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Each municipality or township that has adopted these design standards or has their own design standards
for stormwater must initiate the action of enforcement through their zoning regulations or another
regulatory mechanism at their disposal as they determine is appropriate. Additionally, there is a formal
site plan review process when a development is taking place in those communities which are participating
in the Rules for the St. Clair County Drain Commissioner. A site plan must pass all aspects of
community zoning and approvals from local, county, state and federal regulatory agencies before
construction can start.
FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS of one (1) acre or more in area (including projects less than an acre that
are a part of a larger common plan of development or sale and discharge into the applicant’s MS4):
If a site is not in compliance with the design standards and has not completed the site review process
successfully, the county will rely on the local building inspector to NOT issue an occupancy permit for
the structure until it is in compliance with the standards. IF the local municipality has its own Post
Construction Control (PCC) standards in place then they will not issue a building permit until the site
review process is completed per their historical established procedures.
FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS or RE-DEVELOPMENTS of one (1) acre or more in area (including
projects less than an acre that are a part of a larger common plan of development or sale and discharge
into the applicant’s MS4):
If the site is already occupied, then a letter will be issued from the municipality’s zoning enforcement
staff to bring the site into compliance within the specified period of time dictated on the letter. If the site
is a High Priority site (human health and safety hazard) it must be brought into compliance immediately
upon receiving either verbal or written notice. If the site is considered a Medium Priority (flood and
property damage hazard to nearby parcels/structures) action must start within five (5) days of receiving
written or verbal notice and be completed within ten (10) days after action has started. If the site is Low
Priority (nuisance site, no imminent property damage can occur, no water quality issues) the site must
come into compliance within thirty (30) days of receiving written or verbal notice.
The municipal members of St. Clair County have adopted or have the following as commercial /
residential building enforcement procedures:
2012 Michigan Plumbing Code,
2009 Michigan Residential Code, or
The International Property Maintenance Code of 2012.
These administrative procedures when adopted by a community provide the “right of entry” for the
municipality’s inspector, code enforcement staff, or their designee to enter private property if a violation
of the code is witnessed, visible, or quantifiable evidence is present to suggest that a violation exists on
the property. If access is denied, and evidence of violation is present, then staff will obtain a warrant for
entry if necessary.
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Enforcement Venues for Townships, Cities and Villages:
PA245-1999 which amended PA230-1972 (the Stille-Derossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act)
established the “Single State Construction Code” whereby the entire state of Michigan is subject to a
single “family” of construction codes without exception. This means that every portion of the State is
subject to the 2012 Michigan Plumbing Code and the 2009 Michigan Residential Code enforced either
locally (as an authorized enforcing agency) or by the State Bureau of Construction Codes (BCC).
Since Code Enforcement and Property Maintenance is not a function enabled by PA230-72 and not
otherwise mandated by state law, a local governmental unit would have to locally adopt the International
Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) to lawfully enforce its provisions. If a municipal member has
adopted, by ordinance, the IPMC, it is enforced through its Code Enforcement Program. Municipalities
have Code Enforcement Logs through their Code Enforcement Programs that are tracking mechanisms
used to track violations and their outcome.
Enforcement Venues for County Agencies/Departments:
The St. Clair County Road Commission (SCCRC) and the St. Clair County Drain Commissioner
(SCCDC) do not have ordinance authority. However, the St. Clair County Drain Commissioner has some
authority to control water pollution in county drains provided by the State Drain Code of 1956. The
following are pertinent excerpts.
The Michigan Drain Code Public Act 40 of 1956 states:
Sec. 423. (1) A person shall not continue to discharge or permit to be discharged into any county
drain or
inter-county drain of the state any sewage or waste matter capable of producing in the
drain detrimental
deposits, objectionable odor nuisance, injury to drainage conduits or structures,
or capable of producing
such pollution of the waters of the state receiving the flow from the drains
as to injure livestock, destroy
fish life, or be injurious to public health.
(10) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section subjects the offender to the
described in section 602.
Sec. 602. If any person shall willfully or maliciously remove any section or grade stake set along
the line
of any drain, or obstruct or injure any drain, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 and the costs of
prosecution, or in
default of the payment thereof, by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding
90 days.
The SCCRC has limited authority under state law to control water pollution in statutory road
ways. When evidence of an illicit discharge to a Road Commission ditch or drain is found, and
correction is not forthcoming, the SCCRC will contact the appropriate agency,
depending on the nature of
the illicit discharge, and work with the St. Clair County Drain Commissioner, the St. Clair County Health
Department, the local unit of government, the local policing authority and/or the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to require elimination. The MDEQ has broad authority to control
either directly or indirectly, to waters of the state provided by Part 31 of Act 451 of 1994.
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St. Clair County Public Health Code (Resolution 84-24)
4-4 Connections Required
All facilities such as flush toilets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundry,
or any other facility from which sewage flows shall be connected to an individual
sewage disposal system; except that any such facilities hereafter installed on a premise
where public sewer is available shall be connected to said sewer. Certain types of
alternate methods of sewage disposal systems may be exempt from this requirement.
4-7 Void Permits
(1) The permit for a private sewage disposal system may be declared void by the
Health Officer if the location of the disposal system specified on the permit is
altered, or if there is any increase in the scope of the project prior to, during, or
following construction of said system, or if the department acquires new
information that the previous permit approval site does not satisfy the
requirements of these regulations.
(2) The Health Officer may void any permit when he has reasonable cause to believe
that an intentional misrepresentation has occurred.
4-9 Termination of Permits
Any permit issued pursuant to the requirements of the preceding sections shall be valid
for the term of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance, unless declared void as
provided in the regulation, and no construction, alteration, and/or extension shall
continue without renewal of such permit. A permit may be renewed for a period of
twelve (12) months, provided the renewal request is prior to the permit expiration.
Permits which have expired shall make new application, and shall meet the minimum
criteria for acceptance as set forth in current regulations.
4-12 Condemnation of Existing Installations, continued:
(2) Any system so condemned shall be repaired, rebuilt or replaced by a system
constructed according to the provisions of these regulations where possible, or
by another method approved by the Health Officer in order to abate a public
health nuisance, within a specified period of time not to exceed 90 days after
official notification from the Health Officer.
(3) Sewage from an existing structure shall not be deposited upon the surface of the
ground, into roadside ditches or into surface waters.
4-13 Public or Private Drain of Unknown Course and Origin
Whenever the Health Officer shall determine that improperly treated sewage is flowing
from the outlet of any public or private drain of unknown course or origin, he may issue
public notices requiring persons owning premises from which sewage originates, to
connect such sewage flow to an available publicly operated sewage system, if such a
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system abuts, is adjacent to, runs laterally across, or is within 200 feet of the premise
in question, or in absence thereof to comply with the provisions of these regulations.
Public notice shall consist of the posting of at least five conspicuous notices in the
probable area served by said drain. After not less than thirty (30) days following posting
of the notice, the Health Officer may plug or cause to be plugged, the outlet of said
drain, unless the owner of the property can prove he has a legitimate surface water
connection, and that the plugging of said drain could cause damages to his home or
property. Owners of properties known to be discharging improperly treated sewage in
such drains posted by the Health Officer, shall be given written notice of corrections
required within the time allowed by the posted notices. Failure to comply shall be
considered a violation of these regulations.
4-14 Connection to Public Sewer
When an approved public sanitary sewer becomes available to a property served by a
private sewage disposal system, a connection shall be made by not later than 18
months, or after written notification from the Health Officer to connect at such time
as deemed necessary to abate a public health nuisance
9-1 Accumulation of Garbage
No person shall permit to accumulate upon his premises any garbage except in covered
containers of rodent proof, fly proof and watertight construction.
9-2 Accumulation of Rubbish
(1) No person shall permit to accumulate upon his premises any rubbish except in
durable containers with close fitting covers except that bulky rubbish such as
tree limbs, weeds, large cardboard boxes, etc., may be bundled and stored so as
not to provide a harborage or breeding place for rodents.
(2) The occupant and/or owner of property, and the owner of unoccupied property
shall at all times maintain the premises occupied or owned by him in a clean and
orderly condition. The deposit of or accumulation of garbage, rubbish, rags, tin
cans, glass, paper, empty barrels, boxes, or any litter which because of its
character, condition or improper storage may invite the breeding or collection of
flies, mosquitoes or rodents, or which may in any manner, endanger the public
health is prohibited.
9-3 Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish
Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner which creates neither a nuisance
nor a menace to health in accordance with the provisions of Act 641, P.A. 1978. Any
person or property owner disposing of garbage or rubbish from his own household upon
property under his control can dispose of such material as long as such disposal method
does not create a nuisance or hazard to health.
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9-4 Unlawful Dumping
It shall be unlawful for any person to dump any refuse upon any street, alley or property,
public or private. Excluded is the placing of front yard and curb/lawn tree leaves into
the street
9-8 Violations of Article IX
Violations of this Article shall be deemed as public health nuisances, and the Health
Officer may initiate whatever appropriate action considered necessary to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of St. Clair County as set forth in
these regulations.
18-1 Enforcement
All premises affected by this code shall be subject to inspection by the Health Officer
who may conduct field tests or may collect such samples for laboratory examination as
he deems necessary for the enforcement of the provisions hereof. It shall be the
responsibility of the Health Officer to enforce these regulations, however nothing
contained herein shall be construed to limit the Health Officer from exercising
discretion in the enforcement of this code provided enforcement actions are not brought
in a capricious manner.
18-2 Misdemeanor Appearance Tickets
(1) The following public servants of the St. Clair County Health Department are
hereby specifically authorized, by authority of Act 368, P.A. 1978, Section 2463,
pursuant to Sections 764.9a to 764.9g of the Michigan Compiled Laws, to issue
and serve misdemeanor appearance tickets with respect to violations of the rules,
regulations and by-laws adopted by the St. Clair County Board of Health and
approved by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners and the statutes of the
State of Michigan concerning health matters which are in the jurisdiction of the
St. Clair County Health Department, to-wit:
Director of the St. Clair County Health Department
Director of the Environmental Health Division
Sanitarian II (with approval of either of the above)
(2) No misdemeanor appearance tickets shall be issued for a violation of this code
without first having served the person in violation of this code with a written
notice of violation which shall describe the violation and shall order correction
or abatement allowing the person so cited a reasonable time period to comply
with the applicable requirement prior to the issuance of a misdemeanor
appearance ticket. A Notice of Violation shall also state that failure to correct or
abate the violation in the prescribed manner shall result in the issuance of an
appearance ticket.
18-2 Misdemeanor Appearance Tickets, continued:
(3) The restriction set forth in subsection 2 above shall not apply to any situation or
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circumstance whereby immediate correction or abatement of a violation or
compliance with a law or regulation is necessary or warranted. Examples of such
a situation or circumstance may include: Operation of a food service
establishment or temporary food service establishment without a valid license,
interference with or obstruction of the Health Officer during the performance of
his or her duty, or the failure of a person to immediately initiate corrective action
to abate or remove a condition, object, or situation determined to create an
imminent hazard.
18-3 Injunctive Proceedings
Notwithstanding the existence and pursuit of any other remedy, the Health Officer
without posting bond, may maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for
an injunction or other process against any person to restrain or prevent violations of
this regulation or to correct a violation or activity or condition which he believes
adversely affects public health pursuant to Act 368, P.A. 1978, Section 2465(1).
18-4 Penalty
Any person who shall fail to comply with any provision herein shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail not
exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of
the court. Each day a violation of these regulations exists shall constitute a separate
and distinct violation and may be cited as such.
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STATE OF MICHIGAN - Responsibility
Public Act 451 of 1994 (NREPA) – Part 31 Water Resources
324.3103 Department of environmental quality; powers and duties generally; rules; other actions.
Sec. 3103.
(1) The department shall protect and conserve the water resources of the state and shall have control of
the pollution of surface or underground waters of the state and the Great Lakes, which are or may be
affected by waste disposal of any person. The department may make or cause to be made surveys, studies,
and investigations of the uses of waters of the state, both surface and underground, and cooperate with
other governments and governmental units and agencies in making the surveys, studies, and
investigations. The department shall assist in an advisory capacity a flood control district that may be
authorized by the legislature. The department, in the public interest, shall appear and present evidence,
reports, and other testimony during the hearings involving the creation and organization of flood control
districts. The department shall advise and consult with the legislature on the obligation of the state to
participate in the costs of construction and maintenance as provided for in the official plans of a flood
control district or inter-county drainage district.
(2) The department shall enforce this part and may promulgate rules as it considers necessary to carry out
its duties under this part. However, notwithstanding any rule-promulgation authority that is provided in
this part, except for rules authorized under section 3112(6), the department shall not promulgate any
additional rules under this part after December 31, 2006.
(3) The department may promulgate rules and take other actions as may be necessary to comply with the
federal water pollution control act, 33 USC 1251 to 1387, and to expend funds available under such law
for extension or improvement of the state or interstate program for prevention and control of water
pollution. This part shall not be construed as authorizing the department to expend or to incur any
obligation to expend any state funds for such purpose in excess of any amount that is appropriated by the
(4) Notwithstanding the limitations on rule promulgation under subsection (2), rules promulgated under
this part before January 1, 2007 shall remain in effect unless rescinded.
History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995; -- Am. 2004, Act 91, Imd. Eff. Apr. 22, 2004; -- Am. 2005,
Act 33, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2005
Compiler's Notes: For transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the
Environmental Assistance Division to the Director of the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled at MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. For
transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the Surface Water Quality Division
to the Director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled
MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. For transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and
responsibilities of the Waste Management Division to the Director of the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled at MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA
Admin Rule: R 323.1001 et seq. and R 323.2101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.
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The municipal members of St. Clair County have adopted or have as commercial / residential building
enforcement procedures the following:
2012 Michigan Plumbing Code,
2009 Michigan Residential Code, or
The International Property Maintenance Code of 2012.
These administrative procedures when adopted by a community provide the “right of entry” for the
municipality’s inspector, code enforcement staff or their designee to enter private property if a violation
of the code is witnessed, visible, or quantifiable evidence is present to suggest that a violation exists on
the property. If access is denied, and evidence of violation is present, then staff will obtain a warrant for
entry if necessary.
Each set of ordinances or other regulatory mechanisms:
1. Regulate the contribution of pollutants to the MS4, owned by the permittee.
2. Prohibit illicit discharges, including the direct dumping or disposal of materials, into the MS4,
by the permittee.
3. Establish the authority to investigate, inspect, and monitor suspected illicit discharges into the
owned by the permittee.
4. Require elimination of illicit discharges and connections into the MS4, owned by the permittee.
NOTE: Educational Institutions come under State Building Guidelines and enforcement. However, local
MS4s may restrict flows to their systems as deemed by the design standards. The local educational
systems understand this and also understand the need for water quality standards on their site
development projects.
Enforcement Venues for Townships, Cities and Villages:
PA245-1999 which amended PA230-1972 (the Stille-Derossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act)
established the “Single State Construction Code” whereby the entire state of Michigan is subject to a
single “family” of construction codes without exception. This means that every portion of the State is
subject to the 2012 Michigan Plumbing Code and the 2009 Michigan Residential Code enforced either
locally (as an authorized enforcing agency) or by the State Bureau of Construction Codes (BCC).
Since Code Enforcement and Property Maintenance is not a function enabled by PA230-72 and not
otherwise mandated by state law, a local governmental unit would have to locally adopt the International
Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) to lawfully enforce its provisions. If a municipal member has
adopted, by ordinance, the IPMC, it is enforced through its Code Enforcement Program. Municipalities
have Code Enforcement Logs through their Code Enforcement Programs that are tracking mechanisms
used to track violations and their outcome.
Enforcement Venues for County Agencies:
The St. Clair County Road Commission (SCCRC) and the St. Clair County Drain
Commissioner (SCCDC) do not have ordinance authority; however, the SCCDC has some
authority to
control water pollution in county drains provided by the State Drain Code of 1956.
Q:\Proj2013\120960SG2013-St. Clair County-NPDES\Reports\ERP\ERP_09-2016.docx
following are pertinent excerpts:
The Michigan Drain Code Public Act 40 of 1956 states:
Sec. 423. (1) A person shall not continue to discharge or permit to be discharged into any county
or inter-county drain of the state any sewage or waste matter capable of producing in the
detrimental deposits, objectionable odor nuisance, injury to drainage conduits or structures,
or capable
of producing such pollution of the waters of the state receiving the flow from the drains
as to injure
livestock, destroy fish life, or be injurious to public health.
(10) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section subjects the offender to the
penalties described in section 602.
Sec. 602. If any person shall willfully or maliciously remove any section or grade stake set along
the line
of any drain, or obstruct or injure any drain, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 and the costs of
prosecution, or in
default of the payment thereof, by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding
90 days.
The SCCRC has limited authority under state law to control water pollution in statutory road
ways. When evidence of an illicit discharge to a Road Commission ditch or drain is found, and
voluntary correction is not forthcoming, the SCCRC will contact the appropriate agency,
depending on
the nature of the illicit discharge, and work with the S C C D C, County Health
Department, local
unit of government, local policing authority and/or the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality
(MDEQ) to require elimination. The MDEQ has broad authority to control pollution,
either directly or
indirectly, to waters of the state provided by Part 31 of Act 451 of 1994.
St. Clair County Public Health Code (Resolution 84-24)
3-18 Nuisance
(1) Shall refer to any condition or activity on private or public property which, in
the judgment of the Health Officer, may have or threaten to have a detrimental effect
on the health of the public.
(2) The definition of a nuisance may include, but shall not be limited to the
(a) Where sewage effluent is permitted to drain upon, or to the surface of the
ground, into any ditch, storm sewer, lake, stream, pond, or other body of
surface water.
(b) Accumulations of refuse, animal manure, dead animals, mosquito breeding
areas, or vermin infestations.
(c) When the odor, appearance, or presence of an item or substance has an
obnoxious or detrimental effect on, or to the senses, and/or the health of
persons, or obstructs the use or sale of adjacent property; and all other
conditions or activities recognized as nuisances by the statutory and
common law by the State of Michigan.
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4-4 Connections Required
All facilities such as flush toilets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundry,
or any other facility from which sewage flows shall be connected to an individual
sewage disposal system; except that any such facilities hereafter installed on a premise
where public sewer is available shall be connected to said sewer. Certain types of
alternate methods of sewage disposal systems may be exempt from this requirement.
4-7 Void Permits
(1) The permit for a private sewage disposal system may be declared void by the
Health Officer if the location of the disposal system specified on the permit is
altered, or if there is any increase in the scope of the project prior to, during, or
following construction of said system, or if the department acquires new
information that the previous permit approval site does not satisfy the
requirements of these regulations.
(2) The Health Officer may void any permit when he has reasonable cause to believe
that an intentional misrepresentation has occurred.
4-9 Termination of Permits
Any permit issued pursuant to the requirements of the preceding sections shall be valid
for the term of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance, unless declared void as
provided in the regulation, and no construction, alteration, and/or extension shall
continue without renewal of such permit. A permit may be renewed for a period of
twelve (12) months, provided the renewal request is prior to the permit expiration.
Permits which have expired shall make new application, and shall meet the minimum
criteria for acceptance as set forth in current regulations.
4-12 Condemnation of Existing Installations, continued:
(2) Any system so condemned shall be repaired, rebuilt or replaced by a system
constructed according to the provisions of these regulations where possible, or
by another method approved by the Health Officer in order to abate a public
health nuisance, within a specified period of time not to exceed 90 days after
official notification from the Health Officer.
(3) Sewage from an existing structure shall not be deposited upon the surface of the
ground, into roadside ditches or into surface waters.
4-13 Public or Private Drain of Unknown Course and Origin
Whenever the Health Officer shall determine that improperly treated sewage is flowing
from the outlet of any public or private drain of unknown course or origin, he may issue
public notices requiring persons owning premises from which sewage originates, to
connect such sewage flow to an available publicly operated sewage system, if such a
system abuts, is adjacent to, runs laterally across, or is within 200 feet of the premise
in question, or in absence thereof to comply with the provisions of these regulations.
Public notice shall consist of the posting of at least five conspicuous notices in the
probable area served by said drain. After not less than thirty (30) days following posting
of the notice, the Health Officer may plug or cause to be plugged, the outlet of said
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drain, unless the owner of the property can prove he has a legitimate surface water
connection, and that the plugging of said drain could cause damages to his home or
property. Owners of properties known to be discharging improperly treated sewage in
such drains posted by the Health Officer, shall be given written notice of corrections
required within the time allowed by the posted notices. Failure to comply shall be
considered a violation of these regulations.
4-14 Connection to Public Sewer
When an approved public sanitary sewer becomes available to a property served by a
private sewage disposal system, a connection shall be made by not later than 18
months, or after written notification from the Health Officer to connect at such time
as deemed necessary to abate a public health nuisance
9-1 Accumulation of Garbage
No person shall permit to accumulate upon his premises any garbage except in covered
containers of rodent proof, fly proof and watertight construction.
9-2 Accumulation of Rubbish
(1) No person shall permit to accumulate upon his premises any rubbish except in
durable containers with close fitting covers except that bulky rubbish such as
tree limbs, weeds, large cardboard boxes, etc., may be bundled and stored so as
not to provide a harborage or breeding place for rodents.
(2) The occupant and/or owner of property, and the owner of unoccupied property
shall at all times maintain the premises occupied or owned by him in a clean and
orderly condition. The deposit of or accumulation of garbage, rubbish, rags, tin
cans, glass, paper, empty barrels, boxes, or any litter which because of its
character, condition or improper storage may invite the breeding or collection of
flies, mosquitoes or rodents, or which may in any manner, endanger the public
health is prohibited.
9-3 Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish
Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner which creates neither a nuisance
nor a menace to health in accordance with the provisions of Act 641, P.A. 1978. Any
person or property owner disposing of garbage or rubbish from his own household upon
property under his control can dispose of such material as long as such disposal method
does not create a nuisance or hazard to health.
9-4 Unlawful Dumping
It shall be unlawful for any person to dump any refuse upon any street, alley or property,
public or private. Excluded is the placing of front yard and curb/lawn tree leaves into
the street
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9-8 Violations of Article IX
Violations of this Article shall be deemed as public health nuisances, and the Health
Officer may initiate whatever appropriate action considered necessary to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of St. Clair County as set forth in
these regulations.
18-1 Enforcement
All premises affected by this code shall be subject to inspection by the Health Officer
who may conduct field tests or may collect such samples for laboratory examination as
he deems necessary for the enforcement of the provisions hereof. It shall be the
responsibility of the Health Officer to enforce these regulations, however nothing
contained herein shall be construed to limit the Health Officer from exercising
discretion in the enforcement of this code provided enforcement actions are not brought
in a capricious manner.
18-2 Misdemeanor Appearance Tickets
(1) The following public servants of the St. Clair County Health Department are
hereby specifically authorized, by authority of Act 368, P.A. 1978, Section 2463,
pursuant to Sections 764.9a to 764.9g of the Michigan Compiled Laws, to issue
and serve misdemeanor appearance tickets with respect to violations of the rules,
regulations and by-laws adopted by the St. Clair County Board of Health and
approved by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners and the statutes of the
State of Michigan concerning health matters which are in the jurisdiction of the
St. Clair County Health Department, to-wit:
Director of the St. Clair County Health Department
Director of the Environmental Health Division
Sanitarian II (with approval of either of the above)
(2) No misdemeanor appearance tickets shall be issued for a violation of this code
without first having served the person in violation of this code with a written
notice of violation which shall describe the violation and shall order correction
or abatement allowing the person so cited a reasonable time period to comply
with the applicable requirement prior to the issuance of a misdemeanor
appearance ticket. A Notice of Violation shall also state that failure to correct or
abate the violation in the prescribed manner shall result in the issuance of an
appearance ticket.
18-2 Misdemeanor Appearance Tickets, continued:
(3) The restriction set forth in subsection 2 above shall not apply to any situation or
circumstance whereby immediate correction or abatement of a violation or
compliance with a law or regulation is necessary or warranted. Examples of such
a situation or circumstance may include: Operation of a food service
establishment or temporary food service establishment without a valid license,
interference with or obstruction of the Health Officer during the performance of
his or her duty, or the failure of a person to immediately initiate corrective action
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to abate or remove a condition, object, or situation determined to create an
imminent hazard.
18-3 Injunctive Proceedings
Notwithstanding the existence and pursuit of any other remedy, the Health Officer
without posting bond, may maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for
an injunction or other process against any person to restrain or prevent violations of
this regulation or to correct a violation or activity or condition which he believes
adversely affects public health pursuant to Act 368, P.A. 1978, Section 2465(1).
18-4 Penalty
Any person who shall fail to comply with any provision herein shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail not
exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of
the court. Each day a violation of these regulations exists shall constitute a separate
and distinct violation and may be cited as such.
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Public Act 451 of 1994 (NREPA) – Part 31 Water Resources
324.3103 Department of environmental quality; powers and duties generally; rules; other actions.
Sec. 3103.
(1) The department shall protect and conserve the water resources of the state and shall have control of
the pollution of surface or underground waters of the state and the Great Lakes, which are or may be
affected by waste disposal of any person. The department may make or cause to be made surveys, studies,
and investigations of the uses of waters of the state, both surface and underground, and cooperate with
other governments and governmental units and agencies in making the surveys, studies, and
investigations. The department shall assist in an advisory capacity a flood control district that may be
authorized by the legislature. The department, in the public interest, shall appear and present evidence,
reports, and other testimony during the hearings involving the creation and organization of flood control
districts. The department shall advise and consult with the legislature on the obligation of the state to
participate in the costs of construction and maintenance as provided for in the official plans of a flood
control district or inter-county drainage district.
(2) The department shall enforce this part and may promulgate rules as it considers necessary to carry out
its duties under this part. However, notwithstanding any rule-promulgation authority that is provided in
this part, except for rules authorized under section 3112(6), the department shall not promulgate any
additional rules under this part after December 31, 2006.
(3) The department may promulgate rules and take other actions as may be necessary to comply with the
federal water pollution control act, 33 USC 1251 to 1387, and to expend funds available under such law
for extension or improvement of the state or interstate program for prevention and control of water
pollution. This part shall not be construed as authorizing the department to expend or to incur any
obligation to expend any state funds for such purpose in excess of any amount that is appropriated by the
(4) Notwithstanding the limitations on rule promulgation under subsection (2), rules promulgated under
this part before January 1, 2007 shall remain in effect unless rescinded.
History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995; -- Am. 2004, Act 91, Imd. Eff. Apr. 22, 2004; -- Am. 2005,
Act 33, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2005
Compiler's Notes: For transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the
Environmental Assistance Division to the Director of the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled at MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. For
transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the Surface Water Quality Division
to the Director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled
MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. For transfer of authority, powers, duties, functions, and
responsibilities of the Waste Management Division to the Director of the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality, see E.R.O. No. 1995-16, compiled at MCL 324.99901 of the Michigan Compiled
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA
Admin Rule: R 323.1001 et seq. and R 323.2101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.