Resume Writing
Engineering Career Services
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Large organizations
Prefer WORD, but pdf okay
Use common fonts
Save file properly NOT resume.docx john.resume.R&D.docx
58% of resumes have errors proof
No photo, fancy color, image or font ATS struggle
Common section headings
Use keywords though don’t overstuff balance pull from JD
Hand copy vs ATS
Customize when possible
Resumes should not be static
Update routinely
Customize as much as possible
Keywords from job description
Adjust what is prioritized
1 page - what you actually share
Keep a master list of items that you can pick and choose from
Conceivable you have 3 different versions design, consulting, sales
Resume Sections
Name & contact Information
Skills / Awards / Interests / Activities / Publications
Anything else you think is important…
High school information ok to use as a freshman or 1
Name & Contact Examples
Address as advantage
Write 1-2 phrases outlining the type of position you are seeking
and any special interest areas
Co-op, intern or professional
Engineering major
Interests in particular industries or functional areas
Geological engineering co-op position in water resources
management or remediation
Internship in electrical engineering
Bachelor of Science, expected May 2025
Materials Science & Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison
GPA 2.5/4.0
Second Major in Computer Sciences
Other Possibilities
Coursework limited list 2 or 3!
Academic projects can also be a separate section
Areas of emphasis no ‘minors’ at UW
Honors, scholarships
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelor of Science Engineering Mechanics, expected May 2024
Engineering GPA 3.2/4.0, Overall GPA 2.8/4.0
Academic Design Projects
Mars Wind Machine: Completed stress and displacement analysis of Giromill airfoils.
Determined most effective internal airfoil construction and material.
High Voltage Power Line Hybrid Crossarm: Developed an efficient design process.
Completed stress/strain analysis for worst case scenario; appropriate materials
selection/dimension analysis.
Selected Course Work
Advanced Strength of Materials, Finite Elements, Material Fatigue, Aerodynamics
Highlight engineering experience
Section headings to focus it
Potential section titles (might change for each position):
Materials Experience
Related Experience
Engineering Experience
Other Experience
Industrial Experience
Academic Experience
Experience is not only employment!
Academic projects
(Alternatively, appropriate in education or own section)
Intro Course Design Project
Senior Capstone
Volunteer/Student organization experience
(Alternatively, appropriate in activities)
Habitat for Humanity
Competition Teams
Engineers without Borders
More than Jobs
Non-Engineering Experience
All jobs are important
Indicate work ethic
Shows skills like leadership, communication, time management,
working with others, meeting deadlines, etc.
May also balance a GPA below 3.0
Worked 20 hours/week while full-time student
Paid 80% of college expenses through part-time work
Silverspring Golf Course, Middlebury, IL
Caddie, Summers 2021-2023
Developed strong interpersonal skills in working with variety of customers and management.
Enhanced already strong work ethic by working 12 hours/day for 3 months each summer. Saved $3,300 over 4
Promoted to caddy master in 2022.
Trained and supervised eight new hires.
Experience formatting
Title, employer, city/state, dates, descriptive statements
Use action verbs and phrases
See ECS Job Search Guide
Quantify descriptions whenever possible, using #, $ and %
Managed the operation of a municipal pool serving over 1000
customers each day.
Developed low-stress, clear and textured optical quality polycarbonate
film products used in display and data storage applications on state-of-
the-art extrusion lines using Six Sigma tools.
Led team in commercialization of product with projected revenue of
$1.8 million in 2024.
Key team member in commercialization of product with projected
revenue of $2 million in 2025.
Trained all incoming staff (14) over course of semester.
Supporting Content
What skills do you have?
Computer skills
Be inclusive: languages, platforms, programs
Language skills
Lab skills
About proficiency level…skip them
What else to include?
Engineering or community organizations
Volunteer/Involvement experiences
What else are you interested in/spend time on?
UW Marching Band, intramural sports teams, restoring old cars, and Eagle Scout
Awards, scholarships, honors
Global Profile
Papers, patents, publications
Format Matters
About formatting:
Resumes are looked at VERY quickly
½ content, ½ appearance
In general, one page for BS students, often 2 pages for MS students
White space is necessary between sections
Quality printing on white so it’s easy to read
Use bullets, bolding, etc.
But not too much!
The Final Product
Engineering Career Services
1150 Engineering Hall