(Letter to be submitted on company letterhead)
(Company Name) is expanding our workforce. It is our intention to
hire (number) net new employees during (length of time or time frame)
assuming market conditions remain as projected. This expanded workforce
will need certain skills that can be obtained through a Maine Quality
Centers’ effort. Therefore, we are enclosing a completed and signed
application requesting assistance from the Maine Quality Centers. I agree to
serve as the primary contact for the project. (Or – I have named (Name) to
serve as the primary contact for the project.)
(Company Name) is requesting Maine Quality Centers provide
training for (number) new and/or current employees to obtain promotional
opportunities within the company. These positions pay an average hourly
rate of pay of (average wage/hour after training is completed). If the
trainees include long term employees promoted to new positions, it is the
company’s intent to hire a similar number of new employees to replace the
promoted employees.
(Signature of Authorized Company Official)
(Letter to be submitted on company letterhead)
(Company Name) is seriously considering expanding our workforce.
It is our intention to hire (number) net new employees during (length of
time or time frame) at an average rate of pay of (average wage/hour after
training is completed) assuming market conditions remain as projected.
This expanded workforce will need certain skills that can be obtained
through a Maine Quality Centers’ effort. Therefore, we are enclosing a
completed and signed application requesting assistance from the Maine
Quality Centers. I agree to serve as the primary contact for the project. (Or
– I have named (Name) to serve as the primary contact for the project.)
Although (Company Name) makes all decisions regarding who and
when to hire, the company recognizes the support from the MQC and,
therefore, hereby expresses its intention to give priority consideration to as
many individuals as possible from the pool of MQC trainees who will
successfully complete the education and training on company’s behalf. .
(Company Name) understands that this is not a guarantee of employment
but rather an expression as to our need and intention to hire from the MQC
(Signature of Authorized Company Official)