Revision 1.1: 11.11.2019
Revision History
Initial Release
Added rule <CH04>
REV Control Hub Pilot Regions
Only Teams in the below regions are eligible to participate in the Control Hub Pilot:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Texas (Dallas Region only)
Los Angeles, California
United Kingdom
Teams participating in the pilot are able to use the REV Control Hub only when competing
within these regions, and at the World Championship. If a team participating in the pilot chooses
to compete outside of the above listed regions, they must swap out the REV Control Hub to
either the REV Expansion Hub or Modern Robotics Core Control modules.
REV Control Hub Resources
Teams Participating in the Control Hub Pilot have a separate forum to ask technical questions
and receive official answers. This forum should be used for all questions related to the Control
Hub. All other questions such as general robot rules and game specific questions should be
asked through the Official Q&A Forum.
Control Hub Pilot Forum -
Official Q&A Forum -
If you have trouble accessing either forum, please email
Teams can access the FIRST Tech Challenge blog “Launching a Control Hub Pilot” which has
some great FAQ’s to reference:
Control Hub Pilot
Rules and Resources
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Online Resources
Managing a Control Hub:
FTC Control System:
Game Manual Addendum
Teams participating in the pilot must follow all of the rules listed in both the Game Manual Part 1
and Game Manual Part 2. The only exceptions to this are the rules listed below. The highlighted
text applies only to teams participating in the pilot:
<RE05> Robot Power - Robot power is constrained by the following:
a. Allowed electronic devices may only be powered by power ports on the Core Power
Distribution Module, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Control Hub except as follows:
i. The Core Power Distribution Module, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Control Hub
is powered by the Robot main battery.
ii. REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers are powered by the Robot main battery.
iii. Allowed sensors connected to the Core Device Interface Module, REV
Expansion Hub, or REV Control Hub.
iv. Light sources per <RE12>.
v. Video cameras per <RE13>.
b. The Robot Controller Android phone device must be powered by its own internal battery
or by the built-in charging feature of the REV Expansion Hub; external power is not
<RE07> Control Module Quantities - Robot control module quantities are constrained as
a. Exactly one (1) Core Power Distribution Module is required for Teams using any Modern
Robotics Core Control Modules.
b. No more than two (2) Core Device Interface Modules are allowed.
c. Any quantity of Core Motor, or Core Servo Controllers are allowed.
d. Any quantity of REV Servo Power Modules is allowed.
e. No more than two (2) REV Expansion Hubs are allowed.
a. For Teams participating in the REV Control Hub pilot, no more than one (1) REV
Expansion Hub may be used while using the REV Control Hub.
f. Any quantity of REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers are allowed.
g. The REV Control Hub is not allowed.
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h. The Core Legacy Module is not allowed.
i. No more than one (1) REV Control Hub is allowed.
<RE08> Motor and Servo Controllers - Motor and Servo Controllers are allowed in the
following configuration: Core Motor Controllers, Core Servo Controllers, REV Expansion Hub,
REV Control Hub, REV Servo Power Module, and REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers in any
<RE10> Servos A maximum of twelve (12) servos are allowed. Any servo that is compatible
with the attached servo controller is allowed. Servos may only be controlled and powered by an
allowed Servo Controller, REV Expansion Hub, REV Control Hub, or REV Servo Power Module
(when used with an allowed Servo Controller or REV Expansion Hub). Servos may be rotary or
linear but are limited to 6V or less and must have the three-wire servo connector.
The VEX EDR 393 motor is considered a servo and it is subject to the maximum, an overall total
of twelve (12) servos. Core Servo Controllers may control up to two (2) VEX EDR 393 Motors
per module. A VEX Motor Controller 29 must be used between a servo module and each VEX
EDR 393 motor. REV Expansion Hubs or REV Control Hubs must use a REV Servo Power
Module between the REV Expansion Hub and the VEX Motor Controller 29. A maximum of two
(2) VEX EDR 393 Motors may be controlled/powered per REV Servo Power Module.
<RE11> Sensors - Sensors are subject to the following constraints:
a. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may be connected to the Core Device
Interface Module, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Control Hub.
b. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may be connected to the Logic Level
Converter and/or the I
C Sensor Adapter Cable. Refer to Rule <RE14.k> for details on
the use of Logic Level Converter and the I
C Sensor Adapter Cable.
c. Passive electronics may be used as recommended by sensor manufacturers at the
interfaces to the sensors.
d. Voltage sensors are allowed; except on an output port of a motor or servo controller.
e. Current sensors are allowed; except on an output port of a motor or servo controller.
f. Simple I
C multiplexers are allowed and they may only be connected to and powered
from the I
C connections available on the Core Device Interface Module, REV Expansion
Hub, or REV Control Hub.
g. Voltage and/or current sensors are also allowed to connect between the battery pack
and the REV Expansion Hub, REV Control Hub, or Core Power Distribution Module.
<RE12> Light Sources - Functional and/or decorative light sources (including LEDs) are
allowed with the following constraints:
a. Focused or directed light sources (for example: lasers and mirrors) are not allowed
Teams should be prepared during Robot inspection to show
documentation confirming that the servos individually and together on
the same servo controller do not exceed the manufacturer specifications
for the controller.
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except for the REV Robotics 2m Distance sensor (REV-31-1505).
b. Light-source control by compatible ports on the REV Expansion Hub, REV Control Hub,
and Modern Robotics Core Control Modules is allowed.
c. Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) interface modules (without user programmable
microprocessors) are allowed between the light source and the components listed in
d. The only approved power sources for lights are as follows:
i. Internal (as supplied by the Commercial Off the Shelf manufacturer) battery pack
or battery holder.
ii. Power ports on the Core Power Distribution Module.
iii. Motor-control ports on the Core Motor Controller Module.
iv. REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub Motor-control ports, spare XT30 ports,
5V auxiliary power ports, and I2C sensor ports.
<RE13> Video Cameras
a. Self-contained video recording devices (GoPro or similar) are allowed providing they are
used only for non-functional post- Match viewing and the wireless capability is turned off.
Approved self-contained video cameras must be powered by an internal battery (as
supplied by the manufacturer).
b. UVC Compatible Cameras are allowed for computer vision-related tasks. It is
recommended that UVC Compatible Cameras be connected to a phone Robot Controller
through a powered USB hub that is in turn connected to the Robot Controller through an
OTG adapter.
Teams using the REV Control Hub Robot Controller can connect the UVC camera
directly to the REV Control Hub without a powered hub.
<RE14> Robot Wiring - Robot wiring is constrained as follows:
a. USB Surge Protectors connected to USB cables are allowed.
b. Ferrite chokes (beads) on wires and cables are allowed.
c. A Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) Micro Cable or any combination of a Mini USB cable, a
USB hub, and an OTG Micro Adapter may be used to connect the Robot Controller
Android device (phone or REV Control Hub) to the Robot electronics. Note that the OTG
Micro Adapter may be integrated into the USB hub. These devices may connect to the
Robot electronics in the following ways:
i. Built-in USB input port of the Core Power Distribution Module, or
ii. Built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion Hub, or
iii. A USB hub that connects to the built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion
Hub. If a powered hub is used, it must draw its energy from either
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i. A commercial USB battery pack, or
ii. A 5V auxiliary power port on a REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub.
d. Non-powered USB hubs connected to the Core Power Distribution Module are allowed.
e. Anderson Powerpole, and similar crimp or quick-connect style connectors are required
to connect downstream electronics with the Core Power Distribution Module and are
recommended for joining electrical wires throughout the Robot. Power distribution
splitters are recommended where appropriate to reduce wiring congestion. All
connectors and distribution splitters should be appropriately insulated.
f. Installed connectors (such as battery-pack connectors, battery charger connectors, and
Core Power Distribution Module power input connectors) may be replaced with
Anderson Powerpole or any compatible connector.
g. Power and motor control wires must use consistent color-coding with different colors
used for the positive (red, white, brown, or black with a stripe) and negative/common
(black or blue) wires.
h. Wire and cable management products of any type are permitted (for example, cable ties,
cord clips, sleeving, etc.).
i. Wire insulation materials of any type are permitted when used to insulate electrical wires
or secure motor control wires to motors (for example, electrical tape, heat shrink, etc.).
j. Power, motor control, servo, encoder, and sensor wires and their connectors may be
extended, modified, custom made, or COTS subject to the following constraints:
i. Power wires are 18 AWG or larger.
ii. Motor control wires as follows:
ii 22 AWG or larger for TETRIX Max 12V DC motors and REV Robotics
Core Hex (REV-41-1300) 12V DC motors
ii 18 AWG or larger for all other 12V DC motors
iii. PWM (servo) wires are 20 AWG or 22 AWG.
iv. Sensor wires should be the same size or larger than the original wiring.
k. Logic Level Converters Logic Level Converters that are used to connect a REV
Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub to a 5V-compatible I
C sensor or a 5V-compatible
digital sensor are allowed. Exactly one Logic Level Converter per I
C device and one
Logic Level Converter per digital sensor are allowed. A Logic Level Converter should
only draw power from the REV Expansion Hub or REV Control Hub.
l. Electrically grounding the Control System electronics to the frame of the Robot is only
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permitted using a FIRST-approved, commercially manufactured Resistive Grounding
Strap. The only Resistive Grounding Strap approved for use is the REV Robotics
Resistive Grounding Strap (REV-31-1269). Teams that have electronics with Powerpole-
style connectors may also use the REV Robotics Anderson Powerpole to XT30 Adapter
(REV-31-1385) in conjunction with the REV Robotics Resistive Grounding Strap. No
other grounding straps or adapters are permitted. For additional details on installation of
the grounding strap or adapter, please see the Robot Wiring Guide.
<RE17> Additional Electronics Electronic devices that are not specifically addressed in
the preceding rules are not allowed. A partial list of electronics that are not allowed includes:
Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, relays, and custom circuits.
7.3.4 Robot Software Rules
<RS01> Android Device Names - Each Team MUST “name” their Robot Controller (phone or
REV Control Hub) with their official FIRST Tech Challenge Team number and RC (for
example, “12345-RC”). Each Team MUST “name” their Driver Station with their official Team
number and DS (for example, 12345-DS). Teams with more than one Driver Station or Robot
Controller Android device must name these devices with the Team number followed by a
hyphen then a letter designation beginning with “A” (for example, “12345-A-RC”, “12345-B-RC”).
<RS02> Recommended Programming Language - Java and the Blocks Development Tool
are the recommended programming languages for the FIRST Tech Challenge. The minimum
allowed app version number is 5.2. Programming must be done using one of the following
a. FTC Blocks Development tool a visual, blocks-based programming tool hosted by the
Robot Controller.
b. Android Studio a text-based integrated development environment.
c. Java Native Interface (JNI) & Android Native Development Kit (NDK) Teams can
incorporate native code libraries into their apps using the JNI framework and the Android
d. FTC OnBot Java Programming tool a text-based integrated development environment
hosted by the Robot Controller.
If mandatory updates are announced by FIRST later in the season, Teams must install them
before the time of competition. Additionally, beta versions of the software are allowed at official
<RS03> Allowed Android Operating Systems - The only allowed operating systems for the
Robot Controller and Driver Station Android devices are:
a. ZTE Speed: 4.4 or higher (Kit Kat)
b. Motorola Moto E4, Motorola Moto E5, Motorola Moto G4 Play, Motorola Moto G5,
Motorola Moto G5 Plus: 7.0 or higher (Nougat)
c. Motorola Moto G 2
Generation, Motorola Moto G 3
Generation, Google Nexus 5,
Samsung Galaxy S5: 6.0 or higher (Marshmallow)
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d. REV Control Hub: Operating system version 1.0 or higher
<RS04> Autonomous to Driver-Controlled Transition - Teams that expect to operate their
Robot during the Autonomous period must demonstrate during Field Inspection the Driver
Station switches the Robot Controller (phone or REV Control Hub) between Autonomous mode
and Driver-Controlled mode.
<RS05> Robot Controller App - The Robot Controller (phone or REV Control Hub) must have
a designated “FTC Robot Controller” app that is the default application for the Core Robot
modules (Servo, Motor, and Device Interface) or the REV Expansion Hub. The Robot Controller
App must not be installed on the Driver Station Android Device.
<RS06> Driver Station App Teams must install the official “FTC Driver Station” app onto
their Driver Station Android Device and use this app to control their Robot during a Match. The
Driver Station software version number must match the version number of the Robot Controller
app. The Driver Station App must not be installed on the Robot Controller (phone or REV
Control Hub) Android Device.
<RS07> Android Device Operating System Settings - The Robot Controller and Driver
Station must be set to:
a) Airplane mode must be turned on (does not apply for Teams using the REV Control
b) Bluetooth must be turned off
c) Wi-Fi must be turned on.
<RS08> Wi-Fi Direct Channel Changing App - The Robot Controller must have the FIRST
Tech Challenge “Wi-Fi Direct Channel Changing” App installed (ZTE Speed ONLY).
<RS09> Software Modification - Teams are not allowed to modify the FIRST Tech Challenge
Driver Station App in any fashion. When using the Robot Controller SDK, Teams are not
allowed to replace or modify the portions of the SDK which are distributed as binary .AAR files.
<RS10> Driver Station Communication - Communication between the Robot and Driver
Station is only allowed via the Robot Controller and Driver Station applications.
IMPORTANT: Rules <RS02> or <RS03> do not require that Teams upgrade to the latest version of
the software. A mandatory upgrade would only be required if FIRST determined there was a critical
software fix that must be adopted by Teams. Mandatory upgrades will be communicated in the
following ways:
Via Team Blast The mandatory upgrade and version number will be communicated to
Teams on the Team Blast, which will also show the date the required upgrade must be
Online the minimally required software will be listed on our Technology Resources page,
with the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Forum The minimally required software will be listed in the Technology Forum page, with
the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Templates for all programming choices are available through the links located at
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Communication between the Robot Controller and the Driver Station is limited to the unmodified
mechanisms provided by the official FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) software, which consists of
the official FTC Software Development Kit (SDK), the FTC Robot Controller app, and the
FTC Driver Station app. Teams are not permitted to stream audio, video or other data using
third-party software or modified versions of the FTC software. Teams may only use the
unmodified telemetry feature included with the FTC software to transfer additional data between
the Robot Controller and the Driver Station. Software that is preinstalled by an approved
phone’s manufacturer and cannot be disabled is exempt from this constraint.
During a Match, a Team’s Robot Controller and a Team’s Driver Station are not allowed to
be connected wirelessly to any other device besides each other.
Control Hub Specific Rules
<CH01> Teams using the REV Control Hub as the Robot Controller cannot add an Android
phone as a secondary Robot Controller on their Robot.
<CH02> The REV Control Hub must be used as the Robot Controller as part of the pilot. Teams
cannot switch the Robot Controller off on the REV Control Hub.
<CH03> REV Control Hub pilot Teams are permitted to use an external HDMI monitor before or
after a match to configure or debug their REV Control Hub. However, all monitors must be
removed before a match begins. An external HDMI monitor may not be connected to a REV
Control Hub during a match.
<CH04> REV Control Hub pilot Teams must change the factory default password on their REV
Control Hub prior to the start of any competition.