Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pages 6486–6493
Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
MaSS: A Large and Clean Multilingual Corpus of Sentence-aligned Spoken
Utterances Extracted from the Bible
Marcely Zanon Boito
, William N. Havard
, Mahault Garnerin
Eric Le Ferrand
, Laurent Besacier
LIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, F-38000 Grenoble, France
LIDILEM, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble, France
Both authors have contributed equally to this paper.
The CMU Wilderness Multilingual Speech Dataset (Black, 2019) is a newly published multilingual speech dataset based on recorded
readings of the New Testament. It provides data to build Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) models for
potentially 700 languages. However, the fact that the source content (the Bible) is the same for all the languages is not exploited to date.
Therefore, this article proposes to add multilingual links between speech segments in different languages, and shares a large and clean
dataset of 8,130 parallel spoken utterances across 8 languages (56 language pairs). We name this corpus MaSS (Multilingual corpus of
Sentence-aligned Spoken utterances). The covered languages (Basque, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian and
Spanish) allow researches on speech-to-speech alignment as well as on translation for typologically different language pairs. The quality
of the final corpus is attested by human evaluation performed on a corpus subset (100 utterances, 8 language pairs). Lastly, we showcase
the usefulness of the final product on a bilingual speech retrieval task.
Keywords: parallel speech corpus, multilingual alignment, speech-to-speech alignment, speech-to-speech translation, speech
1. Introduction
Recently, a remarkable work introduced the CMU Wilder-
ness Multilingual Speech Dataset (Black, 2019).
on readings of the New Testament from The Faith Comes
By Hearing website, it provides data to build Automatic-
Speech-Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS)
models for potentially 700 languages. Such a resource al-
lows the community to experiment and to develop speech
technologies on an unprecedented number of languages.
However, the fact that the initial language material from
these monolingual corpora (the Bible) is the same for all
languages, thus constituting a multilingual and compara-
spoken corpus, is not exploited to date.
Therefore, this article proposes an automatic pipeline for
adding multilingual links between small speech segments
in different languages. We apply our method to 8 languages
(Basque, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Romanian,
Russian and Spanish), resulting in 56 language pairs for
which we obtain speech-to-speech, speech-to-text and text-
to-text alignments. In order to ensure the quality of the
pipeline, a human evaluation was performed on a corpus
subset (8 language pairs, 100 sentences) by bilingual native
speakers. The current version of our dataset (named MaSS
for Multilingual corpus of Sentence-aligned Spoken utter-
ances) is freely available to the community, together with
instructions and scripts allowing the pipeline extension to
new languages.
Available at
Our definition of a comparable corpus in this work is the fol-
lowing: a non-sentence-aligned corpus, parallel at a broader gran-
ularity (e.g. chapter, document).
Available at
We believe the obtained corpus can be useful in several ap-
plications, such as speech-to-speech retrieval (Lee et al.,
2015), multilingual speech representation learning (Har-
wath et al., 2018a) and direct speech-to-speech translation
(so far, mostly direct speech-to-text translation has been in-
vestigated (B
erard et al., 2016; Weiss et al., 2017; Bansal et
al., 2017; B
erard et al., 2018)). Moreover, typological and
dialectal fields could use such a corpus to solve some of the
following novel tasks using parallel speech: word align-
ment, bilingual lexicon extraction, and semantic retrieval.
This paper is organized as follows: after briefly presenting
related works in Section 2, we review the dataset source and
extraction pipeline in Section 3. Section 4 describes the hu-
man verification performed and comments on some of the
linguistic features present in the covered languages. Sec-
tion 5 presents a possible application of the dataset: speech-
to-speech retrieval. Section 6 concludes this work.
2. Related Work
2.1. End-to-end Speech Translation
Previous Automatic Speech-to-Text Translation (AST) sys-
tems operate in two steps: source language Automatic
Speech Recognition (ASR) and source-to-target text Ma-
chine Translation (MT). However, recent works have at-
tempted to build end-to-end AST without using source lan-
guage transcription during learning or decoding (B
erard et
al., 2016; Weiss et al., 2017), or by using it at training time
only (B
erard et al., 2018). Very recently several extensions
of these pioneering works were introduced: low-resource
AST (Bansal et al., 2019), unsupervised AST (Chung et
al., 2018), end-to-end speech-to-speech translation (Trans-
latotron) (Jia et al., 2019b). Improvements for end-to-
end AST were also proposed by using weakly supervised
data (Jia et al., 2019a), or by adding a second attention
mechanism (Sperber et al., 2019).
2.2. Multilingual Approaches
Multilingual approaches for speech and language process-
ing are growing ever more popular. They are made pos-
sible by the availability of massively parallel language re-
sources covering an increasing number of languages of the
world. These resources feed truly multilingual approaches,
such as machine translation (Aharoni et al., 2019), syn-
tax parsing (Nivre et al., 2016), automatic speech recogni-
tion (Schultz and Schlippe, 2014; Adams et al., 2019), lex-
ical disambiguation (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2010; S
2015), and computational dialectology (Christodoulopou-
los and Steedman, 2015).
2.3. Corpora for End-to-end Speech Translation
To date, few datasets are available for multilingual au-
tomatic speech translation (only a few parallel corpora
publicly available
). For instance, Fisher and Callhome
Spanish-English corpora (Post et al., 2013) provide 38
hours of speech transcriptions of telephonic conversations
aligned with their translations. However, these corpora
are only medium size and contain low-bandwidth record-
ings. Microsoft Speech Language Translation (MSLT) cor-
pus (Federmann and Lewis, 2016) also provides speech
aligned to translated text, but this corpus is rather small
(less than 8 hours per language). A 236 hours extension of
Librispeech with French translations was proposed by Ko-
glu et al. (2018). They exploited automatic align-
ment procedures, first at the text level (between transcrip-
tions and translations), and then between the text and the
corresponding audio segments.
Inspired by this work, Di Gangi et al. (2019) created
MuST-C, a multilingual speech translation corpus for train-
ing end-to-end AST systems from English into 8 lan-
Similar in size, the English-Portuguese dataset
How2 (Sanabria et al., 2018) was created by translating En-
glish short tutorials into Portuguese using a crowd-sourcing
platform. More recently, Iranzo-S
anchez et al. (2020)
introduced a multilingual speech corpus including several
source languages. The remark that can be made on all these
corpora is that they are limited to Indo-European languages
and thus typologically similar.
3. A Large and Clean Subset of Sentence
Aligned Spoken Utterances (MaSS)
In this section we present the source material for our mul-
tilingual corpus (Section 3.1.), we briefly explain the CMU
speech-to-text pipeline (Section 3.2.), and we detail our
speech-to-speech pipeline (Section 3.3.).
3.1. The Source Material:
The Faith Comes By Hearing website
(or simply
is an online platform that provides audio-books of the Bible
with transcriptions in 1,294 languages. These recordings
are a collection of field, virtual and partner recordings. In
all cases, only native speakers participate in the recordings,
and the number of different voices can go from one up to
Table 1 in (Di Gangi et al., 2019) provides a good survey.
Available at
Available at
twenty five. Moreover, the recordings can be performed in
drama and non-drama fashion, the former being an acted
version of the text, corresponding to less tailored realiza-
tions. Finally, based on exchanges with the target users
(the native community), background music can be added
to the recordings.
In summary, while the written content
is always the same across different languages, the corre-
sponding speech can be quite different in terms of realiza-
tion (drama and non-drama), number of speakers, acoustic
quality (field, virtual or partner recordings), and can some-
times contain background noise (music).
3.2. The CMU Wilderness Multilingual Speech
The CMU Wilderness corpus (Black, 2019) is a speech
dataset containing over 700 different languages for which
it provides audio excerpts aligned with their transcription.
Each language accounts for around 20 hours of data ex-
tracted from readings of the New Testament, and avail-
able at the website. Segmentation was made at the
sentence level, and alignment between speech and corre-
sponding text can be obtained with the pipeline provided
along with the dataset. This pipeline, notably, can pro-
cess a large amount of languages without using any extra
resources such as acoustic models or pronunciation dictio-
However, for most of the languages on the website, sev-
eral recording versions are available, each of them hav-
ing significant differences in speech content, as explained
in Section 3.1. As this pipeline extracted the soundtracks
from the defaults links, audio excerpts often contain music,
and it is unknown if drama or non-drama versions were se-
lected. Thus, although the quality of the alignment is good
for many languages, it could be inaccurate (or noisy) for an
unknown subset.
Lastly, the final segmentation from chapters was obtained
through the use of punctuation marks. While efficient for
a speech-to-text monolingual scenario, this strategy does
not allow accurate multilingual alignment, since different
languages and translations may result in different sentence
segmentation and ordering.
3.3. Our Pipeline: from Speech-to-text to
Speech-to-speech Alignment
As far as multilingual alignment is concerned, Bible chap-
ters are inherently aligned at the chapter level. But Bible
chapters are very long excerpts, with an average duration of
5 minutes. Alignments at this broad granularity are not rele-
vant for research in speech-to-speech translation or speech-
to-speech alignment. Thus, we propose a new extraction
methodology that allows us to obtain fully aligned speech
segments at a much smaller granularity (segments between
8 to 10 seconds). Our pipeline is summarized in Figure 1
and described below.
3.3.1. Alignment pipeline
1. Extracting clean spoken chapters. Starting from the
pipeline described in the last section, which provides scripts
More information available at https://www.
Figure 1: The pipeline for a given language in the
for downloading audio data and transcriptions from the website, we downloaded all the 260 chapters from
the New Testament in several languages. We selected (af-
ter having manually sampled the website) non-drama ver-
sions (as opposed to drama) that contain standard speech
and pronunciation, and mostly, no background music. The
audios are also converted from stereo to mono for the pur-
pose of the following steps.
2. Aligning speech and text for each chapter. For each
chapter, we extracted speech-to-text alignments through the
Maus forced aligner
(Kisler et al., 2017) online platform.
During this step, we kept languages with good audio quality
and for which an acoustic model was available in the off-
the-shelf forced aligner tool. Our final set was reduced to
the following eight languages: Basque, English, Finnish,
French, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian and Spanish.
3. Segmenting chapters into verses. Any written chapter
of the Bible is inherently segmented into verses. A verse is
the minimal segmentation unit used in the Bible and corre-
sponds to a sentence, or more rarely to a phrase or a clause.
In order to segment our audio files in such smaller units,
we aligned our TextGrid files (from step 2) with a writ-
ten version of the Bible containing verse information. This
alignment is rather trivial, since, after removing punctua-
tion, both texts have the same content. After this step, all
audio chapters are segmented into verses and receive IDs
based on their English chapter name, and their verse num-
ber (e.g. “Matthew chapter1 verse3”).
Available at https://clarin.phonetik.
3.3.2. Result and Comparison
Considering that all chapters consist of the same set of
verses, the verse numbers give us a multilingual alignment
between all verses for all the language pairs.
Thus, the
output of our pipeline is a set of 8,160 audios segments,
aligned at verse-level, in eight different languages, with an
average of 20 hours of speech for each language. Finally,
corpus statistics are presented in Table 1.
For justifying the need of extending the approach presented
in Section 3.2, Table 2 presents a comparison between our
corpus (bottom) output and theirs (top). This comparison
takes the speech file numbering on their pipeline as multi-
lingual alignment clue, since no other information is avail-
able. We can observe that by segmenting based on punctua-
tion, the multilingual alignment quickly becomes incorrect:
the segmentation on the third file, based on a punctuation
mark not present in the English text, shifts the alignment
for the rest of the chapter.
3.3.3. Reproducibility
The presented pipeline performs automatic verse-level
alignment using Bible chapters. All the scripts used in this
work are available, together with the resulting dataset.
extending it to a new language, here are some recommen-
Bible version: as discussed in Section 3.1, a language
can have several versions available on the website. For
ensuring the best quality possible, manual inspection
in one chapter can be quickly performed to identify a
non-drama version, but it is not mandatory.
Alignment Tool: for generating verse-level align-
ment, a chapter-level alignment between speech and
text is needed. While we use the Maus forced aligner
for this task, any aligner able to provide a TextGrid file
as output can be used at this stage.
4. Resource Evaluation and Analysis
4.1. Human Evaluation: Speech Alignment
Having obtained multilingual alignments between spoken
utterances, we attest their quality by performing a human
evaluation on a corpus subset, covering the eight language
pairs for which we were able to find bilingual judges.
We implemented an online evaluation platform with 100
randomly selected verses in these 8 different language
pairs. Judges were asked to evaluate the spoken alignments
using a scale from 1 to 5 (1 meaning the two audio excerpts
do not have any information in common, and 5 meaning
they are perfectly aligned). Aiming at the most uniform
evaluation possible, we provided guidelines and examples
to our evaluators. Transcriptions were also displayed as a
cognitive support in evaluation.
The eight language pairs are the following: French-
English (FR-EN), French-Spanish (FR-ES), French-
Romanian (FR-RO), English-Spanish (EN-ES), English-
This is mostly true, but for a small subset of chapters, due to
different Bible versions and different translation approaches, the
number of aligned speech verses will differ slightly.
Languages # types # tokens Types per verse Tokens per verse Avg. token length Audio length (h) Avg. verse length (s)
(EN) English 6,471 176,461 18.03 21.52 3.82 18.50 8.27
(ES) Spanish 11,903 168,255 17.90 20.52 4.17 21.49 9.58
(EU) Basque 14,514 128,946 14.88 15.78 5.55 22.76 9.75
(FI) Finnish 18,824 134,827 15.04 16.44 5.66 23.16 10.21
(FR) French 10,080 183,786 19.25 22.36 4.02 19.41 8.62
(HU) Hungarian 20,457 135,254 15.01 16.46 5.07 21.12 9.29
(RO) Romanian 9,581 169,328 18.19 20.61 4.14 23.11 10.16
(RU) Russian 16,758 129,973 14.50 15.82 4.44 22.90 9.70
Table 1: Statistics of the MaSS corpus.
Alignment from Black (2019)
Files French English
00001 Matthieu Matthew
esus descend de la montagne et des foules nombreuses le
When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds
followed him.
Un l
epreux s’approche, il se met
a genoux devant J
esus et
lui dit :
A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said,
“Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.
00004 Seigneur, si tu le veux, tu peux me gu
erir !
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am
willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of
his leprosy.
Our alignment
Verses French English
00 Matthieu 8 Matthew 8
Lorsque J
esus fut descendu de la montagne une grande
foule le suivit
When he came down from the mountain great crowds fol-
lowed him
Et voici un l
epreux s’
etant approch
e se prosterna devant lui
et dit : Seigneur si tu le veux tu peux me rendre pur
And behold a leper came to him and knelt before him saying
Lord if you will you can make me clean
etendit la main le toucha et dit : Je le veux sois pur
ot il fut purifi
e de sa l
And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him saying I
will be clean And immediately his leprosy was cleansed
Table 2: A comparison between CMU’s multilingual alignment and ours. Text in italic shows alignment mismatches
between English and French. We used a slightly different (non-drama) version of the Bible, hence the small differences in
the displayed texts.
Finnish (EN-FI), English-Hungarian (EN-HU), English-
Romanian (EN-RO) and English-Russian (EN-RU). This
selection is a trade-off between the difficulty of finding
judges and the desire to provide a good typological variety
in our evaluation data. Basque was also chosen due to the
fact it is language isolate, that is, a language that has no
known connection to any other language. However, we
were unable to find judges to perform the evaluation on
any language pair including it.
Table 3 summarizes the results of the human evaluation.
Evaluation scores are good, with a mean value of 4.41.
Moreover, for every language pair evaluated (except for
FR-ES), the median score is the maximum score, hence
confirming the quality of the alignment. However, when
trying to quantify rater’s agreement, we obtained mixed re-
sults. Percentage of agreement with tolerance 1 (meaning
raters differing by one-scale degree are interpreted as agree-
ing) varies from 59.6% (EN-RO) to 95.96% (EN-HU).
4.2. Corpus Linguistic Analysis
Regarding content, the corpus features languages belonging
to different families. These are listed as follows:
Romance: French, Romanian, Spanish
Germanic: English
Slavic: Russian
x σ med min max # Eval.
EN - ES 4.56 0.62 5 3 5 2
EN - FI 4.37 0.92 5 1 5 1
EN - HU 4.44 0.88 5 1 5 2
EN - RO 4.24 0.97 5 1 5 6
EN - RU 4.56 0.83 5 1 5 3
FR - EN 4.38 0.79 5 1 5 5
FR - ES 4.22 0.89 4 2 5 2
FR - RO 4.51 0.90 5 1 5 1
All 4.36 0.88 5 1 5 22
Table 3: Result of the manual inspection of the speech
alignment quality performed on 8 language pairs (100 sen-
tences). Scale is from 1 to 5 (higher is better). Last column
refers to the number of evaluators for a given language pair.
Ugric: Hungarian
Finnic: Finnish
Language Isolate: Basque
It should be noted that these languages are very different
from a typological point of view. First of all, Basque,
Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian and Russian mainly use
case marking to indicate the function of a word
in a sen-
Case markers are small grammatical morphemes added to a
tence, while English, French and Spanish rely on word
position and prepositions for the same purposes. Basque,
Finnish and Hungarian are agglutinative languages, while
English, French, Romanian, Russian and Spanish are fu-
sional languages. Thus, for the former group, grammati-
cal markers will bear only one meaning, while in the lat-
ter, grammatical markers will bear several meanings at the
same time.
Basque is even more special as this language features
ergative-absolutive marking while the other languages
use nominative-accusative marking. In languages using
ergative-absolutive marking, the subject of an intransitive
verb and the patient of a transitive verb are treated alike and
receive the same case marker, while the agent of a transitive
verb is treated differently than the subject of an intransitive
verb. Romanian also presents an interesting morphological
characteristic regarding determiners: the definite article is
suffixed to the word whereas indefinite articles are usually
prefixed, for instance: “un-b
aiat” (INDEF-boy: “a boy”)
and “b
aiat-ul” (boy-DEF: “the boy”). Finnish and Russian
on the other hand do not have any article, neither definite
nor indefinite.
Another interesting linguistic phenomenon to observe is the
existence of grammatical genders. Russian features three
genders (feminine, masculine and neutral) whereas French
features only two (feminine and masculine), and Basque
and Finnish present no grammatical genders at all. From a
syntactic point of view, English, French and Spanish have a
relatively fixed word order (and mainly follow the Subject-
Verb-Object (SVO) pattern), while word order is more flex-
ible in Basque, Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian and Russian,
mainly due to the fact that these languages use case mark-
Due to all the diverse linguistic features described in this
section, we believe this dataset could be used for a wide
variety of tasks, such as natural language grammar induc-
tion from raw speech, automatic typological features re-
trieval, speech-to-speech translation, and speech-to-speech
retrieval. The latter is illustrated on Section 5. Moreover,
this dataset could also serve as a benchmark for evaluat-
ing computational language documentation techniques that
work on speech inputs.
5. Use Case: Multilingual Speech Retrieval
Task Baseline
In this section we showcase the usefulness of our cor-
pus on a multilingual setting. We perform speech-to-
speech retrieval by adapting a model for visually grounded
speech (Harwath et al., 2018b), and we discuss the results
for our baseline model.
word to indicate its grammatical function (eg. subject, object, etc.)
within a clause/sentence.
Compare Hungarian “h
az-ak-nak” (house-PL-DAT) and Rus-
sian дом-ам (house-PL.DAT). Words in agglutinative lan-
guages are comparatively longer than their equivalent in fusional
5.1. Task and Model Definition
For performing multilingual speech retrieval, we adapted
the model
proposed by Harwath et al. (2018b). This
model was primarily designed to retrieve images from
speech utterances, and it is made of two networks: a speech
and a image encoder. By projecting both representations to
the same shared space, the model is thus able to learn the
relationship between speech segments and the image con-
tents. For our speech-to-speech task, we replaced the image
encoder by a (second) speech encoder.
Both speech encoders consist of a convolution bank (Wang
et al., 2017) followed by two layers of bidirectional
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), and of an at-
tention mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2015) which computes
a weighted average of the LSTM’s activations. The convo-
lution bank consists of a set of K = 16 1D-convolution
filters, where the k
convolution has a kernel of width k.
Each convolution filter consists of 40 units with ReLU ac-
tivation and stride of 1. The batch-normed output of each
convolution is then stacked and the resulting matrix is lin-
early projected to fit the LSTM’s input dimension of size
Our model’s inputs are Mel filterbank spectrograms (40
mel coefficients with a Hamming window size of 25ms and
stride of 10ms) extracted from raw speech. The network is
trained to minimize the contrastive loss function in Equa-
tion 1, which minimizes the cosine distance d between a
verse in a given language A, and its corresponding verse in
a given language B. It does so by maximizing the distance
between mismatching verses pairs (with a given margin α).
Thus, verses corresponding to direct translations should lie
close in the embedding space. Finally, contrary to Harwath
et al. (2018a), in which only one negative example for cap-
tion is sampled, we adopted the method from Chrupała et
al. (2017), considering every other verse in the batch as a
negative example.
, v
, α) =
max[0, α + d(v
, v
) d(v
, v
max[0, α + d(v
, v
) d(v
, v
5.2. Results
We trained an instance of this model for seven language
pairs, always keeping English as source language. The
8,160 common verses were randomly split between train
(80%), validation (10%) and test (10%) sets. Batches were
of size 16, and models were all trained for 100 epochs. Ta-
ble 4 presents our results for the retrieval task.
Results show that, while such a speech-to-speech task is
challenging, it is possible to obtain bilingual speech em-
beddings that perform reasonably well on a multilingual
retrieval task. The recall and rank results are far above the
Available at
Modified code available at
Query R@1 R@5 R@10 er
EN-EU 0.173 0.395 0.523 9
EN-ES 0.130 0.341 0.469 12
EN-HU 0.116 0.319 0.455 13
EN-RU 0.102 0.308 0.414 16
EN-RO 0.085 0.289 0.396 17
EN-FR 0.092 0.259 0.364 22
EN-FI 0.076 0.202 0.293 26
Table 4: Recall at top 1, 5, and 10 retrieval. Median rank er
on a verse-to-verse retrieval task is also provided. Results
are reported on the test set (816 verses). Chance recalls
are 0.001 (R@1), 0.006 (R@5) and 0.012 (R@10). Chance
median er is 408.5.
chance values. We also scored a simple baseline that uses
utterance length to retrieve spoken verses (in other words,
it uses only distance between spoken utterances’ lengths
to solve the retrieval task). With this baseline, medium
ranks are better than chance level (er = 408) but vary from
er = 136 (EN-FR) to er = 219 (EN-FI), which is very poor
compared to our baseline model. Interestingly, our best re-
sults, obtained for EN-EU (er = 9) and EN-ES (er = 12), il-
lustrate that speech-to-speech retrieval task is feasible even
for pairs of typologically different languages.
Following this experiment, we investigated the correlation
between the median rank and two variables: the quality of
the alignment (human evaluation) and the syntactic distance
between the language pairs (using the lang2vec library (Lit-
tell et al., 2017)). Results are provided at Table 5. While
there is no correlation between the rank and the syntactic
distance, there is a strong negative correlation with respect
to the human evaluation (significant for p < 0.1). One pos-
sible explanation for this result may be that higher quality
alignments (measured by the human evaluation ex) lead to
a slightly easier corpus for the speech-speech retrieval task
(difficulty being measured by the rank er). If confirmed, this
result would suggest that speech-to-speech retrieval scores
are a good proxy for rating alignment corpus quality, as per-
formed for text by Schwenk et al. (2019) through the use
of NMT.
Languages er Quality (
x) Syntactic dist.
EN - EU 9 NA 0.61
EN - ES 12 4.56 0.40
EN - HU 13 4.44 0.57
EN - RU 16 4.56 0.49
EN - RO 17 4.51 0.53
EN - FR 22 4.38 0.46
EN - FI 26 4.37 0.53
Correlation -0.76 -0.21
Table 5: Correlation between median rank and 1) alignment
quality (from manual evaluation) 2) syntactic distance be-
tween languages (measured with lang2vec).
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented the creation of an automati-
cally generated clean and controlled parallel corpus based
on the CMU Wilderness Multilingual Speech Dataset. Our
resource, called MaSS, contains 20 hours of speech in eight
languages (Basque, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian,
Romanian, Russian and Spanish) and presents both speech-
to-text and speech-to-speech alignments. The quality of the
corpus was verified on a subset of 100 sentences in 8 lan-
guage pairs by native speakers. The pipeline used for creat-
ing this dataset, as well as the computed forced alignments
for each of the chosen languages, are openly accessible.
Only eight languages are currently covered, but we believe
the same methodology could easily be applied for extend-
ing it to new languages.
7. Bibliographical References
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the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human
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pers), pages 3874–3884, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June.
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Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and
Translate. In ICLR 2015, pages 3104–3112, San Diego,
California, USA.
Bansal, S., Kamper, H., Lopez, A., and Goldwater,
S. (2017). Towards speech-to-text translation without
speech recognition. In Mirella Lapata, et al., editors,
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European
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