South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 1 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
Source: South Carolina Dentistry Application by Examination
At the South Carolina Board of Dentistry meeting on April 27, 2022, the Board
voted to continue to accept the dental and dental hygiene manikin-base,
administered by Board-approved examination agencies. Applicants for
licensure by examination may submit clinical examination scores for live-
patient or manikin based ADEX, CRDTS or SRTA examinations.
Source: South Carolina Board of Dentistry Clinical Examination Acceptance
Alert, April 28, 2022
South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 40 - Professions and Occupations,
Chap 15 Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Technicians
SECTION 40-15-140. Examination of applicants for licenses or
registration; issuance of licenses or certificates; reexamination
It is the duty of the board to examine (or cause to be examined) all qualified
applicants for a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene or who desire to
be registered as dental technicians in this State. No examination is required to
be registered as an orthodontic technician. Prior to admittance to the
examination or the registration of an orthodontic technician, each applicant
shall produce evidence satisfactory to the board that he possesses good moral
character. If the board refuses an applicant admission to the examination or
registration as an orthodontic technician because of unsuitable moral
character the board shall notify the applicant in writing and set forth in detail
the reason supporting the board's decision. An applicant who holds a license
or certificate from any jurisdiction shall certify that he has not violated any of
the provisions of the Dental Practice Act governing his prior license or practice
or operation. In addition, each applicant shall present the following:
(a) in the case of applicants to practice dentistry or dental hygiene, satisfactory
evidence of graduation from a dental college or school of dental hygiene,
respectively, accredited by the Commission.
(b) in the case of applicants who desire to be registered as dental technicians,
a high school diploma, or its equivalent, and satisfactory evidence of
successful completion of a full two-year course of study in a school for dental
technological work acceptable to the board, or in lieu of the dental school
program, the applicant must have performed dental technological work under
the direct supervision of a licensed dentist or registered dental technician for a
period of at least three years.
The application must be received by the board not less than forty-five days
before the examination date. An application for registration as an orthodontic
technician may be submitted at any time. Each applicant shall pay to the board
a fee as prescribed by it by rules and regulations. Each applicant must
satisfactorily pass the examination prepared by the board on subjects and
operations pertaining to dentistry that are regularly taught in such accredited
schools. The examination must be given either orally or in writing, or by
requiring a practical demonstration of the applicant's skill, or by any
combination of such methods as the board may in its discretion require. The
board shall grade each examination and inform the applicant of the result
within a reasonable time after the date thereof. The board shall issue a
numbered license to each person who passes the dental or dental hygiene
examination and a numbered certificate to each person who passes the dental
technician examination and to each applicant to be registered as an
orthodontic technician. All examination papers must be retained by the board
for two years and upon request be available for inspection by a person
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 2 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
Dentists and dental hygienists, and dental technicians who are validly licensed
or registered in this State as of April 13, 1968, are exempt from reexamination
except in instances where application for relicensing or reregistration is made
following a period of suspension or revocation of a license or registration
certificate, in which instances reexamination is discretionary with the board.
Dental examinations must be given annually by the board and dental hygienist
and dental technician examinations must be given semiannually by the board.
South Carolina Code of Regulations 391. License to Practice Dentistry
A. The South Carolina Board of Dentistry has no reciprocal licensure
arrangement with any other jurisdiction.
B. No applicant shall be examined by the Board to practice dentistry in this
state unless the applicant shall;
(1) Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
(2) Present such evidence of good moral character as is required by the
(3) Present to the Board satisfactory evidence of graduation from a dental
college approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Dental and Dental
Auxiliary Educational Programs of the American Dental Association. The
Board may, in its discretion, accept as such satisfactory evidence of
graduation any of the following:
(a) A notarized copy of the applicant’s diploma or other certificate of
graduation from an approved dental college.
(b) A sworn statement from the Dean of the dental college stating that the
applicant has graduated from such dental college.
(4) Complete the application to practice dentistry in South Carolina on the form
furnished by the Board at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date of the
examination. In making the application the applicant authorizes the Board to
verify the information contained in the application or to seek such further
information pertinent to the applicant’s qualification or character as the Board
may deem proper.
(5) Pay to the Board a fee as prescribed by the Board at the same time the
application is received by the Board.
C. The Board shall require each applicant to successfully complete an
examination before such applicant is licensed. The examination may be given
either orally, or in writing, or by requiring a practical demonstration of the
applicant’s skill, or by any combination of such methods as the Board
may in its discretion require. Each applicant shall furnish their own patient on
the exam. The selection of this patient as well as the final treatment for this
patient shall be considered in the final grade.
D. The Board may automatically disqualify any person who may be detected
using or attempting to use any unfair assistance during the exam.
E. Dentists licensed in any state or territory of the United States may be issued
a license to practice dentistry in this State if the applicant complies with the
provisions of Regulation 39-1(B) and Section 4015275 and pays a fee for
licensure by credentials. The Board may waive a portion of the fee
upon agreement with an applicant to practice exclusively in a rural county for
not less than two consecutive years.
F. The Board may charge fees as shown in South Carolina Code of
Regulations Chapter 1012 and on the South Carolina Board of Dentistry
website at
394. Examination of Dentists and Dental Hygienists.
(Statutory Authority: 1976 Code §§ 40140, 401540, and 4015140)
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 3 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
All applicants for the general dentistry examination, and all applicants for the
dental hygiene examination applying for licensure by examination in South
Carolina must have passed the National Board (Joint Commission on National
Dental Examinations).
394.1. Re-examination.
A. In case of failure at any examination, the applicant shall have the privilege
of a second or third examination with the payment of the regular fee.
B. If the applicant has not met the Board’s criteria for passing the examination
after three takings, applicant shall not be permitted to retake the examination,
and any score received after three takings shall not be considered, except by
special permission of the Board. It shall be the responsibility of the
applicant to petition the Board and to successfully complete at least one year
of additional dental or dental hygiene education in an American Dental
Association approved dental school or residency, as applicable, or explain in
detail any special or compelling factors presented by the applicant to the
Board the applicant wishes the Board to consider.
South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 40 - Professions and Occupations,
Chap 15 Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Technicians
SECTION 40-15-270. Reciprocity for dentists and dental hygienists licensed in
other states.
The board may grant licenses to licensees of other states who are members of
regional testing services of which the board is also a member without further
examination and may make all necessary regulations and agreements for the
reciprocal recognition of licenses issued by other states.
SECTION 40-15-275. License by credentials; requirements.
(A) The board may issue a license by credentials to an applicant who has
been licensed to practice dentistry in any state or territory of the United States
if the applicant complies with the provisions of Regulation 39-1 B. and
produces evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has:
(1) satisfactorily passed a state or regional clinical board examination
approved by the board and a jurisprudence examination on the laws of this
State and regulations as they relate to the practice of dentistry as approved by
the board and administered in the English language;
(2) a current license to practice dentistry issued by another state or United
States territory that is not revoked, suspended, or restricted;
(3) been actively practicing dentistry for a minimum of five years immediately
preceding the date of application. "Actively practicing" means working a
minimum of twelve hundred hours a year in a private practice or public health
or military clinical setting or the combination of twelve hundred hours a year of
clinical instructing at a Commission on Dental Accreditation approved dental
school and private practice;
(4) completed seventy hours of continuing education over the past five years;
(5) not been the subject of any final or pending disciplinary action in the
military or in any state or territory in which the applicant has held any other
professional license;
(6) no felony convictions and no other criminal convictions that would affect the
applicant's ability to render competent dental care;
(7) signed a release allowing the disclosure of information from the National
Practitioner Data Bank and the verification of registration status with the
federal Drug Enforcement Administration;
(8) agreed to submit to substance abuse testing if requested by the board;
(9) agreed, upon request of the board, to provide proof that the applicant has
no physical or psychological impairment that would adversely affect his or her
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 4 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
ability to practice dentistry with reasonable skill and safety.
(B) The board may conduct examinations and interviews to test the
qualifications of an applicant and may require additional information to
ascertain the applicant's ability to render competent dental care including, but
not limited to, requiring substance abuse testing or proof that no physical or
psychological impairment exists that would adversely affect the applicant's
ability to practice dentistry with reasonable skill and safety. The board may
refuse to issue a license by credentials to an applicant who the board
determines is unfit to practice dentistry.
(C) If a licensee has not established an active practice in this State within two
years of receiving a license by credentials, the license is automatically
(D) In order to provide the means of carrying out and enforcing the provisions
of this section and the duties of the board, the board is authorized to charge
and collect fees as established in regulation.
Specialty Practice
South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 40 - Professions and Occupations,
Chap 15 Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Technicians
SECTION 40-15-130. Advertisement of services; display of name and licensed
area of practice; practice under trade names.
Dentists may advertise their services so long as these public communications
are not false, deceptive, or misleading and do not attempt to create any
impression, unsupported by fact, of superior skills or qualifications of those
who practice thereunder. Licensed dental specialists may announce their
specialization and may advertise their services so long as the public
communications are not false, deceptive, or misleading.
Every dentist practicing dentistry under a trade name and every dentist
practicing as an employee of another licensed dentist or a partnership or of a
professional association shall cause his name and licensed area of practice to
be conspicuously displayed and kept so displayed in a conspicuous place at
the entrance of the place where the practice is conducted.
Dentists may practice or continue to practice under trade names so long as the
names are not false, deceptive, or misleading and do not attempt to create any
impression of superior skills or qualifications of those who practice thereunder.
SECTION 40-15-220. License to practice specialty.
A special license shall be required for the practice of each special area of
dentistry recognized by the American Dental Association, in order for a dentist
to hold himself out to the public as limiting his practice to, being a specialist in,
or giving special attention to any special area of dentistry. No dentist shall
announce or hold himself out to the public as limiting his practice to, or as
being a specialist in or giving special attention to, any special area of dentistry
without first having obtained a special license therefor from the board as
herein provided. The volume of business performed in any limited area of
dentistry and the restriction of a licensed dentist's activity to any one or more
limited areas of dentistry shall not in themselves constitute a holding out to the
public that the dentist is a specialist.
SECTION 40-15-230. Applicant for license to practice specialty must be
licensed to practice dentistry.
Before an applicant can be licensed to practice a specialty, he must first have
been licensed to practice dentistry in the State.
SECTION 40-15-240. Application for license to practice specialty.
Every person who desires to obtain a license to practice a specialty of
dentistry shall apply therefor to the board in writing and upon blanks prepared
and furnished for the purpose not less than forty-five days before the board
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 5 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
SECTION 40-15-250. Examinations for licensing as specialists.
Examinations for licensing as specialists are held annually or as the board
may determine. The examinations must be theoretical and practical. The
theoretical examinations shall include subjects represented in that recognized
special area of dentistry in which the applicant desires to specialize. The
examination must be given either orally or in writing, or by requiring a practical
demonstration of the applicant's skill, or by any combination of the methods as
the board may require. The fee for the examinations and special license is
prescribed in the regulations of the board. Any applicant who fails to pass the
examination may apply for a subsequent examination, in which case he shall
pay to the secretary a fee prescribed in the regulations of the board for each
subsequent examination. A diplomate of a national certifying board recognized
by the American Dental Association may be granted a specialty license without
examination by the board after satisfactory completion of the application and
submission of fees applicable to other applicants. A dentist now holding a valid
South Carolina specialty license is not required to be reexamined for that
specialty license after April 13, 1968.
SECTION 40-15-260. Issuance, recording, and reregistration of license to
practice speciality.
The board, upon satisfactory proof that the applicant has satisfied the then
current educational requirements as set forth by the American Dental
Association for ethical announcement of a practice limited to that specialty and
has complied with all requirements of the board, may issue a license to such a
dentist authorizing him to hold himself out or announce to the public that he is
a specialist in, limits his practice to, or gives special attention to such
recognized special area of the dental profession. Such special license shall be
reregistered in the same manner as provided in this chapter for a license to
practice dentistry.
South Carolina Code of Regulations Chap. 39 Advisory Opinions
PRACTICE. A dentist may ethically announce as a specialist to the public in
any of the dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association
including dental public health, endodontics, oral and maxillofacial pathology,
oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics
and dentofacial orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and
prosthodontics, and in any other areas of dentistry for which specialty
recognition has been granted under the standards required or recognized in
the practitioner’s jurisdiction, provided the dentist meets the educational
requirements required for recognition as a specialist adopted by the American
Dental Association or accepted in the jurisdiction in which they practice *.
Dentists who choose to announce specialization should use ‘‘specialist in’’ and
shall devote a sufficient portion of their practice to the announced specialty or
specialties to maintain expertise in that specialty or those specialties. Dentists
whose practice is devoted exclusively to an announced specialty or specialties
may announce that their practice ‘‘is limited to’’ that specialty or those
specialties. Dentists who use their eligibility to announce as specialists to
make the public believe that specialty services rendered in the dental office
are being rendered by qualified specialists when such is not the case are
engaged in unethical conduct. The burden of responsibility is on specialists to
avoid any inference that general practitioners who are associated with
specialists are qualified to announce themselves as specialists.
5.H.1. DUAL DEGREED DENTISTS. Nothing in Section 5.H shall be
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 6 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
interpreted to prohibit a dual degreed dentist who practices medicine or
osteopathy under a valid state license from announcing to the public as a
dental specialist provided the dentist meets the educational, experience and
other standards set forth in the Code for specialty announcement and further
providing that the announcement is truthful and not materially misleading. In
the case of the ADA, the educational requirements include successful
completion of an advanced educational program accredited by the
Commission on Dental Accreditation, two or more years in length, as specified
by the Council on Dental Education and Licensure, or being a diplomate of an
American Dental Association recognized certifying board for each specialty
SPECIALTY INTEREST AREAS. A dentist who is qualified to announce
specialization under this section may not announce to the public that he or she
is certified or a diplomate or otherwise similarly credentialed in an area of
dentistry not recognized as a specialty area by the American Dental
Association unless: 1. The organization granting the credential grants
certification or diplomate status based on the following: a) the dentist’s
successful completion of a formal, full-time advanced education program
(graduate or postgraduate level) of at least 12 months’ duration; and b) the
dentist’s training and experience; and c) successful completion of an oral and
written examination based on psychometric principles; and 2. The
announcement includes the following language: [Name of announced area of
dental practice] is not recognized as a specialty area by the American Dental
Association. Nothing in this advisory opinion affects the right of a properly
qualified dentist to announce specialization in an ADA-recognized specialty
area(s) as provided for under Section 5.H of this Code or the responsibility of
such dentist to limit his or her practice exclusively to the special area(s) of
dental practice announced. Specialists shall not announce their credentials in
a manner that implies specialization in a non-specialty interest area.
dentists who wish to announce the services available in their practices are
permitted to announce the availability of those services so long as they avoid
any communications that express or imply specialization. General dentists
shall also state that the services are being provided by general dentists. No
dentist shall announce available services in any way that would be false or
misleading in any material respect3.
A general dentist may not announce to the public that he or she is certified or a
diplomate or otherwise similarly credentialed in an area of dentistry not
recognized as a specialty area by the American Dental Association unless: 1.
The organization granting the credential grants certification or diplomate status
based on the following: a) the dentist’s successful completion of a formal, full-
time advanced education program (graduate or postgraduate level) of at least
12 months duration; and b) the dentist’s training and experience; and c)
successful completion of an oral and written examination based on
psychometric principles; 2. The dentist discloses that he or she is a general
dentist; and 3. The announcement includes the following language: [Name of
announced area of dental practice] is not recognized as a specialty area by the
American Dental Association.
announce fellowships or other credentials earned in the area of general
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 7 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
dentistry so long as they avoid any communications that express or imply
specialization and the announcement includes the disclaimer that the dentist is
a general dentist. The use of abbreviations to designate credentials shall be
avoided when such use would lead the reasonable person to believe that the
designation represents an academic degree, when such is not the case.
NOTES: 1. A third party is any party to a dental prepayment contract that may
collect premiums, assume financial risks, pay claims, and/or provide
administrative services. 2. A full fee is the fee for a service that is set by the
dentist, which reflects the costs of providing the procedure and the value of the
dentist’s professional judgment. 3. Advertising, solicitation of patients or
business or other promotional activities by dentists or dental care delivery
organizations shall not be considered unethical or improper, except for those
promotional activities which are false or misleading in any material respect. 4.
Completion of three years of advanced training in oral and maxillofacial
surgery or two years of advanced training in one of the other recognized dental
specialties prior to 1967.
Click here for online
renewal web site for
South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 40 - Professions and Occupations,
Chap 15 Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Technicians
SECTION 40-15-145. Continuing education for dentists on the prescription of
Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances.
As part of the biennial continuing education required by the board or pursuant
to law, including Regulation 39-5, South Carolina Code of State Regulations, a
dentist authorized pursuant to state and federal law to prescribe controlled
substances shall complete at least two hours of continuing education every
two years related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring
controlled substances listed in Schedules II, III, and IV of the schedules
provided for in Sections 44-53-210, 44-53-230, and 44-53-250.
South Carolina Code of Regulations 395. Registration of Licenses or
A. Every licensed dentist or dental hygienist and every registered technician
shall keep the Board informed of their current mailing address.
B. The Board will notify any dentist, dental hygienist or technician of the
expiration of his/her license or certificate.
C. Any person whose license or certificate has expired and who wishes to
have the same reinstated must notify the Board of this in writing. Such
notification must set forth the reasons for seeking to have the same reinstated
and the reasons why the same has expired. Thereafter the Board may require
a reexamination of the person whose license or certificate has expired or may
require the person to appear before the Board and explain why the license or
certificate has expired.
D. In Section 4015170 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, there is
a requirement that affects your license: ‘‘The license of a dentist or dental
hygienist who does not either reside or practice in South Carolina for a period
of six successive years shall be deemed inactive. Provided, that the time spent
in active service by any person in the armed forces or public health service of
the United States or with the Veterans’ Administration shall not be construed
as absence from or failure to practice in the State. Relicensing after an
absence of over six years can be made at the discretion of the Board upon
proof of high professional fitness and moral character.’’
E. Relicensing can be made at the discretion of the Board upon proof of high
professional fitness and moral character.
F. Each licensed dentist, licensed dental hygienist and registered dental
technician shall complete as a requirement for relicensure the following
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 8 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
accredited continuing education on a two-year continuous cycle basis. The
licensee/registrant shall certify on the relicensure/registration form that he/she
has taken and can verify the required number of hours specified below.
Verification shall be in the form of a record of courses taken, continuing hours
earned, the date, sponsor and subject matter of the courses. This material
shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of verification to
the Board upon licensure/reregistration and, upon request of the State Board
or its representative, the licensee/registrant shall provide documentation in the
form of certificates or attendance or letters from course sponsors as proof of
(1) All dentists shall complete a minimum of fourteen (14) continuing education
hours per year or twenty-eight (28) continuing education hours over two (2)
years; dental hygienists shall complete a minimum of seven (7) continuing
education hours per year or fourteen (14) over two (2) years; dental
technicians shall complete a minimum of four (4) continuing education hours
per year or eight (8) continuing education hours over two (2) years, in order to
be eligible for relicensure or reregistration. Upon licensure by examination of
this State, dentists, dental hygienists and dental technicians shall be exempt
from continuing education requirements for the first relicensure period. Fifty
percent (50%) of the required continuing education hours must be obtained via
live, in-person attendance. Interactive webinars are considered live or in-
person continuing education hours. The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the
required continuing education hours can be earned via online computer
(a) All licensed dentists and dental hygienists must have at least two (2) hours
of their required continuing education be dedicated to sterilization and infection
(b) It is the responsibility of all dentists to ensure that their auxiliary staff who
may be exposed to blood and other body fluids require and provide two (2)
hours biennially of continuing education on sterilization and infection control
and maintain records of such training.
(2) The continuing education hours must be courses related to the procedures
approved for each licensee/registrant such as
(a) medical and scientific subjects;
(b) clinical and technical subjects;
(c) risk management and infection control;
(d) dental radiology;
(e) CPR, diet and nutrition.
(3) All dentists and dental hygienists must have completed an approved CPR
course within two (2) years of licensure or renewal. Thereafter, all dentists and
dental hygienists must be recertified in CPR once every two (2) years. Yearly
recertification is not required, but can be used as continuing education hours
any time.
(4) Programs that meet the general requirement of Section 2 may be
developed and/or endorsed by organizations and agencies such as: (a) the
American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, American Dental
Hygienists’ Association, American Dental Assistants’ Association, National
Association of Dental Laboratories, or their local societies and associations;
(b) national, state, local, district dental specialty organizations recognized by
the American Dental Association; (c) dental colleges or schools accredited by
the American Dental Association; (d) other organizations, schools, and
agencies approved by the State Board of Dentistry.
(5) Each dentist, dental hygienist and dental technician licensed/registered by
South Carolina Laws & Rules Page 9 of 9
Updated: 18 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
the Board who is not exempt from this regulation, at the time of filing his
application for renewal of his license/registration, shall certify on the
reregistration form that he/she has taken and can verify the required number of
hours. A record of the courses taken, continuing education hours earned, date,
sponsor, and subject matter shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years
from the date of attendance. Upon request, the applicant shall provide
documentation in the form of certificates of attendance or letters from course
sponsors, to the Board as proof of attendance.
(6) Failure to comply with this mandatory continuing education requirement
may result in disciplinary action by the Board against the applicant.
(7) In individual cases involving extraordinary hardship or extenuating
circumstances, disability or illness, all or any part of the requirements may be
waived, modified or extended by the Board. Any applicant shall be eligible for
waiver or extension who, upon written application to the Board and for good
cause shown, demonstrates that they are unable to participate in a sufficient
number of regular continuing educational programs for licensure/registration.
(8) The Board shall have the authority to decide if a course meets its
accreditation criterion, if a question arises.