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2021 - 2022
Year Theme Verse:
In the same way, let your light shine before
others, so that they may see your good works
and give glory to your Father who is in
heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Lower School
Quick Reference Guide
This guide contains answers to the most commonly asked questions. Please refer to the Lower School
Family Handbook located on Veracross for a comprehensive explanation of school policies and procedures.
20 Seaborne Drive
Dover, NH 03820
Lower School Absence Hotline ext. 112
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Table of Contents
Mission Statement ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year ............................................................................................................. 4
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................ 5
What does the school day look like? .................................................................................................................... 6
What are the Arrival/Dismissal Procedures? ........................................................................................................ 6
Morning Arrival ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Late/Tardy ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Afternoon Dismissal ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Traffic Patterns ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Other Campus Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Additional Information for Parents ...................................................................................................................... 8
Kaleidoscope Before and Aftercare .............................................................................................................. 8
Kaleidoscope After School Workshops ......................................................................................................... 9
Kaleidoscope Academic Enrichment & Support ........................................................................................... 9
Kaleidoscope Private Music Lessons ............................................................................................................ 9
Lunch Program ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Volunteer Opportunities ................................................................................................................................... 9
Veracross ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
What happens when school is cancelled or my child can’t come to school? ..................................................... 10
Severe Weather/School Cancellations ............................................................................................................ 10
Sources of information on delays or cancellations ......................................................................................... 10
Virtual Day ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Two-hour Delay Procedure and Schedule ...................................................................................................... 10
What do I do if my child cannot attend school? ............................................................................................. 11
Dress Code ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
General Philosophy ........................................................................................................................................ 11
21-22 Facial Covering/Mask Dress Code ...................................................................................................... 11
Concept ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Policy Enforcement ........................................................................................................................................ 12
JH Men’s Dress Code ..................................................................................................................................... 12
JH Women’s Dress Code ................................................................................................................................... 14
K-5 Boys’ Dress Code .................................................................................................................................... 16
K-5 Girls’ Dress Code .................................................................................................................................... 17
Scripture Memory 2021-2022 ............................................................................................................................ 19
Key Dates 2021-2022 ......................................................................................................................................... 21
School Supply List ............................................................................................................................................. 22
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Mission Statement
Portsmouth Christian Academy exists to honor God joyfully
by inspiring students to maximize their God-given potential.
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Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year
Dear Lower School Families,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year at Portsmouth Christian Academy! I am so excited to welcome each of
you to school in a few short weeks. This summer has provided a time of rest and relaxation for our
community, as well as opportunities to reflect on God’s goodness and mercy. As we prepare for a new school
year, we are eager to see your smiles, to hear the chatter in the classrooms, and to feel your contagious joy;
our school building is just not the same when the halls and classrooms don’t have you! And speaking of halls
and classrooms the facility updates in the Junior High house look fantastic! Our oldest students in the Lower
School will come back to new floor, paint, lockers, and even better Wi-Fi access.
Please use this Quick Reference Guide to answer all your questions about procedures for the beginning of
school, dress code, school supplies, and the monthly scripture verses for the entire school year. If you find
yourself with unanswered questions, please call the Lower School Office or email me ([email protected])
or Mrs. Corso, Assistant Principal ([email protected]). You will also find "Start of School" information on
our website, www.pcaschool.org.
In addition to the Quick Reference Guide, we have provided a 1-page overview of changes made to the Lower
School Handbook, which is reviewed and signed during the enrollment process. The revisions made in the
handbook support the changing uses of technology and Enhanced Hybrid Learning at our school; the updated
handbook can be found in its entirety in the Parent Portal of Veracross.
This school year, our Bible theme verse is Matthew 5:16:
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to
your Father who is in heaven.”
As a community of believers, we have an opportunity to Be a Light and spread peace in a world that needs the
healing and restoration that comes through knowing the Lord. Our ability to share shalom rests on learning
from God’s Word. Our core value focus is Biblical Integrity, which is defined as “actions and attitudes
consistent with biblical teaching. In Bible class, chapel, and opening exercises, we will explore the Bible to
discover how to make our lights shine bright, so God can be glorified. Throughout the year, I encourage each
of you to think about and discuss as a family our theme verse, Matthew 5:16.
Again, welcome to a new school year, and may the Lord bless you and keep you,
Carrie Abood, Ed.D.
Lower School Principal
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Frequently Asked Questions
When do Teacher Welcome Letters arrive?
Teacher welcome letters should arrive sometime after the second week of August.
Why does Veracross have to be shut down?
In order to place students in new classes, we have to shut down the portal.
Is the school open during the weeks of August?
Yes, we are here at least Tuesday through Thursday 9 am-1 pm.
What if I have dress code questions?
Daphne Corso will be happy to answer your questions; please email her at, [email protected], or leave
her a voicemail at extension 127.
Where can I find the Lower School Family Handbook?
The Handbook can be found on Veracross within the Parent Portal.
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What does the school day look like?
7:15 Before Care Opens
7:45 Arrival begins
8:00 K-8 Opening Exercises in the Gym
8:10 Start of Academics: See Student Schedules from
Teachers (considered Tardy for arrival after 8:10 AM)
3:00 K-5 Dismissal
3:20 6-8 Dismissal
3:20 K-5 Dismissal Ends
(Remaining students to Aftercare or Kaleidoscope)
K-8 Bus Students Dismissed
3:30 PCA Bus Departs
6-8 Dismissal Ends
(Remaining students to Aftercare of Kaleidoscope)
5:45 Aftercare Closes
What are the Arrival/Dismissal Procedures?
Morning Arrival
Note: As the health situation evolves, our arrival procedures are subject to change. Any changes will be clearly communicated
to parents and students in advance.
When arriving by car, the driver is asked to enter the loop and proceed to the gymnasium lobby entrance where student
passengers may be discharged. Students are asked to enter the gymnasium lobby and proceed directly to the gym to join their
class for Opening Exercises*. When arriving by bus, the bus will park near the gym annex and discharge students to the
gymnasium. Students are asked to enter the gymnasium door and proceed directly to join their class line for Opening
*All students (K-8
grade) should arrive in time to begin class at 8:10 but students are preferred to arrive by 8:00.
Individuals who are arriving, but are not involved in student drop-off, please enter the parking lot via the access road, park
and walk to the main building, entering the building through the center door. Loop parking will not be available during arrival
and dismissal times.
Teachers will join students in grades K-8 in the gymnasium at 8:00 for Opening Exercises and then escort them to their
classrooms. We consider Opening Exercises to be an important part of the day. The focus is on the monthly virtue, and prayer
sets the tone of the day for the school.
Students in Grades K-8 are marked tardy if they arrive after 8:10. Late-arriving families will be asked to park and walk their
children into the main entrance. Parents will need to park and walk students into the main entrance, where the receptionist
will enter attendance before sending students to class. The check-in process for late arrivals will take more time than an on-
time arrival; we encourage families to arrive on-time!
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Afternoon Dismissal
Dismissal numbers for students in K 5 will be called beginning at 3:00 and ending at 3:20. Students in K 5 who have not
been dismissed by 3:20 will be released to Aftercare.
Students in K – 5 will be dismissed from the upper loop and exit the building from the center doors.
All Junior High students (grades 6 - 8) will be dismissed from their last class at 3:20 and will exit the building from the Junior
High wing at 3:20 3:25. Any Junior High students who have not been picked up by 3:30 will be taken to Aftercare at 3:30.
If you are picking up students from both K 5 and JH, please pick up your K-5 student and then proceed to the lower loop for
your Junior High student so that the Upper Loop does not get blocked for other parents.
If a student needs to be dismissed early, please do so by 2:30. This allows time for the Receptionist and Lower School Office to
prepare for normal dismissal routines. The Main lobby will close to parents at 2:45pm to clear the area for a safe and
healthy dismissal; all parents will need to pick-up students through the dismissal line process.
Traffic Patterns
We ask that drivers adhere to the traffic flow diagram below to ensure the safety of all children. Automobiles parked in the
restricted areas pose a safety threat. The following diagram indicates the traffic pattern to follow:
A. Driveway for buses, morning drop-off, upper loop student dismissal (K-5)
B. Parking entrance for staff, visitors and driveway for lower loop student dismissal (JH)
C. Staff and Visitor Parking
D. Exit for staff, visitors, and lower loop student dismissal
E. Handicap Parking area
F. During upper loop Arrival and Dismissal, move forward to gym doors.
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Other Campus Rules
Your carpool number must be displayed in the car windshield (passenger’s side) during dismissal (available during Open
House or sent to you via your youngest child’s teacher).
Please enter upper loop only after having given the carpool number to the caller (at the top of the hill). Through carpool
numbers, teachers will be notified that you are arriving and will send the student out to the loading area.
Cars should park in the parking lot.
Please move as far forward as possible and we will bring your child(ren) to you. This allows us to safely place several
students in cars at the same time, thus reducing wait time.
Please do not attempt to pass cars on Seaborne, unless directed by staff. Passing on this road unexpectedly places two
cars going in opposite directions in the same lane and endangers people.
Call the school office if a non-parent/guardian will pick up your child. K-5 students will not, for any reason, be dismissed
to drivers who do not have the correct carpool number. When a driver without the correct number requests to dismiss a
student, the driver will be asked to park in the parking lot and wait for the school to contact a parent of the child. The
wait for contact to be made may be lengthy or unproductive.
Parking should be in designated areas only. We have been blessed with a beautiful campus so, in order to maintain its
beauty, we ask that no one parks on grassy areas.
Avoid opening or propping doors. To ensure safety, all students and adults are to use the monitored entrances of the
school. No one should open a perimeter door or prop the door for entry in any other area.
All guests and visitors are to enter through the main entrance, sign in with the receptionist and obtain/wear a “Visitor”
tag for the duration of their visit, so that adults in the building recognize safety procedures have been followed. Please
sign out and return the Visitor pass when departing. This allows the accounting for all people in an emergency.
When passing through halls, please move quietly in order to not disturb learning.
Children should use age-appropriate playgrounds (preschoolers use preschool playground; K-5 use elementary
playground; JH students use fields)
Parents are asked not to go to classrooms at arrival and dismissal. Because these are periods when transitions must be
monitored carefully, the teacher needs to place full attention on his or her students.
When an early dismissal is necessary, parents may ask the Receptionist to call for students to meet at their designated
House door, send in an early dismissal note to the teacher or call the office. Early dismissals need to occur by 2:30pm.
Additional Information for Parents
Kaleidoscope Before and Aftercare
Before care (7:15-7:45) takes place in the gym and gym annex. Students are to be dropped off at the gym lobby doors.
Students can play games with friends or participate in our Happy Feet walking program. 
Aftercare (3:30-5:45) takes place in PCAP, the Junior High House, and in our Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) in the lower level of
the school.  Students enjoy recess outside when the weather is favorable and do homework, play games, and socialize in our
open space. Parents will pick-up students in Aftercare by driving into the Lower School parking lot and calling the Aftercare
number 603.742.3617 ext. 139. Parents will remain in their cars during pick-up students will . Please bring your driver's
license and carpool number with you, as you may be asked to show it, for the safety of our students. Sign your child out from
Aftercare with our staff.
There is no need to pre-register or sign up!  If your child is not picked up by the last call (3:20), he/she will be escorted
Aftercare by our staff.  There is a surcharge for anyone picked up after5:45pm.  The surcharge is $10.00 for the first 10
minutes and then $1.00 for every minute thereafter. Additionally, more than 3 late pick-ups (After 5:45pm) in a year could
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result in the loss of Aftercare options. Please email Kaleidoscope Coordinator Jodi Karnes at jkarnes@pcaschool.org for any
questions related to Beforecare and Aftercare.
Our rate for beforecare and aftercare is $7.00 per hour per child, billed as indicated in the table below:
Kaleidoscope After School Workshops
Families have the option to enroll students in a small group class that teaches skills outside of the traditional academic
curriculum. Some of our favorite offerings include taekwon do, robotics, pottery, origami, tennis, basketball, dodgeball, music
groups, and so many more! Most classes meet for 30 minutes once a week for the entire length of the quarter. However,
there are many other options that extend past school, as alternatives to the aftercare program. When classes are over,
students are escorted to where they await your arrival for afterschool pick-up.
Kaleidoscope Academic Enrichment & Support
Kaleidoscope Enrichment Programs offer a variety of solutions to help provide additional challenge or academic
support. Whether the need is 1-on-1 tutoring in a subject, or some help developing organizational and time-management
skills, our staff is willing and able to lend the help that he/she needs. If your child exhibits more critical needs, we also offer
occupational therapy and speech therapy to help him/her thrive here in our community.
Kaleidoscope Private Music Lessons
Our staff of highly qualified music teachers offer private lessons throughout the school year on campus at Portsmouth
Christian Academy. Students may take lessons during free periods, lunch and recess periods, or before and after school
depending on your schedule. Please contact our Kaleidoscope Coordinator for rates.
Lunch Program
PCA has arranged with several local restaurants to provide lunches to our students which parents may purchase on a quarterly
basis throughout the school year. This provides an alternative to packing a lunch each day for your child.
Microwave Use and Purchasing Snacks: We ask parents to send lunch and snack options that do not need heating, as
microwaves will not be accessible within Lower School Houses at this time in the school year. Families are encouraged to
use a Thermos to keep food warm until lunchtime. Additionally, snacks will not be available for purchase through the Lower
School Office.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities for each family to be connected within the PCA community through the Volunteer Service
Program. Whether you choose to chaperone field trips, help in the library, deliver lunches, decorate or bake for special events,
serve with our maintenance crew, or utilize your skills in another way, you will undoubtedly find a way to be involved in your
child’s education. The Volunteer Service Program will be sending out a survey through email for you to fill out before the start
of school. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Summer Heath, uses the information provided to match your interests, gifts, and
availability with our current volunteer opportunities. Please be advised, a background check and Code of Ethics Form, must be
completed prior to volunteering. For more information regarding our Volunteer Service Program, please contact Summer
Heath at sheath@pcaschool.org.
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All PCA families have a Veracross account. This is our school database that allows parents access to their children’s
assignments, grades and attendance records. In addition, parents can sign up and pay for programs such as lunch and
Kaleidoscope classes. Veracross also provides access to the family directory and PCA’s event calendar.
Instructions and passwords for accessing Veracross through the web are emailed to new families. Returning families can learn
more about Veracross at http://www.veracross.com. A quick link to the Veracross login can be found on PCA’s website in the
upper right hand corner.
What happens when school is cancelled or my child can’t come to school?
Severe Weather/School Cancellations
We know that any change to routine is disruptive and try to minimize cancellations and late openings. However, PCA is
somewhat unique in that our student body is drawn from forty different communities located in three states and many arrive
in privately owned vehicles.
After listening to local radio and television stations, consulting people in the affected areas and, in some cases, calling the
State Police and Public Works personnel, the Head of School will make a decision that is believed to be in the best interest of
the majority of the school population. When the decision to cancel school is made, the announcement is posted on PCA’s
website (www.pcaschool.org), is broadcasted over regional radio stations, and appears on local television stations. This
broadcast is rarely later than 6:00 AM. We recommend that you tune in on days when a delay or closing is anticipated. In
addition, a phone alert goes to the provided numbers of all students, faculty and staff members.
While, in making our decision regarding cancellation, we consider both major and secondary roads in our entire catchment
area, each parent is encouraged to decide for himself or herself if the trip from home to school is safe.
Sources of information on delays or cancellations
WMUR TV NH channel 9
WCSH TV ME channel 6
WBZ TV MA MA channel 4
Website www.pcaschool. org
Virtual Day
When the forecast indicates a strong probability for the need to cancel school, students will be assigned virtual work
through Office 365 Teams and Veracross. This virtual work is designed to help the student continue learning while at
home if school is cancelled; therefore this assigned work is NOT optional and will be will considered incomplete until
turned in.
Activities may include the following:
Reading and responding to content material
Reinforcement of math skills to improve mastery
Science projects, particularly relating to the storm
Writing assignments
Make-up work
The amount of time spent on these assignments should not exceed three hours and, while parents may assist, the work is
intended to be done with a relative degree of independence.
Two-hour Delay Procedure and Schedule
Whenever appropriate, PCA will announce a two-hour delay on days when the weather is questionable. This choice
gives us time to evaluate the severity of the storm, and it also gives the public transportation department the time to
clear and salt the roads, allowing for a safer commute.
Buses will run on a two-hour delay; please be at the Bus Stop early.
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Schedule for 2-hour delay
The PCA bus will run on a two-hour delay.
9:15 Before Care Opens
9:45 Arrival Begins
10:00 K-8 Opening Exercises (in classrooms, virtual)
10:10 K-8 Classes Begin
What do I do if my child cannot attend school?
When your child cannot attend school, please let us know via the PCA Lower School Absence Hotline at 603-742-3617,
ext.112. You may be prompted to give symptoms in order for us to fulfill our commitment to the NH Department of
Health in tracking flu symptoms.
For long-term absences or temporary offsite absences, see the Attendance policies in the Lower School Family Handbook
on Veracross under ‘Parent’ portal.
Dress Code
General Philosophy
We believe that a student’s individuality is more properly expressed by what he or she does and believes than by what is
worn. In short, the heart of the child is far more important than how one chooses to adorn one’s body. Neatness, good
grooming and modest fashions are appropriate in a school that encourages students to focus attention on more
meaningful matters than the latest fashions. The purpose of this dress code is to offer the students several options of
comfortable, attractive and reasonably priced clothing that will reflect well on the students and the school. We do not
want extremes, and we do not want students testing the limits of the policy. The key to the dress code is the fit and style
of the clothing. Variations from the required style are not acceptable. Our suggestion is to err on the side of conservative
dress, hairstyle and clothing accessories. When in doubt, please ask the dress code question before the item in question
is worn to school.
21-22 Facial Covering/Mask Dress Code
If/when students wear masks during the school year, parents are asked to provide masks for their students. If a
student forgets his/her mask, the school will provide a disposable one.
Please follow these guidelines when purchasing or making cloth facial coverings/masks for your student(s):
An approved facial covering/mask covers both the nose and mouth face shields are not approved substitutes.
Neck gaiters can be used as masks, if there are at least 2 layers of cloth and the gaiter can cover both the nose and
mouth at the same time.
We recommend each student own 3-5 masks, with one mask kept in a backpack or locker as a back-up if needed.
PCA is not requiring a specific color, style, pattern, or brand.
Masks that could be a distraction to learning are prohibited this includes slogans, overtly-distracting styles,
political statements, anything violent, or prints that do not align with PCA’s mission, statement of faith, or Core
This dress code policy contains information concerning the acceptable styles, colors and combinations of clothing for
males and females. Students are free to choose from several options contained on the clothing chart unless it is a “dress
up” day (e.g., chapel, graduation, award ceremonies) or “casual” day (e.g., Spirit Week, certain field trips).
Dress code charts may also be accessed on PCA’s website.
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Policy Enforcement
The faculty and principals are the sole arbiters of the dress code policy. When students in grades kindergarten through
eighth are determined to be in violation of the dress code, an email notification will be made home to inform the
parent(s)/guardian(s) of the infraction. When three email notifications have been made, any future infractions will
require the parent to bring to school the proper dress code item(s). Continued noncompliance may result in more
significant action. Suggestions or questions concerning the policy should be brought to the attention of the Assistant
Portsmouth Christian Academy Dress Code
Where do I buy dress code clothing?
Land’s End (www.landsend.com/pp/SchoolSearch.html?action=landing&selectedSchoolNum=900027376) and
JCPenney’s (www.jcp.com) are the only approved school uniform vendors for PCA. Items may not be purchased
elsewhere with the exception of some PE clothing.
When going to the Land’s End site, enter PCA’s Preferred School Number, 900027376. Then enter your child’s age and
gender, no other identifying personal information is necessary.
“Boy’s” or “Men’s” sizes are acceptable.
“Girl’s” or “Women’s” sizes are acceptable.
When going to the JCP site, select “kids” or “juniors” sizing, “School Uniform” tab (JCP is typically used only for
alternative sizing and they do not do the PCA monogrammed logos).
New to the 2021-2022 school year:
1. PCA Spirit wear hoodie sweatshirts may be worn on PE day (only).
2. Navy shorts, pants, skirts, and jumpers have been added to K-5 Dress Code.
JH Men’s Dress Code
It is impossible for a dress code to address each possible piece of clothing or adornment. The following is
provided in an attempt to provide information regarding some of the more common areas of concern.
Standard fit polo
(short or long sleeve;
Interlock or mesh)
Black, Green,
Yellow, Red,
Light Blue, Navy,
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have a PCA-approved logo.
Shirts must be tucked into bottoms.
Short-sleeved shirts may not be worn over
long-sleeved shirts.
Chino pants
Shorts (<2” above
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Belt must be worn if item has belt loops.
Chapel Tops
Standard collar shirt
Button-down shirt
Short or long-sleeve
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
It is impossible for a dress code to address each possible piece of clothing or adornment. The following is provided in
an attempt to clarify what is acceptable dress code attire.
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Ties are required to be worn on chapel days
and may be removed for recess only.
Chapel shirts are to be worn on Chapel day
Chino pants
Shorts (<2” above
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Belt must be worn if item has belt loops.
PE Tops
Crew neck t-shirt,
Performance or
Short or long sleeve
Crew-collared or
hoodie sweatshirt*
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have PCA-approved logo.
Solid color
PCA team t-shirts and PCA Spirit Wear in
these colors are also acceptable.
*Spirit Wear hoodies may be worn only on
PE day.
PE Bottoms
Athletic shorts (<2”
above knee)
Sweat pants
Track Pants (from
Land’s End only)
Solid color and loose-fitting
No stripes
Closed-toed shoes
One pair of non-marking athletic shoes must
be left at school for P.E.
V-neck sweater
Cardigan sweater (zip
or button)
½-Zip fleece jacket
Fleece jacket
Crew neck sweatshirt
with logo
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
May have a PCA-approved logo but must be
purchased through Land’s End.
Must be worn over approved collared shirt.
et. al.
Solid color
Solid burgundy
Belts will be in good repair with the belt tip
neatly tucked into the belt retainer. Large
buckles are not permitted.
Ties may be worn at any time that a dress
shirt is being worn in accordance with the
dress code. Ties should be worn snug against
the shirt collar and will be belt length. No
string or bow ties are permitted.
Male students will wear hair neatly combed, in
traditional man’s style and of natural color.
Hair length will not exceed the collar and
neither tails nor pony tails are permitted.
Gelling, spiking, or chiseling hair to make it
look tiered or unusual is not permitted.
Tattoos are not permitted.
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Piercing Jewelry
All students are discouraged from piercing
any part of their body. Piercing jewelry may
not be worn in school.
Unless otherwise instructed, outer garments are
to be removed upon entering the school and
placed on an assigned coat hook or in a
locker. Hooded sweatshirts and fleece (not
specified above) are considered outerwear.
All hats, kerchiefs and head coverings will be
removed upon entering the school building.
JH Women’s Dress Code
It is impossible for a dress code to address each possible piece of clothing or adornment. The following is
provided in an attempt to provide information regarding some of the more common areas of concern.
Standard fit polo
Feminine-fit polo
(Short or long sleeve;
Interlock or mesh
Black, Green,
Yellow, Red, Pink
Light Blue, Navy,
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have a PCA-approve logo.
Shirts must be tucked into bottoms.
Short-sleeved shirts may not be worn over
long-sleeved shirts.
Chino pants
Shorts (<2”above
Skirts/skorts (to the
Pencil cut pants (Land’s
End only)
Khaki or Navy
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Belt must be worn if item has belt loops.
Chapel bottoms are also acceptable.
Several hem lengths are available to
accommodate body styles, but please
remember skirts/skorts must be to the knee in
actual fit.
Chapel Tops
Button-down oxford
Short or long-sleeve
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Blouses may be worn untucked.
Undergarments may not be visible.
Chapel shirts are to be worn on Chapel day
Skirt (to the knee)
Navy or Khaki
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Several hem lengths are available to
accommodate body styles, but please
remember skirts must be to the knee in actual
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PE Tops
Crew neck t-shirt,
Performance or
Short or long sleeve
Crew-collared or
hoodie sweatshirt*
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have PCA-approved logo.
Solid color
PCA team t-shirts and PCA Spirit Wear in
these colors are also acceptable.
*PCA Spirit Wear hoodies may be worn only
on PE day.
PE Bottoms
Athletic shorts (past
fingertip length)
Sweat pants
Track Pants (from
Land’s End only)
Black, Grey,
Athletic shorts may be purchased in solid
black, grey, or burgundy from another source
if they meet the “past fingertip” length.
Solid color and loose-fitting, no stripes
<2” Heel on all shoes
One pair of non-marking athletic shoes must
be left at school for P.E.
V-neck sweater
Cardigan sweater (zip
or button)
½-Zip fleece jacket
Fleece jacket
Crew neck sweatshirt
with logo
White, Burgundy,
Navy, Green,
Yellow, Black
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
May have a PCA-approved logo.
Must be worn over approved collared shirt.
et. al.
Tights or Leggings
(worn with skirts)
Solid neutral color
(black, white,
beige, tan, light
pink, navy blue)
Solid neutral color
No athletic leggings under skirts or jumpers.
If socks are worn with skirts or shorts they must
be solid neutral colors as well.
Hair will be neatly worn and of natural color.
Gelling, spiking or chiseling hair to make it
look tiered or unusual is not permitted.
Tattoos are not permitted.
All students are discouraged from piercing
any part of their body. However, pierced
ears are permitted, wearing up to two
earrings in each ear lobe.
Female students may wear earrings, necklaces,
bracelets, and watches as long as they are
worn in a tasteful manner as determined by
the teacher and/or Assistant Principal.
Unless otherwise instructed, outer garments are
to be removed upon entering the school and
placed on an assigned coat hook or in a
locker. Hooded sweatshirts and fleece (not
specified above) are considered outerwear.
16 | P a g e
All hats, kerchiefs and head coverings will be
removed upon entering the school building
and will remain off until departure.
K-5 Boys’ Dress Code
It is impossible for a dress code to address each possible piece of clothing or adornment. The following is
provided in an attempt to provide information regarding some of the more common areas of concern.
Standard fit polo
(Short or long-sleeve;
Interlock or mesh)
White or Burgundy
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have a PCA-approved logo.
Shirts must be tucked into bottoms.
Short-sleeved shirts may not be worn over
long-sleeved shirts.
Chino pants
Shorts (<2” above
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
In grades 3-5, belt must be worn if the item
has belt loops.
Chapel Tops
Standard collar
Short or long-sleeve
White or Light Blue
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Ties are required to be worn on chapel days.
Ties may be removed for recess only.
Chapel shirts are to be worn on Chapel day
Chino pants
Shorts (<2” above
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
In grades 3-5, belt must be worn if the item
has belt loops.
PE Tops
Crew neck t-shirt,
Performance or
Short or long sleeve
Crew-collared or
hoodie sweatshirt*
White, Grey,
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have a PCA-approved logo.
Solid color
PCA team t-shirts and PCA Spirit Wear in
these colors are also acceptable.
*PCA Spirit Wear hoodies may be worn only
on PE day.
PE Bottoms
Athletic shorts (<2”
above knee)
Sweat pants
Track Pants (from
Land’s End only)
Black, Grey,
Solid color and loose-fitting
No stripes
Closed-toe shoes
One pair of non-marking athletic shoes must
be left at school for P.E.
Layers (for
V-neck sweater
Cardigan sweater (zip
or button)
White or Burgundy
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
May have a PCA-approved logo.
17 | P a g e
½-Zip fleece jacket
Fleece jacket
Crew neck sweatshirt
with logo
Must be worn over an approved, collared
Piercing Jewlery
Solid color
Solid Burgundy
Belts will be in good repair with the belt tip
neatly tucked into the belt retainer.
Ties may be worn at any time that a dress
shirt is being worn in accordance with the
dress code. Ties should be worn snug against
the shirt collar and will be belt length. No
string or bow ties are permitted.
Male students will wear their hair neatly
combed, in traditional men’s style and of
natural color. Male students’ hair length will
not exceed the collar and neither tails nor
pony tails are permitted. Gelling, spiking or
chiseling hair to make it look tiered or unusual
is not permitted.
Tattoos are not permitted.
All students are discouraged from piercing
any part of their body.
Unless otherwise instructed, outer garments
are to be removed upon entering the school
and placed on an assigned coat hook or in a
locker. Hooded sweatshirts are considered
All hats, scarves, kerchiefs and other head
coverings will be removed upon entering the
school building and will remain off until
departure. Hats worn on the playground will
be in good taste and worn as designed (e.g.
visor forward).
K-5 Girls’ Dress Code
It is impossible for a dress code to address each possible piece of clothing or adornment. The following is
provided in an attempt to provide information regarding some of the more common areas of concern.
Standard fit polo
Feminine-fit polo
(Short or long sleeve;
Interlock or mesh)
White or
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have a PCA-approve logo.
Shirts must be tucked into bottoms.
Short-sleeved shirts may not be worn over
long-sleeved shirts.
Chino pants
Shorts (<2” above
Pencil cut pants (Land’s
End only)
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Belt must be worn if item has belt loops in
grades 3-5.
Several hem lengths are available to
accommodate body styles, but please
18 | P a g e
Skirts/skorts (to the
Jumpers (to the knee)
remember skirts/skorts must be to the knee in
actual length.
Jumpers must be worn over an approved
dress code top.
Chapel Tops
Knit “Peter Pan” collar
Oxford Shirt
Short or long-sleeve
White or
Light Blue
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Ruffled collar is also acceptable.
Chapel shirts are to be worn on Chapel day
Skirt (to the knee
Jumpers (to the knee
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Several hem lengths are available to
accommodate body styles, but please
remember skirts must be to the knee in actual
PE Tops
Crew neck t-shirt,
Performance or
Short or long sleeve
Crew-collared or
hoodie sweatshirt*
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
Must have PCA-approved logo. Solid color
PCA team t-shirts and PCA Spirit Wear in
these colors are also acceptable.
*PCA Spirit Wear hoodies may be worn only
on PE day.
PE Bottoms
Athletic shorts (<2”
above knee)
Sweat pants
Track Pants (from
Land’s End only)
Black, Grey,
Females will need to use Boy’s or Men’s sizing
for shorts to meet the length requirement and
may purchase solid black, grey, or burgundy
girls athletic shorts from another source if they
meet the <2” above the knee rule.
Solid color and loose-fitting, no stripes
<2” heel, closed-toed
Sandals with ankle
No flip-flops
Clean, non-marking soled sneakers are to be
left at school.
Snow boots are not to be worn in the
(for in-school
V-neck sweater
Cardigan sweater (zip
or button)
½-Zip fleece jacket
Fleece jacket
Crew neck sweatshirt
with logo
White or Burgundy
Land’s End login must be used to access PCA
approved styles.
May have a PCA-approved logo.
Must be worn over approved collared shirt.
Tights or Leggings
(worn with skirts or
Solid neutral color
(black, white,
beige, tan, light
pink, navy blue)
No athletic leggings under skirts or jumpers.
If socks are worn with skirts, jumpers, or shorts
they must be solid neutral colors as well.
19 | P a g e
Solid neutral color
Belts are optional for K-2 students.
Hair will be neatly worn and of natural color.
Gelling, spiking or chiseling hair to make it
look tiered or unusual is not permitted.
Tattoos are not permitted.
All students are discouraged from piercing
any part of their body. However, pierced
ears are permitted, for females wearing up to
two earrings in each ear lobe.
Female students may wear earrings,
necklaces, bracelets and watches as long as
they are worn in a tasteful manner as
determined by the teacher and/or Asst.
Unless otherwise instructed, outer garments
are to be removed upon entering the school
and placed on an assigned coat hook or in a
All hats, scarves, kerchiefs and head coverings
will be removed upon entering the school
building and will remain off until departure.
Scripture Memory 2021-2022
Theme Verse: Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that
they may see your good works and give glory to your Father
who is in heaven.
Memory Verse
Let your
You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has
lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be
restored? It is no longer good for anything
except to be thrown out and trampled under
people's feet.
You are the light of the
world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do people light a lamp and put it
under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives
light to all in the house.
In the same way, let your
light shine before others, so
that they may see your good
works and give glory to your
Father who is in heaven.
(Matthew 5:16)
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and
you will find; knock, and it will be opened to
For everyone who asks receives, and
the one who seeks finds, and to the one who
knocks it will be opened.
Or which one of
you, if his son asks him for bread, will give
him a stone?
Or if he asks for a fish, will
give him a serpent?
If you then, who are
evil, know how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more will your Father
who is in heaven give good things to those
who ask him!
Look carefully then how you
walk, not as unwise but as
making the best use of
the time…
(Ephesians 5:15-16a)
20 | P a g e
by Grace
Titus 3:6-7
for all have sinned and fall short of the
glory of God,
and are justified by his grace
as a gift, through the redemption that is in
Christ Jesus,
whom God put forward as a
propitiation by his blood, to be received by
faith. This was to show God's righteousness,
because in his divine forbearance he had
passed over former sins.
whom he poured out on us
richly through Jesus Christ our
so that being justified
by his grace we might become
heirs according to the hope of
eternal life. (Titus 3:6-7)
Luke 2:8-
And in the same region there were
shepherds out in the field, keeping watch
over their flock by night.
And an angel of
the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of
the Lord shone around them, and they were
filled with great fear.
And the angel said to
them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good
news of great joy that will be for all the
For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
And this will be a sign for you: you will find
a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and
lying in a manger.”
And suddenly there
was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace among those with whom he is
Have this mind among
yourselves, which is yours in
Christ Jesus,
who, though he
was in the form of God, did
not count equality with God a
thing to be grasped,
emptied himself, by taking the
form of a servant, being born
in the likeness of men.
(Philippians 2:5-7)
Gift of
1 John
If we say we have no sin, we deceive
ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
If we say we have not
sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
For the wages of sin is
death, but the free gift of God
is eternal life in Christ Jesus
our Lord. (Romans
Love for
John 14:6
For while we were still weak, at the right
time Christ died for the ungodly.
For one
will scarcely die for a righteous person
though perhaps for a good person one
would dare even to die
but God shows
his love for us in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us.
Since, therefore,
we have now been justified by his blood,
much more shall we be saved by him from
the wrath of God.
Jesus said to him, “I am the
way, and the truth, and the
life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.
(John 14:6)
Jesus is
Acts 3:19-
if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is
Lord and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes and is
justified, and with the mouth one confesses
and is saved.
For the Scripture says,
“Everyone who believes in him will not be
Repent therefore, and turn
back, that your sins may be
blotted out,
that times of
refreshing may come from the
presence of the Lord, and that
he may send the Christ
21 | P a g e
put to shame.”
For there is no distinction
between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord
is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who
call on him.
appointed for you, Jesus (Acts
And being found in human form, he
humbled himself by becoming obedient to
the point of death, even death on a cross.
Therefore God has highly exalted him and
bestowed on him the name that is above
every name,
so that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, in heaven and on
earth and under the earth,
and every
tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to
the glory of God the Father.
For “everyone who calls on
the name of the Lord will be
(Romans 10:13)
of Mind
James 1:5
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies as a
living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship.
Do not be
conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the
will of God, what is good and acceptable and
If any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask God, who gives
generously to all without
reproach, and it will be given
him. (James 1:5)
Key Dates 2021-2022
Early Release Days
Fri, 10/29
End of Qtr. 1
Fri, 12/17
Fri, 1/21
End of Qtr. 2
Sat, 3/19
Thurs, 3/24
End of Qtr. 3
Thurs, 6/9
Last Day of School
No School Days
Mon, 9/6
Labor Day
Mon, 10/11
Columbus Day
Tues, 11/9
Thurs, 11/11
Teacher In-service
P/T Conferences
Mon, 11/22-Fri, 11/26
Mon, 1/17
Martin Luther King Day
Fri, 3/25
Fri, 4/15
Mon, 5/30
Teacher In-Service
Good Friday
Memorial Day
22 | P a g e
School Supply List
Portsmouth Christian Academy at Dover
2021-2022 SUPPLY LISTS
The following lists have been created to help make your Back-
to-School shopping a bit easier! If your child’s teacher would
like to have anything else for his/her particular classroom, the
teacher will let you know in his/her welcome letter. Many
families find that the Open House (Grade 1 Grade 8 on
Monday, August 30, and Kindergarten, Tuesday, August 31) is
a good time to bring these supplies to school.
2 #2 pencils
2 glue sticks
2 black Sharpie pens (fine or extra fine tipped)
1 22”x28” poster board (grades K-5 only)
9 x 12 sketchbook (grades 3-8 only, may use
previous sketchbook)
Computer (grades K 8)
One set of headphones or earbuds in a Ziploc bag,
labeled with child’s name, to be left at school during
the school year.
Physical Education (all grades):
Non-marking sneakers (to be left at school).
Primary level students should use sneakers they are
able to put on independently (i.e. Velcro).
sweat pants as described on PCA’s website
t-shirt with PCA logo as described on PCA’s website
shorts (allowed throughout the year) as described on
PCA’s website
sweatshirt with PCA logo as described on PCA’s
Science (grades 6 8):
(1) 1/2” 3 ring binder (gr 6 must be blue)
3 dividers for binder
loose leaf paper for binder
1 package of index cards
1 roll of paper towels
Please bring the index cards, wipes, and paper
towels to the science room.
Spanish and Mandarin:
Grade K-4
folder with pockets (Spanish)
Grade 5-6
folder with pockets (Spanish)
Grade 7-8
1½“ 3-ring binder
dividers for 3-ring binder
Grade 6-8 (Mandarin)
1½“ 3-ring binder
dividers for 3-ring binder
2 fine tip dry erase markers
Music (grades 4 - 8)
Concert Attire (grades 4 5): Students are expected to dress
up (dresses/ties/dress shoes/etc.) and may wear something
Christmassy (Dec) or Springy (Apr). Suit coats are optional.
Simply wearing chapel attire is acceptable.
Concert Attire (grades 6 8): Please wear white on top
(chapel shirt or modest dressy blouse) and dress pants or long
skirts on the bottom (black preferred, but any chapel attire is
acceptable). Gentlemen should wear a tie. Suit coats are
optional. Footwear should be nice-looking and non-
Band (grades 4-8):
instrument and case in working condition (rental
options available)
woodwinds: reeds and cork grease.
brass: valve oil and slide grease.
percussion: drumstick, drum pad, and bell kit
A microphone (built-in or external) connected to
their computer / iPad. This will be used with a
school-provided Smart Music account online.
music stand for home practice (can use piano stand)
1 pack of sharpened pencils with eraser
music book: available on rental day through Music
and Arts (www.musicarts.com), in music stores, or
and 5
Grade Bands: Tradition of Excellence Book I for
your child’s instrument
Junior High Band: Tradition of Excellence Book II for your
child’s instrument.
Chorus (grades 4-8):
sharpened pencil with eraser
Orchestra (grades 4-8):
instrument, bow and case, all in working condition
and correctly sized for student (rental options
basic supplies for all: rosin, soft flannel cloth, an
extra set of strings and a music stand for home
practice (can use piano stand).
violins & violas: shoulder rest correct size
cellos: endpin anchor strap or “donut”
sharpened pencil with eraser
music book: available on rental day through Music
and Arts (www.musicarts.com), in music stores, or
and 5
grade orchestra: Essential Elements for Strings
23 | P a g e
Book 1 for your child’s instrument
Junior High: Essential Elements for Strings Book 2 for your
child’s instrument.
Music Exploration (grades 6-8): World Music
a folder or half-inch 3-ring binder
sharpened pencil and eraser
You may provide your own djembe (teacher
approved) or rent one from the school for $50.
Items to be labeled with child's name:
backpack, the size that can easily hold a folder and
1 large pencil case
1 set of child size headphones
1 Crayola watercolor paint set
1 box 8 count primary colored Crayola crayons (for
classroom centers)
24 count Crayola crayons (for student desks)
1 hardcover primary composition book with space
for picture at top and handwriting lines.
1 pair child's Fiskar scissors
1 box primary color Crayola washable markers
classic colors
2 regular sized cans Playdoh (your choice of colors)
2 “Five Star” plastic pocket folders with 3 prongs
2 Pink pearl erasers
1 small whiteboard (about 9”x12”)
1 small bottle hand sanitizer
1 large “reusable” shopping bag to store winter
weather clothing and other items
Spare set of clothing (socks, underwear, top,
Items that do not need to be labeled:
2 boxes of tissues
3 rolls of paper towels
1 package whiteboard black markers (FINE TIP)
1 whiteboard eraser
1 pack of white or colored cardstock
3 - 1” metal book rings (easy opening)
5 plastic page protectors
24 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
10 white glue sticks
First grade
ESV Bible
1 large pencil case
12 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
4 glue sticks
2 boxes (16-24 count) Crayola crayons
1 box colored pencils
1 hardcover primary composition book with space
for pictures at the top of the page
1 pair child's blunt Fiskar scissors
1 set of primary color washable markers
3 folders
1 ruler with centimeters and inches
1 child-sized headphones
2 large boxes of tissues
3 rolls of paper towels
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 standard size clipboard
Wish List:
Skinny Whiteboard Markers
Second Grade
ESV Bible
1 pencil case that fits into desk
24 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
1 watercolor paint set
9 glue sticks
1 bottle of white school glue
1 24 count Crayola crayons
1 hardcover composition books
1 pair child's blunt Fiskar scissors
1 box of washable markers
(2) plastic 2-pocket folders prongs (yellow and blue)
1 sturdy plastic 2-pocket folder with 3 prongs (for
1 pink pearl eraser
1 ruler with centimeters and inches
1 red pen
1 yellow highlighter
1 small white board
2 white board markers
1 package 50 clear page protectors
1 ½WHITE 3 ring binder
1 large box of tissues
3 rolls of paper towels
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 child-sized headphones
Third Grade
ESV Bible
1 pencil case that fits into desk
24 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
4 glue sticks
1 box colored pencils
3 hardcover composition books
1 pair scissors w/ point
2 boxes markers (1 fine tip and 1 regular)
1 plastic 2-pocket folder (purple)
1 plastic 2-pocket folder (green)
24 | P a g e
1 plastic 2-pocket folder (yellow)
1 sturdy plastic pocket folder (red)
2 pink pearl erasers
(1) 12” ruler with centimeters and inches
4 highlighters, 1 of which is yellow (the rest should
be other colors besides yellow)
1 small white board
1 package skinny white board markers
(1) 1” 3 ring-binder
1 package sticky notes
1 handheld pencil sharpener w/ enclosure
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 large boxes of tissues
3 rolls of paper towels If your last name begins
with A-M please bring in these supplies in August.
If your last name begins with N-Z please bring in
January when we come back from Christmas
Fourth Grade
ESV Bible
1 (8” x 5” or smaller) pencil case
48 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
6 glue sticks
1 box (24-count) colored pencils
1 hardcover composition book
1 pair scissors w/ points
1 box markers
(1) green pocket folder
(1) blue pocket folder
(1) pocket folder (red) with for homework
2 colored pens
2-4 highlighters (all different colors)
1 thick dry erase marker for classroom
1 clipboard
1 package college ruled notebook paper
1 1 ½ inch binder
1 pack of 10 binder dividers with pockets
2 thin black sharpies (NOT sharpie pens)
2 packages pencil cap erasers
1 box plastic spoons/forks
1 large box of tissues
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 box spoons or forks
3 rolls of paper towels
(1) 12” ruler with centimeters and inches
1 plastic protractor with degrees listed both ways
1 small white board (approx. 12” x 9”) and eraser
4 personal white board markers
Fifth Grade
ESV Bible
3” 3-ring binder
1 large pencil case
5 plastic folders
24 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
2 glue sticks
colored pencils / markers / crayons
1 pair scissors w/ point
2 book covers
1 blue and 1 black pen (total 2)
2 highlighters
2 package sticky notes (3x3)
1 pack of 8 plastic binder dividers with tabs
1 handheld pencil sharpener w/ enclosure
1 package pencil cap erasers
1 box forks
1 box spoons
2 large boxes of tissues
6 Large rolls of paper towels
1 small white board and eraser
4 white board markers (any colors)
(1) ½” 3-ring binder
1 protractor
(1) 12” plastic ruler with centimeters and inches
Sixth Grade - We are color coding the classes for this year.
ESV Study Bible with concordance, notes, and maps
(may be purchased through the front desk)
48 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened (one
24-pack collected)
2 glue sticks
1 box (24 count) of colored pencils or markers
1 pair scissors w/ point
3 different colored highlighters
2 sheets white poster board
1 package wide ruled notebook paper
1 black sharpie
1 pack lined index cards 3x5
1 box assorted plastic spoons and forks
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 large boxes of tissues
3-4 large rolls of paper towels
ELA (green)
1 green ½ inch binder
1 green folder with prongs
1 green composition book
Literature (purple)
1 purple ½ inch binder
25 | P a g e
1 purple folder with prongs
1 purple composition book
Social Studies (red)
1 red ½ inch binder
1 red folder with prongs
1 red composition book
Bible (white)
1 white ½ inch binder
1 folder (choice color/design/etc.) with prongs
Math (black)
1 black ½ inch binder
1 black folder with prongs
1 black composition book
(1) 12” plastic ruler with centimeters and inches
1 small white board and eraser (for class)
4 white board markers
1 calculator (regular function)
Seventh Grade
ESV Study Bible with concordance, notes, and maps
(may be purchased through the front desk)
1 pencil case that fits into desk
12 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils, sharpened
4 glue sticks
1 box colored pencils
5 spiral bound notebooks
1 pair scissors w/ point
1 box colored markers
3 large book covers
6 plastic pocket folders (3-prong) 6 diff. colors
1 package multi-colored pens
1 package blue, black, red pens
3 highlighters, 1 of which is yellow
1” inch 3-ring binder used as a portfolio for graded
3 sheets white poster board - not foam core (please
leave at home until needed)
2 packages college ruled notebook paper
1 package of 8 binder dividers
1 hand held pencil sharpener w/ enclosure
1 black sharpie
1 pack white lined index cards 3x5
1 pack colored lined index cards 3x5
1 small box assorted plastic spoons, forks
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 boxes of tissues
3 large rolls of paper towels
1 book cover
1 small white board and eraser
4 skinny white board markers
(1) 2” 3-ring binder
1 package binder dividers
1 plastic folder (3-prong) with pockets
1 package graph paper
1 calculator (not on your phone)
Eighth Grade
ESV Study Bible with concordance, notes, and maps
(may be purchased through the front desk)
1 pencil pouch that fits into a binder
36 yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils for the year
4 glue sticks
4 spiral bound notebooks
1 pair scissors w/ point
(4) 3-prong plastic pocket folders (4 different colors)
6 red pens
Sufficient supply of black or blue pens
3 highlighters
1 package sticky notes
2 packages college-ruled notebook paper (for class)
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 boxes of tissues
3 rolls of paper towels
1 book cover
1 small white board and eraser
4 skinny white board markers
(1) 2” 3-ring binder
1 package binder dividers
1 plastic folder (3-prong) with pockets
1 package graph paper
1 calculator (with trig fungible and square roots) (not
on your phone)