Accepting a Job Offer
Once you have decided to accept a
job offer, immediately confirm your
acceptance in writing. Refer to the
salary offer made and outline the
terms of your employment. Confirm
the date you will be reporting to
work, and ask any other questions
you may have.
Close the letter with an expression of
your appreciation and pleasure at
joining the organization.
Sample Letter of Acceptance
(via email)
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am very excited to accept your offer to join XYZ Nonprofit
as a Program Coordinator. As we discussed over the phone,
my starting date will be July 15, 2016. I understand that I
will be based in New York City with the possibility of
relocation in the future. I also understand my starting salary
will be $47,500. If there is any additional information you
need, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to
provide it.
I am looking forward to working with XYZ Nonprofit and
am eagerly awaiting my start date.
James Jones
Turning Down an Offer
As soon as you decide to accept a
job offer, call or write to all the
other organizations that have
expressed interest in you or have
made offers to inform them of your
decision. Make sure not to burn any
bridges you can never be sure
when you may have to work with
the organizations professionally, or
when you may want to contact them
again about employment.
Be positive when declining an offer.
If appropriate, advise the employer
where you will be going to work or,
if you are continuing in higher
education, where you have enrolled.
You need not indicate why you have
accepted the other position or what
the starting salary is. Always
express your appreciation for any
offers extended and the interest and
confidence the employer has shown.
Sample Letter of Decline
(via email)
Dear Mr. Green:
After careful consideration, I most regretfully decline your offer
of employment. This has been a difficult decision. At this time, I
have accepted employment with XYZ Nonprofit.
I am very impressed with your organization, the people and the
job. However, I feel I have made the most appropriate decision
for my professional development. I look forward to keeping in
touch and thank you for your time and consideration.
James Jones