Short title,
extent and
to promote progressive shift in generation, transmission, distribution, trading and usage
of electricity from conventional energy sources to renewable energy and for
matters connected therewith.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventy-second Year of the Republic of India as
1. (1) This Act may be called the National Renewable Energy Credit Support Act, 2021.
(2) It extends to the whole of India.
(3) It shall come into force on such date, being not later than one year from the date of
assent by the President, as the Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette,
Bill No. 1 of 2021
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) "appropriate Government" means in the case of a State, the Government of
that State, and in all other cases, the Central Government;
(b) "Ministry" means the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy;
(c) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(d) "Renewable energy sources" means energy derived from non-depleting
resources and includes the following sources—
(i) wind;
(ii) solar radiation;
(iii) mini hydro;
(iv) biomass;
(v) biofuels;
(vi) landfill and sewage gas;
(vii) municipal solid waste;
(viii) industrial waste;
(ix) geothermal energy;
(x) ocean energy;
(xi) any other energy source, as may be notified by the Ministry; and
(xii) hybrids of above sources.
(e) "Tax Credit" means an amount of money that a taxpayer shall subtract from
taxes owed to the appropriate Government or local authority.
3. (1) The appropriate Government and local authority concerned shall take all such
measures, as it deems necessary, for the promotion of adoption of renewable energy in
public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries and agriculture.
(2) The appropriate Government shall promote adoption of renewable energy for the
purpose of electricity generation, its supply to, and self-consumption by, public buildings,
residences, companies, commerce, industries and agriculture:
Provided that the entity generating or supplying electricity based on renewable energy
shall comply with the such measures as may be specified by the Central Electricity Authority
under sections 53 and 73 of the Electricity Act, 2003:
Provided further that such electricity generating company may establish, operate, and
maintain a generating station without obtaining a license under the Electricity Act, 2003, if it
complies with the technical standards relating to connectivity with the grid referred to in
clause (b) of section 73 of Electricity Act, 2003:
Provided also that any individual or community, who intends to generate and supply
electricity from renewable energy sources, shall not require any license but shall be required
to comply with such measures, as may be specified by the Central Electricity Authority under
sections 53 and 73 of the Electricity Act, 2003:
(3) The appropriate Government including local authorities shall promote adoption of
renewable energy through its initiatives and programmes in villages and especially amongst
women, the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and any other weaker and vulnerable
sections of society.
Promotion of
adoption of
Energy in
Industries, and
36 of 2003. 30
36 of 2003.
36 of 2003.
(4) The appropriate Government shall create a national, uniform and mandatory
renewable electricity energy purchase obligation or similar requirement on all entities within
one year of the coming into force of this Act.
(5) The Central and the State Electricity Regulatory Agencies constituted under the
Electricity Act, 2003 shall have the responsibility and authority to ensure compliance to such
electricity purchase obligations.
4. (1) The appropriate Government and the local authorities, as the Case may be, shall
provide such tax-cut or credit on the electricity bill, being not less than ten per cent. and not
more than thirty per cent. as it may deem fit, to the individuals, communities, public buildings,
residences, companies, commerce, industries and agriculture that use renewable energy
for the purpose of personal consumption:
Provided that the appropriate Government and the local authorities shall allow such
tax-cut or credit to the above-mentioned entities through a verification mechanism as per
the Electricity Act, 2003 within one-year of the said electricity bill:
Provided further that the burden of such tax-cut or credit shall be reimbursed to the
exchequer by the Central Government up to seventy per cent. and by the State Government
up to thirty per cent.
(2) The Central Government shall provide such tax-cut or credit on the corporate tax,
being not less than ten per cent. and not more than thirty per cent., as it deems appropriate,
to companies, commerce, industries and agriculture that generate and supply renewable
energy for the purpose of electricity consumption:
Provided that the Central Government shall allow such tax-cut or credit to the above-
mentioned entities through a verification mechanism to be notified within one-year of the
coming into force of this Act:
Provided further that the burden upto thirty per cent. of such tax-cut or credit shall be
reimbursed to the Central Government by the State Government.
(3) The Central Government shall provide such tax-cut or credit on the corporate tax,
being not less than ten per cent. and not more than thirty per cent., as it may deem appropriate
to companies, commerce, industries and agriculture that generate and use renewable energy
for their commercial purposes:
Provided that the Central Government shall allow such tax-cut or credits to the above-
mentioned entities through a verification mechanism to be notified within one-year of the
coming into force of this Act:
Provided further that the burden upto thirty per cent. of such tax-cut or credits shall be
reimbursed to the Central Government by the State Government.
5. (1) The appropriate Government shall financially support individuals, communities,
public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries and agricultural units that
intend to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for using renewable energy for the
purpose of personal consumption, through its various programmes, policies, subsidies or
by arranging a mechanism through appropriate loans.
(2) The appropriate Government shall financially support individuals, communities,
public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries and occupational activities
that intend to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for generating renewable energy
by themselves for self-consumption through its various programmes, policies, subsidies or
by arranging a mechanism through bank-loans.
(3) The appropriate Government shall financially support individuals, communities,
public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries and agricultural units that
intend to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for generating and supplying renewable
energy through its various programmes, policies, subsidies or by arranging a mechanism
through bank-loans.
Tax-cut or
credits for the
adoption of
Support for
the adoption
of Renewable
5 36 of 2003.
6. (1) The appropriate Government shall provide equipment and necessary
infrastructure for using renewable energy for the purpose of electricity or cooking or both
to women, the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and any other weaker and vulnerable
sections of society.
(2) The appropriate Government shall fund programmes to any other marginalized
community who intend to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for using renewable
energy for the purpose of personal consumption and agricultural units.
7. If an individual, community, public building, residence, company, commerce, industry
or agriculture that receives a tax-cut or credit, financial support or any similar incentives for
the adoption of renewable energy fails to comply with the provisions of this Act, the
appropriate Government—
(a) shall revoke such tax-cut, financial support or similar incentives; and
(b) may impose on the such entity such penalty as may be prescribed.
8. The appropriate Government shall create incentive and facilitation framework to
assist companies, commerce and industries to make investment in renewable energy projects.
9. No person shall establish or expand or cause to establish or expand any
manufacturing facility for production of any energy sources with fully fossil-fuel based
energy system after the coming into force of this Act.
10. (1) The appropriate Government shall establish such number of regional renewable
energy funds, as it may deem necessary, keeping in view the population of the particular
(2) The Fund shall be co-ordinated and operated by the Central Government through
the Ministry.
(3) The monies to the Funds shall be credited by the —
(i) appropriate Government;
(ii) corporate social responsibility mechanism;
(iii) levy of cess;
(iv) international finance;
(v) funds received under any climate agreement;
(vi) any penalty received under this Act; and
(vii) such other sources, as the Central Government deems fit.
(4) The Funds shall be used for supporting all the objectives of this Act.
11. Notwithstanding anything in the Company Act, 2013 or the rules made thereunder,
the companies shall mandatorily credit funds into the Regional Renewable Energy Fund
under the corporate social responsibility policy in furtherance of environmental sustainability.
12. (1) The appropriate Government shall create a rural renewable energy security
programme to provide access to renewable energy for various purposes for rural population.
(2) The appropriate Government shall fund programmes which shall help those who
intend to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for using renewable energy for the
purpose of agriculture.
to support for
adoption of
energy for all.
Revocation of
tax-cut or
credits, etc.
in Renewable
on new
on fully
based energy
Energy Fund.
in Renewable
18 of 2003.
(3) The appropriate Government shall fund programmes which will help indigenous
community who intends to buy equipment or necessary infrastructure for using renewable
energy for the purpose of electricity and cooking.
(4) The appropriate Government shall especially utilize the Regional Renewable
Energy Fund for ensuring access to renewable energy for rural population.
13. (1) The appropriate Government shall fund various programmes and policies that
create necessary awareness on the importance of using renewable energy for any purpose
as identified under this Act.
(2) The appropriate Government shall fund various research programmes which
identify and develop indigenous sources of renewable energy.
(3) The appropriate Government shall appoint local volunteers in various regions
who shall help in fulfilling the objectives of this Act.
14. (1) The appropriate Government shall, from time to time, formulate, monitor and
review policies and schemes pertaining to implementation of renewable energy.
(2) The appropriate Government shall impose such penalties, as it deems necessary, to
those entities who violate any of the provisions of this Act.
(3) The appropriate Government shall publish updated set of technical safety, quality
standards and any other data that is important for the adoption of renewable energy.
15. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules
for carrying out the purposes of the Act.
(2) Every rule made under this Act by the Central Government shall be laid, as soon as
may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total
period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive
sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the
successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or
both the Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect
only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such
modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously
done under that rule.
Outreach and
Friends for
Penalty and
Power to
make rules.
The National Renewable Energy Credit Support Bill aims to address the urgent need
for India to adopt sustainable solutions to satiate its growing energy demand in the face of
the global climate crisis. Traditional energy sources come from the combustion of fossil
fuels (coal and petroleum)—which is a chemical process that emits gases such as carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These are greenhouse gases that prevent heat from
escaping the earth's atmosphere, thereby warming the surface of the earth. An increased
concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities
such as the combustion of fuel for industrial power generation has resulted in global warming,
which is the phenomenon driving global climate change.
The consequences of climate change are already beginning to manifest themselves as
existential threats to coastal settlements as well as food production. In India, where a large
population of farmers still depend upon rainfall for irrigation, climate change is disrupting
rainfall patterns in the form of delayed onset, floods, droughts, and shorter rainy periods.
Additionally, it is also responsible for the increasing intensity of heat waves experienced by
much of the country. Therefore, the need of the hour is to avert the disastrous effects of
climate change by containing global warming to within 1.5 degrees of temperature rise by
2050. As one of the world's largest economies with the second largest human population,
India has a unique responsibility to fulfil the commitments of the Paris Agreement of 2016 by
advocating for development that is sustainable, ethical, and equitable.
In the backdrop of the growing threat of climate change in India, renewable energy is
the key for India's continued and sustained growth. This Bill aims to address this need by
giving a boost to the renewable energy ecosystem in the country. To that end, this Bill
espouses the introduction of taxation incentives to both the producers, distributors and
consumers of renewable power sources. The Bill also aims to promote the development of
the renewable energy infrastructure in under-served areas through the establishment of a
Regional Renewable Energy Fund that is funded by a public-private partnership as well as a
Rural Renewable Energy Security Programme. The Bill also caters to the energy needs of
vulnerable populations such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and geographically
isolated communities.
On the economic front, India is a large importer of oil and natural gas, and this Bill aims
to move towards establishing energy independence in order to reduce our fiscal deficit.
Given that fuel forms a large share of our imports, the Indian economy remains vulnerable to
a crude oil price shock that could feed into inflation. Additionally, by improving the renewable
energy generation and distribution infrastructure in the country, we can also generate more
national employment, especially more rural employment.
November 6, 2019.
[Copy of Letter No. 9/02/2016-P&C dated 15 December, 2020 from Shri R.K. Singh,
Minister of State of the Ministry of Power and New and Renewable Energy and Minister of
State in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to the Secretary General,
Lok Sabha].
The President, having been informed of the subject matter of the National Renewable
Credit Support Bill, 2019* by Shri Ritesh Pandey, M.P., recommends the introduction under
articles 117(1) and 274(1) and the consideration of the Bill under article 117(3) of the
Constitution in Lok Sabha.
[*Bill, being perinted in 2021, the year in the title of Bill has been changed from 2019 to 2021.]
1. Sub-clause (1) of clause 3 of the Bill states that the appropriate Government shall all
such measures as it deems necessary for the promotion of adoption of renewable energy in
public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries and agriculture.
2. Sub-clause (3) of clause 3 of the bill states that the appropriate Government is under
an obligation to promote adoption of renewable energy through its initiatives and programmes
for all purposes in villages and especially among women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes, and any other weaker and vulnerable sections of society.
3. Sub-clause (1) of clause 4 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall
provide tax-cut or credits on the electricity bill between 10-30% or a proportion it deems fit to
individuals, communities, public buildings, residences, companies, commerce, industries,
and agriculture that use renewable energy for the purpose of personal consumption.
4. Sub-clause (2) and sub-clause (3) of clause 4 of the bill states that the appropriate
Government shall provide tax-cut or credits on the corporation tax of not less than 10% and
more than 30% or it deems fit necessary to companies, commerce, industries and agriculture
that generates, supply and uses renewable energy for commercial purposes.
5. Sub-clause (1) of clause 5 states that the appropriate Government shall financially
support through its various programmes, policies, subsidies, or by arranging a mechanism
through appropriate loans for individuals, communities, public buildings, residences,
companies, commerce, industries, and agricultural units that intend to buy equipment or
necessary infrastructure for using, generating and supplying renewable energy for the purpose
of personal consumption and commercial purposes.
6. Sub-clause (1) and (2) of clause 6 states that the appropriate Government shall fund
programmes to any other marginalized community who intend to buy equipment or necessary
infrastructure for using renewable energy for the purpose of personal consumption and
agricultural units.
7. Clause 8 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall create incentive and
facilitation framework which will assist companies, commerce, and industries to make
investments in renewable energy projects.
8. Sub-clause (1) of clause 10 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall
establish several regional renewable energy funds and further fund them accordingly to the
rules under the clause.
9. Sub-clause (1) of clause 12 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall
create a rural renewable energy security programme to provide access to renewable energy
for various purposes to rural populations and further obliges it to fund the programme.
10. Sub-clause (2) of clause 13 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall
fund various research programmes which identify and develop indigenous sources of
renewable energy.
11. Sub-clause (3) of clause 14 of the bill states that the appropriate Government shall
publish updated set of technical, safety, and quality standards, and any other data that is
important for the adoption of renewable energy.
Clause 15 of the Bill empowers the Central Government to make rules for carrying out
the purposes of the Bill. As such the delegation of legislative power is of a normal character.
to promote progressive shift in generation, transmission, distribution, trading and usage
of electricity from conventional energy sources to renewable energy and for
matters connected therewith.
(Shri Ritesh Pandey, M.P.)