3-Series® Control Systems
Reference Guide
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
The original language version of this document is U.S. English.
All other languages are a translation of the original document.
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Both of these Agreements can be found on the Crestron website at www.crestron.com/legal/software_license_
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Crestron, the Crestron logo, 3-Series, 3-Series Control System, Crestron Studio, Crestron Toolbox, DMNVX, SIMPL+,
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©2023 Crestron Electronics, Inc.
Introduction 1
Tools and Utilities 2
3-Series Architecture 3
Memory and Directory Structure 3
Flash Memory 3
SDRAM (Volatile) 4
NVRAM (Nonvolatile) 5
Console Commands 5
Establish Communications 6
USB Connection 6
TCP/IP Connection 8
Set aLogon Banner 9
Time and Date Settings 10
Authentication 11
Enable Authentication 11
Account Recovery 11
Factory Restore 11
Password Recovery Command 12
User and Group Management 12
Add Local User 12
Delete Local User 13
Add Local Group 13
Delete Local Group 14
Add Active Directory Group 14
Remove Active Directory Group 14
Add User to Group 15
Remove User from Group 15
User Group Rights 15
Password Management 16
Set Password Policy 16
Update Local Password 17
Reset User Password 17
Login Behavior 17
Local User Login 18
Active Directory Login 18
Session Timeout Functions 19
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C Contents • i
Change Session Timeout Duration 19
Change Login Failure Count 19
Locked User Functions 20
Add User to Locked List 20
Remove User from Locked List 20
Blocked IP Address Functions 20
Change Lock out Time 20
Add IP Address to Blocked List 21
Remove IP Address from Blocked List 21
Certificate Management 22
Certificate Requirements 22
Add a Certificate 23
Server Certificates 24
Self-Signed Certificates 24
CA-Signed Certificates 24
Externally-Signed Certificates 26
802.1X 28
Firmware Updates 30
Message Logging 31
Persistent Log 31
Message Levels 32
Message Format 32
Remote System Logging 33
Audit Logging 34
Configure Audit Logging 34
View Audit Logs 35
Clear Audit Log 35
Control Subnet 36
Prepare the Control Subnet 37
Control Subnet Architecture 38
Firewall Rules in Normal Operation 39
Firewall Rules in Isolation Mode 40
Program Management 41
Load Programs to the Control System 41
IP Table Configuration 41
View and Configure IP Table 42
Add Peer Entry 42
Remove Peer Entry 43
ii • Contents Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Load IP Table 43
Run Multiple Programs 44
Device Registration Considerations 44
Run Programs from External Storage 45
Primary-Secondary Mode 46
Definitions 46
Cresnet Server 46
Ethernet Primary 46
Ethernet Secondary 47
Primary-Secondary Configuration 47
Add Primary Entry 47
Remove Primary Entry 47
View Primary IP Table 47
View Secondary Status 47
Response Reject Count for Secondary Connection 48
Secondary Connection Timeout 48
Functional Behavior 49
Auto Update Mechanism 51
Configure the Auto Update Mechanism 51
Manifest File 52
Overview of Manifest Parameters 52
Description of Manifest Parameters 54
Sample Manifest File 57
Manifest File Code Flow 59
Results File 60
Description of Results File Parameters 60
Error Handling 62
Connect to XiO Cloud Service 63
Appendix A: Restore to Factory Defaults 64
Appendix B:Port Forwarding 65
Appendix C:CP3-GV Feature Set 66
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C Contents • iii
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 1
Crestron® 3-Series Control System® automated processors unify disparate technologies in
buildings so they can communicate and work together intelligently, which lowers costs and
boosts efficiency. Their unique distributed architecture enables multitasking essential to a
complete building control solution. Up to 10 programs can operate independently and
simultaneously while communicating with each other. Code is organized into a few smaller
programs rather than one large one, so programming, troubleshooting, and uploading are much
faster and easier.
3-Series® Control Systems offer a wide range of features, including:
Scalable hardware that supports a broad range of space types and architectures
One system running multiple programs
SNMP and BACnet/IP support to seamlessly communicate and integrate with IT, HVAC,
BMS, and security systems
XiO Cloud® service connected
Full network security protocols, including 802.1X, SSH, TLS, and Active Directory® service
NOTE: The features and functions described in this document apply to 3-Series® Control
Systems with firmware version 1.600 or newer. Crestron recommends updating to the latest
firmware version to ensure the control system receives the most recent features and
security patches. For more information, refer to Firmware Updates on page 30.
2 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Tools and Utilities
Standard IT tools, such as SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) clients and SSH (secure shell)
clients, can be used to initiate various control system tasks and functions.
Additionally, the following Crestron tools and utilities may be used to program and configure the
control system:
Crestron Studio® software
Crestron Toolbox™ software
SIMPL Debugger tool
SIMPL software
SIMPL#Pro software
VT-Pro e® software
All tools and utilities may be downloaded from www.crestron.com/Support. For more
information on the features and functions of each tool, refer to its embedded help file.
NOTE: Access to software downloads and other files is reserved for Authorized Crestron
dealers, Crestron Service Providers (CSPs), and Crestron partners only. New users must
register for an account to access certain areas of the Crestron website. For more
information on registering, refer to www.crestron.com/register.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 3
3-Series Architecture
The following sections provide an overview of the architecture of a 3-Series control system.
Memory and Directory Structure
A 3-Series processor has between 256 MB and 1 GB of built-in SDRAM (synchronous DRAM)
volatile memory. For more information regarding the memory specifications for each 3-Series
control system model, refer to the appropriate product page at www.crestron.com.
The file system inside the 3-Series control engine is contained within Flash memory. The 3-Series
processor also has 128kB of NVRAM (nonvolatile RAM). NVRAM contains program variables that
are retained after the loss of electrical power, while volatile memory is lost.
Flash Memory
Flash memory for a 3-Series control system contains the following components:
Operating system (.puf file)
SIMPL and SIMPL# Pro programs
SIMPL+® programming modules
The files that reside in flash memory conform to a flat directory structure. The following table
details the overall file system as shown over SNTP. The internal file path is also provided where
3-Series Control System Directory Structure
SFTPFile Path Internal File Path Description
\auditlog (N/Ap) Contains the output of the audit log files
\autoupdatelogs \sys\AutoUpdate\Logs Contains the output of the autoupdate log files
\cert \romdisk\user\cert Contains any user certificates loaded to the
control system
\firmware \romdisk\user\system Contains firmware files (PUFor ZIP) loaded to
the control system
\html \html Contains web pages
\nvram \nvram The NVRAMlegacy directory
\plog \logs Contains the output of the persistent log (PLOG)
\rm, \rm2 \rm, \rm2 Amounting point for external removal media
The control system program files (where
is the
program number)
4 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
SFTPFile Path Internal File Path Description
\sshbanner \sshbanner Contains a custom SSHbanner text file loaded to
the control system
\temp (N/Ap) Contains any temp files used by the control
\user \user Contains any user-defined files loaded to the
control system
The directory structure of a 3-Series control system can reside on the internal flash memory and
on optional external memory (SD/SDHC). Programs, data files, and data can be stored on either
internal or external memory. The files that reside in the internal flash conform to a flat directory
structure, while the external memory system conforms to a FAT32-compatible file system.
NOTE: Although file system names are case insensitive, the case is preserved to maintain file
Observe the following about external media directories:
The rm and rm2 directories appear only when external removable media is inserted into
the control system. To reference files in external memory, prefix "\rm\" or "\rm2\" to any
fully qualified path from the computer OS environment.
When a SIMPL or SIMPL#Pro program is stored in external memory, the files reside in the
\ directory, where "xx" is the program number.
When web pages are stored in external memory, the pages reside in the \rm[2]\html\
Storing programs and web pages in external memory gives them precedence over files
stored in internal flash memory. For example, if different programs are stored in both
internal flash and external memory, the program in external memory will run when the
system is booted.
SDRAM (Volatile)
Volatile SDRAM is used by the operating system to dynamically store the following components:
Digital and analog signal values
SIMPL+ variables (default is no options are specified, or if using "volatile" qualifier or
The actual amount of SDRAM used at any given time depends on the program that is running;
therefore, usage is variable (dynamic) during normal operation.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 5
NVRAM (Nonvolatile)
Nonvolatile NVRAM contain the following components:
SIMPL+ variables (if "volatile" qualifier or #DEFAULT_VOLATILE is removed)
Signals explicitly written to NVRAM (such as Analog RAM, Analog RAM from database,
Serial RAM, Serial RAM from database, Analog nonvolatile ramp, Digital RAM, and so
NOTE: SIMPL# Pro has no access to the NVRAM. Programmers should write files for
persistent variables instead.
Console Commands
The 3-Series processor is capable of understanding and responding to a set of phrases known as
console commands. Console commands are used to configure the control system.
Observe the following about console commands:
Console commands can be sent to the device using an SSH client once the IP address or
hostname of the device is known. Console commands may also be sent to the device using
the Text Console tool in Crestron Toolbox via one of the supported communication
Console commands are grouped logically. Issuing the help command from the console
responds with various command categories.
Issuing the help all command responds with a list of all exposed console commands for
the device.
The same command may be listed in more than one category. Commands are case
insensitive and can be entered from the appropriate prompt.
To view the available options and parameters for a command, issue the command
followed by a space and "?" (for example, iptable ?).
Support for new console commands is added via firmware updates. Refer to the firmware
release notes for more information.
6 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Establish Communications
The control system must establish communications with a computer in order to upload
programs, troubleshoot, or perform diagnostics.
Depending on the control system capabilities, the following communication protocols may be
used to connect with a 3-Series control system:
USB communication with a PC via the COMPUTER port on the control system (requires
Crestron Toolbox software)
Ethernet communication via SSH or SSL/TLS
USB Connection
To connect to the control system via USB:
1. Connect the COMPUTER USB port of the control system to the USB port of a computer.
2. Open Crestron Toolbox software.
Click the pencil icon at the bottom left of any tool in Crestron Toolbox. A dialog box
for editing the connection type is displayed.
4. Click the USB radio button.
Connection Type Dialog Box - USB
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 7
5. Enter the following search parameters for the device (required only if multiple USB
connections are active):
Model: Enter the model name of the Crestron device (for example, PRO3). The
model is not user-defined; it is the actual model name of the device as displayed in
the EasyConfig tool.
Hostname: Enter the current device hostname
Serial: Enter the serial number (not the model number or TSID) of the Crestron
device. The serial number is a 12-digit number (not beginning with 60 or 65) that
may contain letters. The serial number is printed on a sticker affixed to the device
and can also be viewed in the EasyConfig tool.
6. Enter the following advanced authentication parameters for the device (if required):
Username: Enter the username required to authenticate device communications
Password: Enter the password required to authenticate device communications
7. Click OK.
The device status reports as "Connected" at the bottom of the selected tool if communications
have been established.
Text Console - Connection Status
The USB connection information for the control system may be saved using the Address Book
function in Crestron Toolbox. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
8 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
TCP/IP Connection
DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) is enabled by default for 3-Series control systems.
NOTE: Crestron Toolbox autodiscovery can be used if the control system has access to the
DHCP server. The Device Discovery tool may also be used to discover the device and its IP
address on the network.
If DHCP is available on the local network, no additional configuration changes are required. If
DHCP is not available or if the administrator wishes to configure a static IP, the IP address,
default gateway, and DNS server settings must be set.
These settings may be configured via USB using the Text Console tool or the Ethernet
Addressing function in Crestron Toolbox.
To configure Ethernet settings using the Text Console tool:
1. Connect the LAN port of the control system to the LAN with an Ethernet cable.
2. Open Crestron Toolbox software.
3. Select the Text Console tool (Tools > Text Console).
4. Establish a USB connection to the control system as described in USB Connection on page
5. Issue the following commands:
dhcp 0 off - Turns off DHCP to use manually configured network information
ipaddress 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Sets the IP address of the control system to the
specific address, where "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" is the four octets of the the IP address
ipmask 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Sets the IP mask of the control system to the
specified mask, where "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" is the four octets of the mask address
defrouter 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Sets the default network gateway to the
specified IPaddress, where "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" is the four octets of the default router
adddns xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Sets the DNS (domain name server) to use for DNS
name lookups, where "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" is the four octets of the DNS address.
NOTE:Although the control system will prompt that a reboot is required, the
commands above can be performed prior to executing the reboot.
To configure Ethernet settings using the Ethernet Addressing function, refer to the appropriate
section of the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Once a static or dynamic IP address has been set for the control system, the TCP/IP connection
information for the control system may be saved using the Address Book function in Crestron
Toolbox. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 9
Set aLogon Banner
A logon banner can be loaded to the control system that is shown when a user connects to the
control system successfully over SSH or web server. Asample logonbanner is shown below.
Sample LogonBanner
To load alogon banner to the control system:
1. Create the banner text file using a text editing application. The text file must be a regular
ASCIIfile (not using UTF-16 or any other encoding).
2. Save the text file as banner.txt.
3. Use an SFTP client to load the banner.txt file to the \sshbanner directory on the control
10 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Time and Date Settings
The internal clock of the control system can be configured using console commands.
Issue the timedate command to manually set the time and date.
Syntax: timedate [hh:mm:ss mm-dd-yyyy]
For hh:mm:ss, enter the time in hours (using 24-hour format), minutes, and
seconds format.
For mm-dd-yyyy (or mm/dd/yyyy), enter the date in month (1–12), day (1–31),
and year format.
Example: timedate 12:18:30 03-14-2021
Issue the timezone command to set the time zone:
Syntax: timezone [list | zone]
For zone, enter the three-digit code for the time zone.
Use the list parameter to print a list of all time zones and their codes in the
Example: timezone 014
Issue the sntp start command to synchronize the internal clock with an SNTP server:
Syntax: sntp start [server:address]
For server:, enter the address (in dot decimal notation) of the SNTP server.
Example: sntp start server:
The internal clock can also be set using the System Clock function in Crestron Toolbox. For more
information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 11
3-Series control systems provide various authentication options that can be used to create user
accounts and passwords, to set password policies, and to set access levels for users and groups.
Use the following procedures to enable authentication and configure authentication settings on
the control system.
Enable Authentication
By default, 3-Series control systems do not have user authentication enabled. Once
authentication is enabled, authentication settings may be configured for the control system.
To enable authentication, which will create an initial administrator account:
Issue the authentication on command from the control system console over a secure
connection protocol (SSL/TCP, SSH, USB).
2. When prompted, create a username and password for the administrator account. The
password must be at least six characters.
CAUTION: Do not lose the username and password for the administrator account. The
control system cannot be accessed without this information after an administrator
account has been created.
3. Issue the reboot command to reboot the device with the new authentication settings.
After rebooting, the control system will prompt for the administrator account username and
password before a connection is allowed.
Authentication settings can also be configured using the Authentication function in Crestron
Toolbox. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
NOTE: To manually reset authentication, use a small, pointed object (such as the tip of a
pen) to press and hold the recessed SW-R button on the control system for 15 seconds.
Account Recovery
If the username or password for the admin account is lost, the following procedures can be used
to recover access.
Factory Restore
To perform a factory restore, follow the procedure described in Appendix A: Restore to Factory
Defaults on page 64. All control system settings are restored to their factory defaults, and all
user and group accounts are removed.
12 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Upon connecting to the control system after it has been restored, the control system will prompt
to create an admin account as described in Authentication on page 11.
Password Recovery Command
The pwdrecovermode command can be issued to configure a password recovery mode on the
control system. The password recovery mode is turned off by default and must be turned on by
the user.
NOTE:The password recovery mode must be turned on prior to attempting to recover a
Syntax: pwdrecovermode [on | off]
on - Turns on password recovery mode for the control system
off - Turns off password recovery mode for the control system
Example: pwdrecovermode on
If password recovery mode is turned on, press and hold the SW-R button on the control system
for 15 seconds to bypass authentication, which allows the user to log in to the control system
without entering a password. The user will be prompted to create a new account following the
next reboot.
User and Group Management
Local users and groups can be added to the control system after an administrator account has
been created. Additionally, the control system can grant access levels to existing Active Directory
users and groups.
The following sections describe how to manage users and groups on the control system.
NOTE: Additional console commands for listing users and groups and for showing user
information can be viewed by issuing the help system command.
Add Local User
To add a local user to the control system, issue the adduser command.
Syntax: adduser -n:username -p:password
-n: - Specifies the name of the local user that will be created
-p: - Specifies a password for the local user
Example: adduser -n:jsmith -p:user01
A local user is created without any access rights. To assign access rights to a local user, the user
must be added to at least one local group. For more information, refer to Add User to Group on
page 15.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 13
Delete Local User
To remove a local user from the control system, issue the deleteuser username command.
When a local user is removed, the user is also removed from any local groups.
Add Local Group
To add a local group to the control system, issue the addgroup command.
Syntax: addgroup -n:groupname -l:accesslevel
-n: - Specifies the name of the local group that will be created
-l: - Specifies the access level for the local group
a - Administrator
p - Programmer
o - Operator
u - User
c - Connection only
Example: addgroup -n:CresProgs -l:p
NOTE: A predefined access level must be assigned to a group when it is created.
When a user is added to a group, the user inherits the access level set for the group. Certain
control system functions and console commands are accessible only to users with corresponding
access levels.
If a user belongs to multiple groups, the user's access level is the combined access level of all
groups that contain the user.
14 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Delete Local Group
To remove a local group from the control system, issue the deletegroup groupname command.
When a local user group is removed, users in the group are not removed from the control system.
However, the user will lose the access rights associated with the removed group.
Add Active Directory Group
To add an existing Active Directory group to the control system, issue the adddomaingroup
NOTE: Use the adlogin command to log in to the Active Directory server.
Syntax: adddomaingroup -n:groupname -l:accesslevel
-n: - Specifies the name of the Active Directory group to be added
-l: - Specifies the access level for the Active Directory group
a - Administrator
p - Programmer
o - Operator
u - User
c - Connection only
Example: adddomaingroup -n:ADProgs -l:p
NOTE: The control system cannot create or remove a group from the Active Directory
service, but it can grant an access level to an existing Active Directory group.
All users of the Active Directory group inherit the access level set for the group. Certain control
system functions and console commands are accessible only to users with corresponding access
Remove Active Directory Group
To remove a local group from the control system, issue the deletedomaingroup groupname
When an Active Directory group is removed from the control system, it is not deleted from the
Active Directory service. Once the group is removed from the control system, all members of
that group lose access to the control system.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 15
Add User to Group
To add a local or an Active Directory user to a local group, issue the addusertogroup command.
Syntax: addusertogroup -n:username -g:groupname
-n: - Specifies the name of the local or Active Directory user
-g: - Specifies the name of the local group
Example: addusertogroup -n:jsmith1 -g:CresProgs
Local users are created on the control system without any access rights. Adding a user to a local
group grants the user the access level assigned to the group.
NOTE: The control system cannot create or remove a user from the Active Directory service,
but it can grant an access level to an existing Active Directory user. This may be
accomplished either by adding the Active Directory user to a local group on the control
system or by adding the Active Directory group(s) of which the user is a member to the
control system.
Remove User from Group
To remove a local or an Active Directory user from a local group, issue the
removeuserfromgroup command.
Syntax: removeuserfromgroup -n:username -g:groupname
-n: - Specifies the name of the local or Active Directory user
-g: - Specifies the name of the local group
Example: removeuserfromgroup -n:jsmith1 -g:CresProgs
User Group Rights
The control system has built-in access levels representing various roles that can be assigned to a
group. These access levels apply to all users within that group. Each access level is associated
with a set of specific permissions:
1. Access system information and status (read-only).
2. Connect to the device Web XPanel interface.
3. Authenticate CIP and gateway connections.
4. Receive complete administrator access, including managing user accounts and all system
5. Issue programmer commands for user programs, such as loading programs and related
6. Issue operator commands for user programs, such as restarting programs.
16 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
The following table indicates the permissions that are given to each of the available access
levels. The numbers in the table header row correlate with the numbered list items above.
Default Rights of Local Groups
Group 1 2 4 5 6 7
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Programmer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Operator Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
User No Yes No No No No
Connection Only No Yes Yes No No No
By default, the control system has five groups available (one for each access level):
Administrator, Programmer, Operator, User, and Connection Only. The initial user is added to
the Administrator group. The default groups may be used, or custom groups can be created with
the appropriate access level permissions as needed
Password Management
The following sections explain how to manage passwords for local users on the control system.
Set Password Policy
To set the password policy for the control system, issue the setpasswordrule command.
Syntax: setpasswordrule {-all | -none} | { -length:minpasswordlength} {-
mixed} {-digit} {-special}
-all - All password rules are applied.
-none - No password rules are applied.
-length: - Specifies the minimum password length. By default, the minimum
password length is six characters.
-mixed - Specifies that the password must contain a lower and upper case
-digit - Specifies that the password must contain a number character.
-special - Specifies that the password must contain a special character.
NOTE: The -length, -mixed, -digit, and -special parameters cannot be
combined with -none.
Example: setpasswordrule -length:9 -mixed -digit -special
NOTE:The following special characters are allowed:` ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = { } [ ] | ; " < > , .
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 17
All passwords that are created, updated, or reset for local users must follow the password rules
set by this command to be considered valid.
Update Local Password
To update the current user's password, issue the updatepassword command.
Users may update their password. The user is prompted to enter the current password once and
the new password twice. If the old password does not match the current password, the
operation fails and the password is not changed.
Reset User Password
To reset a user's password, issue the resetpassword command.
Syntax: resetpassword -n:username -p:defaultpassword
-n: - Specifies the user whose password will be reset
-p: - Specifies a default password that can be provided to the user following the
Example: resetpassword -n:jsmith1 -p:Default321!
Login Behavior
Users must enter a username and password to connect to the control system.
A user is given a maximum of three login attempts for each type of transport protocol (Ethernet
and USB). If a user fails to authenticate against console within the maximum attempts allowed,
the transport protocol used to attempt the connection is blocked.
For USB transport, the transport is blocked for 5 minutes after the maximum logon
attempt is reached. If the user tries again after 5 minutes and continues to fail, the block
time is doubled. The block time continues to be doubled until a successful logon or control
system reboot happens. Once a user successfully authenticates against console, the
failure count is reset to zero, and the block time is reset to 5 minutes.
For Ethernet transport, after a remote IP fails to logon within maximum attempts
allowed, the console forces the transport to close and blocks further logon attempts from
that remote IP for 24 hours.
NOTE: To regain access to the control system from a blocked IP, successfully log in to
the console over USB or from a different IPaddress, and then use the remblockedip
console command to remove the blocked IP. For more information, refer to Blocked IP
Address Functions on page 20.
18 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Local User Login
If a user opens a connection to the console, the console prompts the user for a username and
password as shown in the example below.
PRO4 Console
Login: jsmith1
Password: ******
Local users are created with no access rights. Even if a user has an account in the control system,
the user cannot connect to the control system console unless the user been added to a group. To
grant access to the user, an administrator must ensure that the user has been first added to a
Active Directory Login
To log onto the console as an Active Directory user, both the domain name and username must
be provided (separated by a "\" or "/") when prompted by the console.
PRO4 Console
Login: csusers\jsmith1
Password: *****************
After an administrator adds an Active Directory user or group to the control system, the name
and SID of the user or group is stored in the control system.
When an Active Directory user attempts to authenticate against the console, the console in turn
uses the user credentials to authenticate against the Active Directory service. If the Active
Directory authentication is successful, the console queries the Active Directory service for the
user's SID:
If the user has been added to the control system, the console compares the SID from the
Active Directory service with the stored SID. Access is granted to the user only if the SIDs
If the user has not been added to the control system, the console queries the Active
Directory service for all groups containing the user and retrieves the group SIDs. The
console then iterates these SIDs to compare them to the stored group SIDs. Access is
granted to the user only if at least one match is found.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 19
Session Timeout Functions
By default, a user is never logged off automatically unless the value for the logon session timeout
is manually changed.
If the value for logon session timeout has been changed, the console starts a timer after a user
logs in and monitors the user's activities. If a user is idle for more than a set duration, the console
logs the user out automatically.
Change Session Timeout Duration
To change the duration for the logon session timeout, issue the setlogoffidletime command.
Syntax: setlogoffidletime [minutes]
minutes - The duration (in minutes) that must elapse before the console logs off an
idle user. Entering 0 disables the user from being logged off automatically. The
default value is “20."
No parameter - Displays the current timeout setting
Example: setlogoffidletime 30
Change Login Failure Count
To change the value for the logon failure count, issue the setloginattempts command.
Syntax:setloginattempts [number]
number - The number of login attempts allowed before the console is blocked.
Entering 0 allows unlimited attempts. The default value is “3.”
No parameter - Displays the current setting
Example: setloginattempts 3
20 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Locked User Functions
Administrators are able to lock user accounts, which prevents access to the control system via
the console and Crestron Toolbox.
Add User to Locked List
To add a user to the locked list, issue the addlockeduser command.
Syntax: addlockeduser [name]
name - Enter the user account that will be locked.
No parameter - Lists all locked user accounts
Example: addlockeduser jsmith1
Remove User from Locked List
To remove a users from the locked list, issue the remlockeduser command.
Syntax: remlockeduser [name]
name - Enter the user account that will be removed from the locked list
No parameter - Lists all locked user accounts
Example: remlockeduser jsmith1
Blocked IP Address Functions
When a user reaches the maximum number of login attempts over an Ethernet connection, the
client's IP address is blocked.
Change Lock out Time
To change the duration (in hours) that an IP address is blocked by the console, issue the
setlockouttime command.
Syntax: setlockouttime [number]
number - The number of hours to block an IP address. Entering 0 blocks the IP
address indefinitely. 255 is the maximum value. The default value is “24.”
No parameter - Displays the current setting
Example: setlockouttime 24
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 21
Add IP Address to Blocked List
To add an IP address to the blocked list manually, issue the addblockedip command.
Syntax: addblockedip [ipaddress]
ipaddress - Enter the IP address that will be blocked.
No parameter - Lists all blocked IP addresses
Example: addblockedip
Remove IP Address from Blocked List
To remove an IP address from the blocked list manually, issue the remblockedip command.
Syntax: remblockedip [ipaddress]
ipaddress - Enter the IP address that will be removed from the blocked list.
No parameter - Lists all blocked IP addresses
Example: remblockedip
22 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Certificate Management
Security certificates for 802.1X and other security protocols can be added, removed, and
managed from the console.
The control system supports five types of certificates:
Root: The Root certificate is used by the control system to validate the network's
authentication server. 3-Series control systems have a variety of Root certificates, self-
signed by trusted CAs (Certificate Authorities), that are preloaded into the device. Root
certificates must be self-signed.
Intermediate: The Intermediate store holds non self-signed certificates that are used to
validate the authentication server. These certificates are provided by the network
administrator if the network does not use self-signed Root certificates.
Machine: The machine certificate is an encrypted PFX file that is used by the
authentication server to validate the identity of the control system. The machine
certificate will be provided by the network administrator, along with the certificate
NOTE: Only one machine certificate may be stored on the control system for 802.1X.
WebSocket: A WebSocket certificate is used to validate the network’s authentication
server via the WebSocket (WSS) protocol.
User: The User store holds additional certificates not used in the 802.1X standard.
Certificates can also be managed using the Security Certificates function in Crestron Toolbox.
For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Certificate Requirements
3-Series control systems support all standard X.509v3 certificates that use the following:
RSA key with length 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits
Hash Algorithms using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 23
Add a Certificate
To add a certificate to a certificate store on the control system:
1. Use an SFTP or SCP client to upload the certificate file (in .cer or .pem format) to the
“\user” directory.
2. Use an SSH console or Crestron Toolbox to copy the certificate file to the
“\romdisk\user\cert” directory.
Issue the certificate add certificate_store <certificate_name>
<certificate_uid> <password> command.
certificate_store: The certificate store where the certificate file will reside
certificate_name: The name of the certificate file
certificate_uid: The unique identifier of the certificate file
password: The password for the certificate file (machine certificates only)
3-Series control systems provide support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL). TLS/SSL is a protocol that provides a secure channel for communication between
two machines. The secure channel is transparent and passes data through unchanged. The data
is encrypted between the client and the server, but the data the one end writes is exactly what
the other end reads.
NOTE: 3-Series control systems only support TLS/SSL over TCP/IP. TLS/SSL is set to “off
by default and is set to “self” after authentication is turned on.
To enable TLS/SSL, issue the ssl command:
Syntax: ssl [off | self | ca [-p:privatekeypassword]]
off: Turns off SSL if it is on
self: Turns on SSL using a self-signed certificate
ca: Turns on SSL using a CA-signed certificate. The -p argument must be provided
with the private key password for the CA-signed certificate
No parameter: Displays the current setting
Example: ssl ca -p:myprivatekeypassword
NOTE: When TLS/SSL is enabled, the control system uses a server certificate. For more
information, refer to Server Certificates on page 24.
24 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
To configure TLS settings without reconfiguring SSL, issue the TLSVERSION command:
Syntax: TLSVERSION [TLS1.0 | TLS1.2]
TLS1.0: Implies that TLS 1.0 is the minimum version for TLS connections
TLS1.2: Implies that TLS 1.2 is the minimum version for TLS connections
No parameter: Displays the current setting
TLS/SSL certificates may also be managed using the SSL Management function in Crestron
Toolbox. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Server Certificates
When authentication is enabled, the control system uses a server-side certificate to
authenticate various control system components, including the web server.
One of the following three server-side certificate types may be used:
A self-signed certificate that is generated by the control system
A CA (Certificate Authority)-signed certificate and signing chain that are loaded onto the
control system
An externally requested and signed certificate, signing chain, and private key that are
loaded onto the control system
Instructions for configuring each server certificate type are provided in the sections that follow.
Self-Signed Certificates
To use a self-signed certificate with TLS/SSL:
Issue the ssl self command in the control system console.
Issue the reboot command to reboot the control system.
CA-Signed Certificates
The following procedures are used to obtain and load a CA-signed certificate to the control
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 25
Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
To generate a certificate signing request, issue the createcsr c:st:l:o:ou:cn:e [-
i:option] command, where the following parameters are replaced with the appropriate data
that should appear in the certificate:
NOTE: Any parameter that is not required can be left blank as needed.
c: The two letter country code (corresponding to ISO 3166)
st: State or province name
l: Locality or city name
o: Organization name (required)
ou: Organizational or unit name
cn: Common name (required)
NOTE: The common name is not transferable, and thus must be one that is used by
clients. The common name must be officially registered to the company; otherwise,
the certificate request is rejected.
e: Email address
-i:Ignores blank parameters in the CSRrequest. Valid values are true and false.
By default, a certificate request for a certificate with a 2048-bit RSA signature is requested. The
CSR "request.csr" file is saved automatically to the "\sys\" directory of the control system.
Obtain the Certificate
The exact procedures required to obtain a CA-signed certificate differ depending on the CA, but
in all cases, it is necessary to submit the request.csr file along with any other verification that the
CA requires.
To obtain the request.csr file:
Using SSH, issue the move \sys\request.csr \user command.
2. Use an SCP client to copy the request.csr file from \user directory of the control system.
In some cases, it may be necessary to open the .csr file in a text editing program and to copy and
paste the text between the "Begin certificate request" and "End certificate request" delimiters
before sending the file to the CA.
NOTE: All certificate files must be in .pem format.
26 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Load the Certificate Files
Once the CA validates the request.csr file, the CA issues the validated certificate to the
requester. The following certificate files are required for deployment on the control system:
Signed CA-signed certificate in .cer format (base-64 encoded)
Certification chain (concatenation of the issuing CA and its CA) in .cer format (base-64
To upload the CA-signed certificate to the control system:
1. Rename the three certificate files as follows:
Rename the signed certificate file to “srv_cert.cer”.
Rename the certification chain file to “rootCA_cert.cer”.
2. Use an SCP or SFTP client to copy the two certificate files to the \user directory on the
control system.
3. Connect to the control system via SSH or Crestron Toolbox.
Issue the delete \sys\rootCA_cert.cer and delete \sys\srv_cert.cer, commands to
delete any existing certificate files.
Issue the move \user\rootCA_cert.cer \sys and move \user\srv_cert.cer \Sys
commands to move the new certificate files to the \sys directory.
Enable TLS/SSL with the CA-Signed Certificate
To enable TLS/SSL with the CA-signed certificate:
Issue the ssl ca -p:[privatekeypassword] command in the control system console.
Issue the reboot command to reboot the control system.
Externally-Signed Certificates
The following procedures are used to load an externally-signed certificate to the control system.
The following certificate files are required for deployment on the control system. These files are
generally provided by the IT administrator:
Private key in .pem format
Signed CA-signed certificate in .cer format (base-64 encoded)
Certification chain (concatenation of the issuing CA and its CA) in .cer format (base-64
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 27
Load the Certificate Files
To upload the externally-signed certificate to the control system:
1. Rename the three certificate files as follows:
Rename the private key file to “srv_key.pem”.
Rename the signed certificate file to “srv_cert.cer”.
Rename the certification chain file to “rootCA_cert.cer”.
2. Use an SCP or SFTP client to copy the three certificate files to the \User directory on the
control system.
3. Connect to the control system via SSH or Crestron Toolbox.
Issue the delete \sys\rootCA_cert.cer, delete \sys\srv_cert.cer, and delete
\sys\srv_key.pem commands to delete any existing certificate files.
Issue the move \user\rootCA_cert.cer \sys, move \user\srv_cert.cer \sys, and
move \user\srv_key.pem \sys commands to move the new certificate files to the \sys
Enable TLS/SSL with the Externally-Signed Certificate
To enable TLS/SSL with the externally-signed certificate:
Issue the ssl ca -p:[privatekeypassword] command in the control system console.
Issue the reboot command to reboot the control system.
Issue the del \sys\*.cer and del \sys\*.pem commands.
28 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
802.1X is an IEEE network standard designed to enhance the security of wireless and Ethernet
LANs. It is widely used in corporate networks to provide an authentication mechanism for
devices wishing to connect to the network. The standard relies on the exchange of messages
between the device and the network's host, or authentication server.
To enable and configure 802.1X for the control system:
Issue the 8021xauthenticate on command to enable 802.1X.
Issue the 8021xvalidateserver on command to allow the control system to verify the
identity of the network's authentication server. Issuing this command allows certificates
signed by trusted CAs (Certificate Authorities) to be selected, which is used during server
NOTE: Using the 8021xvalidateserver command is optional based on the
recommendation of the network administrator, but the option should be enabled for
most applications.
Issue the 8021xmethod [password | certificate] command to select the secure
password method or the certificate method depending on the network administrator's
If the certificate method was selected, issue the certificate add machine
{certificate_name} {certificate_uid] {password} command to add the machine
certificate supplied by the network administrator to the certificate store. Refer to Add a
Certificate on page 23.
NOTE: The machine certificate is an encrypted PFX file that will be supplied by the
network administrator, along with the certificate password. The machine certificate is
used to verify the identity of the control system.
5. If the password method was selected, enter the username and password supplied by the
network administrator:
Issue the 8021xusername [username] command to enter the username supplied by
the network administrator.
Issue the 8021xpassword [password] command to enter the password supplied by
the network administrator.
NOTE: A machine certificate is not required for the password method.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 29
6. If the validate server option is enabled, select the certificates that will be used for server
Issue the 8021xtrustedcas list command to list all trusted certificates stored on
the control system.
Issue the 8021xtrustedcas use {certificate_name} {certificate_uid}
command to enable a certificate for validation. Multiple certificates may be
NOTE: If the network does not use any of the listed certificates, the network
administrator will provide a certificate that must be uploaded to the control system
manually using the certificate add [certificate_store] {certificate_name}
{Certificate_uid] command. If the certificate is self-signed, enter root for
certificate_store. If the certificate is not self-signed, enter intermediate for
If required, issue the 8021xdomain [domain_name] command to set the domain name of
the network.
Issue the reboot command to reboot the control system with the new 802.1X settings.
802.1X configuration can also be performed using the 802.1X function in Crestron Toolbox. For
more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
30 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Firmware Updates
To take advantage of all the latest device features, the control system should always contain the
latest firmware, which is available for download at www.crestron.com/Support.
NOTE: Access to firmware is reserved for Authorized Crestron dealers, Crestron Service
Providers (CSPs), and Crestron partners only. New users must register for an account to
access certain areas of the Crestron website. For more information on registering, navigate
to www.crestron.com/register.
To perform a firmware update:
1. Download the latest device firmware (.puf file) at www.crestron.com/Support.
2. Use an SFTP client to transfer the firmware .puf file to the control system's /firmware
Issue the puf <filename> command in the control system console, where <filename> is
the complete filename of the .puf file, including the filename extension.
NOTE: Firmware updates can be scheduled using the control system’s auto update
mechanism. For more information, refer to Auto Update Mechanism on page 51.
The Package Update Tool in Crestron Toolbox can also be used to send firmware to the control
system and to manage the firmware update. For more information, refer to the Crestron
Toolbox help file. The web user interface for the control system can also be used to load
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 31
Message Logging
3-Series control systems provide messages when the control system performs a task or when it
encounters an issue, such as a hardware or software failure, hardware incompatibility with
software definitions, or a programming error.
NOTE: A MSG LED on the control system or controlled device may light to indicate that an
error has occurred.
Messages created by the control system are written to a persistent log that is stored in the
internal flash memory. The persistent log can be saved to external storage on supported models
and can be viewed through the console or through Crestron Toolbox.
Persistent Log
The persistent log (PLOG) is a log of messages defined by the control system. The current PLOG
can be viewed in the control system console and is available following a device reboot. The
control system stores the contents of the current PLOG file at \plog\CurrentBoot. The log file is
locked and cannot be opened for transfer.
To print the contents of the current PLOG in the console, issue the err plogcurrent command.
Observe the following about the PLOG:
If a soft reboot is performed, any pending messages are written to the latest log file and
zipped into one file. On reboot, the zipped file at plog\CurrentBoot is moved to
\plog\PreviousBoot. During subsequent reboots, the zipped file from \plog\PreviousBoot
is moved to \plog\ZippedLogs for storage.
The control system logs errors as long as there are not over 250 messages per two-minute
period for two consecutive two-minute logging periods:
For each error period, the console displays a PersistentLog: Error state
threshold met message if error logging is suspended.
When logging is suspended, the log file displays a PersistentLog: Consecutive
error states detected; logging is suspended message, and the user
receives a PersistentLog is suspended, please contact dealer message in
the console.
Message logging resumes when there has been less than 10 error messages logged
for 10 consecutive two-minute logging periods. When logging resumes, all messages
from the 10 previous logging periods are logged to the PLOG file. The log in the
console also displays a PersistentLog: Consecutive quiet states detected;
logging is resumed message.
The PLOG can also be viewed in Crestron Toolbox using the Error Log function. For more
information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
32 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Message Levels
The following table defines the six levels of messages that can appear in the persistent log.
3-Series Control System Message Levels
Type Description
OK General information about an event that has occurred
Info General information about an event that has occurred
Notice An event has occurred that is noteworthy but that does not affect program operation
Warning An event has occurred that could affect program operation, but the program still runs
Error An event has occurred indicating the program is not running as expected
Fatal An event has occurred that prevents the program from running
Message Format
Each error message has the following format: Level: Message.
Level: - The message level
Message - A description of the message
Some error messages have a suffix with additional information in parenthesis:
Level: {Application} [App#] # [Date/Time] # Message
Example: Ok: TLDM # 2021-03-12 16:23:43 # Router got Connected
When reporting an error message to a Crestron True Blue support representative, report the
exact message as it appears in the error log. The Application field indicates the program that
produced the error.
NOTE: The App# field is displayed when there are multiple instances of a single application
(such as SimplSharpPro.exe) running and indicates the program slot (1–10) to which the
program is associated.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 33
Remote System Logging
Control system messages can be captured and stored on a remote server using the remote
system logging function.
NOTE: The remote server host must have system log server with the applicable security
certificates and sufficient disk space to store the active system log. The host should also be
configured to archive older system logs and to off load them over time. If TLS is enabled, a
TLS-enabled server with the appropriate certificates is required.
To configure remote system logging, issue the remotesyslog command.
Syntax: remotesyslog [-s:] {-e:} {-a} [-i:address] [-p:port] {-t:protocol}
-s:[on|off] - Enables or disables remote system logging
-e:[level] - Logs all messages at the provided error level and above. The default
setting is “Notice.”
-a - Appends the contents of the audit log to the system log
NOTE: Audit logging must be turned on to use this feature. For more
information, refer to Audit Logging on page 34.
-i:address - Sets the remote server IP address for the system log in dot decimal
notation or as an ASCII string containing the server host name (maximum 255
-p:port - The remote server port number in decimal notation
-t:protocol - The protocol used to connect to the remote server
-v: - If SSL is enabled, set to on to require server verification or set to off to not
require server verification.
No parameter: Displays the current setting
Example: remotesyslog -s:on -e:notice -a -i: -p:12345 -
t:ssl -v:off
34 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Remote system logging can also be configured in Crestron Toolbox using the Syslog function. For
more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Audit Logging
Audit logging can be enabled on the control system to track logons, logoffs, account
management changes, and console commands.
NOTE: Logons, logoffs, and authentication management is always logged by the control
system regardless of audit log settings.
Configure Audit Logging
To configure audit logging on the control system, issue the auditlogging command. Audit
logging is turned off by default.
Syntax: auditlogging [on|off] {[all]|[none]|{admin] [prog] [oper] [user]}
on - Turns on audit logging
off - Turns off audit logging
No parameter: Displays the current audit logging setting
The following access level parameters are optional and are used to log commands
by access level:
admin - Logs administrator-level commands
prog - Logs programmer-level commands
oper - Logs operator-level commands
user - Logs user-level commands
all - Logs all commands
none - Logs no commands
remotesyslog - Writes to the remote syslog server only
Example: auditlogging on admin oper
Example log output: [2021-11-30T07:02:44-08:00]: EVENT: COMMAND(SHELL USER: admin # AUDITLogging on all
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 35
View Audit Logs
To display the audit log in the console, issue the getauditlog command.
To print the last 50 audit log entries in the console, issue the printauditlog command. The
optional all parameter can be appended to print the entire log.
NOTE: Use the Audit Logs function in Crestron Toolbox to change the audit log storage
location and file name. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Clear Audit Log
To clear all entries in the audit log, issue the clearauditlog command.
36 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Control Subnet
The AV3, PRO3, and CP3N have a dedicated Control Subnet, which allows for dedicated
communication between the control system and Crestron Ethernet devices without interference
from other network traffic on the LAN.
When using the Control Subnet, observe the following:
CAUTION: Do not connect the CONTROL SUBNET port to the LAN. The CONTROL SUBNET
port must only be connected to Crestron Ethernet devices.
The control system acts as a DHCP server to all devices connected to the Control Subnet
and assigns IP addresses as needed.
A DNS server is built in to the control system to resolve host names.
Only connect Crestron Ethernet devices to the Control Subnet.
The control system can also operate in isolation mode by issuing the isolatenetworks on
command. When in isolation mode, the firewall is configured so that no communication
can occur between the LAN and devices on the Control Subnet. Using this mechanism,
customers can protect their corporate LAN from devices on the Control Subnet.
Devices on the Control Subnet do not have any resources on the LAN side. For example, if
a touch screen with a SmartObjects® technology object requiring network access is
installed on the Control Subnet, the object will not work.
Devices on the LAN do not have access to any devices on the Control Subnet. Crestron
Toolbox also does not have access to these devices when it is connected to the LAN. To
configure devices on the Control Subnet with Crestron Toolbox (outside of runtime), the
computer running Crestron Toolbox must be connected to the Control Subnet.
Any NAT/port mapping rules that were previously created do not work when the control
system is in isolation mode.
NOTE: If the control system is running in isolation mode, Crestron Ethernet devices requiring
Internet access should not be connected to the CONTROL SUBNET port (directly or
indirectly) and should be instead connected to the LAN.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 37
Prepare the Control Subnet
Before enabling the Control Subnet on the control system, note the following assumptions:
The system is not capable of dual authorization.
Physical security is assumed to be provided by the environment.
Administrators are trusted to follow and apply all administrator guidance as needed.
To prepare the Control Subnet:
Issue the AUTH ON command from the control system console over a secure connection
protocol (SSL/TCP, SSH, USB).
2. When prompted, enter a username and password for the administrator account. The
password must be at least six characters.
CAUTION: Do not lose the username and password for the administrator account. The
control system cannot be accessed without this information after an administrator
account has been created.
Issue the reboot command to reboot the device with the new authentication settings.
4. Create other users and assign them to groups as needed. For more information, refer to
User and Group Management on page 12.
Issue the CIPHER STRONG command to update the SSH ciphers setting.
Issue the SSHPORT OFF command to disable SSH.
7. If the installation requires Banners, copy the Banner to the following device folder:
At this time, FTP and HTTP services will be disabled. HTTPS will continue to be available.
38 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Control Subnet Architecture
Even if nothing is plugged into the CONTROL SUBNET port(s) on the back on the control system,
the following are still present on the Control Subnet:
Control System CPU (Where AV programs run)
Optional Expansion cards (PRO3 and AV3 only)
This design is in place to ensure that the Crestron CPU and optional expansion cards are
protected from malicious packets on the LAN. Refer to the diagram below for more information
on how these components work together.
Public LAN/Control Subnet Diagram
The firewall rules permit entry to only the traffic that is listened to by the CPU. As a result, a port
scan will only show ports that are listened to by the CPU. Users can set up manual port
forwarding rules to make custom connections to the devices on the Control Subnet. For more
information, refer to Appendix B:Port Forwarding on page 65.
Crestron Toolbox can create custom port forwarding rules in the 64000–64299 range to enable
management of the devices on the Control Subnet. These port forwarding rules are created
when the tool connects and are broken down when the tool disconnects or when the device is
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 39
Firewall Rules in Normal Operation
Under normal operating procedures, the firewall on the control system router behaves as
Control System Firewall Rules - Normal Operation
Direction Port(s) Rule Description
Inbound from
20, 21 To CPU FTP(if enabled)
Inbound from
Inbound from
80, 443 To CPU Web server (if enabled)
Inbound from
843 To CPU Flash policy server (if enabled)
Inbound from
41794, 41796 To CPU Crestron communication protocols
Inbound from
Listen ports
used by
To CPU Programmatic listeners
Inbound from
49200 To CPU Crestron HTML5 User Interface
Inbound from
To devices
on control
Allows Crestron management tools to access devices
on the Control Subnet; ports are opened and closed as
Outbound to
Any port Allowed All outbound traffic is allowed
Inbound from
Allows manual port forwarding to devices on Control
40 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Firewall Rules in Isolation Mode
When running in isolation mode, the firewall on the control system router behaves as follows.
Control System Firewall Rules - Isolation Mode
Direction Port(s) Rule Description
Inbound from
20, 21 To CPU FTP(if enabled)
Inbound from
Inbound from
80, 443 To CPU Web server (if enabled)
Inbound from
843 To CPU Flash policy server (if enabled)
Inbound from
41794, 41796 To CPU Crestron communication protocols
Inbound from
Listen ports
used by
To CPU Programmatic listeners
Inbound from
49200 To CPU Crestron HTML5 User Interface
Inbound from
64000–64299 Blocked In isolation mode, Crestron management tools
cannot connect to any devices on the Control
Control Subnet
Outbound to
Any port All other
No outbound traffic is allowed
Inbound from
User defined Blocked In isolation mode, no port forwarding can be
managed by the user
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 41
Program Management
3-Series control systems are equipped with program slots that are used to store program files.
Program files can be created using SIMPL, SIMPL# Pro, and Crestron Studio, and allow the
control system to be custom programmed to perform certain tasks or enable certain system
Load Programs to the Control System
A program must be compiled and uploaded to the control system before it can be run by the
control system.
For more information on creating, compiling, and uploading a program using SIMPL,
SIMPL# Pro, or Crestron Studio, refer to the appropriate tool help file.
For more information on uploading a program using Crestron Toolbox, refer to the
Crestron Toolbox help file.
Program files can also be manually loaded to the control system by using an SFTP client to
transfer the program file to the /simpl/app
directory, where “XX” is the respective program
slot on the control system.
IP Table Configuration
Programs running on the control system that use Ethernet to communicate between the control
system and network-enabled devices require an IP table. The IP table allows the control system
to identify and communicate with Ethernet equipment on an IP network.
Each controlled Ethernet device has an IP table, which is also known as a primary list. The
primary list specifies the IP ID of the controlled device and the IP address or fully-qualified
domain name (FQDN) of the control system(s) that sends it commands.
The control system IP table lists the IP address/FQDN and the IP ID of every device in the
network. The IP ID is a hexadecimal value that must be unique and ranges from 03 to FE.
NOTE: IP tables used in Ethernet-based primary-secondary applications have unique IP table
requirements. For more information, refer to Primary-Secondary Mode on page 46.
The following commands can be used to view, configure, create, and remove IP table entries for
the control system.
NOTE: IP table information can also be entered using information given in SIMPL and
SIMPL# Pro or via Crestron Toolbox. For more information, refer to the appropriate help file.
42 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
View and Configure IP Table
To view and configure IP table settings for the control system, issue the iptable command.
Syntax: iptable [-p:program] [-t] [-i:id] [-c] [-o]
-p:program - Enter all to display all programs or enter a number (0–10)to display
the program for the respective program slot
-t - Displays IP table data in table format
-i:id - Enter the IP ID to display the entry for that ID.
-c - Clears the IP table for the specified program (requires -p parameter)
-o - Displays offline devices only
No parameters - Shows the IP Table for Program 1
Example: iptable -all -t
Add Peer Entry
To add a peer (secondary) entry to the IP table, use the addpeer command.
Syntax: addpeer cipid ip_address/name [-d:device_id] [-c:cipport] [-
cipid - The ID of the CIP node (in hexadecimal format)
ip_address/name - The IP address (in dot decimal notation) or the name of the site
for DNS lookup
-d:device_id - The device ID in the device redirection table (in hex, must be less
than 256)
-c:cipport - The CIP port number for the connection (must be greater than 256)
-p:program - The program number on the control system that uses the device
(default is 1)
-u:roomid - The room ID used for communication with a Crestron Virtual Control
server (max length is 32 characters, valid values are A–Z and 0–9)
Example: addpeer 13 -d:134 -c:458 -p:3 -u:avf469
NOTE: For more information on connecting a device to Crestron Virtual Control, refer
to the Crestron Virtual Control Server Software Product Manual.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 43
Remove Peer Entry
To remove a peer (secondary) entry from the IP table, use the rempeer command.
Syntax: rempeer cipid ip_address/name [-d:device_id] [-c:cipport] [-
cipid - The ID of the CIP node (in hexadecimal format)
ip_address/name - The IP address (in dot decimal notation) or the name of the site
for DNS lookup
-d:device_id - The device ID in the device redirection table (in hex, must be less
than 256)
-c:cipport - The CIP port number for the connection (must be greater than 256)
-p:program - The program number on the control system that uses the device
(default is 1)
-u:roomid - The room ID used for communication with a Crestron Virtual Control
server (max length is 32 characters, valid values are A–Z and 0–9)
Example: rempeer 13 -d:134 -c:458 -p:3 -u:avf469
Load IP Table
To load a program-specific DIP file from removable media to the \sys\ directory of the control
system, issue the loadiptable command.
Syntax: loadiptable -p:[appid] [path]
-p:[appid]: The specific program identifier
path: The path of the file on removable media, including "\" (such as \rm\tmpdir or
Example: loadiptable -p:1 \rm\dipdir
NOTE: The program must be restarted for the new IP table to take effect.
44 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Run Multiple Programs
3-Series processors run multiple programs simultaneously to allow programmers to
independently develop and run device specific programs for AV, lighting, HVAC, security, and so
forth. As a system grows, processing resources can easily be shifted from one 3-Series processor
to another without rewriting any code.
Device Registration Considerations
To keep the system running seamlessly, consider the following when stopping and starting
To ensure that devices are registered by the correct programs, note that programs restart
in ascending order by program slot when the device is rebooted or when the progreset
command is entered. For example, Program 1 starts before Program 2.
Since most devices can only be registered by a single program, the first program to try
registering the device succeeds; subsequent attempts to register the device fail. If
Program 1 registers a device, then Program 2 is not able to register it. Devices that fail to
register can often be found in the log listed for that particular program that attempted to
register it. For Ethernet devices, the IP Table will generally have a status of "NOT REG"
due to a previous program registering the device first.
NOTE: This behavior does not apply when programs are started and stopped
individually. For example, if the programmer stops all programs and restarts Program
10 before Program 1, Program 10 registers the device first.
There are exceptions to this rule described in the bullet above, as some devices, slots, and
ports can be registered by multiple programs. Refer to the following table to determine
whether a particular control system slot or port is exclusive (can only be registered by one
program) or shareable (can be registered by multiple programs).
NOTE:Within the following table, "shareable" means that all programs can access the
device. "Exclusive" means only one program can ever register the device. Additional
details provided in the Status column describe exceptions for how this device is
handled by multiple programs.
Port and Slot Sharing
Slot or Port Status
Expansion card
BACnet Exclusive
Built-in audio
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 45
Slot or Port Status
Slots are sharable but ports are exclusive (For example, Program 1 can
register COM 2 while Program 5 registers COM 1, but both programs cannot
register COM 2 at once.)
Built-in digital
Slots and ports are shareable
Built-in relays Slots and ports are shareable
Slots are sharable but individual devices are exclusive
Built-in system
Slots are sharable, ports are sharable only if they have the same configuration
Run Programs from External Storage
Certain 3-Series control systems are equipped with external storage ports. On system boot or a
hardware reset, the control system checks for any programs in external memory (if installed)
before checking in internal flash.
To configure running programs from external storage, use the Compact Flash function in
Crestron Toolbox. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
46 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Primary-Secondary Mode
Primary-secondary mode is a network configuration that allows a 3-Series control system to
access ports on other Crestron control systems over Ethernet. By attaching a secondary control
system to a primary control system, the primary control system can use ports that it may not
normally have (I/O, IR, RF, and so forth).
In a primary-secondary environment, the primary control system contains the program that
controls all Cresnet and Ethernet devices attached to it. The secondary control system turns off
its processing capabilities and behaves like any other Cresnet or Ethernet device. The secondary
control system obeys the program running on the primary control system, making its ports
available to the primary for control. Only one primary program needs to be written to control
multiple secondary systems.
NOTE: If a control system needs to be able to communicate with other control systems while
running its own program, use the "Intersystem Communications" symbol for peer-to-peer
communications between control systems over Ethernet. For more information, refer to the
SIMPL or SIMPL# Pro help files.
Depending on the communications capabilities of a control system, it may function as a Cresnet
server, an Ethernet primary, or an Ethernet secondary.
NOTE: A3-Series control system can be made secondary to a 3-Series or 4-Series control
system. A 3-Series control system cannot be made secondary to a 2-Series control system.
Cresnet Server
When the control system is in Cresnet server mode (the default mode for 3-Series control
systems), it can control Cresnet and Ethernet devices as well as 2-Series control systems
operating in the Cresnet client mode. Control systems can function as a Cresnet server and an
Ethernet primary simultaneously.
Ethernet Primary
When the control system is in Ethernet primary mode, it can control Ethernet and Cresnet
devices as well as 2-Series, 3-Series, and 4-Series control systems operating in the Ethernet
secondary mode.
Control systems can function as an Ethernet primary and a Cresnet server simultaneously.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 47
Ethernet Secondary
When the control system is in Ethernet secondary mode, it operates as an Ethernet device and
makes its ports (except for the LAN port) available to a primary control system. Any program
loaded into the control system does not run when it is in Ethernet secondary mode.
NOTE:3-Series and 4-Series cage cards are not supported when the control system is in
Ethernet secondary mode.
Primary-Secondary Configuration
Use the following console commands to configure primary-secondary mode parameters for the
control system.
Add Primary Entry
To add a primary entry to the IP table, use the addmaster command.
Syntax: addmaster [cipid] -[ip_address/name]
cipid - The ID of the CIP node (in hexadecimal format)
ip_address/name - The IP address (in dot decimal notation) or the name of the site
for DNS lookup
Example: addmaster 1E -PRO3-IH
Remove Primary Entry
To remove a primary entry from the IP table, use the remmaster command.
Syntax: remmaster [cipid] -[ip_address/name]
cipid - The ID of the CIP node (in hexadecimal format)
ip_address/name - The IP address (in dot decimal notation) or the name of the site
for DNS lookup
Example: remmaster 1E -PRO3-IH
View Primary IP Table
To view the primary IP table, use the miptable command. Append [-t] to the command to
output the results in table format.
View Secondary Status
To display the status of the secondary processor, use the slavestatus command.
48 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Response Reject Count for Secondary Connection
To set the default response reject count for the secondary processor connections, issue the
ethslvconnfnct command:
Syntax: ethslvconnfnct [connectfailedcount]
connectfailedcount - Sets the default secondary connect response reject count.
The secondary stops connecting after this number of connect response rejections.
No parameter - Displays the current response reject count
Example: ethslvconnfnct 6
The ethslvconnfnct command sets the number of response rejections that must occur
following unsuccessful connection attempts before the secondary reverts back to its normal
operating mode. The default count is 100, with each count occurring every 10 seconds.
For example, if the count is set to "6", the secondary would revert back to normal roughly a
minute after the first response rejection.
This command can be used in a scenario where a particular IP address is active but does not have
a program that listens to that ID.
Secondary Connection Timeout
To set the default timeout setting for secondary connection, use the ethslvconntimeout
Syntax: ethslvconntimeout [timeoutinsec]
timeoutinsec - Sets the duration (in seconds) before the secondary connection
times out and the secondary returns to its normal operating mode
No parameter - Displays the current timeout settings
Example: ethslvconntimeout 120
The ethslvconntimeout command sets the timeout duration before the secondary reverts back
to its normal operation mode if a TCP/IP connection to the primary cannot be established.
This command can be used in a scenario where a secondary attempts to connect to a
nonexistent IP address or to a primary that is not running.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 49
Functional Behavior
Observe the following regarding functional behavior for primary-secondary mode:
When operating in Ethernet secondary mode, the control system can address any installed
hardware, but it cannot address Ethernet devices.
A 3-Series server and 3-Series client each have their own independent Cresnet bus,
allowing the server to assign Cresnet IDs 03 to FE and theclient to issue Cresnet IDs 03 to
FE, ultimately doubling the number of devices in the network.
A secondary 3-Series control system can only be configured to operate as an Ethernet
secondary to another 3-Series or 4-Series control system; Cresnet client mode is not
supported. A 2-Series control system can operate as a Cresnet client or Ethernet
secondary to a 3-Series control system.
NOTE: There can only be one primary IP table entry.
A 3-Series control system can switch back and forth between secondary mode and normal
mode (running registered user programs) without requiring a reboot. Parameters may be
set using the ethslvconnfcnt command that determine how long the secondary
controller tries to connect to the primary before reverting back to its normal operating
The following behavior is dependent on whether a primary IP table entry exists when booting the
No primary IP table entry is present when booting the system.
Adding a primary IP table entry enables the secondary to start connecting to the
primary. Once the secondary is connected, all user programs stop executing, and the
device enters into secondary mode.
Stopping the program on the primary does not force the secondary back into its
normal operating mode. The secondary tries to connect for a set duration before
reverting back to normal operations. After reverting, the secondary does not go
back into secondary mode until the control system reboots or the primary IP table
entry is added again.
NOTE: An Ethernet Slave – Reached max count of connect responses
being rejected by master before a successful connect. Not
retrying - Initiating normal behavior error is logged if this condition
Removing the primary IP table entry forces the secondary control system to revert
back to normal operations.
A primary IP entry is present when booting the system.
The secondary tries to connect to the primary for a set duration.
If the secondary connects successfully, it enters secondary mode.
50 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
If the secondary does not connect successfully, it enters its normal operating mode.
The secondary does not go back to secondary mode until the control system reboots
or the primary IP table entry is added again.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 51
Auto Update Mechanism
3-Series control systems provide an automatic update mechanism that centralizes updates on a
remote server and allows devices to automatically download and update their respective
components when updates are available. The centralized location can be a web server, a
MyCrestron.com portal, or a private server.
Through the auto update mechanism, a control system can be scheduled to automatically
download updates and can also trigger automatic updates for every device that it controls. The
auto update mechanism will also periodically provide feedback to the user, including estimated
time for updates, any failures, and successful updates.
Configure the Auto Update Mechanism
To enable the auto update mechanism for the control system:
NOTE: This procedure assumes that a manifest file has already been created and is stored in
a centralized location. For more information about the manifest file, refer to Manifest File
on page 52.
Issue the auenable on command.
Issue the aumanifesturl [url] command to set the URL for the remote manifest file,
where url is the URL of the manifest file in the following format:
[http or sftp]://username:password@[hostname or ip]:port/path/file
Issue the aupollinterval [interval_in_minutes] command to set how often the
control system polls the update server for updates.
NOTE: Control systems round up to the nearest hour.
Issue the autime [time] command to set the day of the week and time when the update
manifest file should be read, where TIME is formatted as [day_of_week]hh:mm
day_of_week: Day of the week when the manifest file should be read
hh:mm: 24-hour time when the manifest file should be read
Specifying only hh:mm will make the update run every day at that time. For example,
inputting autime 11:00 will make the update run at 11:00 AM every day.
Specifying day_of_week with hh:mm will make the update run only at that day and
time each week. For example, inputting autime friday 11:00 will make the
update run at 11:00 AM every Friday.
Issue the auusername [username] command to set a username for downloading
automatic updates.
Issue the aupassword [password] command to set a password for downloading
automatic updates.
52 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Manifest File
The manifest file, which is JSON encoded, contains all the information required for scheduling
and performing automatic updates on a 3-Series control system. The control system parses the
manifest file, locates any required updates, and performs them in the order listed in the file. The
manifest is always downloaded and parsed either at a scheduled time or from a forced action,
which can be set from console commands.
The following shows an example of a manifest file JSON format:
"ControllerHostName": "ControllerHostname",
"deviceHostname": "DeviceToUpdateHostname",
"deviceModel": "Prompt",
"deviceId": "XX",
"indirectCresnetId": "XX",
"controlSystemHostname"": "ControlSystemHostName",
"logFolder": "URL",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "URL",
"fileHashUrl": "URL",
"fileType": "ACTION",
"whenToDownload": "TIME",
"whenToApplyUpdate": "TIME",
Overview of Manifest Parameters
The control system uses the following top-level parameters to determine which associated
actions apply to it in order to initiate the auto update mechanism. At least one of these
parameters must be defined, and they may contain wildcards for partial matching. A control
system matches all specific values before taking the associated action.
NOTE: All keywords are case insensitive.
ControllerHostName - The hostname of the control system. Indicates that the following
schema is meant for a control system. All non-control systems continue to parse the
schema and act upon it if the details match.
deviceHostname - The hostname or IP address of an Ethernet device. This field will have
different meanings depending on the operation to be performed (refer to Description of
Manifest Parameters on page 54). If this parameter is omitted, the value will default to
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 53
deviceModel - The device type of the target client and the physical transport (refer to
Description of Manifest Parameters on page 54). If this parameter is omitted, the value
will default to any.
controlSystemHostname - The hostname or IP address of a control system that is located
in the client's IP table. If this parameter is omitted, the value will default to any.
deviceId - The IP ID, Cresnet ID, or RF ID of the device (in hexadecimal format). This
parameter can be displayed as a range (AA-ZZ) and/or as a list separated by commas
Path - Locates the path of a specific, generic device (without using a hostname) within a
system. Each path node consists of the following:
A letter identifying the specific subnet where the device or parent device(s) is
C - Cresnet
E - Ethernet
R - RF
S - Slot
The subnet ID of the parent device
NOTE: The ID of the target device will always be specified in the device ID field
and not the path. Therefore, the last path node will only consist of a subnet
The path may consist of several parent devices. In this case, each element is delimited by a
A control system with an Ethernet to Cresnet bridge (at IP ID 03) that contains an
EX gateway on Cresnet leg 1 (at ID A0) with a dim switch (at RFID 04) would have a
path of "E03:C1.A0:R" and a device ID property of "04."
An EX gateway located on Ethernet (at ID 05) has a path of "E" and a device ID of
The following top-level parameter is optional and is not necessary to complete the auto-update
logFolder - Each control system will create a result log file in this folder for each action.
The URL must be an SFTP location. For more information, refer to Results File on page 60.
The actions to be taken by the client are defined by the filesToUpdate array:
filesToUpdate - The files associated with the action will be downloaded and installed in
the order they are listed. The following parameters are used to describe each entry in the
array and are required:
fileUrl - The URL of the file to be downloaded. The control system must support
parsing a full URL and downloads over HTTPS and SFTP: [http or sftp]:
//username:password@[hostname or ip]:port/path/file.
54 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
fileHashUrl - The URL of the hash file. This hash is downloaded first and then
compared to the previous hash that is cached locally on the control system.
If the hash in this file has changed, then the file defined in fileUrl will be
downloaded and installed.
If the has in this file has not changed, then the file defined in fileUrl will not
be downloaded and installed.
If no local hash cache exists, then the file will be downloaded.
The client must support parsing a full URL and downloads over HTTPS and SFTP:
[http or sftp]://username:password@[hostname or ip]:port/path/file.
fileType - Determines how the control system will handle the file once it is
downloaded. The value of this parameter must be one of the following predefined
types; undefined types are ignored by the client:
"firmware" - Firmware update file (.puf or .zip)
"project" - Standard VTZ project file
"config" - Text file containing a list of console commands to be executed
"UserProgram" - Indicates a user program
Description of Manifest Parameters
This parameter indicates the hostname of the control system. The controller must support
wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" matches
number of characters and "?" matches
exactly one character. A "*" indicates that all controllers will act upon a manifest schema, while
a partial match can be used to limit the schema to a subset (for example, PRO-
Using these wildcard characters, the same manifest can be used across multiple control systems,
which means that all control systems will try to update the devices specified based on the details
in the manifest. While this method is recommended for Cresnet devices and devices on an
internal gateway (since it is controller-specific), it could cause issues with Ethernet devices, as
they can be accessed from multiple control systems.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 55
Refer to the following best practices to manage the system properly:
Cresnet and EX devices on the internal gateway can be safely updated when using
"wildcards" for the controller hostname.
If updating Ethernet devices, it is recommended to specify device IDs so that the controller
can be selective when updating.
The statement above assumes that the system is configured and that the IP table is
set up correctly on the Ethernet devices. It also assumes that the devices follow the
auto-discovery specification.
The above statement might not work for a first-time setup.
If updating peripherals connected to an Ethernet-connected gateway or bridge, the user is
responsible for managing the manifest file.
Control System Update Parameters
On a control system, a combination of "deviceId" and "deviceModel" indicates what device
needs to get updated. The "deviceModel" always needs to be specified, since this parameter
indicates the class of device and the corresponding plugin that handles the update. If
"deviceId" is set to "any", all devices of the type specified by "deviceModel" will be updated.
Multiple devices that share the same type are often connected to the same control system. In
this case, all of these devices can be updated using the "any" keyword. A single device can be
updated using its specific device ID. If multiple device IDs need to be updated, multiple sections
must be created in the manifest. To support this schema, the control system accepts a range
and/or a list of the devices, which can be specified as follows:
List: A comma separated list (3,4,78,95)
Range: A continuous range of device IDs (5-15)
List and Range: A combination of the above two methods (3,73,25, A-1E)
NOTE: The device IDs must be in hexadecimal format with no preceding "0x".
56 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
This parameter is only valid for an Ethernet device and can have multiple meanings:
If the "deviceModel" specifies an Ethernet device, then the "deviceHostname" identifies
the device to be updated. If the "deviceHostname" is the wildcard character "*", then it
identifies all the Ethernet devices of the type specified by "deviceModel".
For any combination of "deviceModel" and "deviceId", it needs to be established
whether the device to be updated is on the controller or on a peripheral connected to the
If the "deviceHostname" is defined, then the device to be updated is connected to
an Ethernet-connected parent device.
If the "deviceHostname" is not defined, then the device to be updated is connected
to the controller (Cresnet device/internal gateway).
If the "deviceHostname" is "*", then all devices will be updated as defined by the
"deviceModel" parameter in one of the following three ways:
All gateways will be updated
All specific devices connected to internal/external gateways will be updated
All Cresnet devices of a specified type connected to a CEN-CN or all EX
devices connected to an external Ethernet gateway will be updated.
This parameter is only valid when the "deviceModel" specifies an EX device:
If the "deviceModel" specifies an EX device, then it indicates the Cresnet ID of the
If "indirectCresnetId" is "*", then it indicates the specific device connected to any
Cresnet gateway.
If the value of this parameter is not defined, then the device to be updated is connected to
the controller (Ethernet device/internal gateway).
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 57
This parameter indicates that a user program should be updated. The following keywords are
defined for this parameter:
"programNumber" - Valid ranges are 1–10 or 1 only, and the range depends on the
controller to be updated. The Program ID tag is intended for interactive systems only. The
default value is "1".
"programLocation" - Indicates whether the program needs to be loaded onto internal or
external memory. The default value is "internal". For external memory, the controller loops
through RM and RM2.
Sample Manifest File
The following shows a complete example of a JSON-encoded manifest file for a control system
with multiple components. Note that actions are performed in the order they appear on the file.
"deviceHostname": "Room101-panel",
"deviceModel": "TSW-770",
"deviceId": "03",
"controlSystemHostname"": "",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/xx.puf",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/firmwareHash.txt",
"fileType": "firmware",
"whenToDownload": "Friday 23:00",
"whenToApplyUpdate": "now",
"deviceHostname": "Room101-panel",
"deviceModel": "TSW-770",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/xx.ini",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/configHash.txt",
"fileType": "config",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/xx.vtz",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-TouchPanel/projectHash.txt",
"fileType": "project",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
"ControllerHostName": "Crestron-PRO4",
58 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
"deviceModel": "PRO4",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/program1.lpz",
"fileHashUrl": ""sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/UpdaterHash.txt",
"fileType": "userProgram",
"ProgramNumber": "5",
"ProgramLocation": "Internal",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
"ControllerHostName": "Crestron-PRO4",
"deviceHostname": "Crestron-EXGateway",
"deviceModel": "CEN-GWEXER",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/GatewayFirmware.zip",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/GatewayHash.txt",
"fileType": "firmware",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
"ControllerHostName": "Crestron-PRO4",
"deviceHostname": "Crestron-EXGateway",
"deviceId": "10",
"deviceModel": "CLW-LDIMEX",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/CLWFirmware.zip",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/CLWHash.txt",
"fileType": "firmware",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
"ControllerHostName": "Crestron-PRO4",
"deviceId": "11",
"deviceModel": "CSM-QMT50-DCCN",
"logFolder": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/results",
"fileToUpdate": [
"fileUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/ShadeFirmware.zip",
"fileHashUrl": "sftp://xxabet-xx2/html/Office-PRO4/ShadeFirmwareHash.txt",
"fileType": "firmware",
"whenToDownload": "Sunday 2:00",
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 59
Manifest File Code Flow
The code flow of the auto update mechanism using the manifest file, as performed by the
control system, is described below:
1. The control system downloads the manifest file at the predetermined day and time.
2. The control system parses the manifest file for applicable actions.
3. The control system verifies that the action is valid for itself and its current state. If not, the
control system skips to step 8.
4. The control system downloads the hash file associated with the given action. If the hash
file matches the hash cached on the control system, the control system skips to step 8.
5. The control system downloads the update file.
6. The control system applies the update file as directed. Retries are defined in the Error
Handling on page 62.
7. The control system updates the local copy of the hash if the update is successful.
8. If more actions are defined in the manifest, the control system returns to step 3.
9. The mechanism ceases once all actions defined in the manifest are completed.
60 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Results File
The result of each action taken by the control system is uploaded to the location specified by the
"logFolder" parameter that is associated with the action. Results filenames have the following
Example: 00107f44901e.20190321_115636.1.log
When an action is performed, a result file is uploaded for each part of the action: When the
action is downloaded, when the action starts, and when the action finishes. The timestamp is
fixed at the initial step of the action and is expressed in "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss" format.
It is the responsibility of the administrator to manage purging and storing these files as
necessary. Using the 3-Series control system, this task can be accomplished via an automatic job
that rotates the results files.
If any locations are inaccessible to the control system (for example, a downed server), then
failure results are recorded in the client's error log. If the results location is accessible, a failure
result is indicated in the results file and is uploaded to the results location.
Description of Results File Parameters
Use the following parameters inside the result files to identify the control system, the action
taken, and the results of the action. The following parameters are always included in the result
clientModel - The device type of the control system
updateAction - The type of action taken by the control system
updateLog - Indicates the section below that contains the actual log information for the
preceding action
fileName - The name of the file that was downloaded
fileHash - The hash value associated with the file that was downloaded
whenWasDownloaded - The time the action started and the initial file was
downloaded (in "HH:mm:ss" format)
whenWasApplied - The time when the update was applied (in "yyyyMMdd_
HHmmss" format)
whenWasCompleted - The time when the update was completed (in "yyyyMMdd_
HHmmss" format)
result - The result of the action, which is one of the following:
success - The action succeeded.
error - The action failed. See Error Handling on page 62.
estActionDuration - The estimated time to complete the action (in seconds)
where applicable
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 61
errorCode - The error code number (if applicable)
errorText - Any text that is associated with the error condition (if applicable)
The following parameters are dependent on the type of action taken:
numberOfSubActions - The number of sub actions that are associated with the main
action taken by the client.
subActions - A sequence of sub action results that are associated with the main action
taken by the client.
command - The console command executed by the client
commandResult - The result text returned to the console when executing a console
The following is an example of a results file for a control system automatic update:
"ControllerHostName": "Crestron-PRO4",
"deviceModel": "PRO4",
"updateAction": "firmware",
"updateLog": [
"fileName": "xx.txt",
"fileHash": "HASHCODE",
"whenWasDownloaded": "2020-08-29T23:05:10Z",
"whenWasApplied": "2020-08-29T23:15:10Z",
"whenWasCompleted": "2020-08-29T23:25:10Z",
"numberOfSubActions": "2",
"subActions": [
"component": "eboot",
"result": "success",
"PreviousVersion": "1.001.0033",
"CurrentVersion": "1.001.0034",
"component": "updater",
"result": "success",
"PreviousVersion": "1.02.35",
"CurrentVersion": "2.001.0034",
62 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Error Handling
The following errors may be encountered during the auto-update process. If the below solutions
do not resolve the error, contact Crestron True Blue support via phone, email, or chat as
described at www.crestron.com/Support.
File download fails: the client is unable to download the hash file or the actual component
Retry the download on the next polling interval.
If download still fails, delete the hash file (The hash file was downloaded but not the
actual component to the update).
Update operations: The unzipping operation fails or the firmware component did not get
Retry the operation.
Cannot resolve hostname: The client cannot resolve the hostname.
Check that the target hostname is valid, and then retry resolving the hostname on
the next polling interval.
Cannot connect to the server/device: The client cannot connect to the server or the device.
Check that the server or the device is currently accessible, and then retry connecting
to the server or the device on the next polling interval.
A control system can handle errors in different ways depending on the component being updated
and the dependencies between the components. The control system will do one of the following:
Abort the current operation.
For example, if the control system is updating a .puf component, which has dependencies
defined, and the first part of the update fails, the control system will abort this particular
component and will continue to the next item in the manifest file.
Log the error and continue on to the next step.
For example, if the control system is updating EX devices with the type "CLW-LDIMEX"
and one device update fails, the controller will continue with the next set of devices.
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 63
Connect to XiO Cloud Service
The XiOCloud®service allows supported devices across an enterprise to be managed and
configured from one central and secure location in the cloud. Supported Crestron® devices are
configured to connect to the service out of the box.
Use of the service requires a registered XiOCloud account. To register for an XiOCloud account,
refer to https://www.crestron.com/Support/Tools/Licensing-Registration/XiO-Account-
NOTE:The device may be disconnected from the XiOCloud service by navigating to the
Cloud Services tab in CrestronToolbox™software (Functions > Device Info > Cloud Services).
For details, refer to the CrestronToolbox help file.
To connect the device to the XiOCloud service:
1. Record the MAC address and serial number that are labeled on the shipping box or the
device. The MAC address and serial number are required to add the device to the
XiOCloud service.
NOTE:If the device has multiple MAC addresses, use the MAC address that is
providing the primary connection back to the network. For most devices, the Ethernet
MAC address should be used. However, if your device is connecting to the network over
a different protocol (such as Wi-Fi® communications), use the MAC address for that
protocol instead.
2. Log in to your XiOCloud account at portal.crestron.io.
3. Claim the device to the XiOCloud service as described in the XiOCloudUserGuide.
Select the device from the cloud interface to view its status and settings. The device may now
also be managed and assigned to a group or room. For more information, refer to the
NOTE:For XiOCloud accounts with room-based licenses, the device must be added to a
licensed room before its status and settings can be viewed.
64 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Appendix A: Restore to
Factory Defaults
If the control system is no longer communicating via USB or Ethernet, use the following
procedure to restore the device to its factory default settings.
NOTE: This procedure erases the control system’s firmware and reinstalls it. If problems
persist before a SIMPL program is loaded, contact Crestron True Blue support via phone,
email, or chat as described at www.crestron.com/Support. If the system locks up after a
SIMPL or SIMPL# Pro program is loaded, there is likely an issue with the program.
1. Use a small, pointed object (such as the tip of a pen) to press and release the HW-R
button on the front of the control system.
2. Use a small, pointed object (such as the tip of a pen) to quickly press the SW-R button on
the front of the control system five times, with under a 1-second gap between each press.
3. Wait up to 5–10 minutes for the self-recovery process to complete.
4. Attempt to make a connection to the control system over USBor Ethernet.
5. Once the device has been discovered, use the Text Console tool in Crestron Toolbox to
check for a prompt. The standard device prompt should display.
NOTE: Repeat steps 1–5 if the first attempt does not correct the issue. If the control
system is still unresponsive, contact Crestron True Blue support for assistance.
6. The restore process may enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on the control system. After
communication returns following the restore, issue the ssl off command using the Text
Console tool to disable SSL.
NOTE: If a connection cannot be established using the Text Console tool, change the
connection type from Auto Detect to SSL in the Edit Connections dialogue.
7. Reload the control system firmware using the Package Update Tool in Crestron Toolbox.
If the control system is still communicating with Crestron Toolbox via USB or Ethernet, or if the
initialize command was issued to the CP3-R as part of a troubleshooting procedure, issue
the restore command using the Text Console tool, and then follow the post-restore process
(steps 6–7 in the above procedure).
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C 3-Series® Control Systems • 65
Appendix B:Port Forwarding
Port forwarding can be used to provide connections from outside the local network for mobile
and browser applications.
Observe the following points about port forwarding:
Remap the external ports from the initial defaults. Remapping the external ports
minimizes the number attempts that are allowed to access the system. A hacker will be
unable to scan well-known ports for entry, and must instead scan all ports and then
determine what protocols are supported before attempting to log in to the system.
Most home routers allow different external and internal ports to be set. An example of a
home router setup page is provided below.
Home Router Setup Page Example
Use external port numbers that are not commonly used. The actual number is not
important; it simply must match the entry in the mobile app configuration.
Note the exception on the policy file support. If the XPanel web browser is used, open port
843 under External Port.
Open ports that are required only. For example, if mobile applications or XPanel
applications are used, open only the secure CIP port (default is 41796) and HTTPS port
(default is 443). Ensure that SSL settings are used in the mobile application.
If XPanel browser support is required, the unsecured CIP port (default is 41794) must be
used. The system is still secured because the user is prompted to enter his or her
credentials prior to running the project. The XPanel browser required port 843 to be routed
to the system.
If ports 41795 or 41797 were opened for external use, reroute the external ports to port 22
and use the SSH console.
66 • 3-Series® Control Systems Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Appendix C:CP3-GV Feature
The CP3-GV is a version of the CP3 that is targeted towards high security network
environments. It was developed with consideration for IA Requirements and received a DIACAP
To assure a high level of security, the following changes were made compared to the CP3:
To ensure that communication with the control system is not vulnerable to network traffic
sniffing, SSL has been enabled by default, and cannot be turned off. This also means that
only the secure console is available.
The built-in FTP server is disabled because it sends authentication over clear text.
Authentication is enabled and cannot be turned off.
Password rules are set to require secure passwords; these rules cannot be changed.
To ensure all traffic in and out of the control system is secure:
TCP Clients/Servers are disabled
UDP is disabled
EISC is disabled
Direct sockets and SIMPL# Sockets are disabled
The CP3-GV will only allow connections from devices that support the secure CIP Protocol.
To protect the device from being discovered on the network, Autodiscovery is disabled.
To protect against web-based attacks, Webserver is disabled.
NOTE:Firmware on the CP3-GV cannot be updated. As a result, the following software
versions are required in order to program:
Crestron Database:
Device Database:
SIMPL: 3.11.15
These software versions are from November 2012. They will not include newer products (such
as the DMNVX® A/V Encoders and Decoders). Install these versions and review the
Configure View in SIMPL for a list of compatible products.
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive, Rockleigh, NJ 07647
Fax: 201.767.7656
Reference Guide — Doc. 7150C
Specifications subject to
change without notice.