Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy
Established 1970
Parent and Student
The Parent and Student Handbook explains Wardlaw Academy’s academic policies, procedures, and school
rules. We ask that parents/legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as parents) study the Handbook in its entirety
and review the contents with their children. Each student is expected to understand and be familiar with the
Handbook’s contents so that he or she may have a productive and beneficial school experience.
Wardlaw Academy operates under the philosophy that students are best prepared for life when they have
established academic and personal standards that incorporate responsibility and accountability. It has been said,
“You are free to choose, but you are not free to determine the consequences of your choices.” This handbook,
therefore, should help a student make those choices that lead to the academic and personal rewards of continued
growth, self-discipline, and self-esteem.
Wardlaw Academy is a Christian school that is guided by the Bible and governed by solid principles of society
and good manners, reinforced with rules, regulation, and penalties. The purpose of the administration, faculty, and
staff is to lead students in understanding God’s purpose for their lives and developing a sense of responsibility for
their own conduct, achievement, and for the well being of our entire community.
Wardlaw Academy reserves the right to amend any of its policies and procedures in order to uphold the school’s
philosophy and objectives and to provide for the general welfare, financial security, and safety of its community.
Changes or modifications will be disseminated via written and oral communication and will be available on the
school’s website. This handbook is not a contract.
Partnering with parents to develop the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, and leadership potential of each
The staff, faculty, and parents of Wardlaw Academy believe that education is a lifelong process. We strive to
provide a positive, nurturing and academically structured Christian environment which inspires a love of the Lord,
a love of learning, and prepares children for continued academic successes with a personal commitment to
excellence. Recognizing the uniqueness of each child, our goal is to motivate students to learn through
academically appropriate activities designed to stimulate intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual
provide a college preparatory environment dedicated to developing students who are motivated to excel in
inspire all students to pursue academic excellence, take pride in their work, develop leadership skills, and
celebrate their achievements;
motivate students to become independent thinkers, to set and achieve goals, and to be accountable for
their actions;
provide a Christian environment where students are encouraged to develop their own personal faith
complement the academic program for college and career readiness with a wide range of activities to
develop the mind, body, and spirit of each student which create an atmosphere where students enjoy
learning and develop lifelong relationships;
respect the unique value of each member of the school community;
expect and encourage all faculty, staff, and students to lead lives of honor, integrity, and high moral and
Biblical values at all times;
believe that diversity and global awareness enrich the learning experience; and
demonstrate a concern for the welfare of others through grade appropriate outreach programs.
Wardlaw Academy is a college preparatory, independent, co-ed, day school for students in grades 3K-12
School Colors: Gray, Vegas Gold, and Black
Mascot: The Patriot
Activities: Student Government, Beta Club, Yearbook, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Spelling Bee, Battle of
the Books, Performing Arts, Music, Art, Agriculture, Conditioning, Patriot Ambassadors
Athletics: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, Volleyball, and Cross Country
Organizations: Patriot Parent Organization (PPO), Booster Club (membership is open to all friends of Wardlaw).
Advanced Accreditation: Wardlaw Academy has met the requirements for both Advanced Accreditation by The
South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) and AdvancEd/Cognia Accreditation by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Council on Accreditation and School Improvement.
Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy Mailing Address
1296 Columbia Road
Johnston, SC 29832
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the school year
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during summer
Closed weeks of July 4
, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and the Masters as well as other observed
Web Address:
The Wardlaw Academy website contains current school news, school and academic information, and athletic
Email: is the preferred means of communication. Every member of the faculty, staff and administration has an
assigned email address. Messages may be sent to them by simply typing the person’s first initial and their full last
name followed by Example:
Upper School Building
Main Office, Head of School, Director of Instruction and Student Activities, Athletic Director, and Director of
Human and Fiscal Resources
Lower School Building
Lower School Principal
Library Building
Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Academic Counseling and Advisement
Main Phone Number: 803-275-4794 Fax Number: 803-275-4873
The Office Manager answers the phone during office hours, directing callers to the appropriate extensions.
Faculty and staff members may be reached by email or by leaving a message. When leaving a voice message,
please give your name, the date, time of your call, and a brief message regarding the subject of your call.
Phone Messages for Faculty and Students
Parents may leave messages for a teacher with the school office. However, email is the most effective means of
communicating with teachers. Please leave both day and evening numbers along with the reason for the call.
** Please do not call teachers/staff at their residence or on their cell phone concerning school issues after
working hours.
Parents and students are asked to plan their day to avoid making calls and leaving messages at school. In the case
of an emergency, parents should call the office and leave a message with the Office Manager. Upper School
students may use cell phones in the Canteen during break and lunch. Phones cannot be used at any other time or
place during the school day, including in the hallway between classes/bells.
Regular School Days
Buildings open at 7:30 a.m.
School Day begins at 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Late Stay begins at 2:45 p.m. and is available until 5:30 p.m.
Half Days
Buildings open at 7:30 a.m.
School Day begins at 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Unless a student is in an afternoon activity or a conference with a teacher, the student should be picked up
promptly at the end of the school day. Parents must notify the school if they will be late. A student whose parent
has not arrived ten minutes after the end of the school day or an activity will be supervised by the late stay
program staff. Due to faculty meetings, tutorials, and workshops, faculty members are not available to supervise
students who are left at school after dismissal time.
Wardlaw thy dear name so fair, may you always be
more than just a name to share, a place in history.
You have guided us these years, and watched our lives unfold.
strong we’ll be and ever true to our Gray and Gold.
The Head of School for Wardlaw Academy is the chief executive officer and is responsible for the school’s total
operation, the evaluation and employment of all personnel, and upholding and evaluating the school’s philosophy,
objectives, and standards. The Head of School appoints various administrators and directors to assist in
implementing the school’s mission, formulating and developing basic policies, overseeing daily academic and
business operations, directing and evaluating personnel, and working with the administrators, staff, faculty, and
students to uphold the school’s standards. The Head of School’s decisions are final in all matters of the school’s
daily operations and enrollment, including the dismissal of students.
Wardlaw Academy is both an educational institution and a non-profit organization. Consequently, the Head of
School also establishes policies and procedures for effective management, and works with the school community
in seeking additional support through annual giving and other philanthropic means.
The Head of School is accountable to the Board of Directors who, in turn, delegates all educational and
operational matters to the Head of School. The Board of Directors and the Head of School work collectively
through mutual respect for the ethical standards in regard to school policies, standards, and communications.
Mrs. Creasy Head of School
Mrs. Smith Lower School Principal
Mrs. Brown Director of Instruction and Student Activities
Upper School Administration
Mrs. Parks Director of Academic Counseling and Advisement
Coach James Director of Athletics
Mrs. Satcher Director of Marketing and Communication
Mrs. J. Martin Director of Fiscal and Human Resources
Mrs. Cumbee Office Manager
Mr. Curtis Morris School Safety Officer
The Board of Directors of Wardlaw Academy is composed of a group of individuals who volunteer their time in
an effort to serve Wardlaw Academy. Their role is to oversee the operation of the school in the areas of long range
planning, financial stability, fundraising, and general accountability. Using the model of “Policy Governance” the
Board of Directors chooses not to be involved in the daily operations of the school as that is the function of the
Head of School and designated administrators. The Board of Directors is not an appellate body. Concerns should
be addressed through the chain of command with the Head of School, if needed, being the final decision.
Board Members are nominated by open recommendation to the Board, and are voted upon by full membership of
the Board. The Board meets the second Wednesday of every other month at 6:30 p.m. in the Upper School
building. Parents and students are welcome to attend meetings upon Chairman approval, however, in order to be
included on the agenda, one week of advance communication with the Chairman is required.
The Board of Directors
Charles Kemp – Chairman Jon Pruett Ben Bussey
Sherald Rodgers – Vice Chairman Catherine Covar Robbie Quarles
Rachel Sanders – Secretary Mike Brazell C.J. Davis
Chad Berry Carla Dorn Katie Yonce
Members of the faculty and staff are appointed annually based on their dedication to the educational profession,
their evidence as positive role models, their desire to be supportive team members, their observed effectiveness in
the classroom, their ability to maintain professional and ethical standards, and their diverse talents and
contributions to the total life of the school. In the classroom, it is the professional teacher who has the important
role of working daily with the students to help meet their academic needs. Guided by professional and ethical
standards, faculty and staff are expected to uphold the philosophy of the school and all school policies. Classroom
concerns should be directed to the teacher first and then follow the chain of command. Whenever possible it is
best to wait 24 hours before addressing or responding to any concerns that would be considered emotionally
Lower School Teachers
Mrs. Stephanie Culver K3
Mrs. Sandy Williams K4
Mrs. Brandie Rodgers K4
Mrs. Debra Molony K5
Mrs. Melvia Kerby 1st
Miss Kristina Graves 2nd
Mrs. Laura Bartley 3rd
Mrs. Michelle Smith 4th
Mrs. Stephanie Henderson 5th
Mrs. Melissa Stover P.E./Yearbook
Mrs. Valerie McClendon Library/Art/Music
Mrs. Kathryn Tripp Art/Lower School Spanish
Upper School Teachers
Mrs. Bedenbaugh English/Creative Writing
Mrs. Brittany Doolittle Math/Algebra/Geometry
Mrs. Heather Brown Computer Science/Bible
Mrs. Kathy James Science
Mrs. Nona Kelsey English/Social Studies/Bible
Mrs. Nikki Parks Personal Finance/101 Classes
Mrs. Megan Padgett English/Social Studies
Mrs. Rebekah Robeson Spanish/Performing Arts
Mrs. Josie Rodgers English/Bible
Mr. Mark Rodgers History/P.E./Ag.
Mrs. Jill Rosier Science
Mrs. Michelle Satcher 6th Grade 101/Digital Media Arts
Mr. Austin Spurlock Math/Conditioning
Mr. Aaron Tripp Bible
Mrs. Kathryn Tripp Art
Lower School:
K3, K4, and K3 grade placement is decided upon by the Lower School Principal with input from the appropriate
teachers. Promotion of students who fail one or more subjects in grades 1 through 5 will be decided on an
individual basis in a conference with the Lower School Principal, teacher, and parents.
Middle School:
To be promoted in the 6
, 7
, and 8
grades, a student must pass all of their classes. If any classes are not passed,
it is at the discretion of Administration whether credit recovery would be an option.
High School:
To be classified as a Sophomore (10
Grade), a student must have earned 6 units, including English I and Algebra
I. To be classified as a Junior (11
Grade), a student must have earned 12 units, including English II and
Geometry or Algebra II. To be classified as a Senior (12
Grade), a student must have earned 18 units, including
English III and Geometry or Algebra II. Summer School and/or credit recovery offerings are at the discretion of
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
< 60 F
*Wardlaw Academy uses the SC Uniform Grading Policy.
Report cards are issued at the end of each quarter in grades 1st-12th. K4 and K5 receive first and second semester
skills progress reports.
Grade Point Average is computed on a scale using each core academic course credited toward high school
graduation. The course weight is based on the SC Uniform Grading Policy of 2016 weight for College Prep (CP),
Honors (H), Dual Enrollment (DE) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Course listings and a copy of the
grading policy are available through the Director of Academic Counseling and Advisement. Class rank is based
on cumulative GPA from grades 9-12. Students transferring to FH Wardlaw Academy in grades 10-12 will not be
ranked until they complete two full semesters at FH Wardlaw Academy.
Class Officers/Student Government:
To be elected a class or student body officer, students must have at least a “C” average and no significant
disciplinary infraction.
Senior Beta Club, Junior Beta Club, and Elementary Beta Club
Requirements of student membership are solely qualitative within the scope and regulations specified in the
Bylaws. A student must be a member in good standing of a Beta Club at his/her current school of attendance to be
considered an active National Beta Club member.. Membership is a privilege and not a right. The qualifications
for membership on the part of the student shall be: (a) worthy, moral and ethical character; (b) exemplary
achievement, and commendable attitude. The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be
determined by the administration of the school where the chapter is located. Since the purpose of the organization
is to select, honor, and encourage students possessing these characteristics, it shall be within the province of the
administration of each school to set up such local standards of membership as shall best serve to bring together in
the chapter students who merit distinction because of these qualifications. All students must be performing at or
above grade level in order to be eligible for membership. Local school administrations are at liberty to limit
membership to certain grades. Specific academic requirements for membership are not established at the national
level, as local systems of grading and merit determination vary. Each local school and club shall establish such
academic requirements for membership that will insure the selection of students of exemplary qualifications.
Membership dues are required and are the responsibility of the student. All membership dues must be paid prior to
the annual Beta Club Induction meeting to be inducted and receive the induction certificate and pin. All eligible
students will be notified by letter in the fall semester of the school year.
Elementary Division (Elementary Grades 4 and 5)
90 or higher in each academic subject for induction and to maintain membership
Junior Beta (Middle School - Grades 6 to 8)
90 or higher for all academic subjects for induction, 92 or higher for all academic subjects for maintaining
Senior Beta (High School - Grades 9 to 12)
90 or higher for all academic subjects for induction, 92 or higher for all academic subjects for maintaining
Head of School Honor Roll:
At the end of each semester, a certificate will be presented to each student who has achieved a grade of 95 or
greater in each academic subject.
High Honor Roll:
At the end of each semester, a certificate will be presented to each student who has achieved a grade of 90 or
greater in each academic subject.
Honor Roll:
At the end of each semester, a certificate will be presented to each student who has achieved a grade of 85 or
greater in each academic subject.
Honor Graduates:
Honor Graduates are seniors with a cumulative GPA between 4.0 and 4.49 at the end of seven semesters. These
students will wear a gold cord at graduation.
High Honor Graduates:
High Honor Graduates are seniors with a cumulative GPA of 4.5 or above at the end of seven semesters. These
students will wear a black, gold, and gray cord at graduation.
Shepheard's Red Cord Heroes Program:
Students donating blood to the Shepeard Blood Center a minimum of 3 times per year will receive a red cord to
wear at graduation for each year they meet the requirement.
Junior Marshals:
Marshals for commencement exercises are the four juniors who have the highest GPAs at the end of five
semesters, with at least two semesters being completed at Wardlaw. In case of a tie for number four; those tied
will serve as Marshals. The Marshals will be the Juniors with the highest GPAs at the end of the third nine weeks
of their junior year.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Class Rank is determined by the student’s cumulative grade point average. A seniors class rank is based on the
GPA of all academic subjects counted toward high school graduation. The Valedictorian is the graduating senior
with the highest GPA at the end of seven semesters. The Salutatorian is the graduating senior with the second
highest GPA at the end of seven semesters. In order to qualify as either Valedictorian or Salutatorian, students
must be enrolled at Wardlaw Academy for their junior and senior years in the high school college prep
curriculum. If a candidate for Valedictorian or Salutatorian has any disciplinary infractions, the severity of the
infractions will be reviewed by the administration and a decision on eligibility will be made on a case by case
basis. The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be the Seniors with the highest and second highest GPA at the end
of the third nine weeks of their senior year.
School tuition is set in the annual contract and is made available to our parents each year. If at any time during the
contract tuition becomes 30 days late, additional action will be taken by the school finance office.
1. Payments are due on the 5
of the month.
2. After the 10
of the month, any unpaid account will be automatically charged a $50 late fee.
3. Once an account reaches 30 days late, all extracurricular activities will be suspended (including sports)
and online grading access will be blocked.
4. A letter will then be sent from the Finance Committee to set up a date for you to meet with them
concerning your account.
5. In order to return to extracurricular activities, the full balance plus late fees will need to be paid or follow
the guidelines set by the Finance Committee.
Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy will not discriminate in regard to race, sex, creed, color, age, or national and
ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, applications, admissions and all other programs.
If it is necessary to close the school because of severe weather, a text message will be sent to all parents via the app. You may also refer to the school Facebook page and Instagram for closing information.
Fire and severe weather procedures are published, posted, and reviewed at regular intervals throughout the year.
Drills are held during the academic day. Students are expected to maintain silence throughout these drills and to
follow directions given to them by the faculty and staff.
In cases where there is a local, state, or national emergency or crisis, the school has procedures in place to handle
a variety of situations. Our objective is to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of students and keep the school
community as updated as possible. School staff will make every effort to communicate to parents in the event of
an emergency.
In the event of an individual emergency, if the school is unable to reach a parent, the person designated as the
emergency contact person will be notified. The school requires emergency phone numbers for every student. It is
the parent’s responsibility to make sure the school has current phone numbers for home, office, cell phones
and a designated emergency contact person.
All concerns and verbal conversations regarding a suicide by a student will be considered as a serious concern.
The parent(s) will be notified and counseling will be required. To return to classes, the student must submit
documentation from medical personnel stating that the student presents no danger to himself/herself or others. In
the event of a suicide attempt or the actual occurrence, the name of the student and family will be held in strict
confidence by the school.
The standards of student conduct have been developed to ensure that a Christ-centered environment permeates the
learning atmosphere of Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy. In keeping with our mission statement and guiding
principles, the Board of Directors, students, faculty, and administration alike will conduct oneself in accordance
within his/her God created gender as stated on the state certified birth certificate by: (a) dressing in conformance
with one’s biological sex (b) using the restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with one’s
biological sex.
Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy believes that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person male and
female and these distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26 –
The Administration reserves the right to dismiss a student who, in their judgment, does not conform either to the
stated regulations of student conduct or to the expressed philosophy, mission and policies of Francis Hugh
Wardlaw Academy.
Telephones in the school offices are business phones and may only be used with the permission of office
personnel. Students may make necessary school-related calls on the office phones to conduct class activity
business. The teacher or activity sponsor will accompany the student or provide written permission to the Office
Wardlaw Academy expects each student to live as a responsible and honorable person both on and off campus.
When students are admitted to Wardlaw Academy, they become identified with the school. It is expected that their
conduct will reflect favorably upon them and the school at all times. Therefore, the Honor Code is an integral part
of the daily structure of school life which predicates the assumption that students are honorable and have the right
to be trusted. Each student must take personal responsibility in accepting the Honor Code and Pledge by citing the
Honor Code on assignments, quizzes, and tests as directed by the classroom teacher. The Honor Code
encompasses academics, behavior, and character.
“Wardlaw Academy students do not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate anyone who does.”
It is important to note that our honor code was developed and implemented by the Wardlaw Academy Student
Government Association during the 1993-1994 school year.
“I pledge to always act in an honest, honorable, and accountable manner and expect the same of my fellow
students. I agree to promote exemplary behavior at all times. I understand that there are consequences for
inappropriate actions. I further agree to self-report any off-campus incidents where I am involved that are in
conflict with the student pledge and are a matter of public record or knowledge including but not limited to
social media posts, news reports, and arrest records.”
Parents and students must acknowledge in writing that they understand and will adhere to the Honor Code and the
Pledge (See Addendum 2 for Honor Code and Pledge signing sheet).
Standards of conduct and specific school regulations regarding behavior are based upon consideration and respect
for the rights of others. A student’s behavior and interaction toward other students and the faculty and staff is
expected to reflect Christian values.
All students must understand clearly that in order to maintain its high standards, Wardlaw Academy reserves the
right to discipline, suspend, or expel a student who is guilty of major misconduct on or off campus. The definition
and application of major misconduct is left to the discretion of the Administration. Major misconduct includes but
is not limited to fighting, hazing, bullying, vandalism, illegal drug and/or alcohol use, illegal possession or use of
weapons/firearms, theft, and tampering with documents. Failure to cooperate in any investigation may result in
disciplinary action and/or expulsion from the school.
The school will not tolerate situations or discussions by parents or students (in person or via social media) that
undermine or defame Wardlaw Academy, the teachers, the administration, or the policies of the school. If such
situations occur, the administration reserves the right to hold a conference with the student and parent(s), and if
necessary, require the parent to withdraw the student from the school.
The value of academic honesty is of utmost importance in the student’s development. Inappropriate actions will
result in the zero being assigned as the grade for the test or assignment, as well as other appropriate
punishment. Academic honesty also includes the appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) when completing
assignments. The use of AI when turning in a written paper or school assignment as the student’s original
work is not allowed and will result in consequences for academic dishonesty.
Inappropriate actions include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
Copying another student’s homework
Lending another student homework to be copied
Completing homework for another student
Completing assignments for another student
Using unauthorized notes
Giving or receiving help on a test
Communicating or attempting to communicate including, but not limited to, talking during a test
Giving information about a test to a student who has not taken the test
Using a calculator, computer, cell phone, or any other electronic device to complete an assignment or test
without authorization from a teacher
Turning in homework/assignments/projects that is not completed by the student
A copy of the Honor Code and Pledge will be provided for review and signing by parent and student.
Signing the honor code indicates that the parent and student have read and understand the policies
articulated in the Handbook. This form, with appropriate signatures, is to be completed and submitted
with the student’s online enrollment. Failure to complete this form does not absolve students from adhering
to the rules and policies stated in this Handbook.
The Lower School is designed to present a coordinated curriculum in an effort to prepare students to build
confidence as they approach the middle school years. BJU curriculum is used for language arts, math, social
studies, and science. Special attention is given to language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and study
skills. We offer students the opportunity to experience success during their formative elementary years. The
curriculum offers enrichment courses in music, art, physical education, library skills, and Spanish.
Social Studies
Physical Education
6th Grade 101
7th Grade
Life Science
Physical Education
8th Grade
English or English I (H)
Computer Science 1
Pre Algebra or Algebra 1 (H)
Earth Science
American History/Civics
Physical Education
Please Note: Credits toward a high school diploma include 8
grade Algebra I, Computer Science I, English I
(H), and Physical Education.
Grade (CP)
English I or Eng. II (H)
Algebra I (CP) or Geometry (H)
Physical Science
Computer Science II (.5)
Spanish I
World Geography/Current Events
Bible (.5)
English III (CP) or English IV ( H)
Algebra II (CP) or Pre-Calculus (H)
US History
Psychology/Public Speaking-Communications
Spanish III
Chemistry (CP or H)
Bible (.5)
10th Grade
English II (CP) or English III (H)
Geometry (CP) or Algebra II (H)
Biology I (CP or H)
Life Skills and Leadership/Personal Finance
World History
Spanish II
Bible (.5)
12th Grade
English IV or ENG 101 or 102 (Dual Enroll)
Algebra III or MAT 140 or 110 (Dual Enroll)
College and Career Readiness
Biology II (CP and H)
Bible (.5)
Placement for Honors and Dual Credit Courses
Honors Course Sequence:
8th Grade-Honors English I and Honors Algebra I
9th Grade-Honors English II and Honors Geometry
10th Grade-Honors English III and Honors Algebra II
11th Grade-Honors English IV and Honors Pre-Calculus
Beginning in the 8th grade, Math and English classes will be divided into separate Honors and College Prep
sections. This will be based on student class averages in English and Math (90 and above), standardized test
scores (MAP % rank of 55 and up) in all sub categories for Math and English, and teacher recommendation from
the 7th grade year. You will be notified of your students' placement before the 8th grade school year begins.
Honors and College Prep level high school courses are also available in 10th -12th grade Science classes. These
are taught within the same classroom but are assessed at different levels of learning and application. Placement for
these courses is determined by meeting at least two of the following criteria:
1. Semester averages (90 and above) in previous year subjects
2. Standardized test scores (1000 PSAT/NMSQT or 1050 SAT)
3. Teacher Recommendation
You will be notified by the guidance office if your student is recommended for the College Prep level of a course,
otherwise he/she will be taking Honors. To stay in the honors class you must have an 80 or higher for the year.
Dual Enrollment for Senior Students:
English 101 (Fall Semester)
English 102 (Spring Semester)
Math 110 (Fall Semester)
Math 120 (Spring Semester)
Honors Course Sequence:
8th Grade-Honors English I and Honors Algebra I
9th Grade-Honors English II and Honors Geometry
10th Grade-Honors English III and Honors Algebra II
Prerequisite Requirement (2 of 3 required for eligibility)
11th Grade-Honors English IV and Honors Pre-Calculus
A grade of 90 or above at the completion of the course
1000 on the PSAT (10th or 11th Grade) or a 1050 SAT score (Spring of 11th Grade)
Teacher recommendation
Once enrolled in a Dual Enrollment course, students are considered a college student with Piedmont Technical
College. With this comes the responsibility of maintaining grades and communicating with professors. Professors
will update the student on a consistent basis through the online platform used by the college. Keep in mind, all
grades that are received from dual enrollment courses will apply to the student’s GPA at Wardlaw Academy. If a
student fails a dual enrollment course then he/she also fails for the first two terms at Wardlaw Academy as these
classes are semester courses that run from August to December. It is the responsibility of the student to understand
the impact dual enrollment classes have on your future as a Wardlaw student and for your future college career.
Benchmarks for Dual Enrollment Students
Students taking dual enrollment courses will participate in check-in meetings with the Director of Academic
Advisement at set benchmark periods throughout the semester. These meetings will be documented in the
student’s data profile. Benchmark periods will take place every four weeks for a total of three check-in meetings
per semester. If a student is not showing satisfactory progress in a course at the first benchmark, the Director of
Academic Advisement will provide strategies to increase success. If a student is not showing satisfactory progress
in a course at the second benchmark, the Director of Academic Advisement will consider potential
withdrawal/dropping of the course. Should this be the determination, made on a case by case basis, the Director of
Academic Advisement and Director of Instruction will meet with the student and contact the parent before
guiding the student through withdrawal/drop procedures for the college.
If the student did not successfully complete a dual enrollment course at the end of the semester, the student will no
longer be considered a dual enrollment student and must attend classes at Wardlaw Academy for the remainder of
the school year. The student must pass both classes (English and Math) to remain in the dual enrollment program.
The grade the student obtains from the college will be the grade for the first semester at Wardlaw Academy.
Wardlaw Academy uses diploma requirements that meet standards set by SCISA/Cognia. Our School utilizes
South Carolina college entrance requirements in establishing diploma standards.
Subjects Units
English I, II, III, IV or ENG 101 4.0
Mathematics including Algebra I, II, III, Geometry, and, Pre-Calculus 4.0
Science including two lab sciences in same subject 4.0
World Geography/Current Events 1.0
World History 1.0
U.S. History 1.0
Economics 0.5
Government 0.5
Foreign Language (three years of the same language) 3.0
Physical Education 1.0
Fine Arts 1.0
Computer Science I 0.5
Computer Science II 0.5
Personal Finance 0.5
Electives 4.0+
TOTAL (College Preparatory Diploma) 25+
Students have two weeks for year long courses and one week for semester courses to make changes (drop/add) to
their class schedules. A change request form is required for drop/add within the time frame. After the designated
time period, no changes will be made to student schedules. Class change requests will be evaluated by
administration to determine if the change is in the best interest of the student’s academic record. All change
requests are not guaranteed.
Students are responsible for accessing their RenWeb student account to access grades throughout the semester. It
is the responsibility of upper school students to know how to access their grades in RenWeb by using their student
log in and password.
Wardlaw Academy is a college preparatory school with the goal of all students being prepared to attend college
upon graduation. Students enrolled in 8th grade Honors courses as well as all 9th through 12th grade students are
required to take the PSAT/SAT each year.
Tests are administered to each student in grades K through 11 on an annual basis to determine school performance
and placement of students. We utilize the following tests:
MAP: K-8
CogAT: Grades 3, 5, and 8
PSAT: Grades 9, 10, and 11 and Algebra I 8
Grade students
SAT/ACT Grades 11 and/or 12
(Benchmark assessment administered in the fall and spring)
**Students will be responsible for the cost of the PSAT, SAT and ACT
All students are required to take first semester exams unless the course ends at the semester and a student has a 95
or above. Seniors with a 95 or above average for the year may be exempt from the final examination in that
course. All other upper school students may exempt an exam in a course with a 95 or above average for the year
with no limit on exam exemptions if the student meets the grade and attendance requirement. Students are
required to come and participate in the review even if they have exempted an exam and attend school during the
exam administration. There are no excused absences for exam exemptions! Students exempted from an exam
should bring a book to read or quiet tasks to complete during the exam administration.. No student may exempt
any exam in a course where he/she has exceeded the allowed number of absences.
** In order for a student to exempt the exam for a course, he/she must not exceed 10 unexcused absences for a
yearlong course or exceed 5 unexcused absences for a semester course. Tardies to class convert to absences
based on total minutes late to a class. The Head of School may excuse excessive absences for an extended illness
with the proper documentation in which case the student may be allowed to exempt certain exams on a case by
case basis. Absences for field trips, athletic contests, college days, or other school functions do not count toward
the unexcused absence totals.
Grade Point Average is computed on a scale using all academic courses credited toward high school graduation.
The course weight is based on the SC Uniform Grading Policy weight for College Prep (CP), Honors (H), and
Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Course listings and a copy of the grading policy are available from The
Director of Academic Advisement and Counseling.
Wardlaw Academy endorses homework to reinforce learning activities that occur each day in the classroom and to
provide individual learning experiences in addition to the material covered in the classroom. Homework is not to
be assigned as a punishment. Teachers are encouraged to use homework as part of the overall grading. All
assigned homework should not be considered “busy work”.
Lower School Homework:
Homework, projects, and reports may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher on weeknights. The purpose of
these assignments are to reinforce skills taught during the school day. It is the responsibility of the student to turn
in those assignments on the designated day.
**Lower School students do not have homework assignments on the weekend.
** Lower School students may only have a maximum of the following combination in a school day: 2 tests and
one quiz, 1 test and two quizzes, or three quizzes. A minimum of two days notice must be given for all tests.
Upper School Homework:
Homework, projects and reports may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher on week nights and/or weekends.
The goal is for no more than 1 hour of homework a night for Upper School students. All students are expected to
do their homework thoroughly and turn it in at the beginning of the class on the date when it is due or at the
discretion of the teacher.
If a student is not absent or excused from the class assignment and turns in an assignment a day late, a 10%
deduction in credit will be taken. After two (2) days, a 25% reduction, after three (3) days, a 50% reduction will
be recorded. Any adjustment to this policy must meet administrative approval. After the third day, students will
not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities until the work is completed and turned in to the teacher.
The student may be referred to the administration. Our goal is to encourage a positive work ethic and avoid zeros
for grades.
**Students may only have a maximum of the following combination in a school day: 2 tests and one quiz, 1 test
and two quizzes, or three quizzes. A minimum of two days notice must be given for all tests and quizzes.
One of the most important factors in achieving academic excellence is attendance. Therefore, perfect attendance is
awarded annually by the Head of School. Students at all grade levels should strive for perfect attendance.
Students who are excessively absent or tardy have difficulty maintaining their grades and may also lose credit.
Wardlaw Academy does not make a judgment on a parent’s decision to permit a child to miss school. However,
school attendance is mandatory by state law. Parents must realize absences for causes other than illness or a
family emergency are detrimental to a student’s academic record and learning. Each student and parent should
realize the necessity of regular attendance. Excessive absences or tardiness is grounds for dismissal.
In order for a student to receive credit for a course or be promoted to the next grade, he/she must not exceed 10
unexcused absences for a yearlong course or exceed 5 unexcused absences for a semester course. The Head of
School may excuse excessive absences for an extended illness with the proper documentation. Absences for
field trips, participation in Wardlaw athletic contests, 2 college visits with prior approval, or other school
functions do not count toward the unexcused absence totals.
Whenever possible, please schedule all appointments before or after school. With limited exceptions, students are
expected to attend school each day and on time. Exceptions include the following (and are considered excused
1) Students who are ill and whose attendance would endanger their health or the health of others
2) Students whose family experiences a serious illness or death in their immediate family.
3) Students requesting a release from school attendance for medical appointments, court appearance or
family emergencies
4) Students participating in a school-sponsored event (e.g. field trip, athletic or interscholastic activity,
5) Students whose families request in advance and receive permission from the Head of School to miss
class for exceptional or extenuating circumstances.
6) All other absences, with or without parental consent, are considered unexcused
When a student is absent from school, immediately upon his/her return, a written note signed by the parent
explaining the absence, a doctors excuse, or proof associated with the other acceptable absences listed
above must be submitted. The decision as to whether an absence is excused or unexcused is left to the discretion
of upper school administration and lower school administration (based on the grade level of the student).
Attendance will be entered into the RenWeb system by the office manager. Only notes received within two weeks
of an absence will be reviewed; failure to supply the note within this time frame results in an absence being
recorded as unexcused. The school will not contact parents to issue a reminder that a note is needed; this is a
parental responsibility. (Note: unexcused absences
affect the opportunity for students in grades 6-12 to exempt exams. Multiple excused or unexcused
absences at all grade levels may affect promotion and/or course credit.)
If any student (K3-12th) has not attended school, they can’t attend any after school activities for that day.
This includes school programs and other school related events.
Wardlaw Athletes must be present for the entire school day in order to participate in athletic events for
that day. Any exception must have prior approval from the Athletic Director.
Upper School Absences
All school days are planned to maximize instructional time. Parents should discourage their student(s) from
leaving early or not attending for a reason other than an excused absence such as a medical appointment or illness.
Excessive absences will result in the loss of any Senior privileges (if applicable), exam exemption, and/or field
day participation. Credit for the course will be impacted with excessive absences and summer school for credit
recovery may be required based on the amount of seat time missed. Students in grade six (6) and above are
responsible for checking with teachers to secure content, assignments, tests, etc. given during their absence.
Lower School Absences
Instructional time in lower school is primarily focused on teacher modeling, hands-on learning, and peer
collaboration. When students are absent, they are missing a vital component of the instructional process. In order
to partner with parents to reach the full potential of every student, we need them to be at school on a consistent
basis. Please utilize the school calendar when planning vacations to ensure that your child will not miss vital
instruction time.
School begins each day at 8:00 a.m. and students are expected to be in their seats on time. All students (K3-12)
who are tardy for school must report directly to the school office. A tardy will become an absence after 11:15 am.
Lower School
Students must be signed in by a parent at the main office, after which the office will call the student’s teacher to
notify him/her that the student is present. The student will be escorted to the lower school building by office staff
or the school safety officer. Excessive tardiness may result in a Principal/Parent conference. All students may
accrue (5) cumulative tardies per semester.
Upper School
All students may accrue 3 tardies per quarter. Tardies are administered by the office staff at the start of the school
day and/or by a teacher at the start of a class period. At the start of class when the bell rings, teachers are required
to lock their doors and begin instruction. If a student is tardy to class, he or she must go to the office and receive a
pass, and the tardy will be marked accordingly. At the third tardy, a warning letter will be sent home with the
student. If the student is tardy after the warning letter, the student will receive a detention letter. The following
discipline will be enforced:
4th tardy
5th tardy
Detention x 2 days
6th tardy
Detention x 3 days
7th tardy
Admin/Parent Conference and Case
by Case Student Consequence
Upper School:
Requests for early dismissals should be presented to the school office. Requests must come in the form of a
written parent note, parent email, or parent phone call. Text messages will not be accepted. Absences from early
dismissals count towards the allowed total absences in each class unless they are for school related activities.
Lower School:
Please keep in mind that students miss valuable instructional time when signed out early from school. If students
are signed out early for a doctors appointment, an excuse from the doctors office is required documentation that
must be sent to the office the following day. Excessive early dismissals will result in a parent conference with
If a student is absent, he or she will have the number of days he or she was absent to make-up the work that was
missed. For example, if a student was absent for one day, he or she has one day to make up the work; if he or she
misses two days, he or she will be allowed two days to make up the work. A teacher may require that a student
make up a test outside of class time.
The following procedures for make-up work should be used by a student for an absence:
On the day a student returns, he or she must see each teacher, ask for the assignments that were missed,
and make arrangements to take any missed quizzes or tests in the time period specified.
Any test announced prior to an absence, must be taken immediately upon return unless the teacher says
All assignments, which were announced by the teacher prior to the absence, are due when the student
returns unless the teacher says otherwise.
Students who appear to be developing a pattern of absences on test days or days when major projects are
due will meet with administration and an email informing the parent, as applicable, will be sent home.
Parents requesting assignments for students who are absent are encouraged to email the teachers directly.
If a parent would rather call, they will need to contact the office by 11:00 a.m. at the latest to have the
assignments collected by the end of the day.
If work was sent home by the teacher prior to the absence, all assignments are due on the day the student
returns to school.
To be eligible to play athletics at Wardlaw Academy, at the beginning of the school year a student must be on
track to graduate per grade-level requirements. After each marking period, a student must be passing all core
classes to remain eligible for athletics. All athletic fees and forms must be complete for a student to participate,
including practices.
All drivers must drive cautiously and carefully through the parking lot and carlines. Any vehicle in the carline
may not exit the carline by cutting out of the appropriate driving lane and onto the grass or into the other lanes.
Parents and students are asked to drive slowly and cautiously, following the directions of the carline teachers and
administrators so that the safety of all involved can be our priority. Any driver who operates a vehicle in an unsafe
manner on or near the campus, or violates parking regulations may be asked to meet with the administration and
may lose their driving privileges at the school.
Lower School dropoff is in the left lane (students should exit the left side of the vehicle). Upper School dropoff is
the right lane (students should exit the right side of the vehicle). Please do not drop off any students at the first
staircase because it backs the carline up onto the main road and creates an unsafe environment.
Upper School students who have an injury or handicap, or who need parental assistance should be dropped off in
the gym parking lot by the handicapped parking spaces. Upper School students riding with a Lower School
student should be dropped off at the lower school drop off, no exceptions. Please follow these guidelines to keep
our carline safe and running smoothly.
Student Parking
The student parking lot is located in the upper parking lot in front of the main office. All students are expected to
park their vehicles in their assigned parking spot only. Upon arriving or leaving the parking area and during the
school day, students are not to congregate in or around cars. Students are not permitted to go to their cars during
the school day without administrative approval. Students parking anywhere other than their assigned spot will be
subject to disciplinary action.
The basic responsibility for the appearance of the students of Wardlaw Academy rests with the parents and
students themselves. Clothing and appearance that don’t reflect appropriateness and modesty and disrupts the
educational process by drawing attention to the wearer will not be allowed. Our goal is to make sure our students
realize there are traditional and expected standards of dress for particular institutions, circumstances, and
occasions. Every effort will be made to enforce the dress code across the board. The school dress code applies to
in school events such as academic ceremonies as well as after school events and activities that take place on
campus, including athletic banquets.
The following guidelines must be followed for all students in grades K3-12:
All students are expected to dress in good taste in an effort to be neat and attractive at all times.
Students must remove caps and hats before entering the buildings. They must be stored in a locker
between 7:30 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.
Students must wear appropriate footwear at all times due to safety and insurance regulations.
Heels of girls’ shoes cannot be of excessive height.
Clothing which advertises alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, or inappropriate messages are not
Shorts and skirts are to be fingertip length of the student.. Shorts must be visible under their shirt. Athletic
shorts must meet the length requirement of shorts including types with a raise on the side seam.
No waistbands may be rolled.
No boxers, compression shorts or bras may be visible.
Dresses are to be no shorter than the finger tips when the arms are extended down the sides. Girls'
backsides are to be completely covered at all times (when both sitting and standing).
No open back dresses or shirts.
All clothing must be free of holes, frayed or ragged hems, and without inappropriate writings.
All tops must have an appropriate neckline (absolutely no cleavage revealed).
All tops must overlap skirts, shorts, or pants so that the midriff will be covered at all times.
“Spaghetti straps on tops are not allowed. Straps should be at least 3 finger widths wide.
No off the shoulder shirts may be worn.
No “fad” haircut or color is allowed, including clip in hair accessories of unnatural hair color.
Maximum hair length for male students is the top of the collar and when pulled down cannot cover the
eyes, no mullet haircuts are allowed.
Gentlemen are to be clean-shaven and free of earrings.
o As a privilege, junior and senior boys are allowed to grow a beard if it is kept neatly trimmed and
no longer than ¼ inch length.
o Violation 1: student reprimanded
o Violation 2: penalties up to and including detention
o 3 violations or more may result in the student losing the privilege
Shorts, slacks, or jeans must be worn at the natural waist. No underwear can be shown.
Sweat shirts are allowed, however, the “hood” may not cover your head at any time during class or in the
school building.
Leggings or yoga pants may be worn as long as the shirt worn with them always covers the student’s body
completely in the front and back, even when wearing a bookbag or raising arms.
Biker shorts are not allowed for upper school students. Lower school students may wear biker shorts if
appropriate length and the shorts can be seen under the shirt.
Honor Roll Ceremonies/ Field Trips/ Awards Day/ SCISA Events: No jeans, sweatpants, leggings, or
shorts are allowed; All dresses/skirts must meet the school dress code.
Upper School Chapel: No sweatpants, leggings, yoga pants, or pajama material clothing are to be worn;
jeans dressed with a collared shirt or dressy shirt are acceptable.
Violations of the dress code will be handled at the discretion of the administration.
Field trips are an integral part of our curriculum. If field trips are allowed, these trips provide our students with
hands-on educational experiences. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in all class trips. Please call the
office if extenuating circumstances exist that will not allow your child to attend a field trip. Field trips require
additional cost above the tuition charged by Wardlaw Academy. Please note that the fee per child is
calculated after the sign-up process. In the event that your child must withdraw from a trip, money will not
be refunded.
** Only students enrolled at Wardlaw Academy may attend school field trips. **
The United States, South Carolina, and Christian flags will be displayed in front of the main building during
school hours. Our 5
grade class has the privilege and responsibility of raising and lowering the outside flags
throughout the school year.
Students in grades 6-12 will be assigned lockers by the homeroom teachers. Lockers are expected to be kept neat
and attractive at all times. Nothing can be permanently attached to the lockers and nothing can be on the outside
of lockers, unless placed there by school staff. Lockers are the property of the school and Wardlaw Academy
reserves the right to inspect lockers at any time.
All Upper School students should consume all food and drinks in the canteen. Upper School students should
remain in the canteen during break and lunch. Lower School students will go to the canteen for lunch and sit with
their class during lunch. Lunch and Snack cards can be purchased in the office.
All students may have a water bottle in class. The bottle must only contain water.
For all class parties, only parents signed up to assist with the class party are able to attend. Although we can't wait
to welcome younger siblings to our Patriot family when they are old enough, please do not bring younger siblings
to class parties.
All class parties to celebrate the end of the year must take place on campus. If a class wishes to celebrate off
campus, the party must take place after school has been dismissed. Classes may not leave school early in order to
travel to the party site.
The safety of our students is of paramount concern to all individuals associated with Wardlaw Academy.
Transportation to field trips or athletic events must be provided by adults who are at least 21 years old. All
participants must travel with adults to and from an event. The sponsor or coach of the activity has the full
responsibility and authority to make appropriate transportation arrangements. It is important to note that it is never
appropriate to have students driving or riding with other students to or from a field trip or athletic contest. The
sponsor, at his/her discretion, may release a student to his/her parent(s). Written permission must be provided by a
parent to allow their child to ride with any other adult. A seat belt must be provided for each passenger. Parents
who drive for field trips must fill out a volunteer driver and return it to the school’s office.
Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by
Wardlaw Academy. Wardlaw Academy will provide copies of records when extenuating circumstances arise.
Example: great distance makes it impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. A fee will be
charged for copies.
Parents or eligible students have the right to request that Wardlaw Academy correct records they believe to be
inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the
right to a formal hearing. This hearing will be conducted by a committee appointed by the Head of School who
serves as the chairman. The decision of this committee is final. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to
amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his
or her view about the contested information.
Wardlaw Academy must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any
information from a student’s education record, with the following exceptions:
FERPA allows disclosure of information from a student’s education record, without consent, to the following
parties or under the following conditions:
School officials with legitimate educational interest
Other schools to which a student is transferring
Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the School
Accrediting organizations
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
The Library/Media Center serves enrolled students in Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School, as well as
faculty and staff. The Librarian provides story time for K-4 and K-5 and instruction in research-literacy skills,
reading motivation, and reference assistance to Lower and Upper School students. Library hours are normal
school hours Monday through Friday. In order to maintain the collection, students must take responsibility for the
care of and prompt return of all materials borrowed from the library. All loaned items must be returned to the
library in the same condition in which they were presented at the time of check-out. A student’s financial account
will be billed for all unreturned library items.
The philosophy and mission of Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy is in direct opposition to any abusive behavior
against students, teachers or staff which leads to physical injury, sexual molestation, sexual exploitation, or sexual
harassment. Abusive behavior is defined as negligence or exploitation of a child or any act that causes physical
injury or involves sexual molestation or sexual exploitation.
The faculty and staff will adhere to South Carolina Law. Teachers will report any suspected incident of child
abuse, which includes negligence, physical abuse, molestation, or exploitation to the administrative staff. The
administrator will report the incident to the authorities and or the Department of Family and Children's Services.
The same reporting procedure applies to any suspected or known concerns posing serious threat to the health,
safety, and welfare of a student.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or sexually motivated
verbal (i.e., name calling) or physical conduct. Prohibited behavior includes unsolicited and unwelcome sexual
advances written, visual, or physical. Any such conduct should be reported to the counselor or administrative
staff, and all complaints will be investigated. Any student who engages in abusive behavior or sexual harassment
will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school.
Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the
complaint process. Anyone who engages in retaliatory action will be subject to the same punishment as the
Wardlaw Academy offers an excellent academic counseling program. However, the school is not equipped to
accommodate students with behavioral or emotional disorders. Physical or emotional abuse towards another
student may result in suspension, expulsion or other disciplinary actions at the discretion of the Head of School.
Aggressive or threatening behavior and/or bullying will not be tolerated. Appropriate disciplinary measures will
be taken if these behaviors occur and a recommendation may be made that the student be withdrawn from
Wardlaw Academy.
The School reserves the right to dismiss or suspend a student if, in the judgment of the School authorities, such
action is deemed in the best interest of the school. Suspended students are not allowed to participate in school
events during the suspension period.
When the administration feels parent dissatisfaction is to the point that it does not allow us to fulfill the first part
of our Mission Statement of “partnering with parents”, the School may ask the parent to withdraw the child from
Wardlaw Academy.
Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy is dedicated to recognizing and developing the worth and dignity of each
student. Additionally, Wardlaw Academy is committed to educating and graduating drug-free students. Illegal
substance use, including the use of alcohol and illicit drugs, endangers the realization of one’s potential for
education and life. Such use jeopardizes the safety of all students and the quality of the Wardlaw Academy
educational experience.
Furthermore, the School abides by all pertinent state and federal laws. The School does not condone illegal
conduct. It is against the law for individuals under the age of twenty-one to be under the influence of, to use, to
purchase, to distribute or to be in possession of alcoholic beverages. It is also against the law for individuals at
any age to use, possess, purchase, distribute or be under the influence of non-prescription controlled substances.
Such behavior by students at any time on campus, or while attending a Wardlaw Academy function, athletic event,
and/or extracurricular activity is strictly prohibited.
The quantity and/or particular kind of illegal substance is of little significance; minimal possession or minimal
consumption is a violation, just as is possession or consumption of larger quantities. The possession of
drug-related paraphernalia is also strictly prohibited. By enrolling students in Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy,
parents accept the School’s position on illegal drug use and alcohol and understand that the policy set forth here is
consistent with the laws of our community and in the best interest of all students. Students may also be required to
undergo a School-approved professional drug/alcohol assessment or submit to drug/alcohol testing. Refusal to
submit to such testing will be a violation of this policy.
The use of any tobacco or vaping products is prohibited. Wardlaw Academy is a tobacco/nicotine free campus.
Violations of the policy are grounds for dismissal from Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy. Students may be
suspended, required to perform community service, complete an accredited drug/alcohol program and be placed
on disciplinary probation or any combination of these above.
Upper School:
Cell phones (cell phones, iPods, headphones, earbuds or any type of electronic device) are permitted on school
grounds using an “off and away” policy. All cell phones are to be turned off and put away; in a locker, backpack,
or classroom caddy. Any cell phone heard, used, or seen during class or in the hallway during school hours
will be taken and kept in the office for the remainder of the school day. Smart watches should be removed
during all assessments. (Note: The school is not responsible for cell phones that may become lost, broken or
Cell phone usage is allowed during break and lunch times.
Parents are requested to support the cell phone usage policy by refraining from calling or texting a student’s cell
phone during school hours. In case of emergency or the need to deliver an important message to your child that
could not be handled before or cannot be taken care of after school, please contact the office for assistance.
Continuous cell phone violations may result in a student losing his or her privilege to have a phone on campus,
extended confiscation by school officials, or other disciplinary measures at the discretion of administration.
Non compliance for Upper School students will result in the following disciplinary actions:
First offense: Electronic device will be taken for 1 school day and a parent will be notified.
Second offense: Electronic device will be taken for 2 school days, community service will be served, and a parent
will be notified again.
Third offense: Electronic device will be taken for 5 school days. The parent will be notified of the third offense,
and 2 community service days will be served. Should the student continue to use the electronic device, further
consequences will be determined by the administration.
Fourth offense: Electronic device will be taken for an extended period until it is clear that the student can
demonstrate a willingness to use the phone only within the allowed parameters. Should the student continue to use
the electronic device, further consequences will be determined by the administration.
Lower School:
Students are not allowed to have cell phones, smart watches, and any other electronic device at school. Watches
that aren’t considered a “smart watch”, but still have a texting feature or allows games to be played, are also not
allowed at school.
Non compliance for Lower School students will result in the following actions:
1st violation: The student will be asked by the teacher to put the device in their backpack and not bring it back to
2nd violation: The parent will be contacted by the teacher. The teacher will keep the device until the end of the
school day
3rd violation: The student will receive lunch or recess detention and the device will be given to the parent at the
end of the day (in the car line).
Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school’s computer network. Internet access is a privilege,
not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing the
Internet and utilizing the school’s computer resources.
All Internet users are subject to the following rules and regulations and are required to sign an internet user
1. Acceptable Use: The purpose of the school network/internet is to support research and education by
providing access to sources from across the world and to allow for collaborative work opportunities. The
school’s network is only to be used to further these aims and its use must be consistent with the
educational objectives and community values of Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy.
2. Privileges: The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a
cancellation of those privileges. The network administrator, faculty members, and Head of School will
deem what is inappropriate and may revoke privileges at any time.
3. Network Etiquette: You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette.
These will be covered in the users’ training session and include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Sharing username and password are prohibited.
b. Be polite. Do not use abusive language in your messages to others.
c. No swearing, vulgarities, or other inappropriate language is allowed.
d. Degradation or misrepresentation of the good name and reputation of Francis Hugh Wardlaw
Academy is strictly prohibited.
e. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
f. Students should not reveal their personal address, phone number, or those of other students and
g. Remember that email and social networking sites are not private. People who have access to any
part of the e-mail transmission chain or social site have access to your information.
h. Use of the network in such a way that you disrupt the use of the network by others is prohibited.
i. All communication and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be subject
to copyright law.
4. Disclaimer: Network users must recognize the risk in utilizing the school’s technological infrastructure.
The School will not assume responsibility for damages you may undergo. Wardlaw Academy makes no
warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. This includes the loss
of data resulting from delay, non-deliveries, miss-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own
negligence or by errors or omissions of yours. Use of any material obtained via the Internet is at your own
risk. Wardlaw Academy specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information
obtained through its services.
5. Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves so
many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the Internet or with the system, you must
bring it to the attention of the network administrator or your teacher. Do not demonstrate the problem to
others. Attempts to log in to the system as someone other than you will result in cancellation of user
privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer
systems may be denied access to the network.
6. Vandalism: Vandalism will result in revocation of access and disciplinary action. Vandalism is defined as
a malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, the internet, the school, or other networks.
This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading of computer viruses and any physical damage to any
Discipline is a responsibility shared by the entire Wardlaw Faculty and Staff. Each faculty and staff member is
empowered to handle discipline at his or her discretion in an effort to achieve the best possible learning
environment. Administration will handle major or chronic violations.
According to the principles of Policy Governance properly following the “chain of command”, the Board of
Directors will not be involved in disciplinary procedures.
For security and to avoid the disruption of the learning process, all visitors, including parents, must check in at the
main office in the Upper School building. No individual may go beyond the main office without administrative
approval and a visitor's pass. To ensure that someone can assist them, parents are asked to call ahead for
appointments with the administration and faculty. Our classrooms may be visited by parents and grandparents
throughout the academic year by scheduling an appointment. Prospective students must make prior arrangements
to visit an individual class or take part in our entire school day as a part of a pre-arranged shadowing day. Also,
families who are interested in enrolling students at Wardlaw Academy will be given school tours throughout the
entire school year.
Parents or visitors on campus are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects courtesy and respect to
the faculty, staff, and administration, and to students. Harassing or threatening language or actions will not be
tolerated. Individuals who have concerns should direct them in a professional manner to the school’s
administration. The school reserves the right to ban anyone from its campus or school-related activities.
The sale of any item or solicitation of funds on school grounds or in the school name must be approved by the
Head of School. Advertising of any function that takes place outside the school must be approved by the Head of
The school’s philosophy emphasizes the importance of community and parental cooperation in terms of helping
each student realize his or her potential. Parental involvement, therefore, takes a variety of forms, depending on
the grade in which the child is enrolled. Parents should also understand that they select and pay for the privilege of
enrolling their child in an educational environment that has established its curriculum and policies. The Head of
School must make decisions with regard to existing policies, the school’s philosophy, and the greater good of the
Teachers make every effort to inform parents of their child’s progress and needs. Academic work is sent home for
review, and notes are often included for parents to review, sign, and return. When a parent perceives a concern
or problem about the child or the classroom, he or she should contact the teacher first to discuss the
concerns. Parents’ best line of communication with their child’s teacher is e-mail. Every member of the faculty,
staff, and administration has an assigned email address. Messages may be sent to them by simply typing the
person’s first initial and last name followed by
If a conference is needed, parents should always make a mutually convenient appointment in advance with the
teacher via a note, email, or phone call to the school. Parents are asked not to conference with teachers or other
parents before or after school in the hall, classroom, or carpool. Discussions should respect and adhere to the
professional observations and judgment of the faculty. If, after talking with the teacher, a parent continues to be
concerned, then the matter should be presented in a conference with upper school administration or lower school
administration (depending on the grade level of the student). In these situations, the teacher will be present. If the
concern cannot be resolved with the level administrator, the Head of School may be contacted to discuss the
concern further. The Head of School’s decision will be final. Parents are expected to abide by the administrative
The school recognizes the right for a parent to disagree. However, the school will not tolerate situations or
discussions (in person or via social media) that undermine teachers, the administration, or the policies of
the School. If such situations occur, the administration reserves the right to hold a conference with the
parent, and if necessary, require the parent to withdraw the student from school.
Wardlaw Academy students are required to have a Student Health Form on file prior to the first day of school.
This form must be completed annually. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school if the health needs
of the student change. This form alerts school administration to allergies, medical conditions or physical
limitations of your child. It also authorizes the school office to administer certain over-the-counter medications
should your child become ill or injured during the school day. Any student who does not provide a current
Student Health Form prior to the first day of School will not be allowed to attend school.
Wardlaw Academy requires that all students have a complete, up to date Certificate of Immunization on file prior
to the first day of school. These forms can be obtained from your physician or local public health department.
Any student whose immunization record is missing or incomplete will not be allowed to attend classes until
compliance is obtained. In the case of a religious exemption, a notarized statement is acceptable in lieu of a
Medications should be given at home rather than school whenever possible. If medication needs to be taken
during the school day, Upper School students must go to the school office to obtain the medication. Lower School
students must go to the Lower School Principal (or another faculty/staff member as designated by the Principal).
Records will be kept of all medications administered. Students are not permitted to have medications in their
possession on campus. The only exceptions to this are students with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes,
asthma, or severe allergies. The School Administration may allow the student to carry the necessary medications
or supplies. Students who use an inhaler or carry an Epi-pen MUST provide the School Administration with an
extra Epi-pen/inhaler prior to the first day of School.
Prescription Medications:
1. An Authorization for Medication Form must be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian. A new
authorization form must be received if the medication dosage or prescription is changed during the school
year. The school will not give any medication without the completed form.
2. All prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled by the pharmacy. No medication
from an envelope, plastic bag, etc., will be given. Ask your pharmacist for an extra empty bottle with a
label on it for prescription medicines that need to be given at school.
Non-Prescription (over the counter) Medications:
All non-prescription medications must be in the original container and accompanied by an Authorization for
Medication Form or a written request signed by the parent/legal guardian. The physician’s signature is not
required. No medication received in a plastic bag, envelope, etc., will be given to a student. The request must
Student’s first and last name
Name of medication
Amount to be given
Time(s) to be given
Reason medication is to be given
Length of time medication is to be given
The only over-the-counter medications stocked in the school are listed on the Student Health Form. They
include: Acetaminophen (Tylenol equivalent), Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin equivalent), Tums, Benadryl, and
antibiotic ointment. These medications will only be given if permission is indicated on the Student Health Form.
No other OTC medications will be given, unless the medication is provided by the parent, with a completed
Authorization for Medication Form. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy.
We ask that you not send your child to school if he or she is sick. The following are a few guidelines to follow:
Temperature – Your child must remain home if he or she has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or
higher). Your child should be fever-free, without taking any medication for 24 hours, before returning
to School. If your child comes to School with a temperature 100 or higher you will be called to pick him
or her up.
Diarrhea – If your child has diarrhea that cannot be controlled, he or she should remain home, or you will
be called to pick him/her up.
Vomiting – Your child must not have vomited for 24 hours prior to returning to School.
Contagious Diseases – Your child must remain home when he or she shows symptoms or has been
diagnosed with a contagious disease, such as strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), impetigo, ringworm,
head lice, skin rash, and drainage from ears, nasal drainage, and frequent uncontrollable cough. Please
inform the school of any contagious illnesses your child may have contracted.
Wardlaw Academy observes a no nit policy. Students will be excluded from school and all school sponsored
events until head lice, lice eggs (nits), and egg cases have been removed. He or She must have a release from a
physician in order to return to school.
If your child exhibits any of the above illnesses, we will call you to pick up your child. If you cannot be reached
within a reasonable amount of time the emergency contacts listed on the Student Health Form will be contacted.
Upper School students should not call or text a parent about coming to pick them up from school without
consulting with the office about feeling ill first. If an upper school student is sick and needs to leave school, a staff
member from the office will call to notify a parent of the student's illness.
All student health information will remain confidential.
Illness at School:
The school makes every effort to contact the parents if a student becomes ill at school. Parents are expected to
pick up a sick child as soon as possible. A child who does not feel well or who has a fever should not be sent to
school. Students with contagious ailments must remain at home.
Wardlaw Academy does not provide health or accident insurance coverage for its students. Parents are encouraged
to enroll their children, especially those who anticipate playing sports, in additional accident coverage.
All students at Wardlaw Academy are eligible to have a laptop computer/tablets assigned to them for their
schoolwork (assignments vary based on grade level). Computers are the property of the Wardlaw Academy and
are provided for the exclusive use of Wardlaw Academy students and staff. Assigned computers, once in a
student's possession, are the student’s responsibility. Any computer use must follow the Student Computer User
Agreement. Computer/internet use is a privilege not a right. In the event that a student demonstrates unacceptable
use/activity, it may result in suspension or cancellation of computer privileges. Students and parents must sign a
computer user agreement prior to receiving their laptop.
Personal laptops have a 10 hour battery charge life. It is the student’s responsibility to charge their laptop by
checking it in with his or her homeroom teacher at the end of the school day and plugging it in the changing box
provided in the classroom, if the laptop is not needed for homework. If the student needs the laptop and charger to
complete homework assignments, they need to check it out with their homeroom teacher in the PM Homeroom at
the end of the school day (Upper School students).
If the laptop is not charged, it does not excuse any late assignments
If the laptop is not charged but the teacher is using laptops during class, the student may lose
points on that grade and/or be given a zero for a daily classwork grade at the teachers discretion
Personal laptops are to be used only at the discretion of the teacher during class times. You may not have your
laptop on your desk or in use during class unless your teacher instructs you to do so. You may not use the laptop
for any purpose other than what the teacher has approved for that class period.
Laptops may be used during study hall to do school work, but not for personal entertainment.
Use of laptops during study hall is a privilege, not a right. Any study hall teacher may revoke the
privilege at any time due to its misuse. Repeated problems with misuse of laptop during study hall
will result in disciplinary measures, parent notification, and potential long-term revocation of
study hall laptop use.
If a teacher is using the laptops during class and the student neglects to bring it that day, the
student may lose points on that grade and/or be given a zero for a daily classwork grade at the
teachers discretion
Computers must be returned at the end of each school year. At this point, Wardlaw Academy will update software
and check the condition of the computer.
If a student leaves Wardlaw Academy during the course of the school year, it is the student’s and parents’
responsibility to return the computer to the school in the condition it was issued to the student at the start of that
school year.
Students are responsible for the computer assigned to them. Any damage or loss of the computer or computer
charger will be accessed on a case-by-case basis. Any time damage or loss occurs to the assigned computer,
Wardlaw Academy needs to be notified in a timely manner. Notifying Wardlaw Academy allows the damage to be
accessed so steps for repairs can take place. In the event that repairs will take an extended amount of time,
students may be issued a loaner computer. In the event of a missing/stolen computer, Wardlaw Academy must be
informed to take steps to locate the computer. Wardlaw Academy will notify parents/guardians of the missing
computer. Students and parents are responsible for the full cost of lost/stolen computer if not found in the amount
of $400.00
Computer Use:
All student computer use is governed by the terms of the Student Handbook. The school regularly monitors use of
any device connected to the school’s network. Any use of school property is not private. Wardlaw Academy
reserves the right to access or monitor any and all activity and materials performed on or contained on school
technology, including emails and internet activity. Any use of the computer or network must comply with the
Student Computer User Agreement. If a student believes inappropriate content has been sent to them or they have
accessed inappropriate content, it is the student responsibility to inform a teacher or administrator of Wardlaw
Academy. Once the school has been notified of the situation, appropriate action will be taken, according to the
internet acceptable use policies. Each student is responsible for the care of his/her computer.
Guidelines for taking care of computers:
1. All computer labels must be visible. If an ID sticker is falling off, Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy needs
to be notified to replace it.
2. Students will not take apart their computers. No stickers or adhesives may be applied to computers, unless
applied by Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy.
3. Computers are sensitive to heat and cold. Computers should not be left outside or in a vehicle. Prolonged
exposure to cold can greatly shorten the lifespan of a computer.
4. Use only the charger assigned to you. Using the wrong type of charger can permanently damage a
5. When using a charger, always plug the charger into the wall first and then into the computer. This reduces
the risk of shocking your computer.
6. Computers should be shut down and restarted once a week to cycle the battery life and rest the computers
General Rules of Computer Use:
1. School issued computers are to be used for school related work. Non-school related use of the computers
is not permitted.
2. All activity on a school issued device is not private and can be accessed by school district personnel.
3. Users should not share log-in information or passwords with other users unless directly asked by a teacher
or administrator of Wardlaw Academy.
4. Students must use school issued email accounts. All other email accounts, unless permission is given, are
not permitted during school hours.
5. Students will not try to access accounts they do not have permission to access. This includes accessing
someone else’s computer and any content on that computer, including email accounts.
6. If a student is sent inappropriate content or accesses inappropriate content, accidental or not, the student
must inform a Wardlaw teacher or administrator immediately.
7. Students must use technology in a responsible, ethical and legal manner in accordance with Federal, State
or District laws, rules and policies.
8. Computers are not to be used for illegal activities; including installing, distributing, modifying or
reproducing copyrighted materials.
9. Students will not transmit hate mail, discriminatory remarks, profane or inappropriate language, offensive
or inflammatory communication. Any messages promoting hate are not appropriate.
10. Students will not access obscene or pornographic materials.
If students, guardians, or the community have questions about student computer use, please contact Francis Hugh
Wardlaw Academy.
Consequences for Misuse:
Any use that violates these agreements will result in disciplinary action.
1st offense: Warning/Student Education (Staff will have a discussion with the student to discuss the misuse of
technology and direct the student to fix this issue. Parents will be notified of the situation and the computer
privileges may be restricted or revoked if necessary.)
Subsequent offense: Computer privileges will be restricted or revoked as necessary. Parents will be notified.
Punishment including but not limited to detention or suspension may take place depending on the severity of the
issue. Administration will determine the length of the restrictions and punishments as necessary.
In some cases, student misuse of technology may warrant immediate loss of internet and/or computer privileges
that cannot be regained. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Parents and students must sign and acknowledge the additional responsibilities associated with maintaining a
personal school laptop.
After reading the Handbook for Parents and Students and reading the Honor Code and Pledge below, all parents
and students must sign the agreement pages and return them to the school. Failure to return these forms does not
absolve students from adhering to the rules and policies stated in the handbook.
Please sign both sections to acknowledge that you have read and reviewed the Wardlaw Academy Honor
Code and Pledge as well as the Handbook for Parents and Students.
Addendum 1 (Sign and Return)
Student Computer User Agreement: Signature Page (Grades K5-12th grades)
All students and parents must have this agreement signed and on file with Francis Hugh Wardlaw
Academy each school year to receive a computer and access to the Internet. It is important that students
and guardians carefully read the Student Computer User Agreement. If there are any questions about the
contents of the agreement, ask the administration of Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy before signing this
I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the rules stated in Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy
Student Computer User Agreement. I further understand that I am responsible for reading and
complying with any changes made to this policy. Should I commit any violation of this agreement, I
understand that my access privileges may be revoked, denied, or suspended, and further appropriate
school disciplinary or legal action may be taken. I understand I am responsible for the computer being
issued to me and agree to reimburse the school for any repairs up to and including its full value,
First Name ___________________________ Last Name_____________________________
(Please Print) (Please Print)
Signature _______________________________________ Date________________________
As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Student Computer User Agreement. The
student and I have discussed this policy and understand the guidelines for computer use and internet use.
I understand that it is the student’s responsibility to use Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy computers and
network resources in accordance with the Student Computer User Agreement policy. I understand that,
despite Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy's best efforts, materials inconsistent with the educational goals
of the district and otherwise inappropriate might be accessed by the student. I agree to take full
responsibility for supervision of this student’s use of the computer while he/she has it at home.
Nevertheless, I hereby give permission to allow the above-named student
access to the Francis Hugh Wardlaw Academy network under the terms of this policy. I understand I am
responsible for the computer being issued to my student and agree to reimburse the school for any
repairs up to and including its full value, $400.00.
First Name ___________________________ Last Name_____________________________
(Please Print) (Please Print)
Signature _______________________________________ Date________________________
Addendum 2 (Sign and Return)
Risk Acknowledgement-Flip Flops
In consideration of being allowed to wear flip flops to FH Wardlaw Academy, the undersigned acknowledges,
appreciates, and agrees that:
The risk of injury from school activities does exist.
Knowing this, I freely assume any such risk and responsibility for my child’s participation.
I, therefore, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS FH Wardlaw Academy, Head of School, their
officers, and its employees, WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, or loss or
damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE
RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms,
understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily
without any inducement.
Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date: __________________
(Student’s Signature)
Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date: __________________
(Parent/Guardian’s Signature)
Addendum 3 (Sign and Return)
Honor Code, Pledge and Handbook: Signature Page (All Grade Levels)
Wardlaw Academy expects each student to live as a responsible and honorable person. When students are
admitted to Wardlaw Academy, they become identified with the school. It is expected that their conduct will
reflect favorably upon them and the School at all times. Therefore, the Honor Code is an integral part of the daily
structure of School life which predicates the assumption that students are honorable and have the right to be
trusted. Each student must take personal responsibility in accepting the Honor Code and Pledge. The Honor
Code encompasses academics, behavior, and character.
Honor Code
“Wardlaw Academy students do not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate anyone who does.”
“I pledge to always act in an honest, honorable, and accountable manner and expect the same of my fellow
students. I agree to promote exemplary behavior at all times. I understand that there are consequences for
inappropriate actions. I further agree to self-report any off-campus incidents where I am involved that are in
conflict with the student pledge and are a matter of public record or knowledge including but not limited to
social media posts, news reports, and arrest records.”
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Wardlaw Academy Honor Code and Pledge.
Parent Name ____________________________Parent Signature____________________________________
Student Name ____________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________
Grade __________________
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies stated in the Wardlaw Academy Handbook for
Parents and Students.
Parent Name ____________________________Parent Signature____________________________________
Student Name ____________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________
Grade __________________