2023-2024 FIRST
Tech Challenge
Game Manual Part 1 Remote
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
Revision 1.4: 1/10/2024
Sponsor Thank You
Thank you to our generous sponsor for your continued support of the FIRST
Tech Challenge!
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 3
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Revision History
Initial Release
Section 6.1 Clarified advancement criteria from qualifying tournaments
Section 6.2, 9.2.6, 9.5
o Updated reference to RTX for Innovate Award
o Removed sponsored by Arm for Control Award
Section 7.2.1 Vision cameras must have exactly one image sensor for stream captured
Section 7.2.1
o Vision sensors must have exactly one image sensor not able to stream captured
o Added examples of vision sensors
Section 7.3.3
o <RE01> secondary power switches are allowed
o <RE12> Added to rule that focused light sources are not allowed except those
listed in <RE12>.c&g
Section 7.3.4 - <DS03>
o Removed ASIN# for Etpark Wired Controller for PS4
o Clarification that electrical modifications of any gamepads are not allowed
Section 7.4 Added Team Game Element construction rules
Section 7.5 Added Team Scoring Element construction rules
Section 10.0 Added Dean’s List Award criteria
Appendix B Updated robot inspection sheet to include TGE and TSE inspection rules
Appendix E Added Control Award Submission Form
Section 7.3.3 Rule <RE11>d, Voltage and/or current sensors must be powered per
rule <RE05>c.
Added sections 7.4 and 7.5
Section 9.2.5 Added sub section Use of AI for engineering portfolio is
Section Teams no longer need to request judging feedback. Feedback will be
given to every team.
Appendix B Updated Robot Inspection Checklist
o Corrected spacing
o Expanded <DR05> rule summary
Appendix F Updated Award Terms and Conditions
Section 6.1 Added further clarification about teams participating outside of their region
Section 7.4 - <TE01> Team Props must be inspected in their gameplay configuration
Section 7.5
o Added link to “Is Your Drone Legal” doc
o <DR01> Drones must be inspected in their gameplay configuration
Section 8.4 Inspection
Section 6.1.2 Clarified that teams cannot be considered for the Inspire award at
another qualifying OR league tournament
Section 7.3.3 <RE06> Removed orange box that previously stated Android phones no
longer being legal as a Robot Controller on the 2024-2025 season.
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7
What is FIRST
Tech Challenge? .................................................................................................................. 7
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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FIRST Core Values ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.0 Gracious Professionalism
.......................................................................................................................... 7
3.0 The Competition Rules and Definitions ...................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Traditional Events .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Remote Events .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.3 Hybrid Events .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Eligibility to Compete in Official FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions: ..................................................... 8
3.2.1 North America Team Registration ...................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Outside North America Registration ................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Youth Team Member Registration ..................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Competition Types ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Scrimmage ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3.2 League Meets .................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Qualifying Tournaments and League Tournaments ........................................................................... 9
3.3.4 Super Qualifying Tournaments .......................................................................................................... 9
3.3.5 Regional Championship Tournaments ............................................................................................... 9
3.3.6 FIRST Championship ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.4 Competition Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.5 Competition Rules .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.0 Competition Day Outline ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Consent and Release Forms and Team Roster ..................................................................................... 13
4.2 Remote Competition Registration ........................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Judges’ Interviews .................................................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Qualification Matches ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.5 FTC Scoring Software ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.6 Awards and Closing Ceremony .............................................................................................................. 14
5.0 Calculating Scores and Ranking ................................................................................................................ 14
5.1 Competition Ranking Calculation ........................................................................................................... 14
5.1.1 Traditional Events ......................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 Remote Events ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.2 League Meet and Tournament Ranking ................................................................................................. 15
5.2.1 League Meet Ranking ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 League Tournament Ranking .......................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Penalties ................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.3.1 Traditional Events ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.3.2 Remote Events ................................................................................................................................ 15
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 5
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
6.0 Advancement Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 16
6.1 Eligibility for Advancement ..................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.1 Award Eligibility ............................................................................................................................... 17
6.1.2 Inspire Award Eligibility .................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Order of Advancement ........................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Order of Advancement ........................................................................................................................... 17
7.0 The Robot .................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Robot Control System ............................................................................................................................ 19
7.2.1 Robot Technology Definitions .......................................................................................................... 19
7.3 Robot Rules ........................................................................................................................................... 20
7.3.1 General Robot Rules ....................................................................................................................... 20
7.3.2 Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules................................................................................... 23
7.3.3 Robot Electrical Parts and Materials Rules ...................................................................................... 24
7.3.4 Driver Station Rules ......................................................................................................................... 31
7.3.5 Robot Software Rules ...................................................................................................................... 33
7.4 Team Game Element ............................................................................................................................. 36
7.5 Team Scoring Element Construction Rules ............................................................................................ 37
8.0 Inspection .................................................................................................................................................. 38
8.1 Description ............................................................................................................................................. 38
9.0 Judging and Award Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 38
9.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 38
9.1.1 Key Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................... 38
9.2 Engineering Portfolio .............................................................................................................................. 39
9.2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.2 What is an Engineering Portfolio? .................................................................................................... 39
9.2.3 Engineering Portfolio Formats ......................................................................................................... 39
9.2.4 Engineering Portfolio Requirements ................................................................................................ 39
9.2.5 Engineering Portfolio Recommendations ......................................................................................... 40 Artificial Intelligence in the Engineering Portfolio ........................................................................... 40
9.2.6 Engineering Portfolio Requirements by Award ................................................................................. 40
9.3 Engineering Notebook ............................................................................................................................ 42
9.4 Judging Process, Schedule, and Team Preparation ............................................................................... 42
9.4.1 How Judging Works ......................................................................................................................... 42 Feedback to Teams ...................................................................................................................... 43 Teams Without a Robot ................................................................................................................ 43
9.4.2 Judging Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 43
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9.4.3 Team Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 44
9.4.4 Coaches Involvement in Interviews .................................................................................................. 44 Coaches Involvement in Interviews Exceptions ............................................................................ 44
9.4.5 Video Award Submission Guidelines for Compass and Promote Awards ........................................ 44
9.5 Award Categories................................................................................................................................... 45
9.5.1 Inspire Award ................................................................................................................................... 45
9.5.2 Think Award ..................................................................................................................................... 45
9.5.3 Connect Award ................................................................................................................................ 46
9.5.4 Innovate Award sponsored by RTX.................................................................................................. 47
9.5.5 Control Award: ................................................................................................................................. 47
9.5.6 Motivate Award ................................................................................................................................ 48
9.5.7 Design Award .................................................................................................................................. 48
9.5.8 Promote Award (Optional) ............................................................................................................... 49
9.5.9 Compass Award (Optional) .............................................................................................................. 49
9.5.10 Judges’ Choice Award ................................................................................................................... 49
9.5.11 Winning Alliance Award ................................................................................................................. 50
9.5.12 Finalist Alliance Award ................................................................................................................... 50
10.0 Dean’s List Award .................................................................................................................................... 50
10.1 Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................... 50
10.2 Criteria ................................................................................................................................................. 50
10.3 Dean’s List Nominations ....................................................................................................................... 51
Appendix A Resources ................................................................................................................................. 52
Game Forum Q&A ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Volunteer Forum .......................................................................................................................................... 52
FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manuals ........................................................................................................ 52
FIRST Headquarters Pre-Event Support ...................................................................................................... 52
FIRST Websites ........................................................................................................................................... 52
FIRST Tech Challenge Social Media ........................................................................................................... 52
Feedback ..................................................................................................................................................... 52
Appendix B Robot Inspection Checklist ........................................................................................................ 53
Appendix C Field Inspection Checklist .......................................................................................................... 56
Appendix D Control Award Instructions ........................................................................................................ 58
Appendix E Control Award Submission Form ............................................................................................... 59
Appendix F Award Terms and Definitions ..................................................................................................... 60
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 7
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
1.0 Introduction
What is FIRST
Tech Challenge?
Tech Challenge is a student-centered program that focuses on giving students a unique and
stimulating experience. Each year, teams engage in a new game where they design, build, test, and program
autonomous and driver operated robots that must perform a series of tasks. Participants and alumni of FIRST
programs gain access to education and career discovery opportunities, connections to exclusive scholarships
and employers, and a place in the FIRST community for life. To learn more about FIRST
Tech Challenge and
other FIRST
Programs, visit www.firstinspires.org.
FIRST Core Values
The FIRST Core Values emphasize friendly sportsmanship, respect for the contributions of others, teamwork,
learning, and community involvement and are part of our commitment to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a
culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The FIRST Community expresses the FIRST philosophies
of Gracious Professionalism
and Coopertition
through our Core Values:
Discovery: We explore new skills and ideas.
Innovation: We use creativity and persistence to solve problems.
Impact: We apply what we learn to improve our world.
Inclusion: We respect each other and embrace our differences.
Teamwork: We are stronger when we work together.
Fun: We enjoy and celebrate what we do!
2.0 Gracious Professionalism
uses this term to describe our programs’ intent.
Gracious Professionalism
is a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the
value of others, and respects individuals and the community.
Watch Dr. Woodie Flowers explain Gracious Professionalism in this short video.
3.0 The Competition Rules and Definitions
3.1 Overview
Students that engage in the FIRST Tech Challenge program develop Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math (STEM) skills and practice engineering principles while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and
sharing ideas. Competitions are exciting sporting events with Robot Matches, judging interviews, and Teams
and Robot performance awards. This section provides critical information that will help Teams have a fun and
successful Competition day.
There are three formats of Competition a Team might experience this season; traditional, remote, and hybrid
events. This manual describes traditional events; however, some Teams may switch between formats
depending on social distancing rules within their state/region. Below are descriptions of these formats.
3.1.1 Traditional Events
A traditional FIRST Tech Challenge event is typically held in a school or college gymnasium, where Teams use
Robots to compete in the current season’s game challenge. Teams participating in traditional events compete
with Alliance partners in a head-to-head style of competition on the official FIRST Tech Challenge Playing
Field. Teams compete in a series of Matches that determine their ranking at a traditional Tournament. The size
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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of a traditional event can range anywhere from 8 Teams to over 50 Teams competing in one place. Traditional
events are generally scheduled by the local program delivery partner, and are run by many volunteers
including referees, judges, scorekeepers, queuers, and other key volunteers. Traditional events consist of
Robot inspections, Robot Competitions, judging interviews (for most Competitions), and an overall celebration
of Teams and their accomplishments.
3.1.2 Remote Events
Remote events were developed to mimic traditional FIRST Tech Challenge events, while practicing social
distancing guidelines. Since Teams may not be able to gather and compete in the traditional head-to-head
competition format, the season’s official full Playing Field has been adapted to allow Teams to play as a single
Team. Remote Teams may order an official half version of this season's field, or compete using a modified
version of the field, which will be released at kickoff on 9/9/2023. Teams will sign-up for events and will be
provided with a time window to submit their own Match scores, which will determine their rankings. Unlike
traditional events, the scoring of the official Matches is done by the Team, rather than an event volunteer.
Teams will participate in judging interviews via video conference when judging is part of the event. To learn
more about remote events, please read the Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events manual.
3.1.3 Hybrid Events
A Hybrid event blends traditional in-person match play with judging interviews held via video conference.
Teams use Robots to compete in the current season’s game challenge in the traditional style of an in-person
event and participate in judging remotely using a video conferencing tool for their initial and follow-up
presentations with the judge panel.
3.2 Eligibility to Compete in Official FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions:
3.2.1 North America Team Registration
To compete in an official FIRST Tech Challenge Competition at any level, a Team must be registered and in
good standing with FIRST.
1. The Team must complete the registration process through the Team Registration System.
2. The Team registration fee must be paid.
3. Two adults must pass the Youth Protection screening process.
3.2.2 Outside North America Registration
Teams outside of North America are required to register through the Team Registration System. Fees will not
be due to FIRST for the registration. Teams outside of North America should consult the program delivery
partner in their region for program fees, youth protection screening, and product purchase.
3.2.3 Youth Team Member Registration
Every youth Team member competing on a FIRST Tech Challenge Team is required to register through the
https://www.firstinspires.org dashboard. Every Team member’s parent or legal guardian must then
electronically accept the consent and release form. Instructions on how to register youth Team members can
be found on our website: https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/youth-registration-system
3.3 Competition Types
FIRST Tech Challenge has several types of Competitions categorized as official or unofficial events. These
Competitions are created and managed by the regional program delivery partner (PDP) and hosted by a
tournament director or local Team throughout the FIRST Tech Challenge season and off season. Information
regarding regional events can be found on https://ftc-events.firstinspires.org. The advancement criteria for
moving to the next Tournament level is detailed in section 6.0.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 9
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
3.3.1 Scrimmage
A scrimmage is an unofficial FIRST Tech Challenge event where Teams help each other improve their Robots,
play Robot Matches, attend workshops, and socialize. Anyone can host a scrimmage to prepare for an official
Competition. Teams hosting a scrimmage are required to tell their local program delivery partner that such an
event is taking place. Teams that choose to create and host a local scrimmage are responsible for finding a
location, organizing the format for the day, and inviting other Teams to participate. Teams may also have to
secure the field elements, computers, and other items.
3.3.2 League Meets
A league meet is an official FIRST Tech Challenge Competition in which a Team’s rankings follow the Team to
future meets and the league Tournament. League meets include Qualification Matches but no judging
sessions, awards, or Elimination Matches. Teams participating in league meets are expected to play in a
minimum of ten Qualification Matches spread across several meets prior to the league Tournament. Whenever
possible, it is highly encouraged that Teams participate in as many meets as they can. Rankings from one
meet to the next accumulate as outlined in section 5.3.
3.3.3 Qualifying Tournaments and League Tournaments
League Tournaments and qualifying Tournaments include Qualification Matches, Elimination Matches, judging
sessions and awards. Teams may compete in multiple qualifying Tournaments in a season. Teams may only
participate in one league for the season, and therefore only one league Tournament each season. Qualifying
Tournaments and league Tournaments are held before regional championship Tournaments. The number of
Teams advancing to the regional championship Tournament depends on the capacity of the regional
championship Tournament, the number of qualifying Tournaments and/or league Tournaments, and the
number of Teams attending the Tournaments.
3.3.4 Super Qualifying Tournaments
A super qualifying Tournament is an official FIRST Tech Challenge Competition in which Teams participate in
qualifying Tournaments and/or a league Tournament to advance to the super qualifying Tournament, then
advance to the regional championship Tournament. These Tournaments are held in regions with large
numbers of Teams.
3.3.5 Regional Championship Tournaments
Regional championship Tournaments are hosted and managed by a FIRST Tech Challenge program delivery
partner. In most regions, Teams are required to advance from a qualifying Tournament or league Tournament
to participate, while some regions host a single regional championship Tournament. Regional Championship
Tournaments may include Teams from a geographic region, province, state, country, or several countries.
Teams should expect a higher level of Competition, both on the field and in the judging sessions at regional
championship Tournaments.
3.3.6 FIRST Championship
Hosted and managed by FIRST, the FIRST Championship, held in Houston, Texas is the culminating event for
all FIRST programs. FIRST Tech Challenge Teams advance to the FIRST Championship through their
regional championship Tournament. The FIRST Championship includes Teams from many countries, and
Teams should expect a higher level of Competition, both on the field and in the judging sessions.
3.4 Competition Definitions
The following definitions and terms are used for a FIRST Tech Challenge Competition. Defined terms begin
with a capital letter and are italicized throughout the manual (for example, Alliance). Competition rules mean
exactly and only what it plainly says. If a word isn't given a game definition, then you should use its common
conversational meaning.
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Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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Alliance Station The designated “red” or “blueAlliance area next to the Playing Field where the Drive
Team stands or moves within during a Match. Station One is the position in the Alliance Station that is
closest to the audience.
AprilTag A visual fiducial system, useful for a wide variety of tasks including augmented reality, robotics, and
camera calibration
. Information about AprilTags may be found here: https://ftc-
See https://april.eecs.umich.edu/software/apriltag accessed on 5/18/2023.
Autonomous Period A thirty-second (0:30) Match period in which the Robots operate and react only to
sensor inputs and to commands pre-programmed by the Team into the onboard Robot control system. Human
control of the Robot is not permitted during this period.
Competition A Competition is an activity a Team attends as part of the FIRST Tech Challenge program that
is organized or sanctioned by the local program delivery partner or FIRST Headquarters. Competitions are all
levels of FIRST Tech Challenge events that include Robot Matches or judging.
Competition Area The Area where all the Playing Fields, scoring areas, Alliance Stations, scoring tables,
and other Competition officials and tables are located.
Drive Team - Up to four representatives two (2) drivers, one (1) human player, and one (1) coach from the
same Team.
Driver-Controlled Period The two-minute (2:00) Match time period in which the drivers operate the Robot.
End Game The last thirty seconds of the two-minute (2:00) Driver-Controlled Period.
Match - Matches are made up of several periods totaling two minutes and thirty seconds (2:30). There is a
thirty (30) second Autonomous Period, followed by a two (2) minute Driver-Controlled Period. The last thirty
(30) seconds of the Driver-Controlled Period is called the End Game. There is an eight-second transition
between the Autonomous Period and the Driver-Controlled Period for Teams to pick up the controllers and
switch programs.
Penalty - The consequence imposed for a rule or procedure violation that is identified by a referee.
Penalties may also include and/or escalate to the issuing of a yellow card or red card as a result of a
continued occurrence of a rule violation and upon discretion of the Referee. Please see rule <C03> for
yellow and red card definitions.
Traditional Events - An Alliance’s Penalty points are added to the opposing Alliance’s score at the end
of the Match. Penalties are further categorized into Minor Penalties and Major Penalties.
Remote Events - When a Penalty occurs, points are deducted from the Score of the Team that
incurred the Penalty. Penalties are further categorized into Minor Penalties and Major Penalties.
Playing Field The part of the Competition Area that includes the 12 ft. x 12 ft. (3.66 m x 3.66 m) field and all
the elements described in the official field drawings.
Practice Match A Match used to provide time for Teams to get familiar with the official Playing Field.
Qualification Match A Match used to earn Ranking Points and Tiebreaker Points.
Ranking Points Points that Teams earn for playing a Match that are subsequently used in the competition
ranking calculation (for more information, see Section 5).
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 11
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Traditional Events Teams earn Ranking Points for winning (two points), tying (one point), or losing or
disqualification/no show (zero points) in a Qualification Match.
Remote Events For a single Team competing remotely, the Team’s final score (after applying
Penalties) for a Match is used as their Ranking Points.
Robot - Any mechanism that has passed inspection and a Team places on the Playing Field before the start of
a Match. To be legal, Robots must comply with the Robot build rules in section 7.0 of this manual.
Student - A person who has not completed high-school, secondary school, or the comparable level as
of September 1
prior to the season Kickoff.
Team Mentors, supporters, and Students affiliated with an entity registered with FIRST. An official FIRST
Tech Challenge Team consists of no less than two (2) and more than fifteen (15) Student Team members and
is designed for Students in grades 7-12. Students cannot be older than high school-aged if they are
participating Team members. All Teams are required to register through the Team Registration System. For
eligibility to compete in FIRST Tech Challenge events, please see section 3.2 of this document.
TieBreaker Points/Average TBP TieBreaker Points are used as the tiebreakers when Teams have equal
average Ranking Points. There are two types of TieBreaker Points, TBP1 and TBP2.
Traditional Events For Teams that compete at a traditional Competition,
TBP1: Each Team receives their Alliance’s Autonomous Period score for a Qualification Match
as TBP1. Average TBP1 is the sum of the TBP1s of all non-Surrogate Qualification Matches
divided by the number of Matches that a Team plays in a Competition.
TBP2: Each Team receives their Alliance’s End Game specific task score for a Qualification
Match as TBP2. Average TBP2 is the sum of the TBP2s of all non-Surrogate Qualification
Matches divided by the number of Matches that a Team plays in a Competition.
Remote Events For a single Team competing remotely,
TBP1: Each Team receives their Autonomous Period score for a Qualification Match as TBP1.
TBP2: Each Team receives their End Game specific task score for a Qualification Match as
Please see section 5.0 for further explanation for how this is used to determine a Team’s ranking.
Tournament A Tournament is an event that advances Teams to the next level of Competition within a
state/region, or to the FIRST championship.
3.5 Competition Rules
<C01> Egregious Behavior - Egregious Robot or Team member behavior is not in the spirit of Gracious
Professionalism and will not be tolerated at a FIRST Tech Challenge event. Egregious behavior includes, but is
not limited to, repeated and/or flagrant violation of rules, unsafe behavior or actions, and uncivil behavior
towards Drive Team, competition personnel, or event attendees. In most cases, as determined by the referees,
the offending team will result in a Major Penalty and issuance of a Yellow Card and/or Red Card. Subsequent
violations may result in Team disqualification from the competition.
Continued and repeated violations will be brought to FIRST Headquarters attention. FIRST Headquarters will
work with event staff to determine if further escalations are necessary, which can include removal from award
consideration, and removal from the event.
12 | FIRST
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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In cases where the egregious behavior is deemed to be unsafe, such as physical contact or threatening
behaviors to other event attendees, event staff will work with FIRST Headquarters to determine if the behavior
warrants immediate removal of the team from the event.
<C05> One Robot Per Team - Each registered Team may enter only one Robot (a Robot built to play the
current season’s game challenge) into the FIRST Tech Challenge Competition. It is expected that Teams will
make changes to their Robot throughout the season and at Competitions.
a. It is against this rule to compete with one Robot while a second is being adjusted or assembled at a
b. It is against this rule to switch back and forth between multiple Robots at a Competition.
c. It is against this rule to use multiple Robots to register and attend concurrent traditional Competitions.
d. It is against this rule to use a Robot built by another Team.*
Violations of this rule will immediately be considered deliberate and egregious.
*Exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances for Teams that need assistance from another
Team with the operation of their Robot. For example, Teams loaning out Drive Team members to
another Team whose drivers have not arrived/must leave early. In events such as this, the Teams
involved should notify the tournament director of the extenuating circumstance.
<C07> Qualification Match Count - Teams competing in a meet, league Tournament, qualifying Tournament,
and regional championship Tournament will compete in either five (5) or six (6) Qualification Matches as
determined by the tournament director. Teams competing remotely will have a total of six (6) Qualification
<C15> Safety Glasses - All Team members, coaches, and their guests must wear ANSI Z87.1 certified safety
glasses while in the Pit or Competition Area. Prescription glasses with ANSI Z87.1 approved Commercial Off-
The-Shelf (COTS) side shields are also allowed.
<C16> Battery Safety - Batteries must be charged in an open, well-ventilated area.
<C17> Footwear Safety - Open-toed or open-backed shoes are not allowed in the Pit Area or in the
Competition Area.
<C18> General Safety - Running, skateboarding, roller skating, ‘hover boards’, and/or flying drones are not
allowed at any Competition unless specified by game specific rules. These can create safety hazards to the
Teams, spectators, or volunteers attending the Competition.
<C20> Hazardous Materials - Painting or applying harmful products, sprays, glues, or aerosols are not
allowed anywhere at the Competition. This includes the Pit, Competition, and spectator areas.
Note: Teams may apply antistatic spray to their Robot if done outside the venue.
<C28> Government and Venue Requirements Teams must comply with government and venue specific
requirements (for example, wearing a mask, social distancing, tornado warning procedures, etc.).
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 13
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
4.0 Competition Day Outline
Remote Competitions are a way for Teams to compete while practicing social distancing. Teams are required
to register with FIRST to access the cloud-based scoring system where their official Matches are submitted.
This section of the manual outlines what Teams should expect while competing in remote competitions.
4.1 Consent and Release Forms and Team Roster
Each student competing at a FIRST Tech Challenge Competition must have a signed consent and release
form completed by a parent or legal guardian. Students cannot compete without a signed consent and
release form. These forms must be filled out electronically through the FIRST dashboard. A parent or legal
guardian of the student can create a youth Team member registration through the FIRST website and
complete the consent and release form online.
4.2 Remote Competition Registration
Once a Team registers with FIRST, they must also register for their Competition. For event information such as
dates, registration, and format, Teams should contact their local program delivery partner.
4.3 Judges’ Interviews
At FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions, there are three parts to the judging process: 1) interview with judges;
2) evaluation of performance during the Tournament, and 3) evaluation of the engineering portfolio. Each
Team will have a ten to fifteen minute “fact-finding” interview with a panel of two or three judges. At the start of
the interview, Teams will have a maximum of 5 minutes to present to the judges. After the Team’s five-minute
presentation, the judges will have the opportunity to ask questions about the Team, the Robot, outreach
efforts, etc.
Teams that compete in a remote Competition (except for league meets, where judging interviews do not take
place) are eligible for judged awards. Judging interviews are held via video conference and will be set up by
either the local program delivery partner, a judge advisor, or tournament director.
Teams that are participating in an event that do not have a Robot are still eligible to receive an interview, and
are also eligible for judged awards.
4.4 Qualification Matches
Qualification Matches are the official Matches used to determine a Teams ranking. Teams will have up to a 7
day* window for the specific remote event(s) they are registered for to submit their six (6) official Qualification
Match scores to FIRST. Teams are not required to play Matches on a specific date, however any
unplayed/unscored Qualification Matches not submitted within the allotted timeframe will receive a zero score.
Teams are ranked using their individual Team performance after their remote event ends.
*Please be sure to check with your local program delivery partner for details about the Match scoring window.
4.5 FTC Scoring Software
“The FTC Scoring System is an internet-based application that allows Teams to score their Matches and
participate in judging sessions remotely. Teams can upload their engineering portfolios, control award
submissions, request judging feedback, and provide official scores for their events through the cloud-based
FTC Scoring System. Teams receive access to the software once they have registered for the season. Each
Team can use their firstinspires.org Team dashboard user account to login to https://ftc-
scoring.firstinspires.org/ and submit their Qualification Match scores. It is required that official Qualification
Match scores be submitted via the FTC Scoring system for remote events within the event submission window
to count toward the Team’s rankings.
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Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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The FTC Scoring System is similar to the downloadable scoring system, FTC Live, used in traditional events.
Teams can run the FTC Scoring system to use the Match timers, displays, and score their Match as the Match
is played.
To run the software to score a Match in real-time, an internet connection is required. For Teams competing in a
location that does not have high speed internet access, the Team may use paper scoresheets to record the
status of the Match. The Team must then ensure that the scores recorded on paper are submitted to the PDP
or event admin before the remote event deadline for scores to be published.
More detailed information, such as scoring guides and video tutorials, can be found on our website:
Teams can also find remote resources on our YouTube channel:
4.6 Awards and Closing Ceremony
The awards and closing ceremony celebrate the Teams and their accomplishments throughout the
Competition, as well as the volunteers who helped make the Competition possible. At the awards and closing
ceremony, the finalists and winners of each award are announced. For Teams competing in remote events, the
awards and closing ceremony is generally done by video conference or pre-recorded broadcast.
5.0 Calculating Scores and Ranking
5.1 Competition Ranking Calculation
Ranking Points and TieBreaker Points are awarded at the end of each Match. Teams that are Surrogates,
Disqualified, or do not show up (no show) for a Match receive zero Score, Ranking, and TieBreaker Point
contributions towards their Ranking calculation. Please note that Ranking Points differ from traditional to
remote events. Please see the definition of Ranking Points and TieBreaker points in section 3.4 of this manual.
5.1.1 Traditional Events
Each Team at a Competition is ranked according to the following sort order:
1. Averaged Ranking Points; highest to lowest, then
2. Averaged TieBreaker Points (TBP1); highest to lowest, then
3. Averaged TieBreaker Points (TBP2); highest to lowest, then
4. Highest Match Score (including Penalties), then
5. Random Electronic Draw
Averages are based on the number of Matches played during a Competition. Teams may be required to play a
Surrogate Match, which is an extra Match marked by an asterisk on a Team’s Match schedule. The added
Surrogate Match does not count towards their rankings or averages during the Competition.
5.1.2 Remote Events
Each Team at a Competition is ranked according to the following sort order:
1. Averaged Ranking Points; highest to lowest, then
2. Averaged TieBreaker Points (TBP1); highest to lowest, then
3. Averaged TieBreaker Points (TBP2); highest to lowest, then
4. Highest Match Score (including Penalties), then
5. Random Electronic Draw
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 15
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Averages are based on the number of Matches played during a Competition.
5.2 League Meet and Tournament Ranking
League tournament Team rankings are based on the top ten (10) Matches from all previous league meets plus
all Matches played at the league tournament. The ten (10) league meet Matches are selected using the sort
order from Section 5.1. All Teams at a league tournament are ranked based on the same total number of
Matches (either 15 or 16 depending on the number of Qualifying Matches at the league tournament). Teams
that played fewer than ten (10) Matches at meets will have Ranking Points and TieBreaker Points that are
effectively zero for the missing Matches.
5.2.1 League Meet Ranking
1. Meet Ranking For meets that track the ranking of Teams attending that meet, rankings are based on
matches played at that meet using the sort order described in section 5.1. Averages for ranking are
calculated based on ten (10) Matches, regardless of the number of matches played by a Team.
2. League Meet Ranking A Team’s league ranking is based on their performance at all of the meets
attended up until that event. The Team’s cumulative league ranking calculation is based on the average
of the best ten (10) league meet Matches selected using the sort order described in Section 5.1. For
Teams with fewer than ten (10) played meet Matches the Ranking Points and TieBreaker Points will be
effectively zero for the unplayed Matches.
5.2.2 League Tournament Ranking
League tournament rankings are based on the cumulative meet league ranking described in section 5.2.1 plus
all of the Matches played at the league tournament. Ranking averages are calculated across all of the
cumulative ten (10) league meet Matches described in section 5.2.1 plus all Matches played at the league
5.3 Penalties
5.3.1 Traditional Events
An Alliance’s Penalty points are added to the opposing Alliance’s score at the end of the Match.
5.3.2 Remote Events
Penalty points are subtracted from the Team’s Score. A Team’s intermediate score will go negative if the
Penalties incurred are more than the points they have earned in a Match. However, any negative net score will
be recorded as zero (0) as the final Match score.
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6.0 Advancement Criteria
6.1 Eligibility for Advancement
Teams are only eligible to advance from events within their Home Region.
Teams may choose to compete at Tournaments outside of their Home
Region, however, do so for the opportunity of additional gameplay and to
compete with other teams from outside of their area. Teams may NOT
advance from Tournaments outside of their Home Region.
Teams may only compete in one league and one league Tournament per
A Team can participate in a league outside their region, provided that is the only league they participate in. A
Team may not advance from a league tournament to a regional championship that is outside of their region
unless the program delivery partners in both regions have agreed to move a Team to a new region for the
entire season.
This applies to both Teams in North America, and Teams outside of North America:
Tournament Type
Special Considerations
League Tournament
A Team is eligible to advance to the next
Competition tier from the League Tournament
they attend. Teams can only compete in one
league, and therefore only one League
Qualifying Tournament
A Team may participate in more than one
qualifying Tournament within their Home
Region but are not eligible for consideration for
awards nor are they eligible for advancement at
Tournaments beyond their third.
Super Qualifying
Teams advance from their Home Region super
qualifying Tournament to their Home Region’s
regional championship.
Teams can only compete in one super
qualifying Tournament.
Regional Championship
Teams advance from their Home Region’s
regional championship Tournament to the
FIRST Championship.
New this season: Teams
may only advance to the
next level of
competition from their
Home Region.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 17
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
6.1.1 Award Eligibility
Teams are eligible to be judged and considered for all awards (except for the Inspire award, see section 6.1.2
for details) at any Tournament they attend. Teams are eligible for advancement tied to the award within their
Home Region. Teams may be a finalist or winner of an award when they are competing outside of their Home
Region but are not eligible to advance.
6.1.2 Inspire Award Eligibility
Teams are only eligible to be considered for the inspire award at Tournaments within their own region. If a
Team is competing outside of their Home Region, they cannot be considered for the inspire award, including
and 3
place inspire spots.
Teams that have won the inspire award at another qualifying or league Tournament cannot be considered for
the inspire award or as an inspire award finalist at subsequent qualifying or league Tournaments within their
Home Region.
All Teams are eligible to be considered for all judged awards at the FIRST championship.
6.2 Order of Advancement
If the Team listed has already advanced or there is no Team fitting that description (as in 2
Team selected at
smaller Tournaments, or 3
place award finalists at smaller Tournaments), the advancement will continue in
6.2 Order of Advancement
If the Team listed has already advanced or there is no Team fitting that description (as in Award 3
place at
events of 21 or fewer Teams) the advancement will continue in order.
1. Inspire Award Winner
2. Top Ranked Team
3. Inspire Award 2
4. Top Ranked 2
place Team
5. Inspire Award 3
6. Top Ranked 3
place Team
7. Think Award Winner
8. Top Ranked 4
place Team
9. Connect Award Winner
10. Top Ranked 5
place Team
11. Innovate Award sponsored by RTX Winner
12. Top Ranked 6
place Team
13. Control Award sponsored by Arm Winner
14. Motivate Award Winner
15. Design Award Winner
16. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
17. Think Award 2
18. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
19. Connect Award 2
20. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
21. Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 2
22. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
23. Control Award sponsored by Arm 2
24. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
25. Motivate Award 2
26. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
27. Design Award 2
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Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events
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28. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
29. Think Award 3
30. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
31. Connect Award 3
32. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
33. Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 3
34. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
35. Control Award sponsored by Arm 3
36. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
37. Motivate Award 3
38. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
39. Design Award 3
40. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
41. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
42. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
43. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
44. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
45. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
46. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
47. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
48. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
49. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
50. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
51. Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced
* Events with 20 or fewer Teams may select an award winner and a single award finalist. Events with
21 or more Teams must select an award winner and a 2
and 3
place winner.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 19
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
7.0 The Robot
7.1 Overview
A FIRST Tech Challenge Robot is a remotely operated vehicle designed and built by a registered FIRST Tech
Challenge Team to perform specific tasks when competing in the annual game challenge. This section
provides rules and requirements for the design and construction of a Robot. Teams should be familiar with the
Robot and game rules before beginning Robot design.
7.2 Robot Control System
A FIRST Tech Challenge Robot is controlled by an Android-based platform. Teams will use two (2) Android
Devices to control their Robot. One Android Device is mounted directly onto the Robot and acts as a Robot
Controller. The other Android Device is connected to one or two gamepads to make up the Driver Station.
For more information, tutorials, and to access our Android Technology forum, please visit:
7.2.1 Robot Technology Definitions
Android Device An electronic device running the Android operating system. See rules <RE07> and <RS03>
for a list of allowed devices and operating system versions.
Driver Station Hardware and software used by a Drive Team to control their Robot during a Match.
Logic Level Converter An electronic device that allows an encoder or sensor, that operates using 5V logic
levels, to work with the REV Expansion Hub and/or REV Control Hub, which operates using 3.3V logic levels.
This device may contain a step-up voltage converter (from 3.3V to 5V) and a dual channel, bidirectional logic
level converter. This device may be used directly with a 5V digital sensor or with an I2C Sensor Adaptor Cable
to a 5V I2C sensor.
I2C Sensor Adapter Cable An adapter to change the pin orientation of the REV Robotics Logic Level
Converter to match a Modern Robotics compatible I2C sensor.
Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) Micro Cable The connection between the Smartphone Android Device
Robot Controller and the REV Expansion Hub.
Op Mode An Op Mode (short for "operational mode") is software that is used to customize the behavior of a
Competition Robot. The Robot Controller executes a selected Op Mode to perform certain tasks during a
OTG Micro Adapter Connects a USB hub to Micro USB OTG (On-The-Go) port on a smartphone Driver
Station Android Device.
REV Control Hub An integrated Android Device with four (4) DC motor channels, six (6) servo channels,
eight (8) digital I/O channels, four (4) analog input channels, and four (4) independent I2C buses.
REV Driver Hub - A compact mobile Android Device designed specifically for use as part of the Driver Station.
REV Expansion Hub An integrated electronic device with four (4) DC motor channels, six (6) servo
channels, eight (8) digital I/O channels, four (4) analog input channels, and four (4) independent I2C buses.
REV SPARKmini Motor Controller - An electronic device that accepts a PWM control signal (from a servo
controller) and supplies 12V power to a DC motor.
REV Servo Power Module An electronic device that boosts the power supplied to 3-wire servos. A REV
Servo Power Module has 6 input servo ports and 6 matching output ports. It draws power from a 12V source
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and provides 6V power to each output servo port. A REV Servo Power Module can provide up to 15A of
current across all output servo ports for a total of 90 Watts of power per module.
Robot Controller A REV Control Hub or an allowed smartphone Android Device connected to a REV
Expansion Hub located on the Robot that processes Team written software, reads on-board sensors, and
receives commands from the Drive Team by way of the Driver Station. The Robot Controller sends instructions
to the motor and servo controllers to make the Robot move.
VEX Motor Controller 29 - An electronic device that accepts a PWM control signal from a servo controller
through a REV Servo Power Module to drive a VEX EDR 393 motor.
Vision Camera COTS devices with exactly one image sensor able to stream captured images and/or video.
Vision cameras must be UVC compatible and must connect directly to a REV Control Hub via USB or to the
Robot Controller through a powered USB hub. Common Vision Cameras are the Logitech C270 HD, Logitech
C920 HD PRO, and Microsoft Lifecam HD-3000.
Vision Sensor COTS devices with exactly one image sensor not able to stream captured images and/or
video. Instead, the images and/or video is processed by on-board algorithms and only the results are
communicated back to a computer or system. Vision Sensors must follow all sensor rules in <RE11>. Common
Vision Sensors are the HuskyLens and Pixy2, though only the HuskyLens has included SDK support as of
SDK 9.0.
7.3 Robot Rules
Anyone that has attended a FIRST Tech Challenge Competition knows that Teams think outside the kit-of-
parts (TETRIX and REV FIRST Tech Challenge Competition Sets, REV EDU Kit, etc.) to create unique and
creative Robots. The intent of the Robot construction rules is to create a level playing field and a framework for
Teams to build Robots that safely play the annual game challenge. Teams should read all the Robot rules
before building their Robot. Teams can also reference our Legal and Illegal Parts List on our website for
common legal and illegal Robot parts. Some suppliers’ websites may claim that a part is FIRST Tech
Challenge approved. The only official references for the legality of parts and materials are the Game Manual
Part 1, the Legal and Illegal Parts List, and the Official Game Q&A Forum.
7.3.1 General Robot Rules
It is the intent of FIRST to encourage creativity in design as long as it does not present a safety hazard or
unfairly affect the opportunities of any Teams to compete. Although there is significant creative freedom
allowed in the Robot design rules, Teams should consider the adverse effects of any design decisions that
they make. When considering your Robot design and your game strategy, ask yourself the following questions.
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the design part is not allowed:
Could it damage or disable another Robot?
Could it damage the Playing Field?
Could it injure a participant or volunteer?
Is there already a rule that restricts this?
If everybody did this, would the gameplay be impossible?
<RG01> Illegal Parts - The following types of mechanisms and parts are not allowed:
a. Those used in a Robot drive system that could potentially damage the Playing Field and/or Scoring
Elements such as high traction wheels (for example, AndyMark am-2256) and high grip tread (for
example, Roughtop, AndyMark am-3309).
b. Those that could potentially damage or flip other competing Robots.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 21
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
c. Those that contain hazardous materials such as mercury switches, lead, or lead containing
compounds, or lithium polymer batteries (except for the Android Devices’ internal batteries).
d. Those that pose an unnecessary risk of entanglement.
e. Those that contain sharp edges or corners.
f. Those that contain animal-based materials (because of health and safety concerns).
g. Those that contain liquid or gel materials.
h. Those that contain materials that would cause a delay of game if released (for example, loose ball
bearings, coffee beans, etc.).
i. Those that are designed to electrically ground the Robot frame to the Playing Field.
j. Closed gas devices (for example, gas storage vessel, gas spring, compressors, pneumatic tires, etc.).
k. Hydraulic devices.
l. Vacuum based mechanisms.
<RG02> Maximum Starting Size - The maximum size of the Robot for starting a Match is 18 inches (45.72
cm) wide by 18 inches (45.72 cm) long by 18 inches (45.72 cm) high. The only exceptions are:
a. Preloaded game elements may extend outside the starting size constraint.
b. Flexible materials (i.e., zip tie, surgical tube, string, etc.) may extend up to 0.25 inches (0.635 cm)
beyond the 18 inch (45.72 cm) size constraint.
c. Robots may expand beyond the starting size constraint after the Match starts.
During inspection, a robot sizing tool will be used as the official gauge to make sure Robots comply with this
rule. To pass inspection, a Robot must satisfy all of the following requirements:
d. Robot is placed on its drivetrain inside the robot size tool.
e. The Robot must maintain the same shape/configuration as it will have at the start of a Match.
f. Fit completely within the robot sizing tool in the same manner that it sits on the Playing Field floor at the
start of a Match.
g. Be fully self-supported (i.e., does not exert force on the sides or top of the sizing tool) by either:
i. A mechanical means while powered-off.
ii. Powered-on using mechanical means and/or an Autonomous Op Mode initialization routine that
pre-positions servo motors to the desired stationary position.
<RG03> Team Number Display - Robots must prominently display their Team number (numerals only, for
example “12345”) on two separate signs. The intent of this rule is for field personnel to easily identify Robots
by Team number from at least 12 feet (3.66 meters) away.
a. Team number must be visible from at least two opposite sides of the Robot (180 degrees apart).
b. The numerals must each be at least 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) high and in a contrasting color from their
c. Team numbers must be robust enough to withstand the rigors of Match play. Example robust materials
include: 1) self-adhesive numbers (mailbox or vinyl numbers) mounted on polycarbonate sheet, wood
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panel, metal plate, etc. or 2) Ink jet or laser printed numbers on paper and laminated.
d. If used, illuminated Team numbers must be legible when they are not powered on.
<RG04> Alliance Marker Robots must include a Team supplied, Alliance specific marker on two opposite
sides of the Robot to easily identify which Alliance a Robot is assigned to. The Alliance marker must be
displayed on the same side of the Robot as the Team number, within a 3-inch (7.62 cm) distance of the
number. The intent of this rule is to allow field personnel to easily identify the Robot’s Alliance.
a. The red Alliance marker must be a solid red square, 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches (6.35 cm x 6.35 cm) +/-
0.25 inches (0.64 cm).
b. The blue Alliance marker must be a solid blue circle, 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) +/- 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) in
c. The Alliance marker must be visible to the referees during a Match and must indicate the Alliance color
for the Match.
d. The Alliance marker must be robust enough to withstand the rigors of Match play. Example robust
materials include: 1) Alliance marker template printed and laminated; 2) painted or gaff tape covered
polycarbonate sheet, wood panel, metal plate, etc.
It is highly recommended that the Team add their Team number anywhere to their Alliance marker. This allows
field personnel the ability to return Alliance markers that might be left on the Playing Field.
An Alliance Marker template is located on the FIRST Tech Challenge game and season page
<RG05> Allowed Energy Sources - Energy used by FIRST Tech Challenge Robots (that is, stored at the
start of a Match), shall come only from the following sources:
a. Electrical energy drawn from approved batteries.
b. A change in the position of the Robot center of gravity.
c. Storage achieved by deformation of Robot parts. Teams must be careful when incorporating spring-like
mechanisms or other items to store energy on their Robot by means of part or material deformation.
<RG06> Detached Robot Parts Robots may not detach parts of the Robot. Tethered elements of the Robot
are considered detached if either is able to move independently of the other.
<RG07> Propelling Game Scoring Elements Robots can propel (i.e., able to move independently of the
Robot) scoring elements unless limited by a game specific rule. If allowed, Robots may only propel the
elements with enough velocity to score. Propelling elements with excessive velocity could create a safety
hazard for other Teams and field personnel. If the referees feel that a Robot is propelling scoring elements with
excessive velocity, the Robot must be re-inspected. Robots must then show that a propelled scoring element
cannot travel in the air more than a 18 ft. (5.49 m) distance or more than 5 ft. (1.52 m) in elevation.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 23
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
7.3.2 Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules
<RM01> Allowed Materials - Teams may use raw and post-processed materials to build their Robots,
provided these materials are readily available to all Teams (for example, McMaster-Carr, Home Depot,
Grainger, AndyMark, TETRIX/PITSCO, MATRIX/Modern Robotics, REV Robotics, etc.).
<RM02> Commercial Off-The-Shelf Parts - Teams may use Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) mechanical
parts that have a single degree of freedom. For the FIRST Tech Challenge, a single degree of freedom part
uses a single input to create a single output. The following are examples of single degree of freedom parts:
Linear Actuator: a single rotary input results in a single direction linear output
Pully: rotates around a single axis
Single Speed Gearbox: a single rotary input results in a single rotary output
It is the intent of FIRST to encourage Teams to design their own mechanisms rather than buying pre-designed
and pre-manufactured solutions to achieve the game challenge. Purchased mechanism kits (for example,
grippers) that violate the single degree of freedom rule, either assembled or requiring assembly, are not
Exceptions to the single degree of freedom rule <RM02> are:
COTS drive chassis (for example, AndyMark TileRunner, REV Mecanum Drivetrain Kit, TETRIX Flex-
Build Robot Chassis, etc.) are allowed provided none of the individual parts violate any other rules.
Examples of allowed raw materials are:
Sheet goods
Extruded shapes
Metals, plastics, wood, rubber, etc.
Examples of allowed post-processed materials are:
Perforated sheet and diamond plate
Injection molded parts
3D printed parts
Cable, string, rope, filament, etc.
Springs of all types: compression, extension, torsion,
surgical tubing, etc.
Examples of allowed COTS parts:
Linear Slide Kit
Linear Actuator Kit
Single Speed (non-shifting) Gearboxes
Lead Screws
Examples of illegal multiple degrees of freedom COTS parts:
Gripper Assemblies or Kits
Ratcheting Wrenches
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Holonomic wheels (omni or mecanum) are allowed.
Dead-wheel Odometry Kit a combination of an encoder, a free-spinning omnidirectional wheel, an
optional tensioner, and an enclosure used to accurately measure the wheel’s rotation.
<RM03> Modifying Materials and COTS Parts - Allowed materials and legal COTS parts may be modified
(drilled, cut, painted, etc.), as long as no other rules are violated.
<RM04> Allowed Assembly Methods - Welding, brazing, soldering, and fasteners of any type are legal
methods for assembling a Robot.
<RM05> Lubricant - Any COTS lubricant is allowed, if it does not contaminate the Playing Field, scoring
elements or other Robots.
<RM06> Current Season Game and Scoring Elements - The following season game and scoring elements
are not allowed for Robot construction:
a) COTS current or previous season’s scoring elements.
b) Team manufactured replicas of COTS current or previous season’s scoring elements.
c) AprilTag or fiducial images of any type are not allowed.
7.3.3 Robot Electrical Parts and Materials Rules
There are many possible ways to build and wire a Robot. These rules provide specific requirements on what is
and is not allowed. Teams must ensure that electrical and electronic devices are used consistently with
manufacturer's requirements and specifications. Teams are encouraged to review the FIRST Tech Challenge
Robot Wiring Guide for suggestions on how to build a Robot with safe and reliable wiring.
<RE01> Main Power Switch - Exactly one Robot main power switch must control all power provided by the
Robot main battery pack. FIRST requires Teams to use either the TETRIX (part # W39129), MATRIX (part #
50-0030), REV (REV-31-1387), or AndyMark (am-4969) power switch. This is the safest method for Teams
and field personnel to shut down a Robot.
The Robot main power switch must be mounted or positioned to be readily accessible and visible to field
personnel. A main Robot Power label must be placed near the main power switch of the Robot. Attach the
image (“POWER BUTTON”) to your Robot near the main power switch. To be easily seen by field personnel
the label should be at least 1 in x 2.63 in (2.54 cm x 6.68 cm, Avery Label # 5160) and placed on a flat surface
(not wrapped around corners or cylinders).
Secondary Robot power switches downstream from the main power switch are allowed. It is recommended
that any secondary power switch be labeled as a secondary switch in a manner dissimilar to the Robot Main
Power Switch. Secondary switches must be one of the four allowed power switches specified in this rule.
The Robot main power switch should be mounted on
the Robot so it is protected from Robot-to-Robot
contact to avoid inadvertent actuation or damage.
Beginning in the 2024-2025 competition season, the MATRIX (part
#50-0030) power switch will no longer be allowed.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 25
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
<RE02> Battery Mount - Batteries must be securely attached (for example, VELCRO, hook and loop strips,
cable ties, rubber band) to the Robot in a location where they will not make direct contact with other Robots or
the Playing Field. Batteries should be protected from contact with sharp edges and protrusions (screw heads,
screw ends, etc.)
<RE03> Robot Main Battery All Robot power is provided by exactly one (1) 12V Robot main battery. The
Robot main battery must include a replaceable in-line 20A fuse. Only one (1) of the approved battery packs is
allowed on the Robot.
The only allowed Robot main power battery packs are:
a. TETRIX (W39057, formally 739023) 12V DC battery pack
b. Modern Robotics/MATRIX (14-0014) 12V DC battery pack
c. REV Robotics (REV-31-1302) 12V DC Slim Battery pack
<RE04> Fuses - Fuses must not be replaced with fuses of higher rating than originally installed or according to
manufacturer's specifications; fuses may not be shorted out. Fuses must not exceed the rating of those closer
to the battery. If necessary, a fuse may be replaced with a smaller rating. Replaceable fuses must be single
use only; self-resetting fuses (breakers) are not allowed.
<RE05> Electronics Power Electronics power is constrained by the following:
a. The 12V Robot main battery, with the exception of power extension wire, must connect only to the
Robot main power switch. The Robot main power switch regulates 12V power to the rest of the Robot.
It is recommended to keep the path between the Robot main battery and Robot main power switch as
short as possible using the largest possible diameter of wire.
b. Only the following electronic devices may be connected to 12V power, either by connecting directly to
the Robot main power switch, a pass-through power connector on a REV Control Hub or REV
Expansion Hub, or a power distribution block:
i. REV Control Hub
ii. REV Expansion Hub
iii. REV Servo Power Module
iv. REV SPARKmini Motor Controller
v. Power distribution blocks (for example, REV XT30 Power Distribution Block, et. al.)
vi. Voltage/Current Sensors
vii. 12V Input Power LED controller/driver (for example. REV Blinkin LED Driver)
It is highly recommended to keep the path between the Robot main power switch and the REV Control
Hub and/or REV Expansion Hub(s) as short as possible using the largest possible diameter of wire.
c. Allowed sensors are only powered by the REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub via analog, digital,
encoder, or I2C ports per <RE11>.
d. Vision Cameras must be connected directly to a REV Control Hub, or to the Robot control system
Note: There are similar looking batteries available from
multiple sources, but the ONLY legal batteries are those
listed above.
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through a powered USB hub per <RE13>.
e. LEDs and other light sources must be powered per <RE12>.
f. The smartphone Robot Controller Android Device must be powered by its own internal battery or by the
built-in charging feature of the REV Expansion Hub; external power is not allowed.
<RE06> Robot Controller Exactly one (1) Robot Controller is required. The Robot Controller must be the
only source of control for the Robot. A Robot Controller is comprised of:
a. A REV Control Hub; or
b. An allowed smartphone Android Device connected to a REV Expansion Hub
In addition to “a or “b” above, a Robot may also contain:
c. No more than one additional REV Expansion Hub
d. Any quantity of REV SPARKmini Motor Controllers
e. Any quantity of REV Servo Power Modules
Important Note: The Robot Controller contains a built-in wireless radio that communicates with the Android
Device in the Driver Station. The Robot Controller should not be obscured by metal or other material that could
block or absorb the radio signals from the Robot Controller.
<RE07> Android Devices The only allowed Android Devices are:
a. Motorola Moto G4 Play (4
Generation)/Motorola Moto G4 Play
b. Motorola Moto G5
c. Motorola Moto G5 Plus
d. Motorola Moto E4 (USA versions only, includes SKUs XT1765, XT1765PP, XT1766, and XT1767)
e. Motorola Moto E5 (XT1920)
f. Motorola Moto E5 Play (XT1921)
g. REV Driver Hub may only be used as part of the Driver Station.
h. REV Control Hub may only be used as part of the Robot Controller and not as the Driver Station.
The use of smartphones operating on Android version 6.x (Marshmallow) are no longer allowed in the 2023-
2024 season. Android smartphones must use Android 7 (Nougat) or newer to be compatible with the current
season’s software minimum. The Moto G4 Play is no longer supported by over-the-air updates, and devices
that have not yet been updated to Android 7 (Nougat) may be unable to update. Certain models might be able
to be updated by the Motorola Rescue and Smart Assistance Tool, but there are no guarantees.
*A smartphone Android Device Robot Controller USB interface may only connect to a REV Expansion Hub, or
a USB hub.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
**The Motorola Moto G4 Play may be sold as either Motorola Moto G Play (4
gen)”, or “Motorola Moto G4
Play”. Either phone is acceptable however FIRST Tech Challenge highly recommends that Teams purchase
either model number XT1607 or XT1609, as these are the US versions and have been tested and are fully
compatible with the FIRST Tech Challenge software. Teams that have purchased phones with model numbers
XT1601, XT1602, XT1603, or XT1604 may continue to use these phones as legal, however there is a potential
for issues with these phones not being fully compatible with the software or the approved gamepads.
<RE08> Motor and Servo Controllers The only allowed motor and servo controllers are: REV Expansion
Hub, REV Control Hub, REV Servo Power Module, REV SPARKmini Motor Controller, and VEX Motor
Controller 29.
<RE09> DC Motors A maximum of eight (8) DC motors are allowed in any combination. The only allowed
motors are:
a. TETRIX 12V DC Motor
b. AndyMark NeveRest series 12V DC Motors
c. Modern Robotics/MATRIX 12V DC Motors
d. REV Robotics HD Hex 12V DC Motor
e. REV Robotics Core Hex 12V DC Motor
No other DC motors are allowed.
<RE10> Servos A maximum of twelve (12) servos are allowed. Any servo that is compatible with the
attached servo controller is allowed. Servos may only be controlled and powered by a REV Expansion Hub,
REV Control Hub, or REV Servo Power Module. Servos may be rotary or linear but are limited to 6V or less. All
servos must have a three-wire servo connector compatible with the REV Control Hub and REV Expansion Hub
servo ports and may also have an optional additional sensor position output interface.
The VEX EDR 393 motor is considered a servo for the purposes of actuator allocation. It must be used in
conjunction with a VEX Motor Controller 29 and a REV Servo Power Module. A maximum of two (2) VEX EDR
393 Motors per REV Servo Power Module is allowed.
<RE11> Sensors - Sensors are subject to the following constraints:
a. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may only be connected to the I2C, digital I/O, encoder, and
analog ports of the REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub.
b. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may be connected to the Logic Level Converter and/or the
I2C Sensor Adapter Cable. Refer to Rule <RE14.j> for details on the use of Logic Level Converter and
the I2C Sensor Adapter Cable.
c. Passive electronics may be used as recommended by sensor manufacturers at the interfaces to the
d. Voltage and/or current sensors are allowed, including between the main power switch and the REV
Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub, except on an output port of a motor or servo controller. Voltage
and/or current sensors must be powered per <RE05>.c.
e. Simple I2C multiplexers are allowed, and they may only be connected to and powered from the I2C
connections available on REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub.
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f. COTS I2C to SPI protocol converters are allowed as long as they are nonprogrammable. They may
only be connected to and powered from the I2C connections available on the REV Expansion Hub or
REV Control Hub.
<RE12> Light Sources Functional and/or decorative light sources (including LEDs) are allowed with the
following constraints:
a. Focused light sources (for example: flashlights, lasers, and lenses) are not allowed unless noted in
exceptions listed in <RE12>.c&g.
b. Light sources may not interfere with or distract other Robot operations, Team members, volunteers,
and spectators.
c. Lasers are not allowed unless they meet all of the following criteria:
i. Must be part of a legal sensor as defined by <RE11>
ii. Class 1 laser
iii. Non-visible spectrum
d. Light sources may be controlled by the following compatible ports on the REV Expansion Hub or REV
Control Hub:
i. Digital I/O
ii. I2C
iii. Motor Output
iv. Servo Ports
e. Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) interface modules designed to solely control light sources are
allowed between the light sources and the components listed in <RE12>d.
f. The only approved power sources for lights are as follows:
i. Internal (as supplied by the COTS manufacturer) battery pack or battery holder,
ii. COTS USB external battery pack
iii. Ports on a REV Control Hub or REV Expansion Hub, including:
i. Motor-control ports
ii. Encoder ports,
iii. XT30 ports,
iv. Servo ports,
v. 5V auxiliary power ports,
vi. I2C sensor ports,
vii. Digital ports, and
viii. Analog ports.
iv. Power distributed off the 12V main power per <RE05>
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 29
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
g. Integrated light sources within otherwise legal devices are permitted (for example, status and power
LEDs on legal USB cameras).
See https://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/photosensitive-epilepsy#.XuJbwy2ZPsE accessed on 5/04/2023
<RE13> Video Cameras
a. Self-contained video recording devices (GoPro or similar) are allowed providing they are used only for
non-functional post-Match viewing and the wireless capability is turned off. Approved self-contained
Video Cameras must be powered by an internal battery (as supplied by the manufacturer).
b. Vision Sensors and Vision Cameras are allowed for computer vision related tasks.
i. Vision Sensors must follow all sensor rules in <RE11>.
ii. Vision Cameras must be UVC Compatible and must connect directly to a REV Control Hub via
USB or to the Robot Controller through a powered USB hub.
iii. Only single image sensor devices are allowed (stereoscopic cameras are not allowed).
<RE14> Robot Wiring - Robot wiring is constrained as follows:
a. USB surge protectors connected to USB cables are allowed.
b. Ferrite chokes (beads) on wires and cables are allowed.
c. A Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) Micro Cable or any combination of a Mini USB cable, a USB hub, and
an OTG Micro Adapter may be used to connect the smartphone Robot Controller Android Device to the
Robot electronics. Note that the OTG Micro Adapter may be integrated into the USB hub. These
devices may connect to the Robot electronics in the following ways:
i. Built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion Hub or
ii. A USB hub that connects to the built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion Hub. If a powered
hub is used, it must draw its energy from either:
i. A COTS USB battery pack, or
ii. A 5V auxiliary power port on a REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub.
The common rates to trigger seizures is between 3 and 30 hertz (flashes per second) but
varies from person to person. While some people are sensitive to frequencies up to 60
hertz, sensitivity under 3 hertz is not common. Please keep in mind that event attendees
could have sensitivities to flashing lights.
For example, Teams may signal via LED light that they have a scoring element ready.
Teams that choose to use flashing lights should install lights that the flash rate is 1 hertz (in
other words, cannot change states more frequently than approximately once a second) or
less. If Teams have LED’s that flash more frequently, they may be asked to turn them off.
Teams that choose to install flashing lights should ensure the lights can be turned either
completely off or on (not flashing). Head Referees have the discretion of asking Teams to
turn their lights to either state if an event attendee or participant has a sensitivity to flashing
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d. Anderson Powerpole, XT30, and similar crimp or quick-connect style connectors are recommended for
joining electrical wires throughout the Robot. Power distribution blocks or splitters are recommended
where appropriate to reduce wiring congestion. All connectors and distribution blocks or splitters should
be appropriately insulated.
e. Installed connectors (such as battery-pack connectors, battery charger connectors) may be replaced
with Anderson Powerpole, XT30, or any compatible connector.
f. Team managed power and motor control wires must use consistent color-coding with different colors
used for the positive (red, white, brown, or black with a stripe) and negative/common (black or blue)
g. Wire and cable management products of any type are permitted (for example, cable ties, cord clips,
sleeving, etc.).
h. Wire insulation materials of any type are permitted when used to insulate electrical wires or secure
motor control wires to motors (for example, electrical tape, heat shrink, etc.).
i. Manufacturer supplied power, motor, servo, encoder, light sources, and sensor lead wires may be
extended or modified using custom made or COTS wire extensions subject to the following constraints:
i. Power wires are 18 AWG or larger diameter (for example, 16 AWG wire has a larger diameter
than 18 AWG wire).
ii. Motor control wires as follows:
i. 22 AWG or larger diameter for TETRIX Max 12V DC motors and REV Robotics Core
Hex (REV-41-1300) 12V DC motors
ii. 18 AWG or larger diameter for all other 12V DC motors
iii. PWM (servo) wires should be the same size or larger diameter than the original wiring or as
specified by the manufacturer. If the original servo wire size is unknown, 22 AWG or larger
diameter wire extensions are recommended.
iv. Sensor wires should be the same size or larger diameter than the original wiring or as specified
by the manufacturer.
v. LED light source wires should be the same size recommended by the manufacturer or larger
diameter. If the manufacturer does not specify a recommended size and the LED or strip has
wires attached, use the same size or larger as provided by the manufacturer. If there are no
attached wires and no recommended size is provided, use the following guidance:
i. 5V LEDs - 22AWG or larger
ii. 12V LEDs - 18AWG or larger
j. Logic Level Converters Logic Level Converters that are used to connect a REV Expansion Hub or
REV Control Hub to a 5V-compatible I2C sensor or a 5V-compatible digital sensor are allowed. Exactly
one Logic Level Converter per I2C device and one Logic Level Converter per digital sensor are
allowed. A Logic Level Converter should only draw power from the REV Expansion Hub or REV Control
Teams should be prepared during Robot inspection to show
documentation confirming the wire gauges used, particularly
for multi-conductor cables.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
k. Electrically grounding the control system electronics to the frame of the Robot is recommended and
only permitted using a FIRST-approved, commercially manufactured resistive grounding strap. The only
resistive grounding strap approved for use is the REV Robotics resistive grounding strap (REV-31-
1269). Teams that have electronics with Powerpole-style connectors must use the REV
Robotics Anderson Powerpole to XT30 adapter (REV-31-1385) in conjunction with the REV Robotics
resistive grounding strap. No other grounding straps or adapters are permitted. For additional details on
installation of the grounding strap or adapter, please see the Robot Wiring Guide.
<RE15> Modifying Electronics - Approved electrical and electronic devices may be modified to make them
more usable; they may not be modified internally or in any way that affects their safety.
<RE16> Additional Electronics Electronic devices that are not specifically addressed in the preceding rules
are not allowed. A partial list of electronics that are not allowed includes: Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, relays,
electromagnets, and custom circuits.
7.3.4 Driver Station Rules
Teams provide their own Driver Station, and it must comply with the following constraints:
<DS01> Driver Station Controller The Driver Station must consist of no more than one (1) of the following
a. One (1) smartphone Android Device listed in rule <RE07>, or
b. One (1) REV Driver Hub.
<DS02> Driver Station Controller Touch Screen - The touch display screen of the Driver Station Controller
must be accessible and visible by field personnel.
<DS03> Gamepad The Driver Station must contain no more than two (2) of the following gamepads in any
a. Logitech F310 gamepad (Part# 940-00010)
b. Xbox 360 Controller for Windows (Part# 52A-00004)
c. Sony DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for PS4 (ASIN # B01LWVX2RG) operating in wired mode only
(i.e., connected through USB 2.0 Type A to Type B Micro cable without being Bluetooth paired to any
d. Sony DualSense Wireless Controller for PS5 (ASIN # B08FC6C75Y) operating in wired mode only (i.e.,
Examples of modifications that are allowed:
Shortening or extending wires
Replacing or adding connectors on wires
Shortening motor shafts
Replacing gearboxes and/or changing gears
Examples of modifications that are not allowed:
Replacing an H-Bridge in a motor controller
Rewinding a motor
Replacing a fuse with a higher value than specified by the manufacturer
Shorting out a fuse
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connected through USB 2.0 Type A to Type C cable without being Bluetooth paired to any device). This
DOES NOT include the Sony DualSense Edge Wireless Controller in any configuration.
e. Etpark Wired Controller for PS4
f. Quadstick game controller in Xbox 360 Emulation Mode (any model).
No electrical modifications of any gamepads are allowed. Mechanical enhancements to the gamepad that do
not involve opening the gamepad or modifying the electronics are legal.
Different color gamepads are allowed provided they are the same model as the allowed gamepad.
<DS04> USB Hub No more than one (1) external battery powered or unpowered USB hub is allowed.
<DS05> Charging the Driver Station Controller at the Playing Field One (1) optional COTS USB external
battery is allowed to charge the Driver Station Controller. The USB battery connects to the Driver Station
Controller only by these methods:
a. Through the built-in USB-C port on the REV Driver Hub.
b. Through a USB Hub connected to the smartphone Android Device.
<DS06> Smartphone Android Device (if used) Additional Constraints
a. One (1) OTG Cable is required
b. The Driver Station smartphone Android Device USB interface may only connect to either:
i. A Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) cable or combination of cables connected to a USB Hub, or
ii. One (1) gamepad, USB cable, and an OTG Micro Adapter.
<DS07> Driver Station Carrier A Team is allowed to bring one (1) Driver Station carrier to the Playing Field.
The Driver Station carrier’s intended use is for organizing and transporting Driver Station components. Driver
Station carrier constraints are as follows:
a. Driver Station carrier may not damage Competition provided equipment, the Playing Field, or the venue
b. Decorative electronics (including LEDs) are allowed, and they must be powered by a 12V or lower
COTS DC battery. The smartphone Android Device and REV Driver Hub may not power or control
decorative electronics.
c. Non-decorative electronics are not allowed.
d. The Driver Station carrier must not be a distraction to gameplay, field personnel, Teams, or spectators.
The intent of this rule is to allow Teams to use a container to store, organize, and transport the Driver Station
components. The Driver Station carrier rule is not intended to allow carriers that function as a Robot cart or
replace a Competition provided Driver Station stand, table, etc.
Important Note: The Driver Station is a wireless device with a built-in wireless radio. During a Match, the
Driver Station should not be obscured by metal or other material that could block or absorb the radio signals
from the Driver Station.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
<DS08> Driver Station Sounds Team initiated sounds via Team code and sounds not generated by the
official Driver Station app are not allowed to be played through the Driver Station Android Device at any official
7.3.5 Robot Software Rules
For software resources and troubleshooting guides, please visit our website:
<RS01> Android Device Names - Each Team MUST “name” their Robot Controller Android Device Wi-Fi
name with their official FIRST Tech Challenge Team number and –RC (for example, “12345-RC”). Each Team
MUST “name” their Driver Station Android Device with their official Team number and DS (for example,
12345-DS). Teams with more than one Driver Station or Robot Controller Android Device must name these
devices with the Team number followed by a hyphen then a letter designation beginning with “A” (for example,
“12345-A-RC”, “12345-B-RC”).
<RS02> Recommended Programming Tools Java is the recommended programming language for the
Robot Controller. The following tools are recommended for use in the FIRST Tech Challenge:
a. FTC Blocks Development tool a visual, blocks-based programming tool hosted by the Robot
b. FTC OnBot Java Programming tool a text-based integrated development environment hosted by the
Robot Controller.
c. Android Studio a text-based integrated development environment.
d. Java Native Interface (JNI) & Android Native Development Kit (NDK) Teams can incorporate native
code libraries into their apps using the JNI framework and the Android NDK.
The intent of this rule is to prevent sounds that may distract gameplay.
Android operating system power up sounds are not subject to this rule.
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<RS03> Allowed Software System Versions - The following table lists the Android Devices, minimum
Android versions, minimum operating system and firmware versions, and minimum FTC software versions
allowed per device.
Android Smartphones
Minimum Android
Minimum FTC
Software Version
Motorola Moto G4 Play (4th Generation) / Motorola Moto
G4 Play (See <RE07> for details)
7.0 (Nougat)
Motorola Moto G5
7.0 (Nougat)
Motorola Moto G5 Plus
7.0 (Nougat)
Motorola Moto E4 (USA versions only, includes SKUs
XT1765, XT1765PP, XT1766, and XT1767)
7.0 (Nougat)
Motorola Moto E5 (XT1920)
7.0 (Nougat)
Motorola Moto E5 Play (XT1921)
7.0 (Nougat)
REV Hubs
Minimum Software
Minimum Firmware
Minimum FTC
Software Version
REV Control Hub
Control Hub OS 1.1.2
Firmware 1.8.2
Robot Controller
REV Expansion Hub
Firmware 1.8.2
REV Driver Hub
Driver Hub OS 1.2.0
Driver Station 9.0
Note: The REV Hardware Client software can be used to install software onto the REV Hubs.
<RS04> Autonomous to Driver-Controlled Transition - Teams that expect to operate their Robot during the
Autonomous period must demonstrate during Field Inspection that the Drive Team can use the Driver Station
to switch the Robot Controller between Autonomous mode and Driver-Controlled mode.
<RS05> Robot Controller App - The Robot Controller smartphone Android Device (if used) must have a
designated “FTC Robot Controller” app that is the default application for the REV Expansion Hub. The Robot
Controller app must not be installed on the Driver Station Android Device.
IMPORTANT: Rules <RS02> or <RS03> do not require that Teams upgrade to the latest version of
the software. A mandatory upgrade (announced by FIRST) would only be required if FIRST
determined there was a critical software fix that must be adopted by Teams. Teams must install the
upgrade before the time of Competition. Additionally, beta versions of the software are allowed at
official Tournaments. Mandatory upgrades will be communicated in the following ways:
Via Team Blast The mandatory upgrade and version number will be communicated to
Teams on the Team Blast, which will also show the date the required upgrade must be
Online the minimally required software will be listed on our Technology Resources page,
with the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Forum The minimally required software will be listed in the Technology Forum page, with
the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Templates for all programming choices are available through the links located at
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 35
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
<RS06> Driver Station App Teams must install the official “FTC Driver Station” app onto their Driver Station
Smartphone Android Device or REV Driver Hub and use this app to control their Robot during a Match. The
Driver Station FTC software version number must match the version number of the Robot Controller app. The
Driver Station App must not be installed on the Robot Controller Android Device.
<RS07> Smartphone Android Device, REV Driver Hub, and REV Control Hub Operating System
Settings - The Robot Controller and Driver Station must be set to:
a. Airplane mode must be turned on (does not apply to the REV Control Hub and REV Driver Hub).
b. Bluetooth must be turned off.
c. Wi-Fi must be turned on.
d. REV Control Hub password must be different than the factory default value of “password”.
<RS08> Software Modification
a. Teams are not allowed to modify the FIRST Tech Challenge Driver Station app in any fashion.
b. Teams are required to use the FIRST Robot Controller SDK, and are not allowed to remove, replace, or
modify the portions of the SDK which are distributed as binary .AAR files.
<RS09> Driver Station Communication - Communication between the Robot and Driver Station is only
allowed via the Robot Controller and Driver Station applications.
Communication between the Robot Controller and the Driver Station is limited to the unmodified mechanisms
provided by the official FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) software, which consists of the official FTC Software
Development Kit (SDK), the FTC Robot Controller app, and the FTC Driver Station app. Teams are not
permitted to stream audio, video or other data using third-party software or modified versions of the FTC
software. Teams may only use the unmodified telemetry feature included with the FTC software to transfer
The intent of this rule is for Teams to download the official version of the SDK from FIRST and make
modifications to add Team created code.
Reengineered, reverse engineered, or modified versions of the official FIRST SDK are not allowed.
IMPORTANT: Rules <RS05> or <RS06> may require initial installation of the software, or updates
throughout the season. Teams receiving the REV Driver Hub or REV Control Hub for the first time
should install the most recent version of the software.
For initial installation or to install the most current version the software, please visit the following
link: https://docs.revrobotics.com/control-hub/managing-the-control-system/rev-hardware-client
If updates to the SDK software are required, Teams will be notified in the following ways:
Via Team Blast The mandatory upgrade and version number will be communicated to
Teams on the Team Blast, which will also show the date the required upgrade must be
Online the minimally required software will be listed on our Technology Resources page,
with the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Forum The minimally required software will be listed in the Technology Forum page, with
the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
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additional data between the Robot Controller and the Driver Station. Software that is preinstalled by an
approved smartphone’s manufacturer and cannot be disabled is exempt from this constraint.
During a Match, a Team’s Robot Controller and a Team’s Driver Station are not allowed to be connected
wirelessly to any other device besides each other.
<RS10> Robot Controller Sounds - Team initiated sounds via Team code and sounds not generated by the
official Robot Controller app are not allowed to be played through the Robot Controller Android Device at any
official Competition.
7.4 Team Game Element
The Team game element is an optional Team designed and manufactured game element that will be used in
game. The Team game element must pass inspection before it is allowed to be used in
a Match.
The Team Game Element for the CENTERSTAGE
game is called the Team Prop.
<TE01> Inspection Each Team Game Element must pass inspection in its gameplay configuration before it
is allowed to be used in a Match.
<TE02> Color Constraint - Teams will need two Team Game Elements (one red and one blue) to play the
a) The Team Game Element in its entirety must be red or blue (depending on the Team’s assigned
Alliance color for the Match). The Team Game Element may include multiple shades of the assigned
b) No other coloration of the Team Game Element is allowed except for the Team number. Please see
rule <TE05> for team number constraints.
<TE03> Material Constraints
a) The Team Game Element is subject to the Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules in section
b) Fiducial markers (for example, AprilTag, QR code, Barcode, etc.) are not allowed.
c) Materials with retroreflective properties (for example, retroreflective tape) are not allowed.
<TE04> Size Constraints
a) The maximum size of the Team Game Element is 4 inches (10.16 cm) by 4 inches (10.16 cm) by 4
inches (10.16 cm).
b) The minimum size of the Team Game Element is 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches
(7.62 cm).
c) When measured, the Team Game Element should be placed in a self-supporting position inside a
measuring tool, in the same manner that it will rest on the Playing Field Floor. This means it is not held
at an odd angle by another object, such as the measuring tool.
<TE05> Team Number - Team Game Elements must be labeled with their Team number (numerals only, for
example “12345”).
The intent of this rule is to prevent sounds that may distract gameplay.
Android operating system power up sounds are not subject to this rule.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
a) The numbers must be legible when viewed from a distance of 12 inches (30.48 cm) away.
b) The Team number may be no more than 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) in height.
c) The Team number can only appear once on the Team Game Element.
The intent of this rule is to facilitate Team Game Element ownership identification for non-gameplay reasons.
<TE06> Illegal Parts - The following types of mechanisms and parts are not allowed:
a) Electronics.
b) Any other part or material that violates Robot construction rules outlined in section 7.3.
c) COTS game elements used in the current season’s game.
<TE07> COTS Scoring Elements The Team Game Element may not resemble any current season’s COTS
game elements.
7.5 Team Scoring Element Construction Rules
The Team Scoring Element is an optional Team designed and manufactured scoring element that will be used
game. The Team scoring element must pass inspection before it is allowed to be
used in a Match.
The Team Scoring Element for the CENTERSTAGE
game is called the Drone.
Teams must follow the rules outlined below when constructing their Drone. Teams may reference the
document titled “Is Your Drone Legal” on the FIRST website for visual aids to assist Teams in building a legal
Drone for Competition.
<DR01> Inspection Each Drone design must pass inspection in its gameplay configuration before it is
allowed to be used in a Match. Teams may have multiple designs and multiple Drones of a particular design.
Only one Drone of each design needs to be inspected.
<DR02> Drone Configuration Drones must have the general configuration of an airplane with defined
fuselage and wings as determined by the inspector. The intention is that the aerodynamic surfaces cause the
Drones to follow a non-ballistic trajectory while flying.
<DR03> Color Constraint The predominant color of a Drone must match the Team’s assigned Alliance
color for the Match (red or blue). The purpose of this rule is to ensure that field personnel, Teams, and the
audience can easily associate Drones with their corresponding Alliance. Teams will need at least two Drones
(one red and one blue) to play the game. Shades of red and blue are acceptable (e.g., pink or orange for red;
aqua or light blue for blue).
<DR04> Team Number The Drone must be labeled with their Team number (numerals only, for example
“12345”). The numbers must be legible when viewed from a distance of 12 inches (30.48 cm) away. The intent
of this rule is to facilitate Drone ownership identification for non-gameplay reasons.
<DR05> Construction Material Constraints:
a) The Drone must be made of a single, continuous sheet of paper no larger than a single sheet of 8 ½ x
11 or A4 size uncoated printer paper. The paper weight can be no more than 20lb (75 g/m2). Card
stock, construction paper, cardboard, photo paper, etc. are not allowed.
b) Graphite pencils, ink pen, and/or felt-tip markers may be used to color or apply the Team Number.
Crayons, colored pencils, paint, chalk, and similar items are not allowed.
c) Laser or ink jet printers, or similar technology, may be used to apply the required red or blue color,
printed decorations, images, Team number, etc. on the paper.
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d) No other materials are allowed.
8.0 Inspection
8.1 Description
Teams are highly recommended to conduct a Robot and field self-inspection prior to competing. These
inspections will ensure that all Robot rules and regulations are met. The official “Robot and Field Inspection”
checklists are located in Appendices B and C.
9.0 Judging and Award Criteria
9.1 Overview
This section provides descriptions of:
Engineering Portfolio requirements and recommendations
How judging works
FIRST Tech Challenge award criteria
Teams have spent a significant number of hours designing, building, programming their Robot, and learning
what it takes to be part of a Team. For many Teams, the event is the reward for all their hard work throughout
the season. While there are several types of events, they all offer a fun and exciting way for Teams to show the
results of their efforts.
The judged awards give us the opportunity to recognize Teams who embody important values like Gracious
, teamwork, creativity, innovation, and the value of the engineering design process. These
judging guidelines are a part of the road map to success.
FIRST Tech Challenge provides judging feedback for Teams who submit a completed judging feedback
request form. When receiving feedback, Teams should note the judging is a subjective process; and Students
are encouraged to learn the important life skill of self-evaluation to help them prepare for their judged interview.
This helps Students prepare for professional interviews while developing other real-world life skills. For a copy
of the FIRST Tech Challenge Team Judging Session Self-Reflection Sheet please visit the website:
9.1.1 Key Terms and Definitions
Engineering Notebook Not required for award consideration, the Engineering Notebook is a thorough
description of the Teams experiences throughout the season. At events, a judge may ask to review this
optional resource, but a Team will not be penalized if there is no Engineering Notebook.
Engineering Portfolio Required for award consideration, the Engineering Portfolio is a document that does
not exceed 15 pages that summarizes the most important accomplishments of the Team, in the Team’s
opinion. Guidelines for what must, should, and could be included for award consideration is listed in section
Home Region The default or manually assigned region that a Team is a part of. These are generally
geographic in nature. Special considerations can be made, at the discretion of the program delivery partner
and FIRST to move a Team to another region, or to add a Team with no program delivery partner to another
Home Region. A Team can only be a part of one Home Region.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Team Information The Team name, Team number, a photograph of the Robot, a photograph of the Team
school or club information, the Team City and State, Team motto. Please do not include the full name of any
student, coach, or mentor in the Engineering Portfolio.
CAD drawings, business plan information, award Information, accolades, Team size, Team goals, and other
‘content’ will be viewed as Engineering Portfolio content and is counted as a page in the portfolio.
Team Plan Any descriptor of Team goals. This could include a strategic plan that references Student
recruitment, sponsorship, mentor recruitment, outreach efforts, fundraising goals, or Team learning goals.
9.2 Engineering Portfolio
9.2.1 Overview
This section describes the requirements for creating the Engineering Portfolio, including formatting guidelines.
9.2.2 What is an Engineering Portfolio?
An Engineering Portfolio is a short and concise summary of the Teams engineering journey throughout their
season. The Engineering Portfolio should include sketches, discussions and Team meetings, design evolution,
processes, obstacles, goals and plans to learn new skills, and each Team member’s concise thoughts
throughout the journey for the season, the Engineering Portfolio is like the Team’s CV or resume.
One of the goals of FIRST and FIRST Tech Challenge is to recognize the engineering design process and the
journey that a Team makes. This journey encompasses the phases of the problem definition, concept design,
system-level design, detailed design, test and verification, and production of the Robot.
9.2.3 Engineering Portfolio Formats
Teams may choose to document their summary portfolio with either handwritten or electronic documents.
There is no distinction made between handwritten and electronic Engineering Portfolios during judging; each
format is equally acceptable.
a) Electronic: Teams may choose to use any electronic programs to create their Engineering Portfolio.
o For remote event judging, Teams must create a single PDF file of their Engineering Portfolio.
o For traditional events, Teams must print their Engineering Portfolio.
b) Handwritten: Teams can choose to create a handwritten version.
o For remote event judging, this is discouraged due to difficulties in scanning into a readable,
sharable, online version.
9.2.4 Engineering Portfolio Requirements
1. To be considered for judged awards, a Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
a) Teams who do not submit an Engineering Portfolio will not be considered for judged awards.
2. The total number of pages for an Engineering Portfolio must not exceed 15 pages, plus a cover sheet
for a total of 16 pages.
a) Cover sheet may include the Team Information and a
table of contents.
i. Allowed Team Information is limited to Team
number, Team name, Team location, Team
school or organization, Team motto and an
image of the Robot and/or the Team.
b) Cover sheet may not include other Engineering
Portfolio content.
A Team number on the top of every
page makes it easy for judges to
know who created the Engineering
Portfolio they are reviewing. The
Team number on the front page is
a required component of the
Engineering Portfolio.
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i. Additional content on the cover sheet adds to the page count of the portfolio, meaning
content on the last page of the portfolio will not be reviewed or considered.
c) Pages must be the equivalent of standard A sized paper (US 8.5 x 11) or Standard A4 sized
paper (EU 210 x 297 mm).
d) Fonts used must be a minimum of 10 points. Please avoid the use of narrow fonts, as they can
be difficult for judges to read.
e) Judges are instructed to only review the cover sheet and the first 15 pages of content that follow
the cover sheet. Information included beyond 15 pages and the cover sheet will not be
reviewed or considered.
3. The Engineering Portfolio must not include links to other documents, videos, or any other additional
a) Please note that judges will not review linked content in the Engineering Portfolio, including web
sites, or videos.
4. The Control Award Submission Form is not a part of the Engineering Portfolio and is not included in the
total Engineering Portfolio page count.
9.2.5 Engineering Portfolio Recommendations
1. We strongly recommend the Team number is at the top of each page.
2. The body of the Engineering Portfolio could include:
a) Summary of the engineering content that includes the Robot
design processes.
b) Summary of the Team Information that includes information
about the Team and outreach activities.
c) Summary of the Team Plan and information about the Team
overall. The Team Plan could be a business plan, a fund-
raising plan, a strategic plan, a sustainability plan, or a plan for the development of new skills. Artificial Intelligence in the Engineering Portfolio
Teams are permitted to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist in the creation of their Engineering Portfolio and
in their Robot Code. FIRST views AI resources as tools available to students in the same way that CAD
programs, Programming Languages, and 3D printers are tools available for their use. Teams using AI to assist
with code or content generation must provide proper credit and attribution, and respect intellectual property
rights and licenses.
Proper Credit can look like this: Portfolio Content created by Team 1000 and ChatGPT
9.2.6 Engineering Portfolio Requirements by Award
The chart below provides a quick outline of the Engineering Portfolio requirements by award:
Engineering Portfolio Requirements by Award
Requirements are indicated using the word “must,” recommendations are indicated
using words like “could” or “should.”
Inspire Award
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering
Portfolio must include summary information about the Robot
design, information about the Team, and a Team Plan. The entire
Engineering Portfolio must be high quality, thoughtful, thorough,
It is a good idea to
connect the award
criteria to specific
content in your
Engineering Portfolio!
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
concise, and well-organized. The Engineering Portfolio could inspire
the judges to ask about specific information.
Think Award
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
The Engineering Portfolio must have engineering content. The
engineering content could include entries describing examples of
the underlying science, mathematics, and game strategies in a
summary fashion.
The Engineering Portfolio must provide examples that show the
Team has a clear understanding of the engineering design process
including an example of lessons learned.
The portfolio could inspire the judges to ask about specific, detailed
engineering information.
Portfolio format is less important but enables the judges to
understand the Team’s design maturity, organizational capabilities,
and overall Team structure.
Portfolio could reference specific experiences and lessons learned
but should capture the summary of the status of the Team and their
Robot design.
Portfolio could summarize experiences and lessons learned from
outreach with concise tables of outcomes.
Portfolio could summarize how they acquired new mentors and/or
acquired new knowledge and expertise from their mentors.
Portfolio could contain a summary of overall Team Plan.
Portfolio could contain information about the plans to develop skills
for Team members.
Portfolio could be organized in a logical manner.
Connect Award
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
Portfolio must include a Team Plan. The Team Plan could the
Team’s goals for the development of Team member skills, and the
steps the Team has or will take to reach those goals. Other
examples of what the plan could include are timelines, outreach to
science, engineering, and math communities, and training courses.
Portfolio must include a summary of how they acquired new
mentors or acquired new knowledge and expertise from their
Innovate Award
sponsored by RTX
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
The Engineering Portfolio must include examples of the Team’s
engineering content that illustrate how the Team arrived at their
design solution.
The portfolio could inspire the judges to ask about specific, detailed
engineering information.
Control Award
The Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering
Portfolio must include engineering content that documents the
control components.
The Team must submit a control award submission form as a
separate document. Teams should identify the control aspects of
their Robot that they are most proud of.
The Control Award submission form must not exceed 2 pages.
Motivate Award
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
The Engineering Portfolio must include a Team organization plan,
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which could describe their future goals and the steps they will take
to reach those goals. Other examples of what the plan could include
are Team identity, fund-raising goals, sustainability goals, timelines,
outreach to non-technical groups, finances, and community service
The Team is an ambassador for FIRST programs.
Team can explain the individual contributions of each Team
member, and how these apply to the overall success of the Team.
Design Award
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio that includes examples
of Robot CAD images or detailed Robot design drawings.
The portfolio could inspire the judges to ask about specific, detailed
design engineering content.
9.3 Engineering Notebook
The Engineering Notebook is an optional item and could be used as a fundamental source of information for
the Team to use to be able to create the Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering Notebook is one method of
creating a documentation repository of the Team, outreach and fund-raising efforts, Team Plans, and the
Robot design. This documentation can include sketches, discussions and Team meetings, design evolution,
processes, and obstacles.
The Engineering Notebook is not used when considering a Team for judged awards.
9.4 Judging Process, Schedule, and Team Preparation
The schedules at the FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions may vary from event to event. At traditional events,
judging interviews are scheduled for before the start of Match play. For remote events, judging will take place
during a pre-determined window of time. Exact times for both the Matches and meeting with judges cannot be
given within this manual. All Teams receive the schedule before or during check-in at the Competition, or in
advance of their scheduled remote interview.
9.4.1 How Judging Works
At FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions, there will be four parts to the judging process:
1. Interview with the judges.
a. Teams take part in scheduled, private interviews with a panel
of two or more judges.
b. Teams are asked to bring their Robot to the judge interview.
This is the best chance for Teams to explain and show their
Robot design to the judges in a quiet and relaxed
environment. For remote events, Teams may show photos of
their Robot to the judges as a part of their remote interview.
i. Teams who have not built a Robot or have a Robot that has not passed Robot
inspection are permitted to participate in judging and are eligible for consideration for
all awards.
c. The interview will last at least 10 minutes.
d. During the first 5 minutes of the interview, Teams can present to the judges, without interruption.
i. Teams are not required to prepare a presentation and will not be penalized if they do
All Teams are eligible to
participate in the judging
process. A Robot, a working
Robot, or a Robot that has
passed inspection is not a
requirement to participate in
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 43
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
not have a prepared presentation.
ii. Teams will not receive more than 5 minutes for their uninterrupted presentation.
iii. Teams may not pre-record their presentation.
e. At the five-minute mark, the judges will begin to ask questions of the Team.
2. Match observations by judges (traditional events only).
a. Judges observe the Robot, Student interactions, and the Gracious Professionalism
of the
entire Team.
3. Judges follow up with additional interviews in the pits during Competition. For remote events, this
second interview will be pre-scheduled.
4. Evaluation of the Engineering Portfolio
No awards will be decided based on the judges' interview or Engineering Portfolio alone. Judges use the
guidelines provided in this section to assess each Team.
Teams should present their Engineering Portfolio, their control award submission form, and their judging
feedback request form to the judges at the start of their interview unless otherwise directed by the Competition
officials. In remote events, the Team coach, as the Team admin, is designated to upload these materials to the
FTC Scoring System.
After the judges review the submitted Engineering Portfolio, complete the scheduled Team interviews, and
evaluate the Team and Robot performance on the field, they meet to review their assessments and create a
list of top candidates for the various judged awards. Judges may require more discussion with Teams. Feedback to Teams
Judges will conduct the Team interview and review the documentation
submitted by the Team. After the event, the lead coach/mentor 1 for the
Team will receive access to the judging feedback form which has been
completed by the event judges.
The feedback form is completed by the judges immediately following
the formal interview and is based on the judges’ first impression of the
The feedback form is not used by the judges during their deliberation
process. Teams Without a Robot
Teams who have not built a Robot or have a Robot that has not passed
Robot inspection are permitted to participate in judging and are eligible for award consideration.
9.4.2 Judging Schedule
The formal judging interviews take place in a separate area or room away from other Teams as well as the
noise of the Competition and pit. Teams follow the schedule that outlines Team interview times and locations.
Sometimes, Teams may receive this information in advance, but more often, Teams will receive this
information when they check-in on the morning of the event. For remote events, Team coaches will receive the
Team’s judging schedule in advance of the event.
As much as possible, Teams should familiarize themselves with where and how judging will occur and allow
enough time to get there. We expect that all Teams arrive at the judge queuing area five minutes before their
scheduled judging interview. This helps us keep the event running on time.
Teams do not need to request
feedback from the judges.
Feedback will automatically be
given to every Team. Feedback
is based on the judges’ first
impression of the Team and
should be used as a tool to
help the Team improve their
judging presentations and
Engineering Portfolio content.
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9.4.3 Team Preparation
Teams are encouraged to read and understand the award requirements for each award to assess where they
are within an award category and help them establish higher goals. These guidelines are the same ones used
by the judges during each Competition, and at the FIRST championship. Please see the Award Categories
section of this manual for award requirements and look over the Engineering Portfolio Requirements by Award
to ensure the Team’s Engineering Portfolio meets the criteria by award. Teams should attend judging
workshops and judging practice days if they are available in their region. Practice makes for a better
presentation, and practice in front of others could help a Team identify gaps in their presentation. Judging self-
reflection sheets are another tool that Teams can use to prepare for their judging interview.
Teams may also read the Judge and Judge Advisor Manuals to gain more insight into the entire judging
During the Team’s interview, the judges want to know highlights about the Team; what the Team learned
during the Competition season; and the experiences that were gained. Team representatives’ abilities to
answer the questions or elaborate on Robot design functions or qualities are evaluated during the Team
9.4.4 Coaches Involvement in Interviews
Check with the tournament director to see if mentors and coaches can watch the Team interview. Mentors and
coaches may not contribute to the judging interviews. Mentors and coaches should always keep in mind that
FIRST Tech Challenge is a Student-centered activity. It is about giving the Students a unique and stimulating
experience in all aspects of the program. Coaches Involvement in Interviews Exceptions
FIRST Tech Challenge will make exceptions for coaches who are needed to translate for Students, for
coaches of Students with different abilities, and other exceptional circumstances. Please let the tournament
director know in advance if your Team would like to be considered for an exception.
9.4.5 Video Award Submission Guidelines for Compass and Promote Awards
The submission process for this award may vary by Competition. The compass and promote awards are not
offered at all events. Please check with the tournament director for details. Winning videos will be submitted to
FIRST and used to promote the higher values of FIRST Tech Challenge. Teams can also send their promote
videos directly to FIRST; however, these submissions will not be formally judged. If you would like to send your
promote video to FIRST, please email firsttechch[email protected] with the subject line “Promote
Award Video”.
The video must be submitted at least one week before Competition day. Instructions for submitting
videos may vary from Competition to Competition. Please check with the tournament director for
Videos must be submitted in AVI, WMV, MOV or better format. Submission through use of a streaming
service such as YouTube is not acceptable. Remember the winning video may be shown on a large
screen during the awards ceremony. Teams should use the best resolution available for the final
Only one video submission per Team will be considered. Teams may submit new or updated videos at
each Competition.
Teams must have permission from the copyright owners for music used in the video and indicate this in
their video.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
9.5 Award Categories
9.5.1 Inspire Award
This judged award is given to the Team that best embodies the ‘challenge’ of the FIRST Tech Challenge
program. The Team that receives this award is a strong ambassador for FIRST programs and a role model
FIRST Team. This Team is a top contender for many other judged awards and is a gracious competitor. The
Inspire Award winner is an inspiration to other Teams, acting with Gracious Professionalism
both on and off
the Playing Field. This Team shares their experiences, enthusiasm and knowledge with other Teams,
sponsors, their community, and the judges. Working as a unit, this Team will have shown success in
performing the task of designing and building a Robot.
Required Criteria for the Inspire Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must be a strong contender for several other judged awards. The Inspire Award celebrates
the strongest qualities of all the judged awards.
The Team must be an ambassador for FIRST programs. They demonstrate and document their
work in their community.
Team must be positive and inclusive, and each Team member contributes to the success of the Team.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering Portfolio must include engineering
content, Team Information and a Team Plan. The entire Engineering Portfolio must be high quality,
thoughtful, thorough, concise, and well-organized.
Robot design must be creative and innovative, and the Robot performs reliably on the Field. The
Team communicates clearly about their Robot design and strategy to the judges.
Team interview session must be professional and engaging.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Inspire Award:
The Team should be able to share or provide more detailed information to support the information in
the portfolio.
The Team should refer to the Award Definitions for judging outlined in Appendix F for outreach
and be able to provide supporting documentation to the judges, where applicable.
9.5.2 Think Award
Removing engineering obstacles through creative thinking.
This judged award is given to the Team that best reflects the journey the Team took as they experienced the
engineering design process during the build season. The engineering content within the portfolio is the key
reference for judges to help identify the most deserving Team. The Teams engineering content must focus
on the design and build stage of the Team’s Robot.
The Team must be able to share or provide additional detailed information that is helpful for the judges. This
could include descriptions of the underlying science and mathematics of the Robot design and game
strategies, the designs, redesigns, successes, and opportunities for improvement. A Team is not a candidate
for this award if their portfolio does not include engineering content.
Required Criteria for the Think Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
Engineering Portfolio must have engineering content. The engineering content could include
entries describing examples of the underlying science, mathematics, and game strategies in a
summary fashion.
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The Engineering Portfolio must provide examples that show the Team has a clear understanding of
the engineering design process including examples of lessons learned.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Think Award:
Team must be able to describe or provide additional information to the judges about their
portfolio content.
Engineering Portfolio could summarize how the Team acquired new mentors or acquired
new knowledge and expertise from their mentors.
Engineering Portfolio could contain summary of overall Team Plan.
Engineering Portfolio could contain information about the plans to develop skills for Team members.
Portfolio format is less important but enables the judges to understand the Team’s design
maturity, organizational capabilities, and overall Team structure.
Portfolio could reference specific experiences and lessons learned but should capture the summary
of the status of the Team and their Robot design.
Portfolio could also summarize experiences and lessons learned from outreach with concise tables
of outcomes.
The Team should refer to the Award Definitions for judging outlined in Appendix F for outreach and
be able to provide supporting documentation to the judges, where applicable.
9.5.3 Connect Award
Connecting the dots between community, FIRST, and the diversity of the engineering world.
This judged award is given to the Team that most connects with their local science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM) community. A true FIRST Team is more than a sum of its parts and recognizes that
engaging their local STEM community plays an essential part in their success. The recipient of this award is
recognized for helping the community understand FIRST, the FIRST Tech Challenge, and the Team itself.
The Team that wins the Connect Award actively seeks and recruits engineers and explores the opportunities
available in the world of engineering, science, and technology. This Team has a clear Team Plan and has
identified steps to achieve their goals.
Required Criteria for the Connect Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
Portfolio must include a Team Plan that covers the Team’s goals for the development of Team
member skills, and the steps the Team has taken or will take to reach those goals. Examples of
what the plan could include are timelines, outreach to science, engineering, and math
communities, and training courses.
Portfolio must include a summary of how the Team acquired new mentors or acquired new
knowledge and expertise from a mentor. Working with mentors from FIRST’s Mentor Matching site
is an acceptable way to learn from mentors.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Connect Award:
Team provides clear examples of developing in person or virtual connections with individuals in
the engineering, science, or technology community.
Team actively engages with the engineering community to help them understand FIRST, the FIRST
Tech Challenge, and the Team itself.
The Team should refer to the Award Definitions for judging outlined in Appendix F for outreach and
be able to provide supporting documentation to the judges, where applicable.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
9.5.4 Innovate Award sponsored by RTX
Bringing great ideas from concept to reality.
The Innovate Award celebrates a Team that thinks imaginatively and has the ingenuity, creativity, and
inventiveness to make their designs come to life. This judged award is given to the Team that has the most
innovative and creative Robot design solution to any specific components in the FIRST Tech Challenge
game. Elements of this award include elegant design, robustness, and ‘out of the box’ thinking related to
design. This award may address the design of the whole Robot or of a sub-assembly attached to the Robot.
The creative component must work consistently, but a Robot does not have to work all the time during
Matches to be considered for this award. The Team’s Engineering Portfolio must include a summary of the
design of the component or components and the Team’s Robot to be eligible for this award. Entries must
describe how the Team arrived at their solution.
Required Criteria for the Innovate Award sponsored by RTX:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio.
The Engineering Portfolio must include examples of the Team’s engineering content that illustrate
how the Team arrived at their design solution.
Robot or Robot sub-assembly must be creative, elegant, and unique in its design.
Creative component must be stable, robust, and work reliably most of the time.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Innovate Award sponsored by RTX:
The portfolio could inspire the judges to ask the Team about the specific detailed
engineering information.
9.5.5 Control Award:
Mastering Robot intelligence.
The Control Award celebrates a Team that uses sensors and software to increase the Robot’s functionality in
the field. This award is given to the Team that demonstrates innovative thinking to solve game challenges
such as Autonomous operation, improving mechanical systems with intelligent control, or using sensors to
achieve better results. The control component should work consistently in the Field. The Team’s Engineering
Portfolio must contain a summary of the software, sensors, and mechanical control, but would not include
copies of the code itself.
Required Criteria for the Control Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must apply for the Control Award by filling out the Control Award Submission Form, located
in Appendix E. The Control Award Submission Form must not exceed 2 pages.
The Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering Portfolio must include
engineering content that documents the control components.
Control components must enhance the functionality of the Robot on the Playing Field.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Control Award:
Advanced software techniques and algorithms are encouraged, but not required.
Control components should work reliably.
Learnings from the Team about what they tried and what did not work with regards to
sensors, hardware, algorithms, and code could be included in the Engineering Portfolio.
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9.5.6 Motivate Award
Sparking others to embrace the culture of FIRST!
This Team embraces the culture of FIRST and clearly shows what it means to be a Team. This judged
award celebrates the Team that represents the essence of the FIRST Tech Challenge Competition through
Gracious Professionalism and general enthusiasm for the overall philosophy of FIRST and what it means to
be a FIRST Tech Challenge Team. This is a Team who makes a collective effort to make FIRST known
throughout their school and community, and sparks others to embrace the culture of FIRST.
Required Criteria for the Motivate Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio. The Engineering Portfolio must include a Team
organization plan, which could describe their future goals and the steps they will take to reach those
goals. Examples of what the plan could include are Team identity, fund-raising goals, sustainability
goals, timelines, outreach, finances, and community service goals.
The Team must be an ambassador for FIRST programs.
Team must be able to explain the individual contributions of each Team member, and how these
apply to the overall success of the Team.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Motivate Award:
Team takes part in their presentation, and actively engages with the judges.
Team shows a creative approach to materials that market their Team and FIRST.
Team can clearly show the successful recruitment of people who were not already active within
the STEM community.
Team could also summarize experiences and lessons learned from outreach.
The Team should refer to the Award Definitions for judging outlined in Appendix F for outreach and
be able to provide supporting documentation to the judges, where applicable.
9.5.7 Design Award
Industrial design at its best.
This judged award recognizes design elements of the Robot that are both functional and aesthetic. The Design
Award is presented to Teams that incorporate industrial design elements into their solution. These design
elements could simplify the Robot’s appearance by giving it a clean look, be decorative in nature, or otherwise
express the creativity of the Team. The Robot should be durable, efficiently designed, and effectively address
the game challenge.
Required Criteria for the Design Award:
Team must show respect and Gracious Professionalism
to everyone they meet at a FIRST
Tech Challenge event.
Team must submit an Engineering Portfolio with engineering content. This could be CAD images or
Robot drawings of the Team’s overall design and/or components.
Team must document and implement strong industrial design principles, striking a balance
between form, function, and aesthetics.
Strongly Suggested Criteria for the Design Award:
Distinguishes itself from others by its aesthetic and functional design.
Basis for the design is well considered (that is inspiration, function, etc.).
Design is effective and consistent with Team Plan and strategy.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
The portfolio could inspire the judges to ask the Team about specific detailed engineering information.
9.5.8 Promote Award (Optional)
This judged award is optional and may not be given at all Tournaments.
The Promote Award is given to the Team that is most successful in creating a compelling video message for
the public designed to change our culture and celebrate science, technology, engineering, and math. Teams
must submit a one-minute-long public service announcement (PSA) video based on the PSA subject for the
Team may win the Promote Award only once at a Championship level event and only once at a qualifying
Tournament or league Tournament level event.
PSA Subject for 2023-2024 season:
The best thing about FIRST Tech Challenge is…”
Required criteria for the Promote Award:
Video must follow FIRST branding and design standards.
Video cannot be longer than 60 seconds.
Video must be of a high quality, as submissions may be used later to promote FIRST.
Team must have rights to the music used in the video.
Music and permissions must be listed in video credits.
Video must have strong production value.
Video must be submitted by the deadline given by the tournament director.
Team must present a thoughtful and impactful video which appeals to the public.
Creativity in interpreting the yearly theme is required.
Follow video award submission guidelines.
9.5.9 Compass Award (Optional)
A beacon and leader in the journey of the FIRST Tech Challenge.
This judged award is optional and may not be given at all Tournaments.
The Compass Award recognizes an adult coach or mentor who has given outstanding guidance and support
to a Team throughout the year and demonstrates to the Team what it means to be a Gracious Professional.
The winner of the Compass Award will be chosen from candidates nominated by FIRST Tech Challenge
Student Team members, via a 40-60 second video submission. The video must highlight how their mentor
has helped them become an inspirational Team. We want to hear what sets the mentor apart.
Required criteria for the Compass Award:
Video must follow FIRST branding and design standards.
Video cannot be longer than 60 seconds.
Video must be of a high quality, as submissions may be used later to promote FIRST.
Team must have permission from the copyright owners for the music used in the video.
Music and permissions must be listed in video credits.
Video must be submitted by the deadline given by the tournament director.
Video highlights the mentor’s contribution to the Team and demonstrates what sets the mentor apart.
9.5.10 Judges’ Choice Award
This award is optional and may not be given at all Tournaments.
During the Competition, the judging panel may meet a Team whose unique efforts, performance, or
dynamics merit recognition, but does not fit into any of the existing award categories. To recognize these
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unique Team, FIRST offers a customizable Judges Choice Award. The judging panel may select a Team to
be honored, as well as the name of the Judges Choice Award. The Judges Choice Award recognizes a
Team for their outstanding efforts but does not factor into the advancement criteria.
9.5.11 Winning Alliance Award
This award will be given to the winning Alliance represented in the final Match.
9.5.12 Finalist Alliance Award
This award will be given to the finalist Alliance represented in the final Match.
10.0 Dean’s List Award
In an effort to recognize the leadership and dedication of the most outstanding secondary school Students from
, the Kamen family sponsors awards for selected 10th or 11th grade* Students known as the FIRST
Robotics Competition and the FIRST
Tech Challenge FIRST Dean’s List Award.
There are three (3) levels of FIRST Dean’s List Award Students.
1. FIRST Dean’s List Semi-finalists comprised of the two (2) Students in their 10th or 11th school year
nominated by each Team.
2. FIRST Dean’s List Finalists - The Students selected for each Regional Championship.
3. FIRST Dean’s List Winners - comprised of the ten (10) FIRST Robotics Competition and ten (10)
FIRST Tech Challenge Students selected from the applicable FIRST Dean’s List Finalists.
The Students who earn FIRST Dean’s List status as a Semi-finalist, Finalist or Winner, are great examples of
current Student leaders who have led their Teams and communities to increased awareness for FIRST and its
mission. It is the goal of FIRSTthat these individuals will continue, post-award, as great leaders, student
alumni, and advocates of FIRST.
In 2019, the Woodie Flowers Memorial Grant was established for Dean’s List Award Winners pursuing STEAM
fields of study.
For more information on the Dean’s List Award, and to see past FIRST Tech Challenge winners, please visit
our website! http://www.firstinspires.org/Robotics/ftc/deans-list
10.1 Eligibility
Every registered FIRST Tech Challenge Team can submit up to two (2) Students as FIRST Dean’s List Award
Students must be a sophomore (grade 10) or junior (grade 11) to be eligible for this award.
o Note: For regions of the world that do not use grade levels such as this to identify years of
schooling: This award is intended for Students who are two (2) to three (3) years away from
entering college or university. Students that would be attending college or university in the next
academic year are not eligible. Mentors will be asked for the year of graduation during the
nomination process.
The coach or mentor nominating the Student(s) must submit an essay explaining why the Student
should receive this award. The essay must be 4,000 characters or less.
10.2 Criteria
Criteria for selection of the FIRST Dean’s List Award shall include, but not be limited to a student’s:
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Demonstrated leadership and commitment to theFIRSTCore Values
Effectiveness at increasing awareness ofFIRSTin their school and community
Demonstrates passion for a long-term commitment toFIRST
The student’s individual contributions to their team contribute to the overall success of the team
Proven experience in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
The student is a role model and can motivate and lead fellow team members
10.3 Dean’s List Nominations
There are specific instructions on how to submit Dean’s List Nominations. There are two sets of instructions,
The Dean’s List Nomination Guide – US, and the Dean’s List Nomination Guide – International. Please visit our
website for a copy of the guides, which provides in-depth information about the Dean’s List, and step by step
visual aids to complete the nominations.
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Appendix A Resources
Game Forum Q&A
Anyone may view questions and answers within the FIRST
Tech Challenge game Q&A forum without a
password. To submit a new question, you must have a unique Q&A system user name and password for your
Volunteer Forum
Volunteers can request access to role specific volunteer forums by emailing
FTCTrainingSupport@firstinspires.org. You will receive access to the forum thread specific to your role.
FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manuals
Part 1 and 2 - https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/ftc/game-and-season-info
FIRST Headquarters Pre-Event Support
Phone: 603-666-3906
Mon Fri
8:30am 5:00pm
Email: Firsttechchallenge@firstinspires.org
FIRST Websites
FIRST homepage www.firstinspires.org
FIRST Tech Challenge Page For everything FIRST Tech Challenge.
FIRST Tech Challenge Volunteer Resources To access public volunteer manuals.
FIRST Tech Challenge Event Schedule Find FIRST Tech Challenge events in your area.
FIRST Tech Challenge Social Media
FIRST Tech Challenge Twitter Feed - If you are on Twitter, follow the FIRST Tech Challenge Twitter feed for
news updates.
FIRST Tech Challenge Facebook page - If you are on Facebook, follow the FIRST Tech Challenge page for news
FIRST Tech Challenge YouTube Channel Contains training videos, game animations, news clips, and more.
FIRST Tech Challenge Blog Weekly articles for the FIRST Tech Challenge community, including outstanding
volunteer recognition!
FIRST Tech Challenge Team Email Blasts contain the most recent FIRST Tech Challenge news for teams.
We strive to create support materials that are the best they can be. If you have feedback about this manual, please email
firsttechchallenge@firstinspires.org. Thank you!
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Appendix B Robot Inspection Checklist
Team Number: _________ Robot Inspection Status (circle): READY / NOT READY
Robot Size Inspection
Rule #
Robot is presented at inspection with all mechanisms (including all components of each
mechanism), configurations, and decorations that will be used on the Robot.
Separately test the Robot in all of its unique starting (pre-match setup) configurations.
The Robot fits within the Sizing Tool without exerting undue force on the Sizing Tool
sides and top.
General Robot Rules
Rule #
Robot does not contain any components that could damage the Playing Field or other
Robot does not contain materials that are hazardous.
Robot poses no obvious unnecessary risk of entanglement.
Robot does not contain sharp edges or corners.
Robot does not contain animal-based, liquid, or gel materials.
Robot does not contain materials that would cause a delay of game if released.
Robot does not contain elements that electrically ground the Robot frame to the Playing
Robot does not contain closed gas, hydraulic, or vacuum based devices.
Team number is visible from at least 2 opposite sides and meets requirements.
Alliance Markers are present and meet requirements.
Energy used by the Robot shall come only from approved sources.
Robot is not capable of detaching its own components.
Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules
Rule #
All components on the Robot are from allowable raw materials and Commercial Off The
Shelf products.
Robot Electrical Parts and Materials Rules
Rule #
Exactly one Main Power Switch is installed properly, labeled, readily accessible, and
visible. The TETRIX, REV, MATRIX, and AndyMark switches are the only allowed Main
Power Switch.
All batteries are securely attached to the Robot in a location where they will not make
direct contact with other Robots or the Playing Field.
Exactly one (1) Robot Main Battery Pack of an approved type is on the Robot and it is
properly connected to the Main Power Switch and either the REV Expansion Hub or
REV Control Hub.
Where present, fuses must not be replaced with fuses of higher rating than originally
installed or according to manufacturer's specifications. Fuses are single use only.
12V Power: REV Control Hub, REV Expansion Hubs, REV Servo Power Modules, REV
SPARKmini Motor Controllers, Power Distribution Blocks, Voltage/Current Sensors,
12V Input Power LED Controllers are connected to 12V power by connecting directly to
the Robot main power switch, a pass-through power connector on a REV Control Hub
or REV Expansion Hub, or a Power Distribution Block.
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Allowed sensors only receive power from the REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub
via analog, digital, encoder, or I2C ports.
The smartphone Robot Controller Android device (if used) is powered by its internal
battery or by the built-in charging feature of the REV Expansion Hub.
Exactly one Robot Controller (a) smartphone Android Device + REV Expansion Hub or
b) REV Control Hub) is required. One additional REV Expansion Hub is allowed.
The only allowed Motor and Servo Controllers are: REV Expansion Hub, REV Control
Hub, REV Servo Power Module, REV SPARKmini Motor Controller, and VEX Motor
Controller 29.
Robot contains no more than eight (8) DC motors of the allowed models.
Robot contains no more than twelve (12) servos. They must be compatible with the
attached REV Expansion Hub, REV Control Hub, REV Servo Power Module, or VEX
Motor Controller 29 and not exceed the manufacturer specifications for the controller.
Robot contains only allowed sensors and they are connected to allowed ports on the
REV Expansion Hub or the REV Control Hub.
Logic Level Converters and I2C Sensor Adapter Cables are allowed to connect sensors
to a compatible REV Control Hub or REV Expansion Hub port.
Simple I2C multiplexors, I2C to SPI protocol converters are allowed to connect sensors
to an I2C port. COTS I2C to SPI protocol converters are allowed.
Focused light sources are not allowed except for a) sensors containing class 1, non-
visible spectrum lasers or b) integrated light sources within otherwise legal devices.
Light sources are powered by allowed methods.
<RE12>a, c,
f, & g
Video recording devices, if used, are powered by an internal battery and their wireless
communication capability is turned off.
Vision Cameras must be UVC compatible and are connected directly to a REV Control
Hub, or to the Robot Controller through a powered USB Hub.
Only single image sensor devices are allowed. Vision Sensors follow sensor rules in
<RE11>. Stereoscopic cameras are not allowed.
Power and motor control wires have consistent color coding with different colors used
for the positive (red, white, brown, or black with a stripe) and Negative/Common (black
or blue) wires.
Power, motor control, servo, sensor, and LED wires are the correct size.
If electronics are grounded to the Robot frame, the only approved method is the REV
Robotics Resistive Grounding Strap. If needed, the REV Robotics Anderson Powerpole
to XT30 adapter may connect to the Resistive Grounding Strap. No other grounding
straps or cables are allowed.
Approved electrical and electronic devices may be modified to make them more usable;
they may not be modified internally or in any way that affects their safety.
Wheel/Tread Playing Field Damage Test - Optional
Rule #
Robot did not damage the Playing Field tile. [This is an optional test that is performed
only when an Inspector believes that the drivetrain tread may damage a Playing Field
Team Game Element Inspection Optional Game Element
Rule #
Team must present all of their Alliance specific TGEs for inspection. The element must
be entirely red or blue.
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 55
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
The TGE satisfies the Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules in section 7.3.2 and
does not contain any fiducial markers or retroreflective materials.
Max. size of the TGE is 4 inches (10.16 cm) by 4 inches (10.16 cm) by 4 inches (10.16
cm). The min. size of the TGE is 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches
(7.62 cm).
The TGE is labeled with their Team number (numerals only) and they meet
The TGE does not contain electronics, or any other part or material that violates Robot
construction rules outlined in section 7.3.
The TGE does not use or resemble any current season’s COTS scoring elements.
Team Scoring Element Inspection Optional Scoring Element
Rule #
Teams must present all of their Alliance specific TSEs for inspection. The predominant
color of the TSE must match the Team’s assigned Alliance for the Match (red or blue).
The TSE must have the general configuration of an airplane with a defined fuselage
and wings.
The TSE is labeled with their Team number (numerals only). Numbers may be: a)
laser or ink jet printed, or b) handwritten in either pencil, ink pen, or felt-tip marker.
The TSE must be made of a single, continuous sheet no larger than 8 ½ x 11 or A4
with a paper weight specification of no more than 20lb. No other materials (tape,
paperclips, staples, etc.) are allowed.
General Comment(s) or Reason(s) for Failure (if any):
Robot Inspector
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Appendix C Field Inspection Checklist
Drive Team Members Present
Rule #
Coach (required), Driver 1 (required); Driver 2 (optional), Human Player (optional)
Driver Station and Robot Controller Hardware Rules
Rule #
Driver Station consists of only of one Android device (Circle): Motorola Moto G4 Play,
Motorola Moto G5, Motorola G5 Plus, Motorola Moto E4, Motorola Moto E5, Motorola Moto
E5 Play, or REV Driver Hub.
Smartphone Robot Controller Android device (if used) is one of the following models (Circle):
Motorola Moto G4 Play, Motorola Moto G5, Motorola G5 Plus, Motorola Moto E4, Motorola
Moto E5, Motorola Moto E5 Play. The Android device’s USB interface only connects to a
REV Expansion Hub or a USB hub.
The touch display screen of the Driver Station is accessible and visible to field personnel.
The Driver Station consists of no more than two of the allowed gamepads (Logitech F310,
Xbox 360, wired Sony DualShock 4 for PS4, Etpark Wired Controller for PS4, Sony
DualSense Wireless Controller for PS5), or Quadstick game controller in any combination.
No more than one (1) optional external battery powered or unpowered USB hub is present.
No more than one (1) optional COTS USB external battery connected to the REV Driver Hub
USB-C port or a USB hub connected to the smartphone Android Device is present.
Driver Station smartphone Android device (if used) USB interface is only connected to either
a Mini USB to OTG cable or combination of cables connected to one USB Hub, or one
gamepad USB cable connected to an OTG Micro Adapter.
Driver Station Carrier (if present) meets requirements.
The Driver Station Android Device only plays allowed sounds.
Driver Station (DS) and Robot Controller (RC) Software Rules
Rule #
Android smartphone(s), REV Driver Hub, and REV Control Hub are named with the official
team number followed by DS or RC as appropriate.
Android operating system satisfies the requirements version 7.0 or higher.
DS and RC apps are version 9.0 or higher and the DS and RC apps have the same version
numbers. The RC app is not installed on the DS and the DS app is not installed on the RC.
REV Driver Hub (if used) operating system is version 1.2.0 or higher.
REV Driver Hub (if used) has Bluetooth turned off and Wi-Fi turned on.
REV Control Hub (if used) operating system is version 1.1.2 or higher and the firmware
version is 1.8.2 or higher.
REV Expansion Hub (if used) firmware version is 1.8.2 or higher.
REV Control Hub (if used) has Wi-Fi turned on, Bluetooth is turned off, and the password is
different than the factory default value of “password”.
Android smartphones (if used) are set to airplane mode, Wi-Fi is turned on, and Bluetooth is
turned off.
Android devices are not connected to any local networks.
All remembered Wi-Fi Direct Groups and Wi-Fi connections on Android devices have been
Communication between the Robot and Driver Station is only through the RC and DS
applications. Out of band communication is not allowed.
Driver Station uses the official FTC Driver Station app to control the Robot.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
The FTC Robot Controller app on the smartphone Android Device (if used) is the default
application, the application launches, and no other messages pop up.
Robot Controller is set to the correct Wi-Fi channel (if required by the competition).
Robot Operation Verified at the Playing Field
Rule #
Robot Controller connects with the Driver Station.
Robot switches between autonomous and driver-controlled operation correctly.
Robot starts and stops when commanded by the Driver Station.
The team understands how to disable their Robot, if instructed to do so by a referee.
Queuing Process Information Provided at the Playing Field
Rule #
Team understands that software changes are not allowed in the Queue Area.
Team understands that the match schedule is only an estimate. Matches may start prior to or
after the scheduled time. It is the team’s responsibility to monitor schedule changes and show
up when required.
Team knows that they are responsible for attaching their Team Supplied Alliance Marker on
two sides of their Robot before they approach the competition playing field.
General Comments or Reason(s) for Failure (if any):
Field Inspector
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Appendix D Control Award Instructions
To be considered for the Control Award, Teams must submit a Control Award Submission Form. On this form,
Teams identify and summarize the key control elements that make their Robot unique. Included is a
description of key observable actions for judges to look for as well as the sensor and algorithm use that make it
all possible. Judges will use this form for both evaluating control designs and when observing Robots on the
Competition field. Teams should identify the control aspects of their Robot that they are most proud of. The
Control Award Submission form may not exceed 2 pages.
Autonomous Objectives
List the overall actions that the Robot can complete. These should include scoring actions as well as other
positioning and defensive operations. The Robot does not have to do accomplish all these in every program
but should be demonstrable in at least one Autonomous program.
Sensors Used
List the sensors used to control the Robot and a brief description of how they are used.
Key Algorithms
List the key algorithms that make your Robot unique or are vital to its success on the field. Particularly complex
or unique algorithms or those that integrate the use of multiple sensors are good candidates to highlight here.
Driver Controlled Enhancements
List any advanced control elements that are used during the Driver-Controlled period to enhance performance.
These may include signaling operations when a certain condition is detected on the field, auto-complete
functions, fail-safe algorithms, or just any enhancements that make the control of the Robot easier or more
efficient for the driver.
Engineering Portfolio References
Judges also use the Teams Engineering Portfolio to evaluate details of the control elements. To help guide this
effort, Teams should provide pointers to where in the Engineering Portfolio control related information is
Some things to consider including as pointers are: Team goals for control activities, strategies for Autonomous
mode, Robot performance with and without added sensors, requirements for successful Autonomous
operation, performance improvements using algorithms and sensors, and testing results.
Autonomous Program Diagrams
For Autonomous operations, Teams should draw and label a typical path the Robot takes. The labeled points
identify key observable actions the Robot makes. For each labeled point, a brief description of what is taking
place should be noted (see example below). Especially describe those key operations where adjustments are
made to ensure accurate and repeatable performance.
For Teams with multiple Autonomous programs, it is not necessary to document every program on a separate
sheet. It is sufficient document the most commonly used or complex programs and note variances for the rest.
Additional Summary Information (optional)
For those Teams that have developed many different control features, they may want to provide additional
information to assist the judges in understanding their work. This is a place where Teams can provide more
detailed information about their designs. It should be organized such that separate topics are easily identified
and can be quickly found.
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Control Award Submission Form
**Please turn in this sheet during your judge interview along with your engineering portfolio**
Team #
Team Name:
Highly Recommended for Remote Submissions Please provide a link to a video recording of the
controls described in this submission form:
Autonomous objectives:
Sensors used:
Key algorithms:
Driver controlled enhancements:
Engineering portfolio references:
Autonomous program diagrams:
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Appendix F Award Terms and Definitions
All teams are required to adhere to the following definitions in their award submissions and in their judge
Team Support Definitions
Started (a FIRST LEGO League / FIRST Tech Challenge / FIRST Robotics Competition team) “A team has
Started a team if they have met one of the following requirements:
1. Funded or sourced funding (i.e., grants or sponsorship) of at least 50% of the team registration fee.
2. Made the team aware of FIRST and/or the specific program and helped the team with the official
registration process.
As well as:
3. The Started team agrees that the Starting team did in fact Start them.
4. The Started team competes in an official FIRST event.
The intent of this definition is to make it clear when a team is responsible for bringing a new group into a
specific FIRST program. The keys here are helping with funding OR introducing the new group to FIRST and
helping them get registered as a team in their specific program.
Cases where one team has Started another team will be rare. Cases where one team has Mentored or
Assisted a team through their initial phases are very valuable, however they are distinct from Starting a team.
Teams are encouraged to provide documentation as a reference for judges (e.g., a letter from the team that
has been Started) supporting the fact that they did indeed Start each team referred to in the submission. New
teams can only be Started by two teams and can only provide two of these letters. All provided documentation
may be made available for judges during the second interviews as an additional resource item.
Mentored (a FIRST LEGO League / FIRST Tech Challenge / FIRST Robotics Competition team) - “A team
has Mentored a team if they have met all the following requirements:
1. Providing consistent communication, either in person or via phone/email/video conference, to the
Mentored team helping with technical or non-technical FIRST program specific issues.
2. The Mentored team agrees that the Mentoring team did in fact Mentor them.
Mentoring a team is a consistent and ongoing relationship. To be considered a Mentoring team, you must be
providing regular help to the Mentee team during the season within their schedule. We understand that not all
teams meet as regularly as once a week, however this is a general standard. For some teams, communication
may be more infrequent and still considered consistent. We encourage teams to use their best discretion when
evaluating these edge cases. Helping teams on a less consistent basis is still immensely valuable and
important, however it would simply be considered Assisting a team.
Teams are encouraged to provide documentation (e.g., a letter from the team that has been Mentored)
supporting the fact that they did indeed Mentor each team referred to in the submission. All provided
documentation may be made available for judges during the second interviews as an additional resource item.
Examples (but not limited to) of consistent communication for Mentoring a team include:
Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Remote Events | 61
Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Team A regularly sends students to a nearby school to help their FIRST LEGO League team(s) with
their robot design and project presentations.
Team A sends an email to Team B asking for advice on future robot design. The two teams email back
and forth over a period of time exchanging questions and answers.
Team A meets Team B at a competition. Team B expresses concern that their team is struggling to
keep the team going and is looking for help. The two teams live far away from each other, but over the
next year, they exchange many emails, they video chat a few times during the off-season and even
meet in person.
Examples (but not limited to) of not Mentoring a team:
Answering a single email question.
Inviting a team to your shop so they may make parts on your machinery.
Hosting a team in your build space during inclement weather when they are unable to access their own
Giving a robot part to another team.
Allowing a team to practice at your practice facility.
Assisted (a FIRST LEGO League / FIRST Tech Challenge / FIRST Robotics Competition team) - “A team has
Assisted a team if they have met all the following requirements:
1. Providing communication, either in person or via phone/email/video conference, to the Assisted team
helping with technical or non-technical program specific issues. OR Providing funding and/or supplies
to the Assisted team.
2. The Assisted team agrees that the Assisting team did in fact Assist them.
Assisting a team is a form of Mentorship, however it does not require the long term or consistent
communication that is a defining characteristic of Mentorship. It is expected that all FIRST Tech Challenge
teams are constantly assisting their fellow FIRST teams, and it is not necessary to try and document or count
all the instances of Assisting that your team has participated in.
Examples (but not limited to) of Assisting a Team:
Answering a single email question.
Inviting a team to your shop so they may make parts on your machinery.
Hosting a team in your build space during inclement weather when they are unable to access their own
Giving a robot part to another team.
Allowing a team to practice at your practice facility
Provided Published Resources (to a FIRST LEGO League / FIRST Tech Challenge / FIRST Robotics
Competition team) A team has Provided Published Resources to a team if they have met all the following
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1. The team has created resources designed to aid teams with technical or non-technical FIRST program
specific issues.
2. The resources have been published or presented publicly. (e.g., Presented at a conference, published
on a team website, etc.)
Many FIRST Tech Challenge teams have created a wealth of resources that benefit numerous teams. This
kind of assistance is enormously valuable to our community and is heavily encouraged. However, these acts
do not meet the definition of Mentoring since they lack consistent communication involved in mentoring. To
recognize and encourage these important efforts, the definition of Provided Published Resources was
Teams are encouraged to provide documentation (e.g., Letters from teams who have used the resources;
screenshots of downloads/engagement/digital impression statistics; attendance numbers) supporting the
overall reach of their Published Resources.
All provided documentation may be made available for judges during the second interviews as an additional
resource item.
Examples (but not limited to) of Providing Published Resources
Team A creates and publishes a scouting database compiling statistical data from competitions, and
the database is downloaded and used by other teams.
Team A creates and gives a presentation on FIRST fundraising to an audience of 15 local FIRST Tech
Challenge and FIRST LEGO League teams.
Team A develops and publishes a mobile app that contains FIRST LEGO League tutorials, and the app
is downloaded and used by FIRST LEGO League teams.
Team A creates and publishes FIRST Tech Challenge drivetrain video tutorials on YouTube, and
videos are watched and used by FIRST Tech Challenge teams.
Event Support Definitions:
Ran A team has Run an event if they have met all the following requirements:
1. Team members are involved in most of the planning of the event.
2. Team members are involved in most of the on-site event execution or have arranged for and are
supervising the volunteers to handle most of the on-site event execution.
Running an event means that this event would not be possible without the efforts and actions of the given
team. The team in question must be responsible for most of the work that goes into the event.
Teams are encouraged to provide documentation (e.g., a letter from organizing body/Program Delivery Partner
that the event was Run for) supporting the fact that they did indeed Run the event. All provided documentation
may be made available for judges during the second interviews as an additional resource item.
Examples (but not limited to) of Running an event.
Team A acts as most of the planning committee for a FIRST LEGO League event, and team members
recruit and train the event volunteers.
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Gracious Professionalism
- Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
Hosted - A Team has Hosted an event if they have met one of the following requirements:
1. The event takes place at a team facility.
2. The event takes place at a facility arranged for by the team.
Hosting an event occurs when a team opens one of their own facilities or arranges for a facility to allow for an
event to occur. Often teams will Run and Host the same event, but these terms do not necessarily have to be
Supported - A team has Supported an event if they have met any of the following requirements:
1. Multiple team members are involved in some part of the planning of the event.
2. Multiple team members are involved in the on-site or online event execution for the entirety of the event
(i.e., Team members have volunteered for the entirety of the event)
Teams Support events by helping with the planning or execution of the event. This is less encompassing than
Running an event.
Examples (but not limited to) of Supporting an event:
Having multiple team members volunteer at the entirety of an event.
Having a few mentors serve on a large planning committee for a FIRST Tech Challenge regional event.
Examples (but not limited to) that do not qualify as Supporting an event.
Having 1 team member volunteer at an event.
Helping tear down the field at the end of an event.
Having 1 mentor serve on a large planning committee for a FIRST Tech Challenge regional event.
Reached - A team has Reached someone if someone has interacted or observed the team in some capacity
whether it be digitally or in person, regarding the Reaching team’s program(s).
Reach is the all-encompassing number of people who became aware of your team via a stated medium/event.
Reach requires tangible interaction or observation of the team, not merely seeing the team in the background
of a show or public exhibit.
Examples (but not limited to) of Reaching:
6,000,000 people watch a TV show that features a team’s robots. This team has Reached. 6,000,000
1,000,000 people attend an event where the team has an exhibit. However, only 500 of those people
saw the team’s actual exhibit. This team has Reached 500 people.
30,000 people attend a football game, where the team performs with their robots during the halftime
show. This team has Reached 30,000 people.
700 people follow a team on Instagram. This team Reached people 700 people.
Examples (but not limited to) of not Reaching:
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6,000,000 people watch a TV show in which the team’s robots are used as background props. Since
the robots nor the team have been featured, this team has not Reached the audience.
30,000 people attend a football game, where the team’s name is shown on the big screen at the
stadium. This is not a tangible interaction or observation of the team; thus, this team has not Reached
the audience.
The goal of using Reach in submissions is to accurately convey the number of people who have become
aware of your team. However, it is difficult to provide exact numbers when it comes to the numerous public
demonstrations teams participate in every year. It is important that teams do not embellish or exaggerate these
numbers, as doing so would paint a misleading picture of the team’s accomplishments. When in doubt, teams
should try and estimate on the low end.
Teams are encouraged to provide documentation that shows the basis of their estimates of Reach. (e.g.,
Letters from event organizers stating event attendance and specific area attendance) Documented evidence
and breakdowns of Reach numbers are far more compelling than simply stating the team’s estimated Reach.
Advocated - A team has engaged in Advocacy if they meet any of the following criteria:
1. Met with government officials, community leaders, school administration, or business leaders (or their
staff) to discuss and engage with and promote public policy changes towards the promotion of
2. Developed relationships with government officials, community leaders, school administration, or
business leaders (or their staff) to promote public policy changes towards the promotion of
3. Served as a resource for government officials, community leaders, school administration, or business
leaders (or their staff) as they create public policy changes towards the promotion of STEM/FIRST.
Examples (but not limited to) of engaging in Advocacy are:
Attending an advocacy day where teams from the area met with local officials on afterschool STEM
engagement programs.
Working with leaders to craft a bill or resolution that was introduced.
Examples (but not limited to) of not engaging in Advocacy are:
Using social media/tweeting to government officials.
Volunteering for a campaign.
Hosting a table/tabling/handing out flyers at parade or event (people must engage not just a passive
Soliciting and recruiting sponsors solely for your team (i.e., fundraising).
Teams are encouraged to be specific about when they started an initiative or participated in one. It should be
part of their current season.
An additional resource item is defined as a resource that is shared with the judges during their team judging
second interviews or pit interviews. It may be a poster, video, engineering notebook, PowerPoint, or any
additional materials to enhance the team interview and provide proof on the team’s process and journey
through their season.