Python Duration: 3 months
1. Introduction & Installation
History of Python
Python Features
Local Environment Setup
Getting Python
Installing Python
Setting up PATH
Setting path at Unix/Linux
Setting path at Windows
Python Environment Variables
Running Python
2. Python Syntax
First Python Program
Python Identifiers
Python Keywords
Lines and Indentation
Multi-Line Statements
Quotation in Python
Comments in Python
Using Blank Lines
Waiting for the User
Multiple Statements on a Single Line
Multiple Statement Groups as Suites
Command Line Arguments
Accessing Command-Line Arguments
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
3. Variables & Data Types
Assigning Values to Variables
Multiple Assignment
Standard Data Types
Python Numbers
Python Strings
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Dictionary
Data Type Conversion
4. Operators
Types of Operators
Python Arithmetic Operators
Python Comparison Operators
Python Assignment Operators
Python Bitwise Operators
Python Logical Operators
Python Membership Operators
Python Identity Operators
Python Operators Precedence
5. Conditional Statements
If Statement
The elseif Statement
Single Statement Suites
While Loop
The Infinite Loop
Using else Statement with Loops
Single Statement Suites
For Loop
Iterating by Sequence Index
Using else Statement with Loops
Nested Loops.
Loop Control Statements
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Pass Statement
6. Working With Numbers & Strings
Number Type Conversion
Random Number Functions
Trigonometric Functions
Mathematical Constants
Accessing Values in Strings
Updating Strings
Escape Characters
String Special Operators
String Formatting Operator
Triple Quotes
Unicode String
Built-in String Methods
7. Collections API
Python Lists
Accessing Values in Lists
Updating Lists
Deleting List Elements
Basic List Operations
Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
Built-in List Functions
Accessing Values in Tuples
Updating Tuples
Deleting Tuple Elements
Basic Tuples Operations
Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
No Enclosing Delimiters
Built-in Tuple Functions
Accessing Values in Dictionary
Updating Dictionary
Delete Dictionary Elements
Properties of Dictionary Keys
Built-in Dictionary Functions and Methods
8. Date and Time
What is Tick?
What is TimeTuple?
Getting Current Time
Getting Formatted Time
Getting Calendar for a Month
The time Module
The calendar Module
Other Modules and Functions
9. Function & Modules
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Passing by Reference Versus Passing by Value
Function Arguments
Required Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Default Arguments
Variable Length Arguments
The Anonymous Functions
The return Statement
Scope of Variables
Global vs. Local variables
The import Statement
The from import Statement
The from import * Statement
Locating Modules
Namespaces and Scoping
The dir( ) Function
The globals() and locals() Functions
The reload() Function
Packages in Python
10. Peer-to-Peer Communication
Printing to the Screen
Reading Keyboard Input
The raw_input Function
The input Function
Opening and Closing Files
The open Function
The file Object Attributes
The close() Method
Reading and Writing Files
The write() Method
The read() Method
File Positions
Renaming and Deleting Files
The rename() Method
The remove() Method
Directories in Python
The mkdir() Method
The chdir() Method
The getcwd() Method
The rmdir() Method
File and Directory Related Methods
11. Exception Handling
Introduction of Exception?
Handling an Exception
The except Clause with No Exceptions
The except Clause with Multiple Exception
The try-finally Clause
Argument of an Exception
Raising an Exception
User-Defined Exceptions
12. OOPS Concepts in python
Overview of OOPs Terminology
Creating Classes
Creating Instance Objects
Accessing Attributes
Built-In Class Attributes
Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
Class Inheritance
Overriding Methods
Base Overloading Methods
Overloading Operators
Data Hiding
13. Regular Expression
The match Function
The search Function
Matching Versus Searching
Search and Replace
Regular-Expression Modifiers: Option Flags
Regular-Expression Patterns
Regular-Expression Examples
Grouping with Parentheses
CGI Introduction?
Web Browsing
CGI Architecture
Web Server Support and Configuration
First CGI Program
HTTP Header
CGI Environment Variables
GET and POST Methods
Passing Information using GET method
Simple URL Example : Get Method
Simple FORM Example: GET Method
Passing Information Using POST Method
Passing Checkbox Data to CGI Program
Passing Radio Button Data to CGI Program
Passing Text Area Data to CGI Program
Passing Drop Down Box Data to CGI Program
Using Cookies in CGI
How It Works?
Setting up Cookies
Retrieving Cookies
File Upload Example
How To Raise a "File Download" Dialog Box?
15. Database Connectivity
What is MySQLdb?
Install MySQLdb?
Database Connection
Creating Database Table
INSERT Operation
READ Operation
Update Operation
DELETE Operation
Performing Transactions
COMMIT Operation
ROLLBACK Operation
Disconnecting Database
Handling Errors
16. Socket Programming and Email API
What is Sockets?
The socket Module
Server Socket Methods
Client Socket Methods
General Socket Methods
A Simple Server
A Simple Client
Python Internet modules
Further Readings
Sending an HTML e-mail using Python
Sending Attachments as an E-mail
17. Multithreading
Starting a New Thread
The Threading Module
Creating Thread Using Threading Module
Synchronizing Threads
Multithreaded Priority Queue
What is XML?
XML Parser Architectures and APIs
Parsing XML with SAX APIs
The make_parser Method
The parse Method
The parseString Method
Parsing XML with DOM APIs
18. GUI Programming
Tkinter Programming
Tkinter Widgets
Geometry Management
Pre-Requisites for Writing Extensions
First Look at a Python Extension
The C Functions
The Method Mapping Table
The Initialization Function
Building and Installing Extensions
Importing Extensions
Passing Function Parameters
The PyArg_ParseTuple Function
Returning Values
The Py_BuildValue Function
19. Web Development Frameworks
20. Project Work