Chapter 31
Wyoming Graduation Requirements
Section 1. Authority. These rules and regulations are promulgated pursuant to W.S.
21-2-304(a)(i) – (iv) and W.S. 21-3-110(a)(i) and (xxv).
Section 2. Purpose. These rules and regulations pertain to the minimum
requirements for graduation from any public high school within any school district of this state,
the required components of each district’s assessment system designed to determine student
performance levels as aligned to the state standards pursuant to W.S. 21-2-304(a)(iv), and the
consultation process between the State Board of Education and local school districts on the
establishment of Wyoming high school diploma requirements.
Section 3. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
Alignment” means evidence that a district assessment system is aligned to
the state standards, both in terms of content and cognitive complexity.
Assessment” means an ongoing process that includes collecting, synthesizing,
and interpreting information about what students know (knowledge) and are able to do (skills).
“Cognitive Complexity” means the type and level of thinking required to
successfully achieve the standard.
“Coursework” means a progression of courses aligned to the state standards
that provides students with a quality education as described under W.S. 21-2-304(a)(ii).
“Department” means Wyoming Department of Education.
“District Assessment System” means a system that measures various levels of
student performance on content-specific learning goals that are aligned to the state standards.
“Functional Equivalent” means a course that is aligned to the state standards
and is as rigorous as or more rigorous than a college- or career-preparatory course taken in
high school.
“Graduation Requirements,” or high school diploma requirements, means
successful completion of courses required by this chapter, as evidenced by each district’s
assessment system, which is aligned to the state standards, and prescribed by the State Board of
Education under W.S. 21-2-304 (a)(iii).
Performance Level Descriptor” means a statement set by the State Board of
Education in Chapter 10 Education Rules that describes how well a student must perform at
an identified level for every course the student takes and completes. The following are the
three options for performance level descriptors:
(i) Basic. A limited display of knowledge and skills that shows student is
not approaching or approaching, but not yet meeting the standard.
(ii) Proficient. A satisfactory display of knowledge and skills that shows
student is meeting the standard.
(iii) Advanced. A superior display of knowledge and skills that shows
student is exceeding the standard.
State Standardsmeans the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards, also
known as the Uniform Student Content and Performance Standards, that define what students
should be provided the opportunity to learn in the ten (10) content areas as described in W.S.
21-9-101(b) and set by the State Board of Education in Chapter 10 Education Rules.
Section 4. High School Diploma Requirements.
Graduation requirements for earning a high school diploma from any high
school within any school district of this state shall include successful completion of the
following components as evidenced by passing grades or by successful performance on
competency-based equivalency examinations:
Coursework, including courses taken for the attainment of a high school
diploma, shall include courses that, taken together, signify students are equipped to compete both
intellectually and economically in society. Coursework for the attainment of a high school
diploma shall be aligned to the state standards in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) and, at a
minimum, include the following:
(A) Four (4) school years of English;
(B) Three (3) school years of mathematics;
(C) Three (3) school years of science, one (1) year of which may be a
computer science course; and
(D) Three (3) school years of social studies, including history,
American government, and economic systems and institutions, provided business instructors may
instruct classes on economic systems and institutions.
(E) Courses taken before grade nine (9) used to satisfy high school
diploma requirements shall be aligned to the state standards in grades nine (9) through twelve
(F) Courses designated as functional equivalents may be used to
satisfy the coursework described in this subsection. The Department may verify appropriate
alignment of the functional equivalents to the state standards in grades nine (9) through twelve
Satisfactorily passing an examination on the principles of the
constitution of the United States and the state of Wyoming.
Evidence of proficient performance on the district assessment
system, which includes all courses taken for the attainment of a high school diploma.
(A) Proficient performance shall be evidenced by successful
completion of courses included in a district’s assessment system that are aligned to and
inclusive of the state standards as defined in this chapter.
(B) The district determines successful completion through a
district assessment system that meets the criteria outlined in Section 5 of this chapter.
Each local school district shall establish high school diploma requirements
that shall be reflected in policy and related documents as appropriate. The district’s policy
shall include:
A description of the district’s definition of course credit for any course
which may be taken to satisfy the high school diploma requirements;
A description of the process by which successful performance on a
competency-based equivalency examination may be used to satisfy coursework, as defined in
this chapter;
A description of the way in which successful completion of courses
taken for graduation will be used as a factor in awarding course credit;
A requirement that students demonstrate satisfactory performance on
an examination of the principles of the constitution of the United States and the State of
Wyoming as required by W.S. 21-9-102;
An assurance that academic credit toward the district’s high school
diploma requirements will be awarded for the successful completion of any course offered
under a qualifying post-secondary education program specified under W.S. 21-20-201; and
A description of any additional requirements that a student must
successfully complete at the discretion of the district.
The district shall maintain and publish a list of eligible courses to satisfy the high
school diploma requirements, including the minimum graduation requirements established in
these rules. All eligible courses shall be aligned to the state standards established for the high
school grades and require a logical sequence and the progression of instruction aligned with
content and benchmark standards from one school year to the next. This list shall not be required
to include post-secondary courses for which academic credit may be awarded.
Section 5. District Assessment System.
In conjunction with district accreditation, a district’s assessment system
shall be subject to review and approval by the State Board of Education at least once
every five (5) years. A district containing schools that are designated as partially meeting
expectations or not meeting expectations under W.S. 21-2-204(f)(i) may have its district
assessment system reviewed more often as deemed appropriate by the State Board of
Education and in accordance with W.S. 21-2-204(h)(vii).
Pursuant to W.S. 21-3-110(a)(xxiv) and (xxxiv), the review shall apply to all
ten (10) content areas and verify that the district assessment system includes each of the
following criteria:
Alignment. The district has a process in place to ensure its district
assessment system is aligned to the state standards in both content and cognitive complexity.
The district assessment system must be aligned to the state standards within three (3) full
years of the Board approving a standard.
(A) Districts shall ensure that their aligned district assessment
system produces student performance levels relative to the state standards.
(B) Districts
shall ensure that their aligned district assessment system
measures the knowledge or skill for the appropriate grade level and content.
(C) Districts shall ensure that their aligned district assessment system
provides every student with multiple opportunities to demonstrate what the student understands,
knows, and can do.
Data Results. The district has a process in place to regularly monitor
student performance in order to determine progress toward the attainment of knowledge and
skills aligned to the state standards.
Ongoing Evaluation. The district has a process in place to evaluate its
district assessment system on an ongoing basis to inform subsequent adjustments to the
district assessment system that will ensure the district’s needs, priorities, and goals are met
and remains aligned to the state standards.
Not later than November 1 of each year, the district shall report compliance with
the criteria of its district assessment system, including compliance with the high school
diploma requirements identified in Section 4 of this chapter.
A district that does not meet the criteria of the district assessment system or
does not comply with the high school diploma requirements may have its accreditation status
lowered in accordance with Chapter 6 Education Rules.
Section 6. Consultation with Local School Districts.
Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of these rules, each local district
shall submit to the State Board of Education, through the Department its revised policy
establishing high school diploma requirements for review and consultation. Within one hundred
and twenty (120) days of receiving a local district’s high school diploma requirements, the
State Board of Education shall identify any areas in which the district does not comply with
state-established requirements and consult with the district on any findings.
Any modification to a district’s high school diploma requirements, including a
copy of the revised requirements, shall be included in the district’s November 1 report required
under W.S. 21-3-110(xxv) and Section 5(c) of this chapter.