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Landmark Village, River Village, and Spanish Walk
1. Parties. The University of Wyoming (University” “UW Housing and Dining Services” “we” “us” or “our) hereby
leases to {Entry First Name} {Entry Last Name} ("Leaseholder" “you” or “your), the premises outlined in Section
2 below ("Premises") subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, who may be referred to individually as a party or
collectively as the parties.
2. Premises. The University leases the following Premises to Leaseholder:
A. Apartment Community: {Location}
B. Apartment Number: {Room Space}
C. Apartment Type: {Room Type}
i. SW1 = Spanish Walk One-bedroom Unfurnished; SW1F = Spanish Walk One-bedroom Furnished
ii. LM1 = One bedroom Landmark ADA Unit; LM1F = One bedroom Landmark ADA Unit Furnished
iii. LM2 = Two-bedroom Landmark; LM2F = Two-bedroom Landmark Furnished
iv. RV2 = Two-bedroom River Village; RV2F = Two-bedroom River Village Furnished
v. RV3 = Three-bedroom River Village; RV3F = Three-bedroom River Village Furnished
D. Apartment being taken “as-is”? (see Section 13. Check-in Procedures for more information)
E. Mailbox and mailing address: The Housing and Dining services department will provide Leaseholder with an
assigned mailbox. This units mailing address is as follows:
{PO Box#}
Laramie WY, 82072
3. Term. The term of this Lease shall begin on 08/01/2023 and end on 06/30/2024, unless this Lease is terminated,
extended, or revoked as outlined in this Lease.
4. Fees.
A. Application Fee. The application fee is a nonrefundable fee of $75.00 that is due at the time of application and is
used to cover contract administrative costs. The application process is not complete and a space will not be
offered until the application fee is paid.
B. Security Deposit and first installment. Leaseholder is required to pay a security deposit equal to one month’s
rent and first month’s rent installment and sign all required documents within 5 business days after receiving
their lease agreement:
i. Security Deposit Amount: {Rate} + first month’s rent installment: {Rate}
C. Furnished Apartments. In addition to the rent, if the apartment is a furnished apartment, an additional monthly
fee is included in below listed rate.
D. Rent. The Monthly Rent for the term of the lease is {Monthly Rate}, which includes a monthly utility charge of
{Utility Rate}. Leaseholder agrees to pay such Rent on or prior to the due date. Rent includes utilities and
furniture fees, if applicable.
E. Utilities. As stated in Section 4D, Rent includes a monthly utility charge. This utility charge is subject to change
with a 60-day written notice to leaseholder. Any utility charge change will update the total monthly rent
5. Eligibility.
A. The University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to establish, change, or supplement the criteria for
individuals to be eligible to live in the University apartments. It is specifically understood and agreed that an
individual shall be ineligible to be or continue to be a Leaseholder of a University owned apartment if the
Leaseholder fails to be and remain, throughout the term of the Lease, an undergraduate student enrolled in a
minimum of six (6) credit hours, or a graduate student enrolled in a minimum of one (1) credit hour at the
University. Failure to maintain student enrollment status and/or provide proof of enrollment once per academic
term or upon request of University may be considered a default of this Lease by Leaseholder and shall be dealt
with in accordance with Section 24.
B. Unless an exception is granted by the University, student enrollment status will be verified by Housing & Dining
Services staff.
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C. If space allows, non-adjunct faculty and classified staff of the University will be eligible to reside in the University
owned apartments. If an individual’s employment with the University ends, the University may terminate this
Lease immediately. It is the responsibility of the Leaseholder to notify Housing and Dining services immediately
if employment with the University ends.
6. Occupants.
A. There is a maximum number of occupants permitted by University and determined by the type of apartment.
The occupancy limits are as follows:
a. One Bedroom units: maximum occupancy up to two people residing in the unit.
b. Two Bedroom units: maximum occupancy up to four people residing in the unit.
c. Three Bedroom units: maximum occupancy up to six people residing in the unit.
B. The Premises shall be occupied only for residential purposes and only by Leaseholder and the authorized
occupants named in Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein. Except for Leaseholders, the University only permits
individuals in a close personal relationship to live with the Leaseholder.
C. Unless otherwise specified, all individuals 18 or older living in the apartment must agree in writing to abide by all
applicable federal, state, and local laws, University regulations, policies, and procedures. Parents or guardians of
children under 18 will be responsible for supervising their children and are responsible for any damage or
disruption caused by their children.
7. Changes to Premises. Upon 5 days written notice to Leaseholder, the University, with or without cause, has the right
to relocate Leaseholder to a different Apartment or Apartment Community. If for any reason, unrelated to the negligent
actions of Leaseholder, the Premises is not habitable, the University will provide comparable alternate accommodations
until the Premises is habitable. A refund or rebate of rent or other fees are at the sole discretion of the University.
8. Termination.
A. Leaseholder agrees that once this Lease is signed by Leaseholder, the Leaseholder is obligated to pay all
amounts due under this Lease.
B. Students released from the contract due to fall semester graduation, exchange programs, student teaching,
being called to active military service off-campus, and/or internships outside of Laramie, Wyoming, or
faculty/staff Leaseholders whose employment with UW ends or is terminated will have their contract
terminated upon receipt of proper documentation.
C. Termination may not happen prior to fall graduation, the start of the program, or last date of employment
specified above and the termination date will be effective the last day of the month of move-out.
D. Before terminating the Lease under one of the above options, the Leaseholder must provide written
documentation to support termination at least 60 days before termination of the Lease.
E. As stated in the Check-Out section of lease, this documentation is required to avoid a $200 penalty fee.
F. Students requesting release from the contract due to an all-school withdrawal, academic suspension, or
transfer to another university will have their contract terminated upon receipt of proper documentation.
Termination may not happen prior to the last date of enrollment at UW and the termination date will be
effective the last day of the month of move-out. A charge equal to one month rent will be assessed for any
approved release based on these three criteria. Additionally, 60-day notice (Section 14A) is required prior to
check-out to avoid an additional $200 penalty fee.
9. Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures. Leaseholder agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local
laws, University of Wyoming fee book, and University regulations, policies, and procedures, including but not limited to,
the following:
A. Apartments & Residence Halls Policies & Procedures are available online
http://www.uwyo.edu/living/housing/uw-apartments/apartment-documents.html or from the Apartments
office in the Apartment Community Center.
B. University of Wyoming Student Code of Conduct: http://www.uwyo.edu/dos/conduct/index.html
Leaseholder understands that they are subject to the University’s judicial process as outlined above. Failure to abide by
the above policies, procedures, and regulations is considered a default of this Lease and may result in, but may not be
limited to, rescinding the use of University Apartments privileges, eviction, and disciplinary action. Applicable University
regulations, policies, and procedures are hereby incorporated into this Lease. The University reserves the right to revise
or amend these documents at any time at our sole discretion without notice. Leaseholder further understands that
Leaseholder is responsible for compliance with the above policies, procedures,
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and regulations by any authorized occupants named in Exhibit A or any temporary guest(s) while on University
Apartment property.
10. Security Deposit.
A. Leaseholder must pay a security deposit as outlined in Section 4. If Leaseholder fails to move into the Premises
by the beginning of the term date, Leaseholder is still responsible for all fees, including Rent, as outlined in
Section 4. If the Leaseholder violates this Lease, the University may keep the Security Deposit and also charge
for any damages. Among other items, the cost of labor and materials for cleaning and repairs in excess of
“normal wear” may be deducted by the University from the Security Deposit to its full amount; charges in excess
of the security deposit can be assessed. In addition, the University can choose to use all or any part of the
Security Deposit for any unpaid obligations related to this Lease.
B. The University has thirty (30) days after (a) expiration or termination of this Lease, (b) surrender of the Premises
(including return of all keys and physically vacating the Premises) or fifteen (15) days after (c) receipt of the
renter’s new mailing address, whichever is later pursuant to W.S. 1-21-1208, to return any unused portion of the
Security Deposit to Leaseholder. Along with that return, the University will provide Leaseholder with a
description and itemized listing of deductions from the Security Deposit. If there are deductions from the
deposit due to unit damage, the University has sixty (60) days after the lease terminates to return any unused
portion of the Security Deposit and provide an itemized listing of deductions. If the University surrenders
interest in the Apartment Community and Leaseholder’s Security Deposit is transferred to new ownership,
Leaseholder agrees that the University will not have any responsibility to return all or any portion of the Security
11. Payment Method and Dates.
A. Leaseholder agrees to pay the Rent and any other applicable fees on or before the date on which it is due and
without us having to make demand for payment. Rent is due on the first day of each month throughout the
term of the lease. The Rent is payable at the Housing and Dining Services Office (or at such other place as the
University may notify Leaseholder of in writing).
Housing and Dining Services
C/O Business Office
1000 E University Ave Dept. 3394
Laramie WY, 82071
Credit and Debit Card payment can be accepted on-line at no extra charge to the Leaseholder. All checks should
be made payable to UW Apartments. The University can require payment be made in either certified or cashier’s
check, money order or personal check. Leaseholder can pay with Visa or MasterCard online. Leaseholder can
only drop off a check at the Apartments Community Center. Leaseholder can pay with cash, money order, check,
Visa, Mastercard, or Discover Card in the business office in the basement of the Washakie Center.
B. Leaseholder agrees to pay a $30.00 charge for each returned check. If three (3) personal checks are returned to
the University due to insufficient funds, the University will require that all payments under this Lease be paid in
either certified or cashier’s check or money order.
C. Regardless of whether it is a holiday or weekend, Rent is due on the first (1
) day of each month. Rent is late if
Rent is received by the Housing and Dining Services department on or after the fifth (5
) day of the month. For
late rent or other fees, Leaseholder agrees to pay the following late fees, (1) an initial late charge of $50.00 and
(2) after the sixth (6th) day of the month $10.00 per day until all outstanding fees are paid.
D. At the University’s option and without notice to Leaseholder, any payment may be applied first to the
Leaseholder’ s outstanding fees, other than Rent, and then to Rent, with any past due Rent being paid first,
regardless of whether or not Leaseholder has made notations on checks or money orders.
E. While the University is not required, the University may accept partial payment of Rent. However, this does not
waive the University’s rights to collect and enforce the payment of the remainder of such Rent and the
Leaseholder is still responsible for payment of the full amount of Rent. Leaseholder agrees to sign any
documentation necessary for the University to accept a partial payment of Rent.
12. Utilities. The University agrees to furnish electric/gas, water, sewer, and trash removal from designated collection
points, satellite television, and an internet connection for the Premises. The University is not responsible/liable for
Leaseholder’s use of the Internet. The University will make reasonable efforts to provide continuous service but cannot
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guarantee uninterrupted service. The University is not responsible for any loss to Leaseholder as a result of interrupted
13. Check-in Procedures. Check-in to the Apartment may occur on or after the first date of this Lease. If Resident
receives approval to arrive prior to the lease start date, a prorated daily rate will be billed to their account. An
Apartment Condition Form will be provided to Leaseholder at the time of check-in. Within twenty-four (24) hours of
check-in, Leaseholder may complete the form, noting any defects or damages in the Premises. Any defects or damages
not noted on the form will result in fees which will be assessed in accordance with Section 14. Except for what is noted
on the Condition Form, Leaseholder accepts the Premises and the fixtures, appliances, and furniture in the Premises
“as-is”. The University make no express warranties and disclaim any and all implied warranties with regard to the
premises and/or the fixtures, appliances, or furniture in the Premises.
14. Check-out Procedures.
A. 60 days written notice of Leaseholder’s intent to vacate by the Leaseholder is required to avoid a Penalty Fee of
$200.00. The Intent to Vacate form date may not be changed to a later date once it is submitted due to the
immediate reassigning of the apartment. Leaseholder must complete the intent to vacate form available at:
B. Leaseholder is required to schedule a check out with the Apartment Community Center. Upon receiving the
written notice required by Section 14(A), Leaseholder will coordinate the scheduling of an appointment where
both parties can be present for a check out inspection.
C. Arrangements may be made for an After-Hours Checkout with the approval of Manager or University, along with
a completed form given by the Manager or Leaseholder Assistant. An After-Hours checkout should only be done
if Leaseholder cannot do an inspection checkout during regular business hours of the Apartment’s Community
Center. If a Leaseholder choses an After-Hours Checkout, they may not appeal any charges made upon
inspection (custodial, maintenance, or otherwise).
D. When Leaseholder vacates, whether at or prior to the end of this Lease, the Premises, including windows,
bathrooms, patios, balconies, kitchen appliances, and furniture in the Common Areas, must be clean and in good
repair and condition. If Leaseholder fails to clean the Premises or if any furniture or appliances have been
damaged, then Leaseholder will be liable for all charges related to cleaning, repair and/or replacement.
E. Any co-habitants residing in the apartment are not liable for damages and/or cleaning charges upon checkout or
F. If Leaseholder would like to dispute any cleaning or maintenance charges, Leaseholder must submit a detailed
explanation and written request to the Apartment Office within 30 days of receiving the itemized listing of
deductions (Section 10 B).
G. If Resident vacates prior to lease end date, rent remains due and payable through lease end date, regardless of
ITV or actual vacate date. Rent ceases at lease end date, lease takeover date, or approved contract release date.
H. If Resident receives approval to move out after the lease end date, a prorated daily rate will be billed to their
I. If check-out is not complete on or before lease end date and a request for late move-out has not been
approved, a daily rate of $100.00 will be charged until check-out is finalized.
15. Abandoned Property. Property left behind by Leaseholder at check-out and/or termination of this Lease is
considered abandoned. Leaseholder shall be charged for any costs incurred to move or remove the property from the
Premises. Abandoned items will be subject to the University’s disposal procedures. Materials of personal, biological, or
environmentally hazardous nature may be disposed of immediately pursuant to W.S. 1-21-1210. Unlicensed, improperly
licensed, or inoperable vehicles will be towed away and disposed of at the owner’s expense.
16. Identification Requirements. Leaseholder and guest(s) of the Apartment Community, when requested by Residence
Life or Housing staff, must present a valid picture ID. Failure to do so may result in temporary and/or permanent
removal from the Apartment Community. All Leaseholders and guest(s) are required to be in possession of identification
at all times. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for information regarding false identification.
17. Maintenance, Alterations, and Repairs.
A. Leaseholder agrees not to make any permanent alterations to the premises, and if a furnished apartment, the
furniture. Leaseholder shall not remove any University property, furniture, or fixtures.
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B. Leaseholder will not perform any repairs, plumbing modifications, painting, wall papering, or electrical changes
to the Premises. Except for reasonable wear, the University can hold Leaseholder financially responsible for the
cost of all repairs that are necessary due to damage caused by Leaseholder or Leaseholder’s guests. This may
include, but is not limited to, damage from wastewater stoppages caused by foreign objects in utility lines,
damage from bidet or water filtration system installation, damage to furniture, appliances, doors, windows, or
screens. The University reserve the right to require Leaseholder to pay for damages or, at our discretion allow
Leaseholder as a condition of this Lease, to agree to repay us within 10 days after the University sends
Leaseholder an invoice. “Reasonable wear” means wear that is not a result of or partially related to violations
of this Lease, negligence of the Leaseholder, carelessness of the Leaseholder, accident, or abuse cause by the
Leaseholder. Leaseholder’s obligations under this paragraph survive even after the termination of this Lease.
C. Except in the event of an emergency, all repairs or services to the Premises must be submitted as soon as
possible in writing to the University Apartment Office via a work order request (available at:
https://www.myschoolbuilding.com/myschoolbuilding/msbdefault_email.asp?frompage=myrequest.asp ).
a. Emergencies (outside of business hours at the community center) should be communicated with
immediately to the RA on-call at: 307-760-3130. Examples of emergencies:
i. Malfunction of utilities
ii. Damage by fire, water, storm, or similar cause
iii. Major water leaks where a bucket will not hold the water for a period of time.
iv. Electrical problems
v. Broken glass, broken locks, or latches
vi. Any condition which Leaseholder reasonably believe poses a hazard to an individuals’ health
or safety
Once the Apartment Office receives the notice, the University Apartment Office agrees to act with
reasonable diligence in making necessary repairs and reconnections, but during that time Leaseholder
cannot stop payment of or reduce the Rent. Non-emergency repairs will be done during our usual working
D. Leaseholder must not disconnect, cover, or intentionally damage a smoke detector or remove the battery
without immediately replacing it with a working battery. Leaseholder is responsible for reporting smoke
detectors or fire safety equipment not in working condition immediately by submitting a work order to
E. The University may temporarily turn off equipment and/or interrupt utilities to Leaseholder’s Premises,
Building and/or the Apartment Community. The University will not be liable for any inconvenience, discomfort,
disruptions, or interference for such interruptions.
18. Cleaning of Premises.
A. Leaseholder is responsible for regularly cleaning their Apartment. Under no circumstances should trash or
recycling be left on the floor, hallways, corridors, or porch landings. Trash shall be disposed of properly in the
University Apartment community dumpster. All kitchen appliances and counter surfaces should be wiped down
and removed of food particles after each use.
B. Leaseholder agrees to take reasonable steps to prevent or minimize the growth of mildew within the
Apartment. To prevent or minimize the growth of mildew in the Apartment, Leaseholder hereby agrees to the
following: (1) Leaseholder shall remove any visible moisture accumulation in or on the Apartment, including on
walls, windows, floors, ceilings, and bathroom fixtures, (2) Leaseholder shall mop up spills and thoroughly dry
affected area as soon as possible after occurrence, (3) Leaseholder shall use exhaust fans in kitchen and
bathroom when necessary, and keep climate and moisture in the Apartment at reasonable levels, and (4)
Leaseholder shall keep the Apartment, particularly the kitchen and bath, sanitary and dry. Leaseholder shall
promptly create a work request regarding the presence of any mildew growth in the Apartment that persists
after Leaseholder has tried to remove it with household cleaning products intended to remove mildew.
C. Leaseholder agrees to remove food particles and hair from all plumbing drains and agrees not to dispose of oil
or grease in plumbing fixtures or community landscaping including rocks, gravel, shrubs, or grass.
D. Leaseholder agrees to immediately notify University in writing of the presence of insects and any other pests.
Leaseholder agrees to allow Housing staff access to Apartment to develop and execute a plan to eradicate pests.
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Leaseholder agrees to undertake all efforts and tasks recommended by Housing staff in the management of pest
19. Service Animal, Emotional Support Animal, Pet Welcome Policy. Any approved animal living in the apartment
community must abide by the Pets Welcome Policy & Agreement or the Service Animal Agreement. Any signed animal
agreement will be incorporated as a part of this lease document.
20. The University’s Right to Enter.
A. The University Housing & Dining Services reserves the right to enter and inspect the Apartment at any time with
or without notice to perform the following functions: 1) to inspect and confirm a Leaseholder’s compliance with
the terms of this Lease; 2) for protection of health and safety; 3) for emergencies; 4) to perform maintenance,
repairs, improvements, or energy conservation efforts; 5) to address violations of the University rules or
regulations; or 6) to address violations of state or federal laws.
B. Leaseholder understands that in addition to Section 20(A), management will periodically enter Leaseholders
Apartment to conduct maintenance and/or inspections on said Apartment. The dates of these inspection visits
will be posted on the University Apartment Property and/or emailed to lease holders UW email at least twenty-
four (24) hours prior to the entry. Leaseholder grants University, University’s agents, University’s Contractors,
and/or any other persons necessary to the effectuate said maintenance and/or inspections the right to enter
Leaseholder’s apartment and/or bedroom without notice to Leaseholder of the specific date and time of the
entry so long as the entry date falls within the period proscribed on the posted notice.
C. With forty-eight (48) hours prior written notice to Leaseholder, the University can enter the Premises to show an
Apartment to government inspectors, lenders, prospective buyers, prospective Leaseholders, other tenants, or
insurance agents.
D. In addition, Manager will cooperate with outside agencies operating under a legal search warrant.
21. Transfers.
A. Leaseholder cannot sublease or transfer any part of Premises to another person unless the University gives
written consent. Leaseholder agrees to pay a re-leasing charge of $200.00, to partially cover the University’s
costs in making the Apartment available for re-leasing. The re-leasing charge is not a cancellation fee, buy-out
fee, or a limitation of damages. It shall be in the University’s sole discretion whether to grant the request.
Furthermore, even if the University agrees to the transfer, Leaseholder is responsible for all fees and other
obligations under this Lease until the transfer is complete.
B. If Leaseholder requests to transfer to a different apartment approved by UW Housing staff during the Lease
Term, Leaseholder agrees to pay a $100.00 transfer fee.
22. Fire or Other Casualty. If in the University’s judgment the Premises, or the Apartment Community is materially
damaged by Fire or other casualty, the University may terminate this Lease within a reasonable time after written notice
to Leaseholder. If the University terminates this Lease, and the Leaseholder was not the cause of the fire or other
casualty, the University will refund prorated, prepaid Rent and the Security Deposit, less deductions. If the University
determines that material damage has not been caused to the Premises or the Apartment Community, or, if the
University elects not to terminate this Lease, the University will rebuild the damaged improvements. During such
reconstruction, there shall be a reasonable reduction of the Rent for the unusable portion of the Premises or the
Apartment Community.
23. Trespass. As outlined in UW Standard Administrative Policy and Procedure: Trespass (available at:
http://www.uwyo.edu/regs-policies/_files/docs/policies/trespass_sap_8-2-22.pdf), when an individual’s actions are
deemed to be harmful and/or disruptive to the University and/or its individual members, contrary to the University
Policies, rules or regulations, or where the individual’s actions are contrary to law, individual may be legally barred from
University owned or controlled properties, including the Apartments.
24. Default and Remedies.
A. Leaseholder may be in default of this Lease if:
i. Leaseholder fails to pay Rent or any other amount owed under this Lease in accordance with the
Payment Methods and Dates, Section 11(C) of this Lease;
ii. Leaseholder, listed Apartment Occupants listed in Exhibit A, or Leaseholder’s guest(s) violate this Lease
or any applicable laws, University regulations, policies and/or procedures, regardless of whether arrest
or conviction occurs;
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iii. Leaseholder fails to move into the Premises by the start of the corresponding academic term, or
Leaseholder abandons the Premises. The University will assume that Leaseholder has abandoned the
Premises if Leaseholder’s personal property has been removed from the Premises and/or Leaseholder is
not living in the Premises;
iv. Leaseholder has made any false statements or misrepresentations of any information supplied to the
University, including making unauthorized modifications to this lease;
v. Leaseholder, listed Apartment Occupants listed in Exhibit A, or Leaseholder’s guest(s) are arrested for a
felony offense involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or a felony or misdemeanor
offense involving possession, manufacture or delivery of a controlled or hazardous substance,
marijuana, or illegal drug paraphernalia;
vi. A Leaseholder or Apartment Occupant establishes an unacceptable pattern of misconduct. An
unacceptable pattern of misconduct is established when Leaseholder or Occupant is frequently
documented for violations of laws or University Regulations/Policies. A pattern of misconduct may result
in termination of the Lease.
B. A default does not relieve the Leaseholder of the financial obligations under this Lease. If Leaseholder is in
default, action by the University may include, but is not limited to:
i. The collection of any fees imposed by this Lease.
ii. Bringing a legal action against Leaseholder to collect past due Rent and any other fees the University has
incurred because of Leaseholder violating this Lease.
iii. Terminating the Leaseholder’s right to occupy the Premises.
iv. Instituting an action for forcible entry and detainer, without terminating the Lease or Leaseholder’s
monetary obligations for the Premises by giving Leaseholder written notice for Leaseholder to vacate
the Premises pursuant to W.S. 1-21-1002, W.S. 1-21-1003.
v. Reporting all violations to appropriate entities, including but not limited to, credit reporting agencies.
vi. Reporting violations to University Officials for disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of
vii. Reporting violations to criminal/judicial authorities.
After the University gives Leaseholder notice to leave the Premises or if University files a forcible entry and
detainer suit (eviction), even if University accepts Rent or other sums due, such acceptance does not waive or
diminish the University’s continuing rights of eviction or any other contractual or statutory right. In the event
the University brings an action against Leaseholder, University can recover all costs or fees involved, including
reasonable attorney’s fees, as part of any judgment.
25. Wage Offset. If Leaseholder is a University employee, Leaseholder agrees that if Leaseholder is in default of this
Lease, the University can deduct the fees from the Employee’s next paycheck.
26. Liability.
A. By signing this Lease, Leaseholder agrees that the University is not liable to Leaseholder, Leaseholder’s
additional occupants, or Leaseholder’s guests for injury, damage, or loss to person or property caused by, arising
from, or associated with the criminal conduct of Leaseholder or other persons, including without limitation
theft, burglary, assault, vandalism, or other crimes. The University has no duty to remove ice, sleet, or snow.
Except for the University’s liability under applicable law, Leaseholder releases the University, its employees,
officers, trustees, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims and/or damages.
B. The University is not liable to Leaseholder, Leaseholder’s additional occupants or Leaseholder’s guests for
personal injury or damage or loss of personal property (personal property includes, but is not limited to contents
of the Premises and any vehicle whether owned by Leaseholder, used by Leaseholder, or otherwise in
Leaseholder’s care, custody or control), from any cause including, but not limited to, fire, smoke, rain flood,
water overflow/intrusion/or leakage, standing water, storm, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, explosion, or surges
or interruption of utilities, except to the extent that such injury, damage or loss is caused by University’s gross
negligence or willful misconduct. The University does not provide any insurance coverage for Leaseholder
personal property of any kind. Leaseholder is encouraged to obtain renter’s insurance or other similar
insurance for losses to Leaseholder from these or other causes.
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C. The University does not guarantee the safety or security of the Leaseholder, Leaseholder’s additional occupants,
or Leaseholder’s guests. Leaseholder must exercise due care for their own safety and security and the safety and
security of others. Please read the safety guidelines outlined in the Apartment and Residence Hall Policies and
Procedures. This is available online at http://www.uwyo.edu/living/housing/uw-apartments/apartment-
documents.html or from the Housing and Dining services department in the Apartment Community Center.
None of the University’s safety measures are an express or implied warranty of security or a guarantee against
injury, loss, crime, or of a reduced risk of crime. Leaseholder acknowledges that the University is not liable to
Leaseholder, Leaseholder’s additional occupants, or Leaseholder’s guests for injury to persons or damage or loss
of property caused by or related to safety measures including, but not limited to, lighting, alarms, gates, fences,
or notices of criminal activity or suspicious events. Leaseholder is responsible for Leaseholders own safety and
D. Leaseholder, Leaseholder’s additional occupants, or Leaseholder’s guests assume all risks in connection with the
common areas, the apartment community, or the apartment community’s recreational facilities or other
amenities, it being understood that all such facilities and amenities are gratuitously supplied for Leaseholders’
use and at the Leaseholder’s or occupants, guests’ sole risk.
E. Leaseholder agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the University and its public employees from any
and all claims arising from or related to this Lease.
27. Leaseholder’s Information. Leaseholder is required to provide their contact information in Exhibit A of this
agreement, which is incorporated herein. Leaseholder represents that any personal information provided by
Leaseholder to the University is true and correct and was given by Leaseholder voluntarily and knowingly. Leaseholder
agrees that if someone legally requests information on Leaseholder for law enforcement, government, or business
purposes, the University can provide it.
28. Sale. Any sale of the Apartment Community shall release the University from all obligations under this Lease.
29. Rights in Property. The lien of any lender(s) of loans secured by the University’s interest in the Apartment
Community will be superior to Leaseholder’s rights as a tenant under this Lease. Therefore, if the University violates the
loan and a lender becomes the owner of University’s interest in the Apartment Community, such lender may terminate
this Lease or it may elect to continue this Lease. Leaseholder’s rights under this Lease are therefore subject to the rights
of the lender(s) of loans secured by the University’s interest in the Apartment Community.
30. General Provisions.
A. Entirety of Agreement. This Lease represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and
supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral. Omission of
initials as indicated throughout the lease will not invalidate this Lease.
B. Governmental Claims. Any actions or claims against the University under this Lease must be in accordance
with and are controlled by the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act, W.S. 1-39-101 et seq. (1977) as
amended. If Leaseholder files suit against the University and a judgment is found in the University’s favor,
the Leaseholder agrees to pay all costs the University incurs in defense of the suit. Leaseholder also agrees
to waive his/her right to a jury trial.
C. Interpretation. The construction, interpretation, and enforcement of this Lease shall be governed by the
laws of the State of Wyoming. The courts of the State of Wyoming shall have jurisdiction over any action
arising out of this Lease and over the parties, and the venue shall be the Second Judicial District, Albany
County, Wyoming.
D. Severability. Should any portion of this Lease be judicially determined to be illegal or unenforceable, the
remainder of the Lease shall continue in full force and effect.
E. Notices. All notices to the University related to this Lease shall be in writing and shall be effective when
delivered by certified mail with return receipt or personal delivery to the University Apartment Business
Office. University’s address for purposes of this section is Housing and Dining Services, C/O Business Office,
Department 3394, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071. All notices by the University related to this
Lease shall be in writing and shall be effective when delivered to Leaseholder’s Apartment and/or to
Leaseholder’s mailbox. A copy of any notice concerning a breach, alleged breach, or dispute arising under
this Lease shall also be sent to:
Office of the General Counsel
Department 3434
Updated 12.2022 Page 9 of 10 ________ Leaseholder Initials
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, Wyoming 82071-2000
F. Sovereign Immunity. The University does not waive its sovereign or governmental immunity by entering
into this Agreement, and fully retains all immunities and defenses provided by law with respect to any action
based on or occurring as a result of this Lease.
G. Third Party Beneficiary Rights. The parties do not intend to create in any other individual or entity the
status of third party beneficiary, and this Lease shall not be construed so as to create such status. The
rights, duties, and obligations contained in this Lease shall operate only between the parties to this Lease
and shall inure solely to the benefit of the parties to this Lease. The provisions of this Lease are intended
only to assist the parties in determining and performing their obligations under this Lease. The parties to
this Lease intend and expressly agree that only parties signatory to this Lease shall have any legal or
equitable right to seek to enforce this Lease, to seek any remedy arising out of a party’s performance or
failure to perform any term or condition of this Lease, or to bring an action for the breach of this Lease.
31. Signatures. Leaseholder acknowledges and agrees that Leaseholder has carefully read and understands this Lease
and that Leaseholder acknowledges that this Lease constitutes a binding and enforceable contract between the
University and Leaseholder. Leaseholder must be 18 years or older to sign this lease or an emancipated minor. If
Leaseholder is under the age of 18, and not an emancipated minor, a parent signature is also required, and the parent of
the Leaseholder also agrees to the terms of this Lease.
UW Housing & Dining Services
For individuals under the age of 18:
Parents name (print):
Parent Signature:_____________________
Updated 12.2022 Page 10 of 10 ________ Leaseholder Initials
Exhibit A- Apartment Occupancy Record
Leaseholder is responsible for providing and updating this Apartment Occupancy Record when any changes occur with the individuals
listed on the record. Failure to keep the Apartment Occupancy Record could involve disciplinary action, including but not limited to
termination of the Lease. Each occupant must be identified and is required to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this lease
agreement. Any updates will be incorporated as part of this lease. I hereby certify that I will receive communication sent
to these addresses or at this phone number.
Lease Holder:
Name: ________________________________________________________Birthdate:______________________________
Cell phone or Contact Number: ____________________Email:___________________________ W#:__________________
Has Leaseholder ever been convicted of, made to plea guilty to, or accepted a deferred prosecution to a felony, or have
been required to register as a sex offender? Yes No
Signature: ______________________________________________________________Date:_________________________
Authorized Occupants:
Name: ________________________________________________________Birthdate:______________________________
Cell phone or Contact Number: ___________________________ W# if a student:__________________________________
Has Authorized Occupant ever been convicted of, made to plea guilty to, or accepted a deferred prosecution to a felony, or
have been required to register as a sex offender? Yes No
Relationship to Lease Holder:_______________________________________Email:_________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________Date:_________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________Birthdate:______________________________
Cell phone or Contact Number: ___________________________ W# if a student:__________________________________
Has Authorized Occupant ever been convicted of, made to plea guilty to, or accepted a deferred prosecution to a felony, or
have been required to register as a sex offender? Yes No
Relationship to Lease Holder:_______________________________________Email:_________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________Date:_________________________
UW Housing & Dining Services
By: __________________________________ Date: _______________________