Installation and Administration Guide
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Table of contents
Getting started 5
Setting up a working system 5
Customizing the system to your needs 5
Software and hardware requirements 6
Deploying Dragon Medical One 8
The Windows Installer 8
XCOPY deployment 9
Configuring Dragon Medical One 11
Configuring the organization token 11
Providing different configurations for a single stand-alone deployment 11
Configuring the default settings 11
Enabling basic text controls 16
Configuring timeout for end users 17
Configuring Dragon Medical Advisor 18
Disabling PowerMic Mobile support 19
Configuring the speech recognition topic/specialty 19
Configuring microphones 20
Disabling the crash dump notification to end users 20
Disabling registration of the Microsoft Word add-in 20
Customizing the splash screen 21
Configuring the user interface color theme 21
Deploying Dragon Medical One in a virtualized environment 22
Supported virtualized environments 22
Edit control visibility 23
Nuance virtual extensions 24
Server runtime requirements 25
Deployment options 26
Logging 26
Dragon Medical One command line 27
Starting Dragon Medical One from the command line 27
Logging off and closing Dragon Medical One from the command line 28
Enabling and disabling WPF support from the command line 28
Nuance Management Center 30
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Prerequisites for running NMC 30
Launching NMC 30
Licensing 30
Groups 30
Logging 32
Log file location 32
Setting the logging level 32
User authentication 33
No authentication 33
Native authentication 33
LDAP authentication 34
NMS call forwarder/local authenticator 34
On-premise NMS 35
Trusted authentication 36
Auto-texts 37
Defining an auto-text in NMC 37
Configuring the auto-text filter 38
Setting an auto-text filter in NMC 38
Voice commands 40
Managing the Vocabulary 41
Adding a word in NMC 41
Google Chrome 42
Architecture 42
Installation 42
Documentation 44
System administrators 44
End users 44
Nuance Healthcare ID 45
Registering the Nuance Healthcare ID 45
Activating the Nuance Healthcare IDfor an app 45
Dragon Medical Connect 47
Dragon Medical One Desktop Application 47
DragonMedical Network Edition 47
Third-party applications only 48
Coherence mode 49
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Scenario 49
Prerequisites 49
Procedure 49
Results 50
Running both instances 50
PowerMic Mobile 50
Using Dragon Medical One with Mac 51
Accessing Dragon Medical One as a published virtual application 51
Running Windows on macOS 51
Running Windows in native mode on Mac hardware 51
Supported languages 52
Troubleshooting 53
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Getting started
Welcome to the Dragon Medical One Desktop Application and Installation and Administration Guide.
Setting up a working system
The following steps are required to set up a working Dragon Medical One system:
1. Make sure you fulfill all software and hardware requirements. For more information, see: Software and
hardware requirements and Deploying in a virtual environment.
Dragon Medical One requires access to Dragon Medical Server ( via port 443; make
sure your firewall does not block this port.
DM Direct requires access to the Nuance Management Server ( via port 443; make
sure your firewall does not block this port.
If your system is set up to use the PowerMic Mobile feature, Dragon Medical One requires access to the
PowerMic Mobile Hub ( via port 443; make sure your firewall does not block
this port.
Deploy Dragon Medical One. The following options are available:
Deploy Dragon Medical One using the Windows Installer (MSI package).
Deploy Dragon Medical One via XCOPY deployment (manually copy the package to the destination
6. Configure the organization token in the SoD.exe.config file.
Customizing the system to your needs
Dragon Medical One offers a wide range of options to customize the system to your users' needs. The following
customization options are available:
Configuring the speech recognition topic
Providing different configurations for a single stand-alone deployment
Configuring microphones
Configuring Dragon Medical Advisor
Disabling the crash dump notification to end users
Disabling registration of the Microsoft Word add-in
Disabling PowerMic Mobile support
Configuring the user authentication
Customizing the splash screen
Starting Dragon Medical One from the command line
Configuring logging
Defining auto-texts and configuring auto-text filters
Configuring step-by-step commands
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Software and hardware requirements
Dragon Medical One supports the following hardware and software.
Be aware that not all configurations have been tested. For more information, contact Nuance Healthcare
technical support.
Operating systems
n 32-bit: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Make sure that the latest service pack is always
n 64-bit: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
R2 and Windows Server 2016. Make sure that the latest service pack is always applied.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher) is required.
In Microsoft Windows 8.1 and 10, you can only use Dragon Medical One in the desktop environment, the
Microsoft design language-based user interface (Start screen) is not supported.
If you are working with Microsoft Server 2008 R2, make sure you have the following hotfix applied:
Processor speed
n Minimum: 1.7 Ghz
n Recommended: 2.8 Ghz
n Minimum: 512 MB
n Recommended: 2 GB
Web browsers
For the personalization and help window:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. In the Internet Options, make sure that cookies are enabled.
Text editors
n TX Text Control 12 to 25, .NET
n Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016
n Microsoft Rich Text controls (including .NET Forms)
n Ter32, Ter13-Ter17 and Ter21-Ter23
n Dragon Medical One Dictation Box
n WPF standard text controls
Restrictions: Speech focus anchoring is not supported.
n TX Text Control .NET for WPF 25 supported via Microsoft UI Automation
Restrictions: Speech focus anchoring is not supported; text formatting can only be applied via standard
keyboard shortcuts (for example, Ctrl + B).
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Any microphone that can record audio data in 16 kHz, 16 bit mono format.
To work with Dragon Medical One in hands-free mode, using a foot pedal in combination with a microphone, you
must make changes to the Registry on your workstation. If you are working in a virtual environment, you must
modify the registry settings on the virtual server for every Windows user that will be used to run Dragon Medical
One. For more information, contact Nuance Technical Support.
Virtual environments
For information on supported virtualization environments, see: Deploying Dragon Medical One Desktop
Application in a virtual desktop/application environment.
End-of-life: Third-party environments
Support for third-party environments is only valid as long as they are supported by the corresponding vendor and
might be subject to other restrictions. Contact Nuance Technical Support for details. For more information, see
the documentation delivered with the third-party product and supporting Nuance documentation.
When standard support by the vendor has stopped, Nuance will continue support if an issue is specific to the
Nuance solution, within the limitations of the vendor’s standard end-of-life and Nuance's policy. This means that
issues that are a combination of the vendor’s component and the Nuance solution cannot be supported.
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Deploying Dragon Medical One
The following options are available to deploy Dragon Medical One:
Deploy Dragon Medical One using the Windows Installer (MSI package).
Deploy Dragon Medical One via XCOPY deployment (manually copy the package to the destination path).
We recommend deploying Dragon Medical One to a local folder. During runtime, Dragon Medical One frequently
accesses files that are part of the deployment; loading those files from a network share would have a severe
impact on performance.
For information on how to deploy Dragon Medical One in a virtual desktop/application environment, see:
Deploying in a virtual environment.
The Windows Installer
The MSI package provided is command line-only; no installation wizard is available.
To customize the installation, set all mandatory parameters and any optional parameters you want, or use the
CONFIGTEMPLATE parameter to deploy a configuration file containing all relevant settings (this is the
recommended option). Values for parameters must be in double quotes.
Application binaries are by default installed to the following location: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Nuance\Dragon Medical One
To support uninstallation, an entry is created in the Control Panel, Programs and Features window.
Mandatory parameters
The full URL of the Nuance-hosted Dragon Medical Server: ""
The organization token assigned to the organization you are deploying to.
Currently only English (IETF language tag: en-US) is supported. For more information, see: Supported
A list of speech recognition topics that the end user can select from on the startup screen. Separate values
with the pipe character: |
For more information, see: Configuring the speech recognition topic.
Optional parameters
The full path to the configuration file containing all relevant settings. If this parameter is specified, all other
command line parameters provided by Dragon Medical One are ignored (you can still use OEMSPLASHSCREEN
For more information, see Configuring Dragon Medical One.
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The deployment location. If this parameter is not set, the default location is used.
The custom splash screen overlay. The specified file is copied to the deployment location. Required size:
320x130 pixels; required format: PNG.
The user authentication type; for more information, see: User authentication.
The location of the log file. To prevent environment variables from being expanded when the setup is
executed, the percent sign must be escaped by the ^ character and no quotes must be used; for example,
For more information, see: Logging.
The log level; for more information, see: Logging.
A list of microphones the end user is allowed to use. Separate values with the pipe character: |
For more information, see: Configuring Dragon Medical One.
Enables/disables the PowerMic Mobile feature. Possible values: Yes, No. If this parameter is not set, the
feature is enabled by default.
Enables/disables support for standard WPF text controls. Possible values: Yes, No. If this parameter is not
set, the feature is disabled by default.
For more information, see: Enabling and disabling WPF support from the command line.
msiexec /i Standalone.msi SERVERURL=""
msiexec /i Standalone.msi CONFIGTEMPLATE="C:\<path>\SoD.exe.config"
XCOPY deployment
To deploy Dragon Medical One using XCOPY, do the following:
Download the installation package.
Depending on your Group Policy security settings, Microsoft Windows marks downloaded files as unsafe.
Unblock the downloaded ZIP file, if necessary, to allow .NET to execute properly when the application is
started: Right-click the ZIP file and select Properties; on the General tab, click Unblock and Apply.
Extract all files.
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Customize the SoD.exe.config file template to configure the Dragon Medical One application. For more
information, see: Configuring Dragon Medical One.
5. Make the Standalone folder available to your end users.
Upgrading using XCOPY
When an upgrade package is available, be sure to make it available to your end users.
Make sure you save the existing application configuration file before the upgrade to keep your customized
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Configuring Dragon Medical One
Configuring the organization token
To set the organization token for Dragon Medical One, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, OrganizationToken setting, specify the organization token.
Providing different configurations for a single stand-alone deployment
To provide a single stand-alone package of Dragon Medical One to different user groups using different
configuration settings, do the following:
1. Deploy Dragon Medical One using the Windows Installer (MSI package) or via XCOPY deployment.
Create a new XML file containing only the configuration settings that are different from the settings in the
SoD.exe.config file.
3. Start Dragon Medical One from the command line and use the config parameter to specify the path to this
XML file. The settings in this file will override the settings specified in the SoD.exe.config file.
For a list of setting elements you can specify, see the SoD.Settings section in the SoD.exe.config file. The
elements must be stated exactly as they are in the SoD.exe.config file.
The setting elements that you add to the SoD.DefaultOptions section will override the default settings.
For example (mandatory XML elements and structure in bold):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<setting name="Authentication" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Microphone.Record" serializeAs="String" isLocked="True">
n Dragon Medical One will access the XML file during startup; hosting the file on a network share can impact
startup performance.
Configuring the default settings
Dragon Medical One enables you to configure the default settings that the user logs on with. By default, the user
can change all settings in the Options dialog box; you can lock specific settings to prevent the user from
changing them.
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Proceed as follows:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.DefaultOptions section, configure the default options:
Specify the setting elements that you want to customize. For a list of setting identifiers and their
corresponding values, see the table below.
In the setting elements that you want to lock, add the isLocked attribute and set the value to True.
<setting name="Hotkeys.NextField" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Hotkeys.PreviousField" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Microphone.Record" serializeAs="String" isLocked="True">
The following table lists the setting identifiers, their descriptions, possible values and the default values the
application is delivered with (the setting identifier has the following
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Setting identifier Setting description
Decides if the speech focus should be anchored
when recording is started.
Values: True, False (default)
Decides if visual feedback should be provided when
a voice command is recognized and specifies where
the voice command bubble should be anchored.
Values: None, DragonBar (default), Mouse, Text,
Decides if audio feedback should be provided when
a voice command is recognized.
Values: True, False (default)
Configures the left embedded field delimiter.
Values: [ (default)
Configures the right embedded field delimiter.
Values: ] (default)
Decides if the text should be inserted at the current
cursor position when the position of the cursor is
changed manually during recording.
Values: True, False (default)
Configures the text transfer method.
Values: ShiftInsert (default), CtrlV,
WindowsPaste, SimulateKeystrokes
Decides if the text should be transferred from the
Dictation Box when recording is stopped.
Values: True, False (default)
Decides if the transferred text should be cleared
from the Dictation Box.
Values: True (default), False
Decides if the transferred text should be kept on the
Values: True, False (default)
Decides if the text selected in the target application
should be added to the Dictation Box.
Values: True, False (default)
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Setting identifier Setting description
Decides if the Dictation Box should be shown when
the DragonBar is minimized.
Values: True (default), False
Decides if an audio alert should be played when the
Dictation Box opens automatically.
Values: True, False (default)
Configures the text appearance.
Values: Plain (default), Formatted
Configures the font type.
Default value: Arial
Configures the font size.
Default value: 10
Configures the hotkeys used to show/hide the
Default value: CtrlALTH
Configures the hotkeys used to start/stop recording.
Default value: NUM-Add
Configures the hotkeys used to anchor/release the
speech focus.
Default value: CtrlALTA
Configures the hotkeys used to show/hide the
Dictation Box.
Default value: CtrlALTD
Configures the hotkeys used to transfer the text
from the Dictation Box.
Default value: CtrlALTT
Configures the hotkeys used to clear the Dictation
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to recall the text.
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to navigate to the
previous field in an auto-text.
Default value: none
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Setting identifier Setting description
Configures the hotkeys used to navigate to the next
field in an auto-text.
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to accept a field’s
default text.
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to accept the default
text in all fields.
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to open Dragon
Medical Advisor.
Default value: none
Configures the hotkeys used to close Dragon
Medical Advisor.
Default value: none
Configures the Record button's behavior.
Values: Toggle, PressAndHold (default)
Configures the Transcribe button's behavior.
Values: none, ClearDictationBox, RecallText,
TransferText (default),
ShowHideDragonBar, ShowHideDictationBox,
NextField, PreviousField, AcceptDefaults,
FieldComplete, PressHotkey, OpenDMAWindow,
Configures the Enter/Select button's behavior.
Values: none, ClearDictationBox, RecallText,
TransferText, AnchorReleaseSpeechFocus,
ShowHideDragonBar, ShowHideDragonBar
(default), NextField, PreviousField,
AcceptDefaults, FieldComplete, PressHotkey,
OpenDMAWindow, CloseDMAWindow
Configures the Custom Right button's behavior.
Values: none, ClearDictationBox, RecallText,
TransferText, AnchorReleaseSpeechFocus,
ShowHideDragonBar, ShowHideDictationBox
(default), NextField, PreviousField,
AcceptDefaults, FieldComplete, PressHotkey,
OpenDMAWindow, CloseDMAWindow
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Setting identifier Setting description
Configures the Tab Backward button's behavior.
Values: none, ClearDictationBox, RecallText,
TransferText, AnchorReleaseSpeechFocus,
ShowHideDragonBar, ShowHideDictationBox,
NextField, PreviousField (default),
AcceptDefaults, FieldComplete, PressHotkey,
OpenDMAWindow, CloseDMAWindow
Configures the Tab Forward button's behavior.
Values: none, ClearDictationBox, RecallText,
TransferText, AnchorReleaseSpeechFocus,
ShowHideDragonBar, ShowHideDictationBox,
NextField (default), PreviousField,
AcceptDefaults, FieldComplete, PressHotkey,
OpenDMAWindow, CloseDMAWindow
Note: A hotkey value can be specified as a sequence of keys, either separated by spaces and/or plus signs or
joined; for example, Ctrl + ALT + H, Ctrl ALT H or CtrlALTH.
Enabling basic text controls
Basic text controls are applications and text editors which are not fully supported by Dragon Medical One. By
default, if a user is working with a text control that Dragon Medical One cannot directly write the text in, the
Dictation Box opens automatically and the text is written there. To enable dictation at the cursor in basic text
controls, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, BasicTextControls setting, specify all basic text controls the user can work with.
A basic text control is defined as a WindowClass element specific to a process. If you don't define
WindowClass elements for a process, all window classes of that process are used as basic text controls. If you
define a wildcard character (*) for a process, all specified WindowClass elements are used as basic text
controls, independent of the process.
Example (by default, the BasicTextControls setting is empty):
<setting name="BasicTextControls" serializeAs="String"
<ProcessName name="Process_1">
<ProcessName name="Process_2">
<ProcessName name="*">
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Configuring the text transfer method for basic text controls
By default, the text is inserted in the basic text controls via SimulateKeystrokes; other possible text transfer
methods are ShiftInsert, CtrlV and WindowsPaste. Dragon Medical One enables you to configure the text
transfer method for all the basic text controls of a process or for specific basic text controls.
Proceed as follows:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, BasicTextControls setting, configure the text transfer method:
To apply the setting to all window classes of the process, add the textTransferMethod attribute in the
ProcessName element and set the value.
To apply the setting on a window class level, add the textTransferMethod attribute in the
WindowClass element and set the value. The attribute that you set in the WindowClass element will
override the ProcessName text transfer method.
<setting name="BasicTextControls" serializeAs="String"
<ProcessName name="*" textTransferMethod="ShiftInsert">
<WindowClass textTransferMethod="SimulateKeystrokes">Sample_class_
<ProcessName name="Process_1">
<WindowClass textTransferMethod="CtrlV">Sample_class_1</WindowClass>
Configuring timeout for end users
You can configure Dragon Medical One to automatically log a user off, if they have not worked with the
application for the specified period of time. When a user is logged off automatically any unsaved changes are
By default, this setting is empty and a user is never logged off automatically, no matter how long they do not use
Dragon Medical One.
Proceed as follows:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, AutoLogOffTimeout setting, set the time period in minutes. Range: 5-120 minutes.
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<setting name="AutoLogOffTimeout" serializeAs="String"
If the user does not work with Dragon Medical One for more than 10 minutes, they are logged off.
Configuring Dragon Medical Advisor
Dragon Medical Advisor automatically analyzes Dragon Medical One users' text and suggests additional detail.
These recommendations help improve the completeness and ICD-10 coding compliance of your documentation.
Dragon Medical Advisor works for all ambulatory and inpatient EHRs.
Make sure Dragon Medical One has access to the server running the Advisor Service (https://<your_
prefix> via port 443; your firewall must not block this port.
Disabling auto-processing
Dragon Medical Advisor regularly analyzes the dictated text and informs the user when advice is available. When
auto-processing is disabled, users must manually refresh Dragon Medical Advisor to display new advice. To
disable auto-processing for your organization, do the following:
1. In NMC, open the Organizations ribbon.
2. In the Organizations group, click Search and search for your organization.
3. Select your organization in the list of search results and click Manage.
4. In the Organizations group, click Details.
5. Open the Products tab and click Dragon Medical Advisor.
6. Clear the Auto-processing enabled check box.
7. Click Save.
Disabling Dragon Medical Advisor
To disable Dragon Medical Advisor completely, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, add the setting EnableAdvisor and specify as follows:
<setting name="EnableAdvisor" serializeAs="String">
Configuring Dragon Medical Advisor to open automatically
You can configure Dragon Medical One to automatically open the Dragon Medical Advisor window once per day
or once per logon session, the first time advice is generated via auto-processing. You can also specify the
number of days this behavior is applied for.
Proceed as follows:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.DefaultOptions section, configure the behavior of the Dragon Medical Advisor window:
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Add the setting DMA.AutoOpen and specify if the Dragon Medical Advisor window will automatically
open once per day (value:1) or once per logon session (value:2). To disable the automatic opening of
the Dragon Medical Advisor window, set the value to 0.
Add the setting DMA.AutoOpenDays and specify for how many days the Dragon Medical Advisor
window will automatically open.
<setting name="DMA.AutoOpen" serializeAs="String" isLocked="True">
<setting name="DMA.AutoOpenDays" serializeAs="String" isLocked="True">
Note: When the number of days set via DMA.AutoOpenDays is reached, the Dragon Medical Advisor
window must be opened manually or via voice command.
Disabling PowerMic Mobile support
The PowerMic Mobile feature enables users to use their mobile devices as a microphone. If your system is set
up to use this feature, users can select PowerMic Mobile from the list of available microphones during logon. To
hide PowerMic Mobile from the list, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, EnablePowerMicMobile setting, set the value to False.
Note: This setting will only disable the installation-free PowerMic Mobile feature. If a user has installed the
corresponding components of PowerMic Mobile on their mobile device and on the desktop, their device will
still be available in the list.
Configuring the speech recognition topic/specialty
To configure the speech recognition topic for Dragon Medical One, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, SupportedTopics setting, specify the speech recognition topic.
If you want to present a list of available speech recognition topics to the end user, specify all supported speech
recognition topics in the setting and separate them with the pipe (|) character (for example,
GeneralMedicine|Surgery). The end user is then able to choose a topic when they start the application.
Supported speech recognition topics
The following topics are available:
GeneralMedicine, ClinicalAdministration, Cardiology, Emergency, InternalMedicine,
MentalHealth, Neurology, ObstetricsAndGynecology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, Pathology,
Pediatrics, Surgery.
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Configuring microphones
To configure the microphones the end user is allowed to use in Dragon Medical One, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, AllowedMicrophones setting, specify all microphones the end user is allowed to use
and separate them with the pipe (|) character.
When the end user starts the application, the list of connected microphones is filtered based on this setting. If
you do not configure this setting, the end user can choose from all connected microphones.
Note: Unless PowerMic Mobile support has been disabled, PowerMic Mobile devices are always available
regardless of this setting.
Disabling the crash dump notification to end users
When Dragon Medical One shuts down unexpectedly, crash dump information is saved. The next time the user
starts the application, they are informed that log files containing information about the crash are available and
can be sent to their system administrator for analysis.
We recommend that you ask your users to send crash dump files to you; send the files, along with an error report
if possible, to Nuance Technical Support for further analysis.
If you do not want your users to receive this crash dump notification, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, EnableCrashNotification setting, set the value to False.
Disabling registration of the Microsoft Word add-in
When starting Dragon Medical One calls the regsvr32.exe executable to register the Microsoft Word add-in. To
disable registration of the Microsoft Word add-in, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, add the setting RegisterWordAddIn and specify as follows:
<setting name="RegisterWordAddIn" serializeAs="String">
Note: This configuration setting is optional.
Registering the Microsoft Word add-in for individual users
If registration of the Microsoft Word add-in is disabled, you can enable it for an individual user. Log on to the
corresponding user account and run the following command:
regsvr32.exe /s SoD.WordAddin.dll
If a user works with a 64-bit version of Microsoft Word, run the following command:
regsvr32.exe /s SoD.WordAddin_x64.dll
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Note: If you update Dragon Medical One, you must run the corresponding command again.
Customizing the splash screen
You can lay a custom image over the Dragon Medical One splash screen; the overlay image will be placed in the
lower left corner of the splash screen.
Size: 320x130 pixels
Format: PNG
File name: SoD.OEM.png
ClickOnce: The deployment location (same location as the application package)
Stand-alone: The application directory (same location as the configuration file)
Configuring the user interface color theme
By default this setting is empty and the Blue (default theme) is used. To configure the color theme for Dragon
Medical One, do the following:
Open the SoD.exe.config file.
2. In the SoD.Settings, DefaultTheme setting, specify the theme identifier (Blue, Light, Dark):
<setting name="DefaultTheme" serializeAs="String">
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Deploying Dragon Medical One in a virtualized
Dragon Medical One can be deployed as a virtualized application or on a virtual desktop. The speech recognition
is performed in secure Nuance data centers; Dragon Medical One has a small resource footprint on the
application/desktop virtualization server.
Supported virtualized environments
Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop
Citrix server
n One of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
n One of the following Citrix virtualization environments:
Citrix XenApp 6.5 and 7.x
Citrix XenDesktop 7.x (latest version tested: Citrix XenDesktop 7.15)
Client PC
n One of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 10
For information on supported Linux operating systems, see: Thin clients.
n Citrix Receiver 4.3 or higher (latest version tested: Citrix Receiver 4.9)
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS)
Terminal Server
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n One of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Client PC
n One of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 10
n Microsoft Remote Desktop Client using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 7.x or higher
For Nuance RDS Audio Extension and Nuance PowerMic RDS Client Extension the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) transport must be disabled on RDP 8.1 and RDP 10 clients. RDP 8.1 is preinstalled on
Windows 8.1 and installed by Microsoft Update on Windows 7 and 8. RDP 10 is preinstalled on Windows
To disable UDP transport, add the following registry value to the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client, then
restart the PC:
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
DWORD Value: DisableUDPTransport = 1
VMware Horizon View/RDSH
VMware Horizon View/RDSH server
n VMware Horizon View/RDSH 6
Client PC
n One of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 10
n VMware Horizon Client 3.5.2 for Windows
Edit control visibility
To write recognized text directly in the target application (instead of the Dictation Box), Dragon Medical One
must be able to directly access the application's edit controls. To enable this, Dragon Medical One must be co-
installed and published with the target application.
This means the following:
n If you are using a virtual desktop solution, where all target applications are installed and run locally in the
virtual desktop, Dragon Medical One must be installed in the virtual desktop image.
n If you are virtualizing applications that are accessed by a viewer or remote desktop application on a local
workstation, make sure that Dragon Medical One and the virtualized applications will be launched in the
same remote session.
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Nuance virtual extensions
High quality audio is required for accurate speech recognition. Regardless of the virtualization technology and
architecture, you must be able to deliver audio from the client workstation/terminal to the Dragon Medical One
application in the virtual environment.
The Nuance virtual extensions package provides custom audio channels to reduce the audio bandwidth
requirements between the client end point and the virtualized application. The custom audio channels require 28
kbit/s for each user while they are dictating (native audio channels often require up to 1.4 Mbit/s).
VMware environments:Install the server/virtual desktop component of the Nuance VMware Audio Extension
on the server/virtual desktop hosting the application. Install the client component on the client PC.
Microsoft RDS environments:Install the server/virtual desktop component of the Nuance RDS Audio
Extension on the server/virtual desktop hosting the application. Install the client component on the client PC.
Citrix environments:Dragon Medical One already integrates the server/virtual desktop component of the Citrix
audio channel.Install only the Nuance Citrix Client Audio Extension on the client PC.
For more information, see the Docs & Guidelines folder of the Nuance virtual extensions package.
Thin clients
To use the custom audio channel in a thin client environment, the client component of the corresponding Nuance
virtual extension must be installed on the thin client. The following thin clients are supported:
Model/manufacturer Operating system/firmware requirements
Citrix Various Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7
Citrix IGEL UD2 LX LX 5.08.100
Citrix IGEL UD3 LX LX 5.08.100
Citrix IGEL UD5 LX LX 5.08.100
Citrix Fujitsu Futro S450 eLux RP 4.9.0
Citrix Fujitsu Futro
eLux RP 5.1.x (Philips SpeechMike button controls have not been
tested - Philips Speech Drivers for Citrix are not included in this
firmware version.)
Citrix HP t610 eLux RP 4.4.0
Backward compatibility
The Nuance virtual extensions are designed to be backward compatible from the server/virtual desktop
component to the client end point. This means that you can run newer versions of the server/virtual desktop
component in your virtual environment and they will work with older versions of the corresponding client end
point extension with the following restrictions:
n New server virtual extensions are backward compatible with the corresponding end point virtual extensions
for up to one year.
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n RDS and VMware environments: When upgrading Dragon Medical One, you must also upgrade the
server/virtual desktop extension to the latest version.
n It is recommended to upgrade the client end point extension to the latest version.
Note:For Citrix environments, the server/virtual desktop component of the Nuance Citrix Audio extension is
integrated in Dragon Medical One.
Microphone controls
The Nuance virtual extensions package provides custom PowerMic control channels to redirect PowerMic button
presses to the virtualized Dragon Medical One instance.
Citrix environments: Install the server/virtual desktop component of the Nuance PowerMic Citrix Extension on
the server/virtual desktop hosting the application. Install the client component on the client PC.
RDS and VMware environments:Dragon Medical One already integrates the server/virtual desktop
component of the PowerMic button channel. Install only the corresponding client component on the client PC.
Redistributable packages for Philips, Grundig and Olympus devices are also available.
For more information, see the Docs & Guidelines folder of the Nuance virtual extensions package.
Server runtime requirements
Audio transmission between the end point and the virtualized application/virtual desktop: If the Nuance custom
audio channel is used, expect 28 kbit/s per active user; if the native virtual audio channel is used, expect up to
1.4 Mbit/s per active user.
Audio transmission between the virtualized application/virtual desktop and the Dragon Medical system: Expect
80 kbit/s per active user.
Network latency between the client PC and the virtualized application/virtual desktop must not exceed 50 ms.
Network latency between the virtualized application/virtual desktop and the Dragon Medical system must not
exceed 200 ms.
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The Dragon application’s memory usage, when in use, will fluctuate (increase and decrease based on user
behavior and Microsoft Windows memory management behavior). For sizing and planning purposes we estimate
memory utilization of 220 MB (full working set), of which approximately 70 MB (shared working set) are shared
between all instances of the SoD.exe process on the same machine the real physical memory impact therefore
is approximately 150 MB per instance.
Due to the many factors that can have an impact on CPU usage (processor speed, number of cores assigned to
a given virtual instance, etc.), exact guidelines cannot be given. In general, the CPU requirements for the
virtualized sod.exe executable are very low. As Dragon Medical One leverages Nuance’s cloud-based speech
recognition services, the local client performs very light-weight duties such as streaming speech and inserting
recognition results.
With modern multi-core CPU architecture and provided that a given virtual session has been assigned at least
one core, Dragon Medical One consumes between 1% and 3% of the available CPU per user session while the
user is dictating.
Deployment options
The following options are available to deploy Dragon Medical One in a virtual desktop/application environment:
Deploy Dragon Medical One using the Windows Installer (MSI package).
Deploy Dragon Medical One via XCOPY deployment (manually copy the package to the destination path).
In a virtual desktop/application environment, we recommend configuring a user-specific folder as the log file
location; for example, %APPDATA%.
If you deploy Dragon Medical One using the Windows Installer, you can specify the location of the log file via the
LOGFILEPATH parameter. For more information, see: Windows Installer.
If you deploy Dragon Medical One via XCOPY deployment, you can specify the location of the log file in the
log4net section of the SoD.exe.config file (use the following syntax to specify environment variables:
<appender name="TheSoDAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="${APPDATA}\SoD.log"/>
For more information, see: Logging.
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Dragon Medical One command line
Starting Dragon Medical One from the command line
You can configure the stand-alone Dragon Medical One package so that your users do not need to log on
separately to the application. By starting Dragon Medical One with the mandatory parameters specified, the
logon dialog box will not be shown and any logged on user will be automatically logged off.
Note: Make sure you specify the full path to the application; using the short 8.3 form of the path will cause
Dr. Chris Smith speaks with an American English accent, works in the field of general medicine and records
using a SpeechMike III.
SoD.exe -user "chrissmith" -lang "en-US" -topic "GeneralMedicine" -mic "SpeechMike III"
When Dr. Smith logs on to a PC, Dragon Medical One is available, in the notification area, with their preferred
settings applied.
The speech recognition user profile name.
This parameter is mandatory; you must specify the user before any of the other parameters are applied.
If trusted authentication is enabled, Dragon Medical One will ignore this parameter.
The speech recognition language.
This parameter is mandatory; you must specify the language as an IETF language tag. For more
information, see: Supported languages. Currently only English (IETF language tag: en-US) is supported.
The speech recognition topic (medical specialty). For a list of available topic names, see: Configuring the
speech recognition topic.
If only one topic is specified in the configuration file and this parameter is not set, this topic will be selected
automatically and Dragon Medical One will start without displaying the logon dialog box.
If more than one topic is specified in the configuration file and this parameter is not set, Dragon Medical One
will start without displaying the logon dialog box and will use the topic the user last logged on with. If the user
has not logged on successfully before, or if the topic the user last logged on with is no longer available, the
logon dialog box is opened and the user must select a topic manually.
The microphone identifier.
This parameter is mandatory. If you do not know the exact microphone identifier, you can specify part of the
name, for example, "SpeechMike". If only one connected microphone contains the specified string in its
name, this microphone will be used. If no connected microphone or more than one connected microphone
contains the specified string in its name, the logon dialog box is opened and the user must select a
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If you have configured a list of allowed microphones, the mic parameter is optional. Dragon Medical One
will go through the allowed microphones, in the order that you listed them, and use the first specified
microphone it finds that is connected. If you specify the mic parameter, this microphone must be included in
the list of allowed microphones.
The user's password.
If trusted authentication is enabled, Dragon Medical One will ignore this parameter.
Disables the splash screen.
The path to the XML file containing custom configuration settings. For more information, see: Configuring
Dragon Medical One.
Logging off and closing Dragon Medical One from the command line
You can configure the stand-alone Dragon Medical One package so that your users do not need to log off or
close the application manually.
Logs off the currently logged on user. This parameter is exclusive and cannot be used together with other
If trusted authentication is enabled, this parameter is ignored by Dragon Medical One.
Shuts down the currently running instance of Dragon Medical One. This parameter is exclusive and cannot
be used together with other parameters.
Enabling and disabling WPF support from the command line
Dragon Medical One provides built-in support for applications based on Windows Presentation Foundation
(WPF) TextBox class text controls. You need to enable WPF only if your users cannot dictate at the cursor in
these applications.
You can enable/disable WPF support, for a specific machine, in the stand-alone Dragon Medical One package.
By enabling/disabling WPF support, you will register/deregister a Microsoft Text Services Framework plugin on
the machine that you have deployed to. This operation requires administration rights on that machine. To
perform the registration, Dragon Medical One will attempt to elevate rights; if the rights cannot be elevated you
cannot proceed.
Note: regsvr32.exe will be invoked for this operation.
These parameters are mutually exclusive and will override any other parameters passed to the SoD.exe process
during start-up. For example, passing the parameters during standard logon procedure is not supported and will
cause Dragon Medical One to shut down after registration/deregistration.
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Registers the Text Services Framework (TSF) plugin. To perform the registration, the SoD.exe process will
be started, and once this operation is performed, it will shut down.
You only need to enable WPF support once per deployment or if you change the deployment location.
Deregisters the Text Services Framework (TSF) plugin. To perform the deregistration, the SoD.exe process
will be started, and once this operation is performed, it will shut down.
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Nuance Management Center
The Nuance Management Center (NMC) is the central administration component for Dragon Medical One. NMC
enables you to perform a variety of administration tasks, such as licensing and managing auto-texts, users,
groups and organizations.
For information on how to define auto-texts and set auto-text filters in NMC, see: Auto-texts.
For more information on NMC, see the documentation delivered with the product and the Dragon Medical Server
Note: NMC requires HTTPS access to (port 443);
make sure your firewall does not block this port. This port must be accessible from the workstations used to
access NMC.
Prerequisites for running NMC
n Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari
Launching NMC
1. To access NMC, browse for
To log on for the first time, use the credentials in your welcome kit.
Note: To change your password, click and select Change password.
To monitor licenses, open the Licensing ribbon, click View Licenses and search for the license type. You can
see a summary of license information.
If you need to free licenses, select a row, click Revoke and select user accounts.
When you first log on to NMC the following groups are available:
NMC Administration: For users performing administration tasks in NMC.
Speech Recognition: For users accessing speech recognition.
Note: The Speech Recognition group does not exist until the first end user connects via a Dragon Medical
One client; the group is then automatically created.
Groups are useful for the following:
n Groups can be used to assign the rights to create auto-texts and custom commands to specific users.
n Groups can be used to make certain auto-texts and custom commands available to specific users. To assign
an auto-text or custom command to a group make sure that the Group level is selected when you create an
auto-text or create a custom command.
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Working with groups
To group users who have rights to create auto-texts/custom commands, do the following:
Log on to NMC with your administration credentials.
2. Open the Groups ribbon and click Add.
Select the new group's organization.
4. In the Role field, select NMC Administrator.
5. Base the new group on the existing NMC Administration group and click OK.
6. Enter a Group name and make sure the correct Site is selected.
7. In the Privileges list, select Product Manage Dragon Medical Server.
8. Click Save.
9. Open the Groups ribbon and click Search.
Enter the name of the group you just created and select it in the list of search results.
11. Click Add User Account to Group in the Membership ribbon.
12. To add a user account to the group, enable the check box in the Member column in the corresponding row.
13. Click Save.
To group users of auto-texts/custom commands, do the following:
Log on to NMC with your administration credentials.
2. Open the Groups ribbon and click Add.
Select the new group's organization.
4. In the Role field, select Speech Recognition User and click OK.
5. Enter a Group name and make sure the correct Site is selected.
6. Click Save.
7. Open the Groups ribbon and click Search.
Enter the name of the group you just created and select it in the list of search results.
9. Click Add User Account to Group in the Membership ribbon.
10. To add a user account to the group, enable the check box in the Member column in the corresponding row.
11. Click Save.
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Dragon Medical One creates log files that can help Nuance to analyze issues reported by end users or
administrators. Log files are uploaded to Dragon Medical Server, and a limited amount of information is written
to the local file system of the client PC. The information written to the local file system does not contain any
sensitive data; the amount of data kept on the local PC can be configured and usually spans data for the last few
Log file location
Dragon Medical Server
Dragon Medical Server log file: \\<server_name>\<share>\Logs\<year_month>\<day>\
Dragon Medical SpeechKit log file: \\<server_name>\<share>\Logs\<year_month>\<day>\
Local PC
Local log file (does not contain sensitive data):
Dragon Medical One ClickOnce directory (C:\Users\<User_Name>\AppData\Local\Apps\...)
Dragon Medical One stand-alone directory
Crash dump:
Virtual desktop/application environment
For information on logging in a virtual desktop/application environment, see: Logging in a virtual environment.
Setting the logging level
The log level is set in the log4net section of the SoD.exe.config file. The log level should be set for both logger
names specified in the configuration section:
<logger name="Nuance.SoD.Generic">
<logger name="Nuance.SoD.Text">
The default log level is ERROR which creates the least amount of data. You can change the logging level to one of
the following (amount of data collected in descending order):
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User authentication
There are four options for user authentication when Dragon Medical One is started:
No authentication: The user enters a unique user name to log on and must always use this name.
Native authentication: The user must enter a user name and password provided by the administrator when
logging on. The credentials are checked via the Nuance Management Server (NMS).
LDAP authentication: The user must enter a user name and password to log on. The credentials are
checked via an LDAP server.
Trusted authentication: The user, logged on to Microsoft Windows with the Active Directory user name and
password, is automatically logged on to the application. The credentials are checked via the Nuance
Management Server (NMS).
No authentication
This is the default configuration for authentication. When this type is used, the application prompts the user to
enter a new user name when logging on. A password is not required and it is not possible to use one. NMS loads
the user settings associated with the user name or automatically creates a user profile if a profile for the user
name does not yet exist. The user is granted access to Dragon Medical One and a license is assigned.
In the SoD.exe.config file, SoD.Settings, Authentication setting, specify: <value>none</value>.
When a user logs on to Dragon Medical One, they must enter a new user name and always use this name.
Native authentication
Native authentication sends the user credentials to NMS to authenticate and grant or deny access to Dragon
Medical One. You must create a user account in NMC before the user can log on to Dragon Medical One. This
means that users cannot specify their own user names and passwords.
In the SoD.exe.config file, SoD.Settings, Authentication setting, specify: <value>native</value>.
When a user logs on to Dragon Medical One, they must enter a user name and password that correspond to an
existing user account in NMS.
Configuring password settings
You can define password expiration and complexity criteria via NMC for users of an organization logging on to
Dragon Medical One via native authentication.
Proceed as follows:
1. Search for the organization, right-click it and select Organization details.
2. On the Products tab, open the General tab and expand Password Settings.
Define the criteria.
4. Select Password must meet complexity requirements and click Save.
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LDAP authentication
LDAP authentication sends the user credentials to NMS to authenticate the user against an LDAP server hosted
in your organization and grant or deny access to Dragon Medical One. To successfully authenticate against an
LDAP server, NMS must be hosted in the same organization domain. You can host a full NMS instance or
facilitate an NMS call forwarder or local authenticator to connect Dragon Medical One to NMS.
Using the local authenticator instead of the call forwarder improves performance. All calls from Dragon Medical
One to NMS go through the call forwarder; the local authenticator enables local clients to authenticate against
an LDAP server while all other calls go directly to NMS.
NMS call forwarder/local authenticator
Deploying an NMS call forwarder/local authenticator
To deploy the NMS call forwarder/local authenticator, you must create an organization token connecting the call
forwarder/local authenticator to your NMS organization. Proceed as follows:
Browse for the organization details of your organization.
2. Open the Organization Tokens tab and add a new token.
To deploy the on-premise NMS call forwarder/local authenticator (providing this organization token), do the
Install the call forwarder/local authenticator using the organization token generated above.
In the SoD.exe.config file, check that the NMS organization token and the NMS URL are correct.
Configuring Dragon Medical One
In the SoD.exe.config file, SoD.Settings, Authentication setting, specify <value>ldap</value> if you use
the NMS call forwarder, or <value>ldaplocal</value> if you use the NMS local authenticator.
Configuring your NMS organization (in the Nuance-hosted NMC)
To connect Dragon Medical One with your on-premise call forwarder/local authenticator, do the following:
Browse for the organization details of your organization.
2. Open the Products tab and expand Dragon Medical Server.
3. In the NMS on-premise server URL field, enter the URL of the on-premise NMS call forwarder/local
authenticator including the port that hosts the authentication interface on the call forwarder/local
authenticator: <>, and click Save.
4. Open the Domains tab, click Add and enter the name and the LDAP Active Directory connection string, and
click Save.
To configure a user account, do the following:
1. Search for the user account, right-click it and select User Account Details.
2. Open the Credentials tab.
3. On the NTLM tab, click Add; the User name and Organization Name already filled out.
4. From the Domain list, select the domain added above.
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5. In the Login field, enter the LDAP login ID.
6. Click Save.
Note: If users already exist in NMS with a different NMS login ID, the Active Directory login ID and NMS
login ID need to be connected: User Account Details, Credentials tab, Token tab, Add button - enter the
Active Directory login ID.
On-premise NMS
This procedure assumes that you have set up a full NMS instance in your organization. It guides you through
connecting the NMS instance to your LDAP server.
Configuring your NMS organization (in your on-premise NMC)
To connect your on-premise NMS instance to the LDAP server, do the following:
1. Search for the organization, right-click it and select Organization details.
2. Open the Domains tab and click Add.
Enter the domain name and the Active Directory connection string.
4. Click Save.
To configure a user account, do the following:
1. Search for the user account, right-click it and select User Account Details.
2. Open the Credentials tab.
3. On the NTLM tab, click Add; the User name and Organization Name already filled out.
4. From the Domain list, select the user's domain.
5. In the Login field, enter the LDAP login ID.
6. Click Save.
Note: If users already exist in NMS with a different NMS login ID, the Active Directory login ID and NMS
login ID need to be connected: User Account Details, Credentials tab, Token tab, Add button- enter the
Active Directory login ID.
Configuring your Nuance organization (in the Nuance-hosted NMC)
To connect Dragon Medical One with your on-premise NMS instance, do the following:
Browse for the organization details of your organization.
2. Open the Products tab and expand Dragon Medical Server.
Enter the URL of the on-premise NMS instance including the port that hosts the authentication interface, for
example, <> and click OK.
Configuring Dragon Medical One
In the SoD.exe.config file, SoD.Settings, Authentication setting, specify: <value>ldap</value>.
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Trusted authentication
Trusted authentication sends the Active Directory credentials of the currently logged on user to NMS to
authenticate and grant/deny access to Dragon Medical One. The user can work with Dragon Medical One
without entering a user name and password; the logon dialog box is not displayed.
The local authenticator is required to enable local clients to authenticate against an LDAP server. The
authentication calls from Dragon Medical One to NMS go through the local authenticator. For information on
how to deploy the NMS local authenticator and configure your NMS organization, see LDAP authentication.
Configuring Dragon Medical One
In the SoD.exe.config file, SoD.Settings, Authentication setting, specify: <value>trusted</value>.
You must configure the user account in NMC to authenticate the user in the Active Directory.
Proceed as follows:
1. Search for the user account, right-click it and select User Account Details.
2. Open the Credentials tab.
3. On the NTLM tab, click Add; the User name and Organization Name already filled out.
4. From the Domain list, select the user's domain.
5. In the Login field, enter the Active Directory login ID.
6. Click Save.
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The auto-text feature enables you to define standard blocks of text (also called 'normals' or 'canned text') that
Dragon Medical One users can insert into their document with a short voice command. Using auto-texts reduces
the time the user needs to dictate and improves the consistency of documentation. Available auto-texts are
displayed to end users on the What You Can Say page. You define auto-texts in the Nuance Management
Center (NMC). Users can create their own auto-texts in Dragon Medical One in the Manage Auto-texts dialog
Defining an auto-text in NMC
Your users often speak to their patients about the dangers of smoking. In the report, they will say The
patient was advised to quit smoking and counseled on effective smoking cessation strategies.
n You define an auto-text called 'quit smoking' that contains this information.
A doctor says the voice command insert quit smoking to insert the information.
1. Open the Speech Recognition tab on the ribbon.
2. Click Manage.
3. Select your Organization.
4. In the Auto-texts tree view, select the level you want to create the auto-text for (site, group or user).
5. In the Auto-text group on the ribbon, click Add.
6. Enter a Name (
Quit smoking
), a Description (optional) and select a Language.
7. Optional: change the Spoken Phrase.
8. In the contents section, enter
The patient was advised to quit smoking and counseled on effective smoking
cessation strategies.
9. Click Save.
n To make the auto-text available for all users, make sure to select the corresponding site or group in the tree
n A keyword is what the user says to tell the system that an auto-text is to be processed. The default keyword
is insert; you can change it in NMC. For more information, see the
Dragon Medical Server Administration
The Name field contains the title of the auto-text (this is generally what users must say to insert the auto-
text); make sure it is unambiguous and easy to pronounce. It is strongly recommended that you give the
auto-text a distinctive name that cannot be misinterpreted as speech to be recognized. This helps to ensure
that it is correctly inserted.
By default, the Spoken Phrase is the same as the Name. If how the auto-text name is written and how it is
pronounced are very different, change the Spoken Phrase (how it is pronounced). You can only use
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alphabetic characters in spoken phrases. For acronyms that are spelled out use capital letters, separated by
For spoken phrases do not use:
Very short phrases (such as one syllable only)
Capital letters (except for acronyms, for example, C I A)
Digits (use 'twelve' and not '12')
Punctuation marks (for example, ", !, ?, etc.)
Symbols (for example, +, -, &, $, etc.)
If you want to give your users more than one way to insert an auto-text, click and enter another Spoken
Activate Display all levels to list the auto-texts for the level selected in the tree view and its higher levels.
n Auto-texts can contain fields. Fields are gaps in the auto-text where users can enter specific text, for
example, patient data. To add a field to an auto-text, enter [] in the relevant place of the auto-text's
contents; you can enter any text between the field delimiters as default content, for example, CBC results
[within normal limits], vital signs [within normal limits]. When users insert the auto-text, they can decide
whether they want to replace the default values with specific text or use the default values.
n By default, fields are indicated by square brackets. Users can change the characters used as field delimiters
in Dragon Medical One on the General pane of the Options dialog box; any previously defined fields using
different delimiters will then no longer work.
Configuring the auto-text filter
A system with many auto-texts can be complex for users; they might have difficulty remembering all the names
and which ones are relevant for them.
Filtering is set up in the SoD.exe.config file and then set in NMC.
In the configuration file, enter the filter key/value pairs you need. For example:
<add key="department" value="radiology" />
<add key="modality" value="X-ray|CT|MRI" />
n You can configure as many key/value filter pairs as you want.
Use the | character to separate multiple values for a key.
Setting an auto-text filter in NMC
You can filter specific auto-texts to be active for specific forms.
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n Dragon Medical One supports an auto-text filter with the key 'modality' and values 'X-ray', 'CT' and 'MRI' and
it will set this filter for all radiology reports.
n You want to set the 'normal chest' auto-text to be active for x-rays only.
Search for the 'Normal chest' auto-text.
2. Open the Meta Data tab.
3. In the Name field enter
and in the Value field enter
4. Click OK and then Save.
n By default, auto-texts are always active. Be aware that:
If no auto-text filter has been set for a document or form, all auto-texts that have been defined in the system
will be active.
All auto-texts that you do not define meta data entries for will always be active.
If an auto-text filter with a specific name has been set for a document or form but no corresponding meta
data entry with this name has been applied to an auto-text, then this auto-text will always be active.
n An auto-text is deactivated (filtered out) for a specific document or form only if:
The application has defined an auto-text filter with a specific name and value for the document or form.
You have set a meta data entry for the auto-text with this name but with a different value.
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Voice commands
Voice commands enable Dragon Medical One users to say a word or phrase that initiates an action and control
the application without using the mouse or the keyboard. This reduces the time the user needs to complete their
The custom command feature in Dragon Medical One was extended to enable users to create more feature-rich
commands and are now called step-by-step commands. Users define step-by-step commands in the Manage
Step-by-step Commands dialog box and they are displayed on the What You Can Say page; for more
information, see the end user help.
Existing user-level custom commands created in the Nuance Management Center will be automatically migrated
to step-by-step commands.
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Managing the Vocabulary
Managing the vocabulary your users are using enables you to improve speech recognition by explicitly tailoring
the system to your requirements. This might be necessary if words or phrases are repeatedly misrecognized.
In the Nuance Management Center (NMC), you can add words and phrases to the vocabulary and delete words
from it.
Adding a word in NMC
Your users frequently prescribe the drug
and recognition has been problematic.
1. Open the Speech Recognition tab on the ribbon.
2. In the Word group, click Manage.
3. In the Words tree view, select the level you want to associate the word with (site, group or user).
4. In the Word group on the ribbon, click Add.
5. Enter a Written form (
) and, if necessary, a Spoken form (
6. Select the Language you want to associate the word with.
7. Click Save.
n To make the word available for all Dragon Medical One users, make sure to select the corresponding site or
group in the tree view.
n The spoken form is optional. If how the word is written and how it is pronounced are very different, enter a
spoken form (how it is pronounced) and define a Written form (how it is inserted into the document). You
can only use alphabetic characters in spoken form; special characters are not allowed. For acronyms that are
spelled out use capital letters, separated by spaces.
For spoken phrases do not use:
Very short phrases (such as one syllable only)
Capital letters (except for acronyms, for example, C I A)
Digits (use 'twelve' and not '12')
Punctuation marks (for example, ", !, ?, etc.)
Symbols (for example, +, -, &, $, etc.)
Activate Display all levels to list the words that have been added for the level selected in the tree view and
its higher levels.
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Google Chrome
Dragon Medical One supports dictation at the cursor in standard text controls (these include text input, text area
and standard content-editable controls) hosted in the Google Chrome browser.
To support text controls and dictation at the cursor, in Google Chrome-based applications, you must install the
DragonMedical One Web Extension.
Dragon Medical One and the DragonMedical One Web Extension use a dedicated process (sodria_nmhost.exe)
for communication between Dragon Medical One and Google Chrome. This process is delivered with Dragon
Medical One and is started by Google Chrome. Google Chrome and Dragon Medical One rely on a registry key
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Chrome\NativeMesssagingHosts\com.nuance.sodria) to connect
the two applications. Dragon Medical One automatically creates and updates the registry key to connect the two
processes while starting; this is usually only needed once per deployment and operating system user.
DragonMedical One Web Extension must be installed for each machine and operating system user using
Google Chrome. Once the extension is installed, the browser must be restarted (or tabs reloaded). The user is
informed if the browser needs to be restarted.
Installing DragonMedical One Web Extension via Google Chrome web store
To install manually, do the following:
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Browse for the DragonMedical One Web Extension web store link:
2. Click Add to Chrome.
In Google Chrome settings, make sure that the DragonMedical One Web Extension is enabled.
Restart the Google Chrome browser.
Installing DragonMedical One Web Extension via Google Chrome policies
To install automatically, do the following:
Open the LOCAL_MACHINE registry hive.
Add the following to the registry:
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\1
Value: feolagkacappiaieohahjkeaikhjjcfa;
Restart the Google Chrome browser.
For more information on automatic installation, see Google Chrome policy documentation.
Enabling dictation at the cursor in local HTML pages
To enable dictation at the cursor in HTML pages stored in the local file system, do the following:
1. In the Google Chrome menu, expand More tools and click Extensions.
2. Search for DragonMedical One Web Extension and select Allow access to file URLs.
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Dragon Medical One is delivered with documentation for system administrators and end users.
System administrators
Dragon Medical One Installation and Administration Guide
describes the installation and system
configuration procedures. This guide also covers information on the Nuance Management Center.
End users
Users access the end user help by saying launch help or by clicking Help on the DragonBar menu. The Dragon
Help tab of the personalization and help window contains information on how to use the application features (for
example, anchoring the speech focus); the Speech Recognition Help tab contains information on speech
recognition features and how to use them.
The What You Can Say page contains a list of all available voice commands and auto-texts. Users can open it
by saying what can I say or clicking What You Can Say on the DragonBar menu.
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Nuance Healthcare ID
The Nuance Healthcare ID is a unique identifier that enables clinicians to personalize their Dragon Medical One
experience and access their personal speech profile and speech-enabled products in a selection of mobile apps.
Registering the Nuance Healthcare ID
Your users can register their Nuance Healthcare ID when they first log on to Dragon Medical One Desktop
Application or later via the Nuance Healthcare ID option on the DragonBar menu.
Procedure for the end user
Start Dragon Medical One Desktop Application.
2. On the DragonBar menu, select Nuance Healthcare ID.
3. Complete the registration form and click Submit.
You will receive a confirmation email; click the link in this email to complete the registration.
n Nuance Healthcare ID registration is optional. Users register once.
n Registration can only be done individually by each Dragon Medical One Desktop Application user;batch
registration is not possible.
n During registration, the user specifies their Nuance Healthcare ID user name (a personal email address) and
password; these are needed to activate it.
n After registration, the user activates the Nuance Healthcare ID separately for each app to speech-enable
that app.
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website lists all available mobile apps where users can activate their Dragon
Medical speech recognition profile and access speech-enabled products.
There is no additional cost for Dragon Medical in the mobile apps listed on the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website but you must have an app installed on your mobile device, and have a license/rights to access it,
before you activate your Nuance Healthcare ID.
Activating the Nuance Healthcare IDfor an app
Once a user has registered for their Nuance Healthcare ID, they can access the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website via Dragon Medical One Desktop Application or via a web browser.
Procedure for the end user
Via Dragon Medical One Desktop Application
On your desktop/laptop, start Dragon Medical One Desktop Application.
2. On the DragonBar menu, select Nuance Healthcare ID; the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website opens.
Browse for the available mobile apps.
4. For the app you want, click Activate NHID; you will receive an activation link via email.
On your mobile device, make sure the app is installed.
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On your mobile device, open the email you received and click the activation link; Dragon Medical is activated
for this app.
Via web browser on your mobile device
1. Open your web browser and go to
Log on using your Nuance Healthcare ID user name and password.
Browse for the available mobile apps.
On your mobile device, make sure the app is installed.
5. On the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website, select the app and tap Activate NHID; Dragon Medical is
activated for this app.
Via web browser on your desktop/laptop
1. Open your web browser and go to
Log on using your Nuance Healthcare ID user name and password.
Browse for the available mobile apps.
4. For the app you want, click Activate NHID; you will receive an activation link via email.
On your mobile device, make sure the app is installed.
On your mobile device, open the email you received and click the activation link; Dragon Medical is activated
for this app.
When users access the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website via Dragon Medical One Desktop Application
they do not need to log on.
When users access the
My Nuance Healthcare ID
website via, they must log on
with their Nuance Healthcare ID user name and password.
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Dragon Medical Connect
Dragon Medical Connect is a powerful feature that allows all speech-enabled, cloud-based applications -
(Nuance-branded and third-party partner applications) - to share a single cloud-based user profile. The single-
profile architecture means that any changes a user makes to custom words, auto-texts or commands are
immediately available, to that user, in any application, on any device - anytime and anywhere. From a user's
perspective, this feature provides a consistently superior experience when using Dragon Medical One Desktop
Application, DragonMedical Network Edition or any one of the speech-enabled, third-party applications that
leverage Nuance's cloud-based platform.
Dragon Medical Connect is built into all Nuance and partner cloud-enabled products and does not require
additional licensing or configuration. However, given the breadth and depth of the Nuance partner ecosystem, it
is important to understand how this feature works in the context of the applications you use.
Dragon Medical One Desktop Application
When using Dragon Medical One the following profile sharing features and functions are available:
n Dragon Medical One: Users can add their own custom words, auto-texts and commands via the application
menu. Words and auto-texts are shared with any other cloud connected product including third-party
applications. Step-by-step commands are proprietary to and can only be shared with the Nuance products
Dragon Medical One and DragonMedical Network Edition.
n DragonMedical Network Edition (with Nuance-hosted Nuance Management Server): Users can add their
own custom words, auto-texts and commands via Dragon command and vocabulary editors. Words and
auto-texts are shared with any other cloud-connected products including third-party applications. Step-by-
step commands are proprietary to and can only be shared with the Nuance products Dragon Medical One
and DragonMedical Network Edition.
n Third-party applications: Users can add their own custom words and auto-texts via the Nuance
personalization and help window. To create auto-texts in mobile applications the user must have a Dragon
Medical One license. Words and auto-texts are shared with any cloud-connected product including other
third-party applications.
n Nuance Management Center (NMC): Administrators can add words or auto-texts at the site, group or user
level. Words and auto-texts defined in NMC are shared with any cloud-connected product, including third-
party applications.
DragonMedical Network Edition
Nuance-hosted Nuance Management Server
If your facility is using DragonMedical Network Edition with a Nuance-hosted NMS, and Dragon Medical One is
not yet licensed, the following profile sharing features and functions are available:
n DragonMedical Network Edition: Users can add their own custom words, auto-texts and commands via
Dragon command and vocabulary editors. Words and auto-texts are shared with other cloud-connected
products including third-party applications. Step-by-step commands are proprietary to and can only be
shared with the Nuance products Dragon Medical One and DragonMedical Network Edition.
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n Third-party applications: Users can add their own custom words and auto-texts via the Nuance
personalization and help window. To create auto-texts in mobile applications the user must have a Dragon
Medical One license. Words and auto-texts are shared with any cloud-connected product including other
third-party applications.
n Nuance Management Center (NMC): Administrators can add words or auto-texts at the site, group or user
level. Words and auto-texts defined in NMC are shared with any cloud-connected product include third-party
On-premise Nuance Management Server
All cloud enabled offerings, including third-party applications, use a Nuance-hosted instance of NMS for a
transparent single profile experience. If you are using DragonMedical Network Edition but have not yet migrated
your NMS instance to the Nuance cloud, your profile sharing options are limited. The only option available is to
periodically export custom words and auto-texts from your on-premise NMS instance and import them into the
Nuance-hosted NMS instance. Be aware that this approach is labor intensive and does not deliver a true single
user profile experience.
You are strongly encouraged to migrate your on-premise NMS instance to the Nuance cloud or consider moving
to Dragon Medical One.
Third-party applications only
If you are using one or more cloud-enabled third-party applications, but not a Nuance solution, you can still
benefit from a single user profile.
n Third-party applications: Users can add their own custom words and auto-texts via the Nuance
personalization and help window. To create auto-texts in mobile applications the user must have a Dragon
Medical One license. Words and auto-texts are shared with any cloud-connected product including other
third-party applications.
n NMC: Administrators can add words or auto-texts at the site, group or user level. Words and auto-texts
defined in NMC are shared with any cloud-connected product.
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Coherence mode
Dragon Medical One Desktop Application is designed to work in a virtualized environment; which significantly
lowers administration overhead for installation and maintenance. Additionally, virtual deployments increase the
availability of the application as users can access Dragon Medical One from any secure end point (office, clinic or
Dragon Medical One can also be installed locally on a Windows desktop using either an XCOPY installer or a
traditional MSI. This is necessary when users need to record into locally installed applications such as Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Outlook or an EMR that is deployed as a "fat" client.
Occasionally, users want to work both locally and virtually. They use a published version of Dragon Medical One
to record into a published EMR and a local version of Dragon Medical One to dictate into local applications.
This chapter describes how to set up this workflow.
Note: Coherence mode is only supported in Citrix virtualization environments.
The user wants to record into the primary virtual EMR application and into applications that are published locally.
n The primary EMR is hosted as a virtual application or published as a virtual application.
n Dragon Medical One is published in the same way as the primary EMR (as a virtual application or as part of
the virtual desktop image).
n The end point used to access the virtual applications is a desktop machine running a supported Microsoft
Windows operating system (for information on supported operating systems, see: Software and hardware
Install Dragon Medical One on the server.
Install the technology-specific custom audio and microphone channels on the server.
Install the corresponding technology-specific custom audio and microphone channels on all client end points.
Install Dragon Medical One on the local workstation, using either the XCOPY or MSI installation package.
n We do not recommend using the ClickOnce package; it could result in the local installation being newer than
the virtual instance. Using the XCOPY or MSI installation method enables you to keep both versions of the
application synchronized.
n Local installations do not use the custom audio or microphone drivers, therefore there is no conflict.
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Dragon Medical Connect ensures users have an identical speech experience, regardless of whether they are
using the local application or the published instance. All the auto-texts, commands, custom words and
application configuration parameters will be consistent across both instances.
Note: For performance reasons, each instance of Dragon Medical One maintains a cache of auto-texts,
custom words and commands. If a user adds a word, auto-text or command in one instance, it will be
available in the second instance when that cache is refreshed (by closing and running that instance).
When a user only has one instance of Dragon Medical One running at a particular moment, a local instance or a
virtual instance, but not both at the same time, there are no usability concerns.
Running both instances
If a user is running both the local and published instances concurrently and wants to dictate into local and
published applications, consider the following good practice:
To visually differentiate the local and virtual instances of Dragon Medical One, we recommend setting a
different color theme for each instance.
To switch the audio and device button focus between instances, users must click the icon on the
corresponding DragonBar. Once an instance has the audio focus, users can continue to use their hardware
microphone to control the application as normal.
Note: When using Nuance PowerMic II or PowerMic III as an input device, users can automatically switch
the audio and device button focus from a local instance to a published one by placing the cursor in the
corresponding local or published application.
PowerMic Mobile
When using PowerMic Mobile as an input device, users need to switch audio focus by pairing the mobile app
with their preferred instance of Dragon Medical One.
We recommend enabling the following PowerMic Mobile features:
Targets: The user can browse a list of available targets and switch the pairing from one instance to another
without exiting the mobile app or logging out of Dragon Medical One.
Favorites: The user can save a personal list of pairing targets that they use regularly.
Note: These features are disabled by default in PowerMic Mobile; contact Nuance support if you would like
these features enabled.
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Using Dragon Medical One with Mac
Dragon Medical One Desktop Application is a native Windows application; it cannot be installed and used
directly on a macOS-based computer. Dragon Medical One can be configured for use with macOS.
Accessing Dragon Medical One as a published virtual application
Dragon Medical One can be published as a server-based virtual application using virtualization technology such
as Citrix XenApp. A macOS-based computer can be used as an end point to access the published virtual
instance of Dragon Medical One. A virtualization client such as Citrix Receiver must be installed on the macOS-
based computer to view and interact with Dragon Medical One and other published applications.
Audio input devices
n Supported: PowerMic Mobile. For more information, see the documentation delivered with the product.
n Not supported: Nuance PowerMic II, Nuance PowerMic III and third-party microphones and headsets.
Running Windows on macOS
A user can run a full instance of a Windows operating system on a macOS-based computer via virtual machine
solutions such as Parallels Desktops for Mac or VMware Fusion. These solutions allow using Windows and
macOS applications side-by-side.
Dragon Medical One must be installed on a Windows virtual machine. This configuration is identical to Dragon
Medical One installed on a native Windows machine and provides full functionality with the following conditions:
n Dictation at the cursor is not supported in native macOS applications. To fully support this functionality,
Dragon Medical One requires a deep integration with target applications; this level of integration is not
possible with native macOS applications. Dictating into the Dictation Box and then transferring text in target
macOS applications might be possible; however, this configuration is not officially supported by Nuance.
n Hardware microphone "pass-through" must be supported by the virtualization solution. This allows the
hardware device to be recognized by the Windows operating system and made available to Dragon Medical
n Nuance will officially test and support PowerMic II and PowerMic III hardware microphones. For issues
specific to third-party microphones, contact the device vendor.
n PowerMic Mobile is fully supported. For more information, see the documentation delivered with the
Running Windows in native mode on Mac hardware
A user can run a Windows operating system on a macOS-based computer via Boot Camp. Boot Camp
eliminates the virtual machine layer introduced by virtual machine solutions such as Parallels. If a user is running
Windows in native mode on a macOS-based computer, there are no additional requirements or restrictions in
using PowerMic Mobile with this configuration.
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Supported languages
The speech recognition language is the language the user records in and that Dragon Medical One recognizes.
Currently only English (IETF language tag: en-US) is supported.
The user interface language is the language in which Dragon Medical One displays menus, help files, error
messages and dialog boxes. Currently only English (IETF language tag: en-US) is supported.
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n A client cache error is displayed after installing the ClickOnce package, and the application won't run.
Delete the ClickOnce application cache in the user's AppData directory (Windows 7: "C:\Users\<user
After Dragon Medical One has been deployed via XCOPY deployment, the application does not start and an
exception is thrown: "System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Insufficient permissions for
setting the configuration section 'defaultProxy'. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the
permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed."
Depending on your Group Policy security settings, Microsoft Windows marks downloaded files as
unsafe. This prevents .NET from executing properly, which causes the exception.
Unblock the downloaded ZIP file before you extract it; for more information, see: XCOPY deployment.
n Dragon Medical One crashes when the application is started.
Check the configuration file and the log file for configuration-related issues.
Make sure that your system conforms to the software and hardware requirements.
Make sure you followed all steps required to set up a working system.
An error occurs when Dragon Medical One is started: An error has occurred, it is not possible to use the
application. Please contact your administrator. The specified server URL cannot be reached,
check your network connection.
Check the network connection to Dragon Medical Server.
n The automatic gain control (AGC) of the recording device or the device driver/sound card driver interferes
with the automatic audio adjustment feature of Dragon Medical One.
Disable the interfering AGC.
An error occurs when the user starts recording: Speech recognition is temporarily not available in this
application because there are no licenses available.
If auto-provisioning of users is not enabled for your organization in NMC, make sure that the user exists
in NMC and the user name is spelled correctly (user names are case sensitive), and that the user's token
credentials (User Account Details dialog box, Credentials tab, Token tab) are the same as the user
name or empty.
In NMC, check if your organization has run out of licenses. For more information, see Licensing.
n Dragon Medical One inserts text in the wrong place in a Microsoft Word document.
This might be caused by a version incompatibility. Make sure you use a Microsoft Word version officially
supported by Dragon Medical One. For more information, see: Software and hardware requirements.
n The text cursor and/or elements of the document flicker when the user dictates in a Microsoft Word 2013
Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
The user changed their settings in the Options dialog box, but the changes are not saved.
Make sure that Dragon Medical One can communicate with the Nuance Management Server; for
information on the ports Dragon Medical One requires access to, see: Setting up a working system.
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An error occurs when Dragon Medical One is started: No supported audio device is available. To start
Dragon, connect a device and click Refresh.
Connect a microphone the end user is allowed to use, and click Refresh.
In a virtual desktop/application environment, make sure the connected microphone is set as the default
device in Microsoft Windows on the end point.
In a virtual desktop/application environment, make sure the Nuance custom audio channel has been
deployed on the client end point and on the virtual server hosting the application.
n Dragon Medical One shuts down unexpectedly; no error message is displayed.
Collect the crash dump (location: %APPDATA%\Nuance\SoD\) and send it, along with an error report if
possible, to Nuance Technical Support for analysis.
n The ClickOnce deployment of Dragon Medical One does not update automatically when pinned to and
launched from the task bar.
Launch the ClickOnce Dragon Medical One application from the Windows Start menu.
Make sure you do not start the ClickOnce Dragon Medical One application by running SoD.exe.
A message is displayed when the user opens the personalization and help window:The help needs to be
refreshed. Please close and open it again.
In the Internet Options, make sure that cookies are enabled for the corresponding users/machines. If
your organization works in virtualized environments, this setting must be applied to the virtual server.
n The user cannot dictate at the cursor in applications based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
TextBox class text controls.
Make sure to enable WPF support from the command line. For more information, see: Enabling and
disabling WPF support from the command line.
n The user cannot switch the speech focus between applications running at the same time in a Citrix
Launch the FarmTWIHelper - Seamless Configuration Helper Tool on the Citrix server where the issue
occurs and make sure to deselect all the settings (do not change the Disable Active Accessibility
Hook (0x4) setting). Restart the server before starting Dragon Medical One. For more information on
how to use the helper tool, see