Earn more money
Have better career opportunities
Be able to further their education at a college or a trade school
Students must meet all attendance, course, and high school testing requirements.
Regular attendance is needed to learn the academic subjects that are needed to succeed.
Students need to have at least 23 credit units to graduate. The subjects include 4 units of Math, 4 units
of English/Language Arts, 4 units of Science, and 3 units of Social Studies.
Students must pass the GA Milestones tests, including End of Course (EOC) assessments in Math,
Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.
For some students, earning a Standard High School Diploma can take longer than 4 years. Students
with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) can stay in school until the standard diploma requirements
are met or their 22nd birthday.
When given the proper supports, many students with disabilities will be able to meet the graduation
requirements and earn the Standard High School Diploma.
Special Education Diploma
State-Defined Alternate Assessment
High School Certificate of Performance
Graduation Requirements
It is critical that high school students, including students with disabilities, are given the opportunity to
successfully graduate from high school and receive a Standard High School Diploma.
Students who graduate with a Standard High School Diploma will most likely:
Requirements for a Standard High School Diploma
Key things you should know about the Standard High School Diploma
In Georgia, there are 3 alternatives to the Standard High School Diploma
The IEP team will help a student decide what they want to
do after graduation and plan which courses and supports
are needed to reach that goal.
The IEP team will look at the skills the student needs to
access the standards.
The IEP, which includes the transition plan, should be a
guide to graduation.
Transition plans should include goals for achieving the
desired diploma, and need to be in place before 9th grade
or age 16, whichever comes first.
Key Points You Should Know about
Graduation Requirements
Awarded to students with disabilities who have not met the requirements for the Standard High School
Diploma or the State-Defined Alternate Diploma but have met their IEP goals.
Awarded to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who have taken the Georgia Alternate
Assessment (GAA).
There are 2 federal laws [The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Individuals with Education Act
(IDEA)] that require states to teach specific subjects to all students, including students with significant
cognitive disabilities.
The IEP team decides if the student is unable to reasonably participate in the regular assessment program.
The GAA gives students access to the general curriculum, and gives them the opportunity to show progress
toward meeting the state standards. Students are evaluated on what they learn.
Students are required to have at least 23 credit units to graduate.
While the Alternate Diploma meets the state requirements for the Regular High School Diploma, it does not
meet the federal requirements for a Regular High School Diploma.
The Alternate Diploma is available to students who entered 9th grade during the 2020-2021 school year
and beyond. Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who were in high school before the
2020-2021 school year who take the GAA and complete other requirements will receive the Regular
GAA is not for students who are simply performing below grade level or need remediation to meet grade
level skills.
In most cases, an alternate diploma does not meet the requirements for many types of jobs, the military, or
admission to colleges or universities.
Awarded to students who do not have an IEP and do not meet all of the course or state assessment
requirements for a Standard High School Diploma.
Dual Enrollment programs allow students to take high school and college or university courses at the same
time. It gives students a head start towards college.
If students pass the college class, they receive credit towards both their high school diploma and a college
degree or certificate.
High school students who have an IEP and are getting services under the IDEA can participate in Dual
Just like all students, students with disabilities have to meet the college’s academic requirements to take
the class.
Special Education Diploma
State-Defined Alternate Diploma
High School Certificate of Performance
Dual Enrollment
Where to go for more information:
Parent to Parent of Georgia
770 451-5484 or 800-229-2038
GA Department of Education, Divisions for Special Education Services and Supports
404 656-3963 or 800-311-3627 and ask to be transferred to Special Education
Additional resources: Contact the Special Education Director for your school system.