1. Title of the Project:
2. Theme(mention the domains as mentioned in the advertisement)
3. Project Category: Category A
3. b Proposed Duration of the Project: Months
4a. Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Mukesh Rawat
Computer Science and engineering
Meerut Institute of engineering and
Postal Address
Date of Birth:
4b. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Dr. Neha Kaushik
Computer Science and engineering
Kasturba Institute of Technology
Postal Address
neha.kaushik[email protected]
Date of Birth:
6. Context/Background (250 words)
Indian Railways has got a strong, efficient system for grievance redressal. The system is named
as Rail Madad
. Complaints redressal system works through the modes as given below:
1. Mobile App (Android/iOS)
2. Helpline Number (call as well as SMS)
3. Social Media(Facebook, twitter)
4. Email
5. Manual Dak
Rail Madad can be availed by any railway customer to raise complaints regarding Indian
Railways service delivery. Rail Madad is very well automated and robust system for grievance
redressal using Mobile App and Helpline Number. It is observed from the case study given in
Footnote, that the grievances received on Social Media Accounts of Indian Railways are
analyzed manually for redressal. It is observed that the system can further be improved by
incorporating a plugin for automatic screening of grievances that the customers post on Social
Media accounts of Indian Railways. The texts posted on the social media accounts can be
processed using various text analysis techniques to identify the actionable tasks. We propose to
build a plugin for identification of completeness of information posted by the customers and
further to process the grievance into actionable tasks and thus reducing the human intervention
and improving the efficiency of Rail Madad.
7. Problems to be addressed(1500 words)
The current grievance redressal system has a dedicated 24X7 Twitter Cell, wherein the human
experts take actions and respond to the tweets of customers addressed to Ministry of Railways. It
is done quite promptly by the human experts. It is understood that the software plugin to process
the tweets addressed towards Ministry of Railways can not match the human expertise. Still,
efforts can be done to build a software plugin which can ease the human effort.
Following types of tweets can be seen addressed to Ministry of Railways:
1. Complaints
Figure 1 shows an example complaint. In this tweet, one user has reported about water leakage at bhandup railway
station platform no 2/3. This is just one complaint, where a negative word (we define negative word as a
word which carries some type of malfunctioning information) leakage can be identified. Further analysis of text
reveals the location of the problem. But in many cases, the customers do not provide complete information needed
to service the complaint. For example, in Figure 2, the customer has filed a complaint regarding ticket pnr not
generated and the customer wants a refund, which has not yet been done. To process the complaint, Railways need
some information like mobile number, user id, date of booking and transaction id. We identify such tweets as
incomplete information. It can be made out that the tweet is a complaint from the textual analysis and identification
of the phrase ticket pnr not generated and refund. However, identifying that the tweet has incomplete
information is quite a challenging task.
2. Suggestions
Second types of tweets are suggestions from the customers or twitter users addressed to Railways. Figure 3 shows an
example suggestion tweet. In this tweet, the user/customer has suggested to include one more coach to the train so as
to deal with the huge rush in the train. The user has also suggested to run some more specials from
GKP(Gorakhpur). The good thing about this tweet is that the user has started the tweet with the word suggestion,
which makes it clear even before reading the post that, what follows is a suggestion. But, it is not the case with all
the users. Figure 4 shows such a scenario wherein identifying the tweet as suggestion is not this straightforward.
3. Appreciation
Many a times, customers just share their appreciation for the Indian Railways through tweets.
They either want to acknowledge the services provided, or the promptness in grievance redressal
or any other thing that they may like during their journey. Figure 5 shows an example in which a
customer has shown his/her appreciation for the scenic beauty the he/she is enjoying while
travelling in Indian Railways. Figure 5 illustrates an example, where a customer has
acknowledged the prompt response of Indian Railways towards his complaint.
Figure 1 Example Complaint 1
Figure 2 Example Complaint 2
Figure 3 Example Suggestion1
Figure 4 Example Suggestion 2
Figure 6 Example Appreciation 2
The problem areas identified during the preliminary analysis of the tweets data collected from
twitter handles of Indian Railways and its officials are highlighted below:
a. Identification of the type of tweet
This involves identifying whether the tweet is a complaint, suggestion or appreciation.
b. Identification of incomplete information
If the tweet is a complaint, it is essential to identify whether the tweet contains all the required
information for grievance redressal.
c. Identification of actionable tasks
In this, we plan to identify the tasks that can be done to address the complaint(s) raised by the
customer. This is quite challenging to automate this using textual analysis, as different
customers use different language and semantics to write their complaints.
d. Identification of the division, region and department for Redressal
Once the complaint has and actionable task has been identified, it can be directed to the
relevant division, region or department based upon the existing structure of Railways
grievance redressal system.
8. Aims and Objectives
This project aims at building a software plug-in to minimize the human effort involved in
analysis of tweets addressed to Indian Railways and aid in existing complaints redressal system
by identifying the complaints from the tweets. It is understood that it is not possible to match
human promptness in terms of handling the tweets, still we can try to reduce the human efforts
by working on the following objectives:
a. Identification of the Type of Tweets
As outlined in the previous Section, tweets addressed to Indian Railways are categorised into
three categories viz. complaints, suggestion and appreciation. The easiest way out for
categorization of tweets into any one of the types is to instruct all the customers to prefix their
tweets with a label, COMPLAINT for complaint, SUGGESTION for suggestion and
APPRECIATION for appreciation tweets.
However, it is understood that it is not possible to make this convention mandatory and
moreover, Indian Railways is committed to provide quality service at customers level of ease.
Hence, we propose a keyword based approach for categorization of tweets into one of the type
of tweets. In this approach, we label the words as positive, negative or neutral. If a tweet
consists majorly of the negative and neutral words, it is considered as a complaint. If a tweet
consists majorly of positive and neutral words, it is considered as an appreciation. If a tweet
consists majorly of neutral words, it is considered as a suggestion.
b. Identification of incomplete information
When the users dont provide the complete essential information to service their request (as in
Example given in Figure 2), we call it as incomplete information. We restrict ourselves to
identification of this type of complaints only. This can be done as a next step after
identification of the type of tweet. If it is a complaint, the keywords or named entities
extracted from the tweet text can be analyzed to find out whether the extracted information is
sufficient as per the Railways Parameters. For example, if the complaint is about some
ongoing train, the complaint should have a PNR number, rest all information about the
customer can be taken from the existing software. If the complaint is about some failed
transaction, then the complaint should have some value for user id, mobile number,
transaction number, etc.
c. Identification of actionable tasks
In this part of the research, we aim to categorize the complaints into the categories as used by
the existing software. Some example categories are Divyangjan Facilities, Bed Roll, Staff
Behavior, Cleanliness, Passenger amenties, Coach-Maintenance, Water Availability,
Unreserved Ticketing, Catering & Vending Service to mention a few.
d. Identification of the Division, Region and Department for Redressal
Once the complaint is categorised, it can be assigned to the relevant Division, Region and
Department with minimum human intervention.
9. Novelty of the Project
We have found some of the related researches which work around similar situation. In [Kruspe
et. al, 2021], authors have identified the importance of social media in crisis situations. They
emphasize on automatic analysis of messages to extract crucial information. They present a
review of detection problems based upon three research techniques viz. filtering using keyword
and locations, crowdsourcing and machine learning. In [Preotiuc-Pietro et.al, 2019 ], authors
have presented a linguistic analysis of complaining as a speech act. They have used neural
models of complaints using distant supervision. The authors have focused on identification of
syntactic patterns and linguistic markers specific of complaints.
Railway Complaint Tweets Identification has been taken up in [Akhtar & Beg, 2021]. The
objective of this research paper is to classify tweets into complaint or suggestion.
Taking motivation from such researches, we have refined a novel objective. We focus on
identification the nature of tweet(complaint, suggestion or appreciation). The novelty also lies in
leveraging the power of text analytics for identification of actionable tasks if the tweet is a
complaint. We also identify the incomplete information, i.e. whether the minimum required
information has been provided in the tweet. If the incomplete information is there, prompt the
customers to provide the complete information. We further identify the actionable tasks from the
text analysis of tweet complaints, which can then be assigned to the relevant division, region and
10. Strategy
The practice currently being followed for responding to tweets addressed to Railways is manual
analysis. It is apparent that adding automation to the task will help ease the human effort,
improve response time, and may even allow detection of a crisis situation.
Text analytics is a combination of powerful techniques for automatic identification of crucial
information from raw text. In this research project, raw text consists of the tweets posted on
twitter handles of railways and its officials. The proposed approach will benefit both the
railways(by improving the response time and decreasing the human effort) and the customers (by
providing instant response).
11. Target Audience
1. Twitter Users
All those customers who use twitter for communication with Indian Railways. The twitter users
can benefit in terms of first response because the software plugging will speed up the tweet
2. Railways Twitter Cell
Since the software plug-in that we propose to build in this project aims at reducing the human
effort involved in the analysis of the tweets. The persons working in the Twitter cell of Indian
Railways will benefit in terms of reduction in volume of data that they currently handle.
12. Technology and Research Methodology
Natural Language Processing (NLP) applied in Python language makes the implementation most
feasible and efficient. NLP shall understand and provide area of interest/impact of inputs
whereas Python provides a set of instructions to the machine which construct such NLP logic.
Python language provides some efficient libraries for implementation of high level processing in
spoken languages; this gives it an upper hand over other modern languages like JAVA/ C#.
Time complexity (better in C++) is also compensated by better code complexity. Moreover, code
length is reduced to a considerable amount, decreasing effort in software development and its
maintenance. Addition and future improvements in the software is much easier through this
approach of least code complexity.
Research methodology in NLP is based on selection of predetermined keywords and their
combinations (like good and not good) present in the input and then classification on the basis
of this selection (depending on frequency of occurrences) to categorize the text as complaint,
suggestion or appreciation and further into concerned departmental interests.
13. Time Schedule of activities giving milestones
14. Suggested plan of action for utilization of research outcome expected from the project
15. Deliverables:
15 a. Publications, Technologies, Products, IPRs
15 b. Any other research output
15 c. Enterpreneurship Development/Techno-Commercial incubation
15 d. Start-ups and Spin off companies
15 e. Employment Generation
16. Cost Benefit Analysis
17. Budget:
1. Salaries/wages
Designation &
Number of
2. Consumables
3. Travel
4. Contingency
5. Other Costs:
computational resources)
Grand Total(A+B+C+D)
Industry Support
Fund Requested from the
18. Expertise
18.1 Expertise available with the investigators in executing the project
18.2 Key publications of the Investigators pertaining to the theme of the proposal and TIH
during the last 10 years
18.3 Infrastructural Facilities available with the investigator
18.4 Equipment available with the Institute/Group/Department/ for the project:
19. Endorsement letter from the PI and Co-Pis Institute
20. Duration
[Akhtar & Beg, 2021] Akhtar, N., & Beg, M. S. (2021). Railway Complaint Tweets
Identification. In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (pp. 195-207). Springer,
[Kruspe et. al, 2021] Kruspe, A., Kersten, J., and Klan, F.: Review article: Detection of
actionable tweets in crisis events, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 18251845,
https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-21-1825-2021, 2021.
[Preotiuc-Pietro et.al, 2019 ] Preotiuc-Pietro, D., Gaman, M., & Aletras, N. (2019).
Automatically identifying complaints in social media. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.03890.