0750 (C/P or higher) or eligible for EAP
0760 and EAP 0850 or higher.
EAP 0850 Reading and Vocabulary 1 3 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English improves
their literal reading comprehension skills and introduces
them to higher-level reading and thinking skills. Grading
options are A-F or P/NC.
Prerequisite: Eligible for EAP 0750 and EAP 0850 or
EAP 0855 EAP Reading and Vocabulary 2 4 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English builds on
the skills of EAP 0850. Students will continue to improve
their literal and inferential reading skills in a variety of
genres. In addition, they will continue to work on improving
their vocabulary. They will also begin to understand
complex written processes and analyze several features of
fiction. Grading options are A-F or P/NC.
Prerequisite: EAP 0850 (C/P or higher) or eligible for EAP
0750 and EAP 0855 or higher.
EAP 1000 Introduction to College 1 cr
This course for non-native speakers of English introduces
students to the skills, strategies, and resources needed for
a successful start to college in the U.S. Students will
practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills as
they complete the assignments.
Prerequisite: Eligible for EAP 0750 or EAP 0760 and
eligible for EAP 0850 or EAP 0855.
EAP 1900 Topics in English for Academic Purposes 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in English for Academic
Purposes; intended for first-year students. Topics courses
do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
EAP 2900 Topics in English for Academic Purposes 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in English for Academic
Purposes; intended for second-year students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ECON Economics
ECON 1100 Personal Finance 3 cr
A survey of cash management, credit management,
housing, taxes, insurance, investing, and retirement
planning. Tools and strategies for making responsible
financial decisions and improving one's financial well-
being. How to craft financial plans consistent with one's
goals and values.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 9.
ECON 1200 Consumer Economics 3 cr
Economic principles relevant to consumers; consumer
information gathering and decision-making; consumer
issues and problems. Laws, government regulations, and
policies affecting consumers.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
ECON 1400 Survey of Economics 3 cr
A survey of microeconomic and macroeconomic principles
illustrated by a discussion of current economic policies,
issues, and problems. This course cannot be taken for
credit after ECON 2201 or ECON 2202. This course is not
intended to satisfy the entrance prerequisites for most
four-year programs in economics, business, or accounting.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
ECON 1900 Topics in Economics 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in economics; intended for
all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ECON 2096 Internship in Economics 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Economics and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
ECON 2201 Principles of Microeconomics 3 cr
Theories of how various types of product, service, and
resource markets operate and resulting implications for
public policy. Decision-making by consumers, business
firms, and government. Price determination, resource
allocation, and income determination via markets.
Recommended: READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
ECON 2202 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 cr
Theories that explain the overall performance of the
economy. Measurement of national income,
unemployment, and inflation; role of money and the
banking system. Policies that stabilize the economy and
promote economic growth. International trade and finance
within the framework of the global economy.
Recommended: READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
ECON 2900 Topics in Economics 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in economics; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
EDUC - Education
EDUC 1101 Introduction to Education 4 cr
Introduction to Education provides an overview of the
education profession and the U.S. educational system,
including historical development, social foundations and
educational institutions. Other topics include current
theories, trends and issues in education and the
community, certification standards, roles and
responsibilities of teachers, learners, and other school
personnel, introductory instructional methods and
classroom environment strategies, and a field
experience/practicum. Every student must complete a field
experience in an area school. Students must receive a
grade of C or higher to take subsequent EDUC courses.
EDUC 1120 Spanish for Educators 1 3 cr
Spanish for Educators 1 is the first of two courses designed
for English-speaking educators and future educators who
need to acquire vocabulary and develop basic Spanish
skills in order to communicate with Spanish-speaking
students and their parents on a variety of school-related
topics. In addition, the course seeks to provide learners
with an understanding of key concepts about Hispanic
culture which influence interactions in educational settings.
Cross-Listed as: SPAN 1120.
EDUC 1220 Spanish for Educators 2 3 cr
Spanish for Educators 2 is the second of two courses
designed for English-speaking educators who need to
develop basic conversational Spanish skills in order to
communicate with Spanish-speaking students and their
parents on a wide variety of school-related topics. In this
course, students will learn to construct sentences and
questions using twelve "high-frequency" structures in
Spanish, along with one hundred and twenty verbs relevant
to educational settings. Students continue to develop
vocabulary related to classroom and school settings.
Situational dialogues and role-plays are an important part
of this course. Along with developing conversational skills,
attention is given to further development of beginning
listening, reading and writing skills. Cultural practices and
perspectives are presented through the art and literature of
the Spanish-speaking peoples. The cultural components in
Spanish for Educators 2 are designed to encourage
teachers to use authentic Hispanic art and literature in
their own classrooms or school communities to raise
awareness and understanding about the cultures of
Spanish-speaking peoples in Minnesota and the United
Prerequisite: EDUC 1120. Cross-Listed as: SPAN 1220.
EDUC 2096 Internship in Education 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience in schools and similar educational sites.
Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per week per
credit on the job, complete academic work and meet with
faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester,
with a maximum of 8 credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Education and
Consent of instructor and consent of the Center for
Experiential Education.
EDUC 2101 Educational Technology 3 cr
This course is designed to provide opportunities to explore
and develop skills, using current technology platforms,
software and formats; demonstrate the current best
practices of using technology as a tool to enhance learning;
integrating technology platforms in today’s kindergarten
through twelfth-grade classrooms; and raising awareness
of technological accessibility tools that could meet the
needs of students with impairments or disabilities. A grade
of C or higher is required in EDUC 1101 in order to register
for this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher).
EDUC 2222 Multicultural Education and Human Relations in
Schools 3 cr
Multicultural Education and Human Relations in Schools,
introduces pre-service teachers to core concepts and
approaches to multicultural education including issues
related to student, family, and community diversity based
on culture, language, race, class, gender, sexual identity,
and disability. Issues discourses, hierarchy of education
with regards to privilege, equity and access to high quality
education are topics addressed as students use knowledge
of their life experiences and those of diverse students in
urban and rural public schools and learn culturally and
linguistically responsive classroom strategies. Emphasis is
placed on demonstrating the multicultural competence
required of all successful teachers working with today’s
diverse youth. A grade of C or higher is required in EDUC
1101 in order to register for this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher).
EDUC 2223 Foundations of Instruction 2 cr
Foundations of Instruction will allow students to apply their
knowledge of cognitive, moral, social, emotional and
physical development, and individual variations, to
instructional strategies and learning activities. Students
will be able to create appropriate lessons and learning
activities given the levels of development of children. A
grade of C or higher is required in EDUC 1101 in order to
register for this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher).
EDUC 2331 Professional Practice and Design of Individual
Education Programs 2 cr
This course will introduce teacher candidates to different
aspects of being a Special Educator, including writing
Individualized Education Program plans, communicating
and working collaboratively, addressing strategies for
working with paraprofessionals, and developing an
understanding of collaboration, including co-teaching in the
classroom to assist student learning and communicating
effectively with parents and co-teachers. A grade of C or
higher is required in EDUC 1101 and EDUC 2408 in order
to register for this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher) EDUC 2408 (C or
EDUC 2408 Individuals with Diverse and Exceptional Needs 4 cr
Individuals with Diverse and Exceptional Needs is designed
to provide an introduction and overview of the
characteristics and educational needs of children and
youth with diverse and exceptional needs in all schools.
The course introduces students to the language of Special
Education used in Minnesota. A grade of C or higher is
required in EDUC 1101 and PSYC 1109 in order to register
for this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher) and PSYC 1109 (C
or higher).
EDUC 2409 Learning and Human Development for Diverse
Learners 4 cr
Learning and Human Development for Diverse Learners is
designed to introduce students to theories of learning and
human development as they relate to diverse learning
populations. Students will acquire an understanding of the
many factors that affect learning and human development
as well as strategies that can be used to enhance learning
for all populations. A grade of C or higher is required in
EDUC 1101 and PSYC 1109 in order to register for this
Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 (C or higher) and PSYC 1109 (C
or higher).
ENGC-English Composition
ENGC 0800 Fundamentals of Writing 4 cr
This course focuses on the skills needed to produce
paragraphs and short essays. During the semester,
students 1) read and critically evaluate a variety of texts; 2)
understand the planning and writing process for
paragraphs and short essay writing; 3) communicate clear
ideas, developing paragraphs with main points, supporting
details, and logically sequenced sentences; 4) develop
conventional grammatical sentence structure, punctuation,
and spelling; 5) practice strategies to develop vocabulary
and word usage skills; 6) create documents using word
processing software. Grading options are A-F or Pass/No
Credit. A grade of Pass/C or better is required to register
for ENGC 0900.
Prerequisite: Placement into ENGC 0800 and eligible for
READ 0860 or a Pass/C or higher in EAP 0760 and eligible
for READ 0860.
ENGC 0860 Integrated Reading and Writing 1 6 cr
Normandale’s Integrated Reading and Writing program
values students’ diverse needs and experiences to
empower them to develop agency and literacy in college
and in life. In this specific course, which focuses on
developing literacies, students will practice reading and
writing in a variety of situations. Students will explore a
variety of texts and their contexts by asking questions and
pursuing answers through their own lived experience as
well as others’ ideas. Students will begin to develop
reading and writing processes that build on and overlap
with each other, which will help facilitate academic
success. Through this process of integrated reading and
writing, students will experience the transformative nature
of literacy and its power to promote equity and justice.
Grading method is A/F, with the option of Pass/No Credit.
Prerequisite: Completed EAP 0760 with a C/P or higher
and EAP 0855 with a C/P or higher; OR placement into
non-EAP coursework via HS GPA <2.0, ACCUPLACER Next
Gen Read score <235, ACCUPLACER Classic Read score
<60; OR ACCUPLACER Classic ESL Reading Skills score 97-
ENGC 0900 Preparation for College Writing 4 cr
This course focuses on writing skills needed to write
essays. During the semester, students 1) understand the
planning and writing process for thesis-focused, multi-
paragraph essays; 2) develop ideas in paragraphs
containing a topic sentence, clear order, adequate detail,
transitions, and a conclusion; 3) become familiar with the
basic process of research and citation; 4) demonstrate
conventional grammatical sentence structure, punctuation,
and spelling; 5) move towards college-level vocabulary and
usage. Sources for writing model analysis and study
include published articles and essays and assigned
student work. Grading options are A-F or Pass/No Credit. A
grade of Pass/C (or higher) is required to register for ENGC
Prerequisite: ENGC 0800 (Pass/C or higher) and eligible for
READ 0960 or eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960.
ENGC 0960 Integrated Reading and Writing 2 6 cr
Normandale’s Integrated Reading and Writing program
values students’ diverse needs and experiences to
empower them to develop agency and literacy in college
and in life. In this specific course, which focuses on literacy
proficiency, students will practice reading and writing in a
variety of situations with specific attention to various
academic disciplines. Students will explore a variety of
texts and their contexts by asking questions and pursuing
answers through their own lived experience as well as
introductory research practices. Students will develop
proficiency in reading and writing processes that build on
and overlap with each other, which will help facilitate
academic success. Through this process of integrated
reading and writing, students will experience the
transformative nature of literacy and its power to promote
equity and justice. Grading method is A/F, with the option
of Pass/No Credit.
Prerequisite: Completed ENGC 0860 with a C or higher; OR
placement into non-EAP coursework via HS GPA 2.0 or
higher, ACCUPLACER Next Gen: Read 235-249,
Classic: ESL Reading Skills 110-120
ENGC 1101 College Writing 4 cr
This course focuses on critical thinking and writing skills
necessary in college and professional writing through text
analyses and argument strategies. Students 1) study the
writer's purpose, audience, and rhetorical structure in a
variety of genres and college-level texts, 2) organize and
develop clear, thesis-driven logical arguments in various
personal and academic essays, 3) find sources, and
synthesize, and document information in research-based
academic essays, and 4) demonstrate proficient command
of English writing conventions.
Prerequisite: ENGC 0900 (C or higher) and eligible for
READ 1106 or eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 1.
ENGC 1900 Topics in Composition 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in composition.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ENGC 2020 Advanced Grammar 3 cr
This course presents an overview of basic to advanced
grammar concepts, their functions, and their varied and
appropriate usage in written English at different levels. It
also incorporates various explanations of how grammar is
learned. Additional topics may include language acquisition
and its cultural contexts.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 and eligible for READ 1106.
ENGC 2096 Internship in English Composition 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in English and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
ENGC 2102 Business and Technical Writing 3 cr
Students will explore the forms of business and technical
writing common in the professions through documents
such as memos, emails, reports, proposals, instructions,
sales messages, and technical descriptions. Students will
produce documents while focusing on document design,
ethical principles in communication, and developing of a
keen sense of audience, purpose, and author through
informed research.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101.
MnTC Goals: 9.
ENGC 2900 Topics in Composition 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in composition.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ENGL-English Literature
ENGL 1000 Introduction to Literature 3 cr
By reading a variety of literary works and
discussing/interpreting them from multiple perspectives,
students will learn to understand and enjoy literature.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1021 Literary Magazine 3 cr
By reading, discussing and evaluating contemporary works
written in a variety of genres, enrolled students will develop
a critical appreciation for literature as a living art form and
become "literary citizens," taking part in the reading,
writing, publication and discussion of creative work through
their work on the student literary journal, The Paper
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960.
ENGL 1120 Graphic Novels 3 cr
Students will read, discuss, and analyze graphic novels
from a variety of genres in terms of the interplay of word
and image central to this narrative medium. Analysis will
include looking at the ways graphic novels represent
popular culture, politics, philosophy, history, social issues,
and personal identity across multiple cultures.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1130 Literature of Diversity 3 cr
Students will read, discuss, and write about literature
written by Americans who have traditionally been under-
represented in the literary canon. The readings will include
works by African Americans, Asian Americans, Latina/o
Americans, Native Americans, and others, including
American-educated writers born elsewhere. The writers will
represent various literary periods, as well as genres, and
will be discussed in socio-cultural and historical contexts.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
ENGL 1140 Gender and Literature 3 cr
Read, discuss, and write about works of literature from a
gender-focused perspective. Topics students may explore
include literary images of men and women, representations
of gender in literature, portrayals of gender-based attitudes
and values, and the ways in which writing can change
conventional views of gender.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1170 Modern World Literature 3 cr
Students will study fiction, poetry, and drama by selected
authors from Latin America, Continental Europe, Africa and
the Middle East, and Asia and the South Pacific. As part of
their study, students will analyze these texts within their
diverse cultural and historical contexts, including selected
literary movements. The course will primarily focus upon
literature written from the early 18th century to the
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ENGL 1175 Myths and Legends 3 cr
Students will study the myths and legends of ancient,
classical, and medieval cultures from various parts of the
world. Topics of study may include written works,
transcriptions of oral works, and sacred texts, as well as
contemporary re-imaginings of such works.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ENGL 1186 Introduction to Poetry 3 cr
Students will explore the way poets use words in
concentrated form to convey sensory, emotional,
imaginative, and intellectual experience. Students will
practice close and full reading of a variety of poems, noting
imagery, figurative language, sound, and tone.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1188 Introduction to Short Stories 3 cr
Students will explore the short story form and its various
effects. Students will improve critical reading and thinking
skills by reading a variety of short stories, examining the
essential techniques of short fiction, and considering
multiple perspectives on a work of fiction.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1189 Introduction to the Novel 3 cr
Students will explore the novel form and its various effects.
Students will improve critical reading and thinking skills by
reading a variety of novels, and examining the essential
techniques of longer fiction, and considering multiple
perspectives on a work of fiction.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 1900 Topics in Literature 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in literature. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ENGL 2000 Introduction to Literary Studies: Writing
About Literature 3 cr
This course introduces students to the discipline of literary
studies, focusing on writing about literature using multiple
critical lenses. The students write increasingly
sophisticated essays analyzing literature and synthesizing
critical sources while developing their understanding of
audience and tone in writing.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 (C or higher) and eligible for
READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2060 Children's and Young Adult Literature 3 cr
Students will study literature written for children and young
adults, from birth through high
school, to effectively select, evaluate, and appreciate this
literature. Course material includes various formats
(picture books, early readers, chapter books, middle grade
books, young adult novels, or graphic narratives) and
genres (traditional literature, fantasy, realism, historical
fiction, factual books, or poetry). Topics include supporting
young readers’ selection of and responses to literature;
studying the history of children’s and young adult literature;
responding to censorship and controversy; and introducing
children and young adults to books about diversity (race,
ethnicity, disability, etc.) and to works by under-represented
populations and from a variety of cultures.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2096 Internship in English Literature 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in literature and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
ENGL 2120 Shakespeare 3 cr
Studying William Shakespeare’s writing is a journey of
discovery. This course is designed to start students on that
journey as they discover the power of Shakespeare’s
language as well as his uncanny and modern insight into
human nature. Students will read, discuss, and write about
Shakespeare’s plays and poems.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2125 Novels of Jane Austen 3 cr
Students examine the six major novels of Jane Austen in
sequence (Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride
and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion).
This course offers an excellent opportunity to chart how an
author develops the skills of characterization and plot
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2127 Sherlock Holmes and the Victorian Age 3 cr
This course examines classic literary works of the Victorian
era through the lens of the Sherlock Holmes series of
detective stories, investigating key themes and concerns of
the age such as social class, the status of women and
children, the role of science, and ethics as they are
represented in literature of the period.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2130 African American Literature 3 cr
This course gives students an introduction to literature by
African American writers representing multiple experiences
and historical periods. The students will study various
genres and will analyze the literary works in cultural and
historical context through both discussion and written
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
ENGL 2133 Native American Literature 3 cr
This course gives students an introduction to literature by
Native American writers representing various tribal cultures
and historical periods. The students will study multiple
genres and will analyze the literary works in cultural and
historical context through both discussion and written
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
ENGL 2150 American Literature 1 4 cr
Students will read works by a variety of authors
representing the diverse viewpoints and experiences of
Americans before the modern era.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
ENGL 2151 American Literature 2 4 cr
Students will read works by a variety of authors
representing the diverse viewpoints and experiences of
Americans during the modern era.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
ENGL 2160 British Writers 1 4 cr
Students will read works written by a variety of authors
from the Middle Ages through the 18th century.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2161 British Writers 2 4 cr
Students will read works by a variety of authors of the 19th
and 20th centuries.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGL 2174 African Literature 3 cr
Students will study a range of African Literature in English,
exploring distinctive features of several African regions.
Focusing mainly on fiction genres (novels, short stories,
drama) and poetry, the instructor may also use some non-
fiction, including memoir, critical essays, and contextual
documents. As part of their study, students will analyze
these texts within their cultural and historical contexts. The
course will primarily focus on literature written during the
modern period (1700 - present).
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
ENGL 2900 Topics in Literature 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in literature. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ENGR - Engineering
ENGR 1020 Introduction to Engineering Design 4 cr
A lower division course for students in the engineering
disciplines. This course will: develop skills used by
practicing engineers; provide extensive exposure to visual,
written and oral communication forms and to computer-
based design tools; include substantial design projects,
including prototype construction.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1510.
ENGR 1900 Topics in Engineering 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in engineering; intended
for all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
ENGR 2015 Linear Circuit Analysis 4 cr
This course introduces linear circuit analysis with emphasis
on audio applications and signals. Topics include: physical
principles underlying circuit element models; resistive
circuits; Kirchhoff’s laws; independent and dependent
sources; node- voltage and mesh-current methods;
operational amplifiers; inductors and capacitors; and first-
and second-order circuits. Laboratory includes
experiments with simple circuits and audio electronics, and
familiarization with measurement tools
and equipment. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1121 (C or higher) and PHYS 1122 (C
or higher) or concurrent registration, and MATH 1520 (C or
higher), MATH 2520 (C or higher) or concurrent
registration, or consent of instructor.
ENGR 2016 Steady-state Circuit Analysis 1 cr
This course introduces phasor- and frequency-domain
techniques for steady-state circuit analysis. Topics include:
complex numbers and phasors; complex power; an
introduction to Fourier series; RLC circuits; and basic
filters. Laboratory includes experiments with active audio
ENGR 2096 Internship in Engineering 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Engineering and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
ENGR 2115 Introduction to Analog & Digital Electronics 5 cr
This course introduces techniques for transient and
switching circuit analysis. Topics include: MOSFETs as
amplifiers and switches; a continuation of Fourier series;
Laplace transform and applications; transfer functions and
frequency response; relationship between Fourier and
Laplace techniques; complete response of active, first- and
second-order filters. Laboratory includes
experiments with active electronic filters. Lecture 4 hours;
lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: ENGR 2016 (C or higher), PHYS 1122 (C or
higher), MATH 2520 (C or higher), and ENGC 1101 (C or
higher), or instructor consent.
ENGR 2231 Thermodynamics 3 cr
This course will cover the conservation of mass and energy
and entropy balance; the properties, equations of state,
and the processes and cycles for reversible and irreversible
thermodynamic systems; and modes of energy transfer.
Thermodynamic principles will be applied to modern
engineering systems.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1061, PHYS 1121.
ENGR 2235 Statics 3 cr
This course covers free-body diagrams and the principles of
statics. Applications to simple trusses, frames, and
machines are covered. Distributed loads and internal loads
in beams are introduced.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1121 (C or higher) and MATH 1520 (C
or higher).
ENGR 2236 Dynamics 3 cr
This course covers the kinematics and kinetics of particles;
Newton's laws; energy and momentum methods; systems
of particles; kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies in the
plane; planar linkages; and mechanical vibrations.
Prerequisite: ENGR 2235 (C or higher) and MATH 2520 (C
or higher) or concurrent registration.
ENGR 2301 Introduction to Digital Logic Design A 2 cr
This is the first half of an introduction to digital logic design.
It is recommended for mechanical, aerospace, computer,
and electrical engineering students. Topics include Boolean
algebra, logic gates, Karnaugh mapping, and analysis and
design of combinational-logic circuits. This course meets
the first half of the semester.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510 (C or higher) or concurrent
ENGR 2302 Introduction to Digital Logic Design B 2 cr
This is the second half of an introduction to digital logic
design. It is recommended for computer and electrical
engineering students. Topics include: logic simplification,
sequential logic, HDL modeling, and analysis and design of
synchronous sequential logic circuits, VHDL modeling, and
design of digital logic circuits. This course meets for the
second half of the semester. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: ENGR 2301 (C or higher).
ENGR 2331 Deformable Body Mechanics 3 cr
This course is an introduction to the linear stress-strain
behavior of engineering materials. Topics will include
stresses due to uniaxial loading, bending and torsion,
stress transformations, beam deflections, indeterminate
structures, and column buckling.
Prerequisite: ENGR 2235 (C or higher), MATH 1520 (C or
higher), MATH 2520 (C or higher) or concurrent registration
ENGR 2900 Topics in Engineering 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in engineering; intended
for second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
ENGT 1014 Safety 2 cr
This course is designed to align with the Manufacturing
Skill Standards Council's (MSSC) assessment and
certification system for Safety. The course curriculum is
based on federally-endorsed national standards for
production workers. This course will introduce OSHA
standards relating to personal protective equipment,
Hazard Communication, tool safety, confined spaces,
electrical safety, emergency responses, lockout/tagout,
and others.
ENGT 1018 Manufacturing Processes and Production 2 cr
This course is designed to prepare students for the
Manufacturing Skill Standards Council's (MSSC)
Manufacturing Processes and Production Certification
Assessment. The course curriculum is based upon federally
endorsed national standards for production workers. This
course emphasizes Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing
principles, basic supply chain management,
communication skills, and customer service.
ENGT 1022 Quality Practices & Measurement 2 cr
This course is designed to prepare students for the
Manufacturing Skill Standards Council's (MSSC) Quality
Certification Assessment. The course curriculum is based
upon federally endorsed national standards for production
workers. Emphasis is on continuous improvement concepts
and how they relate to a quality management system.
Students will be introduced to a quality management
system and its components. These include corrective
actions, preventative actions, control of documents, control
of quality records, internal auditing of processes, and
control of non-conforming product.
ENGT 1026 Maintenance Awareness 2 cr
This course is designed to prepare students for the
Manufacturing Skill Standards Council's (MSSC)
Maintenance Awareness Certification Assessment. The
course curriculum is based upon federally endorsed
national standards for production workers. This course
introduces the concepts of Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) and preventative maintenance. Students are
introduced to lubrication, electricity, hydraulics,
pneumatics, and power transmission systems.
ENGT 1050 Bridging Engineering and Education 3 cr
This course is a hands-on engineering experience, intended
for elementary education majors, which covers topics in
science, engineering, and technology with an emphasis on
understanding what engineers do and how they make a
world of difference. Students will learn that with some
creativity and knowledge of the engineering design
process, everyone can engineer. Topics that may be
covered include: weather, water, simple machines, sound,
plants, energy, and electricity; with corresponding
engineering fields of mechanical, environmental, industrial,
acoustical, package, green, and electrical. The structure
and philosophy of engineering curricular materials,
engineering activities, and appropriate instructional
strategies will be emphasized in this course. Students will
be prepared to deliver the Minnesota engineering
standards in elementary math and science classes.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 6 credits in both college-level
math and science or instructor approval.
ENGT 1153 AC/DC Circuits 4 cr
A survey course designed to give understanding to the
relationships of work, power, energy, and electrical charge
as well as to the relationships of voltage, resistance,
current, and capacitance. A laboratory experience includes
analyzing basic series, parallel AC and DC circuits;
identification and application of electronic components;
gaining competence using electronic measuring
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher) or eligible for MATH
ENGT 1180 Manufacturing Processes 2 cr
Manufacturing processes are technology-based operations
which realize the transformation of various raw input
materials into a physical product. This course provides an
overview of the types of materials used to create products
and the basic manufacturing processes involved in
manipulating those materials. Other critical functions
performed in a manufacturing environment will be
discussed such as statistical process control,
transportation, and packaging.
Prerequisite: MATH 0700 or concurrent registration or
eligible for MATH 1100 and eligible for ENGC 1101 and
eligible for READ 1106.
ENGT 1184 Fluid Mechanics 3 cr
This course addresses fundamental concepts in fluid
mechanics and introduces algebraic-based methods for
modeling the behavior of fluids under static and dynamic
conditions. Applications of hydraulic and pneumatic
systems illustrate the significance of fluid power technology
integration in support of various engineering systems.
Laboratory activities examine physical characteristics and
properties of fluid systems, fluid flow, fluid power, energy
storage in fluid systems and behavior of pneumatic and
hydraulic systems.
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher) or eligible for MATH
ENGT 1290 Measurement and Process Control 2 cr
Industrial manufacturers apply a variety of statistical-based
techniques to more effectively address the quality of
product design and production outcomes. This course
examines how manufacturers make decisions about what
product and process data to collect and how they assess
the adequacy of the measurement system. Students will
set up and interpret histograms and process control charts
to identify chance or assignable variation in a collected
data set. Students will run a design of experiments study to
determine the impact key design and process parameters
have on system performance.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100 and ENGC 1101 and
READ 1106.
ENGT 1511 Introduction to Engineering Technology
(PLTW™) 3 cr
Introduction to Engineering Technology which is based on
curriculum by Project Lead the Way (PLTW™) overviews the
role of technology in society and provides an introduction
to the use of certain engineering technologies. Course
activities and projects include: creating simple control
systems to experience fundamental concepts in
automation and robotics; documenting simple engineering
design and assembly concepts and creating rapid
prototypes through the use of computer-aided-design (CAD)
3-D modeling software; and completing a focused research
project related to the role of technology in society.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100 and ENGC 1101.
ENGT 1512 Principles of Engineering (PLTW™) 3 cr
Principles of Engineering, which is based on curriculum
developed by Project Lead the Way (PLTW) introduces
several core engineering technology topics: the engineering
design process; engineering foundation concepts in
mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid systems, electrical
systems, control systems; statics, strength of materials and
material testing; and dynamics/kinematics. Students
complete a variety of activities and projects to learn how
engineers and technicians use math, science, and
technology in the engineering problem-solving process.
Prerequisite: ENGT 1511 or concurrent registration, MATH
1100 or concurrent registration, and eligible for ENGC
ENGT 1513 Digital Electronics Technology (PLTW™) 3 cr
Digital Electronics which is based on curriculum developed
by Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is an introduction to
several foundation concepts in digital electronics design.
Students complete a variety of activities and projects to
discover how engineers and technicians use mathematics,
science, and technology in an engineering problem-solving
process to create and evaluate solutions for specified
Prerequisite: ENGT 1511, ENGT 1153 and eligible for
ENGC 1101.
ENGT 1514 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW) 3 cr
Computer Integrated Manufacturing builds on computer
solid modeling skills developed in Introduction to
Engineering Design (ENGT 1511), a Project Lead the Way
(PLTW) course taught in high schools. Students use
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment to produce
actual models of their three-dimensional designs.
Fundamental concepts of robotics used in automated
manufacturing and design analysis are included.
Prerequisite: ENGT 1511, eligible for MATH 1100 and
ENGC 1101 or READ 1106.
ENGT 1516 Biotechnical Engineering 3 cr
Introduction to the diverse fields of bio-chemistry, bio-
engineering, and bio-medical device engineering through
the integrated application of biology, physics, technology,
and mathematics. Students complete projects related to
the following topics: DNA modeling, pathogen identification,
forensic science, bioreactions and bio-processing,
orthopedics and cardiovascular devices. Lecture 2 hours;
lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100 or high school Algebra
2 (B or higher), and eligible for ENGC 1101 or READ 1106.
ENGT 2188 Electronics and Automation 4 cr
This course provides an introduction to automation with a
focus on the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting
of automated systems in industrial settings. An
understanding of the essential mechanical, electrical, and
software sub-system technologies integrated as a fully
functional automated system is developed. A short unit on
electronics provides foundation for learning the digital-
based communication interfaces. The function of sensors,
actuators, and controllers is addressed. Project work will
provide hands-on opportunities to experience the
characteristics and behaviors of automated systems.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101, ENGT 1153.
ENGW-Creative Writing
ENGW 1111 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 cr
Students will study and write imaginatively in a variety of
genres---play and screen writing, short fiction, poetry, and
creative nonfiction as selected by the instructor. Students
will also read and respond to imaginative writing and to
student work in progress.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 Recommended: ENGC 1101 (C or
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGW 1900 Topics in Creative Writing 3 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in creative writing.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
ENGW 2096 Internship in Creative Writing 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in creative writing and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
ENGW 2112 Poetry Writing 3 cr
This course focuses on the writing and study of
contemporary poetry. Students will compose original
poetry, respond to classmates, and be introduced to form
and technique in poetry
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 Recommended: ENGW 1111 and
ENGL 1186.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGW 2113 Fiction Writing 3 cr
This course focuses on the writing and study of
contemporary fiction. Students will compose original
fiction, respond to classmates, and be introduced to form
and technique in fiction.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 Recommended: ENGW 1111,
ENGL 1188 and ENGL 1150.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGW 2114 Play and Screen Writing 3 cr
This course focuses on the writing and study of
contemporary drama. Students will compose original plays
and/or screenplays, respond to classmates, and be
introduced to form and technique in drama.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 Recommended: ENGW 1111 and
ENGL 1187.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGW 2115 Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing 3 cr
This course focuses on the writing and study of
contemporary creative nonfiction, including the sub-genres
of memoir and the critical essay. Students will compose
original essays, respond to classmates, and be introduced
to form and technique in creative nonfiction.
Prerequisite: ENGC 1101 Recommended: ENGW 1111.
MnTC Goals: 6.
ENGW 2800 AFA Capstone 3 cr
The Capstone course fulfills the Capstone requirement for
the AFA in Creative Writing. In the course, students
complete individualized creative writing projects, which
may include fiction, drama, poetry, or creative nonfiction
pieces, internships, or service learning projects.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the AFA in Creative Writing
program and successful completion of four required
courses for the AFA in Creative Writing.
ENGW 2900 Topics in Creative Writing 3 cr
Examination of a special topic or field in creative writing.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
EXSC-Exercise Science
EXSC 1000 Aspects of Fitness 1 cr
Provides students the fundamental components and
concepts of physical fitness and health. Students will also
learn strategies to help them begin, design, and maintain
an exercise program to keep them fit for life. This is not an
activity course. This course will be designed strictly for
students who are enrolled in the Online AA degree
EXSC 1102 Badminton 1 cr
Course includes movement skills and techniques of
badminton strokes. Positioning, strategies, and rules for
singles and doubles play. A lifetime fitness activity.
EXSC 1103 Bowling 1 cr
Develop bowling proficiency through mental concentration,
physical skill practice, and knowledge of rules and
techniques. Approach and delivery styles as well as scoring.
A lifetime fitness activity. Additional fee for this course.
EXSC 1104 Boot Camp I 1 cr
This course includes training principles and suggested
programs and work outs for a boot camp style workout. It
also includes techniques to improve and progress to a
higher level of aerobic capacity, as well as focus on the
benefits of strength and flexibility programs related to
fitness. Speed, agility, and plyometrics will also be utilized
to a certain extent.
EXSC 1105 Fitness Yoga 1 cr
Students will learn safe and effective fitness yoga
maneuvers and how to apply them to a physically
challenging workout. This course is designed to increase
muscle strength and endurance along with flexibility.
EXSC 1107 Golf 1 cr
This course includes the fundamentals of golf strokes for
woods, irons, and putters as well as club and shot
selection, history, course etiquette, and rules of the game.
A lifetime fitness activity. Additional fee for this course.
EXSC 1109 Karate 1 cr
A complete Tae Kwon Do fundamentals course designed
for all levels of physical ability. Included are stances,
punching, blocking, kicking, self-defense, hyung (kata -
patterns,) and self-discipline. Tae Kwon Do is a lifetime
choice for genuine martial arts skills, fitness, confidence,
and accomplishment. Uniforms are required.
EXSC 1112 Tennis 1 cr
Includes movement skills and techniques of basic tennis
strokes. Positioning and strategies for singles and doubles
play; rules and etiquette. A lifetime fitness activity.
EXSC 1116 Volleyball 1 cr
Offensive and defensive skills of the game as well as
strategy and rules. Designed to help beginning and
intermediate players learn and appreciate the physical as
well as mental aspects of the game. A lifetime fitness
EXSC 1118 Soccer 1 cr
Includes offensive and defensive skills of the game as well
as strategy and rules. Designed to help beginning and
intermediate players learn and appreciate the physical as
well as mental aspects of the game. A lifetime fitness
EXSC 1122 Zumba 1 cr
Zumba is the latest fitness trend that is a Latin-inspired
dance-fitness class. It offers great cardiovascular benefits,
burns calories, and tones muscles in a party-like
atmosphere. The cardio-based dance moves are easy to
follow and very effective. It is a non-intimidating opportunity
for non-dancers, dancers, fit, and unfit to participate in an
exciting and energetic fitness class.
EXSC 1128 Team Sports and Exercise 3 cr
This course provides students with valuable fitness,
wellness, and exercise information through lectures,
assignments, and labs. Students will also engage in a
variety of activities, exercise, and team sports throughout
the semester for a complete wellness experience.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 0900.
EXSC 1129 Fitness for Life I 2 cr
Cardiovascular and strength enhancement through
participation in an aerobic super circuit program. Selected
strength training and cardiovascular equipment will be
used. Assessment of current level of fitness helps students
evaluate present status and set goals. Post test shows
improvement and areas needing continued emphasis.
Proper nutrition, weight management, and healthy lifestyle
information is presented. Appropriate for all ages and
fitness levels. Additional fee for this course.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 0960.
EXSC 1130 Fitness Walking 1 cr
Students will learn how to implement healthy lifestyle
choices using fitness and nutritional concepts. Course
includes an emphasis on a fitness walking program to
strengthen cardiovascular system and improve muscular
strength and flexibility. A lifetime fitness activity.
EXSC 1133 Fencing 1 cr
Includes the various phases of the art of fencing, including
history, etiquette, scoring, and officiating. Technique and
skill development in position and mobility, simple attacks,
defensive parries, and bouting.
EXSC 1151 Rock Climbing 2 cr
Climbing equipment, types of climbs, terminology, knots,
anchors, belaying, free climbing, aid climbing, and
rappelling. Individuals will assess their abilities and
limitations as they relate to climbing activities. Strong
emphasis on safety. Appropriate for beginners as well as
experienced climbers. Additional fee for this course.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960.
EXSC 1153 Backpacking and Wilderness Preservation 3 cr
Hiking equipment and clothing, minimum impact
techniques, fires, water treatment, food preparation, area
and route selection, map use, injury prevention, and
treatment. Strong emphasis on ecology, wildlife and
environmental concerns, and preservation. A camping trip
is required. Additional fee for this course.
EXSC 1200 Beginning Weight Training 1 cr
Provides basic weight training instruction, safe and
effective equipment utilization, and basic program design
techniques to reach personal strength goals. Students will
create and participate in a personalized strength training
program. Additional fee for this course.
EXSC 1400 Studio Cycling 1 cr
Involves continuous aerobic activity on studio cycling bikes.
Students will learn proper body positions; participate in
basic and rhythmic drills; power pacing workouts and safe
cool-down techniques, with an emphasis on cardio-
respiratory training improvements. Additional fee for this
EXSC 1500 Hiking 1 cr
Involves cardio-respiratory activity in a variety of outdoor
settings within the metro area. Students will learn to select
proper clothing, footwear, and snowshoe equipment;
participate in outdoor training techniques; utilize map
reading skills; practice minimum impact principles;
recognize symptoms, treatment and prevention techniques
for frost bite, hypothermia, dehydration, and heat
EXSC 1900 Topics in Exercise Science 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of exercise
science; intended for all students. Topics courses do not
satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
EXSC 2096 Internship in Exercise Science 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Exercise Science and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
EXSC 2253 Advanced Backpacking and Outdoor
Leadership 2 cr
Provides an understanding of trip leadership in a
wilderness backpacking setting. A review of backpacking
skills including: equipment selection, food selection,
cooking skills, and appropriate clothing selection will
complement additional trip planning skills. Good judgment
is the underlying educational objective of this course, which
is measured by practical decision-making and problem-
solving activities both in the classroom and during field
experiences. Backpacking trip required. Additional fee for
this course.
Prerequisite: EXSC 1153.
EXSC 2300 Introduction to Exercise Science 3 cr
An introduction to the science of human movement in a
format of a lecture class. This course provides an overview
of exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology,
biomechanics, motor behavior, sociocultural aspects of
sport and exercise, sport nutrition, and other related topics.
This course also provides information on the numerous
areas of study and their applications within the field of
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101.
EXSC 2305 Exercise Physiology 3 cr
A lecture-based course designed to study the body's
physiological responses from the cellular to organ system
level to acute and chronic exercise. Emphasis on the
physiological effects of muscular exercise, physical
conditioning and sport-specific training. Provides the
student with an opportunity to study how physiological
responses to exercise are related to health, exercise
performance, and personal training concerns.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106 and ENGC 1101.
EXSC 2310 Foundations of Personal Training 3 cr
A comprehensive course to familiarize students with all
aspects of personal training through the developmental
curriculum designed by an accredited, nationally-
recognized organization. This class is a preparatory course
for becoming a Nationally-Certified Personal Trainer.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
EXSC 2315 Exercise Prescription 3 cr
Policies, procedures, and physiological basis for exercise
testing and exercise prescription, as applied to apparently
healthy and special populations. Students will gain
practical fitness test administration experience and utilize
data to create safe and effective exercise programs.
Prerequisite: EXSC 2310 or concurrent registration.
EXSC 2330 Applications of Personal Training 2 cr
This course will expose students to the practical application
and responsibilities of personal training. Students will
perform assessments on individuals for fitness programs,
prepare and execute fitness programs, adapt and adjust
fitness program specifics to meet the changing fitness and
health needs of the client.
Prerequisite: EXSC 2300 and EXSC 2305 and EXSC 2310
(or concurrent registration). Recommended eligible for
READ 1106 and ENGC 1101.
EXSC 2900 Topics in Exercise Science 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of exercise
science; intended for second-year students. Topics courses
do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
FREN 1100 Beginning French 1 5 cr
In this course students develop competencies in speaking,
listening, reading, and writing in French. Verb forms studied
include the present and compound past tenses of regular
and irregular verbs. Culture is an integral part of the course
and is incorporated through the analysis of film, music,
traditions, and daily life in the francophone world.
MnTC Goals: 8.
FREN 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation introduces
students to the career competencies, ethics and major
theories related to the fields of interpreting and translation.
Through readings by experts in the field, case studies, and
professional profiles, students will learn about the fields of
interpreting and translation and exercise key skills required
to work in these professions. Taught in English.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 1101, INDS 1101, GERM 1101,
JAPN 1101, SPAN 1101.
FREN 1111 French Culture and Civilization 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of French-speaking peoples. Course topics
will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature, and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious, and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility world citizens share for
their common global future by comparing and contrasting
their own culture with that of French-speaking peoples.
Taught in English.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
FREN 1200 Beginning French 2 5 cr
This course is a continuation of the listening, reading,
speaking, and writing competencies developed in FREN
1100. Verb forms studied include the imperfect, future,
and conditional tenses. Students further explore cultural
differences helping them develop a deeper understanding
of the francophone world and a greater cultural
Recommended: FREN 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
FREN 2096 Internship in French 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in French and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
FREN 2100 Intermediate French 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture and
literature of French-speaking peoples and to create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes regular and
irregular present tense, compound past and imperfect
forms. Cultural topics include immigration and changing
French identity. The course has an important online
component and relies on the use of short films to introduce
cultural and grammatical topics.
Recommended: FREN 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
FREN 2200 Intermediate French 2 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture. and
literature of French-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes the subjunctive,
future, conditional verb forms. The course has an important
online component and relies on the use of short films to
introduce cultural and grammatical topics.
Recommended: FREN 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
FREN 2210 Advanced Communication Skills 3 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
oral and written proficiency acquired in previous courses.
This course is strongly recommended for those students
who have taken two years of language at the community
college level or who have acquired knowledge through
other coursework. Oral and written assignments may be
based on cultural and/or literary materials presented in
FSCI-Food Science
FSCI 2096 Internship in Food Science 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Food Science and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
FSCI 2100 Introduction to Food Science 3 cr
Introduction to the composition and the chemical and
physical properties of foods, and the interaction, reaction,
and evaluation of foods due to formulation, processing,
and preparation.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1062 or HLTH 1107.
GEOG 1050 Introduction to Maps and Places 3 cr
An introduction to geography including study of the location
and significance of important cultural and physical features
of the earth, along with basic principles of map
communication including: projection, scale, and
symbolization. Includes principles of topographic and
thematic mapping.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
GEOG 1101 Earth's Natural Environments 4 cr
This course in physical geography studies the earth's
physical environment, its systems, and the physical
processes that drive them. Interactions of the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere with human
activity. Laboratory assignments provide application of
concepts. Lecture 3 hours per week; lab 2 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOG 1102 Human Geography 3 cr
Human populations, their cultures and their landscapes,
emphasizing cultural diversity, and interaction with the
physical environment.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
GEOG 1104 Resources, Society and Environment 3 cr
Human-environmental interactions: Physical, economic,
social and political processes, and perspectives related to
global natural resource use, and issues of sustainability
and global change.
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
GEOG 1121 World Regional Geography 3 cr
A survey of world issues and controversies at the regional
and global scale; emphasizing the global economy,
geopolitical issues, and environmental change.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
GEOG 1123 Geography of Minnesota 3 cr
This course examines Minnesota's natural environment
and the way of life of the state's people, with a focus on the
relationship between human activities and the
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
GEOG 1124 Geography of Latin America 3 cr
Learn how environments, cultures, politics, and economies
produce dynamic human landscapes from the Rio Grande
to Tierra del Fuego.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
GEOG 1125 Geography of the United States and Canada 3 cr
Analysis of people and environments of the United States
and Canada with special emphasis on human diversity and
environmental and resource problems.
MnTC Goals: 7, 10.
GEOG 1130 Climate Change: Science, Human Impacts and
Adaptations 3 cr
This course investigates the evidence for past and present
climate change and what this implies for the future. At the
end of this course, students will understand key principles
of climate science, as well as identify and address human
impacts and misconceptions. Students should also be able
to contribute meaningfully to conversations about climate
change and peoples' responsibility for ensuring a global
Cross-Listed as: GEOL 1130.
MnTC Goals: 3, 8.
GEOG 1170 Cities 3 cr
An examination of cities as social, political, and economic
landscapes; emphasizing relationships and interactions
among diverse people and places at neighborhood,
metropolitan, and regional scales of analysis.
MnTC Goals: 7, 9.
GEOG 1172 Introductory Meteorology 4 cr
An examination of atmospheric structure and processes
including: temperature patterns, heating and cooling of the
earth, moisture and humidity, winds, weather map
interpretation, and the role of humans in atmospheric
modification. Laboratory assignments provide applications
of these concepts. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOG 1180 Cartography and Geographic Information
Systems 3 cr
This course is an introduction to cartographic and spatial
analytical computer applications in geography and many
other academic disciplines. This is a software-oriented
course in which students learn the latest techniques in
cartography and geographic information systems (GIS) to
design many types of graphs and maps, in color and black
and white formats. Knowledge of computer techniques for
geographic representation is a required component for
professional degrees in geography, geology, sociology,
ecology, and many other academic disciplines.
GEOG 1900 Topics in Geography 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in geography; intended
for all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
GEOG 2096 Internship in Geography 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Geography and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
GEOG 2900 Topics in Geography 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in geography; intended
for second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
GEOL 1050 Earth History 4 cr
This course provides interpretations of the evolution of our
planet and its natural systems, including the scientific
basis of these interpretations as well as the controversies
faced as these developing interpretations have challenged
existing social and religious standards. The interplay of
scientific advancement and societal norms are probed in
order to appreciate the broader context of our
understanding of Earth's evolution. Lab activities
demonstrate current application of the scientific method to
questions of Earth's history. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 3, 9.
GEOL 1101 The Dynamic Earth 4 cr
This course is an introduction to materials and structure of
the earth and processes acting internally and externally to
change it. It includes identification of common rocks and
minerals, as well as other laboratory activities. Lecture 3
hours per week; lab 2 hours per week.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOL 1110 Environmental Geology 3 cr
The relationship between people and the natural
environment (particularly the geological components of
that environment) and includes three general topics:
resource distribution (minerals and energy resources),
utilization, natural hazards (volcanoes, earthquakes,
floods) and their effects on human activity, human impacts
on the natural environment (waste disposal). This course
includes a lab-like experience.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOL 1111 Environmental Geology Laboratory 1 cr
This class is an optional "add-on" lab for Environmental
Geology (GEOL 1110); only for students who are
concurrently or previously enrolled in GEOL 1110 and wish
to have GEOL 1110 count for a Goal 3 laboratory science
Prerequisite: GEOL 1110 or concurrent registration.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOL 1120 Oceanography 3 cr
Relationship between the physical, chemical, and biological
characteristics of oceans focusing on evolution of the
oceans, biotic environments, dynamics of water movement,
and the effect ocean processes have on humankind. This
course includes a lab-like experience.
MnTC Goals: 3, 10.
GEOL 1130 Climate Change: Science, Human Impacts
and Adaptations 3 cr
This course investigates the evidence for past and present
climate change and what this implies for the future. At the
end of this course, students will understand key principles
of climate science, as well as identify and address human
impacts and misconceptions. Students should also be able
to contribute meaningfully to conversations about climate
change and peoples' responsibility for ensuring a global
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 1130.
MnTC Goals: 3, 8.
GEOL 1900 Topics in Geology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in geology; intended for all
interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
GEOL 2096 Internship in Geology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Geology and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
GEOL 2900 Topics in Geology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in geology; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
GERM 1100 Beginning German 1 5 cr
This course introduces critical differences and similarities
between German and English while students develop
competency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Aspects of German culture are also frequently introduced
in class, which help students acquire cultural sensitivity
toward the German-speaking world as part of increased
global understanding.
MnTC Goals: 8.
GERM 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation introduces
students to the career competencies, ethics and major
theories related to the fields of interpreting and translation.
Through readings by experts in the field, case studies, and
professional profiles, students will learn about the fields of
interpreting and translation and exercise key skills required
to work in these professions. Taught in English.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 1101, FREN 1101, INDS 1101, JAPN
1101, SPAN 1101.
GERM 1111 German Culture and Civilization 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of the German-speaking peoples. Course
topics will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature, and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious, and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility world citizens share for
their common global future by comparing and contrasting
their own culture with that of German-speaking peoples.
Taught in English.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
GERM 1200 Beginning German 2 5 cr
This course is a continuation of the listening, reading,
speaking, and writing competencies developed in GERM
1100. Students further explore cultural differences helping
them develop a deeper understanding of the world and a
greater cultural perspective.
Recommended: GERM 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
GERM 2096 Internship in German 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in German and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
GERM 2100 Intermediate German 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of German-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
Recommended: GERM 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
GERM 2200 Intermediate German 2 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of German-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
Recommended: GERM 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
GERM 2210 Advanced Communication Skills 3 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
oral and written proficiency acquired in previous courses.
This course is strongly recommended for those students
who have taken two years of language at the community
college level, or who have acquired equivalent knowledge
through other courses. Oral and written assignments may
be based on cultural and/or literary materials presented in
HCCC-Health Care Core
HCCC 1000 Health Career Exploration 0 cr
This module provides information about the different types
of healthcare workers in various healthcare settings.
Included are education and licensure/certification
requirements, scope of work, types of interaction with
clients, peer groups and team members, and the impact
healthcare workers have meeting the healthcare needs of
clients. Also included is information about selecting,
entering, and advancing in a healthcare career.
HCCC 1010 Behaviors for Success in Healthcare Settings .5 cr
This module focuses on the requirements needed by
healthcare workers to effectively work in a variety of
healthcare settings. This includes: types of healthcare
facilities and systems, applying for employment,
accountability and responsibility, standards of dress,
workplace behavior, approaches needed to assist clients,
expectations of teams and team members, common
healthcare facility policies and requirements, and selected
medical and departmental abbreviations. Also included is
discussion about how healthcare workers can impact the
quality of healthcare and balance their work and personal
life to maintain personal wellness.
HCCC 1020 Communications in Healthcare Settings 1 cr
This module emphasizes the importance of effective
communication between and among healthcare workers
and their clients. Included are verbal and non-verbal
communication, listening skills, interpersonal
communication, team communication, documentation and
reporting, and the use of electronic communication devices
in healthcare facilities. Focus is on the development of
effective communication skills to support quality client
HCCC 1030 Awareness and Sensitivity to Client Needs .5 cr
This module presents challenges and issues related to the
awareness and sensitivity needed to understand the
healthcare needs of clients. Included is the impact disease
has on individuals; the emotional, spiritual, and social
needs of clients; as well as the type of care needed by
different age groups. Also included is the process of death
and dying and how that affects clients and their families.
HCCC 1040 Respecting Client and Staff Diversity .5 cr
This module provides a framework for dealing with diverse
clients and staff. Included are belief systems, cultural
practices and respect, and sensitivity to cultural and
gender issues. Awareness and use of effective strategies to
appropriately deal with client and staff diversity are
HCCC 1050 Healthcare Safety and Standard Precautions .5 cr
This module focuses on the rules and standards related to
regulatory policies required of healthcare facilities, as well
as personal safety standards and requirements to work in
healthcare settings. Included are the principles and
standards of infection control, standard precautions,
healthcare facility safety policies, strategies to ensure
personal and client safety, and procedures to respond to
HCCC 1060 Legal Issues in Healthcare .5 cr
This module focuses on the legal issues related to clients
and healthcare workers. Areas such as healthcare laws,
client rights and responsibilities, confidentiality, liability,
documentation, and regulation are explored. The
relationship between ethics and legal issues is discussed
as well as the impact law and regulation have on
healthcare systems.
HCCC 1070 Healthcare Ethics .5 cr
This module emphasizes the use of sound ethical practices
in healthcare. Included are ethical practices and standards
as they relate to the care of clients, and interactions with
peers, colleagues, and team members. Ethical frameworks
are provided for discussion on understanding the types of
ethical challenges in healthcare and the difficult decisions
that need to be made.
HCCC 1074 Healthcare Core Total Curriculum 4 cr
The Healthcare Core Curriculum was originally designed as
a flexible, modular based curriculum that could be adapted
to a variety of applications in work force development
centers, high schools, colleges, and to meet specific
workplace training needs. This course combines all of the
modules of the Healthcare Core Curriculum theory content
under one unified course identification to be used when all
modules will be taught.
HCCC 1080 Nursing Assistant Skill Set 2 cr
This course is an introduction to basic nursing care skills
and concepts necessary to prepare the student to be
employed in a healthcare facility under direct supervision
of a licensed nurse. Completion of this course will prepare
the student to certify as a nursing assistant with the State
of Minnesota.
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: HCCC 1000, HCCC 1010, HCCC
1020, HCCC 1030, HCCC 1040, HCCC 1050, HCCC 1060
and HCCC 1070.
HCST-Health Care Systems
HCST 2096 Professional Practical Experience 4 cr
Designed to provide exploratory or specific work
experiences in an approved healthcare systems technology
environment. Students are not placed in a work
environment but are guided through the professional
development process to gain the skills necessary to
conduct workforce needs assessments, informational
interview skills and questions, networking tips, and resume
building tools which will be used to bridge the gap from
graduation to the workforce.
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Consent of program
coordinator/chair and 30 credits completed in the
HCST 2100 Introduction to Health Information Technology 4 cr
This course will develop an understanding of the role of
Information Technology (IT) in the US healthcare system's
drive to implement electronic health data exchange. It will
provide students with an introduction to Health Information
Technology (HIT), Electronic Health Records (EHR), and
Health Information Exchange (HIE).
Prerequisite: HLTH 2010.
HCST 2200 Privacy and Security in Health Information
Technology 2 cr
This course will develop an understanding of the need for
privacy and security in the health care industry. This course
will emphasize government mandated privacy and security
requirements, the importance of compliance, and ways to
implement privacy and security during software
Prerequisite: HCST 2100.
HCST 2300 Health Care Systems Technology Capsone 4 cr
Designed to provide an opportunity to individually design
and self-direct, with guidance from the assigned faculty, a
course capstone project. The capstone course project
involves identifying students’ strengths and interests within
the fields of study and workforce they are interested in
Prerequisite: HCST 2100.
HIST 1101 History of World Civilizations 1 4 cr
The history of world civilizations from the ancient world to
1300 C.E. (Common Era), including: Western Asia and
Egypt, Greco-Roman world, India, China, Japan, Southeast
Asia, Africa, medieval Europe, Islamic world, and The
Americas before Columbus' arrival. Thematically, the
course begins from the earliest civilizations to the end of
the conflict between Christians and Muslims known as the
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 1102 History of World Civilizations 2 4 cr
The history of world civilizations from 1300 C.E. (Common
Era) to no later than 1 January, 2020. Topics will include
colonialism and resistance to it, the age of revolutions,
industrialization and its effects on people living in both
imperialist and colonized societies, and the connection
between industrialization and imperialism as causes of
World War I, the rise of national liberation movements,
decolonization, total war, holocausts, globalization, the
Cold War, fundamentalism, late-capitalism and its cultures,
and the rise of digital global technologies.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 1111 United States History 1 4 cr
The Age of Exploration, Colonial America, Revolutionary
Era, The Early National Period, Reform and Expansion, the
road to the Civil War, Civil War, and Reconstruction.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
HIST 1112 United States History 2 4 cr
The Civil War and Reconstruction, the New South and the
New West, Industrialization, Populism and Progressivism,
World War I, the Great Depression and the New Deal, World
War II, Cold War America, and beyond.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
HIST 1131 Family: Sex/Gender/Power: Cross-Cultural, Historical
Perspective 3 cr
A social history of the family. The course examines how
social, political, economic, religious, and cultural changes
have influenced the structure, function, and values of
family. A comparative study of the American family will be
made with other cultures.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 1133 Minnesota History 3 cr
This course focuses on the interrelationship between
Minnesota's geophysical environment and socio-cultural
development. Topics will include Native American culture,
European settlement, immigration, economic and industrial
development, political institutions, cultural legacy, ethnic
heritage, and Minnesota's place in the global community.
MnTC Goals: 5, 10.
HIST 1900 Topics in History 1-3 cr
A one-semester special topics course in which students
may engage in a study of a subject not regularly offered in
the history program, or for international educational
experience. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
HIST 2096 Internship in History 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in History and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
HIST 2101 History of East Asia 3 cr
The course will present East Asian history with a
comparative emphasis focusing on the social, cultural, and
political development of the region. Topics will include: the
creation and decline of early empires, diffusion of
Confucian ideology, diffusion of Buddhism, resistance to
Chinese expansion, Western imperialism, the rise of Asian
nationalism, social revolution, modernization and
nationalism, and East Asian expansion in the 21st century.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 2102 Latin American History Pre-Conquest to
the Present 3 cr
This course will present a history of Latin America
beginning with the Native American peoples prior to
European conquest and concluding with contemporary
history. Course topics will include: pre-Columbian Native
American empires; European conquest and Native
American resistance during the 16th - 19th centuries;
history of disease and its impact on historical events; Latin
American independence movements; industrialization and
neo-colonialism; continuing tensions and conflict between
indigenous people and ladino elite; transition to modern
Latin American states.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 2111 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
U.S. History 3 cr
Students deepen their understanding of the experiences of
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in U.S.
society and the historical roots within the United States of
those who experience same-sex attraction and those who
identify outside expectations for their perceived gender,
understood now as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
Students trace roots from the colonial era, when behavior
rather than identity formed the common understanding of
sexuality, through the 19th century when the concepts of
hetero- and homosexuality were developed, into the 20th
and 21st centuries, when a focus on particular social
identities became a salient feature of U.S. society.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
HIST 2201 The World in the Era of the World Wars 3 cr
This course will present a history of the world in the first
half of the twentieth century. Course topics will include: the
world on the eve of the Great War; the origins of WWI; the
Paris Peace Conference; the rise of totalitarian systems
such as Communism, Fascism and Nazism; the origins of
WWII; the war in Europe; the Holocaust; the war in the
Pacific; strategic bombing; the decision to use atomic
weapons against Japan; war crimes trials; war's aftermath
and legacy.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
HIST 2900 Topics in History 1-3 cr
A one-semester special topics course in which students
may engage in a study of a subject not regularly offered in
the history program, or for international educational
experience; intended for second-year students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
HLTH 1010 Medical Terminology 3 cr
Comprehensive course designed for mastering the medical
language used in all professions and industries related to
health care. Course includes an introduction of body
systems in relation to medical terminology. Utilization,
understanding and pronunciation of medical terms are
incorporated into this course.
HLTH 1103 College First Aid and Adult CPR 2 cr
This course provides a basic understanding of first aid,
AED, and adult CPR principles, and covers fundamental
skills necessary to sustain a life until Emergency Medical
Services arrive at the scene. Students have the opportunity
to earn CPR certification from the American Heart
HLTH 1104 Personal and Community Health 3 cr
This course examines current health issues affecting the
individual and community such as disease prevention,
stress, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexuality, and
aging. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking
skills to assist the student in creating a holistic plan for
optimal personal and community health.
HLTH 1106 Drug Use and Abuse 3 cr
This course will examine the impact of mood-altering
substances on the individual, family, and society. This
includes an exploration of the interrelatedness of personal
decisions regarding the use/non-use of mood-altering
substances on politics, economics, and the various socio-
cultural institutions.
HLTH 1107 Principles of Nutrition 3 cr
Emphasis on physiological function of nutrients in the
human body, including digestion, absorption, and
metabolism. Basic principles of nutrition are used to
demonstrate and evaluate disease preventing diets that
are determined by scientific criteria. Application of nutrition
theories are illustrated by an in-depth dietary analysis
utilizing databases, calculations, and scientific inquiry.
Taught by registered dietitians.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
HLTH 1112 CPR for the Professional Rescuer 1 cr
This course is designed to teach the skills of CPR for
victims of all ages, including ventilation with a barrier
device, a bag-mask device, and oxygen, use of an
automated external defibrillator (AED), and relief of foreign-
body airway obstruction (FBAO). It is intended for
participants who provide healthcare to patients in a wide
variety of settings, including in-hospital and out-of-hospital.
Meets admission requirements for the Dental Hygiene and
Nursing programs at Normandale. This course provides an
opportunity to earn the American Heart Association Basic
Life Support (BLS) Certification.
HLTH 1118 Stress Management 3 cr
An exploration and celebration of the adaptive ability of
human beings to create and overcome stress in our urban
and technological society. This course uses a holistic
approach in assisting the student to recognize personal
stress levels, to develop strategies for managing stress,
and to understand the relationships between complex
cultural forces and personal responsibility in the 21st
HLTH 1160 Theory and Practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan 1 2 cr
Introduces the theory, applications, and postures of T'ai
Chi. Emphasis is on incorporating the balance, flexibility,
relaxation, and muscular strengthening concepts of T'ai Chi
into a lifestyle which benefits body, mind, and spirit.
HLTH 1170 Introduction and Exploration into Integrative/Holistic
Health Modalities 3 cr
This course is an overview of the theories and practice of
integrative/Holistic health modalities including Qigong.
Students will study theories, examine various
integrative/holistic health and qigong practices, learn
experientially how to influence their own energy, as well as
how to facilitate self-discovery within others. This course is
an exploratory class for students who want to continue
their education in holistic health or have already taken
Stress Management.
HLTH 1900 Topics in Health 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of health;
intended for all students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
HLTH 2010 Healthcare in the US 3 cr
Students will understand the history, organization,
influences, and delivery of healthcare in the US and
abroad. A focus will be on analyzing the factors that have
shaped our healthcare system compared to the other parts
of the globe. The course will cover types of healthcare
institutions, functions of hospitals, and other facilities;
accountability in healthcare, hierarchy of the healthcare
system, organizational structure, and the role of
government in healthcare.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
HLTH 2011 Introduction to Public Health 3 cr
A foundation course that introduces students to the
concept, history, and practice of public health. The course
examines the environmental, social, political, and
behavioral determinants of health and disease from a
population perspective. It also looks at options for
intervening to maintain the public's health with the help of
healthcare, public health, environmental health, and safety
systems as well as laws and taxation. Emphasis is on
developing critical thinking skills to assist the student in
creating a holistic plan for optimal personal and community
HLTH 2012 Public Health Advocacy and Leadership 3 cr
This course analyzes the discipline and leadership in Public
and Community Health Education. Students will explore
and practice behavior change and leadership models,
theories, ethical factors, advocacy, and outreach in health
HLTH 2096 Internship in Health 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Health and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
HLTH 2105 Women's Health 3 cr
This course examines critical issues in women's health.
Topics will include biological, cultural, global, psychological,
historical, and political areas that shape and define
women's health and healthcare choices. We will explore
behaviors which promote or compromise women's health
and the philosophy of an integrative approach to optimal
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
HLTH 2160 Theory and Practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan 2 2 cr
This course is a continuation of HLTH 1160, Theory and
Practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan 1. It is designed for the student
desiring to deepen his/her understanding and practice of
T'ai Chi through additional readings and work with
beginning students. In addition to further study of the
subject matter from HLTH 1160, instruction in advanced
standing forms; Qigong, push hands and other T'ai Chi
forms will be taught. Each student will be assigned a small
group of beginning students as part of the Service-Learning
component of the class.
Prerequisite: HLTH 1160.
HLTH 2209 Emergency Medical Responder 3 cr
This course provides a more in-depth examination of the
techniques and procedures necessary in handling the
physical and emotional needs of the injured, or the
suddenly taken ill person until more advanced medical
help arrives. Legal and ethical issues, treatment for shock,
respiratory and circulatory emergencies, spinal
immobilization, fractures, special populations, poisoning,
temperature emergencies, childbirth, and rescue skills. A
Minnesota EMS Regulatory Board approved Emergency
Medical Responder certificate is available upon successful
completion of course objectives.
HLTH 2900 Topics in Health 1-4 cr
Skill development in various special areas of health;
intended for second-year students. Topics courses do not
satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
HSER-Health and Human
HSER 1100 Current Issues in Health and Human Services 2 cr
This course is an overview of the Health and Human
Services field. Topics discussed include the history of
human/social services/public health in the United States
and globally. Topics include poverty, barriers to service,
social policy, public health, welfare systems, and future
trends in the field.
HSER 1200 Multicultural Aspects in Health and Human
Services 2 cr
In this course, students examine the multicultural models
related to the health and human services field. Students
explore their own cultural identities, values, and
experiences and understand how they impact their
professional role in Health and Human Services. The
knowledge and skills health and human service workers
need to possess in order to provide competent and ethical
services for the clients and populations they serve are also
HSMA 1103 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
Management 4 cr
This introductory course provides a portal to the dynamic
field of hospitality, travel, and tourism industry. It provides
students with a comprehensive overview of hospitality and
tourism management including hotels, restaurants, food
service, marketing, service companies, as well as the
functional areas of hotel operations.
HSMA 1143 Principles of Food Production and Sanitation 4 cr
Students are given hands-on laboratory experiences in all
major areas of food production. Lectures allow students to
bridge the gap of food production with operating profitable
food service and restaurant entities.
HSMA 1162 Hotel/Lodging Management and Operations 4 cr
This course examines the theoretical applications of all
revenue center operations including yield management and
other vital hotel functions, with emphasis on the control
function of management.
HSMA 1170 Introduction to Club Management 4 cr
Introduction to club management provides a unique
perspective on all types of club management including spa,
fitness, athletic and city; unique discussion and case study
provide the student with the keys to successful leadership
development complemented with relationship marketing
skills, manufacturing successful club managers.
HSMA 1900 Topics in Hospitality Management 1-3 cr
An examination of a special topic in hospitality
management; intended for all interested students. Topics
courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
HSMA 2096 Hospitality Management Internship 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience to gain a broader understanding of
management as it relates to a specific hospitality segment.
Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per week per
credit on the job, complete academic work and meet with
faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester,
with a maximum of 8 credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Hospitality
Management and consent of instructor and the Center for
Experiential Education.
HSMA 2097 Senior Hospitality Internship 4 cr
This capstone course is designed to enable graduating
students to strengthen their career planning and
assessment skill sets learned from HSMA 2096 and thus
solidify their career decisions in a certain hospitality
specialization. It results in the student choosing a secured
hospitality career which fits with their personal and
professional aspirations.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
HSMA 2098 International Internship 4 cr
Allows students to explore the interrelationships between
theory and practice of international hotel operations.
Students apply key operation concepts, hospitality models
and systems in an international setting.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
HSMA 2100 Casino Management and Operations 4 cr
To develop a working understanding of the principles of
casino management and operational procedures necessary
for state, federal, and Native American compliance
(regulations and legal issues).
HSMA 2125 Business Practices in the Global Market 3 cr
Provides understanding and application into the complex
global business arena. Global markets have created the
need for companies to do business in every corner of the
world. It is imperative that businesses conduct themselves
in a professional, ethical, yet sensitive manner regarding
regional customs, traditions, and religious practices. This
course examines the need for professional business
practices, ethics, protocol, etiquette, and professional and
social behavior in all settings of business, national and
Prerequisite: At least one course in BUSN or HSMA.
HSMA 2144 Food/Beverage Management and Cost Control 4 cr
A working understanding and application of the principles
of food, beverage, labor, cost control, and management
HSMA 2150 Revenue Management in Hospitality and Tourism 4 cr
This course provides a foundation for managing revenues
and costs in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students
will learn the historical development of yield management
(YM) and its formation into modern day revenue
management (RM). The course will rely upon cases and
articles to analyze trends and develop effective revenue
management strategies in the accommodations, food and
beverage, attractions and transportation sectors of the
hospitality and tourism industry.
HSMA 2172 Hospitality Sales and Marketing Management 4 cr
Organization and functioning of marketing and sales
department; the need for sales planning through analysis
of product, competitors, and market. In addition to sales
planning and analysis, students will work with industry
experts selling the hospitality product.
Recommended: Computer skills and a strong interest in
hotel management.
HSMA 2173 Convention and Meeting Planning Management 4 cr
An overview of successful convention and meeting
planning management including all services, execution,
and follow-up.
HSMA 2900 Topics in Hospitality Management 1-3 cr
An examination of a special topic in hospitality management;
intended for second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
INDS 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation (INDS 1101)
introduces students to the career competencies, ethics and
major theories related to the fields of interpreting and
translation. Through readings by experts in the field, case
studies, and professional profiles, students will learn about
the fields of interpreting and translation and exercise key
skills required to work in these professions.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 1101, FREN 1101, GERM 1101,
JAPN 1101, SPAN 1101.
INDS 1600 Leadership Development Studies 3 cr
This honors-level course will provide a basic understanding
of the concept of leadership and foster the development of
leadership skills. This is a humanities-based course which
integrates classical and contemporary readings, as well as
relevant films. The eleven-unit curriculum has been
developed through a Kellogg Foundation Leadership Grant
as part of the Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development
Program and is used nationally in academic settings and
the business world. The course begins with considering a
personal leadership philosophy and proceeds through such
areas as vision, goals, ethics, conflict management, team
building, and leading by serving.
MnTC Goals: 9.
INDS 1900 Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in interdisciplinary studies.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
INDS 2500 Honors Capstone 3 cr
In the Honors Capstone course, students will propose,
develop, and complete a research project in their major or
chosen discipline, and document and present their
research to the college community.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Honors Program and
successful completion of at least 9 honors credits.
INDS 2900 Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies 1-3 cr
Examination of a special topic in interdisciplinary studies.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
JAPN 1100 Beginning Japanese 1 5 cr
This course introduces critical differences and similarities
between Japanese and English while students develop
competency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Aspects of Japanese culture are also frequently introduced
in class, which help students develop cultural sensitivity
toward the Japanese-speaking world as part of increased
global understanding.
MnTC Goals: 8.
JAPN 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation introduces
students to the career competencies, ethics and major
theories related to the fields of interpreting and translation.
Through readings by experts in the field, case studies, and
professional profiles, students will learn about the fields of
interpreting and translation and exercise key skills required
to work in these professions. Taught in English.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 1101, FREN 1101, GERM 1101,
INDS 1101, SPAN 1101.
JAPN 1111 Japanese Culture and Civilization 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of the Japanese-speaking peoples. Course
topics will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature, and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious, and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility world citizens share for
their common global future by comparing and contrasting
their own culture with that of Japanese-speaking peoples.
Taught in English.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
JAPN 1200 Beginning Japanese 2 5 cr
This course is a continuation of the listening, reading,
speaking, and writing competencies developed in JAPN
1100. Students further explore cultural differences helping
them develop a deeper understanding of the world and a
greater cultural perspective.
Recommended: JAPN 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
JAPN 2096 Internship in Japanese 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Japanese and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
JAPN 2100 Intermediate Japanese 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of Japanese-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes a review of the
forms, formation, and uses of the "ta" and "nai" forms.
Recommended: JAPN 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
JAPN 2200 Intermediate Japanese 2 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of Japanese-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes the forms called
"plain forms" for complete phrases and sentences.
Recommended: JAPN 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
MATH 0601 Pre-College Math 1 3 cr
MATH 0601 offers a complete review of pre-college level
mathematics. Topics include linear equations and
inequalities, graphs of linear equations, exponents and
polynomials, linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic
functions, problem solving and systems of equations,
rational and radical expressions and equations. The
number of new topics that each student will study and the
number of courses that each student will need in the MATH
0601, 0602, 0603 set will vary based on the results of
their initial assessment and the sequence of mathematics
courses that the student intends to pursue. Eligibility for a
subsequent mathematics course is determined by a
specific level of mastery of the topics in MATH 0601.
Students completing MATH 0601 who have achieved
eligibility for their intended sequence of math courses do
not need MATH 0602 or MATH 0603. MATH 0601 serves
as a preparation for MATH 0630, 0700, 0990, 1020,
1050, 1080 or 1100 based on the number of learning
objectives mastered
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0601.
MATH 0602 Pre-College Math 2 3 cr
MATH 0602 is a continuation of Pre-college Mathematics
from MATH 0601 for students who have yet to master the
learning objectives required for their intended sequence of
math courses. Topics are the same as those listed for
MATH 0601 which include linear equations and
inequalities, graphs of linear equations, exponents and
polynomials, linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic
functions, problem solving and systems of equations,
rational and radical expressions and equations. Eligibility
for a subsequent mathematics course is determined by a
specific level of mastery of the topics. Students who
achieve eligibility for their intended sequence of math
courses after completing MATH 0602 do not need MATH
0603. MATH 0602 serves as a preparation for MATH 0630,
0700, 0990, 1020, 1050, 1080 or 1100 based on the
number of learning objectives mastered.
Prerequisite: MATH 0601.
MATH 0603 Pre-College Math 3 3 cr
MATH 0603 is a continuation of pre-college mathematics
from MATH 0602 for students who have yet to master the
learning objectives required for their intended sequence of
math courses. Topics are the same as those listed for
MATH 0601 and MATH 0602 which include linear
equations and inequalities, graphs of linear equations,
exponents and polynomials, linear, quadratic, exponential
and logarithmic functions, problem solving and systems of
equations, rational and radical expressions and equations.
Eligibility for a subsequent mathematics course is
determined by a specific level of mastery of the topics.
MATH 0603 serves as a preparation for MATH 0630, 0700,
0990, 1020, 1050, 1080 or 1100 based on the number of
learning objectives mastered
Prerequisite: MATH 0602.
MATH 0630 Survey of Algebra 3 cr
Topics include linear and quadratic equations, graphs of
linear equations, exponents and polynomials, linear and
quadratic functions, introduction to exponential and
logarithmic functions.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0630.
MATH 0700 Intermediate Algebra 0 cr
Proficiency course for Pre-College Math topics. Students
cannot register for this course. Students who successfully
demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives for
Intermediate Algebra in MATH 0601, MATH 0602, or MATH
0603 will be given a grade of P on their transcript for MATH
0700. The purpose of this course is to state for other
programs and institutions that a student has mastered this
level of mathematics material which is equivalent to
eligibility for MATH 1100 (College Algebra).
Prerequisite: MATH 0601, MATH 0602 or MATH 0603.
MATH 0990 STATWAY Statistics 1 4 cr
This course is the first in a two-semester sequence
designed to guide students in completing the topics
covered in both beginning algebra and college-level
introductory statistics in one year. The two-semester
sequence is useful to students whose academic program is
satisfied by an introductory statistics course. STATWAY
Statistics 1 covers sampling methods, descriptive
statistics, graphing methods, linear and exponential
models, and an introduction to probability as well as
necessary topics from beginning algebra. The curriculum is
based on student collaborative group learning. Students
must commit to completing MATH 0990 and MATH 1090
as a required sequence of courses: MATH 0990 in one
semester and MATH 1090 in a subsequent semester.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0990.
MATH 0995 Math Skills for Accelerated STATWAY 2 cr
This course is taught concurrently with MATH 1095 Statway
Statistics Accelerated and is designed to support students
in completing the topics covered in both beginning algebra
and college-level introductory statistics in one semester.
MATH 1095 (4 credits) and the co-requisite MATH 0995 (2
credits) are useful to students whose academic program is
satisfied by an introductory statistics course, and MATH
0995 allows those students who are not eligible for MATH
1080 Statistics to complete a college-level statistics course
in 1 semester. Math Skills for Accelerated Statway covers
sampling methods; descriptive statistics; converting among
fraction, decimal, and percent equivalencies; addition and
subtraction of decimal numbers; rounding decimal
numbers accurately; order and equivalence of rational
numbers; understanding inequality symbols; understanding
scientific notation; an introduction to probability; necessary
topics from beginning algebra; and student success skills.
The curriculum is based on student collaborative group
learning. Students must complete MATH 0995 and MATH
1095 concurrently.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0990. Corequisite: MATH
MATH 1020 Math Trek: Mathematics for Liberal Arts 3 cr
The purpose of this introductory course is to develop an
understanding of the nature of mathematics, and an
awareness of its role in society. Through a selection of
topics the course will develop problem-solving techniques,
an appreciation for mathematics and the relationship of
mathematics to other disciplines. Topics may include voting
systems, financial mathematics, environmental
mathematics, or logic and problem solving. This course is
an alternative for students whose program does not require
College Algebra (Math 1100) and it satisfies Goal 4.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1080 or MATH 0630 (C or
higher) or the equivalent in MATH 0601, 0602, 0603.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1055 Elements of Mathematics 1 4 cr
As part of a two-course sequence, this course focuses on
counting and numbers, operations, fractions, decimals,
ratio and proportion, number theory, and algebra.
Emphasis on mathematical reasoning, estimation, and
problem solving.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1080 or MATH 0630 with a
grade of C or higher or the equivalent in MATH 0601,
0602, 0603.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1065 Elements of Mathematics 2 4 cr
As part of a two-course sequence, this course focuses on
measurement, geometry, probability, data and statistics.
Emphasis on mathematical reasoning, estimation, and
problem solving.
Recommended: MATH 1055.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1080 Introduction to Statistics 4 cr
Concepts and application of descriptive and inferential
statistics. Measures of central tendency and variation: z-
scores and percentiles, normal distribution, and central
limit theorem. Estimation, hypothesis testing, t and z tests,
chi-square tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and linear
Prerequisite: MATH 0630 or eligible for MATH 1080.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1090 STATWAY Statistics 2 4 cr
This course is the second in a two-semester sequence
designed to guide students in completing the topics
covered in both beginning algebra and college-level
introductory statistics in one year. The two-semester
sequence is useful to students whose academic program is
satisfied by an introductory statistics course. STATWAY
Statistics 2 covers sampling distributions, Central Limit
Theorems, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing for
population proportions, population means, and means of
paired differences. Chi-square tests for one- and two-way
tables and ANOVA methods are also covered, as well as
necessary topics from beginning algebra. The curriculum is
based on student collaborative group learning. Students
must commit to completing MATH 0990 and MATH 1090
as a required sequence of courses: MATH 0990 in one
semester and MATH 1090 in a subsequent semester.
Prerequisite: MATH 0990
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1095 STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated 4 cr
This course is an accelerated version of the Statway
Statistics 1 and 2 sequence (MATH 0990 and 1090) and is
taken simultaneously with the corequisite MATH 0995.
Along with MATH 0995, it is designed to guide students in
completing the topics covered in both beginning algebra
and college-level introductory statistics in one semester.
MATH 1095 (4 credits) and the corequisite MATH 0995 (2
credits) are useful to students whose academic program is
satisfied by an introductory statistics course, and the
corequisite course allows those students who do not place
at the MATH 1080 eligibility level to complete a college-
level statistics course in 1 semester. Statway Statistics:
Accelerated covers sampling distributions, Central Limit
Theorems, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing for
population proportions, population means, and means of
paired differences. Chi-square tests for one and two-way
tables are also covered, as well as necessary topics from
beginning algebra. Students must complete MATH 0995
AND MATH 1095 in the same semester. MATH 1095 with
MATH 0995 is equivalent to MATH 1090.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0990.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1100 College Algebra 4 cr
This is a college-level algebra course that emphasizes
properties of functions and their graphs. Linear, quadratic,
polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions
are covered. Other topics include: solving equations and
inequalities, and systems of equations and inequalities.
This course also includes a basic introduction to right
triangle trigonometry.
Prerequisite: MATH 0700 or eligible for MATH 1100.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1150 Trigonometry 4 cr
This course, together with MATH 1100, is intended to
prepare students for a multiple-term calculus sequence. It
includes a thorough treatment of trigonometric functions.
Other topics include polar coordinates and equations,
complex numbers, DeMoivre's Theorem, vectors and their
applications, the conic sections, parametric equations,
sequences, and series. You may not receive credit for both
MATH 1150 and MATH 1500.
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1400 Survey of Calculus 4 cr
Concepts and techniques of differential and integral
calculus for those who do not need the comprehensive
calculus sequence (MATH 1510-1520). Principal
applications from business, technology, social science, and
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher) or eligible for MATH
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1500 Pre-Calculus 5 cr
This course is intended to prepare students for a multiple-
term calculus sequence. This is an accelerated treatment
of all elementary functions from MATH 1100, followed by a
thorough treatment of trigonometric functions. Other
topics include polar coordinates and equations, complex
numbers, DeMoivre's Theorem, vectors and their
applications, the conic sections, and parametric
equations. You may not receive credit for both MATH 1500
and MATH 1150.
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher) or eligible for MATH
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1510 Calculus 1 5 cr
Topics include functions, limits, derivatives, and an
introduction to integration. Applications include but are not
limited to science, engineering, economics, and ecology.
Prerequisite: MATH 1150 (C or higher), MATH 1500 (C or
higher) or eligible for MATH 1510.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 5 cr
Continued development of the properties and applications
of integration. Topics include infinite sequences and series,
introduction to differential equations, calculus of polar
coordinates, and parametric equations. Applications
include but are not limited to science, engineering,
economics, and ecology.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 1900 Topics in Mathematics 1-3 cr
An examination of a special topic in mathematics; intended
for all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
MATH 2011 Discrete Structures of Computer Science 4 cr
Concepts fundamental to the analysis of algorithms. Topics
include logic, sets, methods of proof including
mathematical induction, combinatorics, relations, solution
of recurrence relations, graphs and trees.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510. Cross-Listed as: CSCI 2011.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2031 Introduction to Numerical Computing 4 cr
Explores various numerical methods for solving scientific
and technical problems including Newton's method,
numerical integration, and a variety of interactive methods.
Prerequisite: MATH 1520 and proficiency with C, C++, or
Java. Cross-Listed as: CSCI 2031.
MATH 2033 Elementary Computational Linear Algebra 4 cr
Matrices and linear transformations, basic theory, linear
vector spaces, inner product spaces. Systems of linear
equations, Eigenvalues, and singular values. Algorithms
and computational matrix methods using MATLAB. Use of
matrix methods to solve a variety of computer science
Prerequisite: MATH 1510. Cross-Listed as: CSCI 2033.
MATH 2080 Statistical Modeling 3 cr
This course provides an introduction to statistical model
building including simple linear regression, non-linear
models, logistic regression, and multiple regression
models. Optionally, an instructor may include an
introduction to artificial neural net models. Examples of
modeling problems will be used for a variety of disciplines
and thus the course should be useful to students
interested in physical sciences, biology, economics,
finance, and data science.
Prerequisite: MATH 1080 or MATH 1090.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2096 Internship in Mathematics 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Mathematics and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
MATH 2400 Probability and Statistics with Calculus 4 cr
Descriptive statistics, elementary probability and
probability distributions, sampling and the elements of
statistical inference including point/interval estimation,
and hypothesis tests.
Prerequisite: MATH 1520 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2510 Calculus 3: Multivariable Calculus 5 cr
Multivariable functions, three-dimensional analytic
geometry, vectors, partial derivatives, optimization, multiple
integrals, curves and surfaces, vector fields, divergence,
curl, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Stokes'
Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem. Applications
include but are not limited to science, engineering,
economics, and ecology.
Prerequisite: MATH 1520 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2520 Calculus 4: Differential Equations with
Linear Algebra 5 cr
Matrices and systems, vector spaces, subspaces, linear
independence, basis, dimension, linear transformations,
eigenvectors, first and second order differential equations,
Euler's method, phase plane analysis of linear and
nonlinear systems, extensive modeling. Possible topics
from numerical methods: Laplace Transforms, power series
solutions, or partial differential equations. Applications
include but are not limited to science, engineering,
economics, and ecology.
Prerequisite: MATH 1520 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2700 Foundations of Mathematics and Logic: Writing
Intensive 4 cr
This course will be useful to all students pursuing
advanced mathematics at four-year institutions, including
but not limited to those intending majors in mathematics or
mathematics education. Topics include basic logic,
techniques of mathematical proof, set theory, relations and
functions, sequences and series, and basic number theory.
The course may include additional topics at the discretion
of the instructor. Writing is an important part of this course
and will be comprehensively integrated into the course and
will be a significant part of the course work and course
grade. Writing proofs will be explained and practiced in the
course and some assignments will be refined through
Prerequisite: MATH 1520.
MnTC Goals: 4.
MATH 2900 Topics in Mathematics 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in mathematics; intended
for second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
MUSC 1100 Individualized Music Instruction 2 cr
Individualized music instruction for woodwinds, brass,
percussion, piano, guitar, strings, and voice. The course is
open to piano, voice and guitar students with no previous
background. Woodwinds, brass, percussion and strings
require some previous experience playing and reading
music. There is an additional fee for this course. May be
repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: Prior instruction is not required for piano,
voice, or guitar. Woodwind, brass, strings and percussion
must have prior experience with reading and playing music.
MUSC 1113 Concert Choir 1 cr
Studies and prepares for public performance the finest in
choral literature of all musical periods and styles.
Maximum of 4 credits.
MUSC 1116 Concert Band 1 cr
Rehearsals and performances covering standard band
literature. Maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: Ability to read music.
MUSC 1118 Orchestra 1 cr
Rehearsals and performances of orchestral music of many
traditions and styles. String students may audition to
perform with the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra.
Maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: Audition and consent of applied music
MUSC 1120 Fundamentals of Music 3 cr
This course introduces the fundamental materials of music:
pitch, rhythm, melody, harmony, and timbre. Students will
learn the notation of pitch, rhythm, articulations, dynamics,
and harmony. Students will analyze music and musical
form common to various styles of music and create original
musical compositions. Students will use music technology
to demonstrate course objectives. This course assumes
that students have no prior formal music training.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 1121 Introduction to World Music 3 cr
This course will survey the study of world music within
religious, cultural, and historical contexts.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
MUSC 1122 Intro to Music 3 cr
Develops an understanding and enjoyment of music.
Includes a study of great music from 1600 to the present.
Emphasis on developing listening skills supplemented by
historical background. Open to all students wishing to
increase their appreciation and understanding of music.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 1123 Jazz History 3 cr
An introductory course in jazz history and appreciation.
Traces the historical development of jazz music from pre-
Civil war through current styles and trends. Emphasis is
placed on developing intelligent and perceptive listening
skills. Detailed analysis of successfully recorded examples
of jazz and improvisation.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
MUSC 1124 Rock & Roll History 3 cr
Rock & Roll History is a survey course that introduces the
student to scholarly examination of the musical
development of Rock and Roll by examining and identifying
innovators, innovations, and fundamental musical
characteristics from African roots through the post-
twentieth century.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 0960.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
MUSC 1127 Class Piano: Non-Majors 2 cr
A beginning course for non-music majors with little or no
keyboard background. Emphasis on basic functional skills,
such as note reading, beginning chord knowledge, playing
by ear and improvising, along with basic technique,
elementary repertoire, and fundamental music theory. This
course is not intended for students pursuing a degree in
MUSC 1131 Music Theory 1 3 cr
These courses (MUSC 1131 and 1132) provide a study of
the materials and structure of music including notation,
intervals, scales, four voice chorale style, melodic form and
structure, diatonic and secondary harmony, binary and
ternary forms. These courses are open to students who
desire a rigorous music course.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 1132 Music Theory 2 3 cr
These courses (MUSC 1131 and 1132) provide a study of
the materials and structure of music including notation,
intervals, scales, four voice chorale style, melodic form and
structure, diatonic and secondary harmony, binary and
ternary forms. These courses are open to students who
desire a rigorous music course.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1131.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 1141 Vocal Ensemble 1 cr
Vocal ensemble performs repertoire ranging from early
music to vocal jazz. May be repeated for a maximum of 4
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
MUSC 1142 Guitar Ensemble 1 cr
Guitar duets, trios, and quartets perform music from all
periods. Repertoire includes arrangements of vocal and
string chamber ensembles, as well as music composed
originally for the guitar ensemble. May be repeated for a
maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
MUSC 1143 Piano Ensemble 1 cr
Performance of four-hand piano repertoire of various style
periods for one or two pianos. May be repeated for a
maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
MUSC 1144 Instrumental Ensemble 1 cr
Performance of chamber music: duos (sonatas), trios,
quartets, quintets, and other ensemble combinations of
wind, percussion, and string instruments. May be repeated
for a maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
MUSC 1145 Jazz Ensemble 1 cr
Instrumental jazz band; rehearses and performs a variety
of jazz styles and idioms including: swing, funk, fusion,
rock, hip-hop, and other current styles and trends. A
historical emphasis on jazz music of the 20th and 21st
centuries. An integral focus on improvisational skills and
developing mature playing skills in all styles.
Recommended prior experience reading music. Maximum
of 4 credits.
MUSC 1146 Jazz Combo 1 cr
Performance of jazz combo music: trios, quartets, and
other ensemble combinations of wind and rhythm section
instruments. Recommended previous performance
experience. Maximum of 4 credits.
MUSC 1151 Applied Music 1 2 cr
Individual music instruction, all instruments and voice, by
arrangement with Applied Music instructors. Students are
expected to have had prior individualized instruction. This
course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits. There
is an additional fee for this course.
Prerequisite: Audition and consent of Applied Music
Coordinator. Corequisite: MUSC 1152.
MUSC 1152 Performance Class 0 cr
Instrumental or vocal performance, performance etiquette,
stage management, written program design and research
applications for music students. Student will provide
his/her own instrument, with the exception of piano. This
course is offered P/NC only.
MUSC 1156 Guitar 1: Class Lessons 2 cr
With your own guitar, learn the basics of guitar technique,
which will lead to any style of performance. Meant for the
beginner, this class progresses quickly beyond the basics
into what you need to know for going into more advanced
MUSC 1157 Class Piano 1 2 cr
Development of keyboard skills in sight reading,
harmonization, improvisation, technique, memorization,
scales, chord progressions, and transposition. These
courses (MUSC 1157 and 1158), are intended for music
majors and minors, but are also open to other serious
students who desire a rigorous music course.
MUSC 1158 Class Piano 2 2 cr
Development of keyboard skills in sight reading,
harmonization, improvisation, technique, memorization,
scales, chord progressions and transposition. These
courses (MUSC 1157 and 1158) are intended for music
majors and minors, but are also open to other serious
students who desire a rigorous music course.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1157.
MUSC 1159 Piano Proficiency 0 cr
Presentation of keyboard skills to a Music Department
faculty jury. The exam includes proficiency with major and
minor scales, chords, arpeggios, sight reading, open score
reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, and
performance of intermediate piano repertoire from
memory. This course is offered P/NC only.
MUSC 1161 Voice Class 2 cr
This course introduces the basic principles of vocal
technique: voice production, breathing, tone development,
diction and pronunciation. It includes a study of vocal
literature from various styles: classic, folk, Broadway. It is
open to all students wishing to explore their vocal skills.
MUSC 1166 Guitar 2: Class Lessons 2 cr
Class Lessons is a continuation of the skills developed in
Guitar I, MUSC 1156. This course introduces chord
progressions in several keys, right hand finger picking
patterns, sight reading in higher positions, harmonization,
transposition, movable scales, application of music theory
to the fingerboard, and introduction to instrument
literature. Students provide their own acoustic guitar
(preferably a nylon string guitar).
Recommended: MUSC 1156.
MUSC 1170 Jazz Improvisation 1 2 cr
This course provides students with the skills necessary to
create music with self-expression in jazz styles. The course
includes a practical application of scales, arpeggios, and
melodic lines to the student's instrument. Transcribing
solos from recordings by famous jazz artists and
independent study with tutorial computer programs are
required. Listening and performing in class are major
components of the course.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission required. The student
will need the ability to perform all major scales and
arpeggios on their instrument. Percussionists will perform
primarily on mallet instruments. Students must have an
understanding of music notation and previous experience
playing an instrument.
MUSC 1175 Introduction to Finale: Music Notation Software 1 cr
This course gives students a basic working knowledge of
the notational music software 'Finale'. Materials are
presented in a small lab setting. Participants will have
access to a computer workstation for hands-on learning
and assignment preparation.
Prerequisite: Ability to read music.
MUSC 1176 Intro to Music Tech 1 2 cr
This course is intended for students interested in learning
about music software applications. Topics include music
notation, introduction to sequencing, tools for
enhancement of practice of music skills, introduction to
recording and audio editing, and other MIDI applications.
Recommended: Must be able to read printed music or have
completed MUSC 1100, MUSC 1120, MUSC 1131, MUSC
MUSC 1181 Ear Training 1 2 cr
This course provides training in reading at sight and in
aural recognition of sound patterns through interval and
rhythm reading, keyboard, dictation, and sight singing. The
course is intended for music majors and minors, but also is
open to other serious students who desire a rigorous music
MUSC 1182 Ear Training 2 2 cr
This course provides training in reading at sight and in
aural recognition of sound patterns through interval and
rhythm reading, keyboard, dictation, and sight singing. The
course is intended for music majors and minors but also is
open to other serious students who desire a rigorous music
Prerequisite: MUSC 1181.
MUSC 1190 Diction for Singers 1 2 cr
Diction for Singers I is a study of the phonetic sounds of the
English and Italian languages to promote the ability to sing
in those languages. This course covers the use of the
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in English and Italian,
differences in pronunciation in spoken and sung English,
and the pronunciation of sung Italian. This course is
intended for students studying vocal performance, choral
conducting and collaborative pianists. A permit to register
is required from the instructor.
MUSC 1191 Diction for Singers 2 2 cr
Diction for Singers II is a study of the phonetic sounds of
the German and French languages to promote the ability to
sing in those languages. This course covers the use of the
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in German and
French, and the pronunciation of sung German and French.
This course is intended for students studying voice, choral
conducting and collaborative pianists. A permit to register
is required from the instructor.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1190.
MUSC 1900 Topics in Music 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in music such as theatre
orchestra and musical theatre singing. Topics courses do
not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
MUSC 2096 Internship in Music 2-8 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Music and consent of
instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
MUSC 2231 Music Theory 3 3 cr
These courses (MUSC 2231 and MUSC 2232) continue the
study of Music Theory 1 and 2. They include the study of
augmented sixth, Neapolitan sixth, ninth, eleventh and
thirteenth chords, two voice counterpoint, fugue, sonata
allegro, rondo and variation forms, 19th and 20th century
tonal and non-tonal formal styles.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1132 or instructor's permission.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 2232 Music Theory 4 3 cr
These courses (MUSC 2231 and 2232) continue the study
of Music Theory 1 and 2. They include the study of
augmented sixth, Neapolitan sixth, ninth, eleventh and
thirteenth chords, two voice counterpoint, fugue, sonata
allegro, rondo and variation forms, 19th and 20th century
tonal and non-tonal formal styles.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2231.
MnTC Goals: 6.
MUSC 2245 Music History 1 3 cr
History of Western music: a study of the composers, styles,
and social contexts of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
music from 800 to 1750.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
MUSC 2246 Music History 2 3 cr
History of Western music: a study of the composers, styles,
and social contexts of Classic and Romantic music from
1750 to the present.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
MUSC 2251 Applied Music 2 2 cr
Individual music instruction directed toward preparation of
the thirty-minute Sophomore Recital or transfer audition.
This course is intended for Associate of Fine Arts in Music
candidates, but is open to all students who complete a
successful audition and have completed 4 credits of MUSC
1151: Applied Music 1. This course may be repeated for a
maximum of 4 credits. There is an additional fee for this
Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUSC 1151 and successful
MUSC 2252 Sophomore Recital 0 cr
One half-hour recital at sophomore repertoire level.
Application of performance skills, performance etiquette,
and written program notes. Private instructor may request
a pre-recital hearing.
Prerequisite: 8 credits of MUSC 1151 4 semesters of
MUSC 1152 and audition and consent of Applied Music
MUSC 2270 Jazz Improvisation 2 2 cr
This course is the second in a two-part sequence. Jazz
Improvisation II provides students with the skills necessary
to create music with self-expression in advanced jazz
styles. The course includes continued practical application
of scales, arpeggios, and melodic lines to the student's
instrument. Transcribing and analyzing solos from
recordings by famous jazz artists and independent study
with tutorial computer programs are required. Listening
and performing in class are major components of the
Prerequisite: MUSC 1170.
MUSC 2276 Intro to Music Tech 2 2 cr
This course builds upon the foundation of MUSC 1176 and
is intended for students interested in further, more
advanced study of music software applications. Topics
include music notation, exploration of sequencing, tools for
enhancement of practice of music skills, exploration of
recording and audio editing, and other MIDI applications.
Recommended: MUSC 1176 or instructor's permission.
MUSC 2281 Ear Training 3 2 cr
These courses (MUSC 2281 and 2282) continue MUSC
1182 with further study of interval and rhythm reading,
sight singing, keyboard, and dictation with emphasis on
19th and 20th century materials.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1182.
MUSC 2282 Ear Training 4 2 cr
These courses (MUSC 2281 and 2282) continue MUSC
1182 with further study of interval and rhythm reading,
sight singing, keyboard, and dictation with emphasis on
nineteenth and twentieth century materials.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2281.
MUSC 2900 Topics in Music 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in music. Topics courses do
not satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
NANO 1900 Topics in Nanotechnology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in Nanotechnology; intended
for all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
NANO 2294 Semiconductor Processing 4 cr
Semiconductor processing refers to categories of
manufacturing processes associated with fabricating an
integrated circuit, a type of electrical component
manufactured by the semiconductor industry. This course
provides an overview explaining these special processes
and how they are sequenced to produce the integrated
circuit. Vacuum systems technology plays a critical role in
making several of the underlying fabrication processes
Prerequisite: VACT 2297 or NANO 2297 or concurrent
registration. Cross-Listed as: VACT 2294.
NANO 2900 Topics in Nanotechnology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in nanotechnology; intended
for second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
NCC-NCC All-College
NCC 1000 Paths to College Success 1 cr
This course focuses on skills and strategies needed for a
successful start in college. It is designed for all new
students who place into READ 0860, READ 0960, ENGC
0800, or ENGC 0900.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0860 or higher, and eligible
for ENGC 0800 or higher, or consent of instructor.
NCC 2096 Internship in NCC All-College 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework at Normandale and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
NURS 1057 Nursing Assistant Certificate 4 cr
The Nursing Assistant Certificate course prepares the
student to provide physical nursing care to individuals in
long-term care facilities, hospitals, or board and care
homes. Students learn how to measure vital signs and
assist individuals with physical needs such as personal
hygiene, elimination, mobility, exercise, and nutrition. This
course also includes information on emotional, spiritual,
and psychosocial needs, and basic training in behavior
management for persons with dementia. Students
participate on campus in lecture and by practicing in the
lab. Students apply what they have learned in class to
residents in a long-term care facility during 24 hours of
clinical participation at the end of the course. Attendance is
MANDATORY, per Department of Health regulations.
Students successfully completing this course are ready to
take the Pearson VUE Nursing Assistant Competency Test.
After passing this test students can be placed on the
Minnesota Department of Health Nursing Assistant
Registry. Weekly average of 2 hours lecture/3 hours lab/3
hours clinical.
NURS 1060 Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide 4 cr
The Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Certificate course
prepares the student to provide physical nursing care to
individuals in long term care facilities, hospitals, board and
care homes, and in the client's own home. Students learn
how to measure vital signs, assist individuals with physical
needs such as personal hygiene, elimination, mobility,
exercise and nutrition. This course also includes
information on emotional, spiritual and psychosocial
needs, and basic training in behavior management for
persons with dementia. Attendance is mandatory, per
Minnesota Department of Health regulations. Students
successfully completing this course are eligible to take the
Pearson VUE Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide
Competency Test. After passing this test students can be
placed on the Minnesota Department of Health Nursing
Assistant/Home Health Aide Registry. Lecture 2 hours/Lab
4 hours. Clinical 24 hours at the end of the course.
NURS 1900 Topics in Nursing 3 cr
Examination of a special topic in nursing; intended for
nursing students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
NURS 2700 Health Promotion and the Role of the
Professional Nurse 9 cr
This course introduces the student to the role of the
professional nurse. The emphasis on health promotion
across the lifespan includes learning about self-health, as
well as holistic client health practices. Students learn to
access and apply research evidence to guide safe
preventative care. The student will incorporate
communication and growth and development theory in a
caring and culturally sensitive manner. The student will
work as an ethical member of multi-disciplinary teams
giving and receiving feedback about performance and use
reflective thinking about their practice. Within the context
of the nursing process, populations studied will include
children, adults, older adults and the family experiencing a
normal pregnancy.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Nursing Program.
NURS 2720 Transition to the Role of the Professional
Nurse 4 cr
This course is designed to expand the knowledge and skills
of the LPN as they transition to the professional role within
nursing. Emphasis is placed on health promotion through
the lifespan and incorporates theories related to evidence-
based practice, quality and safety, communication,
collaboration, clinical decision-making/reasoning,
informatics, assessment, caring, and health-illness
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Nursing Program. Offered:
Fall, Spring.
NURS 2750 Nutrition and the Role of the Professional
Nurse 2 cr
This course introduces the student to the role of the nurse
in promoting and supporting nutritional health. Emphasis is
on the role nutrition plays in health promotion/prevention
of illness, recovery from acute illness and/or management
of chronic illness. Students learn to access evidence to
support healthy nutritional choices that reduce risk factors
for disease and/or illness across the lifespan. Students
explore how culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status,
nutritional trends and controversies, and integrative
therapies influence the nutritional health of the client.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Nursing Program.
NURS 2800 Chronic and Palliative Care 7 cr
This course focuses on the nursing care of clients
experiencing chronic illness and/or end of life. Emphasis is
placed on understanding the "lived experience" of clients
and families. Ethical issues related to advocacy, self-
determination, and autonomy are explored. Evidence-
based practice is used to support appropriate focused
assessments and management of care of clients
experiencing concurrent illnesses/co-morbidities.
Prerequisite: NURS 2700 or NURS 2720 (C or higher) and
NURS 2750 (C or higher).
NURS 2820 Pharmacology and the Role of the Professional
Nurse 3 cr
This course introduces theoretical concepts that enable
students to provide safe and effective care related to
pharmaceuticals and natural products to diverse clients
across the lifespan. A framework is presented for
approaching the study of pharmacotherapeutics including
pharmaceutical research and regulation, quality and safety,
major drug classifications, and clinical management.
Prerequisite: NURS 2700 or NURS 2720 (C or higher) and
NURS 2750 (C or higher).
NURS 2850 Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing I 2 cr
This course introduces a holistic perspective of
pathophysiological processes and the disruption in normal
body function. Emphasis will be on objective and subjective
manifestations of common chronic health problems
resulting from environmental, genetic, and stress-related
maladaptations to provide a foundation for nursing care.
This course complements selected topics addressed in
Chronicity and End of Life to provide a comprehensive
understanding of disease processes.
Prerequisite: NURS 2700 or NURS 2720 (C or higher) and
NURS 2750 (C or higher).
NURS 2910 Acute and Complex Care 7 cr
This course focuses on the nursing care of clients
experiencing acute disruptions of health and/or end of life
issues. Emphasis is placed on understanding and
application of theory and skills required to provide nursing
care to clients with complex and/or unstable conditions.
Evidence-based practice is used to support appropriate
focused assessments and effective, efficient nursing
interventions. Knowledge of life span, developmental
factors, cultural variables and legal aspects of care guide
the ethical decision making in delivery of care.
Prerequisite: NURS 2800, NURS 2820 and NURS 2850 (C
or higher).
NURS 2920 Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing 2 2 cr
This course will facilitate ongoing critical thinking and
analysis of pathophysiological concepts. Emphasis will be
on interpretation and prioritization of data resulting from
environmental, genetic, and stress-related maladaptations.
This course complements the selected topics addressed in
Acute and Complex Care to provide a comprehensive
understanding of disease processes.
Prerequisite: NURS 2800 and NURS 2850 (C or higher).
NURS 2950 Nursing Leadership 1 3 cr
This course focuses on prioritization, delegation, and
supervision of nursing care of clients across the lifespan.
Health care policy, finance, and regulatory environment
issues are analyzed. Emphasis is on planning, collaborating
and coordinating care for individuals and groups across the
care continuum.
Prerequisite: NURS 2800, NURS 2820 and NURS 2850 (C
or higher).
PHIL 1101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 cr
An introduction to the study of philosophy, with emphasis
on developing skills in philosophical modes of inquiry and
analysis. Major content areas include epistemology,
metaphysics, and value theory, and may also include topics
in political philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of
mind, philosophy of law, philosophy of religion, and
philosophy of language. Readings will include both
historical and contemporary texts.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
PHIL 1102 Logic 3 cr
This course is the study of the deductive analysis of
arguments using the tools of contemporary symbolic logic.
The course includes the examination of basic logical
concepts (logical form, validity, logical truth, consistency),
symbolization of arguments expressed in natural language,
truth tables, formal proofs or truth trees, and elementary
quantification theory.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 4.
PHIL 1103 Ethics 3 cr
This course is an introduction to the philosophical study of
morality. It will examine several important ethical theories
concerning virtue and vice, the nature of right action,
standards of value, and conceptions of the good life.
Contemporary moral issues will be critically examined in
light of these theories; topics may include marriage
equality, animal rights, torture, euthanasia, freedom of
speech, punishment and the death penalty, globalization
and justice, and other issues. The course may also include
topics in metaethics, such as ethical relativism. This course
will help students to think analytically about the moral
judgments we are tempted to make, with the goal of
developing well-reasoned positions on important moral
issues of personal and/or social concern.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
PHIL 1105 Philosophy of Religion 3 cr
Content will include both classic and contemporary
philosophy of religion material including but not limited to:
Proofs for the existence of divine beings or God; analysis of
the types of proof including mystical experiences, faith, or
rational acceptance for religious and spiritual belief;
Eastern philosophy from the scriptures of Daoism,
Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism; Indigenous
religious and mythic traditional understanding of human
nature, society and cosmic structure. Course will also
evaluate alternatives to religious or spiritual beliefs
including criticisms of them from perspectives of secular
humanism, atheism, agnosticism and contemporary issues
associated with our beliefs in modern life.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
PHIL 1140 Environmental Ethics 3 cr
Do animals have rights? Do we have moral obligations to
preserve endangered species? What is sustainable
development and do we have an ethical obligation to
promote it? Do people, including future generations, have a
right to environmental protection? What is environmental
racism? Do we have a duty to preserve biodiversity? Does
nature have value, and if so, what kind of value? These are
just a few of the questions addressed in environmental
ethics. Environmental ethics is the study of the moral
relationship between humans and the rest of nature. In this
course, we will examine various efforts to understand the
nature and extent of our duties to the nonhuman world.
After a general introduction to a few major ethical theories
and concepts in moral philosophy, we will investigate a
variety of environmental issues through the lens of these
theories and concepts. At the same time, we will critically
reflect on the shortcomings of traditional moral theories
and investigate new concepts, theories, and perspectives
as ways of understanding the moral relationship between
humans and nature.
Recommended: Eligible for READ:
MnTC Goals: 9, 10.
PHIL 1150 Introduction to World Religions 3 cr
A comparative course which examines the fundamental
beliefs, practices, and traditions of world religious
traditions. The origins, major figures, sacred scriptures and
creeds will be reviewed and compared. Topics may include
justification for beliefs, cosmology, practices of the faithful,
and the role of women, artistic expression, and
contemporary issues. Major religious traditions including
Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam will be studied. Additionally,
alternative spirituality, paganism, Egyptian religions, Native
American traditions, atheism, secularism and other
religious movements may be covered.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
PHIL 1160 Philosophy of Art 3 cr
The study of the nature of art, the character of our
experience of works of art, and standards for the
interpretation and evaluation of works of art. May include
examination of the nature of beauty, culturally bounded
conceptions of art, the nature of artistic expressiveness
and imagination, and the possibility that there are objective
criteria for the evaluation of works of art. Readings will be
primarily contemporary.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 6.
PHIL 1170 Business Ethics 3 cr
Should companies that employ sweatshop labor be
boycotted? Who should take responsibility for the financial
crisis of 2008? Is bribery morally acceptable if everyone is
doing it? Is corporate downsizing morally wrong? Do
corporations have any social responsibilities other than
maximizing profits? Is capitalism an unjust economic
system? These are just a few of the questions addressed in
business ethics. In this course, we will examine various
efforts to understand the ethical dimensions of capitalism
and the conduct of business in society. After an
introduction to several major ethical theories and concepts
in moral philosophy, we will investigate a variety of ethical
issues that arise in the conduct of business.
Recommended: Eligible for READ 0960.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
PHIL 1180 Biomedical Ethics 3 cr
Should physician-assisted suicide be legalized? Is there a
right to health care? Should genetic technologies be used
for enhancing human capabilities? What ethical ideals
ought to govern the patient-provider relationship? These
are just a few of the questions addressed in biomedical
ethics. Biomedical ethics is the study of the ethical issues
that arise in the practice of medicine and health care. In
this course, we will begin by examining several major
ethical theories, including critiques of these theories that
have led to alternative approaches to ethical decision-
making. We will then investigate a range of specific ethical
issues through the lens of these theories and approaches.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
PHIL 1190 Ethics for the Digital Age 3 cr
Big data and information technology impact all areas of
life. Rapid advances in technologies such as AI and
machine learning, as well as the evermore sophisticated
advances in the collection, analysis, and use of data, have
created opportunities for individual and social good. But
ethical frameworks for assessing the impacts of these
advances lag behind. Does the use of predictive analytics
in health care, employment, and policing reinforce or
reduce bias and discrimination? Is privacy dead -- and
should we care? Are algorithms morally neutral? Should
big tech be regulated? Does Facebook cause more harm
than good? These are some of the questions we will
address as we explore the ethical implications of data and
information technology. Through understanding theories
and concepts in moral philosophy, we will learn how to
reason about and critically assess ethical issues in data
and information technology.
MnTC Goals: 6, 9.
PHIL 1900 Topics in Philosophy 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in philosophy; intended for
all students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
PHIL 2096 Internship in Philosophy 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Philosophy and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
PHIL 2900 Topics in Philosophy 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in philosophy; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
PHYS 1001 Energy, Climate & Physics in Society 3 cr
This course covers topics in physics with an emphasis on
conceptual understanding of physics principles and the
technology applications related to current issues, including
the sources and uses of energy, climate change, and the
ethical dimensions of technological choices. This course
will give students the solid foundation in physics they need
to be critically thinking, scientifically literate citizens able to
distinguish scientifically sound, evidence-based
technological decisions from those that are not. Topics may
include energy production and conservation, radioactivity
and nuclear weapons, transportation options, various
consequences of climate change, and invisible light. The
personal, political, and ethical dimensions of technological
choices will be a significant emphasis in this course.
Lecture 3 hours; lab 0 hours.
MnTC Goals: 3, 9.
PHYS 1002 Energy, Climate & Physics in Society
Laboratory 1 cr
This is an optional laboratory course for students who are
concurrently enrolled in PHYS 1001 or who have previously
completed PHYS 1001 (C or higher). The combination of
PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002 satisfies the MnTC Goal 3
laboratory science requirement.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1001 (C or higher) or concurrent
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1050 Survey of Classical Physics 4 cr
A one-semester introductory physics course focusing on the
fundamental concepts of physics. Topics are chosen from
classical physics and may include one-dimensional
kinematics, laws of motion, conservation laws, heat, waves,
sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. Physics problems
will be solved using algebra. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 0700.
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1104 Survey of Astronomy 3 cr
A one-semester survey course focusing on scales and
structures of the universe, observable motions of the sun,
moon, and stars, patterns within the solar system, life
cycles of stars, evolution of the universe. Additional topics
may include telescopes and light, planetary science,
extrasolar planet discovery, and space exploration. This
course is not a prequel to PHYS 1114.
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1110 College Physics 1 4 cr
This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence of
non-calculus, introductory physics. This course uses
College Algebra. Topics include kinematics, dynamics,
gravitation, momentum, energy, heat, and fluids. Lecture 3
hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 1100 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1111 College Physics 2 4 cr
This course is a continuation of PHYS 1110. This course
uses College Algebra. Topics include oscillations and
waves, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, and
optics. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1110 (C or higher) and MATH 1100 (C
or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1114 Introductory Astronomy 4 cr
A one-semester introductory course in astronomy covering
the tools and methods of astronomy and the physics of the
solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe. This course
requires a background in intermediate algebra. Laboratory
includes tools and methods of astronomy; data collection
and analysis; and observations (when feasible). Lecture 3
hours; lab 2 hours. This course is not a sequel to PHYS
Prerequisite: Eligible for MATH 1100.
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1121 Physics 1 for Scientists and Engineers 5 cr
This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence of
calculus-based introductory physics. This course uses
calculus. Topics include kinematics, dynamics, rotational
motion, gravitation, conservation laws of momentum and
energy, thermal physics, and periodic motion. Optional
topics include fluids and thermodynamics. This course
meets requirements for students majoring in engineering,
mathematics, computer science, or the sciences. Lecture 4
hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510 (C or higher), MATH 1520 (C or
higher) or concurrent registration, and eligible for READ
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1122 Physics 2 for Scientists and Engineers 5 cr
This course is a continuation of PHYS 1121. This course
uses calculus. Topics include wave phenomena, electricity,
magnetism, an introduction to Maxwell's equations,
electromagnetic waves, and optics. This course meets
requirements for students majoring in engineering,
mathematics, computer science, or the sciences. Lecture 4
hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1121 (C or higher) and MATH 1520 (C
or higher). Recommended: MATH 2510 or concurrent
registration (preferred) or MATH 2520 (C or higher) or
concurrent registration.
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1201 Physics 1 with Biomedical Applications 4 cr
This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in
introductory physics. This course uses the basic concepts
of calculus such as the derivative and simple integration.
The course covers topics from kinematics, dynamics,
torque, energy, fluids, and thermal physics. This course
relates fundamental concepts of physics to biomedical
applications; it meets requirements for students majoring
in the biological sciences and is appropriate for students
who plan to enter the health professions. Lecture 3 hours;
lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 1400 (C or higher) or MATH 1510 (C or
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1202 Physics 2 with Biomedical Applications 4 cr
This course is continuation of PHYS 1201. This course uses
the basic concepts of calculus such as the derivative and
simple integration. The course covers topics from waves,
electricity, simple DC circuits, magnetism, atomic structure
and spectra, and the physics of medical imaging. This
course relates fundamental concepts of physics to
biomedical applications; it meets requirements for
students majoring in the biological sciences and is
appropriate for students who plan to enter the health
professions. Lecture 3 hours; lab 2 hours.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1201 (C or higher), and MATH 1400 (C
or higher) or MATH 1510 (C or higher).
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 1900 Topics in Physics 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in physics; intended for
all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
PHYS 2096 Internship in Physics 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Physics and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
PHYS 2250 Modern Physics 4 cr
A one-semester introduction to the topics of modern
physics including the special theory of relativity, solid state
physics, and quantum theory. This course requires a
background in calculus-based physics and differential
equations. This course is generally required for electrical
engineering, physics, and astronomy majors. Lecture 3
hours; lab 0 hours.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1121, PHYS 1122 and MATH 2510
Recommended: MATH 2520.
MnTC Goals: 3.
PHYS 2900 Topics in Physics 1-4 cr
An examination of a special topic in physics; intended for
all interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
POLS-Political Science
POLS 1130 Introduction to U.S. Politics 3 cr
Considers fundamentals of U.S. politics including
constitutional principles, organization of government, basic
freedoms, civil liberties, civil rights, political cultures,
parties and interest groups, campaigns and elections, and
national controversies.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
POLS 1132 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3 cr
Compares political and economic systems, political and
economic conditions, and political and economic policies of
diverse countries and regions around the world.
Comparisons and contrasts will consider governments,
cultures, patterns of political and economic development,
as well as political values, processes, and institutions.
Includes comparisons, where apt, with United States.
Analyses will include statistical, historical, and forecast
data, as well as theoretical perspectives.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
POLS 1133 Middle East Politics 3 cr
Explores the historical background and current dynamics of
Middle Eastern politics, including the causes and
consequences of political, economic, social, cultural,
military, ethnic, nationalist, and religious conditions.
Central concerns include post-colonial experiences,
political and economic development, political change and
stability, democracy and autocracy, corruption, regional
conflicts, foreign policies, and current and enduring
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
POLS 1135 Introduction to Political Ideas 3 cr
Explores political ideas, ideologies, and movements by
considering popular culture (including novels, movies,
music, and articles), "classics", and primary sources. Topics
may include enduring and current controversies concerning
justice, power, violence, authority, freedom, government,
the state, democracy, capitalism, economic prosperity,
security, equality, inequality, corruption, terror, nationalism,
and "the good life" in a political community.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
POLS 1150 Introduction to World Politics and
Globalization 3 cr
Develops a global perspective by exploring diverse global
issues such as security, human rights, environment,
economic development, foreign policies, character of
globalization, interactions of nation-states and other actors,
origins and effects of global capitalism, and changing
effects on global affairs of technological innovations,
international organizations, multinational corporations,
social movements and groups, and ideologies. Course
provides tools for interpreting and evaluating global
politics, and it furnishes background to pursue additional
courses in World Politics.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
POLS 1152 Model United Nations 3 cr
Introduces students to the workings of the world's most
important international organization - the United Nations
(UN) - and to the practice of negotiation and diplomacy.
Course emphasizes understanding current global issues
and offers direct experience in the practice of politics.
Course also improves students' ability in the "civic arts" of
negotiation, advocacy, public presentations, and policy
analysis. All students in the class will prepare for and
participate in the Arrowhead Model United Nations
conference held each April.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
POLS 1195 Conflict and Negotiation 3 cr
Politics is conflict over values, ideas, and resources.
Political Science is, in part, the study of conflict and conflict
management. This course introduces students to
perspectives on power and conflict and to diverse
strategies for resolving conflict in various political, legal,
social and cultural settings. This course develops expertise,
confidence, and skills for managing, transforming, and
engaging conflict constructively, primarily through
negotiation and mediation. Students reflect on their own
style of conflict management and dispute resolution and on
the roles of power, conflict, and negotiation at the
individual, group, organizational, state, and system levels.
The course is extremely hands-on and interactive.
Extensive, frequent role plays and simulations
demonstrate course themes and provide opportunities to
practice managing conflict, resolving disputes, negotiating,
and mediating.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
POLS 1900 Topics in Political Science 1-4 cr
Examines specific topics in politics and public policy;
intended for all students. Topics courses do not satisfy
goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
POLS 2096 Internship in Political Science 2-4 cr
Explores careers and training in a supervised work setting.
Combines theory with field experience in a political setting
to learn how public policy is shaped. Students spend
approximately 2.5 hours per week, per credit on the job,
and attend weekly seminars. Students may earn 3 to 8
credits per semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any
one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Political Science and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
POLS 2250 Constitutional Law 3 cr
Explores the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as
elements of national government and criminal justice.
Addresses equal protection, due process, First
Amendment, search and seizure, rights of the accused,
rights of prisoners, presidential authority, and historic
Supreme Court cases. Course includes debates and mock
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
POLS 2900 Topics in Political Science 1-4 cr
Examines specific topics in politics and public policy;
intended for second-year students. Topics courses do not
satisfy goals of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
PSYC 1100 Psychology in Modern Life 3 cr
Psychology in Modern Life is designed to translate
psychology into applications to everyday life. Examples of
life situations addressed include topics such as stress
management, health behaviors, behavior in groups,
interpersonal relationships and psychological health. The
course has an empirical focus, which means that we will
apply data collected via the scientific method to matters of
living, and develop our critical thinking skills in order to
evaluate claims about healthy living made by sources from
within and outside the psychological community.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 1108 Psychology of Death and Dying 3 cr
This course is an introduction to the historical and socio-
cultural forces which shape our understanding of death
and dying. The changing nature of the dying patient's
situation, critical issues in end-of-life care, ceremonies and
rites enacted at the time of death, legal considerations,
bereavement, grief, and mourning are introduced with a
lifespan and cross-cultural perspective.
MnTC Goals: 7, 9.
PSYC 1109 Child and Adolescent Development 3 cr
This course focuses on the physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial areas of development from conception
through adolescence. Relevant theories, research,
methods and issues are addressed. An interactionist
approach regarding the influence of both heredity and
environment is emphasized.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology 4 cr
This course is an introduction to the scientific study of
human behavior and mental processes. It prepares
students for more advanced coursework in psychology and
provides a basic understanding of psychology for those
entering other fields. The course introduces the problems,
methods, and findings of modern psychology to beginning
Recommended: Eligible for READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 1140 Psychology of Gender 3 cr
This course is an exploration of gender as a central
organizing feature of human behavior and an overall
picture of gender from a psychological perspective.
Students will examine various theoretical models of male
and female development from a psychological perspective.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 1220 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging 3 cr
This course is an exploration of the physical, cognitive, and
psychological factors associated with aging. The primary
focus of the class is on older adulthood; however,
information concerning all years of adult development will
be presented within a developmental framework. The
course is also concerned with individual differences among
older adults, the promotion of optimal functioning through
the aging process, and death and dying.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 1900 Topics in Psychology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in psychology; intended for
all students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
PSYC 2096 Internship in Psychology 2-4 cr
This course provides the student with the opportunity for
career exploration and training in a supervised work
setting. The course combines theory with field experience
in settings related to psychology. Requirements include:
relevant reading in psychological literature, approximately
2.5 hours per week, per credit, on the job, and a written
project that integrates the literature with the work
experience. Students will meet individually with appointed
psychology faculty about eight times during the semester
for project guidance.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Psychology and
consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
PSYC 2100 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 4 cr
This course introduces statistical analysis and research
designs used in the behavioral sciences. In it, students use
statistical software (e.g., SPSS) to conduct descriptive and
inferential data analyses. They choose and apply statistical
procedures to help answer psychological and behavioral
scientific research questions, and gain an introduction to
commonly used research methods. In order to see how
statistical methods and findings are reported in behavioral
science research, students read, interpret, evaluate, and
write APA-style Results sections.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 and completion of one of the
following: MATH 1080, MATH 1090, MATH 1095, MATH
1100 or math placement higher than MATH 1100.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 2200 Abnormal Psychology 3 cr
This course is a survey of the scientific study of
psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive
disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Topics include how people are diagnosed, possible causes
of disorders, and research on the treatment of disorders.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 2210 Developmental Psychology: Life Span 4 cr
Developmental Psychology is the exploration of child,
adolescent, and adult development beginning with
conception and continuing through death. Emphasis is
placed on the theoretical, experimental, and applied
aspects of development. Physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial realms of development will be investigated for
each age range. Particular attention is given to the
application of research and theory to current issues.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 2300 Psychology of Personality 3 cr
This course introduces students to the scientific study of
human personality with an emphasis on individual
differences. Important theories and research studies of
personality are discussed. Topics include personality traits;
biological, psychological, and social-cultural influences on
personality; and links between personality and everyday
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 2400 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 3 cr
This course introduces students to the psychology of
religion and spirituality. Topics include how people know
what they know about religious and spiritual phenomena;
psychosocial characteristics of religious traditions;
individual differences in religiousness and spirituality;
stereotyping and prejudice perpetrated by, and directed
toward, religious and non-religious groups; biological,
psychological, and social/cultural influences on personal
religiousness; religious and spiritual experiences such as
awe; religion, spirituality, and health; religion and violence;
mindfulness; forgiveness; compassion; and gratitude.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 2500 Biopsychology 3 cr
Biopsychology provides an overview of neuroanatomy,
basic principles of neural conduction, and basic techniques
used in biopsychological investigations. It reviews current
knowledge of the biological bases of human behavior and
experience: sensation and perception, movement,
cognition and language, attention, learning, memory,
stress, wakefulness and sleep, psychiatric disorders. The
course examines how important questions in psychology
can be addressed with biological methods.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 or BIOL 1102.
MnTC Goals: 5.
PSYC 2600 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 cr
This course is an introduction to social psychology, which is
the scientific study of how social contexts influence and
shape individual behavior. Topics typically covered include
the relation of self and culture, person perception,
attitudes and their relation to behavior, attribution theory,
persuasion, conformity and obedience, interpersonal
attraction, prejudice and discrimination, aggression, group
dynamics, and intergroup relations. Multicultural factors
may be explored within the context of several of the above-
mentioned topic areas.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1110.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
PSYC 2900 Topics in Psychology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in psychology; intended for
second-year students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals
of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
READ 0860 Reading Skills 4 cr
This course offers preparation for reading college-level
material. Topics include independent and self-regulated
reading, the reading process, and reading engagement. A-
F grading (option to choose P/NC grading).
Prerequisite: EAP 0855 (C/P or higher) or eligible for READ
READ 0955 Fast Track Reading 6 cr
This course combines topics from both the Reading Skills
course as well as the Reading/Study Skills for College
course in an accelerated, one-semester class that is
designed to provide the reading and study skills necessary
for success in college. It is designed to develop vocabulary,
effective literal, inferential, and introductory critical reading
comprehension in fiction and academic content areas with
study strategies that are necessary for success in college.
This course satisfies both the READ 0860 and READ 0960
requirements. P/NC grading (option to choose A-F grading).
Prerequisite: EAP 0855 (C/P or higher) or eligible for READ
0860. Recommended: Accuplacer score between 50 and
59 and/or B or higher in EAP 0855.
READ 0960 Reading/Study Skills for College 4 cr
This course is designed to develop higher level reading
strategies including critical and inferential reading
comprehension and textual analysis while also
emphasizing college study strategies within the scope of
college-level reading materials and texts. A-F grading
(option to choose P/NC grading).
Prerequisite: READ 0860 (C/P or higher) or eligible for
READ 0960.
READ 0961 Reading Strategies Review 1 cr
This course is designed to assist students in reviewing
effective reading strategies for college course work.
Strategies include effective literal, inferential, and
introductory critical reading comprehension. This course is
intended for review of strategies in order to improve on the
Accuplacer placement test. After successful completion of
this course, students may retake the Accuplacer placement
test. This course does not take the place of READ 0960 for
placement. P/NC grading (option to choose A-F grading).
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 0960.
READ 1104 College Study Strategies 3 cr
This course is designed to assist students in developing
effective study strategies for college coursework. Skills
include goal setting, time management, organization,
concentration, vocabulary acquisition, memory
improvement, listening, note taking, test taking, test
anxiety management, textbook processing, and keys to
successful online learning.
Prerequisite: Eligible for READ 1106.
READ 1106 Critical Reading Skills 3 cr
This course is designed to help students learn and develop
the critical reading and thinking skills needed in order to
comprehend, analyze, and interpret college-level material.
Students will be introduced to a variety of genres which
may include poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essays, and
textbook materials.
Prerequisite: READ 0960 (C/P or higher) or eligible for
READ 1106.
READ 1110 Study and Thinking Skills in the Academic
Disciplines 2 cr
This course is designed to help students acquire a
repertoire of active study and thinking skills for use in
academic disciplines.
Prerequisite: READ 0860 (C/P or higher) or eligible for
READ 0960.
READ 1230 MTLE Reading Seminar 1 cr
This course is designed to assist students in reviewing
effective reading and test taking strategies needed for
passing the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examination
(MTLE). Reading strategies include effective literal,
inferential, critical reading comprehension, and critical
reasoning skills.
READ 2096 Internship in Reading 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Reading and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
SOC 1100 Modern US Society: Everyday Life in the United
States of America 3 cr
This survey course will provide valuable information of the
United States' social system including U.S. values, mores,
and the popular culture. The course will highlight the
principles and practices of U.S. society and culture and
analyze the ways in which they manifest in everyday life.
The course will also focus on the diversity and multicultural
make up of U.S. society.
Recommended: Eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 1101 Cultural Diversity 3 cr
This course aims to promote understanding and
appreciation of cultural diversity. Sociological and
anthropological perspectives will be used to examine socio-
cultural diversity, the challenges and opportunities it
presents, and its importance in our dynamic contemporary
world. The course also emphasizes processes such as
workplace diversity and long-term trends in cultural
pluralism, which are transforming our everyday experiences
and identities.
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 1101.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
SOC 1102 Love, Sex and Family 3 cr
This course explores the ways that our intimate
relationships affect and are affected by society. Through
studying love, sexuality, cohabitation, marriage, gender
roles, parenting, conflict resolution and divorce, students
learn about the diverse, complex, and changing nature of
our intimate connections and family lives.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 1103 Social Change in Action and Service Learning 3 cr
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to
serve as volunteers in the community, to study the social
justice problems to which they are responding with their
volunteer efforts, and to look at local and global social
systems in which these problems exit. This course
examines the role of philanthropy and community service;
it also explores alternative ways that society responds to
community needs. This course has a requirement of 60
hours of service during the semester in order to pass the
class. Service sites (approximately 15-25) will be chosen by
the instructor in order to meet the learning goals of the
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 7, 9.
SOC 1104 Introduction to Sociology 3 cr
An examination of the basic social processes which give
order and structure to our lives: socialization, changing
social roles, power and privilege, modernization and
culture. Service Learning option available.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5.
SOC 1106 Social Problems in a Changing World 3 cr
This is an overview of contemporary social problems in
both the U.S. and around the world using various
sociological perspectives, analytic insights, and
methodologies. The course critically analyzes a range of
social issues such as poverty and inequality, racism,
sexism, family breakdown, education, crime and violence,
political economy, unemployment, the environment,
globalization, and militarism and terrorism, among other
emerging structural and systematic processes affecting the
survival of peoples nationally and globally.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
SOC 1109 Wealth and Poverty 3 cr
Using a sociological perspective, this course explores the
causes and consequences of inequality in the United
States as well as in other countries across the globe. This
course addresses the historical roots, sociological
explanations and contemporary realities of inequality and
explores the effects of social stratification on individuals
and groups within society.
Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGC 1101 and READ 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 1115 Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles 3 cr
An in-depth examination of the gender roles of males,
females, and transgender individuals; the concept that
"biology is destiny" and the effects of sex-role stereotyping
in personal lives and in relationships. LGBTQIA issues
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 1116 Popular Culture & Media Sociology 3 cr
Using a sociological perspective, this course explores the
diverse constructions of popular culture within the U.S. and
selected parts of the world. An important component within
this area of sociology addresses how mass media both
reflect and influence popular cultural trends. This course is
designed to increase students' abilities to understand,
explain, and analyze popular culture via the lens of the
sociological imagination, thus increasing their agency as
social actors.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
SOC 1120 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 3 cr
This course investigates the evolving position of women in
society and the role of gender in shaping opportunities and
experiences. Through various cultural and theoretical
perspectives, students analyze how women’s rights and
roles change and how gender influences power, status and
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 1120 and WMST 1120.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
SOC 1121 Women Across Cultures 3 cr
This course focuses on the major institutions of family,
education, economic, and political systems as they define,
provide for, and frequently limit women. The course
addresses women’s issues throughout many cultures of
the world and considers how women’s gender intersects
with race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 1121 and WMST 1121.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
SOC 1900 Topics in Sociology 3 cr
Examination of a special topic in sociology; intended for all
interested students. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
SOC 2096 Internship in Sociology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience in the field of human services. Students spend
approximately 2.5 hours per week per credit on the job,
complete academic work and meet with faculty. Students
may earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Sociology and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
SOC 2108 Social Psychology 3 cr
A focus on the classical issues of social psychology:
identity, conformity and obedience, aggression, alienation,
communication, and prejudice and how we respond to and
influence each other.
Prerequisite: SOC 1104.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 2110 American Minority Relations 3 cr
This course examines intergroup relations in the U.S.
focusing on majority-minority interactions, with the
following emphases: race and ethnicity, prejudice and
discrimination, inequality, and assimilation and pluralism;
may include global comparisons and/or analysis of status
disadvantages pertaining to women, gays, lesbians,
bisexuals, and transgender, as well as the aged, poor, and
Prerequisite: SOC 1104.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 2112 Criminology 3 cr
An exploration of crime: the definitions of crime, the
patterns that crimes follow, and the prevalence of certain
types of crimes. Factors that cause crime and society's
responses to crime are investigated.
Prerequisite: SOC 1104.
MnTC Goals: 5.
SOC 2114 Families in Crisis 3 cr
Theoretical perspectives on sociology of families including
policy and diversity. Theoretical perspectives on family
violence, spouse and child maltreatment and neglect, elder
abuse, alcohol abuse, consequences for family functioning,
and criminal justice system responses.
Prerequisite: SOC 1102 or SOC 1104 or SOC 1106.
MnTC Goals: 5, 7.
SOC 2125 Social Deviance 3 cr
Sociological examination of significant rule-making and
rule-breaking that surveys explorations / explanations of
non-conformity relevant to juvenile delinquency, crime,
mental illness, substance abuse, and certain other non-
normative lifestyle.
Prerequisite: SOC 1104.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
SOC 2130 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 cr
Provides an overview of the criminal justice system.
Includes the historical development of law enforcement as
well as an exploration of the components of the criminal
justice system and the functions, jurisdictions, and
interrelationships of various law enforcement agencies.
Recommended: SOC 1104.
MnTC Goals: 9.
SOC 2131 Juvenile Justice 3 cr
This course provides an overview of theories of delinquency
and the Juvenile Justice System. Special emphasis will be
on Minnesota Statutes, Rules for Juvenile Court, and
Supreme Court cases which mandate how the Juvenile
Justice System works in Minnesota. This course meets
specific POST-learning objectives for pre-service law
enforcement students to understand what police officers
are mandated to do when juveniles are victims or
offenders, and how those laws are different from the adult
criminal justice system.
Recommended: SOC 1104.
SOC 2132 Police and Community 3 cr
Examines the interaction of peace officers with
members/groups in the communities with a focus on
minority groups and the application of community oriented
policing principles. This course meets specific POST-
learning objectives (as listed in the outline) for pre-service
law enforcement students including community oriented
policing philosophy, crime prevention, cultural diversity,
bias motivated crime and the proper police response,
domestic abuse and assault state mandates, ethics, police
professionalism, and the use of discretion by the police.
Recommended: SOC 1104.
SOC 2133 Community Crime Prevention 3 cr
This course emphasizes the essential relationship between
citizens and police. The course will focus on how both
groups can work together to provide safer environments for
our communities. This course includes an overview of
crime causation theories, history of crime prevention,
techniques and terminology of crime prevention, crime
analysis, and the reduction of risks through controlling
elements within our surroundings. Topics covered in this
course meet specific POST learning objectives for pre-
service law enforcement students and will permit students
to take the MCPA Crime Prevention Specialist exam.
SOC 2134 Corrections 3 cr
A sociological analysis of corrections and punishment in
modern society, exploring the prison system, community-
based corrections, and alternatives to incarceration.
Recommended: SOC 1104.
SOC 2900 Topics in Sociology 1-4 cr
Examination of a special topic in sociology (e.g. Community
Crime Prevention); intended for second-year students.
Topics courses do not satisfy goals of the Minnesota
Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
SMLI 1100 Beginning Somali 1 5 cr
This course provides an introduction to Somali language
and culture. Students begin to develop competencies in
speaking, listening, reading and writing. Culture is an
integral part of the course and is incorporated through the
analysis of simple texts, film, music, traditions, and daily
life in the Somali-speaking world. The entire present tense
is covered.
MnTC Goals: 8.
SMLI 1111 Somali Civilization and Culture 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of the Somali speaking peoples. Course
topics will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature, and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious, and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility world citizens share for
their common global future by comparing and contrasting
their own culture with that of Somali-speaking peoples.
Taught in English.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SMLI 1200 Beginning Somali 2 5 cr
This course provides a continuation of the listening,
speaking, reading, and writing competencies developed in
SMLI 1100. Students further explore cultural differences,
helping them develop a deeper understanding of the world
and a greater cultural perspective. The major grammatical
focus is on the past and future tenses.
Recommended: SMLI 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
SMLI 2100 Intermediate Somali 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of Somali-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes the present
subjunctive, complex sentences, and the conditional and
the future tenses.
Recommended: SMLI 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SMLI 2200 Intermediate Somali 2 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of Somali-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes compound verb
tenses, gerunds, and passive verbs.
Recommended: SMLI 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SPAN 1100 Beginning Spanish 1 5 cr
This course introduces critical differences and similarities
between Spanish and English while students develop
competency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Aspects of Hispanic culture are also frequently introduced
in class, which help students develop cultural sensitivity
toward the Spanish-speaking world as part of increased
global understanding. The entire present tense is covered,
including all irregular verbs.
MnTC Goals: 8.
SPAN 1101 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation 2 cr
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation introduces
students to the career competencies, ethics and major
theories related to the fields of interpreting and translation.
Through readings by experts in the field, case studies, and
professional profiles, students will learn about the fields of
interpreting and translation and exercise key skills required
to work in these professions. Taught in English.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 1101, FREN 1101, GERM 1101,
JAPN 1101, INDS 1101.
SPAN 1111 Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 cr
This course acquaints students with aspects of the culture
and civilization of the Spanish-speaking peoples. Course
topics will be selected from among the areas of the arts,
literature, and history to allow students to gain an
awareness of cultural, social, religious, and linguistic
aspects of the target culture. Students will develop an
understanding of the responsibility world citizens share for
their common global future by comparing and contrasting
their own culture with that of Spanish-speaking peoples.
One course taught in English; one course taught in
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SPAN 1120 Spanish for Educators 1 3 cr
Spanish for Educators 1 is the first of two courses designed
for English-speaking educators and future educators who
need to acquire vocabulary and develop basic Spanish
skills in order to communicate with Spanish-speaking
students and their parents on a variety of school-related
topics. In addition, the course seeks to provide learners
with an understanding of key concepts about Hispanic
culture which influence interactions in educational settings.
Cross-Listed as: EDUC 1120.
SPAN 1200 Beginning Spanish 2 5 cr
This course is a continuation of the listening, reading,
speaking, and writing competencies developed in SPAN
1100. Students further explore cultural differences helping
them develop a deeper understanding of the world and a
greater cultural perspective. All forms of the preterite and
imperfect are covered.
Recommended: SPAN 1100.
MnTC Goals: 8.
SPAN 1220 Spanish for Educators 2 3 cr
Spanish for Educators 2 is the second of two courses
designed for English-speaking educators who need to
develop basic conversational Spanish skills in order to
communicate with Spanish-speaking students and their
parents on a wide variety of school-related topics. In this
course, students will learn to construct sentences and
questions using twelve "high-frequency" structures in
Spanish, along with one hundred and twenty verbs relevant
to educational settings. Students continue to develop
vocabulary related to classroom and school settings.
Situational dialogues and role-plays are an important part
of this course. Along with developing conversational skills,
attention is given to further development of beginning
listening, reading and writing skills. Cultural practices and
perspectives are presented through the art and literature of
the Spanish-speaking peoples. The cultural components in
Spanish for Educators II are designed to encourage
teachers to use authentic Hispanic art and literature in
their own classrooms or school communities to raise
awareness and understanding about the cultures of
Spanish-speaking peoples in Minnesota and the United
Prerequisite: EDUC 1120. Cross-Listed as: EDUC 1220.
SPAN 2096 Internship in Spanish 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting and combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week, per credit on the job, complete academic work, and
meet with faculty throughout the semester. Students may
earn 2 to 4 credits per semester, with a maximum of 8
credits in any one discipline.
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Spanish and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
SPAN 2100 Intermediate Spanish 1 5 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Cultural and literary materials are used to
develop an appreciation for the arts, history, culture, and
literature of Spanish-speaking peoples and create an
awareness of cultural, social, and linguistic differences and
similarities. Major grammar focus includes a review of the
forms and uses of preterit and imperfect; formation and
uses of the present subjunctive; and introduction to
compound tenses.
Recommended: SPAN 1200.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SPAN 2200 Intermediate Spanish 2 5 cr
Students continue to develop the four communication
skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Increased
amounts of literary materials and cultural components are
used to develop a broader understanding of and
appreciation for the arts, history, politics, and culture of the
Spanish-speaking world. Major grammar points include a
comprehensive review of uses of the subjunctive (both
present and imperfect) compound tenses.
Recommended: SPAN 2100.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
SPAN 2210 Advanced Communication Skills 3 cr
Students continue the development and strengthening of
oral and written proficiency acquired in previous courses.
This course is strongly recommended for those students
who have taken two years of language at the community
college level, or who have acquired equivalent knowledge
through other courses.
Oral and written assignments may be based on cultural
and/or literary materials presented in class. May be taken
a second time for credit.
THTR 1101 Voice and Movement 3 cr
This course introduces students to the fundamental
interconnectedness of physical and vocal techniques that
provide a basis for a career in the performing arts, as well
as other fields in which public speaking and presenting is
necessary for success. Theoretical approaches will include
the work of both established theories as well as those that
are new and emerging in the field. Through daily practice,
students will develop a deeper and more personal
understanding of their work as performers.
THTR 1111 Introduction to Cinema 3 cr
Explores the development of film from aesthetic, historical,
and cultural perspectives. Includes the work of past and
present filmmakers in an attempt to analyze and evaluate
the changing nature of film in every aspect. In addition, the
course asks students to examine the profound personal
impact that this medium has had their lives.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
THTR 1116 Introduction to Theatre 3 cr
Become an educated spectator and explore the magic of
theatre through viewing and reading plays, studying the
richness and diversity of drama, and looking critically at the
methods and styles of actors, directors, playwrights, and
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1117 Introduction to Television and Digital Media 3 cr
This course explores the role of television and digital media
from a variety of perspectives including television's early
beginnings through today's digital media industry.
Narrative structure will be explored through comparisons
of live theatre and television/digital media. Through the
examination and evaluation of different genres, styles, and
production processes, students will explore the profound
personal impact that television and digital media has in
their lives.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
THTR 1118 Theatre in the Twin Cities 3 cr
Students will experience and respond to several theatre
productions and encounter a wide variety of styles, genres,
and production forms from diverse cultural and ethnic
traditions. Analyzes how theatre artists work and how their
productions embody the playwright and director's
intentions. Students become familiar with the artistic goals
and methods of various Twin Cities theatres, and learn how
to respond to theatre performance more knowledgeably.
There is an additional fee for this course.
MnTC Goals: 6, 7.
THTR 1120 Theatre Performance Practicum 1 cr
This credit is earned through performance of a role in a
Normandale main stage or faculty-approved theatrical
production. Hours vary per week as determined by the
rehearsal schedule for the production. Admission is by
consent of the instructor and based on acquisition of the
role through an audition process. The course may be
repeated for a maximum of 4 total credits.
Prerequisite: Instructor's permission.
THTR 1122 Technical Theatre Practicum 1 cr
The student will earn credit through participation as a
construction or run crew member on a Normandale
mainstage or faculty-approved theatrical production. Hours
vary per week as determined by the build and run schedule
for the production. This course may be repeated for a
maximum of 4 credits.
THTR 1125 Drawing and Rendering 3 cr
Introduction to the techniques and process of drafting and
drawing for theatrical design including mechanical drawing,
computer aided drafting, freehand rendering. This course
will provide the skills and fundamental techniques needed
in scenic, costume, and lighting design, and provide the
foundation for THTR 2020 Basic Design and THTR 1145
Lighting and Sound.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1130 Costume Construction 3 cr
Explore the basic theory and practice, the design purpose,
tools, and methods of stage costuming to see how it
enriches the meaning of the drama. Formulate criteria for
interpreting designs and experience practical problem-
solving through costume construction techniques for
production. Costume shop hours required.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1135 Stage Makeup 2 cr
Explore the basic theory and practice, the design purpose,
tools, and methods of stage makeup to see how it enriches
the meaning of the drama. Experience practical problem-
solving by executing multiple designs and makeup
THTR 1140 Stagecraft 3 cr
Explore the basic theory and practice, the design purpose,
tools, and methods of stagecraft to see how it enriches the
meaning of the drama. Formulate criteria for interpreting
designs and experience practical problem-solving through
stage construction techniques for production. Shop hours
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1145 Lighting and Sound 3 cr
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to
techniques and methods used to realize lighting and sound
plots, with particular attention paid to the technical skills
required to prepare, set, and run lighting and sound
equipment in production.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1151 Acting 1 3 cr
Physical, vocal and psychological process of acting.
Exercises, games and discussion develop individual skills
in the beginning actor/actress.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 1900 Topics in Theatre Studies 3 cr
Includes specialized courses that offer students the
opportunity to explore areas of theatre and film through
more in-depth study. Topics courses do not satisfy goals of
the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
Prerequisite: Topic-dependent.
THTR 2020 Basic Design 3 cr
Introduction to the concepts, process, and practices
common to the design of scenery, costume, and lighting.
The study and application of the aesthetic principles and
graphic skills involved in all areas of theatrical design.
Development of the student's abilities in research
methodology, mechanical drawing, freehand sketching and
rendering as it applies to design for the theatre. Emphasis
on design skills as a communication tool in the
collaborative process of theatrical production.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2096 Internship in Theatre 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Theatre and consent
of instructor and the Center for Experiential Education.
THTR 2111 World Cinema 3 cr
This course explores influential and contemporary world
films, movements, and filmmakers. Film aesthetics and
dramatic elements will be discussed in terms of national
identity, culture, and globalization. To appreciate how film
can shape your understanding of the world, students will
consider the historical, cultural, and socio-political
circumstances of several global films.
Prerequisite: THTR 1111.
MnTC Goals: 6, 8.
THTR 2150 Script Analysis 3 cr
Focus on analyzing play scripts with a view to discovering
production and performance values and aesthetics.
Intensive reading of a variety of plays from different periods
and styles. Discussion of options for interpreting a script for
performance. Critical analysis of structure, character,
theme, dialogue, genre, and style, from the point of view of
the actor, director, designer, or critic.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2151 Acting 2 3 cr
This class provides further exploration into the art of
acting. Students will focus on physical and vocal
technique, challenging scene work, increased emotional
availability in characters, complex text and character
analysis, and the collaborative rehearsal process.
Prerequisite: THTR 1151.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2160 Audition Techniques 3 cr
Prepares the student in the techniques, opportunities, and
procedures of auditioning, interviewing, and constructing
resumes for advanced study or career placement. Students
will develop a repertoire of audition pieces to increase their
ability to perform with confidence on short notice.
Prerequisite: THTR 1151.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2170 Musical Theatre Performance 3 cr
This course will teach students to build on basic acting
technique through the styles and constructs of musical
theatre and song. Students will learn to appreciate and
understand the basic techniques and functions of acting,
singing, and dance within the genre, and to hone their
skills in resourcing and preparing musical theatre pieces
that serve their individual artistry. Students who complete
this course will obtain a basic understanding of vocal care
and technique, and the professional, artistic, and physical
skills required of the musical theatre actor. Students will
examine and prepare a range of musical theatre pieces
from the 1920s to contemporary repertoire, crafting a
series of well-honed audition and performance pieces.
Prerequisite: THTR 1151.
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2520 Stage Management 3 cr
Explore the basic theory and practice, purpose, tools, and
methods of stage management to demonstrate the vital
role these personnel play in a theatrical production. Create
the necessary paperwork required to effectively manage a
production. Simulate real world situations in a classroom
setting to better prepare the student for real world
MnTC Goals: 6.
THTR 2550 Directing 1 3 cr
This course focuses on the art of play direction. Students
will learn the fundamentals of interpretation, blocking and
picturization, collaboration and communication, focus and
composition, pace, rhythm, and tempo. The role and
process of the director will be examined.
Prerequisite: THTR 1151.
MnTC Goals: 6.
VACT-Vacuum Technology
VACT 1010 Foundations of Vacuum Science 2 cr
Basic principles of chemistry, math, and physics are
applied to the understanding of concepts needed to
continue in courses of vacuum technology. Topics include
atomic structure, states of matter, compounds, behavior of
gases, scientific measurement and calculations,
intermolecular forces, and Ohm's Law.
Recommended: Eligible for MATH 0601.
VACT 1292 Introduction to Vacuum Technology 2 cr
Vacuum-based systems are a critical enabling technology
used in product development and manufacturing to
produce many every-day goods such as digital electronic
components, energy efficient glass, and metallised films
used for food packaging. This course introduces the
principal concepts associated with vacuum technology and
the critical components of a vacuum system. Students
work with a model vacuum system to complete activities
intended to help them understand basic vacuum system
functions and characteristic.
Recommended: MATH 0700 or concurrent registration or
eligible for MATH 1100 eligible for ENGC 1101. Cross-
Listed as: NANO 1292.
VACT 2096 Internship in Vacuum Technology 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in Vacuum Technology
and consent of instructor and the Center for Experiential
VACT 2293 Vacuum Analysis and Troubleshooting 4 cr
This course addresses advanced concepts related to the
construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of
vacuum-based systems technologies. An understanding of
how materials, mechanical systems, and electrical sub-
systems interact in a working vacuum system based on
operating requirements is developed. Students work with a
model vacuum system to complete a variety of lab
activities intended to help them understand vacuum
system operation and then simulate classic system
problems and solutions.
Prerequisite: VACT 1292 or NANO 1292, ENGT 1153 or
concurrent registration ENGT 1184 or concurrent
registration CHEM 1020 (B or higher) or CHEM 1061, PHYS
1110 or concurrent registration. Cross-Listed as: NANO
VACT 2294 Semiconductor Processing 4 cr
Semiconductor processing refers to categories of
manufacturing processes associated with fabricating an
integrated circuit, a type of electrical component
manufactured by the semiconductor industry. This course
provides an overview explaining these special processes
and how they are sequenced to produce the integrated
circuit. Vacuum systems technology plays a critical role in
making several of the underlying fabrication processes
Prerequisite: VACT 2297 or NANO 2297 or concurrent
registration. Cross-Listed as: NANO 2294.
VACT 2297 Thin Film Deposition 3 cr
Thin film deposition refers to techniques used to deposit
layers of material on a surface ranging in layer thickness of
a few nanometers (1 x 10-9 m) up to a thickness of 1
micrometer (1x10-6 m). This course provides an overview
of the methods and the embedded vacuum-based
technologies used to realize various material deposition
processes. Students set up and run processes such as
vacuum evaporation and sputtering to create a thin film
and then examine characteristics of the layer produced.
Prerequisite: VACT 2293 or NANO 2293. Cross-Listed as:
NANO 2297.
WMST - Women's Studies
WMST 1120 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 3 cr
This course investigates the evolving position of women in
society and the role of gender in shaping opportunities and
experiences. Through various cultural and theoretical
perspectives, students analyze how women’s rights and
roles change and how gender influences power, status and
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 1120 and SOC 1120.
MnTC Goals: 5, 9.
WMST 1121 Women Across Cultures 3 cr
This course focuses on the major institutions of family,
education, economic, and political systems as they define,
provide for, and frequently limit women. The course
addresses women’s issues throughout many cultures of
the world and considers how women’s gender intersects
with race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 1121 and SOC 1121.
MnTC Goals: 5, 8.
WMST 2096 Internship in Women's Studies 2-4 cr
This internship course explores careers and training in a
supervised work setting. Combines theory with field
experience. Students spend approximately 2.5 hours per
week per credit on the job, complete academic work and
meet with faculty. Students may earn 2 to 4 credits per
semester, with a maximum of 8 credits in any one