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Bexar County
4-H newsletter
November 8, 2023
Bulletin Board/Fundraiser ............ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Upcoming Events ................................... 6
Contest page .......................................... 7
4-H Trainings and Workshops ............ 9
Scholarships .......................................... 10
Agriculture & Livestock ....................... 11
BCJLS Updates ...................................... 14
Horse Updates ...................................... 15
Family & Community Health ............. 16
Leadership & Citizenship .................... 17
Natural Resources ................................ 18
Shooting Sports ..................................... 19
STEM ...................................................... 20
General Information/Events .............. 23
Club Manager Reports: Last Page
Bexar County 4-H Staff
Kevin Knapick
Kevin.knapic[email protected]amu.edu
CEA 4-H & Youth Development
Sam Womble
CEA Ag & Natural Resources
Angie Gutierrez
CEA Family & Community Health
Gabrielle Alanis
Youth Outreach Educator
Kennedy Green
Office Assistant IV ANR/4-H
Kevin’s Cell: (210) 446-9077
Sam’s Cell: (361) 649-5836
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LAST CHANCE! Volunteers Needed!
(Volunteer Signup)
For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic Kids Kows and
More is returning full scale to Bexar County! KKM will be on
November 16
at the Cattle Barn on the San Antonio Stock Show
and Rodeo grounds. We will have a morning and afternoon
rotation so we will be needing help! For
4-H members volunteering we will provide an excused absence
letter for your school. All high school aged 4-H members can
volunteer as we will be needing help across the board. Please
email Kevin at [email protected] with questions.
If you know a school that might be interested in participating,
please have them contact the Bexar County AgriLife office at
(210) 631-0400.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
Bulletin Board
The bulletin board section will highlight critical events, deadlines, and information for quick viewing.
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Congratulations to the 4-H members who competed at the Bexar County Food
Challenge and Food Show!
Bulletin Board
The bulletin board section will highlight critical events, deadlines, and information for quick viewing.
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Bexar County Commissioners Court read and signed a proclamation on Tuesday,
October 24
in honor of National 4-H Week!
Bulletin Board
The bulletin board section will highlight critical events, deadlines, and information for quick viewing.
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Bexar County 4-H will be partnering with Fredericksburg Farms for our NEW Bexar County 4-H fundraiser. For
many years Bexar County 4-H partnered with World’s Finest Chocolate, and we thank them for their support
and generosity over the years. But over the past few years we have seen a rapid decline in participation in our
county fundraiser, this fundraiser is the critical component which allows us to provide generous
reimbursements for our 4-H members to participate in many district and state level opportunities. The Bexar
County AgriLife staff and Bexar County 4-H Council are extremely excited about this opportunity! We will be
selling “freshies”.
What is a Freshie?
Wax air fresheners in fun shapes
30-45 days of fragrance
Can be placed anywhere (may stain fabrics)
May melt in extremely high temps.
What members need to know:
Each individual club will receive a percentage of their sales just as we did with chocolate.
Club managers will be responsible for gathering their club orders and submitting them to the Extension
office for ordering.
Orders will be collected 3 times during the year!
All clubs must submit payment with their orders to the county extension office.
12 Freshie options to choose from
Order Form
Bexar County Fundraiser
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NOV 10 Tom Green 4-H Invitational Food Challenge Contest DEADLINEPg. 16
NOV 10 12 SPARK Pg. 26
NOV 11 Bexar County Ed. Presentation & Public Speaking Contest Pg. 8 & 17
NOV 11 Wilson County Archery Project Annual Clout Tournament Pg. 19
NOV 11 Coryell Trap and Shooting Clays Shoot Pg. 19
NOV 16 Kids Kows and More Pg. 4
NOV 17 Erath County Robotics Invitational Contest Pg. 23
NOV 17 4-H Day at COALS/4-H Day In AggielandPg. 28
NOV 24 -28 2023 National 4-H Congress Pg. 17
NOV 27 4-H Hunting Project Coach Training DEADLINEPg. 19
NOV 28-30 District 10 Fall RoundupPg. 8
DEC 2 3 Hill Country 4-H Livestock Show Pg. 12
DEC 2 Coastal Bend Classic Pg. 12
DEC 2 Tom Green 4-H Invitational Food Challenge Contest Pg. 16
DEC 5 Texas 4-H Congress Youth Leadership Opportunity DEADLINEPg. 17
DEC 8 10 Southern Classic Youth Livestock Project Experience Pg. 12
DEC 9 Texas 4-H Junior Master Photography Workshop Pg. 25
DEC 15 Natural Resources Photography Contest DEADLINEPg. 22
DEC 16 17 4-H Hunting Project Coach Training Pg. 19
JAN 12 District 9 Invitational Quiz Bowl Contest Pg. 16
4-H Reimbursement Form – Reimbursement Submission DEADLINE August 1, 2024
Information: The Bexar 4-H Council has money set aside to reimburse for selected District and State events
to encourage participation and help ease the financial burden for active 4-H families. The money reimbursed
will need to be requested from our office; it will no longer be automatically mailed. See details below:
How: Please fill out and return the Reimbursement Form to kennedy.green@ag.tamu.edu
upComing events
The Upcoming Events section will provide a complete look at the known upcoming events and deadlines.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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2023 2024 County District State CONTEST/EVENTS CALENDAR
District 10 FALL Roundup Kerrville, TX
REGISTRATION OPENS: Friday, Oct. 6, 2023
LATE REGISTRATION: Wed. Fri. Nov 1-3, 2023
Nov. 28, 2023
Ed. Presentation &
Public Speaking
Livestock & Horse Quiz Bowl
Nov. 29, 2023
Food Show
FCH Quiz Bowl
Entomology Judging
Nov. 30, 2023
Food Challenge
District 10 4-H Horse Judging at HLSR
**All 4-H members must submit an HLSR Stock Show entry
form/fees to their County Office to compete in the District
10 4-H Horse Judging contest that is being held
conjunction with the Houston Stock Show.
Mar. 4, 2024
Horse Judging @ HLSR
District 10 4-H Virtual Photography Contest
REGISTRATION OPENS: Thurs., Feb. 1, 2024
LATE REGISTRATION: Wed.Fri. Feb 21-23, 2024
Feb. 23, 2024
4HOnline Registration CLOSES
Mar. 29, 2024
Photography Results Released
Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship
APPLICATIONS OPEN: November 1, 2023
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Feb. 15, 2024 @11:59PM
Nov. 1, 2023
Scholarship Guidelines Released
Feb. 15, 2024
Scholarship Applications Close
Texas 4-H Foundation Website
District 10 SPRING Roundup Fredericksburg, TX
REGISTRATION OPENS: Friday, March 1, 2024
LATE REGISTRATION: Wed.Fri, Mar. 20-22, 2024
Spring Roundup CONTEST DATES
TBD: April 2024
Leaders 4 Life (Location TBD)
TBD: April 2024
Meat Judging (San Angelo, TX)
Spring Roundup
will take place:
April 15-20, 2024
Exact dates of
each contest TBD.
Livestock Judging
Consumer Decision Making
Range/Pasture ID &
Range Evaluation
Wool & Mohair Judging
Share the Fun
Soil Judging
Duds 2 Dazzle
Fashion Show & Natural Fibers
Smallbore Rifle (Floresville, TX)
April 26, 2024
4-H Storyboard Results Released
District 10 Horse Show Dripping Springs, TX
REGISTRATION OPENS: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
LATE REGISTRATION: W-F, May 15-17, 2024
EVENT DATE: June 13, 2024
District 10 Leadership Lab Brownwood, TX
REGISTRATION OPENS: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
TENTATIVE EVENT DATE: June 26-28, 2024
District 10 Record Book Judging Fredericksburg
REGISTRATION OPENS: Saturday, June 1, 2024
LATE REGISTRATION: Wed.Fri. June 26-28, 2024
EVENT DATE: July 11, 2024
Contest page
The contest page will provide a look at all major contests at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Bexar County Educational Presentation & Public Speaking Contest – (RULES &
REGISTRATION)Registration DEADLINE November 3
@ 5:00pm
This year’s contest will be hosted by Great Hearts Live Oak on Saturday November 11
starting at 9:00am.
Please pay special attention to the category changes for educational presentations.
District 10 Fall Roundup – (Rules & Guidelines)Registration DEADLINE October
@ 11:59pm on 4-HOnline
Fall District 10 Roundup registration is LIVE on 4-HOnline. Fall Roundup consists of the following contests:
Educational presentation, Public Speaking, Livestock Quiz Bowl, Horse Quiz Bowl, Food Show, FCH Quiz
Bowl, Entomology Judging, and Food Challenge
*NOTE: Food Show and Food Challenge require County Qualifying*
Contest page
The contest page will provide a look at all major contests at the county, district, and state levels.
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2023-2024 Upcoming Virtual/In-Person Trainings
Texas 4-H
Scholarship Session
@ 7:00pm
The 2024 guidelines for the Texas 4-H opportunity scholarships
been released. All graduating seniors and current juniors are
invited to this information session about the requirements for 4
Foundation Scholarships and other Bexar County scholarships!
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
4-H events and trainings
The Local Events section will provide upcoming county meetings and training opportunities.
Information: If you are interested in having a 4-H staff member speak at your event/club meeting,
please complete this form and submit it to kevin.knapic[email protected]amu.edu at least 3 weeks prior to the
requested date. Please allow 3-5 business days for confirmation. Please contact us at
with questions.
2023-2024 Bexar County 4-H Council Dates
November 9
, January 18
, March 21
, May 16
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Texas 4-H Foundation Opportunity Scholarships – Applications OPEN November 1
DEADLINE February 15
@ 11:59pm (Texas 4-H Foundation Website)
Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarships are open to 4-H members across Texas.
Bexar County 4-H S.A.L.E. Scholarship – INFORMATION COMING SOON
The BCJLS will award up to twelve (12) $500 scholarships at the 61st Annual Auction of Champions before
the auction begins on January 6, 2024 at the Helotes Ag Activity Center. Winners MUST be present at the
Auction of Champions to receive the scholarship.
Ag Student Award and Recognition Programs (APPLY)DEADLINE January 15th
Ag Champs: $1,000 to 19 students + $1,000 to their chapter or club
Each Texas Farm Credit branch location will select one local student who will be awarded a $1,000
academic grant and the title of Ag Champ. In addition, each Ag Champ will also have a $1,000
contribution made in their honor to their FFA chapter or 4-H club.
Marsha Martin Scholarship: $5,000 to 10 students
Texas Farm Credit will present $5,000 postsecondary scholarships to ten future ag leaders. Winners will be
announced in May. The annual scholarship program is named in honor of Paris, Texas native Marsha Pyle
Martin, a strong advocate for youths and agriculture who passed away in 2000 following a 30-year Farm
Credit career.
Be a high school senior to graduate in 2024 (Children of employees/directors are not eligible)
Be a member of FFA or 4-H
Reside in Texas Farm Credit's 100-county territory
Submit a current high school transcript (official or unofficial)
Submit a 2023 application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Submit a resume
Submit an essay (see application for essay topic)
The scholarship page will provide a look at all upcoming scholarship opportunities for 4-H members.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Project Visits If you have any questions or need help with your livestock project, feel free to contact me. You’re
welcome to call, email, text, or swing by the Extension Office. I would like to see your project throughout the feeding
period and would prefer to stop by when you and your parents(s) are available. Please reach out to schedule an
Project Meetings/Resources If you have an idea for a livestock project meeting or you’re an adult looking for
resources to share with members, feel free to contact Sam womble. Sam is happy to help! Contact
Sam.Womble@ag.tamu.edu or call the office # 210-631-0400 or cell # 361-649-5836.
Important Quality Counts Update (FAQ) (QC Enrollment Instructions)
A reminder, all exhibitors are required to provide a verified QC number at the time of major livestock show
entry. This new process/exam is NOT required for everyone. Only those users who are new or are moving
to the next grade level course (junior: 3-5
grade, intermediate: 6-8
, senior: 9-12
) are required to take
Quality Counts this year.
2023 Validation Dates:
Please Note: If you have an extenuating circumstance that conflicts with the scheduled validation
dates(s), you are expected to contact your supervisor (Ag Teacher or County Extension Agent) in
advance. Each request will be considered based on validity. Understand the local validation
committee is not required to accommodate your request for an alternative validation date/time.
Should a request be granted, you will be responsible for working around the local committee’s
reach out to Sam or Kevin to make sure your tattoo is good to prevent a potential disqualification.
All tattoos must be replaced 3 weeks prior to the show you are entered in!
2023 2024 Livestock Project Meetings
Swine Validation - 4-H Members
November 11
2:00-5:00 pm ASTA
November 21
2:00-5:00 pm East Central
agriCulture & livestoCk
The ag and livestock page will be your one stop shop for all critical livestock information.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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New Ag Product ID Guide and Invitational
The new Ag Product Id Guide has been updated on the Texas 4-H Roundup website HERE. This guide will
be used for the Fall Major Show Contests (State Fair of Texas, Heart of Texas)
Market Poultry Workshop (REGISTRATION)
Are you raising chickens or other poultry for 4-H or FFA? Join Texas A&M poultry experts as they walk you
through a series of videos related to the rearing of poultry for youth livestock shows in Texas.
Hill Country 4-H Livestock Show (FLYER) (ENTRY)
Hill County 4-h will be hosting our Chill on the Hill Livestock Show on December 2-3, 2023 at the Hill
County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro, TX. The show will include sheep, goats, swine, steers, and heifers. They
will be offering Grand and Reserve Overall Buckles, Breed Champion Buckles, and many other prizes to
class winners, etc.
Southern Classic Youth Livestock Project Experience (FLYER) (REGISTRATION)
The District 9 & the Southern Classic Program Committee invite you to the 2023 Southern Classic
Livestock Workshop & Prospect Show on December 8-10, 2023. Friday is an optional move-in/registration
day. There will also be an opportunity to move in & register on Saturday before the hands-on showmanship
workshops for sheep, swine, cattle, and goats & the classroom experiences for beginner rabbit & poultry
exhibitors. The prospect show will start Sunday morning; however, you must attend Saturday to participate.
Early Bird Registration is $40 per family, until December 4th and can be found at this link above. (onsite
registration is $50 per family).
2023 Coastal Bend Classic (FLYER)DEADLINE November 27
The Coastal Bend Classic Committed is pleased to announce the 2023 Coastal Bend Classic. Information
has been posted on the event website. The event will be held Saturday, December 2, 2023, in Sinton, TX.
Eagle Ford Shale Showdown Goat, Lamb & Dove Country Classic Steer Show
Karnes County 4-H is inviting 4-H exhibitors to participate in two upcoming prospect shows. Both shows
will be held in the Karnes County Show Barn located on Highway 181 between Karnes City and Kenedy,
TX. Both Shows will be awarding $500 for overall Grand Champion and $250 for Reserve, plus a total of
$4000+ in cash & prizes! To sign up please visit http://showman.app/show#/eagle-ford-shale-showdown,
where you can find access to online entry and other show information.
Eagle Ford Shale Goat & Lamb Showdown Saturday, November 11th
Dove Country Classic Steer Prospect Show Saturday, November 18th
agriCulture & livestoCk
agriCulture & livestoCk
agriCulture & livestoCk
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Erath 4-H Jackpot Show Opportunity (FLYER)
Erath 4-H invites all members to Stephen, TX for their Cowboy Showdown Buckle Blowout Jackpot Show!
You can see all show details on the FLYER.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
agriCulture & livestoCk
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BCJLS Broiler Pick Up
Broilers will arrive at the Show grounds, 7701 FM 1346, San Antonio, TX 78220 on Friday, November 17,
2023 at 2pm. Exhibitors MUST pick-up the birds that day. No exceptions. People may pick-up someone
else's birds. Anyone picking up birds MUST sign for those birds.
BCJLS Krispy Kreme Fundraiser (LINK)
We have partnered with Krispy Kreme Donuts and for every digital dozen you buy, the BCJLS receives 50%
back to our organization. There is no limit to the number of dozens you can buy, and they can be redeemed
nationwide. Meaning buy your digital dozen and redeem it at any participating Krispy Kreme in the US.
Share with your friends, family, even strangers.
BCJLS online entry portal is open! Please see above for entry instructions and below for entry forms.
Ag Mechanic Entry FORM
Breeding Swine Supplemental FORM
Creative Arts Entry FORM
Animal entry FORM
Premium Trailer Parking Details
Anyone can still park for free. See the attached instructions.
1. Your families should mark the "premium trailer parking" on the animal entry form and the number of
days they want ($50 per day). The families should turn in the money for the parking pass(s) at the same
time they turn in money for their other entries. There will be no passes sold late or at the gate.
2. AST's and club managers will send in the paper entries and payments to us by Nov 15, 2023 as usual.
3. We will go through the entries, determine the number of parking passes purchased, and randomly
assign parking spots to the families. Parking locations will vary by the show.
4. Each day of the show, we will have a list of everyone who purchased a parking pass at the gate and will
give them their permit to be placed in their windshield. We will also give them directions to their space.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
BCJls updates
The BCJLS page will provide a look at all major updates from the Bexar County Junior Livestock Show.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Horse updates
The horse page will provide a look at all horse events at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Managing Stress with Mindfulness (FLYER)
Did you know AgriLife Extension offers worksite wellness classes such as Stress Less with Mindfulness? If
you are interested in hosting a worksite wellness class such as this one at your organization, contact Health
& Wellness Educator Samantha Villanueva at 210-631-0400 or by email at
Egg to Chick Program (FLYER)
The Egg to Chick Program is open to reserve for the fall/spring! If interested, contact our Urban Agriculture
Educator, Dorothy Herbst at 210-631-0400 or dorothy.herbst@ag.tamu.edu
Get Plugged In to Youth FCH!
Want to stay “Plugged In” to the latest youth Family & Community Health project, trends, and activities? If
so, join us for the “Plugged In…Youth FCH Learning Series” happening Fall 2023 & Spring 2024. Our first
session will be September 14 @ 11AM Noon. The Tom Green County Agent Team will share tips &
techniques on Food & Nutrition: From Practice to Contest. Join via this Teams
Link: https://tinyurl.com/2aba3wa6 *All sessions will be recorded.
Tom Green 4-H Invitational Food Challenge Contest (REGISTRATION) (RULES)
Tom Green County 4-H will be hosting an Invitational Food Challenge contest on December 2
at the
SPUR Arena on the San Angelo Fairgrounds, check-in will begin at 8:00 AM. This contest is open to the
first 50 paid teams. The age divisions of this contest will be Junior (3
– 5
grade), Intermediate (6
– 8
grade), and Senior (9
grade) teams. Registration Information:
Regular Registration: $60.00 per team (September 1 November 10)
Late Registration: $75.00 per team (November 10 November 17)
District 9 Invitational Quiz Bowl Contest (FLYER)DEADLINE December 20
District 9 is hosting an Invitational Quiz Bowl event on Friday, January 12
in Huntsville, TX. This will be a
great opportunity for teams to become more familiar with the event and to gain more experience.
Registration will be conducted via 4-H online.
Family & Community HealtH
The FCH page will provide a look at all major FCH related events at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Bexar County Educational Presentation & Public Speaking Contest – (RULES &
REGISTRATION)Registration DEADLINE November 3
@ 5:00pm
This year’s contest will be hosted by Great Hearts Live Oak on Saturday November 11
starting at 9:00am.
Please pay special attention to the category changes for educational presentations.
2023 National 4-H Congress (INFORMATION)
National 4-H Congress will be held Friday, November 24th through Tuesday, November 28th at the Hyatt
Regency in Atlanta, Georgia. National 4-H Congress is the flagship event of the National 4-H program. The
program combines sessions, seminars, discussion groups, and a service-learning experience. The nation’s
most outstanding community leaders, speakers, and educators present the most current and timely
information available. Applications will open on May 24th and must be submitted online and certified
through 4HOnline by Tuesday, June 13, 2023.
2024 Texas 4-H Congress Youth Leadership Opportunity DEADLINE December 5th
Texas 4-H Congress will be held in Austin, TX on July 14-17, 2024! At Texas 4-H Congress we have a
Youth Leadership Team that serves in the various Legislative Roles at Congress, including but not limited
to: Governor, Speaker of the House, Lieutenant Governor, and Floor Leaders. This year, the opportunity to
serve in one of these leadership roles is being opened to Texas 4-H members who have or are currently
serving on one (or more) of the following groups: • Texas 4-H Council & District Council • State Level
Ambassadors: Livestock, Poultry, Equine, Fashion & Interior Design, Healthy Texas, Photography, Shooting
Sports, STEM and/Water Ambassadors Applications will open on 4HOnline on November 1, 2023, and will
close on December 5, 2023. There will be no late applications accepted. Applicants will need to be able to
provide additional information on past leadership roles, select the top four roles they would like to serve in,
and provide a YouTube video for the committee to review. The Leadership Team will be announced in
January 2024. When announced youth will only be informed of being selected to serve on the team, they will
not know their final role until after the Texas 4-H Roundup in June.
Citizen Washington Focus
National 4-H is looking for all future change agents in 2024! Join 4-H'ers from across the nation at one of
two incredible weeks of the new Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) experience. The dates for 2024 are
June 15-22, 2024, and June 20-27, 2024. Rooted in legacy but reimagined for today, CWF is the event for
teens to learn leadership and communication skills through history, democracy, and our amendments. For
seven days, teens from around the nation will gather to have meaningful discussions, hear from prominent
speakers, influential leaders, and engaging young people who have created an impact. They will connect
with 500 other teens and learn the skills they need to lead their local communities and become change
agents to build a brighter future. Click here to stay updated on the event.
leadersHip & CitizensHip
The leadership / citizenship page will provide all leadership events at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Natural Resources Photography Contest DEADLINE December 15
We are excited to announce the continuation of the state-level Natural Resource Photography Contest. It is
open to junior, intermediate, and senior members, and categories are focused solely on the Natural
Resource project areas. Here are a few key points:
Open contest (no qualifying required) to all counties.
Open to juniors, intermediate, and senior age divisions
Natural Resource themed categories
Same scoring matrix and general rules as the state contest
Entry timeline is December 1-15
No late entries accepted.
The rules for the 2023-2024 State Photography Contest have been released (Download above). For those
who may be new to Extension, the state 4-H photography contest is a senior-only qualifying contest where
photos qualify directly from COUNTY to STATE. Each county may submit no more than 1 photo per
category (15 total). As stated in the rules, counties are highly encouraged to have some type of selection
process in place to determine which photos are eligible. The timeline for entry is April 1-15. If you have
questions about this contest, please contact Derrick Bruton. Key points:
Qualify from county level (district contests have no bearing on qualifications)
Open to senior age division only
15 categories (includes a new “Abandoned” theme for this year)
Entry: April 1-15, 2024 @ 11:59PM on 4HOnline & Submittable. No late entries accepted.
natural resourCes
The natural resources page will provide a look at all major events at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Shooting Sports Coach Training Opportunities
District 9Conroe, TX Nov. 11
- $120 Registration: Oct. 11
- $145) - Flyer
District 8 Stephenville, TX Nov. 11
- $140 Registration: Oct. 16
- Flyer
Coryell Trap and Sporting Clays Shoot (FLYER)
Coryell County 4H Gun Club is hosting their annual trap and sporting clays shoot on November 11
at the
Waco Skeet and Trap Club on 7209 Karl May Dr. Waco, TX 76708. Registration will be through IClays.
There will be a Jr, Intermediate, and Senior division for both trap and sporting clays. Belt buckles will be
awarded to the division champions and HAA this is also a FWSSR, HOTFR, HLSR, and SALE qualifying
event. For questions, please contact Jeff Pruitt (254) 223-4514 or through email at [email protected].
4-H Hunting Project Coach Training (FLYER)DEADLINE November 27
The Texas 4-H Natural Resources program will host a 4-H Hunting Project Coach Training on December
16-17, 2023 (Saturday & Sunday) in Big Spring, TX (Howard County). This training will include a Texas
Hunter Education Instructor Certification. Interested adult 4-H volunteers, Senior division 4-H members and
County Extension Agents/Program Assistants are welcome to register via 4HOnline.
Wilson County Archery Project Annual Clout Tournament DEADLINE November 7
Wilson County would like to invite all 4-H members to join us at the 2023 Wilson County Annual Clout
Tournament. The contest will take place on Saturday, November 11
at the Helton Sports Field in
Floresville, TX. Please see flyer for more information.
Invitational Indoor Shooting Sports Tournament (FLYER)
The Hill County 4-H Shooting Sports Club is hosting an Invitational Indoor Shooting Match on November 11,
2023. Questions? Contact: Angie Nors at [email protected]
Sportfish Leader Training (FLYER) DEADLINE December 6
There will be a 4-H Sportfishing Project Leader Training December 2-3, 2023, in Palestine. Registration is
now open on 4HOnline through November 6th. Registration is $75 and is open to adult 4-H volunteers,
senior level 4-H members, and County Agents or Program Assistants. Contact [email protected] for more
sHooting sports
The shooting sports page will provide a one stop shop for all upcoming shooting sports activities.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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2023 – 2024 AgRobotics Game Rules RELEASED!
Information: The challenge rules for this year’s AgRobotics game have been posted and can be found on
the state robotics page here in the contest section: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/robotics/ These rules
apply to the following major stock show AgRobotics contests:
- State Fair of Texas
- Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
- San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo
- Rodeo Austin
- San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo (NEW CONTEST!)
We are excited to announce that San Angelo has adopted the AgRobotics game format for this year’s show,
and their contest is scheduled for April 13, 2024. Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo will have a different set
of challenge rules, so please see their website and exhibitor handbook for those details.
Get Blown Away by the Interesting Paths of Hurricanes
On average, America sees 12 named storms yearly, most recently Hurricane Idalia. In this 4-H STEM Lab
activity, you will be introduced to using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by tracking the paths of two
of the most destructive storms to hit the U.S. in recent history. Click here to get started.
2023 4-H STEM Challenge: Power Protectors
Explore the exciting world of renewable energy with the 2023 4-H STEM
Challenge Kit, Power Protectors! This year's Challenge Kit teaches kids
about the exciting world of renewable energy. Perfect for youth aged 8 to
14, the kit consists of three activities that provide them with the knowledge
to address real-world issues and explore careers in energy. The three
activities are:
- Superhero HideoutKids will learn about renewable energy and get creative to design an electrifying
Power Protector hideout!
- Amped Up EngineeringActing as engineers, kids will design and build a model of a renewable energy
source to help Energy Island survive and thrive!
- Energy Island AdventurePlaying this collaborative board game, kids work as a SUPER team and use
solar, wind and hydropower to save endangered Energy Island!
The STEM contest page will provide a look at all STEM opportunities at the county, district, and state levels.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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Embark on a STEM Career: Embrace the Future
Did you know that rural areas are experiencing shortages of qualified STEM workers who can provide vital
services to often under-resourced areas? Explore this course to view activities and information about STEM
careers across the country. *You must have an existing CLOVER account or create a free account to
complete this course.
Be A Wind Warrior
Get blown away by the awesome power of the wind! Build a windmill structure to learn about mechanical
engineering, simple machines and the superpowers of reusable energy. Work as a Power Protector
engineer and use creativity and problem-solving to convert wind into energy and help Energy Island stay
powered up! Click here to get started.
Natural Resources Photography Contest DEADLINE December 15
We are excited to announce the continuation of the state-level Natural Resource Photography Contest. It is
open to junior, intermediate, and senior members, and categories are focused solely on the Natural
Resource project areas. Here are a few key points:
Open contest (no qualifying required) to all counties.
Open to juniors, intermediate, and senior age divisions
Natural Resource themed categories
Same scoring matrix and general rules as the state contest
Entry timeline is December 1-15
No late entries accepted.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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State Photography Contest – DEADLINE April 15
The rules for the 2023-2024 state contest are also attached. The state 4-H photography contest is a senior-
only qualifying contest where photos qualify directly from COUNTY to STATE. Each county may submit no
more than 1 photo per category (15 total). As stated in the rules, counties are highly encouraged to have some
type of selection process in place to determine which photos are eligible. The timeline for entry is April 1-15. If
you have questions about this contest, please contact Derrick Bruton. Key points:
Qualify from county level (district contests have no bearing on qualifications)
Open to senior age division only
15 categories (includes a new “Abandoned” theme for this year)
Entry timeline is April 1-15
No late entries accepted.
Erath County Robotics Invitational Contest (FLYER)DEADLINE November 3
The 2023 Erath County Robotics Showdown is OPEN registration. The contest will be hosted on Nov. 17, 2023
in downtown Stephenville, TX. Erath County is looking forward to hosting all robotics teams in Texas 4-H. If
you have any questions about this contest, contact Mr. Thomas Boyle at [email protected].
4-H STEM – Solar Eclipses
The Texas Hill County will experience two solar eclipses (one annular and one total) taking place in October
and April respectively, both bisecting our state. The total eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for
youth to experience, learn and possibly even photograph! The date for these two events is October 14, 2023
Annular Eclipse and April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse. See NASA’s Eclipse Map & Eclipse Resource page on how
to safely view both eclipses.
Guadalupe County 4-H Robotics Sumobots Contest (FLYER)
Guadalupe County 4-H Sumobot contest, to be held on Saturday, December 2
at the Big Red Barn, 390
Cordova Road in Seguin. It is $60 per team. Please see the form for how to sign up.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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It's Jerky Jackpot Time!
We are gearing up for the 2023-2024 Texas 4-H Year! It is time to get the Texas 4-H Jerky Jackpot rolling.
Spread the Word & Earn More: For every bag sold, $4 will directly benefit YOUR County. ALL YOU HAVE
TO DO IS PROMOTE! Hang this flyer in places your members and community will see it OR post on social
media (Graphics templates) Tickets level determined by final number of bags sold by 12/31/21. The top-
selling 4-H member will win an exclusive prize AND the top-selling county will win an EXTRA $1,000!
4-H More Information and Materials
The 4-H 4 More marketing campaign is designed to increase Texas 4-H membership. We’re challenging
each 4-H member to invite four friends to join 4-H. For returning 4-H members who invite new members in,
we've set up an incentive program. Incentives include:
- 1 new member: 4-H 4 More T-Shirt
- 2 new members: Membership Refund
- 3 new members: Leather portfolio
- 4 new members: Backpack & State Recognition
How is this tracked? When a new member registers on 4HOnline, they will have the availability to input
who referred them 4-H. Utilize the marketing materials below!
- Facebook Post Template
- Instagram Post Template & Instagram Story Template
- Flyer Template & Brochure Template
Reduce Your Stress with 4-H
School is starting up again, and so do some individuals' stress levels. According to 4-H research, 45% of
teens have dealt with excessive stress. In this activity, you will identify the sources and the impact of stress
on your life. Click here to get started. *You must have a CLOVER account or create a free account to
complete this course.
From Setback to Success: The Art of Bouncing Back
How we react in certain situations is based on our own resilience. In this activity, developed by The Ohio
State University Extension, kids will explore the concept of resilience and learn how to equip themselves
better to bounce back when life throws unexpected surprises. Click here to get started. *You must have an
existing CLOVER account or create a free account to complete this activity.
general inFormation/events
The general information page will be the classified section of our newsletter for all general opportunities.
This will also be our section to advertise for local businesses that support Bexar County 4-H.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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GLOBE 2024DEADLINE September 19
GLOBE prepares 4-H youth to step out of their comfort zone and view the world from a different perspective.
You’ll explore culture, poverty, sustainable farming, and service. Applications are open from September 5-
19, 2023, on 4Honline. Youth participants should be prepared to participate in all activities listed below as
well as the anticipated costs for each activity.
- January Activity - Location TBA - January 13, 2024 | Anticipated cost: $50
- Tier II - Costa Rica Experience - June 22-28, 2024 | Anticipated cost: $2,400
- Four online seminars | Dates and times TBD
- Provide leadership to a service-learning project in their community.
- Provide two educational presentations.
2024 Ignite by 4-H
Spark your imagination and passion! Ignite by 4-H, an inclusive teen event, returns March 13-17, 2024, to
Washington, D.C. Join us for four days of inspiring and engaging panels, respected speakers, hands-on
workshops, and connections. Click here to watch a video and get excited!
Study Abroad Programs for U.S. High School Students
Study abroad! The U.S. Department of State offers fully funded opportunities
for American high school students to study abroad for two to seven weeks, or
an academic year. Students live with host families, engage with local schools,
and gain skills to be competitive in the global workforce. Learn more at
Texas 4-H Junior Master Photography Workshops and Ambassador Program
Junior Master Photographer Workshops. Below are the details for both training courses. Please note that
these will not be offered at any other time during the 4-H year. Please see flyers for more information!
JMP Workshop II*
- Date: Saturday, December 9
- Times: 8 AM to 4:30 PM
- Fee: $50
- Location: Dallas Research and Extension Center; 17360 Coit Road, Dallas, TX
- Age divisions: Intermediate and Senior
- Registration: Opens on 4HOnline November 10 and closes November 30
*Must have attended Workshop I
DSLR Camera Required (some will be available for loan on the day of the workshop)
Only open to those who have previously attended JMP Workshop I
general inFormation/events
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
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November 10 12, join Texas 4-H Council in November for SPARK, which is the premiere
youth teaching youth statewide leadership retreat for junior and intermediate level 4-H
members led by our Texas 4-H Council! 4-H members will have the opportunity to spark
their interest through service-learning activities, and project experiences. Most importantly,
they will have a chance to meet 4-H members from across the State and make new friends!
And of course, what is a 4-H camp experience without a dance!
District 10 4-H Fall Roundup (GUIDE)DEADLINE October 31
The District 10 4-H Roundup event is held twice a year (Fall & Spring) to allow 4-H members to showcase
their knowledge and talents in various 4-H contests. District 10 4-H members of all age divisions are
welcome to compete in any of the contests offered (granted they meet the criteria of the event)
Texas 4-H Foundation Christmas Card Contest (ENTRY)DEADLINE October 31
This year, winners will be decided through a vote on Facebook. Voting will open Sunday, November 5th at
noon and will close Monday, November 6th at 11:59 pm. Voting will be done by liking or commenting on
the artwork. Cards will be available for purchase November 10th December 12
June 17
, Save the date! Explore Stephenville, Abilene, and San Angelo. One of the goals of the
CORE Academy is to bring awareness to an assortment of possible careers.
Souper Bowl of Caring 2024 (FLYER) (PLAYBOOK)
4-H are asked to collect food and/or monetary donations for local food pantries or hunger relief
organizations during January 1 February 11, 2023. No donations will be sent outside the county, all
efforts are local! To participate, download the official Tackle Hunger Challenge Playbook. See flyer for
more information.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
general inFormation/events
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2024 Texas 4-H Roundup Handbook Released (HANDBOOK)DEADLINE May 13
The Texas 4-H Roundup Guide has been released for the upcoming 2024 Roundup. It will be on June 3
6, 2024. Registration cost will remain the same as it was in 2023. Hotel room blocks will be released by
January 2024. CONTEST UPDATES: Below are noted changes/reminders for this 4-H year.
Texas 4-H Ag Produce ID Updates:
23-24 State Ag Product ID NEW Guide & Contest Rules
Texas 4-H Quiz Bowl Updates:
23-24 Quiz Bowl Contest Rules & Guide
o Horse Quiz Bowl Resources
o Livestock Quiz Bowl Resources
o FCH Quiz Bowl Resources
Texas 4-H Livestock Skill-A-Thon Updates:
23-24 Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest Rules & Guide
New Change: Teams at Texas 4-H Roundup will complete two team exercises. This change
will help our state contest move closer to the National Contest which has 5 team exercises.
Texas 4-H Fashion & Interior Design Contest Updates:
23-24 State Fashion Show Rules & Guidelines (Buying & Construction)
23-24 State Fashion Show NATURAL FIBERS Rules & Guidelines
23-24 State Duds to Dazzle Rules & Guidelines *Teams of 3-4
NEW CONTEST 23-24 State Duds to Dazzle SOLO SHOWCASE Rules & Guidelines
*Individual ONLY
23-24 State 4-H Digital Storyboard Invitational Rules & Guidelines
NEW CONTEST 23-24 Quilts of Valor Block & Top Challenge Rules & Guidelines
Texas 4-H Talent Showcase Updates:
23-24 State Talent Showcase Contest Rules & Guide
New Change: 4-H Skit description wording was altered slightly for more clarity.
Texas 4-H Consumer Decision Making Updates:
23-24 State CDM Categories/Contest Rules & Guide
New Change: New Categories for the 23-24 year. District Contest will now be held during
our Spring Roundup Contest Lineup.
Texas 4-H Educational Presentation Updates:
23-24 State Educational Presentation Rules & Guide
New Change: New Categories (SEE LIST) for the 23-24 year & team size has increased to
4 member.
County deadlines may differ from district or state deadlines to allow the
county extension staff time to review and complete entries.
general inFormation/events
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4-H Weekend in Aggieland! – DEADLINE October 26
4-H Day in Aggieland has turned into 4-H Weekend in Aggieland, thanks to our
partnership with the Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences!
Parking fees are not included in registration, but parking information will be sent to
registrants at a later date. Participants can choose to participate in BOTH events, OR just
one event.
On Friday, November 17, 2023, TAMU COALS will host the 4-H Day at COALS, where youth will have
the opportunity to hear from and interact with current college leadership and students, learn about
admissions and offerings within the college, and take a campus tour, among other activities.
Registration for each attendee is $10 per person. Registration for 4-H Day at COALS WILL cap, so
don't wait to register!
The event will take place at the Hildebrand Equine Complex in College Station, from 9 AM - 3 PM, with
registration beginning at 8:30 AM. There will be an opportunity to network with student organizations and
departments after 3 PM.
On Saturday, November 18, 2023, TAMU AgriLife Extension will host the annual 4-H Day in
Aggieland, featuring an exclusive 4-H tailgate, educational workshops, a commemorative t-shirt, and
discounted tickets to the Texas A&M Aggies versus Abilene Christian University football game.
The come-and-go, indoor tailgate will begin at 8 AM and will conclude at 10:30 AM. The tailgate will be
held at the Joe and Shirley Swinbank '74 AgriLife Center. We will offer food, games, networking, and
College Gameday playing on the big screen.
Educational workshops will be held from 8:30 - 9:30 AM in the Agriculture and Life Sciences Building
next door to the AgriLife Center. There will be one workshop discussing financial aid for college, geared
more towards parents, and one workshop discussing getting the most out of your 4-H career, geared more
towards your kiddos.
Workshop entry is included in tailgate registration. The registration fee will be $5 per person, with
children 7 years and younger admitted for free.
The tailgate and workshop registration will not have a cap, and will allow for onsite registration, but we
ask that you register now so we have an accurate count for food.
T-shirts will be $15/shirt and MUST BE PICKED UP at 4-H Day at COALS OR at the tailgate! We will
not ship ANY shirts.
Football game tickets ARE NOT included in the tailgate registration and must be purchased separately.
general inFormation/events
general inFormation/events
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LINK: https://forms.gle/MMzKsUZ95BJChTiM9
CluB manager reports
The Club Manager Report page will contain the link and QR Code for all club managers to submit their
monthly reports to the County Extension Office.