EL-CID Web Install Instructions
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Installing EL-CID from the NTIA Web Site
Important: Users must have read, write, create, and delete privileges within the EL-CID
data folder and all of its subfolders. Please pay careful attention to the instructions in
Step 9 below. If any Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) software has been installed
on your PC, it could prevent installation of EL-CID and an IT administrator should be
Note: The web install is intended for modern Windows systems running Windows XP, Windows
Vista, or Windows 7. If you have another system, you should consult the EL-CID Help Desk and
request an installation CD. The email address and telephone number are listed on the web site
shown below.
Pre-Install Procedures
It is strongly recommended that any existing EL-CID database be backed-up by exporting existing
certifications prior to the installation of EL-CID V6.2. Failure to do so could result in the loss of
data. Instructions for backing up the database can be found in the Help Files under "Backing Up
(and Restoring) the Database" or on the NTIA EL-CID Support Center Web Site. It is also
recommended that older versions of EL-CID be uninstalled, and that the directories containing the
EL-CID database (usually named ElcidData) and the software (usually named EL-CID) be
deleted. This is particularly important for Certifiers as the updated “Certifying Official”
information may not appear correctly unless these procedures are followed.
For Windows 10 systems it is recommended that no MS applications are running during
the installation process. This includes applications such as MS Word or MS Excel. If they
are open during the install it could cause the ELCID installation to hang-up, or not
complete successfully.
For Windows 10 systems it is recommended that OneDrive be disabled prior to installing
EL-CID. Failure to disable OneDrive will cause the installation to hang-up. Once the
installation is complete OneDrive can be re-enabled. In order to disable OneDrive have
your System Administrator do the following steps:
Disable OneDrive in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
OneDrive in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 is disabled through your computer's Local Group
Policy Editor. This doesn't remove OneDrive from your PC, but it stops it from syncing with the
cloud or connecting with other apps, and removes it from the navigation pane in File Explorer.
Tip: Because disabling OneDrive involves changing a Group Policy setting on your computer, it is
disabled for everyone who uses that computer. If others use the computer, make sure they also
want OneDrive disabled.
1. Press (Windows key) + R to open the Run box.
2. Type gpedit.msc and click OK.
3. In the Local Group Policy Editor, in the folder list under Local Computer Policy, navigate the
folders to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates >
Windows Components > OneDrive.
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4. On the OneDrive screen, under Setting, click Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage.
5. In the Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage box, select Enabled, then click OK.
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Installation Procedures
Step 1. If not already done, download and rename the install file from the EL-CID Support
Center Web Site at NTIA.
Using your web browser, go to the EL-CID Support Center Web Site:
Locate the link to the latest downloadable executable file. The exact link name
varies by version and revision number of the EL-CID program. Currently, it
appears as Downloadable executable Version 6.2, Rev. 101.
Download the file to your local PC. Procedures vary by web browser. When using
Windows Internet Explorer, right-click on the link to the file and choose the option
to “Save target as…”. A dialog appears in which you choose a folder and file name
for the file on your local PC, as shown below. The name in the File name: box
should appear as EL-CIDv62r101. The file must be saved as an executable (.exe)
file. If this file appears as a text document, change the ”.txt”, if it appears, to “.exe”
or append the “.exe” so that the name appears as EL-CIDv62r101.exe. In the
Save as type: box, select “All Files”. Tip: remember or jot down where (which
folder) this is before you leave the dialog. As of December 2019, the download file
is approximately 46.4 MB in size.
If not already saved as an “.exe” file, using Windows Explorer (“My Computer”)
or other suitable file manipulation software, rename the downloaded file so that
it ends in “.exe”.
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Step 2. Login using an Administrator username and password on the PC. The account you
use must have full administrator privileges on the PC, otherwise the install may fail. IT
administrators sometimes grant users “limited” administrator privileges or “network
administrator” accounts that do not have sufficient privileges. Worse, these accounts
may appear to work, but silently fail to properly install. If in doubt, ask your IT
administrator to install the program for you using his account. In Windows 7, you can
install the program using a regular account, but Windows will prompt you whether to
run under elevated privileges, which you should acknowledge affirmatively. (Note: If
your IT administrator wants to know more about what EL-CID installs, tell him to look at
the Operating Manual available on the same web site above. The sections he should
look at are at the beginning of the document, right after the “Welcome” page.)
Step 3. Using Windows Explorer, double click on the downloaded file EL-CIDv62r101.exe to
run it. The following screen appears:
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Note: If the following screen appears, or something similar, the downloaded file was
saved as a text file rather than an executable. Return to Step 1 and make sure that in
the Save as type: box “All Files” is selected.
Step 4. Click the Yes button. The following screen appears:
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Step 5. Click the Continue button. An Unpacking screen appears.
If you selected Cancel during the unpacking and this screen appears, select No to
continue or Yes to cancel the installation.
Note: If the following message appears, or something similar, you do not have sufficient
privilege to install. Seek help from your IT administrator.
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When the unpacking is completed the installation starts and the Welcome screen
Step 6. Click the Next button. The Information screen appears.
Scroll down to read additional information about EL-CID.
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Step 7. Click the Next button. The Select Components screen appears.
These options are normally used only by experts.
Step 8. Click the Next button. The Choose Program Folder screen appears.
The Destination Folder will default to C:\Program Files(x86)\EL-CID. If it does not,
click the Browse… button and change the destination to this.
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Step 9. Click the Next button. The Choose Data Folder screen will appear.
STOP! Read the information on this screen carefully. Note in particular that the
Windows user account you intend to use when running EL-CID must have full read,
write, create, and delete access to the data folder and all its subfolders. In any case
remember or jot down what you enter here; you will need it later.
Tip: Many systems are set up so that normal users do not have full control over folders
on the C: drive, but they are allowed full control over folders on the D: drive. Check
with your IT administrator. If this is the case, click the Browse… button and edit the
Path box, changing the C: to D: and then click OK. (Do NOT select the D: drive from
the Drives combo box, otherwise you’ll have to retype the full path.)
Step 10. Click the Next button. If not installing on top of an existing folder, a screen will appear
stating that directory does not exist and asking if the program should create it. Click
the Yes button to continue.
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Step 11. The Choose Program Shortcut Folder screen appears with ELCID selected.
This is where the install will create shortcuts within the Windows Start menu.
Step 12. Click the Next button. The Start Copying Files screen appears.
Note: The Start Copying Files screen that follows depends upon whether you have a
previously installed copy of EL-CID on your PC. If EL-CID is not installed on your PC,
the following screen will appear. Otherwise, the screens that appear are shown
starting in Step 16.
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Confirm that the correct destination folders are selected. If not, select the Back button
to return to the previous screens or select Cancel to Exit Setup.
Step 13. Click the Next button. Progress bars will be displayed during the install. When the
install is complete, the following Information screen appears.
Step 14. Click OK. The Setup Complete screen will appear.
Make sure the Yes, I want to launch ELCID now box is NOT checked.
Step 15. Click the Finish button. The installation is complete. Continue at Step 22.
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Step 16. If EL-CID was previously installed on your system, the following Information screen
Step 17. Click the OK button. When a previously installed copy of EL-CID exists on your PC,
and you specify the same data folder as the previous install, EL-CID will rename the
existing folders, appending “_Old1” onto the folder names, and then create a new copy
of the data folders you had previously specified. Unfortunately, this means your IT
administrator must again grant you full control over the data path you specified.
Step 18. The resulting Start Copying Files screen appears, as shown. Note that the folders for
the previously installed version will be renamed.
Confirm that the correct destination folders are selected. If not, select the Back button
to return to the previous screens or select Cancel to Exit Setup.
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Step 19. Click the Next button. A progress bar will be displayed during the install. When the
install is complete, the following Information screen appears.
Step 20. Click OK. The Setup Complete screen will appear.
Make sure the Yes, I want to launch ELCID now box is NOT checked.
Important: If the install detected a previous installation of EL-CID on your PC, the
Yes, I want to launch the Database Upgrade Wizard now box will appear and it will
be checked. If this is so, make a mental note of this and then UNCHECK THE BOX.
Step 21. Click the Finish button. The installation is complete.
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Step 22. Check the privileges of the EL-CID Data Folder. To do that, start the Windows Explorer
or My Computer application. Locate the EL-CID Data Folder (not the Program Folder)
you specified in Step 9 above. (Default was C:\ElcidData). Right-click on the folder
and choose Properties in the popup menu that appears.
The folder Properties screen appears
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Click the Security tab. (Note: If the Security tab is not visible in the Properties screen,
click Tools on the menu, then click Folder Options. Click the View tab. Go all the
way to the bottom and uncheckUse simple file sharing”.)
Highlight the Users rows and verify that normal users have Full Control of the folder.
Click the OK button to close the Properties screen.
Note: In Windows 7 you will be told you do not have privilege to view or change file or
folder permissions, but you will be given the opportunity to run with elevated privileges
so you can. Respond affirmatively.
Step 23. If a previous install of EL-CID had existed on your PC, we will now transfer the existing
data to the new installation using the EL-CID Database Upgrade Wizard. If the Yes, I
want to launch the Database Upgrade Wizard now box did not appear in Step 20
above or you do not wish to transfer data from a previous install of EL-CID, skip this
step. Otherwise, use the Windows Start menu to start the EL-CID Database Upgrade
Wizard (as shown below).
Note: If you had backed up your database from a previous install of EL-CID by
exporting all certifications into a backup file, you can skip this step and import the
backup file.
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The EL-CID Database Upgrade Wizard screen appears.
Leave the default options on this screen unchanged.
Tip: If you think you need to change any of these options, it is recommended that you
click Cancel and read topic Database Upgrade Wizard in the EL-CID online help.
Choosing the wrong options on this screen can cause the wizard to needlessly run for
a very long time.
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Click OK to run the Wizard. The following screen appears.
Carefully read what this screen says, then click OK. When the Wizard is finished
transferring all the records, the following screen appears.
Click OK. Click the Close button on the EL-CID Database Upgrade Wizard screen.
Step 24. Log out of the administrator account and log into Windows under the normal account
you intend to use when running EL-CID.
Note: In the remaining steps, we will test whether EL-CID is functioning properly. If
any error messages appear during these steps, the most likely cause is that you do not
have proper privileges for the EL-CID data folder, which you specified above in Step 9.
Get your IT administrator to grant you full control over the data folder you specified in
Step 9 and all of its subfolders. You need to have sufficient privilege to read, write,
create, and delete files and folders within the data folder.
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Step 25. Start EL-CID by double-clicking on the EL-CID icon on your desktop. The About
Equipment Location Certification Information Database or “splash” screen will
appear temporarily.
Note: If you see the following message when starting EL-CID, or something similar, you
do not have proper privileges for the EL-CID data folder.
(The data folder is not the path shown in the message above. If you’ve forgotten what
you entered in Step 9, tell your administrator to look at file ELCID.ini in the program
folder, whose path does appear in the message above.)
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Step 26. The EL-CID Release Information screen then appears. (Note: This screen might not
appear if you had previously used EL-CID and selected the Do not show this again
box. In that case, skip to the next step.)
Step 27. Click OK. The Login screen appears.
Step 28. Select your agency in the drop down list and click OK. If your agency is not listed,
select NTIA. The startup wizard screen appears. (Note: This screen might not appear
if you have previously used EL-CID and selected the Do not show this again box. In
that case, skip to the next step.)
Click Cancel to dismiss this screen.
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Step 29. The main screen appears.
Step 30. Click the Import button on the toolbar. The Import screen appears.
(Note: The exact folder names that appear on this screen will vary depending upon the
data folder you specified in Step 9.)
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Step 31. Click the browse button . The standard Windows file Open dialog appears.
Step 32. Click on ElcidData in the path line at the top of the screen to open the ElcidData folder.
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Step 33. Double-click the Samples folder to open it.
Select the Manpack.cid file and click Open. (The net effect here is to choose the
Manpack.cid file, which is in the Samples folder within your El-CID data folder.)
Step 34. The Import screen reappears with the Manpack.cid file selected.
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Step 35. Click the Import button. After a progress dialog, the File Description screen appears.
Step 36. Click the OK button. The Import Record List screen appears.
Step 37. Click the Apply button.
After a few moments, Add in the Action column changes to ADDED and Skip
changes to SKIPPED.
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Step 38. Click OK and the main screen reappears.
Congratulations! You have completed installing the EL-CID software.
Step 39. Exit the EL-CID program my clicking File on the main menu, then click Exit.
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Post-Install Procedures
Go back to the EL-CID Support Center Web Site at NTIA and check if there are any data
files to download, such as updated Compliance Checks. If there are, follow the
instructions given on the web site to download and install them.
Note: As a new feature in EL-CID Version 6.2 when the Compliance Checks are
imported, either from the NTIA Web Site, the Installation CD, or from the
C:\ElcidData\Data directory, the date of the current Compliance Checks will appear on
the EL-CID Splash Screen, as shown below.
The program comes with extensive online help. Start EL-CID and choose Help on the
main menu. Then choose Contents and Index to display the online help. There is also
a PDF file of the entire online help, and a Quick Reference Guide in the Documents
folder within the EL-CID program folder, which you specified in Step 8 above. Copies of
these files are also on the EL-CID Support Center Web Site at NTIA.
Note to Manufacturers: Please read the topic “Manufacturer Functions” within the online
help before you begin creating records in EL-CID.
There are a few sample records provided with the install. You will find them in the
Samples folder within the data folder you specified in Step 9.
Training materials are available on the EL-CID Support Center Web Site at NTIA.