March 12, 2021
How to Read the Michigan
Vehicle Record
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vehicle Title and Registration Record ......................................................................................................................... 2
Sample Vehicle and Title Record ................................................................................................................................... 3
Sample Vehicle Record Key ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Title Brands ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Salvage and Scrap Vehicle Title Records ....................................................................................................................... 6
Sample Scrap Record ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Abandoned Vehicle Record ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Sample Abandoned Vehicle Record ............................................................................................................................... 7
Abandoned Vehicle Search ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Sample Abandoned Vehicle Record .......................................................................................................................... 8
Repeat Offender ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Sample Repeat Offender Record ................................................................................................................................... 9
Sample Repeat Offender Record Key ...................................................................................................................... 10
Mobile Home Title Record ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Sample Mobile Home Record ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Sample Mobile Home Record Key........................................................................................................................... 12
Watercraft Title and Registration Record ................................................................................................................. 13
Sample Watercraft and Registration Record ............................................................................................................... 13
Sample Watercraft Title and Registration Record Key............................................................................................ 14
Snowmobile Registration Record .............................................................................................................................. 15
Sample Snowmobile Record ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Sample Snowmobile Record Key............................................................................................................................. 16
Moped Registration Record ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Sample Moped Record ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Sample Moped Record Key ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Transaction Type Definition ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Title Transaction Type ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Registration Transaction Type ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Indicator/Status Definition ....................................................................................................................................... 20
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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The following records and their definitions are provided as a service from the Michigan Department of
State (MDOS) for you, the record requestor, to better understand vehicle, mobile home, watercraft,
snowmobile, and moped records.
Each line of the record is numbered. A corresponding line number with an explanation is listed under the
LINE-BY-LINE EXPLANATION PAGES detailing what each item in the record means.
Any questions regarding the record can be answered by calling the Department of State Information
Center at 1-888-SOS-MICH (1-888-767-6424).
Vehicle Title and Registration Record
Every motor vehicle, trailer coach, and trailer when driven or moved upon public roads is subject to
registration and titling requirements under the Michigan Vehicle Code unless otherwise exempt. For
information on exemptions, check online for the Michigan Vehicle Code at
(Chapter 257 of the Michigan Compiled Laws) or contact the
Department of State Information Center at 1-888-SOS-MICH (1-888-767-6424).
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Sample Vehicle and Title Record
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Sample Vehicle Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. Detailed vehicle information including the year, make, model (if applicable), body style, vehicle
type, and vehicle identification number (VIN).
3. The last transaction type processed against the vehicle title. The date of title issuance. The title
number assigned.
4. The odometer brand and odometer reading. Any brands associated to the vehicle will be listed
under the Brands heading. The list of possible brands is listed below.
5. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner(s), address, and driver’s license number.
6. The secured interest name and address and date the loan was filed. If no secured interest is on
record, this area will state “NO SECURED INTEREST ON RECORD.”
7. License plate number registered to this vehicle and the plate’s characteristics.
8. Transaction type is the last activity processed against the registration. Original issue date is the
date the plate was issued. The expiration date is when the registration will expire. Transaction
number is a system-generated number associated to the transaction type.
9. Recreation passport indicates if a recreation passport was purchased. The county where the
vehicle is registered. The transaction date is the date of the last activity processed against the
10. Months indicates the number of months purchased when the vehicle was last registered.
Registration fee is the fee charged based on the last registration activity. Fee category is either the
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) based or the vehicle empty weight.
11. Electronic Insurance Verification (EIV) indicates if Michigan No Fault Insurance is stored on the
Departments of State’s system.
Title Brands
Flood - vehicle acquired by an insurance company as part of the settlement of a water damage
Municipal - vehicle used by a unit of government (city, county, township, public college, or
university, etc.).
Police - vehicle used by law enforcement.
Rebuilt - a vehicle previously salvaged but has been recertified for road use.
Salvage - a vehicle suffers damage between 75% and 90% of its pre-damaged cash value.
Scrap - vehicle that has one or more major component parts that have been wrecked, destroyed,
damaged, stolen, or missing to the extent that the total estimated cost of repair (parts and labor)
for the vehicle is 91% or more of its pre-damaged value.
Taxi - vehicle used as a taxicab.
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Salvage and Scrap Vehicle Title Records
When a vehicle with a salvage title has been repaired or rebuilt, it cannot be used on-road or titled and
plated as a regular rebuilt vehicle until it is recertified by a specially trained law enforcement officer.
A title that has been recertified for road use will show the following legend:
Beginning July 1, 1994, a scrap title is issued to a vehicle that has one or more major component parts that
have been wrecked, destroyed, damaged, stolen, or missing to the extent that the total estimated cost of
repair (parts and labor) for the vehicle is 91% or more of its pre-damaged value.
A title that is issued under the scrap law will show the following legend.
Salvage vehicle titles are ORANGE in color.
Scrap vehicle titles are RED in color.
Regular vehicle titles are GREEN in color.
Sample Scrap Record
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Abandoned Vehicle Record
If a vehicle is abandoned on public property (18-48 hours), law enforcement or their designee may tag the
vehicle for removal and/or arrange for the vehicle to be towed. If the vehicle is abandoned on private
property, the property owner may arrange for immediate removal of the vehicle. Effective October 1,
2005, law enforcement and towing agencies have partnered with the Michigan Department of State
(MDOS) to expedite the abandoned vehicle removal and notification process.
The abandoned vehicle indicator, who reported the vehicle abandoned and when the vehicle was reported
abandoned, displays at the top of the record.
Sample Abandoned Vehicle Record
Abandoned Vehicle Search
To see if a vehicle was reported abandoned, you can go to,4670,7-127-
1. Select Vehicle Services button.
2. Under Vehicle Searches, select Abandoned Vehicle Search.
3. Select the proper vehicle type.
4. Enter the VIN or plate number. The VIN can be found on the vehicle's title, registration, or
certificate of insurance.
5. Select Search.
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Sample Abandoned Vehicle Record
Sample Abandoned Vehicle Record Key
1. Street address or cross streets where the abandoned vehicle was found.
2. Date the vehicle was towed.
3. The year and make of the vehicle.
4. The person or business/legal entity responsible for storing an abandoned vehicle taken into
custody. Usually, this is the towing agency.
5. How the vehicle was disposed. There are four dispositions.
Redeemed by Owner/Secured Party
Sold at Auction
Transferred Ownership without Sale
Vehicle Scrapped
6. The law enforcement agency contacted concerning the abandoned vehicle.
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Repeat Offender
Vehicle holds, messages, and indicators resulting from alcohol-related offenses will appear on the title and
registration record.
Additional information on how alcohol-related offenses may impact titling or registering of vehicle.
Repeat Offender Laws,1607,7-127-1627_8665_9070-21501--,00.html
Repeat Offender Inquiry,1607,7-127--32563--,00.html
Sample Repeat Offender Record
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Sample Repeat Offender Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. The Repeat Offender indicator includes the date the indicator was added, and the vehicle title
cannot be transferred to an immediate family member.
3. Detailed vehicle information including the year, make, model (if applicable), body style, vehicle
type, and vehicle identification number (VIN).
4. The last transaction type processed against the vehicle title. The date of title issuance. The title
number assigned.
5. The odometer brand and odometer reading. Any brands associated to the vehicle will be listed
under the Brands heading. The list of possible is listed on page 5.
6. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner, address, and driver’s license number.
7. The secured interest name and address and date the loan was filed. If no secured interest is on
record, this area will state “NO SECURED INTEREST ON RECORD.”
8. The Repeat Offender indicator includes the date the indicator was added, vehicle is not eligible for
a metal plate, and the offense date.
9. License plate number registered to this vehicle and the plate’s characteristics.
10. Transaction type is the last activity processed against the registration. Original issue date is the
date the plate was issued. The expiration date is when the registration will expire. Transaction
number is a system-generated number associated to the transaction type.
11. Recreation passport indicates if a passport was purchased. The county where the vehicle is
registered. The transaction date is the date of the last activity processed against the registration.
12. Months indicates the number of months purchased when the vehicle was last registered.
Registration fee is the fee charged based on the last registration activity. Fee category is either the
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) based or the vehicle empty weight.
13. Electronic Insurance Verification (EIV) indicates if Michigan No Fault Insurance is stored on the
Departments of State’s system.
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Mobile Home Title Record
All mobile homes in Michigan are subject to the titling requirements provided under Public Act 96 of 1987.
The only exception is a mobile home owned by a manufacturer, a mobile home being held for resale by a
licensed mobile home dealer, or a mobile home permanently affixed to land owned by the mobile
homeowner. For information on mobile homes contact the Department of State Information Center at
1-888-SOS-MICH (1-888-767-6424).
Sample Mobile Home Record
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Sample Mobile Home Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. Detailed vehicle information including the year, make, body style, vehicle type, and vehicle
identification number (VIN).
3. The last transaction type processed against the vehicle title. The date of title issuance. The title
number assigned.
4. No information will display here.
5. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner, address, and driver’s license number.
6. The secured interest name and address and date the loan was filed. If no secured interest is on
record, this area will state “NO SECURED INTEREST ON RECORD.”
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Watercraft Title and Registration Record
All watercraft on Michigan waters, including privately-owned lakes and waterways, must be registered and
display a decal except those specifically exempt.
All watercraft 20 feet and over in length must be titled in Michigan unless exempt. All watercraft with a
permanently-affixed engine, regardless of length, must be titled in Michigan unless exempt.
For watercraft registration or title exemption information, contact the Department of State Information
Center at 1-888-SOS-MICH (1-888-767-6424).
Sample Watercraft and Registration Record
How to Read the Michigan Vehicle Record
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Sample Watercraft Title and Registration Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. Detailed watercraft information including the year, make, model (if applicable), body style,
watercraft length, and hull identification number (HIN).
3. Characteristics of the watercraft.
4. The last transaction type processed against the watercraft title. The date of title issuance. The title
number assigned. If the watercraft is not titled, information on line 4 will not show.
5. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner, address, and driver’s license number.
6. The secured interest name and address and date the loan was filed. If no secured interest is on
record, this area will state “NO SECURED INTEREST ON RECORD.”
7. The MC number registered to the watercraft. Original issue date is the last date an activity was
processed against the registration. Expiration date is when the registration will expire. County is
where the watercraft is registered.
8. Transaction type is the last activity processed against the registration. Transaction number is a
system-generated number associated to the transaction type.
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Snowmobile Registration Record
A snowmobile is any motor-driven vehicle designed for travel primarily on snow or ice. It may utilize sled
type runners or skis, an endless belt tread, or any combination of these, or it can have any other similar
means of contact with the operating surface. All snowmobiles are registered unless used on private
property. Snowmobiles are not titled.
Sample Snowmobile Record
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Sample Snowmobile Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. Detailed snowmobile information including the year, make, model (if applicable), and serial
3. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner, address, and driver’s license number.
4. The secured interest name and address and date the loan was filed. If no secured interest is on
record, this area will state “NO SECURED INTEREST ON RECORD.”
5. The decal number registered to the snowmobile. Original issue date is the last date a decal was
issued. Expiration date is when the registration will expire. County is where the snowmobile is
6. Transaction type is the last activity processed against the registration. Transaction number is a
system-generated number associated to the transaction type.
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Moped Registration Record
A moped is defined as a two or three-wheeled vehicle which does not exceed 100 cc’s piston displacement,
has a top speed of no more than 30 miles per hour on a level surface, and does not have a gearshift.
Mopeds are not titled.
Sample Moped Record
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Sample Moped Record Key
1. The date record was generated.
2. Detailed moped information including the year, make, model (if applicable), and serial number.
3. Owner information includes the current vehicle owner, address, and driver’s license number.
4. The decal number registered to the moped. Original issue date is the last date a decal was issued.
Expiration date is when the registration will expire.
5. Transaction type is the last activity processed against the registration. County is where the
snowmobile is registered. Transaction number is a system-generated number associated to the
transaction type.
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Transaction Type Definition
The following is a list of transaction type and their definitions used with title and registration records.
Title Transaction Type
Corrected - information on the title was updated.
Duplicate - a copy of the title was issued.
Original - a vehicle titled in Michigan for the first time.
Transfer - vehicle ownership was transferred.
Registration Transaction Type
Corrected - information on the registration was updated.
Duplicate - a copy of the registration was issued.
Original - a vehicle registered for the first time.
Paper Plate Renewal - the metal plate has been replaced with a paper plate due to repeat offender
and now the paper plate is being renewed.
Paper Plate Replacement - the metal plate has been replaced with a paper plate due to repeat
Renewal - renewing an existing registration.
Renewal/Transfer - registration was transferred from one vehicle to another and renewed.
Replacement - replacement of a plate or decal.
Tab Only - replacement of a plate tab.
Transfer - registration was transferred from one vehicle to another.
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Indicator/Status Definition
A title indicator or status may appear on a vehicle title record to show special information about that
vehicle or to show that special action may be necessary before any new title transaction can be processed
for that vehicle.
The following is a list of indicators or statuses and their definitions.
Abandoned - vehicle has been reported abandoned. The police agency and when the vehicle was
reported abandoned will display.
Cancelled - Junked - the title for this vehicle has been cancelled because the vehicle was reported
as being junked.
Cancelled - Voluntary - the title was cancelled at the owner’s request.
Garage Keeper’s Lien - a Garage Keepers Lien has been placed against the vehicle for a repair
facility to secure an ownership document to recover costs not paid by the owner for repairs made
to the vehicle.
In-Transit Permit - a 30-day permit issued for transporting the vehicle to another state. No title is
Repeat Offender Duplicate Title - the current title has been surrendered to an SOS branch office in
an attempt to transfer ownership between immediate family members.
Repeat Offender VIN Hold - includes the date the indicator was added, and the vehicle title cannot
be transferred to an immediate family member.
Stolen - vehicle has been reported stolen. The police agency who reported the vehicle stolen will
Title Cancelled - Out-of-State - vehicle title has been cancelled due to the vehicle being titled in
another state. The state is indicated by the two-letter abbreviation next to “Title Cancel OOS.”
Title Recall - the current title has been recalled due to an error.