Student Handbook
Revised August 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
General Information 4
Vision 4
Mission 4
Statement of Faith 4
Philosophy of Education 5
Admissions Policies 6-7
Financial Policies 7-9
School Day & Operations 10-17
Dress Code 17-18
Lower School Policies 19
Attendance Policies 19-20
Academic Policies 21-23
Behavior and Discipline Policies 23-24
Upper School Policies 25
Attendance Policies 25-27
Academic Policies 27-31
Behavior and Discipline Policies 31-33
Anti-Bullying Policy 34-40
Anti-Bullying Policy Forms 41-44
Technology Acceptable Use Policy 45-48
Technology Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgement 49
Handbook Acknowledgement 50
Lower School Discipline Rubric 51
Upper School Discipline Rubric 52
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Washtenaw Christian Academy! It is our vision to prepare
and equip servant-leaders to positively impact a world in need of Christ. We are thankful that the
WCA family is growing and that you have joined us this year.
This handbook is designed to help parents and students become familiar with the philosophy,
practices, and operations of WCA and to help forge healthy, strong relationships with those who
are a part of the WCA family. Along with this, it is our aim to deliver academic excellence in a
Christ-centered environment.
Please take time to read through the handbook in order to be familiar with the expectations and
distinctions of being a WCA Wildcat. We have reviewed, altered, and added new policies and
procedures for the 21/22 school year. During the school year the administration and School
Board will continuously review our policies and adapt to executive orders, federal, state, and
county conditions, and the specific needs of the WCA community.
I look forward to getting to know each family throughout the school year and learning about the
exciting work God is doing in your lives. Thank you for joining in the good work God is doing at
For the glory of Christ,
Mrs. Alicia Ceccarelli
Head of School
General Information
Our vision is to prepare and equip servant-leaders to positively impact a world in need of Christ.
Mission Statement
Washtenaw Christian Academy is a Christian school dedicated to providing a Christ-centered,
academically challenging education. We seek to produce graduates who listen respectfully, think
critically, reason logically and communicate persuasively. WCA is committed to assisting families in
developing the character of Christ in their children so they become citizens of excellence for the glory of
Statement of Faith
1. We believe the Bible to be divinely inspired and the only infallible, authoritative, and inerrant Word
of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)
2. We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
(Genesis 1:26, Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14)
3. We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:30), His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke
1:35), His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11), His vicarious and
atoning death (I Cor. 15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9), His resurrection (John 11:25, I Corinthians
15:4), His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19), and His personal return in power
and glory. (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11)
4. We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the
exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that we are justified on the single ground of faith in the
shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and through faith alone are we saved. (John
3:16-19, John 5:24, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8-9, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:5)
5. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: those that are saved are raised into
everlasting life, and those that are lost are raised into eternal damnation. (John 5:28-29)
6. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to
live a godly life. (Romans 8:13-14, I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30,
Ephesians 5:18)
7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:9, I Corinthians
12:12-13, Galatians 3:26-28)
Statement of Final Authority
The Statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and
infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct
of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of Washtenaw Christian
Academy’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy and discipline, our Board of Directors is Washtenaw Christian
Academy’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
Philosophy of Education
WCA’s goal is to help children develop academically, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually.
Because these separate components are connected by the spiritual, we incorporate the Bible
throughout our curriculum. WCA employs the integrated curriculum, a unique style of education that
encourages children to think creatively about all aspects of a subject. All disciplines are taught together
during each monthly subject, or unit. Each unit is rooted in the daily hands-on experience of children,
allowing the teacher to individualize the learning experience by correlating individual skills and abilities
with the unit. Our integrated curriculum is organized around the truth that all parts of God’s creation are
interconnected rather than fragmented. WCA believes that the ultimate responsibility for the education
of children lies with the parents (Deut. 6:7-8). Learning does not begin or end at School – it is a lifetime
process. WCA provides children with a foundation of confidence and assurance from which new efforts
and inquiries into creation and its Creator can be launched throughout life. WCA teachers carefully
nurture each child’s feelings of competence and self-worth as members of God’s family, serve as role
models in their Christian walk, and continually mature in both their professional life and Christian faith.
Admission Policies
A. Statement of Non-Discrimination
Washtenaw Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and
ethnic origin.
B. Hold Harmless Clause
Upon enrollment at WCA parents, legal guardians, or Organizations, agree that they shall
defend, indemnify and hold harmless Washtenaw Christian Academy (WCA) and its
representatives from any and all claims, causes of action, demands, costs, damages including
both direct and consequential damages, specifically including attorney’s fees and costs, expert
fees and cost and mediation and/or arbitration fees and costs incurred, arising in any way out of
the actions of their student. They further agree at their own expense, to defend any suit or
action brought against WCA founded upon the claim of such damage to persons or property.
This indemnity agreement applies to both active and passive negligence on the part of WCA
and its representatives to the fullest extent permissible under law. Choice of counsel remains
solely that of WCA.
C. Enrollment Procedures
1. Parents must submit properly completed application forms accompanied by the
non-refundable application fee.
2. An interview with both parents and the child/children is required. Exceptions granted on a
case by case basis by the Administrator.
3. Applicants and parents must acknowledge in writing that the school will be operated in
accordance with the Statement of Faith and Philosophy of Education.
4. Students transferring to WCA from other schools must provide transcripts, recent test
scores, and reference forms from their prior school. The School Board will review any
application for a student who has been expelled from another school.
5. A student’s grade placement will be determined by referring to transcripts and test scores.
The student will also be given an achievement test to determine grade placement.
D. Grade and Transfer Policies
Grade Policy
Students may earn credits at schools other than Washtenaw Christian Academy to satisfy
graduation requirements. However, only WCA grades are counted in their grade point average.
Grades for credits earned at other schools will not be counted in their grade point average.
WCA will provide a WCA transcript & grade point average calculated with grades earned at
WCA for home-schooled, International, part time or transfer students.
Credits can be transferred to meet graduation requirements with approval of the administration.
Grades will not be transferred.
Part-time students are not included in class ranking.
Students enrolled in 11
or 12
grade as full-time students:
Will be included in class ranking their second year of enrollment.
Students must be enrolled at WCA for 4 consecutive semesters to be considered for
valedictorian or salutatorian.
F. Re–Enrollment Policy
Parents may be asked to withdraw or not re-enroll their students for the following reasons:
1. Rebellious attitude
2. Lack of parental cooperation
3. Excessive absences or tardies
4. Academic incompatibility
5. Overdue account
G. Exceptions
Exceptions to the above policies will be made by the administration in consultation with the
Financial Policies
A. Fees
1. The non-refundable fee is due with the application and applied to the enrollment fee.
2. The non-refundable re-enrollment fee is due each year with the re-enrollment form.
3. If it is determined during the school year that a student needs additional testing, there will be
a $125.00 testing fee. Note: If the test is a placement test or kindergarten readiness test,
and the student then enrolls at WCA, the testing fee will be applied toward registration.
4. Returned check fee of $40.00 will be charged for returned checks.
5. Childcare hours and availability are subject to change.
K-5th Grade Childcare Fees and Hours
Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
We request that you arrange your childcare in advance.
The rates are listed below
K – 5
Before School
7:30am – 8:00am
After School
3:15pm – 5:30pm
$4.00 /hour
($20 cap/family/day total)
Afternoon childcare does include a snack.
A late pick-up charge of $10.00 will be made for each 15 minutes or part thereof after 5:30 p.m.
that your child is left in after care.
There will not be childcare during holiday vacations, on professional development days, or
during the summer.
Childcare is not available on days when school has been cancelled due to bad weather.
6th-12th Grade Childcare Fees and Hours
Fees are per student and there is a family cap of $12/hour.
The student needs to be picked up within 5 minutes of the first hour ending to avoid
being charged for the second hour.
3:30pm – 5:30pm
$4.00 /Hour
($20 cap/family/day total)
B. Tuition and Billing
1. At the beginning of the school year, a family’s total tuition cost for the year will be calculated
based on the current tuition schedule.
2. Any academic support services beyond the general curriculum will incur additional fees.
These services may include, but are not limited to: NILD Educational Therapy or Search
and Teach, tutoring, individualized instruction, independent study monitoring, and
implementing an Accommodation Plan for students that receive no direct special services.
These additional fees, when applicable, will be added onto the family’s regular tuition costs,
and can be included in the monthly statement or paid up front, at the discretion of the family.
3. Families may enroll in one of the following:
Full tuition payment due on August 15
. Payment will be made direct to the school. No
F.A.C.T.S. fee will be assessed. Upon failure to meet this deadline, the family will be
assigned to a monthly payment plan administered by F.A.C.T.S. and fees will apply.
Semester payment. First payment due to the school by August 15
. There will be a $50.00
late fee for late payments and the family will be assigned to the monthly payment plan
administered by F.A.C.T.S. As long as the first payment deadline is met, the second
payment will be collected by F.A.C.T.S. on Jan 5
or 20
. The F.A.C.T.S. fee is $10.00.
Equal monthly payments through F.A.C.T.S. Parents elect to pay tuition on either the 5
the 20th of each month through the F.A.C.T.S. payment plan. The F.A.C.T.S. annual
enrollment fee is approximately $45.00.
4. Final payment must be paid prior to the beginning of the next school year. No report cards or
diplomas will be issued if payments are not current (per payment schedule).
5. After two checks from the same family have been returned for insufficient funds, the family
will be required to pay in cash or money order for the rest of the school year.
C. Past Due Accounts
1. A $50.00 per month late fee will be added onto delinquent accounts.
2. Financial Suspension: When an account balance reaches a 60-day past-due status, the
student(s) will be suspended unless arrangements have been made with the school
3. Each student’s tuition from a previous year must be paid before a new school year begins. Any
exceptions must be made by the School Board.
4. The School Board may require pre-payment of tuition from those families who have repeated
delinquency of their account at WCA. The finance committee will provide oversight in this
D. Other Charges
Additional copies of transcripts for students no longer enrolled will be assessed a postage fee.
Payment must be received before transcripts are distributed.
E. Missed Days
No discounts are given for weather related cancellations, in-service days, holidays, absences,
executive orders, mandated shut downs, etc.
F. Withdrawal from WCA
All enrollment contracts are for one year. There will be no tuition refunds for early departures. When
a student withdraws from school midyear, a withdrawal form must be signed by all the appropriate
parties before the student is officially withdrawn.
G. Separated or Divorced Parents:
1. If parents are divorced or separated, we must have, on file in the office, a certified copy of the
court order of Final Judgment.
2. Information concerning a student's grades will be shared with the custodial parent and will be
available to the non-custodial parent, unless the court order says otherwise.
3. Other information regarding the student will be disclosed only to the parent who has legal
custody (physical custody in the case of joint custody) unless that parent grants permission to
share the information with the other parent.
4. If legal custody is not established or if there is joint custody, then the parent with whom the child
resides is considered the person in official parental relationship to the child for school purposes.
5. We must have on file in the school office the names of those people who will not be allowed to
pick up the child. No student at any time may ride home with anyone else unless they have a
note from home, or the office has received notification by telephone from a parent or guardian.
The School Day and Operation
WCA is a smoke free (including vaping/e-cigs), tobacco free, alcohol free and drug free campus.
A. School Day Hours:
8:15 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. for grades K-5.
8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. for grades 6-12.
Students should be in class before school starts. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before class.
School Year Office hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Summer Office hours: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
B. School Closing: In the event that school must be closed because of inclement weather or for any
other reason, a One Call Now phone message will go out and notice of closure will be posted on
the WCA Family Facebook page, and with local news sources. Childcare will not be available on
days when school has been canceled due to inclement weather.
C. Communication
1. Change of Address, Email, or Phone Number: Please inform the school office when you have
a change of address, email or telephone number. This includes those who should be contacted
in case of emergency.
2. Weekly email update: Important information is communicated to school families via the weekly
email update, which is sent on Fridays.
3. Teacher Communication: Please allow 24 hours for your child’s teacher to respond to an
email, voice message or any communication
4. Calls to Students in School: Parents are asked to avoid calling the school with messages for
their children unless it is an emergency matter.
5. One Call Now is a telephone message delivery service that provides mass voice and text
messages to our families for important announcements and information or in case of
emergency. You must enroll through the front office for us to have permission to text you through
this system.
6. RenWeb/FACTS: RenWeb/FACTS is our school information system. It allows families to access
their student’s records anytime and anywhere. Families have access to announcements,
calendars, grades, assignments, discipline and attendance. Parents are alerted of missing
assignments, as well as sent weekly progress reports. Each family has their own access based
on their email address.
7. Student Communication: Outside of face to face communication in school, students will be
able to communicate with faculty and staff through the washtenawchristian.org school email
addresses provided to students, faculty and staff. Texting between students and faculty and staff
is strictly prohibited.
D. Arrival and Dismissal
1. Student Drop-off:
Students may be dropped off at the east or south side curb of the building beginning at 8:00
a.m. Students may go to their lockers to prepare for the school day. Students who arrive before
8:00 will be required to go to the cafetorium. Parents of Preschool and Lower School students
will be charged childcare fees. Morning Assembly will take place from 8:15 to 8:25 in the
If you are getting out of your car with the student, park your car in the south parking lot. Do Not
leave your car in the traffic lane. This is for the convenience of the other parents who are
dropping off as well as businesses making deliveries. This includes the hours before school and
after school as well.
2. Student Dismissal:
Students in grades K-5 will be dismissed at 3:20 p.m. They will wait with their teacher outside
the building, weather permitting. Parents are asked to remain in their cars, forming a single line
along the curb. One teacher will be stationed outside and will use a walkie-talkie to tell teachers
inside the school which parents (carpools) are in the pick-up area. Students will be loaded into
the first seven cars. Please do not pull away until you are told to do so. As those cars pull away
the next seven cars pull up. The process will repeat until all Lower School students are picked
up, or until 3:30. After 3:30 p.m. Lower School (K-5) students without any direct supervision will
be checked-in at the after-school child care program.
Upper school students are dismissed at 3:30 p.m. All Upper School students must be out of the
building by 3:45 p.m. or under the direct supervision of an approved adult. Students without any
direct supervision will be checked-in at the after-school study hall.
Please do not come inside to the dismissal area to pick up your child. This is a distraction to
teachers who are listening for carpool names and are supervising students. If you need your
child before regular dismissal time, please arrive early and report directly to the office.
When there is a change to a child’s regular pickup up schedule, please send an email to your
child’s teachers and notify the school office.
If you have a scheduled appointment with a teacher after school, please pick up your child first,
park, and then enter the building by the front door.
If you are picking up both an Upper and Lower School student, please pick up your Lower
School student first and then drive around to the parking lot. Park and wait. Your upper school
student will meet you at your car after their dismissal.
Lower School students who are transported by siblings will remain with their class. The older
sibling must pick up the Lower School student from the dismissal area and escort them to their
3. Aftercare Pickup
Families will be provided with detailed instructions from the Aftercare Staff.
E. Lunches and Snacks
1. Glass containers: Please do not send food or beverages in glass containers.
2. Snack: K-6th grade students will be provided a time for a snack break.
3. We require that students do not bring peanut products during snack or lunch time due to
the increasing number of students with allergies.
F. Visiting WCA
1. All Washtenaw Christian Academy visitors must report to the school office upon entering the
building. Visitors need to sign in at the office and state the nature of their visit to office
personnel. Arrangements will then be made to complete the visit. A visitor pass must always be
worn inside the building when visiting during office hours.
2. Students may not have visits from friends during the school day (8:00 - 3:30).
3. WCA alumni in good standing may visit the campus during lunch and chapel. As with other
visitors, they must sign in at the office before entering campus.
4. It is the desire of the administration and faculty to be of service to both parents and students.
Therefore, we welcome inquiries by parents concerning their students. Please make inquiries
during non-class hours and by appointment with the teacher. Please do not telephone for
a student or a teacher during school hours unless it is an emergency. Please make all
appointments through the school office or well in advance with the individual teacher through
G. Procedures in Emergency Situations
If the following emergency situations occur, parents are asked to follow the procedures below to
help with parent-student reunification and aid with traffic flow. Tune in to local television stations
4(WDIV) and 7(WXYZ). We will use local media to update information as it becomes available. If
we are able, we will update any helpful information for parents and guardians on our school
website, www.WashtenawChristian.org or utilize “One Call Now.”
Fire Drills and Tornado Drills
In accordance with state law, fire and tornado drills are conducted periodically so that students
know where to go and what to do in the event of a real fire or tornado. Each area of the school
has specific directions for fire escape routes and tornado procedures.
Tornado/Severe Weather
All school personnel have been trained in severe weather procedures. Staff members
have assigned roles and will be doing their best to safely care for your student(s).
First, ensure your own safety.
Know that your student(s) are safe and sheltered. Do not come to the school.
Assume that the school phone and cell lines will either not be working or be busy. Do
not call the school; this will tie up emergency phone lines that MUST remain open.
Please give the school administration team at least an hour to evacuate the classrooms,
conduct building searches, and account for all people before calling the school.
Our reunification system is designed to maintain order and provide for the care and
accountability of all students. We will follow this plan methodically and document all
students who are released.
Parent-student reunification will be similar to everyday pick-up with the exception that all
students need to be signed out on a student release form.
Reunification teams will have the forms on site for you to sign.
If your child’s stay at school is extended beyond the regular time, you will receive
information about the place and time you can pick up your student(s) through either “One
Call Now”, website, or local radio.
Lockdown- Intruder on Campus
All school personnel have been trained in lockdown procedures. They will be doing their
best to ensure that all students are being held in a safe location on campus. Our goal is
the care, safety, and accountability of all students.
In a lockdown, we will not be able to answer incoming calls or make outgoing calls. The
police will secure the building and perimeter when they arrive. Parents will not be
allowed near the school during lockdown for their own safety. If your student has a cell
phone, please do not try to call them.
Students will be kept inside locked classrooms. No one will be allowed to leave the
classroom/secure areas until the lockdown is lifted or until the ALICE plan is initiated.
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training helps prepare individuals to
handle the threat of an Active Shooter. ALICE teaches individuals to participate in their
own survival, while leading others to safety. Though no one can guarantee success in
this type of situation, this new set of skills will greatly increase the odds of survival
should anyone face this form of disaster. WCA staff receive ALICE training from the
Pittsfield Twp. Police Dept.
When lockdown is lifted, parents will be notified via One Call Now” or a school-wide
email and may come to school to pick up their student(s).
Evacuation – Fire/Bomb Threat
If we need to evacuate the building for any reason, the immediate evacuation location
will be the parking lot near the soccer field.
The main entrance of the school is reserved for the use of emergency vehicles and
police authorities.
Parents may pick up their student(s) from the parking lot, depending on emergency
personnel directions.
Parent-student reunification teams will be available on the south side of the building
(parking lot). The parking lot may be congested so please use caution.
Long Term
Tune in to local television stations 4(WDIV) and 7(WXYZ). We will use local media to
update information as it becomes available. If we are able, we will put any information for
parents on our school website, www.WashtenawChristian.org. Also, follow any
directions given through One Call Now or by school email.
Parent-Student reunification will take place following our procedures in an effort to
maintain order and provide care and accountability of all students. Police authority will
supersede our procedures when necessary.
H. Red Alert:
School officials have a safety plan should the United States Department of Homeland Security
declare a Threat Level Red (Note: A Threat Level Red means that there is a severe risk of terrorist
attack. A National Code Red may not signal a Code Red in Washtenaw County).
Should a Threat Level Red be announced that impacts Washtenaw County:
Before or after school hours:
School will be CLOSED. All activities and events scheduled will be canceled until further notice.
Normal school operations will remain closed until authorized to re-open.
During school hours:
School buildings will be secured yet remain open until regular dismissal, and regular transportation
will be provided, unless otherwise directed by local, county, or state emergency officials. All
after-school activities and events will be canceled.
I. Lost & Found
We encourage parents to label all belongings & electronics, especially clothing and valuable items.
Found items that are valuable and small items such as jewelry will be kept in the office. Other
articles left in the building will be placed in the lost and found box located in the hallway to the
teacher workroom. Students are encouraged to check lost and found on a regular basis.
Periodically, lost and found items will be displayed. Unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated
approximately once every two months. Parents will be made aware of the next Donation Date via
email or newsletter at least one week in advance.
J. Fundraisers
During the school year several fundraisers are held to raise money for designated purposes. We
appreciate your support as it allows us to keep tuition as low as possible. However, we will respect
your wishes if you do not want your student to participate in a particular fundraiser; in this case,
please notify the teacher.
In many cases, fundraiser proceeds will be set aside for individual students to cover designated
expenses for a particular purpose, such as the Senior Trip. However, all funds raised in
school-sponsored fundraisers belong to the school. A student might accumulate an excess balance
of reserved funds (for example, if plans change and the student doesn’t participate in a trip). Such
excess funds may not be withdrawn by the student; rather, any excess funds will be used, in priority
order, (1) for another event or trip for that student (2) for the rest of the group raising funds for the
designated purpose, (3) for the standing balance of funds for the class (or sports team), or (4) for a
school-related purpose designated by the Head of School.
K. Class Trips / Senior Trip Information
All officially sanctioned WCA student trips shall be led by the class faculty sponsor. The sponsor
shall, for all intents and purposes, be considered the lead person in decision-making on the trip.
Potential senior trip locations must be presented to the Head of School by the end of November.
L. Health Policies
Please keep your child home if he/she has any of the following illnesses or symptoms:
• Yellow or green discharge from nose • Vomiting within 24 hours
• Diarrhea • Fever above 100 degrees (24 hours)
• Hacking or loose cough • Weakness in joint
• Head Lice • Sore Throat (Spots and/or Swelling)
• Chicken Pox • Open Sores/Rash
Medications - General Guidelines:
a. All prescription, nonprescription (over the counter), and homeopathic medications shall be
given only with a completed form by the physician and parent which shall include: the name
of the medication, dosage, time to be given, length of time the medication will be prescribed,
side effects of the medication, and the reason for the medication to be given. Medication
forms are available from the school health office and on the WCA website. A new form must
be provided if a prescription dosage changes.
b. All medications shall be brought to the school health office by the parent/guardian unless
other arrangements are made and approved.
c. New authorization is needed at the beginning of each school year.
d. Old authorization is retained according to state confidentiality laws.
e. All medications are stored in a locked cabinet in the school health office with limited access.
f. Controlled substances shall be counted by the parent, confirmed by the school health office,
and recorded in a log when received.
g. Empty containers shall be promptly returned to the parent/guardian at the end of the school
h. In the absence of the school health nurse, non-licensed school personnel shall administer
medication as directed.
i. It is the responsibility of the Lower School teacher to send students to report to the school
health office at the time the medication is to be administered.
j. Liquid medication must be accompanied by a dosage-measuring device (not a teaspoon).
k. For students with chronic health conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, food allergies, seizures) it
is strongly recommended that information be shared with school personnel prior to the
beginning of the school year to discuss individualized health needs.
l. Medications will not be administered to any student other than the one stated on the
medication label.
m.If a student has been approved to self-carry/self-administer prescription or non-prescription
medication, they must not share this medication with other students. In special circumstances
approved by the school administrator, physician and parent/guardian, students may be
allowed to self-carry medications but not self-administer (e.g. emergency medications).
o. Self-administration and/or self-carry of medications must follow the above criteria after
discussion and approval by school personnel, physician and parent/guardian.
Non-prescription medications
a. Medications should be given to the school office in an unopened, unexpired, new package.
b. Tylenol or Ibuprofen will be available with a pre-signed release on file in the school office for
students in grades 6-12.
O. Emergency Treatment
1. At the time of re-enrollment or during the admissions process to the school, the parents will be
given an Emergency Information Form to fill out for each child attending Washtenaw Christian
Academy. This form allows Washtenaw Christian to obtain emergency medical treatment for
your child should it become necessary. Please complete this form for each child and return it to
the school office with the re-enrollment or enrollment form. Should any of the information
change during the course of the year, please contact the school office.
2. If your child is taken to the hospital for emergency medical care, an informed consent is required
for treatment, except in life or limb threatening emergencies. Informed means you are aware of
the specific incident, the medical care, and its possible consequences have been explained.
The hospital will contact an immediate relative of your child. Saline Community Hospital
acknowledges the Michigan Rules of Succession, which allows a grandparent, brother/sister of
the age of majority, or a blood-related aunt/uncle to give informed consent for treatment if the
parents cannot be reached.
P. Standardized Tests
1. WCA will administer the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test through NWEA to students
in 1
grade through 11
grade. Testing will be arranged for each class individually at the
discretion of their classroom teacher according to their schedule. Testing may occur up to 3
times per school year to track student progress.
2. In addition, the following tests are administered to upper school students:
a. 10
graders – PSAT test (2
Wednesday in October) recommended
b. 11
graders - PSAT test (2
Wednesday in October)
Q. Library:
1. Library materials will be due two weeks from the day they are checked out. Materials not
returned on their due date will incur a fine of 10 cents per day per item until the materials are
returned. Note: The student will not be able to check out any other library materials until the
overdue materials have been returned and all fines are paid.
2. Report cards/diplomas will be held until all delinquent library issues are resolved.
R. Parent Organizations
1. Parent Teacher Fellowship provides opportunities for parents to assist and show appreciation
to teachers; it supports major school fundraisers. PTF recruits and trains room parents. Watch
the newsletter for news and information about how you can become involved in PTF activities.
2. Athletic Booster Club supports the WCA athletic program in various ways, including supplying
workers to run the clock, keep the book, and sell concessions at home games. They raise funds
for athletic needs, and use the funds to purchase uniforms and sports equipment and host
sports awards banquets. The parents of all students who are participating in sports are
encouraged to help with the Booster Club’s various activities.
3. Auction Committee: Each spring, WCA hosts a legacy auction as the major fundraiser of the
school year. The entire WCA community is encouraged to participate. Businesses in the
community donate items to be auctioned, Lower School classes create projects to be auctioned,
and the Auction Committee puts it all together. The auction is a major project, and involvement
leads to the satisfaction of being part of a project that is of great importance to the school.
Everyone is encouraged to find a way to support the auction in some manner. The newsletter
will keep families informed about meetings and needs.
S. Chaperone & Volunteer Driver Guidelines
Chaperone and Volunteer Driver Guidelines are available in the office. Feel free to request a
copy if you are thinking of becoming a volunteer driver or chaperone for WCA.
Dress Code Policy
Shirts and Outerwear: School issued t-shirts with the shield logo or polo shirts in the solid
COLORS of red, black, grey, or white. Brand logos are permitted but must be smaller than a
Sweaters: Always with a polo or school shirt need to be in the solid colors of red, black, grey,
or white with no logos.
Sweatshirts and hoodies must be school issued.
Coats and jackets may NOT be worn in class.
Pants: Pants may be worn in the solid colors of khaki (tan), black, grey, or jeans in the same
solid colors and shades of denim without rips, frays, designs, or abnormal discoloration (e.g.
acid wash). Leggings or tight compression pants may not be worn as pants. Girls may wear
capri pants.
Skirts: Skirts may be worn in the solid in colors of khaki (tan), black, grey, or denim and may be
no shorter than 3" above the knee, including slits. Skirts worn above the knee require shorts,
solid leggings, or tights in dress code colors to be worn underneath.
Shorts: Shorts may be school uniform style (Bermuda shorts) in the colors of khaki (tan), black,
or grey — no denim shorts. Shorts must be mid thigh or longer.
Shoes: Shoes are not limited to any specific color or combination of colors. Outdoor and winter
boots need to be changed prior to the start of the school day. Lower school students must wear
closed-toe shoes. No Croc type shoes are permitted. Upper School girls may wear heels 3” or
less. No beachwear or flip flops.
Face masks (when applicable): Face masks may be any color or pattern. Masks are not to
contain any questionable or political material.
Gym Apparel (grades 5-12): Spirit wear t-shirts must be worn with athletic shorts (mid-thigh
or longer), sweats, or athletic pants. No leggings or compression pants/shorts may be worn
without shorts over them. Non-marking tennis shoes and socks must be worn at all times in the
gym for all students.
Game Day Attire for Athletes: See Athletic Handbook
Spirit Wear Days (Fridays): All Dress Code guidelines apply with the exception of:
Students may wear any WCA shirt that is in good condition including t-shirts. Shirts that
are not WCA specific are not permitted.
Athletic pants and shorts are permitted in school colors or combinations of colors (red,
black, white, grey). Sweatpant material is not permitted.
Casual Days: Casual day attire includes any clothing in good repair which meets the
requirements for length and modesty. Leggings may not be worn as pants, and any images or
text on clothing must be school appropriate and non-political in nature.
Additional Notes:
Items not specifically stated as permissible are not allowed.
Belts need to be worn if the student's pants/shorts cannot stay up on their own.
Underclothing, midriffs, and cleavage are not to be shown for any student at any time.
Distracting or inappropriate attire is not permitted.
Hats/hoods may not be worn during the school day
Piercings are permitted in the ears only, no plugs, and must not be distracting.
Length of shorts and skirts apply to all school-sanctioned events with alternative dress codes
unless noted (e.g. outdoor or sporting type events where the gym apparel guidelines may be
Tattoos and/or body art must be covered at all times.
Dress Code Violations: Any student arriving on campus in violation of dress code will not be
allowed into class or to participate in events scheduled for that day. Parents may be required to
bring appropriate clothing to campus for the student to attend class.
The administration shall make all final decisions regarding the school dress code guidelines.
Lower School Policies
Attendance Policies
A. Definitions: WCA recognizes two types of absences:
1. Excused Absences: An absence is excused when it is due to (a) illness (b) professional
services in connection with the student's health and welfare (medical, dental, and optical) (c)
approved absence in writing one week in advance for vacation, church retreats, and
college/university visits, or (d) emergencies with approval from the administration.
2. Unexcused: All other absences including those approved by parents. After three unexcused
absences, a student may not receive credit for work done or due that day.
B. Excused Absences
Whenever a student is to be absent, the school requests that the parents call the office indicating:
(1) the expected length of absence, and (2) the reason for the absence. After one day without a
note or call, the absence can be considered unexcused.
C. Pre-approved Absences (planned surgeries, family trips, etc.)
Since the school calendar allows ample time for vacations around the holiday seasons, it is
suggested that whenever possible, parents arrange their vacations to coincide with school vacation
time. In the event school days will be missed,
1. Pick up an “Approved Absence Form” from the office two weeks before the planned absence.
(Only follow this procedure if the absence will be for 3-10 consecutive school days. A student
may have no more than 10 pre-approved absences per semester.) The student must then:
2. Present the form to each teacher for approval and/or comments.
3. Present the form to the office personnel for final approval and signature from the Principal.
4. Present the form to parents for signature and return it to the office.
5. The teacher may gather work in advance; the student must hand in the work upon the day of
6. The student checks with teachers(s) upon return to see if all the work is completed.
D. Partial Day Absences
Students must be present for at least the second half of the school day (from lunch to the end of the
school day) in order to participate in extracurricular activities. Exceptions may be made at the
discretion of the administration.
E. Release from Classes
When it becomes necessary for the parent to take a student out of class during the day (for a
dentist appointment, for example), please notify the affected teacher in writing that morning. When
a parent arrives to take their child to the appointment, they should go directly to the office (not
the student’s classroom) to sign the student out, and the office will notify the teacher to
release the student.
F. Make-up work for Excused Absences
All make-up work that was missed due to illness, a doctors appointment or an emergency will be
given to students upon their return to school. However, if a student has missed 2 days of school,
arrangements may be made to pick up missed work at the office at the end of the school day. Since
it is impossible to make up missed classroom time, every effort should be made to limit absences.
The student may have one school day for every day missed to complete make-up work. This rule
does not apply where prior arrangements have been made to obtain work due to pre-arranged
absences. At the direction of the teacher, students are responsible to take tests or submit major
assignments due during their absence, when they return.
All absences, excused and unexcused, as well as suspensions will count toward the 10 allowed
absences per semester.
G. Tardiness: Students are required to arrive on time for morning assembly and be ready for class, as
per teacher instruction, when class begins.
H. Tardy Policy:
1. Students are allowed 9 morning tardies per semester.
2. Once a student has accumulated 9 tardies, a meeting will be scheduled with the School
Administration to evaluate the situation and determine if a corrective plan needs to be initiated.
Academic Policies
A. Homework
1. Students are expected to turn their homework in on time.The written individual policies of the
teacher must also be followed.
2. Homework is assigned to meet the needs of the individual student. For this reason, all
students will not necessarily have the same assignment.
B. Makeup Policies for Excused Absences
1. Tests
a. Students absent on the day of a test may make up the test as directed by the teacher.
Should a student arrive during the day of a test, the teacher can require the student to
take the test on that day.
b. Except for extreme absences, tests must be made up within five days from the date of
the absence.
2. Assignments
a. Teachers will create their own late policy (approved by the administration)
b. Students absent on the due date of a project or assignment are responsible to hand that
assignment in on the day they return.
c. Students who are absent for more than a one-day period of time on or prior to the date
of the assignment shall arrange a new due date with the teacher.
d. No make-up work, missing assignments, etc., except those due to a prolonged absence,
can be handed in after the close of a marking period.
C. Lower School Progress Reports
Reports are available on RenWeb for grades 3-5. Weekly updates are emailed to families in
grades 3 – 5 via RenWeb.
D. Lower School Report Cards
1. Report cards will be sent home every marking period, for a total of four times per school
2. Fall conferences will be scheduled for all Lower School students.
3. Spring conferences will be scheduled at parent or teacher request.
4. The Lower School (3
– 5
) grading scale:
Percentage Grade GPA Equivalent Weighted GPA
97-100 A+ 4.0 5.3
93-96 A 4.0 5.0
90-92 A- 3.7 4.7
87-89 B+ 3.3 4.3
83-86 B 3.0 4.0
80-82 B- 2.7 3.7
77-79 C+ 2.3 3.3
73-76 C 2.0 3.0
70-72 C- 1.7 2.7
67-69 D+ 1.3 1.3
63-66 D 1.0 1.0
60-62 D- .7 .7
00-59 F 0 0
E. Academic Standing:
Promotion Policy Primary (Grades K-2): In order to pass to the next grade level, students must
do satisfactory work in reading and math or be enrolled for special summer work in these areas in a
school or with a tutor approved in advance by the administrator. If in the opinion of the teacher and
the administrator, the student has failed to reach the maturation level necessary for success at the
next grade level, the parents will be advised via a conference and the student will be retained at
current grade level. If a student is being retained, parents may appeal the decision to the
Promotion Policy (Grades 3-5): If students are failing in any major subject, a joint decision must
be made by the teacher(s) and the principal concerning the severity of the deficiency. If the
deficiency is significant and the student needs another year to establish a proper academic
foundation for his future studies, the parents will be advised that their student should repeat the
grade. If the deficiency is minor, summer school or tutoring will be required. Tutorial arrangements
for summer instructions must be approved in advance by the principal. If a student is being retained,
parents may appeal the decision to the Head of School.
All Lower School Students Students who fail two or more subjects can be retained in the grade
upon the recommendation of the teacher(s) and the administrator. If provisional promotion to the
next grade is granted, the student will be required to attend summer school or receive tutorial help
(approved in advance by the principal) and supply the office with evidence of satisfactory progress.
Academic Probation:
Problems for which probation may be incurred are insufficient academic progress, an attitude
which is antagonistic to the basic goals of the school and which produces an adverse effect
upon the other students, deliberate continued disobedience of school rules and behavioral
guidelines, excessive unexcused absences, and/or tardiness, or a serious breach of conduct
inside or outside of the school.
The length of the probationary period will be one marking period or the equivalent of such.
During this time the student will be encouraged to correct the problem. At the end of the
probation period, if the student’s behavior or academics have significantly improved, he or she
may be restored to full status. If the problem(s) still persists, the administration may extend the
probation or recommend expulsion to the Board of Directors. The student and parents are to be
advised of the school’s action and may, after the parent conference, appeal the decision to the
Board. Also, see Lower School Behavior Guidelines and Consequences.
F. Sports Eligibility: See Athletic Handbook
Behavior and Discipline Policies
Lower School Disciplinary Procedure: See Lower School Disciplinary Rubric in the table of
Parents have been given the responsibility by God for the discipline of their children. WCA parents
have conferred this authority upon teachers and administrators during the school day and school
activities. Most discipline situations are handled in the classroom; however, should your child be sent to
the office or violate the discipline policy, an administrator will address the matter and you will be
notified. In this way, a child soon understands that home and school work together.
1. Property of others
All students are expected to respect the rights and property of others, as well as school
property. Students will be held financially responsible for deliberate damage and neglect of the
2. Lockers
Students in grades 3 - 5 will be assigned a locker. Lockers are the property of the school and
maybe inspected at any time. Lockers are to be kept neat, orderly, and clean inside and out.
a. Combination locks may be issued with the locker for a $5.00 deposit. If the lock is lost,
students will not get their deposit back at the end of the year. If the student uses their own
lock, a copy of the combination and/or key must be given to the office.
b. Students are cautioned not to leave money or valuables in their lockers. The school will not
be liable for damaged, stolen, or missing property.
c. Students who damage lockers will be charged.
d. Inappropriate pictures or language on lockers will be subject to disciplinary action.
e. Attachments inside the lockers should not leave permanent marks.
f. Entering another student's locker without permission from that student will result in
disciplinary action.
3. No Cell phones, iPods, MP3s, or other electronic devices may be used between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. All electronic devices and phones must be left in lockers for the
duration of the school day. Fourth (4
) grade and below—No cell phones, MP3/iPods, or other
electronic devices are permitted at school.
4. Bullying will not be tolerated regardless of the motivation or subject matter underlying the
behavior in the issue. Please take the time to familiarize yourself and your student with the
Academy’s Anti-Bullying Policy that is found in the addenda at the back of the Handbook.
A. Outdoor Recess:
1. Every student is expected to go outdoors for recess with their class for morning recess and
afternoon recess. A student may only stay inside for health reasons, and in that case, a signed
note from the parent is required. To stay indoors for more than three days, a signed note from a
doctor is required.
2. Effective November 1 – April 1
Each student must have a hat, gloves (mittens), boots, snow pants, and a winter coat at school
every day. These items must be left at school regardless of whether there is snow on the
ground or not. Boots will need to remain at school longer due to mud on the playground in the
3. Students will have indoor recess when there is inclement weather such as rain, when the wind
chill index is below 10º F, or when the temperature is below 10º F.
4. Wind Advisory Guidelines
a. Indoor recess when there is a national weather alert wind advisory.
b. Sustained winds over 30 mph or gusts at 35 mph mean indoor recess.
5. Temperature based dress code:
If the temperature is below 30° all students must wear their full winter gear (hat, gloves/mittens,
boots, snow pants, and a winter coat). If the temperature is between 30° and 40° all students
must wear a winter coat. If the temperature is between 40° and 50°students must wear a winter
jacket/sweatshirt/fleece. If the temperature is between 50° and 60°, all students must either
wear a jacket or have on a long sleeve shirt. If the temperature is above 60° no jacket is
required and students will be able to decide for themselves whether to wear their jackets or not.
Upper School Policies
Attendance Policies
These policies are subject to change by administration.
A. Tardiness: A student arriving to class after the class has begun is considered to be tardy, unless
he/she has a pass from another teacher or an Administrator. A student arriving to class more than
10 minutes after the class has begun is considered absent unexcused for that class. In both the
case of a tardy (<10 minutes late), and an unexcused absence (>10 minutes late) the student shall
report to the school office for an admit slip.
B. Absences: There are two types of absences at WCA:
1. Excused Absences: An absence is excused when it is due to (a) illness (b) professional
services in connection with the student's health and welfare (medical, dental, and optical) (c)
approved absence in writing one week in advance for vacation, church retreats, and
college/university visits and (d) emergencies with approval from the administration.
2. Unexcused Absences: All other absences including those approved by parents are considered
Parents are asked to call the school by 8:10 a.m.
C. Release from Classes: When it becomes necessary for the parent to take a student out of class
during the day, please notify the office that morning when possible. When you arrive to take your
child to the appointment, please come to the office (not the student's classroom), and the office will
notify the teacher to release the student. This is important to minimize classroom disturbance and to
assure that students are only released to authorized persons.
D. Vacations: If students will be taken out of school for a family vacation, please contact the school
office at least one week in advance, stating the dates your student will miss. The student will be
given a Pre-Approved Absence Form to take to his teachers. Each teacher will list the student's
current grade in the class, the assignments that must be made up, and will give their opinion as to
whether the student can afford to miss class. The form is then returned to the administrator who will
inform the parents of the student's status and give the form back to the student. Students are
required to complete all work assigned during their absence.
E. Absences Resulting in Lost Credit (Grades 7-12 only): A student who misses more than 10
days of a class (both excused and unexcused) per semester, not including school-related
activities, may result in failure for the semester.
F. Excused Absences:
The following reasons are considered valid for student absences:
1. General
a. Personal illness of a student. If a student is out sick for more than 3 days, a doctors note is
b. Death within the family.
c. Family emergencies this includes hardships and unexpected circumstances. Because of
the nature of these cases, the administration reserves the right to make individual judgments
concerning validity of requests. Whenever a student is to be absent, the school requests
that the parents call the office indicating: (1) the expected length of absence, and (2) the
reason for the absence. After two days without a note or call, the absence can be
considered unexcused.
2. Pre-approved Absences (planned surgeries, family trips, etc.)
Since the school calendar allows ample time for vacations around the holiday seasons, it is
suggested that whenever possible, parents arrange their vacations to coincide with school
vacation time. If unavoidable, please adhere to the following procedure:If students will be taken
out of school for a pre-approved absence, please contact the school office at least one week
in advance, stating the dates your student will miss. The student will be given a Pre-Approved
Absence Form to take to his teachers. Each teacher will list the student's current grade in the
class, the assignments that must be made up, and will give their opinion as to whether the
student can afford to miss class. The form is then returned to the administrator who will inform
the parents of the student's status and give the form back to the student. Students are required
to complete all work assigned during their absence.
3. Professional and Doctors appointment
To the extent possible, doctor’s appointments should be made after school hours. If an
appointment is needed during school hours, a note should be submitted prior to that
appointment. The administration reserves the right to request a doctors note confirming the
appointment if needed.
4. Partial Day Absences
Students must be present for at least the second half of the school day (from lunch to the end of
the school day) in order to participate in extracurricular activities. Exceptions may be made at
the discretion of the administration.
5. Make-up work for Excused Absences
a. All make-up work will be given to students upon their return to school. Since it is impossible
to make up missed classroom time, every effort should be made to limit absences. The
student may have one school day for every day missed to complete make-up work. If a
student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to pick up his/her homework from his/her
b. This rule does not apply where prior arrangements have been made to obtain work due to
pre-arranged absences. At the direction of the teacher, students are responsible to take
tests or submit major assignments when they return.
c. All absences, excused and unexcused, as well as suspensions will count toward the 10
School days allowed absences
Academic Policies
A. Homework:
No homework will be accepted for credit beyond the final day of the quarter without prior
approval in writing.
The written individual policies of each teacher must be followed.
B. Progress Communication with Parents
1. Upper school Progress Reports are available on RenWeb/FACTS and are emailed weekly.
2. RenWeb/FACTS is available via the Internet for parents to follow their student’s progress.
Teachers will update reports by Monday of each week.
3. Teachers are given 24 hours to respond to parental phone calls or email during the school week
or the next scheduled day of school.
C. Final Exams
At the end of each semester, final examinations will be administered in each academic class.
These examinations are to be comprehensive in nature and will be worth 20% of the semester
grade at the High School level. At the Middle School level, the examinations will be worth 10%
of the semester grade. Final examinations may be taken late with a doctor’s note excusing an
absence on the originally scheduled date. Final exams may NOT be taken prior to the
scheduled date without Head of School approval.
E. Upper School Report Cards:
1. Report cards will be sent home every quarter, for a total of four times per school year.
2. Fall conferences will be scheduled for all upper school students.
3. Spring conferences will be scheduled only for the following reasons:
a) Student is making below a “C-“ in the class
b) By teacher request
c) By parent request
(Note: Parents may schedule a conference with their child's teacher anytime by calling the
school office.
F. Upper school Grading Scale (August 2014 to present):
Percentage Grade GPA Equivalent Weighted GPA
97-100 A+ 4.0 5.3
93-96 A 4.0 5.0
90-92 A- 3.7 4.7
87-89 B+ 3.3 4.3
83-86 B 3.0 4.0
80-82 B- 2.7 3.7
77-79 C+ 2.3 3.3
73-76 C 2.0 3.0
70-72 C- 1.7 2.7
67-69 D+ 1.3 1.3
63-66 D 1.0 1.0
60-62 D- .7 .7
00-59 F 0 0
G. Honors Grading Scale
Honors classes are provided at each level when there are enough students. Honors courses are
designed for students who can work independently and cooperatively on a wide variety of
challenging topics. These classes will go into more depth, stress demonstrated and thorough
understanding and have more challenging problems. Students in honors classes must have a “B”
average or teacher recommendation. Students must be approved by their instructors in order to
take honors classes. A student will receive a weighted grade point in an Honors course.
H. AP Grading Scale
Advanced Placement courses are college level classes. A student may receive college credit for
passing the AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 and high school credit for passing the course. A
student will receive a weighted grade point in an AP course.
I. Honor Roll: Honor Roll recognition for students in grades 7-12 will occur after each marking period.
High Honor Roll students are those who have earned a 3.75 or higher GPA. Students who have
earned a 3.5 or higher GPA will appear on the regular Honor Roll.
J. Upper School Drop and Add:
1. A course may be added during the first two weeks of the semester in which it is first offered as
long as the Upper school Principal, the counselor, and parent(s) all concur. A course may be
dropped following the same procedure during the first two weeks of a semester without penalty.
Withdrawal from a course after five weeks will result in a grade of “Withdrawn-passing” or
“Withdrawn-failing”. Withdrawals may not take place during the final five weeks of a semester. A
withdrawal during that period will be equivalent to failing the course, and recorded on the
student’s official high school transcript. The withdrawal form must be signed by the parent,
teacher, and guidance counselor before the course is officially dropped. The student is to remain
in attendance until all paperwork is completed and signed and then notified by the office that the
withdrawal is completed.
2. Students may join a sports team no later than two weeks after the first practice. Refer to the
athletic handbook for transfer student policy.
3. Students are not permitted to drop a class that is offered as a yearlong class at the midyear
point in the year.
K. Part-Time Student Guidelines
See WCA front office for Part-Time Student guidelines.
L. Promotion within Middle School: Students in grades 7-8 must pass their three academic subjects
(History, Science, English) in order to be promoted to the next grade. If they fail math, they can still
be promoted, with the understanding that they will repeat the same math class in the upcoming
1. If a student fails History, Science, or English, a conference will be called with the parents,
Principal, and involved teachers, at which time other issues, such as the number of absences,
may also be discussed. This group will discuss all aspects of the issue and come to a decision
about whether the student will be promoted.
2. If the parties at the conference cannot reach a consensus, the Principal in conjunction with the
Head of School will make the final decision.
M. Promotion from Middle School to High School
1. Students who fail one subject will receive provisional promotion to the ninth grade.
2. Students who fail two subjects may be retained in the eighth grade upon the recommendation of
the teacher(s) and the Administration.
3. If provisional promotion to the ninth grade is granted, the student may be required to retake one
or both subjects failed. If such is the case, the failed subject(s) must be scheduled first; then the
available ninth grade subject(s) may be added. The school is not responsible for scheduling
problems incurred during the freshman or subsequent years in this instance. *Provisional
promotion means that students may find that activities are restricted if they continue to do poorly
the following year.
4. Students failing three or more subjects shall be retained in the eighth grade.
For transfer students, see policy on page 10.
N. Promotion within High School: A high school student must accumulate the following credits to be
promoted: (For transfer students, see policy on page 10)
1. A 9th grader will be promoted to 10th grade if he/she has earned 7 credits.
2. A 10th grader will be promoted to 11th grade if he/she has earned a total of 14 credits.
3. An 11th grader will be promoted to 12th grade if he/she has earned a total of 21 credits.
4. Senior students may be exempt from taking a final exam (2
semester) in any class if they
have received a letter grade of an A as the final grade in that class. This policy is in effect for
Senior students only.
5. To graduate, a total of 28 credits must be earned in the required subjects as stated below. This
will be prorated for students who previously attended WCA under the block schedule
6. Valedictorian and Salutatorian requirements are:
a. A student must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.8 (for valedictorian) and 3.5
(for salutatorian), based on all high school semesters at WCA up to and including the first
semester of the senior year.
b. The senior meeting the above qualifications and having the highest GPA will be considered
for the valedictorian. The senior meeting the above qualifications and having the second
highest GPA will be considered for the salutatorian. Additional criteria (e.g. character and
service) will also be considered for qualification.
c. Graduation honor cords are based on the first 7 semesters of high school only; 3.5 honors;
3.75 high honors.
P. Graduation Requirements: A total of 28 credits are required for graduation. The Head of School
may modify graduation requirements in exceptional circumstances. Students who have not
completed the full prescribed course required for graduation will not be awarded a diploma,
permitted to take part in commencement ceremonies or take part in the Senior Trip. Any student
who is pursuing an alternative course of high school completion (e.g. a Certificate of Completion)
must have that plan approved by the High School Counselor, High School Principal, and Head of
School before the start of Senior Year.
Graduation Requirements (Beginning with Class of 2019)
Math (Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, Math Class Senior Year)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Physical Education
World Language (Same Language for 2 Years)
Visual or Performing Arts
Q. Sports Eligibility:
To participate in athletics, student-athletes must maintain a minimum average grade of 65% in each
individual class while also maintaining a minimum 75% total average when all class grades are
combined. Additionally, student-athletes must demonstrate proper citizenship, abiding by all school
rules and policies.
Eligibility checks will occur each Monday morning at 8 am beginning the 3rd week of each grading
At the time of the eligibility check, student-athletes must have a minimum grade of 65% in each
individual class while also maintaining a minimum 75% total average when all class grades are
combined. Student-athletes with a grade that is lower than 65% or with a cumulative average lower
than 75% will be considered ineligible.
Students declared ineligible will be ineligible from the Monday of the eligibility check through the
next eligibility check (i.e. the following Monday).
Each week is viewed individually, thus, students may be ineligible for consecutive weeks until
grades have improved.
Students who earn a grade lower than a 65% or whose cumulative grades average lower than 75%
as a Quarter or Semester grade will be counted as ineligible until the first eligibility check of the
following quarter.
A third period of ineligibility over the course of a school year (may be in different sports seasons)
may result in the player losing eligibility to participate in WCA’s athletic program for the duration of
the school year.
Fall sports eligibility will be based on the student’s second semester grades from the previous
school year.
The Athletic Director, in concert with the Head of School, has the discretion to alter the
consequences and make final decisions regarding the eligibility of a student-athlete.
Students will be expected to follow the guidelines as stated in the athletic handbook.
R. Senior Trip Eligibility: In order to be eligible for the Senior Trip, a student must have passing
grades in all classes in which they are currently enrolled, and be on course to graduate. No refunds
will be given in the case of a student being ineligible for Senior Trip.
Behavior and Discipline Policies
Upper School Disciplinary Procedure: See Upper School Disciplinary Rubric in the table of
A. General School Rules:
1. All students are expected to respect the rights and property of others, as well as school
property. Students will be held financially responsible for deliberate damage and neglect to
2. Running and excessive noise will not be permitted in the halls.
3. Hallways are to be clear of objects and trash, especially in the locker areas. Nothing is to be
stored under or on top of the lockers
4. Lockers are the property of the school and may be inspected at any time. Lockers are to be kept
neat, orderly, and clean inside and out.
a. Students are cautioned not to leave money or valuables in their lockers. The school will not
be liable for damaged, stolen or missing property.
b. Students who damage lockers will be charged.
c. Inappropriate pictures or language on lockers will be subject to disciplinary action.
d. Attachments inside the lockers should not leave permanent marks.
e. Entering another student’s locker without permission from that student will result in
disciplinary action.
5. Cell phones, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, Smart Watches or other electronic devices are
not allowed during the school hours.
6. Students are not permitted to leave school property during the school day without written
permission from a parent and an Administrator approval. Washtenaw Christian Academy
operates with a closed campus policy. Students may leave for official appointments only.
Students must sign in and out at the main office.
7. Students must demonstrate respect for the opposite sex and are not permitted to engage in
public displays of affection (holding hands, arm around opposite sex, sitting overly close, etc.) in
the school building, parking lot, and school playgrounds, grounds and all school sanctioned
8. Students who start the day at the second hour will not be allowed in the hallway before 9:00
a.m. Halls are closed to students at 3:45 p.m. All students must vacate the hallways, or be
under the direct supervision of an adult staff member (teacher, study hall monitor, coach etc.)
after 3:45 p.m.
B. Chapel: Chapel is required for all full-time students. Part-time students are strongly encouraged
to attend. Students are expected to show proper respect while participating in chapel.
C. Search and Seizure: To maintain order and discipline in the school and to protect the safety and
welfare of students and school personnel, school authorities may search student lockers and desks
at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
A student's person and personal effects (purse, book bag, athletic bag, etc.) may be searched
whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of
illegal or unauthorized materials. If a search yields illegal or prohibited materials, such findings may
be seized and, if illegal, shall be turned over to proper legal authorities. A search of a student or
their personal effects will be performed by an administrator in the presence of another adult
employee with the idea of protecting the rights of both the administrator and the student.
The administration of WCA and on behalf of the school to enforce its school standards reserves the
right to conduct searches as follows:
In random searches of school facilities for contraband;
In specific searches of school facilities or at school-sponsored events for contraband where
the administration has some indication of the existence of contraband or illegal activity at
school facilities or school sponsored events;
In search of individuals, the administration will take into consideration, to the extent
possible depending on the circumstances, that the search be conducted in a private place;
In searching an individual’s possessions, cars or other vehicles, backpacks, purses, bags,
etc., the administration will take into consideration, to the extent possible depending on the
circumstances, that the search be conducted in private;
Upon entering a school facility or school sponsored event at the discretion of the
administration, everyone entering is subject to such a search.
The Administration reserves the right to review all contents on confiscated cell phones or
other electronic devices.
WCA reserves the right to perform a breathalyzer test on any student who is suspected to be under the
influence of alcohol, either on campus or at any school-sponsored event. WCA also reserves the right
to require drug testing for any student who is suspected to be under the influence of illegal drugs while
on campus or at any school-sponsored event.
D. Cheating:
All offenses are to be reported to the Administrator. Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment,
test or project.
Testing: The practice of soliciting help during a classroom quizzing or testing situation is not
permitted. This would include the use of information brought into the class, the sharing of
information during class, or sharing information with students who have not yet taken the test or
Plagiarism: The use of information from another source (test, encyclopedia, Internet, and research
information) without proper documentation or footnoting. Plagiarism on reports is considered
Note to parents of students with special needs
Parents of students with special needs may request a meeting with the Administrator, resource teacher,
and other teachers as needed, to make an individualized plan of discipline. If an individualized plan is
not on file in the student's records, the normal discipline policy will apply.
Washtenaw Christian Academy Anti-Bullying Policy
1. WCA Anti-bullying Policy Pledge
Embodied within the vision of Washtenaw Christian Academy (WCA) is that our school
community seeks to rise above ‘worldly views and ways’ becoming a living testimony for Christ.
WCA believes that central to this end is the creating and maintaining a safe learning
environment in order for our students to grow spiritually, academically, emotionally, and
physically. Any kind of bullying of a student(s) jeopardizes our vision and will not be tolerated
regardless of the motivation or subject matter underlying the behavior in issue. Behaviors
determined to be or cause bullying, retaliation, and/or false accusations as defined and
described by this policy are strictly prohibited and will be handled according to the provisions of
this policy.
Accused means any student that has been alleged to behave in violation of this policy.
At School means any of the following:
Anywhere on school premises
On the school bus
Other school-related vehicles
At a school-sponsored activity/event, whether or not it is held on school premises
Bullying means a particular behavior intended to humiliate, belittle, taunt, demean, physically harm,
or systematically isolate one or more student(s). Bullying is an intentional form of abuse that aims to
provide pleasure or entertainment to the bully at the expense of the target.
Bullying Behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
any verbal
any physical act
any written
any graphic
any gesture
any electronic communication (aka ‘cyber-bullying,’ see cyber bullying and electronic
communication defined below)
The above-listed behaviors are intended, or a reasonable person would know is likely to harm one or
more students, directly/indirectly, leading to one or more of the following enumerated conditions below:
Causing physical/emotional harm to the target or damage to the target’s property, or
Places the target in reasonable fear of harm or reasonable fear of damage to the target's
property, or
Substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, programs of one or
more students, or
Adversely affecting abilities to participate in or benefit from school programs/ activities by
placing target in reasonable fear of physical harm, reasonable fear of damage to target’s
property or by causing emotional distress, or
Having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on physical/mental health, or
Causing a substantial disruption in or substantial interference with the orderly operation
of the school, or
Reasonably perceived as dehumanizing, intimidating, hostile, humiliating, threatening or
otherwise evoke fear of physical harm/emotional distress
Bystander means any person that sees or hears any activity that amounts to bullying behavior as
defined by this policy.
Cyber Bullying means any and all bullying by use of any electronic communication device and/or
technology including, but not limited to, telephone, cell phone, text messaging, computer, internet
communications, email, instant messaging, social media, blogs, websites, or facsimile communications.
Further included is:
a. the creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of
another person, or
b. the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or
messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions set forth in
the ‘bullying’ definition above.
c. the distribution by electronic means of communication to more than one person or
the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or
more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions set forth in
the ‘bullying’ definition above.
Electronic Communication means the use of technology to communicate including, but shall not be
limited to
any transfer of signs
images (ie: photographs)
sounds data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire
photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to
o electronic mail
o internet communications
o instant messages
o facsimile communications
o social media
o blogs
o websites
o text messaging
o photographs
False Accusation means any false and/or misleading information regarding alleged prohibited conduct
that is intended, or reasonably believed to be intended to mislead, frustrate an investigation, or cause
emotional distress to the subject of the accusation. This provision applies whether the information in
issue is actually false and/or misleading.
Local Law Enforcement means any and all police departments/law enforcement agencies that have
jurisdiction over the bullying behavior in issue. These departments/agencies may include, but are not
limited to, Washtenaw County Sheriff Department, Pittsfield Township Police Department, and Michigan
State Police.
Retaliation means any and all intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a person who
reports alleged prohibited conduct, provides information during an investigation of alleged prohibited
conduct, and/or has reliable information about prohibited conduct.
A Safe Learning Environment means one in which every student is provided with the opportunity to
develop spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically in a supportive atmosphere free of
intimidation and abuse.
School Administrator means the WCA Administrative leader as appointed by the WCA Board or his/her
designee for the purposes of investigating and responding to all aspects of reports concerning alleged
prohibited conduct.
Target means any student(s) subject to conduct prohibited by this policy.
Telecommunications Access Device means, among other things, any device that is able or is
instrumental in providing, receiving, or using any telecommunication service. Further, any
telecommunications access device as defined in MCL 750.219a(6)(b).
Telecommunications Service Provider means, among other things, a person/entity that provides a
telecommunication service such as cellular, paging, other wireless communications. Further, any
‘telecommunications service provider as defined in MCL 750.219a(6)(c).
WCA Board means the governing body elected by the school community to oversee and enforce WCA
I. Prohibitions & Responses
A. Prohibited Conduct
1. Behavior that is determined to be or cause bullying
2. Retaliation
3. False accusation
4. Any breach of confidentiality concerning information arising from the investigation
of prohibited conduct, except when WCA staff shares information for the purpose
of furthering the investigative process, promoting safety, making necessary
notifications, and/or reporting to the appropriate authorities
B. Response to Conduct (Corrective Action): Conduct determined to violate this policy shall
be subject to corrective action pursuant to section VIII (Corrective Action).
II. Reporting Procedure: Information regarding conduct in violation of this policy may be made
orally or in writing to any WCA staff member who will record and report to the school
administrator in a timely manner (usually within 24-48 hours).
A. Oral reports made to staff shall be recorded, in a timely manner (usually within 24-48
hours), onto an Incident Reporting Form by the staff member receiving the information.
B. Written reports may be provided on an Incident Reporting Form made available in the fall
orientation packet, in the office, and/or on WCAs website.
C. Duty to Report
1. WCA staff: Upon becoming aware of any and all information concerning conduct
in violation of this policy WCA staff shall record and report the information to the
School Administrator in a timely manner (usually within 24-48 hours).
a) Duty to record: WCA staff member(s) shall write down details
surrounding the conduct in issue on an Incident Reporting Form promptly
giving the Form to the School Administrator. The information recorded
should include but not be limited to the following: identify the reporter,
actions observed, statements heard, demeanor, other individuals present.
b) Duty to report: Applies whether staff observes reportable circumstances
or receives the information from another individual. This duty does not
limit the authority and responsibility of the staff member(s) to respond to
behavioral/disciplinary incidents consistent with school policies governing
behavior management and discipline.
2. Other reporters: WCA expects anyone (including but not limited to students,
parents, guardians, and volunteers) who witnesses or becomes aware of any
conduct in violation of this policy involving a WCA student to promptly report the
information to the School Administrator and/or any WCA staff. Any individual
who reports such information may request and shall receive assistance from a
WCA staff member in order to properly report. Students will be provided
practical, safe, private, and age-appropriate ways to report and discuss an
incident of bullying with a staff member, or the school administrator.
3. Anonymous Reporting: Although anonymous reports may be filed they will not
form the sole basis of disciplinary action. An anonymous report will be
investigated in the same manner as other reports filed under this policy.
III. Investigation Procedure
A. Investigator in charge: The school administrator shall be responsible for the
investigation, determination, notification, and disciplinary implementation procedures
concerning all reports alleging prohibited conduct.
B. Preliminary Determination: When the school administrator receives a report alleging a
violation of this policy, they shall initially determine whether a violation may exist by
obtaining an understanding and statement of the alleged facts by reviewing the report
and conferring with the individual making the report. The preliminary findings shall be
dated and documented on the Incident Reporting Form. Specifically, findings shall
indicate whether the conduct in issue appears to violate this policy warranting further
C. Investigation: If the Preliminary Determination finds that the alleged conduct may violate
this policy, then the school administrator shall begin an investigation in a timely manner
(usually within 24-48 hours), while promptly determining if immediate intervention is
needed. The school administrator shall take the following steps during the course of the
1. Conduct interviews of any student(s), staff member(s), volunteers, witnesses,
and any other individual deemed relevant to the alleged conduct in issue
2. Determine the nature of the alleged conduct and whether it violates this policy
3. Document in writing the findings of the investigation, the determination, and the
basis for the determination on the Incident Reporting Form
4. Complete the “Investigative Procedure” in a timely manner (usually not to exceed
a period of 15 days)
D. Confidentiality: The school administrator shall maintain confidentiality during the
investigative process and shall not disclose unnecessary information to interview
1. All communications occurring during the investigative process shall remain
confidential except where necessary to make appropriate notifications listed
below and to ensure the safety of the school community
2. Corrective action shall be taken if it is determined that there was an inappropriate
breach of confidentiality
IV. Notifications Procedure
A. Notice to Parties: The school administrator shall deliver a Notice of Investigative
Findings to the target, accused, and the parents/guardians of each party respectively.
The notice shall advise whether the alleged conduct violates this policy. If the conduct is
determined to violate this policy, then the notice will also describe the procedure for
responding to the notice.
B. Notice to Law Enforcement: The school administrator will notify the appropriate local law
enforcement agency if there is a reasonable basis to believe that the conduct in issue
may also be considered criminal behavior. This determination may be made in
consultation with an individual possessing relevant knowledge and experience and
deemed appropriate by the school administrator.
C. Notice to another School or District: If the conduct in issue involves students from
another school and/or school district, the school administrator shall promptly notify the
other school and/or school district about the conduct in issue. Notification may be made
via telephone, however, the conversation shall be documented in writing on the Incident
Reporting Form.
V. Records
A. The school administrator shall keep and maintain all documents related to reports of
alleged prohibited conduct notwithstanding whether a violation was substantiated.
B. The school administrator shall keep and maintain all documents related to actions taken
by WCA to address prohibited conduct.
C. The school administrator shall deliver to the WCA Board a monthly written report
reflecting all prohibited conduct in violation and all corrective actions taken.
VI. Corrective Action: all conduct determined to be in violation of this policy is subject to corrective
action. All corrective action is designed to balance accountability with safety, as well as the need
to teach appropriate behavior while promoting a safe learning environment.
A. Corrective Action Factors: prior to determining the appropriate corrective action,
consideration shall be given to the following circumstances which shall include but are
not limited to
1. Nature of conduct
2. Age/development/maturity/unique circumstances of student(s) involved
3. Degree of harm, surrounding circumstances
4. Prior behavioral issues
5. Relationship between the involved parties
B. Corrective Action Measures: all corrective action measures shall be imposed in
accordance with school policies. These measures shall include but are not limited to the
1. Reprimand
2. Participation in a class designed to teach alternative behavior
3. Temporary removal from the classroom
4. Loss of privileges
5. Classroom/administrative detention
6. Detention
7. In-school suspension during school week or weekend including a fine of $25.00
8. Out-of-school suspension
9. Expulsion
10. Legal action
11. Any other measure deemed appropriate under the circumstances
C. Record Keeping: all corrective action factors and measures shall be recorded and
attached to the documents reflecting the investigation of the prohibited conduct.
D. Monitoring Corrective Action: within a reasonable period of time following the
determination and implementation of corrective action, the school administrator will
contact the target and his/her parents/guardians to determine whether there has been a
recurrence/occurrence of prohibited conduct and whether additional supportive
measures are needed.
VII. Education & Training: WCA has adopted a school wide-based approach to ensuring a safe
learning environment for our students. As part of this approach, WCA has developed this
Anti-bullying Policy. Further, WCA will provide education and training to our staff, students, and
A. Policy: WCA has developed and implemented this Anti-bullying Policy. It will be
distributed annually at orientation, posted on the WCA website, and available in the
school office.
B. Staff: Anti-bullying prevention training will occur on an annual basis for all WCA staff
members. New staff hired after the training has been offered will be required to
participate in the training during the school year they are hired, unless they can
demonstrate participation in an acceptable and comparable program within the last two
C. Students: All students shall participate in an age and grade-appropriate anti-bullying
curriculum implemented by WCA.
D. Families: WCA will offer education programs for parents and guardians that focus on
the parental components of the anti-bullying curriculum implemented during the school
*This policy was drafted through the efforts of the WCA Anti-Bullying Committee. It was necessary to research and refer to a
number of sources. The following sources were relied upon in order to draft the policy contained above: Michigan Statutes-
MCL380.1310b, MCL 750.411a, MCL 750.219a, Michigan State Board of Education ‘Model Anti-Bullying Policy’, Southbridge
Christian Academy Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (MGL c.71 sec. 370), Saline School District, and WCA current
Anti-Bullying Policy.
Anti-Bullying Policy Form
Incident Reporting Form
Reporters name:___________________________________________________________________
(name of individual filing report)
Reporters contract info: ______________________________________________________________
Please check:
Reporters status: ___Student ___Teacher ___Staff ___Parent ___Volunteer
Incident Information:
Date of Incident:_____________________________________________________________________
Time of Incident:_____________________________________________________________________
Location of incident: _________________________________________________________________
Target’s name: ______________________________________________________________________
Accused’s name: ____________________________________________________________________
Please describe the incident including: names of people involved, what occurred, statements made by
who and when, specific words.
Please list any person(s) that was/were present during the incident and circle their status:
If you need additional space, please use the reverse.
Name:________________________________________ Student Staff Other
Name:________________________________________ Student Staff Other
Name:________________________________________ Student Staff Other
Name:________________________________________ Student Staff Other
___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Reporters signature
Form given to: _____________________________________________________________________
Date received:______________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Date:_________________
Recipient’s signature
_____Turned over to School Administrator Date:________
Anti-Bullying Policy Form
Incident Reporting Form: Investigative Process
Preliminary findings:
_____ does not violate WCAs Anti-bullying Policy
_____ does appear to violate WCAs Anti-bullying Policy warranting further investigation
Formal Investigation:
1. Interview all witnesses and individual(s) deemed relevant to alleged conduct in issue.
2. Determine nature of alleged conduct and whether it violates WCA policy.
3. Document on an attached sheet the following information:
a. findings of the investigation
b. determination, and
c. basis for the determination
Anti-Bullying Policy Form
Notice of Investigative Findings
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________
To: _______________________________________________________________________________
From: _____________________________________________________________________________
RE: Incident of conduct determined to violate the WCA Anti-Bullying Policy
Incident Details:
Incident Date:_______________________________________________________________________
Parties involved:
Incident location:____________________________________________________________________
Incident findings:____________________________________________________________________
Based upon the above findings it has been determined that the conduct in issue violates our
Anti-bullying policy and the accused will be subject to corrective action. Please be advised that the
following corrective action measure(s) shall be imposed:
Updated August 2021
Washtenaw Christian Academy
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Washtenaw Christian Academy (WCA) that both students and employees
will use technology responsibly and abide by the WCA Technology Acceptable Use Policy. As a
Christian school, we feel it is important that we be above reproach in all things. The purpose of this
policy is to protect students, staff and the school from illegal, immoral and objectionable content/action.
The Technology Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP) regulations will be distributed to all students prior to
accessing computers. Access will be allowed only after the student and parent have agreed to abide by
this policy as evidenced by their signature on the TAUP agreement. The agreement must also be on file
in the school office.
A new signature page will need to be signed and submitted each year.
Student IDs will also be assigned only after the signature page has been submitted to the
school office. Furthermore, the TAUP and any accompanying regulations pertaining to student
use should be posted in the computer lab.
WCA may at any time make a determination that particular uses of the internet are or are not
consistent with the goals of WCA. Washtenaw Christian Academy believes that technology has
much to offer students with its wide variety of resources. It is our goal to educate students about
efficient, ethical and appropriate use of technological resources.
This policy applies to access and use of technological resources by faculty, staff, administrators,
students and any other user. For purposes of this policy the term "technological resources" shall
include, but not be limited to, telephones, voice mail applications, desktop computers, computer
networks, Internet, electronic mail applications and video security systems, which are owned or
operated by WCA. The term shall also include non-WCA technological resources used in the
performance of official duties by faculty, staff, or administrators, but only to the extent of such
A "user" is any person, whether authorized or not, who makes any use of any technological
resource from any location. Use of WCA technological resources, even when carried out on a
privately owned computer that is not managed or maintained by WCA, is governed by this
Student Responsibilities
The student agrees to adhere to the TAUP and refrain from the items listed in the Unacceptable Use
section below. The student realizes that the use of the WCA technological resources is a privilege, not
a right, and can be revoked. The student will obtain parental permission before having access to
Parent Responsibilities
The parent should read and understand the TAUP and provide parental permission for their student to
use WCA technological resources. Ultimately, the parent is responsible for determining to what degree
they want their student to have access to WCA technological resources. Parents are expected to
convey to their students what standards they should use in addition to the items outlined in the TAUP.
In addition to the TAUP, the parent must give their permission before their student’s work, name, and /or
picture may be displayed on the Internet. (See “Release to Display Student Work Electronically” form.)
Washtenaw Christian Academy
Technology Acceptable Use Policy (cont.)
Staff Responsibilities
Staff members who supervise students, control electronic equipment, or otherwise have occasion to
observe student use of said equipment online shall make reasonable efforts to monitor the use of this
equipment to assure that it conforms to the mission and goals of WCA.
Staff should make reasonable efforts to become familiar with the Internet and its use so that effective
monitoring, instruction, and assistance may be achieved.
Staff will visit web sites ahead of time to preview them before sending students to the sites.
School Responsibilities
WCA will maintain filtering software which blocks user access to inappropriate sites to the best of its
WCA will provide basic training for students that clearly spell out what is appropriate use of WCA
technological resources and what is not. Students will be given general instructions about what is
available on the internet and how they can find what they are looking for through searches. They will
also receive instruction in proper citing of sources.
Use of WCA technological resources by students will be supervised by a teacher, staff member or
trained parent. All attempts will be made to assure that students visit appropriate internet sites
(however, it is not possible to guarantee that inappropriate sites will never be accessed by students).
WCA will not permit Internet access to students who do not have a signed TAUP Parental
Permission form.
WCA will not permit students in grade 4 or lower to conduct independent searches of the
WCA will keep records of the incidences of inappropriate WCA technological resources use and
will apply appropriate consequences.
Classroom Internet Projects:
Related desk work will be provided to students who do not provide TAUP parental permission.
Publishing Student Work:
Verification of signed “Release to Display Student Work” form will be done prior to posting the
student's work.
Student work that is published on the internet will be identified by first names only.
Acceptable Use
All use of the Internet must be in support of educational and research objectives consistent with
the mission and objectives of WCA.
Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized
From time to time, WCA will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are
consistent with the acceptable use practice.
Information technology (IT) resources may be used only for their authorized purposes, that is, to
support WCA's primary mission. The particular purposes of any IT resources, as well as the
nature and scope of authorized use and incidental personal use, may vary according to the
duties and responsibilities of the user.
Users are entitled to access only those elements of WCA technological resources that are
consistent with their authorization.
Incidental personal use of WCA technological resources is allowed, such as Web browsing and
personal e-mail, as long as it is consistent with this TAUP and any applicable departmental
work-unit policies and guidelines. The capacity of the IT resources available beyond acceptable
use will vary over time and so individual use will be restricted if it interferes with WCAs primary
Unacceptable Use
Giving out personal information about self or another person, including but not limited to, home
address and phone number, is strictly prohibited.
Any use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes is prohibited.
Excessive use of the network for personal business shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Any use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.
Users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or
passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresent other users on the network.
No use of the network shall serve to disrupt the use of the network by others.
Hardware and/or software shall not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way.
Malicious use of the network to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a
computer or computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer or
computing system is prohibited.
Hate mail, chain letters, harassment, discriminatory remarks, and other antisocial behaviors are
The unauthorized installation of any software, including shareware and freeware, for use on
WCA computers is prohibited.
Use of the network to access or process inappropriate or pornographic material (as determined
by the system administrator or building administrator), or files dangerous to the integrity of the
local area network is prohibited.
The WCA network may not be used for downloading entertainment software or other files not related to
the mission and objectives of WCA. This prohibition pertains to freeware, shareware, copyrighted
commercial and non-commercial software, and all other forms of software and files not directly related
to the instructional and administrative purposes of WCA.
Ordering of any product or service for which there is a charge is prohibited.
Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without
the specific written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited, except that duplication
and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication
and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law
(Title 17, USC).
Use of the network for any unlawful purpose is prohibited.
Use of profanity, obscenity, racist terms, or other language that may be offensive to another user
is prohibited.
Playing games is prohibited.
Entering chat rooms or other social networking sites is prohibited.
Use that is inconsistent with WCA's non-profit status.
Use that damages the integrity of WCA technological resources. This category includes, but is
not limited to, attempts to defeat system security and unauthorized access or use.
Unless specifically authorized by the network system administrator, no user will connect
networking equipment (routers, hubs, "sniffers”, etc.) to the WCA network, nor operate network
services software (routing, "sniffing", name service, multicast services, etc.) on a computer
attached to the network.
Users found to have violated this TAUP are subject to the penalties provided for in other WCA
policies dealing with the underlying conduct. Such users may also face IT specific penalties,
including temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of some or all IT privileges.
The appropriate penalties shall be determined by the applicable disciplinary authority in
consultation with the system administrator.
WCA reserves the right to change its policies and rules at any time.
Technology Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgment
I have read the Washtenaw Christian Academy Technology Acceptable Use
Policy. I understand that violating this policy may result in the loss of the use of WCA
technological resources and that disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with
WCA policy.
Students Name (Please Print): _________________________________________________________
Student Signature Date
I (We), the undersigned parent(s)/legal guardian of ______________________, have read, understood
and thoroughly discussed with my son/daughter the Washtenaw Christian Academy Technology
Acceptable Use Policy, the terms of conditions of which are incorporated herein by reference, and
hereby agree to the conditions, rules and regulations. By executing this Agreement, I (we) expressly
agree to be responsible for my (our) son/daughter’s proper use of WCA technological resources in
conformance with the Washtenaw Christian Academy Technology Acceptable Use Policy, and to
assume all responsibility for all liability associated with his/her use of said technology. I (We) further
understand and agree that WCA and its staff assume no responsibility for the student’s use of said
technology except for what is specified in this agreement. I understand that violating this agreement
may result in the loss of the use of WCA technological resources for my child and that disciplinary
action which can lead to suspension, expulsion and/or legal action may be taken in accordance with
WCA policy.
Parent(s) / Legal Guardian(s) signature Date
Printed Name
Parent(s) / Legal Guardian(s) signature Date
Printed Name
Additional forms are available in the WCA office.
Handbook Review Acknowledgement
Signature Page
Parents/Guardian: Please read the following statements carefully and sign below
to indicate your agreement.
I hereby affirm that I have read the Student Handbook and discussed its policies with
my student.
I certify that I consent to and will submit to all governing policies of the school, including all applicable
policies in the Student Handbook.
I understand that the standards of the school do not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action,
dishonor to the Holy Trinity and the Word of God, disrespect to the personnel of the school, or
continued disobedience to the established policies of the school.
I understand that the services of the school are engaged by mutual consent, and that either the school
or I reserve the right to terminate any or all services at any time. I understand that this Handbook does
not contractually bind Washtenaw Christian Academy and is subject to change without notice by
decision of Washtenaw Christian Academy’s governing body. Admission to the school is a privilege, not
a right, and admission for one school year does not guarantee automatic admission for future school
I have read, and understand the procedures outlined in the Discipline Rubric attached to this
Handbook. Please initial here ____
Signature of Mother/Guardian Date
Signature of Father/Guardian Date
Students in Grades 7-12: Please read the following statement carefully and sign below to
indicate your agreement.
I hereby affirm that I have read the Student Handbook. I certify that I consent to, and will submit to all
governing policies of the school, including all applicable policies in the Student Handbook.
I understand that this Handbook does not contractually bind Washtenaw Christian Academy and is
subject to change without notice by decision of Washtenaw Christian Academy’s governing body.
I understand that admission to the school is a privilege, not a right, and that any behavior, either on or
off campus, which is not consistent with the school’s standards could result in the loss of that privilege.
Signature of Student Date
Additional forms are available in the WCA office.
Washtenaw Christian Academy
Lower School Discipline Rubric
Programs, Policies & Procedures Manual
For Students, Families, Employees & School Board
Infraction First Second Third Fourth
Level 1
1. Teacher speaks with student,
document in SIS (copy to admin
and parents)
1. Teacher speaks with student,
document in SIS (copy to admin
and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Recess/lunch detention at
teacher's discretion
4. Parent/Principal conference
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS
(copy to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Two recess/lunch
detentions at teacher's
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Go to Level 2, second
Disagreements between students; name calling;
refusal to do class work; disruptive behavior;
inappropriate lunchroom or recess behavior; gum
chewing; swearing (d**n it, taking God’s name in
Level 2
1. Teacher speaks with student,
document in SIS (copy to admin
and parents)
2. Call parent
3. One recess detention/lunch
detention at teacher's discretion
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS
(copy to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Five recess/lunch detentions
at teacher's discretion
4. Student writes explanation as
to why behavior was wrong
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS
(copy to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. One day out of school
suspension (see suspension
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Go to Level 3, third
Questionable language; excessive and deliberate
talking out of turn; bullying; cell phone use during
class; possession or use of a laser pointer
Level 3
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS (copy
to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Five recess/lunch detentions at
teacher's discretion
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS
(copy to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Parent/Principal conference
4. Two days out of school
suspension (see suspension
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS
(copy to admin and parents)
2. Call parent
3. Parent/Principal conference
4. Five days out of school
suspension (see suspension
policy) or expulsion
Deliberate physical abuse of another; cheating
(zero grade); stealing; deliberate property
damage; writing or using vulgar language
Level 4
1. Send student to speak with
admin and document in SIS (copy
to admin and parents)
2. Parent/Principal conference
3. Weapon confiscated and
returned to parents/police as
4. Up to five days out of school
suspension (see suspension
5. Police informed at Admin's
Possession of weapons such as illegal knives,
gun or other item
Rubric guidelines are applied at Admin's discretion.
When valuable Admin time is devoted to student discipline, student will repay the time with school service at Admin's discretion.
Washtenaw Christian Academy
Upper School Discipline Rubric
Programs, Policies & Procedures Manual
For Students, Families, Employees & School Board
Infraction First Second Third Fourth
Level 1
1. Teacher warning
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Contact parents
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Five lunch detentions
4. Parent/Admin conference
5. Write an essay (min. 400 words)
regarding the offense and why it
was wrong.
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Two lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Go to level 2, Second
Unprepared for class; name calling;
disagreements between students; passing notes;
refusal to do class work; eating/drinking in
classrooms/hallways without permission;
questionable language; disruptive behavior;
inappropriate lunchroom behavior; gum chewing;
swearing/cursing or taking God’s name in vain
(Oh, my God/OMG); dress code violations,
electronic media and cell phone use
Level 2
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Two lunch detentions
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Five lunch detentions
4. Parent/Admin conference
5. Write an essay (min. 400 words)
regarding the offense and why it
was wrong.
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Five lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Write an essay (min. 400
words) regarding the offense
and why it was wrong.
6. One day out-of-school
suspension (or expulsion at
discretion of principal)
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Parent/Principal conference
4. Two days-out-of school
suspension (or expulsion at
discretion of principal)
5. Go to Level 3 Third Time
Disrespectful language; excessive and deliberate
talking out of turn; pushing, kicking or tripping
others; inappropriate display of physical affection;
skipping class; misuse of property; persistent
inappropriate behavior; possession or use of a
laser pointer, electronic media and cell phone use;
bullying; leaving building without permission
Level 3
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Three lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Write an essay (min. 400 words)
regarding the offense and why it was
6. For instances of plagiarism, see
plagiarism doc in handbook
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Three lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. One day out of school
6. Extracurricular probation
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Three lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Two days out of school
suspension or expulsion
6. Extracurricular probation
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Three lunch detentions
4. Parent/Principal conference
5. Three days out of school
suspension/or expulsion
6. Extracurricular probation
7. Go to Level 4
Deliberate property damage; sexual innuendo or
language; forgery; stealing, cheating/plagiarism
(zero grade); gang activity; vaping/smoking
Level 4
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Parent/Principal conference
4. Weapon confiscated and returned
to parents/police as appropriate
5. Up to five days out of school
suspension (see suspension policy)
or expulsion
6. Extracurricular probation
1. Speak with admin
2. Document in SIS (copy
3. Police informed
4. Weapon confiscated and returned
to parents/police as appropriate
5. Parent/Principal conference
6. Recommendation for expulsion
7. Extracurricular probation
Possession of weapons such as illegal knives,
gun; violent threats by students toward students,
staff, or facilities; drug usage/possession, alcohol
use/posession; homosexual behavior; deliberate
physical abuse of another
Rubric guidelines are applied at Admin's discretion.
When valuable Admin time is devoted to student discipline, student will repay the time with school service at Admin's discretion.