My Birthday
Today is the day! Today is the day!”, I shouted to my two sisters. I was super excited
for my birthday party; I was turning eight and the birthday party was to celebrate it. I wondered
how many cool presents I would get and how many friends would show up. The birthday party
was at Sky Zone. I mostly invited boys; my sisters Grace and Ally both invited some friends of
their own, which is ok with my mom. When we got to Sky Zone I raced out the car door and
when I was at the entrance I called to my sisters and said “Hurry up, hurry up. A couple of my
friends were there already. We had to put on special shoes to go on the trampolines. We started
the party 20 minutes later and that was a long wait for me. Because my heart was beating so fast
I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. When the party started all of my friends were
All of my friends had brought a present for me. Yippee!” , I shouted. I wondered
what they all were. I thought for a minute. Then I whispered “What are they? What are they?”.
“We can’t tell”, they shouted all at the same time. And that’s when a staff called our time. We
each had stickers showing the time we started bouncing and the time we had to stop bouncing.
The staff explained the rules and told us where we could go and could not go. We got to do
dodge-ball, jump into a foam pit, and we got to shoot hoops. Then we got to go bounce. But the
rotten thing is that we didn’t get to do free jump in a gigantic space and no one liked that rule.
My favorite part was shooting hoops. There were three basketball hoops. One was low,
one was a little higher and a really HIGH ONE. At first things went well, I even impressed the
boys when I made a shot into the high hoop. Then I tried to slam dunk into the low one but I
ended up shooting instead of dunking it. Then things got worse, I even missed a shot.
My Birthday
My best, best, best, best friend Inez was next. Inez MADE IT IN A SINGLE SHOT.
“Thwam” it went through the hoop so fast I thought it was going to explode into little teeny tiny
bits. “Nice”, we screamed in her direction. “Thanks”, she said. “I wish I had her power”, I
whispered to my sister Aly. “Me too”, she whispered back. “Inez, you’re great at basketball.
Why didn’t you join a basketball team? ”, we asked. Inez said, ‘I practice a lot at the YMCA
gym”. We laughed and walked to the foam pit. We took a couple turns there and then the staff
announced on the speaker that it was cake time in the party room.
We raced to the party room and got good seats. Inez sat right next to me. There were
plates and cups already laid out. We ate a little bit of pizza and we drank a little bit of lemonade
before it was time for cake. I was so stuffed full of pizza and lemonade that I didn’t have much
room for cake but luckily I ate most of the cake. I asked if we could go bounce again to my
mom, but she said no because we had just had cake and there were other people waiting to go
bounce. Mom said “we’ll come back another time and you can bounce for another hour”. I said
We only have one hour to bounce today?, with an open mouth. She said yes and then laughed
at the face that I made. I told Inez and she made the exact same face as me. We finished up our
cake, took our shoes off, gave them to the front desk and then went to change. The funny part
was that Aly went into the boys bathroom. When we saw Aly come out, we broke out laughing,
me and Inez. “Why did you go in there?”, we asked her, still laughing. “I didn’t read the sign”,
she replied. All three of us broke out laughing again. ‘Come on, let’s go in the girl’s bathroom”,
I said. Aly and Inez laughed again. We got changed and all my party guests went home
After we got home, I opened my presents. When all of the presents were opened, I said
“That was an awesome day. I can’t wait until next year”.
The End.