Executive Summary
Reports on Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet are appended at the end of this report.
Given the scope and severity of reported religious freedom violations specific to
Xinjiang this year, a separate section on the region is also included in this report.
The constitution states citizens have freedom of religious belief but limits
protections for religious practice to “normal religious activities” and does not
define “normal.” The government continued to exercise control over religion and
restrict the activities and personal freedom of religious adherents when the
government perceived these as threatening state or Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) interests, according to nongovernmental organization (NGO) and
international media reports. Only religious groups belonging to one of the five
state-sanctioned “patriotic religious associations” (Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim,
Catholic, and Protestant) are permitted to register with the government and
officially permitted to hold worship services. There continued to be reports of
deaths in custody and that the government tortured, physically abused, arrested,
detained, sentenced to prison, or harassed adherents of both registered and
unregistered religious groups for activities related to their religious beliefs and
Multiple media and NGOs estimated that since April 2017, the government
detained at least 800,000 and up to possibly more than 2 million Uighurs, ethnic
Kazakhs, and members of other Muslim groups, mostly Chinese citizens, in
specially built or converted detention facilities in Xinjiang and subjected them to
forced disappearance, torture, physical abuse, and prolonged detention without trial
because of their religion and ethnicity. There were reports of deaths among
detainees. Authorities maintained extensive and invasive security and surveillance,
particularly in Xinjiang, in part to gain information regarding individuals’ religious
adherence and practices. The government continued to cite concerns over the
“three evils” of “ethnic separatism, religious extremism, and violent terrorism” as
grounds to enact and enforce restrictions on religious practices of Muslims in
Xinjiang. Authorities in Xinjiang punished schoolchildren, university students,
and their family members for praying. They barred youths from participating in
religious activities, including fasting during Ramadan. The government sought the
forcible repatriation of Uighur Muslims from foreign countries and detained some
of those who returned.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Religious groups reported deaths in or shortly after detentions, disappearances, and
arrests and stated authorities tortured Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, and members
of Falun Gong. The Church of Almighty God reported authorities subjected
hundreds of their members to “torture or forced indoctrination.Although
authorities continued to block information about the number of self-immolations of
Tibetan Buddhists, including Buddhist monks, there were reportedly four self-
immolations during the year. The government began enforcing revised regulations
in February that govern the activities of religious groups and their members.
Religious leaders and groups stated these regulations increased restrictions on their
ability to practice their religions, including a new requirement for religious group
members to seek approval to travel abroad and a prohibition on “accepting
domination by external forces.” Christian church leaders stated the government
increased monitoring even before the new regulations came into effect, causing
many churches to cease their normal activities. Authorities continued to arrest
Christians and enforce more limitations on their activities, including requiring
Christian churches to install surveillance cameras to enable daily police
monitoring, and compelling members of house churches and other Christians to
sign documents renouncing their Christian faith and church membership. An
ongoing campaign of church closings continued during the year, and authorities
removed crosses and other Christian symbols from churches, with Henan Province
a particular focus area of such activity. In September the Holy See reached a
provisional agreement with the government that reportedly would resolve a
decades-long dispute concerning the authority to appoint bishops.
Uighur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists reported severe societal discrimination in
employment, housing, and business opportunities. In Xinjiang, tension between
Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese continued.
The Vice President, Secretary of State, Ambassador, and other embassy and
consulates general representatives repeatedly and publicly expressed concerns
about abuses of religious freedom. On July 26, the Vice President said, “Religious
persecution is growing in both scope and scale in the world’s most populous
country, the People’s Republic of China…Together with other religious minorities,
Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians are often under attack.” On September 21, the
Secretary said, “Hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions of Uighurs are held
against their will in so-called re-education camps, where they’re forced to endure
severe political indoctrination and other awful abuses. Their religious beliefs are
decimated. And we’re concerned too about the intense new government
crackdown on Christians in China, which includes heinous actions like closing
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
churches, burning Bibles, and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their
faith.” A statement from the July 24-26 U.S. Government-hosted Ministerial to
Advance Religious Freedom said, Many members of religious minority groups in
China including Uighurs, Hui, and Kazakh Muslims; Tibetan Buddhists;
Catholics; Protestants; and Falun Gong face severe repression and discrimination
because of their beliefs. These communities consistently report incidents, in which
the authorities allegedly torture, physically abuse, arbitrarily arrest, detain,
sentence to prison, or harass adherents of both registered and unregistered religious
groups for activities related to their religious beliefs and peaceful practices.
Authorities also restrict travel and interfere with the selection, education, and
veneration of religious leaders for many religious groups. The Ambassador
and other embassy and consulate general officials met with Chinese officials,
members of registered and unregistered religious groups, family members of
religious prisoners, NGOs, and others to reinforce U.S. support for religious
Since 1999, China has been designated as a “Country of Particular Concern”
(CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 for having engaged
in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom. On November
28, the Secretary of State redesignated China as a CPC and identified the following
sanction that accompanied the designation: the existing ongoing restriction on
exports to China of crime control and detection instruments and equipment, under
the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-246),
pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Act.
Section I. Religious Demography
The U.S. government estimates the total population at 1.4 billion (July 2018
estimate). According to the State Council Information Office’s (SCIO) report on
religious policies and practices, published in April, there are more than 200 million
religious believers in the country. Many experts, however, believe official
estimates understate the total number of religious adherents. The U.S. government
estimated in 2010 that Buddhists comprise 18.2 percent of the population,
Christians 5.1 percent, Muslims 1.8 percent, and followers of folk religion 21.9
percent. According to a February 2017 estimate by the international NGO
Freedom House, there are more than 350 million religious believers in the country,
including 185-250 million Chinese Buddhists, 60-80 million Protestants, 21-23
million Muslims, 7-20 million Falun Gong practitioners, 12 million Catholics, 6-8
million Tibetan Buddhists, and hundreds of millions who follow various folk
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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traditions. According to 2017 data from the Jewish Virtual Library, the country’s
Jewish population is 2,700.
SCIO’s report found the number of Protestants to be 38 million. Among these,
there are 20 million Protestant Christians affiliated with the Three-Self Patriotic
Movement (TSPM), the state-sanctioned umbrella organization for all officially
recognized Protestant churches, according to information on TSPM’s website in
March 2017. According to a 2014 State Administration for Religious Affairs
(SARA) statistic, more than 5.7 million Catholics worship in sites registered by the
Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA), the state-sanctioned organization
for all officially recognized Catholic churches. The SCIO’s report states there are
six million Catholics, although nongovernment estimates suggest there are 10-12
million Catholics, approximately half of whom practice in non-CCPA affiliated
churches. Accurate estimates on the numbers of Catholics and Protestants as well
as other faiths are difficult to calculate because many adherents practice
exclusively at home or in churches that are not state sanctioned.
According to SCIO’s report, there are 10 ethnic minorities in which the majority
practices Islam, and these 10 groups total more than 20 million persons. Other
sources indicate almost all of the Muslims are Sunni. The two largest Muslim
ethnic minorities are Hui and Uighur, with Hui Muslims concentrated primarily in
the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Qinghai, Gansu, and Yunnan Provinces.
SARA estimates the Muslim Hui population at 10.6 million.
While there is no reliable government breakdown of the Buddhist population by
branch, the vast majority of Buddhists are adherents of Mahayana Buddhism,
according to the Pew Research Center.
Prior to the governments 1999 ban on Falun Gong, the government estimated
there were 70 million adherents. Falun Gong sources estimate that tens of millions
continue to practice privately, and Freedom House estimates 7-20 million
Some ethnic minorities retain traditional religions, such as Dongba among the Naxi
people in Yunnan Province and Buluotuo among the Zhuang in Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region. Media sources report Buddhism, particularly Tibetan
Buddhism, is growing in popularity among the Han Chinese population.
Local and regional figures for the number of religious followers, even state-
sanctioned legal religions, are unclear and purposely kept opaque by authorities.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Local governments do not release these statistics, and even official religious
organizations do not have accurate numbers. The Pew Research Center and other
observers say many religious groups often are underreported.
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal Framework
The constitution states citizens have “freedom of religious belief,” but limits
protections for religious practice to “normal religious activities. The constitution
does not define “normal.” It says religion may not be used to disrupt public order,
impair the health of citizens, or interfere with the educational system. The
constitution provides for the right to hold or not to hold a religious belief. State
organs, public organizations, and individuals may not discriminate against citizens
“who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. The law does not allow legal
action to be taken against the government based on the religious freedom
protections afforded by the constitution. Criminal law allows the state to sentence
government officials to up to two years in prison if they violate a citizens religious
CCP members and members of the armed forces are required to be atheists and are
forbidden from engaging in religious practice. Members found to belong to
religious organizations are subject to expulsion, although these rules are not
universally enforced. The vast majority of public office holders are CCP members,
and membership is widely considered a prerequisite for success in a government
career. These restrictions on religious belief and practice also apply to retired CCP
cadres and party members.
The law bans certain religious or spiritual groups. The criminal law defines
banned groups as “cult organizations” and provides for criminal prosecution of
individuals belonging to such groups and punishment of up to life in prison. There
are no published criteria for determining, or procedures for challenging, such a
designation. A national security law explicitly bans cult organizations. The
CCP maintains an extralegal, party-run security apparatus to eliminate the Falun
Gong movement and other such organizations. The government continues to ban
Falun Gong, the Guanyin Method religious group (Guanyin Famen or the Way of
the Goddess of Mercy), and Zhong Gong (a qigong exercise discipline). The
government also considers several Christian groups to be “evil cults,” including the
Shouters, The Church of Almighty God (also known as Eastern Lightning), Society
of Disciples (Mentu Hui), Full Scope Church (Quan Fanwei Jiaohui), Spirit Sect,
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
New Testament Church, Three Grades of Servants (San Ban Puren), Association of
Disciples, Lord God religious group, Established King Church, the Family
Federation for World Peace and Unification (Unification Church), Family of Love,
and South China Church.
The Counterterrorism Law describes religious extremism as the ideological basis
of terrorism that uses “distorted religious teachings or other means to incite hatred,
or discrimination, or advocate violence.
Regulations require religious groups to register with the government. Only
religious groups belonging to one of the five state-sanctioned “patriotic religious
associations” are permitted to register with the government and legally hold
worship services. These five associations operate under the direction of the CCP
United Front Work Department (UFWD). Other religious groups, such as
Protestant groups unaffiliated with the official patriotic religious association or
Catholics professing loyalty to the Vatican, are not permitted to register as legal
entities. The government does not have a state-sanctioned “patriotic religious
association” for Judaism. The country’s laws and policies do not provide a
mechanism for religious groups independent of the five official patriotic religious
associations to obtain legal status.
In March as part of a restructuring of the central government, the Central
Committee of the CCP announced the merger of SARA, which was previously
under the purview of the State Council, into the CCP’s UFWD, placing
responsibility for religious regulations directly under the party. SARA, while
subsumed into the UFWD, continued to conduct work under the same name. This
administrative change at the national level was followed in the spring and autumn
with parallel changes at the provincial and local levels.
All religious organizations are required to register with one of the five state-
sanctioned religious associations, all of which SARA oversees through its
provincial and local offices. The revised Regulations on Religious Affairs
announced in 2017 and implemented on February 1, 2018, state that registered
religious organizations are allowed to possess property, publish approved
materials, train staff, and collect donations. According to regulations, religious
organizations must submit information about the organization’s historical
background, members, doctrines, key publications, minimum funding
requirements, and government sponsor, which must be one of the five patriotic
religious associations.” According to SARA, as of April 2016, there are more than
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
360,000 clergy, 140,000 places of worship, and 5,500 registered religious groups
in the country.
The State Council’s revisions to the Regulations on Religious Affairs strengthen
already existing requirements for unregistered religious groups and require
unregistered groups be affiliated with one of the five state-sanctioned religious
associations to legally conduct religious activities. Individuals who participate in
unsanctioned religious activities are subject to criminal and administrative
penalties. The regulations stipulate any form of illegal activities or illegal
properties should be confiscated and a fine between one to three times the value of
the illegal incomes/properties should be imposed. The revised regulation adds that,
if the illegal incomes/properties cannot be identified, a fine below 50,000 renminbi
(RMB) ($7,300) should be imposed. The regulations provide grounds for
authorities to penalize property owners renting space to unregistered religious
groups by confiscating illegal incomes and properties and levying fines between
20,000-200,000 RMB ($2,900-$29,100). The revisions instate new requirements
for members of religious groups to seek approval to travel abroad and prohibit
“accepting domination by external forces.”
The revised Regulations on Religious Affairs include new registration
requirements for religious schools that allow only the five state-sanctioned
religious associations or their lower-level affiliates to form religious schools. The
regulations specify all religious structures, including clergy housing, may not be
transferred, mortgaged, or utilized as investments. The revisions place new
restrictions on religious groups conducting business or making investments by
stipulating the property and income of religious groups, schools, and venues may
not be distributed and should be used for activities and charity befitting their
purposes; any individual or organization that donates funds to build religious
venues is prohibited from owning and using the venues. The revisions also impose
a limit on foreign donations to religious groups, stating that any such donations
must be used for activities that authorities deem appropriate for the group and the
site. The regulations ban donations from foreign groups and individuals if the
donations come with any attached conditions and state any donations exceeding
100,000 RMB ($14,500) must be submitted to the local government for review and
approval. Religious groups, religious schools, and religious activity sites must not
accept donations from foreign sources with conditions attached. If authorities find
a group has illegally accepted a donation, the regulations grant authorities the
ability to confiscate the donation and fine the recipient group between one to three
times the value of the unlawful donations or, if the amount cannot be determined, a
fine of 50,000 RMB ($7,300).
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Additionally, the revised Regulations on Religious Affairs require that religious
activity “must not harm national security.” The revisions expand the prescribed
steps to address support for “religious extremism, leaving “extremism” undefined.
These steps include recommending penalties such as suspending groups and
canceling clergy credentials. The revised regulations include a new article placing
limits on the online activities of religious groups for the first time, requiring
activities be approved by the provincial religious affairs bureau. The revisions also
restrict the publication of religious material to guidelines determined by the State
Publishing Administration.
Regulations concerning religion also vary by province; many provinces updated
their regulations during the year following the enforcement of the revised
regulations in February. In addition to the five nationally recognized religions,
local governments, at their discretion, permit certain unregistered religious
communities to carry out religious practices. Examples include local governments
in Xinjiang and in and Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, and Guangdong Provinces that
allow members of Orthodox Christian communities to participate in unregistered
religious activities. The central government classifies worship of Mazu, a folk
deity with Taoist roots, as “cultural heritage” rather than religious practice.
SARA states through a policy posted on its website that family and friends have
the right to meet at home for worship, including prayer and Bible study, without
registering with the government.
According to the law, inmates have the right to believe in a religion and maintain
their religious beliefs while in custody. According to the new regulations
implemented February 1, proselytizing in public or holding religious activities in
unregistered places of worship is not permitted. In practice, offenders are subject
to administrative and criminal penalties.
Religious and social regulations permit official patriotic religious associations to
engage in activities, such as building places of worship, training religious leaders,
publishing literature, and providing social services to local communities. The
CCP’s UFWD, SARA, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs provide policy guidance
and supervision on the implementation of these regulations.
An amendment to the criminal law and a judicial interpretation by the national
Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Supreme People’s Court published in
2016 criminalizes the act of forcing others to wear “extremist” garments. Neither
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
the amendment nor the judicial interpretation defines what garments or symbols
the law considers “extremist.”
National printing regulations restrict the publication and distribution of literature
with religious content. Religious texts published without authorization, including
Bibles and Qurans, may be confiscated, and unauthorized publishing houses
The government offers some subsidies for the construction of state-sanctioned
places of worship and religious schools.
To establish places of worship, religious organizations must receive approval from
the religious affairs department of the relevant local government both when the
facility is proposed and again before any services are held at that location.
Religious organizations must submit dozens of documents to register during these
approval processes, including detailed management plans of their religious
activities, exhaustive financial records, and personal information on all staff
members. Religious communities not going through the formal registration
process may not legally have a set facility or worship meeting space. Therefore,
every time they want to reserve a space for worship, such as by renting a hotel or
an apartment, they must seek a separate approval from government authorities for
each service. Worshipping in a space without pre-approval, either through the
formal registration process or by seeking an approval for each service, is
considered an illegal religious activity, which may be criminally or
administratively punished. By regulation, if a religious structure is to be
demolished or relocated because of city planning or construction of key projects,
the party responsible for demolishing the structure must consult with its local
Bureau of Religious Affairs (administered by SARA) and the religious group using
the structure. If all parties agree to the demolition, the party conducting the
demolition must agree to rebuild the structure or provide compensation equal to its
appraised market value.
The revised religious regulations implemented in February and policies enacted by
the state-sanctioned religious associations inhibit children under the age of 18 from
participating in religious activities and religious education. For example, one
provision states that no individual may use religion to hinder the national education
system and that no religious activities may be held in schools other than religious
schools. At the county level, religious affairs bureaus in localities including
Henan, Shandong, Anhui, and Xinjiang have released letters telling parents not to
take their children under 18 to religious activities or education.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The law mandates the teaching of atheism in schools, and a CCP directive
provides guidance to universities on how to prevent foreign proselytizing of
university students.
The law states job applicants shall not face discrimination in hiring based on
factors including religious belief.
Birth limitation policies remain in force, stating all married couples may have no
more than two children, with no exceptions for ethnic or religious minorities.
Women choosing to have more than two children are subject to fines ranging from
one to ten times the local per capita income.
The country is not a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR). With respect to Macau, the central government notified the UN
secretary general, in part, that residents of Macau shall not be restricted in the
rights and freedoms they are entitled to, unless otherwise provided for by law, and
in case of restrictions, the restrictions shall not contravene the ICCPR. With
respect to Hong Kong, the central government notified the secretary general, in
part, that the ICCPR would also apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Government Practices
There were reports that authorities subjected individuals to death, forced
disappearances, and organ harvesting in prison because of their religious beliefs or
According to the Church of Almighty God website,, a
member of the Church died while in custody shortly after Guizhou authorities
arrested her on an unspecified charge in March. Authorities said the unnamed
person committed suicide by hanging herself, but did not allow her family to view
her body. Officials reportedly told her family the government did not approve of
her Christian beliefs. When her relatives questioned the government’s
determination of her death as suicide, authorities threatened them with potential
loss of employment and university access for their children.
According to Minghui, a Falun Gong publication, on January 16 police took into
custody and interrogated Ye Guohua and five other Falun Gong practitioners who
were doing Falun Gong exercises. Police released the five practitioners the next
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
morning and took Ye to the Jianye Detention Center where his family believes he
was brutally tortured for his Falun Gong practice. On September 8, Ye suffered
what authorities said was a sudden acute illness and was sent to the hospital.
Authorities allowed his family to see him briefly, and family members reported Ye
was in a coma and his body was swollen. He died three days later. A local Falun
Gong practitioner called the detention center to inquire about what happened to Ye
and the person who answered the phone said, “He’s dead, so there's nothing that
can be done. Asking about this is just asking for trouble.”
The Church of Almighty God reported that in April CCP police secretly arrested
and tortured one of its members for 25 days. The individual was sent to the
hospital with severe injuries to the skull and she died several months later. The
Church of Almighty God also reported that on June 27, two church members were
arrested, and on July 2, one of them was “persecuted to death” in Chaoyang
Municipal Detention Center.
Minghui reported that on July 4, authorities arrested and detained Ma Guilan from
Hebei Province for talking to people about Falun Gong. On September 17,
authorities said Ma suddenly fell ill and they took her to the hospital where she
died hours later. According to the report, several officials came to the hospital and
removed Ma’s organs for examination, although it was unclear what happened to
those organs.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese authorities have subjected prisoners
of conscience including Falun Gong, Uighurs, Tibetan Buddhists, and
“underground” Christians to forcible organ extraction. Former prisoners stated that
while in detention, authorities subjected them to blood tests and unusual medical
examinations that were then added to a database, enabling on-demand organ
transplants. On December 10, an independent tribunal established by the
international NGO International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China
issued an interim judgement that the panel was “certain unanimously, and sure
beyond reasonable doubt that in China, forced organ harvesting from prisoners of
conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time, involving a very
substantial number of victims.”
In August the Association for the Defense of Human Rights and Religious
Freedom (ADHRRF), an international NGO providing regular reports on the
situation of the Church of Almighty God, reported that between April and August,
authorities in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, detained 109 church members. Of
those, 40 remained missing at year’s end.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The whereabouts of Gao Zhisheng remained unknown, although media reported it
was believed he remained in the custody of state security police. Police detained
Gao, a human rights lawyer who had defended members of Christian groups, Falun
Gong practitioners, and other groups, in September 2017.
There were reports that authorities tortured detainees, including by depriving them
of food, water, and sleep.
The Church of Almighty God reported authorities subjected 525 of its members to
“torture or forced indoctrination” during the year. The Church also reported
members suffered miscarriages after police subjected them to “torture and abuse
in detention facilities.
The Globe and Mail reported in September that authorities tortured a Canadian
citizen who is a Falun Gong practitioner during her 18-month pretrial detention in
Beijing. While detained, authorities reportedly initially deprived the individual of
food and water, and later pushed her to the ground and pepper sprayed her.
Officials arrested her in February 2017 on charges of organizing or using a cult to
undermine implementation of the law. After the arrest, her husband, whom she
stated she believed turned her in to authorities, reportedly transferred all of her
property and company shares to his name.
According to The Epoch Times, in September a court sentenced Chen Huixia, a
Falun Gong practitioner in Hebei Province, to 3.5 years in prison for “using an evil
cult to undermine law enforcement,” according to Chen’s daughter. Amnesty
International said detention center officials tortured Chen and strapped her to an
iron chair so that she was immobile. Chen had been held with limited access to
family and lawyers since 2016.
According to Minghui, prison authorities subjected detained Falun Gong
practitioners to various methods of physical and psychological coercion, such as
sleep deprivation, in attempts to force them to renounce their beliefs.
In June Pastor Yang Hua (also known as Li Guozhi) of the Livingstone Church
the largest unregistered church in Guizhou Province before the government shut it
down in 2015 completed his 2.5-year prison sentence for “divulging state
secrets.” According to Yang Hua, prison officials tortured him before and after his
sentence to extract a confession to the alleged crime. As a result of this as well as
inadequate medical care in prison, Yang Hua developed vasculitis, leading to near
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
paralysis of his legs, and became ill with diabetes. His lawyers stated that
authorities continued to surveil Yang Hua following his release from prison.
Police arrested and otherwise detained leaders and members of religious groups,
often those connected with groups not registered, as part of the state-sanctioned
“patriotic religious associations.” There were reports police used violence and
beatings during arrest and detention. Reportedly, authorities used vague or
insubstantial charges, sometimes in connection with religious activity, to convict
and sentence leaders and members of religious groups to years in prison. Some
previously detained persons were released.
The Political Prisoner Database (PPDB) maintained by human rights NGO Dui
Hua Foundation contained the following number of imprisoned religious
practitioners at year’s end: 310 Protestants, 205 Church of Almighty God
members, 136 Muslims, 22 Buddhists, and nine Catholics, compared with 308
Protestants, 277 Church of Almighty God members, 107 Muslims, 30 Buddhists,
and nine Catholics at the end of 2017. According to Dui Hua, these numbers are
based on Dui Hua’s classification system for inclusion in the PPDB and are not the
total number of religious prisoners. The number of Muslim prisoners did not
include 505 Uighur and 234 Kazakh prisoners, which Dui Hua classified as “ethnic
prisoners.” According to Dui Hua, these figures did not account for Muslims in
“vocational skill education training centers.The PPDB listed 3,486 Falun Gong
practitioners imprisoned at year’s end, compared with 3,516 at the end of 2017.
Dui Hua defined imprisoned religious practitioners as “people persecuted for
holding religious beliefs that are not officially sanctioned.”
Falun Gong reported that during the year authorities arrested or harassed
approximately 9,000 citizens for refusing to renounce Falun Gong. According to
Minghui, authorities arrested 4,848 Falun Gong practitioners and harassed an
additional 4,127. Of those arrested, 2,414 remained in detention at year’s end.
According to the Epoch Times, Sichuan Province security officials detained 78
Falun Gong practitioners in the province during the first six months of the year.
International Falun Gong-affiliated NGOs and international media reported
detentions of Falun Gong practitioners continued to increase around “sensitive”
dates. Authorities instructed neighborhood communities to report Falun Gong
members to officials.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The Church of Almighty God reported authorities arrested 11,111 of its members
during the year, of which 2,392 remained in custody.
On December 31, Radio Free Asia reported more than 100 riot police and People’s
Armed Police in Yunnan’s Weishan County raided three mosques and forcibly
evicted Hui Muslims for engaging in what they said were “illegal religious
activities.” Authorities injured several individuals who resisted the eviction.
Video footage showed police charging into a crowd of unarmed civilians and
shoving, dragging, and beating them.
On December 24, two police officers beat and kicked a Christian woman who was
protesting the demolition of the TSPM church in Luyi County, Zhoukou City,
Henan Province.
Radio Free Asia reported that on September 5, uniformed officers in Nanyang,
Henan Province, conducted raids on at least four Protestant churches, physically
subduing passersby who asked about the raid.
According to the NGO International Christian Concern, on November 21, more
than 100 uniformed government officers raided the Beimen Catholic Church in the
city of Ji’an in Jiangxi Province and injured four elderly Catholics who were
defending the church.
The New York Times reported on December 9, authorities in Sichuan Province
raided the Early Rain Covenant Church Chengdu’s highest-membership
unregistered church and detained more than 100 leaders, seminary students, and
congregants. This was the third time since May that officials raided the church for
lacking proper registration. ChinaAid reported authorities arrested 200 church
members in May and another 17 in June. One detainee publicly said officials
struck him approximately 30 times as they interrogated him. According to church
members, police struck another individual in the face even though he had not
resisted arrest. In May authorities arrested lead Pastor Wang Yi, an outspoken
critic of the government’s controls on religion, on allegations of “picking quarrels
and provoking trouble.” In December Wang and his wife Jiang Rong were both
charged with “inciting subversion of state power,” which carries a potential
sentence of life imprisonment. As of year’s end, the whereabouts and conditions
of many detainees remained unknown, including Wang and his wife, who were
being held in unspecified locations.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In anticipation of his arrest, Pastor Wang Yi wrote a letter titled “My Declaration
of Faithful Disobedience,which the Early Rain Church published following his
detention on December 9. He wrote, “I am filled with anger and disgust at the
persecution of the church by this Communist regime, at the wickedness of their
depriving people of the freedoms of religion and of conscience…I am not interested
in changing any political or legal institutions in China I’m not even interested in
the question of when the Communist regime’s policies persecuting the church will
change. Regardless of which regime I live under now or in the future, as long as the
secular government continues to persecute the church, violating human consciences
that belong to God alone, I will continue my faithful disobedience.”
Bitter Winter, an online magazine on religious liberty and human rights in China,
reported that pastors across the country released a joint declaration in August
supporting religious liberty and condemning the CCP’s revised Regulations on
Religious Affairs. At year’s end, more than 600 pastors, ministers, and church
elders had signed the statement. According to the report, the Bureau of Religious
Affairs in every region was strictly monitoring all individuals who signed the letter
and prohibiting them from traveling to Chengdu to support the Early Rain Church.
A statement released by the Early Rain Church said authorities had questioned and
pressured more than half of the signatories. Reportedly, authorities also raided and
shut down churches because their pastors had signed the joint declaration.
In March authorities in Yunnan Province convicted and sentenced Protestant pastor
Cao John Sanqiang, a U.S. lawful permanent resident and Christian leader, to
seven years in prison for “organizing others to illegally cross the border.”
In January Radio Free Asia reported defense attorney Xiao Yunyang said the Yun
County People’s Court in Yunnan Province sentenced six Christians to up to 13
years in prison for involvement in the Three Grades of Servants, which the
government had designated a “cult.” Authorities in Yunnan reportedly told
lawyers defending the accused their licenses to practice would be reviewed.
Attorney Li Guisheng said the court revoked the status of lawyers defending
Christians in a similar case in Fengqing County, Yunnan Province. In April a
court in Dali, Yunnan Province, sentenced Tu Yan to two years of imprisonment
for participating in Three Grades of Servants activities. As part of a case that
involved more than 100 Christians in Yunnan Province, authorities arrested Tu in
2016, and held her in a detention center for more than 20 months before sentencing
her. Authorities originally charged Tu with organizing and using a cult
organization to undermine law enforcement.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In April the government sentenced Su Tianfu, Copastor with Yang Hua of the
Livingstone Church, to a yearlong suspended sentence and a further six months of
residential surveillance for “illegally possessing state secrets.” Authorities also
fined Su and Yang 7,053,710.68 RMB ($1.03 million) for collecting “illegal”
donations from congregation members. The government rejected Su’s appeal in
which he said church members voluntarily donated the money to fund church
On November 16, Crux reported that Catholic bishop Peter Shao Zhumin of
Wenzhou, recognized by the Vatican but not government authorities, had again
been taken into custody. The article stated Shao had been subjected to several
days of interrogation as in the Cultural Revolution” but gave no further details.
Authorities denied knowledge of his whereabouts. According to the news agency
Union of Catholic Asian (UCA) News, authorities released Shao on November 23
after detaining him for 14 days. News sources said security officials detained Shao
before Holy Week (April 9-15) 2017 and held him five days. Authorities again
subsequently detained Shao in May 2017 and released him on January 3, 2018.
Authorities have detained Shao several times since September 2016, reportedly to
prevent him from assuming control of Wenzhou Diocese following the death of
Bishop Vincent Zhu Weifan.
UCA News also reported that Catholic priest Lu Danhua, who was taken into
custody by officials of the Qingtian Religious Affairs Bureau in Wenzhou,
Zhejiang in December 2017, was released November 22. According to the report,
a source said authorities detained Lu because they wanted to replace him at the
Qingtian church with a priest from the CCPA.
Media reported police detained Vincenzo Guo Xijin, the Vatican-appointed bishop
of the Mindong area of Fujian Province, on March 26 after he reportedly declined
to jointly lead an Easter ceremony with government-approved Bishop Vincenzo
Zhan Silu, who was not recognized by the Holy See. Police released him the next
day. In a compromise, authorities allowed Guo to lead the ceremony, provided he
kept it “low key” and agreed not to wear his bishop’s insignia.
On June 3, police arrested a Baptist preacher Liang Ziliang and his wife, Li Yinxiu,
in Heshan, Guangdong Province, for distributing brochures about Christianity and
carrying banners protesting abortion in a local park, according to ChinaAid.
Authorities held the couple at a detention center for several days.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In June Xuanwu District Court, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, sentenced Falun
Gong practitioner Ma Zehnyu to three years and fined him 30,000 RMB ($4,400)
for mailing letters in defense of Falun Gong to some of China’s top leaders. The
Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court upheld his conviction in August. Ma’s
lawyers requested to meet with him in November, but authorities denied the
request. As of year’s end, Ma was serving his sentence in Suzhou Prison, Jiangsu
Province. Ma, who had been imprisoned previously, was arrested in September
2017 and authorities reportedly told him, “This time, we will let you die in jail.”
On March 15, police arrested a Liaoning Province woman, Zhou Jinxia, after she
traveled from Dalian to Beijing to attempt to share her Christian faith with
President Xi Jinping, reported the Gospel Herald. Zhou held up a sign in front of
Zhongnanhai, the former imperial garden, which said, “God loves the people of the
world and is calling out to Xi Jinping.” Authorities immediately transported her
back to Dalian where authorities criminally charged her.
Radio Free Asia reported in July that authorities in Sichuan Province detained two
Tibetan businessmen after they found the men in possession of photographs of the
Dalai Lama.
The government did not recognize religious groups not affiliated with the “patriotic
religious associations” including unregistered Protestant (also known as “house”
churches), Catholic, Muslim, and other groups, and continued to close down or
hinder their activities. At times, the closures reportedly were because the group or
its activities were unregistered and other times because the place of worship
reportedly lacked necessary permits.
Some local governments continued to restrict the growth of unregistered Protestant
church networks and cross-congregational affiliations. Some officials reportedly
still denied the existence of unregistered churches. Although SARA said family
and friends had the right to worship together at home including prayer and Bible
study without registering with the government, authorities still regularly harassed
and detained small groups that did so.
In implementing the new regulations on religious affairs, authorities required
unregistered religious groups to disband, leaving their congregations with the sole
option of attending services under a state-sanctioned religious leader, rather than
allow it to alter its legal status as an intact religious community.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
ChinaAid reported that after the religious affairs regulations went into effect on
February 1, officials in 19 towns in Henan Province went door-to-door, urging
Christians to attend the government-sponsored TSPM-affiliated Church instead of
unregistered churches. Reportedly, many Christians subsequently met secretly in
their homes, afraid of public security agents.
Sources said that local Public Security Bureaus in Liaoning Province began
intensifying efforts to force the closure of dozens of unregistered “underground”
churches and detained their pastors even before the revised Regulations on
Religious Affairs went into effect February 1. According to Bitter Winter, since
March, authorities shut down at least 40 unregistered churches across Liaoning
Province in cities such as Donggang, Anshan, Dandong, and Shenyang.
According to a September Voice of America report, there were widespread reports
indicating the government of Henan was waging a campaign against the province’s
Christians by taking down crosses, demolishing churches, and erasing Christian
slogans from church buildings. According to Bitter Winter, in the past years there
was the most severe “persecution against Christianity” in Henan Province.
In late July religious affairs officials raided Chongqing Aiyan House Church and
issued an order for the church to end all “illegal” religious activities. Citing the
new regulations, the officials told congregants they were conducting religious
activities at an unregistered location and ordered them to attend religious services
at a TSPM church instead. Authorities warned congregants authorities would
arrest them if they did not comply.
On February 4, police shut down another house church in Qingxi Town,
Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and dismissed more than 80 congregation
members, warning them against future assembly.
ChinaAid reported authorities in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, raided Dao’en Church
on September 7, saying the Church had not registered with the government.
Authorities closed three of the Church’s five branches and pressured landlords to
not renew leases for the Church, according to the report. ChinaAid earlier reported
authorities had fined the pastor and another minister of Daoen Church 10,000
RMB ($1,500) and threatened to confiscate the Church’s offerings.
Radio Free Asia reported that on September 9, authorities in Beijing shut down
Zion Church, a large unregistered Protestant church led by Pastor Jin “Ezra”
Mingzhi, saying it had broken rules by organizing mass gatherings without
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
registering with authorities. A church elder surnamed Yi said more than 100
police officers entered the church and detained some church members who tried to
stop them shutting it down. The church’s landlord canceled the contract even
though the terms of the contract had not yet expired.
Radio Free Asia reported in February that authorities in Shenzhen ordered a 3,000-
member Protestant church, the Shekou One Country International Church, to close
after a fire and safety inspection. Also in February, authorities in Henan Province
fined a Protestant house church in Yuzhou, citing violations of building and safety
regulations, and stating the building was an illegal structure because the church
failed to obtain required permissions when it was built.
According to a source, local authorities in Liaoning Province charged underground
church leaders with taking members’ money under false pretenses. ChinaAid
reported that on August 20, authorities visited a church in Shenyang they said was
an “unapproved venue.” Officials deemed church offerings illegal and forced the
church to close by August 23. On December 31, Radio Free Asia reported
authorities sealed three mosques in Yunnan’s Weishan County after a protest, to
prevent further use as they were pending demolition at year’s end. A local source
reportedly said local Muslims had submitted the right paperwork to register the
mosques but were unsuccessful, and that the local state-sanctioned Islamic
Association of China (IAC) approved of the closures.
The South China Morning Post reported in August hundreds of Hui Muslims
gathered outside the Weizhou Grand Mosque in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
to protest its demolition. The mosque had been recently rebuilt, the second to
replace Weizhou’s 600-year-old mosque that was destroyed during the Cultural
Revolution. The article said although the government seemed to support the
mosque’s construction in 2015, government officials said the mosque had not been
granted the necessary planning and construction permits. After days of
negotiation, authorities and religious leaders agreed on an alternative plan: instead
of demolishing the mosque, the government would revamp the mosque and
construction would only take place once everyone was happy with the renovation
plan. The government initially proposed removing eight of the mosque’s nine
domes, but the local community opposed the idea.
According to a Radio Free Asia report, local believers in Henan said authorities
demolished or shut down over 100 churches and crosses in August.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
According to the Association for the Defense of Human and Religious Rights, on
September 16, authorities in Zhengzhou, Henan Province demolished Yangzhai
Zhen Jesus Church after forcing members to agree to the demolition by threatening
their families’ livelihood.
ChinaAid reported that on September 9, approximately 100 officials from the
religious affairs and public security bureaus attempted to break into Dali Christian
Church, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, but more than 400 church members
stopped them. The officials left after handing the church a document that said the
building was not a legal religious activities site and the religious department had
not approved the day’s speaker, both violations of the revised Regulations on
Religious Affairs. Church members therefore immediately had to cease holding
“illegal” religious events.
Bitter Winter reported that from October 28 to November 1, authorities shut down
or sealed off 35 Buddhist temples and memorial temples in the city of Xinmi,
Henan Province.
ChinaAid reported that on Sunday, January 14, more than 20 government agents
closed an unregistered church in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, interrupting a
service led by Lou Siping. They informed the Christians gathered there that the
building had not been registered and took 30 church members to the police station
for questioning. Authorities later demanded the church’s landlord cancel the
church lease.
In January police and local officials dynamited the 50,000-member Golden
Lampstand (Jindengtai) Church in Linfen, Shanxi Province, according to Christian
Solidarity Worldwide. The state-run Global Times reported the destruction was
part of a campaign against “illegal buildings.” This church did not register with
TSPM and reportedly had been involved in a dispute with local officials, who
refused to grant the building permits when it was originally constructed.
Bitter Winter reported the United Front Work Department of Shaanxi Province
issued a document outlining a campaign against Buddhist and Daoist religious sites
in the Qinling Mountains that the department said violated construction or
processing regulations. In July authorities destroyed Longhua Temple of Taiyi
Town, Chang’an District, Xi’an City, saying it did not have a permit. At the end of
August authorities sent 100 armed police officers and two excavators to destroy the
Jade Buddha Temple in Huyi District of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province. Several
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
monks who lived at the temple were left homeless and, according to Bitter Winter
sources, local villagers were not allowed to admit monks into their homes.
ChinaAid reported government officials in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province,
destroyed the St. Theresa Convent on December 18-19. Nuns living at the convent
received an eviction notice on the morning of December 18, and by 11:00 p.m.,
authorities began demolishing the site. According to the report, church members
said they believed authorities destroyed the convent to put pressure on
congregations not registered with the government. Following the convent’s
demolition, the nuns were left temporarily homeless.
A number of Catholic churches and bishops appointed by the pope remained
unable to register with the CCPA. The government and the Holy See still did not
have diplomatic relations, and the Vatican had no representative in the country. In
September the Holy See and the China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs both
announced that the two sides had reached a provisional agreement that would
resolve a decades-long dispute concerning the authority to appoint bishops.
Neither provided details of the provisional agreement. When speaking to media in
late September, Pope Francis said there would be a “dialogue” on bishops who
would be named by the pope. At year’s end, there was no official explanation on
what the mechanism would be for the Vatican and the government to make
decisions regarding appointment of bishops. The existing government regulation
on the Election and Consecration of Bishops requires candidate bishops to publicly
pledge to support the CCP. Also in September the Vatican said the pope would be
lifting the excommunication of seven bishops who had been ordained without the
pope’s authority. The Vatican subsequently appointed two of these men to lead
dioceses and appointed the bishops it had formerly appointed in those dioceses
(including Bishop Gua of Mingdon) as auxiliary bishops.
In an interview in February, retired Archbishop of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph
Zen Ze-kiun condemned talks between the Holy See and the Chinese government.
Zen expressed concerns that a deal between the Holy See and the government
would give too much power to authorities and would place the country’s Catholics
in a “birdcage.”
Unofficially, authorities tolerated members of foreigner groups meeting for private
religious celebrations. International churches received heavy scrutiny, as
authorities forced them to require passport checks and registration for members to
prevent Chinese nationals from attending foreigner services.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In May SARA released draft Measures on the Administration of Foreigners’ Group
Religious Activities in the Mainland Territory of the People’s Republic of China.
These regulations, which would apply to religious activities of groups containing
50 or more foreigners, would update regulations last issued in 1991. The draft
amendments stipulate where groups may hold religious activities, who can preside
over and attend these activities, and who would be responsible for reporting
activities to authorities and what kind of information about the participants they
would be required to provide. To obtain approval for their activities, groups would
need to name three representatives who do not possess diplomatic immunity.
Foreign groups would need to allow the corresponding state-sanctioned religious
association to assign a Chinese religious professional to preside over the function.
All other Chinese citizens would be barred from attending the activities of these
foreign groups. As of the end of the year, SARA had not announced the
implementation of these regulations.
The government continued to recognize as “lawful” only those religious activities
it sanctioned and controlled through the patriotic religious associations or
otherwise. Government-accredited religious personnel had to conduct such
activities and only in government-approved places of religious activity.
SARA continued to maintain statistics on registered religious groups. According
to the SCIO’s report on religious policies and practice released in September 2017,
there were 21 officially recognized Protestant seminaries, 57,000 clerical
personnel, and 60,000 churches and other meeting places. This report stated there
were 91 religious schools in the country approved by SARA, including nine
Catholic schools. This report also stated there were six national level religious
colleges. Civil society groups reported the government closed CCPA-affiliated
seminaries in Shanghai and Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Although there were two
CCPA seminaries in Beijing, civil society regarded one of them to be primarily
used as the CCPA’s propaganda for international visitors.
The state-run Global Times quoted Bishop Guo Jincai, Secretary General of the
Bishops Conference of the Catholic Church in China, as stating there were 61
(CCPA-affiliated) Catholic bishops, 12 of them over the age of 80. The Vatican
did not previously recognize eight of these bishops, and had excommunicated three
of them. Crux, an online newspaper reporting on the Catholic Church, reported in
September more than 37 Catholic bishops remained independent of the CCPA. In
some locations, local authorities reportedly pressured unregistered Catholic priests
and believers to renounce all ordinations approved by the Holy See.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The SCIO report also estimated there were 35,000 mosques, 57,000 imams, and 10
Quran institutes (religious seminaries under the auspices of IAC) in the country.
Religious groups reported “patriotic religious associations” continued to be subject
to CCP interference in matters of doctrine, theology, and religious practice.
Official patriotic religious associations regularly reviewed sermons and
sometimes required church leaders to attend education sessions with religious
bureau officials. They also closely monitored and sometimes blocked the ability of
religious leaders to meet freely with foreigners.
As part of its efforts to implement the central government’s policy of Sinicization
of religions, at a forum in Guizhou in September, TSPM leaders highlighted what
they said was TSPM’s important role in helping China’s Christianity get rid of
foreign influence during the last 68 years and helping Christian churches to truly
gain sovereignty while strengthening Christians’ patriotism. Religious scholars
said they interpreted this statement as informal guidance for Christians to curtail all
interactions with international Christian groups.
At the end of August in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, CCP officials forcibly
occupied and converted multiple TSPM churches into communist party schools,
cultural centers, and activity hubs. Bitter Winter reported that in September at least
20 churches in Dengzhou City and more than 138 churches in Luoyang City,
including some government-approved TSPM churches, were repurposed to suit
government needs.
According to sources, Northeast China had fewer unregistered churches than other
parts of the country. While still strictly controlled, the northeastern religious
groups had reportedly enjoyed relatively more autonomy over their sermons and
practices in past years. Sources indicated that authorities closed some Sunday
schools in Jilin, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang Provinces. According to sources, until
July authorities in Northeast China rarely enforced a rule preventing churches from
holding services for minors under the age of 18. Until recently, the updated
religion regulations mainly affected unregistered churches. In July authorities
began scrutinizing registered churches in Liaoning more strictly, including
pressuring young adults over the age of 18 not to attend church services. Some
churches reported also shutting down their college student services.
There were reports of government officials, companies, and education authorities
compelling members of house churches and other Christians to sign documents
renouncing their Christian faith and church membership.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In February many companies began requiring workers to sign a “no-faith
commitment,” according to Bitter Winter. Between April and August, local
security personnel approached nearly 300 members of Zion Church in Beijing and
pressured members to sign a document renouncing their church membership as
well as their Christian faith.
Radio Free Asia reported that in mid-September, the CCP took further steps to
implement the ban on religious activity among government employees, including
schoolteachers and medical personnel. According to local Christians, authorities
were asking teachers working in high schools in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Henan
Provinces to sign a letter pledging to hold no religious beliefs. Christian believers
said the crackdown on religious beliefs among teachers came alongside pressure on
students, who are required to submit to an interview with school authorities if they
declare religious beliefs on mandatory forms.
World Watch Monitor, an online news site reporting on Christianity, reported in
April that teachers forced more than 300 Christian children in two high schools in
Zhejiang Province to fill out a form stating they did not adhere to any religion.
According to the report, the children were given a questionnaire about their faith
and pressured to write they had no religion. Those who did not comply reportedly
were denied access to opportunities at school and faced the potential threat of not
receiving certificates of completion, which would make them unable to attend
In May ChinaAid reported education authorities in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province,
asked students to state the religious beliefs of their families. After identifying
students whose parents were Catholic or another Christian denomination,
authorities visited the parents in their homes to persuade them to give up their
religious beliefs. Some authorities used the parents’ employers to pressure parents
to renounce their religious beliefs, including by withholding bonuses, according to
the report.
According to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China, the government
was ordering Christians to sign papers renouncing their faith. The New York Post
reported in September that ChinaAid leadership released video footage of what
appeared to be piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that signatories renounced
their Christian faith. ChinaAid leadership said this marked the first time since the
Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations,
under the fear of expulsion from school and the loss of welfare benefits.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
International media and NGOs reported on a nation-wide campaign to “Sinicize
religion,” and the government restricted individuals’ ability to express or practice
their religion in other ways.
On March 28, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the government launched a five-year
plan on promoting the “Sinicization of Christianity.” The plan outline advocated
“incorporating the Chinese elements into church worship services, hymns and
songs, clergy attire, and the architectural style of church buildings” and proposed
to “retranslate the Bible or rewrite biblical commentaries.” The government’s
proposed plan to augment the content of the Bible in line with CCP policies fueled
speculation in Christian groups that it was a reason the government began
enforcing a ban on online Bible sales.
According to the South China Morning Post, cities throughout Ningxia Hui
Autonomous Region in north-central China reported efforts by authorities to
replace Islamic structures and symbols with traditional Chinese iconography.
Individuals in Yinchuan reported bright red lamps with Chinese cloud designs
replacing gray lamp posts with Islamic motifs and two round flat rings in the style
of Chinese jade discs replacing two large crescent moon sculptures. The local
government banned Arab-style mosques and set out plans to convert existing
mosques to resemble Chinese temples.
Radio Free Asia reported in August that state-sanctioned religious associations had
proposed a measure that would require all places of worship to fly the national
flag. Representatives at a conference in Beijing indicated that the national flag
should be raised at religious venues during national holidays and during each
religion’s important festivals and celebrations. The measure also indicated that
otherwise officials would place scrutiny on the places of worship.
Authorities reportedly pressured churches to display banners with political
ideology, recite the national anthem before singing Christian hymns, and engage in
other acts demonstrating ones loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party over the
ChinaAid reported that in early July, more than 100 churches in Xinyu County,
Jiangxi Province, received a warning from local authorities demanding they
dismantle their crosses and replace them with an image of President Xi Jinping or
the national flag. Reportedly, government agents destroyed the crosses of churches
that refused to dismantle their crosses.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In September Pastor Zhang Liang reported authorities in Shangqiu, Henan
Province, had begun requiring churches to flank the cross with a photograph of
Chairman Mao Zedong on one side and President Xi Jinping on the other.
According to Bitter Winter, on November 1, authorities in Luoning County, Henan
Province ordered a government-approved TSPM church to remove one of the Ten
Commandments from a sign displayed on its wall. Authorities said President Xi
Jinping opposed the commandment “You shall have no other gods before me,” and
they wiped it off from the display. Prior to this incident, media reported in August
government officials had forcibly dismantled the church’s cross.
In 2017, the Ningxia government initiated a campaign to remove Arabic
translations from street signs, and by February 2018, Arabic logos for halal
restaurants and butcher shops were removed and replaced by Chinese characters
and pinyin. In Tongxin, Hui County, Ningxia, the article stated the government
barred party members from going to mosques for daily prayers or taking part in the
Hajj, even after they retired from office. Authorities also banned government
workers from wearing white caps to work. In Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia,
authorities banned calls to prayer on the grounds of noise pollution. Government
officials ordered the Quran and books on Islam removed from souvenir shops and
ordered mosques to cancel public Arabic-language courses.
Bitter Winter reported that authorities told Buddhist temple leaders in Xinmi,
Henan Province, they had to take down banners and lock their doors because this
was CCP Central Party Committee policy. Authorities painted over the names of
CCP members who had donated to the temples and whose names were displayed
on the donors’ recognition steles. According to the report, villagers said they saw
the defacing of the donors’ steles as the coming of another Cultural Revolution.
According to media reports, at least four cities and one province ordered
restrictions on Christmas celebrations including bans on Christmas decorations,
promotional activities in shops, Christmas-themed events, and public
performances. Authorities also increased law enforcement and patrols in the days
leading up to December 25 to prevent any illegal Christmas celebrations. Police in
Kunming issued a notice prohibiting Christmas decorations and related activities in
crowded places such as hotels, karaoke parlors, internet cafes, and bars. The notice
said, “It is forbidden to hang Christmas stockings, wear Christmas hats, and place
Christmas trees, and so on.” Officials sent a notice to churches in Zhoukou, Henan
Province, requiring them to vet Christmas commemorations with the government,
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
forbidding minors from participating in Christmas events, and limiting expenses to
2000 RMB ($290). School administrators at a university in Shanghai canceled a
student union’s Christmas celebration, and administrators warned students in
Qingdao against celebrating Christmas.
According to a brief statement released on August 28 by the National People’s
Congress, the country’s new revised civil code would no longer retain the relevant
content of family planning, which could scrap birth restrictions altogether. The
revised code, however, will not be completed until March 2020, and there is no
indication yet how exactly the change would be made, or whether any other
restrictions or conditions might remain on Chinese families.
In December state-run media outlet the Global Times reported that the Gansu
provincial market regulation bureau banned four provincial halal certifications for
food, restaurants, dairy, and noodles. The article cited an official at the Gansu
Ethnic Affairs Commission who stated that one region and five provinces (Ningxia
Hui Autonomous Region and Qinghai, Shaanxi, Henan, Yunnan, and Tianjin
Provinces) would also restrict the use of halal certifications on various products.
The Ethnic Affairs Commission employee stated the province was restricting these
standards in line with the CCP’s United Front Work Department requirement to
“fight the pan-halal tendency.”
Hui Muslims in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Gansu, Qinghai, and
Yunnan Provinces continued to engage in religious practice with less government
interference than did Uighurs, according to local sources. Hui Muslims reported
they were free to practice as they wished with regard to family customs such as
fasting during Ramadan, clothing, prayer, and performing the Hajj. They reported,
however, they did not receive special accommodations for time to pray during their
workday and were not given time off for Islamic holidays.
In August the government of Hubei Province issued new regulations on the
commercialization of the Buddhist and Daoist religions stating all activities of any
religion must be confined to the private sphere and strictly prohibiting religious
iconography in the public sphere.
Authorities increased social media and other surveillance on religious groups.
According to Bitter Winter, church leaders in Hebei and Henan Provinces had
begun warning their church members that their social media accounts were under
surveillance and cautioned them not to transmit religious content.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Christian organizations seeking to use social media and smartphone applications to
distribute Christian materials reported the government increased censorship of
these materials.
In July Radio Free Asia reported authorities in Malho, Qinghai Province, tightened
controls on social media and deployed large numbers of armed police to Tibetan
villages to discourage celebrations of the July 6 birthday of the Dalai Lama.
Authorities warned managers of social media chat groups to restrict sharing any
secret or internal information by Tibetans and to keep an eye out for attempts to
organize celebrations of the spiritual leader.
The Wall Street Journal reported in July that the IAC required Chinese Muslims
departing for Mecca in Saudi Arabia to wear customized smart cards with personal
data and a GPS tracker.
In September Pastor Zhang Liang reported the Chinese government had tightened
its control over his church’s operations in Shangqiu, Henan Province. Zhang said
the government was installing “information officers” to report on
“antigovernment” activities and behavior seen as a threat to social stability.
In April Beijing authorities ordered an unregistered church, Zion Church, to install
24 closed-circuit surveillance cameras inside the church, according to Reuters.
After church leadership refused this order, police and security personnel harassed
and threatened church members and ultimately forced the eviction of the church.
In November the State Security Bureau installed surveillance equipment including
multiple surveillance cameras inside an officially registered Protestant church in
Lanzhou, Gansu Province, including in washrooms, according to Bitter Winter.
Authorities continued to restrict the printing and distribution of the Bible and other
religious literature, and government prepared regulations to extended control of
online postings by religious groups.
The government limited distribution of Bibles to CCPA and TSPM/Chinese
Christian Council entities such as churches, church bookshops inside churches, and
seminaries. Individuals could not order Bibles directly from publishing houses.
Members of unregistered churches reported the supply and distribution of Bibles
was inadequate, particularly in rural locations. There were approximately 11
provincial TSPM Christian publishers. Authorities only allowed the national
TSPM and CCPA to publish the Bible legally. According to reports, while there
were no independent domestic Christian booksellers, publishers without a religious
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
affiliation could publish Christian books. Approximately 20 distribution centers
and bookstores were linked to the national TSPM. In addition, authorities
reportedly allowed churches with more than 2,000 members to sell books at their
church facilities. Approximately 700 churches had such bookstores. During the
year, authorities continued to limit the number of Christian titles that could be
published annually, with draft manuscripts closely reviewed. Authorities also
restricted the ability of some bookstores to sell Christian books.
While only government-sanctioned bodies that oversee Christian churches were
officially able to sell the Bible, a South China Morning Post article reported that
authorities had tended to look the other way. The article also reported that on
several visits in April Ministry of Culture inspectors told the Christian bookstores
they could no longer sell “foreign books.”
Radio Free Asia reported that starting April 2, online selling platforms Taobao,, and Dangdang banned the sale of Bibles without international standard
book numbers (ISBNs) and related spiritual books, according to a Taobao seller. A
New York Times article said the government banned online retailers from selling
the Bible, and on leading online stores, internet searches for the Bible came up
empty. The article also reported that Christianity was the only major religion in
China whose major holy text “cannot be sold through normal commercial
channels.” As of the end of the year, at least one dual-language (English and
Chinese) Bible and two foreign-published English language Bibles were sold on
some online sites. Bibles in Chinese only were still unavailable for online
purchase, however.
Bitter Winter reported that in Anshan Prefecture, Liaoning Province, police
imposed a 400,000 RMB ($58,200) fine on any church discovered with an
“unofficial” version of the Bible. Faced with these pressures, underground
churches reported gathering far less frequently and breaking up into small groups
that moved around and held services at different locations.
The government continued to allow some foreign educational institutions to
provide religious materials in Chinese, which are used by both registered and
unregistered religious groups.
In September the Associated Press reported the government posted draft rules
regulating religious activity on the internet that would impose tight limits on what
could be said or posted, including a ban on criticizing official religious policies and
promoting religion among minors. The draft regulations would require anyone
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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wishing to provide religious instruction or similar services online to apply by name
and have authorities deem them morally fit and politically reliable. They also
would prohibit livestreaming of religious activities, including praying, preaching,
or burning incense.
According to Bitter Winter, the draft rules regulating religious activity on the
internet would force churches to obtain licenses so the Chinese government could
control what religious information is posted online.
The government continued limitations on religious education.
The South China Morning Post reported in January education officials from the
local government in Guanghe County, a largely Hui Muslim area in Gansu
Province, banned children from taking part in religious education during the Lunar
New Year break. Officials did not allow children to attend religious events, read
scripture in classes, or enter religious venues during the holiday, and instructed
teachers and students to “strengthen political ideology and propaganda.” Officials
also implemented similar restrictions in Linxia, the capital city of the Linxia Hui
Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province.
Starting in April authorities reportedly pressured churches to prevent children
under 18 years old from attending services or otherwise studying the Bible. Local
government departments of religious affairs in Henan, Shandong, and Anhui
Provinces released public letters announcing juveniles could not enter religious
venues or attend religious education activities. One announcement in Xinxiang
City, Henan Province stated the purpose of these measures was to ensure minors
do not believe in religion, enter religious places, participate in religious activities,
or participate in religious training classes. The same message was delivered in
other locations. AsiaNews reported in April a joint notice from the Henan Catholic
Patriotic Association and the Henan Commission for Church Affairs required the
religious bodies to adhere to the principle of “separating religion from education,”
and in particular prohibit religious associations from organizing activities of any
type to disseminate religious education to minors and effectively prohibit minors
from attending church.
In August Open Doors USA, a Christian nonprofit organization, reported that in
Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, more than 40 churches hung slogans that said “Non-
locals are prohibited form preaching; no underage people allowed in church.”
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Radio Free Asia reported that on October 25, state security agents prevented more
than 100 Protestants from unrecognized churches from traveling to a religious
training event in South Korea hosted by a U.S. church. Saying the participants
would “likely damage national security,” airport police in Shanghai, Beijing,
Guangzhou, and Hong Kong issued travel bans on the conference participants.
Radio Free Asia reported in July that authorities in Dzachuka, a Tibetan-populated
region of Sichuan Province, forced Buddhist monks aged 15 and younger to leave
their monasteries and placed them in government-run schools. Authorities strictly
limited the number of monks and nuns enrolled at the monasteries and forced those
remaining to take part in classes promoting loyalty to the country and the ruling
On April 16, approximately 20 officials from Fujian Province’s Xiamen Education
Bureau and the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau conducted a surprise
inspection, without warrants, of a kindergarten operated by a local, unregistered
house church. Authorities said the kindergarten operation was illegal. Authorities
reportedly tried to confiscate religious teaching materials and shut down the
school, but faculty members and parents prevented them from doing so.
On June 20, Liang Liuning, Deputy Director General of the Guangxi Ethnic and
Religious Affairs Commission, held two lectures for more than 100 Islamic clerics
and administrators on the essence of the 19th Party Congress and the
implementation of the revised Regulations on Religious Affairs.
Individuals seeking to enroll at an official seminary or other institution of religious
learning had to obtain the support of the corresponding official patriotic religious
association. The government continued to require students to demonstrate
“political reliability,” and political issues were included in examinations of
graduates from religious schools. Both registered and unregistered religious
groups reported a shortage of trained clergy due in part to government controls on
admission to seminaries.
The government reportedly discriminated in employment against members of
religious groups it identified as “cults” and others and prevented employees from
participating in religious activities.
In February the Guiyang-based Yunnan District People’s Court specified in its
recruitment notice for judicial assistants that individuals who previously
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
participated in “illegal religious activities” or “cult-organized activities” could not
apply for the position.
On February 18, formerly jailed Jiangmen house church clergyman Ruan Haonan
said it was almost impossible for a blacklisted “cult” member to find a decent job.
Ruan was a chef before he worked full time at a house church in Heshan City. He
said authorities warned each employer Ruan contacted, and as a result, no
employer dared offer him a job. Heshan police arrested Ruan on June 12, 2017,
for sabotaging law enforcement by utilizing and organizing “heretic cult
organizations” and released him on bail with restricted movement in July 2017.
ChinaAid reported that while on bail, authorities required Ruan to report to the
Public Security Bureau every three months and to obtain permission before
According to sources, individuals with Christian affiliations in Northeast China
faced difficulties with career enhancement or government employment.
Government officials or employees tied to state-affiliated organizations often
attempted to hide their religious beliefs to avoid discrimination. The sources said
it was one reason some believers choose to attend unregistered rather than official
Healthcare professionals were required to discover, stop, and report violations of
law regarding religion, including among family, friends, and neighbors, according
to a letter issued to staff at the Yueqing Maternal and Child Health Hospital in
Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. Any staff organizing or participating in religious
activities in the hospital could be fired. Staff were banned from wearing any
clothing linked to a religious belief. Staff were also considered to have committed
a violation if they did not adhere to the pledge not to follow any religion or
participate in religious activities. The hospital’s letter stated violations of this
policy would lead to “education.” Hospitals in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province, posted
banners and notices against religious beliefs as well.
Authorities took other actions against “cults.” On March 17, Guangzhou’s Huadu
District Political and Law Commission hosted an anticult organization event in
Hongshan Village for local students. After the event, many students vowed to stay
away from any “cult” organization and signed their names on the anticult signature
In April Fujian Province’s Zhangpu County Government and Zhangzhou Justice
Department redesigned a local public park giving it an anticult theme to promote
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
the results of the 19th Party Congress and related anticult laws and raise awareness
of the influence of “cults.”
On April 24, the Foshan Municipal CCP Political and Legal Commission, the
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics’ Shanshui Campus (Foshan),
and the Guangdong Legal Studies Institute Shanshui Campus jointly launched an
anticult campaign highlighting the influence of “cults” on state security, social
developments, and family lives.
On February 24, the Guangdong Provincial Anti-Heretic Cult Association posted a
letter drafted by former Guangzhou Falun Gong member Zhang Zhiming
denouncing Falun Gong as a “cult organization” that had jeopardized his work and
ruined his family life.
In September Jiangxi Province’s commission on religious affairs published an
article indicating changes to the basic nature of religious control in the province.
The article stated all religious activities should be “amiable and gentle” and that
they should contribute to the unity of the people.
On November 29, The Telegraph reported that local authorities in Ningxia Hui
Autonomous Region had signed a “cooperation antiterrorism agreement” with
Xinjiang officials to “learn from the latter’s experiences in promoting social
stability.” As part of these efforts, the Communist Party head of Ningxia, Zhang
Yunsheng, went to Xinjiang to learn about combatting terrorism and managing
religious affairs. According to a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, there
was a growing fear among Chinese that the Xinjiang model could spread across the
country and have grave consequences for religious freedom.
Government policy continued to allow religious groups to engage in charitable
work. Regulations specifically prohibited faith-based organizations from
proselytizing while conducting charitable activities. Authorities required faith-
based charities, like all other charitable groups, to register with the government.
Once registered as an official charity, authorities allowed them to raise funds
publicly and to receive tax benefits. The government did not permit unregistered
charitable groups to raise funds openly, hire employees, open bank accounts, or
own property. According to several unregistered religious groups, the government
required faith-based charities to obtain official cosponsorship of the registration
application by the local official religious affairs bureau. Authorities often required
these groups to affiliate with one of the five patriotic religious associations.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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The government continued its efforts to restrict the movement of the Dalai Lama.
After the Dalai Lama visited Sweden in September, Global Times reported the
government consistently firmly opposed the decision of any country to allow such
a visit, adding some countries still turn a deaf ear, taking chances to challenge
China’s bottom line.”
In October ChinaAid reported that since the second week of September, a CCP-
backed militant group, United Wa State Army, had arrested more than 200
Christian pastors and missionaries in territory the group controls in Shan State,
Burma, according to Lahu Baptist Church, a local church in Burma. At least 100
were released after guards forced prisoners to sign a pledge they would pray only
at home, rather than at churches. According to the report, many observers believed
close ties between United Wa State Army and China fueled these actions.
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
Because the government and individuals closely link religion, culture, and
ethnicity, it was difficult to categorize many incidents of societal discrimination as
being solely based on religious identity. The Council on Foreign Relations
reported religious and ethnic minority groups, such as Tibetan Buddhists and
Uighur Muslims, experienced institutionalized discrimination throughout the
country because of both their religious beliefs and their status as ethnic minorities
with distinct languages and cultures.
Anti-Muslim speech in social media remained widespread, despite the
government’s announcement in September 2017 that it would censor some anti-
Muslim expression on the internet.
In some online forums, anti-Muslim speech regarding the Hui Muslims in Shadian,
Yunnan Province persisted. Some individuals said imams in Shadian colluded
with Rohingya Muslims from Burma on drug use and drug trafficking in Shadian.
Other criticisms in these online forums include labelling the imams in Shadian as
radicals for encouraging Hui Muslims in the city to marry Rohingya individuals
and not to send their children to school.
Despite labor law provisions against discrimination in hiring based on religious
belief, some employers openly discriminated against religious believers. Some
Protestant Christians reported employers terminated their employment due to their
religious activities. There were also reports from Falun Gong practitioners that
employers dismissed them for practicing Falun Gong. In some instances, landlords
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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discriminated against potential or current tenants based on their religious beliefs.
Falun Gong practitioners reported having a very difficult time finding landlords
who would rent them apartments. Following government crackdowns in May and
December, members of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Sichuan
Province, reported local authorities pressured their landlords to evict them due to
their affiliation with the unregistered church. The members also said their
universities and employers received pressure from the local authorities to expel
them from the schools or terminate their employment.
The Guardian reported Uighurs faced difficulty in finding accommodation because
local hotels frequently told Uighur visitors no rooms were available. One
individual, who was initially mistaken as a foreigner, said hotel staff denied him
entry to a hotel after they saw the word Uighur on his Chinese identification card.
Hotels are required to report on guests to local police authorities, and hoteliers
could face punishment for hosting Uighurs.
On April 19, the son of a pastor from the Shenzhen-based Canaan House Church in
Guangdong Province said the church’s landlord relented to authorities’ pressure to
terminate the lease and cut off the church’s electrical supply. The pastor’s son said
the church faced constant persecution” after unidentified people repeatedly
harassed the church, broke into the church’s property, and requested members
leave the building for what authorities said were safety or fire hazards.
On July 5, a Uighur woman in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province reportedly posted a
letter online addressed to Shenzhen Party Secretary Wang Weizhong complaining
about the frustrating restrictions she experienced as an ethnic minority in finding a
rental apartment. The Uighur woman identified herself as a CCP member holding
a senior management position in a big company in Shenzhen. After receiving
discouraging messages from the local community, several landlords broke her
rental contracts. Local officials told the woman they required her landlord and her
to report in person each week to the police, which she said no landlord wanted to
do. The woman was staying in a colleague’s apartment at year’s end.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement
The Vice President, Secretary of State, Ambassador, and other embassy and
consulates general representatives repeatedly and publicly expressed concerns
about abuses of religious freedom. The Vice President, Secretary of State, Deputy
Secretary of State, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, and the
Ambassador for International Religious Freedom met with survivors of religious
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
persecution or their family members, from the Uighur Muslim, Tibetan Buddhist,
and Protestant communities at the July Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
in Washington. At the ministerial, the Vice President said, “religious persecution
is growing in both scope and scale in the world’s most populous country, the
People’s Republic of China….together with other religious minorities, Buddhists,
Muslims, and Christians are often under attack.” On September 21, the Secretary
of State said, “Hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of Uighurs are held
against their will in so-called reeducation camps where they’re forced to endure
severe political indoctrination and other awful abuses. Their religious beliefs are
decimated. And we’re concerned too about the intense new government
crackdown on Christians in China, which includes heinous actions like closing
churches, burning Bibles, and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their
At the ministerial the United States, Canada, Kosovo, and the United Kingdom
issued a statement that said, As representatives of the international community,
we are deeply concerned about the significant restrictions on religious freedom in
China and call on the Chinese government to respect the human rights of all
individuals. Many members of religious minority groups in China including
Uighurs, Hui, and Kazakh Muslims; Tibetan Buddhists; Catholics; Protestants; and
Falun Gong face severe repression and discrimination because of their beliefs.
These communities consistently report incidents, in which the authorities allegedly
torture, physically abuse, arbitrarily arrest, detain, sentence to prison, or harass
adherents of both registered and unregistered religious groups for activities related
to their religious beliefs and peaceful practices.
Embassy officials met regularly with a range of government officials managing
religious affairs, both to advocate for greater religious freedom and tolerance and
to obtain more information on government policy on the management of religious
Embassy officials, including the Ambassador, urged government officials at the
central and local levels, including those at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
State Council, to implement stronger protections for religious freedom and release
prisoners of conscience. The Ambassador highlighted religious freedom in private
diplomacy with senior officials. The Department of State, embassy, and consulates
general regularly called upon the government to release prisoners of conscience,
including individuals imprisoned for religious reasons.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The Ambassador, Consuls General in Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenyang,
and Wuhan, and other embassy and consulate general officials met with religious
groups as well as academics, NGOs, members of registered and unregistered
religious groups, and family members of religious prisoners to reinforce U.S.
support for religious freedom. For example, while in Yunnan Province, the
Ambassador visited two long-standing Christian churches in areas heavily
populated by religious minorities, meeting with local clergy members. The Consul
General similarly met with Muslim and Christian leaders in Yunnan Province.
Embassy and consulate general officials hosted events around religious holidays
and conducted roundtable discussions with religious leaders to convey the
importance of religious pluralism in society and learn about issues facing religious
communities. The embassy arranged for the introduction of religious officials to
members of U.S. religious communities and U.S. government agencies that
engaged with those communities.
Throughout the year, the embassy and consulates general reached large local
audiences with messages promoting respect, understanding, and tolerance for
religious diversity. Through a series of lectures by academics and government
officials, the embassy and consulates general discussed with audiences a number of
religious freedom topics. In January an embassy-sponsored visitor discussed with
a Beijing audience the role religious organizations played in shaping public and
private institutions in the United States. Also in January a consulate general
officer led a discussion in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, about the U.S.
Muslim community, addressing questions about religious conflict, highlighting the
connection between freedom of religion and free speech, and sparking a debate
about the extent to which a diverse society must exercise tolerance toward
minorities. In May an official at the Consulate General in Shenyang provided a
historical perspective on major U.S. religions, detailed the constitution’s protection
of religious expression, and led the audience in a discussion that included
comments about rule of law, civil rights, and racial equality. In June the embassy
held a discussion about the evolving interaction between the gay community and
religious communities in the United States, with a focus on the interaction of
religious groups and social change. Later in June an officer of the Consulate
General in Shanghai explained recent U.S. legal cases involving freedom of
religion, and facilitated audience discussion of the contours of proper legal
protections for religious groups. The embassy hosted a presentation in July by a
film director about her documentary portraying attempts by Muslims to increase
gender equality within their community. The director engaged an audience of
hundreds in a discussion about the value of equality and tolerance within and
across religious traditions. That same month, an officer at the Consulate General
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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in Guangzhou presented research on religion in politics, including the historical
role of religious congregations in political activism.
The embassy amplified Department of State religious freedom initiatives directly
to Chinese citizens through postings to the embassy website and to Weibo,
WeChat, and Twitter accounts. A series of six posts about the July Ministerial to
Advance Religious Freedom garnered over six million views on these social media
accounts, and 46,141 direct engagements by netizens. A set of four posts
regarding the 2017 International Religious Freedom Report received 1.4 million
views. The embassy social media team shared religious holiday greetings from the
President, Secretary of State, and Ambassador. This included well wishes on the
occasion of special religious days for Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Tibetan
Buddhists. Millions of local citizens viewed these holiday messages, and the
messages often sparking further comments and questions, such as, “A great
country must have a broad mind!,” “Society has reached the point where one is not
even allowed to read the Bible,” and “How do you protect the religious freedom of
atheists?” Over the course of the year, the embassy and the consulates general
regularly addressed questions of religious tolerance raised by some of the millions
of online followers, offering them uniquely U.S. perspectives on religious freedom
and tolerance.
Authorities continually harassed and intimidated religious leaders to dissuade them
from speaking with U.S. officials. Authorities interrupted a meeting between the
abbot of a prominent Tibetan Buddhist monastery and the Chengdu Consul
General, quickly removing the abbot from the scene. Authorities regularly
prevented members of religious communities from attending events at the embassy
and consulates general, and security services questioned individuals who did
attend. For example, in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, officials followed and
harassed a prominent pastor and his family after he met with the Consul General
from Chengdu. On at least three occasions during the year security officials
threatened Tibetan Buddhist leaders and forced them to cancel meetings with high-
level U.S. government visitors to southwest China at the last minute. In one
instance, in April they interrogated a Tibetan Buddhist abbot and delayed his return
to his home monastery in another province after authorities learned about his
meeting with the Deputy Chief of Mission.
On December 11, the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom
said the treatment of Muslims, Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, and Falun Gong
practitioners over a long period were reasons to keep China as a Country of
Particular Concern.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Since 1999, China has been designated as a “Country of Particular Concern”
(CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 for having engaged
in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom. On November
28, the Secretary of State redesignated China as a CPC and identified the following
sanction that accompanied the designation: the existing ongoing restriction on
exports to China of crime control and detection instruments and equipment, under
the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-246),
pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Act.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Executive Summary
The United States recognizes the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) and Tibetan
autonomous prefectures and counties in other provinces to be part of the People’s
Republic of China. The constitution of the People’s Republic of China states
citizens “enjoy freedom of religious belief” but limits protections for religious
practice to “normal religious activities” without defining “normal.” Central
government regulations implemented February 1 stipulate religious activity “must
not harm national security” and place new restrictions on religious schools,
donations, and travel. In the TAR and other Tibetan areas, authorities continued to
engage in widespread interference in religious practices, especially in Tibetan
Buddhist monasteries and nunneries. There were reports of forced disappearance,
torture, physical abuse, prolonged detention without trial, and arrests of individuals
due to their religious practices. Travel restrictions hindered traditional religious
practices and pilgrimages. Repression increased around politically sensitive
events, religious anniversaries, and the Dalai Lama’s birthday, according to
numerous sources. Self-immolations leading to death in protest of government
policies continued, and four individuals reportedly set themselves on fire and died
during the year. The nongovernmental organization (NGO) Tibetan Center for
Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), reported in May torture, including
sexual abuse of Tibetan Buddhist nuns, took place in a re-education camp in the
TAR. According to TCHRD, authorities also subjected inmates to collective
punishment, food and sleep deprivation, prolonged wall standing and beatings.
According to local sources, during the year authorities continued an ongoing multi-
year project to evict approximately 3,000 monks and nuns from Buddhist institutes
at Larung Gar and Yachen Gar, destroying as many as 1,500 of their residences
and subjecting many of them to patriotic and legal re-education.” Authorities
often justified their interference with Tibetan Buddhist monasteries by saying the
religious institutions engaged in separatist or pro-independence activities, and
undermined the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The
government routinely denigrated the Dalai Lama, whom most Tibetan Buddhists
revered as their most important spiritual leader, and forbade Tibetans from
venerating him and other religious leaders associated with him.
Some Tibetans continued to encounter societal discrimination when seeking
employment, engaging in business, and traveling for pilgrimage, according to
multiple sources. Because expressions of Tibetan identity and religion were
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
closely linked, it was difficult to categorize many incidents as being solely based
on religion.
The U.S. government repeatedly pressed Chinese authorities to respect religious
freedom for all people and to allow Tibetans to preserve, practice, teach, and
develop their religious traditions and language without interference from the
government. In July during the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in
Washington, the Vice President and Secretary of State met with Kusho Golog
Jigme, a former Tibetan political prisoner, to highlight continued U.S. government
support for religious freedom in Tibet. U.S. government officials expressed
concerns to the Chinese government at senior levels about the severe restrictions
imposed on Tibetans’ ability to exercise their human rights and fundamental
freedoms, including religious freedom and cultural rights. Embassy and other U.S.
officials urged the Chinese government to re-examine the policies that threaten
Tibet’s distinct religious, cultural, and linguistic identity, including the continuing
demolition campaign at the Larung Gar Tibetan Buddhist Institute and Yachen Gar
Tibetan Buddhist Institute. U.S. officials underscored that decisions on the
reincarnation of the Dalai Lama should be made solely by faith leaders and also
raised concerns about the continued disappearance of the Panchen Lama. While
diplomatic access to the TAR remained tightly controlled, four U.S. visits
Section I. Religious Demography
According to official data from China’s most recent census in November 2010,
2,716,400 Tibetans make up 90 percent of the TAR’s total population. Han
Chinese make up approximately 8 percent. Other ethnicities comprise the
remainder. Some experts, however, believe the number of Han Chinese and other
non-Tibetans living there is significantly underreported. Outside the TAR, official
census data show Tibetans constitute 24.4 percent of the total population in
Qinghai Province, 2.1 percent in Sichuan Province, 1.8 percent in Gansu Province,
and 0.3 percent in Yunnan Province, although the percentage of Tibetans is much
higher within jurisdictions of these provinces designated as autonomous for
Most Tibetans practice Tibetan Buddhism, although a sizeable minority practices
Bon, a pre-Buddhist indigenous religion; small minorities practice Islam,
Catholicism, or Protestantism. Some scholars estimate there are as many as
400,000 Bon followers across the Tibetan Plateau who follow the Dalai Lama, and
some of whom consider themselves Tibetan Buddhist. Scholars also estimate there
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
are up to 5,000 Tibetan Muslims and 700 Tibetan Catholics in the TAR. Other
residents of traditionally Tibetan areas include Han Chinese, many of whom
practice Buddhism (including Tibetan Buddhism), Taoism, Confucianism,
traditional folk religions, or profess atheism; Hui Muslims; and non-Tibetan
Catholics and Protestants.
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal Framework
The constitution of the People’s Republic of China states citizens enjoy “freedom
of religious belief,” but limits protections for religious practice to “normal
religious activities” without defining “normal.” The constitution bans the state,
public organizations, and individuals from compelling citizens to believe in, or not
believe in, any religion. It says religion may not be used to disrupt public order,
impair the health of citizens, or interfere with the educational system. The
constitution states religious bodies and affairs are not to be “subject to any foreign
control.” Only religious groups belonging to one of five state-sanctioned “patriotic
religious associations” (Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, Catholic, and Protestant),
however, are permitted to register with the government and legally hold worship
services or other religious ceremonies and activities.
Regulations issued by the central government’s State Administration of Religious
Affairs (SARA) codify its control over the selection of Tibetan religious leaders,
including reincarnate lamas. These regulations stipulate that, depending on the
perceived geographic area of influence of the lama, relevant administrative entities
may deny permission for a lama to be recognized as reincarnated and these entities
must approve reincarnations. The State Council has the right to deny the
recognition of reincarnations of high lamas of “especially great influence.” The
regulations also state no foreign organization or individual may interfere in the
selection of reincarnate lamas, and all reincarnate lamas must be reborn within
China. The government maintains a registry of officially recognized reincarnate
Within the TAR, regulations issued by SARA assert state control over all aspects
of Tibetan Buddhism, including religious venues, groups, and personnel. Through
local regulations issued under the framework of the national-level Management
Regulation of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries, governments of the TAR and other
Tibetan areas control the registration of monasteries, nunneries, and other Tibetan
Buddhist religious centers. The regulations also give the government formal
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
control over building and managing religious structures and require monasteries to
obtain official permission to hold large-scale religious events or gatherings.
The central government’s State Council revisions to the Regulations on Religious
Affairs became effective on February 1. The revisions require religious groups to
register with the government, increase penalties by imposing fines on landlords for
“providing facilities” for unauthorized religious activities, and restrict contact with
overseas religious institutions, including a new requirement for religious groups to
seek approval to travel abroad and a prohibition on “accepting domination by
external forces.” The revisions increase regulations for religious schools by
submitting them to the same oversight as places of worship and impose new
restrictions on religious groups conducting business or investments, including
placing limits on the amount of donations they can receive and restricting the
publication of religious material to guidelines determined by the State Publishing
Administration. Additionally, the revisions require that religious activity “must
not harm national security.” While existing regulations stipulate the obligations of
religious groups to abide by the law and safeguard national unity, the new
revisions specify steps to respond to “religious extremism,” leaving “extremism
undefined. These steps include monitoring groups, individuals, and institutions,
and recommending penalties such as suspending groups and canceling clergy
credentials. The new regulations also limit the online activities of religious groups,
requiring such activities be approved by the provincial Religious Affairs Bureau.
A new policy, based on ideas discussed at the national-level Conference on
Religion and Work in 2016 and introduced on August 31 in the TAR, requires
Tibetan monks and nuns to undergo political training in state ideology. The policy
requires monks and nuns to demonstrate in addition to competence in religious
studies “political reliability,” “moral integrity capable of impressing the public,”
and willingness to “play an active role at critical moments.”
To establish places of worship, religious organizations must receive approval from
the religious affairs department of the relevant local government both when the
facility is proposed and again before any services are held at that location.
Religious organizations must submit dozens of documents in order to register
during these approval processes, including detailed management plans of their
religious activities, exhaustive financial records, and personal information on all
staff members. Religious communities not going through the formal registration
process may not legally have a set facility or worship meeting space. Therefore,
each time they want to reserve a space for worship, such as by renting a hotel or an
apartment, they need to seek a separate approval from government authorities for
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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each service. Worshipping in a space without pre-approval, either through the
formal registration process or by seeking an approval for each service, is
considered an illegal religious activity, which may be criminally or
administratively punished.
The TAR government has the right to deny any individual’s application to take up
religious orders. The regulations also require monks and nuns to obtain permission
from officials in both the originating and receiving counties before traveling to
other prefectures or “county-level cities” within the TAR to “practice their
religion,” engage in religious activities, study, or teach. Tibetan autonomous
prefectures outside the TAR have similar regulations.
At the central government level, the CCP Central Committee’s Central Tibet Work
Coordination Group, the CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD), and
SARA are responsible for developing and implementing religious management
policies, which are carried out with support from the five “patriotic religious
associations” (Buddhist, Protestant, Catholic, Islamic, and Taoist). At local levels,
party leaders and branches of the UFWD, SARA, and the state-controlled Buddhist
Association of China (BAC) are required to coordinate implementation of religious
policies in monasteries, and many have stationed party officials and government
officials, including public security agents, in monasteries in Tibetan areas.
CCP members, including Tibetans and retired officials, are required to be atheists
and are forbidden from engaging in religious practices. CCP members who belong
to religious organizations are subject to various types of punishment, including
expulsion from the CCP.
Government Practices
During the year, four Tibetans reportedly self-immolated as a means of protest
against government policies, compared to six individuals in 2017. Some experts
attributed reports of the decreasing number of self-immolations to tighter control
measures by authorities. Sources said that during the year, authorities told family
members not to discuss self-immolation cases. The NGO Free Tibet reported since
2009 more than 150 Tibetans had set themselves on fire in protest against what
they said was occupation and human rights abuses on Tibet’s religion and culture
under Chinese rule. According to media reports, 16-year-old Gendun Gyatso self-
immolated in Ngaba (Chinese: Aba) County, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
(TAP) in Sichuan Province, on December 8 or 9 and died of his injuries. Media
said that on December 8, Drugkho (reportedly also known by his monastic name
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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Choekyi Gyatso), a young Tibetan man, set himself on fire in Ngaba shouting,
“long live the Dalai Lama.” Some news reports stated he may have survived.
Reportedly, both Gendun and Drugkho were monks at Kirti Monastery. According
to the website Tibet Sun, on November 4 in Ngaba, Dopo, another Tibetan youth,
died after carrying out a self-immolation, reportedly shouting “Long live the Dalai
Lama.” On March 7, Tsekho Tugchak (also spelled “Topchag”), a man in his
forties, reportedly called out, “Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom
for Tibet” as he self-immolated in Meruma Township, Ngaba County; the location
of his remains was unknown. Ngaba County had also been the site of numerous
prior self-immolations by monks from the Kirti Monastery.
There were reports of the forced disappearance, torture, arbitrary arrest, and
physical abuse of individuals on account of their religious beliefs or practices.
The whereabouts of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, recognized as the 11th Panchen
Lama by the Dalai Lama and most Tibetans, remained unknown since his 1995
forced disappearance by Chinese authorities. Nyima was six years old at the time
he and his parents were reportedly abducted. Authorities did not provide
information on his whereabouts, and stated previously that he was “living a normal
life” and did “not wish to be disturbed.” The Panchen Lama was considered by the
Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism the second-most-prominent leader after the
Dalai Lama.
The TCHRD, an NGO run and staffed by Tibetans in exile, reported in May a
Tibetan monk’s account of torture and sexual abuse in a re-education camp in the
TAR. According to TCHRD, the unnamed monk spent approximately four months
in a re-education camp in Sog County of Naqchu (Chinese: Naqu) where he said
all inmates, except for “two or three laypersons,” were monks and nuns. The monk
said detainees had to attend self-criticism sessions and participate in military drills;
detention officers also beat older monks and nuns who were physically weak and
did not understand Chinese. The monk said, “Many nuns would lose
consciousness during the [military] drills. Sometimes officers would take
unconscious nuns inside where I saw them fondle the nuns’ breasts and grope all
over their body.” He also stated some inmates “were singled out and beaten up so
severely with electric batons that they would lose consciousness. The officers
would revive the unconscious inmates by splashing water on their faces. This
cycle of losing and reviving consciousness would go on for some time at the end of
which the officers would use a black plastic pipe to beat and pour water on all parts
of the body and then use electric batons to beat some more. Soon black and blue
marks would appear on the victim’s body and render him or her half-dead.”
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TCHRD reported authorities subjected inmates to torture and collective
punishment, food deprivation, sleep deprivation, prolonged wall standing, and
According to The Tibet Post, Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, formerly a monk from
Draggo Monastery in Kardze (Chinese: Ganzi) County, Kardze TAP, Sichuan
Province, reported that authorities tortured him while he was in prison, resulting in
permanent injuries to his legs. Authorities released Geshe Namgyal on January 24,
after he completed his six-year prison term. Officials arrested him in 2012 for
participating in a peaceful protest against China’s policies in Tibet.
Limited access to information about prisoners made it difficult to ascertain the
exact number of individuals imprisoned on account of their religious beliefs or
affiliation, determine the charges brought against them, or assess the extent and
severity of abuses they suffered. The U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission
on China’s Political Prisoner Database included 4,037 records of Tibetan political
prisoners, of whom 300 were known to be detained or imprisoned as of December
21. Of these, 131 were reported to be current or former monks, nuns, or Tibetan
Buddhist reincarnate teachers. Of the 120 cases for which there was available
information on sentencing, punishment ranged from two years’ to life
imprisonment. Observers, including commission staff, believed the actual number
of Tibetan political prisoners and detainees to be much higher, but the lack of
access to prisoners and prisons, as well as the lack of reliable official statistics,
made a precise determination difficult. Authorities continued to hold an unknown
number of persons in detention centers rather than prisons.
According to the NGO International Campaign for Tibet and other sources, on
December 10, the anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s receiving the Nobel Peace
Prize, police in Ngaba severely beat Sangay (also spelled “Sanggye”) Gyatso, a
monk from Kirti Monastery, as he protested for freedom for Tibet. Police detained
him, and his whereabouts remained unknown at years end.
According to the NGO Canada Tibet Committee, in February local authorities
detained Karma, a leader of Markor village in the TAR’s Naqchu Prefecture, for
challenging an official order to sign a document permitting local authorities to
conduct mining activities at Sebtra Zagyen mountain. Local Tibetans consider
Sebtra Zagyen a sacred location. The Canada Tibet Committee also carried a
report by TCHRD that in April officials detained and beat approximately 30
Tibetans, at least two of whom were monks, after information about Karma’s
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detention leaked to the Tibetan exile community. According to local sources,
Karma’s whereabouts remained unknown at year’s end.
In May TAR authorities detained Gangye, a Tibetan man from Sog County, for
possessing religious books written by the Dalai Lama and CDs featuring the
religious leader’s teachings, according to news portal Phayul. His whereabouts
remained unknown at year’s end.
According to local religious community sources, between September 5 and
September 9, security forces separately detained three Tibetan monks from
Meruma. The monks were reportedly protesting against government policies,
specifically the requirement for Tibetans to be at least 18 years old to become
monks (historically children as young as toddlers began the process of study to
become monks) and the government’s interference in monastic management. On
September 5, authorities detained Dorje Rabten of Kirti Monastery immediately
following his protest. On September 6, they also detained Tenzin Gelek after he
protested against Dorje’s detention. Similarly, on September 9, officials took
Lobsang Dargy into custody following his protest against the detention of both
Dorje and Tenzin. Their whereabouts remained unknown at year’s end.
According to the Central Tibetan Administration, on January 28, authorities
arrested and detained Lodoe Gyatso from Naqchu Prefecture of the TAR after he
staged a peaceful protest in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa. Prior to the protest,
Lodoe Gyatso published a video announcing his plans to organize a peaceful
demonstration in support of the Tibetan people’s commitment to world peace and
nonviolence under the guidance of the Dalai Lama.
Radio Free Asia reported that in September authorities detained Tibetan monks
Nyida, Kelsang, Nesang, and Choeje of Gomang Monastery in Ngaba TAP,
Sichuan Province, for publicly protesting against a government housing project
near their monastery. The four detainees were reportedly still in Khyungchu
County’s custody. A fifth monk was reportedly detained and released.
According to a February report by Radio Free Asia, at the end of 2017 authorities
convicted Tashi Choeying, a Tibetan monk from Tawu (Chinese: Daofu) County
of Kardze TAP in Sichuan Province, on an unknown charge and sentenced him to a
six-year prison term. Authorities had held Tashi, who had studied in India,
incommunicado since November 2016. Religious community sources said Tashi’s
conviction may have been due to his communications with the media in India
about self-immolation cases in Tawu.
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In June Phayul reported local officials raided the residences of two Tibetans from
Kardze TAP, Sichuan Province, and arrested the men for possessing photos of the
Dalai Lama.
RFA reported in June that authorities released Lobsang Tenzin, formerly a monk at
Kirti Monastery in Ngaba County, Sichuan Province, from prison three years
before the end of his ten-year prison sentence. He had been jailed in 2011 for
allegedly supporting a self-immolation protest.
Authorities continued to exercise strict controls over religious practice and
maintained intrusive surveillance of many monasteries and nunneries, including
through permanent installation of CCP and public security officials and overt
camera surveillance systems at religious sites and monasteries.
Provincial, prefectural, county, and local governments continued to station CCP
officials in, and established police stations or security offices adjacent to or on the
premises of, many monasteries. For example, the TAR had more than 8,000
government employees working in 1,787 monasteries, according to local sources
and Chinese government reporting in 2017. Security forces continued to block
access to and from important monasteries during politically sensitive events and
political religious anniversaries.
According to many contacts in Ngaba County, Sichuan Province, officials placed
family members, relatives, and close friends of self-immolators on a security watch
list to prevent them from meeting and communicating with international visitors
and, in some cases, deprived them of public benefits.
Authorities met with family members of individuals who had self-immolated and
instructed them not to talk about the cases to limit news of self-immolations and
other protests from spreading within Tibetan communities and beyond. There
were also numerous reports of officials shutting down or restricting local access to
the internet and cellular phone services for this purpose. After a self-immolation in
December, authorities reportedly instituted a “clampdown” on the area and blocked
internet communication.
The government continued to control the approval process of reincarnations of
Tibetan Buddhist lamas and supervision of their religious education.
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According to local sources, while high-ranking religious leaders and local Tibetan
Buddhists attempted to search for the reincarnation of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a
prominent Tibetan religious leader who died in prison in 2015, security officials
closely monitored their efforts and threatened them with imprisonment if the
religious leaders continued their search.
The government continued to insist that Gyaltsen Norbu, whom it selected in 1995,
was the Panchen Lama’s true reincarnation, and not Gedhun Choekyi Nyima,
whom authorities had disappeared that same year. According to numerous Tibetan
Buddhist monks and scholars, UFWD and Religious Affairs Bureau officials
frequently pressured monks and laypersons, including government officials, to
attend religious study sessions presided over by Gyaltsen Norbu, and ordered every
Tibetan family in Lhako (Shannan) city to send family members to an August
teaching session to ensure hundreds of thousands of people paid him respect. In
1995, authorities installed Gyaltsen Norbu in Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Shigatse
(Chinese: Xigaze), the traditional seat of the Panchen Lama, and visited the
monastery every summer since.
In addition, authorities closely supervised the education of many key young
reincarnate lamas. In a deviation from traditional custom, government officials,
rather than religious leaders, continued to manage the selection of the reincarnate
lamas’ religious and lay tutors in the TAR and some other Tibetan areas. Religious
leaders reported that, as part of authorities’ interference in reincarnate lamas’ and
monks’ religious education, authorities were incentivizing these young men to
voluntarily disrobe by emphasizing the attributes of secular life as compared to the
more disciplined and austere religious life. Religious leaders and scholars said
these and other means of interference continued to cause them concern about the
ability of religious traditions to survive for successive generations.
According to media reports, as of December 2017, the government added seven
additional “living buddhas” below the age of 16 to the 2017 list of more than 1,300
approved “living buddhas.” Such individuals reportedly continued to undergo
training on patriotism and the CCP’s socialist political system. The BAC
announced its database of 1,311 “living buddhas” that it deemed “authentic” was
nearly complete. Neither the Dalai Lama nor Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was on the
The government continued to place restrictions on the size of Buddhist monasteries
and other institutions. According to local sources, at Larung Gar, Kardze TAP,
Sichuan Province, site of the world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist institute, the
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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government continued its program of evicting monks and nuns that began in 2016.
During the year, the government evicted approximately 2,000 monks and nuns
from a population that was at least 20,000 in 2016 and demolished an estimated
900 residences, leaving the remaining population at approximately 5,000,
according to Human Rights Watch and a local source. Monks and nuns evicted
from the institute returned to their hometowns where the source said they were
unable to receive “quality religious education” free from government interference.
According to Chinese press reports, the government stated the demolition was to
prevent fires and promote crowd control. Rights groups said that if safety were the
primary motivator for this government action, then other provisions, such as
building additional housing that met fire safety codes, could be a way to resolve
the issue instead of large-scale demolitions and expulsions. Local sources stated
the destruction was to clear the way for tourist infrastructure and to prevent nuns,
monks, and laypersons from outside the area, particularly ethnic Han, from
studying at the institute. Reportedly, in hopes of saving the institute, Larung Gar’s
monastic leadership continued to advise residents not to protest the demolitions.
In January Human Rights Watch described the Chinese government’s interference
at Larung Gar as an “extreme control over religious practices,” “an immediate
threat to the religious freedom of all Tibetans,” and “a long-term threat to all
Chinese.” The organization also noted “the scale of the Communist Party’s
intervention at Larung Gar is unprecedented.”
According to local sources, during the year, authorities continued their program of
destroying residences at another Buddhist complex at Yachen Gar, also in Kardze
Prefecture. During the year, authorities destroyed at least 700 residences and
evicted approximately 1,000 monks and nuns from a 2016 estimated population of
10,000 religious practitioners in Yachen Gar. At year’s end, a local source
estimated the remaining population to be approximately 5,000. Local sources
reported that authorities prohibited monks and nuns from Yachen Gar, who
returned to their hometowns in the TAR, from joining any other monastery or
nunnery there or participating in any public religious practices.
According to reports, authorities continued “patriotic re-education” campaigns at
many monasteries and nunneries across the Tibetan Plateau, forcing monks and
nuns to participate in “legal education,” denounce the Dalai Lama, express
allegiance to the government-recognized Panchen Lama, and study Mandarin as
well as materials praising the leadership of the CCP and the socialist system.
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In many areas, authorities reportedly forced monks and nuns under the age of 18 to
leave their monasteries and Buddhist schools to receive “patriotic education.”
According to local sources, from 2017 on authorities removed nearly 1,000 minors
from various monasteries in Kardze TAP, Sichuan Province. According to other
reports, authorities removed 600 minors from Litang Monastery (also known as the
Ganden Thubchen Choekhorling Monastery, the largest Buddhist monastery in
Litang, Sichuan Province. Authorities removed 20 monks from Jowo Ganden
Shedrub Palgyeling monastery in Kham and on July 10 authorities removed as
many as 200 young monks from Dza Sershul monastery.
Sources also reported from March to July, in Kyewu Township, Sershul (Chinese:
Shiqu) County, Kardze TAP, 77 minors were removed from monasteries. To
facilitate the removal of minors, authorities threatened the parents, other family
members, and acquaintances, telling them they risked losing social benefits and
government jobs if they did not comply with official orders.
In July media reported the government banned all underage students in the TAR
from participating in religious activities during the summer holidays. School
officials required students to sign an agreement stating they would not participate
in any form of religious activity during the summer.
The Education Affairs Committee, the Municipal People’s Government, and the
Municipal Education Bureau of the TAR issued an order banning parents from
taking their children to monasteries or allowing children to participate in religious
events during the Saka Dawa festival in May, according to media reports.
Reportedly, authorities also encouraged parents not to participate in the festivities
or go to monasteries. The government also required schools to inform the
education bureau of students who were absent during the month and taking part in
the festival.
On August 31, government officials conducted a political training session for a
select group of Tibetan monks and nuns in Lhasa from May 31 to June 2. The
training session aimed to strengthen participants’ political beliefs and prepare them
to spread the ideology of the central government in their own monasteries and
communities. The government did not disclose the number of participants, but
according to Human Rights Watch, a 2016 political training course for 250 Tibetan
monks and nuns was reportedly the pilot program for this training session.
In December Global Times reported authorities in the TAR launched the opening
session of a five-year training program for Tibetan Buddhism teaching staff,
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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including local Tibetan Buddhists as well as monks and nuns. As part of the
program, which aims to better adapt Tibetan Buddhism to socialist society,
participants are required to study national policies, history, culture, laws,
regulations, modern knowledge, and religious studies. A local CCP official
reportedly said monks and nuns were “expected to firmly set up the concept that
government power is higher than religious power, and that national laws are above
religious rules.” The launch of this program coincided with the launch of another
training course specifically for government officials assigned to Tibetan temples.
Officials are required to take part in a three-year training course to manage temples
and “better serve” monks and nuns in conducting religious affairs in accordance to
laws and regulations.
The CCP continued to forbid its members from participating in religious activities
of any kind, despite reports that many Tibetan government officials and CCP
members held religious beliefs. The TAR regional government punished CCP
members who followed the Dalai Lama, secretly harbored religious beliefs, made
pilgrimages to India, or sent their children to study with exiled Tibetans.
Government officials regularly denigrated the Dalai Lama publicly and accused the
“Dalai clique” and other “outside forces” of instigating Tibetan protests, stating
such acts were attempts to “split” China. In April TAR Party Secretary Wu
Yingjie continued to call for monks and nuns in the region to fight against the
“Dalai clique and defend the unity of the motherland.” In May Wu continued to
instruct various party and government organs that they “must resolutely implement
the central government's principles and policies on the Dalai clique’s struggle,
carry out in-depth anti-secession struggles, and ensure political security.”
Authorities in the TAR continued to prohibit registration of children’s names that
included parts of the Dalai Lama’s name or names included on a list blessed by the
Dalai Lama.
Multiple sources reported open veneration of the Dalai Lama, including the display
of his photograph, remained prohibited in almost all areas. Local officials, many
of whom considered the images to be symbols of opposition to the CCP, removed
pictures of the Dalai Lama from monasteries and private homes during visits by
senior officials. The government also banned pictures of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima,
whom the Dalai Lama and nearly all Tibetan Buddhists recognized as the 11th
Panchen Lama. Punishments in certain counties inside the TAR for displaying
images of the Dalai Lama included expulsion from monasteries and criminal
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Although authorities permitted some traditional religious ceremonies and practices,
they continued to maintain tight control over the activities of religious leaders and
religious gatherings of laypersons, confining many such activities to officially
designated places of worship, restricting or canceling religious festivals, and
preventing monks from traveling to villages for politically sensitive events and
religious ceremonies. The government suppressed religious activities it viewed as
vehicles for political dissent. For example, local authorities again ordered many
monasteries and laypersons not to celebrate or organize any public gatherings for
celebrations of the Dalai Lama’s 83rd birthday in July, the anniversary of the
March 10, 1959, Tibetan uprising, or the March 14, 2008, outbreak of unrest across
the Tibetan Plateau. TAR authorities banned monks and nuns from leaving their
monasteries and nunneries during such times. According to local sources, Sichuan
and Gansu provincial authorities patrolled major monasteries in Tibetan areas and
warned that those holding special events or celebrations would face severe
consequences. Local sources reported that in July religious affairs officials
instructed senior monks at Draggo and Tawu Monasteries in Kardze TAP not to
celebrate the Dalai Lama’s birthday. As a result, the monks did not organize any
public celebrations. Sources reported they feared repercussions from the
government for defying orders, including fear of death. Officials in Gansu
Province met with senior monks from Labrang Monastery and Bora Monastery,
and also instructed them not to celebrate the Dalai Lama’s birthday publicly,
according to sources. Authorities warned the monks would face legal
consequences for their actions, but did not specify what the consequences were.
Authorities deployed the military to monitor prayer festivals in the TAR and other
Tibetan areas. During Lunar New Year celebrations in February, multiple local
sources reported the authorities, among other measures, deployed military forces
at prayer ceremonies at Drephung, Sera, and Gandan Monasteries in the TAR,
Draggo and Tawu Monasteries in Sichuan Province, and Kirti and Kumbum
(Chinese: Ta’er) Monasteries in Qinghai Province. Authorities hosted a series of
meetings in Lhasa instructing monks and nuns to comply with party policy and
inspected “armed forces” and CCP officials at Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. In
September the government banned the annual Dechen Shedrub prayer festival from
occurring in Larung Gar, citing overcrowding and unfinished reconstruction. The
ban marked the third consecutive year the government did not allow the 21-year-
old festival to take place.
The TAR government reportedly maintained tight control over the use of Tibetan
Buddhist religious relics and declared them, religious buildings, and religious
institutions to be state property.
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Sources continued to report security personnel targeted individuals in religious
attire, particularly those from Naqchu and Chamdo (Chinese: Changdu)
Prefectures in the TAR and Tibetan areas outside the TAR, for arbitrary
questioning on the streets of Lhasa and other cities and towns. Many Tibetan
monks and nuns reportedly chose to wear nonreligious attire to avoid such
harassment when traveling outside their monasteries and around the country.
The traditional monastic system reportedly continued to decline as many top
Buddhist teachers remained in exile or died in India or elsewhere; some of those
who returned from India were not allowed to teach or lead their institutions. The
heads of most major schools of Tibetan Buddhism including the Dalai Lama,
Karmapa, Sakya Trizin, and Khatok Getse Rinpoche, as well as Bon leader Kyabje
Menr Trizin all resided in exile. The government also banned India-trained
Tibetan monks, most of whom received their education from the Dalai Lama or
those with ties to the leader, from teaching in Tibetan monasteries in China. In
May India Today reported Zhu Weiqun, the former head of the Ethnic and
Religious Affairs Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
Conference, said it was necessary to tighten supervision so monks educated abroad
by the “Dalai clique” did not use “local Buddhists to conduct separatist activities.”
Multiple sources also reported that during the past four years the Chinese
government increasingly restricted Tibetan Buddhist monks from visiting Chinese
cities to teach or to meet with international contacts. Authorities also restricted
Tibetans’ travel inside China, particularly for Tibetans residing outside the TAR
who wished to visit the TAR, during sensitive periods, including Losar (Tibetan
New Year), the Saga Dawa festival, and the anniversary of the March 10, 1959,
Tibetan uprising.
During the year, many religious figures reported it was very difficult for them to
enter the TAR to teach or study. The government also restricted the number of
monks who could accompany those who received permission to travel to the TAR.
Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns stated these restrictions have negatively
impacted the quality of monastic education. Many monks expelled from their TAR
monasteries after the 2008 Lhasa riots and from Kirti Monastery after a series of
self-immolations from 2009 to 2015 had not returned, some because of
government prohibitions.
Many Tibetans, including monks, nuns, and laypersons, continued to encounter
difficulties traveling to India for religious purposes. In many cases, Public
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Security Bureau officials refused to approve their passport applications. In other
cases, prospective travelers were able to obtain passports only after paying bribes
to local officials, or after promising not to travel to India or to criticize Chinese
policies in Tibetan areas while overseas. According to a Human Rights Watch
annual report, several hundred Tibetans traveling on Chinese passports to attend a
teaching session by the Dalai Lama in January were forced to return. In December
Chinese authorities refused to grant Tibetans new passports or confiscated issued
passports in an attempt to block their travel to India and Nepal to attend the Dalai
Lama’s teaching sessions. As a result there was a large reduction in the number of
China-based Tibetans attending the teaching compared to previous years.
Numerous Tibetans in Gansu, Qinghai, and Sichuan Provinces waited for up to
five years before receiving a passport, often without any explanation for the delay,
according to local sources. There were also instances of authorities confiscating
and canceling previously issued passports as a way of preventing Tibetans from
participating in religious events involving the Dalai Lama in India. Restrictions
also remained in place for monks and nuns living in exile, particularly those in
India, which made it difficult or impossible for them to travel into Tibetan areas.
Authorities reportedly often hindered Tibetan Buddhist monasteries from
delivering religious, educational, and medical services.
According to government policy, newly constructed government-subsidized
housing units in many Tibetan areas were located near township and county
government seats or along major roads. These new housing units had no nearby
monasteries where resettled villagers could worship, and the government
prohibited construction of new temples without prior approval. Traditionally,
Tibetan villages were clustered around monasteries, which provided religious and
other services to members of the community. Many Tibetans continued to view
such measures as CCP and government efforts to dilute religious belief and
weaken the ties between monasteries and communities.
Authorities continued to justify interference with Tibetan Buddhist monasteries by
associating the monasteries with “separatism” and pro-independence activities, as
reported in state media. In August Wu Yingjie, the TAR Party Secretary instructed
party members “to adhere to China’s Sinicization of religion, and independence
and self-determination should be the guidance principles for those in the Tibetan
Buddhism community.” Wu said, “We will expose the reactionary nature of the
14th Dalai Lama and the ‘Dalai clique,’ as well as educate and guide the vast
majority of the monks and nuns and religious followers to oppose separatism in
order to safeguard the unity of the motherland and ethnic unity.”
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In accordance with official guidelines for monastery management, the leadership
of and membership in the various committees and working groups remained
restricted to “politically reliable, patriotic, and devoted monks, nuns, and party and
government officials.” General administrative affairs in TAR monasteries, which
monks traditionally managed, were instead overseen by Monastery Management
Committees and Monastic Government Working Groups, both of which were
composed primarily of government officials and CCP members, together with a
few government-approved monks. Since 2011, China has established such groups
in all monasteries in the TAR and in many major monasteries in other Tibetan
areas. During the year, a local source said the CCP had appointed 100 percent of
monastic management in Tibetan areas of Sichuan Province, including Kirti
Monastery. In January Human Rights Watch reported a 2017 official document
said scores of CCP officials would be installed at every level and in each section of
the monastic settlement at Larung Gar. The officials “will hold nearly half of the
positions on most committees and in most offices, and in most cases will occupy
the top positions.” According to the document, six “sub-area management units”
that supervise the monks would each be headed by a CCP official rather than a
Senior monks at some monasteries continued to report informal agreements with
local officials whereby resident monks would not stage protests or commit self-
immolation as long as the government adopted a hands-off approach to the
management of their monasteries.
The TAR CCP committee and government required all monasteries to display
prominently the Chinese flag and the portraits of five CCP chairmen from Mao
Zedong to Xi Jinping.
According to local sources, authorities continued to hinder Tibetan Buddhist
monasteries from carrying out environmental protection activities, an important
part of traditional Tibetan Buddhist practices, out of fear such activities could
create a sense of pride among Tibetans, particularly children, and an awareness of
their distinctness from Chinese culture.
In some cases, authorities continued to enforce special restrictions on Tibetans
staying at hotels inside and outside the TAR. Police regulations forbade some
hotels and guesthouses in the TAR from accepting Tibetan guests, particularly
monks and nuns, and required other hotels to notify police departments when
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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Tibetan guests checked in, according to a Radio Free Asia report confirmed by
several hotels.
On December 12, the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of
China issued a report on what it said was the “progress in human rights” over the
previous 40 years. The report said, “[r]eligious beliefs and normal religious
activities are protected by law. At the moment Tibet Autonomous Region has
1,778 venues for practicing Tibetan Buddhism, and some 46,000 resident monks
and nuns. Tibet now has 358 Living Buddhas, more than 60 of whom have been
confirmed through historical conventions and traditional religious rituals. By 2017
a total of 84 monks from Tibet had received senior academic titles in Lhasa and
168 in Beijing.”
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
Because expressions of Tibetan identity and religion are often closely linked, it
was difficult to categorize many incidents as being solely based on religion.
Tibetans, particularly those who wore traditional and religious attire, regularly
reported incidents in which they were denied hotel rooms, avoided by taxis, and
discriminated against in employment opportunities or business transactions.
According to local sources, in November 13 monks from Kirti Monastery were in
Chengdu for scheduled medical examinations, but they missed the appointment.
Taxi drivers were not willing to serve them because they were Tibetan monks.
Young Tibetan entrepreneurs in Chengdu reported Chinese companies often denied
them employment opportunities once the employers identified them in person as
ethnic Tibetans, despite prior offers of employment when discussions had taken
place solely by phone.
Many Han Buddhists continued to demonstrate interest in Tibetan Buddhism and
donated money to Tibetan monasteries and nunneries, according to local sources in
such monasteries and nunneries. Tibetan Buddhist monks frequently visited
Chinese cities to provide religious instruction to Han Buddhists. In addition, a
growing number of Han Buddhists visited Tibetan monasteries, although officials
sometimes imposed restrictions that made it difficult for Han Buddhists to conduct
long-term study at many monasteries in Tibetan areas.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
U.S. government officials, including the Vice President, Secretary of State,
Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Consul General and
other officers in the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, and officers at the U.S.
Embassy in Beijing continued sustained and concerted efforts to encourage greater
religious freedom in Tibetan areas.
In July, during the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, the
Vice President and Secretary of State highlighted the severe repression and
discrimination Tibetan Buddhists face due to their beliefs. They met with Kusho
Golog Jigme, a former Tibetan political prisoner, to highlight continued U.S.
support for religious freedom in Tibet and also expressed concerns regarding the
Chinese government’s longstanding efforts to suppress Tibetan Buddhists’
religious, linguistic, and cultural identities. In his opening remarks at the
ministerial, the Vice President said, “For nearly 70 years, the Tibetan people have
been brutally repressed by the Chinese government. Kusho was jailed and tortured
after he spoke out against the Chinese rule in his homeland. While he escaped
China, his people’s fight to practice their religion and protect their culture goes on.
I say to Kusho, we are honored by your presence and we admire your courage and
your stand for liberty.”
The Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues continued to coordinate
U.S. government programs to preserve Tibet’s distinct religious, linguistic, and
cultural identity as well as efforts to promote dialogue between the Chinese
government and the Dalai Lama. U.S. officials repeatedly raised Tibetan religious
freedom issues with Chinese government counterparts at multiple levels, such as
the Chinese government’s refusal to engage in dialogue with the Dalai Lama and
the ongoing demolition campaign at the Larung Gar Tibetan Buddhist Institute and
Yachen Gar Tibetan Buddhist Institute. U.S. officials underscored only faith
leaders can decide on the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and also raised concerns
about the continued disappearance of the Panchen Lama. In addition to raising
systemic issues, such as passport issuance to Tibetans, U.S. officials expressed
concern and sought further information about individual cases and incidents of
religious persecution and discrimination and sought increased access to the TAR
for U.S. officials, journalists and tourists.
In November the Consul General in Chengdu met with Lhasa Party Secretary and
Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the TAR’s People Congress Baima
Wangdui. U.S. officials emphasized the importance of upholding cultural and
religious rights in Tibet, and expressed concern about the TAR government’s
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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failure to protect the rights of local Tibetans to worship freely and assemble in
public places.
U.S. officials regularly expressed concerns to the Chinese government at senior
levels regarding severe restrictions imposed on Tibetans’ ability to exercise their
human rights and fundamental freedoms, including religious freedom and cultural
The Consul General called for the TAR government to respect the Tibetan people’s
right to practice their religion freely in his engagement with Chinese officials.
U.S. officials maintained contact with a wide range of religious leaders and
practitioners as well as NGOs in Tibetan areas to monitor the status of religious
freedom, although travel and other restrictions made it difficult to visit and
communicate with these individuals. Although diplomatic access to the TAR
remained tightly controlled, U.S. officials did receive access during the year, with
authorities granting two U.S. consular visits in April and October, and two
embassy and Consulate General in Chengdu official visits in May and November.
U.S. officials emphasized to TAR officials during their November visit the
importance of respecting religious freedom in Tibet.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Executive Summary
This separate section on Xinjiang is included given the scope and severity of
reported religious freedom violations specific to the region this year.
Multiple media and NGOs estimated the government detained at least 800,000 and
up to possibly more than 2 million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other
Muslim groups, mostly Chinese citizens, in specially built or converted detention
facilities in Xinjiang and subjected them to forced disappearance, torture, physical
abuse, and prolonged detention without trial because of their religion and ethnicity
since April 2017. There were reports of deaths among detainees. Authorities
maintained extensive and invasive security and surveillance, in part to gain
information regarding individuals’ religious adherence and practices. The
government continued to cite concerns over the “three evils” of “ethnic separatism,
religious extremism, and violent terrorism” as grounds to enact and enforce
restrictions on religious practices of Muslims in Xinjiang. The reported
intensification of detentions accompanied authorities implementation of a
Xinjiang counterextremism regulation, enacted in March 2017, which identified
many of the behaviors deemed extremist, as well as continued implementation of
the National Counterterrorism Law, revised during 2018, which addressed
“religious extremism. In October the Standing Committee of the 12th People’s
Congress in Xinjiang revised its regulation to insert guidance on “vocational skill
education training centers.” Authorities in Xinjiang punished schoolchildren,
university students, and their family members for praying and barred youths from
participating in religious activities, including fasting, during Ramadan. The
government sought the forcible repatriation of Uighur Muslims from foreign
countries and detained some of those who returned.
Uighur Muslims reported severe societal discrimination in employment and
business opportunities. In Xinjiang, tension between Uighur Muslims and Han
Chinese continued.
Embassy officials met with government officials regarding the treatment of Uighur
Muslims in Xinjiang. According to a statement issued at the July 24-26 U.S.
government-hosted Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, “We are
particularly troubled by reports of the Chinese government’s deepening crackdown
on Uighurs and members of other Muslim minority groups… [including] the
detention of hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions, in facilities ranging
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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from makeshift holding centers to prisons, ostensibly for political re-education,” in
the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. There are reports of deaths in these
facilities. We call on the Chinese government to release immediately all those
arbitrarily detained.” On September 21, the Secretary of State said, “Uighurs are
held against their will in so-called reeducation camps where they’re forced to
endure severe political indoctrination and other awful abuses. Their religious
beliefs are decimated. On December 21, in discussing why China remained a
Country of Particular Concern, the Ambassador at Large for International
Religious Freedom said what is happening to Muslim Uighurs is one of the “worst
human rights situations in the world.” In October the then U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations said, “In China, the government is engaged in the persecution of
religious and ethnic minorities that is straight out of George Orwell.” She added,
“It is the largest internment of civilians in the world today” and “It may be the
largest since World War II.”
Section I. Religious Demography
A 2015 report on Xinjiang issued by the State Council Information Office (SCIO)
states Uighur, Kazakh, Hui, Kyrgyz, and members of other predominantly Muslim
ethnic minorities constitute approximately14.2 million residents in Xinjiang, or 61
percent of the total Xinjiang population. Uighur Muslims live primarily in
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal Framework
The constitution of the People’s Republic of China states citizens enjoy “freedom
of religious belief,” but limits protections for religious practice to “normal
religious activities” without defining “normal.” The constitution also stipulates the
right of citizens to believe in or not believe in any religion. Only religious groups
belonging to one of five state-sanctioned “patriotic religious associations”
(Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, Catholic, and Protestant), however, are permitted to
register with the government and legally hold worship services or other religious
ceremonies and activities.
Xinjiang has its own counterterrorism law containing similar provisions regarding
“religious extremism” as the national law. The law bans the wearing of long
beards, full-face coverings, expanding halal practice beyond food, and
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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“interfering” with family planning, weddings, funerals, or inheritance, among other
In November SCIO published a report on cultural protection and development in
Xinjiang that said the government promotes the use of standard Chinese language
by law, issues religious texts published and distributed according to the law, and
provides “important legal protection for the diverse cultural heritage of all ethnic
groups in Xinjiang.”
In October the Xinjiang regional government issued implementing regulations for
the counterterrorism law to permit the establishment of “vocational skill education
training centers” (which the government also calls “education centers” and
“education and transformation establishments”) to “carry out anti-extremist
ideological education.” The revised regulations stipulate, Institutions such as
vocational skill education training centers should carry out training sessions on the
common national language, laws and regulations, and vocational skills, and carry
out anti-extremist ideological education, and psychological and behavioral
correction to promote thought transformation of trainees, and help them return to
the society and family.”
On October 9, The Standing Committee of the 13th People’s Congress of Xinjiang
announced that the regional government maintains the right to uphold the basic
principles of the party’s religious work, adhere to the rule of law, and actively
guide religion to adapt to the socialist society. It states, “The judicial
administrative department shall organize, guide, and coordinate the propaganda
work of relevant laws and regulations, strengthen prison management, prevent the
spread of extremism in prisons, and do relevant remolding, education, and
Regulations in Urumqi, Xinjiang, prohibit veils that cover the face, homeschooling
children, and “abnormal beards.” A separate regulation approved by the Xinjiang
People’s Congress Standing Committee in 2016 bans the practice of religion in
government buildings and the wearing of clothes associated with “religious
Authorities in Xinjiang have defined 26 religious activities, including some
practices of Islam, Christianity, and Tibetan Buddhism, as illegal without
government authorization. These regulations stipulate that no classes, scripture
study groups, or religious studies courses may be offered by any group or
institution without prior government approval. No religious group is permitted to
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
carry out any religious activities, including preaching, missionary work,
proselytizing, and ordaining clergy, without government approval. It also bans
editing, translation, publication, printing, reproduction, production, distribution,
sale, and dissemination of religious publications and audiovisual products without
Xinjiang officials require minors to complete nine years of compulsory education
before they may receive religious education outside of school. Xinjiang
regulations also forbid minors from participating in religious activities and impose
penalties on organizations and individuals who “organize, entice, or force” minors
to participate in religious activities. According to press reports, a regulation in
effect since 2016 further bans any form of religious activity in Xinjiang schools
and stipulates parents or guardians who “organize, lure, or force minors into
religious activities” may be stopped by anyone and reported to police. Xinjiang’s
regional version of the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Law states children
affected by ethnic separatism, extremism and terrorism, and/or committing
offenses that seriously endanger the society but do not constitute a criminal
punishment may be sent to specialized schools for correction” at the request of
their parents, guardians or school. Xinjiang authorities continued to ban giving
children any name with an Islamic connotation.
Government Practices
According to media and NGO reports, since April 2017 the government in
Xinjiang continued to cite concerns over the “three evils” of “ethnic separatism,
religious extremism, and violent terrorism” as reasons to have detained an
estimated 800,000 to two million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other
majority Muslim groups, mostly Chinese citizens, in prison-like conditions.
According to a July ChinaAid article, Christians were also detained in the same
facilities. There were reports of deaths in detention and disappearances. The
government targeted individuals for detention based primarily on their ethnic and
religious identities, and detainees were reportedly subjected to forms of torture or
cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment, including sexual abuse. Police raids and
the government’s restrictions on Islamic practices as part of “strike hard”
campaigns, which began in 2014, continued throughout the year. Local observers
said, however, many incidents related to abuses or pressure on Uighurs went
unreported to international media or NGOs.
According to Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP), two Uighur religious
scholars, Muhammad Salih Hajim and Abdulnehed Mehsum, died in detention
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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camps. Authorities detained Hajim in late 2017, along with several members of his
family, and in January UHRP learned of his death. UHRP reported that Mehsum
died while in detention in Hotan in November 2017, but his death was not made
public until May.
In August The Guardian reported local sources told a reporter that a Uighur named
Karim had been jailed and “died after prolonged heavy labor.” He had lived in
Muslim-majority countries and owned a Uighur restaurant in a major Chinese city.
On November 28, Mihrigul Tursun, said that while in detention, she saw nine
women of the 68 who shared a cell with her die over the course of 3 months.
There were also reports of suicides. A Uighur advocacy group reported that more
than 10 Uighur women committed suicide during the year in direct response to
pressure or abuses by authorities. Reportedly, officials came to their homes and
said either the women had to marry a Han Chinese man or the officials would take
their parents into detention. To prevent this, the women committed suicide.
The New York Times, Radio Free Asia, and UHRP reported on the disappearance
of several Uighur academics and university administrators during the year. A
report released by UHRP in October identified 231 Uighur intellectuals authorities
had caused to disappear, removed from their post, imprisoned, or sent to detention
In October UHRP said Uighur literature professors Abdukerim Rahman, Azat
Sultan, and Gheyretjan Osman, language professor Arslan Abdulla, and poet
Abdulqadir Jalaleddin had disappeared and were believed to be held in detention
Radio Free Asia reported in September that two Kashgar University administrators
(Erkin Omer, Muhter Abdughopur) and two professors (Qurban Osman and Gulnar
Obul) had been removed from their positions and their whereabouts were
International media reported former president of Xinjiang University Tashpolat
Tiyip and former president of Xinjiang Medical University Hospital Halmurat
Ghopur separately received two-year suspended death sentences.
In August The New York Times reported Uighur academic Rahile Dawut, from
Xinjiang, who had lectured and written extensively on Uighur culture, disappeared
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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sometime after telling a relative of her intent to travel to Beijing from Urumqi in
late 2017. Her family and friends said she was secretly detained as part of the
government’s crackdown on Uighurs.
In March Toronto’s The Globe and Mail interviewed Nurgul Sawut, a clinical
social worker in Canberra who said at least 12 of her family members disappeared
in Xinjiang since the beginning of the year. Sawut also stated 54 relatives and
close friends in Xinjiang of one couple in Australia had disappeared and were
presumably in detention facilities. The article said more than 30 members of the
family of Rebiya Kadeer, an activist and former president of the World Uyghur
Congress, vanished or were being detained. Gulchehra Hoja, a broadcaster with
the Uighur service of Radio Free Asia, stated that more than 20 of her relatives
were missing and the government was responsible. The article also reported that
Adalet Rahim of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, said a brother and six cousins were
in forced indoctrination programs. Her father, Abdulaziz Sattar, said some 50 of
his relatives among them bureaucrats, teachers, and a medical doctor had been
incarcerated in Xinjiang.
Associated Press reported the continued disappearance of 16-year-old Uighur
Pakzat Qurban, who arrived at the Urumqi airport from Istanbul on his way to visit
his grandmother in 2016.
There were numerous reports of authorities subjecting detained individuals to
torture and other physical abuse.
In October ChinaAid reported first-hand accounts of a three-part system to which
Uighurs were subjected in several detention facilities. According to local
residents, each camp consists of areas A, B, and C. Guards first placed
“newcomers and Muslims” in C, the worst area, where guards deprived them of
food or water for 24 hours. Guards shackled their hands and feet, beat them, and
screamed insults at them until they repeatedly thanked the CCP and President Xi
Jinping. Then the guards transferred them to area B, where they ate poor quality
food and were permitted to use the bathroom. They went outside for 15 minutes
every day to sing the national anthem. Guards then moved those considered
successfully re-educated in Communist Party beliefs to area A, where the
conditions were better.
The September Human Rights Watch (HRW) report titled Eradicating Ideological
Viruses contained an account from a detention center in Xinjiang where detainees
described interrogations and torture, including beatings, staff hanging detainees
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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from ceilings and walls, and prolonged shackling. Detainees also reported being
kept in spaces so overcrowded there was no room for all to sleep. One detainee
said fellow detainees feared torture when being removed from their cells for
interrogations, and one showed him scars after guards hanged the detainee from the
ceiling. After being left hanging for a night, he said he would agree to anything.
One individual said guards chained him to a bed so at most he could only sit and
stand in one place. Guards told him that they would treat detainees the same way
that they treat murderers. They also said there was a Xinjiang-wide order that all
Uighurs and ethnic Kazakhs would have their feet shackled and their hands
chained together with just five to six “rings” apart, making movement very
In May ChinaAid reported an 87-year-old ethnic Kazakh man said he was tortured
in a Uighur detention facility in Xinjiang. He said authorities blasted noise from a
high-pitched speaker, causing many inmates to slip into comas. He also said
authorities forced Muslims to drink poor quality alcohol and eat pork, practices
against their religious beliefs. Another ethnic Kazakh with knowledge of the
situation said prison officials forced detainees to wear a special helmet that played
noise for 21 hours per day, causing many to suffer mental breakdowns.
In September The Guardian reported that Kairat Samarkand, an ethnic Kazakh
Muslim who had been detained outside Karamagay for nearly four months, said he
was forced to wear an outfit of “iron clothes” that consisted of claws and rods that
left him immobile with his hands and legs outstretched. He said guards forced him
to wear it for 12 hours one day after he refused to make his bed. According to
Samarkand, guards told him that there is no religion, and that the government and
the party would take care of him. Samarkand told The Washington Post that
guards in detention facilities would handcuff and ankle cuff detainees who
disobeyed rules for up to 12 hours, and would subject detainees to waterboarding.
In July ChinaAid reported guards forced a woman in a detention facility to take
unknown medication and her hair fell out. The woman said prison authorities
handcuffed detainees and made them wear 44 pounds of armor for three-12 hours
per day. Guards also shaved off Uighur women’s hair, which some of the women
considered sacred. Helatti Shamarkhan, a former inmate, said he saw detainees
being forcibly vaccinated and medicated.
In September HRW reported that a former detainee said authorities put him in a
small solitary confinement cell measuring approximately 2 by 2 meters (43 square
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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feet). They did not give the detainee any food or drink, handcuffed him in the
back, and forced him to stand for 24 hours without sleep.
NGOs and international media reported arrests and detentions of Muslims in
Xinjiang for “untrustworthy behavior” such as attending religious education
courses, possessing books about religion and Uighur culture, wearing clothing with
Islamic symbols, and traveling to certain counties. There were also reports of
authorities holding children in orphanages after their parents were taken to
internment camps.
The Economist reported authorities in Xinjiang used detailed information to rank
citizens’ “trustworthiness” using various criteria. Officials deemed people as
trustworthy, average, or untrustworthy depending on how they fit into the
following categories: were 15 to 55 years old (i.e., of military age); were Uighur;
were unemployed; had religious knowledge; prayed five times a day; had a
passport; had visited one of 26 countries; had ever overstayed a visa; had family
members in a foreign country (there are at least 10,000 Uighurs in Turkey); and
home schooled their children. The Economist said “…the catalogue is explicitly
racist: people are suspected merely on account of their ethnicity.” Being labelled
“untrustworthy” could lead to being detained by authorities. HRW reported the 26
“sensitive countries” were Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey,
Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.
International media reported the government issued guidelines warning officials to
look out for 75 “signs” or behaviors that signified religious extremism. These
guidelines included growing a beard, praying in public outside of mosques, and
abstaining from smoking or drinking alcohol. Radio Free Asia reported in
November that government authorities in Hotan, Xinjiang, were using an expanded
set of guidelines that included additional behaviors, such as how people stood
during prayer and dying hair red with henna. According to another source,
authorities considered red hair a sign of affiliation with extremist religious groups
because some individuals say the Prophet Mohammad had red hair. Radio Free
Asia reported that officials threatened individuals who did not comply with the list
of proscribed behaviors with detention. Authorities also pressured students to
report information on their family’s religious practices to their teachers, who
would then pass the information to security officials.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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In July the NGO China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) published a report
saying that, based on Chinese government data, criminal arrests in Xinjiang
accounted for 21 percent of all arrests in China in 2017, while the population of
Xinjiang comprised less than 2 percent of China’s overall population. CHRD
reported the ratio of arrests in Xinjiang increased by more than 300 percent during
the 2013-2017 period compared with 5 percent in preceding years. CHRD
reported that, although the government does not provide an ethnic breakdown of
the arrests, “…criminal punishment would disproportionately target the Uyghur
Muslim group based on their percentage of the population.”
On July 25, CHRD reported officials in a Xinjiang village detained the local imam
and forced him to provide his students’ names. Soon thereafter, authorities
detained a carpenter in the village because he had attended Quranic studies classes
10 years previously.
On September 8, the New York Times reported that Abdusalam Muhemet said
police in Xinjiang detained him for reciting a verse of the Quran at a funeral.
Xinjiang residents said authorities detained people for visiting relatives abroad,
possessing books about religion and Uighur culture, and even for wearing a T-shirt
with a Muslim crescent. The article said the goal of these actions was to remove
any devotion to Islam.
HRW reported a witness said he knew “three restaurant owners … [who] ran
‘Islamic’ restaurants – they got detained because they don’t allow smoking or
drinking in their restaurants…. [The authorities] are banning everything Islamic.”
A former detainee stated that authorities in the detention centers did not allow
people to say as-salaam alaikum,” a religious greeting, but instead forced them to
speak Mandarin only. The detainee also stated that if he used Turkic language
words, officials would punish him.
In September The Associated Press reported Gulzar Seley and her infant son,
Uighurs who lived in Istanbul and returned to Xinjiang to visit family, were
imprisoned. According to Seley’s husband, who remained behind in Istanbul,
authorities detained Seley shortly after she arrived at the airport in Urumqi and
took her to her hometown, Karamay. Upon being released for a short period, she
called her husband in Istanbul to tell him she and her son would not be coming
back because she did not have time. She then disappeared, but her husband said he
later learned she and their son were in jail.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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According to The Guardian, in June police in Urumqi sentenced Guli, an ethnic
Kazakh woman from Kazakhstan, to 15 days detention for not having her
identification with her. Local authorities had previously interrogated her, citing
reports that she wore a hijab and prayed. Guli described her detention facility as a
long, single-story building that held approximately 230 women. She said inside
the detention center, guards forced women to sing patriotic songs for two hours on
most days, memorize a 10-point disciplinary code, and undergo self-criticism
sessions. One woman told Guli she was there because police had found a “happy
Eid” message on her phone. Authorities released Guli after eight days and sent her
back to Kazakhstan.
Under a policy launched in 2017, authorities in Xinjiang built “welfare centers”
aimed at providing orphans with state-sponsored care until they turn 18.
According to a July Financial Times report, a former teacher in detention facilities
said detainees’ children were sent to “welfare centers” as they were forbidden to
attend school with “normal” children because their parents had political problems.
The same article said public tenders issued by local governments since 2017
indicated “dozens” of orphanages were being built. One county in Kashgar built
18 new orphanages in 2017 alone, according to local media.
Radio Free Asia reported in July and September that authorities placed children
whose parents were in detention facilities in “Little Angel Schools.” The reports
described the schools as surrounded by walls topped with barbed wire. Reports on
the ages of children held varied, and some said children from six months to 14
years were being held, and were not allowed to go out due to security concerns.
Reportedly, one worker at a regional orphanage in southern Xinjiang told Radio
Free Asia his facility was seriously overcrowded with children “locked up like
farm animals in a shed.” He said, with the overcrowding, authorities “are moving
children to mainland China,” although he was unsure of where they were being
sent. He added that “it isn’t possible” for parents released from detention to look
for their children in orphanages. The CCP Secretary for Hotan Prefecture’s Keriye
County said approximately 2,500 children were being held in two newly
constructed buildings. International media and NGOs reported the government
restricted individuals’ ability to engage in religious practices and forced Muslims
in Xinjiang to perform activities inconsistent with their religious beliefs.
The New York Times reported in September that officials in Hotan set very narrow
limits on the practice of Islam, including a prohibition on praying at home if there
were friends or guests present. Residents said police sometimes searched homes
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
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for forbidden books and items such as prayer mats, using special equipment to
check walls and floors for hidden caches.
ChinaAid reported that on February 17, authorities in Yili, Xinjiang, ordered
Uighurs and ethnic Kazakhs to destroy the Islamic star and crescent symbol on all
gravesites. Otherwise, authorities would forcibly demolish the graves.
Bitter Winter, an online magazine on religious liberty and human rights in China,
reported government officials monitored funeral services in Xinjiang and
prohibited Muslims from commemorating their dead according to their faith
traditions. In February armed police officers detain Ezimet, a Uighur CCP
member from Kashgar City, for performing an Islamic funeral prayer at his
mother’s burial ceremony several years previously. As of year’s end, Ezimet
remained in custody in an undisclosed location. Authorities also implicated his
wife and child, and forced them to study government policy.
Radio Free Asia reported in June that authorities in Xinjiang affiliated with the
Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps were building nine “burial
management centers,” which included crematoria, in areas with high Uighur
populations. Members of the Uighur exile community said authorities were using
the centers to remove the religious context from funerary rites. According to the
article, other members of the exile community said “authorities use the crematoria
to secretly ‘deal with’ the bodies of Uyghurs who have been killed by security
forces during protests against … religious repression… or who have died under
questionable circumstances in re-education camps.” The article cited a source who
said “very few” ethnic corpses brought to his crematorium in Kuchar (Kuche)
county came from the “re-education camps.” The source said the corpses of ethnic
minorities brought to his crematorium are “normally brought to us with special
documentation provided by police.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to deny international media reports
stating authorities banned Uighur Muslims from Ramadan fasting, and said the
constitution provided for religious freedom for Uighurs. Reports published on the
official websites of local governments in Xinjiang, however, indicated authorities
restricted or banned certain groups of Uighurs from observing Ramadan, including
CCP members, their relatives, students, and employees of state-owned enterprises
and state-run organizations, and instead hosted education events about the dangers
of “religious extremism.” Authorities also hosted morning sessions in order to
ensure students and workers ate breakfast. According to The Independent,
authorities required mandatory 24-hour shifts for local government employees, and
mandatory sports activities and patriotic film sessions for students on Fridays
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
throughout the month. Authorities ordered restaurants and grocery stores to
remain open and serve alcohol during Ramadan, according to the website of the
Qapqal County, Yili (Ili) Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture government.
There were reports of authorities prohibiting students from the middle school level
through to the university level from fasting during Ramadan.
According to Radio Free Asia, authorities required all Uighur cadres, civil
servants, and pensioners to sign a pledge stating they would not fast and would
seek to dissuade their families and friends from doing so.
The government facilitated participation in the Hajj, and Muslims applied online or
through local official Islamic associations. Media reported authorities punished
pilgrims attempting to perform the Hajj through routes other than government-
arranged options. According to an official media report in Global Times,
approximately 11,500 Chinese Muslims were expected to make the Hajj
pilgrimage during the year, compared to 12,800 in 2017. Approximately 3,300 of
them were to receive GPS tracking devices as part of a pilot program allowing the
IAC to monitor their location in real time throughout the pilgrimage. According to
the manufacturer, SARA and IAC jointly designed the device. In 2016 IAC
reported that Saudi Arabia imposed an annual quota on the number of pilgrims
from China that was lower than those for other countries. State media said
Xinjiang provided nearly a quarter of pilgrims, although independent sources say
only 1,400 Uighur Muslims were able to participate. These figures included IAC
members and security officials sent to monitor Muslim citizens and prevent
unauthorized activities. Uighur Muslims reported difficulties taking part in state-
sanctioned Hajj travel due to IAC’s criteria for participation in the official Hajj
program. The government confiscated the passports of Uighurs in Xinjiang, and
Uighurs reported near universal failure in efforts to regain possession of travel
documents. Age restrictions limiting Hajj travel to Uighurs over 60 years old also
reduced the number traveling to Mecca, according to media reports. Those
selected to perform state-sanctioned Hajj travel were required to undergo political
and religious “education,” according to SARA and media reports. Uighurs allowed
to attend the Hajj were also reportedly forced to participate in political education
every day during the Hajj. Organizations reported the government favored Hui
Muslims over Uighur Muslims in the Hajj application process. Muslims that chose
to travel outside of legal government channels reportedly often risked deportation
when they tried to travel through third countries.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In September HRW reported authorities began requiring everyone in a village in
Xinjiang to gather for a weekly Chinese flag-raising ceremony. On one occasion,
police hit an elderly woman, telling her to take off her headscarf. Authorities
confiscated prayer mats and copies of the Quran. Village authorities prohibited
children from learning about religion, even at home.
In February ChinaAid reported that officials forced Muslims in Xinjiang to take
part in traditional methods of celebration for the Chinese Lunar New Year, despite
conflicts with Islam. According to an ethnic Kazakh man, authorities forced ethnic
Kazakhs and Uighurs in Xinjiang to eat pork dumplings a violation of Islamic
dietary restrictions. If they refused, public security staff detained them on the spot.
Authorities continued to prevent any “illegal” religious activities in Xinjiang and
prioritize Chinese language and culture over Uighur language and culture under the
rubric of ethnic unity. Authorities promoted loyalty to the Communist Party as the
most important value. Reportedly, authorities encouraged thousands of Uighurs to
participate against their will in ceremonies wearing traditional Han Chinese
clothing, performing tai chi, and singing the national anthem. HRW reported in
September that in Xinjiang, officials required individuals to attend political
indoctrination meetings and, for some, Mandarin classes.
On December 12, the SCIO issued a report on what it said was the progress of
human rights over 40 years. The report said the state offered training sessions to
clerics on interpreting scriptures and, since 2011, the National Religious Affairs
Administration had trained several hundred Islamic clerics from Xinjiang. The
central government supported the Xinjiang Islamic Institute.
Authorities in Xinjiang maintained extensive and invasive security and
surveillance, reportedly in part to gain information regarding individuals’ religious
adherence and practices.
HRW reported the government required all individuals in Xinjiang to have a
spyware app on their mobile phone because the government considered web
cleansing” necessary to prevent access to terrorist information. Failing to install
the app, which could identify whom people called, track online activity, and record
social media use, was deemed an offense. The reported stated that “Wi-Fi sniffers”
in public places monitored all networked devices in range.
The People’s High Court, Public Security Bureau, Bureau of Culture, and Bureau
of Industry and Commerce in Xinjiang continued to implement restrictions on
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
video and audio recordings the government defined as promoting terrorism,
religious extremism, and separatism. Authorities prohibited dissemination of such
materials on the internet, social media, and in online marketplaces. As part of
these measures, police randomly stopped individuals to check their mobile phones
for sensitive content.
In September HRW stated that in Xinjiang, officials used questionnaires to
examine people’s everyday behavior, inputting the results into a large-scale data
analysis program. According to HRW, any indications of religious piousness,
along with “storing lots of food in one’s home” or owning fitness equipment, could
be construed as signs of “extremism.” HRW said the government’s religious
restrictions had become so stringent that it had “effectively outlawed the practice
of Islam.”
At the end of December 2017, HRW reported a continuing effort of authorities in
Xinjiang to collect DNA samples, fingerprints, iris scans, and blood types of all
residents in the region between the ages of 12 and 65. This campaign significantly
expanded authorities’ collection of biodata beyond previous government efforts in
the region, which were limited to biometric information from passport applicants.
According to The New York Times, authorities collected DNA samples, face-scans,
voice recordings, and fingerprints of individuals in Xinjiang after saying they were
receiving a free health check, but authorities refused to provide the results of the
“check.” In patent applications filed in 2013 and 2017, government researchers
said they took genetic material from Uighurs and compared it with DNA from
other ethnic groups, and were able to sort people by ethnicity. Human rights
groups and Uighur activists said collecting genetic material was a key part of the
government’s campaign in Xinjiang. They said the government would compile the
information into a comprehensive DNA database used to track any Uighurs who
resisted conforming to the government’s wishes.
According to an HRW report released in September, an individual who spent
months in detainment facilities in Xinjiang said in May that guards watched the
inmates through video cameras, forcing everyone to remain still until a voice came
from the speakers telling detainees they could relax for a few minutes. Guards also
watched when inmates went to the bathroom. The same report detailed how the
government extended surveillance to life outside the camps. A woman who left
Xinjiang in 2017 told HRW that five officials took turns watching over her at
home, documenting that they had checked on her. According to the report, the
government officials appeared in photographs reading political propaganda
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
together and preparing a bed to stay overnight. The report said having male cadres
stay overnight in homes with female inhabitants caused women and girls to be
vulnerable to sexual abuse.
Throughout Ramadan, authorities in Hotan Prefecture assigned party cadres to stay
in local residences. They observed families throughout the day and ensured they
did not pray or fast. According to Radio Free Asia, an official said “During this
period, [officials] will get to know the lives of the people, assist in their daily
activities such as farming and propagate laws and regulations, party and
government ethnic and religious policies, and so on.”
In May CNN reported that authorities had dispatched more than one million
Communist officials from other parts of the country to live with local families in
Xinjiang. The report stated the government instituted these home stays to target
farmer households in southern Xinjiang, where authorities have been waging what
the report called an unrelenting campaign against the forces of “terrorism,
separatism, and religious extremism.” The report also stated the government
required families to provide detailed information on their personal lives and
political views during the officials’ visits. Authorities also subjected families to
political education from the live-in officials whom the government had mandated
to stay at least one week per month in some locations. The program started in
2014, according to CNN.
A local Xinjiang government statement online indicated officials had to inspect the
homes in which they were staying for any religious elements or logos and
instructed the officials to confiscate any such items they found.
On August 8, The New York Times reported that, in addition to the mass detentions
in Xinjiang, authorities intensified the use of informers and expanded police
surveillance, including installing cameras in some people’s homes.
In May The Economist reported that in Hotan, Xinjiang, there were police stations
approximately every 300 meters (1000 feet). The article stated that the
government referred to the stations as “convenience police stations.” The stations
were part of a grid-management system similar to those Xinjiang Party Secretary
Chen Quanguo started when he was Party Secretary in Tibet from 2011 to 2016.
In Xinjiang authorities divided each city into squares, with approximately 500
people in each square. Every square had a police station that monitored the
inhabitants. The report adds that every village in Xinjiang had a similar type of
“convenience police station.”
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The same report detailed police activities at a large checkpoint on the edge of
Hotan, where a police officer ordered all the passengers off the bus. The
passengers (all Uighur) took turns in a booth, where officials scanned identity
cards, took photographs and fingerprints, used newly installed iris-recognition
technology, and forced women to take off their headscarves. The officials also
forced young Uighurs to give authorities access to their phones in order to
download their smart phone contents for later analysis.
The government restricted access to houses of worship. The Economist reported in
May that in Hotan authorities closed neighborhood mosques, leaving a handful of
large mosques open. The account stated that police forced worshippers to register
with them before attending mosques. At the entrance to the largest mosque in
Kashgar, the Idh Kha a famous place of pilgrimage two policemen sat
underneath a banner saying “Love the party, love the country.” Inside, a member
of the mosque’s staff held classes for local traders on how to be a good
Communist. In Urumqi, the article stated that authorities knocked down minarets
and Islamic crescents on the mosques that were permitted to remain open. Other
reports said restrictions across Xinjiang that required worshippers to apply for
mosque entry permits remained in place. According to a local source, authorities
banned individuals under the age of 20 from attending religious services in
The government reportedly moved against human rights activists. Radio Free Asia
reported that on August 16, police threatened prominent Hui Muslim poet Cui
Haoxin (whose pen name is An Ran), after he tweeted about the mass incarceration
of Uighurs in internment camps. According to Cui, five police officers raided his
home and warned him not to use social media. Authorities had previously sent Cui
to a weeklong re-education course in eastern China and briefly detained him in
connection with his poetry and writings that referenced Xinjiang.
The government also reportedly restricted travel and sought to intimidate or
forcibly repatriate Uighur and other Muslims abroad.
According to an HRW September report, individuals had to apply to the police for
permission and proceed through numerous checkpoints to go from one town to the
next in Xinjiang. HRW also reported that authorities recalled passports from
people in the region and prohibited communication with individuals outside the
country, including relatives. Ethnoreligious minorities also reported increased
screening at airport, train station, and roadside security checkpoints.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The Wall Street Journal reported in August that Chinese security officials told
Uighurs living abroad to collect information on other Uighurs. Several Uighurs
abroad reported the government denying their passport renewals and instead
offering a one-way travel document back to China. Several individuals also
reported authorities threatened to put family members of Uighurs living abroad
into detention centers if they did not return.
HRW reported that in September an officer called an ethnic Turkic Muslim living
in the United States and told him to return to China, threatening to abduct him if he
refused. It may not be now, the officer said, “but this is just a matter of time.”
HRW reported in June that Chinese authorities contacted Murat, a 37-year-old
student living outside the country whose sister was in a detention facility in China,
telling her that even though she was in a foreign country, they could “manage” her.
Murat stated that she did not join any terrorist organization or any organization
against China or join any demonstrations.
According to a Business Insider report from August the government began
compiling a database of its Muslim citizens living abroad. The article said
authorities used intimidation tactics to obtain license plate numbers, bank details,
and marriage certificate information from Uighur citizens in other countries.
In a March 28 article, The Economist cited reports issued by human rights groups
saying authorities forced hundreds of Uighurs back to China in the past decade
from Egypt, Thailand, Vietnam, and elsewhere. These groups said Chinese
authorities in foreign countries had detained and interrogated individuals and
several hundred were in foreign jails. Chinese officials often recruited local
residents on both sides of the country’s southwestern borders and across Central
Asia to report the arrival of “suspicious” individuals. The Economist report said
the government frequently succeeded in having these individuals sent back without
going through any official legal process.
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
Because the government and individuals closely link religion, culture, and
ethnicity, it was difficult to categorize many incidents of societal discrimination as
being solely based on religious identity. Muslims in Xinjiang faced discrimination
in hiring and retaining their positions.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
In Xinjiang, policies discriminating against Uighurs, as well as greater access to
economic opportunities for Han Chinese, exacerbated tensions between Uighur
Muslims and both the Han Chinese and the government.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement
Embassy officials routinely raised concerns the treatment of Uighur Muslims in
Xinjiang with Chinese government officials. A statement issued to accompany the
July 24-26 U.S. Government-hosted Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
said, “We are particularly troubled by reports of the Chinese government’s
deepening crackdown on Uighurs and members of other Muslim minority
groups…[including] the detention of hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions,
in facilities ranging from makeshift holding centers to prisons, ostensibly for
political re-education,” in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. There are
reports of deaths in these facilities. We call on the Chinese government to release
immediately all those arbitrarily detained.” On September 21, the Secretary of
State said, “Uighurs are held against their will in so-called reeducation camps
where they’re forced to endure severe political indoctrination and other awful
abuses. Their religious beliefs are decimated.” On December 21, while explaining
why China remained designated on the list of Countries of Particular Concern, the
Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom said what is happening
to Muslim Uighurs is one of the “worst human rights situations in the world. At
the October 15 Chiefs of Defense Conference Dinner in Washington, the then U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations said, “In China, the government is engaged in
the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities that is straight out of George
Orwell. She added, “It is the largest internment of civilians in the world today
and “It may be the largest since World War II.”
The embassy and consulates general delivered direct messaging about religious
freedom in Xinjiang through social media posts on Weibo and WeChat. In a series
of April messages, the embassy posted the Department of State Spokesperson’s
criticism of the arrest of Uighur journalists’ family members in Xinjiang, driving a
surge of engagement with Chinese online users on the issue of religious repression
in Xinjiang. In July the embassy promoted the Ministerial to Advance Religious
Freedom in Washington through social media posts advocating for religious
freedom that stimulated online debate regarding the situation of Muslims in
Xinjiang. The embassy and consulates general created messages for Ramadan and
Eid featuring the Ambassador and Consuls General, and promoted Islamic holiday
messages from the White House, the Secretary of State, and others. These
messages sparked online engagement on the issue of religious freedom for
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Muslims, and, in particular, for Xinjiang’s ethnic minority Muslim populations.
The embassy and consulates general created weekly social media content
promoting tolerance for religious and ethnic diversity, generally by using examples
from the United States to inspire discussion about religious freedom in China,
including Xinjiang. The embassy continued to draw attention to specific cases of
repression in Xinjiang, and while government censors often blocked such posts on
Weibo and WeChat, the discussion continued on Twitter. The embassy’s Twitter
followers regularly engaged in open, Chinese-language discussions related to
Xinjiang or that were critical of Chinese official positions.
Embassy and consulate general officials also engaged directly with Chinese
audiences for discussions about religious freedom for Muslims. In July the
embassy hosted a screening and discussion of a film about gender equality in
Islamic society which explained the Islamic faith, the rituals of Ramadan, and
wearing the hijab. In January a Guangzhou Consulate General officer spoke on
freedom of religion, focusing on its role in ameliorating sources of terrorism,
which led to an audience discussion about the role of Islam in China.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Executive Summary
The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), as well as
other laws and policies, states residents have freedom of conscience; freedom of
religious belief; and freedom to preach, conduct, and participate in religious
activities in public. The Bill of Rights Ordinance incorporates the religious
freedom protections of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR). Falun Gong practitioners reported generally being able to operate
openly, however, they reported harassment from groups they said were connected
to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and difficulty renting venues for large
events, including from the SAR government. Falun Gong practitioners held a rally
in October to raise awareness of what they said was 19 years of CCP persecution
of the Falun Gong in the Mainland.
Some Hong Kong pastors’ exchanges with Mainland counterparts reportedly were
negatively affected by changed regulations on the Mainland. Religious leaders
reported hosting and participating in interfaith activities, such as a local mosque
and a Jewish synagogue maintaining regular interaction between religious leaders
of each community.
The U.S. consulate general affirmed U.S. government support for protecting
freedom of religion and belief in meetings with the government. The Consul
General and consulate general officials met regularly with religious leaders and
community representatives to promote religious equality.
Section I. Religious Demography
The U.S. government estimates the total population at 7.2 million (July 2018
estimate). According to SAR government statistics, there are more than one
million followers of Buddhism and more than one million followers of Taoism;
480,000 Protestants; 379,000 Roman Catholics; 100,000 Hindus, and 12,000 Sikhs.
According to the World Jewish Congress, about 2,500 Jews live in Hong Kong.
According to a 2017 South China Morning Post article, there are approximately
25,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints residing in
Hong Kong. SAR government statistics estimate the SAR has approximately
300,000 Muslims. Small communities of Baha’is and Zoroastrians also reside in
the SAR. Confucianism is widespread, and in some cases, elements of
Confucianism are practiced in conjunction with other belief systems. The Falun
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Gong estimates there are approximately 500 Falun Gong practitioners in Hong
There are dozens of Protestant denominations, including Anglican, Baptist,
Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Church of Christ in China, Lutheran,
Methodist, Pentecostal, and Seventh-day Adventists. The Catholic Diocese of
Hong Kong recognizes the pope and maintains links to the Vatican.
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal Framework
Under the Basic Law, the Hong Kong SAR has autonomy in the management of
religious affairs. The Basic Law calls for ties between the region’s religious
groups and their mainland counterparts based on “nonsubordination,
noninterference, and mutual respect.” The Basic Law states residents have
freedom of conscience; freedom of religious belief; and freedom to preach,
conduct, and participate in religious activities in public. The Basic Law also states
the government may not interfere in the internal affairs of religious organizations
or restrict religious activities that do not contravene other laws.
The Bill of Rights Ordinance incorporates the religious freedom protections of the
ICCPR, which include the right to manifest religious belief individually or in
community with others, in public or private, and through worship, observance,
practice, and teaching. The Bill of Rights Ordinance states persons belonging to
ethnic, religious, or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their own culture,
profess and practice their own religion, and use their own language. The ordinance
also protects the right of parents or legal guardians to “ensure the religious and
moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.” These
rights may be limited when an emergency is proclaimed and “manifestation” of
religious beliefs may be limited by law when necessary to protect public safety,
order, health, or morals, or the rights of others. Such limitations may not
discriminate solely on the basis of religion.
Religious groups are not legally required to register with the government; however,
they must register to receive government benefits such as tax-exempt status, rent
subsidies, government or other professional development training, the use of
government facilities, or a grant to provide social services. To qualify for such
benefits, a group must prove to the satisfaction of the government that it is
established solely for religious, charitable, social, or recreational reasons.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Registrants must provide the name and purpose of the organization, identify its
office holders, and confirm the address of the principal place of business and any
other premises owned or occupied by the organization. If a religious group
registers with the government, it enters the registry of all nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), but the government makes no adjudication on the validity
of any registered groups. Religious groups may register as a society and/or tax-
exempt organization as long as they have at least three members who hold valid
SAR identity documents; the registration process normally takes approximately 12
working days. Falun Gong is not classified as a religious group under the law, as it
is registered as a society, under which its Hong Kong-based branches are able to
establish offices, collect dues from members, and have legal status.
The Basic Law allows private schools to provide religious education. The
government offers subsidies to schools built and run by religious groups, should
they seek such support. Government-subsidized schools must adhere to
government curriculum standards and may not bar students based on religion, but
they may provide nonmandatory religious instruction as part of their curriculum.
Teachers may not discriminate against students because of their religious beliefs.
The public school curriculum mandates coursework on ethics and religious studies,
with a focus on religious tolerance; the government curriculum also includes
elective modules on different world religions.
Religious groups may apply to the government to lease land at concessional terms
through Home Affairs Bureau sponsorship. Religious groups may apply to
develop or use facilities in accordance with local legislation.
The only direct government role in managing religious affairs is the Chinese
Temples Committee, led by the secretary for home affairs. The SAR chief
executive appoints its members. The committee oversees the management and
logistical operations of 24 of the region’s 600 temples and provides grants to other
charitable organizations. The committee provides grants to the Home Affairs
Bureau for disbursement, in the form of financial assistance to needy ethnic
Chinese citizens. The colonial-era law does not require new temples to register to
be eligible for Temples Committee assistance.
An approximately 1,200-member Election Committee elects Hong Kong’s chief
executive. The Basic Law stipulates that the Election Committee’s members shall
be “broadly representative.” Committee members come from four sectors, divided
into 38 subsectors, representing various trades, professions, and social services
groups. The religious subsector is comprised of the Catholic Diocese of Hong
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Kong, the Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association, the Hong Kong
Christian Council, the Hong Kong Taoist Association, the Confucian Academy,
and the Hong Kong Buddhist Association. These six bodies are each entitled to 10
of the 60 seats for the religious subsector on the Election Committee. The
religious subsector is not required to hold elections under the Chief Executive
Election Ordinance. Instead, each religious organization selects its electors in its
own fashion. Each of the six designated religious groups is also a member of the
Hong Kong Colloquium of Religious Leaders.
Government Practices
During the year, Falun Gong practitioners reported generally being able to operate
openly and engage in behavior that remained prohibited elsewhere in the People’s
Republic of China (PRC), such as distributing literature and conducting public
exhibitions. In August, in an ongoing Falun Gong lawsuit against the Hong Kong
government to contest a requirement to obtain government approval for the display
of posters, a court overturned government decisions to confiscate Falun Gong
banners. Falun Gong practitioners said they suspected that the CCP funded private
groups that harassed them at public events. Practitioners also reported continuing
difficulties renting venues for large meetings and cultural events from both
government and private facilities. According to Falun Gong practitioners, the
Hong Kong government, which controls a significant number of large venues in
the city, denied Falun Gong members’ applications to rent venues, often telling
practitioners that the venues were fully booked. Private venues also refused to rent
space to the Falun Gong, which Falun Gong practitioners attributed to concerns
about harassment by anti-Falun Gong groups that they believed were linked to the
central government.
Falun Gong practitioners held a rally on October 1 to raise awareness of what they
said was 19 years of CCP persecution of the Falun Gong in the Mainland. The
Falun Gong reported that many local political leaders spoke at the rally to support
their cause.
The Home Affairs Bureau functioned as a liaison between religious groups and the
Senior government leaders often participated in large-scale events held by religious
organizations. The SAR government and Legislative Council representatives
participated in Confucian and Buddhist commemorative activities, Taoist festivals,
and other religious events throughout the year.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
Some religious groups expressed concern that new PRC religious affairs
regulations that entered into force in February had a negative impact on exchanges
and interactions with counterparts in the Mainland. Media reported that Hong
Kong Christian churches provided underground churches on the Mainland with
monetary support, Bibles, blacklisted Christian literature, theological training, and
assistance in founding new churches. Under the new regulations in the Mainland,
however, many Hong Kong pastors were suspending or canceling their work with
Mainland churches to avoid endangering people there, according to media reports.
Religious groups, some of which received government funding, provided a wide
range of social services open to those of all religious affiliations including welfare,
elder care, hospitals, publishing services, media and employment services,
rehabilitation centers, youth and community service functions, and other charitable
Religious leaders reported hosting and participating in interfaith activities. For
example, a local mosque and a local Jewish synagogue maintained regular
interaction between religious leaders of each community. Jewish leaders also
hosted public events to raise Holocaust awareness.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement
Consulate general officials, including the Consul General, stressed the importance
of religious freedom and interfaith dialogue in meetings with government officials,
religious leaders, NGOs, and community representatives. The Consul General and
other consulate officials met with Buddhist, Catholic, Taoist, Jewish, Muslim,
Protestant, and Sikh religious leaders and adherents to emphasize the importance
of religious freedom and tolerance and to receive reports about the status of
religious freedom both in Hong Kong and in the Mainland.
Throughout the year, consulate general officials promoted respect for religious
traditions by marking traditional religious holidays and visiting local Taoist,
Confucian, and Buddhist temples. The Consul General hosted an annual iftar at his
residence, and consulate officers participated in other festival celebrations with the
Buddhist, Confucian, and Muslim communities. Consulate general officials also
participated in Holocaust commemorations. At all these events, consulate general
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
officials stressed in public and private remarks the importance of religious
freedom, tolerance, and diversity.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Executive Summary
The Basic Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) grants
residents freedom of religious belief, freedom to preach and participate in religious
activities in public, and freedom to pursue religious education. The law also
protects the right of religious assembly and the rights of religious organizations to
administer schools, hospitals, and welfare institutions and to provide other social
services. The law states the government does not recognize a state religion and
explicitly states all religious denominations are equal before the law. The law
stipulates religious groups may develop and maintain relations with religious
groups abroad. Falun Gong continued to hold rallies and protests of Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.
There were no reports of significant societal actions affecting religious freedom.
In meetings with religious leaders and civil society representatives, representatives
from the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau stressed the importance
of religious freedom and tolerance for all religious groups and discussed religious
communities’ relations with their coreligionists on the Mainland and in Hong
Section I. Religious Demography
The U.S. government estimates the total population at 606,000 (July 2018
estimate). The latest SAR yearbook does not provide an estimate for Buddhists but
states they are numerous and that individuals often practice a mixture of
Buddhism, Confucianism, and Chinese folk religions. Other sources say the
majority of the population practices Buddhism or Chinese folk religions. The SAR
Government Information Bureau estimates there are approximately 30,000 Roman
Catholics, of whom more than half are foreign domestic workers and other
expatriates, and more than 8,000 Protestants. Protestant denominations include the
Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian Churches.
Evangelical Christian and independent local nondenominational churches, some of
which are affiliated with Mainland churches, are also present. Various reports
estimate the Muslim population at 5,000 to 10,000. Smaller religious groups
include Bahais, who estimate their membership at above 2,000, and a small group
of Falun Gong practitioners, with some estimates at 20 to 50 persons.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal Framework
The Basic Law states residents have freedom of religious belief and the freedom to
publicly preach as well as conduct and participate in religious activities. These
rights may be limited in extreme situations for national security reasons. The
Basic Law further stipulates the government shall not interfere in the internal
affairs of religious groups or in their relations with their counterparts outside
Macau. It bars the government from restricting religious activities that do not
contravene the laws of the Macau SAR.
Under the Basic Law, the Macau SAR government, rather than the central
government of the People’s Republic of China, safeguards religious freedom in the
The law states the Macau SAR government does not recognize a state religion and
stipulates all religious denominations are equal before the law. The law further
provides for freedom of religion, including privacy of religious belief, freedom of
religious assembly, freedom to hold religious processions, and freedom of religious
Religious groups are not required to register in order to conduct religious activities,
but registration enables them to benefit from legal status. Religious groups register
with the Identification Bureau, providing the name of an individual applicant and
that persons position in the group, identification card number, and contact
information, as well as the group’s name and a copy of the group’s charter to
register. To receive tax-exempt status or other advantages, religious groups
register as charities with the Identification Bureau by submitting the same
information and documents as are required to register.
The law guarantees religious organizations may run seminaries and schools,
hospitals, and welfare institutions and provide other social services.
Schools run by religious organizations may provide religious education under the
law. No religious education is required in public schools.
By law, religious groups may develop and maintain relations with religious groups
abroad. The Catholic Church in Macau, in communion with the Holy See,
recognizes the pope as its head. The Vatican appoints the bishop for the diocese.
International Religious Freedom Report for 2018
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Government Practices
Falun Gong members continued to hold rallies and set up informational sites at
public venues without incident. In July Falun Gong practitioners held a rally to
protest the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong members on the Mainland and a
candlelight vigil to commemorate deceased practitioners.
Some religious groups reported they retained their ability to conduct charitable
activities on the Mainland by working through official channels and officially
recognized churches. There were reports that Mainland students could not attend
local seminaries.
The Catholic Diocese of Macau continued to run many educational institutions.
The government provided financial support, regardless of religious affiliation, for
the establishment of schools, child-care centers, clinics, homes for the elderly,
rehabilitation centers, and vocational training centers run by religious groups. The
government also continued to refer victims of human trafficking to religious
organizations for the provision of support services.
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
There were no reports of significant societal actions affecting religious freedom.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement
U.S. Consulate General representatives in Hong Kong, including the Consul
General, stressed the importance of religious diversity and discussed religious
communities’ relations with their coreligionists on the Mainland. They raised
these points in meetings with civil society interlocutors, including the Catholic
Bishop of Macau, Catholic nongovernmental organizations, and Protestant clergy.