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Course Author(s): Maria L. Geisinger, DDS, MS
CE Credits: 2 hours
Intended Audience: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental
Assistants, Dental Students, Dental Hygiene Students, Dental
Assisting Students
Date Course Online: Aug 3, 2023
Last Revision Date: NA
Course Expiration Date: Aug 2, 2026
Cost: Free
Method: Self-instructional
AGD Subject Code(s): 150, 490
Online Course: www.dentalcare.com/en-us/ce-courses/ce664
Disclaimer: Participants must always be aware of the hazards of using limited knowledge in integrating new techniques or procedures into their
practice. Only sound evidence-based dentistry should be used in patient therapy.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Dr. Geisinger reports no conflicts of interest associated with this course. She has no relevant
financial relationships to disclose.
Introduction – You Are What You Eat: Nutrition and Periodontal Health
This course seeks to review the association between micronutrient levels and periodontitis and
the underlying physiologic mechanisms of interaction between micronutrient consumption and
periodontal health or disease.
You Are What You Eat: Nutrition and
Periodontal Health
Continuing Education
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Course Contents
Learning Objectives
Systemic Inammation and Periodontal
Nutritional Components and their Relation
to Periodontal Health and Disease
Nutritional Counseling in the Dental Practice
Course Test
References / Additional Resources
About the Authors
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease
caused by oral microorganisms, characterized
by the loss of structures supporting the
teeth, i.e., periodontal ligament, cementum,
and alveolar bone. In the United States, the
prevalence of periodontitis among adults over
30 years of age is approximately 42% and
causes significant impact on overall and oral
quality of life.
While periodontitis is initiated
by the microorganisms and their byproducts in
dental plaque biofilm, its disease progression
is mediated by the individual host immune-
inflammatory response.
As such, periodontal
disease progression may be influenced by
many systemic and environmental risk factors,
including smoking, diabetes mellitus, alcohol
consumption, psychosocial stress, and/or sex
hormonal levels. In addition to these systemic
influences, recent findings suggest that
periodontitis is also influenced by local and/
or serum/plasma micronutrient levels. These
levels are dependent upon dietary, lifestyle
factors, and/or nutrigenetic characteristics.
The old adage,“you are what you eat“
relates to periodontal health as well.
Eating a balanced diet is critical to overall
health and an imbalance, deficit, or
overconsumption of dietary components can
lead to severe systemic and oral diseases.
Both macronutrients (protein, fats, and
carbohydrates) and micronutrients can impact
cell function, host cell immunity, and biofilm
formation and maturation. Findings suggest
that dietary consumption may influence
periodontal health and that deficiencies of both
macro- and micronutrients may play a role
in the onset or exacerbation of periodontal
diseases. This course seeks to review the
association between micronutrient levels and
periodontitis and their underlying physiologic
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the dental
professional should be able to:
Discuss the role of inflammation in
periodontal disease.
Recognize nutrient requirements for optimal
oral health.
Understand the connection between diet/
nutrition and periodontal health.
Assess the effects of both macro- and
micronutrient imbalance on periodontal
health status.
Recognize the potential role of dietary
modification in periodontal therapy.
Identify and utilize tools to counsel
and motivate patients to seek dietary
Dietary consumption and overall nutrition have
been associated with the development of many
health conditions, including cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer.
Diet has been defined as the habitual eating
patterns of an individual, whereas nutrition
refers to the science of food intake and
biological processes involved in consumption
and utilization of nutrients.
Nutrients can
be categorized into macronutrients (proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids), micronutrients (minerals,
vitamins), and water.
Overall caloric intake
as well as macronutrient consumption have
been associated with oral and overall health
Further, approximately 10% of the
US population is thought to have at least one
clinically significant nutritional deficiency.
The most common deficiencies identified in
US individuals include: Vitamin B, Iron, and
Vitamin D.
It is also well-established that oral
health status can impact the types of foods that
individuals consume. Compromised oral health
is associated with a marked decrease in whole
food consumption and an increase in processed
food consumption.
Such changes in diet have
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the potential to impact both oral and systemic
health. Given the impact of diet and on overall
health and oral health, oral healthcare providers
should strive to understand the interaction
between nutritional intake and periodontal
Systemic Inflammation and Periodontal
Periodontal diseases are both infectious and
inflammatory diseases of the supporting
structures around the teeth: the gingiva,
periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and
The two most common forms
of periodontal disease are gingivitis and
Gingivitis is a non-specific
inflammatory reaction to the accumulation of
dysbiotic bacterial biofilm.
All individuals are
susceptible to developing gingivitis after oral
hygiene procedures are stopped. Gingivitis is
also a necessary precursor to periodontitis and,
ultimately, a loss of hard and soft tissues around
the teeth.
Removal of biofilm and local etiologic
factors results in the reversal of gingivitis
symptoms and resolution of local and systemic
levels of inflammatory markers is associated
with reestablishment of gingival health.
Periodontitis is initiated by dysbiotic biofilm
accumulation in a susceptible host and
this biofilm dysbiosis triggers an immune-
inflammatory response that then leads to the
destruction of hard and soft tissues supporting
the teeth.
Periodontal disease progression
is generally slow to moderate. Average
clinical progression of periodontal disease
is approximately 0.1mm of attachment loss
and 0.2 teeth lost annually.
In longitudinal
investigations, groups with the fastest
and slowest disease progression differed
considerably with regard to demographics and
underlying health conditions.
In an updated
classification system from the American
Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and European
Federation of Periodontology (EFP), individuals
with periodontitis are classified with a Stage and
Grade, which are meant to capture both the
current state of disease severity and distribution
and risk of future disease progression based
upon the history of diease progression and
patient-level risk factors.
Periodontitis Stages
I-IV are assigned based upon patients’ current
clinical presentation of periodontitis, including
attachment loss, alveolar bone levels, and
tooth loss, and the Stage may be modified by
case complexity and need for multidisciplinary
In order to describe the risk of future
disease progression, Periodontitis Grades A-C
are determined based upon individualized
patient risk factors (i.e. smoking status and
glycemic control) and direct and/or indirect
evidence of disease progression, including the
calculation of alveolar bone loss/age.
prevalence of periodontitis has been estimated
to be over 42% of U.S. adults over 30 years of
Of those individuals, 7.8% were found to
have severe periodontitis.
Severe periodontitis
was also most prevalent among US adults
65 years or older, Mexican Americans, non-
Hispanic blacks, and current heavy (>10
cigarettes daily) smokers.
Among US adults,
periodontitis prevalence is nearly 4-fold greater
than that of diabetes mellitus
and over 6-fold
greater than that of coronary artery disease,
making it extremely common within the
population. Periodontal disease progression
and destruction of both hard and soft tissues
occurs through host-mediated inflammatory
which may vary based upon
genetic and environmental risk factors,
potentially including nutritional factors.
It should also be noted that a number of
systemic diseases that are influenced by diet
and nutritional intake, including diabetes
mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and obesity
have been associated with periodontal disease
development or progression.
The process of periodontal tissue destruction
is mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines
and mediators such as interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß),
interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α
(TNF-α), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), receptor
activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand
(RANKL), and matrix metalloproteinases
These pro-inflammatory
mediators drive the activation of osteoclastic
functions and lead to alveolar bone loss. The
heterogeneity of the immune-inflammatory
response among individuals can influence
disease susceptibility and severity.
periodontal disease severity is correlated to
increased levels of pro-inflammatory mediators
Because dietary intake can
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Macronutrients required for optimal human
processes include protein, carbohydrates, and
lipids. Current recommendations allow for more
flexibility based upon individualized dietary
needs and suggest that adults consume 45% to
65% of their total calories from carbohydrates,
20% to 35% from fat, and 10% to 35% from
Protein is the most common non-
water substance in the body, making up 50% of
dry weight of humans.
In the periodontium,
proteins are present as structural proteins, such
as collagen, and enzymes.
When proteins
are consumed, they are subsequently broken
down into the component amino acids.
Overall, 22 amino acids are required for protein
synthesis and nine are considered essential
amino acids (i.e. histidine, isoleucine, leucine,
lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,
tryptophan, and valine).
Major dietary
sources for dietary protein are milk, meat,
eggs, and legumes.
Carbohydrates are used
primarily as a source of energy and also aid
in fat metabolism.
In periodontal tissues,
carbohydrates are found as glycoproteins
and glycosaminoglycans, which are required
for the synthesis of the ground substances of
connective tissues such as chondroitin, keratin,
make a significant impact on systemic levels
of inflammation, nutrition has the potential to
influence the progression of periodontitis.
Nutritional Components and their
Relation to Periodontal Health and
It is well-established that carbohydrate
substrate and cariogenic bacteria are the
causative agents for dental caries. The
role of diet and nutritional consumption
on periodontal health are less well-
defined. Nutrients are generally classified
as macronutrients or micronutrients and
delineated by the amount consumed in a
typical diet.
Macronutrients are consumed
in gram quantities and include protein,
carbohydrates, and lipids.
micronutrients are required in the diet in
milligram or even microgram quantities and
include vitamins and minerals.
Humans also
require adequate consumption of water for
health and optimal functioning.
A variety
of nutrients have been identified as having a
major impact on periodontal health.
will discuss the impacts of macronutrients and
select micronutrients on periodontal health
and disease (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Macronutrients in common foods.
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Analysis of the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data
demonstrated a positive association between
low fat intake (<23.2% of total caloric intake)
and periodontal disease progression.
However, the nature of the fat consumed is
also a significant consideration for the impact
on periodontal health.
A diet high in anti-
inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and/or with
a favorable omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid
ratio has been demonstrated to promote
periodontal health.
Conversely, high
dietary consumption of saturated fatty acids or
an unfavorable omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid
ratios can promote increased inflammation
and a progression of the inflammatory process
in periodontal disease.
Micronutrients consist of vitamins, minerals
and trace elements. While micronutrients do
not have energy value, they are essential for
many biological processes including those that
promote periodontal health and/or disease.
Figure 2 summarizes micronutrients associated
with oral health.
Vitamin A Complex
Beta-carotene, the naturally occurring pigment
responsible for red, orange, and yellow colors
in many fruits and vegetables, is a precursor
to vitamin A, also known as retinol. Beta-
carotene can act as a scavenging antioxidant
to destroy free radicals and may also promote
increased integrity of epithelial cells and
cell-to-cell attachments.
Considering the
antioxidant function of beta-carotene, it has
been studied to determine the association
between periodontitis and beta-carotene
with findings suggesting that increased
beta-carotene consumption was associated
with decreased periodontitis prevalence.
Further, beta carotene has been associated
with improved healing in nonsmokers after
nonsurgical therapy, including greater
reductions in probing depth.
These findings
suggest that consumption of beta-carotene
may improve antioxidant capacity and may
significantly improve periodontal health.
carotene deficiency is also associated with
increased periodontitis prevalence and gingival
dermatan sulfates.
Glucose is also required
for erythrocyte and neurological functioning.
Lipids provide energy, energy storage, and
thermal insulation.
Humans require two
essential fatty acids: linoleic and linolenic
Fats are also required for the absorption
of fat-soluable vitamins (i.e. Vitamins A, D, E, and
When used for energy, 1 gram of protein
or carbohydrates provide 4 kilocalories (kcal) of
energy whereas 1 gram of lipid provides 9kcal of
An overall excess in calorie consumption
can result in several adverse outcomes,
including insulin resistance, excess glucose
production, and increased adiposity.
caloric intake exceeds overall energy needs,
metabolic pathways are activated to induce
insulin metabolism and lipoprotein synthesis
in the liver and, ultimately, increases in free
fatty acids and a decrease in lipolysis, which—
when sustained—can result in increased
As adipose tissue deposits increase,
a concomitant increase in pro-inflammatory
cytokine production and, further, an increase in
the production in reactive oxygen species (ROS)
and markers of systemic inflammation, like
C-reactive protein.
High levels of carbohydrate consumption
(defined as > 45% of total caloric intake) have
been associated with an increased periodontal
disease prevalence and increased gingival
Gingival inflammation and
risk of periodontal disease progression was
also reduced when carbohydrate consumption
was restricted.
It is also important to note
that refined carbohydrates (e.g. sugars) and
other carbohydrates (fiber and sugar alcohols)
have divergent effects on periodontal health.
Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates
promote increased microbial dysbiosis and,
thus, periodontal disease progression.
sugars also act on cells in the periodontal
ligament inducing apoptosis and decreasing
Conversely, fiber and sugar
alcohols (e.g. xylitol) may have a protective
effect on the periodontium.
Xylitol has been
shown to demonstrate an antimicrobial effect
on periodontal pathogens like Porphrymonas
gingivalis (P.g.) and Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans (A.a.).
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Vitamin C/Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C has long been known to be
associated with gingival health. This
association between vitamin C and oral health
was first described in the scientific literature
in what has been called the first randomized
controlled trial.
This study identified a lack
of vitamin C consumption as the causative
deficiency for scurvy in British sailors.
Scurvy, which is now known to be extreme
vitamin C deficiency, was a frequent ailment
amongst sailors who lacked access to vitamin
C-containing foods during long voyages at
sea. Due to scurvy’s association with severe
gingival bleeding and tooth mobility, vitamin C
deficiency has been postulated to play a role in
gingivitis. A well-balanced nutrient-rich 7-day
diet that omitted vitamin C, resulted in no
changes in plaque index or probing depths but
increased bleeding on probing was noted.
has been established that vitamin C enhances
collagen synthesis and protects against
tissue damage by scavenging reactive oxygen
species (ROS).
Studies have demonstrated
an inverse relationship between periodontal
disease prevalence and serum vitamin C
concentrations and this relationship is more
pronounced in individuals with more severe
forms of periodontal disease and in never-
Additionally, consumption of whole
food sources of vitamin C (e.g., grapefruit) for
two weeks in vitamin C deficient individuals
resulted in increased plasma vitamin C levels
and improved sulcular bleeding scores.
Vitamin C may also blunt the cytotoxic
effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis on human
gingival fibroblasts in vitro.
These findings
suggest that dietary vitamin C consumption
may play an important role in promoting
improved periodontal health and outcomes of
periodontal therapy.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin
that has been identified as a key extracellular
antioxidant and has been suggested to
improve periodontal treatment outcomes.
Dietary sources include: poultry, meat, fish,
nuts, seeds, and cereal grains.
levels of saturated vitamin E, are negatively
associated with clinical signs of periodontal
disease including: probing depths and overall
assessment of periodontal disease severity.
Dietary supplementation with vitamin E results
Figure 2. Micronutrient sources and recommended daily intake.
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vitamin D in regulation of plasma calcium and
phosphorus levels for bone metabolism has
long been established, it is also essential for
cell development, neuromuscular functions,
and inflammatory system modulation.
Vitamin D has also been found to inhibit pro-
inflammatory cytokines and T-lymphocyte
Vitamin D is unique among the
vitamins discussed in this course in that rather
than naturally occurring in dietary sources,
sunlight exposure is the most common source
of vitamin D.
Vitamin D and Vit-D Receptor
complex interact with receptor activator
of nuclear factor Kappa-B ligand (RANKL)
expression and downregulate osteoprotegerin
(OPG), thereby increasing differentiation and
activation of osteoclasts and consequently
bone resorption.
When vitamin D levels
become low, parathyroid hormone indirectly
stimulates bone resorption in order to increase
vitamin D levels, so increased vitamin D intake
may reduce bone resorption.
Despite its
role in mineral absorption and metabolism,
equivocal study results have not established a
definitive association between dietary vitamin
D deficiency and periodontal health and/
or post-treatment periodontal healing in the
general population.
Local administration,
however, of vitamin D has demonstrated
enhanced bone turnover in clinical scenarios.
For example, dental implants coated with
vitamin D3 have demonstrated enhanced
and intraperitoneal
injections of vitamin D3 have been shown to
accelerate orthodontic tooth movement.
It should be noted that co-supplementation
of calcium and vitamin D has demonstrated a
positive effect on the outcomes of periodontal
and in two studies of dietary
consumpution in a Danish population, higher
intake of dairy products high in calcium and
vitamin D has been associated with decreaed
periodontal disease severity.
Minerals and Trace Elements
Balanced levels of minerals and trace elements
are essential for optimal host immune
responses and may preventing progression
of chronic conditions such as periodontitis.
Iron (Fe++) is the most abundant essential trace
element with many functions in the human
in a reduction of bleeding upon probing and
periodontal inflammation.
After nonsurgical
periodontal therapy, increased dietary
intake of vitamins A, B, C, E combined with
with omega-3-fatty acid intake resulted in
improved healing in nonsmokers but not in
smokers when compared to those who did
not take supplements.
These preliminary
findings may indicate a role for vitamin E
supplementation during the periodontal
treatment to enhance periodontal outcomes,
particularly in some patient populations.
Vitamin B Complex
The vitamin B complex refers to eight water-
soluble vitamins, which together perform
functions essential to the body including
cell metabolism, repair, and proliferation.
These vitamins include thiamine (B1),
riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) pantothenic
acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7 or B8),
folate (B9), and cobalamin (B12).
B complex deficiencies demonstrate a
range of symptoms from dermatititis to
paresthesia and include oral manifestations
such as angular cheilitis and glossitis.
Vitamins in the B complex may also play
a role in periodontal disease progression
and severity. B2, B3, B6, B12 deficiencies
have been linked to hemorrhagic gingivitis
and periodontitis.
These vitamins support
healthy immune functions by strengthening
epithelial barriers and cellular and
humoral immune responses.
Vitamin B
complex supplementation is associated
with statistically significantly higher mean
clinical attachment gain at shallow and
deep periodontal pockets after periodontal
While heterogeneity exists in clinical
investigations, the direct effect of these
micronutrients may be influenced by other
factors like age and smoking status, which
can obscure results.
Additional research to
assess the role of the Vitamin B-complex and
periodontal health is needed.
Vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamin D is required for a number of
essential functions of the human body,
including it role in the enhanced resorption
of minerals including calcium, magnesium,
iron, phosphate and zinc.
While the role of
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Eating Assessment for Participants (short
version) (REAP-S) can be utilized chairside
to assess a patients’ nutritional intake and
may be particularly informative in assessing
the overall impact of macronutrients on
oral health (Figure 3).
More targeted
assessments and/or laboratory testing may
be recommended in patients with other
signs of micronutrient deficiencies or in high
risk individuals (e.g., Stage IV or Grade C
patients). Further, dietary recommendations
that include the consumption of more
whole food nutritional sources and less
processed foods can postiviely impact
appropriate consumption of macronutrients
and micronutrients. The current findings
also suggest that a diet that includes lower
proportions of refined carbohydrates,
including more carbohydrates from whole
food sources and fiber, higher levels of
omega-3 fatty acids, high in casein and whey
proteins, and an inclusion of foods with
antioxidant properties may promote more
optimal periodontal health.
Healthy dietary habits, including avoiding
a caloric surplus, may be beneficial to
oral and systemic health. Further, specific
macronutrients and micronutrients may
enhance periodontal health and healing.
Periodontal diseases are microbially-induced
diseases that are propagated by host-
mediated inflammation that results in disease
progression and loss of periodontal tissues.
The interaction between nutritional intake and
the overall host inflammatory state may allow
for improved outcomes with modification
of dietary intake. In some instances,
dietary changes and/or vitamin or mineral
supplementation may improve outcomes for
patients with periodontal diseases.
body and is found primarily in blood.
is also required for the synthesis of enzymes
and plays a role in the innate and adaptive
immune responses.
The recommended daily
allowance for iron varies with age and sex with
highest levels recommended for women of
reproductive age.
While direct evidence linking
iron deficiencies to periodontitis development
is scant, inflammation from periodontitis may
result in increased pro-inflammatory cytokines,
which then may suppress erythropoiesis in
bone marrow and lead to periodontal disease
Other essential trace minerals, including
selenium (Se), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn),
and copper (Cu), have antioxidant enzymes
that can aid in neutralizing ROS and prevent
tissue damage. They also play important roles
in regulating immune function and wound
In particularly vulnerable patient
populations, adequate levels of these minerals
may be crtically important. For example,
zinc has been identified as a potential factor
in preventing diabetes-related periodontal
disease progression.
Therefore, achieving
ideal levels of these micronutrient minerals
may be a critical component in periodontal
Nutritional Counseling in the Dental
Dental healthcare professionals have long
established that nutritional counseling for
caries prevention is a critical part of our
preventative mission. However, emerging
data suggest that the role of nutrition in the
development, disease progression, and healing
potential after periodontal therapy may be
significant and should be considered in a
dietary analysis to develop a risk assessment
for all oral diseases. Tools such as the Rapid
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Figure 3. REAPS (Rapid Eating Assessment for Participants – shortened version)80,81 version)
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Course Test Preview
To receive Continuing Education credit for this course, you must complete the online test. Please
go to: www.dentalcare.com/en-us/ce-courses/ce664/test
1. Approximately _______ of U.S. adults over 30 years old suffer from periodontal disease.
A. 24%
B. 38%
C. 42%
D. 65%
2. It is estimated that approximately _______ of the US population has at least one clinically
significant nutritional deficiency.
A. 1%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 50%
3. In longitudinal studies the average tooth loss due to periodontal disease is approximately
____ teeth lost annually.
A. 0.2
B. 0.5
C. 1.0
D. 2.0
4. All of the following are pro-inflammatory cytokines involved in periodontal tissue
destruction EXCEPT one, which is the exception?
A. interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß)
B. interleukin-6 (IL-6)
C. tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)
D. interleukin-4 (IL-4)
5. Consider the following two statements:
Nutrients are generally classified as macronutrients or micronutrients and delineated by
the amount consumed in a typical diet.
Micronutrients are required in the diet in gram quantities and include vitamins and
A. Both statements are true
B. The first statement is true, the second statement is false
C. The first statement is false, the second statement is true
D. Both statements are false
6. All of the following are macronutrients EXCEPT one, which is the exception?
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Water
D. Lipids
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7. Protein is the most common non-water substance in the body, making up ________ of dry
weight of humans.
A. 20%
B. 35%
C. 50%
D. 75%
8. How many amino acids are considered essential?
A. Six
B. Nine
C. Fifteen
D. Twenty-two
9. When used for energy, 1 gram of protein or carbohydrates provide 4kcal of energy
whereas 1 gram of lipid provides _______ kcal of energy.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. 12
10. Which sugar alcohol has been shown to demonstrate an antimicrobial effect on
periodontal pathogens like Porphrymonas gingivalis (P.g.) and Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans (A.a.)?
A. Xylitol
B. Sorbitol
C. Erythritol
D. Mannitol
11. Which of the following lipids has been associated with improved periodontal health?
A. Omega-3 fatty acids
B. Omega-6 fatty acids
C. Monounsaturated fatty acids
D. Saturated fatty acids
12. When vitamin C is omitted from an otherwise well-balanced diet for 7 days, which of the
following results?
A. Decreased plaque index
B. Increased probing depths
C. Increased tooth mobility
D. Increased bleeding on probing
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13. Consider the following two statements:
Serum levels of saturated vitamin E, are associated with increased clinical signs of
periodontal disease including: probing depths and overall assessment of periodontal
disease severity.
Dietary supplementation with vitamin E results in more bleeding upon probing and
periodontal inflammation.
A. Both statements are true
B. The first statement is true, the second statement is false
C. The first statement is false, the second statement is true
D. Both statements are false
14. After periodontal therapy, supplementation with vitamin B complex results in _________
mean clinical attachment gain at shallow and deep periodontal pockets.
A. Greater
B. No difference in
C. Less
D. Inconsistent
15. Consider the following two statements:
Dental implants coated with vitamin D3 have demonstrated enhanced osseointegration.
Interperitoneal injections of vitamin D3 have been shown to accelerate orthodontic
tooth movement.
A. Both statements are true
B. The first statement is true, the second statement is false
C. The first statement is false, the second statement is true
D. Both statements are false
16. Which of the following trace elements is the most common in the human body?
A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Selenium
D. Copper
17. Which of the following is a nutritional assessment tooth that can be used chairside in the
dental office?
A. Quick Intake Patient Review (QIPR)
B. Rapid Eating Assessment for Participants (short version) (REAP-S)
C. Nutritional Intake Measure for Dentistry (NIMD)
D. Dietary Intake Evaluation Tool (DIET)
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18. Consider the following two statements:
Nutritional assessment allows dental healthcare professionals to make targeted
recommendations for patients to promote oral and systemic wellness.
For patients at a high risk of periodontitis (e.g., Stage III or IV and/or Grade C
Periodontitis) or who present with signs of micronutrient deficiencies, advanced
laboratory testing may be warranted.
A. Both statements are true
B. The first statement is true, the second statement is false
C. The first statement is false, the second statement is true
D. Both statements are false
19. Current evidence suggests that all of the following nutritional recommendations could
have a positive influence on periodontal health EXCEPT one, which is the exception?
A. Limit refined carbohydrates
B. High casein and whey protein intake
C. Inclusion of foods with antioxidant properties
D. Higher omega-6 fatty acid intake
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1. Eke PI, Thornton-Evans GO, Wei L, et al. Periodontitis in US Adults: National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2014, J Am Dent Assoc. 2018;149(7):576-588.e6.
2. Kornman KS, Page RC, Tonetti MS. The host response to the microbial challenge in
periodontitis: assembling the players. Periodontol 2000. 1997 Jun;14:33-53.
3. Martin-Hadmas RM, Martin SA, Romonti A, Marginean CO. The effect of dietary intake
and nutritional status on anthropometric development and systemic inflammation: An
observational study. Int J Environ Res Pub Health 2021;18(11):5635.
4. Raindi D. Nutrition and Periodontal Disease. Dent Update 2016;43:66-68, 71-62.
5. Hujoel PP, Lingström P. Nutrition, dental caries and periodontal disease: a narrative review. J
Clin Periodontol 2017;44(Suppl 18):S79-s84.
6. US Department of Health and Human Services. US Department of Agriculture. 2015–2020
dietary guidelines for Americans. Skyhorse Publishing Inc., 2017. Accessed June 19, 2023.
7. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Second national report on biochemical
indicators of diet and nutrition in the US population 2012. Atlanta (GA), National Center for
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About the Authors
Maria L. Geisinger, DDS, MS
Mia L. Geisinger, DDS, MS is a Professor and Director of Advanced Education
in Periodontology in the Department of Periodontology in the University of
Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Dentistry. Dr. Geisinger received
her BS in Biology from Duke University, her DDS from Columbia University
School of Dental Medicine, and her MS and Certificate in Periodontology
and Implantology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio. Dr. Geisinger is a Diplomate in the American Board of Periodontology
and a Fellow in the International Team for Implantology. She has served as
the President of the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, as the
Chair of the American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs, and on multiple national
and regional organized dentistry committees. She currently serves as the AAP’s Vice President,
as a Board member for the ADA Science and Research Institute, and on numerous AAP, AADOCR
and ADA committees and task forces. She has authored over 75 peer-reviewed publications and
serves on the editorial and advisory boards of several publications. Her research interests include
periodontal and systemic disease interaction, implant dentistry in the periodontally compromised
dentition, and novel treatment strategies for oral soft and hard tissue regeneration. She lectures
nationally and internationally on topics in periodontology and oral healthcare.