6101 N. Habana Ave Tampa, Florida 33614
(813) 872-6744 CCSLancers.com
Lower School
Handbook 2018-2019
DIRECTORY .......................................................................................................................................... V
ASSISTANCE DIRECTORY ........................................................................................................................................ V
SCHOOL PERSONNEL- ............................................................................................................................................ V
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
VISION AND MISSION ............................................................................................................................................ 1
PRINCIPLES OF KINGDOM EDUCATION ................................................................................................................. 1
NON-DISCRIMINATORY STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 2
AUTHORITY STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 2
HANDLING CONCERNS........................................................................................................................................... 2
PARENT SERVICE ASSOCIATION (PSA) ................................................................................................................... 2
SCHOOL COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................. 3
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................... 4
ACCOMMODATIONS AND DISABILITIES ................................................................................................................ 4
TUTORIAL SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................... 5
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 6
E-MAIL ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
INTERNET ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
SOFTWARE AND MULTIMEDIA .............................................................................................................................. 7
FILE SHARING ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
PRIVACY, USE, AND SAFETY ................................................................................................................................... 8
CONSEQUENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 9
ADDENDUM ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
ACADEMICS (PS GRADE 6) .............................................................................................................. 10
GRADING/REPORTING FOR GRADES PS - K ......................................................................................................... 10
GRADING/REPORTING SYSTEM FOR GRADES 1-2 ............................................................................................... 10
GRADING/REPORTING SYSTEM FOR GRADES 3-6 ............................................................................................... 10
CCS HOMEWORK PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................................................................... 11
HOMEWORK ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
HOMEWORK REQUESTS WHEN CHILD IS ILL ....................................................................................................... 12
HONOR AWARDS (GRADES 5-6) .......................................................................................................................... 12
INCOMPLETE GRADE ........................................................................................................................................... 13
MAKE-UP WORK .................................................................................................................................................. 13
PENMANSHIP ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
PLACEMENT POLICY ............................................................................................................................................. 13
STUDENT AGENDA BOOKS (REQUIRED FOR GRADES 1-6) .................................................................................. 13
STANDARDIZED TESTING ..................................................................................................................................... 13
ABSENCE ON ACHIEVEMENT TESTING DAYS ....................................................................................................... 13
ACADEMIC PROBATION AND PROMOTION ......................................................................................................... 14
ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................................... 15
TRAFFIC STUDENT PICK-UP .................................................................................................................................. 15
ABSENCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
ABSENCE POLICIES ............................................................................................................................................... 15
ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................... 15
MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 16
TARDINESS ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
TARDY PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................... 16
APPEARANCE AND DRESS CODE ........................................................................................................ 17
UNIFORM GUIDELINES FOR GRADES 1 - 6 ........................................................................................................... 17
UNIFORM SPECIFIC APPEARANCE REMINDERS ................................................................................................ 18
UNIFORM INFRACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 18
SWIM SUITS ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
FOOTWEAR .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
HAIR / NAILS ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
JEWELRY .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
OUTER WEAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
OUTERWEAR COLD DAY ALLOWANCE .............................................................................................................. 19
P.E.UNIFORMS ( GRADES 1-6) ............................................................................................................................. 20
JEANS / CHRISTIAN T-SHIRT DAY ......................................................................................................................... 20
“ FREE” DRESS DAY .............................................................................................................................................. 20
OTHER ITEMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................ 21
MINOR INFRACTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 21
MAJOR INFRACTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 21
DISCIPLINARY PROBATION .................................................................................................................................. 22
SUSPENSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION ..................................................................................................................................... 22
OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION ............................................................................................................................ 23
RESTORATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
EXPULSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
ABUSE OF PERSONS OR PROPERTY ..................................................................................................................... 23
CONDUCT PROBATION ........................................................................................................................................ 23
DISCIPLINE PLAN .................................................................................................................................................. 23
DISMISSAL-END OF DAY ...................................................................................................................................... 24
AFTER SCHOOL EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 24
ARRIVAL PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................ 24
HEALTH AND SAFETY ......................................................................................................................... 25
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 25
FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ................................................................................................ 25
(GRADES 6-12) ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
CUSTODIAL RIGHTS .............................................................................................................................................. 25
IMMUNIZATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 26
ILLNESS OR INJURY .............................................................................................................................................. 26
MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION ........................................................................................................................... 26
PARENTS TRANSPORTING STUDENTS .................................................................................................................. 26
STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE ........................................................................................................................ 26
TRAFFIC PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................................... 27
VISITORS ON CAMPUS ......................................................................................................................................... 28
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 29
BOOK BAGS .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
BUILDING AND GROUNDS ................................................................................................................................... 29
CELL PHONES ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
TEXTING AND PRIVATE MESSAGING ................................................................................................................... 29
CELEBRATION THEME GUIDELINE ....................................................................................................................... 29
CHAPEL ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
CLOTHES CLOSET ................................................................................................................................................. 30
COMMUNICATION FOLDERS ............................................................................................................................... 30
DANGEROUS, ANNOYING OR DISTRACTING ITEMS ............................................................................................ 30
ANIMALS ON CAMPUS ......................................................................................................................................... 30
EARLY RELEASE FOR APPOINTMENTS ................................................................................................................. 30
ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
EXTENDED DAY .................................................................................................................................................... 31
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................................................... 31
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES-DISMISSAL ........................................................................................................ 31
FIELD TRIPS .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
I.D. BADGES ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
INCLEMENT WEATHER ......................................................................................................................................... 32
INTERNET COMMUNICATION .............................................................................................................................. 32
LOST AND FOUND ................................................................................................................................................ 32
LUNCH PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................... 32
PARTIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
PARTY INVITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 32
SCREENINGS ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
SEARCH OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ....................................................................................................................... 33
SEXUAL ETHICS .................................................................................................................................................... 33
STUDENT RECORDS ............................................................................................................................................. 33
TEXTBOOKS .......................................................................................................................................................... 34
The list below indicates the personnel to contact for your most frequent questions:
Absences for Illness……………………………………
Lower School Office
Change of Address…………………………………….
Classroom difficulties (student)…………………
Classroom Teacher then Lower School Principal
Classroom difficulties (parent) ………………….
Classroom Teacher then Lower School Principal
Contributions and Donations ……………………
Director of Advancement
Discipline ………………………………………………….
Classroom Teacher then Lower School Principal
Lost and Found …………………………………………
Lower School Office
Lower School Office
Teacher Conference………………………………….
Classroom Teacher
Tuition, Billing, Fees………………………………….
Business Office
Head of School
Finance Director
Shawn Minks
Liana Turk
Lisa Abbazia
Melody Shiver
Upper School Administration
Mark Butler
Cari Gibson, US Principal
Lower School Administration
Assistance to the US Principal
Jonathan Valdez, LS Principal
Pat Humanensky, Assistant to the
LS Principal
Student Billing
Ivonne Calderon
Sandi Diaz, Receptionist
Facilities and Maintenance
Rick Shears
Welcome to the Parent/Student Handbook. The purpose of this Handbook is to inform parents and students of
several policies and procedures that the Cambridge Christian School (School) abides by. It is the parents'
responsibility to review this Handbook and discuss it with their child.
This Handbook is divided into three sections: School-wide (SW) includes information for students in all or most
grades, Lower School (LS) includes information for students in grades Preschool (PS) - 6 and Upper School (US)
includes information for students in grades 7 12.
(For ease of reading he or his will refer to both sexes except where gender specific. Parent will also be referred
to as legal guardian when appropriate.)
The purpose of the Cambridge Christian School is to offer a college-preparatory education at the preschool,
lower and upper school levels within an environment reflecting an expression of biblical world and life
perspective, utilizing the Holy Bible as the ultimate standard of faith and conduct.
The mission of the Cambridge Christian School is to glorify God in all that we do; to demonstrate excellence at
every level of academic, athletic and artistic involvement; to develop strength of character; and to serve the
local and global community.
Cambridge operates according to a philosophy of education. This philosophy has been compiled in the book,
Kingdom Education: God’s Plan for Educating Future Generations” by Dr. Glen Schultz. It is the desire of
CAMBRIDGE to have its School Committee, administration, faculty, staff, and parents to know, understand, and
commit themselves to the ten principles found in Kingdom Education. These principles are:
1. The education of children and youth is the primary responsibility of parents (Deut. 6:4-9; 11:18-21; Psa.
78:1-7; Psa. 127:3; Prov. 22:6; Mal. 2:13-16; Eph. 6:4).
2. The education of children and youth is a 24 hour-a-day, 7 days-per-week process that continues from
birth to maturity (Deut. 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 22:6).
3. The education of children and youth must have as its primary goals the salvation of and discipleship of
the next generation (Psa. 78:6-7; Matt. 28:19-20).
4. The education of children and youth must be based on God’s Word as absolute truth (Matt. 24:35; Psa.
5. The education of children and youth must hold Christ as preeminent in all of life (Col. 2:3; 6-10).
6. The education of children and youth must not hinder the spiritual and moral development of the next
generation (Matt.18:6; 19:13-14; Mk. 10:13-16; Lk. 18:15-17).
7. The education of children and youth, if and when delegated to others by parents, must be done so with
utmost care to ensure that all teachers follow these principles (Ex. 18:21; I Sam. 1:27-28; 3:1-10).
8. The education of children and youth results in the formation of a biblical belief system or worldview (Lk.
9. The education of children and youth must lead to true wisdom by connecting all knowledge to a
worldview frame of reference (Rom. 1:20; Psa. 19:1; Prov. 4:5,7; 3:19; 9:10; Psa. 104:24; 136:5; Jere.
10:12; Rom. 11:33; Luke 11:52; Col. 2:3; I Cor. 8:1; 13:8; Rom. 1:28).
10. The education of children and youth must have a view of the future that includes the eternal
perspective (Col. 3:1-2; Matt. 6:19-20; 2 Tim. 4:6-8; Acts 20:24; Heb. 11:13; Col. 3:23-24).
Cambridge Christian School admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges,
programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. Cambridge Christian
does not discriminate on a basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational
or admissions policies, scholarships and loans, athletic or other school-administered programs.
Cambridge Christian School is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with a self-perpetuating board structure.
The Board of Trustees is the final authority for the school and elects successor trustees from among parents and
others who evidence spiritual maturity and committed support for the school and its mission.
The Board delegates to the Headmaster responsibility for operation of the school, while maintaining policy
oversight and final authority for directional leadership. Trustees stay informed and active in school matters but
exercise their authority in most all cases through administrative implementation of policy determined by the
Board of Trust. While authority of the Board rests corporately in its policy decisions, rather than in any single
member, each Trustee is involved and interested in school affairs.
If parents have questions or concerns with school personnel or with actions at particular levels of school
operation, these should be addressed in accordance with Matthew 18 procedures detailed below in the
handbook. A question or concern may end up involving the Headmaster or the Board of Trust if other involved
individuals have been addressed and resolution has not been reached. Contact can certainly be made directly
with the Headmaster or the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for questions or concerns about overall school
In practical terms, parents should bring most questions to the teacher, coach or other school staff members
directly involved and seek clarity, resolution, and strong relationship. If questions remain, the principal at that
division level would normally be the person to contact. We gratefully experience fruitful resolution of most
questions in this way.
Invariably questions and complaints arise during the school year. These can be teacher-student, student-
student, teacher-parent or parent-administrator related. It is important that these be dealt with courteously
and promptly. The following steps are an application of the biblical model in Matthew 18.
1. Meet privately with the person to seek the resolution; with a spirit of reconciliation look for the BEST
way to resolve the issue, not for having one’s own way.
2. If unresolved, contact the principal, who will work to facilitate communication and resolve the concern.
Please do not contact the principal, however, if step #1 has not been addressed.
3. If still unresolved, the problem can be brought before other leadership. The principle underlying this
procedure is clear: Solve each concern with the persons directly involved at the lowest level possible,
moving the matter up the chain of command as needed until it is resolved.
The School encourages parent involvement and is most appreciative of the fine work of its parent organization
that provides service to its students; assistance to its faculty and staff; leadership to School families; and time
given by the members on the School’s behalf.
Governed by the Board of Trustees, through the Head of School, the PSA plays an active part in the life of the
School as a supportive service organization. It seeks to promote general interest in the School and to gain
stronger parent awareness and involvement in its many programs.
Leadership of the PSA is composed of an Executive Board and a general board. They meet monthly throughout
the school year.
Guided by its goal, “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (2 Corinthians 10:31), the PSA sponsors fund-
raising events, promotes Christian spirit among the School’s students; organizes family social gatherings;
conducts Work Days to beautify the School grounds; and organizes and sponsors other activities. Cambridge
Christian parents automatically become members of the organization upon enrollment of their child.
As part of the partnership between home and school, parent involvement and service are essential.
Parents will be billed for service hours (4 hours per child per semester) on December 15th for the first semester
and April 15th for the second semester. If the Parent Service Hours’ form is turned into the Business Office by
December 31 for the first semester and the last day of school for the second semester, the charges will be
reversed. Parents must turn their own form into the Business Office. Parent Service Hours forms will not be
accepted after these dates.
Homeroom Parents for Lower School
Homeroom mothers and fathers volunteer to assist teachers with parties, field trips, and other activities. All
assigned Homeroom moms and dads will be invited to attend a PSA “Coffee” in the fall of each School year in
order to be informed of their responsibilities and to receive the “Homeroom Parent Guidelines” for further
assistance. The School greatly appreciates the time and effort that volunteer “Moms and Dads” give its students
each year
Cambridge Christian desires to assist parents in the development of their child. Parents' ideas, perceptions and
needs are important to us. Check the website often for information, announcements and forms that are
required by the School. The following communications exist to keep us working cooperatively for the good of
your child. Experience has taught us that (1) students are served best when their parents are actively in
communication with the School and actively involved with the School's events and programs; and (2) students
respond best when they know that their parents and teachers regularly spend time focusing on their
development and progress. The following are the School's means of communicating with parents:
Blast E-mail is a form of instant mass notification. This is one method of communication used to notify parents
when school closings may take place as well as other information. This communication is through your e-mail.
Please keep your e-mail information current with the School.
Cambridge-Christian Website is available to all parents. Information about the School, specific events and forms
that need to be completed may be found on the Cambridge Christian website. The address is
E-mail is available to all parents who desire to communicate with their child's teacher(s). The teacher's address
is his first initial, his last name and @ccslancers.com, example t[email protected].
Informational Voice Mail Box is used to post periodic current updates for various circumstances i.e., travel
arrangements, emergencies and so forth. Please call 872-6744 *275.
Parent Open House is scheduled at the beginning of the school year. Parents meet with their child's teacher(s)
for a brief overview of the specific grade and academic subject. There are two (2) divisions of Parent Open
House Nights: Lower School (grades Preschool through 6) and Upper School (grades 7 12). Since these
meetings are for parents, children are not invited to attend.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled to share with parents their child's growth in development of social
and academic skills as well as growth in Christian character. The final conference in grades PS 6 includes the
student. Individual conferences can also be scheduled as needed.
Phone CallsParents may leave a message for their child's teacher(s) with the Lower School Office, ext. 251
(grades PS 6) or the High School/Middle School Office, ext. 230 (grades 7 12).
Progress ReportsParents may monitor student progress by viewing RenWeb. All students are assigned a
password in order to access the student's grades, assignments and more.
Report Cards are online for grades PS 12.
RenWeb Renweb is web-based school management software that serves as a primary mode of communication
for CCS and our families. Renweb generates grade email notifications, makes accessible current grades and
homework, and houses all school forms. Be sure to utilize Renweb on a regular basis and keep your contact
information current.
Connections is a periodic publication, updating all families on the events and highlights of School life.
Enrollment Commitment Parents sign an enrollment contract agreeing to the following: (selected points)
(See enrollment contract for a full explanation of the tuition policy.)
1. The obligation to pay the tuition for the full academic year is unconditional; that the school, in reserving a
place for my child, is relying on my promise to pay the tuition.
2. There will be no refund of registration fees unless Cambridge Christian is unable to accept my child due to
a wait list or non-admission and in the event that I choose to withdraw after June 1, no portion of tuition or
registration fees will be refunded or canceled in the event of absence, withdrawal or dismissal from
Cambridge Christian of the student, whether such fees are paid or unpaid at that date.
Delinquent Accounts Any account that becomes past due for 60 days or more will subject your child to potential
exclusion from Cambridge Christian unless financial arrangements have been made with the Director of Finance.
Records will not be released for delinquent accounts.
Parent Service Hours All School parents are required to complete four (4) hours of service per semester, per
child. The Parent Service Hours’ fee will be billed at a rate of $12.50 per hour, per child for a maximum amount
of $100.00 per family per semester, i.e., two (2) children.
Please note: Attendance at School and class functions or required meetings does not qualify for service hours.
One must volunteer services.
Procedures Parents will be billed for service hours on December 15th for the first semester and April 15th for
the second semester. If the Parent Service Hours’ form documenting appropriate service is turned into the
Business Office by December 31 for the first semester and the last day of school for the second semester, the
charges will be reversed. Parents must turn their own form into the Business Office. Parent Service Hours’
forms will not be accepted after these dates.
Tuition and Miscellaneous Costs Tuition payments do not encompass the cost of uniforms, books (some),
supplies, enrichment/lab fees, after school athletic program fees, lunches, transportation, special event
admission fees, overnight field trips, yearbook, service projects or other expenses incurred in the ordinary
course of the student’s activities at Cambridge Christian (miscellaneous costs). Parents have signed the
enrollment contract agreeing to be responsible for all tuition and miscellaneous costs, payment of which is due
in the Business Office.
Cambridge Christian School will consider the need for an adjustment to its programs, policies, or procedures for
a student’s physical, mental, or learning disability or difference. Should there be a need for a specific
modification, it is the parent’s responsibility to request it by meeting with the Guidance and Academic Advisor
and/or the Principal and by cooperating with the School’s procedures to determine the need and parameters of
any such change. Changes are made at the discretion of the School and in consideration of available resources.
Though Cambridge Christian desires to make modifications when possible, it should be understood that our
education mission parameters include whole class instruction and do not include special education services.
School Policy for Accommodations/Modifications:
1. Students either in the Discovery/NILD Program or on the waiting list for Discovery/NILD Program will
have an accommodation plan in place provided either by the Discovery/NILD Program Coordinator or
the NILD Educational Therapist. The NILD Educational Therapist will work with the teachers to meet the
needs of the student while working on deficit areas through NILD educational therapy.
2. Students displaying a lack of academic progress, after a teacher/parent meeting has taken place, may be
provided with extra time of fifteen to twenty minutes and preferential seating. The accommodation of
extra time and/or preferential seating will be monitored by the classroom teacher.
3. Students who display a lack of academic progress after given the extra time and preferential seating will
begin the student referral process.
Several Cambridge Christian teachers offer tutorial services after school or in the evenings. Tutoring fees start at
$40 per hour for individual instruction and $25 per hour per individual in a group setting. If interested, please
call the Lower School office for assistance with this arrangement or notify the individual teacher personally.
Parents who use this service after school must pick up their child from the classroom at a specified time. If you
do not arrive at the specified time, the child will be taken to Extended Day or sent to After School Study Hall.
This service will be billed to your Cambridge Christian account.
In the best interest of the entire School community, so that we might all live happily together and function as
smoothly as possible, certain guidelines of conduct must be maintained by all students of Cambridge Christian,
both on and off campus. The following minimal personal virtues are expected of all Cambridge Christian
students and serve as the social code regulating community life at Cambridge Christian:
1. Kindness 6. Truthfulness
2. Respect for Persons 7. Respect for Those in Authority
3. Punctuality in Attendance and Work 8. Obedience to Those in Authority
4. Respect for Property of Others 9. Honesty
5. Diligence in Effort and Attention 10. Integrity
The boundaries of our discipline policy include a student’s ‘out of school’ activities because we care about their
total character and about the witness to God. See Lower and Upper School sections for details.
The policies and procedures covered in this Parent/Student Handbook are not intended to be all-inclusive. This
Handbook and the policies contained herein do not in any way constitute, and should not be construed as a
promise or contract between parents, students and the School. Nothing in this Handbook binds the School to
any specific procedures or policies. As a parent, you are completely free to withdraw your child at any time that
you choose(though financial responsibilities remain), and we have the same right to terminate enrollment.
Cambridge Christian School reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any policy in this Parent/Student
Handbook at any time without prior notice.
Cambridge Christian School has a commitment to the integration of technology into the academic programs of
the school. We believe that electronic communication is a tool for lifelong learning and that access to the
school’s network can promote educational and organizational excellence. Students must use the school’s
network and the Internet in a legal, ethical, moral, and responsible manner in accordance with the school’s
stated mission.
Access to the school network and the Internet is a privilege that is tied to responsibilities. The following
guidelines are intended to help individual technology users understand appropriate use and how it applies to
any device that connects to the school’s network. The school may restrict, suspend, or terminate any user's
access to the school's technology systems and network for not respecting these guidelines.
Please use a personal e-mail account (i.e., Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) for any communication other
than school business.
Be polite. Do not get abusive in your message to others. Emails are not to be used to harass others,
send inappropriate or offensive messages, conduct a business, or campaign for school elections.
E-mail etiquette should be observed. In general, only messages that one would say to the recipient in
person should be written.
Students who receive harassing or threatening messages must notify a faculty member as soon as
All files in graduating students’ disk folder will be deleted each summer.
The use of e-mail during class, without teacher approval, is strictly prohibited.
Do not send out bulk e-mail. This includes chain letters, advertisements, or any other message that
includes many different recipients without their consent.
Do not reveal your personal address or phone number or those of other students or colleagues.
Forgery or attempted forgery of email messages or other electronic documents is prohibited.
Attempts to read, delete, copy, or modify the electronic stored document files in other students’ folder
are prohibited.
Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy school technology equipment or materials, the data of
another user, or any of the institutions, or other networks that are connected to the Internet is
Email and any other use of the electronic communication systems by students shall not be considered
confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated staff to ensure appropriate use of
educational or administrative purposes.
Passwords to secure documents should be kept confidential. Students should not share their passwords
with anyone but parents and the Technology Staff. If there is ever any concern about a password being
compromised, the student should immediately change their password.
Students' use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and be consistent with the
educational objectives of Cambridge Christian School. Use for commercial activities, product
advertisement, or political lobbying is also prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted
material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.
Cambridge Christian School reserves the right to monitor the Internet usage of all students through
specialized software reporting as well as any other means available to teachers and administration. This
includes school owned computers as well as any other computers or devices that access the Internet
through the schools Internet connection.
Students may not use any instant messaging, blogging, chatting, or other collaboration program to
communicate with others through the computer network during class, unless a teacher or administrator
expressly authorizes them to do so.
The use of the Internet and e-mail is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use could result in a
cancellation of those privileges. Cambridge Christian reserves the right to review any material in user
folders and to monitor file-server space in order to make determinations on whether specific uses of the
network are inappropriate.
If a student inadvertently accesses a website that contains obscene, pornographic or otherwise
offensive material, the student should notify a teacher.as quickly as possible so that such sites can be
blocked from further access within the Cambridge Christian School firewall. This is not merely a request;
it is a responsibility.
The Internet is a rich and valuable source of information for education. Inappropriate materials are
available on the Internet, but are strictly prohibited. These materials include items of a sexual or
pornographic nature, extremist or militant materials, gambling, depictions of violence, images that are
intended to be abusive or harassing, etc. Students must not access, display, or store this type of
These policies and procedures apply to all devices used at Cambridge Christian School, including these
financed or purchased through the school, privately purchased laptops (irrespective of ownership), and
any other device. Teachers may set additional requirements for computer use in their classroom.
Students are not to use another user's username or password to gain access to the network or Internet
or trespass into another user's files.
Students must receive express, prior permission from the owner before borrowing computers, power
cords, or any accessories. To act otherwise will be considered theft and the student will be referred to
an administrator to face disciplinary action.
Each user is responsible for his/her own device, and should treat and use it responsibly and
appropriately, keeping in mind that most malfunctions are the result of misuse.
Users are responsible for taking care of their device, battery, and charger and are cautioned about
leaving them around carelessly.
All devices should have a name tag attached to the outside of them that clearly identifies the owner.
No food or beverages should be in the vicinity of the devices.
Students are prohibited from disabling or attempting to disable any Internet filtering device, encrypting
communications to avoid security review, or intentionally introducing a virus to the computer system.
Downloading or using copyrighted information without permission from the copyright holder is
considered plagiarism and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if it is discovered.
No computer programs (executables), MP3's, pornography, or copyrighted material may be distributed
over the network. This rule prohibits sending files through e-mail as well as setting up "servers" on a
student's device or by any other physical or electronic means.
Any additional software that is used at the school must be appropriate for the school environment and
may not infringe on the productivity of the classroom setting.
Students are responsible for ensuring that only software that is loaded onto their computers is licensed
to their device.
Unauthorized duplication of data programs, hardware, or software is prohibited.
Online gaming and downloading music/videos/software from the internet at Cambridge Christian School
is prohibited at all times. Using the device for the following activities is not permitted during class time,
except as a part of an assigned class activity or during flex periods.
1. Listening to music
2. Watching movies or videos
3. Instant messaging and joining chatrooms
Any audio or video recording may be conducted only with prior permission of all parties being recorded.
Sharing of music over the school network is strictly prohibited and is subject to appropriate
The playing of games during class time, without teacher approval, is also strictly prohibited. No games
that are “played” over the school network are allowed.
Violent games and computer images containing obscene violence or pornographic material are not
allowed on school grounds in any format. This includes games, music with vulgar lyrics or titles,
pictures, text documents, PowerPoints, etc. Any file found on a student’s device that is considered
violent, obscene, vulgar or pornographic will result in immediate disciplinary action.
File sharing is the public or private sharing of computer data or space. Any program that creates a
pointtopoint connection between two or more computing devices for the purpose of sharing data is
considered file sharing.
File sharing of any kind is prohibited on campus. The only exception to this is when it is a specific
assignment given by a faculty member.
No file sharing software of any kind is to be used on school grounds. Examples of this type of software
are Limewire, Bearshare, Kazaa, iMesh, etc. Although these types of programs are software downloads,
they automatically create file sharing connections.
Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.
Students may not download large files over the Internet during school hours.
Do not intentionally waste limited resources such as paper and printer cartridges that are provided by
Cambridge Christian School. Only essential materials should be printed. Limitations may be placed on
students' permission to print if they abuse this privilege.
The school will monitor computer activities that take place on campus during the school day including
logging website access, newsgroup access, bandwidth, and network use.
Students are prohibited from accessing faculty, administration, and staff computers as well as school file
servers for any reason without explicit permission from the user or administrator of that computer.
Students are prohibited from utilizing the command prompt interface. In addition to this, students are
prohibited from using any method to obtain control of another person’s computer through the use of
their own computer.
Any device used on the school network, even if privately owned, is subject to all policies and
consequences of the Acceptable Use Policy including the right to view the content at any time, the right
to remove content if inappropriate, and the right to retain the device in the school’s possession if there
is an infraction to the AUP that deserves that consequence.
Loss or restriction of technology privileges.
Detention or suspension.
Parental notification.
Community service to the school.
A very serious infraction could result in separation from the school.
Students are subject to a random check of the history and activity on their device. Decisions of the
Cambridge Christian School administration regarding unacceptable computer use are final.
A student's use of the Internet and/or e-mail may be revoked, denied or suspended at the request of
faculty and staff of Cambridge Christian School.
Deliberate attempts to violate Cambridge Christian School’s acceptable use guidelines, or compromise,
degrade, or disrupt system performance may result in restricted use of devices at school or other
appropriate consequences.
Cambridge Christian School may limit, suspend or revoke a student's access to the school's technology
systems or the network upon violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
Students are to report any known violations of this Acceptable Use Policy to appropriate administrative
staff members. Random checks of student device (both personally-owned and school-owned) may be
conducted throughout the year to ensure that these policies are being followed.
All students must use the school’s filtered network to access the Internet on any device used on school
grounds. Wireless broadband cards are not allowed to be used before, during, or after school while on
All students and staff will not use proxy servers for Internet use that bypass our security services and
leave the school open to internet attacks.
Consistent with Cambridge Christian’s developmental approach to Early Childhood education, the child’s
academic progress is evaluated relative to developmental growth and individual rate of learning in all five (5)
domains of instruction: emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual. Parents can review their child's
progress on RenWeb throughout the school year. Achievement of grade level standards in concepts, skills and
expected behaviors are carefully assessed and recorded on the report card to indicate the child’s appropriate
rate of development: P (performs most times), D (developing skill), NI (needs improvement), and NYE (not yet
expected). Preschool and Pre-kindergarten children receive this assessment twice a year. Kindergarten children
receive assessments quarterly.
Parents can review their child's progress on RenWeb throughout the school year. Achievement of grade level
standards in concepts and skills, are carefully assessed and are recorded on the report cards by the teacher to
indicate the child’s appropriate rate of development or level of understanding: M (mastery), S (satisfactory
progress), NI (needs improvement) in each area.
Grade ID
High Value
Low Value
Majority Mastered
Progressing Well
Satisfactory Progress
Needs Improvement
Letter grades (A - F) are used to indicate academic achievement at this level. Grades are determined by a careful
assessment of the student’s class work (written and oral), tests, special assignments and projects during each
grading period.
Specialty classes for Grades 1-6: Physical Education, Band, Art, Vocal Music, Foreign Language and Technology
are graded M, SP, or NI, for grades 1 - 3; A F for grades 4 - 6.
Letter Grade
High Value
Low Value
While education remains paramount at CCS, family and the local church are our partners in the process. School
and school-related activities should not make up the entirety of a young person’s life. Our success rate in
partnering with families whose members are close to each other and connected to church is tremendous. Close-
knit families require time with each other (Wallace, 2015). Therefore, while homework is necessary and
important to us as a school, it does not trump the importance of family and church. Our homework philosophy
and its implementation will reflect these two priorities.
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
All homework does not inherently hold academic value. In order for it to promote learning, it must connect in
one or more of the ways identified below. That being said, honorable completion of homework develops self-
discipline. It provides an opportunity for the students to independently produce their best work. Homework
produces the greatest benefit when it is completed with integrity. It relies on the honor system, and it provides
an opportunity for parental involvement and support.
2 Corinthians 8:11
Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to
your means.
Homework at CCS is described as authentic, engaging, meaningful and relevant. The amount of homework is not
directly proportional to the rigor of an academic program. Homework is not assigned as a matter of obligation,
and it is not comprised of non-thinking activities commonly referred to as “busy work” (i.e. writing vocabulary
words ten times each). When the goal of a particular assignment can be accomplished by assigning ten
problems, our teachers do not assign thirty. Homework always has one or more of the following purposes:
Time Frame
As a rule of thumb, CCS follows the standard endorsed by the National Education Association and the National
Parent-Teacher Association. It is the “10-minute” rule that prescribes ten minutes of homework per night per
grade level (not to include studying). CCS follows this guideline based on extensive research findings as follows:
Lower School Beyond 10 minutes per grade level, homework offers little benefit (Cooper, Robinson, &
Patall, 2006).
Teacher Guidelines
Identify the purpose of homework assignments.
Establish objectives and guidelines for special projects, including any expectations for parent
Follow the guidelines for the amount of time designated for homework, including special projects.
Post all assignments, provide time for students to record them and communicate expectations to
Model homework strategies and provide models as appropriate throughout the school year.
Establish a system for reviewing, recording, and returning homework in a timely manner.
Ensure that resources and materials required for homework projects are easily obtained by students.
Never assign homework as a consequence.
Notify parents early regarding homework problems and missing assignments.
When assigning projects, ensure that completion time is not limited to a school vacation period.
Discuss homework practices with colleagues and provide guidelines for the type of homework at each
grade level.
Parent Guidelines
Promote a positive attitude toward homework as part of the learning process.
Understand and reinforce expectations for the quality of student work.
Provide structure, a site, and tools needed to help the child organize and complete homework.
Be available to provide supervision and support, but do not do the assignment.
Understand the amount of assistance appropriate for homework assignments.
Communicate often with the student and his or her teacher, giving feedback to the teacher when there
is a homework concern.
Student Guidelines
Ask for help if the assignment is not clear.
Copy all assignments into planner (grades 16), carefully recording due dates and important
Maintain the highest quality work on homework assignments.
Take home all necessary resources such as textbooks, notes, and study guides.
Bring the completed homework to school when it is due.
Be responsible for getting assignments when absent from school.
Cambridge Christian believes that homework is an integral part of the learning process, and it assigned at all
grade levels. Students in grades K – 6 are held responsible for all assignments and are graded accordingly.
Please refer to your child’s grade level teachers for their specific homework grading policies. For good
communication and to avoid any missed/late homework assignments, please review your child’s agenda and/or
RenWeb or contact your child’s teachers.
Parents may request homework for their child on the 2
day of absence. Please request it before 9:00 A.M. that
day in the Lower School office or by contacting the Lower School teacher directly.
Students in grades 5 and 6 are given recognition for achieving and maintaining academic excellence. The
academic subjects include math, science, Language Arts, social studies and Bible; the enrichment subjects
include music, art, technology, foreign language and physical education.
Head of School List - All “A’s” (no A-) in academics and enrichment subjects must be achieved.
Principal’s ListMore “A’s” than “B’s” or an equal number of “A’s” and “B’s” and no "C's" in academics
first/core subjects and then more “A’s” than “B’s” or an equal number of “A’s” and “B’s” and no "C’s” in
enrichment subjects. (ex: art, music, computer, etc.)
Honor RollMore “B’s” than “A’s”, no “C’s” in academics first and then more “B’s” than “A’s”, and no “C’s” in
enrichment subjects.
An Incomplete (“I ”) is given only when the teacher does not have adequate information or grades to evaluate
the child, usually the result of a long-term illness or late entry. If, after a given length of time, the student fails
to complete assigned work, zeros will be given for each non-completed assignment and will be averaged with all
other grades. The “I ” will then be replaced on the report card with the earned grade.
The student, following his return to school, will complete all assignments missed during an absence (See
Attendance for definition of Absences).
Excused Absence: Parents may call to request class and homework assignments as of the 2
day of absence
(grades K - 6). All make-up work is due by a reasonable date determined by the child's teacher(s). The general
rule is that students have the same number of days to make up the assignments as they were absent.
Special Absence: Students may be granted Special Absence with the understanding that schoolwork may only
be assigned prior to the absence at the discretion of their teacher(s). Although students will not be penalized
for assignments and tests missed during their absence, students will be accountable for the completion of these
upon their return to school. The teacher(s) will determine a reasonable length of time for completion.
This subject is evaluated on effort rather than skill so as not to penalize students who have motor deficiencies.
Students are expected to produce clear, legible pieces of work that are turned in for grading purposes. This
includes homework.
In an effort to provide the Lower School students with the most successful educational experience, much
wisdom and prayerful thought is essential to the appropriate placement in specified self-contained classes
(grades Preschool 2) and homeroom groups (grades 3 - 6). Since the composition of each class must meet
certain criteria to ensure a positive teaching environment, careful consideration is given to the following:
boy/girl ratios; peer relationships; class quotas; student's academic abilities, learning style and progress; and
primarily, recommendations for placement by the student's previous teacher(s).
To be eligible to attend kindergarten, students must be five years of age on or before September 1 of the school
year for which they are registering.
These are written in daily or weekly by the students and/or their teacher(s) to record homework, testing dates
and long-term assignments and to encourage good study skills. If an agenda book is lost, parents are
responsible for replacing it. Students in grades 1-6 may be subject to disciplinary action for not bringing their
agenda to school daily. Parents are requested to check and sign their child’s agenda books.
Preschool and Pre-kindergarten students are not tested. Kindergarten thru 6
grade are tested in the Spring. No
homework or assigned projects other than long term projects are assigned during the week of testing.
Students in grades PS and PK are not tested. Kindergarten thru 6
grade are tested in the Spring of each year.
There will be a charge of $100.00 per day to test your child if he is absent for any reason other than an
emergency or tardy during portion of the testing on Achievement Testing Days. This service will be billed to your
Cambridge Christian account.
A student will be placed on Academic Probation if, in any 9 week grading period, the student makes
unsatisfactory academic progress, have earned a “D” in two or more subjects or a grade “F” in one subject. If a
student is unable to meet the goals of the Academic Probation, administration will determine if further
academic testing is needed and/or may not guarantee promotion to the next grade level. Any student receiving
2 or more “F’s” on their report card will not be guaranteed promotion to the next grade level.
School begins promptly at the designated times below. It is important that your child arrives on time and not leave before
the day ends.
Start Time
On Dismissal Deck
Half-Day Dismissal Time
Preschool – Pre-kindergarten
8:15 A.M.
2:35 P.M.
11:40 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
2:40 P.M.
11:45 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
2:45 P.M.
11:45 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
2:50 P.M.
11:50 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
3:00 P.M.
11:50 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
3:10 P.M.
11:55 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
3:10 P.M.
11:55 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
3:10 P..M.
12:00 P.M.
Students in grades PS 6 who are not picked up by 3:30 p.m. will be taken to the Extended Day program. This
service will be billed to your Cambridge Christian account.
All absences fall into one of three categories:
1. Absenceillness on the part of the child or death/emergency in the immediate family or an approved
church-related activity, when the student brings a written excuse on the day he returns to school.
2. Special absencepre-arranged authorization of absence based on parent request. This request must be in
writing, at least two weeks in advance, and must receive approval by the Principal. When the above
conditions are not met, the absence will be considered unexcused. The Lower School office personnel will
notify parents if this request is not approved.
Parents are encouraged to take family trips and vacations only during non-school days and vacation periods
listed on the annual school calendar and are urged not to abuse the Special Absence Policy.
1. Parents are expected to call or email the Lower School office if their child is absent
2. A student who is absent more than 30 days due to illness or special requests (grades Preschool 5) during
the school year may be required to repeat the entire school year at the same grade level. Students in
grade 6 may not be absent more than 10 days per semester without incurring academic penalty. Parents
are asked to call the school office by 9:00 A.M. if their child is absent that day.
Attendance is required for any student involved in an evening or weekend school program unless the child is ill
or there is a family emergency. A written excuse signed by the parent must be submitted prior to OR
immediately following the scheduled event. The teacher(s) and/or the Principal will determine if the excuse is
acceptable. If the excuse is not acceptable, the child may receive a lower grade for the class that has prepared
the program.
Students who are members of the band or choir will receive a failing grade for an unexcused absence from a
required performance and/or leaving the performance before its conclusion.
Parents are requested to schedule medical and dental appointments during non-school days or vacation periods.
However, if the student must leave school for an appointment, he must be signed out on the “Check-out Form”
in the school office. If the student returns to school on the same day after the appointment, he must be signed-
in at the office and obtain an excused TARDY PASS from the Attendance Registrar for his return to class.
Tardiness is detrimental to students and disrupts the educational process in the classroom. Students (Preschool
and Pre-kindergarten) are considered tardy when they are not in the classroom by the assigned start time.
1. Tardiness upon arrival in the morning (grades Preschool and Pre-kindergarten after 8:15 A.M.,
Kindergarten - 6 after 8:00 A.M.) requires the student to report to the office either with his parent (for a
verbal excuse) or with a written excuse. The student must obtain a Tardy Pass in order to enter class.
2. Tardiness after a medical appointment (grades Preschool 6) requires the student to report to the office
with his parent. The student must obtain a Tardy Pass in order to enter class.
3. Tardiness between classes (grades 3 6) requires a student to receive a Tardy Pass from the teacher of
the previous class. This pass is then given to the receiving teacher and the tardiness is recorded in his
attendance book.
Students have sufficient time between classes and/or during lunch/activity period to take care of personal
needs. Teachers also allow students to leave class to use the restroom when necessary.
God has created us in His image and to glorify Him. Cambridge Christian students are to dress modestly at all
times, not to please themselves, but to please God.
Girls Regular Uniform
Girls Chapel Uniform
Plaid shorts or navy pants
Plaid shorts
Navy, gray, white or yellow knit shirt
White knit shirt
Navy drop-waist dress
Navy, Black Gray or White socks (visible
above shoe) or Leggings
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible above
shoe) or Leggings
Pre-kindergarten &
Plaid shorts or Navy pants
Plaid Shorts
Navy drop-waist dress
White knit shirt
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
Navy , Black, Gray or White socks(visible
above the shoe) or Leggings
Navy , Black, Gray or White socks (visible above
the shoe) or Leggings
Boys Regular Uniform
Boys Chapel Uniform
Navy shorts or pants
Navy shorts or pants
Navy/white stripe knit shirt
White knit shirt
Navy, Gray, White, or Yellow knit shirt
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks
(visible above shoe).
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible
above shoe).
Pre-kindergarten &
Navy shorts or pants
Navy shorts or pants
Navy/white stripe knit shirt
White knit shirt
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible
above shoe)
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks
(visible above shoe)
Girls Regular Uniform
Girls Chapel Uniform
- 5
Navy pants or plaid shorts, with belt
Plaid jumper
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
White Peter Pan shirt
Navy drop-waist dress (1
thru 3
Navy ,Black, Gray or White socks
(visible above shoe) or Leggings
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible
above shoe) or Leggings
Navy Skort (4
& 5
Navy pants or plaid shorts with belt
Navy skort
White knit shirt
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
Navy pants
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible
above shoe) or Leggings
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks
(visible above shoe) or Leggings
Boys Regular Uniform
Boys Chapel Uniform
- 5
Navy shorts or pants with belt
Navy pants or shorts with belt
Navy/white stripe knit shirt
White Knit Shirt
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks,
(visible above shoes)
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks (visible
above shoes)
Navy shorts or Navy pants with belt
Navy pants or Navy shorts with belt
Navy/white stripe knit shirt
White knit shirt
Navy, Gray, White or Yellow knit shirt
Navy, Black, Gray, and White socks
(visible above shoes)
Navy, Black, Gray or White socks,
(visible above shoes)
1. Shirts need to be tucked in, with belt visible, at all times while on Cambridge Christian campus.
2. Shorts/Skorts/Pants are to be worn at the waist, not on hips.
3. Shorts/Skorts need to be no shorter than 3 ½ ” above the back of the middle of the knee.
4. Leather looking, heavy necklaces or chokers are not allowed. The same guidelines apply to bracelets.
5. Visible tattoos, including “stick on” tattoos, body writing, and body piercing are not allowed. Girls may
have pierced ears.
6. Distractive nail polish, hair color, and haircuts that draw attention are not allowed. Boys haircuts should
not cover the eye or cover the ear.
7. Boys: Earrings not allowed. Girls: Small tasteful earrings are allowed.
8. Cambridge Christian sweats may only be worn OVER (not in place of) the uniform shorts/pants or tops and
in the classroom. The uniform must be worn at all times. Jackets without the Cambridge Christian logo
will need to be taken off during time in the classroom.
9. PONCHOS must be in the students' backpacks at all times. 6
graders may wear a Cambridge Christian
rain jacket in place of the poncho.
10. Students are not to wear tennis shoes with wheels.
If a student violates the uniform or non-uniform dress codes, one or more of the following penalties will be
Offense: Students will receive a Parent Notification for Dress Code Violation and will be asked to remove
articles that violate the code, if appropriate. If this is not appropriate, students will be sent to
the office and parents will be called to bring the proper article(s) of clothing the student failed
to wear that day. Students will be subject to loss of credit for work missed while out of class(es)
and awaiting parent in the office.
and Continued Offenses: Student will receive a Disciplinary Notice, and be placed on a discipline plan for
disrespectful behavior. These steps will be followed thereafter.
Swim suits must be modest cut and one-piece only. Speedo type swimwear is acceptable. Swim suits that are
too low cut or high cut or mesh or see through type materials are not acceptable.
Footwear for boys and girls should consist of regular closed black or brown low cut shoes or athletic shoes (non-
scuff) and should be in good condition. Sandals, clogs, reefs or other flip-flop type shoes are not to be worn.
Socks are to be worn at all times and must be visible 1” above the shoe. Socks should be white, navy or black.
Socks (tights) must be navy or white. Students are not to wear tennis shoes with wheels. No bright colored
athletic/tennis shoes.
Students are to keep their hair neat, well groomed, and in styles appropriate to the School setting. There should
be no coloring/dyeing of hair using unnatural colors, i.e., red, blue, green, and so forth. Boys are to keep their
hair moderate in length and style. Boys may not wear ponytails. Boys hair is required to be cut above the collar
and be trimmed in front so that eye contact can be made. Distractive nail polishes (black, deep purple, dark
green, and so forth) are not allowed. Nails should be clean.
Girls may wear small tasteful earrings and modest jewelry. Chokers, heavy necklaces, and leather-looking pieces
are not allowed. The same guideline applies to bracelets. Piercings are restricted to 2 and on the ear lobe.
Necklaces are limited to one modest piece and will need to be removed during P.E. Boys may not wear earrings
on campus or at any school function.
A uniform shirt/blouse and uniform pants are to be worn underneath outerwear, which may be the uniform
sweater (solid navy blue sweaters are allowed), sweatshirt, jacket or blazer bearing the Cambridge Christian
logo. All other outerwear is not permitted in the classroom. Approved school or team jackets or sweatshirts
may be worn. Hats are not to be worn. Pants and skorts/shorts are to be worn at the waist not on the hips.
Students may wear any combination of the following on cold days. They may not bring blankets or wear non-
uniform heavy clothing. Students should plan now to be prepared when colder weather (temperatures in the
50's) arrives. Cold weather options include
1. Cambridge Christian sweatshirt worn over uniform
2. Cambridge Christian sweatpants worn over uniform
3. Cambridge Christian jacket worn over uniform
4. Solid navy or white turtlenecks may be worn underneath the uniform
5. Girls may wear navy, neutral or white tights.
Other than the above, other outerwear may be worn to school, but not in the classroom during the school day.
Cambridge Christian hats may only be worn prior to school day beginning or after school during cold weather
(not in or during class).
Boys and girls are required to wear the Cambridge Christian P.E. uniform to reduce wear on school uniforms.
The Lower School P.E. uniform consists of a gray T-shirt (with logo) and navy blue shorts (with logo.) Classroom
teachers (grades 1 2) or P.E. teachers (grades 3 - 6) allot time for students to change in and out of the required
P.E. uniform. Students in grades 1 and 2 change in their classrooms. Grade 3 6 students change in the P.E.
locker rooms. The P.E. uniform may be purchased in the Campus Bookstore. This service may be billed to your
Cambridge Christian account.
On Friday (or otherwise designated day) students may wear jeans, jean shorts (uniform length) or skirts with any
Christian message T-shirt. Denim jackets/vests may also be worn. Tennis shoes are allowed; no flip-flops,
sandals or crocs.
This is a special day earned at certain times during the school year. Students may wear their Christian T-shirts
with uniform shorts.
Boys and girls are to wear belts. Other distracting items such as wallet chains, hats, sunglasses, boy’s headbands
and/or elastic bands are not to be worn on campus during the school day. Students are not to write on their
bodies or clothes.
We believe it is God-ordained that parents bear the primary responsibility for teaching their children right
behavior and attitudes. CCS provides an atmosphere of order that is essential in allowing a student to lead a
Spirit-controlled, Christ-like life. It is the responsibility of the teacher to define behavioral boundaries consistent
with biblical principles and developmental capability. Teachers will establish classroom procedures and discuss
school-wide rules with students at the beginning of the school year. A student who disobeys school or class rules
or the teacher's verbal instructions may lose privileges or be separated from the class. When misbehavior is
habitually repeated or there is a severe infraction of school policy, the student will be sent to the appropriate
DISCIPLINARY ACTION SHALL BE FINAL. Students violating the student Code of Conduct outside of the school
campus or in school activities will be subject to disciplinary action. Just as the family has rules to help children
learn to get along with parents, brothers, sisters and others, our school has expectations for orderly daily
operation in a setting with many students and activities. The following are rules by which CCS students agree to
The following is a non-comprehensive list of minor infractions that may result in classroom consequences:
1. Chewing gum while on school premises.
2. Electronic devices are subject to confiscation by school personnel. No electronic devices that connect to the
Internet or take pictures are allowed during school hours or Extended Day. Cell phones must also be turned
off and put away in backpacks and are only allowed to be used if given direct permission from a school
official. Cell phones and other electronic devices are subject to search and seizure provisions to examine
postings, messages, pictures, graphics, videos and depictions, and appropriate disciplinary actions may result
from inappropriate material or use.
3. Failure to comply with CCS dress code.
4. Failure to obey playground or gym rules given by teachers.
5. Failure to follow the instructions of school adults and students who serve as drop off and pickup deck
6. Use of school equipment without a teacher's permission.
7. Failure to act in a quiet and orderly fashion while in hallways, school functions, restrooms and pickup deck.
8. Failure to refrain from behavior that inhibits learning in classroom situations.
The following is a non-comprehensive list of major infractions that may result in suspension or immediate
separation from CCS:
Use of Foul Language: Use of abusive language or profanity will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Disruptive/Disrespectful Behavior: Repeated classroom disruptions that prohibit learning in all
classroom situations will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. Disrespectful behavior
towards authority will not be tolerated.
Bullying: Repeated use of ridicule, threats, intimidation or causing bodily harm to any person will result
in certain disciplinary action.
Cheating: Students are responsible for preventing the giving or receiving of assistance in any capacity
on tests, quizzes, exams, final evaluations or classroom assignments that are to be graded as the work of
a single individual. This also includes lying, plagiarism or forgery.
Drug Use/Substance Abuse: The possession, use, distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances,
alcohol, tobacco product(s) and or misuse of over-the-counter drugs is prohibited.
Electronic Device or Medium: A repeated misuse of an electronic device or medium or a significant
abuse of such privilege may result in disciplinary action beyond confiscation of a device. Additionally,
students must understand that inappropriate material or depictions sent, posted, shared or possessed
on any electronic device including cell phones and the Internet are subject to appropriate disciplinary
action at the discretion of CCS administration.
Fighting: Students are responsible for settling confrontations in a peaceful manner and without the use
of violence. Fighting or play fighting will not be tolerated on or near school grounds or at any school-
sponsored activity. Students are reminded that fighting may result in a suspension, followed by a parent
conference in order to return to school following a first offense.
Violation of Fire Safety Regulations: Violations of fire regulations, including tampering with fire alarms,
using matches, lighters or firecrackers, will be considered serious offenses.
Gambling: Any form of gambling is forbidden.
Immorality: Students are expected to maintain moral purity as is outlined in God's Word.
Stealing: Knowingly taking items that do not belong to you, with the intent to deprive the owner of its
use, constitutes stealing.
Truancy: Missing school or any part of the school day without parent or teacher permission is
considered truancy. The penalty for truancy is a zero for all work missed, plus possible suspension or
expulsion from school. Students MUST obtain permission before leaving a classroom.
Vandalism: Destruction or defacing of property belonging to CCS will result in disciplinary action as well
as assessing compensatory damages.
Possession of Weapons: The possession, use, threat of use, distribution or attempted distribution (by
sale, gift or otherwise) of any type of operable or inoperable weapon such as firearms, knives,
switchblades, mace, tear gas, bullets, fireworks and other explosives is expressly forbidden. Whether
designed as a weapon or not, an object will be considered a weapon if it is used as a weapon. This
includes toys and/or replicas of weapons.
Repeated violation of minor infractions will be considered a major infraction.
Students who accumulate a series of minor infractions or are guilty of a major infraction may be subject to
disciplinary probation. While on probation, the student's behavior will be closely monitored by teachers and
school administration. Methods to address behavioral change will be recommended. Disciplinary probation
may include denial of privileges and participation in school activities. The length of the probation period will be
determined by the administration. Parents will be informed of the probationary status. Students who do not
meet the criteria will be required to withdraw from school.
A student may be suspended from school following parent communication. Specific changes in attitudes and
actions will be expected prior to re-admission. A re-admission parent/administrator conference is necessary for
the student to return to school. Disciplinary probation is invoked when a student is suspended from school. Re-
admitted students will be placed on disciplinary probation upon their return to CCS. An administrator has the
authority at all times to suspend a student for a violation of a school rule. The length of suspension will be one
to five days as determined by the administrator. There are two types of suspensions:
Students who violate a major school rule may be assigned an in-school suspension. While excluded from
participating in regular classes, students are able to complete class work in school. A $70 fee will be assessed to
the parent school account, per day, to cover adequate supervision of the student if needed.
This is for a designated period of time during which students are not allowed to attend school. Work missed
during any suspension is required to be made up.
It is always CCS's intention to lovingly restore students after a period of suspension. "Loving them back onto the
team" is the only Christ-like option. As a means to an end, some or all of the following guidelines will govern the
readmission of suspended students.
At the beginning of the suspension period, CCS staff and administration will:
Clearly identify the offense at both the beginning and end of the suspension.
Assist the student in verbalizing why the offense was inappropriate and/or harmful.
Notify the student's teachers of the suspension term.
At the end of the suspension period, CCS administration will:
Conduct a re-entry interview with the student and at least one parent.
Assist the student in identifying a plan to ensure improvement.
Remind the student or their importance in the CCS community.
Attendance at CCS is a privilege. Any student whose conduct in or out of school that shows him/her to be in
opposition to the basic principles and purposes of CCS will be required to withdraw from the school. Expulsion
will be required if it becomes apparent that the school will not be able to meet the needs of a student, or that
the student's behavior is preventing classroom instruction. When expulsion is recommended, a date of
withdrawal from the school will be set and the withdrawal procedure followed.
Any student using abusive language or being physically or emotionally abusive may be suspended on the first
offense. This abuse could be by threatening or actually bringing harm to the person or property of another
member of the school community or to the school property itself. Additional occurrences of such behavior may
result in a more severe suspension and/or possible expulsion. Full financial restitution for damages incurred
may be required. The principal reserves the right to recommend expulsion for any occurrence of abusive
Students may be placed on Conduct Probation during the course of the school year and parents will be notified
of this action by a conference with the Principal. If the conduct has not satisfactorily improved, in the opinion of
the administration, during the following grading period, parents may be requested to withdraw their child.
Classroom management plans are developed by teachers for the Lower School. This plan is discussed at the
Parent Open House in the fall. Discipline is first handled by the classroom teacher and then may be referred to
the Lower School principal. Consequences for student actions may include in or out of school suspensions.
All students in grades Preschool 6 will be escorted to traffic pick up area, if not attending after school clubs or
the Extended Day Program. All students transported by parental pick-up will meet in the traffic pick-up area
ONLY. Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles and students are escorted to them.
Parents of Upper School siblings (grades 9 12) must accompany Lower School students who are attending any
after school events such as games or church programs between the hours of 3:00 6:00 P.M. This includes
events held on the grounds, in the gym or in the school/church buildings. The parent or older sibling must pick
up the younger sibling at the pick-up deck, in the Lower School office or Extended Day. Prior written
authorization from parents is needed for younger siblings to be released to older siblings. Written authorization
must be on file in the Lower School office.
Lower School students will not be allowed to cross the parking lot to the Upper/Middle School campus by
themselves for any reason including meeting older siblings, purchasing food/drink from the Upper School
machines, campus store and so forth.
For their protection, students (grades PS 6) arriving before 7:30 A.M. are required to attend the Morning Care
Program. Morning Care is available beginning at 7:00 A.M. This service will be billed to your Cambridge
Christian account. The School cannot assume responsibility for students who arrive on Cambridge Christian
grounds before 7:00 A.M.
Arriving after 7:30 A.M., students in grades PS K will report directly to their designated classrooms; grades 1
6 will report to the Lower School Lunchroom; grades 7 12 may go to their lockers and the Upper/Middle
School deck areas.
Copies of all diagnostic testing results, psychological reports, medical reports, and other confidential information
will be kept in secure files in the School office. In addition, parents are urged to disclose medical, physical, or
psychological problems, as well as unusual family situations on the “Confidential Form.” It would be helpful and
appreciated to be informed of your child’s special circumstances and needs, allowing administration and faculty
to better understand and assist the child in his schooling.
(GRADES 6-12)
FHSAA requires a current Sports Physical each year BEFORE a student may practice or participate in any sport.
Cambridge Christian must have these physical forms on file in the Athletic office.
Cambridge Christian will take all reasonable steps to ensure and safeguard the safety of children while at School.
1. Teachers will not release students during the school day without specific instructions from the Principal to
do so.
2. The Principal, for authenticity and appropriateness, must approve all requests for early release from
3. All written requests will be authenticated by a telephone call to the parent by the Principal (or designee).
Requests in person by neighbors, grandparents, and so forth, will be authenticated in the same manner.
4. Should a written or personal request be made by a non-custodial parent for the early release of a child
into his care, such a request will be honored only with the following:
a. the consent of the custodial parent through a school initiated telephone conversation; or
b. instructions from the appropriate court on file in the School office.
5. Should a request be made by a non-custodial parent to make contact with a child at the close of the
school day, such a request shall be denied by the Principal unless there:
a. is consent from custodial parent through a school-initiated telephone conversation; or
b. are instructions from the appropriate court on file in the School office.
6. Should a custodial parent request that the School prevent a child from any contact with the non-custodial
parent the custodial parent shall be requested to submit to the School a final judgment and/or settlement
agreement serving as a basis for his request.
7. In the event that parents are going out of town without their child, Cambridge Christian requests that the
custodial parent notify the School in writing of adult caretakers who will be responsible for the child. Their
names, phone numbers, addresses and any alternate procedures to be followed should be included in the
In the event that parents have special legal arrangements for custodial rights of their child(ren), the School
requires a copy on file in the School office from the appropriate court order(s) affirming these rights. The School
cannot honor parent request for “protection” without these legal forms.
The following chart gives a summation of the immunizations students must have at each grade level to enter
School. Immunizations must be on file in the Lower or Upper School offices the day before your child enters
school. Failure to complete the immunizations as indicated below jeopardizes your child’s attendance at
Cambridge Christian.
Requirements for All Students
Entering Grade
K - 2
4 **
3 - 5
4 **
4 **
4 **
4 **
4 **
4 **
* The Health Department requires Scoliosis Screening for all students in grade 6.
** If 4
dose is given before 4
birthday, a 5
dose is required
Students may not attend School with a fever, excessive coughing or sneezing, upset stomach, body rash,
diarrhea, or other symptoms, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. Such symptoms may
represent contagious illnesses and possibly be transmitted to others. See website for complete medical
Parents may register their child’s prescription drugs or approved over the counter medications with the School
office personnel who will administer the prescription drug or treatment to the student in accordance with the
written directions from the prescribing physician on prescription drugs only. Parents must complete the
Medication Authorization Form and bring in the medication to be kept at the School throughout the school year.
Students may not keep medication (other than emergency devices) in their possession.
Parents may not legally transport any Cambridge Christian student, other than their own, to or from any other
Cambridge Christian event without prior authorization from school administration. Any parent may pre-arrange
to pick up their child at the end of the event with the Cambridge Christian supervisor in charge. If you desire to
have your child picked up from a Cambridge Christian event by someone other than yourself, you must pre-
authorize this action in writing. Complete the Parent Transportation Authorization Form and give it to the
Cambridge Christian supervisor of the event.
The cost of student accident insurance is included in your tuition. However, this plan is supplemental and
requires the parents to submit a claim first on their personal health insurance policy. That which is not covered
by the personal insurance may then be claimed under the student plan on the Notification of Injury form. If an
accident occurs, Cambridge Christian personnel will complete the Injury form and send it home with your child.
Parents must complete their section of the form and mail it to the insurance company. Parents must file their
claim within 90 days of the accident.
We request that you carefully read the following Do’s and Don’t’s of our traffic routine and adhere to the rules
because we care about your safety as well as the safety of your child(ren).
Approaching the Campus
The “prime time” traffic periods are from 7:00 8:15 a.m. and 2:15 3:30 p.m. THESE ARE THE TIMES YOU ARE
make left-hand turns from the North. There are official county traffic signs that have been installed stating the
“No Left Turn” rule, so be advised the county authorities will ticket offenders.
In the past, we have met with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department regarding complaints from the
surrounding neighbors. Understandably, they have not appreciated the many parents who have parked on their
front lawns and used their driveways as turn-arounds that caused them to contact the Sheriff’s Department.
Besides these things, their biggest complaint is CCS TRAFFIC BLOCKING INTERSECTIONS, preventing them from
getting out onto Habana Avenue. Please keep this in mind as you approach the campus from the South, being
considerate of our neighbors who have been very patient and considerate of us. You will also be ticketed if you
park on or block the sidewalk along Habana Avenue. There are official signs forbidding this because it is
unlawful to block a pedestrian right of way.
Once You are On Campus
When you arrive on the campus in the morning, please do not let your child(ren) out of the vehicle until you
have entered the designated drop-off area. ANY OTHER AREA IS NOT SUPERVISED AND IS POTENTIALLY
DANGEROUS TO YOUR CHILD(REN). This also slows down the traffic lanes coming onto the property. Once you
have rounded the Sanctuary bend, two lanes are available for use. If you are in the West (left side) traffic lane of
the drop off area, your child(ren) should get out of the vehicle on the West side and walk up to the cones to be
safely crossed by the traffic director.
For the afternoon pickups, please come prepared with an 8 x 11 placard with your child’s last name and grade
printed on it to be held up for our “callers” to see. Please do not take for granted that our “callers” know who
you are. This is very important because it speeds up the entire process.
When you are ready for departure put your LEFT TURN SIGNAL on for the traffic director to see. Please, Please,
Please, - Do not allow your vehicle to move forward unless you are looking forward. We have had several close
calls because the driver has been waving good-bye or yelling out the windows while the vehicle was moving.
IMPORTANT!!! When leaving the grounds at the North exit, you must turn right (North). Turning left into
oncoming traffic is extremely dangerous. This also causes major delays in the flow of departing traffic, so please
be considerate of your fellow parents.
Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten 2:35 pm
Kindergarten 2:40 pm
Grade 1 2:45 pm
Grade 2 2:50 pm
Grade 3 3:00 pm
Grade 4 3:10 pm
Grades 5 & 6 3:10 pm
Grades 7 12 3:15 pm
If you are new to our Cambridge Christian family, it will not take you long to find out that parking is a rare
commodity on our campus. When necessary, parents will be directed to park on the athletic field. We
encourage all parents to drop their child(ren) off in the designated drop-off area. Trained safety patrols will
escort the younger elementary children straight to their classrooms, to avoid parents having to park for this
reason. The orange cones and gates that we use in the logistics of our traffic program are in place for good
We need everyone’s cooperation with these safety rules and procedures.
Parents may visit the School. In order to visit a class, parents are to contact the office prior to arriving to
prevent possible interruption of the learning or testing process. All visitors, including parents, must enter
through the main door located at the entrance near the chapel to sign-in and obtain a visitor’s pass. Visitors on
campus without a pass will be asked to report to the office for a pass. Please bring your driver’s license to be
swiped in our Faast Pass security system. This is for the safety of all our students.
There is no open visitation for others at Cambridge Christian. Students are not allowed to bring visitors on
campus during the School day or during lunchtime. Visitors may be present only by School invitation and with
the Principal’s permission. The admissions office may arrange for potential students to visit the campus for part
or all of the school day. Alumni may sign in at the office and visit during lunch time only.
For the protection of textbooks and library books that may be taken home, each student in grades Preschool - 6
is required to have a book bag. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s book bag each day for notices and
other important information.
Book bags on rollers require extra space in the classroom and, in fact, create a safety hazard. Some teachers will
ask students to store wheeled bags outside the classroom.
All School facilities belong to the Lord and have been purchased with His money. Refrain from any actions that
may result in damage to the property or to the appearance of the buildings and grounds. Any damage brought
to the buildings, furnishings, or grounds will be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of those causing the
damage. Students are also subject to disciplinary action (up to and including expulsion) for damage caused
either by negligence or willful destruction. This service will be billed to your Cambridge Christian account and
transcripts will not be transferred until full restitution has been made.
Students are discouraged from bringing cell phones to school. If they do, cell phones are not to be used during
school hours (7:50 A.M. 3:15 P.M.). Any student found using a cell phone during school hours will have it
taken away until the end of the day for the first offense. If the offense is repeated the child may lose the phone
up to the end of the school year. Cell phones may only be used before and after school hours for notification to
parents concerning changes in school activities. Cell phones are not to be used on the pick up deck or early
morning care unless permission has been granted by a teacher.
In the event that a student needs to send a text message to a CCS teacher, coach, administrator, or staff
member, your parent or guardian must be included as a recipient to the message that that you send. No private
messages should be sent between a student and an employee of CCS.
The School respects the right of parents to celebrate special events including Christmas and Easter with their
families as they wish. Within the School program, however, the following principles serve as the School’s
Christmas The School acknowledges the holiday as joyous times of the year to enthusiastically celebrate and
emphasize the birth of Jesus Christ. Activities and symbols that complement these emphases are prominent in
our classrooms; myths and symbols, such as Santa Claus, elves, and other secular symbols that compete with
these are de-emphasized.
Other celebrations may take place during the school year at specified times, with pre-arranged approval and
guidelines from the appropriate Principal.
This special service of worship is conducted weekly in the church sanctuary for Cambridge Christian students and
faculty. Chapel provides an opportunity to praise our Lord through song, instrumental music and testimony; to
become more knowledgeable of God’s Word through the study of the scriptures, sermonettes, dramatizations
and films; and to share prayer and fellowship together in His name. Parents are invited to attend chapel.
Chapels are scheduled for Wednesdays (grades 16) from 8:15 9:00 A.M., and Monday (grades Preschool
Kindergarten) from 8:30 9:00 A.M.
The Clothes Closet is operated by the PSA and is a service to families by providing gently used uniforms.
Donations are gratefully accepted and then sent to the Clothes Closet.
In order to ensure proper communication with parents, Cambridge Christian requires that every student (grades
Preschool 6) have a blue communication folder. These folders will be used to carry important types of
communication such as bulletins, notices, test papers, student work and teacher notes home to parents each
week. Parents please note: Communication folders will come home. Parents are requested to check these
folders, sign papers or forms if necessary, and ensure that the folders are returned containing any signed papers
or forms. Your cooperation in this procedure is essential if we are to convey to the students the importance of
the folder and their responsibility to its weekly/daily delivery to the home and back to school.
A. Any dangerous, annoying or distracting items such as matches, lighters, laser pointers, water pistols,
noise makers, portable audio equipment e.g. radios, CD players, etc, video/still cameras, DVD players, or
any other potentially dangerous, annoying or distracting devices are banned from the school campus
unless permission to bring them to school has been granted by the administration. Cell phones must be
turned off (not vibrate) and may not be used during class times. Failure to comply will result in the
device being taken and held until the end of the school day. Additional offenses will result in
confiscation of the item for extended periods of time and/or possible suspension from school. Due to
issues of personal privacy and academic integrity, the digital camera function on camera equipped cell
phones, PDA’s and similarly equipped devices, are not allowed to be used anywhere on campus.
Students found using the camera function on such devices will have the device confiscated, barred from
campus, and subject to additional disciplinary action.
B. Guns (of any type, real or imitation), knives and other weapons are never allowed on the school campus
for any reason. Those who bring real guns onto the school campus will be automatically expelled.
Imitation weapons intended for classroom instructional activities may only be allowed by written
permission of the administration.
Cambridge Christian will be following the no animals on campus policy due to sanitation and liability issues.
Special permission may be granted for a classroom Show & Tell session.
Parents are to pick-up children at the school office only. At no time are parents to enter the classroom to pick-
up their child or make arrangements for children to meet them any where on the grounds.
Parents are also apprised that NO students will be released to any person(s) other than their parent or legal
guardian unless the person’s name appears on the Emergency Contact or Transportation section of RenWeb (for
pick up) or has been identified by a written note signed by the parent. Identification by photo ID may be
Sixth grade students participating in middle school sports will be held accountable for grades at 3 week intervals.
Every 3 weeks, grades will be checked and if a student has less than 69% in any core subject, is failing any
subject or has behavior issues in any classes including specialty classes, he/she will not participate in their sport
for one week. If grades are raised during that week off, the student may participate with their team.
This is a program offered to Cambridge Christian students, in grades Preschool - 6, as a service to their parents.
Daily hours are from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and after school until 6:00 P.M. During summer vacation,
conference days and school holidays, Extended Day hours are from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. By advanced
registration, parents may avail themselves of this program any time throughout the school year. Registration
includes paperwork and a fee. Please check the website for all holidays the program will be closed as this is
updated each year. Cambridge Christian summer programs work in conjunction with the Extended Day
program. This service will be billed to your Cambridge Christian account.
Regular charges and late pick-up fees are detailed in the Extended Day registration materials. This service will
be billed to your Cambridge Christian account.
Cambridge Christian School offers a variety of afterschool clubs each semester to students in grades Preschool
thru 6
. Examples of clubs are Art, STEM, Robotics, Technology, Cooking, Intramural Sports and Karate. After
school offerings can vary per year and semester depending on club availability and is are subject to change or
cancellation due to student enrollment.
If the students are not picked up at the deck at the specified times, they will be sent to the Extended Day for
supervision and the parent will be charged for the time. All students are required to be supervised while on the
property including conference days and intramural activities. Pick up after 6:00 P.M. will incur a late fee of
$10.00, plus $5.00 for each additional 15-minute increment thereafter and continuing to the actual pick-up time.
This service will be billed to your Cambridge Christian account.
Visits to local museums, theaters, libraries, places of business, public utilities, and other points of interest, are an
integral part of our educational program and help to enrich the student’s personal growth, as well as provide a
better understanding of his studies. Parents will be selected to help chaperone (review the Guidelines for
Chaperones that you receive from the teacher) these trips and thereby share in these educational experiences
with their children. For any field trip the school will always provide for a safe adult-student ratio on the bus. All
students are required to ride on school-provided transportation. Parents will be asked to drive separate vehicles
and meet students for supervision. Student dress for field trips will be Cambridge Christian school uniform,
unless the sponsoring teacher specifies an optional dress code. Siblings are not to attend field trips, as it takes
away from your child’s trip.
If bathing suits are to be worn on a field trip, they are to be modest cut and one-piece only. Speedo type
bathing suits are not acceptable. Bathing suits that are too low cut or high cut or mesh, or see-through type
materials are not acceptable.
Name badges will be provided for each student. There is a $5.00 charge for lost badges.
Dismissal of lower school students during inclement weather will be through the north door of the Chapel.
Students will be taken to their cars from this area
Parents have the opportunity to view their student’s homework and grades online through the RenWeb
program. User name and password are issued by the school. Homework is posted weekly but may be subject to
change due to activities in the classroom.
Parents are reminded to mark all their child's personal items. Uniforms and other articles are easily mistaken.
The Lower School's Lost and Found is in the Lower School Office. Upper/Middle School's Lost and Found is
located in the office and placed in storage after one week.
Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch. In the event you would like to purchase a school lunch for
yourself while visiting, please contact the kitchen at extension 261 or 235.
There are two (2) cafeterias on the Cambridge Christian campus. Students may bring their lunch to school or
purchase their lunch through the lunch program.
Four major parties are held during the year for grades Preschool 6: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Team Days and
End of Year. In order to make the day enjoyable for all children, valentines should be given to each child in the
class. We ask that siblings not attend these parties as it takes away from the child's party.
If parents/students wish to have any other party, they must receive approval from the Principal prior to the day
on which they plan such an event. If a birthday party is planned after school off campus, the child’s parent
giving the party will need to give the office a permission slip from each child’s parent before they leave the
Please note that the End of the Year celebrations for students are set up to be a simple, teacher directed,
celebration. Goodie bags/favors are not needed to have students enjoy the end of the year. Please plan with
the classroom teachers.
Since the School is concerned with the development of positive self-images for all its students, party invitations
may not be sent to school for distribution unless all students in your child’s class have been invited to attend.
Phone numbers and addresses of students can be obtained from the PSA Family Directory. The office is not able
to give out class lists.
Speech and Hearing- The school contracts annually with a Speech Language Pathologist to screen students for
speech and hearing, as well as language development. This is an optional service.
Scoliosis – This is held each year for students in grade 6. This is a service provided by Hillsborough County, but is
While on campus, no student has any reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to personal property.
Administration and/or its designee reserves the right, at all times, to conduct searches and inspections of
student clothing, possessions, cars and lockers if the School has a reasonable suspicion that there has been a
violation of any policy. Searches will generally be approved by the Principal and will usually be conducted in the
presence of a witness.
Cambridge Christian School affirms the biblical understanding of sexuality as a gift from God (Genesis 2:24) as
defined in His Word. In concert with biblical teaching, CCS supports the principle and practice of purity in
singleness and fidelity in marriage, which is the union of one man and one woman. In addition, CCS recognizes
that the gift of gender is part of the good ness of God’s creation and is predetermined by God and revealed at
conception. Lifestyles or practices inconsistent with these biblical teachings are also inconsistent with the
mission of CCS. CCS affirms the biblical teaching that all sexual conduct outside the sanctity of marriage,
including both hetro and homosexuality, is a sin, a turning away from God’s ideal as outlined in Scripture.
CCS understands that while we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), the grace of God poured out
through the blood of His Son calls us to repentance, forgiveness and a new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 7:10,
12:21; 2 Timothy 2:25; 2 Peter 3:9). We understand that these issues are very personal in nature, and great
discretion will be given in dealing with such matters – our purpose is not to bring shame or discomfort to an
individual or family. However, nor will our actions negotiate the veracity of biblical absolutes on the altar of
cultural convenience and compromise. Consequently, our policy for all CCS students, staff, parents/guardians
and board members calls for devotion to a biblical standard of purity.
When confronted as a result of not observing these biblical standards, continued involvement with CCS would
necessitate a contrite heart before the Lord. In addition to personal behavior, board members, staff, students,
parents/guardians and their families are expected not to participate in advocacy groups that promote sexuality
contrary to biblical teaching. CCS may determine a consequence for the individual that is appropriate for the act
committed. In doing so, the school shall offer counsel and assistance to the individual so that the consequence
imposed may be a catalyst for redemption in his or her life. If a continued relationship with CCS and any member
of the CCS staff, board, student body or parental body deemed to be damaging to (or a distraction from) the
mission of CCS, appropriate action, which could include dismissal, may be necessary. CCS will respond to such
issues with an appropriate combination of grace and truth.
The School maintains student records, including a cumulative academic and guidance record. Materials in these
records are treated as strictly confidential and available only according to the following policy:
1. No report cards or student records will be released to parents or to another school if the family is
delinquent in tuition payments or has a debt of any kind with the School.
2. Parents or guardians are allowed to inspect and review official records, files and data directly related to
their child’s academic progress, including materials that are incorporated into their child’s cumulative file.
3. Parental requests to inspect and review official records relating to a child shall be made in writing to
administration. Such requests usually will be honored within ten (10) school days following receipt of the
request. All records will be reviewed or inspected in the presence of the Guidance and Academic Advisor
or Principal so that proper explanation may be given.
4. There will be no release of a student’s personal records or files or any data in those records without the
written consent of a parent or guardian to any individual, agency, or organization other than the following:
a. staff members of the School who have legitimate educational necessity;
b. appropriate federal, state, or local authorities performing functions allowed by law, and or
c. officials of other schools in which the student intends to enroll. In all such cases, the parents or
guardians of the student are to be notified of the transfer of records. No records shall be
transferred to another school without the initiation of such by the parents or guardians through a
signed parent release form supplied by either the sending school or receiving school, and/or
d. appropriate court or law enforcement officials, if the School is given a subpoena or court order;
5. Release of report cards and informational material to non-custodial parent.
a. Non-custodial parents have equal access to report cards, teacher conferences, and so forth,
together with the custodial parent.
b. If the final judgment and/or settlement agreement stipulates otherwise, the custodial parent must
submit a copy of that judgment or agreement to the appropriate Principal in order for the School to
comply with the ruling. Such documents shall be placed in the student’s regular file.
c. Whenever a request by a non-custodial parent is made for information, appearance at a teacher’s
conference, and so forth, the School will notify the custodial parent of the non-custodial parent’s
The School furnishes textbooks to the Lower School students. Reasonable wear is expected as a result of daily
use. Unreasonable damage to textbooks and lost books will result in a replacement cost. It is the responsibility
of the students to properly safeguard and maintain their textbooks. Missing textbooks and book charges will be
recorded by the teacher and submitted to the appropriate School office and Business Office. This service will be
billed to your Cambridge Christian account. If extra books are available, they may be rented for a student’s
home use from the Lower School office.