This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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This is a legally binding Contract; if not understood, seek advice from an attorney.
In consideration of the services to be rendered by the undersigned licensed Broker (“Broker”), the undersigned (“Seller”)
hereby exclusively lists with Broker the Property described as:
Property Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Legal Description ____________________________________________________________________________________
together with all xtures and improvements, and all appurtenances, subject to existing zoning ordinances, plat or deed
restrictions, utility easements serving the Property, including all mineral rights owned by Seller, if any, all of which may be
described in any property data form attached to and by this reference made a part of this Agreement (collectively referred
to as “the Property”.), and grants to Broker the exclusive right to sell the Property, within the term of this listing, at a price of
$______________________________________ and on the terms herein stated, or at such other price and terms as shall
be acceptable to Seller. This listing shall be subject to the following:
1. By appointing Broker as exclusive Broker, Seller agrees to work through Broker for the sale, option or exchange (collectively
“Sale”) of the Property and to refer to Broker all inquiries received in any form from other real estate Brokers, agents,
associated broker associates, sales associates, or provisional sales associates, sales persons, prospective buyers or
tenants, or any other source during the time this Listing Agreement is in effect. In addition, any compensation, which is
conditioned upon the Sale of Property, shall be earned by Broker as set forth herein without any discount or allowance for
any efforts made by Seller or by any representative of Seller in connection with the sale of the Property.
2. This Agreement begins on____________________________________, and terminates (except for the provisions of
Paragraph 3) at midnight on__________________________________________.
Seller agrees to pay a commission equal to the greater of ______________% (0% if left blank) of the total sales price of the property
plus $ _____________($0 if left blank); OR $________________ ($0 if left blank). upon occurrence of any of the following:
a. The sale or exchange of the Property during the term of this Agreement, whether procured by Broker, Seller, or a third
b. The sale or exchange of the Property within ___________days after the termination of this Agreement, if with anyone
to whom Broker has shown the Property, or with whom the Broker has negotiated concerning the Property prior to the
termination of this Agreement; provided that this clause shall not apply if Seller re-lists the Property at the termination
of this Agreement with another licensed real estate Broker.
c. If Broker procures a Buyer who is ready, willing, and able to purchase the Property, at the price and on the terms set
forth herein, or at another price and terms as shall be acceptable to Seller.
d. The sale or exchange of the Property during, or after, the term of this Agreement to any party to whom the Property is
rented or leased during the term of this Agreement, or within _________days thereafter.
4. In the event a Contract for Sale or Exchange (a “Contract”) is entered into with a Buyer, Seller agrees that:
a. Unless the Contract provides otherwise, Broker shall receive and hold any earnest money deposit, which may be in
the form of the Buyer’s personal check endorsed for deposit without recourse, in Brokers trust or escrow account in
accordance with the terms of the Contract, applicable law, rules, and regulations governing those funds;
b. Prior to the “Closing Date,” Seller, at Seller’s expense, agrees to furnish Buyer or Buyer’s lender a current Uniform
Commercial Code Search Certicate (and, if the Property is a condominium, to furnish a copy of the Declaration of
Unit Ownership Estates of the Project, Bylaws of the Project’s Owners Association). Seller, at Seller’s expense shall
also furnish an abstract of title certied to date showing marketable title in Seller, subject only to utility easements
serving the Property and building restrictions of record, and other exceptions specied in the Contract and, if Property
is a condominium, subject to all terms, provisions, restrictions, and covenants contained in the Declaration of Unit
Ownership Estates and Bylaws of the Owner’s Association of the “Project, and, if required by lender, a “Mortgage
Inspection Report” prepared by a licensed surveyor, certied to a date at least within 180 days of the “Closing Date”;
c. Seller has sole ownership, full authority to sell property, and will cause any conveyance to be executed and joined by
all necessary parties to convey marketable title by General Warranty Deed to Buyer, free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances, except those specically reserved in the Contract.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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d. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, all ad valorem taxes, interest, rents, and other continuing items shall be
prorated through the date of closing, except personal property taxes for the entire year, if any, shall be paid by Seller;
e. If Property is single family, condominium or multi-family, to pay the closing costs and miscellaneous fees in excess of
what Buyer is allowed by FHA or VA to pay;
f. If Property is single family, condominium, or multi-family, and if the Contract, lender, or government agency requires
xtures and equipment relating to plumbing, heating and cooling, including ducts, electrical systems, built-in appliances,
swimming pool, spa, sprinkler, and security systems will be in normal working order at the closing, ordinary wear and
tear excepted. If the Property is a condominium, this provision is applicable only to those items that are the Sellers
responsibility and not the responsibility of the Owner’s Association. Seller shall pay the cost of repairs necessary to
meet the foregoing standard; the cost shall not exceed an amount agreed to by Seller in the contract of sale.
5. In accordance with the Oklahoma Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act:
a. Seller shall complete the Oklahoma Residential Property Disclosure Statement (“Disclosure Statement”) or,
if the Seller has never lived in the Property AND has NO knowledge of any defect concerning the Property, the
Oklahoma Residential Property Disclaimer Statement (“Disclaimer Statement”) if applicable, a copy of which
is attached to and by this reference made a part of this Agreement.
b. Broker shall provide a copy of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement or Disclaimer Statement (whichever is applicable)
to potential Buyers or their Brokers.
c. Broker shall disclose to a potential purchaser any defects in the Property actually known to the Broker, which are not
included in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement or Seller’s Disclaimer Statement.
6. In accordance with the HUD/EPA Lead-Based Paint Regulations, if the Property was built before 1978:
a. Seller shall complete a Disclosure and Acknowledgment of Lead-Based Paint.
b. Broker shall provide a copy of the Seller’s Disclosure and Acknowledgment of Lead-Based Paint to potential Buyers
or their Brokers along with a copy of the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.
7. All of the information provided herewith, or which may be provided to Broker, shall be true and Seller agrees to hold Broker,
Brokers sales associates, employees, and agents harmless from any cost, expense, or damage due to any information
which is withheld by Seller from Broker, or which is incorrect.
8. In connection with this Listing Agreement, Seller authorizes Broker:
a. To place a “For Sale” sign on the Property and to remove all other similar signs;
b. To enter Property information on the Internet, and advertise the Property by any means and methods as Broker
determines in its sole judgment and discretion, including the making and using of photographs or other electronic
images of the Property;
c. At Sellers expense, to turn on, or leave on, all utilities, and to authorize service technicians to do so, in order to show
the Property to its best advantage or to permit inspection thereof. Seller further agrees to pay any necessary cost for
uncovering and limited operation of any swimming pool/spa, sprinkler system, and security system, if applicable. Except
that, if the Property is a condominium this provision shall only apply to those items which are Seller’s responsibility and
not the responsibility of the Owner’s Association;
d. To obtain all information pertaining to any present mortgage on the Property from any mortgage or mortgage service
company and to furnish information pertaining to the Property to any prospective lender;
e. To obtain a key to the Property and furnish keys to others necessary to show the Property or to carry out the objectives
of this Agreement;
f. To have access to the Property for the purpose of showing it to prospects at any reasonable hour;
g. Unless the Contract provides otherwise, Broker and Seller agree that Broker shall be authorized to accept delivery of
Contract documents, title evidence documents, inspection reports, and other notices provided in the Contract on behalf
of the Seller and to accept a similar appointment by Buyers and prospective Buyers.
9. Broker duties and responsibilities.
A. A broker shall have the following duties to all parties in a transaction, which are mandatory and may not be abrogated
or waived by a broker:
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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1. Treat all parties with honesty and exercise reasonable skill and care;
2. Unless specically waived in writing by a party to the transaction:
a) receive all written offers and counteroffers
b) reduce offers or counteroffers to a written form upon request of any party to a transaction, and
c) present timely such written offers and counteroffers;
3. Timely account for all money and property received by the broker;
4. Keep condential information received from a party or prospective party condential. The condential information
shall not be disclosed by a rm without the consent of the party disclosing the information unless consent to the
disclosure is granted in writing by the party or prospective party disclosing the information, the disclosure is required
by law, or the information is made public or becomes public as the result of actions from a source other than the rm.
The following information shall be considered condential and shall be the only information considered condential
in a transaction:
a) that a party or prospective party is willing to pay more or accept less than what is being offered;
b) that a party or prospective party is willing to agree to nancing terms that are different from those offered;
c) the motivating factors of the party or prospective party purchasing, selling, leasing, optioning, or exchanging the
property; and
d) information specically designated as condential by a party unless such information is public.
Disclose information pertaining to the property as required by the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act; and
6. Comply with all requirements of The Oklahoma Real Estate License Code and all applicable statutes and rules.
B. A broker shall have the following duties and responsibilities only to a party for whom the broker is providing brokerage
services in a transaction which are mandatory and may not be abrogated or waived by a broker:
1. Inform the party in writing when an offer is made that the party will be expected to pay certain costs, brokerage
service costs and approximate amount of costs; and
2. Keep the party informed regarding the transaction.
C. When working with both parties to a transaction, the duties and responsibilities set forth in this section shall remain in
place for both parties.
10. Neither the Buyer nor the Seller may be held liable for the actions or words of the Broker or licensees affiliated with the
Brokers rm.
11. Broker shall use Broker’s best efforts to effect a sale of the Property during the term of this Agreement.
a. Broker shall not be charged with the custody of the Property, its management, maintenance, or repair.
12. Forfeited earnest money, if any, shall be divided equally between Seller and Broker , except that Brokers portion shall, in
no event, exceed the agreed commission; provided, however, that no release of a Buyer or waiver of a forfeiture of earnest
money after a Contract is executed shall relieve Seller of any obligation to pay a commission.
13. The term “Broker” herein shall include any sales associate whose signature appears on this Agreement.
14. This Property is offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
15. Seller and Broker agree to the terms herein set forth and understand that this is a binding agreement and that it cannot be
canceled or terminated except upon their mutual written consent.
16. Seller acknowledges that Seller has read and received a copy of this Agreement and that a copy of the Oklahoma Real
Estate Commission Uniform Contract of Sale Information Booklet has been made available to the Seller in print, or at www.
1 7. If the Broker is a member of a Multiple Listing Service (MLS), the parties hereto understand and agree that the Broker is
hereby authorized to (i) enter this listing in the MLS as a blanket unilateral offer of cooperation and compensation to other
Participants of this Service; regardless of their brokerage relationship, payment of compensation shall be as stated in the
property data form; (ii) le timely notice of all changes in the above information as approved by the Seller; (iii) upon the
closing of a sale, le sales information, including sale price, with the MLS for processing and dissemination to the MLS
Participants and other members of the MLS, and (iv) that the property information, once transmitted to MLS, shall be
owned by it and subject to its copyright and may be used and disseminated by it.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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Upon the execution of an earnest money contract (Contract) by both Seller and Buyer, the Broker shall have no duty thereafter to submit
subsequent offers for the purchase of the Property, unless the Contract specically provides otherwise or this sale does not close.
19. To facilitate the showing of said Property, Seller grants the Broker permission to place on Seller’s Property a “Lock Box”
containing a key that gives access to Seller’s Property at times when the Broker is not present. Seller understands that
access to the “Lock Box” may be in the possession of unauthorized persons who are not members of the Broker’s Multiple
Listing Service, as well as members thereof. Further, Seller acknowledges that said Broker has recommended that
all valuables such as coins, jewelry, furs, silver, guns, cameras, paintings, antiques, and the like, be removed from the
Property for safekeeping during the period of the listing. In addition, Seller has been fully advised that neither the Broker,
the MLS nor any Association to which Broker may belong, assume any responsibility for the acts of any other persons
for any loss that may be sustained by Seller through entry by use of the key deposited in the “Lock Box” or in any other
manner. Seller hereby assumes the risk of loss.
Broker (check one) is is not authorized to place a “Lock Box” on the Property.
20. The Seller and Broker agree that Broker, in response to inquiries from Buyers or cooperating brokers shall disclose, with
the Sellers approval, the existence of offers on the property. Where disclosure is authorized, Brokers shall also disclose
whether offers were obtained by the listing licensee, another licensee in the listing rm, or by a cooperating Broker.
Seller (check one) does does not authorize Broker to disclose the existence of offers on the property.
2 1. By signing this Agreement, Seller acknowledges and gives the Listing Broker the right to utilize the services of a title
escrow company for the closing process subsequent to a Contract of Sale on this Property. Fees to a Seller for these type
services are estimated to be $ ___________________. Seller agrees to pay this amount to a closing escrow company or
directly to the Listing Broker. Seller understands said fee is in addition the agreed commission amount and that no fee for
closing escrow is due until the actual closing is conducted.
Seller is aware that a Residential Service Agreement (RSA) can be purchased for Seller’s Property that would be transferable
to the Buyer. The cost of an RSA is approximately $______________ and can be withheld from Seller’s funds at closing.
It is Seller’s decision (check one) to Purchase Not to purchase an RSA at this time
23. Has the Seller been notied by any city or county governmental agency, or is the Seller aware, that the Property is in a
ood hazard area?
Yes No
24. OTHER CONDITIONS: ____________________________________________________________________________
ACCEPTED THIS______ day of ________________,_____
________________________________________________ by ________________________________________
________________________________________________ __________________________________________
SELLER (Printed) SELLER (Signature)
________________________________________________ __________________________________________
SELLER (Printed) SELLER (Signature)
________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Phone Fax
________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Mail (Mailing Address of Seller-Owner) Email