Lee-Scott Academy
Lower School Student Handbook
1601 Academy Drive
Auburn, AL 36830
Updated December 2020
The Mission 3
Keys to the Mission 3
Philosophy of Lee-Scott Academy 4
Admissions Policy 5
Needed on File 5
Curriculum 5
Standardized Testing 5
Guidance 5
Parent/Teacher Communication 6
Daily Schedule 6
Textbooks 7
Field Trips 7
Grading System 8
Accommodations 8
Collaborative Instructional Team 9
Student Review Team 9
Report Cards 9
Honor Roll 10
Promotion and Retention 10
Financial Regulations 10
Entering, Transferring and Withdrawing Students 11
Attendance 11
Absences/Make-Up Work 11
Tardies 12
Illness 12
Medication Policy 12
Library Regulations and Procedures 13
Arrival and Departure 13
Traffic Flow Procedure 14
Animals at School 15
Band 15
Parties 15
Cell Phones & Smart Watches 15
Electronic Media/Social Media 15
Lunch Program 15
Snacks 16
Visitors 16
Emergency Procedures 16
Care of School Property 17
Articles Not Permitted at School 17
Dress Code 18
Gum Chewing 19
Selling Materials on School Grounds 19
Conduct at School-Sponsored Events 19
Code of Behavior and Conduct 20
Suspension 20
Cheating and Stealing 20
Primary Playground 20
Playground Rules and Cold Weather 21
Harassment/Discrimination Policy 21
Acknowledgement 22
Lee-Scott Academy is a college preparatory school offering a quality education in
an environment where students are protected, nurtured, and challenged with
Christian principles that promote the development of the total person. The
pursuit of excellence in academics is the hallmark of the Academy,
complemented by opportunities to participate in programs that encourage
student success.
COLLEGE PREPARATORY Lee-Scott Academy offers classes specifically
designed to prepare its graduates for entrance to and success at the college level.
The curriculum is designed to challenge students to obtain the knowledge and
skills necessary to excel in college and in life.
QUALITY EDUCATION The academic goal of the Academy is to equip students
for achievement through the acquisition of knowledge and the development of
their abilities. To this end, Lee-Scott Academy provides a faculty distinguished by
the competence, qualification, dedication, and personal character of its
members. The Academy strives to provide the faculty and staff with the facilities,
equipment, curriculum materials, and support necessary to accomplish this goal.
ENVIRONMENT Lee-Scott Academy offers an environment that is safe,
enjoyable, caring and stimulating. This unique environment is designed to
nurture the growth of balanced, responsible, and dedicated young people. A vital
part of this environment is the active participation of parents and families.
CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES Central to the success of Lee-Scott Academy and its
Mission are the Christian principles and biblical world view upon which the
Academy was founded. On this foundation, the Board of Directors,
administration, and faculty strive to implement a total educational process that
reflects the Mission and glorifies God.
TOTAL PERSON The Academy emphasizes the development of each student in
all areas of life: mental, physical, spiritual, and social. “And Jesus grew in wisdom
and stature, and in favor with God and Man.” Luke 2:52
PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE Lee-Scott Academy is committed to the pursuit of
excellence in academics. Excellence in all of life is encouraged by helping each
student develop purpose, a Godly character, responsibility, leadership, respect
for authority, and appreciation for our nation’s heritage and free enterprise
STUDENT SUCCESS Lee-Scott Academy recognizes that each student has great
worth and significance. The Academy thus offers a variety of athletic and
extracurricular programs that afford students the opportunity for meaningful
growth and fulfillment of their talents and gifts.
Lee-Scott Academy is a college preparatory school committed to excellence in
our total educational program. The founders of the Academy firmly believed that
a quality education that leads to productive, purposeful, and fulfilled lives must
be based upon the truths of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ and proclaimed in
the Bible. They further held that hard work, pursuit of knowledge, integrity,
sacrifice, citizenship, and prayer are qualities that define America’s heritage and
are essential to the well-rounded development of students. We share these
convictions, and they remain fundamental to our school’s philosophy of
Believing that preparation is important in every endeavor, we equip our
students for success in college and in life by emphasizing English, mathematics,
history, geography, science, foreign languages, computer application, fine arts,
and work and study skills. In addition to a challenging and balanced academic
curriculum, we value the benefits of athletic programs and other extracurricular
activities that promote the students’ sense of character, responsibility, fair play,
teamwork, and commitment.
We know that children study, learn, interact, and participate best when in a
safe environment. We not only emphasize our children’s physical safety, but we
also desire that they be emotionally secure. We believe that our staff, teachers,
and coaches should be positive role models for our children and should be
sensitive to the needs of each student. Because we believe that schools and
parents must work together, we encourage parental involvement. In return, we
expect our students to learn respect for authority, to become accountable for
their actions, and to exhibit self-discipline.
We desire unity of spirit and purpose at Lee-Scott Academy and believe that
encouragement of others is a key to achieving that unity. We want all of our
students to be encouraged and treated with respect by their fellow students. We
believe that God created each of us in a unique and special way and intends that
we appreciate the individuality of others. Consequently, our school is open to all
qualified students without regard to race, color, or national and ethnic origin.
We believe the Mission Statement and this Statement of Philosophy are vital to
the life and direction of Lee-Scott Academy, but words alone do not ensure
success. We expect to be measured by our actions and by the lives of our
graduates in their service to God, their families, and their communities.
Lee-Scott Academy is a co-educational college preparatory school. The factors
of academic performance on standardized achievement tests, assessments
given at Lee-Scott Academy and an honorable record at previous schools are
considered in determining which applicants should fill vacancies in the student
body. A student must be six years old by September 1 in order to enter first
grade and screening instruments will be used for potential candidates in all
Alabama Certificate of Immunization (blue card)
Copy of Social Security Card
Copy of Birth Certificate
The curriculum exceeds requirements of AdvancEd (formerly the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools) and the Alabama Independent School
Association. The program is designed to prepare the student to be successful in
college. In addition to basic courses in reading, language arts, mathematics,
science, social studies, and Bible, the Lower School program is enriched with
instruction in music, art, Spanish, STEM, computer, physical education, and
media center/library.
Lee-Scott students’ scores on standardized tests exceed the Alabama
Independent School Association and Alabama Department of Education
requirements. In the Lower School, the ACT Aspire Periodical and Summative
tests are given in grades 3-6. The Periodical tests are administered throughout
the year, with the summative test given in the Spring. Additional standardized
tests, such as ability, achievement, and interest tests are used when needed.
OLSAT is given to 2
and 5
graders to assess ability as a comparison to predicted
achievement STAR testing is another test given in the lower school to monitor
growth and drive instruction. Individual student data may also require individual
fluency reads with teachers, instructional coach or educational specialists. These
opportunities assess not only fluency, but comprehension and accuracy. Students
may be asked to read approximately three times per year to assess progress and
evaluate needs.
A primary aim of Lee-Scott Academy is that each student profit as much as
possible from the programs here. The counselor, school nurse, Lower School
principal, and headmaster are available to work with students, parents, and
teachers toward the academic and social growth of each student.
If parents have a concern regarding their child’s educational experience, the first
step is to contact the child’s teacher. This strengthens the channels of
communication, and in the majority of cases, the situation can be resolved.
Parents are asked to arrange a time convenient for both parent and teacher. The
beginning of the school day is a very busy time for teachers and students;
therefore, parents are asked to choose a time other than early morning to discuss
matters of concern with the teacher and always make an appointment.
If after dialogue with the teacher, the parents believe further discussion is
warranted, they may contact the Lower School principal. This allows for
conferences with the principal and the teacher to find a resolution.
7:30 - 8:00 Homeroom (Students tardy after 8:00)
Devotional/Morning Prayer/Pledge
8:00-2:50 Individual teacher schedules are available
from your teacher at the beginning of the
school year.
2:50 Dismissal
2:50 - 3:05 Teachers supervise students on the sidewalk.
Parents who have signed permission forms for their child to
be dismissed at 3:00 to others should know that there is no
supervision after they are dismissed from LS (ex. to babysitter,
US sibling/student, etc.) If students are picked up at side
door, make sure to have your car hang tag/name tags.
Curricular Materials are chosen by faculty and administrative committees. The
school provides curricular materials and other materials.
Students purchase consumable materials which cannot be collected and used the
following year. Students are responsible for all books issued to them and must
pay full replacement cost for any lost or defaced book.
Field trips are a part of the curriculum and are considered an extension of the
classroom. Each trip is designed to be one of many learning activities included
in a unit of study. Educational objectives are written for each trip, and
knowledge gained from the experience is incorporated into follow-up activities
in the classroom. Some field trips will have limited number or no chaperones.
Students must have signed permission slip to attend.
A note will be sent home describing the trip and will include a permission form
to be completed by parents/guardians. The signed permission slip portion of
the note must be returned to the teacher before the child can go on the trip.
Permission given over the telephone cannot be accepted.
T-shirts are provided & should be worn on trips.
On some field trips parents are needed to help the teacher with activities and
assist in the safe care of the children. Parent chaperones are asked to make other
arrangements for their children who are not members of the class. The added
responsibility of younger children detracts from a chaperone’s effectiveness.
Also, this is an opportunity for a parent to share a special school experience with
the child.
If you are asked to be a chaperone, please refrain from posting pictures of other
children than your own on social media.
Numerical averages are used on report cards and permanent records for all
academic courses.
Grade Scale
90 100
80 89
70 79
60 69
59 and below
Grades for physical education, music, art, Bible, Spanish, STEM computer
and penmanship and marks for conduct and effort are recorded as:
Needs Improvement
Scores on daily activities, homework, projects, and tests are combined to
determine an average for the quarter. The two quarter grades are averaged to
determine the semester grade. Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1
grade work from a
curriculum checklist administered by their teacher.
Spanish in grades 4 6 has specific requirements to complete 27 Duolingo
sessions, 10 minutes each, per quarter. Please review the Duolingo requirements
agreement sent or provided during the Admissions process.
There are limited accommodations that are available at Lee-Scott Academy.
Accommodation Protocols beyond the traditional classroom and CIT setting:
Classroom accommodations, beyond what is done for every child at LSA, will
only be administered after a complete battery from a certified Psychometrist or
Psychiatrist has been submitted. It must be within 12 months and verified by
Lee-Scott only provides the following accommodations with this complete
Extra time, not to exceed time and a half on tests only - additional time
to be given at a time at the discretion of teacher (ex. before/after
school, recess, etc.)
Counselor support for emotional and social needs
Progress monitoring by educational specialist
Encourage use of planner or calendar to assist in organization
Provide additional practice for home
Create a behavior plan to collect data, with the goal to isolate issues
and correct behavior
Use mnemonic instruction when possible to teach study/memorization
Collaborative Instructional Team (CIT) is in place to assist students with
enrichment, interventions and/or behavior. If a student is in need of
intervention/enrichment based on data and/or teacher’s professional opinion,
the teacher will complete information about the child to bring to a committee.
At this meeting, the professionals will discuss strengths and weaknesses of the
student, potential strategies, possible intervention groups, additional resources,
challenging projects/materials suggested, etc. Parents will also be made aware
of what will be in place to assist in success and steps they can take to help. If our
interventions and strategies do not meet the needs and we (the teacher and
committee) believe that the child has deficits associated with Speech and
Language, dyslexia, etc., the team may make referral for parent to consider
additional services/testing.
Student Review Team (SRT) is in place to assist in the best placement of students
due to behavior or lack of ability to meet academic deficits of a child. The team
consists of Head of School, administrator, teacher and any other professionals
deemed important for best assessing data and documentation in the classroom
setting. The team may make recommendation(s) to the parents about
cancelation of contract, dismissal of student from Lee-Scott Academy or
options/suggestions for future success. The teacher, team, etc. will have
communication with parents to partner in success and best placement, strategies
for improvement and/or recommendations for the child.
These reports contain academic grades, conduct and effort grades, and an
attendance report.
If a student does not bring home a report card, the parent or guardian should
contact the school concerning the child’s progress and regularly check
PowerSchool. Report card folders are sent home each quarter and should be
signed and returned to the child’s teacher. Parent/teacher conferences will be
scheduled during the first quarter. Additional conferences may be requested as
needed. At the end of the year, report cards are not issued to students who have
overdue library books, unpaid fines, or delinquent tuition.
Student grades can be accessed any time in PowerSchool. Please allow one week
after assignment or assessment is given for the grade update to be reflected in
PowerSchool. Sandy Armstrong is our PowerSchool contact should you need
assistance sarmstrong@lee-scott.org
The “A HONOR ROLL” consists of students, grades 4-6, who earn A’s in all
academic subjects for a quarter. No “U” can appear on the report card. The “AB
HONOR ROLL” consists of students, grades 4-6, who earn A’s and B’s in all
academic subjects for a quarter. No “U’ can appear on the report card. The yearly
“A HONOR ROLL” and “AB HONOR ROLL” are made up of students on either list
for the entire year. Sixth graders are recognized at their graduation for
ALL A’s, all 3 years at LSA (grades 4-6) from semester averages.
Promotion is the responsibility of the Student Review Team. In kindergarten - 2nd
grade, promotion is determined by the academic accomplishments and physical
and emotional maturity of the individual child. Promotion from grades 3-6 is
based on the student’s passing the major basic skills: math, reading, and
Language. If D’s or F’s are earned in major subjects, a student may still be
promoted at the discretion of the Student Review Team. Summer tutoring and
placement testing may be used to determine whether the student should be
promoted to the next grade. Lee-Scott Academy does not double promote or
skip grades for students. We do challenge within the grade level standards and
beyond when determined by child’s teacher(s) and administrator(s).
Tuition payments are due on the first day of each month and are delinquent if
received after the 10
day of the month. Should the 10
fall on a non-business
day, the account will be considered delinquent on the next business day.
Statements will be mailed monthly on the first business day of the month. A $50
late fee will be assessed for each month that an account is delinquent. There is a
$30.00 fee for returned checks.
If an account is ninety days past due, a student may not (1) enroll in school, (2)
enroll during registration for the new school year, or (3) return for the second
All financial obligations must be cleared before report cards or records are sent
to another school or released to a student or parents. Please see www.lee-
scott.org for tuition information. No person in any capacity should take it upon
himself to purchase, order, or in any way obligate the funds of Lee-Scott Academy
unless prior approval has been given by the headmaster. Anyone who violates
this policy is responsible for the purchase.
All purchases will require the use of a numbered purchase order which can be
obtained from the headmaster when the proposed expenditure is discussed.
All money collected at the school or in the name of the school must go through
the office so that it can be audited for the protection of school officials,
teachers, and students.
A student entering school after the school year begins may meet with the Head
of School or principal and will be subject to a variety of assessments. At this
time, school policies will be discussed with the student and parents. When
registering, parents are expected to read handbook and be aware of
information on our school web page at www.lee-scott.org.
Students transferring to another school or withdrawing from Lee-Scott
Academy will report to the Head of School or principal at least two days prior to
withdrawal so that he/she can be checked out properly and have records
One transcript will be sent free of charge. There will be a charge for the
processing of additional transcripts and materials in the student’s file. The school
requests written permission to release transcripts. All financial obligations must
be cleared before transcripts will be released.
Accrediting agencies require that a student attend a prescribed minimum
number of days during the academic year. Students are encouraged to attend
school each day of the school year. Please arrange trips during times when school
is not in session so that your child can have optimum learning at LSA.
Only in unavoidable cases should a student be taken out of school before the
close of the day. If it is absolutely necessary for a student to be picked up before
school is dismissed, parents must go to the main office and sign the student out.
EXCUSED ABSENCES: Excused absences are: illness of student, death in the
family, inclement weather, doctor or dentist appointment, or prior permission of
the principal. A parent’s written excuse (not verbal) must be brought to the
teacher when the child returns to school in order for make up work to be
MAKE-UP WORK: Make-up work for excused absences should be completed as
quickly as possible. The general rule is that the student be allowed the same
number of days to make up the work as the number of days absent. Long-term
projects assigned prior to the absence (and due during the absence) will be due
on the day the student returns to school. Students who are absent less than 3
days will make up work upon return to school. Parents may request work if a child
is out for longer than 3 days. Please allow at least 24 hours for teachers to
prepare assignments. Please do not expect that assignments will be ready prior
to last attendance day and be aware that some electronic information will be
sent throughout the week. Students may still be required to make-up work upon
excused from class unless prior arrangements have been made with the Lower
School principal. A note written by the parents must be filed in the principal’s
office prior to a trip.
ABSENCES, SCHOOL-SPONSORED EVENTS: Upon returning to school, a student
will be responsible for any work or tests assigned during the absence. There may
be exceptions if prior arrangements were made with the teacher.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Unexcused absences will include, but not be limited to:
going home to change inappropriate clothes and appointments (except doctor or
dentist), and family vacations. The family is responsible for completing work
missed due to unexcused absences. Ample holiday time is provided in the school
calendar to arrange vacations.
Any student reporting to the classroom after 8:00 a.m. will have been marked
absent and must check in through the main office.
A student experiencing an elevated temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, or other
symptoms of infectious illness is to remain at home for twenty-four hours after
the problem has subsided. A student with strep throat may not return to school
until antibiotics have been administered for twenty-four hours. Students with
conjunctivitis (“pink eye”) may return to school after being treated for twenty-
four hours.
At no time should a student have medicine at school without the knowledge of
the school nurse and classroom teacher.
Parents must give the school nurse any prescription or nonprescription (aspirin,
nasal spray, etc.) drug and a schedule of the time it is to be administered; it will
be kept in a secured place, and the nurse will be responsible for giving it to the
student according to the doctor’s instructions. A student will not be allowed to
In order for the medication to be given to the student, the parent or guardian
must complete a Medication Authorization form. You can find this form on our
web page at www.lee-scott.org under Campus Life, drop down box under nurse’s
notes. The teacher or school nurse can also provide parents with this form. This
form gives the school permission to administer the medication, and a record of
any medications dispensed; it will be on file in the nurse’s office.
1. The media center is open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
2. Students in grade 1 may have two items checked out at a time; 2nd graders
may have two, 3rd graders may have up to three, 4th graders may have up to
four, and 5-6th graders may have up to five items checked out at the same
3. All books, except reference and reserve materials, may be checked out for
one week by grade 1 - 3 students and for two weeks by grade 4-6 students.
Books may be renewed for one additional loan period.
4. Reference materials and reserve materials (unless noted for Room Use Only)
may be checked out for overnight and are due back by 8:00 a.m. the following
school day.
5. Periodicals, except for current issues, may be checked out for one loan period.
If they consistently are not returned on time, the student will lose this
6. By checking out the material, the student acknowledges his/her responsibility
to return it in good condition by the due date. If an item is damaged beyond
repair, a replacement fee will be charged.
7. The media center will send reminders of overdue materials. Parents will be
notified when materials are not returned after repeated reminders. Report
cards will be held each grading period until overdue items are returned or
replacement fees are paid for lost items.
Students should not arrive at school before 7:30 a.m.
Teachers’ start time is 7:30 am, meaning the student will be
unsupervised. Any student arriving early must sit in front foyer until dismissal
bell to classrooms at 7:30.
For safety reasons, students cannot be left unsupervised on campus at any time.
At the end of the school day, students will be seated in the Lower School hall until
picked up. Teachers will be on duty from 2:50 until 3:05. If not picked up by 3:05,
students will report to the main office to call a parent and await pickup. (If a
student is to meet an older sibling in the secondary area for pick-up, a form
provided by the school should be sent to the child’s teacher.) For safety reasons,
parents and caregivers must use the Lee-Scott pick-up card and have child’s
name visible in the car dash during the entire car line and at side door pick up.
If a child is released to older sibling, babysitter, etc. based on 3:00 form, there
is no supervision after leaving LS building.
There are three lanes in front of the Lower School Building, and they are No
Parking Zones. The two lanes next to the curb is to load and unload students; the
other lane is for traffic flow only.
Anyone planning to leave a car should park in the designated parking area. All
parents are encouraged to stay in vehicles to help our process flow smoothly.
If for any reason you walk up to the building, you must present child’s Parent
Pick-Up hangtags.
The use of animals as instructional aids must be planned by the teacher. By
following guidelines issued to schools by the Public Health Department officials,
the experience can be made safer for both children and animals. Each teacher
has a copy of the Alabama Department of Public Health guidelines for animals in
the schools.
The Lee-Scott Lower School band program is for beginning band students
enrolled in the sixth grade.
Party invitations may be handed out at school provided each child in the class
receives one. Private parties are not held at school, but instead we will hold
“Birthday Month” celebrations for each child having a birthday that month. Room
parents provide treats for birthdays one time per month in the cafeteria for all.
Each class has a Christmas, Valentines’ Day party and an End of the Year party.
Some classes will also have Easter Egg Hunts. Room mothers assist with these
parties. Some grade levels also have special events at Thanksgiving.
Cell phones must remain OFF and kept in backpacks during school hours. Smart
watches, such as the Apple watch, have similar capabilities as cell phones and will
be treated as noted above.
Videos and pictures taken during school-sponsored events (Ex: field trips, Field
Day, camp, ball games, pep rallies) may not be posted on personal social media
or any other social media. Students privacy is imperative. Students should refrain
from posting any negative comments on social media. Only positive comments
should be shared.
Digital citizenship is taken very seriously. Parents sign a technology policy when
registering for LSA. Monitoring digital citizenship is a shared responsibility
between student, parent, and teacher.
We are fortunate to have 1:1 digital devices PreK 6
grade and use these
electronics to supplement instruction.
The cafeteria provides lunches for students who choose to buy them in grades 1-
6. Students may bring a lunch from home. PreK and K are expected to bring lunch
from home.
Lunch is served in the cafeteria, and students are expected to put all trash in the
waste cans. In 2020-2021, lunch will be eaten in the classroom to physically
distance and not cross contaminate with upper school students and until a time
is approved to reconvene in the lunchroom while following Alabama Department
of Public Health (ADPH) guidelines and LSA protocols.
Students may bring a snack for recess or designated snack time.
All visitors, including parents, must report to the main office before visiting any
classroom or having lunch during the school day.
Lee-Scott has a Civil Defense warning device (radio) to notify the school of
possible severe weather. Teachers have designated areas to take students to a
safe place away from all outside walls. Upon notification of a tornado warning,
the teachers will take students to these locations and take proper precautions.
Lee-Scott will periodically practice lock-down drills. The drills will allow teachers
and students to be familiar with safety protocols in the event of an intruder
being on campus.
It sometimes becomes necessary, usually because of threatening weather, for
school to close early. This decision is made after consulting with agencies such as
the Office of Civil Defense, the Police Department, the State Trooper Office, and
local weather officials. Schools are sometimes requested to close early to prevent
traffic problems caused by blocked streets, slick road surfaces, or congestion.
School will be dismissed only at the request of the proper authorities. Should it
become necessary for school to be dismissed, the local radio stations are
immediately contacted and asked to begin making announcements. A sufficient
number of school employees will remain on duty at the school to provide
supervision of students until all are safely departed.
There are certain things that you, as a parent or guardian, are requested to do.
These are:
Instruct your child as to what he/she should do if school closes early.
If no one is likely to be at home, be sure your child knows where to go;
(to his own home, to a neighbor’s house, to stay with a relative...)
Make arrangements to have your child picked up immediately if
school closes early. Children can get quite upset if they have to
remain at school for several hours with no contact with their
parents. Also, traffic conditions usually get worse during the day.
Do not depend on a telephone call to the school to give instructions
when school closes early. The school’s telephone lines are flooded
with calls, and it is very difficult to get a call through. Often the
telephones are out of order due to bad weather.
If weather conditions at home are such that you feel it necessary to pick
up your child early, please come directly to the school and notify the
office before going to your child’s room. It is impossible for the office
staff to deliver messages to students during severe weather because of
the necessity of putting emergency plans into operation. PLEASE DO
telephone lines to remain open for communication with emergency
In the event school will not be in session due to the weather conditions, local
radio stations will be notified by 7:00 a.m.
The fire drill signal is the sounding of the fire alarm and flashing lights.
Students will exit the room in a quiet, orderly manner and remain in line
throughout the drill. The last student out of the room should close the
Students not in regular classes will leave the building in an orderly
No student should return to the building for any reason until the all-clear
signal is given.
Fire drill information for each room is located near the door on the
inside of the classroom. Teachers and students should be familiar with
these directions.
Fire drills will be held at least once a month.
The buildings and fixtures are provided at great expense to the parents and
friends of Lee-Scott Academy. It is expected that every student will refrain from
defacing or destroying school property. Also, every student should help the
janitorial staff by helping to keep campus clean.
Students are not allowed to bring articles to school which are dangerous or could
be used as a weapon, unnecessary for usual classroom work, subject to be stolen,
or distracting to others (toys, make-up, perfume, etc.). Pets are not allowed at
Just as a student’s behavior reflects credit to the parents and student alike, a
student’s dress and appearance should be a joint responsibility as well. This dress
code has taken into consideration student safety and enhances a proper
academic setting conducive to optimum learning.
The principal or Head of School will make decisions regarding appropriate dress.
If a student violates the dress code, parents will be contacted to provide
appropriate clothing or grooming.
Slacks and Capri Pants are
Shorts must be hemmed
and have at least a 6-inch
inseam -- A good rule is that
when hands are by the side,
held straight down, the tip
of the finger should be at
the hem.
No sweat suits, warm-up
pants or athletic/P.E. shorts
Leggings are permitted as
long as shirt goes to mid-
thigh and front area
Jeans should not have tears,
rips or be ragged above the
Skirts and dresses should be
just above the knee
Shirts/blouses must cover
shoulders and have modest
necklines (no halters, tank
tops, spaghetti straps)
No t-shirts with alcohol or
tobacco ads, or vulgar
language references
Tennis shoes ONLY
No clothing showing under
garments or midriff while
Slacks and Pants are
permitted - should not have
tears, rips or be ragged
Shorts must be hemmed
and have at least a 6 inch
inseam -- A good rule is that
when hands are by the side,
held straight down, the tip
of the finger should be at
the hem.
No sweat suits, warm-up
pants or athletic/P.E. shorts
Jeans should not have tears,
rips or be ragged
Shirts must cover shoulders.
No tank tops.
No t-shirts with alcohol or
tobacco ads, or vulgar
language references
Tennis shoes ONLY
No clothing showing under
garments or midriff while
standing or raising your
Clothing should not be too
tight or too oversized
No hats, caps or other head
covering work during school
No body piercing or tattoos
standing or raising your
Clothing should not be too
tight or too oversized
No hats, caps or other head
covering work during school
No body piercing or tattoos
No non-traditional hair styles
or coloration
Hair may not obscure vision
No non-traditional hair styles
or coloration
Hair may not obscure vision
Hair should be clean cut,
above the collar. No
shoulder length hair.
Students at Lee-Scott Academy are not allowed to chew gum in the classroom or
anywhere else on campus at any time. Gum chewing is not acceptable while in
It is against school policy for any individual or group to sell or distribute any goods
on school grounds or use the school’s name in any way to raise funds unless prior
permission has been obtained from the Head of School. Persons in violation of
this policy are subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension.
Students should remember that conduct rules and regulations at school-
sponsored events are the same ones that apply during the regular school day.
Parents are also urged to conduct themselves in a mature manner at school-
sponsored events.
If students participate in an after-school event or club, repeated misbehavior or
violation of rules can result in dismissal. If a parent is late for pick up more than
one time, the child may not be able to continue.
Students should not go behind any of the buildings during these events. They
should only be in areas where there is adult supervision.
Teachers and coaches are responsible for student discipline both at school and
during functions away from the school.
Coaches will be held responsible for the conduct of athletes on or off the field or
court or traveling back and forth to the place of the activity. School sponsors will
also be responsible in the same way for school academic teams or club members
at activities.
Common Courtesies: There should exist at Lee-Scott Academy an atmosphere
that is calm, self-disciplined, and conducive to learning. Any interruption of that
atmosphere can lead to a disruption of learning and studying; no student has the
right to deprive another student of that environment.
Students are expected to behave as ladies and gentlemen in a mannerly fashion
at all times and uphold the standards and ideals of the school. It is also expected
that all students abide by school regulations and respect proper authority.
Classroom Courtesies: It is expected that students accept responsibility and
make a habit of expecting to work. A cooperative attitude with teachers and
students in class activities is essential. Students should form the habit of talking
in a conversational tone and not talking while someone else is talking.
Assembly Courtesies: Students should enter the assembly in a quiet and orderly
manner and remain this way for the entire assembly. Respect for the speaker or
entertainer should be shown throughout the program. Applause should be done
in a cultured and respectful manner.
Behaviors that could lead to suspension from school are: attempt to cause
physical harm; possession of weapons, tobacco, drugs; misconduct during
athletic events, field trips or other school activities away from school or at school;
theft; destruction of property; prolonged insolence or insubordination; use of
inappropriate or vulgar language, consistent behavior issues preventing teaching
and learning; or anything deemed by school administrators as a suspendable
offense. Any student guilty of any of these acts may be suspended by the
principal or Head of School. Most suspensions will be for a definite time;
however, if the offense is exceptionally severe, the suspension could be for an
indefinite period of time. Parents will be immediately notified of the reason for
and length of the suspension.
Cheating is defined as “either giving or receiving assistance on any graded work
understood to be an example of individual effort.” Any incident of cheating will
be discussed with the student by the teacher. Parents will be notified.
Cheating will not be tolerated at Lee-Scott Academy.
Stealing will not be tolerated at Lee-Scott Academy.
The time students spend on the playground is a part of the daily program for
students enrolled in the preschool, kindergarten, and primary grades. Some
classes are scheduled to be on the playground late in the school day. For safety
reasons, parents who arrive early to pick up students should not allow younger
children into the fenced area until all students have returned to the
Playground rules are set by classroom teachers in an effort to allow safe play in
an appropriate, safe manner. Teachers monitor students and provide
appropriate consequences when needed.
When wind chill factor is less than 32 degrees or less than 40 degrees with
precipitation, recess will be indoors. If the wind chill is above the
aforementioned temperature, it is still up to the teacher and administrator
discretion on location. Student dress (i.e. shorts in cold weather) is a strong
determinant in this decision. Please dress appropriately for cold weather.
Lee-Scott Academy will not tolerate discrimination against or harassment of its
students or employees. Any form of discrimination against or harassment
related to a student’s or employee’s race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or
age is a violation of this policy, and will be treated as a disciplinary matter. This
policy is intended to cover any harassment or discrimination against a student
or employee by other students, or employees on or off the Lee-Scott Academy
property or while engaged in Academy-sponsored activities. Appropriate action
may also be taken against non-Academy personnel or students who violate this
policy, including formal complaints to their employer or school and/or
restricting access to Academy property. Harassment must be so severe or
pervasive that it creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment. The
recipient of a complaint should inform the complainant of this policy and refer
the complainant to the Secondary Principal and/or the Lower School Principal.
These two administrators will investigate the incident, consult with other
appropriate Academy officials if necessary, and will resolve the complaint, if
possible. It is the intention of the Academy to resolve complaints as quickly as
possible, usually within forty-five class days of receipt. The investigation record
will consist of informal statements (not taken under an oath) from the alleged
victim(s), the alleged offender(s) and witnesses. If the results of the preliminary
Academy investigation conducted jointly by the Secondary and Lower School
Principals or other persons designated by the Head of School is accepted by the
alleged victim(s) as conclusive and no further action is deemed necessary,
he/she will sign a statement requesting the Academy take no further action. (In
case of a minor, the parent or guardian will sign the statement). The Academy
will attempt to handle complaints confidentially on a need to know basis with a
view toward protecting the complaining party from possible reprisal and
protecting the accused from irresponsible or mistaken complaints. False
allegations or charges are discouraged and may subject the complainant(s) to
disciplinary action. If the complaint is not resolved conclusively by the
Principals, or the designated persons, the matter will be referred to the Head of
School or his/her appointed alternative for final action on behalf of the
Academy. If disciplinary action is warranted, the Head of School or his/her
appointed alternative will implement such action.
The Academy is a College Preparatory Institution and is bound by its Mission
Statement and Policies. The Academy is not subject to IDEA (Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act) or FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education).
Parents agree/sign the handbook as a part of online registration process.