Payoneer Balance
as an eBay
Payment Method.
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eBay is now able to charge Seller’s Payoneer Account
balance to pay Fees and Refunds.
Payoneer as a Preferred Payment Method means eBay will be able to charge a seller’s Payoneer account
balance instead of their credit card for managed payments.
To activate the feature, seller needs to set the Payoneer account as their default Selling cost instrument /
preferred payment method for fees and refunds. This can be done in their wallet page ( My eBay > Account
Settings > Payments)
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How is eBay Charging Fees from the
Payoneer Balance?
eBay will be charging fees in real time from the Payoneer balance for most activities related to Seller-
initiated activities”, such as:
1. Onetime payment
2. Seller initiated refund
3. Seller cancelled transactions.
For certain cases that are “not related to the seller-initiated activities”, eBay will charge the Payoneer
account using a 3-day notification. Such activities included are:
1. eBay auto-charge fees
2. EMBD (eBay Money Back Guarantee) escalated case force refund
3. Payment dispute force refund
Please note that eBay will charge the eBay balance first, if it is not enough, the system will turn the eBay
balance “negative” and then send out a 3-day notification to the seller before making the charge.
How to set up Payoneer
as default Payment Method
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How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
There are two steps to activate Payoneer as you default payment method for fees and refunds:
Step 1:
Grant permission to allow eBay to
charge from Payoneer account balance
Step 2:
Make Payoneer the
default payment method
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1. Go to my eBay – account setting – payments
2. Scroll down to the Payment methods and you
will see Payoneer ID embedded there. Click
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge from Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
3. A notification “Manage use - Selling cost” will
pop up, clickAuthenticate your Payoneer
account” to use it as selling fee payment
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge from Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
4 . Pop up layer will redirect you to Payoneer
website to sign in with your Payoneer
account, and a two factor authentication
will be triggered during sign in.
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge from Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
5. The confirmation page will pop up. Click
for the consent and authorize
eBay to charge your Payoneer
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge your Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
6. a confirmation page will inform you that the
connection process is successful and now
eBay can access your Payoneer account.
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge your Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
7. Seller can only use the Payoneer ID to link to their
current eBay account and charge the selling cost,
otherwise it will fail, and a notification will pop up
“It looks like you used a Payoneer ID that’s
not linked to your eBay account. Please sign in with
Payoneer ID that is linked with your eBay account.
8. If you are facing a failure linkage issue, click
“Authenticate your Payoneer account” and the
page will pop up so you can enter the
current Payoneer ID.
Step 1:
How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge your Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
1. Once the connection process is
successful, there will be a pop-up page
called manage use.
2. By default, Payoneer is not the default for
selling costs
3. Seller can turn on the button to make
Payoneer the default option for selling
Step 2:
How to makes Payoneer your default
payment method
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
4. Once the button is turned on and active,
eBay will deduct all selling costs and
refunds from seller’s Payoneer ID. You will
see on the Payment Methods page that
Payoneer ID is
“preferred for selling cost,
used for payouts”
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
Step 2:
How to makes Payoneer your default
payment method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
Note 1: Seller can only use the Payoneer ID linked to their
current eBay account for charging selling cost, otherwise
it will fail.
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
Step 2:
How to makes Payoneer your default
payment method
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
Note 2: In case the Payoneer authentication
expired, seller can authenticate again in the same
flow by clicking “
authenticate your
Note 3: After you activate this function, please
make sure that there is enough balance in your
Payoneer account to pay for eBay deductions.
When the balance of Payoneer account is
insufficient, the deduction failure will be triggered,
which will affect the user experience.
How to set up Payoneer as default Payment Method
Step 2:
How to makes Payoneer your default payment
How to set up Payoneer
as One-Time Payment
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1. In the OTP (One Time Payment) page, sellers can now
choose Payoneer as an OTP method.
2. See the “Make One Time Payment” page and click
change payment option”
How to set up Payoneer as One-Time Payment
Seller will need to do this only if they did not set up Payoneer as
their preferred payment method.
If Payoneer is their preferred payment method, by default the
payment option shown in this page will show the Payoneer id
rather than credit card
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
3. Make sure you run through the authentication
process before activating Payoneer as the OTP. If
you have not run the authentication process, click
authenticate your account”
and follow the process
in Step 1 - How to grant permission to allow eBay to
charge from Payoneer account balance
How to set up Payoneer as One-Time Payment
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
4. When the authentication process finishes,
you will see that the Payoneer ID option is
5. Select the Payoneer ID option and save.
How to set up Payoneer as One-Time Payment
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
Your total amount due will be stated on the OTP
page, click confirm.
How to set up Payoneer as One-Time Payment
How to use Payoneer balance
to Process Refund
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
1. On the Review and Refund page, sellers
can choose to use Payoneer in a post
transaction refund flow. However, we
strongly recommend that you set Payoneer
as your preferred payment method, so that
you do not need to re-change it for every
refund flow.
2. Click “how you’re charged” to activate
Payoneer as a refund payment method.
How to use Payoneer balance to Process Refund
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
3. Please make sure you run through the
authentication process before
activating Payoneer as the refund
payment method.
If you have not run the authentication
process, click
authenticate your
and follow the process in
Step no - How to grant permission to
allow eBay to charge
from Payoneer account balance.
How to use Payoneer balance to Process Refund
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
4. After the authentication process, the
seller can choose Payoneer to make
a refund. Click “save” to continue.
How to use Payoneer balance to Process Refund
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
5. See the “How you’re charged” section on the
bottom. Your Payoneer ID should be
displayed here
6. Click confirm to make the refund.
How to use Payoneer balance to Process Refund
New Seller onboarding flow to
enable Payoneer Charging
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New Seller onboarding flow to enable Payoneer Charging
New seller registration steps remain the
same. You may refer to:
When seller links their Payoneer account,
eBay will ask the seller to confirm their
consent to eBay charging their Payoneer
Seller still needs to add one credit card
during onboarding.
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
4. Once the seller has linked their
Payoneer account the seller can
click either “link an existing Payoneer
account” or “create a new one”.
New Seller onboarding flow to enable Payoneer Charging
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
5. The authentication page will pop up and
ask the seller to confirm that their
Payoneer account will be used to pay
eBay selling costs.
6. Seller can click “Not Now” but we highly
recommend seller to click “confirm”.
New Seller onboarding flow to enable Payoneer Charging
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
New Seller onboarding flow to enable Payoneer charging
7. Once Seller authentication is successfully
completed, click OK to continue
© 2018 eBay. All rights reserved.
8. Registration goes back to the final
page of Payoneer account, and from
there you can continue the rest of
registration process.
New Seller onboarding flow to enable Payoneer charging
Frequently Asked Question
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Where can I find details of the charges to my Payoneer account for eBay expenses?
You can see a detailed breakdown of your recent activity in the Payments section of Seller Hub or My
eBay. In addition, you may download your monthly financial statement which provides a summary of
your monthly account activity. At the start of each month, you will receive an email to let you know that
your financial statement is ready to download. In your financial statement, you will find a summary of
your selling activity and a detailed view of your transactions, including information on fees, claims,
refunds, payment disputes, payouts and more for that month.
Why do I need to authenticate my Payoneer account?
Authenticating your account allows eBay and Payoneer to confirm your identity and protect your
personal and business account information. eBay and Payoneer also needs your authorization to
charge your Payoneer account for eBay selling costs.
I have multiple currencies on my Payoneer, could eBay take out different currency for payment?
Only USD currency will be taken out from Payoneer.
Frequently Asked Question
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Why do I need to authorize eBay to debit my Payoneer account on the Payoneer website?
Authorized operations are an additional security mechanism. By authorizing the operation, Payoneer allows
eBay to debit your Payoneer account.
Is there an additional charge for me to activate the Payoneer as the preferred payment method
There is no additional charge for sellers to activate this feature.
How to increase the Payoneer charging limit? My Payoneer account linked to more than one eBay
account, the limit may not be enough.
Please reach out to the Payoneer customer support here:
What if within 3 days my negative balance turns to be positive balance, will eBay still take funds from
my Payoneer account?
Yes, if eBay has sent out a 3-day notification, then the process will be continued.
Frequently Asked Question
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Can I as a seller grant permission to Authenticate Payoneer ID as payment methods but not activated
the Payoneer as the default payment method?
Yes, you can but we recommend you activate it as fee charges taken out from the credit card may
fluctuate due to FX differences.
How do I change the payment method for fees and expenses from my Payoneer account to another
form of payment?
If you would like to discontinue using your Payoneer account as a payment method for eBay selling costs,
visit the payments section of My eBay or Seller Hub and add or select a different payment method.
I encountered an error message saying that the deduction failed when I debited my Payoneer
account. How can I solve it?
Most deduction failures are caused by insufficient balances in the Payoneer account. If you encounter
such an error message, please carefully check whether the balance of your Payoneer account is sufficient
and try to deduct the payment again after making up the balance. Special reminder: Please do make sure
you have enough balance in your Payoneer account to pay for eBay charges! When the balance of a
Payoneer account is insufficient, deduction failures will be triggered which will in turn affect user
Frequently Asked Question
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Frequently Asked Question
I don't want to use the default Payoneer account for a specific refund or payment, how do I do this?
You can change the debit method for each refund or payment operation. Click the default debit method to
replace it. We strongly recommend that you set your Payoneer account as the default debit method to reduce
extra operations for each debit and improve operational efficiency
Where can I see the details of debits from my Payoneer account?
You can see recent activity details on the Manage Payments page in Seller Hub. Alternatively, you can download
your monthly bill from the Manage Payments page to view monthly activity details. For specific steps, please visit or My eBay > selling > payments > reports