Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages
Director of Th.M. Program
Lilly Faculty Fellow
Fulbright Scholar Fellow
School Address: Home Address:
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology 945 Centre Street
50 Goddard Avenue Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Brookline, MA 02445 cell.: (617) 901-2316
phone: (617) 850-1543
2013 Certificate in Online Teaching, Catholic Distance Learning Network of the
Seminary Department of the National Catholic Educational Association)
1998 Th.D. in Old Testament, Bucharest University, Orthodox School of
Theology, Bucharest, Romania
1997 Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University.
1996 M.A. in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University.
1991 Postgraduate Student, Harvard Divinity School
1986 Élève titulaire de l'École biblique in Biblical Exegesis, École biblique et
archéologique française, Jerusalem, Israel
1979 Licentiate in Theology, Bucharest Orthodox Institute of Theology,
Bucharest, Romania
June-August Scholar-in-Residence, École Biblique et Archéologique Française,
2019 Jerusalem.
July 2018 Inaugural holder of Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Biblical Studies and
Christian Origins
June-August Scholar-in-Residence, École Biblique et Archéologique Française,
2018 Jerusalem.
June 4-22 Adjunct Professor, Boston College, summer course in the Holy Land, “In
2018 the Footsteps of Jesus,” taught in team with two other instructors from
École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem, Israel
July-Sept. Working under the supervision of the Dean’s Office to create and
2017 implement an online program at Holy Cross
January-June Online Instructor (“The Bible in the Orthodox Church”) for the MA in
2017 Bible Translation in Orthodox Context, organized by Nida Institute for
Biblical Scholarship (American Bible Society) and Link Campus
University in Rome
Summers Scholar-in-Residence, École Biblique et Archéologique Française,
2013-2016 Jerusalem, Israel
2014-2018 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Hellenic College and Holy Cross
2014-2018 Sessional Professor of Scripture and Semitic Languages, St. Vladimir’s
Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY
2014- Visiting Professor of Scripture, St. Joseph’s Roman-Catholic Seminary,
Yonkers, NY
August 2011 International Academic Expert invited by the Romanian Ministry of
Education to assess the doctoral programs in theology in the Romanian
universities, Bucharest, Romania
Spring 2010 Visiting Professor, École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem,
May 2009- Full Professor with Tenure: Old Testament and Semitic Languages
2007-2009 Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Holy Cross Greek
Orthodox School of Theology
Spring 2004 Visiting Professor, Bucharest University, Orthodox School of Theology,
Bucharest, Romania
2003-2007 Assistant Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, Hellenic College
2002-2003 Registrar, Hellenic College and Holy Cross
1998-2003 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Holy Cross
1996 Lecturer in Hebrew, Harvard Divinity School
1994-1998 Teaching Fellow (Bible and Semitic languages), Harvard University
The Book of Hosea: A New Translation from Hebrew, Greek, Syriac,
and Latin. With Study Notes
A contribution to the B.E.S.T (La Bible en ses traditions / The Bible in Its
Traditions)—a global online Study Bible project designed and led by
École Biblique et Archéologique Française (EBAF) to replace the famous
New Jerusalem Bible. B.E.S.T is the premier ecumenical and
interreligious Study Bible, already dubbed “The Bible of the Twenty-First
Century.I spent the summers of 2013-2016 working on this project as
“Scholar-in-Residence” at EBAF in Jerusalem (to be implemented on the
web platform at Completed (2016). Published in 2017
(Peeters Press).
The Bible in Byzantine Liturgical Texts and Iconography
An online research project seeking to collect all the scriptural (Old
and New Testament) references, hints, key-terms, etc., imbedded in
Byzantine Greek liturgical texts (Lectionaries, Menaia, Triodion,
Pentekostarion, etc.) and iconography (frescoes, portable icons, mosaics,
manuscript illuminations, etc.).
The data will be stored on a database
program, structured according to some 20 categories (e.g., textual versions
used, plain, allegorical, spiritual interpretations, Old/New Testament
references, etc.); in conjunction with Dr. Michael Colburn (IT) and Fr.
Sefanos Alexopoulos (Professor of Liturgics at CUA).
Pan-Orthodox Study Bible: The Septuagintal Tradition of the First
Millennium (POSB)
A project seeking to create and produce a study Bible for Eastern
Orthodox and Old Oriental communities (i.e., Greek, Slavic, Romanian,
Coptic, Ethiopian, Armenian, and Syrian jurisdictions).
Executive Editorial Board: Fr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, Fr. John Behr (former
dean of St. Vladimir’s Seminary) and Dr. George Kiraz (founder and
president of Gorgias Press). In collaboration with École Biblique’s
B.E.S.T. project.
2001 The Book of Prophet Hosea: Introduction, Translation and Commentary (in
Romanian). Bucharest: Albatros.
2001 West Semitic Vocabulary in the Akkadian Texts from Emar. Harvard Semitic
Studies 49. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
2002 Long-Suffering Love: A Commentary on Hosea with Patristic Annotations.
Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Press; 3rd impression, 2008.
2003 Fear of Real (in Romanian). Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca.
2006 Jesus the Messiah in the Hebrew Bible. New York / Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist
2014 The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition. New York: Oxford University
2016 Iisus Mesia in Biblia Ebraica. Translation in Romanian of Jesus the Messiah in
the Hebrew Bible; Bucharest: Basilica Romanian Patriarchate Press
2017 Hosea: The Word of the LORD that Happened to Hosea. The Bible in Its
Traditions 3. Under the direction of Olivier-Thomas Venard, O.P. École Biblique
et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
2019 Vechiul Testament in Traditia Ortodoxa Rasariteana. Translation in Romanian of
The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition; Cluj-Napoca: Renasterea
In progress
Hearing and Seeing the Scriptures: Liturgical Exegesis of the Old Testament in
Orthodox Tradition. Oxford University Press.
In preparation
Searching the Scriptures: The Economy of Salvation. A Guide How To Read the
Scriptures for Seminarians. Co-authored with William Cleary, Professor of New
Testament at St. Joseph’s Roman-Catholic Seminary, Yonkers, NY.
2008 The Orthodox Study Bible: The Old Testament (general editor). Nashville, TN:
Thomas Nelson Press.
2016 Studies in Orthodox Biblical Hermeneutics in Honor of Theodore G.
Stylianopoulos. Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press.
In progress
The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity. Oxford University
In preparation
The Pan-Orthodox Study Bible. Gorgias Press. Co-Editor with John Behr and
George Kiraz.
DVD and TV Presentations
Spring 2013
The Bible in the Orthodox Church: The New Testament a hour-long episode in a
televised series Discovering Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by Archbishop
Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund Inc.
Spring 2015
The History of Salvation as Unfolded in Scripture and Interpreted in Orthodox
Tradition. Episode I: The Living Breath of God. A hour-long lecture as part of a
DVD series grouped under the unifying theme of “history of salvation” that runs
throughout the Old and New Testaments. The series is designed to be a learning
resource for priests and parish educators in their teaching ministry. Hellenic
College Holy Cross 2015 copyright.
May 2017
Featured on nine episodes filmed and broadcasted by TrinitasTV, the official
Romanian Patriarchate TV station, dealing with various biblical topics (e.g., the
relationship between Old and New Testaments, Christ in the Old Testament, the
theological significance of the Book of Hosea, teaching and reading the Scriptures
in the digital era, etc.) [
DVD and TV Presentations
2013 The Bible in the Orthodox Church: The New Testament a hour-long episode in a
televised series Discovering Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by Archbishop
Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund Inc.
2015 The History of Salvation as Unfolded in Scripture and Interpreted in Orthodox
Tradition. Episode I: The Living Breath of God. A hour-long lecture as part of a
DVD series grouped under the unifying theme of “history of salvation” that runs
throughout the Old and New Testaments. The series is designed to be a learning
resource for priests and parish educators in their teaching ministry. Hellenic
College Holy Cross 2015 copyright.
2017 Featured on nine episodes filmed and broadcasted by TrinitasTV, the official
Romanian Patriarchate TV station, dealing with various biblical topics (e.g., the
relationship between Old and New Testaments, Christ in the Old Testament, the
theological significance of the Book of Hosea, teaching and reading the Scriptures
in the digital era, etc.) [
2015 “Introducing the B.E.S.T. Digital Study Bible Project”
2016 “Invitation by Olivier-Thomas Venard, O.P. to the Two Orthodox Seminaries in
the USA to Participate in the B.E.S.T. Project”
2017 “The Book of Hosea: From Iron Age to the Digital Age” (Talk at the Scripture
and Theology 2017 Colloquium, Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto)
2017 “Searching the Scriptures: The Economy of Salvation” (Online Course Preview-
Description) (not yet published)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (Selective)
1988 “References to the Carpatho-Danubian Region in Hebrew Sources of the 10th -
12th Centuries,” Romanian Jewish Studies (Jerusalem) 2/2, 1-12.
1999 “West Semitic Terms in Akkadian Texts from Emar,” Journal of Near Eastern
Studies 58/2, 81-96.
1999 “Above all his Friends. Paradoxical Language in the Messianic Prophecies of the
Old Testament,” Greek Orthodox Theological Review 44, 179-185.
2001 “Messianism in the Book of Hosea in the Light of Patristic Interpretations,” Greek
Orthodox Theological Review 46/1-2, 35-56.
2001 “A Self-Offering God and His Begotten Wisdom,” Greek Orthodox Theological
Review 46/3-4, 255-266.
2002 “The Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament: A Critical Review,”
Greek Orthodox Theological Review 47/1-4, 37-54; reprinted in Theodore G.
Stylianopoulos, ed. Sacred Text and Interpretation: Perspectives in Orthodox
Biblical Studies. Papers in Honor of Professor Savas Agourides. Brookline, MA:
Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006.
2002 “Dancing with the Word. Methodological Steps of Biblical Exegesis in the
Pastoral Setting,” Synthesis 27-28, 3-13.
2002 “The Deep, the Darkness, and the Spirit of God,” Praxis 3/1, 18-20.
2003 “Nadab and Abihu,” article in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, eds.
D.W. Baker, T.D. Alexander (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press), 583-
2003 “Judge,” article in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, eds. D.W. Baker,
T.D. Alexander (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press), 484-486.
2004 “Translation and Ascension in the Bible,” The ARC 6, 52-61.
2004 “The Living Breath of God and the Three Steps in Fashioning Humanity,”
Bulletin of the Boston Theological Institute 4/1, 3-7.
2006 “Between Hebrew Bible and Old Testament: Synchronic and Diachronic Modes
of Interpretation,” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 50/4, 381-396.
2007 “‘Renewed by Blood’: Sheol’s Quest in 2 Baruch 56:6,” Revue Biblique 114/4,
2008 “The Word ‘almah in Isaiah 7:14: A New Etymology.” In Bible et Terre Sainte.
Mélanges Marcel Beaudry. Ed. José Enrique Aguilar Chiu et al. (New York: Peter
Lang Press), 129-136.
2011 “Orthodoxy and Judaism.” In The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Ed. John Anthony McGuckin (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell), 1:355-358.
2011 “Old Testament.” In The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Ed.
John Anthony McGuckin (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell), 2:420-423.
2011 “Holding Sway in Companionship: Genesis 1:26 Revisited.” In Servant of the
Gospel. Studies in Honor of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew. Ed. Thomas FitzGerald (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox
Press), 158-173.
2012 “The Untamable Textbook and Its Handouts: Ruminations on Scripture-Tradition
Relationship,” Praxis 12:1, 13-17.
2013 “The Nature of the Resurrected Bodies and 2 Baruch and New Testament.” In
Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch: Reconstruction after the Fall. Eds. Mathias
Henze and Gabriele Boccaccini (Supplements to the Journal of the Study of
Judaism 164. Leiden-Boston: Brill), 309-336.
2016 “Il Perdono Nell’Antico Testamento: Giuseppe e Suoi Fratelli.” In Misericordia e
Perdono. Atti del XIII Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità
ortodossa. Bose 9-12 settembre 2015. Edited by Luigi d’Ayala Valva, Lisa
Cremaschi e Adalberto Mainardi monaci di Bose (Edizioni Qiqajon: Comunità di
Bose, 2016), 102-123.
2018 “Behind the Days: A Semitic Way of Looking at the End of Time,” Revue
Biblique (forthcoming).
2019 “Retranslating Acts 2: An Orthodox View on Xenolalia and Glossolalia.” In
Engaging the Book of Acts, Engaging One Another: Catholics, Orthodox, and
Evangelicals,” September 15-17, 2016. Edited by Paradosis Center for Theology
and Scripture (forthcoming).
Book Reviews (Selective)
1999 Mark W. Chavalas (ed.), EMAR: The History, Religion, and Culture of a Syrian
Town in the Late Bronze Age. (Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 1996), in
Ashland Theological Journal 31, 158-159 (review article).
2004 John A, McGuckin, Standing in God’s Holy Fire (Traditions of Christian
Spirituality Series; Orbis Books 2001). Pp. 172, with a response by J.A.
McGuckin, in Conversations in Religion and Theology, vol. 2/1, 59-66 (review
2005 Stephen D. Ryan, Dionysius Bar Salibi’s Factual and Spiritual Commentary on
Psalms 73-82. (Cahiers de la Revue Biblique, 57), in Review of Biblical
Literature [] (review article).
2014 Gary A. Anderson, Charity: The Place of the Poor in the Biblical Tradition (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 2013), in Revue Biblique (forthcoming).
1994 Edmund J. Curley Harvard Academic Award, Harvard University
1994 Protopresbyteros (ecclesiastic honor), Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in
1997 The Harvard Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate
Student Teaching of Undergraduates
2002 Faculty Research Grant, Holy Cross (IT Lilly Endowment)
2003 Faculty Research Grant, Hellenic College (Office of Vocation and
2005-2008 Teacher of the Year (awarded by Student Association for four consecutive
2009 Fulbright Scholar Fellowship at the University of Athens, Greece
2009 Lilly Faculty Fellowship, Association of Theological Schools in America
and Canada
2009 Sabbatical
2017 Co-writer with Dean’s Office, Boston College School of Theology and
Ministry of a winning project proposal, “In the Footsteps of Jesus: An
Immersive Biblical Course and Experience in the Holy Land” (June,
2017 “The Order of St. John Chrysostom,” the highest theological distinction
granted by the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, Bucharest
2018 Distinction” (Diploma and Medal) granted by Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
University and signed by University Senate President and Rector for
highly and internationally appreciated contribution in the areas of theology
and biblical studies.
2019 Doctor Honoris Causa in Theology. Proposed by the Orthodox School of
Theology and unanimously endorsed by the Senate of Babes-Bolyai
University in Cluj (Romania), the honorary degree will be awarded at a
special ceremony in November as part of the university’s centennial
Modern: Romanian (native), French, German, Modern Hebrew, Italian
Ancient: Hebrew, Akkadian, Syriac, Aramaic, Ugaritic, Ethiopic (Ge'ez), Greek,
“Hebrew Bible — Emar Revisited. A Philological Approach,” Society of Biblical
Literature Regional Meeting, Newton, MA, April 11, 1998.
“The Plural of Hebrew ‘Segholates’ in Light of the Emar Evidence,” Society of Biblical
Literature Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 22, 1998.
“Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics in Fr. Staniloae’s Theology,” Romanian Institute of
Orthodox Theology and Spirituality Annual Symposium, New York, NY, December 6,
“Messianism in the Book of Hosea in the Light of Patristic Interpretations,” Society of
Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 21, 1999.
“Above all his Friends. Paradoxical Language in the Messianic Prophecies of the Old
Testament,” Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality Annual
Symposium, New York, NY, December 5, 1999.
“The Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament: A Critical Review,”
International Biblical Conference organized by Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of
Theology. Brookline, MA, October 29 - November 1, 2003.
“Prophetesses in the Bible and Elsewhere: New Evidence from Emar,” Society of
Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 22-25, 2003.
“Reading the Bible Today,” Cluj University, School of Literature and Orthodox School
of Theology (Romania), March 11, 2004 (invited paper).
“The Living Breath of God and the Three Steps in Shaping Humanity,” BTI-Science and
Religion Symposium: Matter, Intelligence and Soul; Boston University, April 29, 2004
(invited paper).
“Acquired by God: Incarnation in Scripture and Tradition,” Annual Symposium of
Religious Studies Department at Hellenic College, Brookline, MA, December 2, 2004.
“Response” to Paul D. Hanson’s talk in conversation with E.J. Pentiuc’s book Jesus the
Messiah in the Hebrew Bible (Paulist Press: December 2005), Annual Symposium of
Religious Studies Department at Hellenic College, Brookline, MA, December 6, 2005.
“Biblical Scholarship and Faith,” St. Photios Symposium Annual Symposium organized
by the Office of Vocation, Hellenic College, February 3-4, 2006.
“Orthodoxy 101,” Boston College, March 21, 2006. Co-presented with Dr. Demetrios
Katos. Hosted by the Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Boston College Chapter.
“Between Hebrew Bible and Old Testament: Synchronic and Diachronic Modes of
Interpretation,” Orthodox Theological Society Annual Meeting, Brookline, MA, June 7-
9, 2006.
“Hebrew Sheol and Emarite Shuwala,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting,
San Diego, November 18, 2007.
“The Anaginoskomena: “Custom,” “Practice,” or “Conciliar Statements”? Society of
Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, November 22, 2008.
“Three Steps in Fashioning Humanity: An Orthodox View on Rhetorical Approach to
Scripture,” School of Theology of the Aristotelic University of Thessalonike, December
21, 2009.
“Hebrew Text and Septuagint,” School of Theology of the Aristotelic University of
Thessalonike, January 14, 2010.
“The Nature of the Resurrected Bodies and 2 Baruch and New Testament,” The Sixth
Enoch Seminar: Second Baruch and Fourth Ezra: Jewish Apocalypticism in Late First
Century Israel, Milan (Italy), June 27, 2011.
“The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition” – Book Presentation, Faculty
Seminar, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, March 20, 2014.
“Let the Bridegroom Speak To You” – Keynote Speech, Academic Convocation of
Hellenic College and Holy Cross, September 13, 2014.
“Teshuvah / Metanoia in the Story of Joseph and His Brothers” – Invited Paper for
“The 23
International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality,” Monastery of
Bose (Italy), September 9-12, 2015.
“Retranslating Acts 2: An Orthodox View on Xenolalia and Glossolalia” – Invited Paper
for “Engaging the Book of Acts, Engaging One Another: Catholics, Orthodox, and
Evangelicals,” Paradosis Center for Theology and Scripture, John Brown University,
Arkansas, September 15-17, 2016.
“Hearing and Seeing Lazarus’s Resurrection: A Sample of Liturgical Exegesis of
Scripture”—Invited Paper for “The Biblical Word and Liturgical Hymnology,” Faculty
of Theology – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and The Special Synodical Committee
of Liturgical Revitalization, February 9-10, 2017.
“The Book of Hosea from Iron Age to Digital Age: Introducing the B.E.S.T. First Digital
Study Bible,” Spring 2017 Scripture and Theology Colloquium, Wycliffe College at the
University of Toronto, May 5-6, 2017
“From La Bible de Jerusalem (1956) to the B.E.S.T. Digital Study Bible (2017),” Bible
Translation Workshop, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at American Bible Society,
Bucharest, May 15-19, 2017.
“Canonical and Rhetorical Approaches to Scripture,” invited lecture, Cluj-Napoca
University (Romania), Orthodox School of Theology, May 22, 2018.
“Should Iron-Age Texts Be Still Read in a Digital Age? The Hebrew Bible and the Power
of Metaphor,” acceptance speech for Doctor Honoris Causa - Doctor Divinitatis (DD),
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), November 5, 2019.
Society of Biblical Literature
Catholic Biblical Association
Romanian Biblical Association (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Writers’ Union of Romania (Bucharest, Romania)
Orthodox Theological Society of America
Editorial Board of Theological Studies Journal (Bucharest, Romania)
Editorial Board of ROOTS - Romanian Orthodox Old Testament Studies (Cluj-Napoca,
Editorial Board of Biblical Exegesis from Eastern Orthodox Perspectives (SBL Unit).
Introduction to the Old Testament
Old Testament Exegesis
Hebrew 1 & 2
Syriac 1 & 2
Hebrew for Pulpit
The Septuagint
Orthodox Christianity
Biblical Heritage 1 & 2
Introduction to Great Religious Ideas
The Book of Genesis
The Book of Exodus
The Prophets
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Hosea
The Book of Psalms
Christ in the Old Testament
Old Testament Theology
Theological Themes in the Pentateuch
“In the Footsteps of Jesus. A Summer Immersion Course in the Holy Land” taught in
June 2018 for Boston College, in conjunction with Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 2014-2018
Committee on Lectureships, 1998-2003
Committee on Three Hierarchs Patristic Competition, Chair 1999-2010
Committee on Ecumenism, 2002-2003
Committee on Rules and Procedures, 2002-2006
Committee on Catalogue, 2004-2005, 2014-15
Presidential Committee for the Holy Cross Press, 2004-2016
Curriculum Committee, 2005
IT Committee, 2006
School Web Site Committee, 2008
Spiritual Fathers Program, 2007-
Self Study Committee on Academic Programs, 2010-2011
Th.M. Program, Director 2010-
Committee on Appointments 2011-2015
Committee on Promotion and Tenure (PTC) 2013-2015; Chair of PTC: 2016-18
Presidential Committee on Accreditation, Spring 2013; Fall 2017
Committee on Assessment and Evaluation, Chair 2013-2014
Co-writer with Dr. James C. Skedros of the proposal “Online Education at Holy Cross”
“Old Testament Prophecies Concerning the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the
Lord” (lecture series), The Orthodox Fellowship of Rhode Island, Mansfield, MA, April
19, 2000.
“Who is Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever” (course), in conjunction with
Bishop Kalistos Ware (Oxford University), Eagle River Institute of Orthodox Studies,
Eagle River, Alaska, AK, August 1-5, 2003.
“Christ in the Old Testament” (lecture series), Orthodox Clergy Retreat, Washington,
DC, February 2004.
“Jesus the Messiah in the Hebrew Bible” (course), The Annunciation Greek Orthodox
Cathedral, Houston, TX, March 6-7, 2004.
“Anthropological View of Gen 1-3” (lecture series), St. Nektarios Church, Charlotte, NC,
May 28, 2004.
“Theological Themes in Genesis 1-11” (course), Orthodox Clergy Association, Seattle,
Washington, November 12-13, 2004.
“The Coming of Messiah” (course), The Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral,
Belmont, CA, and St. Nicholas Ranch, Dunlup, CA, March 31-April 7, 2006.
“Social Justice according to the Scripture” (lecture series), St. George Antiochian
Church, West Roxburry, MA, September 20, 2006.
“Humanity’s Destiny in the Scripture” (lecture series), Orthodox Youth Fellowship,
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, November 11, 2006.
“Biblical Anthropology” (lecture series), The Antiochian Ladies Society Retreat, West
Roxbury, MA, February 10, 2007.
“Reading the Bible in a Pastoral Setting” (lecture series), Greek Orthodox Church,
Kansas City, KS, February 3, 2007.
“To Be or to Have, this is the Question” (course), Greek Orthodox Church, Weston, MA,
April 2007.
“Humanity’s Destiny in the Scripture” (lecture series), The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
Church, Augusta, GA, March 1-2, 2008.
“From Eden to Golgotha: Two Gardens, Two Trees” (course), The Holy Cross Greek
Orthodox Cathedral, Belmont, CA, March 29-30, 2008.
“The Bible and the Early Church,” The Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Dallas,
TX, February 5-8, 2009.
“Looking at Deuterocanonical Books from within the Hebrew Bible: An Eastern
Orthodox Perspective,” Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX, February 6, 2009.
“The History of Salvation as Told in Scripture and Interpreted by the Orthodox
Tradition,” St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church, Charlotte, NC, April 24, 2015.
“Can We Trust the Bible?” – Apologetics Summit Think360, St. Mary and St. Anthony
Orthodox Coptic Church, Ridgewood, New York, October 22, 2016.
“Reading the Scripture Makes our Prayer Life Complete,” Keynote Address at the Clergy
Retreat of the Direct Archdiocese District, Long Island, February 7, 2017.
“Understanding the Old Testament,” Keynote Address, “The 2017 Holy Apostles
Celebration of Books: Navigating God’s Holy Word,” Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox
Church, Westchester, IL. In attendance: Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago and Bishop
Demetrios of Mokissos, March 12, 2017.
“‘Stay Here and Watch with Me’ (Matt 26:38). A Biblical-Liturgical-Spiritual Journey
Throughout Jesus’ Last Week,” a week-long retreat at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox
Cathedral, Mobile, AL, April 21-28, 2019.