Marsha Lynn Fisco
July 23, 1954 ~ July 1, 2022
Marsha Lynn Fisco
07-23-54 - 07-01-2022
It's with grieving heart and an overwhelming sense of emptiness that I announce the passing of my sweet,
beautiful, angel Marsha. She was soulmate and absolute love of my life.
For the past several years Marsha had battled with several diabetic related issues and numerous surgeries. Last
year she was diagnosed with breast cancer and endured a double mastectomy and several months of treatment. I
only wish friends and family could have seen her coming down the hall of the cancer treatment facility stopping to
hit the gong, signaling freedom from cancer, and walking out of there a champion. A 4' 11" warrior ready to take on
anything....except the nerve pain.
The pain started in early May and was fairly minor at first but it quickly grew more severe. She was diagnosed with
scoliosis which was putting pressure on a nerve in her spine and despite the efforts of several medical
professionals, there was no relief for the pain. She was in agony, sobbing constantly. On the evening of July 1st her
little tortured body and said I've had enough and she was released from the pain and suffering. She left us
surrounded by family and loved ones at the only place she wanted to be on that particular day, the Getz Family
Cabin at Bear Lake. Myself and the entire family want to send our sincere appreciation and love to Steve and Terri.
For those of you that know how stubborn and defiant Marsha could be just know that she stayed in character to the
very end.
Marsha was born in Salt Lake City to James and Louise Wallace. No one could know at this point how special of
person this child would blossom into and I can't help but believe that upon her arrival the entire world paused and
smiled collectively. Her charm and magnetic personality drew people to her where ever she went and one of those
people was a Junior High School girl named Terri Bridges, later to become Terri Britton Getz. They became best
friends and 50 years later they remain best friends. I would like to mention all of the people whose lives she
touched and touched her life in return but please know that I and the family love and appreciate everyone.
Marsha first touched my life when we were introduced to each other by friends, Craig and Terri. After parting ways,
Marsha told Terri "I'm going to marry that guy" and I told Craig " I'm going to make out with that girl". We both got
our wishes and were married on July 11, 1980. Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it and in my case, I
got a lot more.
Marsha loved camping and boating at Strawberry Reservoir, as well as houseboating at Lake Powell. I believe that
her absolute favorite place to relax with loved ones was the Bear Lake cabin, which was exactly what she was
doing when she left us.
Marsha is survived by her husband of 42 years, Rich (aka Honey)
Children- Misty, Kriss, Nick (Elisha)
Grandchildren- Jordan (Shelbie), Olivia (AJ), Angel, Haelie
Father- James Wallace
Brother-Mike (Alex)
Sisters- Carol, Billie Jo (Dave)
Preceded in death by her Mother (Louise), Stepfather (Bill), and Sister (Janet) as well as her Grandparents on both
sides of the families.
I would like to thank the emergency personnel in Garden City for their valiant and relentless efforts to keep her with
us. They certainly went above and beyond but she was ready to be free.
I would like to express a very heartfelt thank you to Olivia and AJ. I love you.
Honey, I love you so, so much. There is a void in my heart the size of an ocean that I know will heal with time.
Thank you for a lifetime of wonderful memories.
I can't wait until we meet again and we can continue our crazy adventure.
Stay Tuned!
Marsha wished to be cremated, with no viewing and no funeral. Instead she requested a party. So to honor her
wishes a Celebration of Her life will be held on her birthday, July 23rd (Saturday) from 3:00 to 6:00 (or however the
hell long we feel like partying). We would like to invite anybody and everybody to join us.
The celebration will be held at the home of Kriss Rico- 1716 East 10980 South, Sandy, Utah
If you would like to attend please RSVP to [email protected].
Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heaven
I've been in love with you, I am in love with you!
Longer by Dan Fogelberg