© 2014 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington. All rights reserved. 1
Benzodiazepine and Z-Drug Safety Guideline
Major Changes January 2022 .................................................................................................................. 2
Expectations for KFHPWA Providers ....................................................................................................... 2
Background .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Prescribing ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Management of Patients on Chronic Benzodiazepines or Z-Drugs ......................................................... 7
Tapering and Discontinuation ................................................................................................................ 10
Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms ...................................................................................................... 13
Referral Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Evidence Summary ................................................................................................................................ 15
References ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Guideline Development Process and Team .......................................................................................... 26
Appendix 1
Table A. Long-acting benzodiazepine comparison ......................................................................... 27
Table B. Intermediate-acting benzodiazepine comparison ............................................................. 28
Table C. Short-acting benzodiazepine comparison ......................................................................... 29
Last guideline approval: January 2022
Guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist patients and providers in choosing appropriate health
care for specific clinical conditions. While guidelines are useful aids to assist providers in determining appropriate
practices for many patients with specific clinical problems or prevention issues, guidelines are not meant to replace
the clinical judgment of the individual provider or establish a standard of care. The recommendations contained in the
guidelines may not be appropriate for use in all circumstances. The inclusion of a recommendation in a guideline
does not imply coverage. A decision to adopt any particular recommendation must be made by the provider in light of
the circumstances presented by the individual patient.
Major Changes as of January 2022
Tapering recommendations for benzodiazepine and Z-drug tapering have been updated.
Benzodiazepine dose equivalencies to diazepam have been updated.
New prescribing quantity limits for benzodiazepines and Z-drugs have been added.
This FDA boxed warning about benzodiazepines has been added: “As of September 2020, the
FDA requires that all benzodiazepine prescriptions include a boxed warning that addresses the
serious risks of abuse, addiction, physical dependence, and withdrawal reactions of
benzodiazepine medicines.”
Expectations for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of
Washington Providers
Using protocols and standard documentation, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington aims to
minimize practice variation in the management of patients on chronic benzodiazepine therapy to improve
patient safety and increase both patient and provider satisfaction.
Patients should not be prescribed benzodiazepines if currently taking any opioid.
See “Tapering and Discontinuation,” p. 10.
Benzodiazepines should not be combined with another benzodiazepine, Z-drug, or
muscle relaxant.
Patients treated with chronic benzodiazepines are risk-stratified to the highest
appropriate category by the prescribing clinician and the risk level is documented on the
Epic dashboard.
Patients prescribed chronic benzodiazepines shall have regular monitoring visits that:
Occur at a frequency based on the patient’s risk stratification, and
Include standard components. See “Required components,” p. 8.
Patients on chronic benzodiazepines shall receive all benzodiazepine prescriptions
from one physician and one pharmacy whenever possible. Clinicians treating a
patient on chronic benzodiazepines are expected to clarify and documentboth among
themselves and with the patientwhich clinician holds primary prescribing responsibility.
Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs (i.e., newer GABA receptor agonists, like zolpidem [Ambien]) are
overprescribed, and many prescription treatment plans are not supported by scientific evidence or
published guidelines. Despite warnings about the risks of long-term use of benzodiazepines, millions of
prescriptions are still issued for benzodiazepines and Z-drugs each year. As a result, clinicians may
encounter patients who have been prescribed benzodiazepines or Z-drugs on a long-term basis and are
averse to discontinuing these treatments.
The purpose of this guideline is fivefold:
To reduce inappropriate prescribing of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs,
To clarify when short-term prescribing of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs may be indicated,
To confirm that long-term use of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs is rarely, if ever, indicated,
To aid primary care and mental health providers in identifying and managing patients on long-
term benzodiazepines and Z-drugs, and
To provide appropriate advice to providers for discontinuing benzodiazepine and Z-drug use.
This guideline is in alignment with the National Permanente Medical Group 2021 Practice
Recommendations for Benzodiazepines & Non-Benzodiazepine Sedative-Hypnotics/Z drugs.
Target population
The recommendations in this guideline apply to patients who are:
Already on prescribed long-term benzodiazepine or Z-drug therapy, or
Being considered for initiation of short-term therapy with either drug class.
This guideline does not apply to:
Patients who are using benzodiazepines illicitly. These patients may require treatment by an
addiction specialist or chemical dependency treatment provider and should be referred to Mental
Health and Wellness.
Patients who are using benzodiazepines for treatment of alcohol withdrawal. See the
Unhealthy Drinking in Adults Guideline.
Patients who are using benzodiazepines for treatment of seizure disorder.
Patients receiving palliative, hospice, or other end-of-life care.
Other situations for which benzodiazepines may be appropriate:
o Urgent treatment of acute psychosis with agitation or acute mania
o Single-dose treatment of phobias, such as flying phobia
o Sedation for procedures
o Spasticity treatment
About benzodiazepines and Z-drugs
Benzodiazepines are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor agonists that have hypnotic, anxiolytic,
muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant properties. Benzodiazepines are commonly divided into three groups
according to how quickly they are eliminated from the body:
Short-acting (half-life less than 12 hours), such as midazolam and triazolam.
Intermediate-acting (half-life between 12 and 24 hours), such as alprazolam, lorazepam, and
Long-acting (half-life greater than 24 hours), such as diazepam, clonazepam, clorazepate,
chlordiazepoxide, and flurazepam.
Z-drugs (e.g., zaleplon, zolpidem, and eszopiclone) were developed as alternatives to benzodiazepines.
Like benzodiazepines, they are GABA receptor agonists, but because they have a different
structure they produce fewer anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects.
Z-drugs are not “safer” than benzodiazepines, and patients on benzodiazepines should not be
switched to Z-drugs to try to improve safety. (See drug alerts on next-day sedation with zolpidem
and eszopiclone.)
Both benzodiazepines and Z-drugs are considered a “high-risk medication in the elderly” and are listed on
the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria list
Chronic benzodiazepine use is daily or near-daily use of benzodiazepines for at least 90 days
and often indefinitely, and is defined as a minimum 70-day supply of benzodiazepines dispensed in
the previous 3 calendar months.
Chronic Z-drug use is daily or near-daily use of Z-drugs for at least 90 days and often indefinitely,
and is defined as a minimum 70-day supply of Z-drugs dispensed in the previous 3 calendar
Except where noted, statements about benzodiazepines in this guideline also apply to Z-drugs.
Prescribing quantity limits (See huddle card)
The default in KP HealthConnect for acute benzodiazepine (or Z-drug) prescribing limit is
7 tabs/caps.
For benzodiazepine-naïve patients (≤ 7-day supply within last 180 days), the maximum
supply is 15 tabs/caps or 14-day supply (whichever is the lesser amount). There is currently
no equivalent limit for Z-drugs.
Benzodiazepine and Z-drug prescriptions are limited to a 30-day supply.
In addition to prescribing quantity limits, the following Best Practice Alerts fire in HealthConnect to
alert providers when:
A benzodiazepine (or Z-drug) is prescribed to a patient 65 years or older
A second benzodiazepine prescription (or Z-drug) is ordered within 60 days (transition to chronic)
A benzodiazepine (or Z-drug) is ordered when the patient is already taking an opioid
A second benzodiazepine (or benzo + Z-drug) is ordered for a patient who is already taking a
Prescribing considerations
Before initiating a course of benzodiazepine treatment, the following should be considered:
Do not prescribe benzodiazepines to patients already taking opioids, as this is associated
with increased risk of fatal overdose.
Concurrent use of marijuana and benzodiazepines is not recommended.
Explicitly advise the patient regarding the duration of treatment. Use of benzodiazepines beyond
2 weeks is not recommended.
Use the lowest dose for the shortest time.
Review with the patient the risks and side effects, including the risk of dependence. Keep in mind
that some patients will have difficulty discontinuing the medication at the end of acute treatment.
Discuss exit strategies, such as tapering and/or transition to alternative treatments.
Discuss alternative treatments, which may include:
o Antidepressant medications (e.g., SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclic antidepressants)
o Psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy)
o Serotonergic agents for anxiety (e.g., buspirone)
o Anticonvulsant medications for restless leg syndrome (e.g., pramipexole, ropinirole,
The patient and health care provider should agree on one provider to be the benzodiazepine
prescriber for that patient. This designated prescriber should also be responsible for prescribing
other medications with abuse potential, specifically central nervous system (CNS) stimulants and
narcotics; otherwise the prescriber of benzodiazepines should closely coordinate care with those
who are prescribing other controlled substance medications.
For patients who are prescribed chronic benzodiazepines for anxiety at a dose exceeding the
maximum dose listed in Appendix 1, consultation with a psychiatrist is recommended.
Note for patients aged 65 years and over
If prescribing for patients who are frail or aged 65 years, consider initiating the medication at half
the adult dose.
Individuals aged 65 years are especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of hypnotic drugs, as
metabolic capacities and rates decline with age. Patients in this age group are:
o More susceptible to CNS depression and cognitive impairment, and may develop confusion
states and ataxia, leading to falls and hip fractures.
o At risk of drug interaction with other medications.
o At risk of permanent cognitive impairment when using high doses of benzodiazepines (e.g.,
diazepam 30 mg or equivalent) on a regular basis.
Short-term use
In rare circumstances of acute, severe, and debilitating insomnia that is not responsive to behavioral
treatment, a one-time supply of ≤ 15 pills zolpidem 5 mg at bedtime for a brief period while the patient’s
evidence-based behavioral insomnia treatment is being adjusted, with no refills, is recommended. Ensure
recommendations in the KPWA Insomnia Guideline have been followed prior to consideration of higher-
risk treatments.
Physical dependence rapidly occurs within 2 weeks of continuous daily use.
Avoid in patients taking opioids and other sedative-hypnotics or substances with sedative effects
such as alcohol, due to an increased risk of respiratory depression.
Avoid in patients aged 65 years and over, due to increased adverse effects including fall risks and
cognitive impacts.
Long-term use
Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs are not recommended for long-term use (longer than 2 weeks), except in
exceptional circumstances (e.g., for terminally ill patients). There is no evidence to support the long-term
use of these drugs for insomnia or any mental health indication. There are concerns regarding their
Insomnia: The treatment period should not exceed 2 weeks, as sleep studies have shown that
sleep patterns return to pre-treatment levels after only a few weeks of regular use.
Anxiety: Continuing beyond 2 weeks will result in loss of effectiveness, development of tolerance
or dependence, potential for withdrawal symptoms, persistent adverse effects, and interference
with the effectiveness of definitive medications and counseling.
Concurrent use of another benzodiazepine, Z-drug, muscle relaxant, or opioid
Active or history of substance use disorder
Pregnancy or risk of pregnancy
Treatment with opioids for chronic pain or agonist therapy for opioid use disorder
Medical and mental health problems that may be aggravated with benzodiazepines, such as
fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, somatization disorders, depression, bipolar disorders
(except for urgent sedation in acute mania), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, kleptomania,
and other impulse disorders
Cardiopulmonary disorders such as asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
and congestive heart failure, as benzodiazepines may worsen hypoxia and hypoventilation
Adverse effects of benzodiazepines
There is an association between benzodiazepine use and dementia, increased rate of falls, and
increased risk of hip fracture.
Tolerance to anxiolytic effects, which may develop after a few weeks of use. (This does not apply
to Z-drugs because they are not anxiolytic.)
Adverse effects of both benzodiazepines and Z-drugs
Dependence: Potent benzodiazepines with short or intermediate half-lives (e.g., alprazolam,
lorazepam) appear to carry the highest risk of causing problems with dependence. Psychological
or physical dependence can develop over a few weeks or months and is more likely to develop
with long-term use or high doses, and in patients with a history of anxiety problems.
Tolerance to the hypnotic effects, which may develop after only a few days of regular use
Daytime somnolence
Impaired driving performance leading to an increased risk of traffic accidents
Depression and increased anxiety
Slowness of mental processes and body movements
Particularly high risk of overdose when combined with sedative drugs, such as opioids or alcohol
Increased risk of mortality
Increased risk of cognitive impairment and delirium
Increased risk of falls and fractures, especially among older adults
As of September 2020, the FDA requires that all benzodiazepine prescriptions include a boxed warning
that addresses the serious risks of abuse, addiction, physical dependence, and withdrawal reactions of
benzodiazepine medicines. See
https://www.fda.gov/media/142368/download for more information.
Management of Patients on Chronic Benzodiazepines
and Z-Drugs
All patients should be encouraged to discontinue chronic use of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs. Providers
should create a treatment care plan to help patients with tapering and discontinuation.
For most people in primary care settings even a minimal intervention, such as a letter with self-
help information from the treating physician or a single brief consultation, can be effective in
reducing or stopping benzodiazepine use.
For patients who do not want to stop the drugs, discuss the benefits of stopping. Set the
expectation of revisiting the topic at least annually, and more frequently when there are changes
in the patient’s care plan.
Risk stratification and intensity of monitoring
Table 1. Risk-based monitoring for CHRONIC benzodiazepine or Z-drug use
Risk level
Minimum follow-up
Age 65 (HRME)
Age < 25 (increased risk of
substance use disorder)
More than 1 benzo (overdose
Benzo + Z-drug (overdose risk)
Benzo + opioid (overdose risk)
History of substance use
Use of alcohol or cannabis
Use of gabapentin/pregabalin
COPD, severe or uncontrolled
respiratory disease, or at risk of
respiratory depression
History of overdose
Fall risk
Problems following benzo care
(e.g. falls)
PDMP Summary check at
every follow-up
document note
and/or GHC 30
Insomnia Severity Index if
for insomnia
MH Monitoring Tool and
GAD7 if for anxiety
Provider visit
every 6 months,
including at least
one face-to-face
office visit per year;
others can be
UDS required
None of the above
Provider visit
annually; must be
face-to-face office
UDS optional
Monitoring visits are required for chronic benzodiazepine or Z-drug use only. The above
recommendations do not apply to short-term use of these medications.
Patients taking opioids with benzodiazepines must have a follow-up visit every 3 months at a
minimum. See the KPWA COT Safety Guideline.
For detailed pharmacological information including maximum dosing, monitoring recommendations, and
metabolites that may be present in urine drug screen results, see Appendix 1.
Required components of a chronic benzodiazepine or Z-drug visit
1. Screening, history, and physical exam
When initiating or monitoring chronic benzodiazepine or Z-drug therapy, perform and document the
Use the SmartPhrase .BENZOVISIT to include all the recommended elements of the visit.
Medical screening for issues that affect sedative risk (e.g., COPD, CHF, renal or hepatic
compromise, obstructive sleep apnea, pregnancy risk)
Patient history and physical exam
Insomnia assessment using ISI if drugs are being used for insomnia.
Depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug use screening with MH monitoring tool.
Note: Annual screening for mental health issues is part of adult standard care.
2. Prescription monitoring
Check the patient’s record in the Washington State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Summary to determine whether the patient is receiving benzodiazepine dosages or dangerous
combinations that put them at high risk. The PDMP is a central database that keeps track of schedule II
V medications that patients receive at any pharmacy in the state of Washington. Clinicians are required to
check this database every time controlled substances are prescribed for a patient. Data for all controlled
substances can be found in the WA PDMP Summary activity in HealthConnect.
3. Urine drug screening
Urine drug screening (UDS) provides objective data regarding patients on chronic benzodiazepines and
can be used to directly improve patient safety. For their safety, it is important that patients take
benzodiazepines as prescribed, and this test helps assess whether they are doing so. UDS should also
be ordered when seeing patients already on benzodiazepines who are new to the health plan and have
no record of recent UDS.
UDS is for medical purposes only. KPWA does not collect samples for use in a court of law or for
workplace testing.
Clinicians should have a discussion with the patient before the UDS that includes:
The purpose of testing
What will be screened for
What results the patient expects to see
Prescriptions or any other drugs the patient has taken
Actions that may be taken based on the results of the screen
Possibility of cost to the patient
Patients should be notified that the results will become part of their permanent medical record. For more
detailed information on urine drug screening, see Drug Screen Ordering & Interpretation.
For patients taking benzodiazepines, use UDS for pain management, and choose either the benzos
only, opioids only, or opioids and benzos option, for screening and confirmation. This UDS does not
include alcohol, fentanyl, methylphenidate, tramadol, or Z-drugs (eszopiclone, zaleplon and zolpidem). If
a patient is prescribed any of these excluded drugs, a separate lab test will need to be ordered for each
specific drug that the patient is taking.
Order serum drug screen for patients who are taking diuretics or cannot produce urine.
4. Documentation and coding
Include GHC.30 (chronic benzodiazepine care plan) on the problem list and use the SmartPhrases
5. Care plan
The SmartPhrase .BENZOCAREPLAN includes all the elements of the treatment plan and must be used
in the After Visit Summary for the visit to satisfy requirements for the care plan update.
Tapering and Discontinuation
Tapering considerations
Taper planning must be individualized based on the patient's clinical needs, indication for taper, and
ability to comply with the care team's tapering instructions, and on the provider’s clinical judgment.
Determine initial step of taper and document rationale in medical record using the SmartPhrase
Do not reverse a taper. A temporary pause in tapering may be indicated to mitigate side effects.
Assess the patient’s response to the initial dose reduction in the first 1 to 4 weeks.
Assess the patient’s underlying condition for which the drugs were originally prescribed; discuss
alternative treatments as needed.
Assess the patient for readiness/suitability to taper off benzodiazepines. Patients are considered
suitable if they:
o Are willing and committed, with adequate social support,
o Have no previous history of complicated drug withdrawal, and
o Do not have an indication for rapid discontinuation (see Table 3).
If a taper is needed but the patient does not meet the criteria above, or if you have specific
questions about tapering, consult Mind Phone or Pharmacy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended to help the patient cope with rebound anxiety and
to assist with the withdrawal process.
Consider referral to a specialist for patients who:
o Have a history of alcohol use disorder or other substance use disorders,
o Have a concurrent severe medical or psychiatric disorder,
o Are on a high dose,
o Are taking stimulants or opioids concurrently, or
o Have a history of drug withdrawal seizures.
Reassess taper weekly to monthly based on patient’s response, and prior to each subsequent
dose reduction.
Z-drug recommendations
Considering the frequency at which the patient takes the medication, choose one of these options:
Stop the Z-drug and start an alternative medication (such as melatonin, trazodone, doxepin,
or mirtazapine).
Taper the Z-drug by decreasing the number of days per week the patient takes the medication
(for example: take 6 nights per week x 2 weeks, then 5 nights per week x 2 weeks, and so on).
For chronic, long-term Z-drug use (Bélanger 2009):
Table 2. Methods for tapering of chronic Z-drug therapy
Taper method
Reduce by ~25% of original dose each week or every other week
If dose > 10 mg/day IR or 12.5 mg/day CR: slower rate of tapering in
conjunction with CBT-I
Reduce by ~25% of original dose (up to 1 mg) each week or every other week
If dose > 3 mg/day: slower rate of tapering in conjunction with CBT-I
Reduce by ~25% of original dose each week or every other week
If dose > 20 mg/day: slower rate of tapering in conjunction with CBT-I
Benzodiazepine tapering recommendations
The most effective strategy to manage benzodiazepine discontinuation and prevent adverse outcomes
associated with severe withdrawalsuch as severe seizuresis a gradual taper of benzodiazepines.
If the patient is established on a long- or intermediate-acting benzodiazepine, taper the
medication per Table 3 or see “Switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine,p. 12.
If the patient is established on a short-acting benzodiazepine or one that doesn’t easily allow
for small dose reductions, switch to diazepam (patients 64 or younger) or lorazepam (patients
65 and older) and gradually taper per Table 3 or Switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine,
p. 12.
Use the SmartPhrase .AVSBENZOTAPER to educate patients about the tapering process.
Table 3. Clinical indications and methods for tapering of chronic benzodiazepine therapy
Taper method
Function is not improved
Tolerance has developed with long-term prescription
10% every 24 weeks
Medication adverse effects indicate risks are greater than
Comorbidities increase risk of complication
10% every week
Urine drug screen is consistent with substance abuse
Significant risk of respiratory depression due to unstable
clinical condition or recent overdose, or
Patient’s behavior suggests possible misuse or diversion of
medication. Such behaviors might include:
o Selling prescription drugs
o Forging prescriptions
o Stealing or borrowing drugs
o Frequently losing prescriptions
o Aggressive demand for benzodiazepines
o Injecting oral/topical benzodiazepines
o Unsanctioned use of benzodiazepines
o Unsanctioned dose escalation
o Concurrent use of illicit drugs, including opioids
o Getting benzodiazepines from multiple prescribers
o Recurring emergency department visits
o Concurrent use of alcohol
25% per week
Refer patient for chemical
dependency or addiction
counseling. (See Referral
Criteria, p. 14.)
A subset of patients will experience clinically significant withdrawal symptoms even with 10%
dose reductions and/or gradual tapering. Consider switching these patients to a longer-acting
benzodiazepine; see “Switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine,” p. 12.
Tapering should be guided by individual choice and severity of withdrawal symptoms. Drug
discontinuation may take 3 months to a year or longer. Some people may be able to discontinue
the drug in less time.
Review the patient’s progress frequently to detect and manage problems early and to provide
advice and encouragement during and after tapering. Development of withdrawal symptoms can
be quite variable and insidious during a taper. A high index of suspicion for withdrawal-related
etiology should be held if new symptoms arise during a taper. (See Treatment of Withdrawal p.
13 for more information about withdrawal symptoms.)
If the first attempt is unsuccessful, consider switching to long-acting benzodiazepines in second
attempt (see “Switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine,p. 12).
If patient compliance is an issue, consider dispensing medication in 7- or 14-day increments.
Switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine for tapering
Diazepam (patients aged 64 and under)
There is a lack of good-quality evidence on switching to diazepam, but it can be considered for some
people because diazepam has a long half-life (2080 hours) and thus has fewer fluctuations in plasma
levels. It is also available in a variety of strengths and formulations, which facilitates step-wise dose
substitutions from other benzodiazepines or Z-drugs and allows for small incremental reductions in
dosage. Switching is best carried out gradually, usually in a step-wise fashion.
Switching to diazepam should be considered for individuals who are:
Using short- to intermediate-acting benzodiazepines (e.g., alprazolam and lorazepam)
Using preparations that do not easily allow for small reductions in dose (e.g., alprazolam or flurazepam)
Experiencing difficulty or likely to experience difficulty withdrawing directly from temazepam or Z-
drugs due to a high degree of dependency (associated with long duration of treatment, high
doses, or history of anxiety problems)
Alprazolam (Xanax) note: Care should be taken not to taper alprazolam too rapidly or to switch to another
benzodiazepine too abruptly, as withdrawal seizures are more prone to occur with alprazolam than with
other benzodiazepines. If difficulty tapering the last 12 mg of alprazolam: taper more gradually
(0.25 mg/week) or substitute diazepam gradually over 1 week and taper as usual.
Lorazepam (patients aged 65 and over)
Switching to diazepam in patients aged 65 and over is not recommended, as case reports suggest that it
may be associated with delirium. For older adults, lorazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam are the safest
options because they don’t have metabolites that can accumulate. Of these, lorazepam is the best in
terms of dosing optionsavailable as 0.5, 1, and 2 mg tabs, and as 2 mg/mL oral solution.
How to make the switch
Substitute diazepam or lorazepam for one dose of the current benzodiazepine at a time, usually
starting with the evening or nighttime dose to avoid daytime sedation. Replace the other doses,
one by one, at intervals of a few days or a week until the total approximate equivalent dose
(Table 4) is reached before starting the reduction.
For patients on diazepam, the long half-life can enable them to take a single dose at night or a
twice-daily dose.
For patients on lorazepam, twice-daily dosing is recommended.
Table 4. Approximate dose equivalent to 5 mg diazepam
Note: Data shown are approximate equal potencies relative to diazepam as there is considerable variation in dose
equivalents depending on the source of information. The sources used in this table are Lexicomp and UpToDate.
Patients should be monitored closely during the tapering process to prevent over- or under-dosing. These dosing
conversions are intended to be used only in the tapering process, not for initiation of therapy.
Trade name
Half-life (hours)
Dose equivalent to
5 mg diazepam
0.5 mg
10 mg
0.250.5 mg
5 mg
1 mg
30 mg
0.25 mg
Prescribe 5 mg or 2 mg diazepam tablets only. Starting dose should not exceed 40 mg. Consult with Mental
Health and Wellness if considering a higher dose.
Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms
Acute signs and symptoms of withdrawal
Anxiety-related withdrawal symptoms are common, and include restlessness, agitation, tremors,
dizziness, panic attacks, palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, flushing, shakiness, difficulty
swallowing, poor sleep, sensation of choking, and chest pain. There is a wide range of other, less
common acute withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, bowel/bladder problems, changes in appetite,
tiredness, faintness, poor concentration, tinnitus and delirium.
Long-term signs and symptoms of withdrawal
Some withdrawal symptoms can persist and may take months or years to resolve, including anxiety,
fatigue, depression, poor memory and cognition, motor symptoms (pain, weakness, muscle twitches,
jerks, seizures), depersonalization, psychosis,
paranoid delusions, rebound insomnia, and abnormal
perception of movement.
Prevention and treatment of withdrawal symptoms
Table 5. Medications used to prevent or treat withdrawal symptoms during gradual taper from
chronic benzodiazepines or Z-drugs
Seizure prevention
Start 200 mg twice daily, adjust dose weekly up to
400 mg twice daily. Continue for 2
4 weeks after stopping
benzodiazepines and then taper anticonvulsant.
Valproic acid
1, 2
Divalproex sodium EC
1, 2
Start 500 mg twice daily, adjust dose weekly up to
2,000 mg daily. Continue for 24 weeks after stopping
benzodiazepines and then taper anticonvulsant.
Tachycardia, hypertension,
tremors, sweats, anxiety,
10 mg three times daily as needed for 3 days
Hypertension, tremors,
sweats, anxiety,
0.1 mg three times daily as needed for 3 days
Anxiety, restlessness
100300 mg every 6 hours as needed
25 mg every 6 hours as needed
100300 mg daily before bed as needed
25–50 mg daily before bed as needed
25 mg every 6 hours as needed
10 mg every 6 hours as needed
Calcium carbonate
500 mg 12 tabs every 8 hours as needed
Mylanta, Milk of Magnesia
Follow package instructions.
Pain, fever
500 mg every 4 hours as needed, not to exceed 3,000 mg
in 24 hours
600 mg every 6 hours as needed
In patients with liver impairment, consider topiramate, gabapentin or levetiracetam. Check CBC and liver function
tests at baseline.
Check CBC and liver function tests at baseline and every 3 months during treatment.
These are high-risk medications for the elderly. Please consider alternatives for patients aged 65 and older.
Patients with chronic insomnia or worsening anxiety during the taper often do better with cognitive behavioral
therapy to address these symptoms during the taper. Refer these patients to Mental Health Access for this
specific therapy.
Referral Criteria
Consider consultation with Mental Health and Wellness for patients who have any of the following:
A history of alcohol use disorder or other drug use disorders
A concurrent severe psychiatric disorder
Concurrent use of stimulants or opioids
A history of drug withdrawal seizures
Suicidal thoughts
Evidence Summary
The Benzodiazepine and Z-drug Safety Guideline was developed using an evidence-based process,
including systematic literature search, critical appraisal, and evidence synthesis.
As part of our improvement process, the Kaiser Permanente Washington guideline team is working
towards developing new clinical guidelines and updating the current guidelines every 23 years. To
achieve this goal, we are adapting evidence-based recommendations from high-quality national and
international external guidelines, if available and appropriate. The external guidelines should meet several
quality standards to be considered for adaptation. They must: be developed by a multidisciplinary team
with no or minimal conflicts of interest; be evidence-based; address a population that is reasonably similar
to our population; and be transparent about the frequency of updates and the date the current version
was completed.
In addition to identifying the recently published guidelines that meet the above standards, a literature
search was conducted to identify studies relevant to the key questions that are not addressed by the
external guidelines.
External guidelines meeting KPWA criteria for adaptation/adoption
2021 National Permanente Medical Group Practice Recommendations for Benzodiazepines & Non-
Benzodiazepine Sedative-Hypnotics/Z Drugs (for Adults 18 and Over). Last edited March 17,
2020 Canadian Guidelines on Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Use Disorder Among Older
Adults (Conn 2020)
2019 Practice Guidelines: Deprescribing Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists for Insomnia in Adults
(Croke 2019)
2018 Deprescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists: Evidence-based clinical practice guideline.
(Pottie 2018)
Key questions addressed in the KPWA evidence review
Comparative effectiveness of benzodiazepines (BZDs) and cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) used for management of anxiety disorders in adults
Most guidelines on the treatment of anxiety disorders published by different organizations and
countries recommend psychotherapy (including CBT) mainly as a first-line treatment for anxiety
disorders. The majority of the guidelines recommend that use of BZD anxiolytics may only be
used for a short term (36 months). However, both the United Kingdom’s NICE (2014) and the
German guidelines (Bandelow 2021) do not recommend the use of BZD anxiolytics in the
treatment of anxiety disorders, even for short-term use, except for in critical or exceptional
There is a lack of recent studies or meta-analyses on the comparative effectiveness of
benzodiazepines and cognitive behavioral therapy in adults.
o A meta-analysis conducted by Bandelow and colleagues (2015) evaluated the pre-post
effect sizes for different pharmacological, psychological, and combined treatments used
for the three main anxiety disorders (panic disorder with or without agoraphobia,
generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder). Its results suggest that the
average pre-post effects of each of the benzodiazepine, selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (SSRIs), and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRIs) classes of
medications were higher compared to CBT used alone, but not when CBT was used in
combination with drug therapy.
o An earlier London and Toronto study (Marks 1993) showed that panic attacks ceased
with placebo, CBT, or drug therapy (alprazolam), and that relapse was common after
alprazolam was stopped, but the gains persisted to 6-month follow-up after the CBT was
Comparative effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of benzodiazepines or the analogous
Z-drugs versus other pharmacological therapies prescribed for managing anxiety
disorder in adults (sertraline, venlafaxine, escitalopram, citalopram, fluoxetine,
duloxetine, Buspar, mirtazapine)
There is insufficient published evidence from valid head-to-head trials to determine the comparative
efficacy, tolerability, and safety of benzodiazepines versus SSRIs or SNRIs used for the treatment of
anxiety disorders. The published trials mainly compared the pharmacological therapies (antidepressants
in general, serotonergic antidepressants, and benzodiazepines) used for the treatment of anxiety
disorders versus placebo.
The trials on benzodiazepines for the treatment of anxiety disorders were smaller studies that compared
one BZD compound versus another BZD or versus placebo; were published more than three decades
earlier under different requirements (e.g., as indicated in Gomez 2018); and companies sponsoring drug
trials were not required to make negative/null findings publicly available. The investigators also indicated
that, “most of the BZD trials used compounds with medium-long half-lives (e.g., lorazepam, diazepam),
which have different anxiolytic and side-effect profiles than shorter-acting compounds (e.g., alprazolam).
The slower-acting BZDs are associated with less risk of dependence relative to alprazolam but may be
potentially associated with future development of cognitive decline.”
Du 2021 network meta-analysis that assessed the efficacy and acceptability of different types of
antidepressants and benzodiazepines for the treatment of panic disorder in adult patients
suggested that escitalopram, venlafaxine, and benzodiazepines had greater efficacy and
acceptability than the placebo. Paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram, and clomipramine
were also more efficacious than placebo, but paroxetine and sertraline were statistically
significantly less tolerated than benzodiazepines (based on indirect comparisons).
Gomez 2018 meta-analysis that also indirectly compared the efficacy of benzodiazepines and
serotonergic anti-depressants for adults with generalized anxiety disorder showed that the overall
effect of SSRIs, SNRIs, and BZDs combined was mild to moderate compared placebo, and that
BZDs had a significantly larger effect compared to SSRIs and SNRIs.
Shinfuku 2019 meta-analysis examined the effectiveness and safety of long-term benzodiazepine
use in anxiety disorders. The indirect comparison between BZDs and antidepressants showed no
significant difference in effect size between the two classes, and that BZDs had a lower risk of
Quagliato 2019 meta-analysis that compared the adverse events associated with BZDs versus
SSRIs in acute panic disorder treatment suggest that BZDs may be more tolerable than SSRIs in
the course of short-term treatment of panic disorder.
Serious side effects, such as falls, fractures, and cognitive impairment, were not reported.
The results of the published meta-analyses have to be interpreted cautiously due to the limitations of
indirect analysis and the methodological quality of the included trials.
Association between benzodiazepines or Z-drugs for treatment of anxiety disorders or
other health conditions and the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults
The results of the published studies and meta-analyses on the association between the use of BZDs and
related drugs and cognitive decline and dementia are mixed. While some systematic reviews and meta-
analyses suggest an association (Baek 2020, Lucchetta 2018, Penninkilampi 2018), others show no
association (Hafdi 2020, Nafti 2020).
All published studies are observational prospective or case-control, with variations in: population size and
characteristics; data source; setting; degree and definition of cognitive decline; diagnostic criteria for
cognitive decline; definition and duration of BZD use; duration of follow-up; adjustment for potential
confounders; outcome measures; and other areas.
The majority of the published studies obtained their data from claims and prescription databases; the
information on BZD exposure was measured at baseline but not during or at the end of the studies, which
may overestimate the long-term use of the drugs. Moreover, data on medication dosage was not
collected in the majority of studies, which does not allow for examining the effect of the exposure by
In terms of evidence regarding any association of Z-drugs specifically with dementia, the majority of
studies combined BZDs with Z-drugs in the analysis, and the few that performed sub-analysis suggested
that risk of dementia with Z-drugs was similar to that seen with benzodiazepines.
Due to the design of the published studies, it is difficult to determine whether the association found by
some is due to causality or reverse causation (protopathic bias), as insomnia, anxiety, and depression
were found to be prodromal symptoms of dementia and can occur several years before a clinical
diagnosis of the disease (i.e., there is uncertainty about whether the BZD use was responsible for causing
dementia or if it was used to treat its early symptoms).
There is also a potential indication bias, which occurs when the risk of an adverse event is related to the
indication for medication use but not the use of the medication itself.
Only RCTs can determine a cause-and-effect association but are not likely to be performed for ethical
Association between the prescribing pattern (dose, type, and duration of use) of
benzodiazepines or Z-drugs for the treatment of anxiety disorders or other health
conditions and increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults
There is insufficient published evidence to determine the association between the pattern of using
benzodiazepines and Z-drugs (dose, type, and duration of use) and the risk of cognitive decline and
dementia in older adults. The published studies consisted of observational cohort studies, nested case
control studies, and post hoc analyses of a large RCT, the majority of which were conducted overseas.
The results of the studies were inconsistent in regard to the differences between long-acting and short-
acting benzodiazepines, and between various exposure loads (duration and dose).
Penninkilampi systematic review and meta-analysis (2018) suggested that short-acting but not
long-acting benzodiazepines were significantly associated with an increased risk of dementia.
A post hoc analysis of a large prospective study (Hafdi 2020) showed no association between the
consistent use of BZD for 2 years and the risk of dementia in the cohort studied.
A cohort study conducted by Osler (2020) showed that the number of prescriptions and the
cumulative dose of benzodiazepines or Z-drugs at baseline were not associated with dementia;
however, the analysis of the nested case-control study conducted by the same group of
investigators showed slightly higher odds of developing dementia among patients with the lowest
rate of benzodiazepine or Z-drug use compared with patients with no lifetime use. Patients with
the highest rate of use appeared to have the lowest odds of developing dementia.
Tapiainen 2018 nested case-control study showed that
o Any use of BZD and related drugs (Z-drugs) (BZDR) was associated with an increased risk
of Alzheimer’s disease (OR 1.19, 95% CI, 1.17 to 1.21) compared with no use.
o Similar associations were observed with the use of BZD or Z-drug alone, and with
short/medium- and long-acting BZDRs.
o A dose-response relationship between BZDR use and Alzheimer’s disease was observed,
but adjustment for other psychotropics removed this relationship, suggesting that the
association was at least partially explained by more frequent use of antidepressants.
Analysis based on duration of use showed that the risks in all drug categories were the
highest in the two groups with longest duration of use (15 years and > 5 years) and
slightly lowered in groups with shorter use compared to nonusers of each drug. In the fully
adjusted model, no risks were observed in the shortest use (1 day to 1 month) and
increased until the second longest (15 years) duration of use group.
Larger studies with enough statistical power and follow-up duration are needed to determine whether
there are differences between long-acting and short-acting benzodiazepines, and between various
exposure loads (duration and dose).
Association between benzodiazepines and Z-drugs and increased risk of accidents, falls,
and hip fractures in older adults
The recent published literature on the association between the use of benzodiazepines and Z-
drugs and the increased risk of falls, fractures, and injuries consists of meta-analyses of
observational studies (Treves 2018, Poly 2020).
The results of the reviewed meta-analyses suggest that
o Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs are associated with an increased risk of hip fractures and
falls. The risk observed was more pronounced with fractures, as data on falls is more often
based on self-report, which may not be always accurate.
o The risk of hip fracture associated with BZD and Z-drug use is significant among new
users, current users, and previous users.
o Subgroup analysis of Poly 2020 meta-analysis suggests that both the short- or long-acting
BZDs are associated with hip fracture.
o Z-drugs are not safer than BZDs, and short-acting benzodiazepines are not safer than the
long-acting drugs.
Large prospective studies with minimal bias and controlling for confounding factors are needed to
provide more accurate evidence on the risk of different benzodiazepines and Z-drugs, as well as
their dose, type, and duration of use on the risk of fracture.
Association between benzodiazepine use and risk of death among adults using the drugs
for the treatment of insomnia and/or anxiety
Published studies (Xu 2020, Parsaik 2016, Patorno 2017) suggest an association between the use of
benzodiazepines and the risk of all-cause mortality. There is insufficient evidence, however, to determine
whether the observed association is a causal relationship.
Association between use of benzodiazepines or Z-drugs in adults and risk of suicide
Evaluating the relationship between benzodiazepines and suicide is challenging due to the potential of
indication bias. Benzodiazepines are mainly prescribed for patients with sleep disorders or anxiety. Sleep
disorders have been identified as a risk factor for suicide ideation, nonfatal suicide attempts, and suicide
(Drapeau 2017), and anxiety has been found to increase the risk of suicide ideation and attempts
(Bentley 2016).
The literature search did not identify any valid long-term prospective studies that evaluated the causal
association of benzodiazepines with the risk of suicide. Only case-control studies or retrospective studies
with data from registers were found.
The published literature suggests that there may be an association between the use of BZD and
the risk of suicide, and that the risk of suicide appears to increase with the increasing duration of
BZD use.
Cato and colleagues’ (2019) case-control study examined whether benzodiazepines are
associated with an increased risk of suicide, by comparing psychopharmacological interventions
between psychiatric patients who committed suicide and matched controls. The analysis showed
that BZD prescriptions were more common among cases than controls, with an odds ratio of 1.89
(95% CI, 1.17 to 3.03), and that the association remained significant after adjustment for previous
suicide attempts and somatic hospitalizations. No statistically significant differences were seen
between the groups in the use of any other subtype of psychopharmaceutical agent. However,
this study is limited by the potential for indication bias.
Boggs (2020) retrospective case control study that evaluated the association between suicide
death and concordance with benzodiazepine guidelines showed a significant association between
the duration of BZD use and suicide death starting with just 12 dispensings. The authors
explained that this may be due to higher disease severity associated with benzodiazepine
prescribing and/or increased risk for benzodiazepine overdose. The analysis also showed that
antidepressants and/or psychotherapy treatments lessened the odds for suicide death among
those with 38 benzodiazepine dispensings compared to those who used benzodiazepines as
There is insufficient evidence to determine the association between patterns of BZD and Z-drug
dose and type with the risk of suicide.
There is no evidence to date to determine that the association observed is a cause-and-effect
relationship and that it is not due to confounding by indication or other factors.
Incidence of long-term use of benzodiazepines or Z-drugs in adults who start new
treatment with these agents, and factors associated with development of long-term use
in these new starts
Low- to moderate-quality evidence from published studies conducted in the US (Gerlach 2018)
and overseas (Taipale 2020) suggests that the incidence of long-term use of BZDRs ranged from
20% to around 40% depending on the definition of long-term use (which varied from ≥ 6 to ≥ 12
months), country, population studied, the indication for prescribing a BZDR, index BZD used, and
day supply of index prescription.
The factors associated with long-term use of BZDR in general include older age, receipt of social
benefits, psychiatric comorbidities, poor sleep quality, substance abuse, and use of opioids
and/or antidepressants, index BZDR used, and the amount supplied in the initial prescription.
Takano 2019 study showed that compared to BZDs with short half-life, those with medium half-
life and not long half-life in the initial prescription were associated with the risk of long-term use.
Wright and colleagues’ (2021) cohort study that examined the frequency of use and persistent
use of benzodiazepines among patients undergoing major and minor surgical procedures showed
that one-fifth of benzodiazepine-naïve patients prescribed a perioperative benzodiazepine
continued its use for the duration of follow-up (90180 days). Factors associated with persistent
use of benzodiazepines were Medicaid recipients, age ≥ 70 years, female gender, presence of
medical comorbidities, and/or a diagnosis of anxiety, depression, insomnia, or substance use
Benefits and harms of deprescribing or tapering benzodiazepines or Z-drugs compared
to their continued use in adult patients prescribed these drugs daily for longer than 2
weeks, and for 90 days, for anxiety disorders or insomnia
Based on a systematic review of the literature by the Canadian Clinical Practice Guideline development
team (GDT) (Pottie 2018) to investigate the benefits and harms of deprescribing of benzodiazepine
receptor agonist (BZRA) use for patients with insomnia, the GDT concluded that the findings suggest that
tapering improves cessation rates compared to usual care without an increase in severity of withdrawal
symptoms or worsening of sleep.
Tapering of BZRAs improved cessation rates (low-quality evidence) at 3 months follow-up (RR
3.45, 95% CI, 1.49 to 7.99) when compared to usual care (not receiving any help with
benzodiazepine reduction).
Tapering did not result in increased withdrawal symptoms compared to usual care or
continuation, as measured by overall withdrawal symptom scores (such as the benzodiazepine
withdrawal symptom questionnaire).
At 12 months, there was no significant difference in problems sleeping between those who
discontinued BZRAs and those who continued using (MD 1.2, 95% CI, -0.48 to 2.88).
In one study, the tapering group had significantly more problems sleeping at 3 months compared
to those continuing BZRAs. However, sleep did not worsen in the tapering group from baseline.
Due to the lack of evidence of substantial harm of deprescribing, and the evidence of potential harm
associated with continuing a benzodiazepine receptor agonist (particularly in the elderly), the guideline
group rated the recommendation to deprescribe BZRAs in older patients as strong. The recommendation
to deprescribe a BZRA in the younger population was rated as weak due to lower risk of adverse effects
associated with continuing BZRA use.
Deprescribing strategies/interventions for tapering down and withdrawal in adults who
are long-term users of benzodiazepines and/or Z-drugs
The interventions evaluated in the systematic reviews with meta-analyses and studies (Gould
2014, Tannenbaum 2014, Darker 2015, Reeve 2017, Baandrup 2018, Duo 2018, Evrard 2020,
Lynch 2020, Ashworth 2021, Ribeiro 2021, Takeshima 2021) included the following:
o Brief interventions consisting mainly of written letters signed by prescribers (physician or
clinical pharmacist); short consultations by health care professionals recommending
education/discontinuation of the medications; telephone calls; and written educational
resources (e.g., information sheets, self-help booklets)
o Psychological interventions: structured CBT performed by trained staff including face-to-
face, telephone, computer, and virtual reality interventions; motivational interviewing;
letters to patients advising them to reduce or quit BZD use; relaxation studies; counseling
delivered electronically; and advice provided by a general practitioner
o Pharmacological interventions to assist in BZD withdrawal, including valproate,
pregabalin, captodiame, paroxetine, flumazenil, carbamazepine, pregabalin, paroxetine,
alpidem, and magnesium aspartate
o Patient education interventions to raise awareness of harms of chronic BZD use
o Interventions targeting the prescribing physician
o Multicomponent interventions
All interventions advocated gradual BZD/BZDR dose reduction but had different specific
instructions and used different tapering schedules.
The treatment in the control groups was not always detailed and was reported in many studies
and systematic reviews as usual treatment.
The lack of blinding makes it difficult to determine the placebo effect associated with the
Many of the studies and reviews did not specify whether they included Z-drugs when referring to
benzodiazepine use. Few would include them (BZRA or BZDR).
The overall results of the published studies and meta-analysis on deprescribing BZDs show the following:
BZD withdrawal is feasible and safe in the older population. The reported success rates for
deprescribing BZDs in older people ranged between studies and systematic reviews from 27% to
80%. The wide variation of the successful deprescribing rates may be attributed to the
heterogeneity between the studies in their methodology; participant inclusion/exclusion criteria;
definitions of elderly and chronic BZD use; dose, type, and duration of BZD used; population
characteristics, including age group, living in the community or nursing homes, comorbidities,
others; interventions used; outcomes measures, scales used for clinical outcomes, and whether
outcomes were objective, collected from records, physician-reported, or self-reported.
Moderate-strength evidence shows that psychotherapy (mainly cognitive behavioral therapy
[CBT]) is an effective approach for benzodiazepine discontinuation.
o An earlier meta-analysis of RCTs in older patients (Gould 2014) found that supervised
withdrawal with psychotherapy was more effective than other withdrawal interventions in
older people (mean ≥ 60 years) for 12 months follow-up.
o There is evidence on the benefits of standardized counseling and psychotherapy
(compared to usual care) in deprescribing BZD. However, the duration of the
effectiveness of CBT on discontinuation of BZD varied between studies and meta-
Takeshima (2021) meta-analysis showed that CBT is effective in discontinuing
BZD anxiolytics for patients with anxiety disorders up to 12 months of follow-up.
An earlier Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis (Darker 2015) found
that CBT plus taper is effective for 3-month time period in reducing BZD use, but
is not sustained at or beyond 6 months.
Moderate-strength evidence shows benefit of patient education in deprescribing BZDs. Direct
consumer education of older adults and the discussions with their physician and/or pharmacist on
the harms of benzodiazepine use were effective in improving the benzodiazepine discontinuation
(NNT=4 in the EMPOWER study [Tannenbaum 2014]).
A recent meta-analysis (Lynch 2020) showed that the rate of discontinuation of BZRA use was
significantly higher at 6 and 12 months among patients who received a brief intervention delivered
in primary care compared to those receiving usual care.
There is insufficient evidence to support the use of motivational interviewing in reducing BZD use.
The evidence on the benefits and harms of using pharmacological therapy to assist deprescribing
of BZDs is very low, contradictory, and insufficient to make any conclusion. While certain drugs
such as valproate and tricyclic antidepressants showed some benefit, others were found to be
harmful (e.g., Flumazenil may be associated with a high risk of precipitating a severe withdrawal
syndrome; Alpidem may worsen both the probability of discontinuing benzodiazepines and the
intensity of withdrawal symptoms [Baandrup 2018)]).
There is insufficient published evidence on the effectiveness of targeting primary care physicians
on deprescribing BZDs. The BENZORED cluster RCT (Vicens 2019) is underway and may
provide evidence on the effect of an intervention targeting primary care providers to reduce BZD
prescription and evaluate the implementation process.
Factors predicting the success or failure of tapering and/or discontinuing the use of
benzodiazepines or Z-drugs in adults on long-term use (i.e., enablers and barriers for
deprescribing BZD/BZDR)
The overall barriers and enablers reported in the literature (systematic review [Rasmussen 2021],
commentary [Ogbonna 2017], and multivariable analysis in the study arm of COME-ON study [Evrard
2020, Anrys 2016]) may be related to patients and/or providers and can be summarized as follows:
1. Patient-related barriers and enablers for deprescribing BZD
Dependence on BZD to cope with everyday life and/or for a physical or psychological
underlying condition
Psychological factors and existing personality traits
Comorbid dementia or Parkinson’s disease and a history of hospitalization in the past 3 months
Fear of a return of the insomnia or anxiety
History of alcohol or drug use
Lack of family or social support
Older age
Lack or inadequate awareness of harms and side effects of BZRA treatment, and lack of
knowledge of other treatment options
Generalized frustration towards the medical profession and disappointment about their
treatment, mainly due to limited consultation in decision-making. Some patients described their
prescriber as adopting “a one size fits all approach.”
Perceived issues with prescribers’ tendency to overprescribe and their lack of sufficient
knowledge about BZDs
Unsympathetic primary care physicians providing insufficient support
Inability to talk openly about their BZDs and feeling stigmatized by their prescribers, who show
little effort to understand them. Some interpreted the prescriber attitude as being dismissive or
even punitive.
The patient’s willingness to stop BZRA treatment and return to natural sleep
Knowing the harms associated with long-term use and experiencing impairing side effects
Recognizing the need to change their beliefs and attitude towards their medication
Knowledge about other effective strategies to address underlying issues
Voicing their opinion and being actively involving in decision-making
Receiving the prescription from their personal primary care provider versus another provider or
Patient’s trust of the provider. The most significant influences on trust were the prescriber
having a genuine desire to understand the patient, being knowledgeable about BZDs, open
communication, shared decision-making, and, to a lesser degree, duration of the relationship.
2. Physician- and/or prescriber-related barriers and enablers for deprescribing BZD
Lack of knowledge about BZDs and lack of monitoring
Expected patient resistance towards deprescribing of BZRA
Reluctance to deprescribe treatment from functioning patients
Conception that BZRA does not harm
Concern about withdrawal symptoms
General attitude that BZRA should not be avoided, and continued use is necessary
Unequal balance of power between nurses and physicians
Engaging patients in motivational interviewing before beginning the deprescribing process and
giving them time to consider the benefits
The physician’s knowledge of and willingness to follow the guidelines’ instructions that BZRA
use is only for the short term
Physician empathy, demonstrated compassion, and encouragement during tapering
Satisfactory knowledge about BZDs, diligence in monitoring their use, and providing regular
suggestions and encouragement
Actively involving the patient in shared decision-making
Flexibility, collaboration with other healthcare providers, and involving nurses in the patients´
medications and evaluation.
Predictors of continued abstinence after a successful tapering and withdrawal
intervention in adults who are long-term users of benzodiazepines or Z-drugs
There is insufficient published evidence to determine the predictors of long-term success of deprescribing
Low-strength evidence from one earlier small RCT conducted in the Netherlands (Voshaar 2006)
suggests that only one-third of low-dosage benzodiazepine users in the population achieved long-term
abstinence with the aid of a supervised gradual withdrawal program.
The analyses of the study suggest five independent predictors associated with a successful long-term
continued abstinence. These include:
Low benzodiazepine dosage before the start of tapering off
Less severe benzodiazepine dependence
No use of alcohol
Active treatment versus no intervention
Dosage reduction of more than 50% after the minimal intervention
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Guideline Development Process and Team
Development process
The Benzodiazepine and Z-drug Safety Guideline was developed using an evidence-based process,
including systematic literature search, critical appraisal, and evidence synthesis. See the Evidence
Summary and References section.
This edition of the guideline was approved for publication by the Guideline Oversight Group in January
The Benzodiazepine and Z-Drug Safety Guideline development process included representatives from
the following specialties: Addiction and Recovery Services, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Mental
Health and Wellness, Pharmacy, Social Work, and Urgent Care.
Clinician lead:
Angie Sparks, MD, Medical Director, Clinical Knowledge Development & Support
Guideline coordinator: Avra Cohen, MN, RN
, Clinical Improvement & Prevention
Bridget Albright, PA, Urgent Care
Peter Barkett, MD, Internal Medicine
Ryan Caldeiro, MD, Addiction and Recovery Services, Mental Health and Wellness
J. Chau, PharmD, Pharmacy
Megan Gary, MD, Mental Health and Wellness
Dina Greene, PhD, Technical Director of Laboratory
Megan Kavanagh, Patient Engagement Team, Clinical Improvement & Prevention
Kien Nguyen, PharmD, Pharmacy
Kim Painter, MD, Medical Director, Controlled Medications
Rebecca Parrish, MSW, LCISW, Integrated BH Clinical Consultant & Social Work Manager
Kirsten Robinson, MD, Family Medicine
Nadia Salama, MD, PhD, Clinical Epidemiologist, Clinical Improvement & Prevention
Ann Stedronsky, Clinical Publications, Clinical Improvement & Prevention
Melissa Sturgis, PharmD, Pharmacy
Diana Vinh, RN, MPH, Quality Consultant
Appendix 1.
See Drug Screening Ordering & Interpretation for more information on drug screening.
Table A. LONG-acting benzodiazepine comparison
Avoid these medications in adults aged > 64 years. If no alternative treatment is available, use a half-strength dose.
Acute alcohol withdrawal
Preoperative anxiety
Alcohol withdrawal: symptomatic relief
of acute withdrawal
Anxiety disorders (short-term)
Partial seizures (as adjunct therapy)
Acute ethanol withdrawal
Muscle spasm
Preoperative anxiety
Status epilepticus
Seizure disorders
Rapid eye movement disorders
Sedation in ICU
Spasticity with cerebral palsy
(short-term) (children)
Adults < 65 years
Mild to moderate anxiety
Usual dose: 510 mg, 34 times daily
Severe anxiety
Usual dose: 2025 mg, 34 times
Debilitated patients
Usual dose: 5 mg, 24 times daily
Preoperative anxiety
Oral: 510 mg, 34 times daily on the
days preceding surgery
Adults < 65 years
30 mg/day in divided doses (range: 15
60 mg/day) or 15 mg at bedtime; adjust
dose based on patient response
Debilitated patients
Initiate at 7.515.0 mg/day
Adults < 65 years
2–10 mg, 24 times daily if needed
Debilitated patients
2.02.5 mg, 12 times daily
initially; increase gradually as
needed and tolerated
Women < 65 years: 15 mg bedtime
Men < 65 years: 1530 mg bedtime
Adults < 65 years: 40100 mg/day.
Debilitated patients: 20 mg/day.
Generally in 30 mg range, max 60 mg.
Depends on patient.
30 mg/day.
Long-term therapy
CBC, liver enzymes, renal function;
signs and symptoms of suicidality (e.g.,
anxiety, depression, behavior changes)
Daytime alertness
Respiratory rate
Behavior profile
detected in
result in UDS
Nordiazepam and/or oxazepam
Nordiazepam and/or oxazepam
Nordiazepam, oxazepam, and/or
Half-life (hrs)
Parent: 2448
Active metabolite: 1495
Parent: 4448
Active metabolite: 100
Parent: 2–3
Active metabolite: 74113
Appendix 1.
See Drug Screening Ordering & Interpretation for more information on drug screening.
Table B. INTERMEDIATE-acting benzodiazepine comparison
Avoid these medications in adults aged > 64 years. If no alternative treatment is available, use a half-strength dose.
Anxiety disorders
Panic disorder
Panic disorder
Seizure disorders
Anesthesia premedication (parenteral or
Status epilepticus (parenteral)
Alcohol withdrawal
Anxiety disorders
Short-term treatment of
Perioperative anxiety
Bipolar disorder (manic or mixed
Burning mouth syndrome
Essential tremor
REM sleep behavior disorder
Restless legs syndrome
Tardive dyskinesia
Tic disorders
Agitation in ICU patient
Alcohol withdrawal delirium
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Chemotx nausea/vomiting
Psychogenic catatonia
Rapid tranquilization of agitated patient
Status epilepticus (infants, children,
Adult IR
0.250.5 mg, 3 times daily
Panic disorder
0.25 mg, 2 times daily, titrated every
3 days as needed to target of
1 mg/day, max of 4 mg/day
Adults < 65 years
2–3 mg/day in 23 divided doses. Usual dose
is 2–6 mg/day in divided doses (May vary
from 1 mg/day to 10 mg/day.)
Mild to moderate
1015 mg, 34 times daily
1530 mg, 34 times daily
REM sleep behavior disorder
0.252.0 mg, 30 min prior to
bedtime. Max 4 mg
Adults < 65 years
0.52.0 mg at bedtime (Winkelman 2015)
Adults < 65 years
1530 mg at bedtime (Some
patients may respond to
7.5 mg in transient
Maximum dose
4 mg/day
4 mg/day
Depends on diagnosis
Anxiety: 6 mg
Sleep: 2 mg
Depends on patient. Dosing
allows for 60120 mg high-
dose range
30 mg
Manufacturer notes on dosing for
panic disorder
IR: 0.5 mg, 3 times daily. Mean
effective dose 5–6 mg/day in 3 or 4
divided doses. Some patients may
require as much as 10 mg/day
ER: 0.51.0 mg once daily, may be
titrated to range of 3–6 mg/day
Restless legs syndrome (off-label
1 mg 30 min prior to bedtime;
increase dose by 0.51.0 mg at
weekly intervals. Doses up to 2 mg
used in clinical trials
Relationship between serum
concentration and seizure control is
not well established. Therapeutic
doses have been associated with
serum concentrations of ~15
70 ng/mL (Pataslos 2008)
Long-term therapy
CBC, liver function tests, LDH
(If high dose, continuous IV use, or IV use in
renal impairment, review of SCr, BUN, Serum
lactact, osmolal gap, clinical signs of
propylene glycol toxicity also recommended.)
Respiratory and cardiovascular
status (as clinically indicat
CBC (periodic); liver function
tests (periodic).
detected in UDS
Not consistently
Not consistently
result in UDS
Oxazepam and/or
Half-life (hrs)
~ 12
~ 8
Patsalos PN, Berry DJ, Bourgeois BF, et al. Antiepileptic drugs--best practice guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring: a position paper by the subcommission on therapeutic drug monitoring, ILAE
Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia. 2008;49(7):1239-1276. [PubMed 18397299]
Winkelman JW. Clinical Practice. Insomnia Disorder. N Engl J Med. 2015 Oct 8;373(15):1437-1444. [PubMed 26444730]
Appendix 1.
See Drug Screening Ordering & Interpretation for more information on drug screening.
Table C. SHORT-acting Benzodiazepine and Z-drug comparison
Avoid these medications in adults aged > 64 years. If no alternative treatment is available, use a half-strength dose.
Short-term treatment of
insomnia (generally 710
Short-term treatment of insomnia
IR, SL, and oral spray forms
Short-term treatment of insomnia with difficulty of sleep
Treatment of insomnia with difficulty of sleep onset
and/or sleep maintenance
SL (Intermezzo only)
As-needed treatment of insomnia with middle-of-the-
night awakening followed by difficulty returning to sleep
with 4 or more hours of sleep time remaining
SL (Sublinox only)
Short-term treatment of insomnia with difficulty of sleep
onset, frequent awakenings, and/or early awakenings
Oral sedation prior to
outpatient dental
0.25 mg at bedtime
0.125 mg may be
sufficient in some patients
Use lowest effective dose.
mg before bedtime, may increase
to 2–3 mg if clinically necessary
(max 3 mg)
Debilitated patients
1 mg immediately before bedtime
(max 2 mg)
10 mg immediately before bedtime
(range: 520 mg). 5 mg may be
sufficient (max 20 mg)
5 mg immediately before bedtime
(max 10 mg)
IR: 5 mg immediately before bedtime
ER: 6.25 mg immediately before bedtime
IR: 10 mg immediately before bedtime
ER: 12.5 mg immediately before bedtime
IR: 5 mg immediately before bedtime
ER: 6.25 mg immediately before bedtime
Adults: 0.5 mg/day
Adults: 3 mg
Debilitated or geriatric: 2 mg
Adults: 20 mg
Debilitated or geriatric: 10 mg
IR: 10 mg.
ER: 12.5 mg.
Daytime alertness
Respiratory rate
Behavior profile
Daytime alertness
Respiratory rate (in patients with
compromised respiration)
Behavior profile
Tolerance, abuse, dependence
detected in
result in UDS
Not detected in common
confirmation; must order
as miscellaneous test
Not detected in common
benzodiazepine confirmation; must
order specific test in EPIC
Not detected in common
benzodiazepine confirmation; must
order specific test in EPIC
Not detected in common benzodiazepine confirmation;
must order specific test in EPIC
Half-life (hrs)
~ 6
~ 1