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Information Technology Policy
Data Warehousing Policy
Effective Date
November 7, 2006
Scheduled Review
March 2024
1. Purpose
This Information Technology Policy (ITP) establishes enterprise-wide standards and
guidance for Data Warehousing.
2. Scope
This ITP applies to all offices, departments, boards, commissions, and councils under
the Governor’s jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as "agencies"). Agencies not under
the Governor’s jurisdiction are strongly encouraged to follow this ITP.
Third-party vendors, licensors, contractors, or suppliers shall meet the policy
requirements of the Commonwealth’s ITPs that are applicable to the products and
services provided to the Commonwealth.
3. Definitions
Aggregations: The process of consolidating data values into a single value. For
example, sales data could be collected daily and then aggregated at the week or month
level. The data can then be referred to as aggregate data. Aggregation is synonymous
with summarization, and aggregate data is synonymous with summary data.
Data Integration Technology: Technology that facilitates the consolidation and
reconciliation of dispersed data maintained by agencies in multiple, heterogeneous
systems for analytical purposes. Data can be accessed, extracted, moved, loaded,
validated, and transformed.
Data Lake: A system or repository of data stored in its natural or raw format, usually
object blobs or files. A Data Lake is usually a single store of data including raw copies of
source system data, sensor data, social data, etc., and transformed data used for tasks
such as reporting, visualization, advanced analytics, and machine learning. A Data
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Lake can include structured data from relational databases (rows and columns), semi-
structured data (CSV, logs, XML, JSON), unstructured data (emails, documents, PDFs),
and binary data (images, audio, video).
Data Mart: A subset of the enterprise data warehouse that is designed for a particular
line of business, such as sales, marketing, or finance.
Data Mining: Data Mining is the process of sifting through large amounts of data to
produce data content relationships. It also refers to the technique by which a user
utilizes software tools to look for particular patterns or trends. This technique can
uncover future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive,
knowledge-driven decisions. Often performed by leveraging Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning.
Data Model: An abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how
they relate to one another and to the properties of entities. Data Warehouse: A
storage architecture designed to hold data extracted from transaction systems,
operational data stores and external sources. The warehouse then combines that data
in an aggregate, summary form suitable for enterprisewide data analysis and reporting
for predefined business needs.
Data Warehousing: A process for building decision support systems and a knowledge-
based application environment in support of both everyday tactical decision making and
long-term business strategy. Data warehouses and data warehouse applications are
designed primarily to support the decision-making process by providing the decision
makers with access to accurate and consolidated information from a variety of sources.
Dimension Tables: Dimension Tables describe the entities, represented as
hierarchical, categorical information such as time, departments, locations, and
products. Dimension Tables are sometimes called lookup or reference tables.
Extract, Transform and Load (ETL): Refers to the methods involved in accessing and
manipulating source data and loading it into a data warehouse.
Fact: A value or measurement, which represents a Fact about the managed entity or
system. Facts, as reported by the reporting entity, are said to be at raw level;
Examples include sales, cost, and profit.
Fact Table: A table in a Star Schema that contains Facts. A Fact Table typically has
two types of columns: Those that contain Facts (e.g., numbers), and those that are
foreign keys to Dimension Tables. The primary key of a Fact Table is usually a
composite key constructed with all its foreign keys.
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): A type of software used to perform rapid
multidimensional analysis on large volumes of data from a data warehouse or some
other centralized data store. This is accomplished by extracting data from multiple
relational data sets and reorganizing it into a multidimensional format that enables fast
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Snowflake Schema: A snowflake schema is a multi-dimensional Data Model that is an
extension of a star schema, where Dimension Tables are broken down into
subdimensions. Snowflake schemas are commonly used for business intelligence and
reporting in OLAP data warehouses, Data Marts, and relational databases.
Star Schema: A star schema is a multi-dimensional Data Model used to organize data
in a database so that it is easy to understand and analyze. Star schemas can be applied
to data warehouses, databases, Data Marts, and other tools.
4. Policy
When a business requirement necessitates reporting that summarizes or combines data
from multiple sources, Agencies shall consider utilizing data warehouse technology.
Prior to building or implementing a new data warehouse, agencies shall determine if a
data warehouse exists that meets their needs. If a data warehouse exists that contains
all the required data, agencies shall utilize it rather than implementing a new data
Agencies shall leverage the Data Warehousing solution provided by Integrated
Enterprise Systems (IES) for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications or ERP
data when the IES Data Warehousing solution meets agencies business requirements.
Additional information regarding the Data Warehousing solution offered by IES for ERP
applications is available in
ITP-SFT008, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Agencies shall use one of the current standards for Data Warehousing as defined in
STD-INF004C, Data Warehousing Product Standards.
Information regarding the
availability and licensing of current Data Warehousing product standards is available in
GEN-INF004D, Data Warehousing Product Availability.
Agencies shall determine the level of mission criticality of their data warehouse. The
infrastructure and operational procedures necessary to support the data warehouse
shall be designed and implemented to the level of mission criticality of the data
Agencies shall take appropriate automated and manual measures to continually
improve the quality and accuracy of the information in the data warehouse working
towards a goal of 95% or greater. Agencies shall maintain metrics regarding the current
quality and accuracy of the information in their data warehouses. Data quality and
accuracy are critical to establishing the integrity of the information and user confidence
in the validity of the resulting output.
Additionally, agencies shall ensure:
All data warehouse models follow the database standards referenced in ITP-
INF001, Database Management Systems.
All data warehouse models follow BPD-INF003D, Core Citizen Data Model and Data
Elements for citizen-centric common data elements described in the citizen model.
Any custom development done for ETL adheres to existing Commonwealth
Data Warehousing solutions physically operate within Commonwealth-approved
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Any data warehouse contains a subset of information from operational systems
optimized for data retrieval and reporting to support performance measurement
against agency or enterprise goals and objectives.
Data warehouses utilize Commonwealth approved IT resources separate from
operational and transaction-related
systems, thereby mitigating potential
performance issues with these systems.
Any data warehouse has an efficient extracting or harvesting process separate
from operational and transaction-related systems in order to minimize the impacts
to the performance or availability of these systems.
Standard methods such as ANSI-SQL, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Java
Database Connectivity (JDBC), or OData (Open Data Protocol) RESTful APIs are
used to access any data warehouse.
Training requirements are established and met for each model of the data
warehouse (Snowflake and Star Schema) before a user will be granted access to
Access to the data warehouse and the information within the data warehouse shall
be based upon each user's job requirements and access level approved by the
authorized agency officer and in accordance with
Management Directive 205.34
Amended Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use
Data federation is enabled to support horizontal and vertical exchange between
agencies and centralized Commonwealth-wide data warehouses utilizing data
sharing agreements and role-based access control.
Agencies are encouraged to review the best practices contained in BPD-INF004B, Best
Practice Approach to Data Warehousing.
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Agencies shall:
Comply with the requirements as outlined in this ITP.
5.2 Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology shall:
Comply with the requirements as outlined in this ITP.
5.3 Third-party vendors, licensors, contractors, or suppliers shall:
Comply with the requirements as outlined in this ITP that are applicable to the
products or services provided to the Commonwealth.
6. Related ITPs/Other References
Definitions of associated terms of this policy are published on the Office of
Administration’s public portal: http://www.oa.pa.gov/Policies/Pages/Glossary.aspx
Commonwealth policies, including Executive Orders, Management Directives, and IT
Policies are published on the Office of Administration’s public portal:
Management Directive 205.34 Amended, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
ITP-INF004 Data Warehousing Policy
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ITP-ACC001, Information Technology Digital Accessibility Policy
ITP-INF001, Database Management Systems
BPD-INF003D, Core Citizen Data Model and Data Elements
BPD-INF004B, Best Practice Approach to Data Warehousing
STD-INF004C, Data Warehousing Product Standards
GEN-INF004D, Data Warehousing Product Availability
7. Authority
Executive Order 2016-06, Enterprise Information Technology Governance
8. Publication Version Control
It is the Authorized User’s responsibility to ensure they have the latest version of this
publication, which appears on https://itcentral.pa.gov for Commonwealth personnel and
on the Office of Administration public portal:
http://www.oa.pa.gov/Policies/Pages/default.aspx. Questions regarding this publication
shall be directed to RA-[email protected].
9. Exemption from this Policy
In the event an agency chooses to seek an exemption from the guidance within this
ITP, a request for a policy waiver shall be submitted via the enterprise IT policy waiver
process. Refer to ITP-BUS004, IT Policy Waiver Review Process
for guidance.
This chart contains a history of this publication’s revisions. Redline documents detail the
revisions and are available to CWOPA users only.
Purpose of Revision
Redline Link
Base Document
Added the use of IES Data Warehouse for ERP related
ITP Refresh
ITP Refresh
Added to ITP template
Added Third-Party vendor to Scope and Responsibilities
Updated Exemption Section
Updated definitions
Removed objective section
Informational content regarding data warehousing technology
components and activities removed
Reorganized policy section
Added requirement for Agencies to maintain metrics regarding
the current quality and accuracy of the information in their data
Updated references
Rescinding GEN-INF004A
Revised IT Policy