Crl.OP.No.5473 of 2024
When the matter was taken up for hearing today, this Court requested the
assistance of the learned State Public Prosecutor to come up with a mechanism to
deal with cases of this nature. When the matter was called, Mrs.N.Devarani, IPS,
Joint Commissioner of Police, Traffic North, Greater Chennai Traffic Police and
Mr.P.Kumar, DC, Traffic North, Greater Chennai City Police, were also present.
2.A status report has been filed by the Additional Commissioner of Police,
Traffic, Greater Chennai Police, Chennai. The relevant portions in the status report
are extracted hereunder:
3.I respectfully submit that some of the arterial roads have been
identified as 'vulnerable stretches' for these young motorists, who attempt
stunts and race recklessly, as these roads are broad and long. I further
submit that these motorists often evade the police at junctions and
escape, drawing cheap thrills from these episodes. I further submit that
the Traffic Police have identified the following roads as key areas where
this speeding phenomenon frequently occurs : Kamarajar Salai, ECR, EVR
Salai, 100 Feet Road, Sardar Patel Road, Santhome High Road, RK Salai,
Nungambakkam High Road, Anna Salai, and GST Road.
4.I respectfully submit that upon noticing these acts, the Greater
Chennai Traffic Police have paid special attention to discourage racing on
the afore mentioned roads and for this purpose, we have adopted the
following methods:
a)31 locations on the above mentioned roads were identified and
special vehicle check points were put in place apart from regular checking
b)A special team consisting of one Inspector, two Sub Inspectors
and ten other ranks have been posted across the city in north, east and
south district, and they have a special task to closely monitor bike races
and its related activities.
c) A special scheme is in operation on Saturday, Sunday and
festival holidays (Enclosed as ANNEXURE-1)
d) Zig Zag barricades have been laid in all the vehicle check points
to discourage speeding of all vehicles.
e) 384 ANPR Cameras have been installed. These cameras
automatically detect speeding vehicles and auto generate challans. This
creates a database of violators who habituate speed driving or bike racing.
The table below gives particulars of the area where these cameras are
fixed and its present status:
Sl.No. ITMS Corridors Monitoring
1 Troz-1 Corridor-1
Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar 6
Ave Jn to Anna
Nagar 4
Ave Jn
and GNT Road
3+2 61 Functional
2 Troz-2 Corridor-1
Anna Salai
Periyar Statue to
Anna Rotary
5 102 Tender
EVR Salai
Tailors Road
Junction to
Ritherdon Road
Junction to
3 Troz-3 3 Corridors Kasi
Royapettah 1
- - Tender
4 ITRS Located in various junctions 59 77 Functional
f)These are erected vide poles with weather proof cameras fixed
on them. These cameras detect and transmit the details of over speeding
with photo of the speeding vehicle. In most of the case, the driver's photo
is also captured. Follow up action of registering a case and imposing fine is
executed. Photograph of one such pole with camera is enclosed herewith
g) In ECR, OMR/Kamarajar Salai and Koyembedu - Madhuravoyal
roads we have commissioned three interceptor vehicles mounted with
ANPR cameras. These regularly monitor these important junctions. They
can detect, chase and arrest vehicles. Photograph of the vehicle is
enclosed herewith as ANNEXURE-3. The Table below gives particulars of
the area where the interceptor vehicles and its present status:
Sl.No. ITMS Corridors Monitoring
1 Interceptor
East Kamarajar Salai - 1 Functional
South ECR - 1 Functional
Noth Koyambedu to
Madhavaram to
- 1 Functional
h) A database of old offenders involved in racing is maintained
from 2022 onwards. This informs the department the history of the
persons and for them the following are specifically done
a. These persons are being monitored closely.
b. So far 107 bonds have been executed for keeping the
good behavior from the above violators.
c. It was realized many were in their teens and therefore
their parents were/are being summoned and these violations of their
wards are being informed.
d. Regular counseling is being given to these violators by
the police officers.
e. Social media page of the above violators is being
monitored. Whenever any of them post any Video of stunts or any traffic
rules violation, action is initiated on them.
i) ANNEXURE-4 depicts a comparative chart showing zone wise
and year wise comparison. That apart a sample of the biodata of the
violator and photo post counseling with their parents are filed for
j) The police department has also began Social Media monitoring
persons. A Special team has been set up to monitor the post put by
general public with reference to these violations. More than 1000 profiles
of racers are regularly being monitored vide their special cells referring to
their Instagram and Facebook pages. Thus far 21 cases have been
detected and booked for posting stunts and speed racing photos and
videos. ANNEXURE-5 is herewith attached showing a sample photo and
the case booked. Only one case has been registered this year on
k) The Greater Chennai Traffic Police have also started registering
cases under section 308 IPC between 2021 to 2024 and offenders were
l) 26 bike race cases have been booked from 2022 to 2024 (upto
March 13). In the north zone 25 arrest were made and in south zone 47
accused were arrested during this period of 2022 to 2024.
m) The traffic police are creating awareness of informing the public
of the existence of a Special dedicated telephone number in 9003130103.
The call is received directly by the traffic control room. A person can either
call or send SMS if they want to complain of these races/ over speeding.
n) A total of 18209 cases in the year 2022, 3988 cases in the year
2023 and 1016 cases in the year 2024 were detected in the heads of rash
driving, over speed and racing. Breakup is given in ANNEXURE-6.
o) The traffic department has also began the exercise of sudden
inspection of Automobile Shops. The automobile shops that presently
modify bikes are being checked by the Inspectors and regular meetings
are being conducted to ensure that modification is not done. We inform
the shop owners that modification is against the rules and action including
cancellation of shop licenses will be initiated if shops were found to be
constantly involved in these illegal modifications or selling parts for these
p) In terms of awareness to public, the Greater Chennai Traffic
Police has initiated and is following the following;
a. Awareness programs among College/School students,
bike mechanic, at important public gathering places like beaches, melas,
fairs through mic systems are being organized.
b. Advertisements are around placed commercial
establishments to constantly remind and avert bike races.
c. Pamphlets to the general public are being issued
informing the ill of speed driving/racing.
d. Short films comprising of traffic awareness is being
displayed at public places and Cinema theatre to create awareness for the
e. Cinema celebrities are being roped to impress and create
more awareness amongst their fans and youth.
f. Many bike racers were brought to Govt hospital accident
ward and shown the consequences of accident. This visual impact has
been quite effective. These youngsters are then encouraged to talk to
their friends / public of their experiences.
5. I respectfully submit that apart from the above measures, the
Greater Chennai Traffic Police have future action plan proposals. Future
action plans proposed by the Greater Chennai Traffic Police include a
multi-faceted approach that integrates innovative technologies, targeted
enforcement, and community engagement to curb reckless road behavior,
effectively reducing instances of bike/car racing and rash driving. It
intends to adopt a multi-faceted approach that integrates innovative
technologies, targeted enforcement, and community engagement to curb
reckless road behavior, effectively reducing instances of bike/car racing
and rash driving. Furthermore, I submit that the introduction of new
methods is in the pipeline.
1) Advanced Surveillance and Monitoring Systems:
a) Traffic police intend to implement smart barricades. These are
the present barricades that would be fitted with ANPR cameras and
generate automatic ticketing for defaults. There is no human intervention
except at dispatch of challan. We presume this would be an effective
system to enforce speed limits. To commence, the department intends to
place these special barricades strategically in the recurring known racing
zones. A photo of these special future barricade is Annexed hereto in
b) Furthermore, plan to utilize drones for aerial surveillance. These
would enhance visibility and presumably ensure rapid response to illegal
racing events conducted even in inaccessible areas and outside normal
road areas.
2) Targeted Education and Awareness Campaigns
a) Launch multimedia campaigns to better reach. Much leverage
has to be drawn from social media, digital platforms, and traditional media
channels to raise awareness of the dangers of bike racing and rash driving.
b) Collaborate further with schools, colleges, and community
organizations to integrate education into curriculums and extracurricular
activities to bring awareness about impact of bike racing and rash driving.
c) A dedicated approach should achieve the goal of discouraging
racing on the roads by Chennai traffic police with an iron face adopting
psychological, technological innovations.
3.This Court expressed its mind to the learned State Public Prosecutor to the
effect that the persons, who are indulging in such reckless driving of vehicles (two
wheelers and cars) mostly fall within the age group of 18 years to 25 years. These
are teenagers who are in the grips of hormones without sufficient maturity. That
apart, high powered bikes are now easily available in the market and hence some
teenagers involve in reckless driving of vehicles. To a great extent, social media is
also having its impact on such teenagers, who post these heroic deeds in the social
media platform just to get the likes and comments of others.
4.The teenagers who are involved in such bike racing and reckless driving of
vehicles should not be ultimately dumped as criminals and at the same time, they
should also be made to understand the consequences of their reckless driving of
vehicles. Therefore, there must be a mechanism like a conveyor belt where the
teenagers who indulge in such reckless driving must get into the system and
undergo a process and ultimately when they get out, they must have reformed
themselves and will no longer involve in such reckless driving in future. Criminal
jurisprudence in this area must be more towards reformation than branding such
teenagers as criminals.
5.The learned State Public Prosecutor submitted that the Additional
Commissioner of Police has already got in touch with the experts in adolescent
psychology and an attempt is being made to come up with a mechanism to deal with
the psychology of these teenagers who are prone to such reckless driving.
6.This Court will take the present case as a sample case in order to evolve a
mechanism to effectively deal with cases of this nature in future.
7.Post this case under the caption 'for passing further orders' on 24.4.2024.
Crl.OP.No.5473 of 2024