South Carolina Rural Dentist
Loan Repayment Program
Program Handbook | Updated October 2023
Lowcountry • Mid-Carolina • Pee Dee • Upstate
South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program
Program Handbook | Updated October 2023
Table of Contents
SC Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program Overview ............................................................ 2
About the Program ................................................................................................................... 2
Board.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Program Details ............................................................................................................................ 3
Priority........................................................................................................................................ 3
Applicant Scoring Criteria......................................................................................................................3
Eligibility .................................................................................................................................... 3
Application Process ................................................................................................................. 4
Steps to Apply .......................................................................................................................................4
Required Documentation ......................................................................................................................4
Contract ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Community Dentists ..............................................................................................................................5
MUSC Faculty .......................................................................................................................................5
Penalty for Default .................................................................................................................... 5
More Information....................................................................................................................... 5
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South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program
Updated October 2023
SC Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program Overview
About the Program
In July of 2005, the Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program was established by the South
Carolina Legislature. The funds for this program are appropriated to the South Carolina Area
Health Education Consortium (AHEC) and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
and are administered by AHEC. The program assists in the repayment for educational loans of
dentists who practice in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or serve as full-time
faculty at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine. The expectation is that during their
commitment period these dentists will establish viable community practices or academic careers
at the College of Dental Medicine, become involved in their respective communities and remain
after the funding period is over. Priority for this program is given to those demonstrating need
and expressing intent to remain in an underserved area or in an area of critical need at the
MUSC College of Dental Medicine.
While this program is administered by SC AHEC, a Board is created to manage and allocate
these funds to ensure the location of licensed dentists in rural areas of South Carolina and on
the faculty of the College of Dental Medicine at MUSC. The Board will be composed of the
following: The Dean, or his Designee, of the MUSC College of Dental Medicine; three members
from the South Carolina Dental Education Foundation Board who represent rural areas; and the
President, or his designee, of the South Carolina Dental Association. The Director of DHEC’s
Office of Primary Care; the Director or his designee of the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS); and the Executive Director of the SCDA shall serve as ex-officio members
without vote.
South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program
Updated October 2023
Program Details
The intent of this program is to assist dentists in repaying educational loans in order that they
may practice in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) in South Carolina or serve as full-
time faculty at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine, without the financial burden of unpaid
educational loans. The Board expects that during the commitment period, the dentists will either
establish viable practices and become involved in their communities so that they will continue
practicing in the area after the funding period is over or will establish viable academic careers at
the College of Dental Medicine. Priority for this program will be given to those demonstrating
need and expressing honest intent to remain in the underserved area once funding is completed
or are in an area of critical need at the College of Dental Medicine.
Applicant Scoring Criteria
Preference is given to applicants based on:
South Carolina Resident
Under-represented Minority
MUSC Dental School
Previous Applicant
Dental Residency Training
Community Endorsement
Practice Investment
Rural Practice
Overall Board Evaluation
Practice Type
To be eligible for this program, all applicants must have no outstanding service obligation for
health professional service to the Federal Government (e.g., an active military obligation or
National Health Service Corp), a State (e.g., State Loan Repayment Program or Scholarship
Program obligation) or other entity, unless the obligation would be completed prior to receipt of
the dental loan repayment award. All applicants must be a U.S. citizen (either U.S. born or
naturalized), U.S. national or a Lawful Permanent Resident, and must provide documentation of
their status. A Lawful Permanent Resident is also known as a “Permanent Resident Alien,”
“Resident Alien Permit Holder,” or “Green Card Holder.”
Applicants must practice in an area of need or contract to serve full-time at the MUSC College
of Dental Medicine. All applicants are expected to be (or become) a Medicaid provider and treat
at least 100 unduplicated Medicaid patients a year.
South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program
Updated October 2023
Application Process
Applications for the Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program are generally open each year in
October and are due in February. Precise application dates will be posted on the Recruitment &
Retention webpage during the application period. Completed applications will be considered by
the Board shortly after the application period closes. No late applications will be accepted.
Accepted applicants will be notified if they receive funding in July and more information about
contracts will be provided at that time.
Applicants must identify the community in South Carolina in which they wish to practice or are
currently practicing. Applications will also be accepted from dentists who wish to serve on the
faculty at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine.
Steps to Apply
1. Complete the Eligibility Form via the Apply button on the Recruitment & Retention
2. If eligible, you will be routed to the full application. If not eligible, please review the
Eligibility section.
3. Please complete the online application in the Submittable portal. You can save as a draft
and return to submit when completed.
4. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your application. If you do not
receive a confirmation email from Submittable within 24 hours, please contact
Kristin Cochran.
Required Documentation
Proof of U.S. citizenship, U.S. National or Lawful Permanent Resident status (U.S. birth
certificate issued by a city, county or state agency of the United States, identification
page of an unexpired U.S. passport, or a Certificate of Citizenship, a Naturalization
Certificate, or a Green Card). Please note that a state driver’s license, or state-issue
non-driver’s identification, Residence Card, or Social Security Card are not acceptable
proof of U.S. citizenship or status as a U.S. national.
A personal statement
Curriculum vitae
Minimum of three current signed and dated community letters of support from lay
members (not dentists) of the community*
Copies of all educational loan documents
Documentation of practice investment from the dentist or other organization or entities*
1040 Form from the most recent tax return with social security number redacted
Copy of the SLED State Criminal Records Check. Available at
(There is a minimum charge for this check.)*
Not required for MUSC Dental Faculty Applicants
South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program
Updated October 2023
Applications from providers currently in practice must include an individual Medicaid
provider number in order to be considered. This stipulation does not apply to students who
have not yet completed their training who will need to obtain an individual Medicaid provider
number to be eligible for loan repayment. For students who will establish practice upon
completion of training, to become a Medicaid provider, access the South Carolina Department
of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) website. The South Carolina Dental Association
(SCDA) can assist with obtaining a Medicaid provider number.
Community Dentists
Accepted community dentists will sign a contract with South Carolina AHEC and MUSC to
practice in an underserved area for four years. The current contract amount is up to $75,000
total paid quarterly. The terms of the contract stipulate that all participants will be expected to
treat at least 100 unduplicated Medicaid patients in South Carolina each year of the contract.
MUSC Faculty
Accepted faculty at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine will sign a contract with South
Carolina AHEC and MUSC to receive funding for one year. The contract amount varies and is
paid annually.
Penalty for Default
If the dentist fails to execute the full terms of the contract, the Board will determine the
appropriate disposition. The penalty may be up to a triple repayment of all money received plus
interest at the prime rate plus 10% as of the day of default (plus any legal fees and costs
necessary to collect the money). In the case of pregnancy, extended leave or special
circumstances during which the dentist does not serve as a full-time dentist, a period of time
equal to the extended leave may be added to the contract period.
More Information
For in-depth information about the South Carolina Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program, visit