Shan Vosseller
VP of Product, Payments
eBay Connect 2021
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Managed Payments progress and next steps
Cross-border trade
Fee netting & charging
Further enhancements & changes ahead
Managed Payments
We are on track to transition the majority of sellers onto managed
payments by 2022
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.4
The majority of sales volume on eBay is
already on managed payments
Millions of sellers worldwide are seeing the
benefits of increased buyer choice, easier
selling and simpler fees
All sellers are invited and migration is not
More benefits are coming in the months
As of this week, managed payments is available globally
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.5
All eBay sites and
markets worldwide are
enabled for managed
Full Rollout
All newly registered
sellers globally will be on
managed payments by
Any remaining listings
which have not migrated
will be ended
Sellers will need to go
through reactivation
process to re-enable
selling privileges and
Required participation ultimately reflects in API
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.6
After a period of not onboarding, we revoke selling privileges
Trading API: Error code 120 - “You need to create a seller's account.”
Sellers must then go to Seller Hub / My eBay Selling to update their account
Depending on their entity type, some additional data and documentation may be required.
Once reactivated, they can relist ended listings up to 90 days after end date
Cross-Border Trade
Sellers are normally paid in the currency of their domicile
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Sellers are paid in the default currency of their domicile, regardless of what site they list on
Example: US seller lists on UK site (GBP), gets paid in USD
Currency conversion happens at transaction time and is reflected in holding currency
Some sites do or will support choice of holding currency at onboarding time:
Sellers in markets without eBay sites will default to EUR for EEA or USD for the rest of the world
In our rest of world markets, payouts go through our partner, Payoneer
APIs reflect the transacted price/currency and converted price/currency
Recent enhancements in multi-currency support
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.
GetCancellation, GetInquiry,
GetCase and GetReturn APIs now
Claim amount in listing currency
Fee credit details in listing
Amount seller owed for a refund in
both listing currency and seller’s
holding currency
Reimbursement details in seller’s
holding currency
getPaymentDispute method now
Listing site's currency
Seller's default currency
Exchange rate for the
conversion (exchangeRate)
The DisputeAmount type was
added to support this capability.
getPayout(), getPayouts(),
getTransfer(), and
getSellerFundsSummary now show:
Converted from and converted
to currency
Converted from and converted
to amount
Exchange rate at the time of
Disputes API Post-order API Finances API
Fee Netting & Charging
Fees are netted from proceeds of sales
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Sellers no longer will have a separate monthly fee invoice billed in arrears
Charges of any kind are debited from available funds in the seller account
Policy determines trigger points for when account is debited
Bank is the default top-up method, but sellers can specify their preferred payment instrument
in payment settings
Recent enhancements in fee netting & charging
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.
New fields added to the following types used by the
getPaymentDispute method under PaymentDispute type
monetaryTransactions: new array to provide details on
transactions that occur when a dispute is resolved.
protectedAmount: new field that shows the amount that
the seller is protected against in a dispute under eBay's
seller protection policy.
totalFeeCredit: new field that shows the amount of
money in selling fee credits due back to the seller
Disputes API
Added new fields to the GetCancellation, GetInquiry,
GetCase and GetReturn APIs to expose the following
Fee credits due for a refund as per eBay’s fee credit
Net charge amount derived from subtracting the fee
credit amount from the total charge
Details on the seller payment instrument used to fund
buyer refunds
Post-order API
Recent enhancements in fee netting & charging
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.
Added a new endpoint getTransfer() to provide more details for seller
transferring money to eBay for reimbursement of one or more
A new transaction type ‘TRANSFER’ and a filter condition added
getTransactions(), to explain seller transferring money to eBay for
reimbursement of one or more charges.
In addition to the amount, funding source, currency, exchange
rate and relevant identifiers for cancellations, returns, refunds, or
other charges are provided
Mixed sources of funds are supported between balance, bank,
and cards
getTransactions() and getTransactionSummary() are updated:
To net the non-transaction fees(and corresponding credits) from
the seller account balance.
A new transaction type ‘NON_SALE_CHARGE’ added for insertion
fees, listing upgrade fees, and ad fees
A new transaction type ‘Adjustment’ added to notify any
adjustments made to seller funds.
Updated transaction type “SHIPPING_LABEL” to help get
details on the post-paid shipping charge
Finances API Finances API: getTransfer
Further Enhancements
& Changes Ahead
Post-Order API
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.15
New Post-Order APIs (as part of the fulfilment set of APIs):
In 2021, eBay will launch new post order APIs (as a part of the fulfilment API) that will enable sellers to cancel
orders and manage cancellation requests, returns and item not received requests from buyers.
Additionally, new Refund Details API will be introduced to expose granular refund details including:
Fee credits due for a refund as per eBay’s fee credit policy
Details on the seller payment instrument used to fund buyer refunds
Expected Improvements:
Simplified API structure with a fewer number of endpoints compared to to the existing Post-Order APIs
Light-weight response payload
Search improvements (includes supporting search by order number, issue ID, issue status and buyer username)
Next available actions based on the state of the issue
New endpoint for detailed activity history
Improved documentation with clearly defined error codes and failure reasons
Support for item-level cancellation
Finances API
© 2021 eBay. All rights reserved.16
Add International fee memo:
Added international fee memo to the the getTransactions(), to provide more info (buyer country) about International
fees added to the Final value Fee.
Finances API planned enhancements:
Adding a memo to the the getTransactions() method for the orders on hold, to explain reason for transaction
hold and timeframe of hold release.
Adding Bank reference ID to the getTransactions(), getPayout() and getPayouts() method, for easy
reconciliation of payouts with seller’s bank account.
Adding Funds sent timeframe to the getTransactions(), getPayout() and getPayouts() method, to provide the
timeframe it takes for funds to reach seller’s bank account after payout sent from eBay.