This Agreement of Limited Partnership is made effective as of _______________, by and
between _______________ (hereinafter referred to as "General Partner"), and _____________,
_______________, _______________ and _______________ (hereinafter individually referred
to as "Limited Partner" and collectively referred to as "Limited Partners").
1.1 Name of Partnership. The name of the Partnership shall be "________________,
a California Limited Partnership." The business of the Partnership shall be conducted under that
1.2 Purpose of Partnership. The Partnership shall engage in the business of
___________________________ and such activities as are related or incidental thereto.
1.3 Principal Place of Business. The principal executive office of the Partnership
shall be at ______________________________, or at such other place as may be determined
from time to time by the General Partner. If the General Partner changes the executive office of
the Partnership, he shall give written notice of the change of address to each Limited Partner at
least thirty (30) days before that change.
1.4 Term of Partnership. The term of the Partnership commenced on _____________
and shall continue for a period of thirty (30) years unless sooner dissolved as hereinafter
1.5 Certificate of Limited Partnership. The General Partner shall immediately
execute a Certificate of Limited Partnership and cause that Certificate to be filed in the office of
the Secretary of State of California. Thereafter, the General Partner shall execute and cause to be
filed certificates of amendment of the Certificate of Limited Partnership whenever required by
the California Revised Limited Partnership Act or this Agreement.
1.6 Glossary of Terms. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement or as the
context of this Agreement requires, the terms defined in this Section shall, for the purposes of
this Agreement, have the meanings herein specified.
A. "Agreement" shall mean this Limited Partnership Agreement, as amended
from time to time.
B. "Assignee" shall mean a person who has acquired beneficial interest in the
limited partnership interest of a Limited Partner but who is not a "Substituted Limited Partner."
C. "Assigning Partner" shall mean a Partner who has assigned a beneficial
interest in that Partner's partnership interest, the Assignee of which has not become a
"Substituted Limited Partner."
D. "Limited Partner" shall refer to any person who is admitted to the
Partnership, either as an Original Limited Partner or as a Substituted Limited Partner.
E. "Net income" and "net loss" shall mean the net income or net loss of the
Partnership as determined for the purpose of computing federal income taxes pursuant to the
Internal Revenue Code.
F. "Partners" or "the Partners" shall refer collectively to the General Partner
and the Limited Partners. Reference to "Partner" shall be a reference to each of the Partners.
G. "Partnership" shall refer to the Limited Partnership created under this
Agreement and the Certificate of Limited Partnership to be filed with the Office of the Secretary
of State pursuant to the California Revised Limited Partnership Act.
2.1 Original General Partners. The name of the General Partner is ______________.
2.2 Original Limited Partners. The names of each original Limited Partner are as
2.3 Admission of Additional General Partners. Subject to any other provision of this
Agreement, and the Acquisition and Loan Documents, a person may be admitted as a General
Partner after the Certificate of Limited Partnership is filed only with the written consent of each
General Partner and the vote or written consent of fifty-one percent (51%) of all Partners.
2.4 Admission of Additional Limited Partners. Subject to the provisions of Article IX
of this Agreement, governing transfers of Partnership interests, a person may acquire an interest
in the Partnership directly from the Partnership and be admitted as an Additional Limited Partner
only with the approval of the General Partner and fifty-one percent (51%) of all Partners. Each
Partner's interest will be proportionally reduced to admit the new Limited Partner.
2.5 Admission of Substituted Limited Partner. The assignee of a limited partnership
interest may be admitted as a Substituted Limited Partner only with the written consent of the
General Partner.
2.6 Additional Partners Bound by Agreement. Before any person is admitted to the
Partnership as a General or Limited Partner, that person shall agree in writing to be bound by all
of the provisions of this Agreement.
3.1 Capitalization. The Partnership shall have a total initial capitalization of up to
One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000). Each Partner shall contribute
the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500) for each one percent (1%) interest
in the Partnership. The General Partner and Limited Partners shall initially contribute the
amounts set forth opposite their respective names on Exhibit A.
3.2 Additional Capital Contributions.
A. The General Partner may determine the amount of additional capital
required by the Partnership and may require each Partner, General and Limited,1 to contribute a
proportionate share of additional capital to the Partnership. The General Partner's determination
will be binding on all Partners, unless fifty-one percent (51%) of all Partners vote otherwise.
Each Partner's proportionate share of additional capital shall be defined as the product of the total
amount of additional capital required by the Partnership multiplied by that Partner's "percentage
interest in profits and losses" as set forth in Exhibit A. Additional capital contributions shall be
made in cash by each Partner to the Partnership within ten (10) days after written notice of the
amount of additional capital contributions has been delivered to each Partner (said notice
hereinafter referred to as "Call Notice").
B. In the event that any Partner fails to contribute any additional capital
contribution required hereunder within ten (10) days after the Call Notice, then that Partner shall
be in default under this Agreement. Any Partner who is in default under this Agreement for
failing to contribute the additional capital contributions required hereunder shall have ninety (90)
days from the date of delivery the Call Notice in which to cure that default by contributing his
share of the required additional capital contributions and by paying to the non-defaulting
Partners, in proportion to their percentage interests in profits and losses, an amount equal to one
percent (1%) of the defaulting Partner's additional capital contribution for each day he has failed
to contribute such additional capital contributions commencing with the eleventh (11th) day after
delivery of the Call Notice, as liquidated damages.
By initialing hereunder each Partner specifically agrees to pay any such liquidated
damages which may become due as a result of his default hereunder and further agrees that these
damages constitute a reasonable estimate of the amount of actual damages which may be
suffered by the other Partners.
So long as a Partner is in default hereunder, he shall have no voting rights but shall
receive notice of any meetings.
C. If any Partner is in default under Subsection 3.2B hereunder and fails to
cure the default within ninety (90) days of the Call Notice by contributing the additional required
capital and by paying the liquidated damages as above provided, then such Partner shall be in
breach of this Agreement.
D. If any Partner is in breach of this Agreement pursuant to
Subsection 3.2(c), then at the option of the Partnership, his interest in the Partnership shall be
terminated and he shall become an unsecured creditor for an amount equal to his original capital
contribution decreased by the sum of:
1. his proportionate share of all losses previously incurred by the
Partnership (excluding depreciation);
2. the liquidated damages accruing to the other Partners under
Subsection 3.2(b); and
3. by any distributions previously made to said defaulting Partner.
This debt shall be evidenced by an unsecured promissory note executed in the name of
the Partnership and shall be payable with interest at the rate of nine percent (9%) in sixty (60)
equal monthly installments, interest included. If the Partnership sells the Project, then this note
shall be all due and payable.
E. If any Partner is in breach of this Agreement pursuant to
Subsection 3.2(c), and if he has a deficit balance in his capital account, then, at the option of the
Partnership, his interest in the Partnership shall be terminated and he shall pay an amount equal
to the deficit balance in his capital account (computed without regard to depreciation) to the
Partnership within thirty (30) days after date of the breach. If payment is not made within said
thirty (30) day period, interest shall accrue thereafter at eighteen percent (18%) per annum or the
highest legal rate under California law until paid in full. If any former Partner fails to pay the
amount due to the Partnership pursuant to this Subsection 3.2(e), the Partnership or any
individual Partner may proceed with action for collection.
F. As an alternative to terminating the Partner's interest as provided in
Subsections 3.2(d) or 3.2(e), the Partnership may elect to sue for breach of this Partnership
Agreement. By initialing hereunder, the Partners acknowledge and agree that the terms and
provisions of Subsections 3.2(d) and 3.2(e) are fair and reasonable and agree to be bound by the
terms thereof. Each Partner hereby waives the requirement that a dissolution and accounting
must occur before an action may be maintained by a Partner or the Partnership against a Partner.
3.3 Interest in Contributions. No interest shall be paid on a Partner's capital
3.4 Withdrawal and Return of Capital.
A. No Partner may withdraw any portion of the capital of the Partnership and
no Partner shall be entitled to the return of that Partner's contribution to the capital of the
Partnership except upon dissolution of the Partnership.
B. No Partner shall be entitled to demand the distribution of Partnership
property other than cash as part of the return of that Partner's capital account on dissolution.
C. No Partner shall have a priority over any other Partner as to the return of
his capital account upon the dissolution of the Partnership.
4.1 Allocation of Profits and Losses. The net income of the Partnership shall be
allocated to, and any net losses suffered by the Partnership shall be borne by, the Partners in the
proportions set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
4.2 Distribution of Cash Available for Distribution. The General Partner shall
determine the amount of any distribution to the Partners and the timing of all such distributions.
The General Partner's determination shall be binding upon all Partners.
4.3 Priorities Among Partners. No Partner shall be entitled to any priority or
preference over any other Partner as to any distribution from the Partnership.
5.1 Control and Management. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, the
General Partner shall have sole and exclusive control of the Limited Partnership. The General
Partner shall have the power and authority to take such action from time to time as he may deem
to be necessary, appropriate, or convenient in connection with the management and conduct of
the business and affairs of the Partnership, including without limitation the power to:
A. Acquire property, including real or personal property, for the use of the
Partnership upon such terms and conditions as the General Partner may, from time to time,
determine to be advantageous to the Partnership;
B. Finance the Partnership's activities by borrowing money from third parties
on such terms and under such conditions as the General Partner deems appropriate. When
money is borrowed for Partnership purposes, the General Partner shall be, and hereby is,
authorized to pledge, mortgage, encumber, or grant a security interest in Partnership properties as
security for the repayment of such loans.
C. Employ, retain, or otherwise secure the services of such personnel or firms
deemed necessary by the General Partner for or to facilitate the conduct of Partnership business
affairs, all on such terms and for such consideration as the General Partner deems advisable; and\
D. Take any and all other action which is permitted by law and which is
customary in or reasonably related to the conduct of the Partnership business or affairs.
5.2 Voting Rights of Limited Partners.
A. Except as provided in Subsection 5.2(b), the Limited Partners shall not
have either the obligation or the right to take part, directly or indirectly, in the active
management or control of the business of the Partnership.
B. The following Partnership actions may only be taken after approval by
vote of the Partners:
1. Veto of a call for additional capital as set forth in Section 3.2;
2. Admission of an additional General Partner under Section
3. Admission of an additional Limited Partner under Section 2.4;
4. Admission of a Substituted General Partner under Section 9.2;
5. Amendment of the Partnership Agreement as provided in
Subsection 13.2;
6. The sale or transfer of the Project;
7. Approval of Partner loans pursuant to Section 7.3;
8. Consent to dissolution under Section 12.2; and
9. Election of a new general partner under Section 12.3.
C. Except where otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, all of the
acts listed in Section 5.2(b)(i) through 5.2(b)(ix) shall be approved by fifty-one percent (51%)
vote of the interests of the Partners, each Partner having one vote for each one percent (1%)
interest in profits and losses owned by that Partner with the General Partner having the same
voting rights as a Limited Partner.
5.3 Standard Care of General Partner. The General Partner shall exercise ordinary
business judgment in managing the affairs of the Partnership. Unless fraud, deceit, or a wrongful
taking is involved, the General Partner shall not be liable or obligated to the Limited Partners for
any mistake of fact or judgment made by the General Partner in operating the business of the
Partnership that results in any loss to the Partnership or its Partners. The General Partner does
not, in any way, guarantee the return of the Limited Partners' capital or a profit from the
operations of the Partnership. The General Partner shall not be responsible to any Limited
Partner because of a loss of that Partner's investment or a loss in operations, unless it has been
occasioned by fraud, deceit, or a wrongful taking by the General Partner.
5.4 Removal of General Partner. The General Partner may not be removed by the
Limited Partners.
6.1 Partnership Accounting Practices.
A. The Partnership books shall be kept on a cash basis. The Partnership
books shall be closed and balanced at the end of each fiscal year of the Partnership.
B. The fiscal year-end of the Partnership shall be December 31.
6.2 Maintenance of Records and Accounts. At all times, the General Partner shall
maintain or cause to be maintained true and proper books, records, reports, and accounts in
which shall be entered fully and accurately all transactions of the Partnership.
6.3 Required Records. The General Partner shall maintain at the principal executive
office of the Partnership within California all of the following records:
A. A current list of the full name and last known business or residence
address of each Partner, set forth in alphabetical order, together with the contribution and share
in profits and losses of each Partner.
B. A copy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership and all Certificates of
Amendment thereto, together with executed copies of any powers of attorney pursuant to which
any such Certificate has been executed.
C. Copies of the Limited Partnership's federal, state, and local income tax or
information returns and reports, if any, for the six (6) most recent taxable years.
D. Copies of this Agreement and all duly adopted amendments thereto.
E. Financial statements of the Partnership for the six (6) most recent fiscal
F. The Partnership's books and records for at least the current and past three
(3) fiscal years.
6.4 Delivery of Records to Limited Partners. Upon the request of any Limited
Partner, the General Partner shall promptly deliver to that Partner, at the expense of the
Partnership, a copy of:
A. The current list of each Partner's name, address, contribution, and share in
profits and losses.
B. The Certificate of Limited Partnership, as amended, and any powers of
attorney pursuant to which any such Certificate was executed.
C. This Agreement, as amended.
6.5 Access to Records by Limited Partners. Each Limited Partner and/or each
Limited Partner's duly authorized representative, attorney, or attorney-in-fact shall have the right,
upon reasonable request, to:
A. Inspect and copy, during normal business hours, any Partnership records
the Partnership is required to maintain, pursuant to Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of this Agreement.
B. Obtain from the General Partner, promptly after becoming available, a
copy of the Limited Partnership's federal, state, and local income tax or information returns for
each year.
6.6 Income Tax Data. The General Partner shall send to each Partner, within ninety
(90) days after the end of each taxable year, a copy of the Partnership's federal, state, and local
income tax or information returns for such taxable year, together with such additional
information as is necessary for them to complete their federal and state income tax or
information returns for that year.
6.7 Capital Accounts. An individual capital account shall be maintained for each
Partner. A capital account shall consist of a Partner's contribution to the initial capital of the
Partnership, any additional contributions to the Partnership capital made by a Partner pursuant to
this Agreement, and any amounts transferred thereto from that Partner's income account pursuant
to this Agreement.
6.8 Income Accounts. An individual income account shall be maintained for each
Partner. At the close of each Partnership taxable year, or at more frequent intervals, each
Partner's share of the net profits or net losses of the Partnership shall be credited or debited to,
and that Partner's distributions received during each fiscal year shall be deducted from, that
Partner's income account and any resulting balance or deficit shall be transferred to or charged
against that Partner's capital account.
6.9 Banking. The General Partner shall open and thereafter maintain a separate bank
account in the name of the Partnership in which there shall be deposited all the funds of the
Partnership. No other funds shall be deposited in the account. The funds in that account shall be
used solely for the business of the Partnership, and all withdrawals therefrom are to be made
only on checks signed by the General Partner.
7.1 Devotion of Time by General Partner. The General Partner shall devote such
care, attention, and business capacity to the affairs of the Partnership as may be reasonably
necessary. In this connection, the Partners hereby acknowledge that any General Partner may be
the Manager or General Partner of other partnerships and may continue to manage other
partnerships, and may continue to engage in other related business, whether or not competitive
with the business of the Partnership.
7.2 Additional Compensation to General Partner.
A. Other than his share of profits and losses, the General Partner shall not be
entitled to any additional compensation for services rendered as General Partner.
B. __________________ shall be the project manager and shall receive a fee
equal to five percent (5%) of the total "Construction Costs" of the apartments pursuant to a
separate written agreement. "Construction Costs" are fully defined in the separate agreement,
but by way of explanation, shall include all hard and soft costs incurred in connection with the
construction of the apartments. By way of example and not by way of limitation, construction
costs shall include paints, permits, fees and insurance as well as the cost of materials and labor.
C. It is acknowledged by all Partners that __________________ is an
affiliate of __________________.
D. From the five percent (5%) fee __________________ shall pay the costs
of any supervisor and of any secretary.
7.3 Loans to the Partnership. No Partner shall loan any money to the Partnership
unless approved by a fifty-one percent (51%) vote of all Partners.
7.4 Transaction of Business with Partnership. Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement, a Partner may transact other business with the Partnership. If any Partner transacts
business with the Partnership, that Partner shall have the same rights and obligations with respect
thereto as a person who is not a Partner.
7.5 Partners Engaging in Other Business. Any of the Partners may engage in or
possess an interest in other business ventures of every nature and description independently or
with others, and neither the Partnership nor the Partners shall have any right by virtue of this
Agreement in and to any such independent ventures or to the income or profits derived
8.1 Call and Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Partners at the Principal Executive
Office of the Partnership may be called pursuant to the written request of any Partner.
8.2 Notice of Meeting. Immediately upon receipt of a written request stating that the
Partner or Partners request a meeting on a specific date (which date shall not be less than ten (10)
nor more than sixty (60) days after the receipt of the request by the General Partner), the General
Partner shall immediately give notice to all Partners. Valid notice may not be given less than ten
(10) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting, and shall state the place, date,
and hour of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted. No business
other than the business stated in the notice of the meeting may be transacted at the meeting.
Notice shall be given by mail, addressed to each Partner entitled to vote at the meeting at the
address appearing in the books of the Partnership for the Partner.
8.3 Quorum. At any duly held or called meeting of Partners, Partners holding at least
fifty-one percent (51%) of the voting power who are represented in person or by proxy shall
constitute a quorum for all purposes other than amending this Agreement in which case seventy-
five percent (75%) of the interests of all Partners shall be required. The Partners present at a
duly called or held meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to transact business until
adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Partners to leave less than a quorum, if
any action taken, other than adjournment, is approved by the requisite percentage of interests of
8.4 Meetings Not Duly Called, Noticed, or Held. The transaction of business at any
meeting of Partners, however called and noticed, and wherever held, shall be as valid as though
consummated at a meeting duly held after regular call and notice, if a quorum is present at that
meeting, either in person or by proxy, and if, either before or after the meeting, each of the
persons entitled to vote, not present in person or by proxy, signs either a written waiver of notice,
a consent to the holding of the meeting, or an approval of the minutes of the meeting.
8.5 Waiver of Notice. Attendance of a Partner at a meeting shall constitute waiver of
notice, except when that Partner objects, at the beginning of the meeting, to the transaction of
any business on the ground that the meeting was not lawfully called or convened. Attendance at
a meeting is not a waiver of any right to object to the consideration of matters required to be
described in the notice of the meeting and not so included, if the objection is expressly made at
the meeting. Any Partner approval at a meeting shall be valid only if the general nature of the
proposal is stated in any written waiver of notice.
8.6 Consent to Action Without Meeting. Any action that may be taken at any
meeting of the Partners may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the
action so taken, is signed by Partners having not less than the minimum number of votes that
would be necessary to authorize or take that action at a meeting at which all Partners entitled to
vote thereon were present and voted. In the event the Partners are requested to consent to a
matter without a meeting, each Partner shall be given notice of the matter to be voted upon in the
manner described in Section 8.2. In the event that any Partner requests a meeting for the purpose
of discussing or voting on the matter so noticed, notice of a meeting shall be given pursuant to
Section 8.2 and no action shall be taken until the meeting is held. Unless delayed by a request
for and the conduct of a meeting, any action taken without a meeting shall be effective fifteen
(15) days after the required minimum number of voters have signed consents to action without a
meeting; however, the action shall be effective immediately if the General Partner and Limited
Partners representing at least ninety percent (90%) of the interests of the Limited Partners sign
consents to action without a meeting.
8.7 Proxies.
A. Every Partner entitled to vote may authorize another person or persons to
act by proxy with respect to that Partner's interest in the Partnership.
B. Any proxy purporting to have been executed in accordance with this
Section shall be presumptively valid.
C. No proxy shall be valid after the expiration of eleven (11) months from the
date thereof unless otherwise provided in the proxy. Subject to Subsections (f) and (g) of this
Section, every proxy continues in full force and effect until revoked by the person executing it.
The dates contained on the proxy forms presumptively determine the order of execution,
regardless of the postmark dates on the envelopes in which they are mailed.
D. A proxy is not revoked by the death or incapacitation of the person
executing it, unless (except as provided in Subsection (f) of this Section), before the vote is
counted, written notice of the death or incapacity of the maker is received by the Partnership.
E. Revocation of a proxy is effective by a writing delivered to the Partnership
stating that the proxy is revoked or by a subsequent proxy executed by the Partner who executed
the proxy or, as to any meeting, by the attendance and exercise of the right to vote at that
meeting by the Partner who executed the proxy.
F. A proxy that states that it is irrevocable, is irrevocable for the period
specified therein when it is held by any creditor or creditors of the Partnership or the Partner who
extended or continued credit to the Partnership or the Partner in consideration of the proxy if the
proxy states that it was given in consideration thereof and the name of the person extending or
continuing credit. In addition, a proxy may be made irrevocable (notwithstanding Subsection (d)
of this Section) if it is given to secure the performance of a duty or to protect a title, either legal
or equitable, until the happening of events which, by its terms, discharge the obligations secured
by it.
G. Notwithstanding the period of irrevocability specified in the proxy as
provided in Subsection (f) of this Section, a proxy will become revocable when the debt of the
Partnership or Partner is paid.
H. A proxy may be revoked, notwithstanding a provision making it
irrevocable, by the assignment of the interest in the Partnership of the Partner who executed the
proxy to an Assignee without knowledge of the existence of the proxy and the admission of that
Assignee to the Partnership as a Partner.
I. The General Partner may, in advance of any Partnership meeting,
prescribe additional regulations concerning the manner of execution and filing of proxies and
their valuation.
9.1 Conditions for Transfer. A Partner may sell, assign, transfer, encumber, or
otherwise dispose of an interest in the Partnership only in conformity with the provisions of this
Article IX.
9.2 Prohibition Against Assignment, Sale, or Other Transfer. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement, during the nine (9) month period after execution hereof, no
Partner or his heirs, personal representative, successors, or assigns, shall have the right to assign,
sell or otherwise transfer, for consideration or gratuitously, all or any portion of his interest in
this Partnership, except to a bona fide resident of the State of California.
9.3 Assignments. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.2, a Partner may assign all or
part of his interest in the profits and losses of the Partnership to any other person upon such
terms and conditions as he may deem fit. The Assignee shall not be admitted as a Substituted
Partner without the approval of the General Partner or, if the General Partner is the Assigning
Partner, without the approval of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Limited Partners. Any
assignment made to anyone, not admitted as a Substituted Partner, shall be effective only to give
the Assignee the right to receive the share of profits to which the Assigning Partner would
otherwise be entitled, shall not relieve the Assigning Partner from any liability under any
agreement to make additional capital contributions, shall not relieve the Assigning Partner from
liability under the provisions of this Agreement, and shall not give the Assignee the right to
become a Substituted Partner. Neither the General Partner nor the Partnership shall be required
to determine the tax consequences to any Assignee arising from the assignment of a Partnership
interest. The Partnership shall continue with the same basis and capital accounts for the
Assignee as was attributable to the Assigning Partner.
9.4 Transfer on Death of a Partner.
A. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.2, if any Partner dies, then his
personal representative, heirs, devisees, or successors shall have an option, exercisable within
sixty (60) days after the date of death to either:
1. elect to become Substituted Partners; or
2. offer to sell all but not less than all of the deceased Partner's
interest to the remaining Partners.
B. If the General Partner dies, his interest shall be converted to that of a
Limited Partner pursuant to Subsection 12.3(b). The personal representative, heirs, devisees or
successors of a deceased Partner may elect to become a Substituted Partner by sending written
notification to that effect to the Partnership within sixty (60) days after death. If the personal
representative, heirs, devisees or successors of the deceased Partner elect to sell all, but not less
than all, of the deceased Partner's interest, they shall send a notice of this election to the
remaining Partners within sixty (60) days after the date of death. If the personal representative,
heirs, devisees or successors fail to elect to become a Substituted Limited Partner or to offer to
sell all, but not less than all, of the interest of the deceased Partner, they shall be deemed to have
automatically elected to become Substituted Partners.
C. If the personal representative, heirs, devisees or successors of the deceased
Partner offer to sell all, but not less than all, of the interest of the deceased Partner, the Project
shall be valued pursuant to Subsection 9.4(h) hereof. After the interest is so valued, the
remaining Partners shall collectively have the right to purchase all, but not less than all, of the
deceased Partner's interest for the Adjusted Net Fair Market Value thereof in accordance with
Subsection 9.4(d).
D. Subject to the provisions of Subsection (b), the remaining Partners shall
have an option to purchase their proportionate shares of all, but not less than all, of the deceased
Partner's interest on the terms and conditions hereafter provided, exercisable by them at any time
within fifteen (15) days after the date the Adjusted Net Fair Market Value of the deceased
Partner's partnership interest is determined. If the remaining Partners fail to collectively elect to
buy all, but not less than all, of the interest of the deceased Partner, then the deceased Partner's
personal representative, heirs, devisees or successors shall automatically become Substituted
Partners and shall have the right to assign or sell their partnership interests as provided herein.
E. On exercise of an option to purchase the interest of a deceased Partner, the
remaining Partners who are under an obligation to purchase, shall pay to the person or persons
legally entitled thereto the purchase price for such interest in the following manner:
1. Twenty-five percent (25%) within ten (10) days after a value is
placed upon the Partner's interest, whether by agreement or appraisal, and the balance in forty-
eight (48) equal monthly installments commencing on the first day of January in the year
succeeding the year in which the option was exercised. If the Project is sold, the purchase price
shall be paid in full at that time. After exercise of the option, interest only at the rate of ten
percent (10%) per annum shall be paid monthly until principal and interest payments commence
on the succeeding first day of January. The note evidencing the obligation to pay shall be
F. The phrase "Net Fair Market Value" of a Partner's interest shall, for
purposes of this Agreement, be defined as the product determined by multiplying that Partner's
percentage interest in profits and losses by the sum of
the following:
1. All cash and prepaid items on hand as of the date the option was
2. An amount equal to the amount which would have received had
the Project been sold for its fair market value at the time of the completion, reduced by closing
costs in the amount of six and one-half percent (6-1/2%) of the total sale price and further
reduced by all Partnership liabilities in existence at the time of the proposed sale.
G. The Adjusted Net Fair Market Value of a Partner's interest shall be equal
to the Net Fair Market Value of that Partner's interest reduced by an amount equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the Net Fair Market Value of that Partnership interest.
H. The fair market value of the Project shall be determined by unanimous
agreement of buying and selling Partners, or if they do not agree within ten (10) days, then the
fair market value of the Project shall be determined by three (3) appraisers. One appraiser shall
be appointed by the buying Partners, one appraiser to be appointed by the selling Partner, or his
successor, and the third to be appointed by the two so appointed. If the appraisers do not agree
upon a single value, then the average value of the three appraisals shall be the fair market value
of the Project. If the Partners cannot select three (3) appraisers then the determination of fair
market value of the Project shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the
procedure set forth in accordance with the procedure set forth in CCP §1280 et seq. All
appraisers shall be appointed within ten (10) days after the election to offer to sell. All appraisals
shall be completed with forty-five (45) days after the appraisers are appointed. All costs of
appraisal and all costs of effecting the sale (except legal and accounting costs) shall be paid fifty
percent (50%) by the buying Partner and fifty percent (50%) by the selling Partner.
9.5 Prohibition Against Other Transfer. Except as provided in Section 9.3 and
Section 9.4 above, no Partner, or his heirs, personal representatives, successors, or assigns, shall
have the right, at any time, to sell or transfer, for consideration or gratuitously, all or any portion
of his interest in this Partnership unless the following procedure is followed:
A. Subject to the nine (9) month prohibition against transfer outlined in
Section 9.2, such Partner shall deliver a notice in writing to the remaining Partners, stating the
price, terms, and conditions of such proposed sale or transfer, and the identity of the proposed
transferee. For a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the remaining Partners
shall have the first right to purchase all, but not less than all, of such interest so offered on the
terms and conditions set forth in said notice or if there is no proposed transferee then for the
price and on such terms and conditions as may be negotiated by the selling and buying parties.
B. If there is more than one remaining Partner electing to purchase, each such
Partner shall be entitled to purchase a proportionate share of the selling Partner's interest. If one
or more Partners decline to purchase their proportionate share of such Partner's interest so
offered, the proportionate share of each Partner who elects to purchase shall be increased pro
C. Should the remaining Partners fail to purchase all of such Partner's interest
specified in the notice provided for in this Section, then after the expiration of thirty (30) days
after receipt by them of such notice, or as soon as the Partners decide not to exercise their first
right of refusal, the transferor Partner may transfer his interest to anyone without regard to any
restrictions on transfer contained herein on the same terms and conditions and for the same price
as set forth in the notice or if there is no proposed transferee, on the terms and conditions and for
the price approved by the remaining Partners and upon no more favorable terms and conditions
and for no less a price; provided, however, that if said interest is not transferred within one
hundred (100) days after notification, then the transfer of such interest shall again become
subject to the provisions of this Section.
D. In the case of any Partner which is a corporation or Partnership, the
transfer of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ownership of such corporation or partnership shall,
for purposes of this Agreement, be deemed a transfer of the partnership interest owned by such
10.1 Liability of General Partner. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the
liability of the General Partner arising from the conduct of the business affairs or operations of
the Partnership or from the debts of the Partnership is unrestricted.
10.2 Indemnity by Limited Partners. The Limited Partners hereby agree to save,
defend and hold the General Partner harmless from any and all liability to the Partnership in
excess of the General Partner's proportionate share thereof determined by reference to the
General Partner's proportionate ownership interest in the Partnership. Each Limited Partner shall
be liable pursuant to this indemnity provision only to the extent of such Limited Partner's
proportionate ownership interest in the Partnership. The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure
that the Limited Partners and the General Partner participate equally in losses as well as profits
derived from the Partnership. This Agreement is not intended to create third party beneficiary
rights in any creditor of the Partnership. Each Limited Partner shall honor this indemnity
agreement within ten (10) days after notice and demand by the General Partner and hereby
waives any defense that an action may not be maintained against a Partner until a final
accounting and dissolution. By initialing hereunder, all Partners specifically acknowledge that
they have read this provision and agree to be bound by its terms.
11.1 Specified Acts. During the time of the organization or continuance of this
Limited Partnership, neither the General nor the Limited Partners hereof shall do, and the
Partners specifically promise not to do any of the following:
A. Use the name of the Partnership (or any substantially similar name) or any
trademark or trade name adopted by the Partnership, except in the ordinary course of the
Partnership business.
B. Disclose to any non-partner any of the Partnership business practices,
trade secrets, or any other information not generally known to the business community.
C. Do any other act or deed with the intention of harming the business
operations of the Partnership.
D. Do any act contrary to this Agreement, except with the prior express
written approval of all Partners.
E. Do any act that would make it impossible to carry on the intended or
ordinary business of the Partnership.
F. Confess a judgment against the Partnership.
G. Abandon or transfer or dispose of Partnership property, real or personal.
11.2 Use of Partnership Assets. The General Partner shall not use, and hereby
specifically promises not to use, directly or indirectly, the assets of this Partnership for any
purpose other than conducting the business of the Partnership, for the full and exclusive benefit
of all its Partners.
12.1 Dissolution and Winding Up. The Partnership shall be dissolved, and its affairs
shall be wound up upon expiration of the term provided for the existence of the Partnership; or
when all of the assets of the Partnership have been sold or distributed by the Partnership; or
pursuant to Section 12.2.
12.2 Dissolution Upon Consent. The Partnership shall be dissolved upon any date
specified in a consent to dissolution signed by the General Partner and by fifty-one percent
(51%) of the Partners.
12.3 Dissolution When General Partner Ceases as Such.
A. Except as provided in Section 12.3(c), the Partnership shall not dissolve
upon the death, incompetency or withdrawal of the General Partner or any Limited Partner. All
Partners specifically agree that the Partnership shall not be dissolved for any reason other than as
set forth in Sections 12.1, 12.2 or 12.3(c).
B. Upon the death, incompetency or withdrawal of the General Partner, the
General Partner's interest shall become that of a Limited Partner with all the rights, duties and
obligations of a Limited Partner hereunder. The transferee of the General Partner in the event of
death or incompetency shall be admitted as a Substituted Limited Partner.
C. In the event of death, incompetency or withdrawal of the General Partner,
the Limited Partners shall elect a new General Partner by a fifty-one percent (51%) vote. Each
Partner's interest shall be reduced proportionately to the extent of the new General Partner
interest. If a new General Partner is not selected within ninety (90) days after the date of death,
incompetency or withdrawal, then the Partnership shall be wound up and dissolved.
12.4 Responsibility for Winding Up. Upon dissolution of the Partnership, the affairs of
the Partnership shall be wound up by the General Partner, or if there is no General Partner, the
Partnership's affairs shall be wound up by the Limited Partners.
12.5 Liquidation and Distribution. The person or persons responsible for winding up
the affairs of the Partnership shall take full account of the Partnership assets and liabilities, shall
liquidate the assets of the Partnership as promptly as is consistent with obtaining the fair value
thereof, and shall apply and distribute the proceeds in the following order:
A. To creditors of the Partnership, including Partners who are creditors to the
extent provided by law;
B. Then to the Partners in proportion to their capital accounts.
C. Any Partner with a deficit in his capital account following the distribution
of liquidation proceeds is required to restore the amount of such deficit to the Partnership, which
amount shall be distributed to the other Partners in proportion to their positive capital account
balances or paid to creditors.
12.6 Filing Certificate of Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the Partnership, the General
Partner shall execute and file in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California a
Certificate of Dissolution. If dissolution occurs after a sole General Partner ceases to be a
General Partner, the Limited Partners conducting the winding up of the Partnership's affairs shall
file the Certificate of Dissolution.
12.7 Cancellation of Certificate of Limited Partnership. Upon completion of the
winding up of the Partnership's affairs, the Partners conducting the winding up of the
Partnership's affairs shall execute and file in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of
California a Certificate of Cancellation of the Certificate of Limited Partnership. If dissolution
occurs after a sole General Partner ceases to be a General Partner, the Limited Partners
conducting the winding up of the Partnership's affairs shall file the Certificate of Cancellation.
13.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding among the
Partners and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between them respecting the subject
matter contained herein. There are no representations, agreements, arrangements, or
understandings, oral or written, between and among the Partners relating to the subject matter of
this Agreement that are not fully expressed herein.
13.2 Amendments. The provisions of this Agreement may be amended by the vote of
seventy-five percent (75%) of the Partners. Any amendment of this Agreement shall be in
writing, dated, and executed by all Partners. If any conflict arises between the provision of any
amendment and the original Agreement as previously amended, the most recent provisions shall
control. No amendment shall, without the unanimous con sent of all Partners, modify the
Partnership interests of the Partners or the allocation of profits or losses or distributions, change
the compensation provided for the General Partner or __________________, or amend this
Section, except as provided in Subsections 2.3, 2.4 or 9.3.
13.3 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any action at law or in equity, including an action
for declaratory or injunctive relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
13.4 Governing Law. All questions with respect to the construction of this Agreement
and the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of
13.5 Notices. All notices shall be in writing and sent by regular United States mails.
All notices to the Partners shall be sent to them at the addresses shown for them in the records of
the Partnership. All notices to the Partnership shall be sent to it at its principal executive office
in California. Notices shall be deemed to have been delivered when deposited in the United
States mails.
13.6 Successors. Subject to the restrictions against assignment of partnership interests
contained herein, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the
assigns, successors in interest, personal representatives, estates, heirs, and legatees of each of the
parties hereto.
13.7 Severability. If any provisions of this Agreement shall be declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall
continue in full force and effect.
13.8 No Execution by Spouses. This Agreement is executed only by the Partners.
Each Partner hereby certifies that he has the full right and authority to bind the marital property
of such Partner and his spouse.
13.9 Election of Adjusted Basis. In the event of a transfer of all or part of the interest
of a Partner, the General Partner may elect, on behalf of the Partnership, to adjust the basis of the
Partnership property pursuant to Section 754 of the Internal Revenue Code. All other elections
required or permitted to be made by the Partnership; under the Internal Revenue Code shall be
made by the General Partner in such manner as will, in his opinion, be most advantageous to a
majority in interest of the Limited Partners.
13.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and all
counterparts so executed shall constitute one agreement which shall be binding on all of the
parties hereto, notwithstanding that all of the parties are not signatory to the original or the same
13.11 Headings. The heading preceding the paragraphs of this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only, are not a part of this Agreement, and shall be disregarded in the
interpretation of any portion of this Agreement.
13.12 Other Instruments. The parties hereto covenant and agree that they shall execute
each other and further instruments and documents as are or may become necessary or convenient
to effectuate and carry out the Partnership created by this Agreement.
Effective __________________, 20____, at __________________, California.