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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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Packaging, Labeling and Shipping Requirements
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Table of Contents
1. Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Responsibility .................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Reference Document ........................................................................................................................ 3
6. Records .............................................................................................................................................. 3
7.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
8.0 Primary Container Requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
9.0 Internal Part Protection Required ..................................................................................................... 6
10.0 Pallet Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 6
11.0 Unitization and Palletization Requirements ..................................................................................... 7
12.0 Identification and Labeling Requirements ........................................................................................ 8
13.0 Master Label .................................................................................................................................... 11
14.0 Shipping & Transportation Requirements ...................................................................................... 13
15.0 Appendix A: LPN Format ................................................................................................................. 15
16.0 Appendix B: Label Samples ............................................................................................................. 16
17.0 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 18
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for all production material entering Cree
Lighting’s manufacturing location in Racine Wisconsin.
2. Scope
2.1. This procedure provides packaging and labeling requirements for suppliers to follow for receipt of
production material entering Cree Lighting’s manufacturing location in Racine Wisconsin.
3. Responsibility
3.1. The Director of Global Commodity Management is responsible for implementation and ensuring this
procedure is understood, maintained and followed.
4. Definitions
4.1. Please provide definitions for terms or acronyms used in this documentation that might not be
familiar to the reader.
5. Reference Document
AIAG - Automotive Industry Action Group
ECT - Edge Crush Test
SPI - Society of Plastics Industry
LBP - Lines Per Block
PO - Purchase Order
WO - Work Order
EXP Date - Expiration Date
LPN - License Plate Number
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANSI MH10.8.1 - U.S. national, cross-industry standard, developed and maintained by ANSI
6. Records
6.1. Packing Slips
7.0 Introduction
The following labeling requirements are for all production materials entering Cree Lighting’s
manufacturing facility in Racine, WI.
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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These requirements were developed in conjunction with AIAG standards and Cree Lighting’s Operations
Department. For questions, please email or call your commercial contact. For additional information,
please visit the web at
7.1 Compliance
All shipments to the Cree Lighting Facilities must be compliant with these requirements, as
shipments will be continuously monitored. Non-compliant shipments may be rejected by receiving
at Cree Lighting’s discretion and returned to the supplier for repackaging, relabeling, or disposal.
Rejected and returned shipments will be billed to the supplier’s shipping location. Recurring
violations will require a written corrective action plan approved by Cree Lighting.
When necessary, Cree Lighting Operations may grant exceptions to these requirements with a prior
written request from the supplier. Please contact your commercial contact for exceptions.
7.2 AIAG Guidelines
Cree Lighting requests compliance to the following Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
packaging and labeling standard B-10: Trading Partners Labels Implementation Guidelines 6/04. A
Copy of this standard may be obtained from AIAG per the contact information listed above.
The B-10 is the preferred format for shipping labels. Both label- and tag- marking methods for
shipping containers and pallets of parts and primary metals are covered in this guideline under the
general term "label," however, the B-10 is not a label, but rather a methodology for designing
trading partner shipping labels using the ANSI MH10.8.1 U.S. national, cross-industry standard,
developed and maintained by the ANSI committee MH10/SBC-8.
B-10 outlines the requirements for design and for printing to ensure scan ability of Code 39 bar code
symbols and provide consistency of label formats. The physical parameters of the symbols and labels
are provided, and a bar code quality level is specified. The orientation and placement of AIAG B-10 -
Trading Partner Labels (B-10-TPL) on shipping containers are specified.
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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8.0 Primary Container Requirements
Packaging design is the responsibility of the supplier. The supplier must ensure that the parts and all packaging
shipments are received in acceptable (undamaged) condition. Some primary containers will carry the part from
shipping to final assembly by the line operators. It is vital that the packaging maintains part quality through
transit, storage, and multiple handlings.
The compression strength of the container(s) must support contents triple stacked up to 100” in height
to allow for maximum trailer density and storage.
Suppliers are encouraged to investigate the benefits of specifying corrugated material based on the
ECT Edge Crush Test (see AIAG RC-7, Section 3.1) and fiber-based corner posts (see AIAG RC-7, Section
3.3) for additional strength.
Container(s) must be modular to the standard 48”x40” pallet footprint. Any exceptions must be
approved by Cree Lighting prior to shipment. Containers should not hang-over the edge of the pallet
or leave more than 2” of the pallet footprint uncovered on any side when feasible.
Container(s) should be completely filled by product or void fill. Note this may require redesign of
packaging to eliminate void space, part shifting, and/or container crushing.
Containers that are intended to be manually-handled should weigh no more than 25 lbs. If the
container exceeds 25 lbs., it must have a brightly colored label affixed to the container specifying
“Heavy” or similar language to warn operators prior to lifts. The unsupported bottom of the container
must be able to hold the weight of the contents.
All packages must be tested under simulated real-life conditions to ensure that the packages and shipments
reach their intended point-of-use in good condition and without damage,
8.1 Selection of a Primary Container
The appropriate size, strength, and type of primary container must be chosen to support the mode of
transportation, government container regulations, and distance of travel to destination point. The
determination must be made to pack the parts in a small, manually-handled tote or a large, mechanically-
handled bulk container. Factors to consider in determining the primary container size include: piece weight,
shipping/release quantities, and presentation to the operator. The component supplier is encouraged to
participate in pre-production build packaging evaluations at Cree Lighting’s manufacturing site to validate the
packaging material design and ergonomic acceptability.
8.1.1 Container Size
Cree Lighting will only accept primary containers that are modular to the standard 48”x40” pallet footprint.
Containers must be properly palletized in level layers to allow for stacking and proper utilization of
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
Shipping Requirements
Document Number: LSC016
Rev: 1
Date: 10/06/2021
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8.1.2 Container Sealing
Acceptable methods for sealing a container are strippable reinforced tape, spot gluing, stretch wrap, or industrial
stapling. Container sealing is the responsibility of the supplier. Containers not sealed properly will be returned
to the supplier, with return shipping cost billed to the supplier’s shipping location.
9.0 Internal Part Protection Required
Parts must be secured and protected in the primary container and be free of damage upon delivery. Internal
dunnage must not restrict part presentation to the operator.
Whenever possible, paper-based dunnage is preferred.
Whenever possible, recycled content materials should be used.
For parts requiring plastic packaging materials, the material must be designed for recyclability and
ease of segregation. Whenever feasible, all plastic packaging must be identified on the physical part or
packaging drawing by resin type according to the symbology established by the Society of Plastics
Industry (SPI). (See AIAG RC-7, Appendix 4).
10.0 Pallet Requirements
The pallet design is a critical element to assure safe material handling, overall package system performance, and
part quality. The below are requirements for all pallets entering Cree Lighting’s facility in Racine:
All shipments originating in the United States to Cree Lighting should be on Grade B or better 48”x40”
heat treated pallet.
o Exceptions are KanBan systems with prior approval.
o Email or call your Cree Lighting commercial contact for written approval prior to shipment is a
unique size pallet or other deviation from the above requirement is required.
All shipments (regardless of country of origin) to Cree Lighting should be on Grade B or better 48”X40”
o Pallets shall not have broken or damaged slats
o Pallet runners should be either undamaged or repaired in such a way that does not impede
pallet 4-way entry requirement.
o Pallets shall not have protruding nails. Due to safety concerns created by protruding nails, any
load on a pallet with protruding nails will be returned to supplier at supplier’s expense for
repalletization, or repalletized by Cree Lighting with the expense being billed to supplier.
Any pallets intended for use in an export shipment must be heat treated and stamped per ISPM
guidelines #15. Cree Lighting will communicate intent to export at the time of purchase order issue.
o All pallets must be of 4-way entry, double faced, non-reversible, wood construction. The use
of corrugated, plastic, and other pallet alternatives is prohibited.
o All pallets must be able to support a 2,800-lb. load while triple stacked.
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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Date: 10/06/2021
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o All pallets must maintain sufficient construction to meet performance requirements.
o Any load received on non-approved pallets will be returned to supplier at supplier’s expense
for repalletization, or repalletized by Cree Lighting with the expense being billed to supplier.
Email or call your Cree Lighting commercial contact for written approval prior to shipment if a unique size pallet
or other deviation from the above requirements is required.
11.0 Unitization and Palletization Requirements
Pallet load containment must provide damage protection and optimum load performance with minimal
environmental impact. Part damage and load shift due to packaging failures are subject to rejection upon receipt
at Cree Lighting.
Unitization and/or palletization is required for all parts and should be designed to stabilize and
complement the primary containers to prevent movement throughout the handling cycle.
The unit load must be modular to the pallet and remain stable for material handling and storage after
initial part access and removal.
All containers must be properly palletized and secured to the pallet.
Palletized cartons should be uniform in size to maintain a stable load.
Maximum overall height per unit load is 56”.
Containers must be palletized in individual level layers on the pallet. No ‘pyramid’ unit loads. If
material release quantities do not permit shipment of individual level layers of containers, explore
alternative methods of containerization and/or call or email your Cree Lighting commercial contact for
Palletize by like part numbers. Mixed unit loads are discouraged. Mixing right and left-hand parts on
the same pallet is forbidden.
11.1 Containment
The preferred method for containment is either plastic, heat sealed strapping of green polyester or clear stretch
film. Plastic strapping and clear stretch film should secure the entire palletized load including the pallet. Parcel
shipments shall not include plastic strapping. The use of unitizing adhesive for individual cartons is encouraged.
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12.0 Identification and Labeling Requirements
The following labeling instructions apply for proper addressing of parts and materials shipped or delivered to
Cree Lighting. Suppliers must insure that all parts and materials are correctly labeled and that the labels are
properly attached.
12.1 AIAG Labeling Guidelines and ANSI MH10.8.2 Data Identifier Guidelines
DO NOT include ANSI MH10.8.2 data identifiers or data identifiers of any kind into the label barcodes. Cree
Lighting’s systems cannot read data identifiers rendering labels and barcodes un-useable. No special characters
are permitted (i.e. /, $, +, %).
12.2 Label Certification Process
Each supplier shall submit a label for approval to your commercial contact. The label will be reviewed and
evaluated for compliance. It must receive approval from Cree Lighting before incorporation into production part
shipments. If any corrections are needed, the supplier will be notified of a problem and required to resubmit a
revised label. Once the label passes all reviews and tests, the supplier will be notified of their compliance.
12.3 Label Specifications
Cree Lighting suggests that labels use only the customer segment defined by the AIAG B-10 standard.
Cree Lighting highly recommends that labels be 6” x 4” unless the parcel being sent to Cree Lighting is
smaller than the label size, in which case, the label may be scaled appropriately. All fields on the Label
must be readable and scannable at any size when rated per ISO/IEC 15416 grade C or better.
Label shall be white and printed with bold black ink. Thermal printed labels are preferred, but not
required. No colored labels or ink will be allowed.
Adhesive labels can be pressure sensitive or dry gummed if adherence to the container is assured,
application is wrinkle free, and only used for expendable packaging.
All bar codes shall be USS Code 39 symbology and be at least 0.5” high. Start and stop characters (*),
are required per AIAG B-10 guidelines.
Bar codes must be a minimum of 5 mm to a maximum of 30 mm (.01 to 0.17 inches) for the narrowest
See AIAG B-10 for bar code symbology, requirements, and specifications.
Human readable fonts should be simple and there must be a clear distinction between “O” and “0”.
A minimum quiet zone of .25 inches is required in front of and behind all bar codes.
All font heights will be defined in LPB (lines per block) (See AIAG B-10 for guidance). (See 7.4 for LPB
Borders around the outside edge of labels are not required
See sample labels in Appendix B.
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Title: Packaging, Labeling and
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12.4 Suggested LPB (Lines Per Block) Character Parameters Table
Char per
12.5 Labeling on Stretch Film
When a unit load is stretched wrapped, a Master Label or Mixed Load Label shall be adhered to the outside of
the stretch film, visible to operators and readable for barcode scanning. This label is required for all stretch
wrapped unit loads of single or multiple packs. This label may be removed with the stretch film making individual
container labeling necessary as described in Section 12.3 of this document. One Master Label per unique part
number is required. See Section 13.1.3 for Mixed Load Labeling.
12.6 Container Labeling
Identical container labels should be located on two adjacent sides of each container. At least one of the two
container labels on each carton should be visibly facing outward when inspecting the pallet. Do not stack the
carton so that both carton labels face inward. A sample carton label is in Appendix B. A Master Label (see
section 7.0), and when applicable, a Mixed Load Label (see section 7.1.3) will be required on the exterior of all
palletized shipments. If a singular container is sent, use two Master Labels instead of the carton labels.
12.6.1 Required Label Fields Box or Carton
Cree Lighting Part # (P): Cree Lighting’s part number
Cree Lighting Part # Revision
Description: Cree Lighting’s part description
Supplier: Supplier name and shipping address
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Date: 10/06/2021
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Container Weight and Dimensions
Qty: Quantity in Carton
Bar Code
12.6.2 Supplier Specific Required Fields
Cree Lighting may ask suppliers to provide product lot numbers Lot # (1T) and expiration dates Exp Date (1D)
on carton labels for some products. Cree Lighting will notify suppliers in writing when these fields are required.
If these fields are not required, the space occupied by these fields in the example in Appendix B may be used by
supplier for other information.
12.6.3 Non-Standard Containers
Shipments of other kinds may require different forms of labeling or hang tags with adhesive labels.
Drums, barrels, or cylinder containers: Identical Package labels should be located on the top and near the
center of the side.
Bale: Identical Packaging labels shall be located on at the upper corner of an end and an adjacent side.
Single Coil: Attach label with wire metal hang tag to both inside and outside of coil.
Slit Coils: Attach label with wire metal hang tag to the inside and outside of each individual coil.
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Roll: Attach label with wire metal hang tag to end of the roll of material, and if space permitting, to the inside
of the roll.
Bag: Place the label on the top of the surface that will be visible when the bags are stacked.
Tubing, Bars, and Poles: Attach label with wire metal hang tag to each end.
Please contact Cree Lighting Operations for additional guidance on label placement.
13.0 Master Label
A Master Label shall be used to identify the total contents of a multiple single pack load of the same part number.
The label shall be placed on the unit load in such a manner that when the unit load is broken apart the label is
discarded (ex: attach to the outside of the stretch wrap). One Master Label per individual part number on the
pallet is required. See AIAG B-10 for additional information. A sample Master Label is in Appendix B.
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13.1 Required Fields Master Label
Cree Lighting Part # (P): Cree Lighting’s part number
P.O. # (K): Cree Lighting’s purchase order number
Line # (4K): The purchase order line number
Qty: The part quantity included on pallet/in carton
LPN: See appendix A for formatting
Load Weight and Dimensions
The text “Master Label” should occupy the left-most 2/3 of the bottom building block
Bar Code
13.2 Supplier Specific Required Fields
Cree Lighting may ask suppliers to provide product lot numbers Lot # (1T), expiration dates Exp Date (1D),
and/or a work order number W.O. # (W) on master labels for some products. Cree Lighting will notify suppliers
in writing when these fields are required.
13.3 Mixed Load Label
Mixing of part numbers on pallets is highly discouraged but may be unavoidable due to low order quantities
and/or shipping/handling expenses. In these limited circumstances, a Mixed Load Label shall be used to identify
a load of multiple single packs of different part numbers. Note: Mixed loads are required to have a Master Label
of each individual part number is still required on the unit load. The label shall be placed on the unit load in such
a manner that when the unit load is broken apart the label is discarded (ex: Attach to outside of clear stretch
wrap). See AIAG B-10 for further information. A sample Mixed Load label is in Appendix B.
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13.1.4 Required Fields Mixed Load Label
From: Supplier name and shipping address
LPN: See Appendix A for formatting
o Master labels do not require LPNs if a Mixed Load Label is used.
Load Weight and Dimensions
List of Skid Contents
The text “Mixed Load”
Bar Code
14.0 Shipping & Transportation Requirements
14.1 Packing Slips and Bills of Lading
Packing slips and bills of lading, whether direct shipments or shipments moving through a consolidation point,
must be submitted with every shipment.
14.1.1 Direct Shipments
Direct shipments moving from a shipping plant to Cree Lighting Racine must include packing slips prepared in
duplicate. One copy of the packing slip is to be firmly attached to the outside of one of the containers in
shipment. The second copy should be tendered to the carrier along with two copies of the bill of lading.
14.1.2 Consolidated Shipments
Partial loads moving through a consolidation point before delivery to Cree Lighting Racine must include packing
slips prepared in sets of four. One copy of the packing slip should be firmly attached to the outside of one of the
containers in shipment. The other three copies should be tendered to the carrier, along with two copies of the
Mixed Load Label
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bill of lading. The bill of lading should indicate that the packing slips are to be delivered to the consolidator at
the time of delivery.
14.1.3 Customs Papers
US Customs and Border Protection has established specific rules on the contents of a commercial invoice or
electronic equivalents. According to the Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”), 19 CFR §141.86, it must include
complete and accurate information. All U.S. shipments destined outside of the U.S. must have a customs invoice
provided by the supplier and included with other shipping documentation. The items outlined below MUST be
included on commercial invoice and/or packing list.
The port of entry to which the merchandise is destined.
The person to whom the merchandise is sold or agreed to be sold or the person by whom it is shipped
A detailed description of the merchandise, including the name by which each item is known.
The quantities in weights and measures.
The purchase price of each item
Total value
All charges that are not included in the piece price such as additional packaging, insurance and freight.
Rebates of any kind if applicable
Country of origin
Invoice must be in English.
Invoices and pages
o The invoice number and the page number must be shown at the bottom of each page when
Inv. 1 P.1
Inv. 2 P.2
Inv. 2 P.3
14.1.4 Third-Party Consignment
When making a third-party consignment shipment, the bill of lading must include:
Consigned to: Cree Lighting Inc. c/o (Third Party, ex: Acme Parts Supplier)
14.2 Packing Slips
All Packing slips must include the following information:
Supplier Information
1. Supplier Name and Address (Ship point, not billing office)
2. Supplier Number (Contact your Cree Lighting buyer if you need your supplier number)
3. Packing Slip Number
4. Date Shipped
Shipping Information
1. Ship to: As stated on the Cree Lighting Purchase Order
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2. Bill to: As stated on the Cree Lighting Purchase Order
3. Gross, tare, and net (material) weight.
4. Shipped Via (routing).
5. Bill of Lading number.
6. Freight Terms (FOB Point, collect prepaid, etc.).
7. Transportation Mode (rail, truck, etc.)
8. LTL Shipments include PRO Number.
9. Air shipments include Air Waybill Number.
10. Full Truck Load or Intermodal Shipments include trailer number or container number, and carrier.
11. Shipment identification (SID) Number (when applicable)
Packing Information
1. Number of unit loads: pallets, containers, cartons, etc.
2. Pieces per unit load.
3. Unit of measure (if other than pieces per unit load).
Item Information
1. Purchase Order (PO) number
2. PO Line Number
3. Cree Lighting Part Number
4. Ship Quantity (Unit of measure if other than each ie: ft., lbs., etc.)
15.0 Appendix A: LPN Format
The LPN (Licenses Plate Number) gives the pallet or carton a unique code which helps Cree Lighting track
inventory as it is received and provides traceability within the warehouse and supply chain. As Cree Lighting
receives your product into our ERP system it will be loaded into the LPN provided on the label and moved to a
location in the warehouse. Duplicate LPN’s could cause product to show in incorrect locations and diminish
traceability within the warehouse. The LPN format requested from suppliers is as follows:
Cree’s 6-digit supplier ID
number (contact your Cree
Buyer for number)
The last digit of the
year (i.e. 2017 = 7)
C = C
Unique identifier is required. Cree
recommends using sequential number starting
at 00001 for the first shipment of the year.
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This LPN would represent the 12,345-pallet sent to Cree Lighting from supplier 107983 in the year
15.1 LPN Guideline for Mixed Loads:
When sending mixed loads, the LPN is only required on the Mixed Load label. The Master Label LPN field is ideally
left blank. However, if system limitations make this request infeasible, please line through or cover a portion of
the LPN on the master labels to prevent Cree Lighting’s receiving department from scanning the wrong LPN.
16.0 Appendix B: Label Samples
Cree Lighting highly recommends that labels be 6” x 4” unless the parcel being sent to Cree Lighting is smaller
than the label size, in which case, the label may be scaled appropriately. (Examples are NOT to scale)
16.1 Carton Label:
Cree Part #:
supplier Info:
Lot # (1T):
Part Revision:
Exp. Date (1D):
Dims (L x W x H):
48 x 52 x 52
PO #:
BLS310C 14-1/2
Supplier Name
1234 N. Main Street
Racine, WI 53406
United States of America
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IDEAL Industries Lighting, LLC. ALL RIGHTS
Title: Packaging, Labeling and
Shipping Requirements
Document Number: LSC016
Rev: 1
Date: 10/06/2021
Page: 17 of 18
16.2 Master Label:
*Suppliers not required to submit a
WO number may extend “Master
Label” text, or may use this space
for other information desired by
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This material is the confidential and proprietary information
of Cree Lighting. It may not be used by any individual or entity
except for company employees for company business. This
material may not be disclosed or reproduced without the
prior written consent of the company.
IDEAL Industries Lighting, LLC. ALL RIGHTS
Title: Packaging, Labeling and
Shipping Requirements
Document Number: LSC016
Rev: 1
Date: 10/06/2021
Page: 18 of 18
16.3 Mixed Label:
To be affixed to cartons or pallet loads containing multiple part numbers
17.0 Document Revision History
(must be on a separate page)
Document Origination
J. Peters
Reformatted Document per QLP2A Cree Lighting
Controlled Word Document Template. Added
Revision level to the labeling requirements in
sections 12.6 & 16.1.
M. Woodruff