Department of
For Seniors
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Dear California Consumer:
The California Department of Insurance (CDI) is the nation’s leading state consumer
protection agency and your best resource for honest and impartial answers to
insurance questions.
Knowledgeable insurance professionals are available through our consumer hotline.
My staff will be able to help you get answers to all your insurance related questions,
le a request for assistance or report suspected insurance fraud.
Call 1-800-927-HELP (4357) or visit www.insurance.ca.gov to view all of our
consumer information guides and insurance resources. These tools are available to
consumers free of charge.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
Insurance Commissioner
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................. 2
Auto Insurance Basics ................................................................. 4
Shop for Auto Insurance ............................................................. 6
Polish Your Driving Skills ........................................................... 8
Plan Your Trip for a Safer Drive ............................................... 10
Stay on Top of Physical Changes .............................................. 12
When Is It Time to Stop Driving? ............................................ 14
Common Terms ......................................................................... 16
Find More Information............................................................. 19
Highlights in Spanish ............................................................... 20
Talk to Us .................................................................................... 22
Each of us ages dierently. Over time,
we all have physical changes. ese
changes aect our driving. Drivers
over 65, along with new teenage
drivers, have more accidents for each
mile they drive than any other age
You can do things now to be a safer
mature driver. is booklet has tips
to help you drive safely, drive longer,
and avoid accidents. You will also
nd information to help you discuss
your automobile insurance needs, ask
informed questions, and understand
your rights and responsibilities.
As a mature driver, you have years of
driving experience. is experience
can help you continue to be a safe
California Law
To own a car and drive in California,
you must register your car and have
a drivers license. You must show
nancial responsibility for any
vehicle that you own, in case of
injury to other people or damage to
their property. Most people show
nancial responsibility by buying
auto liability insurance. California
law states:
All drivers and all owners of a motor
vehicle shall at all times be able to
establish nancial responsibility at all
times carry in the vehicle evidence of
the form of nancial responsibility in
eect for the vehicle.
Liability Insurance
You must have liability insurance for
any car that you own. e insurance
covers limited costs when your car
injures other people and property.
You must show proof of your
insurance when you:
Are asked for it by a police or
other law enforcement ocer.
Have an accident.
Register your car or renew the
Get your car inspected.
How the California Department of Insurance
(CDI) can help:
Keeping Your Driver’s
Aer age 70, you can no longer
renew your drivers license by mail.
You must go to the Department of
Motor Vehicles (DMV). You will take
a vision test, and you may have to
take the written and driving tests.
is booklet has many tips to help
you be a safe drive and keep your
driving license.
If you have an accident:
You must report accidents right
away to law enforcement and to your
insurance company. You can order
a free brochure from the California
Department of Insurance (CDI)
called “So Youve Had an Accident,
Whats Next?” It walks you through
what you need to do if you have an
We are the state agency that regulates insurance companies. We also
protect the rights of insurance consumers. We have many brochures
on insurance. Please contact us if you are experiencing problems or
have questions about auto insurance or other kinds of insurance.
Also contact us if:
An insurance agent, broker, or company has treated you unfairly.
You want to check the license of an agent, broker, or company.
You want to check the claims and customer service records of a
Contact us at:
Auto Insurance Basics
Insurance Costs
To buy insurance, you pay a fee called
a premium. It covers the term, or
length, of the policy, which is usually
6 months or 1 year.
Your policy has limits. is means
that the insurance pays a limited
amount for each accident or injury.
If you buy physical damage coverage,
you have a deductible. is is the
amount you must pay before your
insurance pays anything.
You must buy liability coverage
If you own and drive a vehicle in
California, you must follow the
nancial responsibility laws in the
state vehicle code. You must have
a minimum amount of liability
insurance. ese are the minimum
limits in California:
$15,000 Bodily Injury Liability
for death or injury of one person.
$30,000 Bodily Injury Liability
for death or injury of more than
one person in any one accident.
$5,000 Property Damage Liability
for damage to the property of
other people.
Should I get higher limits
than the law requires?
Most standard auto policies have
higher limits. You may want higher
liability limits than the law requires.
Discuss this with your agent, broker,
or insurance company.
If you injure someone, they can sue
you. In general, your liability limts
should be high enough to protect
your assets, such as your house and
savings, if you are sued.
You can buy uninsured motorist
is pays if you are in an accident
with a driver who does not have any
liability insurance.
Bodily injury pays medical and
hospital costs. Its limits are usually
the same as the limits on your
liability coverage for bodily injury.
You can also buy medical payments
is pays medical costs if you or your
passengers are injured, whether or
not you are at fault. e minimum
limit you can buy is $1,000 for each
person injured. You can buy higher
Read your policy
You can buy physical
damage coverage.
is is called collision and
comprehensive coverage.
Collision coverage pays for damage
to your car from an accident with
another vehicle or an object, such as
a deer, tree, rock, guardrail, building,
or person.
Comprehensive coverage pays for
other kinds of damage to your
car, such as re, the, vandalism,
windstorm, ood, or falling objects.
It does not cover maintenance,
normal wear and tear, or mechanical
If your car is old, you may not
need these kinds of coverage. Your
premiums or deductible may be more
than your car is worth.
Additional Coverage
You can buy coverage for extra
things, like towing, renting a car
when your car is being repaired
aer a covered accident, or special
equipment, like a cell phone that is
permanently installed in your car.
Before you buy any other kind of
coverage, make sure you need it.
Review and update your
auto insurance often.
Tell your agent, broker, or
insurance company if you sell or
buy an auto, or if the drivers on
your policy change.
Make sure the limits and types of
insurance are still right for you.
Find out about safe driver
discounts. See Page 9
Has the way you used your auto
changed? You may be able to save
money on your insurance if you
drive less than before.
Is your auto getting old? Do
you still need collision and
comprehensive coverage?
Make sure you know what is covered
and what is excluded (not covered).
Call your agent, broker, or insurance
company if you do not understand
something in your policy.
Shop for Auto Insurance
Auto insurance can vary a lot. You
should always get several quotes.
A quote is an estimate of costs
and coverage from an insurance
company. Compare quotes from
several companies to help save
money and get coverage that meets
your needs.
An agent or broker can help you
think about your insurance needs,
compare policies, and get the best
Ask people you trust for the names
of good agents or brokers. Check
licenses at www.insurance.ca.gov.
Before you sign anything:
Take time to review the
application before you sign it.
Do not sign any documents that
you do not understand.
Do not sign any blank
Ask for copies of all documents
for your records. Do not leave
the agent or broker’s oce
without your copies.
Compare policies
before you buy.
Ask for each insurance
company’s quote in writing.
Compare premiums, limits, and
Keep notes of your conversations
and the names of people you talk
Have a trusted family member,
friend, or advisor with you when
you talk with an agent or broker.
Ask for the complete name of
the insurance company that
issues each policy. Make sure the
company is licensed to sell auto
insurance in California. Go to
Check the company’s record
for paying claims and
customer service. Go to
www.insurance.ca.gov and
search for the Consumer
Complaint Study.
If You Cannot Afford
Standard Auto Insurance
California’s Low Cost
Automobile Insurance Program
e law says that you must have auto
liability insurance. However, if you
are on a xed income, it can be hard
to pay the premium. is program
helps income-eligible good drivers
get insurance. e premium for
liability insurance is under $650 a year,
depending where you live. You may
qualify for this program if you:
Meet the income eligibility
Own a vehicle valued at $25,000 or
A good driving record is dened as
You did not have more
than one accident that was your
ere was no injury or death in
the accident.
You had no more than one point
for a felony or moving violation,
such as speeding.
For more information, go to:
www.mylowcostauto.com or call
If You Have a High-
Driving Record
The California Automobile
Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP)
If you have had several accidents or
speeding tickets, you may not be able
to nd a company that will insure you.
You can shop around, but be sure to
compare costs and coverage carefully.
You can also get liability insurance
through the California Automobile
Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP). For
more information, call CAARP at
Know your rights
As a senior, you may experience
pressure from insurance salesmen
or agents. If you think you
have been treated unfairly, call
the California Department of
Insurance at 1-800-927-4357.
Polish Your Driving Skills
It is normal for driving skills to change
with age. is usually does not mean that
you have to stop driving. But you should
be aware of the changes, and learn ways
to adjust for them.
Know your risks.
ese are common driving problems for
seniors. Read the list below and check
anything that you have noticed in your
Not paying attention
Not giving the right-of-way to other
Driing across lane markers or into
other lanes
Getting confused in heavy trac
Making le turns when oncoming
trac is too close
Hesitating at new trac signs,
signals, trac patterns, or roadways
Having trouble backing and parking
your auto
Getting more trac tickets or
warnings than before
Now is the time to correct these
problems. A mature driver
improvement course can help you
change bad habits.
Take a mature driver
improvement course.
No matter how many years you have
behind the wheel, a refresher course
can help you keep up good driving
skills and learn new ones. It can also
help you correct any bad habits you
have picked up over the years.
One of the best refresher courses
is a mature driver improvement
course approved by the California
Department of Motor Vehicles
(DMV). e course covers:
How changes in vision and
hearing aect driving.
How medicines, alcohol,
tiredness, and emotions aect
driving, and what you can do to
prevent or correct for the eects.
How to drive safely in today’s
driving and road conditions.
How to plan your travel time and
Review the DMV
Driver Handbook.
Try to read this every year. You will Learn
the new laws and review old ones. Go to
www.dmv.ca.gov and search for “Driver
Drive defensively.
e best way to drive safely is to
drive defensively. Be aware that other
people make mistakes. Do what you
can to stop accidents from happening.
Leave enough space between you
and the car in front of you. You
need enough room to stop if the
car brakes suddenly.
Stay with the ow of trac. If you
drive too slow or too fast, you are
more likely to have an accident.
Never insist on the right-of-way,
even if you are correct.
Watch the cars around you. If you
see a driver who is weaving or
driving unsafely, stay away from
that car.
Pay careful attention at
intersections. Check for
pedestrians, bikes, and
motorcycles, as well as autos,
before you cross or make a turn.
Pay attention at all times.
Do not talk on your cell phone
while you drive, even if it is
Keep the radio volume low and
limit talking, so you can hear what
is going on around your car.
Do not drink and drive. Drinking
aects you more as you age.
Try not to drive when you
are tired, angry, worried, or
depressed. You are less likely to
pay attention to your driving.
Lower your costs with
safe driver discounts.
A mature driver improvement course
can lower your auto insurance costs.
If you are 55 years or older and you
complete a DMV-approved mature
driver improvement course, most
auto insurance companies will lower
your premiums for up to 3 years.
You can usually keep the lower rates
if you take the course again every 3
To nd an approved course near you,
go to www.dmv.ca.gov and search for
mature driver.” Or call the DMV’s
toll-free consumer line at
Travel planning helps everyone.
Even if you just make a short trip to
the store, planning can make it safer.
Choose the times you
Avoid rush hour and holiday
trac if you can. Why drive in
heavy trac if you do not have to?
Avoid driving in the dark or at
twilight. It is harder to see at
these times, and can also cause
Change your travel plans if
the weather is bad or the road
conditions are poor. It is better
to arrive late, or to make the trip
at another time, than to be in an
Choose the routes you
Choose routes that are well
marked and well lighted.
Make a note of landmarks and
exits that can help you nd your
Try to make le turns only where
there are green arrow signals.
Otherwise, go around the block.
Le turns cause many accidents.
Do not take unnecessary trips.
Plan Your Trip for a Safer Drive
Remember these
safety tips.
Keep your windshield clean.
Adjust your seat and mirrors
before you start driving. Pull over
to the side of the road if you need
to make adjustments later.
Buckle your seatbelt.
Turn on your headlights anytime
you drive. is helps other drivers
see you, even in daytime. When
you reach where you are going,
check to make sure you have
turned o your headlights.
Do not drive when you are
distracted. And do not talk on
your cell phone while you drive,
even if it is a hands-free phone.
Do not drink and drive. Drinking
aects you more as you age.
Do not hurry.
Drive at the posted speed limit,
unless you should drive more
slowly because of the weather, the
trac, or other conditions.
If you must drive more slowly, stay
in the right lane.
Yield the right-of-way. Never
insist on the right-of-way, even if
you are correct.
Stay in your lane. Do not weave
back and forth between lanes,
straddle two lanes, or change lanes
near intersections.
Park in lots or in spaces that are
easy to get in and out of.
Pull over and take
Pull over and stop if you need to
look at a map or your GPS, or use
your phone.
On long trips, take a break every
90 minutes. Stop for coee or a
meal. Take a walk. Or just get out
and stretch.
Choose a vehicle that
is Comfortable for you
to drive.
Dropping into a low sports car and
shiing through the gears may have
been fun when you were younger.
However, with age, these tasks are
usually harder.
When you shop for a car, look for:
Automatic transmission
Power steering
Power brakes
Side mirrors and window that let
you see cars on both sides and
behind you
Seats that are easy to adjust, so
you can see clearly and use the
foot pedals easily
If you have special needs, ask your
doctor about a referral to a physical
therapist or a driving rehabilitation
specialist. See the section on
Assistive Devices on the next page.
Assistive devices
may help.
ere are many assistive devices or
driving aids. For example, there are extra
mirrors that make it easier to see behind
you. Sometimes all you need is good
cushion to raise you up so you can see. For
information, call the AT Network at
1-800-390-2699 or visit www.atnet.org.
Stay on Top of Physical Changes
Aging causes many physical changes.
For example, our eyes focus less
quickly. Our side vision is not as
good, and we need more light to see
well. ese and other changes can
aect how safely we drive.
See your doctor
Regular doctor visits and preventive
screenings are even more important
as we age. Be honest with yourself
and your doctor about any problems
you have noticed. Your doctor may
be able to help you slow down some
physical changes.
Are there any problems
you have noticed?
Check them on the list below. en
talk to your doctor about them.
Pain or stiness in your neck.
is can make it hard to look over
your shoulder when you change
lanes or back up.
Stiness, pain, or weakness in
your legs. is can make it hard
to press the pedals or move your
foot from one pedal to the other.
Pain, weakness, or numbness in
your hands, wrists, or arms. is
can make it hard to grip or turn
the steering wheel.
Blurred vision, trouble seeing
at night, problems with glare at
night, or trouble seeing things to
your right and le.
Trouble hearing sirens or car
Trouble reacting quickly when
you need to brake or speed up.
Getting ustered or angry with
other drivers.
Forgetting where you are going or
how to get there.
Other: _____________________
If you cannot see as
Get regular eye exams. Make
sure you have screening
tests for cataracts, glaucoma,
macular degeneration, diabetic
retinopathy, and night blindness.
Eye exams can help nd and
correct problems like these.
Ask if you need prescription
If you take prescription
or over-the-counter
Some medicines can slow your
reexes, make you sleepy, or blur
your vision.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist
how the medicines you take can
aect your driving.
Pay attention to the warnings on
the labels. For example, many
medicines tell you not to drive
until you know how the medicine
aects you.
If a medicine does aect your
driving, ask your doctor if there is
another medicine you could use.
If you have trouble
Driving when sleepy is dangerous.
Talk to your doctor if you are tired
a lot, especially when driving.
If you take sleeping pills or use a
device for sleep apnea, ask how
they can aect your driving.
If you have stiffness,
pain, or weakness:
Oen, a regular exercise program
can increase your exibility and
range of motion and reduce
pain and stiness. It also helps
strengthen your heart, lungs and
Walking is a good mild exercise.
Or look for a dance or aerobic
class that ts your level. For
programs in your area, call Senior
Information and Referral at
Ask your doctor about a referral
to a physical therapist or a driving
rehabilitation specialist.
When Is It Time to Stop Driving?
Few people want to stop driving.
Most of us see driving as a symbol
of our freedom and independence.
It can be hard to be honest about
our driving skills. But driving too
long can put your life and the lives
of others in danger.
To learn about transportation
options for seniors, call 511 or
Senior Information and Referral at
How is my health?
Pay attention to changes in your
health. Do they aect your driving?
Talk to your doctor if you’ve had a
recent stroke or heart attack. Ask if
your driving is likely to be aected.
If you notice a loss in vision, be
sure to get an eye exam. Ask if your
driving is likely to be aected.
How is my driving?
If you cannot decide whether or not
you should stop driving, ask yourself
the following questions:
Have you gotten a trac ticket or
been in a trac accident lately?
Have you been surprised or
startled by another car or a
pedestrian that you did not see?
Have you missed or not fully
stopped at stop signs?
Have you taken your turn when
someone else had the right-of-
Have you had trouble with basic
driving skills, such as parking,
backing up, or signaling?
Have you become lost on familiar
Have you felt nervous or
exhausted aer routine driving?
Have you felt anxiety or panic in
heavy trac?
Have you gotten negative
feedback from other drivers?
If you checked some of these
questions, then it may be time to
stop driving. You may want to ask a
trusted friend or family member to
check your driving with you.
After Age 70
e DMV will not renew your license
by mail aer age 70. is does not
mean there is anything wrong with
your driving. e DMV just wants
to make sure you can drive safely.
You must pass a standard eye exam
to renew your license. You may
also have to take a written test or a
driving test.
Take a DMV Driver
You can ask the DMV for a Driver
Reexamination. A family member,
friend, doctor, or police ocer can
also ll out a DMV Request for
Driver Reexamination. e exam
has a vision test. It also has a driving
test, called the Supplemental Driving
Performance Evaluation (SDPE).
During the driving test, an examiner
rides in the car with you. e
examiner notes any problems with
your driving and discusses them with
you aer the test. If you pass the test,
you can keep your drivers license.
Before the test, you may want to
take a mature driver improvement
course—see page 9.
Apply for a restricted
If you do not pass the SDPE or the
vision test, but the examiner thinks
you are able to drive in a limited
area, you can take the Area Driving
Performance Evaluation (ADPE) test.
e test will be on the streets you
take to get to the places you need to
go, like the grocery store or doctors
oce. If you pass this test, you will be
given a restricted license.
Many people drive with restrictions,
like wearing prescription glasses, or
No freeway driving.
Driving only from sunrise to
sunset (no night driving).
Driving only in one area or by one
specic route.
Driving only with a special right
side mirror.
Be honest with
yourself and the DMV.
If you have had problems with
driving, it is a good idea to talk
openly with the DMV. e DMV
is aware of the issues facing mature
drivers, and their goal is to keep
you licensed for as long as you are
safe on the road.
Common Terms
Actual Cash Value (ACV)—In
California, this means fair market
value, unless your policy denes it in
a dierent way. e fair market value
of an item is the dollar amount that
a knowledgeable buyer (under no
unusual pressure) is willing to pay,
and a knowledgeable seller (under
no pressure) is willing to accept.
Adjuster—e person from your
insurance company who investigates
and evaluates your damages and
Agent—An individual or
organization licensed to sell and
service insurance policies for an
insurance company.
Binder—A short-term agreement
that provides temporary auto
coverage until your auto insurance
policy starts.
Broker—An individual or
organization that is licensed to sell
and service insurance policies for you.
Broker Fee Agreement—e
contract between you and your
broker. It lists the fees for your
broker’s services.
Cancellation—When you or your
insurance company ends your
policy early. e company might do
this because you did not pay your
premium. You might cancel your
policy because you no longer own
or drive a car.
Claim—Your request to an
insurance company to cover an
accident or other loss.
Commission—e fee that an
insurance company pays the agent
or broker who sells a policy.
Comparative negligence—e
percent of responsibility that each
driver shares in an accident when
both drivers are at fault.
Collision coverage—Pays for
damage to your car caused by an
accident with another vehicle or
an object, such as a deer, tree, rock,
guardrail, building, or person.
Comprehensive coverage—Pays
for damage to your car caused by
something other than a collision.
Comprehensive covers things like
re, the, vandalism, windstorm,
ood, falling objects, etc.
Declaration page—is is usually
the rst page of an insurance policy.
It lists the full legal name of your
insurance company, the amount and
types of coverage, the deductibles,
and the insured vehicle(s).
Deductible—e amount of the
loss that you must pay before your
insurance company pays anything.
Only comprehensive and collision
coverage have deductibles.
Endorsement/rider—A written
statement that changes the coverage
or details of an insurance policy.
Exclusion—ese are the specic
things that your insurance policy
does not cover or limits coverage
for. For example, your policy may
not cover certain kinds of dangers,
people, property, or locations.
Insured—e person who can le
a claim in case of an accident or loss.
Also called the policyholder.
Insurer—e company that issues
your insurance.
Liability coverage—Insurance
that helps pay for the injuries and
damages from accidents that are
your fault.
Licenses (broker’s, agents, or
insurance companys)
A certicate of authority issued by the
Department of Insurance to a broker,
agent, or insurance company to do
insurance business in California.
Limit—e most money that your
insurance company will pay for your
Gap coverage—is pays the
dierence between the fair market
value of your new car and the balance
you owe on your loan or lease.
Medical payments coverage—Pays
limited medical costs for you or
others in your car, when you are in
an accident.
Non-renewal—When you or your
insurance company does not renew
your policy at the end of its term.
Policy—Your contract with the
insurance company. It explains your
coverage. It also states the rights and
duties of both you and the insurance
Premium—e amount you pay to
buy an insurance policy.
Premium - e amount you pay to
buy an insurance policy.
Private passenger automobile-
Four-wheeled motor vehicles for use
on public highways, like cars, station
wagons, SUV’s, and vans. ey must
be registered with the state.
Quotation (quote) - An estimate of
your insurance premiums based on
the information you give to the agent,
broker, or insurance company.
Recision - Cancellation of a policy
back to its start date. If this happens,
the insurance company does not
pay for any of your losses, and your
premiums are refunded. is can
happen if you knowingly gave false
information when you applied for the
Subrogation - is is when one
insurance company pays money on a
claim, and then tries to get paid back
or reimbursed by another insurance
Surcharge - An extra charge that
is added to the premium by an
insurance company. is usually
happens because a covered driver has
had an accident or moving violation
that is their fault.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Coverage (UMC) -
Provides coverage for a policyholder
involved in a collision with a driver
who does not have liability insurance
or whose liability limits are too low
to pay for all the damage.
Find More Information
AAA Senior Driving
Screening tests and self-assessments for senior drivers.
Sponsored by the Automobile Association of America (AAA).
AT Network
Information on assistive devices and driving aids.
California Low Cost Auto (CLCA)
Insurance program which helps good drivers that are income eligible
aordable auto insurance that meets the states mandatory auto
insurance law.
CDI Senior Information Center
Information from the California Department of Insurance, to help
you make informed and safe decisions when you buy auto insurance
and other kinds of insurance. Information guides for seniors.
DMV Senior Driver
e DMV’s website for seniors. Includes information on renewing
your license, vision tests, restricted licenses, and more. Download a
self-assesment and the Senior Guide for Safe Driving (PDF).
National Highway Trac Safety Administration
Information on safer driving for seniors.
Senior Information and Referral
Find local resources, such as mature driver classes, health care
resources, and exercise programs.
Resumen en Español
Conducción para personas mayores
Este folleto proporciona información valiosa sobre los siguientes temas:
Conceptos básicos de seguros de auto
Compare precios de seguros de Auto
Pulir sus habilidades de conducción
Planee su viaje para un paseo más seguro
Mantenerse al tanto de los cambios físicos
¿Cuando es tiempo para dejar de conducir?
Términos comunes
Este folleto está disponible en español en nuestro sitio web en insurance.ca.gov.
Seleccione traduce espanol en el lado derecho de la pantalla. Seleccione la cha
al consumidor elegir los tipos de seguros, seleccione información guías, luego
seleccione serie Senior.
Talk to Us
Contact the California Department of Insurance (CDI):
If you have questions or concerns about insurance.
If you want to order copies of this brochure.
If you want to le a complaint about your insurance.
If you are having diculty opening a claim with your
insurance company.
To check the license of an agent, broker, or insurance company.
Consumer Hotline 1-800-927-4357
TYY 1-800-482-4833
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, except holidays
Visit us on the web at:
California Department of Insurance
300 South Spring St., South Tower, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Visit us in person:
300 South Spring St., South Tower, 9
Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90013
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, except holidays
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The California Department of Insurance
Consumer Education and Outreach Bureau
300 South Spring Street, South Tower, Los Angeles, CA 90013
1-800- 927-4357
1-800- 482-4833 (TTY)
1-877- 401-9550 (CEOB)
is brochure is a joint project of the California Department of Insurance
Form 803 / Driving for Seniors
August 2020