AOP 10.16
The purpose of this Academic Operating Policy and Procedure (AOP) is to ensure an
understanding of the procedures for the development, implementation, and maintenance of
formal distance learning degree programs, courses, minors, and certificates offered for academic
credit at Mississippi State University (MSU).
MSU uses the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
(SACSCOC) definition of distance education.
1. Students: A distance education student is defined as one who has been admitted into a
distance education program at MSU. Although geographically dispersed, distance
students meet the definition of a “student at Mississippi State University” as defined
under OP 31.01 Definition of a Student.
2. Programs: All Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) Board of Trustees and Mississippi
State University policies, standards, and guidelines for on- and off-campus instruction
apply to distance education, unless otherwise stated. Any academic unit may provide
distance education programs, courses, minors, or certificates that serve populations of
students with a demonstrated need, who are not on campus, and whereby the curricula can
be developed and effectively delivered in a distance format. All such academic endeavors
are housed within their respective colleges and academic units, and are the responsibility
of the assigned faculty and administrators.
3. Compliance Guidelines:
All distance education degree programs, courses, minors, and certificates must be
consistent with the role and mission of both Mississippi State University and the
units providing them.
All distance programs, courses, minors, and certificates are subject to the same
University curricula approval processes, guidelines, and requirements as is
required for on-campus programs and courses. This includes on-campus programs
and courses that are reconfigured for delivery via distance education methods.
Programs, courses, minors, and certificates will comply with all requisite approval
processes of state, regional, or other agencies or associations germane to the
conduct of the academic program at MSU. Distance education programs must
comply with all on-campus program and course requirements.
AOP 10.16
Academic units must demonstrate and maintain equivalency between on-campus
and distance degree programs relative to academic rigor, breadth, and expected
The colleges and departments that choose to offer distance degree programs,
courses, minors, and certificates have full control over their content. The
respective teaching faculty are responsible for all academically-related functions.
Only persons holding a faculty position, approved and assigned by their
department head, may teach distance classes. The required credentials for an
instructor of record for distance courses and on-campus courses must be identical,
and appropriate for the discipline in which they are teaching.
Contingent on programmatic needs and upon approval of their college academic
deans, all qualified faculty members may teach distance classes as part of their
normal teaching assignment. Faculty participation in distance education must be
clearly defined by workload assignment and performance evaluation.
Ownership of intellectual property developed for distance courses will be
determined by the MSU Intellectual Property, Policy and Procedure Statement.
Distance education students must have access to a range of student services that
are comparable to those provided for on-campus students, e.g., academic and
career advising, and general library and reserve materials.
Once a distance degree program is implemented, the academic units and MSU are
committed to ongoing financial and technical support, and to ensure that all
admitted students are allowed an appropriate timeframe to satisfy the program
Faculty must use best practices to ensure the highest standard of academic integrity
in the preparation of exams and other graded activities in distance courses.
Similarly, best practices must be followed to prevent student academic misconduct
in distance courses.
All distance courses must comply with the guidelines of the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2008,
and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The University Policy on Use of Copyrighted Works for Education and Research
OP 1.20 applies to all distance education degree programs, courses, minors, and
4. Evaluation, Assessment, and Recognition: Distance education courses will use the
same course evaluation procedures as on-campus courses. Each distance education
program shall be assessed at the same frequency as that of programs offered on campus.
Student learning in distance education programs must compare favorably to that in on-
AOP 10.16
campus based programs. Faculty will receive recognition for teaching and scholarly
activities for distance education commensurate with those for traditional activities and
5. Library Support. Faculty are encouraged to use library resources and personnel in their
distance education courses.
6. Faculty and Faculty Services. The university will assure an effective and efficient
distance education support infrastructure that provides development opportunities for
faculty that will increase their awareness of distance education methodologies and
improve their instructional skills. The university will also provide adequate equipment,
software, and communications access to faculty to support interaction with students,
cooperating institutions, and other faculty for approved programs and courses.
7. Student Services. The rights of and services provided to distance students will be
comparable to those offered to on-campus students.
Distance education students shall receive clear, accurate, complete, and timely
information needed to complete their studies. All information regarding application,
admission, enrollment, course activities, and so forth, for any distance education program
must be easily accessible and provided in a well- organized and complete manner.
8. Technology. MSU will provide a central learning management system that departments
and colleges are encouraged to use. Selection of technology for electronically-delivered
distance education courses and programs shall be the responsibility of the faculty and the
department offering such courses and programs, and shall be based primarily on
pedagogical objectives, student demographics, and available information technology
9. Financial Administration and Teaching of Distance Classes. For details regarding
financial administration and teaching of distance classes please refer to the guidelines
located under the Provost and Executive Vice President’s Office web site at the following
link: http://www.provost.msstate.edu/resources/staff/distance/
This AOP will be reviewed every four years, or whenever circumstances require an earlier
review, by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs with recommendations for revision, if
any, presented to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
AOP 10.16
/s/ Susan Seal
Executive Director
Center for Distance Education
/s/ Peter L. Ryan
Executive Vice Provost and
Dean of the Graduate School
/s/ David Shaw
Provost and Executive Vice President
/s/ Randy Follett
President, Robert Holland Faculty Senate
/s/ Tracey N. Baham
Institutional Research and Effectiveness
/s/ Joan Lucas
General Counsel
/s/ Mark Keenum