Welcome to Tribe Digital’s ultimate
social media cheat sheet with 2020
specs for Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this guide you will find the most current formats for the big four social media
channels, for both organic content on business pages and paid media.
Please note: We have included the minimum size requirements and ALWAYS
recommend that you go for the highest format if possible. A high resolution will
provide a better quality experience.
Print, leave on your desk and refer whenever you need to check asset formats.
Facebook profile
image size:
180px x 180px
We recommend company logo.
Facebook cover
image size:
820px x 312px
1. Avoid text unless tested on mobile
which will automatically resize image.
2. Lifestyle images of product or team
work best.
3. We recommend using a video
if possible. Often standard video
can be repositioned to fit.
Facebook shared
image size:
1200px x 630px
Ideally an image is added on the website that is
the correct size for FB open graph, which
automatically pulls through a perfectly sized, and
relevant image.
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
image size:
1200px x 717px
Facebook event
image size:
1920px x 1080px
video size:
1280px x 720px
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Maximum length: 240 minutes.
.MP4 or .MOV recommended.
Square formats shared from instagram will only
be visible on mobile.
Facebook ad
image size:
Feed Ad 1080px x 1080px
Link Ad 1280px x 628px
Facebook video
ad size:
9:16 to 16:9
Min 600px x 315px
or 600px x 600px
Facebook stories
video ad size:
1.91 to 9:16
1080 x 1920px
Maximum length: 2 minutes.
Maximum file size: 4GB.
Minimum length: 1 seconds.
Maximum length: 240 minutes.
Facebook ad
video feed size:
1200px x 627px
Maximum length: 240 seconds.
Maximum file size: 4GB.
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Instagram profile
image size:
110px x 110px
Have fun & create a logo variation suited for
a small circle.
Colourful background also helps
stand out in stories.
image sizes:
1080px x 1080px (square)
1080px x 566px (landscape)
1080px x 1350px (portrait)
Square is easiest to repurpose on FB.
video sizes:
600px x 600px (square)
600px x 315px (landscape)
600px x 750px (portrait)
Maximum length: 60 seconds
or upload as IGTV.
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Instagram stories size:
1080px x 1920px
Video upload
requirements for IGTV:
The maximum length your IGTV video depends on where
you upload it:
• 15 minutes when uploading from a mobile device.
• 60 minutes when uploading from the web.
The Video File Type must be in MP4 file format.
Video Resolution and Size
• You can upload a vertical video with an aspect ratio of
9:16 or a horizontal video with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
• Videos should have a minimum frame rate of 30 FPS
(frames per second) and minimum resolution of 720
• The maximum file size for videos that are 10 minutes or
less is 650MB. The maximum file size for videos up to
60 minutes is 3.6GB.
IGTV Cover Photo Size
The recommended size for cover photos
is 420px by 654px (or 1:1.55 ratio).
Stories and IGTV
Maximum length: 15 seconds.
Maximum file size: 4GB.
You can sync FB & IG stories.
Remember this automatically crops to the centre square if sharing
on grid, which is recommended.
Twitter profile
image size:
400px x 400px
Maximum file size: 2MB.
Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.
Twitter cover
image size:
1500px x 500px
Twitter post
image size:
1200px x 675px
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Twitter card
image size:
1200px x 628px
Twitter video sizes:
720px x 720px (square)
1280px x 720px (landscape)
720px x 1280px (portrait)
Maximum length: 140 seconds.
Twitter ad
image size:
1200px x 675px
Twitter ad
video size:
see Twitter video sizes ^
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a higher
resolution at the same scale for better quality.
LinkedIn company
profile image size:
300px x 300px
We recommend company logo.
Company page
LinkedIn company
cover image size:
1536px x 768px
Repeat pattern works well for this size.
LinkedIn dynamic
ads size:
100px x 100px
(company logo)
LinkedIn sponsored
content image size:
1200px x 628px
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a
higher resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Personal page
LinkedIn personal
profile image size:
300px x 300px
LinkedIn personal
background image
1584px x 396px
LinkedIn post
image size:
1200px x 1200px (desktop)
1200px x 628px (mobile)
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a
higher resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Personal page
LinkedIn link post
image size:
1200px x 628px
LinkedIn video size:
256px x 144px (minimum) 4096px
x 2304px (maximum)
Maximum length: 10 minutes
All recommended sizes are the minimum, choose a
higher resolution at the same scale for better quality.
Thanks for downloading,
we hope it helped.
For more information about digital marketing, please follow us on
instagram or browse to see more of our capabilities.
Helping every business
to succeed online