This information packet includes the following:
1) A copy of the Dental Hygiene Licensure by Credentials General Statutes and Board Rules
2) Application for Licensure by Credentials
3) Certificate of Licensure form
4) Affidavit
5) Fingerprint card and instructions (You must contact the Board office for this information)
It is your responsibility to review the rules and determine if you qualify for licensure by credentials BEFORE
submitting an application. Certain types of criminal history may result in a denial of a license by credentials. Please
understand that once your application is received and the application process begins the credentialing fee is NON-
Incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be returned to you. You will be charged a $10.00 processing fee
if your application has to be returned.
Once our office receives your application, you will receive notification of receipt along with information on
obtaining a copy of the North Carolina Dental Laws and a resource list for sterilization/infection control that will
assist you in preparing for the written tests. This memorandum will inform you of when the tests are given and
who to contact to schedule a time to take the tests. The application process takes 90 days upon receipt of
application. It is not necessary to contact the Board office to check on the status of your application!! CALLS TO
North Carolina requires that your current licensing board(s) have investigated and found no violations in any and
all instances that resulted in a report to the National Practitioner Data Bank. If your licensing board(s) has not
investigated and cleared you in an incident giving rise to a National Practitioner Data Bank report, you will not be
eligible for licensure by credentials in North Carolina. This is true even in those incidents that result in the
settlement of a claim without your permission or knowledge.
Please Note!! The Board’s rules constantly change. While every effort is made to keep rules and statutes up to
date in this and other documents, always check for the latest version of the Board’s rules directly from the Office
of Administrative Hearings’ website. A link to their page may be found on our website on the “Rules and Laws”
§ 90-224.1. Licensure by credentials.
(a)The Board may issue a license by credentials to an applicant who has been licensed to practice dental hygiene in any state
or territory of the United States if the applicant produces satisfactory evidence to the Board that the applicant has the required
education, training, and qualifications; is in good standing with the licensing jurisdiction; has passed the National Board
Dental Hygiene Examination administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations; has passed
satisfactory examinations of proficiency in the knowledge and practice of dental hygiene as determined by the Board; and
meets all other requirements of this section and rules adopted by the Board. The Board may, in its discretion, refuse to issue a
license by credentials to an applicant who the Board determines is unfit to practice dental hygiene.
(b) The applicant for licensure shall be of good moral character, have graduated from an accredited high school or hold a high
school equivalency certificate duly issued by a governmental agency or authorized unit, and have graduated from a dental
hygiene program or school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association and
approved by the Board.
(c) The applicant must meet all of the following conditions:
(1) Has been actively practicing dental hygiene, as defined in G.S. 90-221, under the supervision of a licensed dentist for a
minimum of two years immediately receding the date of application.
(2) Has no history of disciplinary action or pending disciplinary action in the military or in any state or territory in which the
applicant is or has ever been licensed.
(3) Has no felony convictions and has no other criminal convictions that would affect the applicant's ability to render
competent dental hygiene care.
(4) Has not failed a licensure examination administered by the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners.
(d) The applicant for licensure by credentials shall submit an application, the form of which shall be determined by the Board,
pay the fee required by G.S. 90-232, successfully complete examinations in Jurisprudence and Sterilization and Infection
Control, and meet other criteria or requirements established by the Board, which may include an examination or interview
before the Board or its authorized agents.
(e) This section shall not be construed to include licensure by reciprocity, which is prohibited. (2002-37, s. 3.)
(a) An applicant for a dental hygiene license by credentials shall submit to the Board:
(1) a completed, notarized application, on a form provided by the Board;
(2) the licensure by credentials fee;
(3) verification that the applicant has successfully completed with a passing score the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination
administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations;
(4) verification that the applicant has successfully completed with a passing score, the licensure examination conducted by a regional
testing agency or independent state licensure examination that is substantially equivalent to the clinical licensure examination
required in North Carolina;
(5) verification that the applicant holds a valid, current and unrestricted dental hygiene license issued by a state, U.S. territory or the
District of Columbia;
(6) verification that the applicant has been subject to a state, U.S. territory, or federal dental regulatory authority during the two years
immediately preceding the application;
(7) verification of all dental hygiene or professional licenses held;
(8) an affidavit from the applicant stating for the two years immediately preceding application:
A. the dates that and locations where the applicant has practiced dental hygiene; and
B. that the applicant has been in continuous active clinical practice averaging at least 1000 hours per year in clinical direct
patient care, during the two years immediately preceding application;
(9) a statement disclosing and explaining any disciplinary actions, investigations, malpractice claims, patient complaints or state or
federal agency complaints, judgments, settlements, or criminal charges;
(10) if applicable, a statement disclosing and explaining periods within the last 10 years of observation, assessment or treatment for
substance abuse, with verification demonstrating that the applicant has complied with all provisions and terms of any county or
state drug treatment program, or impaired dental hygiene or other impaired professionals program; and
(11) verification that the applicant holds a current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(b) In addition to the requirements of Paragraph (a) of this Rule, an applicant for a dental hygiene license by credentials shall arrange for and
ensure the submission to the Board office, the following documents as a package, with each document in an unopened officially sealed envelope
from the entity involved:
(12) (1) official transcripts and a certificate from the dean verifying that the applicant has graduated from a dental hygiene program
accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association;
(13) (2) if the applicant is or has ever been employed as a dentist or dental hygienist by or under contract with a federal agency,
verification of the applicant's current status and disciplinary history from each federal agency where the applicant is or has
employed or under contract;
(14) (3) if the applicant is or has ever been a member of a state dental society or dental hygiene association, verification of the
applicant's current status and disciplinary history from each state dental society or dental hygiene association in which the
applicant is or has been a member;
(15) (4) verification of the applicant's licensure status and complete information regarding any disciplinary action taken or
investigation pending, from all licensing jurisdictions where the applicant holds or has ever held a dental hygiene license or other
professional license;
(16) (5) a report from the National Practitioner Databank, if applicable; and
(17) (6) a report of any pending or final malpractice actions against the applicant and verified by the applicant's malpractice insurance
carrier along with all documents and records. The applicant must request a verification of coverage history from his or her
current and all previous malpractice insurance carriers.
(c) All applicants shall submit to the Board a signed release form, completed Fingerprint Record Card, and such other form(s) required to
perform a criminal history check at the time of the application.
(d) An applicant for dental hygiene licensure by credentials must successfully complete written examinations and, if deemed necessary by the
Board based on the applicant's history, a clinical simulation examination administered by the Board. If the applicant fails any of the
examinations, the applicant may retake the examination failed two additional times during a one year period.
(e) All information required must be completed and received by the Board office as a complete package with the initial application and
application fee. If all of the information is not received as a complete package, the application shall be returned to the applicant. Should the
applicant reapply for licensure by credentials, an additional licensure by credentials fee shall be required.
(f) Any license obtained through fraud or by any false representation shall be void ab initio and of no effect.
History Note: Authority G.S. 90-223; 90-224.1; Temporary Adoption Eff. January 1, 2003.
(Retain this Page for Your Records)
The materials listed below must be received by the Board office as a complete package, with each document in an
unopened officially sealed envelope from the entity involved. These items will also be accepted from the entity digitally
via email to [email protected]. Please do not send both formats. Incomplete applications may be delayed.
1. Official dental hygiene school transcript, which must include degree, date of graduation, school seal and Registrar’s signature.
2. An official verification or letter of good standing from each state in which you are or have ever been licensed to practice dentistry and/or any other
professions. (Copies of your license or renewal certificates are NOT acceptable.)
3. Applicants licensed to practice dental hygiene in another state/jurisdiction must submit a National Practitioner Data Bank Report. Please contact the
National Practitioner Data Bank at or 1-800-767-6732 to request a Self-Query. We will accept a hard copy or an
electronic copy of the report.
4. If you are or ever have been employed by a federal agency as a dental hygienist, you will need an employment verification letter. The letter must
contain your current status and any disciplinary history.
5. If you have or ever have had malpractice insurance, you will need a report of any pending or final malpractice actions, verified by the malpractice
insurance carrier along with all documents and records AND verification of coverage history from current and all previous malpractice insurance
carriers. If you have never carried your own malpractice insurance, please include a written statement for the file.
6. If you have ever taken a regional board examination(s), you will need a score verification sheet from each regional board office.
In addition to the items listed above, the materials listed below must also accompany the application. These items do not
need to be in sealed envelopes.
7. Licensure by Credentials Fee - $750.00 CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY (Payable to: NC State Board of Dental Examiners) THIS
FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE!! The application fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable and shall not be returned to you under any circumstances.
This means that even if your application is denied, or you are offered a Consent Order by the Board, or you petition the Board for a formal hearing, the
application fee will not be refunded.
8. Dental Hygiene National Board Scores: We can access scores electronically; please request scores be uploaded on the ADA website.
9. Transcripts from all undergraduate colleges attended (Photocopies are acceptable).
10. One passport-size photograph, taken within the last six months, glued to the application form. Do NOT send Polaroid snapshots.
11. Verification of current CPR certification. Photocopy of card is acceptable. Please note: The Board does not accept online CPR. You must submit
proof of a hands-on or blended course.
12. A signed release form, completed Fingerprint Record Card, and other such form(s) required to perform a criminal history check at the time of
application. (These forms may be requested from our office by emailing your request and your mailing address to In state
applicants may use LiveScan (see our website for instructions.)
13. A completed and signed Affidavit verifying employment (Form Enclosed).
Please contact the Board office if you have any questions regarding the application or materials required.
Address: 2000 Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 160, Morrisville, NC 27560
E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:
Phone Number: (919) 678-8223 Fax Number: (919) 678-8472
**Please note that once your application is received by the Board office, the process may take at least 90 days.**
Each question must be answered fully, truthfully and accurately. All supporting data requested must accompany this
application. If the space for any answer is insufficient, you must complete your answer on a rider signed by you, specifying
the number of the question to which it relates and enclosing it with this application. DO NOT SEPARATE THIS FORM
It is the responsibility of each applicant to review applicable statutes and rules to determine eligibility for licensure
prior to applying for a North Carolina Dental or Provisional license. Statutes and rules are available on the Board’s
website or by calling (919) 678.8223.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(First Name in Full) (Middle/Maiden) (Last Name in Full)
(Present Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip) (County)
(Permanent Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip) (County)
2. Preferred mailing address for ALL information: _____Present _____Permanent
3. Telephone number (day): ( ) _________________ Email address:_____________________________
4. Age:____________ Date of Birth:_____/______/______ Place of Birth:__________________
5. Social Security Number: _______-_______-_______
6. Are you a citizen of the United States of America? _____Yes _____No
7. Are you (check one): _____Single _____Married _____Divorced
8. Have you ever been known by another name? _____Yes _____No
If yes, state in full every other name by which you have been known: (If change was made by a Court order,
enclose a certified copy of such order)
9. Please list all addresses for the past 10 years (Attach a separate sheet if necessary):
10. Name two individuals who will always know your address:
Name:__________________________________ Name:____________________________________
Address:________________________________ Address:__________________________________
Phone:( )_____________________________ Phone:( )_______________________________
11. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? _____Yes _____No
If yes, please explain: (Attach a separate sheet if necessary):___________________________________
12. Please list any current and past drivers licenses you have maintained:
(State)_________(Dates Maintained)_____________________
(State)_________(Dates Maintained)_____________________
13. a) Have you previously applied for an examination given in North Carolina? _____Yes _____No
If yes, give date(s):_______________________________________
b) Have you failed an examination given by North Carolina or another Board? _____Yes _____No
If yes, please give Board(s) and date(s):_____________________________________________
c) Have you ever been refused any examination given by North Carolina or another Board? _____Yes _____No
If yes, give Board(s) and date(s):_____________________________
d) Have you taken the Dental Hygiene National Board? _____Yes _____No _____Pending
e) Have you ever failed the Dental Hygiene National Board? _____Yes _____No
If yes, please list date(s):__________________________________________________________
f) Have you ever taken a regional board examination? _____Yes ____No
If yes, please list board and date(s):____________________________________________________
14. Please list all jobs held within the past 10 years and, if terminated or asked to leave from that position, please explain.
(Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)
15.Have you ever served in the armed forces of the United States or any other country?
_____Yes _____No
If yes:
a) Have you been separated from such services? ______Yes ________No
b) State nature of separation_________________________________________
c) If other than honorable, furnish a written statement specifying type thereof and
circumstances surrounding your release.
d) State inclusive dates of service_____________________________________
e) In the armed services, have any charges or complaints, formal or informal, been made or
filed against you, or have any proceedings ever been instituted against you, or have you
ever been a defendant in any court martial? If yes, please attach a separate sheet of
paper with the date an explanation of each incident. _____Yes _____No
f) Have you registered under the Selective Service Act of 1948? _____Yes _____No
16.Have you been dropped, suspended, expelled, or disciplined by any school or college for any
cause whatsoever? If yes, please list on a separate sheet of paper, the date, school and nature of
cause. _____Yes _____No
17. Have you ever been denied admission to any college or school for cause that reflects adversely on
your character? ________ Yes ______No
18. Have you ever:
a) been summoned to court or before a magistrate for the violation of any law or ordinance
or for the commission of any felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
b) been arrested for the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
c) been taken into custody for the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission
of any felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
d) been indicted for the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
e) been convicted or tried for the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission of
any felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
f) been charged with the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
g) pleaded guilty to the violation of any law or ordinance or for the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor? ____Yes ____ No
If your answer is yes, to any of the foregoing questions, attach a statement describing fully the nature
of any such matters, with complete facts, disposition of the matter, and the name and address of the
authority in possession of the records thereof. Only traffic violations unrelated to alcohol or drugs
may be excluded from this answer.
19. A. Within the past five years, have you exhibited any conduct or behavior that could call
into question your ability to practice dental hygiene in a competent, ethical, and professional
manner? Yes No
If you answered yes, furnish a thorough explanation below:
Relevant date(s): _________________________________________________
B. Do you currently have any condition or impairment (including, but not limited to,
substance abuse, alcohol abuse, or a mental, emotional, or nervous disorder or condition) that
in any way affects your ability to practice dental hygiene in a competent, ethical, and
professional manner? Yes No
C. If your answer to Question 26(B) is yes, are the limitations caused by your condition
or impairment reduced or ameliorated because you receive ongoing treatment or because you
participate in a monitoring or support program?
Yes No
If your answer to Question 26(B) or (C) is yes, complete a separate release and summary
form for each service provider that has assessed or treated any such condition or impairment.
Release and summar forms are attached and may be duplicated as needed. As used in
Question 19, “currently” means recently enough that the condition or impairment could
reasonably affect your ability to function as a dental hygienist.
In order to determine my suitability for a license to practice dental hygiene in North Carolina, I understand that the
North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners must make a thorough investigation of my personal records and
employment history. It is in the public’s best interest that any and all relevant information concerning my personal and
employment history be disclosed to the above named agency. Therefore, I do hereby request and authorize any former and
present employers, educational institutions, doctors or other health care professionals including mental health, alcohol
treatment centers, hospitals or other repositories of medical records, government agencies, criminal and civil courts, including
any private law firms and or certification/licensing boards or commissions, any other individual agency or firm to produce
and provide true copies of any and all information and documents, including but not limited to privileged or confidential
documents to the Board regarding myself.
Moreover, I hereby release the Board from any civil or criminal liability whatsoever for seeking such requested
information and for evaluating such information as it relates to my application and potential license. I hereby release the
issuing agency and its agents, both individually and collectively from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind,
which may at any time result because of compliance with this request.
I hereby expressly waive all provisions of law forbidding any physician or other person who has attended or
examined me, or who may hereafter attend or examine me, from disclosing any knowledge or information which he thereby
acquired; and I hereby consent that he may disclose such knowledge or information to the North Carolina State Board of
Dental Examiners.
I further waive all rights to inspect or review any and all information compiled in reference to any investigation or
application for license. I do further hereby authorize the Board, its agents and employees, to release true copies of any and all
information to any agency or entity regulating the licensing authority of the practice of dental hygiene.
I hereby acknowledge that this authorization is truly voluntary and is valid for one (1) year or until the application
and/or investigation process has been completed. A true copy of this document is considered valid, just as the original.
I understand that this application is a continuing application and that I must provide full and correct answers to the
questions herein. I will notify the Board of any changes relating to any matter inquired about herein.
I understand that failure to provide full and correct answers and/or failure to update my responses will be grounds for
denial of my application or revocation of my license.
I have read and fully understand the above statements.
(Print Name)
I,_________________________________________________, the applicant herein depose and say that all facts,
statements, and answers contained in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am not omitting any
information which might be of value to this Board in determining my qualifications and character, whether it is called for or
not; and I agree that any falsification or withholding of information or facts concerning my qualifications as an applicant shall
be sufficient to bar me from licensure by credentials or any future examination given by the North Carolina State Board of
Dental Examiners, and such falsification or withholding shall serve as sufficient grounds for the suspension or revocation of
my North Carolina dental hygiene license even though it is not discovered until after issuance.
State/Territory/Jurisdiction of _____________________________
County/Province of____________________________
I______________________________________, a Notary Public for said County and
State/Territory/Jurisdiction, do hereby certify that__________________________________personally appeared
before me this the_______________day of_________________,_______________ and acknowledged the due
execution of the foregoing instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal, this the_____________day of______________________,________.
Notary Public
My commission expires:____________________
This form must be completed, signed, notarized and returned with the application packet. Failure to return
this form will result in your application being returned.
For the two years immediately preceding my application for licensure by credentials, I have practiced at the
following locations
Locations Dates of Employment
During the two years immediately preceding my application for licensure by credentials, I have provided at least
2,000 hours of clinical care directly to patients.
Affirmed to and subscribed before me this_______________day of________________,20_____
(Official Seal)
Notary Public
My commission expires__________________________,20_____.
Public Notice Statement
required by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-764(a)(5), effective December 31,2017
Any worker who is defined as an employee by N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 95-25.2(4)(NC
Department Of Labor), 143-762(a)(3)(Employee Fair Classification Act), 96-
1(b)(10)(Employment Security Act), 97-2(2)(Workers’ Compensation Act), or 105-
163.1(4)(Withholding; Estimated Income Tax for Individuals) shall be treated as an
employee unless the individual is an independent contractor. Any employee who
believes that the employee has been misclassified as an independent contractor by the
employee’s employer may report the suspected misclassification to the Employee
Classification Section within the North Carolina Industrial Commission.
Employee Classification Section
North Carolina Industrial Commission
1233 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1233
Telephone: (919) 807-2582
Fax: (919)715-0282
Employee misclassification is defined as avoiding tax liabilities and other obligations
imposed by Chapter 95, 96, 97, 105, or 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes by
misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor. [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-762(5)]
____________Yes _______________No
Corrections/erasures VOID this form
Please use black or blue ink
To be used with Question 19
By signing below, I authorize the above provider to provide information, without limitation, relating to mental illness or the
use of drugs and alcohol concerning advice, care, or treatment provided to me, to representatives of the Board of Dental
Examiners of the State of North Carolina who are involved in conducting an investigation into my moral character,
professional reputation, and fitness for the practice of law. I understand that any such information as may be received will
be reported only to the admitting authority. The information will be used or disclosed at my request. This authorization will
expire one year from the date of my notarized signature below. A photocopy of this form is acceptable for purposes of
obtaining this information.
I hereby release, discharge, and exonerate the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of North Carolina, its agents and
representatives, the admitting authority, its agents and representatives, and the above named provider, its agents and
representatives so furnishing information from any and all liability of every nature and kind arising out of the furnishing or
inspection of any documents, records, and other information, or out of the investigation made by the Board of Dental
Examiners of the State of North Carolina or by the admitting authority.
I am not required to sign this authorization in order to receive treatment from the above provider. I have the right to refuse
to sign this authorization. When my information is used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization, it may be subject to
redisclosure by the recipient and may no longer be protected by the federal HIPAA Privacy Rule. I have the right to revoke
this authorization in writing except to the extent that the provider has acted in reliance upon this authorization. My written
revocation must be resubmitted to the Director of Investigations at the address of the provider above.
Signature of Applicant Date
STATE/DISTRICT OF _______________________________
COUNTY OF _______________________________
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me this _______________day
of ______________, _______________
Month Year
Signature of Notary
My commission expires ______________________________________________
Seal or stamp must be affixed to each original.
The Board of Dental Examiners of the State of North Carolina is aware of HIPAA requirements.
Revised 08/08/2018
To be used with Question 19
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last Suffix
Relevant dates: From Mo/Yr To Mo/Yr
Describe the condition or impairment
Describe any treatment, or any program that includes monitoring or support
Name and complete address of attending physician or counselor (if applicable):
Name of physician or counselor
Physician's or counselor's current address
City StateZip Country
Telephone ( )
Name and complete address of hospital or institution (if applicable):
Name of hospital or institution
Hospital's or institution's current address
City StateZip Country
Telephone ( )
The Board of Dental Examiners of the State of North Carolina is aware of HIPAA requirements.
STANDARD NCBLE Revised 9/4/2018