Faculty Guide to the Cal Poly Pomona
High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster
Updated: 7-17-24
2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Hardware and Specifics ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Getting Started as a Faculty Member .................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Account Eligibility ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Applying for Faculty Account Access .............................................................................................. 5
3.2.3 Giving Your Students HPC Access ................................................................................................. 5
3.2.4 Gaining Access for Off-Campus Collaborators .............................................................................. 6
3.3 User Quotas ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 Faculty File System Quotas .............................................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 Student File System Quotas ............................................................................................................. 7
3.3.3 System GPU Quotas ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Provide Access to the Student Guide .................................................................................................. 7
3.5 A Note on the Landlord Tenant Model ................................................................................................. 7
4 Familiarizing yourself with the Technology .................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Logging On .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Familiarizing Yourself with the Command Line .................................................................................. 9
4.2.1 Common Linux Commands .............................................................................................................. 9
4.3 Introduction to the Anaconda Package Manager ............................................................................ 10
4.4 Running a Job with the Slurm Job Scheduler ................................................................................. 11
4.4.1 Common Slurm commands ........................................................................................................... 12
4.4.2 Running an Interactive Program with SRUN ............................................................................... 13
4.4.3 Running a Batch Program with SBATCH .................................................................................... 16
4.4.4 Additional Information on Batch Scripts ....................................................................................... 17
4.5 Other Useful Tools ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.1 Copying Files From Your Local Machine To the HPC ............................................................... 19
4.5.2 Available Languages and Resources ........................................................................................... 19
4.6 Policies and Best Practices ................................................................................................................ 20
4.6.1 HPC Best Practices ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.2 CSU System-wide IT and IT Security Policies ............................................................................ 20
4.6.3 Cal Poly Pomona IT and IT Security Policies.............................................................................. 20
4.7 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.8 HPC Questions and Support .............................................................................................................. 21
As part of its commitment to providing a state-of-the-art research and teaching environment to its
faculty and students, Cal Poly Pomona operates a High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster,
managed by the campus Division of Information Technology & Institutional Planning. The new system
entered production as a campus-wide resource in the Fall 2017 term and has been used to teach
multiple courses in multiple disciplines. It is also currently being used as a resource for NSF-funded
research and as a teaching resource in Cyber Security projects for Cal Poly Pomona undergraduates.
The new CPP HPC system is designed to serve researchers across campus. Initial research
opportunities have already been identified within the Colleges of Science, Engineering, Business and
CLASS and work is currently underway to integrate the HPC Cluster service into the campus Cyber
Security Instructional Research Project (CSIRP), which serves as a resource hub for cross-disciplinary
research in this growing field.
The High Performance Computing Cluster consists of multiple dedicated processor nodes, connected
together via a specialized high-speed network and managed by specialized job scheduling software.
The CPP HPC software management suite utilizes the HP Enterprises HPC Software Stack, which
includes the open source Slurm job scheduler, Insight CMU for cluster Management, and other HPE
software for node deployment and configuration. The system also has available the Anaconda package
management system to allow users to install and manage their own dedicated libraries and external
software packages.
The Slurm scheduler manages the allocation, dispatching and execution of jobs. Slurm is a popular
and well documented package currently used by a large number of campus HPC systems and one
that allows a task to be dispatched in a variety of ways, including allowing jobs to be run in real time,
or in batch mode for longer running tasks.
The CPP HPC Cluster nodes are configured as a set of “partitions” to allow dispatching jobs to
appropriate nodes for a variety of computational tasks. The “General Compute Partition” is used for
general purpose jobs that benefit from running multiple compute tasks in parallel, while the “GPU
Partition” allows a task to access dedicated GPU processors where the task would benefit from
additional numerical processing capability.
The new CPP HPC cluster is based upon the HP Proliant server platform and currently includes a total
of two DL360 management nodes, 20 DL160 compute nodes, and four GPU nodes with a total of 8
Tesla P100 GPUs The cluster contains 3.3TB of RAM and is connected through a dedicated internal
40GBit Infiniband switching fabric and 10 GBit external ethernet connections. The overall system
throughput is currently approximately 36.6 Tflp in double precision mode or 149.6 Tflp in half precision
mode. This current configuration is expected to grow over time, as researchers identify collaborative
research initiatives and develop future funding for expansion of the system through external grants and
Account Eligibility
The CPP HPC system is available to all faculty for either individual research or instructional use and to
students either taking a course that requires access, or for individual faculty-supervised projects.
Faculty may also request access for off-campus collaborators working on joint projects.
Applying for Faculty Account Access
To request activation of your individual faculty account, you may apply through the HPC Specifications
and Support page.
Alternatively, you may send an email to [email protected] requesting that your faculty account be
Once your request is received and your name added to the dedicated HPC Identity Management group
you will be able to log in to the HPC control node using your campus BroncoName and associated
Note that access to the HPC cluster is through a Linux command line interface, so you will need to use
a suitable terminal emulation program such as ssh or putty to initiate your connection. Additional details
on logging in are provided in a later section of this guide.
Giving Your Students HPC Access
Faculty may request access for students in two ways, either through a sponsored student account for
an individual student, or by requesting a course account for a specific course and/or section, which
would provide access to all students registered for that class. To activate either type of account, begin
by entering a request at the above hpc-support webpage with details of what you need (course number,
term and any other special requirements). Staff will enable access for all students enrolled in the
specified course for the duration of the term.
If the request is for an individual student, you will need to provide the student’s name and associated
BroncoName, as well as the details of the intended use (e.g. if the account is for a specific project, or to
allow the student to participate in a specific faculty instructional research activity) and the anticipated
duration of the access. By default, access is granted on a per semester basis, but longer can be
provided, if needed.
Gaining Access for Off-Campus Collaborators
If you wish to work with collaborators from off campus, they will first have to apply for a campus
“Affiliate” account, which will enable them to receive their own BroncoName and password. Once they
have that, you may request access using the HPC support webpage, specifying nature of the intended
work and duration required for the account. By default, initial quotas will be the same as for on-campus
faculty accounts but can again be adjusted, if required.
Visit our Requesting Support for Sponsored Affiliates page
Visit our HPC Specifications and Support page
Faculty File System Quotas
Each faculty member is initially assigned 25GB of file storage space in their home directory by default.
If this is insufficient for your project needs, please let us know via the webpage and we can increase
this amount.
Please Note: Although there are file system quotas implemented on the user home directories, there
are currently no quotas assigned in the new “data03” volume, but given its size and available
resources, this partition is not currently being backed up so it should not be used for long term file
storage. You may leave files there but should take care to also ensure that additional copies are
available to you either in your HPC home directory, or on another machine on the Internet.
Student File System Quotas
Each student account is also currently being given 25GB of file storage space by default.
System GPU Quotas
Note: There are currently no Faculty quotas or limits implemented limiting access to the GPU partition
but GPUs must be explicitly requested when a job is run with the slurm scheduler. By default, student
jobs are restricted to 2 GPUs, access to more may be granted, if needed.
Note that in addition to this HPC Faculty Handbook, there is a companion HPC Student Handbook
available to help familiarize your students with the system. We recommend that you encourage your
students to download the HPC Student Handbook.
The campus has funded a baseline deployment of resources to ensure that the system can be made
available to all potential users but as demand for access to resources, the plan is to implement the
conventional “landlord/tenant” model to control access to available resources. In this model,
researchers who contribute hardware components to the system will have preferential access to their
contributions, which are then made available to others on an “as-available” basis to other users.
To access and run jobs on the CPP HPC system, you must first log onto the system Command
Partition using your CPP login credentials (BroncoName and associated password). To do this, you will
need access to an ssh-enabled terminal emulation program, such as PuTTY on Windows, iterm2 for
Mac or the Linux ssh command https://www.ssh.com/ssh/command.
When using the GUI-based tools, you will need to specify the hostname (“hpc.cpp.edu”), as well as the
connection type (“SSH”) and port number (22). You should be prompted for your login name and
password and once supplied, if you have Single Sign On enabled, you will be prompted for second
factor authentication (e.g. a message to your phone). Once authentication is complete, you will be
placed into the Command partition shell in your account home directory.
To do this on a Linux machine, type the following command:
ssh -l bronconame hpc.cpp.edu
NOTE: You must be connected directly to the campus network or be connected to the campus network
via a virtual private network or VPN in order to access the HPC cluster.
For more information on how to connect to the campus VPN, please refer to this eHelp article on
how to set up a VPN.
Once logged on, you will find yourself in a traditional Linux command shell with the usual associated
system commands, as well as access to the Anaconda package management system, the slurm job
scheduler and other related tools. In this section, we provide a brief overview of the most common
Linux commands, a brief summary of the Ananconda package management system and basic slurm
command line options.
Common Linux Commands
The following Table summarizes some of the most common Linux commands you will need:
Useful Linux Commands
Command Summary Example
cd path Changes directory cd project
ls Lists all items in specific directory ls
cat filename Displays contents of a file cat example.sh
touch newfilename Creates a new file by that name touch example
chmod filename Changes the permissions of the file
Options: (r, w, x) read write execute
chmod +x example.sh
time command Written before any command, it outputs
the time the command took.
In the output, it will show three different
- Real- wall clock time from start
to finish
- User- amount of CPU time
spent executing the program
- Sys - the amount of CPU time
spent in the kernel
time hostname
man command
Shows the manual page for the
man time
Anaconda is getting popular as AI/ML projects are growing. If you want to use Anaconda in HPC, A
few things to be recommended. First, install Anaconda or *miniconda in your home directory in the
Mass Storage (ex. /data03/home/johndoe) to gain full access. Second, create a virtual environment for
the specific version of packages and hardware. For example, If you want to run Pythorch with gpu
node, create pythor_gpu_env from one of gpu nodes and install all the dependent packages.
*MIniconda is a simple package for Anaconda
You will need to carry out the following steps to install a set of packages to your home directory:
The following Table summarizes the Commands needed to carry out these steps:
Create Conda Environment
conda create -n environmentname
Or, if you already know what package is needed to be
installed, try:
conda create –n environmentname packagename
List Conda Environments
conda env list
Activate Conda Environment
conda activate environmentname
Search for available packages to
conda search packagename
Install package to environment
conda install packagename
Submit Job in Environment
Refer to “Running a Program” below
Deactivate Environment
conda deactivate
The slurm job scheduler is used to control execution of your programs across multiple CPUs and
GPUS. To execute a batch job utilizing one or more of the HPC compute or graphics nodes, you run
slurm, telling it what cluster resources you need (such as type and number of nodes, number of
individual tasks to allow at the same time, etc).
Common Slurm commands
Useful SLURM Commands
Command Summary Example
srun -parameter job
Obtain a job allocation and execute an
application (see Running a Program -
srun -N1 -n1 example.py
sbatch -parameter
Submit a batch script for later execution
(see Running a Program - SBATCH)
sbatch -o example.sh
sacct Display accounting data
Use -j jobid to see status of specific job
sacct -j 1576
sinfo View the status of the cluster’s nodes
and partitions
squeue Displays information of jobs in queue squeue
For more detailed summary of Slurm commands, visit:
Running an Interactive Program with SRUN
There are two ways to run a program in the cluster: the command srun and the command sbatch.
Projects intended to run in interactive mode should proceed through the following steps:
Diagram showing process of submitting a job through srun
Jobs submitted through the command srun are run interactively, which means that they run in the
foreground rather than the background. Using the command srun allows you to run your project as a
parallel job on the cluster managed by Slurm. It interrupts the command line to run the job, and the
output goes directly to the command line unless an output file is specified.
As an example, type into your command line:
srun hostname
The node you are currently on is printed in the terminal. The head node, the one that you will begin on,
is called commander.
To run a program you have written, the commands vary for different interpreters. To run a java
program, first compile the .java file with:
srun javac filename.java.
Then to run the file enter:
srun java filename
Srun has many parameters that will be helpful and necessary when running your program. Below is a
chart of different parameters that are often useful when using srun. For a more comprehensive manual
on the different parameters and functions of srun, refer to:
With srun you can also set up an interactive session. To do this, type:
srun -N1 -n1 -p gpu --pty bash
(or you can explictly set the memory size and number of gpu with srun N1 n1p gpumemory=10G
gres=gpu:gp100gl:1 pty bash)
This will begin an interactive session with one node in the gpu partition. You can run any number of
commands within this shell. Once in the interactive session, you have direct access to the node. You
can see the modules that the node has with the command:
module avail
This will show the resources that this particular node has.
Here is a list of useful commands that when navigating through the modules of a node:
module load - command adds application to your PATH variable pulling dependencies
module purge - removes all currently loaded modules module
unload - removes a specific module
module avail - browses entire list of modules
Useful Srun Parameters/Options
Command Summary Example
-N# Amount of nodes to be used for
this job
Informs the head node to
allocate 1 node for this job
-n# Number of tasks in this job -n1
Establishes that there is 1 task
in this job
-p or --partition=
partition name
Specific partition to be used for
this job
-p compute
Tells the head node to use the
compute partition
--mem=<MB> Memory to be allocated for this
-o filename Establishes a file to show the
-o program.out
-w hostname Tells Slurm to allocate a specified
-w cn04
--test-only Slurm will merely test your job
and find out when your job is
estimated to run, but does not
actually submit job for execution
Running a Batch Program with SBATCH
The command sbatch submits a batch script (it must be a batch script, not any other type) to Slurm that
allocates the job a Job ID and submits it to be scheduled for later execution.
Projects intended to be run in batch mode should proceed through the following steps:
Diagram showing process of submitting a job through sbatch
Once the job is submitted, you will receive this message:
Submitted batch job jobid
You can see the queue at any time using the command squeue. To see the list of jobs you have
submitted, use the command:
squeue --user bronconame
By default, the output is sent to a new file named slurm-jobid.ou. However, you can change this default
by using the parameter -o filename. This will print the output onto the file specified instead of creating
the default.
Since both srun and sbatch submit a job to SLURM for the schedule manager to run, the parameters
for both commands are identical.
For more information about sbatch, the manual for the command can be found at:
Additional Information on Batch Scripts
A batch file is a text script that contains certain commands executed in sequence. Batch scripts enable
the user to run multiple jobs in one command line. There are three parts to a batch script.
The first part is the program that will run the script. For a batch script, this is always:
The second part of the batch script consists of directives for any jobs that are going to be called in the
batch script. These directives tell Slurm the computational resources that the script requires. The
directives use
#SBATCH -parameter
The final part is the actual script, consisting of commands to be run. Run jobs using srun as normal.
You can reference other files and programs within the batch script to run.
Once the batch file is created, you must ensure that the user has permission to execute the script. To
check the permissions of the file, use the command
chmod filename
To give the user permission to execute the file, use the command
chmod +x filename
The most commonly used directives for batch scripts are shown below:
Common Batch Script Directives
Directive Description Example
--job-name=name or -J name Custom job name --job-name=example
--partition=name or -p partition Partition to run on --partition=compute
--nodes=# or -N# Total number of nodes --nodes=1
--ntasks=# or -n#
Number of "tasks". For use
with distributed parallelism.
See below.
--cpus-per-task=# or -c#
# of CPUs allocated to each
task. For use with shared
memory parallelism.
--ntasks-per-node=# Number of "tasks" per node.
For use with distributed
parallelism. See below.
--time=[[DD-]HH:]MM:SS or -t
Maximum walltime of the job
in Days-Hours:Minutes:Sec
10 minutes
--mem=# Memory requested per node
in MB
Copying Files From Your Local Machine To the HPC
Using WinSCP or FileZilla
Log on with your bronconame and the cluster hostname: hpc.cpp.edu . Use the graphical interface to
drag and drop files from local machine to the HPC. Alternatively, you may use your preferred FTP
NOTE: After copying a file, use command chmod +x filename to establish appropriate
executable permissions
Available Languages and Resources
A variety of software is installed on the cluster for student and faculty use, including but not limited to:
Available Languages and Resources
Python Java R Keras Pandas
Bioperl Conda Pycuda Singularity Tensorflow
In order to see which libraries are available on specific nodes, start an interactive session (see
Running a Program for more information) and type:
module avail
The following is an initial list of HPC best practices and pointers to appropriate CSU and CPP policies.
These policies & best practices are subject to change. Please refer to the appropriate websites for updates.
HPC Best Practices
Users of the HPC are expected to adhere to the following set of “HPC Cluster Best Practices”, which
are intended to ensure stable and reliable operation of this shared resource.
1) The CPP HPC Cluster is a resource for academic research and instruction only.
2) Users are forbidden from accessing any data or programs for which they do not have
specific authorization.
3) The HPC mass storage system is not intended for long term storage or backup of data. User
data is not backed up to an external system and no data recovery services are available, so
users are expected to make external copies of any data used or generated on the system.
4) Users are also expected to delete data or programs from the HPC cluster once it is no
longer needed.
5) Users are requested to acknowledge the use of the HPC cluster in their research
publications. A sample acknowledgement is as follows:
CSU System-wide IT and IT Security Policies
Users of computer systems within the CSU system are required to follow system-wide IT and IT
Security policies. The most recent versions of these policies may be found at:
This is a searchable page of all CSU-wide policies. To start, enter keyword “Information” to see an
initial list of IT and IT Security related systemwide policies.
Cal Poly Pomona IT and IT Security Policies
In addition to the CSU system-wide policies, Cal Poly Pomona currently has campus-specific IT policies
covering Appropriate Use of IT devices and use of the Web for publishing. These may be found at:
Users are requested to acknowledge the use of the HPC cluster in their research publications.
A sample acknowledgement is as follows:
“This work used the High Performance Computing Cluster and the Mass Storage
System at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, which was supported in part
by the university and NSF grant MRI-1828644.”
You are now ready to get started with the Cal Poly Pomona HPC system. If you have any additional
questions please feel free to contact the support team by sending email to the [email protected]
address. Additional assistance may be acquired through our HPC support form.