Resume Samples
The overall objective of your resume is to provide a composite snapshot of who you are and what
skills, abilities, and knowledge you have acquired through coursework, projects, self-taught initiatives,
service-learning, student organizations, volunteer work and employment. The emphasis lies on what
you have to offer rather than a chronological timeline.
The following resumes were developed to help UCF students to better compete for internships and co-
ops. Please use these examples to create your own unique style and clearly represents your academic
and professional background.
A few reminders:
Do not use these examples as templates
Use descriptive action verbs
Check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and correct verb tense
Minimize lines, graphics, or other distracting visuals
Table of Contents – Engineering & Technical Resumes
Civil Engineering...………………..……………………...………………………………………...Page 1
Computer Science…..…………………………………………………………………………...….Page 2
Electrical Engineering…………......………………………….…………………………………….Page 3
Industrial Engineering...…...….…………………………….………………………………...…….Page 4
Information Technology...………………………………….………………………………...……..Page 5
Mechanical Engineering....………………………………….………………………………...…….Page 6
Optic Photonics……….....………………………………….………………………………...…….Page 7
Engineering Creative Resume...…………………………….………………………………...…….Page 8
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL May 20XX
Bachelor of Science: Civil Engineering GPA: 3.6
Computer: Proficient in SAP2000, AutoCAD, C/C++
Computer: Table saw, band saw, drill press, and basic construction
Development of Rainwater Drainage System Aug 20XX - Current
Collaborated on a team of five students to develop a design system for a rainwater drainage in Little Village
Calculated site rainwater flow and runoff coefficients; determined release rate and storage depth
Developed subsurface system using AutoCAD to provide temporary storage of storm water run-off underground
Performed cost analysis to determine budget for materials, labor, and timeline to complete project; presented
project in an in-class presentation via PowerPoint
123 Contracting – Orlando, Florida Jan 20XX - Jan 20XX
Assist with remodeling projects for residential homes and small apartment complexes
Learn basic construction skills such as painting, hanging trim, installing dry wall, building decks, and laying tile
Help determine materials needed for projects, complete orders, and coordinate deliveries to construction sites
Shadow project managers and contractors to learn how to read blueprint plans
Leadership Pillar Ambassador Aug 20XX - May 20XX
Collegiate Male Institute
Creates programming targeting student’s strengths for tangible application on campus and in the
classroom and workplace
Collaborates with fellow pillars to produce sequential, cohesive programming to best aid student
Fosters an open, inclusive (safe/brave) space to facilitate healthy, productive discussion
Coordinates with mentors to ensure student understanding and benchmark achievement
Dean’s List May 20XX
First Year Student Leader Award June 20XX
National Merit Scholar May 20XX
Location Phone Number Email
OBJECTIVE Seeking an internship or co-op in Software Development.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, GPA: 3.67 Graduation: Aug 20XX
University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL
Java Programming
Developed a dozen programs such as UI applications, algorithms, data structures, and testcase generators
Experience in overloading methods, object inheritance, and generic method and classes
C Programming
Developed dozens of programs such as virtual machines, abstract data structures, and ciphers
Experience in utilizing dynamic memory allocation, bit manipulation, and pointer arithmetic
Development Techniques
Experience in analyzing data structures and algorithms in terms of time and space complexity
Knowledge of a dozen common algorithms such as binary search, quicksort, and Djikstra’s Algorithm
Knowledge in dynamic programming, backtracking, and divide-and-conquer techniques
Systems Knowledge
Understanding of systems architecture such as caching, paging, CPU scheduling, and virtual memory
Some understanding of threads, monitors, and inter-process communication
Developer Tools
Intermediate Knowledge in: Git, Bash, Visual Studio, Netbeans, Android Studio, MySQL, Apache
Hadoop, Apache Maven, Microsoft PowerShell, AJAX, LAMP Stack, Spring Framework, Drupal
Skip Lists - Utilizing C
Probabilistic dynamic data structure that improves upon linked lists’ limitations.
Compatible with any Comparable object by use of generics and overloading of the compare method.
Methods included for insertion, deletion, and search in logarithmic runtime.
PL/0 Compiler - Utilizing C
Interprets and executes code written in the PL/0 language.
Top-down parsing catches and generates syntax errors.
Creates assembly code that is passed to a virtual stack machine to be executed.
Turnip Android Mobile Application
Designed and created a mobile application that notifies user when one of their friends are available.
Directly involved in forming the idea, outlining requirements, and designing and creating the software.
Disney World | Orlando, FL Aug 20XXAug 20XX
Guest Services Coordinator
Organizing and coordinating services to assess and resolve thousands of complex resort-wide problems.
Awarded Disney World’s “Way to Go” Award for outstanding guest service.
Attraction’s Attendant Aug 20XX – July 20XX
Ensured safe and efficient operation by coordinating with a team in a fast-paced environment.
UCF Engineering Honor Society, Member Dec 20XXPresent
Address Phone Number Email
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering December 20XX
Minor: Spanish
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Programming: Assembly, C++, Visual Basic, Avenue
Software: Matlab, AutoCAD, Arcview
Language: Conversational Spanish
Microprocessors Data Structures Feedback Control Systems
Digital Signal Processing Fields and Waves Communication Systems
Minimax Corporation Orlando, FL
Intern- ScadaCam Development Department April 20XX-May 20XX
Converted microprocessor controls from prototype version to completed set of controls which
will be installed in Arizona and Brazil next year
Updated embedded 6811 code driving a remotely controlled camera by adding resting pulse
width modulation and slow speed positional smoothing interrupts, position query, stop
command, temperature averaging, and communications protocol
Miami Engineering Inc., Miami, FL
Intern Geographic Information Systems Department April 20XX-May 20XX
Prepared GIS maps for electric utility clients using Arcview
Reorganized server filing system by streamlining folder naming conventions for greater ease in
project management
Redesigned CAD spec sheets fixing errors caused by multiple authorship
123 Camp Pensacola, FL
Camp Counselor June 20XX-August 20XX
Organized three day and one day camping trips for 20 campers aged 12-16
Promoted a safe and enjoyable environment for all campers
Tau Beta Pi September 20XX-Present
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) January 20XX-Present
UCF Cross Country Club August 20XX-Present
Address • Email • Phone Number
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Minor: Computer Science GPA: 3.6
University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL December 20XX
Statistical Software: Minitab
Programming: C++, MATLAB, AMPL, CPLEX solver
Language: Fluent Creole & Basic Spanish
Academic Projects
Systems Simulation Class Project: UCF Gym Entrance Queue Model
Collaborated with team of 3 to collect raw data, model elements of the gym queue in Simio and verify
Drafted report and presented model, data verification, and evidence for statistical decisions in a final class
UCF Advanced Design Lab: Future Proof Fabrications Team Member
Work with four team members to develop, model, and present an attraction idea to Universal Creative
Build and refine prototype ideas and scale models iteratively with Universal Creative’s feedback for
Work Experience
ABC Company Rochester, NY May 20XX–August 20XX
Sourcing Analyst Intern
Integrate the work flow and test a script for identifying no source parts and recommend a future work flow
Complete the purchasing obsolescence process for relevant parts identified during work flow (~900 parts
Group tubes and hoses from a supplier as a test case and implement obsolescence and re-source decisions
UCF Lockheed Martin College Work Experience Program – Orlando, FL January 20XXApril 20XX
Facilities Operations Support
Develop and schedule preventative maintenance routines for critical machinery using manuals and
personnel feedback
Improve preventative maintenance metrics and automate, observe, and revise relevant reports with Excel
and VBA
Campus Involvement
UCF Society of Women Engineers (SWE) March 20XX–Present
Executive Board Officer: President (May 2016–Present)
Act as UCF SWE liaison to National SWE, UCF SGA, and approve club directives and financial decisions
Lead recurring E-Board, officer meetings and general body meetings
UCF Programming Team September 20XXPresent
Compete in weekly 5-hour programming practice competitions on a 3-person team
Attend weekly algorithm lectures/problem review sessions and solve practice problems in C, C++, and Java
Honors & Awards
Member of the UCF Burnett Honors College May 20XX
Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholar September 20XX
Name Location Phone NumberEmail
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology May 20XX
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL GPA 3.6/4.0
Associate of Science in Computer Science December 20XX
Miami-Dade College, Miami, FL GPA 3.5/4.0
ASP/ADO, C/C++, .NET, Java, SQL, XHTML/CSS/JavaScript, Cold Fusion, VBScript, XML
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Micromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop, PageMaker
SAP, Glassfish, Ruby/Rails, Groovy/Grails
Web Programming Information Systems Management Data Structures for IT
Database Theory and Design Computer Networks
Hardware Engineer Intern
ABC Computers Inc., Sanford, FL May 20XX - August 20XX
Perform hardware and software installations on a variety of computers including PC’s and Mac’s
Identify, isolate and repair computer equipment showing wear and tear as well as provide
customers with information on preventative maintenance routines
Provide High-level customer care, training, and technical support to a diverse population of customers
Assemble and install a wide array of computer systems, workstations, and peripheral hardware
Information Technology Help Desk Student Assistant
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL August 20XX - Present
Provided computer help desk support via telephone communications with end-users
including students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors
Performed diagnostics and troubleshooting of system issues, documented help desk
tickets/resolutions and maintained equipment inventory lists
Assisted students, faculty, and staff with login password verification to the campus-wide program,
Member, Association of Information and Technology Professionals (AITP) August 20XX - Present
Member, UCF Network & Security Club August 20XX- Present
Member, Association of Help Desk Professionals (AHDP) June 20XX-Present
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL May 20XX
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering GPA: 3.7
Solidworks, AutoCAD, MATLAB, Visual Studio, SQL, LabVIEW, COMOS, XFLR-5, Team Center (PLM),
Data Analysis, CFD (Basic), Python (basic)
English (fluent), Gujarati (conversational), Hindi (conversational), Ndebele (basic), French (basic)
IBM HACKATHON, Team Lead, NSBE Regional Conference, Montgomery, AL November 20XX
Provided IBM IX with the tools to assess the severity effectively & efficiently in which business' struggle.
Use of custom-made File I/O and SQL code to sort through survey forms filled out by business in our
targeted region.
Professionally presented and competed in front of IBM panelists, ranking 3rd in the entire NSBE Region III.
SIEMENS ENERGY, Orlando, FL August 20XX – Present
Energy Solutions & Plant Engineering Co-op
Schematic fabrication for control systems of power plant electrical, mechanical & fluid teams
Identified approx. $1 Million of project costs that could have been avoided had correct measures been taken
and structure initiated
3D Design of balance of plant electrical, fuel, steam, and water systems
Design of instrumentation and configuration customization to project-specific requirements.
Advancements with the Leadership Team to initiate Change Management strategies to shift the current
company culture towards higher quality
ORTEL ENERGY, Orlando, FL August 20XX – Present
Our aim is not only providing a source of electricity to all but also a means through which desalination
plants can reuse the energy we generate to convert more saltwater into drinking water, thus improving upon
the upcoming freshwater crisis.
This product is a revolutionary device that generates electricity from the flow of water!
Use of CAD, CFD and Fluid Mechanics knowledge to investigate and simulate the reaction of fluid flow in
the prototype.
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, Orlando, FL February 20XX – August 20XX
Recreation and Wellness Center, Building Manager
Execution of opening and closing procedures, including but not limited to reporting security, maintenance &
physical plant issues
Oversee a team of 50+ employees to ensure the 150,000 sq. ft facility is kept in immaculate condition for
70,000 members
Phone Number
OBJECTIVE To secure a challenging internship working with Optics & Lasers
Bachelor of Science, Photonic Sciences & Engineering, 3.35 GPA
University of Central Florida Orlando, FL Graduation: December 20XX
Associate of Arts, Business Emphasis, 3.6 GPA
Valdosta State College Valdosta, GA Graduation: May 20XX
Technical: Zemax (Optic Studio), Pro/Engineering (Creo), Matlab, Multisim
Language: Advanced Spanish (written and verbal)
Student Researcher at CREOL, UCF Orlando, FL
Glass Processing & Characterization Lab May 20XXDec 20XX
Conducted independent research on the thermo-optic coefficient of chalcogenide glasses.
Measured the refractive index and dispersion of various substrates using a refractometer.
Frequently aligned and operated the lasers for measurements.
Lockheed Martin via UCF College Work Experience Program Orlando, FL
Optical Components Center Aug 20XXApril 20XX
Optics handling, metrology, and spectroscopy
Reviewed and updated manufacturing process plans/work instructions utilizing software
such as Pro/E (Creo Parametric).
Streamlined the tool order process to push tool orders forward to completion; worked with
Property Management to verify a custodian, serialization, and identification of tools in
accordance with policy.
Customer Service Associate/Deli Assistant Miami, FL
Soup ‘n Stuff Summers 20XX, 20XX
Prepared salads, soups, and sandwiches in fast-paced downtown deli
Provided excellent customer service and attention to each customer’s special requests and
Secretary, Society of Women Engineers, Oct 20XX Dec 20XX
Led initiative to engage & empower more women in entrepreneurship through directly
engaging w/female led startups
Planned Startup Expo event, including workshops and panels with various local Orange
County area startups, along with a career fair involving 25 startup companies from around
the Orange County area
Address Phone Number Email
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science May 20XX
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Overall GPA: 3.33
Programming Languages: C++, C, Java, HTML, CSS, Python
Operating Systems: Android Mobile Development, UNIX
Language: Fluent Spanish
Education-Related Experience
UCF Computer Science Department August 20XXMay 20XX
Data Structures and Algorithms Project
Used C++ to write a program to convert from infix to postfix expressions using a stack data structure.
Database Systems Project
Created a website that displayed local food and drink deals around Orlando. The web application used
HTML and CSS for the application design and PHP for accessing the relational MYSQL database.
Advanced Java Programming Project
Implemented the board game Sorry using libraries from the JavaSE 8 API. The game was developed using
GUI and object-oriented class design.
Android Mobile Programming Project
Designed a mobile application, TwitterGetter, to view tweets in a specified range of the user using Android
Studio and the Twitter API as part of a class-assigned group project.
Software Engineering Project
Created a mobile application, GetALife, by working through the Software Development Lifecycle to provide
the user with a list of activities depending on location, time of day, and interests. The application was
developed for Android.
Object-Oriented Programming
Understood the Object-Oriented Programming concepts and C++ techniques.
Created a String class containing many of the <string> class library features.
Implemented Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm operating on single bits for memory savings.
Familiarized with Linked List data structure.
Unix Projects
Created multiple shell scripts using the bash shell. Familiarized with UNIX environment and commands.
Computer Organization I
MIPS Assembly program producing a histogram based of the image provided.
Understanding of Computer Architecture, digital logic and processor design.
Other Experience
Camp Counselor (Summer) Kingsley Pines Camp, Panama City, FL June 20XX August 20XX
Sales Associate Kohl’s Department Store, Orlando, FL January 20XX June 20XX
Knights Hack August 20XXMay 20XX
Attended and participated in collegiate programming contests while working alongside students from
other universities to create one of a kind projects in a designated period of time.
Student Name
Undergraduate with soft and
technical skills obtained through
years of classroom and professional
experience passionate about
bringing value to the Universal
Creative team.
Proficient in:
Microsoft Office Programs
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Moderate Knowledge in:
3D Printing
Basic Knowledge in:
Java Programming
C Programming
3D Printing
CSWA – Mechanical Design
CSWA – Additive Manufacturing
Give Kids the World Village
(20+ hours)
American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Jan. 20XX - Present
UCF SolidWorks Student
Leader Program
Jan. 20XX - Present
Themed Entertainment
Jan. 20XX - Present
The Improv Academy (TIA)
Jan. 20XX - Present
University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL GPA: 3.2
University of West Florida - Pensacola, FL GPA: 3.2
Relevant Coursework: Machine Design, Intro to Robotics, Intro to Vibrations and
Controls, Measurements, Solid Mechanics, Structure and Properties of Materials,
Statics, and Dynamics
Siemens Energy, Inc. - Orlando, FL
3D Model 100+ complex generator tools and components using KeyCreator
Design and draft a removable handle for a hydraulic cylinder
Drafting 3rd party CAD blueprints to the team’s format and specifications
Develop technical instructions for Generator Disassembly and Rotor Removal
Report and archive weekly financial earnings and expenses utilizing Excel and SAP
Conduct weekly meetings and project presentations using Teams and PowerPoint
EXTERNAL CHAIR June 20XX - Present
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Orlando, FL
Obtain professional speakers for ASME meetings and events
Orchestrate tours and establish partnerships with companies and organizations
Plan and organize events and volunteer work for members
WORKSHOP AIDE June 20XX - Present
UCF SolidWorks Student Leader - Orlando, FL
Instruct individual students on SolidWorks modeling and assembling
Conduct research to create additional practice exams to prepare students for
advanced SolidWorks’ certifications
Collaborated with a student team to design, fabricate, and race a human powered
Networked with necessary parties from regional colleges, local bike shops, and
Utilized TIG Welding towards the completion of a vehicle prototype.
Presented research and networked alongside team at Florida Collegiate Honors
Delivered a sole presentation and networked at Southern Regional Honors Council
Coordinated a team of 4 to model a lawn sprinkler and deliver an oral presentation
Derived the part’s mass properties, stress analysis, and full rendering
Phone Number